#Our beautiful baby boy finally returns. Only to be told to get the hell out of here and move over cause its [lwj's] turn for pats
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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The boy patting tournament has taken a competitive turn
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babyharleezy · 2 years
Hometown Love Chapter 3
(jack harlow x reader)
bloo's notes: i am so invested in this series that i be thinking about what i wanna write while im in the shower. enjoy babies!!
it had been a week since the last time you were in atlanta and you would be returning once again tomorrow. except this time you wouldn't be coming back home to louisville, instead atlanta would be your new home. the first time you went to atlanta you got the apartment and the second time you went you basically unpacked your entire life. you took everything in your louisville apartment and shoved it into a big ass uhaul. having all your stuff instead of buying all new things saved you money but also brought comfort and peace.
you had some friends and family help unpack everything and you were grateful for them. but tonight you couldn't help to feel just a bit sad. you were leaving your apartment that you had made so many amazing memories in. as you laid on the floor of your naked bedroom, your brain instantly went back to the first day you moved in.
"omg jack can you believe this place is ours" you squealed. you had been so excited to move in with jack. you two got the apartment after highschool. it made sense for you two. you were always at his house or he was always at your house. "hmm i can't wait to make love to you in every single room in this apartment y/n" jack said to you with a hungry voice. "alright lover boy, you can do that AFTER we get all our stuff moved in" you said emphasizing the word "after". jack did in fact get what he wanted and you weren't complaining. the first night you two had slept on the floor, too tired to put the bed together. "i'm so happy i met you in high school y/n. i don't know what i would do without you. you truly are my number one fan. can't wait to look out into the crowd one day and see your beautiful face as i perform" jack whispered to you. "i am so fucking in love with you jack. i can't wait for you to be a superstar. i just know you'll get there baby. you're so fucking talented" you whispered back. slowly but surely the both of you drifted off to sleep.
the only difference now was that you were going to sleep alone and in the morning you would be on your way back to atlanta.
as you woke up in the morning, you got ready in your apartment for the last time before heading out. a bittersweet moment for you.
walking into the new apartment with a big ass smile on your face. you were so happy to call this place yours. you were glad that you came ahead of time and set everything up how you liked it because you were beat as hell.
it had been two weeks since you've been in atlanta. work was going great and you actually made some friends. you had just pulled up in the parking garage of your apartment and parked your car, quickly making your way to the elevator to take you to the floor of your apartment. all you could think about was getting out of these damn scrubs. you walked into the elevator, clicked the button to your floor, and got on your phone as you waited for the door to close. "oh shit" you heard as the door was closing and you saw someone's hand stop the doors from closing. "sorry for stopping the elevator from closing" the man said and you looked up to meet your eyes with his. both of your eyes widening.
"y/n?" "jack" you both said in unison. your mind was going a mile a minute. "neelam told me you were moving to atlanta, you live in the building?" he asked, trying to break any awkwardness. "um yeah i actually live on the seventh floor, what about you? you visiting a friend or you live here?" you questioned, you hoped he was just visiting. "uh i actually also live on the seventh floor" he let out a chuckle. 'oh great, just your luck y/n' you thought to yourself. "congrats on being a nurse" he said. "a few years late but thank you jack" you said. he smiled, you were just as feisty as he remembered. this has been the longest elevator ride of your fucking life. finally the bell dinged, implying you made it to your floor. you felt like you could finally breathe again. you got off and before you could say goodbye jack was right behind you. you hoped he would go the opposite direction as you but motherfucker was following you. you made it to your door and watched jack unlock the door right next to you. un-fucking-believable you thought to yourself , once again. you two made eye contact. "well goodnight y/n" jack said and just before he closed his door you let out a quiet "i knew you would be a superstar, good night jack" and you quickly rushed the close your door. you left jack in his thoughts the rest of the night. just by that statement he knew that you kept up with him and just like you, he kept up with you too.
as he was laying in bed, he decided to make a tweet. he hoped you would see it.
"Nothing like a woman in some scrubs 😍😍😍😍 thank you for your service"
and with a click of a button the tweet was posted.
being neighbors with your ex was going to be very interesting to say the least.
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wtfevenismypage · 4 years
Curiosity Killed The Cat
request: request. i’m not sure if you’re comfortable with writing it but it’s worth a try the team is always teasing spencer saying “he’s definitely a virgin” and he’s like “wtf no i’m not” one day they’re like ok well then y/n can see for herself, y/n is like “😳i didn’t sign up for this” and long story short they come back to the bau and the team is like “ ok soooo?” and y/n is like zoning out mumbling “you were wrong”
Warnings: SMUT (Penetration, oral (female recieving), spanking, over-stimulation, choking, degrading kink)
A/N: YO SHIT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN, I am going to start publishing fics again, but updates will be very very slow. They’ll increase eventually, but for now, they are slow. Love you all!
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The night began at work. A late night with the team at the office, stacks of files mounted on all of your desks and you’re all gathered around to keep each other awake.
“Ugh. This is too much work. Seriously. Can’t killers ever take a break?”
You whine, spinning in the swivel chair and holding a file in the air. Morgan chuckles, staring at his own file before speaking.
“I need a drink after this.”
“You and me both Morgs.”
“I told you to stop calling me that Girly.”
You chuckle, stopping your spinning and standing up to stretch. It feels nearly impossible to stay awake. Not necessarily because you’re tired, but you’ve been staring at similar files all day and it’s getting boring and tiring.
 “I’ll do refills on coffee. Gimme your mugs.”
You say, letting them pile different sizes of cups and mugs in your arms. You saunter over to the coffee machine and set them on the counter.
You set the pot for a lot of coffee and quickly dash to Hotch’s office, where him and Rossi are.
“Yo, I’m making coffee, y’all need refills?”
They shake their heads and you shrug, returning to the coffee machine and pouring the coffee in the mugs before adding cream and sugar.
“How much sugar tonight Reid?”
You ask, turning to the tall doctor with a smirk. Luckily, you and your team are the only people left in the bullpen so you can be as loud as you want.
“A lot.”
You snort, grabbing the box of sugar and piling it in, almost emptying it before putting it on the shelf and making a few trips to distribute the coffee.
“Here you are Spencer, sugar with some coffee on the side.”
You chuckle, sitting in your chair again and picking a new file up, only to find that this was the last file.
“Oh. Anyone else wanna give me files? I’m on my last one.”
Morgan and Emily immediately run up to you with files, dropping them on your desk and thanking you. It made you laugh, watching smiles grown on their faces.
“Okay team. We’re almost finished. Just a little bit more now.”
A few hours later you, Spencer, Rossi, and Hotch are finished with your stacks, waiting for the other three with Penelope, discussing bars to go to.
“Oooo there’s a new one downtown, we should go there.”
“Can you guys hold back your alcohol talk until tonight please? I just wanna get out of here fast and maybe get lucky tonight.”
Emily pleads, making you and the other women go “oooo” while the men groan.
“Oh boy you are right Em. I haven’t gotten laid in so long. Too long.”
You say, leaning back in your chair and looking at a flabbergasted Penelope.
“How long?”
She asks, staring at you in disbelief. You were a very beautiful woman (Don’t you fucking dare say otherwise) so people often assumed you had sex often. You weren’t private about it either. So what if people judged you? Sex is natural and anyone who says otherwise is selling something.
“Since my first time in middle school. I had a delusion that sex was gonna be this amazing thing and then it was actually terrible. I gave up all hope and never slept with anyone ever again. So you know, it is what it is.”
Everyone looked at you in shock, confused as to how you went your whole life without sex.
“Wait really?”
Morgan questions, his attention dropping from the files to you in an instant. Spencer simply stared at you in disbelief, his expression suddenly making you nervous.
“Y-yeah. I haven't had sex since middle school. It isn’t a big deal.”
You defend, but Penelope wraps an arm around you, pulling you close.
“Oh honey I’m definitely finding you someone to take home.”
“Hey, at least you had your first time, unlike pretty boy over here.”
Morgan teases, messing with Spencer’s hair. Spencer was often teased for being a virgin, but none of you knew what to believe. He said he wasn’t, but refused to tell even Morgan about any of his times.
“How many times do I have to tell you guys, I’m not a virgin!”
“Then tell us about one time.”
Morgan says, a wide smirk on his face at the disheveled state of the genius doctor. Poor Reid just wanted to be left alone but Morgan will not let this go.
“Morgan. Not all of us are public about our sex lives like you bud. Sometimes I wish you were as secretive as Reid. None of us want to hear about how you “got it on”.”
Morgan grimaces, and Spencer looks to you thankfully. 
“C’mon Y/N, you aren’t even a little curious?”
Emily asks from her desk, finally finishing up the last file with JJ. You shrug, playing with your hair briefly.
“Of course I’m super curious, but, unlike you lust goblins, I stand with Hotch and Rossi and don’t want to make him uncomfortable.”
Various groans come from the team as you fist-bump Hotch and Rossi, laughing at their defeat.
When Morgan finally finishes, you all head to the new bar downtown, smiling at the flashing lights of the dance floor and immediately going to a small table with the rest of the team.
“Oh hells yes! This place is already fun!”
Penelope squeals, waving a worker over to get food. Morgan sits next to you, Emily on your other side and Spencer is next to Morgan and Hotch. 
“Alright my baby’s we are partying until Y/N gets lucky!”
You chuckle at Penelope’s words, raising a glass of water to your lips and taking a big swig of it before looking around. The people in there were definitely attractive, but your mind never swayed from a certain genius.
You meant it when you said you were curious, your mind had always wandered to certain images when you went to sleep, constantly imagining what he would be like.
You’re mind was so easily destroyed by him. All of your thoughts contorted by him. To the point where you can’t imagine sleeping with any of these other people, but you’re scared to ruin your friendship with him by trying to sleep with him.
“Ah guys. I’m fine. I don’t want to sleep with someone I don’t know.”
Morgan groans, nudging your side and making you laugh.
A few hours later, Spencer has abandoned ship and went to the bathroom, leaving you alone with the rest of the team as you eat some wings.
“Oh my god I know how to figure out if Reid’s a virgin or not!”
Penelope shouts, you look at her excited face, just smirking as she squeals.
“And what is your plan?”
“One of us hooks up with him!”
You all choke on your food and drinks, staring at her in shock.
“I’m sorry what? Did you just say-”
“Actually that’s not a bad idea.”
Hotch cuts you off. You turn to his smirking face in shock. Never in a million years would you have thought that Aaron Hotchner thought one of you sleeping with Reid is a good idea.
“Hotch! Wouldn’t that like, mess with work or something?”
He shrugs, turning to you and smirking.
“What can I say? I’m curious too.”
You sigh, chuckling a bit and shaking your head.
“I say Y/N does it.”
“Yeah! Y/N is single and hasn’t gotten laid in a while, it’s perfect!”
“Guys no I-”
“Oh my god you’re right! Plus there’s plenty of sexual tension between the two of them.”
You sigh, knowing they won’t let up until this happens. When the team wants something, they make it happen.
“Okay guys, I didn’t sign up for this, I’m not your test dummy.”
You say, putting your wings down on the plate in front of you and looking around at them all.
“Please girly? Pretty please?”
Morgan begs, clutching your hand tightly and shaking it up and down like a child who wants a toy.
“Y/N, I will make sure you get a raise in your paycheck.”
You stop and think about it for a second.
It could ruin your relationship with him forever, then again, he’s the type to forgive and forget when it comes to his friends.
And if it did work out, then things could be awkward between the two of you for a long time, or worse, he’d regret it. And like all the things he regrets, he’d ignore you until you disappeared.
And the worst you can think of, you take his virginity. Not someone he loves, not his girlfriend or wife, you. His bestfriend and co-worker. 
But still, just that small percentage that everything might go completely right and you might even get a second time with him makes it feels like it might be worth it.
“Okay fine. But I don’t want a raise. If I’m doing this it’s because I want to.”
They all cheer and you just smile, taking a swig of beer before motioning for Morgan to switch seats with you so that when Spencer comes back he’ll be next to you.
Within a few minutes Spencer returns and you feel a heat travel up your neck as you look at him. He turned to you and smiled, sending shivers up your spine as you smiled back.
“Why’d you switch places?”
He asks, you turn to Morgan for help, pleading him to come up with a fake story.
“Emily kept poking her so she told me to switch.”
He says, you practically glare daggers at him, but you go with it, turning back to Spencer and nodding with a smile.
“Yep, so now, you are stuck with me.”
You joke, trying to ease the dusty pink on your cheeks, and nudge him gently in the arm.
In a few minutes you muster up the courage to let your hand travel off of the counter and onto Spencer’s thigh, feeling your entire face go crimson at the feeling of the hard muscle.
He choked on his water briefly before looking at you, his eyebrows furrowing at the sight of your red face. You were trying to hide any emotion you felt out of embarrassment. 
He didn’t say anything though, you’re hand felt warm against the cool breeze of the bar, and he wasn’t opposed to your touch whatsoever.
Everyone continued talking and laughing as your hand inched upwards, and you could feel his body tense up every once in a while, and every time he did, you paused, giving him a moment to push your hand away or tell you to stop, but he didn’t. Not even when you began massaging and squeezing the muscle in your hands.
In fact, he at some point grabbed your hand and positioned it right above his own cock. You weren’t touching it yet, just hovering in slight fear.
He wants this.
You thought before slowly lowering your hand, your eyes widening at the feeling of his semi hard and fairly large cock. What the hell were you getting yourself into?
You glance at him quickly, only to find him staring straight back at you with lust lidded eyes. They were intimidating, almost scary. Usually you would have hated to be on the receiving end of this glare, but in this context, it made you feel like a match had been lit inside of you and you were just left there with a lit match inside of you.
The moment you squeezed your hands just slightly, he abruptly stood up, your hand falling from his crotch. Everyone looks at him in shock as he yanks you up.
“I need to talk to you.”
Is all he says before dragging you away. You only had a split second to turn and see the teams faces, but they were all pretty much the same. 
A shit eating smile with wiggling eyebrows.
From the moment you were yanked into the private room with Spencer, you were super nervous. It had been years, you were inexperienced. What if he didn’t like it? What if he left because you were bad at it?
He seemed to notice your panicked state and sat you down on the bed, crouching in front of you and taking your hands in his.
“Hey, we don’t have to do this. As much as I would love to prove to you that I really am not a virgin, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable. But if you say yes, I will pillage your body to the point that you can’t walk next week.”
Well shit, now you were fully convinced and super turned on. You had thought he was vanilla, or maybe even a bottom, but oh wow you were so wrong.
“Do it.”
Those were the only two words needed for Spencer Reid to pounce, and your plane of vision was knocked over, now laying on your back as he traps you under his body. 
His lips are everywhere. They’re on yours at first, but they travel to your jaw, your neck, and his lengthy fingers work at the buttons on your dress shirt rapidly. 
“Shit Spencer...”
You whine out as he works his hands across your body. They feel like fire against your skin. His lips are wet and messy, kissing and marking your neck for the world to see.
You grip his shirt, tugging at it and opening your mouth to speak, but a moan slips out instead. You shut your eyes in embarrassment as you feel his lips curl upwards on your collarbone, the suckling feeling feeling so warm and tingly.
“What is it baby? You want me to take my shirt off? huh?”
You nod eagerly, chest rising and falling quickly as he raises his body off of yours, and you open your heavy eyes to see him strip off his shirt. He isn’t muscly, but he’s perfect, he looks perfect.
“What do you want baby?”
You stumble over your words, your mind already fuzzy somehow by just his lips.
“You. I want you. Please Spencer I want you.”
 You beg, your hands travelling up his torso and feeling his soft skin. He leans down again, towering over you and smashing his lips on your while his hands work on getting your pants off.
His lips were safe, careful. Not aggressive, and his tongue that tasted the inside of your mouth was warm and loving, savoring your taste as you whined into his.
He was smiling so widely against your skin, his pride booming at the way you reacted to his touch. He never once thought he could get you to react like this.
“You just wanted to see if I was a virgin huh? You curious?”
You nod and shake your head, confused on why you were doing this as well. You wanted this so much it almost hurt, you’ve wanted this since day one. You were also really curious as well though.
“You know what they say.”
He leans into your ear, kissing your neck and biting your ear.
“Curiosity killed the cat.”
You felt his fingers rub at your clothed pussy, your black cloth panties preventing him from fucking you with his fingers. His fingers rub against your clit, the cotton creating friction on it as well.
 “Please Spencer! Please please please!”
You beg, feeling his breath land on your cold skin in a way that felt so raw and rigid. He tugs at your panties, freeing your cunt as a finger rubs against your clit, the bundle of nerves jolting you up.
A loud moan escapes your lips as he continues circling your clit with his long fingers, His lips kissing your open ones.
Two fingers probe into you, scissoring themselves inside of you. You groan into his mouth as they curl upwards into your wet cunt.
He moves his head between your thighs, licking a wet stripe up your clit, flicking it around as you moan at the sensitive feeling. It feels like electricity lighting up the sensitive nub.
A pressure builds between your legs, a spring coiling in your stomach as he suckles on your clit, fucking you fast with his fingers.
“Spencer! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it.”
It hits you like a fiery clap of thunder, the feeling so extreme and hot it almost makes you scream and you can only hope no one heard you over the music outside.
Your breathing is labored as your high dies down, but Spencer doesn’t let up, he flips you over onto your stomach, dragging you to your knees by your hips. 
You get cut off by your own moan of pain, the tip of his cock slowly being pressed into your tight and wet cunt.
“It’ll get better baby, I’ll go slow, I promise. Just tell me when you want me to go, and when you want me to stop. Okay?”
You nod against the pillow under your face, tears slipping out of the corners of your eyes. A hand lands on your ass, making you yelp at the rough feeling.
“Words baby.”
You moan, palming the sheets with your fists as he pulls out completely, leaving you to feel empty.
“Okay! Please Spencer! Please I need you!”
You could practically feel his pride rolling off of him as he pushes into your sex slowly, filling you up fully. 
It’s a stinging feeling, as if you were being torn apart. But he waits, he let’s you adjust to his girthy size before moving. He really was gentle. You hadn’t expected him to be rough exactly, but he was shockingly gentle and patient.
Eventually, you got used to the feeling, it felt so satisfying as well. The feeling of being so full and warm was so pleasuring, it sent little jolts of pleasure up your spine and out your mouth, making Spencer smirk.
“You’re so tight for me. You so curious you let me fuck you huh? So eager?”
You nod, burying your face into the pillows. You want him to move, to fuck you until you break, but words won’t come out, so you move your hips forwards, letting part of him slip out of you before moving him back into your dripping cunt.
A loud groan escapes both of your lips at the feeling, his hand lands on your ass again, reddening it before taking the hint and thrusting into you carefully.
“Oh... Holy crap!”
You moan out as he continues to clench your hips, surely leaving bruises tomorrow. His thrusts remained slow and deep, but it felt just right. He let his hands wander, travelling up and down your body.
His fingers find your bra, unclipping it and letting it fall off. Your breasts move to the rhythm of his thrusts.
“Faster... Please Spencer faster!”
“What’s that my little slut? You want more? You gonna be a greedy little slut?”
You could feel your cheeks become a dark crimson color, slightly embarrassed at the degrading language he was using, but you nod nonetheless, wanting him to pound into you shamelessly.
“Very well. What a dirty slut wants, she gets.”
His pace quickens suddenly, each thrust into you sharp and hitting into you just right. Loud moans escape both yours and Spencer’s lips, the room becoming sweaty and sticky quickly.
“This want you want you whore? You just want to be fucked like a cheap whore?”
Pointless babbles fall out of your mouth, quiet “Yes” and “I’m your cheap whore” being mumbled as he pounded into from behind. 
A gasp escapes your lips as he lands another smack to your ass, leaving a burning sensation that felt so damn pleasurable after the initial sting.
A familiar pressure builds up between your thighs again, Your legs trembling under the Thunderous feeling of your orgasm washing over your entire body.
You had thought that two orgasms would have been enough for him, but he doesn’t let up, even flipping you back over and thrusting into you harder. 
You gasp and squirm as his fingers find your sensitive and swollen clit, pinching and rubbing it with his thumb and index finger. It felt like a wave of nerves jolting every bone, your back arching off of the cushion underneath you.
He continues pounding into you mercilessly, admiring the way your tits bounce at his pace, the way you so desperately panted for mercy, but your body betrayed you.
If you really wanted him to get off of you, you would have made it much more clear, you would have been pushing him off more, but you were more just clutching him closer than anything, wriggling your body around.
You couldn’t form any words at this point, chasing after your third orgasm endlessly. You manage to spot the hand that isn’t abusing your clit snake its way up your body, playing and pinching your nipples briefly before wrapping itself around your neck. 
Soft squeezes are delivered to your throat, making you whimper and whine, your own hands reaching his wrist for support, feeling up the vein-y muscles.
“Spencer! Spencer I’m gonna... I’m gonna cum!”
You whimper out, his hand tightens around your throat and his fingers rub your clit faster and harder, abusing the already raw nerves. 
Everything felt so overwhelming. Your body was shaking aggressively each time he rubbed your swollen nub, and the feeling of him pounding into your wet cunt repeatedly slamming your sweet spot mercilessly and choking you out at the same time was so raw and powerful. 
It felt unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. And with a broken moan, you came all over his cock, clenching around him and pushing him over the edge as well. 
He came right inside of you, riding out his high while slowing the rubs delivered to your clit. Your insides were twitching like crazy around his sensitive cock, making him groan while watching your entire body shake.
Soon after you both came, he pulled out, letting his cum drip out of you and onto the bed, pulling your body to sit up.
“Well, did I pass your test?”
You lazily nod at his question. You panted heavily, trying to chase after your breath.
“Holy shit Spencer... That was... Wow.”
He chuckled, grabbing your clothes off of the floor and placing them next to you.
“Need help cleaning up?”
You shook your head, meeting his starstruck eyes for the first time since he choked you. They were so bright, so in awe. 
“Alright, well I’m gonna head home so I don’t have to face the others. See you at work?”
“See ya.”
Twenty minutes later, Spencer had gone home and you had finished getting all of his cum out of you, and now you were fully dressed, making your way back to the others in a shell shocked state of mind.
Everyone else was trying their hardest not to laugh at the sight of your shaky legs when you stumbled into your chair, red hickies all over your neck. You sat with a blank stare in your eyes, chugging your water.
Morgan asked, knowing the answer already but just wanting to hear it anyways.
“You were wrong.”
You managed to mumble out. Everyone broke out laughing, even Hotch and Rossi.
You continued to eat your wings, The memory of what just happened stuck on replay in your brain.
PERMANENT TAGLIST(OPEN) @pinkdiamond1016 @spencer-reids-snow-white @sheepfather @eusuntgroot @libradolan
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
Nothing But a Bet - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: Angst, cursing, sexual mentions
Summary: Bakugou and his friends were just joking around! Nobody expected Bakugou to fall in love! But what’ll happen when Y/N finds out she started off as nothing but a piece of a game to her boyfriend.
Pt.1 Pt.2
It wasn’t supposed to be this way, but Bakugou sure is glad with the way things turned out.
About 11 months ago, Bakugou, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Sero were messing around. The boys were making bets but once Kaminari had gone too far on the one he offered Bakugou, Kirishima called it quits and decided to back out of their little game.
Kaminari had dared Bakugou to ask out new girl on a date, be with her for a week, and not fall in love. Seemed like a simple bet. Y/N L/N, the new student, was very pretty. She was an incredible fighter but Bakugou didn’t know her enough to even call her a friend yet. All he had to do was date her for a week and not catch feelings? Seemed simple enough. And besides, if he won he would be getting Denki as a personal assistant for a month, getting him anything he wants. Bakugou was in.
The bet was simple. So simple! So how could Bakugou have failed? He couldn’t help it. Y/N was just so...perfect. She was kind and compassionate, but she also had poison on her tongue and always stood her ground. She was strong and gorgeous, and she was patient and always listened to Katsuki to help him with whatever. Throughout the first week, she was always there for Katsuki and even though she didn’t always give him what he wanted, she gave him what he needed, and that’s when he realized he needed her.
So after the first week of Bakugou and Y/N together as a couple came another..and another...and another..and another. Weeks turned to months and those months turned into almost a whole year. The couple has been dating for 11 months and was waiting for their 1 year anniversary to come right around the corner.
Bakugou was completely whipped for Y/N. He waited on her, hand and foot, and treated her like the queen she is. He loved her with his entire being and just being around the girl made him a better, happier person. He went through all the steps in a young relationship with Y/N. They were each other’s first love, first kiss, first date, first everything! Even their first time! Yup, Bakugou and Y/N had both lost their v-cards to each other and it was a night Bakugou would never forget.
And now here we are! The day of their anniversary! Y/N and Bakugou woke up in each other’s arms in Bakugou’s dorm room.
“Good morning Suki,” Y/N said with love laced in her voice. Bakugou was awake but kept his eyes shut as he pressed his forehead to Y/N’s temple and just smiled.
“G’morning Princess,” he then pecked her cheek, “happy one year,” he softly said. He pulled you in closer and you giggled at his sleepy state. You both shared a quick peck and Bakugou finally opened his eyes to stare at his beautiful princess.
“So! What’re we gonna do today?” Y/N asked with glee. As Bakugou opened his mouth to answer, his phone rang and you both looked towards it. Bakugou growled and rolled his eyes as he reached for his phone to answer. He sighed before he spoke.
“Hello?......what?! .....ugh, today of all days?” He said and looked towards Y/N with sad eyes, “C’mon! I got plans for today....no I know but-....*sigh* fine. I’ll be there in an hour.” He hung up the phone and tossed it to his night stand and he frustratingly tucked his head in Y/N’s neck and growled.
“Sooo....plans are canceled?” You said with a little hint of disappointment. Bakugou looked at you with a regretful eyes as he softly spoke.
“I’m sorry Princess, Aizawa’s calling me and Kirishima in for extra training. He planned this months ago and I told him not to put me on for today but I guess he forgot. If I don’t go in today then I don’t get to go in at all and it puts me behind. I’m sorry Y/N,” he said apologetically.
“Hey, don’t sweat it, Love. I get it, and it’s fine. We’re hero trainees, we gotta be at our best,” you said with a smile. Bakugou smiled at your grin and was thankful he had someone as understanding as you. “What time should you be back?”
“Uhh, probably around 9 tonight,” he sadly said.
“Oh wow...that’s a long time,” you said with a little sadness.
“Yeah I know, and I’m sorry, but I promise I’ll make it up to you!” Bakugou said. He felt so bad for missing your anniversary but he had to do what he had to do.
“It’s fine Suki. You said you’d be back at 9, so that’s when we’ll celebrate.” You offered.
“Baby, the dorm’s curfew is 10. What’re we gonna do for an hour outside?” He asked.
“Who said we had to leave the dorms to celebrate our anniversary? I could set something up here in one of our rooms and when you get back, we can celebrate. Just you and me, all night.” Bakugou smiled at his creative girlfriend. He was so blessed. He held you closer and covered your face in kisses as you giggled away. He loves the sound of your laugh and voice and craves to hear it all the time.
“Okay then, but I still want to make it up to you,” Bakugou bargained. Y/N only smiled and rolled her eyes at her stubborn boyfriend.
“Fine. I’m not complaining,” you laughed and Bakugou followed. He kissed you one last time before he got up and got ready. You stayed in his bed a bit longer and waited till he got out of his shower to leave to your own dorm to get ready. You both couldn’t wait for tonight!
It’s was 8:30 and Bakugou would be back soon and you both agreed to have your celebration in your room so that when Bakugou gets back, he can get ready. You set up your room perfectly. A table in the middle, a few candles, a few roses. Petals scattering the floor and his anniversary gift on your bed. You spent all day in the dormitory kitchen making spicy gyoza, seaweed salad, miso soup, and a variety of sushi. The room looked amazing and so did you! Your makeup was top notch and you wore a gorgeous maroon red dress that hugged your body. It was tightly hanging off your shoulders and the length went down to your upper thigh. You wore a skinny black choker and a gold necklace. You finished off your look with black strappy heels. It was a little chilly so you opted for a black leather jacket and honestly it pulled the whole look together.
