#Orange soda creatures
de-righty · 6 months
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antirepurp · 8 months
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they both walked over to the tree to sleep with one another
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Guess what time it is…….
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CENTIPEDE TIME !!! she’s finally real,,,,,,,, based off Scolopendra hardwickei or the Indian tiger centipede
Before I go about the process I just want to say you guys have been soooo incredible and I love reading your reblogs and I love the idea knowing I’ve inspired a lot of people,,, the project, although it was a lot of work and I’m feeling not so great as of posting this, still motivates me to want to make another.
(Art process below)
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This was entirely freehanded! I have a lot of experience working in 3D art settings that this part came easy to me but I started with a flat base shaped in the pose I’d like the creature in. I used one whole piece cut from a shipping box and filled in the gaps with tape; you don’t need a single piece for the base but for structural integrity it helps a lot. As you can see here I also cut the legs separate and glued them on using hot glue. The vertical cross sections are to give an early support for the structure of the creature, think about the frames of aircraft or boats. During this part I used a pen to mark the width and height of the previous section to get a gradual flow of shapes.
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This next part I wish I got more documentation on but after the vertical cross sections I used soda boxes for the thinner and flexible cardboard to add contour lines along the length of the creature, gluing them on the cross sections. I did about 2 strips of this on either side to fill in the space and then I continued to use soda boxes to fold and shape the top of the creature, gluing onto the strips rather than the cross sections (this part was a mistake but I quickly adapted, no issues happened but it did make it slightly less secure). I also gave the legs vertical cross sections as well to shape them for the masking tape.
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The worst part, taping everything. I used tape to further shape it how I wanted but that meant going over parts several times. I used 2 different widths of tape for this for efficiency but it doesn’t matter. The legs were very loosely taped and if squeezed then they’d lose their shape; I didn’t bother filling them in because I don’t have materials for that and I let the paper mache help support them instead. Tape was also used to fill any holes and gaps left by the cardboard skeleton.
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The next phase is paper mache of which I haven’t done since 5th grade… I was not confident in this step. I used mod podge and a brush to smooth down the paper. Because I lacked materials I used fast food napkins instead of newspaper which worked totally fine, it just tended to tear a bit easier. Some areas required me to get hands on and I don’t really like the texture during this stage so that was fun (lie). I didn’t do too many layers, one for the body and 3 for the back and legs but some projects might demand more. I used half of a 16oz bottle of mod podge btw so please get more than you think you need.
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Finally, texture hell!!! I did a base coat of white spray paint and painted everything else with acrylic. Start with your lighter colors first before doing darker ones! I originally mixed some yellow and orange for the body and realized it was too bright and so covered it with orange instead. It also wasn’t until later I realized I could’ve been smarter with my paint so I skipped over the segments that were going to be fully black, saving the orange for the rest of the body. I wanted my centipede to stand out and not look 2D color-wise so I also used the red for the head and tail to give gradients and edges to the orange segments and legs, later going back with burgundy to further darken them but not too much. For the black segments I also used a very watered down layer of sky blue to give a fake shine and show the intended structure of the segments. Do not be afraid to use your hands! I used mine to smudge my detail paints like the black fade on the legs and the back shading. To top it all off I sprayed a clear coat and punched two holes in the underside to hang it up, using thumbtacks angled upwards.
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missmeinyourbones · 1 year
sweet L!! congrats on your milestone u deserve it so so much!! for the event, how about “meet me at midnight” and suna :)
MEET ME AT MIDNIGHT (s. rintaro)
a/n: post high school - pre college AU, talks of suna going pro, mutual pining, childhood friends alluded, slight mentions of religious comparison, i need to gargle him in my mouth like mouthwash 
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When your phone vibrates, the sun has long set and the moths outside of your window are flocking to the dim porch light. 
And even though you know who it is texting you at this hour, your heart still does that thing—the childish fluttering of excitement and nerves and insecurity all in one. With a deep breath, you let your thumb swipe your screen. 
From: Suna ;p
[10:41 PM] meet me at midnight
To: Suna ;p
[10:43 PM] well hello to you too
From: Suna ;p
[10:44 PM] hello [10:44 PM] meet me at midnight
To: Suna ;p
[10:45 PM] that's awfully cryptic of you
From: Suna ;p
[10:47 PM] cryptic enough for you to agree?
To: Suna ;p
[10:48 PM] ... yes
Suna does this a lot. 
Both a creature of habit and the night, he loves doing this with you. Texting you when the heavy summer sun goes down and the night sky protects him from the reality of the morning. Nights that were meant to be impromptu, but are now a part of your routines, you find yourself looking forward to his (un)expected texts. 
He doesn't give a location, but you don't need one, because the two of you have been meeting at the same quiet spot outside the corner of the town's 24/7 convenience store for months now.
When you arrive in one of his old hoodies and a pair of cartoon pajama pants, he's already waiting for you beneath the store's fluorescent signage.
He looks annoyingly pretty. Neon mirrored lights illuminating his side profile like a painting, eyelashes naturally curled upwards like a goddamn prince. 
You almost want to punch him, but when he notices you walking towards him, he shoots you a knowing smile—and suddenly, that feeling of punching him slowly turns into one of kissing him, which is equally as bad. 
He doesn't say anything, merely nods beneath his hood and hands you a plastic bag. 
You take a peek inside, seeing your usual go-to purchases, and reaching into your hoodie pocket, "Thanks, I think I have a ten in my—"
"Don't want it."
You raise your eyebrows, lazily fighting off the grin that can't help but make its way across your face. But Suna, as always, is more shameless than you—not even bothering to hold back his own proud smile.
"You're paying for my pretzels and orange soda?" your voice comes airy, teasing, and Rintaro skims his tongue over his canine tooth to pretend he doesn't want to swallow the melody like water.
He's equally as playful when he flicks your forehead, "Only the finest for you." 
"And they say chivalry is dead." 
The night then goes how it always does, and the two of you begin the walk back to your house.
You never understood why it's always this song and dance, but one day, Suna insisted he walk you back. Just to be safe. You remember saying something about that not even making sense, about him walking twice as much for no reason, but he merely shrugged and continued to shove you towards the side of the pavement furthest from the street.
It's nice like this, with the sugar bubbling on your tongue and the humidity of the day dwindling to a nice cool summer night. The slight breeze is refreshing on the back of your neck.
The two of you walk in step with one another, talking about anything and everything—except what's actually on both of your minds.
Because two weeks from today, Rintaro leaves once again to travel across the world with EJP. And it's not the first time, but every time he leaves, you're afraid it will be the last. 
Because there has to be a last, there always is. 
One day, he's bound to get tired of returning to the small suburban town that holds your withering high school and shitty convenience store and you. He's destined for something bigger than this, olympic and grand and impressive.
It's inevitable that one of these times, he's going to get on a plane and not come back, and you can't even blame him. 
Noticing your faraway thoughts, he gently pushes your arm with his shoulder. 
"Stop thinking," he says, not needing to be told what you're thinking of. 
You shoot him a weak smile before your eyes return to the passing cracks in the pavement and you breathe, "I'm gonna miss this."
Rintaro thinks about saying that there's nothing to miss, that he’s still right here with you, but he knows what you mean and decides to bite his tongue. 
"Me too," he eventually sighs, kicking the rock he walks with and seeing how long he can keep it in his stride. "Being honest with you, it's like, the only thing bringing me back here." 
Your walking slows, eyebrows furrowing when you ask, "What do you mean?"
Rintaro follows your pace, eventually coming to a stop and turning around in front of you. The two of you stand on the barren sidewalk in the middle of the night, and though the silence is deafening, everything in the moment feels far too loud. 
In a wordless battle of who's gonna break first, Rintaro bites the bullet. 
"You're really gonna make me say it?" he whispers. 
You continue staring at him, and beneath the gaze of your pretty eyes, Rintaro finally allows himself to say what he's been trying to for all these months. 
