kimsonvalon · 4 months
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fastepp · 2 years
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I don’t wanna hear another peep out of these folks until they’ve completed a classics program
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sinisterlinguines · 4 months
it don't come natural to me to think
that you'd want me for me
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the line in matthias's skill showcase is so creepy. what do you mean the invitation sender is the only other person who has never expected matthias to be like louis. BRO?
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zillyeh · 7 months
by lesbian decree its trans girl troll tuesday
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princess-stabbity · 2 years
suddenly remembering that Thing a few years ago where a subset of incel type weirdos convinced themselves that having a broad jaw was the most important thing in the world and could be achieved by like. doing jaw exercises and eating harder food. and how i don't think any of those clowns considered eating more pussy
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ineffablyro · 1 month
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Words of enchantment straight from the page, with a cliffhanger at the end of each chapter just as their should be. With themes of female empowerment and acceptance — a beautifully crafted book from start to finish.
A book I felt I'd been waiting an eternity for, based on the tragedy of Orpheus and Eurydicy. The story transports us to the whispering Isles, in which we meet our lead Orphia, having been placed their under the Kings protection as ordered by the sun-god Apollo. Despite the author having flipped round the genders of the original characters, we find Orphia to be trained in the art of spearfighting and tasked to defeat every opponent faced with on the island.
I don't think I truly understand how prolific a theme consulting the rights of women was going to be, as its evident around almost every bend and as it seems, one of Orphia's core intentions; to give a voice  and to protect them.
Journeying on, I found the book to be rather wholesome and sweet, especially around two thirds of the way in. A deep and meaningful conversation is shared between the titular characters, resulting in joyous bliss and acceptance of one and other.
With every chapter that passed, it hurt my heart knowing how the story was eventually going to end. When their tragedy hit, it truly stung; the death and failed attempt to reunite permanently after Eurydicius passing. However, they did meet again, though the events leading up to it were dark, the hero Orphia was escorted to her own heaven by her deceased lover.
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omgcatboi · 11 days
I feel stagnant in my weight gain /: what do y'all think?
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This is from the 19th , so three days ago.
Do I have body dysm/orphia or something? Because I genuinely feel like I'm either losing or staying the same weight and it's really making me pretty depressed. But I have to know the truth, please don't lie.
My appetite has been all over the place due to sickness ( from something unrelated. ) so I hope it's just my head playing games on me and I didn't lose effortlessly without lifting a finger to do so. genuinely my worst nightmare.
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the-bi-library · 8 months
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Here is the final part of the bi4bi books posts!
I'd appreciate it if you let me know if there are any more bi4bi books that I didn't include here 💕
Books listed: They Never Learn by Layne Fargo If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia The Drowning Summer by C.L. Herman Case Sensitive by A.K. Turner Missing, Presumed Dead by Emma Berquist Her Soul to Take by Harley Laroux Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn City of Vicious Night by Claire Winn The Light Years by R.W.W. Greener The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson Tell Me Anything by Skye Kilaen Her Scarlet Letters by Cat Giraldo Break Free by Raleigh Ruebins Modern Divination by Isabel Agajanian Caroline's Heart by Austin Chant The Door Into Fire by Diane Duane The Stone Prince by Fiona Patton Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner Wolf, Willow, Witch by Freydís Moon When the Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan Cleans Up Nice by Margo Phelps Educated by Nellie Wilson Queried Sick by Dallas Smith Chance Agreement by Margo Phelps Sirens & Muses by Antonia Angress Release by Suzanne Clay Orphia and Eurydicius by Elyse John Crown of Starlight by Cait Corrain To Beg or Not to Beg by Cat Giraldo Two Winters by Lauren Emily Whalen Electric Idol by Katee Robert Neon Gods by Katee Robert The Scandalous Letters of V and J by Felicia Davin The Spinster's Swindle by Catherine Stein Rocky Mountain Freedom by Vivian Arend Um traço até você by Olívia Pilar Biforia by Rebecca Romero Escalando Você by Rebecca Romero Entre estantes by Olívia Pilar → translated Between Bookshelves by Olívia Pilar Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine Victories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders The Stars Undying by Emery Robin Legend of Korra: Graphic Novels Harley Quinn: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour Novels Seven Days: Monday–Sunday by Venio Tachiban Brimstones and Roses It Would Be Great If You Didn't Exist My Werewolf Girlfriend The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur Xeni by Rebekah Weather
Part 1
Part 2
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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"When you heard that music, it felt like you’d known it your whole life. That music… it made you feel things you didn’t know you could. That man with the frailing hand made you feel like you could take on the whole doggone world."