You sat on your bed as you waited for Katsuki to come back but decided it was time to set the table. You brought the food and utensils, the plates and cups, and went back to get a pitcher of ice water. As you returned and placed the pitcher on the table, you went to close the door but heard Kaminari and Sero down the hall.
“Can you believe Bakugou and Y/N lasted this long?” Sero said. You got curious as to why they were randomly speaking of you both and listened in.
“I know right! It’s their one year today and they have me to thank for it!” Kaminari said in a boastful voice. “It was all thanks to my bet that Kacchan even asked her out in the first place.”
Your eyes went wide as you continued to listen. “What?” You whispered to yourself.
“True. And to think it all started out as a bet.” The boys laughed and joked around as they said they were happy for their friend but you shut the door and pressed your body against it. You covered your mouth with your hand to muffle your sobs and let the tears fall to the ground.
“I’m nothing but a bet.”
Minutes passed and Bakugou texted you that he was in his dorm getting ready. You didn’t reply. You fixed your makeup to look a little normal but nothing could hide the fury and heartache in your eyes. You waited a few for Katsuki to walk through the doors and the time finally arrived
“Happy anniversary babe!” Bakugou said as he walked through the doors. He was holding his gift for you and was wearing a maroon red button up that matched your dress. He rolled up the sleeves and unbutton the top. He wore a silver chain with black jeans and black boots. He put on his watch and you weren’t gonna lie, he looked insanely handsome, but that wasn’t gonna stop you from doing what you had to.
“You look hot,” he said as he smirked and looked you up and down. You stood and gave a quick smile before letting it drop once more but Katsuki didn’t notice. As you kept your gaze to the now very interesting ground, Katsuki made his way over to you. He stood very close and he attempted to wrap his arms around your waist and pull you in for a kiss but you placed your hands on his chest to stop him. “Uh? Baby? What’s wrong?” He nervously laughed out.
“....Bakugou we need to talk,” you calmly said but held back all the anger and sadness you were feeling. You pushed Bakugou back a little and he placed the gift down on the table. He looked at you with a confused face before he spoke.
“Bakugou? Baby, it’s Katsuki. Suki? Your Suki. Are you alright?” He asked with a worried voice. You laughed at his confusion. He really didn’t get it. He really didn’t understand that this was the end for you both. An uncomfortable silence rang through the room and you bit your lip in nervousness before you spoke.
“.....How could you?....I gave you my everything and it was all a lie! You were my first everything Katsuki! My first kiss, my first love. ...Oh my god I can’t believe I actually slept with you!” You said with a soft broken voice as your arms held your body and you looked towards the ground in regret. Bakugou was confused but seeing your sad form made him so upset. And hearing that you regret the times you both made love to each other broke him. He was worried for you and he ran to you to give you a hug but you pushed him away again.
“Stop calling me that!”
“Baby, what’s wrong?”
You finally snapped your eyes up to face his as you looked at him with angry eyes and pools of tears as they streamed down your face.
“I’m nothing but a bet to you!” You screamed. Bakugou’s face went into shock as his eyes went wide and an open frown appeared on his face. You found out. You fucking found out but who the hell told you. Who the fuck ruined his perfect relationship?!
“Who-...who told you?” He asked with an angry, sad, shaken voice. You rolled your eyes as you noticed that after what you told him, that was what he was worried about.
“Does it matter?! Is it true or not?! ....did you really use me for a bet?” You asked with a broken heart. Bakugou bit his lip as he contemplated lying to you and moving on from this to keep his relationship, or telling you the truth in hopes that his understanding girlfriend would understand and stay with him. Both options were risky but he went for the latter.
“Yes..it’s true. You started off as a bet,” Bakugou watched as you looked around and threw your arms, shrugged your shoulders, and let them drop again. Your body just screamed “I knew it,” as he watched you with fear but continued. “But that doesn’t mean what I feel for you isn’t real!”
“How am I supposed to trust that?!” You screamed.
“Please! Please just trust me! Y/N I love you! I do, I swear! I was an idiot to place that bet but I didn’t expect myself to actually fall in love with you!” Bakugou heard what he said and cringed as he realized he basically just said he didn’t think it would be possible for him to fall in love with you. You looked at him in offense and hurt as he quickly spoke up again. “No, no, no, no! I didn’t mean it like tha-“
“Bakugou! Stop......just get out.” You calmly said but Bakugou felt his heart shattering.
“W-what? Y/N you can’t be serious. ...Can we at least talk about this first, please!” Bakugou said as he tried to grab your hand but you quickly yanked it out of his reach.
“No! Bakugou-“
“It’s Katsuki!”
“We’re done!” And there it was. Bakugou’s felt his entire world crumbling as his tears flowed down his face like twin rivers.
“P-please! You can’t do this!” Bakugou screamed as he ran to you and wrapped you in his arms. He let his head fall into your neck but you pushed at him and demanded he let you go. “Please don’t leave me! Please! I’m s-sorry! I can make it up to you, I promise just don’t leave!”
“Bakugou, let me go!” You said as your own tears fell and you pushed at his chest. Each time you got closer to getting him off, his hold tightened and he pulled you closer.
“No! Y/N please don’t do this to us!” He begged.
“Bakugou there is no ‘us’ anymore so let me go!” You demanded.
“Please! There’s nothing I can say to fix it! You started out as part of a bet, I’ll admit it, but I ended up falling in love with you, and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done! I spent a year of my life with you and I wanna spend so much more! Please! You can’t leave me!” Another silence came upon the room. You stopped fighting due to exhaustion and Bakugou just continued to cry in your neck as he continued to hold you tight. His pleas and cried fell upon deaf ears as you already made up your mind.
“....I hate you.” You whispered as you let harsh tears seep out. Bakugou remained unphased and just assumed it was your pain speaking.
“I love you.” He quietly said. “Please just give me another chance to make this right,” he begged.
You felt Bakugou’s grip loosen and that’s when you quickly took the opportunity to use your quirk and push him off. Your quirk pressed him against the wall and kept him there.
“Hey! Y/N! What are you doing!? Let me go! Please!” He cried out as he watched you grab a blanket, a pillow, sleeping clothes and makeup remover. You’ll sleepover in Mina’s room if Bakugou won’t leave your room. “Please Princess! Don’t leave! I can fix this if you give me another chance! Im begging you to stay! I’m sorry! Please stay!”
“Since you won’t leave, I will. We’re done Bakugou,” you said as you got in his face. You noticed his shaky voice and frantic eyes as he searched your soul to see if you were serious. His mouth hung open slightly as he shook his head ‘no’ in disbelief. “From now on, don’t talk to me, don’t touch me, don’t even look at me! I hate you.” You said and walked out of your room and slammed the door. Katsuki fought against the restraints and once you got far enough, you released your quirk and Bakugou quickly ran out the room to look for you. But he didn’t see any sight of you and so he went back inside you room. He locked himself in there and cried.
He cried and begged that the whole thing was just a bad dream and he would wake up any minute now. But this wasn’t a dream. And Bakugou had really just lost the one he loved. He looked at the room and everything you set up. He cried as he looked around and felt so sorry for both you and him. That night, he slept in your room on your bed, crying. He didn’t even bother to change or anything. He just wanted to escape this new reality.
“Please come back Teddy Bear....I’m sorry.”
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ilici · 3 years
Summary: Sapnap, and Punz have unsafe sex with Y/N for the first time.
Warnings: Choking, degrading, hair pulling, and unsafe sex.
Word Count: 1884
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Y/N plopped down the bed, as the other two men glanced back at her for a moment, before turning their attention back to the game. “You fucking cunt!” Sapnap yelled at Punz, who only laughed in response. “Come heal me you bitch.” Sapnap said, pointing at the screen and Punz scoffed, “You don’t tell me what to do.” He grumbled, glaring at Sapnap. “Heal me bitch.” He snapped, and Punz rolled his eyes before going over to his character, and healed him. “Now you owe me.” Punz said, and Y/N looked between the two. “Guys I am bored.” She spoke up, and the other two ignored her too interested in their game. “Guys?” She asked, “Punz.” She said now getting slightly impatient, and still no response. 
She groaned and whispered to herself, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” She said, “I will turn off your-” Before she could finish her sentence both Punz and Sapnap cheered as they won. “Hell yeah!” Sapnap yelled, and Punz clapped, “That’s right baby.” He said, chuckling. Y/N took this as her chance to finally get their attention, “Baby!” She said tapping Punz’s shoulder, and he looked back at her, “Hey baby, when did you get in here?” He asked, and she almost face palmed, “Just a couple minu-” “Hold that thought.” He said, turning back around as the screen counted down for a new round to start. She huffed, and looked around the room trying to find something to occupy herself.
Seeing nothing to do, she resorted to trying to get their attention the best she could. “I’m going to the store.” She said, and once again. No reply, all that was spoken was words about the game, she huffed and glared at the console. “Someone just messaged me and called me hot.” She said, hoping they’d at least turn around to see if it was true. “Yeah that’s good babe.” Sapnap said, and she scoffed, “Are you serious?” She gapped, about to scream into a pillow from frustration. “I just said someone called me hot, and you say ‘Yeah that’s good babe’ you’ve got to be joking.” She said losing her patience.
“Fuck! I’m down.” Punz groaned and Sapnap laughed, “Stop laughing you idiot, go heal me.” Punz said shoving Sapnap, who in return, shoved him back. “Stop being a little brat.” Sapnap said rolling his eyes, and Y/N just became silent and watched the interaction between the two. “I’m not Y/N, she’s the brat.” Punz said defensively, and Sapnap just laughed, “Shut up.” He said, shaking his head, while Punz was finally healed by another teammate. “After this round we can play zombies.” Sapnap said, and Y/N threw her hands up in defeat once she heard that. “Fuck.” They said simultaneously, as the word ‘Defeat’ showed up on screen. “Why didn’t you defuse the bomb?” Punz asked and Sapnap looked at him, “Why didn’t you defuse it?” He asked, and the two started bickering once more.
“For fucks sake!” Y/N yelled and caught the attention of the two boys, “What’s your problem?” Punz asked, and Y/N just shook her head, “Nothing, just go back to your stupid game.” She said, and the two just looked between each other before turning back to their game. “You’re actually fucking joking, right?” She said dumbfounded, “I was joking!” She yelled defeatedly, and Sapnap went to choose the zombie’s option. She sighed and got up, “Fine then, I’ll just go fuck myself then.” She mumbled, and Punz snapped his head towards her. “You’ll what now?” He asked darkly, and Sapnap looked between the two confused. “What?” Y/N asked, shifting her weight from her left and right.
“Get your fucking ass over here now.” Punz growled out, and Sapnap cocked an eyebrow, “What did she say?” He asked, genuinely confused, “Little miss priss over here said she would go and fuck herself.” Punz said, as he gripped her wrist once she got in arms length. Pulling her roughly, she nearly tripped as she was pulled, “Is that so?” Sapnap asked, and Y/N quickly shook her head, “No. I was just trying to get your attention because you two were playing the game.” She mumbled out, trying to defend herself. Sapnap scoffed and grabbed her face, “We were joking, we could hear you the whole time. We just wanted to see how long it would take for you to snap.” He said, his grip on her face tightening.
“It appears that you didn’t snap and instead wanted to masturbate.” Punz added on, and Y/N shook her head, “No, I was just joking.” She said, looking between the two. “You know the rules shortcake, and you were just about to break one.” Punz said, moving his free hand up to her throat. “You weren’t going to masturbate without our permission were you?” He cooed, and Y/N shook her head, and Sapnap just chuckled at this. “Your mouth said differently honey.” He mentioned, tracing his thumb over her lips before forcefully shoving his thumb inside her mouth. Her eyes widened as he’s never done this, and she looked at Punz for help. “Suck.” He ordered, and Y/N hesitantly started sucking on his thumb. “Such a good girl.” Punz cooed, letting his hand travel up and tangle into her H/C strands.
Y/N’s knee’s buckled beneath her, and Sapnap caught her with his free arm, “Are you this sensitive?” He asked, amazed at how sensitive she could be. Y/N blushed and pushed his thumb away from her mouth before looking away. “Shut up.” She muttered under her breath, and Sapnap glared not liking that she pushed his thumb away and told him to shut up. Punz took notice to this and tugged at the strands, and Y/N winced, “You’re being a brat Y/N.” Punz pointed out, and Y/N whined quickly apologizing, and Punz smirked releasing his grip on her hair. “You’re being punished for almost breaking a rule.” Sapnap whispered in her ear, and Y/N felt her body grow weak from his words. 
Y/N felt her body being picked up, and her exposed skin burned at their touch, “Prepare yourself doll.” Sapnap said, as she was now thrown onto the middle of the bed. “Undress now.” Sapnap demanded, and she took off Punz’s hoodie, and the sleeping shorts she wore. “No undergarments? How risqué of you.” Punz teased, and Y/N covered herself up shyly. “Why are you hiding? We’ve seen it before, hell we’ve seen it for years now.” Sapnap said, while moving her hands away as the two stripped their clothes off. Reaching for the condoms, Y/N reached out and grabbed Punz’s wrist before he could, “No, no condoms.” She shyly muttered, not making eye contact. The two boys raised their eyebrows, “Are you sure?” Sapnap asked, and Y/N thought about it before she nodded.
“I am sure.” She reassured herself and the other two. Sapnap and Punz shared a glance before Punz crawled to her, opening her legs. “God you’re beautiful.” He groaned out, before he carefully slid himself inside of her. “What a pretty slut you are.” Sapnap spoke up from the side, and Y/N gritted her teeth as this felt completely different without a condom. “You’re going to be good and make me forget what safe sex feels like. Alright?” Punz whispered to her, biting on her ear while Y/N whined nodding her head. “Such an obedient cum dump.” Punz cooed, as he thrusted up into her, loving the way she felt. “God this feels so good.” Punz groaned out, and Sapnap watched enviously. “It appears someone is so sensitive that they are close to their climax already.” Sapnap said, with a sly smirk.
Y/N had her back arched, and was digging her nails into Punz’s shoulders letting out incoherent words. “We can’t understand you slut, your moans are overpowering your voice.” Sapnap smirked and watched as her eyes rolled back. “Fuck she’s coming.” Punz said, as he felt her clenching around him multiple times. Thrusting into her roughly, he wrapped his hand around her throat, feeling himself nearing as well. “I’m going to cum so deep inside of you.” He grunted out, as his thrusts became sloppy. Thrusting one last time, Punz came deep inside of Y/N and she shivered at the feeling. Pulling out, Punz groaned as he fell to the side, and Sapnap licked his lips. “Are you ready baby?” He asked aligning himself, and Y/N just merely nodded her head.
Slowly, Sapnap entered and he hissed at the new feeling. “Holy shit.” He muttered under his breath, and Punz chuckled, “It’s like a whole new feeling isn’t it?” He said, and Sapnap nodded chuckling. “It feels so good.” Sapnap said, before he pulled all the way out, and slammed back in. Y/N let out a loud moan, arching her back as she was still a bit sensitive from her last orgasm. Repeating this action, Sapnap felt himself nearing his climax faster than usual. “Fuck.. such a little slut for us.” He groaned out, before he pulled out and grabbed Y/N’s hips turning her around on her hands and knees forcefully. Gripping onto her hips tightly, making sure he’d leave bruises he slammed back in, going deeper in this new position. Crying out, Y/N gripped the sheets tightly, as Punz reached under her and started toying with her clit.
“Please.. I can’t.” Y/N begged feeling herself growing close, “Go ahead.” Punz told her, and Y/N listened letting herself cum on Sapnap’s dick. Sapnap groaned once she started clenching around him, and he soon came deep inside of her. Slowly pulling out, he fell to the other side of her, while Punz got up to go get a wash cloth as both of their cum started leaking down her thighs. Coming back, he washed her up, and washed himself, giving the rag to Sapnap who cleaned himself as well. “What made you decide to go bare?” Sapnap asked, and Y/N looked between the two, “I started on birth control last month, and finally decided to do it bare.” She said, trying to catch her breath as her words were slightly muffled from her face being in the bed. “Well in my opinion, I think we should do that more often.” Punz said, and Sapnap chuckled before agreeing. “Now come on, let’s go shower. We’re all gross.” Y/N said, getting up and wincing once she got off the bed. 
Chuckling, Punz picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, “You okay there?” He asked, and Y/N rolled her eyes, “I am fine.” Sapnap who was behind them laughed, “Sure, you almost fell as soon as you got off the bed.” He said, and Y/N hit his chest, “If you two weren’t so rough with me then that wouldn’t have happened.” She clarified, and the other two just snorted, “That’s the point of forgetting about safe sex.” Punz said kissing her cheek as Sapnap started up the shower. “Just get in the damn shower.” Y/N said flustered, and Punz put her down, letting her get in the shower, the other two following.
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Anger Issues 🔥(h.h)
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Warnings: smut. (Fingering, oral m-receving, unprotected sex, degradation, little bit of Dom!harry) lazertag (idk if that's a warning) swearing.
Word count: 2.6k
Join my Taglist ❤️
You stood with your back against the wall, you were listening for one voice, one in particular.
“Hell mate, didn't even see ya there,” he laughed.
You raised your gun and jumped out aiming for the sensor on his chest and firing. It took you a few tries, but you managed to hit it at least once powering down his gun.
“Y/N!” Harry groaned as you ran the opposite direction. “We're on the same team you dork,” He yelled.
You jumped behind a large wall, ducking down, so he couldn't find you. You had only agreed to this for one reason, and it was to torment Harry, which seemed to be working flawlessly.
"Y/n," Tom's voice was directly behind you causing you to jump and squeak.
"Thomas," you hissed, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. "Can't sneak up on me like that, m'hiding from Baz," you told him, peeking over the wall to see if you could spot him.
"He's on our team y'know," he chuckled.
"Doesn't mean I can't destroy him," you winked at him letting out a giggle before making a run towards another structure. Truth be told, this was all you had wanted when the idea of Laser Tag had been brought up that morning. It brought you pure joy to be a nuisance to Harry, to find his deepest buried nerve and pick at it until he would break. He knew it too, he knew you loved to be the reason he would crack. Harry angry and red hot in the face, that, well it just did something to you, and the way he would choose to take out that anger, whew. You were determined today, to get him to the point of no return, to the point where he had no choice. So as soon as you caught sight of his luscious auburn curls you jumped out, firing the gun and hitting the censor in the middle of his back. "gotcha," you said, sending him a wink.
"Y/n, y/l/n, I swear to fucking god-" he huffed, trudging forward towards you.
"S'not good to swear to God Baz," you teased. He continued towards you until he had you pushed against the wall, the censor vest digging into your back.
"The next time you shoot me, I will make you regret it," he seethed. You nodded quickly, biting your bottom lip. He went to walk away, and right as he did, you fired again, hitting his back censor a second time.
He turned towards you quickly, eyes narrowing, and you could see the red hue of his cheeks even in the dimly lit arena. "Oops," you giggled, dropping your gun and raising your hands in defense.
"You're coming with me," he growled, grabbing your wrist and pulling you behind him towards the exit.
"Oi, what are you doing? We have like 15 minutes left," Tom yelled after you.
"Sorry, you can beat them on your own, right?" You asked, right before Harry tugged you through the door. He pushed you to the wall, standing tall in front of you as he unbuckled your vest, slipping it off your head, and then doing the same with his.
"C'mon," he demanded. The velocity of his voice sent a shiver down your spine as you followed closely.
You were so thankful your hotel room was just a short elevator ride up. You stood silently in the elevator, eyes trained on Harry as he glared daggers at you.
"Could have won, if you hadn't fucked off," he mumbled.
"C'mon Baz, you think I cared about the game?" You asked him, raising your eyebrows in his direction.
The elevator dinged, opening the door to your floor before you were being led to the room the two of you were sharing.
No one knew the things that you and Harry had been taking part in the last few months, honestly you weren't sure what they would think. It had started one night after a bad football game, he was so angry, and it had turned you on beyond belief. You don't remember what exactly happened, but you do remember the second his fingers found their way to your panties you were both done for. Ever since that night, whenever he would get heated, you were there waiting, waiting to take his release, to ease the built up tension, and then after, you were both completely different people. He would clean you up, cuddle with you and send countless praises in your ears.
Was it a dangerous game to be playing? Probably.. Did you ever want it to end? Absolutely not!
Harry opened the door swiftly, pushing you in. "Harry," you giggled as you nearly tripped on one of the suitcases that you had scattered on the floor.
"Oops," he chuckled, steadying you. "Now get into that bed," he instructed.
"Yes sir," you winked before rushing to the bed.
"Why do you have to be such a.." he walked forward grabbing your jaw and turning your face up to him. "a little fucking brat?" He demanded.
You giggled as he outlined your lips with his thumb, pushing it inside your mouth.
If there was one thing that had completely taken you by surprise with Harry, it was how assertive he was in bed. The boy who quite literally seemed like an angel in every aspect of his life, would absolutely wreck you anytime he had the chance. Of course he wouldn't cross any lines you set, but if you gave him the go ahead he would push you until you just couldn't take anymore.
"Gonna be a good girl tonight?" He asked you, a fire burning in his eyes.
"Nope," you mumbled with his thumb still in your mouth.
"Gonna be a little brat?" He asked.
"Mmm," you moaned, sucking on his digit.
"Know what brats get?" He asked you. "Brats don't get all the sweet warming up, no," he pushed you back onto the bed, flipping you to your stomach. "Brats get it straight to the point," he grumbled, practically ripping your leggings from your body and pulling you onto your knees. His fingers quickly found their way to your dripping core, “My good little slut,” he cooed before shoving a finger in with no warning. “Always ready for me,”
You hummed in response as his finger grazed your sweet spot. Harry knew your body like the back of your hand and he knew how to bring you right to the edge, and then quickly back you away. He pulled his finger out of your clenching core, leaving you feeling needy and empty. “Baz,” you groaned.
“What?” He asked you, a cocky smirk on his face. “You thought I was going to let you finish? After tanking the game?” Your mouth dropped open as you were getting ready to say something, but too quickly his hand found its way around your throat squeezing only hard enough to elicit an almost pornographic moan from you. “You drive me fucking crazy,” He growled into your ear. “But you also make my heart skip a beat when i think of those pretty lips around my cock,” you were shocked at the turn he had taken, but
You couldn't lie to yourself, it had you clenching around nothing, wishing for some relief from him. “Put it in my mouth then,” You instructed looking into his soft, warm brown orbs through your dramatically long lashes.
“Oh yeah?” He asked, excitement clear in his voice, “Want me to fuck your face, love?” you couldn't help the moan that left your lips with the use of the pet name, you and harry usually kept things pretty casual, no ‘baby’ or ‘babe’ but specifically no ‘love’. So to hear the name slip past his lips had your heart (and your pussy) wanting more.
“Yes Harry, Please,” You practically begged. He helped you into a sitting position, hand moving from where it had been positioned on your neck to the hem of your shirt quickly stripping you of any clothes that remaned. He followed it up by doing the same, standing fully nude in front of you, cock in his hand as you readied your lips. He took a step towards you as you looked up to see the lust in his eyes as he rubbed his tip on your lips.
"Gonna take it all?" He asked, bringing his hand up to rub his thumb across your cheek. You licked your lips before opening them as he slowly pushed himself into your mouth. You didn't really care for it, a cock in your mouth, but the look on harry's face made you want it, you would do it forever just to see the lust and relief that graced his face with every thrust against your face, the moans that would leave his lips as you would swirl your tongue around his tip when he pulled back, only to push back in with more force, making tears gather in the corner of your eyes. Tears he would wipe away as he whispered how good you were for him, and he would continue his movements until you felt him twitching on your tongue, his cum dripping down your throat, before pulling away, only to wipe your lips of any excess mess that had been made.
"You know your fucking beautiful?" He asked, before bringing his lips down to yours. His lips met yours with a feverish fire, that was almost too much. Any time the two of you would get to this point you would end up feeling upset, because in the grand scheme of things, Harry was it for you, god did you love him, and all of this fooling around wasn't helping any.
Harry's hands found their way to the nape of your neck, before he laid you back and climbed above, lips trailing down your jaw and neck attaching to your nipples as he let his hands wander between your thighs. You wished you could tell him just how badly you wanted him, wanted more. The hookups were nice, perfect, and the aftercare was next level, but you wanted the sleepy cuddly Harry, and The date night Harry.. you wanted every aspect of him.
His fingers teased at your entrance while his thumb drew little circles around your clit. You moaned out his name, finally relieved to be getting some stimulation. "I want to try something different," he mumbled.
"What?" You wondered.
"I want to make love to you," he said shyly. You pulled yourself up to your elbows as you stared shocked at him.
"You- what?"
"We're always going at it like it's the last time, and it's great, but I just want to savor it, savor you, just this once," he explained. You reached out, grabbing him and pulling him up to you as you slammed your lips together.
"Make Love to me then," you mumbled against his lips.
He moved your hands, interlocking your fingers with his before placing them above your head as he kissed you with more passion than you had ever experienced. His tongue flicked against your bottom lip, and you opened letting him in. It was different, and not in a bad way, you had made out with Harry countless times, whether it be in the heat of the moment, a drunk night, or a late night hookup, but this… This felt like more.
"God I love your lips," he whispered as he pulled away from the kiss, reaching down to caress your cheek. The use of the word 'love' leaving you with butterflies in your belly. His hands trailed down your body slowly, as his eyes did the same. "I feel like your body was meant for me," he told you. "The curve of your hips, the way your breasts feel in my hands, how your hair cascades down your back, the way you cling to me while I'm making you mine," he sighed as he looked back up to you. "It's as if someone wrote out the perfect match for me, and they put your name down," he whispered.
You felt tears rush to your eyes, unsure of what he was trying to get at. "Harry," you whispered.
He leaned back down, bringing his face dangerously close to yours, noses touching. You could feel the heat of his breath on your lips, "I want more, I want you," he said before closing the distance.
You were sure you were dreaming. This couldn't be real. He grabbed your hips as he positioned himself between your thighs, not breaking away from your lips. You felt him slowly push into you, bottoming out, before making any other movements. Slow wasn't exactly your thing, sure slow and steady wins the race, but you preferred the fast paced sex that you and Harry usually had, but in that moment, as his lips devoured yours, and his hips met yours gently and slowly, you felt pure Bliss. It wasn't rushed, trying to edge each other on, it wasn't a hidden agenda, just the two of you, lost in each other, lips colliding as you made love.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered in your ear, as he kissed from beneath it to your jaw.
"Harry," you moaned out.
"My beautiful girl," he whispered, "gonna make you feel good, yeah?" He asked as his hand sneaked between your bodies. His fingers gently brushed against your nub, but with how turned on you were, it was enough to send a jolt through your body.
"M'close," you let out.
"I know," he told you, as he quickened his movements. "Me too," he grunted. As soon as you felt him twitch inside of you, you clenched around him, orgasm taking control of your body. Your nails dug into his shoulders and you buried your face in his neck. He continued his movements until you let up, a sigh of relief leave your mouth.
You laid like that, him on top of you, you clutching to him, for a while. Finally he got up, walking towards the bathroom and returning with a damp rag. He sat between your legs as he cleaned you up gently, knowing you were probably sensitive. "Harry," you said quietly.
"Yes love?" He asked, glancing up to you.
"What did you mean? By, you want more?" You asked, cheeks flushing with embarrassment.
"Well," he sighed, climbing up and laying down next to you. "You know how Haz and grace are always, holding hands, sharing food, being ridiculously cute, and making us all want to vomit?" He asked you.
"Mm," you nodded.
"I want that, I want to hold your hand as we walk down the pier to watch the sunset, and I want to order one milkshake with two straws and put a dollop of whip cream on your nose, I want people to look at us together and think we are cute, I want to be the reason they want to vomit," he told you.
You let out a chuckle as you reached for his hand, interlocking your fingers together.
"So you want-"
"You to be my girlfriend," he finished.
You couldn't help the smile that creeped onto your face. This was everything that you wanted, and to have him tell you he wanted the same thing? It felt good.
"Alright, on one condition," you said cheekily.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" He asked.
"I want to put the dollop of whip cream on your nose," you giggled. He rolled his eyes before leaning in and capturing your lips with his.