"I've traveled the country, got to see places I didn't even know existed on the other side of the planet. I think I've tried every type of pretzel and shitty orange soda in the world, and then some." 
His voice falters a bit when he sees your face slightly fall, getting the wrong impression from his confession.
So naturally, he panics. Pathetically trying to find the correct romantic string of words to tell you everything he feels accurately, what ends up fumbling out of his charismatic mouth is—
"And you think I keep coming back to our shitty hometown for any reason other than you?"
You feel like all of the air has been ripped out of your lungs and the rug swept beneath your feet.
Suna swears that, thanks to some miracle handed to him, you’re laughing and shaking your head. And beneath the summer stars and humming of the streetlights, he decides that your smile is the closest thing he's seen to any kind of good omen or message from above. 
And a few weeks from now, you'll learn that irony is a funny thing—because while you were under the impression that this was the last time you'd be seeing Suna for a while, his nervous hand fiddled with his phone in his pocket, the same one he knew to hold two digital plane tickets, instead of one. 
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thewritetofreespeech · 9 months
Could I request Kazuki and Rei with an s/o who's a mermaid?
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“Mermaids! Mermaids! Mermaids! Mermaids!”
“I’m gonna tell her.”
“Don’t you dare!” Kazuki hissed, with his finger pressed to his lips, at Rei as they followed behind Miri.
She’d been excited to see the new exhibit at the aquarium. One all about mythical underwater sea creatures and their origins, and, most importantly, mermaids. The exhibit was so popular that it had been sold out from the start. Luckily for them, however, [Y/N] was working at the exhibit and was able to get them tickets. Their typical ‘job of the week’ as they called it because every time Kazuki or Rei turned around they seemed to have a new one.
Sort of like their line of work. Just with much less violence and more menial tasks.
They made their way through the aquarium. Stopping now & then to look at some other fish and exhibits, but Miri was on a mission. “Do you think they’ll have blue mermaids?!”
“I’m sure they will.” Kazuki replied optimistically.
“Mermaids aren’t real.” Rei muttered. To which Kazuki scowled and he shut up.
“I hope there’s a pink one so we can match!”
“I’m sure there will be all kinds of mermaids Miri-chan. But you’ll need to be patient when we get inside.”
Even with the tickets, the line through the ‘mermaid cove’ was long. A slow moving train of adults and children going through a glass aquarium tunnel to gawk at the fish and swimming mermaids. Even as jaded as they were, Kazuki and Rei had to admit, it was pretty impressive.
“Look! Look! A pink mermaid!” The two men look to where Miri was pointing and both gained equal expressions of shock.
There, floating angelically in the water, with an ornate yellow tail dotted with orange and pearl studded seashell bra was [Y/N]. She was wearing a wig, and painted up to look more fish like, but they could tell it was her. And, apparently, she could see that it was them because she waved.
“She’s so pretty! I think she’s my favorite.”
“Mine too.” Rei said in his usual sullen voice. To which Kazuki pouted.
“You wish pal….”
They finish the exhibit, and look at some more fishes, before stopping in the food court for lunch. By the time they had finished, [Y/N] was coming up to them. No longer a mermaid, but just a regular girl in sweats with wet hair. “Hey guys! Did you like the exhibit?”
“It was so pretty!!”
[Y/N] chuckled at Miri’s enthusiasm. “Good. I’m glad you liked it.”
“That’s a pretty intricate costume you have to wear.” Kazuki commented. “Do they ever let you take it home?”
[Y/N] rolled her eyes at his eyebrow wag. “That tail weighs a ton. It’s not as fun as you think it would be.”
“I didn’t know you could hold your breath that long.” Rei mentioned. Sipping his soda.
“Yep! We’ll I had a job here like….4 summers ago scrubbing tanks. They knew that I could stay underwater a long time so they offered me the job. Definitely more glamorous.”
“You’ll have to teach me.” He told her. “…for missions…”
[Y/N] chuckled again. “Of course.”
“If you’re off now, do you want to come home with us? You can tell Miri all about your mermaid training.”
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Miri answered for her. Jumping up and down in her seat.
“I guess I have no choice. Let me grab my bag.”
She gave a little wave as she went back to the employee lounge to grab her things.
“So, we’re still at an impasse then?” Kazuki asked Rei when they were alone.
“I guess so.” Rei agreed. Sipping his soda casually.
“I don’t think we’ve ever had a fight this long.”
“We haven’t.”
“May the better man win then.”
“I will.”
Kazuki turned to snap at him, but it was too late. [Y/N] was back, already collecting Miri to head home, and they couldn’t let her in on their secret contest for her.
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sir-maxwell1 · 4 months
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Some doodles of Puppet King to show you what I mean when I say "Sometimes he is a creature".
You see him at 2am hunched over a wending machine craving peanuts and an orange soda.
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yourfatherlucifer · 1 year
New Paradigm (San)
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Vampire!Choi San x afab!reader
>>Walking home sick from a friends house was a dumb idea, especially late at night. A creature of the night, a vampire, had been stalking you. His vulnerable, his weak and yummy prey. Oh, the perfect meal. It was too easy. Yet..someone else was watching, was it your savior? Or your doom?<<
Warnings: violence in the beginning
Yeah, this was such a stupid idea. I should’ve gone with her advice and taken a cab home. But you know, my dumbass had to be stubborn and say, ‘oh no it’s alright, I can manage the pain, it’s short walk home anyway.’
It’s freezing, it’s creepy, there’s no one on the streets it seems like. I could call a cab, if it wasn’t so late now. If only I called one 10 minutes ago while services were still running!
God, my stomach hurts so bad.
Slouching over on the sidewalk, holding my stomach in pain, “Fuck, what did I do to deserve this.” I groaned.
An empty can of soda was rolled in front of my feet. It’s bright orange color reflected from the dim streetlights
What a weird can.
A cats shriek from the alley across from me could be heard all around myself. Creepy. Whatever, I’ll just igno-
A shriek of my own left my cold lips, cold from the frosty air.
“Oh my fuck!” A hand was held in front my heart, it wouldn’t do anything to stop it from leaping out of my chest, but that’s alright.
“Don’t do that!” I stared at the sudden individual. Where did he come from?
His hair was a dark brown, his eyes were a creepy dull red, must’ve been wearing contacts to scare people. What a freak.
“You’re a pretty little thing, aren’t ya? What are you doing out here all alone? Haven’t you been watching the news?” He trailed a very sharp fingernail down my jawline, to the middle of my throat.
I stepped back.
“Please stop. I just wanna go home!”
He pulled me closer to him, burying his face in my neck, “That’s too bad, my dear. You smell divine, a perfect, vulnerable meal just for me~!”
He cackled like a hyena in my ear.
I tried to pull away, I could feel his mouth slacking open.
Tears poured down my face, “Please! Stop! Somebody help me!”
His teeth pressed against my throat, but before he could do anything, he was pulled away from me. A growl left his throat, but before he could fight back, an arm broke through his chest, heart in hand.
I screamed in fear, but couldn’t bring myself to move.
The arm retracted, “You dare, on my turf, hunt humans? You dare defy the higher ones?”
A beautiful man, his shining black hair reflected in the light from the lamppost.
He bore teeth sharper than a K9’s.
His red eyes. He had red eyes too. Fangs..he’s a vampire. And so is the, well, now lifeless body.
I guarantee my fear could be smelled from a mile away or less. I was terrified. I mean it’s a vampire for fucks sake!
Finally able to move myself, I turned on my left foot to run, but then, couldn’t bring myself to do it.
Footsteps approached me from behind, “What? I don’t get a thank you, human?”
The voice wasn’t deep but wasn’t soft either. It was a sort husky-like voice. I felt no danger, but I just couldn’t move.
“I-I..” my voice betrayed me by trembling in shock.