"It had been twenty years since the people had risen up and been smashed back into the ground."
Twenty years ago, in the midst of a terrible famine, the people of the Kingdom of Mindolach rose up in defiance against the Crown, inspired by the words and the music of a man known only as the Green Bard. The rebellion was crushed, and the Bard disappeared.
Now, as crops begin to fail once more in Mindolach, young Orphia Dain discovers a mysterious instrument in a forest cave. Newly equipped with magical abilities she doesn't fully understand, she will journey across the breadth of the kingdom to seek out the sorcerers of Great Rock and, joined by a hillbilly wizard, a weary veteran, a mercenary swordswoman, and a highwayman, try to revive the spirit of revolution.
The Green Bard is a fantasy novel I have been working on for months now, set in a world based on the American South, Appalachia, and Ireland, with elements of Imperial Germany and Russia. The novel is intended to be the first instalment in a series titled A Blessing From Below. I will be publishing my first draft as it is written, and have made the first four chapters and prologue available now. I hope you will enjoy it, and welcome your feedback!
Read The Green Bard below:
(cover art drawn by @terrafey)
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drugbinges · 5 months
My grandmother told me a story about her Aunt Orphia whose man went out to get cigarettes and never came back for her,
My cousin’s inbred cat slinked around on its three good paws, hopping when the clubbed one was supposed to step,
And I thought about my distant cousin who had a baby girl with an extra finger attached to her thumb.
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orphicrose · 3 months
Fish out of water
(Arthur x OCPirate!Fem!Reader)
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My art, don't steal please.
Summary : Orphia has to leave her destined life as a pirate behind when she is marooned in America. Losing everything, and having to rediscover how to survive on the earth. Living a new life with little help. Till she falls in with a gang, not being able to bring herself to rejoin the sea and leaving those who she cares for.
! ! This is going to have a decent amount of chapters. I understand that it being long is intimidating for some to read, but despite if no one is interested i will be continuing this as its a passion project of mine. Skip the prologue if you want to! But it is important for the story. I do love a slow burn story with a lot of backstory so I apologise.
Warnings !! Guns, violence, swearing, slight g0re
Words : 3k
The mistress of the Atlantic was a old wives tale, told to children to petrify them into desired behavior. A name whispered in hushed tones across every tavern along the coast. Her true reputation proceeding her, striking justified fear into sailors and merchants alike. Eyes that gleamed with the cold fury of a storm-tossed sea, the embodiment of terror on the high seas. Not because she was a ruthless killer. Because she was a calculated woman, not afraid to teach those a lesson who under estimate her. She was feared for her sudden appearances, and her story. No woman during this time had ever accomplished such control over her men as she had managed, and in the eyes of those who had heard the stories they thought she was a witch. A witch who casted a spell on her crew.
Her uncanny ability to outmaneuver and outsmart her enemies struck a interest in the men she now called her crew. Never a boring day at sea with her. Respect being earnt, and not expected. That's one of the reasons they never left her side, her leadership was like no other. She pulled her weight and ensured the safety in return for their service. Till disaster finally stuck. Her luck sailing to an end.
It was 1890, Orphia had been a pirate captain for almost a decade. Learning from her experiences and growing as a leader. But even when the brightest minds are caught off guard, they can be overthrown.
A freeing breeze whipped through the sails as normal, waves crashing against the solid wood of the black pearl. Blue stretching for miles as the horizon curved at the edge of the earth. "Captain!" a voice hurried from behind her followed by a herd of footsteps. Orphia turned to find her brother, her first hand man. Stood in front of the audience of her crew. "They caught up with us, and they have friends" he pointed to the armed force of army ships a few miles away. The English army had been chasing them for years, they had grown too smart and advanced with their knowledge on Orphias crew.
