#Or also just knowing you won’t watch every show featured in the game because it simply doesn’t look interesting
no1ryomafan · 1 year
I’m saying this only out a vague of a irl even though I feel bad for this but someone please tell me there isn’t a collective of people who haven’t seen a lot of mecha yet played super robot wars and act like because they played that game they have authority to talk over mecha shows they know exist thanks to it despite still not watching them and ignoring the fact SRW butchers plot sometimes-
Because as much as I hate gatekeeping in mecha circles and hardly dabbled into SRW this basically happened to me irl with a person I already don’t like and I’m just like:
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saltydkdan · 1 year
Yo, Salt man. Decided to finally bite the bullet and dive into One Piece. Currently on Volume 4/Chapter 27 of the manga (also episode 2 of the Netflix live-action, really good ngl). I'm excited to read it, but the sheer length of the manga is extremely daunting to me, and I'm starting to wonder if it's even worth reading at this point. Dunno if you got any sort of tips or such to help someone like me through this, or at least boost morale?
Don’t worry! I felt the exact same way. The length of One Piece can feel really daunting when you start. However here is what I tell people to keep in mind:
Get to Arlong Park
This is what EVERYONE SAYS. But it really is true. Get to Arlong Park, and if you enjoy it, then you will 100% love this series. Arlong Park is the arc where One Piece starts to really become what it is known for (and in some senses Baratie too). And what’s cool is that as someone who has caught up, Arlong Park isn’t even my favorite anymore, far from it. Arlong Park made me a fan, but later stuff like Alabasta, Skypeia, and Water 7 especially made me HYPER FOCUS on the series.
Basically if you think Arlong Park and stuff like Baratie is good, it really only goes up from there, as it’s more or less a taste of what you’ll be getting as Oda develops the story. If you don’t like it tho? No harm no foul! You’re allowed to feel however you want! You can move on to something else if you feel like and that’s super okay. Though based on your current reactions I feel like you are def gonna like it LMAO.
You don’t have to binge ALL of it
You are totally allowed to pick it up and read a saga and then put it down to switch to something else for a bit. In fact, if you do find yourself getting too tired at points, def switch it up with another series, TV show, or video game! Nobody expects you to finish reading it in a month or something. It took me a full year to catch up after jumping on and off of it and I had a blast because I didn’t force it!
There’s a reason that the series is broken up into arcs and sagas! The end of a Saga specifically is meant to be a very good break point for you to do something else if you like!
And trust me, if you’re anything like me, you won’t want it to end. After I passed chapter 1,000 I had a sudden violent awakening that I was going to catch up and become a week to week reader and I got really sad LOL.
Being a One Piece reader feels rewarding!
This is something I would have loved to know going in, but reading/watching One Piece (especially nowadays) feels like an insanely rewarding experience.
I have no idea how Oda pulls it off, but there is information that is as immediate as Chapter 1 that is still relevant all these years later in Chapter 1,000+, it really feels rewarding to be into the series for so long.
I’ve never read or watched anything THIS LONG that rewards the reader like this, it’s so fun. And it’s also something that makes One Piece great to re-read or re-watch.
There are so many fun twists, turns, and reveals that are either foreshadowed, or established in a very small way early on. I can’t emphasize harder how fun and connected it makes everything feel.
I call it the opposite of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Because while Jojo will constantly reset itself with a new cast and characters every arc, instead One Piece doubles down, and is still revealing massive bombshells that we’re hinted at ages ago.
The series does show it’s age at times
I don’t like ending stuff on a bad note, but I like to let people know to keep in mind that One Piece has been running for a LONG time, and this can be both good and bad.
It’s good in the sense that I think it gets better and better over time, but bad in the sense that it does feature a couple of outdated depictions, as well as “Pervy” anime-esque humor that I honestly cannot enjoy personally. Just make sure you’re aware going in because some of it has aged… horribly.
That being said though, when One Piece gets depictions right it gets them SOOOO right.
There’s a reason that there’s an ongoing joke in the community that “Luffy would have died multiple times over if not for the Queer Community” lol it’s extremely correct
Reward yourself with the side content
One of my favorite things to do, is after I caught up to a certain point in the manga, is that I rewarded myself by watching one of the One Piece Films from around that time.
It’s a great thing to use as a rewarding little checkpoint and be like “Omg now that I’m this far, I can enjoy this fun animated film without fear of spoilers”.
And while a good chunk of films are very obviously not canon and don’t clearly fit into the overall story (I.e. there is not a good space for them to canonically exist) some of them actually do fit super well, and in my opinion, even add greatly to the overall story.
A big favorite of mine, One Piece: Baron Omatsuri, fits this description like a glove. Not only does it easily fit between the sagas of Skypeia and Water 7, but it even adds to the later themes of the story, and even foreshadows certain elements later on in a super fun way! Plus it’s one of the only One Piece films to have a very experimental direction, created by the guy who made Summer Wars. It feels very different, but in a super fun way, and works as a great little treat for getting as far as you have in the manga!
Anyway, I hope that this helps you out? Remember it isn’t a race, and you can pick up and put down the series whenever you want! There’s absolutely no pressure at all.
A part of me wants to kind of make a “read/watch list” for people who get into the series based off my own recommendation/experience. Obviously everyone is going to read and watch the anime in order, but it would probably be cool to know when you can check out certain side content like Anime-only specials and animated films during your read-through.
If anybody wants that let me know! (I’ll probably end up making it on my own time anyway I have zero self control).
Anyway yeah, enjoy One Piece!
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meilas · 6 months
Socks’ Star Trek must-watch list
Socks’ list of must-watch Trek episodes
OG Trek
Welcome to the NCC-1701 starship, known as the Enterprise. The captain and crew follow rules when the plot says so, the captain is often on away missions with his top-ranked crew members leaving some unqualified guy in charge, and the captain gets to snog a lot of ladies. Like, a lot. Seriously. This series features lots of questionable fashion choices, including men’s heeled boots and miniskirts. 
Space Seed - our introduction to Khan Noonien Singh, played by Ricardo Montalban. Khan is the villain of the second Trek movie Wrath of Khan which is why this episode is on the list.
Taste of Armageddon - Do you remember the game Battleship? Two planets wage a war against each other. There is staggering loss of life, but no destruction. The Lottery in Space.
Mirror, Mirror - obligatory parallel universe episode! This parallel universe shows up later in Deep Space Nine which is why it is on this list.
Trouble With Tribbles - Clue in Space. Just a fun episode. Also shows up in Deep Space Nine!
A Piece of the Action - another fun episode. And the reason I don’t know if the proper expression is concrete galoshes or cement overshoes.
Let That Be Your Last Battlefield - two individuals who are the very last members of their races who were at war are still trying to kill each other. This episode was about racism and it is not subtle about it at all.
Next Generation
Welcome to the NCC-1701D, also known as the Enterprise! Not the Enterprise from the original series, but a younger, more advanced starship that is the successor to the Enterprise name. And since the Enterprise and trouble go so well together, the crew of this Enterprise find lots of adventures to keep them busy as they explore strange new worlds and seek out new civilisations.
Encounter at Farpoint - The very first episode. Not great, but it also serves as an introduction to Q, who will show up several times throughout the series. So that I don’t fill up this whole post, just go ahead and watch every Q episode (which will 99% of the time have Q in the title.)
Measure of a Man - Data is put on trial to determine if he is property or his own person, and Riker is forced to testify against him for plot reasons. This episode explores individuality and friendship.
Q Who - I said I wouldn’t fill this up and I won’t, but this episode is special because it introduces the Borg. There’s also a great moment between Picard and Q toward the end.
The Survivors - An elderly couple are the last survivors on a planet. Hard to explain why I like this episode without giving away the whole plot.
Sarek - This episode can be pretty sad as it deals with dementia and what it can do to people.
Menage a Troi - Any episode with Deanna’s mother, Lwaxana, is always a funny one. (Except the one that is sad, more on that later.) This episode is excellent because we get to hear Sir Patrick Stewart recite Shakespeare in the most over-the-top delivery possible.