“That’s okay. I was gonna kill him anyway. You don’t disrespect a higher one. What a pathetic excuse he was for a vampire.” He chuckled.
He moved in front of me, I could see his cat-like eyes, shaped like an almond.
“My name is Choi San, call me San. Obviously I am a vampire.” The man now known as San smiled, I could see the tips of his fangs.
“I’m Y/N..thank you for helping me.” I stared at the ground, too nervous to look at him. He was ethereal in my eyes. A man of beauty.
He nodded before stepping back from me, “Well, I must be going now, as good as you smell, I refuse to eat humans on my territory,” shoving his hands in his pockets, “Don’t come down this road so late anymore.”
“Okay, I won’t, thank you.”
“I’ll see you around, Y/N.”
As he walked into the night, I wondered if I really would ever see him again.
Tag list: @starillusion13 @thishastwentyletters @babesindestroyland @san-realblkwife
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x9, A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Part III--"Lorelai Mourns Her Breakup WIth Dean--WTF Is Wrong With This Bish, No Seriously, Someone Needs To Study Her in A Lab Or Something" OR "Doofus In A Green Apron And the Woman Who Loved Him" Or "Supermarket Seduction: The Lorelai Gilmore Affair"
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I'm kinda obsessed with playing Brand Name I Spy whenever someone visits Doose's. It's kinda fun to play Stars Hollow Anthropologist and figure out how these curious creatures live, what products they subsist on. In this scene I spotted (deep breath) Whiskas Cat Food, Ring Pops,Alpo and Pedigree Dog Food, Barilla Pasta Sauce, Princella Canned Sweet Potatoes, A1 Steak Sauce, Carnation Canned Milk, Sunkist Orange Soda, Dole bananas, Planters cashews ,Lindt chocolate, Dentyne Ice Gum, Uncle Ben's Rice, some kind of Ragu instant meal, Ocean Spray pie filling, Symphony chocolate bars, Vaseline and a variety of lotions (for which Jess is grateful), Band Aids, Stove Top Stuffing, Campbell's Soup, Gatorade, Mylanta, Pepcid, Ponds cream, Advil (both regular and a fruit flavored Children's variety), SO MUCH TYLENOL, Snuggle Detergent, Bounce Fabric Softener, Q Tips, Bactine, Neosporin, Quilted Northern wet wipes, Chapstick, 2 ginormous boxes of Kraft Instant Mac & Cheese, a WHOLE LOT of First Response pregnancy tests and ovulation kits (every one of these brands is still in existence 22 years later, btw) Aaaand last but not least: Kirk, A grown ass woman with a sick obsession over her daughter's teenage ex boyfriend, and a doofwad wearing a green apron.
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The way those pregnancy tests are so fucking prominent in the background is sending me into orbit. Who is even getting laid in The Hollow besides Babette/Morey and Miss Patty, and they're past menopause. Things Doose's Market does not sell: Condoms Things Doose's Market does sell: Cigarettes (there's a "We Card" placard on the register)
The WB network was truly the place to be for product placement in the early 2000s.
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SHE'S GOIN IN FOR THE KILL! da dum da dum da dum dadumdumdumdumdum
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The two of them making eye contact across the market. PLEASE!
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The way she looks at him! I ship them so hard! I also ship Dean's face with the business end of a speeding train!
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What kind of slave driver is Taylor Doose for making Dean work on Thanksgiving? Please make him work every holiday, Taylor. His family won't miss him. (I know that here in the US quite a lot of supermarkets stay open on Thanksgiving, at least for a half day anyway, but like, why isn't Taylor working? He's probably taking a Thanksgiving holiday in Hawaii with the money he's embezzled from all the town fundraisers. Broken bridge my ass). Dean says he's getting paid time and a half for working the holiday, so I will not be calling the Connecticut Board of Labor on Taylor. Luke, meanwhile,continues to pay his nephew in acorns. For what the DALA is worth, it really leans creepily one sided. Lorelai's always coming onto Dean with Dean looking bewildered with the milf seduction. Well, maybe not in this scene from season 4, he was pretty into it by then.
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Lorelai: I'll give you time and half. in my bed.
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L: Dean, Wait... D, slowly turning around clutching packs of Dentyne gum: Yeah? L: I...LOVE YOU. Nah just kidding. We know it actually gets a helluva lot weirder than that.
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The look on Doofwad's face says even he knows you're full on delulu. She makes a speech to Dean about how when you live in a small town you shouldn't shit where you eat, metaphorically speaking. I mean, after all the times she's had to scramble to find alternate dining establishments because she had a spat with Luke, she should know. Lorelai wants Dean to know that she's done hiding from him. Uhh...
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Dean just got the memo that he was avoiding Lorelai.
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For as long as I live I will never let you live this line down, Lorelai Gilmore. Salty Gilmore's Gravestone will read: Here Lies SaltyGilmores March 24th, 2022-???? She Recalled That In The Thanksgiving Episode Lorelai Gilmore Told Dean Forrester That They Weren't Broken Up Yet
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Dean: Okay, whatever you say, DeLuLu Lady.
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Get yourself a partner who looks at you the way Lorelai Gilmore looks at the local teenage bagboy.
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That was pretty intense, Deano. Take a deep breath, it'll be okay. Just head over to the lotion aisle and then make yourself comfy in the break room. Lorelai exits the market to meet Rory, seemingly drained, and shaken by the events that just transpired. When Rory (who is now avoiding entering Doose's Market herself in this neverending game of Business Boycott Roulette) asks how it went, Lorelai can barely speak, as if moments ago she had just done all the heavy lifting for her own relationship and not Rory's. Truly twisted stuff, I'm telling ya. (by the way thank you to @ernestonlysayslovelythings (AGAIN) for pointing out that Jess' green coat makes at least one more appearance. I'll have to postpone the Coat Funeral/Ritual Burning To Ward It Of Evil Spirits)
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ultram0th · 7 months
Thank you very much for your time. (takes a sip of the tea) ummm bitter, is it orange tea?
So if you don't mind, let's start (takes out a notebook)
All cases have things in common.
1. who are mostly, if not completely, always men. Is that true? (sorry, I don't want to sound rude)
2. How often do you usually have these kinds of interactions?
3. Are they always people with the physique of athletes to bodybuilders or are there usually other physical types?
4. Are you able to say the age range of the victims?
5. After what happened, have any of the victims contacted you again?
(after you answer)
And the last and most important question, how do you do it? I want to and don't come and tell me that you are actually a fantasy entity or a demon of pleasure because then I will think that you are crazy (don't take it seriously, it's part of the setting).
Part 1
Yes! It is orange tea!
That's quite the palete you've got! I like to serve this one to my guests, mainly because I like the way it looks. See?
The color is deep and bronze, kind of like posing oil.
But if you're not a fan of orange tea, I can make you something else? I have blueberry? Or if you don't like tea, I have soda that's really fizzy?
I'll let you think it over; but in the meantime, I'm glad to assist your investigation in anyway I can. Let's look at those questions. Hmmm...
Yes, my, *ahem, abilities only seem to have an effect on men. It's just the way the magic works, but it's all good since I find it more fun that way. (No worries, I didn't find this rude at all!)
These sort of interactions can only be described as random, at best. Sometimes I will see someone out in public who I think will be fun to mess with, or who deserves a little shake up. And sometimes people will come to me, asking to be changed or asking for a little fun for their friend... or revenge for an enemy.
Body types are also random. I will admit that about 90% (or more) of the men who are affected tend to have an athletic or bodybuilder physique. However, I have had experiences with skinnier guys, larger men, shorter men, etc. I have no preference and I will help/change anyone who comes to me... but I will admit that I specialize in growth surrounding the glutes and pectorals.
18 and up, period. There's no leeway with this, at all. I do have a softer spot for older guys, though, so I love to have daddies who are in their late forties, early fifties come to me for experimentation (or to add to the daddy population).