The battle was short, but it seemed the dawn had caught up with them as the darkening sky came upon them as the deafening raw of dozens of cannons terrified the night. Ships closed in around the black pearl, suffocating it's structure. Orphia had to say goodbye to her life that day. The ship began taking on water fast as the four rival ships battered it beyond repair. Fires not being given the mercy by the salt water, bringing down the sails as they crashed into the deck. Cries for their captains help haunt her mind to this day.
If her brother hadn't pulled her from the burning pits of the crumbling platform, she wouldn't be here. Jumping into the pits of the dark blue below them with nothing but survival in their minds.
She had woken up on a muddy shore, a pistol still tangled in her hands. Sunburnt and covered in seaweed. The crew was scattered on the sea bed along with their former vessel. Determination to reclaim her lost glory was lost along with everything else, except for one other survivor. Enzo had been awake for a lot longer than her, pulling himself along the coast with bruised hands. Looking for his sister. She ran to the body on the floor, looking like a burnt corpse.
His shrapnel wound shifted her priorities to a pure motif of survival. "Am i going to die? Orphia?" his voice was desperate, digging his nails into the dirt next to him.
"Hush. I made a promise to our father that i wouldn't let that happen" she tightened the cloth ,that she ripped from her own shirt, around the bloody mess on the young boys leg. He gritted his teeth together in agony, refusing to let out a noise. "Right..." The pirate pulled the hat off her head, twisting it in her hands to ring out the water. "We need shelter, think you could stand"
The boy looked at her as if she was an idiot, motioning to the blood stained dirt surrounding his limb. "Think for a second. What do you think the answer to that question is?"
Orphia scoffed, her hat landing atop her hair once again. She hoisted the boy up, leaning his full body weight on hers as his arm clutched around her shoulder like a walking stick. "Don't be a smart ass, or I'll leave it here"
Dragging the harmed man through the deep swamps of mud was no easy task, but she managed. The morning sun setting over the Lemoyne landscape gave a nice feeling of their drenched clothes drying off.
A house stood, hidden behind bushes and a large forest along the coast. A miracle, she thought. The mansion itself is a grand, yet dilapidated structure. The surrounding marshland serving as an efficient barrier from unwelcomed guests. Though the atmosphere was eerie and foreboding, it was the perfect place to hide.
Enzo rested as best he could, tossing and turning as soon as night rolled around. Orphia spent the next week hunting with a small knife, not having much luck considering she had never done it before. Managing to steal a chicken from a farmers stead in the night was her best bet at survival. "My leg" The boy whimpered, gripping at his leg with both hands. His head was covered in blankets of sweat and his body burned to the touch. "Its not gone gangrene, you'll be fine" Orphia mumbled, peeling away the rotting dressing that covered it.
"Tell that to the metal in my leg" He hissed in pain.
She made attempts at stealing medicine from a small town, but their guns were intimidating enough to make her turn the other way. The gun powder in her pistol soaked, not having the right tools to fix it she was effectively weaponless. Defenseless. Back to being the damsel in distress, not being able to help herself or her brother. She was no one on land. A fish out of water.
"Use your knife" "against a whole town of fully armed Americans?" She scoffed "I don't think so, kid"
"So, steal a gun."
"You aren't very smart are you?" the two bickered around the fire they had made outside the home. Sharing an old tin of beans they found in an old wagon. Orphia spent the night pondering. Her next task was to find some sort of weapon. Perhaps she could trade for it. Or sell something. But what.
Society scared her, the unnatural order of it all. The stillness of the land made her feel ill. But she had to somewhat conform if they were going to survive. Then it hit her, that farmer she stole chickens from had a nasty shotgun on him. She'd nearly fallen victim to him countless times. She knew he was a drunk, a drunk who passed out when consumed to much. She can use that to her advantage.