Family - A follow-up to Best of Both Worlds. Deals with family that is gone, family that can be A Bit Much, and family that is estranged.
Suddenly Human - This episode is similar to the Deep Space Nine episode Cardassians: a boy who has been adopted by others is discovered and found to have living family who want him back. Which family is the child supposed to stay with?
Darmok - An episode all about language and how ideas are communicated. Yes it has some flaws, but overall it is interesting from a linguistic point of view. By the end of the episode, you will understand how darmok=memes and inside jokes.
The First Duty - A good Wesley episode. This explores truth, loyalty, and doing what is right.
I, Borg - The Enterprise rescues a Borg teenager, who begins to develop individuality. He is named Hugh. Hugh is adorable.
Rascals - Picard and a few other randos (no seriously why is this bunch of people even on a shuttle together?) experience a transporter malfunction and are beamed aboard the Enterprise, except they materialise as pre-teen children! This episode is just pure fun. Contains: bby!Picard throwing a tantrum, and bby!Guinan jumping on the bed.
*Frame of Mind - This is a pretty heavy episode that deals with hallucinations. Riker is supposed to be performing in a play, but suddenly he’s in an alien mental institution and accused of murder. Riker repeatedly flashes between being on the Enterprise and being in the institution and he increasingly cannot tell which is real.
*Technically, this episode does not contain gaslighting even though it will seem like it. Please make sure you are in a good place if you decide to watch this episode.
**Dark Page - Lwaxana Troi is back! But something is up with her.
**I can’t explain why this is a serious episode without giving it away, so here it is: this episode deals with child death.
Deep Space Nine
By far my absolute favourite series, and the only one I have seen every episode of. Deep Space Nine is about a Cardassian space station that is now occupied by joint Federation and Bajoran forces. Deep Space Nine just so happens to be situated right by a stable wormhole that goes to another quadrant of space that would take years and years and years to travel to by starship alone. Naturally, everyone wants to be in control of the wormhole. The closest planet, Bajor, was until recently occupied by Cardassians. (Think of Cardassians as Space Russians.) The Bajorans are deeply spiritual people (literally every fucking Bajoran subscribes to the same religion) and they believe that their gods reside in the wormhole. (THEY ARE WORMHOLE ALIENS FFS AND THEY DON’T CARE ONE BIT ABOUT BAJOR OR CARDASSIA OR THE FEDERATION.) Because this series is set on a space station that does not go anywhere, we get to see that actions have consequences. If Next Generation was the fuck around series, this one is the find out series.
Emissary - A two-parter and our introduction to Deep Space Nine and the majority of the major characters in this show. 
Past Prologue - This episode is important because we meet Garak, a tailor and the only Cardassian still living on the station. What could he possibly be doing here?
Duet - A Cardassian arrives at the station, as they often do, but this one seems to be hiding something. This explores topics of colonialism, genocide, terrorism, and how complicated people really are. This was one of the episodes that made me watch the entirety of DS9. (The other was Take Me Out to the Holosuite.)
Cardassians - Another Garak episode. This one has a similar plot to the Next Generation episode Suddenly Human. Garak and Bashir discover a Cardassian boy is the adopted son of a Bajoran man. But since Bajorans and Cardassians kind of hate each other because Cardassions tried to colonize Bajor, there is a concern that the Cardassian boy is being abused by his adopted father. To make matters worse, Gul Dukat gets involved. (Gul Dukat is played by a native Wisconsinite!)
Shadowplay - Kind of similar to the Next Generation episode Survivors.
The Wire - Garak episode! This episode deals with the topic of addiction and friendship.
Second Skin - Kira might actually be an undercover Cardassian agent?!?
Crossover - Welcome back to the mirror universe, which we haven't seen since the OG series. Here we find out what happened after Kirk left that universe. Told you this was the 'find out' series.
Fascination - A fun Lwaxana episode
Past Tense, parts one and two - Time travel episode! This episode takes place August 30-September 1, 2024. The Bell Riots occurred in San Francisco, and were a turning point in earth history. These are pretty heavy episodes, and they deal with things that still resonate today: poverty, racism, classism, homelessness.
The Visitor - Similar vibes to The Inner Light. Sisko jumps through time at increasing intervals. Meanwhile, Jake lives his life with his father literally popping into existance for a short time only. Jake is older every time. Sisko is not.
Trials and Tribble-ations - The 'find out' episode to OG Trek's Trouble With Tribbles. This is just a really cool episode that blends footage from OG Trek with DS9.
Things Past - An interesting episode where some of the crew wake up in the bodies of people living on the station during the Cardassian occupation.
Ties of Blood and Water - Kira's Cardassian "father" (the guy from Second Skin) arrives on the station.
In the Cards - Jake and Nog do increasingly weird tasks in their quest to obtain a baseball card for Jake's father. Oh and that bitch Kai Winn is there too.
Statistical Probabilities - This episode introduces the Jack Pack! They're a bunch of genetically altered humans, just like Bashir! Oh, and they are extremely neurodivergent and would probably be tons of fun to hang out with.
Far Beyond the Stars - The crew, but what if they were science fiction writers in the 50s? Deals with the topic of racism.
In the Pale Moonlight - How far is Sisko willing to go to get the Romulans to join the war against the Dominion?
Take Me Out to the Holosuite - One of DS9's obligatory holosuite episodes. A Vulcan that Sisko knows shows up and in a very un-Vulcan-like manner boasts to Sisko that he and his crew are superior beings who have been trying Sisko's favorite sport and just absolutely crushing it. Sisko challenges him to a baseball game. The only problem is that most of his crew are not human and have never played baseball before.
Chrysalis - Have you ever read Flowers for Algernon? The Jack Pack returns.
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jester-lover · 2 years
SLENDERVERSE CHARACTERS: giving you a hug!! (Everyman HYBRID ver.)
Warnings: BLOOD, fluff, lore spoilers, mentions of violence, habit
Characters featured: Vinny, Jeff, Evan, Damsel/Stephanie, Alex, HABIT, Slenderman
Vinny Everyman
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Bear hug, every time
Homie doesn’t even think, he just sees you and pounces
He’s so warm too
Industrial space heater
Cuddles get a lil tough because of that
He’s so sweet though
Always loosens his grip if he thinks you’re getting uncomfortable
Will accidentally hit his glasses on yours's (if you have them)
“You’re finally here!”
Jeff Koval
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At the beginning of your relationship, he’s anxious towards affection
But when he’s comfortable, he’s comfortable
Will be behind with you at every moment he gets weirdly paranoid, hugging you close
Sometimes, when he gets so anxious he can’t sleep, he’ll stay up so late it’ll mess up his sleep schedule, he’s very affectionate when he’s sleepy
“I’m so tired, please don’t let go of me.”
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Before HABIT, he’s really your average college kid
Hugs before and after classes
Smiles at you during any classes you share (not a thought in his head)
He’s rather short, so usually he’s resting his head on your shoulder, but if you are even shorter, he’s definitely putting his head on top of yours
Holds you whenever you watch movies together or play video games
After HABIT, it all changes
He’s so terrified of hurting you he backs away, he’s no longer affectionate because he feels like he can’t trust his own body
This is where you step up, you reassure him that he is still deserving of love and support
He breaks down in your arms, everything is going to be okay
Even for a little while
“I don’t know what to do anymore, I don’t know what’s real.”
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(Could not find a gif of her:(
In my own opinion, damsel/Stephanie seems to be a bit more of a serious character, one who is hunting down Slender without a laugh in sight
She’s a sucker for hugs, especially if she wants to calm down after a tough day
Will be so happy if you hug her while she’s painting (be aware that you will have paint on you)
Has off days, usually when her nightmares get worse
It’s better to leave her alone on those days, she just wants to cry in frustration
After she feels better, she’ll give you a hug and ask to draw something with her
“Keep your pencil there, the shadows aren’t deep enough.”