Tag list:
@theglitterymess @violetlilysunshine  
(if your name is crossed out I couldn't tag you 😭😩)
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Request: Assassin! Yoong's S/O becomes pregnant. @sunheeyey @justmydirtysheet
A/N: Soo much love and requests for Yoongi at the moment, I can hardly keep up.😂 But it makes sense. How could you not love the Pretty Kitty!
Trigger warning: Mention of abortions, yandere themes.
Yandere! Yoongi
Assassin! Yoongi
Finding you clutching the toilet, overwhelmed with nausea, Yoongi looked more concerned than you would have imagined he might.
"What's wrong? Did you eat something bad?" He makes the same leap you initially did.
You're looking up at him, stalling in thought trying to process how to say this. Do you say it directly? Or subtly. Do you even tell him? You could be wrong and you have no idea how he's going to react.
"I've-I haven't gotten my last two periods." You say feeling ashamed as if it was something you had done wrong.
Yoongi's face pales his eyes going wide. His own voice catching in his throat worse than yours did, as he struggles to find any words. You'd never seen him this caught off guard before.
"Go," He points down the hall to your room, instantly second-guessing himself. Pulling his hand back in, scratching his head. "Go to your- um," Normally when he didn't know how to react to something, he could simply lock you away. To give himself as much time as he wanted. But this? That reaction seemed callous, even for him. "Jus-just wait. Here. I'll-. Just wait." He stammers, too quickly running down the stairs. Retreating from you like you had told him you had the plague.
You feel the house shake as the front door slams forcefully.
At this point, you had only just pieced it together in your mind also. And the same as him, you had no idea how you were supposed to react or feel. Truthfully, you felt like you were suspended, waiting for Yoongi to get back. You didn't want to let an opinion set in until you knew what he was thinking. He controlled your entire world, and no matter what you thought or wanted, he would have the final say.
Coming back up the stairs with quickened footsteps and a large shopping bag, he drops several kinds of pregnancy tests at your feet. A complete look of confusion on his face.
"I didn't know which one was good, so just use them all.' His tone was still high and strung out.
It takes an hour, but you go through the tests. Each one revealing a positive result. Yoongi sitting on the edge of the bath anxiously watching the results come in one after the other with an answer he was struggling to accept.
After the 5th test, all his tense energy overflows and he erupts. "I thought you said you were on birth control!"
"I am," you attest. Chewing your lip raw.
"Then what the fuck happened. How the hell did you fuck this up?!" He raves, accusing you as if this was within your control.
"I-I don't know,"
He storms off. He wasn't actually waiting for you to answer. He's frustrated and panicking and he just wanted to aim that at someone else. You can feel the front door shuddering again, the house returning to a desolate quiet
Slumping to the bathroom floor, you hold your knees while crying. It's not your fault, you know it isn't but Yoongi's fit has made you feel so guilty and responsible. Your birth control is something that you had put in years ago, and it should still be working. You really don't know how this could have happened.
Over the next few days, Yoongi avoids you. He came back later that same day, but since then he hasn't spoken to you. Hardly even sparing you a glace. Every time you see him, you have to restrain yourself from asking your burning questions. If you try to force him to talk about this, you know it won't end well.
So in the meantime, you honestly don't want to think about it. But that's all you do.
It sounded so bizarre the first few times you thought it. But you were pregnant. You had a baby growing inside you. Something so small and beautiful. Something that was all yours.
Your mind kept imagining how they might look. Would they have more of Yoongi's features or yours? Would it be a boy or a girl? How could you ever decide on a name? What happens if you change your mind about the name? What would their first word be?
By the 4th day, you'd completely disregarded your intentions not to make your mind up. Without you even trying to, your mind was made up for you and after only 4 days you were absolutely and unendingly in love with your baby.
Yoongi had still yet to say a word on the topic. But you were terrified. He could be so merciless and uncaring. Look at his profession. At all the horrendous things you'd seen him do. Look at what he did to you. How could you think he would ever allow you to keep it?
But this was your baby! He couldn't take it from you!
You kept making yourself sick with worry. You were fearing the worst. Unable to find any way to convince yourself that he would have a positive answer for you. Believing he would never let you keep it. You kept having nightmarish thoughts of ways he might force you to abort it. Of what he might do it you refused. Steadily you were terrorizing and depressing yourself. Crying yourself to sleep night after night.
10 days after you found out you were woken by so much commotion downstairs.
Coming onto the ground floor, you find the living room and kitchen filled with boxes and bags. Looking like a baby supply store had exploded in your house. Cribs, strollers, bouncers, baby clothes, toys. Everything you knew a baby needed, and a lot you had no idea about.
But the sight is an answer without words and tears come to your eyes right away. Your heart lifting in relief.
Yoongi catches sight of you standing in the stairway, a sheepish glint in his eye as he cluelessly holds up a drill and a manual. Studying the box of a baby gate with confusion printed on his face. He looks thoroughly out of his element.
"I don't- I don't know what any of this stuff is. I-I-" he stammers looking around the chaos. "I want everything to be right though." He looks at you softly, lightly biting his lip. "Y/n, I really don't know anything about all this. I'm gonna need you to teach me, please. Teach me how to take care of our baby."
You inhale and exhale a sigh all of the past weeks stress floating off of you. The universe finally giving you exactly what you needed. Tears of joy rolling down your face you step through the mess and you run into his arms, sinking into his chest. Feeling complete and at ease as you feel him squeeze you back.
"Of course Yoongi. We'll do this together."
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toomanyrobins2 · 3 years
Those Four Words Pt. 1
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Summary: an escalating fight between Jason and his girlfriend leads to a tense two weeks in Wayne Manor
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: language, mentions of sex and excessive drinking, mentions of character death
masterlist // next part
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Jason Todd was in a terrible mood, having just got into an argument with Bruce. He decided to go up to his girlfriend’s studio to get away. She had been hard at work the past couple of days and he was getting needy. He came up behind her on the floor and pulled her into his lap. She tried to wiggle out of his arms. “Jay, I'm trying to do something right now.
He tried to snuggle closer to his girlfriend, “I deserve some of your time too.
“Deserve? You’re especially demanding today. What did you do?” Jason scoffed and pulled away. “What has crawled up your ass?”
“You did.”
She managed to escape and turned to look at her boyfriend, “I did? Huh, I think I would’ve remembered such a disgusting journey into your body.
“Dammit, Y/N! Enough with the sarcasm! You know what I’m saying.”
She sighed at Jason’s attitude, “I don’t understand what you’re doing right now, but you are starting a fight just for the sake of an argument. I’m sorry, but I can’t give you what you want right now.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” Jason was standing over his girlfriend, his whole body tense, “From any of you.”
“Why are you being like this? What happened?”
“What? You thought the minute we started dating all of our problems would magically disappear? Are you really that naive?”
Y/N put her brushes down and stood. She tried to walk closer, but he matched each step, moving away from her. “Jason, where the hell is this coming from? I thought we had got past this. Even you and Bruce are in a better place.”
“You think I'll ever forget you abandoned me. You all did!”
“Abandon you! What have you been smoking? We thought you died!”
“You replaced me!”
Now, Y/N was angry too and it was rare that anyone saw her this way. She was deadly calm, but the fire was roaring in her eyes, “I did not replace you.”
“That’s right, you were too busy whoring yourself around Gotham to even think about me.”
“That is not fair and you know it. I mourned you. We all mourned your arrogant ass. I never stopped missing you.”
“I saw the articles, Y/N! Don’t pretend you were mourning me. You were too busy whoring yourself around Gotham.”
Her mind went back to three years ago. Jason had died in an explosion set up by the Joker. She was sixteen and her best friend had died, and she hadn’t handled it well. What started as a way to get out of the house with friends, had led to this wild, secret life. Y/N had snuck out at night and used Bruce’s name to get into clubs. She drank anything she could get her hands on and had gone home with multiple men, trying to forget her pain. Once, Bruce had found out, her world had imploded. He sent her away and finally got her the help she should have received when her parents had passed. The only reason Y/N had moved back to the manor was that Jason had been found. She couldn’t believe that he was trying to use her moments of weakness against her, “How dare you throw that back on me. I was just trying to numb the pain. It wasn’t like I was celebrating the fact that you were gone.”
“Yeah, it really looked like you missed me.”
“God Dammit, Jay!” she stamped her foot, knowing it was childish, “If you would just listen to me!”
“Oh fuck off, Y/N! If I had known I was ever going to be stuck with you and your nagging, I wouldn’t have come back.”
“I wish you hadn’t!” The minute the words left Y/N’s mouth, she gasped and slapped her hands over her mouth. Jason’s emotionless mask slammed into place, and suddenly he was as blank as the day Bruce had found him. He turned to walk out and Y/N chased after him, “Jay, wait! I’m sorry!” He jumped onto his motorcycle and was out the door before she could stop him. She slammed her fist into the wall and cursed in frustration and pain. No one would see either of them for the rest of the day. Y/N stayed in her studio, wondering how they got to the point of shouting such hurtful things at each other.
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The next day, they had both shown up for Friday night dinner, as was expected of them. Neither spoke, and the tension was too thick to be cut with a knife. Y/N had tried to pull him aside and apologize after dinner, but he had shot her with a cutting glare and stalked away. The other could tell that something had happened, but no one had the details. Tim wandered into the library after patrol that night, to find her in a chair tucked into the corner. “What are you doing here (Y/N/N)? Isn’t it a movie night with Todd?” He noted the tear tracks down her face but knew she hated showing weakness, so he said nothing about them.
“I wasn’t feeling up to it, so I canceled. I think I’ll head to bed now. Night, Timmy.” Y/N went to her room and cried herself to sleep, the guilt overwhelming her as she played the argument over in her head. If only she had just taken a break, maybe the whole situation could have been avoided. She woke up multiple times in the night, crying out Jason’s name after seeing him and the Joker over and over again. Finally, around 3 in the morning, she gave up on sleep and went to the kitchen to pour herself coffee. She decided to keep busy and started making breakfast for the family.
Alfred was the first to appear in the morning, as usual. Y/N tried to pretend that everything was normal, but nothing could be hidden from the family’s butler. He noted the dark circles under her eyes and the tremors in her hands from over-caffeination. The boys slowly started to emerge, and Alfred started to bring out all the food she had made. She made two plates out of habit and headed for the dining room. Y/N started to hand Jason his breakfast as she had every morning for a year, but suddenly she remembered and pulled her hand away. Jason didn’t even bother to look at her, and her heart clenched. She placed the plate on the table and walked back into the kitchen. “Sorry, Alfred, I’m not hungry. I think I’ll go paint.” She placed the plate she had made for herself on the counter and left.
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Y/N’s studio had been a safe space since she had first moved into the manor. She had hidden away when she first arrived at Wayne Manor, unused to such an active family. Bruce had called workers to the manor and redid the room when she had told him she liked art. Now, after years of work, canvasses filled the room on all sides. Some paintings, others photos, she had accumulated in the three years. They hung on the walls and were laid across the floor. She flooded the room with Swan Lake, her sad music, and started to mix her colors. The music she played had become an easy way for the others to discern her moods since she hadn’t spoken to anyone except Fallon, Bruce’s wife, when she first came. Bruce and Dick had installed a speaker system in her studio to drown out the noise when she was overwhelmed, and everyone in the Manor could hear it if she turned it on loud enough. When the first notes hit their ears, all eyes in the dining room turned to Jason. He refused to look up and make eye contact, instead, he stared at the breakfast that had been abandoned on the table. Once everyone had averted their gaze, he pushed away from the table and disappeared.
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This led to one of the most uncomfortable weeks in the Manor ever. Y/N barely left her studio and no one saw Jason for three days before he returned. When he did, he started to act as if nothing had happened. The music had eventually stopped playing altogether, so they had no idea what kind of mood she was in. Finally, Damian was the one to gather everyone else together, “Y/N/N has not come out of her studio in a week. Since Buckethead has just decided to pretend nothing has happened. We need to fix this.”
Bruce spoke up first, “Jason and Y/N are both adults. They are both being immature, and it will eventually work itself out.
“How can we fix this when we don’t even know what happened?” Tim looked up from his laptop, “I’ve been checking in on Y/N on the cameras. All she does is paint, and the most she’s slept in days is when she falls asleep accidentally. That never lasts long, and she cries. A lot.”
“Why did Fallon have to leave! We need to fix this, or the family vacation is going to be the worst!” Dick collapsed on the couch. Fallon had finally convinced Bruce that the family needed a vacation, but two weeks before they were supposed to leave, her sister had had a baby. She decided to go help her out and just meet them at the resort. They now had a week left, and it was not looking good. No one wanted to bother their mother since she very rarely took time for herself and was enjoying time with her family. They decided Alfred would be the one to try and convince Y/N to leave the studio at least and eat something.
He appeared in the doorway and watched silently as Y/N worked on a large canvas. He walked over and saw that it was a portrait of the family. “This is beautiful, Miss Y/L/N.”
“Thank you, Alfred,” her voice was hoarse from disuse.
“What is the plan for this one?” Alfred sat down next to her on the floor.
“Everyone hates photos, but Fallon wanted a family portrait for the sitting room. Since no one can sit still long enough I decided to paint one and give it to her for her birthday,” she slowly sucked in a breath, “Plus they only have the old one, and J--some people-- are missing from it.” Tears started to well up again in her eyes. Alfred wrapped an arm around Y/N and just sat with her for a moment.
“I’ve kicked the boys out of the kitchen. Do you think you could come down and eat something? For me?” She only nodded and they both stood. Y/N sat on a stool and silently ate the soup Alfred had laid out for her. She barely tasted anything, and she was starting to feel dizzy. Her vision started to blur, and the next thing she knew, she was waking up on the floor and had five heads floating above her.
“Hi, guys. Thought the floor looked lonely.” She tried to sit up but was cut off.
“That is it,” Bruce spoke firmly, “You are going to bed, and you are sleeping. I thought you were mature enough to deal with this but I see I was wrong.” He picked Y/N up and noticed she had lost weight. He carried her up the stairs and before he had reached her bedroom, she was already asleep again. Bruce turned to the boys. “At least one of you is staying in here with her and making sure she sleeps.”
Tim volunteered for the first shift and settled into her desk with his laptop. Y/N had barely been asleep an hour before she woke up from a nightmare of Jason dying. She shot up and shouted out his name, before bursting into tears. Tim -- being the awkward person he is -- was ill-prepared to deal with the crying Y/N. The only solution he could think of was to climb into bed with her and pull up a movie. She slowly fell asleep again and clung to Tim like a starfish. When Dick came to relieve Tim and saw that he was unable to leave, he climbed into bed with the duo. Anytime Y/N would start to become distressed, they would calm her down. Eventually, Damian and Titus joined the cuddle pile, the former somewhat reluctantly, grumbling about how he was only doing this for Y/N. Little did the Bat-Family know, Alfred had called Fallon and told her about the situation and she had rushed home.
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melo-yello · 4 years
✨Self-Care Day✨w/ 💥🪨KiriBaku HeadCanons💥🪨
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Off Day
💥🪨 You’re hanging upside down on the couch in your shared apartment with a boyfriend on either side of you. Kiri’s hand in yours while Baku’s had one hand on your thigh and the other scrolling on his phone as some cartoon drones on the tv
💥🪨 This is not how you envisioned your first free weekend into the last two weeks going
💥🪨 You sigh loudly before poking out your bottom lip “Suki? Eiji? I’m bored.” you pout dramatically as you throw a hand onto your forehead before you continue “Can we do a self-care day?”
💥🪨 Baku just grunts in affirmation as he stretches before standing. Kiri just smiles “Of course, Pebble. Whatever you want.”
💥🪨 You pop up pecking both guys on the cheek as you bounce off to the kitchen with Kiri’s hand still in yours “Thanks you two are the best!I’ll make tea!!!”
💥🪨 “And don’t you forget it!” Bakugou smiles popping your soft ass as he follows behind most likely to micromanage
💥🪨 You three chat about your week not having much time outside of courses to really talk. Between studying, training, and hero work you guys just didn’t have a lot going of free time.
💥🪨Per usual you and Kiri really carry the conversation Baku only chiming in ever so often to offer up things that he hates
💥🪨 You pop up remembering one of for favorite parts of a good ole fashioned treat yo self day. The cute headbands for you and Kiri to push your hair out of your faces. You return with a pink bunny one, a brown Teddy Bear one, and a plain black headband. Baku takes the black and Kiri takes the bunny.
💥🪨 “How do I look, Peb?” Kiri smirks flexing to show his broad ass built ass frame after putting on his bunny headband. “Ridiculous.” “-ly Hawt!” You laugh correcting Baku
💥🪨 You film in absolute awe as your Manly bf’s pierce Suki’s ear with ease after the off handed joke you made sipping tea. Cue Baku voguing it up with pride and a freshly pierced ear. Bakugou is slightly leaner and a couple inches shorter but just as toned
💥🪨 “Suki, Eiji, you are too manly!” You hype your man up as you post the video to your IG story
💥🪨 It’s your turn now!! Kiri easily pierces your ears with a red stud in your right and an orange in your left. Adding a second set of holes right above your first ones
💥🪨 Next comes high quality and novelty animal face masks Bakugou buys online to compliment his vigorous skin care routine. It rivals half of the YouTube Beauty community’s
💥🪨 Niether of you have any idea of where he buys them or where he hides them for that matter. He stores them away so you guys can’t steal them when he’s not around. Bakugou allows you and Kiri to use his masks on special occasions tho
💥🪨 “Mr. and Mrs. Dumbass.” He smirks handing you a frog and Kiri a tiger. Earning him a playful jab from you and “A Thanks, Babe.” from the red head
💥🪨 You suggest nail 💅🏾 polish next and Kiri is automatically on board. “Oooooo can you make them Red, Babygirl? Because they’d be so manly!” Kiri beams bouncing up and down. Baku will only allow his middle fingers painted. “I want white with bombs or just F U. Whichever is easier for you, Teddy Bear.” Bakugou nods scrunching up his nose from behind his own red panda face mask.
💥🪨 Kirishima’s nails are a simple sparkly red that say 🤍BITE MANLY in white while Bakugou’s middle fingers are white with black bombs with an orange F U on each one respectively
💥🪨 After you peel off your masks, you and Kirishima squeal in nearly perfect sync “Oooooooooooo! Sooooo Soft! Aren’t we hawt, Bakubro! Seeeeeeeeeee!” Both of you placing his hand on your faces
💥🪨Bakugou will just roll his red eyes into the back of his head as you two wrap him in a tight embrace “I’ve told you idiots a thousand times the importance of regular skin care with quality products.” He shrugs nonchalantly even thought he loves when you two are touchie with him. He hates to admit it
💥🪨 As you begin to search you nail kit for your preferred color, Kiri grabs your hand and presses it to his cheek “Can we do yours, Pebble?” He pouts. Bakugou follows suit grabbing your other hand “Pretty please, Teddy?” He whines firmly pressing your hand to his heart.
💥🪨 You buckle so fast it’s not even funny. “Bbbbbbbut...😤😖😞fine.” You concede
💥🪨These two really know how to put on the charm. Especially if Bakugou Kasuki is calling you Teddy instead of Dumbass.
💥🪨 “Great! Y/n, pick out a show to watch before we start.” Baku barks handing you the remote. “Why?” You question snatching it and putting on Criminal Minds. Simply thrilled you were getting to pick (Typically there were mini competitions for such a privilege)
💥🪨 “You’re judging, Bighead. You can’t look til we’re done.” Kiri hums thoughtfully trying to pick a good color combination. Baku already had his colors hidden in his lap before scouting so his hip was against yours sure to obscure your view of your own hand from you.
💥🪨 “Yea, no bias. When I win it’ll because I’m the best! Isn’t that right, Shitty Hair!” The ash blonde smiles cockily at the red head across from him. “In your fucking dreams, Spark plug!” Kiri spits backs just taking all the colors and copying Bakugou’s positioning
💥🪨 “If either of you fuckers, get those polishes on my favorite jeans there’ll be hell to pay.” You warn with a sinister tone to rival even Katsuki’s and the widest smile. The boys shiver at the seriousness behind your smile. Your threat is far from empty
💥🪨 You pretty much figured your nails would probably look terrible with each of your vividly different boyfriends competing with each other. “What do you, dorks, even get for winning?” You muse leaning into Kiri’s broad ass shoulder
💥🪨 “The next date plans and solo cuddles with Teddy Bear for the rest of the night seems fair to me. Huh, Eijirou?” Baku looks up from his work with a self assured grin blowing one of your nails. Vermilion irises float from you to Kiri.
💥🪨 Knowing damn well niether of them could keep you their hands off you. “Deal.” Kiri nods without giving Baku the satisfaction of meeting his gaze.
💥🪨 “Oh and I get shitly painted nails.” You sigh rolling your eyes. You’d be lying if you didn’t find it kinda hawt when they got like this
💥🪨 “There.” Halfway through the 2nd episode Kiri says and finally caps his last polish. Blowing gently across the surface of your nails.
💥🪨 By this time Baku has placed your arm on his lower back and his head in your lap. A firm grip on your wrist so you couldn’t checkout his work until Kiri finished. Your fingers make light circles there despite being held hostage. “Bout time, slow poke.” Baku huffs releasing your arm as you brought both hands side by side.
💥🪨 They had somehow managed to pick colors that didn’t totally clash. Kiri’s hand were mix match rose gold and pink with the teeniest (not to mention even) little white hearts in the middle of each nail.
💥🪨 Baku’s hand was very simple and clean. Black French tips with one red to orange nail with a black X on top as an accent.
💥🪨 You weren’t expecting anything this good. You could barely speak. You hadn’t been this lost for words since they had asked you out. You sniffle a lil bit. Your eyes glass up a little too.
💥🪨 God your partners are so great sometimes. The fact that they genuinely gave a fuck still manages to catch you off guard at times. After so many terrible relationships, effort, in and of itself, is kinda baffling
💥🪨 “Damn Pebs, it’s not that bad if you squint.” Kiri laughs nervously squeezing your shoulders. “Woah there, Teddy Bear, I’ll get the remover.” Baku stands ruffling your curls before you grab his wrist stopping him in his tracks.
💥🪨 “Suki. Eiji. Don’t be mad but I can’t pick! You guys both did really good! Fuck! I couldn’t ask for better lovers. You assholes are so much better than I deserve!” You gush before hiding your face in your hands. A little ashamed you let your boyfriends doing something as simple as your nails make you emotional.
💥🪨 “But Baby you deserve the world.” Kirishima immediately scoops you into a bear hug as he stands spinning you with ease and peppering you in kisses. Kiri places you back down even more gently than picked you up
💥🪨 “Princess, you’re a bad bitch! Don’t you dare forget it!” The shorter ash blonde says unwaveringly lifting your chin so you’d meet his eyes. He softly bops your forehead before kissing it and both cheeks. He pulls you close right as he yanks you up to straddle his waist
💥🪨 “Eijirou, I think our Babygirl needs a reminder of who she is and who she’s with.” His already deep ruby eyes darken lustfully. With no hesitation Kiri is right behind you in seconds
💥🪨 “I know just thing to jog our Pebble’s memory, Katsuki.” He whispers licking the side of your neck just as moves to capture Katsuki’s lips with his own
💥🪨 “Promise?” You moan softly lacing fingers into Kiri’s loose kitchens and trailing a cool hand across Baku’s abdomen stopping only at his joggers waist band
💥🪨 With that the three head to the bed room for some much needed group physical therapy
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beann-e · 4 years
Mha Characters reacting to being hugged randomly by their s/o
-shinso would welcome you & your hug & words & then fight you to see who’s better with their words
-i take from his character that he loves winning — no matter if it’s something small or not he’ll act like he doesn’t care for it but won’t stop until he wins
It’s been a hard day he’ll admit.
Today was his first day being around class 1-A — and he could honestly say
they were just as annoying as he thought
Everyone was too quick to welcome him and surround him which just pissed him off
well, apart from the asshole with the red eyes who he refused to keep eye contact with
just bakugous mere presence or even his mouth opening pissed him off
Knowing deku and going off of how they first met when he shoved him out of the arena
showing him yet again that the hero course was not to be messed with
he thought he was prepared to meet the same person only for him to be wrong and walk in to see hero deku and class deku were two different people he was not yet ready to meet
To him hero deku was hardcore and fight fight fight
class deku was a loser
a loser who got bullied , fell on the stairs flat on his face, and got embarrassed by aizawa when he for the 4th time yet again in one class started staring at shinso with wide eyes like a tiny pervert and writing like a stalker his notebook
He took a deep breath before he grabbed the handle to your door just knowing that being by your side he may feel a little better
he silently prayed that today you weren’t doing something weird in your room like he often’d find you.
Thanking god when he saw you at your desk a small wave coming from you at his entrance
“ drawing — give me a sec “
he grunted as he sat on your bed hands holding him up while he flicked through his phones many apps — well not many seeing as though he rarely had time to get on his phone
Which is why he was confused when he found himself actually going through it pausing when he noticed he’d ended up on google trying to figure out different dog barks and their meanings hoping he could find a way to talk to bakugou and tell him to shut the hell up
“ you uh — “ he threw his phone behind him on your bed propping himself up to lay back “ you still drawing “
“ mmhm “ you said softly as you traced on the paper in front of you attention focused on your new hero design
“ oh “ his voice was soft you knew something was wrong he wasn’t a man of many words but he would always try to string a sentence along for you
“ hey shin you good “ you put the pencil in your mouth as you erased a line you’d messed up on
“ yeah “ he moved to stand up “ yeah “ he let out while looking around your room “ just tired baby “
your eyes creased as you ran the words through your mind until you both sat in silence the room growing cold
‘ somethings off ‘
“ well my uh — my girlfriends too bus— “
his mouth fell open in a wide o as he looked down to see your face pressed into his chest hands tied around his back your feet planted right in between his as you two stood in the middle of the room
His heart beating out of his chest when he noticed what you were drawing
“ y/— “
“ shh “
you pushed yourself further in his chest “ hug me back please babe “
he jumped forgetting that sometimes he had to return your affection and couldn’t just accept it.
That was hard for him to let himself do the things you do so freely.
His arms hung loosely around your back making you smile “ your getting there “ your voice came out muffled “ I’m so proud of you pretty boy “
he shook at your praise “ p-pretty boy “
“ yeah — your fucking hot babe “ he felt himself sinking into you
“ h-how — how am I hot ? “ the word fell foreign on his lips
“ your quirks so amazing — you look so good when your trying your best it makes me feel warm inside — and I especially like when you use your voice mask “
he found himself smiling
“ don’t get me started on your looks who can pull off purple hair like you shin “
“ you — you could “
“ oh god see and your an amazing liar — your all around awesome shin “
“ t-thank you but I don’t des—“
“ you deserve it “
you two fell quiet as he gripped you harder finally giving in to your affection
‘ he’s ok now ‘
“ how did you know something was “ he sighed out as he pressed his head in your hair “ off “
“ your always tired shin — always — you’ve never actually voiced it though so I was — I felt off myself when you said it —it felt weird “
“ you knew off of one phrase “
“ one phrase “
he smiled into your hair pulling your face back to plant a kiss to your forehead
“ see so fucking beautiful baby “
your thumb traced his face making sure to run under his eyes feeling just how tired he actually was when you felt his eye bags
“ no after school rant today “ he laughed mocking you in your own voice
“ get to sleep baby you have class tomorrow— shin if I see any new eyebags i’m kicking your ass — bab— “
you pushed him away as he fell back on your bed
“ what ? what I was just saying — i mean am i wrong you do say all of those things “
“ get out “ you protested sitting back in your chair continuing your drawing “ come look at this “
he sat confused as he blinked “ I uh “
“ choose the latter “
he smiled as he walked over to your chair draping himself over your shoulder “ your so talented “
“ no I just — i draw “ you said softly
“ oh she just draws “ he copied “ the beautiful lady just draws as she proceeds to draw a portrait of my new hero costume “
he pouted “ you couldn’t have possibly done this all right now how long did this take you “
you looked away
“ I told you I knew you were sad “ sighing as you looked up at him neck bent backwards
“ so I started drawing it when I walked past you in the hallway like I said your always tired but today you were wiping at your eyes constantly — yawning and just then you confirmed it saying you were tired so I “
you looked away “ I drew what you’d been trying to “
he moved to place his lips on yours not letting up until the both of you had to tap out at the lack of oxygen “ your so fucking beau— “
“ Beautiful “ you cut him off words syncing with his up as you two continued the rest of the night with you yelling at him about how he had to open up to his classmates and accept their flaws first before he came to talk badly about them to you
except for bakugou he could talk badly about him
“ thank you for the hug “
“thank you for the acceptance on my drawing “
“ thank you for the praise “
“ thank you for being with me“
he scoffed as his face grew hard before relaxing into a smirk “ thank you for loving me “
“ y-you win “
he laughed as he met your face with one more kiss smiling down on you “ I win “
-you only know because he doesn’t get upset at your actions and your in total surprise
You moved your hand to poke at your boyfriend for the 7th time in a row
your body ducking under his bed in fear of his screams everytime you poked
you frowned when he didn’t acknowledge you
you were only doing it because you wanted to hear some kind of response from him most times when you annoyed him like this he would pick you up and plop you on his bed and tickle the life out of you until you both fell asleep
For some reason he was barely even moving from the spot he came in and laid himself down in
After class the both of you walked to his dorm and he unlocked it holding it open for you and walking in after throwing his backpack to the corner as he ripped off his uniform blazer hand outstretched for yours as he laid them over the back of the desk chair
squatting down to help you take off your shoes and then grabbing them to place at the door his own falling right off his feet with a loud thump.