The next night, she waited. Watched him from afar. The man was sat on his porch, polishing said shotgun funnily enough. A bottle of beer sat next to his chair. Not long passed before the old farmer fell asleep, rocking on his chair and spilling the contents of his drink all over the wooden floor.
Orphia suck up to him, a cloth tied round her face as to not reveal her identity. It was too easy to be true. She snatched the gun from the floor next to him and ran like she was being chased by it. Snatching a chicken on the way put because why not. The alarm calls from its friends woke the man, he stood abruptely to the sight of the figure running away like a fox. Even more alarmed when he went to reach for his shot gun and finding his hands empty.
"I'll catch you, little maggot!"
Orphia laughed with relief as her legs carried her further and further away, holding both the chicken and the gun.
"You did it? You beautiful bastard" Enzo cheered at her as she entered the home. "Who's not very smart now" He prodded at her, pulling himself to his feet using the table in front of his chair. His sister moved round the table and pushed him back onto the chair. Causing a painful sigh to escape him.
"Now i just need to somehow steal medicine" She threw the now deceased animal onto the table alongside with her newly obtained wespon.
"Going at night would be easier, no?" The boy began to pluch the feathers from the chicken.
"That's a idea, but the sheriffs is right next door. and I'd have to cause a lot of noise to get in." Her hands were rested on the table as she leaned on them. pondering once again. "I'm going to wait till morning, when it first opens. The sheriff on morning duty is another drunk so there's a high possibility he will be hung over or passed out"
"Look at you go, cowboy" Enzo threw a feather at her playfully, Orphia lightly whacking his head in return.
"Dirty pirate" She laughed back. "someone has to get us out of this"
Early the next morning, before the sun even had a chance to unveil itself, Orphia threw on her jacket riddled with holes. The shotgun was thrown over her shoulder, and fabric was tied around her face to once again hide herself.
The town was close to the farm she had been robbing for, the citizens calling it Rhodes. It had everything you'd need. So she didn't want to cause to many issues, as it was the closest civilisation to her apart from the big city. Saint denis. But she would be avoiding that sespit at all costs.
The sun peaked over the horizon as the doctor unlocked the door into his establishment. The rest of the town quiet of people. Orphia snuck through the door as he was settling into the desk in front of her. Pointing the gun at him to see when he turned around. A frightened 'Oh!' left his lips, immediately raising his hands as if he had done this before.
"I don't want to hurt you" was her first words, pushing forward towards him. "Keep quiet, and give me something to treat a wound, and you keep your head"
The pharmacist began sweating profusely, his poor mustache twitching above his lip. His hands still in the air, a finger stretched and pointed at the shelf on the far end of the shop. Bandages and tonics sitting idly, rising sun shining through the glass bottles and reflecting on the wood of the floor.
Her gun never left his site, keeping a keen eye for any sudden movements as she walked sideways to the cabinet. Using a free hand to stash anything she could find into her satchel, and backing away into the door behind her. When she was out, she ran. As fast as she knew how to.
It wasn't long till she could hear the Clerk shouting for help, the sluggish sheriff flying through the doors to see the commotion. But it was too late. She was already out of site.
Enzos wounds were tended to properly, disinfected and bandaged. A wave of relief hit the two, hope for a better tomorrow. "You know, you could have just casually stole this shit without pointing a gun at the poor man" Orphia tightened the fabric around his leg, causing him to wince in pain.
"Yeah well, I haven't exactly been cowboying for that long" she tapped his leg, again, causing him to hiss. "Maybe you can give me some lessons when you get up off your ass"
"Hey, it's not my fault i can't walk" He fell silent after the sentence left his mouth. Neither of them having a chance to grieve, to really think about what happened. Their whole life was on sea, they barely remember anything before that. That ship had been their home since they were children, baring victim to its cellar for a large portion of their childhoods.
"Are we going to talk about what happened?" Enzo mumbled, looking up to his sister from his resting place by the fire. She shook her head. "There's nothing to talk about, our luck ran out and they got us."
"We lost our friends. Are we just going to ignore that?"