Alex Koval
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Since Alex is another character we know little about, I have read his wiki and rewatched his appearances in the series, I will choose to portray him as the more timid Koval brother, one who is haunted by the events in his life. If you don’t like this characterization, please consider leaving suggestions for a better characterization, I’m always open to kind criticism.
Alex has never been in a relationship as serious as he has with you.
He holds you so dear to his heart, it almost hurts him every time he sees you go
Alex tends to talk to himself a lot, he gets picked on a lot by his colleagues for his strange behavior
But not you, you never pick on him
You are soft and kind to him, he hasn’t felt like this before
He holds you, unless the thing by his bedside is near, he gets strangely, almost aggressively distant when the scratches start appearing
One day, when you finally break and ask him why he won’t give you affection anymore, he shows his scars to you
He tells you he won’t let it happen to you
“You mean more than anything, you can’t get hurt. I won’t let it hurt you.”  
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Absolute little degenerate
Homie will jump on you the second you walk through the door
Will go off about everything he’s done that day, even if you want to hear it or not
Definitely hogs the bed, will not give you an INCH of blanket, he also grips on to you like you’re gonna fly away
I’m so sorry if you like cooking, he will come up behind you and scare you before hugging you
On a more positive note, he deeply enjoys dancing around in the kitchen, Frank Sinatra playing in the background, it’s one of the few times the both of you feel content
“Humans are so soft.”
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My depiction of Everyman Hybrid slender is a slightly more modern creature than a puritan eldritch, like, he’s still been around (and smart) for a long time, but he’s learned to stick with the times. This also helps me put together some of his hijinks in the series.
He does not give hugs !!!
He is pure evil !!!!
But I choose to ignore that !!
He has extremely long limbs perfect for hugging
Def will make you climb him like a tree to hug you though, out of spite
He also is a gentleman who will always ask for your consent before initiating larger displays of affection
Plays music while you cuddle, but not like classical, he listens to the smiths.
Look at him and tell me this isn’t a Smiths fan
If you give him a lil kiss he’ll be very happy it’s heartwarming
Thank you for reading! I’ll be working on creepypasta content too, Laughing Jack is on the list (my personal favorite), but I need recommendations!! Who would you like to see in future posts regarding creepypasta?
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i’m not sure if you’re comfortable doing this, but would you do like- someone who sees darry as an older brother figure?
A/N: Oh yeah, way comfortable with this! Here you go Non! Hope you enjoy!
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Now I don’t think Darry would be too caught off guard if you told him that he was like a big brother to him
I think everyone in the gang looks at him like a big brother, even Two-Bit!
So don’t expect special treatment? Like he’s not gonna be easy on you
You’re another head to watch over, another mouth to feed when you show up at his door, another person who wants to sleep on the couch
Another little sibling to watch over and care for
And he really does care for you, I promise!!
Yeah, you’re another sibling, but he really does love you a lot and look at you like you’re his little sibling
He wants to hear about your days, about your problems, about the good things that happened and the bad things too
If you’re in trouble? Call him
He’ll show up to bail you out, fight for you, and drive you home, I promise you with all of my soul and being that Darry will never leave you hanging
That being said, if you’re his little sibling, you will not be spared from his endless chastising
If you do something wrong, you’re gonna hear about it and you’re gonna hear about it for a long while
It’s best to tell him if you mess up like right when you do it because chances are, he won’t be as mad then!
If you lie about it? Or try to hide it? Good luck with surviving!
He makes sure you’re doing good in school and have enough to eat every night, offering you a spot at the table even when he knows they’re gonna be tight on food
You’re his kid sibling, y’know?
He’d do the same for the rest of the boys, why wouldn’t he do it for you? 
Also, you’re definitely invited to the lot football games and to rumbles when they happen
You’re good when you’re on Darry’s team, but he likes tackling and roughhousing when you’re on the other team too
He’s just a college kid, alright? Yeah, he works hard and brings home a paycheck to support his little family, but he’s just a kid
He likes to hang around and goof off sometimes and I think the more little siblings he collects for himself, the more he actually has time to
You might think that’s backward, but I seriously believe Darry does better when there are more people around him
Maybe it’s more people to watch over, but they’re his people and he knows they love him just like he loves them
And speaking of love, I think Darry would be really flattered if you told him that you looked up to him! That he was like you’re big brother!
I think he takes a lot of pride in being a big brother!
More of a character analysis than a headcanon, just really fast, but Darry seems to thrive a little when he’s got people dependent on him?
Like he works so hard, he puts everything he has into taking care of his brothers and making sure all of their needs are met before he even thinks about himself
Ponyboy talks about this!! About how Darry doesn’t do anything for himself!!
But yeah!
That’s it! Those are the opinions and headcanons!
I’ve got a few more pieces featuring a big brother Darry, mostly just headcanons, and you can find them here, here, and here!
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fuckyeahashes · 9 months
Ok I haven’t made a theory post in a LONG time but this seriously needs to be made because a lot of people are getting upset about the info the daycare attendant and genuinely thinking he hates his job and hates kids ect. This theory also builds off of really solid theories mattpat has brought forth about who the player character is.
More under the cut!
Ok so mattpat has theorized the player character is Cassie’s dad, and there’s a lot of evidence to support it. Watch his videos playing Help Wanted 2 to see why. Also, plenty of animatronics acknowledge the character as seemingly knowing and identifying the character as this as well, along with characters with dubious sentience like the new Carnie animatronic. This means that sun is interacting with the player character (an adult) and knows it. we literally have evidence from Ruin (Cassie’s first hand experience) that the daycare attendant is a fantastic caretaker. As well as the Daycare Attendant interacting with an actual child, Gregory in Security Breach. Sun clearly loves kids! So why did he treat the player character so poorly?
First of all, the game is marketed as showing you different jobs that fazbear employees do. There are three exceptions, arts and crafts with Sun, DJ Music Man’s Party Pass, Carnie game, and the log ride, but the rest are very clearly jobs the employees have to do, which make these stand out.
I think all 4 of these are jobs as well.
I think the last three are all the same kind of job, actually. I think they are playtesting! Two of those jobs have distinct problems with them, and we KNOW for certain the Log Ride is shut down, and we actually get the see the ride go off on “unapproved routes” as Foxy puts it. The DJ game features a Party Pass we did not know was offered, with the overhead stating that the the DJ’s reaction to disappointment still being workshopped. I think the DJ Party Pass and Log Ride games are being playtested to get them ready for public use again.
The Carnie game features an animatronic we’ve NEVER seen before, in an outside area. The pizzaplex is an inside area, and Fazbear inc is more than happy to repurpose animatronics at any moment with plenty to choose from, so what gives?
We know from the last Help Wanted that the pizzaplex hosts a fall event every year that is outside, and last year we didn’t see this animatronic there. Meaning this is a BRAND NEW animatronic for a BRAND NEW carnival game. Also, Fall Fest won’t start til the DLC comes out for Help Wanted 2. Meaning that it would be completely normal for them to be playtesting this future carnival game and it’s animatronic to get it ready for Fallfest!
And that leaves Sun’s Arts and Crafts. We know how he speaks with employees due to him “giving instructions” on how to fix the carousel, he does NOT seem to like them. He shreds and shits on your art when you give it to him, when he has kid’s art hung up in his room, and kids do NOT draw well or or are they famous for following instructions. When you do arts and crafts with Sun, it is also SUSPICIOUSLY dark, too dark for it to be open hours for the daycare, AND he says the lights will go off soon. Moon doesn’t do his security rounds until after hours, and moon doesn’t come out in the daycare hours anymore. So what gives?
I think that doing Arts and Crafts with Sun once the pizzaplex closes is literally just another job. We know from how he behaved when he saw Gregory that he goes a little whacko without someone to watch (he literally hovered over Gregory and basically begged him to play a game with him.) Without someone to occupy his mind with and do something with he probably starts eating the wallpaper. I mean he is SUCH a high energy animatronic. I don’t think it’s much of a jump to say they have to hire someone after hours to keep him from going insane.
With his aforementioned distaste of Fazbear employees and needing someone to occupy his attention, his behavior starts to make perfect sense.