Him moving to his bed grabbing you and sitting you down on the floor in front of him your legs crossed in front of you as he laid on the bed looking at your sitting figure on the floor
His eyes never leaving yours the whole time until he finally shook his head and turned away from you causing your body to fall
thus leading to your endless pokes
‘ wait now that I think about it ‘
“ babe— have you talked at all today “
you looked to the floor “ I— I don’t think you’ve talked all day “ holding out your hand counting off your fingers
“ at lunch you didn’t even ask me what I wanted you just “
your hands moved up with your shoulders in a shrug “ got it “
you played with the hem on your pants
“ at practice you didn’t partner with kiri you just stayed near me and when we got in your room you“
you looked to your feet voice soft trying to sort through your mind
“ you took my shoes off for me “
you sat for a moment moving to poke him again his body never moving no answer being given to you
“ I know your not sleeping kats —you breathe heavy as shit when you are so “
he didn’t laugh or even grunt nothing falling from his lips as your eyebrows quirked into a knowing furrow
Hands and body leaving the floor as you climbed on his bed to lay on top of his body
your chest draped over his right side
legs straddling his own and your mouth pressed right into his ear
“ I swear i’m not going anywhere baby “
you watched as his eyes moved from the wall across from you two to the pillow right next to him
in hopes of conserving his feelings
“ your doing great — your the coolest and strongest guy I know “
you kissed the outer shell of his ear
“ your so respectful and understanding of my needs“
you placed a kiss to his jaw “ your cuddles are amazing and you make me feel loved when you finally give in and let me win our fights — snuggling up to me on the couch “
you moved to kiss the end of his eyebrow
“ your so hot when you talk to me —that’s when I find you the hottest “
your eyes fell to his lips as you stared down on him
“ when you answer me — and acknowledge me “
he grunted a little in response
his eyes closing when your mouth found his neck kissing softly as you smiled
“ there you go pretty boy“
he groaned as you hugged him arms wrapping around whatever part of his body you could find
“ your kissing everywhere but where I want you to “
“ and where’s that “
“ you know babe “
his face flashed a look you weren’t fast enough to catch as you laughed at him
“ fine fine “
you let your lips hover over his as he turned his body so you were now laying directly on top of him
his hands coming to rest on your lower back
“ before I give you this kiss “
“ fuck—seriously y/n — you can’t just talk after—you worked me up expecting a kiss “
he shook his head in annoyance “ fucking tease — I knew I should’ve kept my mood “
“ but why “ your face dropped as you looked around his “ why did you have a mood katsuki “
he grunted “ because I “
he sighed as he looked directly into your eyes “ sometimes I feel like i’m not doing enough like I could do more for you and sometimes I feel like I treat you like an asshole and what — what girl wants to date an asshole “
he shook his head “ I don’t know if I tell you I love you enough or if I— if I show you that I can protect you if I wanted to or even that I can supply all your needs “
he mumbled under his breath “ I don’t even know if i talk to you enough “
you smiled as you ran your hand through the top of his hair “ you do — you do it all “
you laughed “ and your just fine “
he looked away as you pulled his face back
“ no kats look at me “ his eyes darted away hating how he just opened up to you and now you were begging for eye contact he felt stupid and way too open
“ kats look “ he slowly found his eyes moving to yours at your tone
he knew not to mess around when your praising him it pisses you off and one thing he knows he doesn’t feel like dealing with is a pissed off girlfriend
especially after he just cleaned up his room from your last outburst of firing off his gauntlet at his negligence to answer you
luckily he fell submissive right after mind racing at your attempt to kill him over a small eyeroll and scoff at your praise
Only sucking up his attitude so he didn’t have to run into another problem like that where aizawa flat out kicked his ass for the hole you created in the wall that he somehow took the blame for when he felt your stone cold stare on his back in the office
he was not about to risk his good moment with you right now
“ your amazing , Beautiful , smart and talented “ he shook at the praise body growing hot
“ your doing so good for me and I couldn’t ask for anymore “ you smiled slightly “ keep doing what your doing “
his heart thumped hoping you couldn’t hear it
“ and also i’m not complaining —if you y’know ever wanted to take off my shoes for me again “
he scoffed as he looked away from you and back “ how’d you know “
“ you always tickle me when I poke and annoy you “
you pouted as he spoke “ huh always ? “
“ always “
“ you know my routine that much “ you shook your head in a yes
“ so now that I know why your always pissing me off and what you want I doubt I feel like giving it to you anymore “
you moved to get off of him “ ok well i’m sure it’s a bit more fun with kirish—“
your loud laugh ripped through the room as you fell to his floor with a loud boom
his mouth curling up into a smile as he dragged you back on the bed your protest falling on deaf ears as he continued until he finally stopped speaking into your ear softly
“ I lov—“ he shook his head burying himself into your chest “ fuck you shitty woman “
you smiled at his words hand raking up the back of his neck and into his hair “ I love you katsuki “
-the only way I can see you understanding somethings off with kirishima is if he just hasn’t been smiling or making comments all day
-then your like :0 uh woah dude my boyfriend hasn’t smiled all day
“ how about ice cream and a movie ? “ you turned to the red head sitting on the couch beside you then shaking you head at your question “ nah sounds lame right “
you laughed “ I knew you would say that “
you pouted when your thoughts finally connected “ oh — nevermind babe i’m sorry I forgot I didn’t do my homework it’s the one midnight gave us I should probably get started—“
Your mouth moving so fast you missed the way the speed in his leg increased in its shakes , the puff of air he let out at your continued talking when he just wanted silence.
Sometimes he enjoyed being around bakugou because at least he had silence for a moment just a moment until he would scream his head off only to return back to the quiet environment he’d created before
“ so yeah it’s a lot and if I don’t get it turned in today I may just fail her clas -“
“ then get it done “ his voice was low and quick to snap at you which had your mind stalling
you laughed uncomfortable with the way he spoke to you “ aw uh where’s my happy guy “
he scoffed as he shifted on the couch his leg speeding up its pace “ where’s my annoying girlfriend “
he snapped his fingers pointing it to you “ oh I spy with my little eye “
his voice was dead as he spoke
“ she’s right next to me “
your eyebrows furrowed as you jumped back a bit
you couldn’t even make out words after his comments
you knew for your few months of dating kirishima that it couldn’t be possible for him to be happy and care about people’s feelings all the time
he had to open up and let you see him pissed off at least once to seal the deal on your relationship
this was it
this was the seal but for some reason you didn’t know if you could close it —much less address it and find the problem
“ kirishima what’s wrong with you “
“ you’ve just been talking all day baby i’m a bit tired of just— “
he felt his body growing a bit hotter than normal , you feeling the heat from his words make their way over to you everytime he spit them out
“just hearing you — I know I can go on and on for hours but if I can go hours you can go days and I just never noticed until now “
“ oh “
“ yeah I need some silence right now babe and your—your not helping” his voice was low even upset he was still trying to save your feelings not that it worked
“ no ones helping “
you looked from your boyfriend to everyone around the room
their voices echoing with laughter everyone spread out around the room as they spoke about what they all did today.
The kitchen full of people
bakugous yelling moving its way down the dorm halls
your face dropping as you stood and grabbed his hand that he snatched back quickly
“ I don’t want to leave “
you pouted settling yourself back on the couch you didn’t know how to deal with him like this and his best friend wasn’t here and almost everyone else he said was adding to his anger would just make him angrier right ? if you called them over
so who could you get to help ?
“ I may be pissed off by them but I — I still want to be around people I don’t want to be upset and alon— “
Time slowed as he felt his body weigh down almost as if he felt the weight of himself when he used his quirk.
Eyes widened before they closed basking in the heat your body supplied as you crawled in his lap wrapping your arms around his neck legs around his own in a straddle
his body just relaxing into your hold not making any movements the occasional jump to follow you whenever you would move
“ come on tell me what’s wrong baby “
your voice was soft in his ear not wanting to draw attention over seeing as though he wasn’t in the best of moods “ who do you want me to fight “
you looked closely at his face as he was just quiet hands finally moving to push both your legs up so that he could get you as close as possible his mouth moving to kiss yours
happiness of the moment overflowing within you as you let him guide you in the kiss surrendering all control to him and letting him lead
“ just feeling a little background today ? “ you said smiling hands cupping his face
“ I understand it gets to someone after a whil— “
“and everyone acts totally brand new when they see i’m not happy for one day —baby one literal day —why am i just expected to be happy all the time “
he dropped his head to your chest “ i’m not no one is”
“ so then tell me what’s wrong why aren’t you happy today “
“ nothings wrong y/n “
his voice boomed loud through your chest
“ nothing is wrong I just feel like having quiet today but because of that —here everyone is —in my face asking me what’s wrong telling me i’m not myself “
he tried to bury his head further in your chest
“ when I want quiet everyones loud and I —I never noticed how loud i am —how loud everything is until I stopped talking and I hate it —I hate how loud everything is “
you sighed as his fingers ran along your thigh “ I thought if I followed you out here to watch a movie I would be comfortable “
his voice was sad “ I just wanted to come out here and watch a movie with my girlfriend but “
your hand running over his shoulders and back up finding a hold in his hair
“ I just got more pissed off when you actually started talking I just expected —if no one else could be quiet then you would “
“ well i’m sorry I wasn’t quiet “
“ you shouldn’t have to be not cause I want you to be“
“ that’s right “
“ I know “ he took a deep breath looking up at
“ I know you think i’m an asshole now because you’ve seen this side of me—the angry one but “
“ I don’t think your an asshole or you’d be sitting in bakugous room right now crying that there’s lemon juice in your eyes “
his mouth shut instantly as he stared at you in fear your thumb running circles over his cheek
“ h-how can say something like that and “ he shook his head “ that’s so manly god I love you so much “
“ I love you too but —you have to tell me things kiri I can’t just “
you flicked his forehead as he crinkled his nose in pain “ I can’t just read your big brain”
“ but you did it just now “
“ huh “
“ all I wanted was for you to hug me and like shower me in kisses to calm me down and you “
he kissed your forehead “ you did it —which kinda had me confused on how you knew me so well “
you laughed “ you looked sad —upset and I wanted to remind you that I was still here regardless of how you feel —you cat push me away that easily “
he smiled widely as you two felt heat radiate through your bodies
“ I really do love you baby months or years or days I love how well you know me”
your mouth opening to laugh as you cuddled into his neck
“ guys kirishimas fine “ denkis voice made the both of you shake
“ I told you he just wanted some attention from y/n —guys he just has a small case of simptitis “
your head turned quickly as you seen the shaking boy beneath you “ uh your room “
“ my room “
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writemekpop · 4 years
Lipstick On Your Collar (Part 1) | Nakamoto Yuta
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Reader
Summary: Till death do us part... But what happens when he cheats?  
Genre: Husband!Yuta, Angst
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: Infidelity, Sexual Content, Body Image
Gif: @yuthereal​
Part 1 ⭐| Part 2  | Part 3 | Part 4
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“Ten more minutes, then it’s homework time, alright?” you called to your two older sons, eight and four years old. Caught up in their wooden sword fight, they didn’t even look up.
You smoothed your hand over your face, eyes bruised from lack of sleep. Between your banking job and your three kids, sleep was a rare thing.
Just then, you felt a waft of chill air. Yuta strode in through the front door, his feathery black hair in disarray.
“Hey babe,” you called, shoulders relaxing.
Your husband had this calming presence, your island on a rough ocean. Your chest ached for Yuta’s warmth. You hadn’t hugged, kissed… touched in months.
“Hi, Y/n. We need to talk,” Yuta deadpanned.
You picked up your baby daughter Ayumi. She needed her nappy changed. Bad.
“Alright. What’s up?” You placed her on the changing mat, blowing your fringe out of your eyes.
“I mean in private.” You saw that Yuta’s face was stretched and white. A knot curled in your stomach.
“Nappies?” You lifted your hand. He begrudgingly handed them over.
“Y/n. This is serious.” Yuta’s voice quivered like a taut string.
“Can’t you see I’m busy? What is it?” you snapped. You instantly regretted it. Nowadays, you were always on the edge of an explosion.
“Okay. Fine. I’ve… messed up. And I’m sorry, and I didn’t mean it, but… it’s happened.”
You bin Ayumi’s old nappy, then pull her into your arms. “Is that all? Look, if you’ve broken something, we have insurance.”
“This isn’t a bloody plate! I’ve- I’ve done something awful.”
“Right. Well done. Anyway, I have to help the kids with their homework.”
“Just look at me, Y/n! I’m trying to fucking tell you something!” Yuta’s yell turned your head.
Yuta’s eyes were red-rimmed and wide, like he was in shock. “I… cheated on you, Y/n. I slept with someone else.”
Your heartbeat slowed to a crawl. Instinctively, you pulled your baby close.
“Who is she?”
“Diya. From the school.”
Your lips went numb. You put Ayumi down in her rocker and started rinsing plates in the sink. “How long?”
“Just once. It was a mistake, I swear… it’s just, she was there, and… I didn’t plan it!”
Your chest folded in on itself. While you were kissing your babies to sleep, Yuta was kissing someone else.
“When was it, Yuta?”
“The… day you… went to stay with your sister.”
You’d never forget that day.
It was a few weeks after Ayumi was born. You couldn’t seem to get out of bed, let alone be a good mother. So you’d escaped… just for a day.
While you were breaking apart, Yuta searched out another woman.
“Where?” You picked up the cutlery, letting the hot water scald your skin.
“Her apartment. We met up after work, and one thing led to another… I swear, that was all.”
Images burned into your mind, like a flashed camera. Yuta’s fingernails scraping the back of her neck, like he did to you. Their naked bodies gyrating, sweaty, the smell of sex saturating everything…
Your throat convulsed in a retch. For a second, it was like a brick was hitting your chest.
Then, everything stopped.
You felt a curtain dropping. You didn’t have time to deal with this. Not now. As quickly as they came, the feelings slowed. Drooped. Vanished.
You looked down. You were clenching a table knife so hard it had drawn blood. You let go.
Everything blurred. You felt like a kid again, staring up at yourself from the bottom of a pool.
Your voice was a croak. “Obviously, we’re not telling the kids. My parents are coming next week – so we can’t tell them either.”
You dried your hands and looked up at Yuta. His mouth was hanging open, like a cartoon character’s. It was almost funny.
You continued speaking, bunging toys into a basket.
“If you want a divorce, tell me now, because we’ll have to borrow money. For tonight, I’ll take the bed, you have the couch.”
“What the hell, Y/n?”
You jolt and look up. “Fine! You can have the bed.”
Yuta grabbed your shoulders, knife-cheekboned and wild. “I don’t care about the fucking bed! I just told you I cheated on you. Why aren’t you mad?”
You stared at his hands on your skin, like you didn’t recognise them. Yuta spotted your gaze, and slowly let go.
“I’m really sorry, Y/n. I want to fix this. But you need to let me in.”
You looked into his chestnut eyes and frowned. Why was he being so obnoxious?
Slowly, you spelled it out. “You cheated on me. It was with our kids’ tutor, while I was sick. You’re sorry. You won’t do it again. Now can I go and make dinner?”
Yuta blinked. Slowly. Then, he gulped and gave you a slight nod. “Yep.”
You pushed past him, and called out, “Whoever helps mummy with dinner gets ice cream!”
You ushered your eager kids towards the hob. You didn’t look back, but you felt Yuta’s gaze on the back of your head. Stunned.
You plastered on your brightest smile all throughout dinner, whilst laying out bedding on the couch for yourself, even whilst tucking your children into bed.
Now, you were sitting in your children’s room, with the lights out. You’d just finished reading their bedtime story. They were fast asleep.
Finally, you let the iron screen lift from your heart. Instead of fighting it, you bared the most vulnerable part of yourself.
It was a memory: you were in Paris with Yuta on the first night of your honeymoon. You were in a mid-range Travel Lodge – the best you could afford – with rain pelting at the windows.
You had woken up at 11AM, tangled up with Yuta from your cuddling. You’d talked, worried, agonised about it, but you’d never had sex with him before.
Yuta opened one sleepy eye and felt your body with his hands, as if he was checking if it was there. You tingled with lust to the tips of your toes. Suddenly, you knew the moment was right.
For once, you didn’t care about your tummy that you always tried to hide, you didn’t care about your thighs which rubbed together when you walked.
You didn’t think about anything, except the feeling of Yuta’s slow kisses, the feeling of him inside of you, the feeling of his hands reaching to the very ends of you.
You were in a hazy, golden pool of completeness. As you gasped your worries, apologies, in each other’s ears, you became whole in a way you’d never known before.
Then, the memory shattered. And in its place, before you could stop it, was the image that was burnt into your eyelids.
It played over and over again, the trailer to a movie of your shame. Yuta in her apartment, the thumping of the bedposts, him between her legs, her exclamations of ‘yes!’, that were only echoed by him moaning her name…
You screamed silently into your fist.
You knew the real reason Yuta cheated on you. Whatever excuses he made, it wasn’t a mistake or a drunk one-off.
You grabbed the soft flesh around your waist. This was why. You thought of the nights you’d told him you were too tired, that you weren’t in the mood. That was why.
You couldn’t even blame Yuta. He was only compensating for the fact that his own wife would never be attractive enough, good enough, just enough for him.
The tears rose up your throat, making your head pound and your cheeks stretch with sobs. You wanted nothing more than to drown yourself in these tears, though you knew they wouldn’t wash the pain away.
Then, you caught a grey glimmer in the darkness. Your youngest boy, Nico, was wide awake and watching you with saucer eyes.
“Hey baby… go back to sleep,” you whispered, quickly smoothing away your tears.
“Are you crying, mummy?”
The softness in his gaze was like a punch in the stomach. You choked down another wave of tears. “No, sweetie, I’m fine. Go back to sleep okay?”
Obediently, he closed his eyes. You didn’t deserve such beautiful children.
You were doubled over, silent in the darkness. You pressed your palms into your eyes, so hard they hurt, and forced the tears back.
You couldn’t even make your husband love you.
What hope did you have with your kids?
Three days had passed since that terrible night.
It was 10PM, and the house was unusually quiet.
You and Yuta were sitting at the far edges of the couch, the Netflix episode you never missed playing on the TV.
Both of you were pretending like nothing had gone wrong.
“So… how was work?” Yuta’s cautious voice broke the silence.
You sighed and shook your head. “Just get me a drink.” You couldn’t be bothered with this charade. But at least you could drown your feelings.
“Are you sure that’s a good-” Yuta began.
“Just get it.”
He returned with a whisky, with two ice cubes. Your heart twisted. “You remembered?”
“How could I forget my wife’s favourite drink?” Yuta gave you a thin smile, and for a second, you forgot to ice him out. You smiled back.  
That was two whiskies ago. Now, the gap between the two of you on the sofa had shrunk.
You were laughing so hard your eyes were teary.
“Do you remember, Y/n? Your shirt was on backwards, my pants were on the other side of the room, we were moaning so loud half the theme park could hear us!”
You dried your eyes, sighing. “I bet we scarred a few kids for life that day…”
Yuta’s lip curled up in a smile that sent your heart racing.
You looked down. Subconsciously, your hand was massaging Yuta’s denim-clad knee. You retracted it.
“God, we really knew how to have fun, didn’t we?” You could barely remember the time before you had your three children. It was rose-coloured.
“I mean, Disneyland was nothing. Remember Taeyong’s attic? The nightclub bathroom? I could go on…”
“Ahh!” You mimed blocking your ears. “There are kids in the house, you know!”
In doing so, you lost your grip on your whisky glass, which was balanced on your knee. Yuta grabbed it before it fell, and his hand was suddenly on your thigh.
He let go, and you cleared your throat.
That was hours back. Now, you were having difficulty sitting straight. You’d lost count of how many whiskies you’d downed.
You grabbed Yuta by the shoulders and shook him. “Look! Let’s just get it out of the way. ASAP, straight, completo. No regrets.”
For the first time in ages, your blood was running warm with more than alcohol. The worn denim of Yuta’s jeans was pulling your gaze southward.
“Get what out of the way? You’re not making sense, Y/n.”
You pulled the pin out of your hair and let it fall over your shoulders. “The big three-letter.”
Yuta looked at you, still bewildered. “What?”
The glass fell from Yuta’s hand.
To be continued…
Part 1 ⭐| Part 2  | Part 3 | Part 4
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sunjaesol · 3 years
“The simple act of being in love with you is enough for me.”
jiara | post-s2 | pining idiots | title: quote by Pacey from Dawson's Creek
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
“Hm?” The girl’s mop of curls obscured her face as she mumbled out some vowels, clearly still buzzed from the night before. An amused smile ticked up his lips and slapped her calf again. She sighed. “What?”
“Leggo,” he pushed, “we gotta get to Pope’s place.”
Even if everyone else would deny it, JJ swore Kie was as bad as he was: slow and fucking lethargic before eleven in the morning. Sure, she had better grades in school, but he wasn’t gonna give her more credit than that. Speaking of, “Helping him with that new scholarship, remember?”
The girl groaned and rolled over to face him, droopy eyes cracking open to scowl at him. She slept where he used to crash whenever his dad’s place became too much, but since the old man fucked off to Yucatán, he found peace in the quiet walls and cracked windows. Regardless, it was weird seeing her sprawled on this mattress, the boy almost able to envision himself beside her. A dangerous fantasy to linger on, so he pushed it aside and kept on trucking.
“C’mon, Kie.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she muttered and sat upright. “How did you even get in the Château?”
JJ grinned and snagged a key chain from his shorts. “Spare key. Duh.”
She rolled her eyes, uttering, “John B’s stupid,” and then pushed him out the guest room, telling him she’d get ready. His mouth opened to make the joke if he couldn’t stay and watch, but the door slammed in his face and that was that.
Having a crush on Kiara was the freakiest thing ever. First of all, JJ and emotions didn’t mesh well — it only led to trouble, a perfect example being his dad and him with the most fucked up dynamic to boot. He preferred to not even think about the man, though one glance in the mirror often betrayed his mind and brought a rush of memories to the forefront, whether it was a shiner against his eye, or the fact that he resembled his father when he was young.
So yeah, he didn’t like anything ‘love’ related. It was stupid. It was more reckless than buying a jacuzzi or trying to steal a golden cross from a boat with dozens of armed men. Friendship, however, was easy. He told the Pogues just that: they were ‘it’ for him, he’d go through fire for them, through hell and fucking back.
But he didn’t think he’d actually die for them, which almost happened when he tried saving Kie on the Coastal Venture — to which she ended up saving him. (A vision illuminated by a golden sun, hovering over him. He’d never forget it.)
While he inspected the contents of the fridge, embarrassingly filled with only beer, eggs, milk and junk food, the door creaked open and revealed a dressed and less-wrecked Kiara. His gaze flicked up and down her frame, quick, and then averted it back to the fridge.
“You got no food, man.”
She chuckled. “I know. It’s not exactly The Wreck type of food…”
“You haven’t gone back?”
“Nope,” she replied, curt, and moved past him to shove a container of sausages aside to grab a bottle of almond milk. Even if she wasn’t with her parents, she still somehow kept up her ‘no dairy’ principles.
Also, Kiara was hella beautiful. He hadn’t let it register when she walked in, but it was true. Her soft-looking, shiny skin, sporting the prettiest smile in all of the OBX, and she was just hot. Especially when she propped herself on the kitchen counter, to which he settled beside her to not look at her legs.
“How many scholarships are there?” she asked. “Like, I’m obviously proud of him, but…”
“He told us last night,” JJ laughed. “You were that fucking high?”
She giggled, “Yeah! You were there, I was just on my ass.” And then, quieter, “And… I don’t know, I guess I’ve been kind of distracted.”
He perked up, surprised. Though the Pogues were family, openly talking about emotions when it wasn’t prompted by anything, remained rare. They were better at talking shit and smoking and napping on boats. Whatever, he took the bait.
She shook her head. “It’s stupid, JJ.”
“Kie, you’re talking to me,” he nudged her shoulder, “throw me a bone here. Is it Pope? You got the hots for our favourite nerd again?”
Taking a sip from the bottle, her brow quirked up as though that was the stupidest thing he ever said, and retorted with, “Why’re you always doing that?”
His hands raised instantly, defensive. “Doing what?”
“You’re always digging, like, when I was with Pope you got all weird.”
“I don’t dig.”
“You do.”
“I don’t. Kie, what’s up?” He kept it moving before she found the core of his problem, and bounced back to the original issue. “Before I start saying shit to Pope.”
She scoffed. “You're full of shit.”
“Oh, Kie,” he drawled with a smirk. “You can do better than that.”
Silence fell. He waited, fiddling with his fingers, and quietly hoped Pope wouldn't be too annoyed when they arrived late — then again, they were begrudgingly coined 'tortoise and tortoise' by the group anyway.
She placed the bottle back in the fridge and sent him a rueful smile, one he often saw her showing Sarah before they went aside and had a private talk. Their eyes locked and she finally spoke.
“Sometimes, I… I miss my parents. And it's like, I don't get how they don't just accept that I'm a Pogue, that I'm friends with you guys, you know? But I still miss them.” She looked down at her feet, crossing at the ankles like a little girl waiting to be reprimanded by the teacher. “I miss my dad's hugs.”
Instantly, his arm swung around her for a gentle side hug, a grateful smile pulling on her lips as she leaned into him. Both knew they should savour a moment like this, as hugging with a twitchy JJ and often irritated Kie happened once every blue moon.
Ignoring the guilty look in her eye — yeah, he didn't understand missing a paternal embrace, rather used to a blow in the stomach or a crude remark, but that didn't mean he lacked empathy — he resisted the urge to encourage her to reconnect with them. Knowing her, she'd just close up and glare at him for the rest of the day.
So no, he wasn't going to ask her. And no, she shouldn't feel guilty. P4L 'til the end, baby.
“Thanks, JJ,” she whispered.
He snickered and pushed her off. “You can't tell the guys I'm becoming soft, dude. Theyʼll give me so much shit for it.”
“They know you're soft,” she teased, “don't even try.”
“I'm tough,” he tried.
“Like Play-Doh.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled and motioned at the kitchen door. “Let's go, Carrera. Before John B and Sarah come back and act all married.”
Now that was fucking annoying. After John B and Sarah faked their death, they got married by a bandana strip and hadn't let that notion go after returning. Sure, there was that small blip when they were fighting the crazy religious chick, but that was old news.
John B made him swear he wouldn't tell a soul, but the guy waxed poetry about Sarah whenever they were drunk and alone. It was hilariously sad. Another man lost to a girl.
(“She wants a beach wedding,” JB sighed a couple nights ago. “Nice, right?”
“I– yeah, I really don't care about this, man.”)