I've been contacted a few times by men who have been changed. It's usually from the ones who've asked me to change them themselves, and they are always grateful. Although, sometimes a guy who's been changed thanks to the whims of another has not contacted me yet, probably because they tend to get distracted by their new bodies to keep looking.
How do I do it? I need a picture/video to start with. From there, I can alter it or create a scenario around it, that will in tune come to fruition. I suppose this could classify me as a sort of magical creature with properties similar to Venomoth...
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Don't laugh.
Would you like a demonstration? I can prove it, if you show me a picture (no explicit nudity please, just so I can post it lol). It can be of you or maybe one of your buddies?
Or the guy who sent you here...?
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baileypie-writes · 5 months
~Ideas/Themes for your Pretty Cure OCs~
If you enjoy making yourself as a Pretty Cure character like me, here are some themes you could go! For some, I even provide colors. By the way, I’m only putting seasons that have obvious themes.
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~Fresh Precure~
Theme: Fruits
Grape - Color: Purple or Green
Kiwi - Color: Green or Brown
Lime - Color: Green
Apple - Color: Green
Plum - Color: Purple
Pumpkin(yes, they are fruits) - Color: Orange
Orange or tangerine - Color: Orange
Pear - Color: Green
Cantaloupe - Color: Orange
~Heartcatch Precure~
Theme: Flowers
Clover(not really a flower) - Color: Green
Skeleton Flower - Color: White
Lily - Color: White
Lily of the valley - Color: White
Spider lily - Color: Red or orange
Forever Susan - Color: Black, orange or red
Black Narcissus - Color: Black and/or red
Bat flower - Color: Black
Dandelion puff - Color: White
Bell flower - Color: White or green
Moon flower - Color: White
Jade vine - Color: Green or teal/cyan
Ghost orchid - Color: White
Any succulent - Color: Green
~Suite Precure~
Theme: Music
~Doki Doki Precure~
Theme: Playing cards
~Kira Kira Precure a la Mode~
Theme: Sweets
Cake pop
~Hugtto Precure~
Theme: Professions
Construction worker
Fashion designer
Police officer
Your dream job!
~Star Twinkle Precure~
Theme: Space
Black hole
Solar system
Rocket ship
~Healin’ Good Precure~
Theme: Elements(I based these off the Element Bottles in the show)
Fire - Color: Red
Thunder/lightning - Color: Orange
Ice - Color: White
Leaf - Color: Green
Rainbow - Color: Rainbow
Sun - Color: Orange
Snow - Color: White
Air - Color: Green
~Tropical Rouge Precure~
Theme: Tropical/Summer
Any sea creature
The sun
Tropical flowers
Hidden treasure?
~Delicious Party Precure~
Theme: Savory foods
Soda(I know this isn’t food)
~Soaring Sky Precure~
Theme: Sky
Sunset/Sunrise - Color: Red or yellow
Sunlight - Color: Yellow
Storm cloud - Color: Black or grey
Lightning - Color: Yellow
Northern lights - Color: Rainbow
Let me know if these gave you any inspiration!
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de-righty · 1 year
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You've interrupted the meal. How dare
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owen-not-carvour · 2 years
so i saw someone else talk abt rtc at the grocery store. and all i can think abt is the international foods aisle.
they all go INSANE for that shit. mischa and noel especially.
noel just likes finding shit from europe (specifically france ofc) that he’s never tried, and mischa sometimes finds shit he used to have in ukraine that he hasn’t been able to find in awhile and Loses it :)
every time they go they Have to buy ocean an irn bru (if you don’t know, it’s a bright orange soda from scotland,, but it tastes almost like bubble gum?? it’s rlly good idk) bc it’s orange and So Is She !! every time she accepts the bottle,, but gives them the same lecture every time. (“guys how many times do i have to tell you!!! just bc something is orange Does Not!!!! mean you need to give it to me!!!!” “….but like. it does though.”)
constance just finds the most interesting looking candies she can and gets like 3 bags of it. 2 for leaving out at the cafe (she likes to stock up on little treats to leave for patrons) and 1 for the choir to split :)
penny does the same thing as noel,, just finding cool shit she’s never tried before, but she goes the more ‘no way this is an actual Food Thing that people Eat!! fuckin Awesome!!’ kind of way yknow. she has bought multiple tins of those weird little tins of… oily sea creatures just bc she thinks it’s something cool and new she’s never tried.
as for ricky.. idk. i think he’d also just get whatever’s interesting.. not quite as extreme as pennys choices though.. he probably just sticks to weird candies.. sorta like a mix of penny and constance’s picks. also he probably has a couple Go To things he gets every time though. like for me i get aloe drinks every time!
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pruechaosbracket · 1 year
ROUND 2-B: Team Confidence VS Team Musical Number
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About Wataru: President of the Theater Club and one of the Three/Five Eccentrics. He is extremely dramatic, and very talented in multiple music/acting related fields, including mimicking others' voices, magic tricks, hypnotizing, and (what he as claimed to be) sentient hair. He nick-names most people he meets, along with being known as "Masked Freak" himself. Others' believe that he lives in his own world, meanwhile he's normally hyperaware, not letting let his act down and always ensuring that everyone isn't bored.
About Lyer: A demon-like creature who seems to enjoy confusing and teasing World, who he attempted to kill in their first encounter. He shows a lot of confidence in both the way the way he talks and acts, along with often dancing and singing. He has a set of red strings that he uses to manipulate others (mainly World) and grab things, he can also shape-shift and has repeatedly appeared and disappeared out of nowhere. While it has not happened in the comic yet, it has been heavily foreshadowed in the animations that Lyer is going to use World to kill Mia.
About Oli: An isekaied bard, the first player on Empires SMP, and the sole survivor of Afterlife SMP, having found himself in Empires SMP after trying to find his version of Sausage and instead finding Pearl, he quickly noped out due to the large amount of both Pearl's and Sausage's heads and him wanting to be alive. During his first day/episode on Empires, he named his new home the Olipoligo, built a "mega base", named his wolf after Sausage, found and raided an ancient city, outran the Warden, speedran killing the Ender Dragon, kicked the server's first mystery, stole Gem's horn, got deemed a bard, and got arrested by Fwip. He has also; gathered a bunch of Ender Men via Ender Rail (In Afterlife), fell into dept with Fwip and the Goblin Empire, tried to return to Afterlife which failed, organized the Rift Festival, and accidentally hatched the Ender Dragon Egg.
About Doofensmirtz: An "evil" scientist with ambitions to take over the Tri-State Area. He has a giant building/house/lab with "Doofensmirtz Evil Incorporated", which is also sang every time it's first seen per episode. Everything he creates ends in -inator, with their purpose ranging from the previously mentioned taking over the Tri-State Area or at least minorly inconveniencing it, to getting petty revenge on someone, to some kind of weird revenge related to his awful childhood. He named an evil organization L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N., which is technically an acronym the full name isn't much better as it stands for "League Of Villainous Evildoers Maniacally United For Frightening Investments in Naughtiness". After he retired from evil he temporarily joined O.W.C.A partially thanks to him being legally an ocelot, and made an time machine shaped like a taco stand with no option for day; as it was replaced with a cup holder, and diverged a major world-saving plan to get his favorite orange soda.
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i-miss-breathing · 8 months
My dream is to have a huge spiky gothic style castle where I section it off and each section has wildly different over the top aesthetic decor than the one before it.
Like the first section, where you walk in is super normal, just average house decor, it’s a living room and some guest rooms, very normal, the only thing weird here is that the carpet is orange and the walls have floral wallpaper from the 50s. Then, you walk fown a hall and BAM. Everything is ocean themed.
There’s a huge mural on one wall that makes it look like your in a bubble window underwater with all sorts of fish.