"What do you want me to say? Want me to throw a funeral for all 22 of them without their bodies?" She bit back rather quickly, pulling the hat from her head and playing with the feather. "If we think too deep about it, we wont be able to move on. The army believe we are all gone, so we have the chance to start over. Lets take it" Orphia's tone shifting to a more desperate one, turning to see him. "You're only 19, brother, you still have so much ahead of you"
His face solemn, looking deep into the pits of the fiery blaze in front of him. "Where do we go from here?"
She thought for a second, sharing his view. Then looking over at the house behind her. "We already have shelter, lets focus on food for now. Maybe i'll look into getting us some money."
"What? You want to join this shit hole?"
"If we are going to stay here, we need to play the part. I don't like it either"
Enzo made quick progress over the next week, on the third day he managed to catch a rabbit. Orphia will never know how it happened but she was grateful to have a proper meal that night. They made acquaintances with some of the locals, Enzo sweet talking some strangers into lending him a bow. Which massively improved their diet. Adapting rather fast to their new life style.
In means of money, they kept to a piratey rout. Setting up small heists and jobs around towns to get some simple cash flow.
These jobs consisted of simple robberies, stealing carriages and selling them. Things like that. But with the new rise in crime, they also had competition with rival gangs. The lemoyne raiders being especially a pain in the arse, more so than Sherrif grey.
"Hey, check this out!" Enzo was heard, shouting from outside the gates of shady bell. His figure not visible. Orphia stood from her seat on the porch, looking around for the source of the sound.
His head bopping over the hedges around him, finally revealing a large black and red horse he had found. His legs flung around as his arms wrapped around the neck of the beast for dear life. "I don't know how to control it!" He yelped, turning to a worried mess as the horse attempted to buck him off its back. Orphia sat back down, agreeing that this was his well earned Karma.
"Orphia! Help! Please, i'm going to die up he-" His back his the floor with an 'oof'. Leaving the horse to roam freely around the edge of the swamp, still visibly disturbed. "She was fine earlier, maybe she saw you and was spooked" He clutched at his winded abdomen. His sister stifling a laugh as she shook her head.
"You're going to have such a stupid death one day." she laughed between words, resuming to polish her gun. Her idiotic brother climbing to his feet and attempting to win over the horse once again.
"Lets call her Pearl. She will be our new vessle" He shouted over, now standing a meter from the rearing horse with his hands out ready.
"No, you cant just use the same name again"
"Okay, you think of something."
Orphia looked up at the horse. "Hmm" she readjusted in her seat.
"What about Atlantic. No. Atlantis"
"Atlantis" He repeated. "Makes sense, she was lost before i found her."
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🌈 Queer Books Coming Out in April 2024 🌈
🌈 Good morning, my bookish bats! Struggling to keep up with all the amazing queer books coming out this month? Here are a FEW of the stunning, diverse queer books you can add to your TBR before the year is over. Remember to #readqueerallyear! Happy reading!