JJ knew that when he got a girlfriend (Kiara unintentionally but also very intentionally crossed his mind), he'd act normal. No mushy shit. No poetry. Definitely no creepy Romeo and Juliet references thrown in as if that shouldn't freak the Pogues out. Their behaviour better not be infectious.
Expectedly, Pope's scowl reached them all the way from the car, Kie and JJ sharing a sheepish look before stepping out.
“Gee, guys,” the boy deadpanned, “thanks for making haste. Really appreciate it.”
JJ's wide grin hoped to salvage it. Slapping his friend on the shoulder, he pushed past him and yelled, “Kie was dead, dude!”
Pope grimaced. “Don't joke about that.”
He watched as Kie stopped beside Pope with an apologetic expression, telling him she overslept and was sorry and that he knew how JJ was — “Always joking.”
His chapped lips pursed, a familiar punch hitting his chest with him then pretending it didn't hurt. She always did this. Even if she claimed she didn't, she always took Pope's side. Relationship or not. JJ knew she didn't owe him her 'side', but it'd be a nice change of pace either way.
Whatever. This wasn't the JJ Pining For Kiara Show. Pope needed their help.
A state-wide scholarship competition gave Pope another shot at winning a huge chunk of money (no gold type of rich though) and getting his ass out of OBX, hopefully launching himself into some fancy college when he revealed to be of Denmark Tanny's lineage. Those hibrow assholes loved a good sob story.
All Pope had to do was score hella high on some test — easy — and impress the panel — not so easy — and he'd be the luckiest Pogue of all.
But that did mean Kie and him had to sit on his creaky bed with a freaky amount of flashcards while a stressed out Pope paced around his room. He was pretty sure the floor was eroding.
Also, he had no fucking clue what any of the flashcards meant. Did Pope's smarts really attracted Kie that much? Was it the brain? Brain over brawl? But where was the fun in that? JJ loved Pope to death, but the guy had to be fully medicated or high before his brain shut off and he acted carefree.
“Pope, do you even know what this all means?” Kie bemoaned, flipping the cards around.
“You got a dictionary somewhere?” added JJ, squinting at the word aberration. It sounded like some weird disease. He showed him the word.
Pope dismissed it. “It means: different from the norm.”
“Dude, why not write that then?”
“Because they want aberration.”
He didn't get it. “No one uses it though.”
“JJ, that's just the way it is,” Pope pressed.
“Guys, stop,” Kiara interrupted. “But honestly Pope, it's so, like, elitist. None of these questions are important to the world, or the well-being of the people.”
“Sorry, Kiara, but unfortunately not everyone cares that much,” he sighed. JJ could tell they were starting to annoy their friend, their tortoise bullshit bleeding through.
Her nose scrunched up, peeved. “Right. Because there's a planet B just waiting to be used by us. Duh.”
“Ooh,” JJ drawled, nudging her arm. “Are there donkeys shitting money?”
Kie laughed. “Yes. All beaches, clean air, no Kooks, and money-shitting donkeys.”
“Nah, I want it to be hella Kooky,” he joked, gesturing wildly. “I want a yacht and tell people someone else does my laundry, or something.”
“You don't even do your laundry anyway,” she bounced back with a roll of the eye. “I know you force John B.”
“He's already playing House with Sarah, might as well wash my underwear, too.”
Oh, man. He could do this all day. Talking shit with Kiara went as smooth as fishing for him. Each time he thought he one-upped her, she threw more on top and kept it going 'til neither knew what the point even was anymore. Sarah dubbed it as 'banter' which he believed was a rich way of saying 'talking smack.'
“I don't believe you even know how to do it,” she challenged.
JJ huffed and crossed his arms. “I can do it.”
A smirk bloomed on her lips as she kept jabbing. “It's kinda cute, how you need John B to be your mom.”
“I don't.”
“You literally said it five seconds ago.”
“Guys,” Pope groaned, followed by an exhausted sigh eerily similar to Heyward. “Can we get back to the flashcards?”
Kie and JJ were too far into their discussion though, jabbing at each other at rapid speed. Then she threw her cards at him and all bets were off. He yelled she should make a goal with her hands, to which he folded up a flashcard and shot it straight between her fingers.
And that was when Pope kicked them out. JJ presumed it was a victory they lasted as long as they did. Kie kept apologising over her shoulder, prompting Pope to ask Cleo for help instead.
For a beat, they were silent stepping out of his place and back into the car. JJ felt a stab of guilt for fucking up Pope's study time, but it was hard to dial his brain to school when his friends surrounded him. Just when he wanted to ask if she felt bad too, she went off about the climate — as usual.
“It's so dumb how there were no questions about the environment or human rights or, or anything like that! It's all science and lit, like, there's more to life than fucking chemistry formulas!”
“I skipped those cards. Didn't get them.”
“It's so fucked,” she hummed. “And I'm obviously glad that you drove to the Château to wake me up and all—”
“—but I really wish those questions would matter. We almost died, JJ!”
“No, shit,” he grumbled, quickly starting to lose his patience with the ranting girl. She didn't even realise what the fuck she was saying anymore — what she did to his heart, skipping like some elemtary school girl on the playground, when she slipped some nice words in.
“Died!” she pressed. “Why even care about stuff like that?”
“Fucks sake, Kie—”
“And I didn't want to say it, but did you see how many flashcards there were? How many trees were cut for that? It's like, hello, Quizlet exists!”
“Kie, shut up!” he yelled.
Her mouth fell slack, gobsmacked, gawking at him like his interruption was a slap in the face.
Gesturing wildly with one hand, he exclaimed, “You know, you can just go on and on and I hear you talking and it's like, yeah, we get it, Mother Earth needs to be saved, we're fucked, you don't gotta repeat it twenty-four seven.”
“What the hell, JJ!”
“You have an opinion about everything! A man gets tired!”
“A man?” She scoffed. “You're not even eighteen.”
“Point is you don't gotta act all preachy all the time.” He turned the corner, hands tightening around the steering wheel.
Kie scowled. “Where is this coming from? I'm not preachy, I'm educating you.”
Now that was just fucking with his head. Incredulous, he exclaimed, “You think I don't listen? Kie, I'm the only one that does. JB is on Planet Sarah all the damn time and Pope only did shit 'cause—"
"That!” she yelled, throwing her hands up with frustration. “That's what I mean! You're doing it again! You dig!”
“Every time you mention Pope and I, you dig. You needle!” Twisting in her seat, his gaze flickered to catch her disgruntled expression. “Why do you do that? It's so… sus.”
JJ laughed. “Sus?”
“You don't ask John B about Sarah.”
“'Cause they're fucking obvious.”
“Still,” she pressed. “Did I do something to piss you off? Is that it? Is it me constantly asking you to recycle and yet — shocker! — you never do?!”
“Fucking God,” he grumbled under his breath.
With frazzled thoughts and shaking hands, adrenaline coursed through him as he swerved to the side of the road and stopped the car. If he fought with Kie any longer to this degree of fuckery, they were gonna crash.
She frowned. “What're you doing?”
“You, Carrera, are driving me insane,” he deadpanned, matter-of-fact. Then he slammed the door open and stepped out, desperate to catch his breath.
In the back of his mind, he had an inkling as to why he was so keyed up. Kiara would call him a Neandethal, but fuck it, here was the truth: Kiara was hot as hell when she argued with him.
Following his lead, she got out, her sneakers stomping against the asphalt. The sun steeped low on the horizon, the light hitting the hood and reflecting onto her face; her curls shifting from dark brown to gold. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. He was so fucked. He almost missed the start of her spiel, too enthralled.
“I'm driving you insane? I'm always getting you out of trouble, because you never think things through! You never see the bigger picture!”
He rolled his eyes. “Bigger picture? The only thing I see, Kie, is you going on about nature. That easy.” And then, before he could stop himself, he spewed out, “And you don't have to do that.”
“Getting me out of trouble,” he said, pursing his lips. “That's not your responsibility.”
“Right. Duh. Because after everything we've been through, I can't care about you,” she exclaimed, face twisting up in pure fury. She got in his space, shoving his shoulder, but when he didn't budge, it only seemed to anger her more.
JJ didn't know what was going on anymore. Why was she so mad? Even if she didn't want to admit it, he was telling the truth. Of course all the Pogues had each other's back, but Kiara doted over him more than was necessary. The constant checking of injuries, limiting his day drinking, all that. Like he was some child!
He leaned in and mumbled, “I can take care of myself.”
Kie smirked. “Then do your own laundry.”
It happened naturally. One second he stared at her furious eyes and thought about how much he loved arguing with her despite the bullshit, the next his fingers curled into her hair and pulled her in a fierce kiss.
At first, her hands laid frozen on his shoulders, surprised, but the moment he realised his impulsive decision was a mistake, they slid around his neck and kept him close.
JJ sighed in relief and deepened the kiss he'd been craving ever since they were fourteen and Kie went from gangly to statuesque. Her lips were warm and soft and her hands were soft and she hadn't let go and holy shit — he was kissing Kiara Carrera.
The kiss lessened when her mouth quirked into a smile, their grins pressing flush together, and JJ shivered from delight. Oh, man. He was gone.
“You drive me damn crazy, Kie,” he murmured, voice dropped to an undeniably soft tone.
She bit back her silly grin and whispered, “Good.”
Taking a deep breath, he tried focusing up, but all he could do was stare at her face. A shy hand grabbed hers.
He had to get it out of the way now, or else he'd kick himself later. “I'm… really into you. I'm– oh, fuck, uh–”
“Maybe we can talk about it not on the side of the road?” she suggested, amused.
JJ grinned, elated (What was the word he saw on the flashcards? Exalted!), and kissed her again, because he could.
On the ride back to the Château, he confessed to seeing her in a different light for years, while she couldn't really pinpoint a time or moment, that it just happened. It didn't matter, though he was in utter disbelief that he and Kie were having this conversation. No jokes, no BS, all seriousness. Tomorrow, he'd wake up and it wouldn't be some sick dream. Kie liked him back.
JJ was sure he'd doubt himself or overthink it in the future, but today, he'd bask in the certainty and the major ego boost.
“Okay, but did you ever legit like Pope then?”
A sheepish smile crawled up her cheeks as her gaze averted to the window. “I thought I did. But we have, like, no chemistry, so…” She shook her head. “I was confused.”
“That's okay,” he uttered. He couldn't give her shit for it. Even if he did torture himself with their short-lived relationship, he understood.
How would he react though? John B and Sarah wouldn't care, or Cleo, but Pope? He didn't want one of his brothers hating him. Being iced out by the guy fucking sucked, as it meant he was truly hurt and therefore meant JJ truly fucked up. He couldn't handle disappointing him.
Kie read his mind. “He'll be fine with it.”
“I dunno, man…”
“He will,” she repeated. “We're Pogues. We've all narrowly survived death. And besides…” She turned back to him with a secretive grin. “I think he has a thing for Cleo.”
Whoa. He did not see that coming. His brows shot up to his hairline, mentally kicking himself for being so focused on Kie that he didn't even notice the shift of interest between Pope and Cleo. They made sense, too. Know-it-all's, but well-meaning, and only speaking when needed.
If the idea didn't relief him of worries, he'd be concerned as to why they were all seamlessly coupled up like in some 90s sitcom Big John had on VHS.
“What a player,” he joked.
“Tell me about it.”
They arrived at the house, the Twinkie and Sarah's bike sprawled on the overgrown front lawn. JJ frowned. He had hoped to have some alone time with Kie, not to jump her bones and fulfill a regular dream of his, but to talk. To figure it out. He wanted to do this right. Because after everything, they deserved to have good things, to start on a high note — he deserved it.
Kie noticed it, too. Puckering her lips on contemplation, her gaze trailed from him to the rest of the property, ending on the trusty ol' hammock. She jabbed her thumb at it.
“Let's sit there.”
Normally, they laid on opposite ends on the hammock, if they even shared one to begin with. But now, she pressed herself right beside him and he felt like heaven dropped down on them in the best way possible. He suddenly understood what John B was lamenting about — the company, intimacy, the ease. Nerves rippled through his body like a summer storm, but he figured that was what it cost to lose one's mind over a girl.
He didn't know what to say, so Kiara spoke instead.
“I don't want us, the way we are around each other, to change, you know?” she said. “Like, I don't want you to think you have to act like some mellow ass boyfriend all of a sudden.”
He smirked. “Who said anything about boyfriend?”
“Hey, wait,” he grinned, latching onto her arm before she pushed herself out. “C'mon, Kie.”
Her nose scrunched up. “I don't do this usually, okay?”
“You think I do?” he asked. His hand softly slid down to wrap around hers, to which she hooked their fingers together. Okay. Wow. It felt so damn nice that it propelled him to say, “I wanna be your boyfriend, Kie.”
The girl smiled and then surprised him by leaning in herself, pressing a gentle kiss on his chapped lips. It was overwhelming having her instigate it, his gut twisting up in excitement like when he was about to backflip from a boat, or cliff dive, or something similar like that.
He let go of her hand to cup her cheeks, only to whisper, “That's a yes, yeah? Gotta get a yes.”
“Yes, JJ,” she uttered back. “Here's to not fucking this up.”
“Cheers, baby.”
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Long Distance Longing with the Brothers
Want a little angst and sweetness? I love how this turned out and I think it’s a new favorite for me. I honestly should wait to post it... But I have no patience, I love it too much. Weirdly enough, thank Taylor Swift’s new album for giving me this idea. Go figure. 🤷‍♀️
Warnings: Angst, implied starvation
The brothers knew it was going to happen eventually. The year can't last forever, and at some point they were going to have to say goodbye to their human for the break… But that didn't make the situation any easier. Nobody likes being so far from the one they love. It was only a matter of time before our boys are reaching a breaking point...
Lucifer has never really had a reason to not to work before… Like, yeah there are those days where things get stressful and he takes a step back, but actually taking an extended period of time to just... not work? A "vacation" if you will? He’s never had the desire. What would he even do with himself?
Well, for the first time in literal God knows how many centuries, he had an answer for that question. He was going to be with MC.
And that's exactly what he told Diavolo when he finally accepted that missing the MC was negatively affecting his work. 
He wanted a… "vacation."
Diavolo had never once thought Lucifer would ever ask, and to be fair the man never thought he would either, but he's more than happy to give his friend a few days off to visit his dear human.
Whatever brief hit that his pride took by having to admit that he needed a break was more than made up for by finally seeing the MC again. He knew he missed them, painfully aware of that fact, but just the sight of them waiting to meet him outside the portal was enough to nearly take his breath away…
His first vacation was sure to be paradise. 
Oh, the distance was killing this poor boy. Any day where he can’t have the MC on his arm feels worse than when he's on a losing streak…
Speaking of a losing streak, he's been stuck in one for a whole month without his beloved partner in crime with him. Did he lose his lucky charm or was he just too down in the dumps to gamble well? Anyone's guess.
Well he got fucking sick of it. He wanted to see the MC, ASAP. But how would he get to the human world…?
It takes a week but he gets an idea. It took another for it to actually trigger.
Like clockwork one of the witches he's regularly in debt to, one that just happens to be a bad gambler herself, summoned him out to give her a little extra luck. Usually, he'd just kick whatever slot machine she’s parked herself at and be done with it but this time he's got to ask… How long does that summon spell last, eh?
He made a new sort of bargain. She gets to take Goldie out for a spin if she gave him some time in exchange… 24 hours to be exact.
He didn't waste a second after striking the deal because he had a lot of flying to do.
The MC probably didn't expect to hear frantic knocking on their door at the break of dawn, nor to find a beat tired and disheveled Mammon leaning outside it….
But he embraced them for all it's worth anyway. If it meant feeling them in his arms again, he'd trade away the whole world if he had to...
He… didn’t do so well with the distance. Like at all. He'd mope around the house, constantly bemoaning how unfair things were. Not even his favorite games can give him any joy because those were the games he used to play with MC…
Sneaking in the occasional video call was pretty much the only thing that could make him smile anymore. Just seeing their face felt like getting a cold drink in the middle of a scorching desert… But he wanted more.
Thankfully, the MC themselves gave him a really, really good idea…
For two weeks straight, Levi seemed to get out of whatever funk he was in to help out around the House… Like, really help out. Suck-up levels of help out. It creeped everybody out...
After a time he finally approached Lucifer and made a simple request. There was an anime convention going on in the human world soon and he'd like to attend…
The ulterior motive for this little visit is practically written on the wall, but he'd been acting so damn unnerving for the past two weeks Lucifer just gave him permission to make him stop.
When the MC agreed to meet him on the opening day, they said they'd be dressed up as someone he'd recognize. Frankly, he was expecting Henry or maybe Ruri-chan but he was completely floored to see them waiting for him dressed in a familiar black hoodie with coral-like horns on their head and a carefully crafted serpent's tail behind them.
To this day he still can't decide what made him happier: seeing the love of his life so adoringly dressed as him or finally feeling their body collide with his after they came running to each other outside the convention hall...
In the end it probably doesn't matter because for that whole day alone, he finally felt like he had everything he could of ever wanted right there with him.
Satan's not one for idle moping so when he felt that yearning in his chest finally hit a tipping point, he didn't whine. He didn't complain. He got up and did something about it.
Teleportation magic is tricky to master and dangerous to perform even with sufficient skill. One wrong move and you could end up smearing yourself across three different continents…
But like that would stop him.
He pulled out every book he could find on the subject, researched for days, then practiced for weeks. First on books and apples, then on some of Lucifer’s belongings.
He had to keep making new excuses to throw Lucifer off the scent (especially after he started sending some of his shirts away to different parts of the house) but after some time, it finally paid off.
Satan was probably the last person the MC would have expected to see show up in their room randomly one night, sitting casually by a lamp and reading a book like he didn't just master time and space just to come say hi.
But who was going to be all that picky when they could finally shower their nerdy cat-lover in all the love and kisses they've both been missing for months now?
If you took Asmo at his word, then the sheer depths of longing and despair he was experiencing while the MC was away could far outweigh that of anyone else to ever have existed in the history of all time.
He was the Avatar of Lust, desire was in his nature. Couple that with a burning need to have his lover as close to him as he possibly could and it was safe to say he was losing his mind!
This might have been the reason Solomon finally gave in after his 16th-ish time trying to beg the sorcerer to help him. He really was quite pitiful in this state...
When Solomon told Asmo that he could smuggle him out of the teleportation gate between the Devildom and human world ONLY if he could magically disguised his appearance, he was kind of expecting Asmo to refuse. This was Asmo he was talking about. He honestly thought that he'd rather die than deprive the world of his beauty so selfishly…
The world is full of surprises, ain't it?
No matter where they were, no matter what they were doing, the MC was suddenly mowed over by a "stranger" running at them at top speed like an Olympic sprinter. It’d probably have been pretty scary before Solomon lifted the enchantment shortly after to reveal their demon’s gorgeously familiar face.
Solomon wasn't going to let him stay too long, lest he incur the wrath of Lucifer, but Asmo couldn't care less. Be it a thousand hours or a few short seconds, he could always find a way to make his time with the MC last a lifetime...
Fun fact, Hell freezes over a little every time Beel says "I'm not hungry…" No. Seriously. A freezing wind blasts across the entire Devildom like the realm itself gets a sudden chill...
So imagine the levels of panic that went through pretty much everyone there when his appetite started to fail him.
It's not like the poor baby could help it, food just tasted so much better when the MC was there that eating without them was like trying to digest actual disappointment… He got tired of trying after a while.
A few days of this behavior were worrying, but when he started to get a little thinner the family went into an uproar, starting with Belphie but soon spreading to the rest of the House as well.
Lucifer's soft spot for the twins may have influenced his decision. I mean, it was awfully generous of him to get Diavolo to approve of an fully sanctioned, planned meeting between Beel and the MC. He probably wouldn’t have offered that to anyone else...
Not that Beel cared about all that background favoritism anyway. Hell, on the day that he was finally allowed to see them, he couldn't be bothered by anything other than holding the MC close and hoping they'd never let him go again.
His appetite did return to him eventually, of course, but as long as he had his human with him even the cheapest street taco tasted like a fine five star-meal.
Frankly, Belphegor was sick and tired of missing people.
Ever since the Celestial War he missed Lilith. When he was stuck in the attic, he missed Beel. And now that the MC was away he was supposed to just sit patiently and miss them too? No way. Not happening. Something about that had to change.
It wasn’t the first time he'd gone to Lucifer in an angry huff, but admittedly he had more ammo than usual...
There was a… discussion between the two. It went on for a couple hours… There may have been some words to the effect of, "Don't you think you owe me?" exchanged… 
Honestly, it was kind of amazing Belphie didn't end up in another attic "timeout" by the end of it. But he got what he wanted, so what's to complain about?
With a little persuasion on his part, Lucifer managed to get Diavolo to approve of a weekly visit for the two, SO LONG as Belphie stayed on his best behavior in the human world.
There wasn’t really much worry about him acting up, though, since he'd have his nap buddy back. It would be pretty hard to be a threat to humanity when he was too busy staying snuggled up to his favorite person until well past noon...
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theymetinargentina · 4 years
All the Stars | H.S. Imagine
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Comments and requests are always welcomed:)
Summary: domestic Harry, husband!Harry, all that jazz
Warnings: Smut
Word count: 1.8k
Moonlight continued to cascade on his back. He had a concentrated look on his face as he tried to get the thing i begged for to work. “I can’t get this fuckin’ thing to work.” he scroffed.
“Harry you have to twist it,” I said while looking over the manual.
“I only do this for you my darlin’,” he peered back at me and gave me the cheekiest grin.
“I know you’re only saying that to get in my pants,” I rolled my eyes
“Absolutely not,” he sounded genuinely hurt, “Plus I wouldn’t even need to do that.” he grinned.
“Is that so?” I raised my eyebrow and chuckled.
“You’d come crawling on your knees for my baby.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, hurry and finish I want to see.” I stood up and walked to where Harry continued to work at the telescope.
He stepped back, “It looks like it should work,” yet he sounded unsure.
“Alright I trust you, now shoo.”
“Hey! I built the bloody thing, I would also like to see ‘all the stars’,” he teased with a grin. I merely scoffed at him and peered through the lens, letting out a small gasp.
“It looks beautiful Harry,” I exclaimed.
I moved to allow him a glimpse of the night sky.
“Fuckin’ hell, you can see everything,” he squited and hunched over the telescope while I hugged him from behind.
“We should get inside and get the table set for dinner.” I say into his back.
A few friends were coming over to celebrate a recent promotion I had gotten at work. Harry was estatic and insisted we have a celebration. Which meant we now had to finish cooking and get ready for guests. Something Harry wasn’t particularly fond of when having guest over.
“Just a minute, I wanna stay outside with you for a bit.” He hums. It was dark and there was a slight nip to the air but our warmth combined was enough for us.
He turned around and returned the hug. His warmth enveloping me whole. My check to his chest, I could hear and feel his heart beating. Even after all this years, through every argument, I can’t believe the amount of love I have for this man. Everything he does amazes me, the kindness and gentleness he has never stops surprising me. I truly don’t think he understands how big of a gift he is the world. How in awe we- his family, friends and even fans- constantly are of him. I don’t think he realizes how many people he has, and continues, to save. The fact that he does it all without asking anything in return for himself, somehow makes him so much admirable. ———————————————————— “I’ll take the plate, don’t worry about it,” I say as I grab his plate and take it to the sink. Not before he sneaks a slap to my ass.
When I turn to look at him, he has the cheekiest grin ever and giggles like a teenage boy.
I can’t help the smile that makes it’s way onto my face.
“I couldn’t help myself,” he grins, “especially not when you’re wearing a skirt that short.”
“Don’t slut shame me, you asshole,” I snap back playfully
“Baby I want you to dress slutty in front of me,” he hugs me from behind and slowly push’s his groin into my backside, “it makes my dick rock hard.”
I mhmm in acknowledgment. I decide to tease him back and slowly start to move my hips.
He groans and starts placing sloppy kisses along my neck, “babyyyy, if you keep doing that I’m gonna take you right here.”
“Do it,” I moan when he starts trailing his hand down my stomach.
Just when he’s about to reach the button of my jeans the door bell rings.
“Fuck,” he all but growls.
I laugh, “relax baby we’ll have time later.” I wink as I go to answer the door
“You absolute tease,” I hear him say.
We’re all three drinks in and it’s clear everyone’s starting to feel it. Harry is telling the story of the renovation we recently had done in the guest room, to which Jeff and Glenne listen to intently.
“Seriously, I’ll give you both the number to the company that did our flooring,” I say to them.
They turn their heads and smile at me, “That would be wonderful, thank you,” glenne says with a grateful smile.
Despite our time together, being around Harry’s friends never fails to make me nervous. I think a part of me is worried if they don’t like me, what Harry would do. Surely he’d pick his best friend and manager over a girl, right? My thoughts are interrupted when my close friend Mae asks Harry a question.
“Renovations in a new house, but no ring?” She has a playful tone and everyone laughs but Harry and I both look at each other slightly panicked.
It’s not that we didn’t want people to know that we had gotten married. But the constant questions and pestering became a drag to deal with. Which is why we choose to instead elope with only our familys knowledge. It was beyond lovely being able to experience the first few months of our marriage without the constant unwanted attention from everyone.
It was a secret between the two of us, something that made our love all the more special.
Harry takes a deep breath and looks over the Mae, “it’ll happen soon, don’t worry,” he grins.
“I’ve told you a thousand times Mae, we’ll go to a courthouse and that’s it,” I smile, knowing this is where we constantly lost everyone in our marriage plans.
Harry and I didn’t want the big wedding everyone dreams of. We were content with signing a paper and vowing to love each other.
“I love you both, but you kill me everytime you remind me,” Mae exclaims with a small smile.
Everyone begins chatting about weddings, in what I assume to be an attempt to change our minds.
After a few more drinks and a long discussion about what our next gathering will be focused on, our guests excuse themselves and leave one by one. ————————————— Up stairs, Harry and I began to get ready for bed. He managed to tuck himself into bed already while I wiped all my makeup off.
“I don’t know if I should keep letting my bread grow?” He wondered out loud.
“Yes!” I agreed a little too loudly, Harry’s facial hair was the source of most of our disagreements. While he preferred to stick to shaven or minimal stubble, I preferred his full grown beard.
He knowingly smirked, “I’ll keep it if it means I get to spend all day with my head between your thighs.”
“You won’t hear me complainin’ “ I mumbled.
“I’m sorry, what was that? I couldn’t hear you?” He jokingly leaned foward in an attempt to look at me.
I turned off the light and walked toward our bed. Before sit at the end of it.
While crawling, “ I said I won’t complain about you spending all day between my thighs.”
He grinned again, “is that so?”
I reached my hand under the covers and began to palm him over his sweatpants. He started placing kisses along my neck and jawline. When I gave a rather hard squeeze he groaned and looked at me, “I’m gonna cum in my pants.”
“And we couldn’t possibly have that hmm?”
“Absolutely not, I want to cum in your tight cunt.”
I moaned at his words and pulled him to get out from under the covers. He pushed me onto my back and began grinding his hips on mine. I reached for the bottom of his shirt and lifted it off him. While he broke away I began to strip off my bottoms and top.
He let out a growl when he saw I wasn’t wearing a bra and immediately began sucking on the area around my nipples.
“Harry..” I moaned
“Tell me baby” he replied, “tell me what you want daddy to do?”
“I want daddy to fuck me.” I boldly said
It’s light a switch flipped in Harry and he practically tore off my lace thong.
I  pulled his underwear off and his erection sprung up immediately.
I almost drooled at the sight of his red tip dripping pre cum. I laid back down while slowly pumping him.
He threw his head back and gave the most angelic moan I have ever heard. The sight of Harry completely subbmissive to my hand was quite possibly the biggest turn on.
He wasted in no time and lined himself up, kissing me roughly and slowly easing in.
“Oh fuck...” I threw my head back in pleasure.
No matter how many times we had sex, Harry’s size never failed to surprise me.
“Shit baby you’re so tight,” he bit his lip and began thrusting roughly.
Our pants and skin slapping was the only noise  in the room. A noise that had become a regular occurrence.
“Harder Harry.....fuck..”