“But he calls the player character a kid!” He’s a daycare attendant, I bet he calls everyone a kid. It might have been derogatory too, he only does that when he is mad at you. Weird place to call out someone for being a child if you mean it in a nice way.
“But he puts the player character in time out!” I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me with a straight face that Sun wouldn’t try to put an adult in time out. He would. He definitely would. We all know this.
In conclusion—- there might not be a Daycare Attendant Handler in the day, but there DEFINITELY is one at night, and may god help that person
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basicallyahedgehog · 1 year
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@phoebe-delia. My darlingest, most beloved Phoebe. Happy birthday!!!!!!!!! May your day be full of sunshine and happiness and joy and everything that you bring into my life on a daily basis. You make the world brighter just by being you and I love you a whole hecking lot.
I wrote you a little companion piece to This Time (which might be cheating a little but this Draco stole my heart and needed his moment in the spotlight 🤷Featuring more eighth year, more party games, more of Harry's melodrama, and a LOT more of Draco being a cinnamon roll.
Keep You In This Heart of Mine
You know the second he walks through the gates, get feel the familiar thrum of his magic as the castle welcomes him home.
He doesn’t know it’s home, not really, not yet. You can feel the grief and heartache and guilt pulsing through the castle walls, running from his fingertips to yours. 
You lay your palm against the stone, willing love, comfort, forgiveness to travel back to him.
For him to know that you don’t blame him, that it wasn’t his fault.
You sit in the corner of the common room, drinking in the warmth and joy of your classmates around you while making yourself as small as possible. You don’t belong here, you don’t know why you came back, except it was for Mother, to ease the anxiety and guilt that was written across her face every day since you were Marked.
You don’t belong here, and yet they let you stay, not just in this school but in this room, in this group , buzzing with cheap alcohol and the freedom that comes with being a teenager when you don’t have to fight a war. You are here, tucked into a corner, watching the bottle spin and spin and spin.
The crowd cheers when it lands on Potter, and you resist the urge to lean forward. To show too much interest. 
“Truth,” he yells, and you are secretly glad. Glad to not have to watch him be humiliated — and wouldn’t that rankle your thirteen year old self. But also, you feel glad to be entrusted with a piece of him, of his truth. Even though it isn’t you he is trusting, even though you will share this little tidbit with the rest of the eighth years. But still, your heart jumps and your skin warms at the thought of what secret he is about to share. 
“Who is the prettiest person in the school?” And oh, your heart sinks. Because he’ll say girl weasley, or Granger, or even one of the twins. And you know, you know that he would never say your name, not like that, even if he was. Well, even if he was. But he isn’t and he won’t and-
“Gin, you’re my ride or die, but we all know that the prettiest person is…” He trails off, smirking, and your heart jumps again because he is teasing this Potter who has turned into a shadow of himself, who looks like yet another ghost haunting the castle. He is teasing and smirking and oh, how you had missed that spark in his eyes.
You are so caught up in the smirk, in the tease, that you almost miss it. 
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ctheathy · 1 year
Rio Ranger Fluff Alphabet 1/4
Rio Ranger x Reader
Alphabet Letter ABCDEFG [Fluff]
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Author’s note: Currently obsessed with the biggest bastard in the universe and have been mentally surviving because of Character AI, so I just had to scribble this down.
A little warning that this might be more harsh and unhealthy than your average fluff alphabet. But please remember that we’re talking about a character who quite literally lacks all positive emotions in his creation ... You are his heart. And he just needs to warm himself up to that.
Rio Ranger/Reader [Romantic]
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Because you’re technically both stuck in a killing game where danger lingers at every corner, a lot of the more ‘normal’ activities are most likely minimised. The role of being the third floormaster also puts a ton of responsibility on his hands, so most free time gets reduced to the smallest possible degree. This doesn’t stop you, however. You just keep dragging him along with you against his will. Rio would feel slightly weirded out but strangely amused by your behaviour towards him. Unlike the others, you never treated him as your enemy to begin with. He’d play along with you at first. Constantly watching if you have any hidden motives or goals behind your sickly sweet demeanor. Only to figure out the facts and realise that... You don't.
You’d pull him along to do quite literally anything remotely fun you have the chance of doing in this hell hole, pulling him away from the killing game itself after the said attractions to instead spend both of your time in your assigned room. I especially enjoy the thought of you both doing activities in order to make him feel more human rather than as a doll. This usually just results in you painting his nails, giving him some make-up of your own to enjoy, using some facial paint on his features or brushing his beautiful ginger locks as you both babble your days away. Other fun things would include you both creating more face cards such as the ones he always held with him, helping you make some of your own so you two can twin.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Due to him physically being a doll and having this inferiority complex towards humans, he’s most likely going to adore every single inch of you, his low status striking him once again, but he wouldn’t dare show you this. It sadly does add onto insecurity and even potential jealousy. And although the list of things he adores about you is endless, there’s something else in particular that specifically helped you steal his heart with no exceptions.
Your determination to be kind to him.
This is what he admires about you the most. We all know he can behave like an unbearable prick and he made it clear that he wasn’t up for friendships with humans. And yet... You never lost your hope in him. Despite his floormaster title, you still viewed an treated him as you did with any other participant. You still smiled at him. And your lack of resentment towards him might just be exactly what he needed in order to lessen his own towards the other players in the game.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Rio has little to no experience in proper communication, much less the instinctive responses the human body and mind can have towards themselves. As soon as you fall into these little habits, he would at first just stare blankly at you; not knowing what on earth to think. He’d move over towards you, being somewhat awkward with his movements yet being strangely... Caring at the same time. He won’t be too intimately touchy with you, but you’ll definitely get a hug here and there and he always seems to want to entangle his hand with yours.
Ranger has seen the affects of true despair on past participants. And despite his lack of care and empathy towards others, he knows he doesn’t want you to feel the same way. He finds the sensitivity of human emotions difficult to deal with, but ... He cannot help but feel this need to help you. Despite being rather unhandy when it comes to physical contact and affection, it seems like he wants to stay close to you or at least remain in the same room whenever you’re feeling down or are going through an episode. He’d also leave behind snacks and other basic human needs to make sure you’ll still take good care of yourself. He does truly care about you in his own way ...and it will show as long as you keep note of the little details.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He doesn’t really tend to think about the future nor care about it that deeply. To him, the only importance is here and now. Though every now and then his mind will go towards the what ifs. He’s seen romantically involved relationships between other players before you came along and though he never thought much of it back then; he sometimes cannot help but hope for the exact same things to happen between you two. The connections he’s gotten glimpses of before you two became a couple stuck with him and it now sometimes makes him wonder if the same are capable between you and him.
Somewhere deep down, he truly does desire a bond of trust with another that doesn’t require certain motives or gets deeply affected with the current circumstances you find yourselves in. He wants to be understood and accepted for who he is.
He wants to be... Human
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He naturally feels inferior towards those who are human and you are no exception. This mainly results in him trying to boss you around and act like a much more dominant individual than he actually is. He’s always had this facade to keep on in order to live up to his father’s expectations as the third floormaster. He wants to believe that he’ll stick together like glue until the end, with or without being looked after. But he keeps on feeling this damned warmth in his chest whenever you provide the littlest bit of affection, resulting in him melting in your arms behind pure instinct.
Realistically speaking, the boy loves to be babied and has a soft spot for those who are the nurturing type. He’s really just a child in an adult’s body, especially after facing the neglect of his father. He likes to convince himself that he doesn’t need love and care at all. But if anything, he internally craves it more than anything. He finds himself getting shaken up with the tiniest bit of affection and doesn’t know how to handle the sensation of it. He truly is rather sensitive towards it all.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Ah yes. Very fluffy, guys.
It most likely depends on what the fight is about. You both constantly get into little squabbles and contests where you test one another, mainly caused by Ranger’s unending and merciless teasing. But there is absolutely no hard feelings behind a lovers quarrel. Heavier topics however ... are a different story. It most likely ranges between his insecurities getting the best of him and taking it out on you, or you calling out his father’s terrible influence. And if it’s mentioned, Ranger goes mad.