[ Release dates may have changed. ]
❤️ Spring on the Peninsula - Ery Shin 🧡 When I Arrived at the Castle - Emily Carroll 💛 Bloodline - Jenn Alexander 💚 Grey Dog - Elliott Gish 💙 Every Time You Hear That Song - Jenna Voris 💜 I'm in Love with the Villainess v. 2 - Inori and Hanagata ❤️ The Caravaggio Syndrome - Alessandro Giardino 🧡 Leather, Lace, and Locs - Anne Shade 💛 Firebugs - Nico Bulling 💙 I Married My Female Friend v.2 - Shio Usui 💜 The Final Curse of Ophelia Cray - Christine Calella 🌈 A Sweet Sting of Salt - Rose Sutherland ❤️ The Selected Shepherd: Poems - Reginald Shepherd 🧡 Rough Trade - Katrina Carrasco 💛 Aubrey McFadden is Never Getting Married - Georgia Beers 💚 Taming of a Rebel - Eada Friesian 💙 Dayspring - Anthony Oliveira 💜 The Titanic Survivors Book Club - Timothy Schaffert ❤️ Orphia And Eurydicius - Elyse John 🧡 The Fellowship of Puzzlemakers - Samuel Burr 💛 A Good Happy Girl - Marissa Higgins 💙 Winnie Nash Is Not Your Sunshine - Nicole Melleby 💜 Here We Go Again - Alison Cochrun 🌈 Women! In! Peril! - Jessie Ren Marshall
❤️ Blood City Rollers - V. P. Anderson and Tatiana Hill 🧡 The Prospects - KT Hoffman 💛 Crazy Like a Fox: Adventures in Schizophrenia - Christi Furnas 💚 WATCHNIGHT - Cyree Jarelle Johnson 💙 Love From The Sidelines - Tuesday Harper 💜 The Pleasure in Pain - Roxie Voorhees ❤️ Mal - Perla Zul 🧡 The Black Girl Survives in This One - Desiree S. Evans and Saraciea J. Fennell 💛 Darker by Four - June C.L. Tan 💙 Otherworldly - F.T. Lukens 💜 Hearts Still Beating - Brooke Archer 🌈 Tryst Six Venom - Penelope Douglas
❤️ Teenage Dirtbags - James Acker 🧡 The Heart Wants What It Wants - D.M. Batten 💛 Something Kindred by Ciera Burch 💚 Sheine Lende - Dr. Darcie Little Badger & Rovina Cai 💙 Rainbow Overalls - Maggie Fortuna 💜 Flowers for Dead Girls - Abigail Collins ❤️ Canto Contigo - Jonny Garza Villa
❤️ Court of Wanderers - Rin Chupeco 🧡 Molten Death - Leslie Karst 💛 Triad Magic - ‘Nathan Burgoine 💚 You, Me and Bad Movies - Twoony 💙 The Faithful Dark - Cate Baumer 💜 A Case for Discretion - Ashley Moore ❤️ Party of Fools - Cedar McCloud 🧡 The Last Love Song - Kalie Holford 💛 This is Me Trying - Racquel Marie 💙 Dear Wendy - Ann Zhao 💜 Sun Eater - Dre Levant 🌈 The Breakup Lists - Adib Khorram
❤️ Bad Dream - Nicole Maines & Rye Hickman 🧡 If We Were Stars - Eule Grey 💛 The Broken Lines of Us - Shia Woods 💚 Eye of the Ouroboros - Megan Bontrager 💙 Henry Henry - Allen Bratton 💜 Dear Bi Men - JR Yussuf ❤️ Paige Not Found - Jen Wilde 🧡 Mechanic Shop Femme’s Guide to Car Ownership - Chaya Milchtein 💛 Wide Awake Now - David Levithan 💙 Merciless Saviors - H.E. Edgmon 💜 Smile and Be a Villain - Yves Donlon 🌈 Crash Landing - Charmaine Anne Li
❤️ Call Forth a Fox - Markelle Grabo 🧡 Central Avenue Poetry Prize 2024 - Beau Adler 💛 Good Bones - Aurora Rey 💚 Curiosities - Anne Fleming 💙 Someone You Can Build a Nest in - John Wiswell 💜 Revisiting Summer Nights - Ashley Bartlett ❤️ Bright Spring - Emmaline Strange
❤️ Girls Night - I.S. Belle 🧡 Late Bloomer - Mazey Eddings 💛 Withered - A.G.A. Wilmot 💚 A Wolf Steps in Blood - Tamara Jerée 💙 It Always Finds Me - Anthology 💜 Dulhaniyaa - Talia Bhatt ❤️ Moon Dust in My Hairnet - JR Creaden 🧡 Blood Justice - Terry J. Benton-Walker 💛 Relinquishing Control - J.J. Arias
❤️ Selamlik - Khaled Alesmael 🧡 Houseswap 101 - Jaime Clevenger 💛 Earthflown by Frances Wren & Litarnes 💚 Covenant v.1 - LySandra Vuong 💙 Honey - Victor Lodato 💜 The Dragonfly Gambit - A.D. Sui ❤️ Double Dyno - Sharon K Angelici & Taylor Rose
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kadoore · 1 year
May 2023 Queer Adult SFF Books!