“Yeah baby? You like rough? Like it when daddy fucks you with his cock?” He smirked and picked up his pace. He trailed his hand up from my thighs and wrapped them around my throat lightly.
“Mmmm....” was all I managed to get out.
He pressed his body on top of mine and bottomed out making me moan out loudly. I raked my nails down his back, knowing the marks would be there tomorrow.
He placed a kiss below my ear sending a wave of pleasure throughout me.
“Wanna get on top and ride my cock darlin’ ?” He whispered.
I nodded feverishly and pushed him to lay on his back.
I straddled him and grabbed his length lining him up, slowly sinking down. We both dropped our heads and moaned at the feeling of him being balls deep in me.
“Fuck, baby you’re cunt feels so good.”
“Mmm you like it?” I asked
“I fuckin love it.” I began moving my hips back and forth and then bouncing up and down; trying to find a rhythm that would push us over the edge.
My thighs began to burn so I placed my chest on Harry’s and he took that as his signal to do his part. He began thrusting up into me at a merciless pace. ‘Oh fuck’ was the only words I could seemingly get out, while Harry resorted to merely grunting.
I could feel him twitching inside me and knew he was close.
I began kissing all along his jaw and whispered in his ear, “cum in me, Harry, cum in your cunt.” This was all he needed as he bottomed out and groaned loudly.
I felt his thick ropes of cum coat inside of me. This pushed me over the edge, making me twitch on top of Harry and cry out.
I felt him soften but neither of us made any move. Our breaths were slowly going back to normal.
Finally I slowly eased off of him, whimpering at the feeling of being empty.
“Fuck, y/n, what the hell was that?” He chuckled.
“It was thank you, for everything.” I smiled.
“I love you.” “I love you.”
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
Something Wicked
part 11
warnings: yandere behavior, description of medical procedure, non con medical procedure 
Hello, darlings! second update of the night! Who knows what I’ll work on next though. it’s a toss up between the next chapter of SW and the next chapter of SWGD. Love you all! thank you for being so patient with my lack of updates!---chaotic puff
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The closer the day got, the more excited Jin seemed to be, but Y/N seemed to shrivel away. The wedding wasn’t even a day away anymore. She would be officially tied to the devil himself in less than twenty four hours. It was something out of her worst nightmares, but to Jin it was a fairy tale. Everything was falling into place just as he wanted it. Everything was perfect. How could it not be when it was planned by him, when he’d put so much time and effort into the match? And he couldn’t have been more pleased with his bride to be.
Y/N had spent the past week as a living doll. She finalized flowers. She looked over menus. She checked over guest lists, all under the watchful eye of her future husband. Despite the stream of people that seemed to go in and out of the penthouse these days, she never said a word about her situation. Jin had threatened her within an inch of her life if she tried anything. She had the bruises to match as well. Any act of defiance, or at least perceived act, was met with what Jin referred to as a “correction”. It had drilled a Pavlovian response into her. Jin raised his voice or raised his hand, and she fell into submission. At least Pavlov’s dog had gotten a reward for its training. She was only getting a lifetime more of this hell.
“Darling.” Jin greeted joining her in the bedroom where she had retreated for a moment to try to collect herself.
It was almost unbearable to sit there pretending to be his perfect fiancée when his touch made her want to vomit, when his bruises were hidden under careful layers of makeup and long sleeves so that no one would suspect a thing. Most of his bruises were left in places that wouldn’t be easily seen though, and the seamstress that had worked on her dress and her trousseau had known better than to question the marks. Her assistants hadn’t either. Jin paid well enough and was an esteemed enough customer that no one ever questioned why his fiancée was marked up or why she never seemed to leave the house.
“Yes, Jin?” She asked unable to stop the way she tensed as he approached.
“I wish you would call me ‘dear’.” He pouted wrapping his arms around her middle ignoring the way she flinched as he brushed against one of her bruises. He’d done easier on her in the past couple days letting her marks fade before the wedding. He needed her to look perfect after all. “We’ll be married tomorrow, darling.”
“I’m not much for pet names.” She murmured, hollow eyes staring down at her engagement ring.
Jin sighed pulling away and turning her head so that she was facing him. “What have I said about the mumbling?” He cooed dragging his thumb across her lower lip.
“I’m sorry, Jin.” She lowered her eyes proud of the way she was able to keep from shaking under his stare.
“It’s all right, darling.” He cooed smiling down at her. “You have a doctor’s appointment.”
That caught her attention immediately. “What?”  Her eyes were wide and searching as they flew to his.
‘The doctor will be here soon.” He laughed smiling down at her as though she was a child with her head in the clouds. “We have to get that pesky little IUD out.”
All the blood drained from her face as she tried to back away, but Jin kept her pressed firmly to his chest as he began to place teasing kisses against her neck and trailing them up towards her jaw.
“I-I thought we were waiting until after the wedding.” She whimpered pressing against his chest lightly in an attempt to make him release her. If she used any more force, he’d take it as an act of defiance, of rejection, and Jin did not respond well to rejection.
“I changed my mind.” He grinned against her neck, playfully nipping at the delicate flesh there. “We don’t have to have a baby right away.” He assured her feeling the way her pulse sped up under his touch. “But if it happens, it happens, and wouldn’t a baby be such a blessing, darling? Our own little family?” She didn’t respond, but that didn’t seem to matter to Jin. He just kept on talking. “A little boy, a son. Maybe he’ll have those lovely eyes of yours, but he’ll be world-wide handsome, just like his father.” He laughed pulling away to smile down at her almost patronizingly. “Wouldn’t that be nice, darling?”
She pasted on a brittle smile to appease him. “Of course, Jin.”
“Then you’ll be a good girl and let the doctor do what he has to do.” Jin nodded herding her back towards the bed. “I want to make sure that you’re in perfect health before the honeymoon.”
Perfect. She was coming to hate that word. What even was perfect? It certainly wasn’t the life she had here with Jin. She wondered not for the first time how her life had come to this. How could the world be so fooled by him? How did no one see the monster behind the carefully constructed mask? Maybe there were those who did, but even she had to admit that he wasn’t an ordinary man. The Kim family had an enormous amount of influence. Even if someone knew, would they have said anything? Would they even have been able to say anything?
She’d done her best to stay calm as she and Jin waited for the doctor to arrive, but the longer she waited the more antsy she became. Jin’s quite excitement wasn’t helping anything either. He was far too pleased by the idea of accidentally knocking her up on their honeymoon, a prospect that filled her with dread. By the time the doctor actually arrived, she was ready to run for the hills, and she did.
It might not have been the wisest idea, but hearing the doorbell sent Y/N into a panic dashing away only to have Jin’s arm loop around her waist pulling her back into his chest.
He sighed disappointedly hauling her up and dropping her onto the bed as he straddled her reaching for the cuffs that had not left the headboard in some time. With movements that had become practiced over the past weeks, Jin strapped her down leaving her helpless as he stood back up again.
“I thought you knew better by now, darling.” He tutted shaking his head before leaning down and placing a swift kiss on her lips. “Ah, well. I’ll let the doctor in. Don’t move, darling.” He teased and infuriating smirk pulling at his features.
“Jin.” She whimpered pleading with him to listen to her even though she knew that the chances of that were slim. “Please, Jin. I don’t want to have it removed yet. I don’t even know this doctor.”
Jin placed a hand on her hair smoothing back some strands that had escaped from her updo. “There’s nothing to worry about, darling. Dr. Jung is one of the best in the business. He’s not a gynecologist, but his family has been working with mine for years. He’ll take excellent care of you, and he’s a dear friend of mine.”
“He’s not even a gynecologist?” Her voice rose an octave as she struggled against her bonds.
“He’ll take very good care of you.” Perhaps he was trying to be reassuring, but Jin was rarely reassuring when it came to her. She very much doubted that anything would be reassuring again, not when Jin had his claws in her.
“Can’t we wait?” She called out as he started for the door, her words coming out in a rush. “Please. Can’t we wait? I could see my doctor.” She offered in a desperate attempt to stop this madness, but Jin was having none of it.
“There’s nothing to consider, my love.” He scoffed turning back to her with a patronizing smile. “I know nothing about your doctor. They could be wholly unsuitable. It’s much better that you use the family doctor. I’ll only tolerate the best when it comes to you, darling. Now be a good girl and wait here while I get Dr. Jung.”  
Y/N could do nothing but sit and tremble on the mattress as she waited for Jin to return with the doctor. Jin would get his way one way or another. Her agreement was of little consequence to him. Why would it be? She was more of a doll than a person to him, a perfect little ornament to be added to the Kim family tree.
The doctor and Jin came up only a few minutes later, and she was shocked to see just how young the doctor was. He had to be somewhere between her own age and Jin’s, but perhaps that shouldn’t have been so surprising since Jin had said that the doctor was a friend of his.
The man didn’t seem phased at all that she was tied down to the bed trembling like a frightened animal, and that was perhaps the most disturbing thing of all. She was used to Jin acting as if all of this was common place, but it was a new level of disheartening to see someone else treat it as normal.
“You told me she was lovely, but I didn’t expect her to be so beautiful.” The young doctor smiled sunnily striding into the room with Jin by his side. “She’s absolutely gorgeous, Jin.”
“Thank you, Hosoek.” Jin beamed with pride as he settled himself beside her on the bed as the doctor began to set up his tools from the large bag that he carried.
“Are you excited for the big day, Y/N?” The doctor asked grinning at her as he pulled out and set up a pair of stirrups from his case adjusting them so that they rested comfortably on the ottoman that rested at the foot of the bed. “Jin, I’ll need her to be moved to the end of the bed.” He explained completely unbothered by her lack of reply as he laid out a towel on the very end of the bed. “I’ll also need her undergarments removed, but I think you’d prefer to do that instead of me.”
She hated the way the two of them grinned. It sent a shiver of disgust down her spine as Jin adjusted her chains so that he could manhandle her into position so that her bottom hung the slightest bit off the end of the bed. Her legs weren’t in the stirrups yet though. She had to be stripped before that.
Jin took great pleasure in trailing his fingers up her thigh as he lifted her skirt up above her waist before he slowly pulled her panties down and off her legs. At least the doctor had had the decency to look away even if he was going to see it all in just a moment. Small mercies she supposed.
“Let’s take a look, shall we?” The doctor asked as he positioned her feet up into the stirrups, and Jin resumed his place by her side.
Y/N stiffened as she felt the gloved fingers of the doctor prodding at her folds before he inserted a finger into her feeling around before pulling them out again. Unlike her previous doctor, this one did not bother to explain what he was doing. He simply went about his work as though she was a nonentity in it all.
She couldn’t suppress the yelp that left her as he inserted the speculum. She had always hated this part of the exam. Even when she knew it was coming, she found it terribly uncomfortable. It was worse when she didn’t know. The stretch of the device burned, and the way that Jin cooed at her didn’t help her discomfort at all.
“We’re removing an IUD, yes?” Hoseok looked up from between her legs, but he wasn’t looking at her. He was looking at Jin only confirming her suspicion that she was a nonentity in all of this.
“Yes.” Jin confirmed placing a hand on her cheek and brushing his thumb across the soft skin there as the doctor took a long cotton swab and brushed it against her cervix to get a sample. “Y/N and I are thinking of starting a family soon.”
“An heir for the Kim line.” Hoseok hummed taking a long pair of tweezers and inserting them into her. “How many do you think you’ll have?”
“Two. Two boys.” Jin grinned continuing to absent mindedly brush his thumb back and forth across her cheek.
“That’s on you then, Jin.” The doctor chuckled his tweezers grabbing hold of the string of her IUD and gently pulling on it. “The woman doesn’t determine the sex of the baby.”
“Kim’s have always had boys.” He scoffed his thumb stilling in its movement.
Having the little device inserted had hurt like a bitch, but having it taken out didn’t hurt nearly as badly even if it was still uncomfortable. The burning humiliation of the whole process was so much worse. She didn’t even feel like a person anymore. It was a small mercy that the entire procedure was quick.  
“There.” The doctor grinned straightening up and removing the speculum. “All done.”
“See?” Jin cooed pushing her skirt back down as Hoseok took her feet out of the stirrups. “That wasn’t so bad, now was it, darling?”
She wanted so badly to scream, to yell at him, but what good would it do? He never listened to her anyway.
“She had an appointment with her regular doctor a few months ago, but I took another sample just to be safe.” The doctor explained packing all his thing back up again. “I’ll be seeing you both at the wedding.”
“I’ll see you out.” Jin nodded standing up to escort the doctor out and leaving her tied down and humiliated on the bed.
It wasn’t long before Jin returned again beaming down at her as cleaned up the gel from between her legs and uncuffed her from the bed.
“I wish you wouldn’t make things so hard on yourself, darling.” He sighed helping her to sit up again seeming almost pleased with the way she curled in on herself as though she could keep herself from falling apart if she held herself tight enough. “Life could be so much easier.” She didn’t respond, but that didn’t matter to Jin.
“We have no time for sulking, darling. We have dinner with my parents tonight. I need you to get ready.”
“What?” her head shot up staring her eyes wide and frightened at the prospect of facing his parents.
“My parents wanted to have dinner with us before the wedding tomorrow. Isn’t that nice, darling?” She trembled even more as Jin leaned in nuzzling against her throat pressing his lips against the skin there so he could feel her racing pulse. “You’ll be good for me won’t you, darling?” He asked reveling in the way she allowed him to man handle her. “After all,” he chuckled darkly. “I’d hate to add onto your punishment. You’ve already been such a bad girl today.”
part 12
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prettyboybarzal · 4 years
Falling For You
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Pairing: Jake DeBrusk x female!OC
Summary: Sutton Beckett is settling for an unhappy relationship, but a chance encounter with Jake changes everything. 
Word Count: 18k+
A/N: Happy birthday, JD! Here’s the fic I’ve been working on since the beginning of quarantine. It’s been fun for me to write in my free time. It’s mostly a friends to lovers story, but very much a slow burn. SLOW. BURN. (Title inspired by Fallingforyou by The 1975)
Warnings: Smut, alcohol consumption, shitty boyfriend (not Jake)
January 20th, 2019
Sutton Beckett was pouting into a Long Island Iced Tea in the middle of a club in Boston. Despite being surrounded by her two best friends and a sea of beautiful, smiling people, she couldn’t find it in herself to crack so much as a smirk.
“Stop moping,” her roommate, Kate, demanded. Sutton lifted her chin and caught the glare she was sending her. “You’re no fun when you’re fighting with Garrett.”
“So, she’s no fun all the time?” their other roommate, Mia, asked with a sarcastic laugh.
“I’m fun!”
“Yeah, when you’re not fixated on every little detail of every little fight you have with him.”
Sutton almost opened her mouth to argue that her roommates were wrong, but she was tired of fighting it. They were completely right. Her relationship of two years was draining her energy completely.
When she first met him, their relationship felt like a dream. He was older, so he had a well-paying job and she reaped the benefits of those paychecks. He brought her to five-star restaurants and surprised her with gifts just because. He talked about the future and his plans to buy them a house on the Cape. She loved him, she saw that future with him, but as time had gone on the vision was getting dimmer.
After they hit a year and a half, a switch flipped.
When Garrett stopped caring, she blamed it on his work, but months passed and she needed something new to blame it on. His parents’ divorce, his sister’s Bridezilla wedding planning, even the death of his childhood dog. But she knew, and her friends knew, the relationship was a disaster and her excuses weren’t good enough.
“What was the fight about tonight?”
“He didn’t like what she was wearing,” Kate answered the question before Sutton could even open her mouth. Sutton opened her mouth, no doubt to come to Garrett’s defense, but Kate warned her, “Don’t defend him.”
“I’m going to grab another drink.”
Sutton found an open space at the bar and gunned for it. But, just as she stepped into the space, someone else did the same and she nearly crashed right into the broad chest of a random man. He stopped short just before she collided into him. When she looked up at him, he spoke but the music was too loud to hear. So, he leaned down to speak into her ear.
“You can order first,” he spoke, nodding towards the bar. “I’ll wait my turn.”
The boy stood at least two steps behind her as she leaned against the bar and stood on her tippy toes to get the bartender’s attention. She was shorter than almost everyone standing at the counter and kept getting ignored as a result, so he finally took matters into his own hands and waved the bartender down.
She spotted him and made a beeline to their side of the bar, though she looked directly past Sutton and up to him.
“I’ll have a ginger whiskey,” he spoke. He extended his hand with his card right over Sutton’s shoulder. “And whatever she’s having you can put on my card, too.”
Sutton almost protested, but the moment she turned to do so, he simply shook his head and she snapped her mouth shut. She placed her order, despite herself, and turned back to the boy as the bartender went to grab the drinks.
“I have a boyfriend,” she told him. He choked on his laughter, but said nothing more as he leaned over her to grab their drinks from the counter of the bar. He handed her glass to her as she continued rambling. “I wasn’t sure if you were, like, flirting with me and I didn’t want to take advantage of you if you were.”
“I was totally flirting with you,” he admitted. Sutton’s eyebrows shot up at his honesty. “But, hey, no problem. We can just be friends, yeah?”
She eyed him skeptically because, honestly, no guys just wanted to be friends. But the smile on his face made it hard for her to believe that he had any bad intentions. He just looked kinder than most guys—soft eyes, kind smile, brown hair that was a little long and tousled like he couldn’t have been bothered to groom it himself.
“Sure, we can be friends,” she told him with a smile that mirrored his own. “What’s your name?”
“Jake,” he introduced himself as he extended his hand.
“I’m Sutton,” she responded, dropping her hand in his. His fingers, rough against her much softer and more delicate skin, curled around her hand and gave her a firm shake.
“I love your outfit,” he said, leaning back to admire the lace body suit she paired with black skinny jeans. Her hand remained in his grasp as she threw her head back with a laugh. How beautifully ironic this interaction was.
“Thank you,” she responded, shaking her head at him in amusement as they dropped each other’s hands. “Guys never compliment girls on what they wear, so thank you for being a breath of fresh air.”
“Not even what’s-his-name?”
“Your boyfriend.”
She laughed again before offering his name.
“Garrett,” he scoffed. He knew he was probably treading on thin ice, but he also noticed how easily the laughter was falling from her lips, so he continued. “Garrett doesn’t compliment you?”
“Not tonight,” she said, gazing down at the glass in her hands. She didn’t mean for it to come out sounding that sad, and yet. “No.”
Jake frowned as he watched her close in on herself. The laughter was gone and her eyes had gone dark and the smile on her lips was upside down, so he asked, “Do you want to dance?”
And, because the five minutes she’d been around him made her smile harder than the past six months with Garrett, she decided to say, “I’d love to.”
In the middle of the dancefloor, he spun her into his chest. His free hand fell to her hips as her arms curled around his neck to rest her elbows on his shoulders. She giggled softly again before curling her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck.
It started out innocent enough, but as the music changed so did the air between them. It wasn’t long before her back was pressed against his chest, glasses forgotten on a table a few steps away from them. His hands danced along her sides and wrapped around her waist to pull her close. 
He liked the way she laughed and the way she felt against him and he noticed that she would lull her head to the side when he leaned down to whisper in her ear. His breath tickled her neck and she reacted immediately and it turned him on. He wanted to touch her bare skin, he wanted to kiss her neck, and he wondered if he could press his luck. He reached up, brushed her hair behind her, and leaned in to place a chaste kiss against her neck.
Nothing more happened, though they danced through another few songs before he was dragged away from her to rejoin his friends. He practically begged for her phone and left his number under a contact name of Jane (“Just in case Gary sees,” he explained. “Garrett,” she corrected him.)
When she returned home that night, she jumped in the shower immediately, earning confused looks from her roommates. She told them that she just felt gross when she really just needed to wash him off her skin.
February 12th, 2019
“Garrett, wonderful to see you.”
Sutton laughed to herself at the sarcastic formalities exchanged between her boyfriend and Mia. It had been a few weeks since her night out with the girls and, even though Sutton and Garrett hadn’t fought since, Mia still couldn’t stand seeing him in their apartment.
“Where’s my girl?”
Sutton heard him approaching and pulled the door open. When he stepped in, he held up a jersey and waved it in her direction.
“You can wear my Pasta jersey tonight,” he spoke. “He’s one of our best players.”
She reached out and took it from his hand, but he didn’t release it. Instead, he leaned in and puckered his lips for a kiss. She complied after mentally rolling her eyes at him. He let go of the jersey, and she slipped it on over a long sleeve shirt. “Are you excited?”
“Yeah, baby,” he answered, stepping up behind her as she check herself out in the mirror. He wound his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. “This is such a great gift.”
“I’m glad,” she said softly, thinking about all the money she’d spent on it. He better have liked it, if not only for the dent it left in her wallet.
They made it to their seats five minutes before puck drop. He spent most of their ride to the Garden talking her ear off about the team and the season they’d been having, but Sutton never cared much for sports so most of it was in one ear and out the other.
It wasn’t until the team came out for the beginning of the game that Sutton’s worlds collided. Above her head on the massive Jumbotron, Jake was smiling down at her. She gasped, hand jolting in surprise just enough to spill some beer on Garrett’s jeans.
“Sutton, what the hell?” he grunted, wiping the liquid off his leg. She muttered an apology, but her eyes were already searching the ice for the boy she’d been considering a missed connection. He stood at center ice, shuffling on his skates as the anthem played. And his number? 74. Just like the jersey Garrett was wearing.
She was flustered in the very worst way. It felt like she was barely functioning, unable to carry a conversation with Garrett because her mind was so clearly on Jake. It was made even worse whenever she caught a glimpse of his last name branded across Garrett’s back. She felt a little bit sick, and a little bit guilty, even though she didn’t really have a reason to be.
On the way back to her apartment, Garrett chattered on about the game while she stared down at her phone in her lap. It felt heavier now that she’d been reminded of the number in her phone.
He walked her up to her apartment, though she kind of hoped he’d just stay in the car, and waited for her to change out of his jersey before going. Kate began to chat with him, and Sutton made a mental note to thank her later for at least being polite.
“What are you guys going to do for Valentines?”
“Well, we just had an early Valentines’ date tonight,” he said. Sutton reentered the room at that moment, wishing she had stayed in her bedroom for a moment longer so she didn’t have to hear that. “Did you have fun, baby?”
She nodded because she genuinely thought if she opened her mouth that she would cry.
“Oh!” Kate responded. Her face was white, eyes shifting uncomfortably between her best friend and the guy who’d just crushed her spirit. “No dinner on the day of?”
Garrett offered the girls a performative pouted, dropping an arm over Sutton’s shoulders, as he responded, “I tried to get reservations at Sutton’s favorite spot, but they’re all booked up.”
“When did you try to do that?” Kate asked, eyebrows raised in shock.
“I called last weekend.”
“Garrett, it’s Valentines’ Day,” Mia grunted as she entered the room. He glared at her. “You can’t just call the weekend before and get a table. You should’ve planned in advance.”
“Oh, no,” Sutton spoke up, suddenly finding her voice as she waved off their concerns. “It’s really not a big deal. We’ve been together for so long, you know? We’ve celebrated way too many things. Besides, Valentines’ is just a money maker, right?”
“You crack me up,” he murmured. He leaned in and pressed a kiss to Sutton’s lips. “Listen, babe, I have to run. Early morning tomorrow. I’ll call you, okay?”
Kate and Mia waited until they heard the elevator doors close before launching into a dramatic monologue about how much they hated him, how Sutton deserved better. Sutton, on the other hand, made herself a grilled cheese while they ranted at her and tried to tune them out.
When she was in bed later that night, she couldn’t find it in her to turn on the television or read the book she’d bought earlier that afternoon. Instead, she stared blankly at the wall in front of her and let her brain run a mile a minute.
Finally, after about thirty minutes, she grabbed her phone and pulled up Jake’s contact. She laughed at the contact photo, a goofy selfie he’d taken of himself just before leaving her that night.
When were you going to tell me you were a professional hockey player?
She deleted it and retyped it about five times before just hitting send and hoping for the best.
Across the city, Jake was slipping into his apartment and nearly dropped the food he grabbed on the way home when he saw her name flash across the screen. He smiled when he read her message and settled down at the kitchen table to respond before eating.
Right now, I guess
Bubbles popped up on his screen immediately as she typed out a message of her own. He locked his phone, then unlocked it, watching the bubbles intently as if urging her to type faster.
I was at the game tonight… My boyfriend wore your jersey.
Jake licked his bottom lip, tugging it between his teeth to suppress the cocky grin that was finding its way to his lips.
What did you wear?
Sutton laughed at the undertone of the message, but before she could respond he’d already sent another.
I don’t mean it like you think I do. Get your mind out of the gutter.
Her response: I wore a Pastrnak jersey… And my mind isn’t in the gutter
Well, why don’t you just rip my heart out, Sutton???
The next morning, she woke up to a follow request from him and the realization that a simple shower wasn’t going to make him go away.
February 14th, 2019
In the two days since Garrett dropped the bomb about the lack of Valentines’ plans, Sutton had come to terms with it. It was okay that they weren’t going out to some fancy dinner surrounded by happy couples or desperate singles… As long as he did something to make up for it.
Quite honestly, she wasn’t asking for much.
Flowers would be great, she thought. But, at this point, she would settle for a heartfelt card (or, hell, even a text).
She woke up to a coffee, still hot, waiting for her on the counter with a sweet Post-It note from Kate. Mia even snuck freshly baked cookies into the girls’ lunches. Sutton would be making dinner in their apartment that night as her contribution to their Valentines’ Day plans. At the end of the day, she knew she’d be thankful she spent the night with her girls instead of Garrett.
Maybe that was a problem.
There were no flowers waiting for her when she got to work, and still none by lunchtime. She checked with the office’s receptionist three times that day, wondering if she’d missed a call or something like that. But she hadn’t.
It was around 4 p.m., two hours until the end of her work day, when she heard the mail cart rolling down the hallway.
“Special delivery for Miss Beckett!”
Sutton’s heart fluttered. She practically danced out to the hallway from her desk. The cute elderly man who delivered the mail was standing just beyond the threshold with a black box wrapped in a beautiful white bow.
“Thank you, Earl.”
“Enjoy, beautiful,” he said. “He better treat you right or someone else might come and snatch you up.”
Sutton laughed politely as she walked back to her desk. She placed the box down and squealed excitedly as she pulled the ribbon apart. She took the top off, pulled back the tissue paper, and revealed a Bruins t-shirt with a note that read: You’d look better in #74 than your boyfriend
While Kate and Mia set the dinner table that night, Sutton found herself preoccupied with dinner and Jake DeBrusk, once again. She’d been thinking about his gift all day.
Since she texted him the other night, they’d been Snapchatting a little bit. It was never anything of substance, just photos of his sneakers or skates and her coffees. They hadn’t exchanged any message since earlier that morning, and certainly not after the arrival of his gift, but she knew she’d have to thank him eventually. It made her nervous to think about. She typed out a dozen of texts, but kept talking herself out of it and deleting them. She was so far in her head that she couldn’t figure out how to deal with the situation.
She figured that she should’ve been more upset with him. Sending her a gift on Valentines’ Day when he knew she had boyfriend was clearly crossing a line and she knew she needed to stop him before he took it too far. But, she couldn’t help but ask herself if she even wanted to.
Against her better judgement, Sutton decided she needed to ask for help from the girls. So, as she placed the entrée down on their dining table, she announced, “I need to talk to you guys. And I need you to not be crazies, or jump to conclusions, or anything like that.”
“If it’s about Garrett, I’m liable to be a little crazy.”
“It’s not about him,” she said. “Well, it kind of is. Indirectly, at least.”
“Spit it out, Sutton.”
“Remember when we went out after Garrett and I fought at the end of last month?” she asked. The girls nodded, already digging into the food on their plate despite Sutton being too nervous to put anything on her own. Kate noticed and began shoveling food onto her plate for her, pushing it towards her after it was full. “I met a guy.”
“Excuse me?” Mia blurted out. “What do you mean you met a guy?”
“His name was Jake,” she continued. The girls nodded along, hanging onto every word that Sutton said while she went through the details of the night she met him, and the night she saw him again. They both had smiles on their faces, giggling at the way Sutton relayed their texts from two nights prior.