A bubble machine and ocean sound machine are going at all times. Sometimes you hear “yellow submarine” by the beetles playing
theres a tv that shows live footage of a reef and there’s a big saltwater aquarium on another section.
All the creatures have names, some of the rocks even have names, there’s a key on the side with all the names and what kind of creature/rock it is.
My cool butler takes care of them, he’s paid very well and has like 90 paid vacation days, when he’s on vacation I take care of the fish, he reminds me sometimes over text, and then reminds me that looking at water is not the same as drinking it and that I need to stay hydrated, he also tells me things about his vacations, like which foods I should ask the chef to make, or learn to make myself, like I said he’s very cool, anyways, off topic,
The next section is COMPLETELY GOTH.
You’ve stepped out of the submarine and into the vampires cave.
There are little bats and spiders and cats and ravens and crows EVERYWHERE. ITS AWESOME.
I have a pet raven in a room, her name is Lenore, she likes to sit on my shoulder, I take her to other parts of the house sometimes, she’s very smart.
There’s also my pet tarantula fiddlesticks, fiddle for short, I take him out of his enclosure sometimes but he doesn’t leave the goth section.
Speaking of the goth section, everything is red purple blue white and black, mostly black.
There’s goth music playing at all times, there’s a ballroom that I use to host goth club nights, it’s a castle after all, there’s a big French door that leads directly to the ballroom from the garden. It’s very cool.
Just when you think you’ll never escape the darkness and ungodly amount of moon cycles on the wall, you see a light.. BAM MAGIC FOREST.
Everything is green and orangish brown.and pastel
There’s fairy lights EVERYWHERE.
I keep my pet ponies Shorty and Sprinkles and my guard llama Dude, in a large closed off pasture near the garden, they get lots of apples and sugar cubes and hay along with all the yummy grass they graze on, you cannot ride any of them because they are too small, but I play with them everyday and teach them tricks every once in a while.
Back inside there are plants everywhere
there’s sparkles everywhere
There are bean bags that look like rocks and a bookcase that looks like it was built into a fake tree
there’s a little snack bar with cupcakes and rock candies and brownies and carrot cakes and pies and water and fruit flavored sodas and fun pastries.
Chef makes the snacks, Chef is cool, he’s really strong, I pay him a lot of money and he also has 90 days paid vacation a year, he mostly texts me recipes to ask if I think I’d like them. Chef also likes weed, he never makes weed brownies on the clock though. He’s very responsible.
I hire college students from the college near by at $25 an hour to run the fairy snack bar.
I host lots of parties here, parents can call and ask to rent it out for fairy themed birthday parties in a real life castle, of course it’s only a section of the castle, but it’s still a castle.
there’s another French door entrance but the glass has floral stained glass, it’s professionally done, it’s very pretty
There’s a dressing room with lots of outfits and dresses and they all look magical and they come in many different sizes, they are all thoroughly washed properly after each use by my maid. She’s really cool, she knows how to do a lot of stuff. Like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and race car driving, and knitting. She also gets paid very well and has 90 paid vacation days, I have a squish on her and she’s very inspiring, she teaches me the skills if I ask. She’s very cool. I text her pictures of things I make and she gives me encouragement. All my staff get along very well and it makes me happy. We have tea time and dinner together, it’s great.
And back to the fairy section there’s another ball room covered in fairy lights and plants, real and fake, there’s a DJ that takes all requests but otherwise plays music directly from ballroom scenes in fantasy movies and shows. He also gets paid well.
It’s very cool
I will add to this later but right now I do not have time
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octonauts16 · 2 months
If The Octonauts Were Mean Girls. Chapter 1
Hi, My name is Peso. I just moved here from the Antarctic. I have never been to a new school before. So, it was time to say, goodbye to Antarctica and say, hello to High school.
"Welcome to Northshore High!" Principal Inkling smiled
Peso wandered the hallways of his new school, a place unlike any he'd known before. Having been homeschooled all his life, the bustling corridors were new to him. He entered his first classroom, where numbers danced and equations solved themselves in his mind – math, his strongest subject. Beside him, Principal Inkling was ready to introduce him to the class, a friendly face in a sea of new beginnings.
"Attention class, we're joined by a newcomer from the Antarctic," announced the octopus teacher with a grin that stretched from tentacle to tentacle.
"Welcome!" greeted the math instructor, addressing the polar bear.
Baffled, the polar bear sporting a snazzy red vest glanced up.
"Actually, I hail from Canada," he clarified.
The room swelled with an awkward silence as Peso, the penguin, perched on his desk. Peso was having second thoughts about this new academic venture; it appeared he was the first penguin these folks had ever laid eyes on.
As lunchtime arrived, Peso faced the challenge of finding a group to sit in the cafeteria, a space dominated by cliques. He had anticipated an easy task, but rejection met him at every turn, with glaring looks accompanying each denial. Left with no alternative, Peso resigned himself to eating alone in the bathroom, feeling isolated and wishing for acceptance from his peers.
A knock on the bathroom stall interrupted his solitude. Peering down, he noticed two distinct pairs of shoes. A voice with a Cockney accent inquired from outside, "You alright in there? You've been in quite a while. Is it explosive diarrhea, or did you ingest something that's causing it?"
Upon opening the stall door, Peso was met by an unlikely duo: a marsh bunny clad in grunge attire and an orange tabby dressed in the style of an e-boy.
"Who are you?" inquired Peso.
"I'm Tweak, and this is Kwazii; he's a bit too adventurous for his own good," she declared.
"I'm Peso Penguin. I'm New," he grinned, "And I—"
"Lost at sea and don't know where to start?" Tweak interjected, "No worries, we're not the usual school of fish, but we'll stick by you."
Together, they shuffled back to the cafeteria, still puzzled about where to begin, yet Peso was eager to dive into the social life of high school.
"You'll navigate this school like it's your own ocean trench in no time," assured Tweak. "Here you've got everyone from Freshmen to ROTC kids, Preppies, J.V. Jocks, Varsity Jocks, Emotional Eaters, Starving Seahorses, Mathletes, Burnouts, Sexual Active Band Geeks, and the greatest creatures you'll ever meet."
Kwazii and Tweak did their handshakes in agreement, pausing only when they spotted two or the trio of students—an otter and a polar bear. Tweak's expression soured, while Peso's face showed a storm of concern.
"Who are they?" Peso said,
"The Plastics," Tweak grumbles,
"The Plastics... who are The Plastics?" Peso inquired.
"They're teen royalty. If Northshore was us, we'd always be undercover," Kwazii explained.
Tweak gestured towards the polar bear donning a cottagecore outfit, who unsuccessfully attempted to sip his soda through his nose using a straw.
"That one there, that's Barnacles Polar Bear. He's one of the dumbest guys you'll ever meet," Tweak elaborated. "Kwazii sat next to him in English last year."
"He asked me how to spell 'orange'!" exclaimed the cat.
Next, Tweak indicated the sea otter with disheveled brown hair, clad in a Dark Academia outfit.
"That tall one, that's Shellington Sea Otter," Tweak described. "He's involved in everyone's business and knows everything about everyone."
"That's why his hair is so big and fluffy; it's full of secrets," Kwazii whispered conspiratorially.
Peso glanced at The Plastics' table, then back at Tweak and Kwazii, and decided to keep his distance, choosing instead to sit with some of the most remarkable creatures he'd ever met.
"May I sit with you guys?" Peso asked.
Kwazii and Tweak exchanged glances before turning to Peso.
"You can sit with us," Kwazii offered.
"Sure," Tweak agreed.
Suddenly, a girl spotted someone intimidating and panicked.
"TAKE COVER!" a girl shouted.
Everyone halted their activities, struck by fear as the person walked through the door.
"What's going on?" Peso queried.
"It's The Queen Bee herself! Don't look at her! Just don't!" Kwazii warned.
"Who?" Peso asked,
"Dashi Dog!" Tweak exclaimed. "DON'T LOOK AT HER!"