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ORPHIA AND EURYDICIUS by Elyse John 5/1/2023
bi MCs, m/f
Orphia is the warrior who would write verse, Eurydicius the shield-maker she's drawn to protect
both draw the ire of the gods
gender-swapped Greek myth with a twist
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DRAGONFALL by L.R. Lam 5/2/2023
bi, pan rep
chosen one story, but make the chosen one a dragon hellbent on revenge
just have to convince this human to trust him long enough so they can both betray all of humankind
oh no
i think I love the human
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SEASON OF SKULLS by Charles Stross 5/16/2023
bi MC
third in a trilogy in the Laundry Files universe, where the Prime Minister is an eldritch horror and everyone's manifesting powers
and Eve still has to deal with her ex-husband, whom she murdered
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BANG BANG BODHISATTVA by Aubrey Wood 5/9/2023
trans MC
hacker-for-hire framed for murder must clear her name with the help of a stuffy PI
come for the dystopian cyberpunk, stay for the stubborn defiance
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TRIALS OF THE INNERMOST by Jonathan Fuller and Kristina Kelly 5/26/2023
bi, gay, and ace MCs
the world was shattered into 3
regular trials of their best warriors keeps the peace
but when one of those warriors might harbor a consuming darkness,,, well
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THE BATTLE DRUM by Saara El-Arifi 5/23/2023
myth and conspiracy merge in a blood-caste-segregated empire
they've succeeded, but their world still threatens to unravel
war is coming
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sinisterlinguines · 4 months
i need to spread my toxic yaoi orpheus x matthias agenda here too. imagine the horrors. “everyone has always expected matthias to be “louis” except matthias and the person who sent the invitation” man…
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zillyeh · 9 months
deify aniora and/or orphia blease
Aniora is a minor goddess of death, or rather undeath. She's associated with forest fires, elk, and hares, and upset spirits. People pray to her in a last ditch effort to save their lives, often with the understanding that she will not make that life easy to live. As much as she loves to extend the lives of others, she requires tribute in blood (human, or her associated animals.) Her followers love her dearly, even if fully appeasing her is rather difficult. Her mother is far more of a hassle to get to work with you, though.
Orphia is a goddess of Autumn whose firy orange hair turns black when the first snow falls. She is associated with opossums and lost or abandoned children- often depicted with many in her arms and hanging off of her back. Orphia is something of a child's goddess, though adults go to her for luck with their own little ones. She's often prayed to for safe travels through the woods (especially with children in tow.) On the flip side, she is also known for her aggression in the harsher months, and is often called upon to punish or protect- though she only ever does so for a price. Unless the one calling upon her is a child of course.
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connorsnothereeither · 11 months
As per my recent Twitter post, I have some lists of books which heavily inspired (or at least give the vibes I was trying to go for with) my Fable SMP fics, including the canon Ulysses backstory fic! They’re not in any particular order, and while I have not included trigger warnings for each of the books, I would highly recommend looking at content warnings if anyone does decide to check any out.
(Also I’m avoiding books considered “classics” because that would be most of the Brink list lol, but if people want I could do a separate list for those, I have a lot of it broken down by book/character in that series)
On the Brink of Scientific Discovery:
- Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo
- Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero
- The Ocean at the End of the Lane by Neil Gaiman
- Thirteen Storeys by Jonathan Sims
- Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clark
- Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
- The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon by Stephen King
- Harrow County (Graphic Novel Series) by Cullen Bunn and Tyler Crook
My Blood Between Your Lips:
- Salems Lot by Stephen King
- Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
- Six of Crows Duology by Leigh Bardugo
- The Southern Book Club’s Guide to Slaying Vampires by Grady Hendrix
- Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice
- The Big Four by Agatha Christie
- Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
- The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
In Spite of All His Efforts:
- Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
- Orphia and Eurydicus by Elise John
- Troy by Stephen Fry
- Family Business by Jonathan Sims
- Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
- Babel: An Arcane History by R.F. Kuang
- Lies We Sing to the Sea by Sarah Underwood
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