Kate couldn’t believe she had been talking to a player on the Bruins. Mia was just happy she was talking to someone other than Garrett.
“He sent me one of those t-shirt jerseys,” she said. “Today.”
“Yeah, and he left a note that said ‘you’d look better in #74 than your boyfriend’.”
The girls swooned.
“I love him!” Mia announced. Kate nodded in agreement. “You have to call him and say thank you.”
“Call him?”
“I feel guilty,” she admitted. “I should probably let him down easy, right? I have a boyfriend, and he knows that. He shouldn’t have sent me that gift… Let alone on Valentines’ Day!”
As expected, her roommates groaned or eye rolled or reacted in whatever frustrated way they wanted to.
“We’ll clean up after dinner if you call him.”
Jake declined her call, and then FaceTimed her back. She threw the phone onto her bed, far away from her, at the sight of herself and grabbed an elastic from her dresser to tame the frizzy locks on her head.
“What kind of psychopath FaceTimes someone they hardly know?!” Sutton screamed to her roommates. She heard them laughing in the living room. “And without warning!”
“Answer him!” Mia yelled. “I hate the sound of your ringtone!”
Sutton huffed out in frustration and plopped onto her bed, checking once more to see if she looked okay. She pressed her thumb over the front camera and answered.
Jake was grinning when he popped up, but then he frowned comically.
“I FaceTimed you for a reason.”
“And I voice called you for a reason.”
Sutton watched as Jake threw his head back with a laugh and smiled despite herself. He was in a hotel bed, at least that’s what it looked like, and he was laying on his side, propped up on his elbow. He stared at the black screen on his end of the call and sighed.
“Sutton, show yourself.”
She rolled her eyes, but did as she was told and pulled her thumb off the camera. Before he could say anything, she asked, “How did you know where I work?”
“You put the building on your Instagram story yesterday,” he answered. “And the company is in your Instagram bio. I put two and two together.”
“I really appreciate the gift, Jake, but I have a boyfriend.”
Jake blinked at Sutton, unphased by the statement, before finally saying, “I know that.”
“You really shouldn’t be sending me gifts on Valentines’ Day.”
“It’s Valentines’ Day?” he asked. She honestly couldn’t tell if he was serious or he was just joking around. He laughed softly at her confused expression. “Relax, Sutton. I just wanted to get you the jersey before our game tomorrow night.”
“Oh,” he teased. She rolled her eyes. “Was he mad?”
“He didn��t see it.”
“Why? Did you throw it out? Don’t tell me you threw it out. I mean, it’s not a big deal. I could pay for a new one, but I always hoped if anyone was going to get rid of my jersey they would burn it. It’s so much cooler that way.”
Sutton laughed at him, and Jake beamed at the sound. He hadn’t heard it since the night at the club and it was just as pretty as he remembered.
“I wouldn’t do that.”
“Shouldn’t you be out right now?” he asked. “It’s only 9 p.m. You look like you’re in bed.”
“That’s because I am in bed.”
“Because I have work tomorrow.”
“What did you do tonight?”
“You ask so many questions.”
“I’m trying to get to know you.”
Although they were a whole country apart from each other, him in a hotel room in California and her in bed in Boston, she felt vulnerable. It was because of the way he was looking at her through the screen, the softness of his voice when he was flirting with her, the not-Valentines’ gift and handwritten note that still sat beside her.
“I made dinner for my roommates and I,” she answered. “It was nice.”
“You and Garrett have roommates?”
“Oh, my God,” Sutton grumbled. He was really going to make her spell it out for him wasn’t she. (And, yes, he fully intended to.) “No. I don’t live with him. I live with my two best friends.”
“Did he not spend Valentines’ with you?”
“No, he did,” she said. Her voice dropped to a mumble. “Two nights ago, at TD Garden with you and thousands of other people.”
“Tell me he got you a better gift than a t-shirt with my last name on it,” Jake pleaded, no longer finding the humor in teasing her about him. Sutton grit her teeth in response, not wanting to tell him the truth but knowing she couldn’t lie. “I am your fucking Valentine.”
“No, you’re not.”
“I am by default,” he argued. “And so are your roommates apparently.”
“We celebrated early! Why is that so crazy?”
“Who bought the tickets to the game?” Jake asked. Her silence spoke volumes. “You did, huh?” Sutton nodded. “What kind of asshole doesn’t get his girlfriend a gift on Valentines’ day? What kind of asshole doesn’t even bring her out to dinner?”
“Jake, that’s enough.”
“Did he send you flowers? A card?”
“Jake!” Sutton yelled. He pulled his phone away from his face at the sharpness of her tone. “I don’t want to hear it from you. I already hear it from my roommates. I don’t need to hear it from you. You don’t even know me.”
“Well, I want to.”
There was a pause in conversation, a moment of intense eye contact (if you could even call it that through the phone). Then, Sutton dropped her head back in frustration.
“Because I’ve been thinking about you since I first met you.”
“I have a boyfriend, Jake.”
“Sort of.”
Sutton let out a frustrated sigh and Jake watched her run her free hand through her hair while her eyes gazed at something across the room. They looked like they were welling up and Jake frowned, the feeling of helplessness washing over him as he realized he didn’t quite know how to make the situation any better.
“You’re going to wear the shirt tomorrow, though, right?” he asked, forcing a grin onto his face. She looked at him and laughed. “Because if you tell me you’re wearing a Pasta jersey again, it will break my heart.”
“Yes, I’ll wear your jersey.”
They spent another thirty minutes on the phone talking about nothing important. Jake was happy to be talking to her for real, not through Snapchats that he had to disguise as snaps he sent to everyone on his contact list. As their time together ended, it was clear neither of them was quite ready to hang up.
“I’ll admit,” she started. Jake’s eyebrows perked up. “I like talking to you, Jake DeBrusk.”
“I knew I’d wear you down at some point.”
“But I have a boyfriend.”
“What did I say at the bar?” he asked. She narrowed her eyes at him, unsure of what he was referring to. The only thing that came to mind from that night was the feeling of his lips against her skin. It was hard to remember everything else. He made her head fuzzy. “We can just be friends.”
March 1st, 2019
Sutton’s relationship with Garrett and her friendship with Jake were never supposed to come closer to intersecting than it had on February 12th and there were a few reasons for that.
The first was that Sutton didn’t want to taint the friendship she had with Jake by throwing Garrett into the equation. It just felt too close for comfort. Besides, she knew the two wouldn’t get along. Jake was giggly, happy, full of life. Garrett was serious, grumpy, exhausting. Just because she liked being around them separately did not mean she’d like them together.
The second was that she knew if Garrett found out about their friendship, he would be pissed. There was a reason she shied away from having guy friends. Garrett hated sharing her with other guys, and that included her work husband who was a gay man in his 40s. He was slightly possessive, but she brushed it off as his own insecurities and vowed not to make the relationship more difficult than it needed to be. Just like everything else in life, Sutton catered the relationship to him.
Kate and Mia found humor in the way that Sutton’s life had suddenly become a revolving door. Garrett was there one minute and the second he was gone Jake was showing up at their front door. They started referring to the two parts of Sutton’s life as church and state. Always separate.
She found it easy to keep it that way. Her friendship with Jake was almost completely virtual, save for a happy hour or two. He was busy with hockey, so she didn’t have to worry about him asking her to hang out on the weekends or ever at night. She reserved those for Garrett.
Besides, something about being with another guy after sunset just felt a little scandalous to her and she didn’t need anyone—Jake, Kate and Mia, Garrett, herself—getting the wrong idea.
Nights with Garrett were few and far between. He seemed to be getting busier and busier at work, but Sutton played the part of the doting girlfriend (which really she was) even better. She made him dinner before he went in for night shifts, waited for him to come home from working overtime to give him a massage, made him breakfast before he went out to work again.
Things seemed to be getting better between them, despite his busy schedule. So much so that he met her at work that Friday to bring her to happy hour. He said he wanted to check out a new place downtown, and she went happily because it finally felt right.
Apparently, the opening of this bar was highly anticipated because the place was packed. Unlike Valentines’ Day, Garrett called ahead. Sutton kept the sarcastic comments swirling through her mind to herself and settled into the booth across from him with a sweet smile.
They browsed the menu; Sutton a little longer than Garrett due to her indecisiveness. He gazed around the bar, taking in the atmosphere and then the sight of not one, not two, but a whole group of Boston Bruins.
“Sutton, you’ll never guess who just walked in,” he said in an excited whisper. Sutton gazed up at him from the menu with a smile, then followed his eyes to the door. “Do you know who that is?”
Among a group of men in athletic clothing stood Jake in a Bruins sweatshirt. She spun back to face Garrett and shook her head to give him the illusion that she had no idea who they were even though her heart was about to jump out of her chest.
“Those are some of the Bruins players,” he murmured. “I gotta get a picture with them.”
“Well, why don’t you just let them get drinks and then you can ask for a picture before we leave,” she suggested. The shake of her voice was enough to give her away, if Garrett would only listen.
“That’s Jake DeBrusk,” he continued, eyes still trained on the men across the room. “And Charlie McAvoy.”
“Stop staring, babe,” she said. She took his chin between her fingers and redirected his attention to her. “It’s rude to stare.”
“Well, I’m sorry,” he grumbled, leaning back against his seat. “It’s like if one of those podcasters you liked walked in. I’m star struck.”
Sutton’s heart was pounding in her chest long after Garrett stopped staring at the players that had entered the bar. She knew Jake wouldn’t notice her with her back to him, and since he’d never met Garrett it was impossible that he’d even recognize him. But with Garrett jumping for joy at the opportunity to meet them, she knew she couldn’t avoid him completely.
She spent the entire time trying to figure out how this was going to go down, and even when it came down to it she couldn’t be sure she was making the right decision.
She gathered her things, including her nerves, as Garrett approached Jake. He’d been on the way to the bar when Garrett reached him and the two exchanged polite conversation, smile plastered across Jake’s face as usual.
“Sutton, baby, would you come take a picture for us?”
His smile dropped the moment Sutton locked eyes with him.
“Sure!” she said cheerily, diverting her eyes from his stare. She flitted over to take Garrett’s hand in hers. Jake watched, stomach turning. He was frozen in place. She wasn’t even going to say hello? She wouldn’t meet his eyes or even give him a playful look, a wink even, to acknowledge him behind Garrett’s back.
Jake clenched his jaw and led them back to the table, teeth grinding against each other like they never have before.
“Boys, real quick picture, okay?”
Everything moved so fast. Garrett jumped in with them, Sutton snapped the picture, then stepped away as Garrett praised them on the season they’d been having. She ignored the way Jake was staring at her, tapping away at her phone instead of engaging with him. Like, what else was she supposed to do?
“What’s your name?” Charlie called out. Sutton looked up at him, anxious as all hell that the cat was going to be out of the bag in approximately five seconds. Thankfully, Garrett was talking to one of the other guys they were with and she caught her breath. “You look familiar.”
“Familiar?” she asked with a laugh. Jake watched her carefully. “I don’t think we’ve met before.”
Charlie looked skeptical and then, as he turned to ask Jake if he thought you look familiar too, it clicked.
“Holy shit,” he murmured. And then, as he looked back and forth between the two of them, he also realized the tension. “Holy shit.”
Jake shook his head at Charlie before turning to sit in his chair. Sutton stared at his back, hating every choice she’d made in the minutes before.
“Well, listen, I’ll let you guys get back to it,” Garrett finally said. Sutton redirected her attention to him, hand curling around his forearm as he reached out to her. “Good luck the rest of the way.”
He received words of thanks from the men as they turned back to their food and drinks, and then he was guiding her out of the entrance of the restaurant. Sutton stole one last glance at Jake on the way out and knew that she fucked up.
For the rest of the meal, Jake was quieter than usual because his head was reeling. He was stupid to ever get attached to her. All the time they’d spent talking made him forget that she already had someone at home. Seeing him with her, holding her hand, snapped Jake back to reality. He needed to give himself space.
That’s why when Sutton texted him that night to apologize. (I’m sorry about today! I didn’t really know what I was supposed to do. But thanks for taking a picture with him.)
He left her on read.
March 4th, 2019
Nights were meant for Garrett, but Sutton gave herself one pass.
Jake hadn’t answered her texts or Snapchats since happy hour. She knew the way she acted was shitty, but did he expect her to just tell Garrett about him? It seemed like mess of situation that she didn’t want to get into. Three days later, and after numerous attempts to get in contact with him, she had to go full-on stalker mode.
Jake was at practice late that afternoon, so she planned to grab his favorite meal from a local Thai restaurant and drop it at his apartment when he was home later that night. She followed through, feeling confident in herself as she marched towards his apartment with her head held high.
That feeling dissipated almost as soon as the elevator left the ground floor, but she kept it pushing despite the anxiety. At his door, she knocked once, and waited. No response came. She knocked two more times with the same result and decided to give up.
Maybe it was a sign from the universe that she wasn’t supposed to try to fix this. She took this thought in stride, turning to walk away from his door and find shelter in her apartment across the city. And then the elevator opened and Jake stepped out.
They both stopped in their tracks.
“What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to drop this off,” she answered, extending the Styrofoam take-out box to him. He walked toward her with his duffel bag over his shoulder looking tired and sweaty. He took the box from her hand as he passed by her to unlock his door.
He was momentarily stunned into silence. She had texted him and called him a few times since happy hour, but he figured she’d just stop trying eventually. The thought of never seeing her again stung, but he gave himself a lengthy pep talk the day after the Garrett fiasco and then he re-downloaded all his dating apps.
“I’m going to go.”
“Hold up,” he murmured, kicking the door open. “Come inside for a minute.” Her feet remained planted to the carpeted hallway beneath her feet. She glanced at the elevator, then back at him. “Or don’t.”
Jake pushed the door open enough to slip through it with an annoyed huff of air, and then it slammed shut behind him.
She continued down the hall despite the invitation she desperately wanted to take. She reached the elevator and pressed the button to call it up to his floor. The whir of the car started immediately. The doors opened just a minute later, but Sutton was already on the way back to Jake’s front door.
She only knocked once before he was swinging the door open and stepping aside to welcome her in.
Jake walked straight into the kitchen where the microwave was already heating up the Thai food she’d brought for him. While she sat at the counter, Jake leaned up against the opposite side and asked, “What did you buy me Thai for?”
“It’s an apology.”
“The Thai food is an apology?”
“For what?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. He narrowed his eyes at her, as if he had no idea what he was talking about. He knew damn well what it was for. He just wanted her to say it herself.
“For happy hour the other day.”
Jake hummed, seemingly satisfied by her answer, and grabbed the food from the beeping microwave before slipping out of the kitchen to the living room. Sutton stood there a moment longer, ignoring her overwhelming urge to find a pillow and scream right into it.
“Do you want me to leave you alone?”
Her question was followed by a moment of silence until he reappeared in the doorway. He gave her an amused look before he stepped over to the utensil drawer to grab two forks.
“Sutton, when have I ever wanted you to leave me alone?” He paused. “Do you want me to leave you alone?”
“Great.” He turned and continued out of the room. “Come eat.”
Jake sat on the floor on one side of his coffee table, and Sutton sat across from him. He turned the television on to some rerun of Friends and watched absentmindedly while they ate, his quiet chuckles the only thing filling the air around them.
Sutton watched him, mostly because he wasn’t looking at her, and felt relief wash over her. The tension in her shoulders over almost everything going on in her life was momentarily cured just because she was near him. She knew the Thai food was only a momentary solution and that a more serious conversation would follow later, but she didn’t care. This moment was something she’d been wanting since she saw him on Friday.
After eating, Jake showered and left Sutton in the living room to pick a movie for them to watch. When he returned, she was sitting on the opposite end of the couch from where he had been. He settled down onto the cushion without a word, eyes grazing over the description of the movie she’d picked out.
“Feels weird to have you all the way over there,” he said softly.
She stood and readjusted herself on the cushion beside him. Her legs folded beneath her as she pulled her sweatshirt sleeves over her hands. He noticed the way she was curling into herself and sighed in defeat, dropping his head against the back of the couch.
“Are you cold?” he asked. Sutton glanced over at him. “Or do you just feel that weird around me now?” She frowned. He looked away from her, muttering, “If I had known that you were going to be there with him, I would’ve gone somewhere else.”
“This is so fucked up,” she groaned into her hands. “That’s so unfair to you, Jake.”
“What do you mean?”
“You would have gone somewhere else? So that I could keep my friendship with you private from my relationship? Who does that?” she rambled. “Christ. Why do you deal with this? I’m such a shitty friend.”
“You’re not shitty, Sutt.”
“Yes! I am!” she exclaimed. “I should’ve just told Garrett that we met, but I didn’t because I knew he’d be pissy and I didn’t want to deal with it. Now, look! I’ve just made the situation worse because I hurt you and dug myself into a hole even deeper than it already was.”
“Why would you even think he’d be mad?”
“There’s a reason I’m only friends with girls, Jake.”
He stared at her long and hard after that admission feeling an anger boil in his stomach that he hadn’t felt in a very long time. Finally, he asked, “Does he not let you have friends who are guys?”
Sutton’s answered with a look.
“He—he doesn’t hit you, does he?”
“No!” she exclaimed. “No. Never. I wouldn’t be with him if he was, like, abusive.” She almost couldn’t get the words out because she realized how ridiculous she sounded. She couldn’t even believe herself.
Jake huffed, his eyes rolling in frustration, as he said, “Okay, so he’s not physically abusive.”
“No, I know,” he murmured. “You don’t want to talk about it. You never want to talk about it.”
He turned his attention back to the TV screen, jaw clenched so he could hold back all the words he wanted to say. He kept it to himself, knowing that if he spoke he’d be speaking out of anger and it would just make the situation worse.
So, he waited until he was composed. He waited until he was levelheaded. And level headed Jake cared more about keeping his friendship with Sutton intact than telling her that her boyfriend was a piece of shit.
“I hate being mad at you so much,” he said with a sigh. She pouted at him. “You’re like my best friend.”
“You’re mine, too,” she whispered. Jake stretched and pulled her into him for a hug. She relaxed in his arms, sighing softly into the crook of his neck. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he said. “I just wish you wouldn’t let him control your life the way you do.”
Sutton pulled away and sighed.
“Things are good between us right now,” she said. “I know you don’t really understand it. Kate and Mia don’t either, I know that. It’s just that Garrett has been good to me. I’m happy.”
“And I know that our friendship started out a little flirtatiously,” she continued. “But I can’t let you get the wrong idea, Jake. I’m happy with Garrett and I don’t want to lose you because of it. We’re—”
“We’re just friends,” Jake jumped in. “That’s what we have been since you yelled at me for buying you a Valentines’ gift.”
“I just wanted to make sure that the lines weren’t blurred.”
“Not blurred,” he insisted. “You’re my friend, Sutt. That’s all.”
March 17th, 2019
Jake was on his way to Sutton’s apartment because Garrett did something fucked up. He was beginning to forget how to treat Sutton again and Jake found himself picking up the pieces more than once. It wasn’t his job. He knew that, and yet he was still showing up to check on her.
Boston was in full-on party mode for St. Patrick’s Day and though Jake had been invited to a teammate’s house that night, he was on his way to Sutton’s apartment with ice cream. She answered the door, eyes rolling when she saw Jake on the other side. She told the girls not to tell him what Garrett had done that day… Clearly, they didn’t listen.
“Why are you here?”
“That was not a nice hello,” he noted as he pushed past her. He stepped into the kitchen and grabbed two spoons before entering the living room with Sutton hot on his heels. “What are you doing?”
“I was watching Project Runway,” she told him. She grabbed the remote and paused the television. He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Is Project Runway your emotional support show?”
“Who says I need emotional support?”
“Your roommates.”
“God, they’re so nosy,” she muttered. “I told them not to call you.”
“I would’ve figured it out even if they didn’t,” he said. He sat down on the couch and opened the pint of ice cream he’d brought with him. “I knew something was wrong just from the way you were texting me.”
“Just your general lack of interest in the conversation.”
“All good,” he said, waving her off. He lifted the pint up toward her. “That’s why I came with your favorite flavor!”
Sutton fell to the couch beside him and grabbed a spoon, heart fluttering at his thoughtfulness. He pulled her legs over his lap and gazed over at her as she started digging into the Ben & Jerry’s in her hand.
“So, what happened?”
“Today’s our anniversary,” she explained. She handed him the pint after placing the spoon in her mouth, eyes fluttering shut as the flavor exploded in her mouth. Jake huffed, scooping out a spoonful for himself.  
“Why isn’t he celebrating with you?”
“He had a St. Patrick’s party at his office,” she answered. “He’s up for a huge promotion at work, again, so he’s sucking up.”
“He couldn’t bring a plus-one?”
“I didn’t ask.”
Sutton might’ve asked Garrett at the beginning of their relationship, but she would never ask him to demand a plus-one now. And there was a very good reason for this. She was sure that if he’d dragged her along, she would find out something that she didn’t want to know. Something along the lines of him cheating on her.
All the signs were there, but she didn’t want to believe it. Or confront him about it.
And she certainly didn’t want to tell Jake.
“That’s so unfair to you,” he grumbled, passing the ice cream back to her. “You should say something to him. I thought things were going well for a little bit.”
“Yeah, well,” she said dismissively. “This is how things are between us.”
“Isn’t it exhausting, Sutton?”
“A little bit.”
“You deserve better than exhausting.”
When Kate and Mia got home later that night, they found the two of them wrapped up in each other and a message on the television asking if they were still watching their show. The sound of the door slamming shut startled the two awake and, under the watchful eyes of her roommates, Sutton scrambled off him.
“Hi, sleepy heads.”
“What time is it?” Jake grumbled, reaching out for his phone. He read the time, dropping his head against the pillow in frustration. Sutton left the room in search of sweatshirt and Jake found himself cornered by the other two girls. “I have to go.”
He stood, running his hands through his hair to contain the locks that were sticking up from the pillow. The roommates watched him with amused smiles.
“That was sweet,” Kate said. Mia nodded in agreement, but he just rolled his eyes.
“Friends,” he said. A sigh of disappointment fell from Kate’s lips. “That’s what she wants. That’s what I’m giving her. Don’t complicate it.”
“You two are so full of shit,” Mia grumbled as she marched out of the living room.
When Sutton returned, she looked ready for bed. Her hair was pulled up into a bun and her sweatshirt hung loose over her much smaller body. Kate was in the kitchen, out of sight, so Sutton’s guard fell for a moment. She walked over to Jake and wrapped her arms around his waist to cuddle against his chest again.
“Talk to Garrett, would you?”
She looked up at him, almost pleading him to drop the subject, but caught the look in his eye and knew he was serious.
“Okay, I will.”
“I just want you to be happy,” he said. “And he makes you happy, right?”
March 26th, 2019
Charlie was disappointed in Jake. There he stood, in Charlie’s kitchen, with his hip cocked against the counter and his phone in his hand. It had been two months since he met this girl and he was still pining after her, even though she had a boyfriend. It was pathetic.
Jake hummed at him in response. Charlie rolled his eyes and ripped the phone from his hands like a middle school bully. He glanced down at the screen, eyes catching her name and a horrible grey text to blue text ratio.
“Dude, are you triple texting a girl with a boyfriend?”
He shoved the phone back to Jake who then placed it in his back pocket with a scowl.
“I’m worried about you.”
“We’re friends.”
“You got friendzoned by a girl you tried to hit on at a club,” Charlie pointed out. “Where did you go wrong?”
“I talked to her.”
“Is she coming tonight?” he asked, deciding to use mercy rules on his love-struck friend.
“Yep,” Jake answered, avoiding eye contact with Charlie. It didn’t go unnoticed by McAvoy and he was waiting for Jake to drop whatever bomb was coming. “I think she might be bringing her boyfriend.”
“It’s my fault,” Jake said. “I told her she could bring him if she wanted to.”
“Why would you do that?”
“She wanted to be here to celebrate us clinching a playoff spot. And I really wanted to see her, but she also had dinner plans with him. So, I told her to bring him with her after dinner.”
“I don’t want that prick in my apartment.”
Although Charlie thought Jake’s crush was ridiculous, he started to become a little protective of her over the last two months. He was always hearing all the crazy stories about her boyfriend and how shitty he was to her. It made Charlie itch.
He’d been around Sutton a few times since he saw her at happy hour, mostly at Jake’s apartment and in passing. She spent some time there on the weekdays, when Charlie assumed Garrett was at work. She was always making sweets for Jake (he claimed it was because she was stressed, though Charlie thought it was something more than that). When she noticed that Charlie would steal half of them each time, she started leaving him a bag of goodies too.
Other than those few occurrences, Jake was mostly talking his ear off about the times they could grab lunch or drinks. And, though he was still completely head-over-heels for her, the relationship between the two of them seemed to shift to a more platonic type. Forget the constant flirting and you just had two best friends.
“I don’t want him here either,” Jake grumbled. “But I want her, so we’ll just have to deal.”
Truth be told, Jake had gotten better at just being her friend. She stopped telling him all the shitty stuff that Garrett did to her. Instead, they talked about work and the things they would do when they finally got time off. Even Kate and Mia stopped telling him when Sutton and Garrett fought.
It was a step in the right direction, but he still knew things weren’t going right. He could tell by the way she filled his counter with baked goods and picked out the sappy rom coms on movie nights. Both were becoming a daily occurrence, but Jake kept his mouth shut. 
He kept checking his phone for a sign of life from Sutton. Dinner with Garrett was at 6:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. came around and his phone was still dry.
He hated himself for being so hung up on it because she was out with her boyfriend! Maybe they were having a great time, maybe for once in their relationship Garrett was doing the right thing and she was happy, maybe they’d gone back to his place… Jake shook off the traitorous thought.
He spent the night bouncing from group to group until Charlie pulled him into a conversation with some of his girlfriend’s friends. It was obvious, from the look in Charlie’s eyes, that this was a set up in progress. And, for the first time in a long time, Jake let it happen.
He talked to the girl in front of him, a small brunette with big brown eyes, for what seemed like hours. And not in a good way. He wondered if maybe she was being so boring to get him to kiss her, but it wasn’t working. He didn’t want to kiss her because he didn’t want to kiss anyone but Sutton.
Jake sighed, lifting his hand to the girls forearm to say, “It was really nice to meet you, but I’m gonna run to the bathroom.”
She looked at him like he punched her in the gut.
When he got to the bathroom, he peed and then stared at himself in the mirror for a little bit too long. He wasn’t even drunk. He just needed to have a moment with himself. Finally, when he felt centered, he leaned over the sink and splashed some cold water on his face before slipping out to the hallway once more.
The sound of Sutton’s voice echoed off the walls of the hallway and set him off kilter once again. She bounded forward and wrapped her arms around his waist, effectively turning him to putty in her hands.
“Hi,” she greeted. She hung on him a little more than she usually did. Jake gazed down at her, thinking she looked a little bit like an angel with her hair pinned back like that.
His lips turned up into a small smile as he pressed a kiss against her forehead and murmured, “Hey.”
Mia turned down the hallway at that moment and let out a large exhale.
“Oh, good,” she huffed out. “She found you.”
Kate bumped into Mia from behind, apparently also in search of the sweet girl in his arms.
“She found him!”
“I found him!” Sutton exclaimed, clapping her hands over Jake’s cheeks as she looked up at him.
“You found me,” he responded with a soft laugh. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, then glanced up at her roommates over her shoulder with a concerned look.
Kate came forward, wrapping her arms around Sutton’s waist to pull her from Jake.
“Come to the bathroom with me?”
“Sure, lovebug!” Sutton exclaimed. She turned back to look at Jake and planted a kiss right on his lips so quickly that he didn’t even get a chance to close his eyes, pucker his lips, or savor the moment. With a shocked gasp, Kate pulled Sutton away to the bathroom down the hall.
Jake’s eyes widened when he looked back at Mia.
“What the fuck is happening?” he asked, reaching up to brush his fingers along the tingling on his lip.
“She thinks Garrett is cheating on her.”
“Weren’t they supposed to be at dinner tonight?”
“He didn’t show, so she checked his location,” Mia explained. “He’s at a coworker’s house. Apparently, it’s been happening for a while and she didn’t care to tell us until tonight.”