Even if somewhere deep down, he knows that you’re more than right. After a screaming fit is thrown, he’s likely going to avoid you for a while to try and sort his feelings out. Fortunately after this, he will 100% come crawling back like his life depends on it. And in all honesty, it does. You’re the only one out there who made him experience these foreign feelings... he wouldn’t dare lose that now. He seems like the type to never directly apologise because of his stubborn- and pettiness, but he would stop trying to prevent facing you at some point. He’d still dodge questions and reason, but he would try and show he’s sorry by giving you little gifts all around the block.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He wouldn’t share it to the open eye for sure, but he does realise that you’ve always done a lot for him. He sometimes even considers himself undeserving for every little effort you’ve put into your bond with him. He struggles a lot with sharing his true emotions and it has a lot of healing to do in order for this to get better. He shows his gratefulness through physical touch and contact, something he usually wouldn’t allow at all and where one could get highly punished for. Instead, he just shows his appreciation and gratitude for you through his own ways and as much as he possibly can.
He’s absolutely smitten ... Just through his own circumstances.
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parme-san · 1 year
For the fandom game! SpongeBob :)
ask game: send me a fandom and i'll tell you my...
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most):
I LOVE SPUNCHBOP ^_^ 🧽💛🧨 he is nice... and pretty. his eyes are blue and he likes hamburgers and working at a restaurant. like me. he looks soft and has elegant little hands. and. his shoes are shiny. he is so happy and i am so sad and i almost think i could be happy just because he is. but he is kind of just a guy, you know? with a life and a house and job and stuff. i like that about him. maybe life is uniquely hard for him because he is so silly but that's okay. the world has space for silly people in it. it needs silly people in it and joyful people in it and hardworking people and even sad people. it needs spongebop and maybe it even needs me. i like the way he dresses it's similar to the clothes i like. he is so... pretty. he is good at talking. i like him. i want to see him all the time
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scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): this is also spongebob 👍 he is the most shaped. that shap is square. you understand me.
actually specifically i think the patrick star show spongebob design is really really cute. he is so tiny and politely dressed. i don't really like the show itself though which is a dreadful shame because conceptually i would love to watch a whole show of nothing but patrick. to some extent gary is also a scrunkly to me
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): karen should have a major role in Every Episode. i like karen so much she's my silly rabbit and i NEED to chill and hang out with her. i like when she's happy ^_^ it's cute
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): SPONGEBOT... binary bottom in general. mfw i'm obsessed with a character that showed up for one (1) episode. i love the way he'll repeat certain phrases in the same tone (e.g. "morning squidbot!" "excuse me! pardon me.") and glitch/stutter over some words it's very cute and somehow satisfying to me. i also like that his design features a lot of circular shapes (maybe to compensate for the lack of pores?) and his wheels squeak like spongebob's shoes. oh oh and the antenna i like the detail where when he gets stressed out over squidbot and robogary falling in the fryer he starts tugging on the antenna. overall he really encapsulates the idea of an overexcitable little robot and i love him so much
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): when has there been a problematic character is spongebob. oh, squilliam. for a long time i kind of didn't get the hold he has over spongefans when he shows up in like 4 episodes. i get it now though he serves so much. i like that he's kind of nice to spongebob it's funny and contrasts nicely to squidward. would have liked it if there was an episode featuring spongebob and squilliam i want to know more
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): umm i don't know. mr krasp? squitwirt already has this happen to him every single day and with what my next answer it would seem like i don't love him (i do so much. but his suffering is often to my amusement i'm sory squitwart) there's a scene in sponge out of water of him slipping around on a sunbathing woman's back and as cringy as it is to watch i think it really captures something about him (slippery and wet)
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell):
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(not because i hate him just because he is gay. you understand)
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champagnepodiums · 2 years
Is there DTS-like show or videos on Indycar ? Because I won’t lie, I’be never watched a race and I can’t get into it so maybe it would help …
So IndyCar does have a show that will be on the CW starting in April. Otherwise, I'd suggest starting with 'The Bus Bros'. It's Scott McLaughlin and Josef Newgarden's YouTube series and it's really funny. They also have other drivers guest on there so it's a good way to start to get to know the drivers.
Penske Games is a bit old now but there's a decent amount of IndyCar drivers (past and present Penske drivers) and they're funny.
Here are some random videos that I like:
Elementary Speed --this is mostly from 2021, some of them are NASCAR drivers so just disregard them HAHA but it's cute
Content Day 2022 -- these are just short videos but they're cute
IndyCar 101 -- brief videos featuring different drivers explaining different tech things
2022 Inside the Race -- okay, these are probably some of my favorite pieces of content that IndyCar produces because it's following the drivers around during a race day/weekend and they always leave in the drivers rambling about random things and I just appreciate that.
I hope these give you a good start!! I tried to include videos to introduce you to as many drivers as possible -- I really do feel like there's a driver for every fan in IndyCar because there's such a wide range of personalities.
Feel free to ask anymore questions/recommendations -- if I don't know the answer, I know the people that do
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
February 27, 2023
IT’S OFFICIAL AHHHHHH THE GRADUATE SCHOOL APPROVED MY ADMISSION IM OFFICIALLY INTO MY CHOICE EEEEEE!!!!!  My potential advisor called me right after class to share the news and and the department chair sent me a cute email and oh boy I just really wish they were bringing me up sooner because I promised myself I wouldn’t make a decision until after I visited and now I can’t do so for a whole ‘nother month (luckily the dates don’t mess with anything else (exams, performances, rehearsals, etc)).  It doesn’t feel fair to my Choice F to string them along like this but I’m going to stick to my guns on this one.  Visiting is a really important component of my decision-making process.  If the vibes are off (and I suspect they won’t be, but I’ve been surprised before), then I ain’t goin.
Also!  The girl I met during my Choice B interview (and who also applied to and interviewed with my Choice C (arguably the best bioanth program in the country, but also I’m very biased), and in both cases we applied to work with the same person) ended up getting into the Choice C (but not my Choice B) program that we applied to which, without going into specific details, means I am likely waitlisted for the program (waitlisted at least.. it’s possible that my acceptance to Choice B precludes me from the Choice C program altogether).  Which means I’m six-for-seven, sort of.  Not a bad record.  Not bad at all.
I started my Star Trek book on a whim just because I wanted to and oh my god Jean-Luc is such a lady’s man.  Women are falling over this balding French dude.  And, you know, maybe I get it.  He’s got this amazing and slightly mysterious past as a renowned captain in starfleet, so he’s disciplined and commanding and good with words and he cares a lot even if he pretends not to.  It’s just so funny to me idk.
Speaking of old/middle-aged men, I’m starting to think that the Pedro Pascal thing is a marketing ploy.  I’m beginning to think that dvcree is an industry plant.  I try very hard to distance myself from marketing, but this feels a little too ridiculous to not be a ploy that’s gotten out of hand.  Is he cute?  ...ya maybe, sure.  That said, I started watching The Last of Us this past weekend while doing my hair, and oh my god????  I don’t really watch zombie stuff and I definitely haven’t played the game, but this show is literally so good.  I also tend not to watch TV-MA stuff from HBO because I’m what I like to call soft-hearted and can’t really handle excessive violence or gore, but this show presents enough action and violence to be exciting without being overzealous with the blood n guts n stuff.  I love Ellie, Joel is fantastic, every single episode rips my heart out, and I can’t get enough.  Episode 5 came out last night but I’ve got two exams tomorrow and a busy day today, so...