Despite the warnings, Peso couldn't resist gazing at the individual who instilled fear in the student body. It was a dachshund with striking red hair, dressed in a baddie outfit. Evil incarnate took the form of Dashi Dog... She might appear to be your typical self-centered, treacherous, doggy bone, but in reality, she was far more than that. She doesn't care who you are, she doesn't care how you feel. 
She was seated with her worker bees when Peso decided to head towards Tweak and Kwazii's table. However, before he could get there, Dashi's voice stopped him.
"Wait, who are you?" Dashi inquired, looking at Peso.
Peso was taken aback. He glanced around, wondering if she was addressing someone else, then pointed at himself, questioning if she meant him. Dashi nodded affirmatively.
"Yeah, come over here," Dashi beckoned with a friendly tone.
As Tweak and Kwazii attempted to persuade Peso to return to them, his curiosity got the better of him, and he sat down with the Plastics.
"Why don't I know you?" she asked with a smile.
"I'm new. I just moved here from the Antarctic," Peso explained.
"What?" Dashi probed further.
"I was homeschooled," Peso added.
"Wait, you've never been to a real school before?" Dashi asked, her smile widening.
Peso nodded slowly, and Dashi's smile grew even broader.
"Shut up... SHUT UP!" she exclaimed, still smiling.
"I didn't say anything," Peso responded, with a slight smile.
"Homeschooled, that's really interesting," Dashi remarked, crossing her arms.
"Thanks," Peso said.
"And you're really handsome," she complimented.
"Thank you," Peso replied, blushing slightly.
"So you agree," she pressed on.
"What?" Peso was confused.
"You think you're really handsome," Dashi smiled, then glanced at his necklace. "Oh my gosh, I love your necklace. Where did you get it?"
"Oh, this?" Peso touched his necklace. "Thanks, my Abuela made it for me."
"It's adorable," Dashi complimented.
"So, 'Fetch'," Shellington interjected.
"What is 'Fetch'?" Dashi turned to the sea otter.
"It's like slang from England," Shellington explained.
Barnacles looked on, confused, as he observed the penguin.
"So if you're from the Antarctic, why are you a bird?" he asked.
"Oh my gosh, Barny, you can't just ask people why they're a bird," Shellington chided.
"Can you give us some privacy for like one second?" Dashi asked,
"Sure thing," Peso responded with a nod.
As the Plastics deliberated, Peso exchanged glances with Tweak and Kwazii, who were puzzled by his new lunch companions. After a brief moment, all eyes were on Peso.
"Just so you're aware, this isn't a regular occurrence, so it's pretty much a big deal," Dashi stated emphatically.
"We'd be thrilled to have you join us for lunch every day for the rest of the week," Shellington announced, his smile wide enough to display the gap in his teeth.
Peso opened his mouth to reply, but—
"Great, see you tomorrow then!" Dashi interjected with a grin.
"On Wednesdays we wear pink," Barnacles added, tossing a casual reminder to the bird.
Chapter 1/Chapter 2
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ohchristmasbri · 1 year
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As autumn winds usher in the season of cozy blankets, flickering candlelight, and the rustling of leaves, there's a certain enchantment in the air that's simply irresistible. It's the time when tales of the supernatural take center stage, and what better way to celebrate this captivating season than by hosting your very own themed movie nights?
Whether you're an aficionado of vampire legends, zombie thrillers, werewolf sagas, or witchy tales, we've curated a collection of delectable treats that will not only satisfy your cravings but also bring the magic of these cinematic realms straight to your living room.
Vampire Movies: From the dark allure of immortal creatures to their mysterious rituals, vampire movies have long held a special place in the realm of cinematic fascination. Our collection of vampire-themed treats pays homage to the intricate world of bloodsuckers, inviting you to nibble on blood orange slices, sink your teeth into vampire bite cookies, and indulge in garlic parmesan popcorn that pays a playful nod to folklore. Whether you're hosting a bewitching gathering or simply enjoying a night in, these snacks promise to awaken the vampire within.
Blood Orange Slices: Serve slices of blood oranges for a fruity and appropriately themed snack, referencing the idea of vampires' affinity for blood.
Vampire Bite Cookies: Make sugar cookies shaped like vampire bites, with red icing to represent blood.
Garlic Parmesan Popcorn: Garlic is a common vampire repellent in folklore, so make garlic parmesan popcorn as a nod to this trope.
Red Velvet Cupcakes: Bake red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting, resembling blood and fangs.
Vampire Teeth Apples: Slice apples into wedges and insert almond slivers into the wedges to create the appearance of vampire teeth.
Blackberry Bramble Cocktail: Create a blackberry bramble cocktail with deep red and black colors, resembling vampire aesthetics.
Blooberry Smoothie: Blend blueberries, bananas, and a splash of coconut milk for a "bloody" smoothie with a vampire twist.
Red Velvet Whoopie Pies: Make red velvet whoopie pies filled with cream cheese frosting for a bite-sized treat.
Black Widow Deviled Eggs: Make deviled eggs with a twist by adding a black olive "spider" on top of each egg.
Crimson Punch: Mix up a punch using cranberry juice, pomegranate juice, and ginger ale for a blood-red and refreshing drink.
Dark Chocolate Covered Strawberries: Dip strawberries in dark chocolate and sprinkle red edible glitter for a luxurious and themed treat.
Bat Wing Chips: Prepare black tortilla chips and serve with a vibrant red salsa for a spooky and thematic snack.
Vampire's Kiss Mocktail: Create a non-alcoholic cocktail with grenadine, lemon-lime soda, and a splash of grape juice, resembling a "vampire's kiss."
Blood-Red Beet Hummus: Make beet hummus for a vibrant red dip to serve with pita chips or vegetable sticks.
Vampire's Blood Punch: Mix up a punch using red fruit juices, like cranberry and cherry, and add a splash of lemon-lime soda for fizz.
Red Velvet Pancakes: Whip up red velvet pancakes for a twist on the classic breakfast option, perfect for a vampire-themed brunch.
Bloody Mary Soup: Serve a chilled tomato soup with a splash of hot sauce, resembling a classic Bloody Mary cocktail.
Cherry Gummies: Offer cherry-flavored gummy candies, which can symbolize drops of blood in a playful way.
Fruit "Bat" Skewers: Thread blackberries, red grapes, and blueberries onto skewers to resemble bats in flight.
Vampire's Elixir Smoothie: Create a spooky smoothie with dark berries, spinach, and a touch of honey for a burst of energy. ---
Zombie Movies: For those who relish the heart-pounding excitement of zombie films, our selection of eerie edibles is sure to hit the spot. Imagine dipping into brain dip, exploring the slimy goodness of gooey zombie guts pasta, and sipping on zombie punch with lychee "eyeballs." As you dive into these gruesomely delightful creations, you'll feel as if you've stepped right into the midst of a zombie apocalypse.
Zombie Finger Hot Dogs: Wrap hot dog sausages in crescent roll dough, leaving a small section exposed to resemble a zombie's finger.
Brain Dip: Create a dip in the shape of a brain using cream cheese or hummus, and use red beet juice or raspberry sauce for a bloody effect.
Eyeball Cake Pops: Make cake pops shaped like eyeballs using cake crumbs and frosting, then decorate with edible markers or icing for the details.
Zombie Apocalypse Trail Mix: Mix together a variety of nuts, dried fruits, and chocolate chunks to create a survival-themed snack mix.
Gooey Zombie Guts Pasta: Cook spaghetti and toss it with tomato sauce, creating a slimy and gory pasta dish.
Zombie Punch: Combine green fruit juices with lemon-lime soda and add lychee "eyeballs" for a visually striking and eerie drink.
Zombie-Infected Cupcakes: Bake cupcakes with green-colored frosting and gummy worms crawling out, resembling a zombie-infested graveyard.
