#Or 'Lord Imp'
Not cis, not trans, but a secret third thing
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tinyangrynerd · 3 months
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"You just keep turning up like a bad penny!"
Such a shame we never got to see this attack in battle 😔
Quick lil' bonus doodle:
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enkays-den · 20 days
All credit to Eliza, here's impulse's reaction when he FINALLY got impostor in among us, AND it was with his bestie!!!
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orangeocelotmartyn · 1 year
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found it. transcript under the cut
Impulse: Is the jellyfish the one where if you get stung you're supposed to pee on it or whatever. pee on your sting. Is that the one? Skizz: yeah....I’ve heard of that. I don't know how true that is, but-- Impulse: I don't think I would ask anybody to pee on me-- Skizz: I'll do it-- Impulse: --in any situation--y-you would?  Skizz: I’d pee on you Impulse: Oh yeah? Skizz: I mean you don't even need to ask-- Impulse: you don't want that in reverse-- Skizz: you don't even need to get stung Impulse, laughing: "I'll do it right now." Skizz: I don't-I don't-I don't want it in reverse but any chance to pee on you I’ll take it Impulse: great, now I know what's on your bucket list. Great, that's an odd thing to say.
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ssminosblogs · 3 months
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buzzzbun · 3 months
Do your miis have names? Hyperfixating on miitopia rn, your art is so tasty :3
Yes! I wish i could put more effort into this for you but I am preparing for art fight i also feature @racc-attack's Miis here and there, but here's mine
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mlgmi316 · 1 year
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Thinking about The New Gavinners always and forever
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Like it's so funny. Klavier ran into Lord Raptor and immediately asked him to join him. He saw Black Imp when he stumbled into a demon party. He personally called up Keyboard Mary. I love it.
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nyxofdemons · 5 months
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hey is this a dagger or a sword i keep seeing people say it's a sword but the perspective had me thinking it was a knife, but if it IS a sword that has EXTREMELY DIFFERENT VIBES so??
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impishtubist · 5 months
"I have until the rain stops" but it's me trying to finish writing this smut fic before my glass of wine runs out-
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sophfandoms53 · 3 months
Hi, same ‘how can I make this about Striker’ anon from before. I dont know how to feel about the ‘Satan is Striker’s father theory’ because on 1 hand I guess it could work??? But also it just doesnt sit that right with me, like I feel like if Striker was literally half sin he’d act/be more powerful than he was shown to be so far. My numerous ideas for his backstory basically change by the daily because I think about him too much but I only gave credence to the ‘Striker’s half royalty’ idea once and even then I wrote it in a way where Striker didnt know about it/had zero idea that was the case to begin with.
Not to mention that him being half-royalty would technically be a way to dismiss his (very valid) arguments about the upper class but maybe thats just me imagining the worse case scenario. For all I know it could be the most well-executed plot point ever.
If Satan isn’t Striker’s father than once we actually see the Envy Ring we’re gonna get ‘Leviathan is Striker’s father’ theories instead because they’re both snake-based. If Striker IS half royalty, than I could imagine it to be some sort of goetia, maybe, but half deadly sin? Next Striker ep appearance would need to have him pull off the most insane shit ever that a imp cant do for me to consider it plausible
I’m responding to this so late but omg anon yes you’re so right.
I feel like the only way the twist of Striker being a half blueblood could work would be if he straight up didn’t know about it and/or if they suddenly give him more power and strength that we’ve never seen from any other imp, like you mentioned. But again regardless of him knowing or not, like you also said, it completely negates his entire character and everything Striker’s said up to this point about royals and how they treat those lower than them.
Which only continues to be validated to the point where Blitz is now echoing his sentiments in canon. So like ??? It wouldn’t make sense for the show to suddenly invalidate Striker’s points after directly paralleling his words with Blitz’s.
Striker’s entire existence is to be a dark reflection of Blitz anyway. They’re two sides of the same coin. Striker is who Blitz would be if he let himself drown in his sorrows and his grief. If he let his anger control him. If he let himself do things alone. For as much as Blitz pushes people away he cares too much about others to truly let himself be alone.
As far as we know - Striker has always been alone. Or at least we know he’s been alone since he lost everything. Which is honestly the big thing people are missing when they talk about the Striker is Satan’s son theory - the entire scene where Striker voices his grievances to Stolas about his experience with royals.
This is the scene that tells us everything. And if it was meant to foreshadow something as huge as Striker being a literal sin’s child then the dialogue choice and the BODY LANGUAGE of Striker during this monologue would be insanely different.
The emphasis this scene gives to his claims of having to live a hard life, losing everything, and being talked over. That is Striker talking about his experience.
His feelings. His loss. His anger.
He is SO angry. Too angry for it all to just be about being a bastard son.
I’ve watched, analyzed, and thought SO MUCH about this moment right before he cuts Stolas’ ropes.
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The pure disgust and anger on his face. The way he shakes. His eye twitches. He grinds his teeth. He growls. He’s pissed.
This is insanely personal to him. This is part of him. This is who he is. This disdain runs through his veins. He’s made it part of his identity. He was so scorned that he just cannot let it go.
This is not just anger about a royal parent or a loss of status.
This is anger from a man who was failed by Hell’s system and has not healed from it. He has not allowed himself to heal and he refuses to.
This is Striker’s way of taking back control that he once lost.
And not even mentioning the fact that Striker’s canonically a WANTED MAN in TWO Rings.
Wrath (y’know Satan’s ring) AND Pride.
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Considering royalty in this universe is all about status and reputation, you’d think a sin wouldn’t want their kid just having their face plastered everywhere like that?? Cuz it’s embarrassing?? Just wanted to point that out😭
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tinyangrynerd · 4 months
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Inspired by this post. This has been sitting in my mind for a while and i finally got around to drawing it
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hammerhead-jpg · 6 months
Ranking redacted villains/antagonists based off of how likely they are to stop being villains/antagonists after receiving backshots
Adam: 9/10 probably couldn't fix him entirely but it would be instant redemption
Kody: 10/10 no further comment
Quinn: 5/10 it may stun him for a short amount of time but he'll be back with his serial killer shenanigans soon after
Blake: 0/10 I guess it depends but it would probably just give him more motivation for his plans
Vega: 0/10 you might just die for giving the offer
Hush: 3/10 it might help your survival but he's gonna go continue his apocalyptic plans right after
Alexis: 0/10 it didn't work
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impzone · 10 months
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hey, it's good to see you. stop by and play a game?
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mqfx · 1 month
collapsing on floor. he wouldn't fucking say that..... why would i make him say that......
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captainmvf · 10 months
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You’re telling me this Mii can topia-? (I am pulled offstage)
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