To switch gears, just a bit of a hair rant.  Wanted to do 18″ senegalese twists for the next three weeks which I’ve never done before, and they’re not coming out the way I’d hoped.  My feed-in technique is great, but my own hair blown-out is ~18″ in most places, so the ends don’t seal well at all, meaning the twists are coming undone or are generally a lot looser than I’d wanted.  I think passion twists or marley twists would’ve been more forgiving considering their textures, but they’re uh.. they’re a little more uh.. ethnic.. than I was going for, considering that I have a few uni trips coming up.  The only redeeming feature is that these senegalese twists are quick.  Much quicker than knotless braids.  Maybe I should’ve done 24″ to guarantee that seal, but I really like how conservative the 18″ length looks.  While it’s kind of annoying in this particular situation, I honestly like how long my own hair seems to be getting, and my haircare is regularly improving in efficiency (...though one of these days I’m going to have to suck it up and deep condition which I haven’t done in years, opting for just a regular leave-in... so while efficiency is improving, the techniques could still use work).  And I say “long” fully recognizing that shrinkage will make my hair look like it’s a half to a third of its actual length :/  One of these days I’m going to go for a straightening, my first one in... six years, just to see the full length on display.  Maybe for the first days of grad school...
Today I’m thankful for the formal my photo-friend and I went to last night.  They’d run out of real food by the time we arrived, so we gorged ourselves on strawberry shortcake.  We took some photos and I felt thoroughly attractive, even if my hair was less than optimal (my parts are clean and it hangs down so it looks good from afar which is what matters tbh).  
Today I’m also (obvi) thankful for the admit!!  Like,,,,, this kind of thing is something I’ve been reaching for my entire life.  And while I feel partly as though I’ve lucked into it, I’m also so happy that all the work I’ve put into this whole thing is paying off.  I’ll let the imposter syndrome come later.  Right now, I just wanna bask (for a little bit, at least, as I’ve got rehearsals and exams and meetings galore this week).
Well, if I’m honest, I’m looking forward to not writing/ranting about grad apps every entry.  I can feel it, that day is close.
man im so tired.
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (2023)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie may be the most literal adaptation of a video game I’ve ever seen. I can just picture an emergency meeting at the studio where Matt Fogel told some executive “We have a problem. I’ve written the plot but I’m pretty sure it's only about 45 minutes' worth of movie. Also, the characters are thin and obvious”. The response? “Well then, cram in as many references to the Super Mario movies as you can and keep cramming until you have a product that meets our 92 minute quota. This should also take care of that 'character' problem you've foolishly highlighted”.
Mario (voiced by Chris Pratt) and Luigi (Charlie Day) are “The Super Mario Brothers”; the plumbers Brooklyn calls when the day needs saving. At least that’s what they’d like to be. When Mario and Luigi get sucked into a warp pipe, they land in the middle of an impending war between Bowser (Jack Black), his army of Koopas and the nearby Mushroom Kingdom. Worse, Luigi falls into Bowser's clutches. Desperate to save him, Mario goes to the Mushroom Kingdom’s Princess Peach (Anya Taylor-Joy) for help.
I vividly remember seeing the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie for the first time and feeling so disappointed that it looked and felt NOTHING like the games. I hated it and wished it was different. Well, that finger on that monkey’s paw menacingly curled alright. Be careful what you wish for.
Brought to us by Illumination, this is a good-looking movie. I can also praise Jack Black as Bowser, who is clearly having a blast, particularly when his character expresses his love for Peach through song. This is not a musical but the picture makes a great effort to give Bowser some much needed personality and it accomplishes this by giving him a few key eccentricities. Even if you know the incoming tune, it’ll still have you laughing out loud. I wish I had more good things to say. It moves at a fine pace? Kids watching won’t be bored? Sure. Let’s go with that.
For many years, you could count the number of good video game-based films on a single hand. The Super Mario Bros. Movie shows why. I’d wager that Mario is the most recognizable video game character of all time. Nearly every game featuring the Italian-American plumber would still be fun today. What the games do not have, however, is a story. There’s an objective, there are enemies and there’s a distinct visual style. That’s not enough and the source material isn’t an excuse. The Lego Movie proved even a no-story property can make for interesting characters and an intelligent plot with something to say. Super Mario Bros. is closer to Playmobil: The Movie. Not THAT bad, but so much of it feels like a commercial.
The story is so basic and the jokes aren't innovative but that's "ok" because they're slathered with endless references/easter eggs. Some are subtle, like background graphics that reference Jump Man. Others are so painfully in-your-face you groan. It’s not enough for the heroes to race to their destination; they have to be inside the same vehicles players use in Mario Kart, on a rainbow road like you would see in the game. Then the characters at the front of the group have to be taken out by a blue, flying shell. We know it's a blue flying shell because the character who “throws” it tells us it's a blue flying shell. It’s as if Nintendo was scared all of their games would suddenly vanish from existence so they had to write down reminders for themselves of everything featured in all of them.
You might argue those references are what we came here to see. I suppose you're partially right but so much of the film is spent reminding us of why we bought our tickets it forgets to do anything else but the bare minimum. You'll remember you've seen this picture but you won't learn anything new from it about any aspect of the franchise, its fans or creation.
I’m probably being harsher on this film than I should be but here’s the thing. There are so many other, better things you could be doing instead of watching this The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Playing any Mario game, for instance. At least there you’re actively participating and developing your hand-eye-coordination. You’ll probably laugh harder and have more fun too. The Super Mario Bros. Movie is just a way to exploit an already-existing property - and audiences. (Theatrical version on the big screen, May 12, 2023)
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faultychips · 2 years
It Begins (Again)!! Switching it up with Picross and Pokémon
Hello and welcome to the new format I'll be using to review game content!! (Those who know me outside of Tumblr know I have a personal site on Neocities where I’ve been posting mini game reviews for a while now. Thankfully this new format lets me start cross-posting to Tumblr, in addition to my own site!) While the old format was fun, it felt a little too restrictive. I want to be able to just talk about video games without putting them into categories; plus I realized it was kind of silly to have categories labeling games as "bad" or whatnot. I've decided that if I simply don't like a game, I just won't talk about it here. But almost every game has something I *do* like in them somewhere, and as much as I'm sure to complain and criticize, I'll include games here because they're worth playing one way or another.
Starting with something I wish I had checked out sooner (and definitely a game worth playing), Picross is a pleasantly fun puzzle game that I recently picked up (I'm playing Picross S8 on the Switch, but you can play it for free on sites like http://liouh.com/picross). Each Picross title will give you a large number of nonograms to solve, which reveals a cute little pixel art image when you've completed it! It's a fairly simple concept but the puzzles in Picross S are a fun challege and there's a variety of kinds of puzzles to choose from (such as Regular, Big Picross, and Color Picross) that keeps each type feeling fresh. I haven't played a true, pure puzzle game in a while so I was expecting to be a little bored with Picross but I think the straightforwardness actually lends a lot to how enjoyable Picross is; it's easy to pick up whenever, whether for a long session of puzzle cracking or for when you need a quick 20-ish minute break. There are a lot of different Picross games, but if you'll pick up any of them, I've seen it recommended that you start from the most recent title and then work your way backwards in release order. I think I agree with that, since Picross S8 has a lot of helpful tutorials and general gameplay polish that I really enjoyed having, and which might not be available in earlier games.
...And also, speaking of complaining, I finished the new Pokémon Violet game that came out last month. I'm in a place where I've decided I'm not going to be buying Pokémon games anymore because their release schedule and quality drops have really started to grind on me, but thankfully I have found ways to play Violet without...spending 60 dollars...so I did that. Without that price tag I was technically able to play the game without the pressure of large personal investment, but that didn't stop the cracks from showing on this one. Honestly it's a perfectly fine game; I had plenty of fun with it, and would end each session excited to get back to playing later. I sunk a good 30+ hours into this thing, so there's definitely something there. Any way you go about it, Pokémon has always had a pretty solid and enjoyable gameplay formula, and despite the new open world feature that element is still very much intact here. However, as much as I enjoyed it, I feel a fair amount of my enjoyment was centered on the story, my favorite parts being the animated cutscenes, which look genuinely amazing. In contrast, when I had to do Pokémon battles inbetween this unraveling story, I found myself getting increasingly irritated, as it started to feel like unengaging and unnecessary padding. The ending of the whole thing is brilliant, and generally feels worth the time I spend getting there, but I can't help but wonder if I could have gotten the same amount of enjoyment out of watching someone else play, or better yet, a highlight reel that cuts out all the slog and boring bits (which there is plenty of). I definitely did not run through all the content and side-quests, but after the credits rolled, any urge I had to ever pick it up again just kind of evaporated. If I ever do, it will probably be when the DLC is released, which I will maybe play, and either way gleefully not pay for.