Rotting Flesh Cheese Platter: Arrange an assortment of cheeses with prosciutto or smoked meats to resemble the look of "rotting flesh."
Decayed Apple Teeth: Cut apple slices and spread peanut butter or almond butter on them, then place mini marshmallows between for a creepy, toothy grin.
Zombie Bites Meatballs: Make meatballs with a mix of beef and pork, then insert an almond sliver or piece of red pepper for a bloody bite mark.
Undead Brains Jello: Create a jello mold using a brain-shaped mold, tinted with red food coloring for a gory touch.
Mummy Wrapped Pretzels: Wrap pretzel sticks with strips of white cheese or dough to create mummy-themed snacks.
Zombie Slime Smoothie: Blend together spinach, kiwi, banana, and green grapes for a "zombie slime" smoothie.
Zombie Fingers Crudité: Serve a platter of vegetable sticks with almond slivers at the tips to resemble zombie fingers.
Zombie Dirt Cups: Make chocolate pudding cups layered with crumbled chocolate cookies, gummy worms, and zombie-themed decorations.
Maggot-Ridden Rice Krispie Treats: Create rice krispie treats and insert gummy worms into them, giving the appearance of crawling maggots.
Zombie Bites Sandwiches: Make mini sandwiches with olive slices as eyes and thin slices of bell pepper as mouths, resembling zombies.
Bloody Red Velvet Hot Chocolate: Prepare red velvet hot chocolate with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate syrup for a blood-like effect.
Zombie Hand Meatloaf: Shape meatloaf mix into a hand shape and bake it, then add red sauce for a bloody appearance.
Zombie Virus Fruit Salad: Create a fruit salad with a mix of red and green fruits, symbolizing the spread of a zombie virus. ---
WEREWOLF: Venturing into the world of werewolves brings us to a primal and enchanting landscape. With treats like full moon cookies and howling hot dogs, you'll be transported to moonlit nights and howling echoes. As you gather under the silver glow of the moon, these snacks will accompany you on a journey through the wild, untamed allure of the werewolf mythos.
Full Moon Cookies: Bake cookies in the shape of full moons and decorate them with white icing to mimic the moon's glow.
Werewolf Paw Prints: Create cookies or brownies shaped like paw prints, using chocolate chips for the claws.
Moonlit Trail Mix: Make a trail mix with a combination of nuts, dried fruits, and chocolate chips, symbolizing a moonlit journey.
Bite-Sized Sausages: Serve mini sausage links as a nod to werewolves' love for meat, with toothpicks for easy snacking.
Howling Hot Dogs: Wrap hot dog sausages in croissant dough, shaping them like crescent moons or wolf howls.
Wolf's Den Nachos: Prepare nachos with your favorite toppings and serve them in a bowl or platter, resembling a cozy wolf's den.
Werewolf Claws Chips: Offer crispy potato chips or tortilla chips with a spicy or tangy dip, representing werewolf claws.
Lycanthropic Burgers: Grill burgers and serve them with a side of sweet potato fries or potato wedges, reminiscent of the moon.
Moonlit Cheese Platter: Arrange an assortment of cheeses, dried fruits, and nuts on a platter, resembling a moonlit feast.
Howling Smoothie: Blend together blueberries, blackberries, and vanilla yogurt to create a purple "howling" smoothie.
Beef Jerky Bites: Provide various flavors of beef jerky or jerky-style plant-based snacks, playing on the werewolf's carnivorous nature.
Moon Cheese Crackers: Serve cheese crackers or cheese slices cut into crescent moon shapes.
Wolf's Paws Brownies: Make brownies and cut them into square shapes, then add almond slivers for claws on one corner.
Moonlit Mini Pizzas: Prepare mini pizzas with crescent moon shapes using cheese and your favorite toppings.
Howling Bark Bark: Offer bark-style chocolate treats with added nuts and dried fruits, referencing the wolf's howl.
Lunar Cupcakes: Bake cupcakes and decorate them with silver or gray frosting, topped with a fondant or icing moon.
Moonstone Fruit Salad: Create a fruit salad with a variety of white and light-colored fruits, symbolizing moonstones.
Crescent Moon Croissants: Serve croissants in the shape of crescent moons, paired with your favorite spreads.
Werewolf's Feast Charcuterie Board: Prepare a charcuterie board with cured meats, cheeses, olives, and bread, evoking a feast for a hungry werewolf.
Lunar Elixir Mocktail: Mix up a blueberry and lavender mocktail, resembling a mystical drink under the moonlight. ---
WITCHES: No supernatural celebration is complete without a nod to the crafty world of witches. Explore a medley of treats inspired by magical potions, crystal balls, and spellbooks. From witch's hat cookies to enchanted fruit skewers, you'll find yourself immersed in a culinary spell that captures the essence of witchy tales.
Witch's Hat Cookies: Bake sugar cookies and decorate them with chocolate kisses on top to resemble witch's hats.
Magic Potion Drinks: Create colorful drinks with various fruit juices, sparkling water, and garnishes, serving them in potion-like glassware.
Cauldron Dip: Prepare a warm and cheesy dip served in a cauldron-shaped bowl, with bread or veggie sticks for dipping.
Witch's Broomstick Pretzels: Attach mini pretzel sticks to cheese or peanut butter cracker bites to create broomstick-shaped snacks.
Witch's Brew Soup: Serve a green-colored soup, such as broccoli or pea soup, in small cauldron bowls.
Crystal Ball Candies: Offer clear gummy candies or rock candy sticks as "crystal ball" treats.
Witch's Finger Sandwiches: Make finger sandwiches using bread, deli meats, and cheese, with a sliced almond as the nail.
Spellbook Cookies: Decorate square cookies to resemble spellbooks, using icing to create symbols and designs.
Witch's Hat Strawberries: Dip strawberries in dark chocolate, then use orange or black icing to create witch hat designs.
Enchanted Fruit Skewers: Thread a variety of colorful fruits onto skewers to create "enchanted" fruit wands.
Witch's Cauldron Popcorn: Toss popcorn with green or black food coloring and serve it in a cauldron-shaped bowl.
Crystal Energy Smoothies: Blend together green fruits and vegetables, like spinach, kiwi, and green apples, for a "crystal energy" smoothie.
Magical Wand Pretzels: Dip pretzel rods in chocolate and sprinkle them with colorful edible glitter to create magical wands.
Witch's Brew Cupcakes: Bake cupcakes and decorate them with green or purple frosting, adding fondant or candy decorations.
Potion Jelly Cups: Create layers of colored gelatin or pudding in clear cups, resembling magical potions.
Witchy Snack Mix: Combine pretzels, nuts, dried fruits, and chocolate candies to create a bewitching snack mix.
Mystical Cheese Platter: Arrange an assortment of cheeses, crackers, and fruits on a platter, resembling a witch's spread.
Crystal Ball Grapes: Freeze grapes and serve them in a bowl as "crystal balls."
Witch Hat Fruit Kabobs: Thread fruit pieces onto skewers and top each skewer with a slice of pineapple to create mini witch hats.
Potion Elixir Mocktail: Mix up a sparkling mocktail using fruit juices and soda, garnished with an edible flower or herb. ---
HALLOWEENTOWN: Witch's Hat Cupcakes: Bake cupcakes and decorate them with chocolate cone-shaped hats to resemble the iconic witch's hats.
Pumpkin Patch Popcorn: Toss popcorn with orange-colored candy melts and mix in candy corn for a pumpkin patch-inspired snack.
Goblin Grapes: Dip green grapes in white chocolate and let them dry, then draw faces on the grapes with edible markers to create goblin faces.
Kalabar's Cauldron Snack Mix: Create a snack mix with a combination of spooky-themed candies, pretzels, and popcorn, paying homage to the movie's villain.
Marnie's Magic Wands: Dip pretzel rods in various colored candy melts and decorate them with edible glitter or sprinkles to create magical wands.