Aaaand that about wraps it up for my games played over the last few weeks! Not much to talk about for now but with school workloads I haven't had a lot of time to play or to get into new stuff. Hopefully during the next few weeks I can get to some indies I've had my eyes on for a while.... >:-]!
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Picross S8 is available for $9.99 on: Nintendo Switch
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Pokémon Violet is available for $59.99 on: Nintendo Switch
or...cough...romslab...dotcom...or somethin...cough...
Thanks for reading!! And see you next week!
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hxdrostorm · 2 years
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@masterofthehighgroud​ has sent: Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition 1 | 2 | 6 | 12
Questions Often Left Unanswered: Mun Edition [Accepting]
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1. Are there any characters in your fandom or faceclaims you refuse to RP with? Who and why?
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// My rules has a section showing the fandoms/communities I don’t want to interact or rp with! Here’s a reminder to it:
MLP, Homestuck, Undertale, Fnaf, League of Legends (Arcane won’t get a pass), Genshin Impact, Fnf, Disney and MCU (I’m debating on whether or not, I’ll give the comics a pass tho...)
Star wars stuff in specific.  I’m intimidated and iffy about Legends characters, simply because I’m still not 100% knowledgeable about it (I’m learning more and more about it). Kotor/jedi fallen order/any of the SW games... I’m also not well versed in them, so I’ll also be hesitant to interact with them. With all of these things said, here are my straight ‘no’s. Unless I’m well acquaintanced with the mun behind the muse, I’ll not write with any of the sequels era characters (As stated in my muses directory. Although I’ve watched the trilogy, I’m not entirely familiar with it, which contributes to my overall lack of interest in interacting with it). Then there are the Starcruiser hotel, and the theme park attractions which are at the very bottom of everything thus getting the biggest no (I don’t think I have to talk about how the vibes between those things, don’t fall in line with anything else within the SW universe, right? Nah man, y’all can keep and try to excuse the +6k dollar LARP mess [which I heard that Disney is looking to double the prices so Y I K E S])
And as I’m writing this: I also won’t RP with Andor muses, until the serie is over.
2. Are there any plot tropes you are sick of/refuse to RP? If so, what are they and why?
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// I’m not a fan of those fix-it AUs. No matter what it may be about. ‘No order 66 palpie chokes on a croissant & the galaxy is all fine & dandy uwu AU’, ‘clones are just one big family & jango is their dad uwu AU’. I understand the desire for those types of plots for fanarts and fanfics, but when it comes RP? Killing off the tragedy in SW is the equivalent of, burning down SW’s very essence. Also I’ve noticed that with these plots, they always end up watering down so many things about SW. The name of the series is literally Star wars, the war IS meant to be ugly, I don’t think anyone should sugarcoat that.
6. Is there a character that the rest of your fandom adores that you just don’t like/are indifferent to? Who is the character and why?
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// I think that the Kenobi series hype is long dead by now, SO I can finally say this, without sb coming out of the woodworks to crucify me for it. Reva was mediocre at best (the actress put on her best, it is just that the script she was handed to was bad. The odds were against her.). She most certainly wasn’t the worst thing that came out of the show, see young Leia (wtf did they do to thIS KID?) and Tala (who? I literally forgot about her 5 secs after her death).
I just wished that Lucas arts hadn’t wasted their time with fan-baiting, hate-baiting its audience, all while using Ingram as a meat-shield for every single criticism towards the show. And instead taken their time to properly iron out this character. BC as she currently stands? It’s bad... That pitiful attempt at a redemption? Yeah, it could use some MUCH needed work, instead of just slapping it on her then calling it a day. But I’ll take what we got, over whatever the drafted one had in it (Cody’s legacy is safe... For now...).
12. What’s your biggest pet peeve when it comes to the fandom you RP in?
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// What’s up with all the weird anons me and many of my mutuals have been getting? I’ve never had to deal with anything like it, in all of my RPing years. What’s up with people not knowing how to use the block function, and blacklisting feature?
I’ve received multiple anons, whining about the fact I write cloneshipping. Or even having meltdowns over some of my HCs. I want to believe this is the result of how the search function on tumblr now operates, so it searches with anything that contains the searched words, instead of the tags. So, I’m chalking it up to being just strangers, finding my blog unaware of what this blog is about. But at the same time, there is a part of me that thinks I’ve received hate from actual RPers over that. BC god forbid, blocking sb and moving on with their day, is just too simple.
There is never a bad reason to not block someone. Even if it may sound silly in your mind, just block/filter out whatever is bugging you. It’s a whole lot better than hate-reading, or exposing yourself to shit you know that causes you discomfort.
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ticklystuff · 1 year
hewwo hewwo i finally finished fire emblem engage! i played on normal classic just to get a feel of the game and am planning on replaying on lunatic classic with only the guys bc my favorite way of having fun is stressing out over tiny things lol
but ya it was really fun and nostalgic and felt like a giant love letter to the series. i picked up on a lot of references even for the games that i didn’t play (ex: the bootleg julius and ishtar on sigurd’s map) and it was really hype seeing characters from past games (ephraim hi ilu!) anyway more thoughts below
ok the story was actual garbage lmao 4/10 but i was not expecting much since the primary focus of the game was clearly on the emblem rings. the first half of the story felt really slow and i hated how they gave all the villains sob stories before they died in a half-assed attempt to get you to feel bad for them. it would’ve been alright if there was some build-up but no it was just backstory then dead. i actually felt like the story had similarities to fates and i got suspicious and looked up the writers for fates and engage and lo and behold the main writer for fates is the main writer for engage which explains a lot LMAO
still there were some good parts so it’s not as bad as fates! i really liked the chapter where you fight the mc’s mother for the last time and the corrupted version of her had more of a possessive obsession with the mc rather than the motherly love at the beginning of the game. i thought that was really well done in showing that contrast
maps were boring in the beginning but a lot of the later maps made up for it! i think my personal favorite was the map where you have to fight griss and he uses celica to warp into the shadows waiting to surprise nuke you because that shit made me anxious LOL also probably my fave part of the game was how they featured a map from each game and remixed some of the older music alsksksk i got so giddy seeing lucina’s map
fates still has the best gameplay imo but this game was really fun! they did a good job at making each emblem feel unique while referencing their abilities from their respective games and i loved that a lot
speaking of which, micaiah, sigurd, byleth, and lyn are so ridiculously strong i wanna know what they were thinking when designing them alskskala
an issue that most fire emblem games have is that they don’t really do a good job at balancing characters (like why use any cav in sacred stones when you can just use seth lol) and that’s still true for engage (reclassing kagetsu into a wyvern knight gives him better stats than rosado despite rosado joining much later lmaoaakkaks) but equipping an emblem ring helps to alleviate those problems and make every character usable which i really appreciated
i won’t comment too much on character personalities since i mainly fielded the royals and they already got a lot of screen time so the others ended up neglected. disliked alcryst and hortensia, neutral to diamant (he’s hot but so boring), and i liked ivy, timerra, fogado, celine, and alfred. i especially liked the contrast of alfred’s “i believe in second chances and try to see the best in everyone” to celine’s “sometimes murder is the answer”
speaking of alfred, i ended up marrying him. he wasn’t my first choice even though i really like him, but i accidentally spoiled myself to his solo ending and i was like “NOT ON MY WATCH” and married him lol
anywayyyy i’ll probably start writing for fe engage soon hehehe
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fairyofshampgyu · 2 years
Corrupt File !
genre: smut, college au
pairing: programmer! beomgyu x gn reader (afab when it comes to smut)
warnings: nsfw, sub virgin nerd! beomgyu, dom! reader, corruption kink, mentions of p0rn, handjob, riding
word count: 1.8k
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Choi Beomgyu. Goodie two shoes in your comp sci class who was the teacher’s pet and notorious for being an ‘excellent’ and ‘strong’ programmer who can program amazingly well in any language and has great debugging skills. Apparently he learnt how to program at the early age of 7 and made his own pac man after a week. 