Mummy Hot Dogs: Wrap hot dog sausages in strips of crescent roll dough to resemble mummies.
Halloweentown Candy Apples: Dip apples in caramel or chocolate and decorate them with colorful sprinkles, resembling the magical atmosphere of Halloweentown.
Witch's Brew Punch: Mix green fruit juices and lemon-lime soda to create a "witch's brew" punch, complete with floating fruit.
Sophie's Spooky Smoothie: Blend together berries, banana, and spinach for a nutritious and vibrant green smoothie.
Jack-O-Lantern Quesadillas: Use a pumpkin-shaped cookie cutter to create jack-o-lantern-shaped quesadillas, filled with cheese and your favorite fillings.
Halloweentown Candy Corn Parfait: Layer orange and yellow fruit, yogurt, and whipped cream in parfait glasses to resemble candy corn.
Marnie's Magic Potion Jello Cups: Prepare colored gelatin in cups and place a gummy worm or other spooky candy inside for a "magic potion" effect.
Creature Chocolate Bark: Create a colorful chocolate bark with a mix of colorful candies, pretzels, and nuts, representing the creatures of Halloweentown.
Halloweentown Candy Kabobs: Thread a variety of Halloween-themed candies onto skewers to create festive candy kabobs.
Ghostly Marshmallow Pops: Dip marshmallows in white chocolate and add black icing or edible markers to create ghost faces.
Witch's Broomstick Snacks: Attach pretzel sticks to the bottom of cheese or peanut butter cracker bites to create broomstick-shaped treats.
Halloweentown Pumpkin Seeds: Roast pumpkin seeds with your favorite seasonings for a delicious and nutritious snack.
Spellbook Cookies: Decorate square cookies to resemble spellbooks, using colored icing or edible markers to create magical designs.
Magical Fruit Wand Skewers: Thread fruit pieces onto skewers and top each skewer with a star-shaped piece of fruit for a magical touch.
Halloweentown Chocolate Cauldron Cakes: Bake mini chocolate cakes and decorate them with fondant or icing to resemble cauldrons. ---
TIM BURTON: Striped Beetlejuice Cookies: Bake cookies with black and white stripes, reminiscent of Beetlejuice's iconic look.
Edward Scissorhands Snack Platter: Create a platter with an assortment of finger foods and snacks, referencing Edward's unique scissorhands.
Nightmare Before Christmas Jack-O-Lanterns: Carve or paint pumpkins with Jack Skellington's face from "The Nightmare Before Christmas."
Corpse Bride Blue Velvet Cupcakes: Bake blue velvet cupcakes with white frosting, embodying the essence of the Corpse Bride.
Frankenweenie Dog Treats: Make dog-friendly treats in the shape of Sparky, the dog from "Frankenweenie," for furry friends.
Miss Peregrine's Loop Snacks: Serve circular snacks like mini sandwiches, cookies, or crackers to represent the time loops in "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children."
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Candy Bar: Set up a candy bar with a variety of colorful candies and chocolates, inspired by Willy Wonka's factory.
Big Fish Fishy Crackers: Offer fish-shaped crackers as a nod to the storytelling in "Big Fish."
Sweeney Todd Meat Pies: Create savory hand pies filled with meats or vegetables, referencing the infamous meat pies from "Sweeney Todd."
Alice in Wonderland Tea Party: Host a whimsical tea party with an array of teas, finger sandwiches, and pastries inspired by the characters in "Alice in Wonderland."
Beetlejuice Striped Jello: Make colorful striped jello cups to pay homage to Beetlejuice's striped suit.
Edible Scissorhands Pretzels: Dip pretzel sticks in white chocolate and use dark chocolate drizzles to create mini Edward Scissorhands.
Coraline Button Treats: Decorate cookies or cupcakes with fondant buttons, reminiscent of Coraline's button eyes.
Dark Shadows Dark Chocolate Truffles: Make dark chocolate truffles and serve them as a nod to the mysterious nature of "Dark Shadows."
Big Eyes Cookie Art: Decorate cookies with edible markers or icing to resemble "big eyes," inspired by the work of Margaret Keane.
Frankenstein-Style Monster Mash Dip: Create a layered dip with various ingredients to resemble the "monster mash" concept.
Vincent Price's Gourmet Cheese Platter: As a tribute to Vincent Price's involvement in Tim Burton's work, create a sophisticated cheese platter.
Alice's Eat Me, Drink Me Treats: Make miniature treats labeled "Eat Me" and "Drink Me," inspired by "Alice in Wonderland."
Peculiar Children Candy Pops: Craft lollipop treats with peculiar designs that mirror the characters in "Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children."
Mars Attacks Alien-Themed Snacks: Serve green snacks, alien-shaped cookies, or alien-themed cupcakes as a playful reference to "Mars Attacks." ---
Sanderson Sisters' Spellbook Cookies: Decorate cookies to resemble the Sanderson Sisters' spellbook, with edible markers or icing.
Broomstick Pretzels: Create broomstick snacks by attaching pretzel sticks to cheese or peanut butter cracker bites.
Black Flame Candle Cupcakes: Bake cupcakes and use black frosting to mimic the look of the Black Flame Candle from the movie.
Salem's Cat-Shaped Cheese Platter: Arrange an assortment of cheese slices to create a Salem cat face on a platter.
Witch's Brew Punch: Mix purple fruit juices with lemon-lime soda to create a vibrant and bubbly "witch's brew" punch.
Hocus Pocus Popcorn: Toss popcorn with colorful candy melts in shades of orange, purple, and green for a festive popcorn mix.
Amuck Amuck Amuck Muddy Buddies: Make muddy buddies (also known as puppy chow) and label them "Amuck Amuck Amuck" for a playful touch.
Book and Broomstick Snacks: Serve a variety of finger foods and snacks alongside a "book" (spellbook) and "broomstick" (pretzels).
Witch Hat Strawberries: Dip strawberries in dark chocolate and use orange or black icing to create witch hat designs.
Thackery Binx Cat Cookies: Decorate cookies to resemble Thackery Binx in cat form, using edible markers or icing.
Witch's Potion Parfait: Create colorful layers of yogurt, fruit, and granola in cups, resembling a magical potion.
Witch's Cauldron Dip: Prepare a warm and cheesy dip served in a cauldron-shaped bowl, perfect for dipping chips or veggies.
Hocus Pocus Charcuterie Board: Arrange a variety of cheeses, cured meats, crackers, and fruits on a charcuterie board with a witchy touch.
Black Flame Candle Pretzel Rods: Dip pretzel rods in black candy melts and add red or orange sprinkles to resemble the Black Flame Candle.
Magic Wand Fruit Skewers: Thread fruit pieces onto skewers and add a star-shaped piece of fruit at the top, resembling a magic wand.
Witchy Trail Mix: Mix together nuts, dried fruits, and candies in vibrant colors to create a witchy-themed snack mix.
Spellbinding Cupcake Cones: Bake cupcakes in ice cream cones and decorate them with colorful frosting to look like enchanted ice cream.
Booook Chocolate Bars: Wrap chocolate bars with custom "Booook" wrappers to resemble the iconic spellbook.
Winifred's Green Smoothie: Blend together green fruits and vegetables for a nutritious and magical green smoothie.
Salem's Cat Tail Pretzels: Create cat tail-shaped pretzels by shaping pretzel dough and baking them to golden perfection.
Whether you're sipping on a vampire's kiss mocktail or unravelling the mysteries of a crystal ball candy, each bite and sip will be a step deeper into the enchanting narratives that have captured our imagination for generations. So, grab your coziest blanket, queue up the films, and prepare to embark on a journey that merges the magic of the supernatural with the irresistible allure of culinary creativity. It's time to celebrate the season and let your taste buds join in the captivating tales of vampires, zombies, werewolves, and witches.
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