He’s also a little pretentious bitch. He thinks he’s better than everyone else in the class and doesn’t bother speaking to anyone, giving others judgemental stares. You’ve seen him a couple times on campus with four other dudes though but none of them were in any of your classes. He comes to every single class early with his cute little outfits, sweater vests and cardigans whilst everyone else is in their hoodies and deranged with little sleep, sits at the front and doesn’t talk to anyone but the teacher. 
You? Well, you’re mediocre at programming. You’re not too bad but you prefer other aspects of computer science and your programming skills have always made you slightly insecure because you weren't the best of the best and you didn’t learn it at some ridiculously young age and program 24/7 all types of games and websites and other stuff. You had to work so hard to actually get to a good level of programming whilst it came so easy to people like Choi Beomgyu. He seems so perfect. It made you want to imperfect him. 
You were late to class today, getting a bit delayed by some cats on the way there. They were really cute cats what can you say! And you loved cats. But being late to class today meant that all seats were occupied except for the front row and the spare seat, unsurprisingly was next to Choi Beomgyu. He doesn’t pay you any attention though, waiting for his computer screen to load and then the teacher begins.
“Alright, today I thought our class was in great need of some partner work and we’ll be doing programming today. With whoever is sitting next to you, I’d like you to develop a program with them. It can be on everything and anything and you have the weekend to create it, using Python.”
Wow. It was just your luck. 
The boy besides you sighs, pushes his cute, round, kinda too big for his face, glasses up and turns his body to face you. 
To be honest, you wouldn’t have minded working with him. Despite being slightly jealous, you did admire his skill but with how hostile he was being and how clearly he resented the idea of working with you, you didn’t think this was going to go too well.
“...We could make like a simple video game or something...” You speak up first.
 “On python? And too basic.” He rolls his eyes and shuts your suggestion off.
You’re slightly agitated with him now and you show it with your tone. “Well what do you think we should do then, huh?”
“I think we should make a music suggestion tool. We could make an algorithm run that recommends music based on what we think the user will like.”
He doesn’t wait for you to agree, opening up python and already starting to write some code.
For the rest of the class, you don’t contribute much, just trying to give him some suggestions to add maybe a function over there or a loop over here, maybe trying to find a reason as to why a syntax or logic error came up. You’re already halfway done and sure it would need more refining but now you know it won’t take up your whole weekend which is good. You watch him carefully as he stays very focused, fluffy dark hair falling into his face and eyes and his circular glasses that had drooped back down to his nose. You look down to his hands. He was very fast at typing and his hands were oddly very pretty.
Upon inspecting his features, you come to the conclusion that he was in fact actually pretty attractive. How had you never noticed before?
“We can carry on working on it at my place right now if you want?” Beomgyu asks, packing up his pink laptop, pink pencil case and pink notebook back into his crossbody bag after the class had finished. You stare at your own laptop that just has a black hard case cover, your pencil case that looks like it’s been through three wars, and your notebook that was really just a bunch of lined paper. Wow, he even had a theme going on. 
“Oh I've actually got another class after this that won’t be done until about two hours but I can come after that. Just send me your address.” So you exchange phone numbers and go off your separate ways. 
Apparently you were the only one who wasn’t informed that your class was actually cancelled today, your professor going on strike or something like that. Sighing, you check your phone to see that beomgyu had sent you his address and it’s not that far from the campus. You could go there early then.
knock, knock, knock. He was taking weirdly long to open his door and you could hear some rustling and bustling until he finally did open his door.
“Oh. You’re here early.”
“Yeah turns out my class was actually cancelled.”
His room was exactly how you expected it to look; clean and cute and quite perfectly him. The room had a pastel coloured running theme but mostly just pink and white. Fairy lights, strung across the headboard of his bed, a pastel pink record player in the right corner with an assortment of vinyls underneath, ones you recognised and liked and some you didn't recognise, an acoustic guitar to the left on a stand near his shelf and there was a worn out teddy bear occupying his bed. 
He sits on his bed and you follow...and then you both just sit there doing absolutely nothing for a few seconds in awkward silence.
“Uhhh aren’t you gonna get your laptop? We wrote it on your laptop?” You laugh, awkwardly.
“Uh yeah. Right.” So he gets his laptop, very slowly opening it and he’s just about to open the .py file when his mouse board falters over the safari accidentally and the hidden window was freed with a very suggestive video on it paused and an even more suggestive website. Your eyes go wide and so does his.
“I-it’s not- it’s not what it looks like! I-it’s just when you’re watching on a dodgy website and those pop ups come up! yeah...yeah!” He’s furiously clicking the red button on the top left hand corner to close the window immediately. But you can’t help the grin slowly appearing on your face.
You move slowly closer towards him and he moves back, stopping when his head touches the pretty fairy light headboard. “Oh really? Because it seems like you were jerking off before I was here.” Your face is only a few inches away from his now and he gulps, looking up at you. When he doesn’t even say anything to defend himself, you chuckle at him. “What happened to the little goodie two shoes? I didn’t know you were such a fucking whore.”
“I’m not-i’m not a whore!”  
“Are you sure?” You move to his clothed dick which was painfully hard now, lightly palming it and his whole body jerks, moaning and eyelids fluttering. 
“More, more...” 
You scoff. “Have you ever had a handjob before?” He shakes his head. “Do you want one?” Slack-jawed, he nods his head profusely.
You free his dick and take it into your hands, starting to stroke him and his hands fly to shyly cover his face, attempting to conceal his moans but not to much success.
“Don’t cover your pretty face.” You tut at him, “I wanna see it.” You bring your own hands to remove them away from his face. Not gonna lie, it’s turning you on immensely seeing beomgyu like this. Little put together, pretentious, perfect beomgyu is like this right now, begging you to touch him, clueless and embarrassed. You want to absolutely ruin him. 
 “Aw I bet you didn’t get to cum before did you?” 
“Don't worry, baby I'll let you cum.”
You use your thumb to go back and forth on his sensitive tip while your other hand grabs the base of his dick and his mouth hangs wide open in endless moans and gasps. You pump his dick fast up and down, ruthlessly jerking him off and his breath hitches.
“Close!” He lets out the loudest moan so far and you abruptly stop. He utters a frustrated whine, hips bucking up and pouting at you, “I thought you said you’d let me cum.”
You can’t help but giggle at him. He’s so cute. “I will. In my pussy.” That seems to shut him up.
You get on top of him, straddling his waist and gently pinning both of his hands to the headboard. He looks at you slightly nervous.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“But I want to.”
“You sure?” He nods his head.
“Okay.” You inhale a breath before positioning his tip to your entrance and you look to his face again for confirmation and when there’s no sign of uncertainty , you slowly sink down.
“Oh, fuck! Feels so gooood” His face contorts in pleasure and he turns his head to the side, burying it into the pillow whilst his mouth stays parted. You lift up and drop back down hard, making him cry out a loud moan and you begin to ride him slow.
He was already so blissed out by you riding him slow you wonder how he’d be if you quicken your pace so you do, riding him mercilessly now, basically bouncing on his cock and he moans uncontrollably, incoherent words coming out of him with a fucked out face in a daze. Only his moans getting higher in pitch by the second and the noise of skin slapping filling the room.
“C-cumming, cumming!” And with a loud whine and his eyes slightly rolling back, his dick jerks and spills all inside of you with his body trembling.
His face right after being fucked is gorgeous. He’s breathless and panting by his first proper orgasm with his cheeks and chest flushed, face glistening because of the sweat and his fluffy hair completely wrecked now, glasses a bit crooked and head in the clouds.
Yeah, maybe you won’t end up getting the program done in time after all.
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