Jake couldn’t decide what he was feeling. He was simultaneously pissed off at Garrett for being a dickhead, and Sutton for kissing him in that moment, and himself for feeling butterflies.
“She ended up eating dinner at the bar of the restaurant by herself and came back to our place bombed,” Mia continued. “We tried to get her in bed, but she insisted on seeing you. So, here we are.”
“She can’t stay.”
“We know that,” she said. “But she won’t leave with just us.”
The two of them exchanged a knowing look before the door down the hall swung open and Sutton stepped out, pulling Kate along with her. Jake stuffed down his frustration towards her and walked over with a smile to pick her up in a hug. She giggled and pressed her forehead against his.
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
“I just got here!”
“Yeah, but I’d much rather be at your place right now.”
Sutton pouted. Jake pouted back. And then she was smiling again.
Charlie stopped Jake before he slipped out the door behind the girls. His fingers curled into his teammate’s bicep way harder than necessary. Jake winced beneath his grasp.
“You need to sort this Sutton situation out,” he spoke. “I saw her plant one on you.”
“I don’t know what’s going on with her.”
“You are going to let this girl rip your heart out if you don’t set some boundaries,” Charlie barked. “I know you love her and I know deep down she’s not a shitty person, but I think she needs to figure her shit out on her own. You need to stop trying to fix everything for her.”
The ride back to Sutton’s apartment was silent. Charlie’s words echoed in his head as he slipped into the back of the car with Sutton right behind. She kicked her legs up over his lap and snuggled into his chest. Knowing nothing would get solved with her this drunk, he sighed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders to pull her into him.
He couldn’t believe she just kissed him like that, especially because she thought Garrett might’ve been doing the same thing across the city. It felt like he was a pawn in her little game, and he hated that because Sutton was better than that. At least he thought so.
Soft snores fell from her lips moments after they pulled away from the apartment building. Without thinking, he began to massage the top of her head. Kate watched with a fond smile on her face.
Jake carried her up to the apartment, stirring her from sleep only as he placed her on her bed.
“Jake,” she murmured. He knelt beside her and started to unclasp the heels she was wearing.
“Thank you.”
He hummed, picking up the shoes to place them by her closet door.
“Come to the bathroom,” he urged, extending his hand to her. “We’ll get that make up off. You can brush your teeth.” He turned away from her once she was standing and smirked. “Maybe even throw up if you feel so inclined.”
Sutton hit him lightly on the back, a giggle falling from his lips at the teasing.
Jake rummaged through the cabinets in search of her make up wipes while she sat atop the counter and brushed her teeth. After rinsing, she watched him with tired eyes as he moved to stand between her legs.
He cupped the back of her neck to hold her head steady while he removed her makeup and tried not to think about the way that she was looking at him, or how she melted into his touch the moment he held her. Her eyes fluttered shut for him to get off her eye makeup. When they opened again, their eyes met in a steady, loving gaze.
“You’re going to be the death of me, Sutton,” he murmured. He stepped back and opened the bathroom door once more to usher her out. She did as she was told and retreated to her room to crawl into bed. He returned a few minutes later with a bottle of water and pain killers. He placed them on her bedside table.
“Are you mad at me?” she asked. Jake sat down beside her and she reached up to cup his cheek in her hand. He leaned against her palm as her thumb stroked his cheekbone.
“We’ll talk tomorrow,” he responded. Her eyes began to well up. “You’re working yourself up. Don’t do that. We’ll be fine, okay?”
“I’m sorry.”
She brushed the tears away with the back of her hand and sniffled. Jake placed a kiss against her forehead before turning to leave. He stopped at the door and looked back at her as she settled beneath the comforter and snuggled the pillow beneath her head.
“Call me when you get up.”
Sutton didn’t call by 10 a.m. the next morning, so Jake swung by to check on her. Mia let him in and informed him that she still wasn’t awake. He walked down the hall anyway, stopping just beyond the threshold of her door before pushing it open to find her sprawled out with her face mushed into the pillow. He took a few silent steps towards her bed and sat at the edge of it before lightly shaking her awake.
She woke with a start, the touch of Jake’s hand against her ankle shocking her enough to sit up right.
“Ouch,” she grumbled, squinting her eyes at the light filtering in from the window as she brought a hand to her head to stop the throbbing. Jake sprung up to shut the blinds. “Thank you.”
“I thought you’d be awake already,” he said, standing in front of the remaining rays of light coming through the window. “Get up. Let’s get breakfast.”
Jake was beyond anxious as they walked to her local diner. He wondered if she could tell that he was off or if she even remembered what happened. The way that she was talking, so nonchalant and unbothered, gave him the impression that she had no clue what damage she’d done last night.
“I honestly don’t remember getting to Charlie’s last night,” she admitted as they sat in a booth beside the window. “I remember seeing you in bits and pieces.”
“Really? Do you remember that I put you to bed?”
“Oh, Jake.” She dropped her head into her palms as she shook her head in disappointment at herself. He tried to hide the frown on his lips by turning his attention to the coffee in front of him. He ripped open a sugar packet and dumped it into the mug as Sutton grumbled about how sorry she was.
She continued talking, but Jake was finding it hard to listen. How could she act like nothing was wrong when it felt like the weight of his whole world was crushing him?
“When are you gonna tell me about your dinner with Garrett?” he blurted out as he finally met her eyes again. Her mouth snapped shut and realization set in that he wasn’t the happy-go-lucky Jake she thought she was grabbing breakfast with. He was not happy.
“He didn’t show up. He had something work related to take care of.”
“At his coworker’s house?”
“How do—”
“Mia filled me in when you showed up at Charlie’s,” he answered. “You were already plastered when you got to the party.” He paused. “Why didn’t you call me when he didn’t show?”
“Because it’s not your job to pick up the pieces every time he fucks up.”
“Then who will? Yourself? Because you did a pretty shitty job of it last night,” he spat. Sutton sat back against the vinyl seat behind her, shocked at his outburst. He paused, inhaling deeply before dropping the bomb. “You kissed me. Do you remember that, Sutton?”
Her jaw dropped and a hand came up to clasp over her mouth in shock as she mumbled out an apology that Jake didn’t want to hear.
“I like you, Sutton. I like being around you and talking to you. But, you drew a line months ago… A line that I’ve stopped trying to cross. And then you just kissed me, like there’d be no consequences.”
“I shouldn’t have done that.”
“But you did. And this morning you still woke up as his girlfriend, and you will tomorrow morning too. So, all I’m asking is that you figure your shit out with him and you don’t drag me into it. You can’t just kiss me because you think he also might be kissing someone else. That’s not fair. You wanted friends, so I gave you friends.”
As if by some divine intervention, their meals came at that moment and the conversation was dropped immediately. When they reached the front door of Sutton’s apartment, Jake didn’t try to come in like he usually did on hungover Sunday mornings. Instead, he stopped at the door.
“Sutton, I’m saying this to you as your friend and nothing more,” he started. “I can’t be around you until you figure your shit out. I’m tired of being your second choice. You have to figure out your worth and I can’t hold your hand until you get there. It’s driving me crazy.”
She stared up at him, eyes welling up with tears, and realized that the best thing in her life was about to walk away. A rogue tear slipped down her cheek, but she wiped it away quickly hoping that he wouldn’t notice. He did, though, he always did.
He pulled her into his arms, engulfing her in an embrace despite the conversation at hand. She stayed still for a moment, rigid even, until she heard Jake let out a shuddering breath into the crook of her neck. Only then did she reciprocate the hug, arms wrapping around his neck like he was her anchor.
May 17th, 2019
Sutton didn’t know what she expected to see when she walked into the club, but it definitely wasn’t Jake dancing on a table in the VIP section. She watched as Charlie grabbed his arm and pulled him back down to solid ground, unable to peel her eyes off the boy who’d become a stranger.
“Did you see him?” she asked Mia.
“I don’t think there’s a single person at this club that didn’t.”
When they reached a table, she glanced back in his direction, but the crowd had grown so thick that she couldn’t find him. Kate, who’d already made a beeline for the bar, found them moments later with drinks in hand. She handed one to each of the girls. She took one glance at Sutton and asked, “What’s the face for?”
“In true Sutton Beckett fashion, Jake was the first thing she saw when we walked in here.”
“Jake’s here?”
“Why do you think we’re here, Kate?” Mia asked. Sutton looked at her with a slight panic to her expression. Mia raised her eyebrows at her with a smirk. “Yeah, I know all your tricks.”
“He posted it on his Instagram story, okay?”
Kate dropped her face into her palms, grumbling, “Why won’t you just call him like a normal person?”
“I’m planning to,” she said defensively. Mia hummed in disagreement. “What? I will! Eventually. Like at the end of the season probably.” The girls groaned at that answer. “I don’t even know if he wants to talk to me. He said he didn’t wanna be around until I figured my shit out.”
“Yeah, and you broke up with Garrett two months ago!” Kate exclaimed while Mia grunted, “You like sabotaging yourself, don’t you?”
“You both suck.”
After Jake left that morning, Sutton felt like she cried forever. The door shut behind him and she sank down to the floor and sobbed. Mia and Kate came to her rescue immediately. They listened to her when she wanted to talk about it and, finally, helped her cleanse the apartment of all traces of Garrett. Mia even went as far as purchasing sage to burn. They packed his things into a box and placed it on the floor beside the door with plans to drop it off to him the next day.
When Sutton called him to end it and let him know she was dropping his shit off, he didn’t pick up. It continued for another two days before Kate and Mia were tugging her out to the streets in pursuit of his office building. She ultimately found him flirting with the receptionist in his office and dropped the box to the floor. She kicked it over to him, sending the contents flying.
“Go fuck yourself, Garrett.”
“I never liked you,” Mia echoed. Sutton marched toward the exit, ignoring the protests coming from her scumbag ex’s mouth. She grabbed the girls’ arms and dragged them out with her. “Fuck you, Garrett!”
Sutton didn’t cry over Garrett, but she did cry over Jake. She would be crazy not to.
As she drained her first drink of the night, Sutton couldn’t help but search the bar for Jake and his teammates. She didn’t want to be surprised by him because, truthfully, she wasn’t sure she was ready to see him.
“I honestly don’t know why we even came here,” she muttered, chewing on one of the ice cubes from her cup. “We should leave.”
“We’re not leaving,” Mia barked. “We came here for a reason, whether you think so or not, and you’re going to get what you came for.”
Sutton glared at her, Mia glared back, and Kate watched in amusement until Sutton finally gave in. She grabbed her drink and knocked it back in one swift movement before standing.
“I’m going to get another.”
The girls cheered as she stepped away from them and began to nudge her way through the crowd. She found a break in congestion a few steps ahead. But, just as she was about to slip in, a solid body stepped in front of her. She was about to apologize when she glanced up to see Charlie McAvoy.
His eyes blew wide when he saw her. He was convinced that he was seeing things, but he knew there was no way he was drunk enough for that. He reached out, setting a hand tentatively against her forearm and she waited patiently for him to snap back to reality.
“Does Jake know you’re here?” he asked, eyes searching the area around them frantically. She shook her head, slightly embarrassed by his reaction. He looked back at her. “Why haven’t you called?” Before she could answer, he frowned. “You haven’t broken up with that asshole.”
“I did.”
“Then, why haven’t you called him?”
“We didn’t exactly leave off on the best terms,” she said. Charlie rolled his eyes, shoving Sutton lightly towards the bar. She ordered, he ordered, and he scolded her when she tried to pay for her own drink. Then, he tugged her off towards the VIP section.
Jake saw Charlie first and flung himself out of the booth to swipe his new drink from his hands. And then he saw Sutton over his shoulder and his face dropped. Charlie slipped away, leaving the two face-to-face. He squinted at her, like he was trying to process the image in front of him.
“When did you break up with him?”
“A few days after we argued,” she said. He stilled, mind racing as he tried to figure out the timeline.
“Sutton, you’ve been single for two months and you haven’t called?”
“I was scared.”
“Would you have even called me if you hadn’t seen me tonight? Or would I still be wondering?”
“Of course not,” she defended herself. “I was going to tell you at the end of the season.”
He looked uncertain for a moment, but then his features softened and he wrapped his arms around her. He ducked so that his head was in the crook of your neck. She could feel the soft sigh that left his lips against her skin.
“I miss you.”
Sutton relaxed against him, relieved that he didn’t seem angry at her in the moment. They stood there for a moment, ignoring the hooting and hollering from his teammates at the booth. When he pulled away, he gazed down at her adoringly. “You look beautiful.”
“You look happy,” she said. She ran her fingers through his hair, playing into his sweetness despite her better judgement.
“Are you happy?” he asked, face suddenly serious. She nodded, corners of her lips turning up at his question. His eyes searched her face. “I’m proud of you.”
Before either of them could say anything more, Charlie’s girlfriend appeared with a tray of shots and they were swept up into a crowd of his teammates and their plus-ones, all reaching for shots for themselves.
Sutton stepped backwards to make space and ended up stumbling over Jake’s feet, her back bumping into his chest. Instead of stepping away, drunk Jake dropped a hand to her hip to steady her. He was tingly all over, liquor coursing through him, and when he felt her relax into his touch, he allowed himself to wrap his arm around her stomach to hold her instead. She leaned into him happily.
Someone called out a toast and everyone tossed their shots back with a mixture of grunts and exclamations at the taste. The group dispersed after and, though Jake dropped his arm from around her, he placed his hand in hers moments later to search the bar for Kate and Mia.
The look at their faces when they saw Sutton and Jake hand in hand was comical. They were practically bursting at the seams with excitement and hopped out of the booth to embrace the two in a hug.
“We missed you!” Mia all but yelled in Jake’s face. His drunken giggles got the best of him then, squeezing her a little tighter in response.
Unlike the first time they danced together at a club, Jake wasted no time in grinding up against her. His arms wrapped around her waist and her fingers followed, trailing along his arms until she could curl her fingers between his.
When she turned to face him, she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. His fingers danced along the skin of her back and he smiled when he noticed the goosebumps on her arms. He leaned in just enough to speak lowly into her ear, lips just inches away. “Sleep over tonight.”
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Jake,” she said. When he pouted, she reached up and thumbed his bottom lip with a smirk. “You’re too drunk for a sleepover, I think, but I’ll get you home like you did for me.”
“Like the night you kissed me?” he asked with a teasing smile. She dropped her forehead to his shoulder to hide the blush that was creeping up her neck to her cheeks. He chuckled softly, tilting his head to kiss her cheek and murmur in her ear, “I’m ready to go when you are.”
During the fifteen-minute cab drive to Jake’s apartment, he just seemed to just get drunker. He was giggly, chatty, and clingy. His fingers danced along Sutton’s calves, which he’d pulled onto his lap the minute they pulled away from the club. She watched him engage their driver in mindless conversation, smiling softly to herself every time he said something stupid and giggled at himself.
When they pulled up to his building, Jake paid and left the guy behind the wheel a fat tip. Then, he was pulling Sutton out of the car and into the lobby. He wrapped his arms around Sutton’s shoulders and pulled her against his chest as they waited for the elevator.
The doors opened with a ding and Sutton slipped to the corner while Jake pressed the button to his floor. He swayed uneasily on his feet as the elevator jolted upwards. She reached out to steady him, just a soft touch of her hand against his bicep. He turned with a smile.
“Sutton, Sutton, Sutton.”
He stepped forward, boxing her into the corner of the elevator. She gazed up at him, finding it hard to breathe as he got closer. He rested his hands against the rail on either side of him and smiled.
“I want to kiss you so bad right now,” he whispered. She leaned away from him slightly, a frown developing as she did so. And though she was hesitant, her heart was hammering in her chest, begging her to attach her lips to his.
“You’re drunk.”
“Sure, but what does that matter?”
“We can’t just do this whenever one of us can’t handle our liquor,” she murmured. His face dropped. “It makes it difficult to tell if we mean it.”
“Trust me, I mean it,” he told her. “I want to kiss you when we’re sober as fuck eating leftovers on your kitchen floor; I want to kiss you when I’m hammered and can barely keep my hands off you.”
The elevator doors opened and Sutton, desperate to move on from this conversation, pushed him out of the car and down the hall.
The moment they entered the apartment, he went to his room to change and returned with a pair of sweats and a t-shirt for her. He watched her happily from his perch on the counter as she walked about the kitchen in his clothes. All he could think about was how badly he wanted to kiss her, touch her.
“Drink this,” she said, handing a glass of water over to him. She leaned up against the counter across form him. “You’re going to be so hungover tomorrow.”
“That’s why you should stay over,” he said. “You can nurse me back to health tomorrow morning.”
“Not gonna happen, DeBrusk.”
“Was worth a try,” he slurred. Sutton laughed at the rise and fall of his shoulders as he shrugged before chugging the water from his cup. After dropping the cup in the sink, he turned back and shook his head at her in amusement.
“I’ve just missed you,” he told her. He took a few steps toward her before dropping his hands to counter on either side of her and leaned in. He was intoxicating. The smile on his face made her weak in the knees, but she couldn’t just act like there hadn’t been a fight and two months of silence between them.
“I’ve missed you, too,” she said. “We should really talk when you’re sober.”
“Let’s just talk now.”
“I’m not going to count this as a conversation.”
“Why not?”
“Because what if you don’t remember?”
Jake’s eyes studied her face and he realized the seriousness of her question. He leaned away then and sighed out, “Okay.”
“Let’s get you to bed, drunkie,” she murmured. She slipped past him, fingers catching on his wrist to tug him along. They stopped in the bathroom so he could brush his teeth and he wouldn’t stop glancing at her the entire way through the rest of his nightly routine as if he was worried she might disappear into thin air.
When they got back into his room, he picked her up and dropped her onto his bed.
“Just stay for a little bit longer,” he whined. She rolled her eyes, laughter falling easily from her lips as he rolled off her to change into pajamas. He boldly dropped his pants and glanced over his shoulder just to see if she was looking, chuckling to himself when he saw her with her hands over her eyes.
He dropped onto the bed and hovered over her, grin on his face.
“I need to tell you something,” he said, slur in his voice still evident. She raised her eyebrows and pressed her hands against his chest to create some distance between them. “I want to be your boyfriend.”
“Jake,” she whispered. “You’re hammered!”
“Yeah, and I still want to be your boyfriend when I’m sober.”
“I told you I didn’t want to have this conversation right now,” she groaned. He dropped to the side of her and propped himself up on his elbow. “If you really mean it, I need you to tell me when you’re not drunk.”
“I will,” he said. “I promise.”
June 12th, 2019
They didn’t talk to anytime soon, and Sutton kept trying to convince herself that it was because he was in the Stanley Cup finals so he was busy, not because he regretted everything he said when he was drunk. But, as time went on, she felt more and more defeated. She waited patiently, though, hoping that she’d get some sort of closure at the end of the season.
She watched the entire series against the St. Louis Blues at the edge of her seat. Game seven had ripped her heart out, like many others in the city, but her first thought went to Jake. She almost felt sick to her stomach thinking about it.
Vice versa, the first person Jake thought about when he left the ice was Sutton. He thought about her through each post-game interview and his post-game routine, and as soon as he was in the parking garage he was texting her.
Did you watch?
He dropped his forehead against the wheel and waited for a response. He wasn’t even positive there’d be one after the shit he pulled at the bar and the silence that followed.
There’s a key under my welcome mat
He started the car immediately and drove in complete silence to Sutton’s apartment. He rushed upstairs, eager to fall into her bed. When he lifted the welcome mat, he let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the key and opened the door. He placed his bag down and kicked off his shoes before locking up behind him and heading off to her room.
When he opened the door, the light from the hallway filtered in and stirred her awake. She leaned up on her elbow and murmured, “I pulled out a toothbrush for you and there are sweats and a t-shirt you can wear at the end of the bed.”
He smiled softly, grabbing the clothes from the bed and turning to go brush his teeth. When he returned, she was leaning up against the headboard waiting for him.
“Are you okay?” she asked. Jake shuffled up towards the headboard of her bed just enough to drop his head to her stomach. A shuddering breath fell from his parted lips as he shook his head that indicated no, he was not okay. She curled her fingers into his hair and leaned down to place a kiss against the top of his head. His arms wrapped around her and the weight of the world disappeared, if only for a second. “I’m proud of you.”
When Sutton woke up the next morning, Jake was gone and her stomach dropped. She moved slowly out of bed and then, as panic set in, she quickened her steps through the apartment. The sound of the kitchen cabinets opening and closing greeted her. And when she reached the kitchen so did Jake’s tired smile.
“Good morning,” he said. She watched his cheeks turn pink and felt hers do the same. He motioned to the pan on the stove. “I started making breakfast.”
“I see that.”
“I’ll make it,” she offered, walking past Jake to the coffee maker on the other end of the counter. She didn’t catch Jake watching, didn’t feel his eyes wander along her body. She almost caught him when she turned to ask how he took his coffee, but he was quick to divert his eyes.
“I’m sorry I didn’t call after the night at the club,” he said suddenly. “Or text.”
Sutton continued for him, feeling the anger she’d built up over the past few weeks begin to boil over. “Or Snapchat. Or really do anything to assure me that things were okay between us.”
Jake frowned, turning his attention back to the eggs on the stovetop. They continued putting breakfast together in silence and reconvened at the kitchen table when the coffee was done and the eggs and toast were plated.
“I mean, you weren’t exactly jumping at the chance to tell me that you weren’t with Garrett anymore,” Jake argued. She sighed, fork clattering to her plate as she leaned back in her seat.
“You told me you didn’t want to talk until I had all my shit together!”
“And do you not?”
“I have no idea!” she exclaimed. “I wanted to call you the moment that I broke up with him. It was my first thought, but then I stopped myself because I thought of how unfair that would be to myself.”
“I haven’t been just Sutton in three years, Jake,” she said. “I’ve been Garrett’s doting girlfriend for three years. Everything I did, I did with him in mind.” She paused. “Then you come along, and suddenly I’m thinking about you, too. For once, I want to just think about myself.”
She continued, “I don’t even know myself. I feel like I’m rediscovering these parts of me that I haven’t thought about in years. I’ve been doing things to make me happy and I’ve been applying to new jobs because I want something more for myself and I finally feel motivated to fight for it. I feel different.”
He felt warm all over, buzzing from the inside out. He didn’t realize how much it would mean to him to hear her say that she was finally fighting for herself. Hearing her explain how she was feeling overwhelmed him with a sense of pride, and in that moment, he couldn’t help but smile at her.
“I guess that’s a good enough reason not to call,” Jake resigned.
“Why haven’t you called?”
“Because I was scared of what I might find out,” he answered. “That you were still with him.” He paused and then shook his head. “And I didn’t call after the club because I couldn’t remember any of the things I said and I was worried that I did something stupid.”
“You don’t remember?” she asked, her fears coming true.
“Not much.”
“Oh,” she whispered. “Okay.”
He was lying. He remembered every moment of that night spent with her. The image of her in his t-shirt swallowing her whole, the look on her face when he told her how he felt, the blush that crept up her neck to her cheeks. How could he forget it?
Mia entered the room then, cutting the conversation off before it could go anywhere else.
 “Ooo! You made bacon!” she exclaimed, snatching a strip from the plate at the center of the table. Her eyes cut from Sutton’s face to Jake’s and she smiled at the sight. “Happy to have you back, Jake.”
June 15th, 2019
Three days after the game seven loss, Jake was still feeling the heartbreak of it. He wondered if there would be a day that he didn’t. He spent a lot of time in his apartment, ordering Postmates for food to be dropped at his door so he didn’t have to see anyone he didn’t want to. The only time he’d left was for locker clean-out.
He saw Sutton every day and, though the visits were welcomed, he realized as they sat on the couch and watched shit reality shows that there was still a lot to be said.
He wanted to tell her how he felt about her again, but he kept his mouth shut. Friendship with Sutton was something he’d gotten used to, and he could continue living like this for now. Besides, he’d be leaving Boston soon and he didn’t want to start something that he couldn’t commit all his time to. She deserved to be the center of his world.
On the morning of the fifteenth, Sutton picked him up to drive him to the airport feeling like shit. It had been weeks since they saw each other at the bar, which meant weeks since he admitted his feelings and nothing had been said about it. He said he didn’t remember much, but she wondered if he really did and was just regretting what had been said.
Conversation on the way to the airport was mundane. He talked about all the things he was excited to do at home, like seeing his family and friends, and asked about what she’d do while he was gone, and she sighed heavily before answering, “Work.”
After she parked the car at the curb of the terminal, she reached over for the handle of the door, but Jake grabbed her other wrist to get her attention.
“I lied to you,” he blurted out. “I remember everything I said to you after the club. I wasn’t going to say anything because I love that you’re just being Sutton right now. But, I also don’t want to leave Boston without telling you how I feel.”
“Fuck you!” she exclaimed after releasing long sigh. He started laughing and stepped out of the car. She scrambled after him towards the trunk to grab his things. He was grinning ear-to-ear. “I thought you didn’t remember or you regretted it!”
“You’re crazy to think I’d ever regret you,” he said, fingers coming up to brush her cheekbone. Sutton blushed hard. “Seriously.”
“Your timing is shit,” she said. Jake curled his arm around her shoulders and embraced her. “Why would you admit your feelings and then fly off to Canada? That’s bullshit.”
“I don’t want you revolving your life around us right now,” he said. He pulled back and pressed his lips to her forehead, even though he desperately wanted to kiss her lips. Then, he pulled away completely. “You have three months to just be you, but then I’m coming back for you.”
September 1st, 2019
Jake and Sutton were both shaking like leafs as they made their way to each other on the morning of September 1st, him on the plane, her in her car on the way to pick him up. The summer was full of fresh starts. For Sutton, she ended up in a new position with a corner office at work. Jake had the summer to reset, spend time with his family, and relax.
Together, it was a fresh start to their relationship and more time to get to know each other.
Although they weren’t officially together, they talked on the phone at least once a week, but usually more. They flirted with the idea of the future through conversations about dates they’d go on when he got back and movies they needed to watch together. It felt like all the pieces of the puzzle were finally together, all Jake needed to do was come back to Boston.
And he was finally home.
Sutton stood beside her car as she waited for him to emerge from baggage claim. Her hands were shaking and her stomach felt sick, but the moment she saw him, it all went away. She sprinted over and threw herself into his open arms, giggling as his bags hit the pavement.
He wrapped his arms around her so tightly he thought she might snap in half. Then, she looked up at him, wide smile on her face, and all he could ask was, “Can I please kiss you like I’ve been wanted to all summer?”
“I might die if you don’t.”
And then the world fell away and it was just Jake and Sutton, finally kissing on purpose.
“Where are we going?”
“Stop asking questions!”
Sutton knew exactly where he was taking her, but she was hoping the question would make him rethink it. The door just before the stairs had ROOF ACCESS stamped across it.
“Won’t we get into trouble?”
Jake paused then, turning to answer, “Of course not. I slipped the security guards $50 to let us up here.”
Sutton laughed loudly at that and allowed him to continue tugging her along.
After picking him up at the airport, they spent the day re-exploring Boston. They walked in parks and talked on benches for hours on end, like they hadn’t spoken all summer, and then Sutton brought him to her office building to show off her new office. He kissed her in front of her desk and congratulated her for the hundredth time before whisking her off to dinner reservations he’d made a few weeks prior. By the time dinner ended, the two of them were drunk on each other, giggling and dancing down the streets to his apartment.
Jake pushed the door to the roof open and stepped out, tugging Sutton along with him towards the edge of the roof. She laced her fingers through his and followed happily. When he slowed to a stop, she halted beside him, resting her cheek against his arm. The city was alive beneath them, lights shining on them like a spotlight.
“I’ve always wanted to bring you up here,” he spoke, glancing down at her. She was already looking up at him, soft smile playing on her lips. “But I didn’t think it was appropriate to bring you up here if we were ‘just friends.’”
“We were never really just friends, huh?”
“Not at all,” he answered with a laugh. “You were delusional.”
That moment felt so poignant to Sutton, like it was the moment that was going to change everything. She turned to fold into his chest and his arms curled around her, filling her with a warmth she hadn’t felt in a long time.
“Do you want this, Sutton?” he asked, voice just above a whisper. She looked up at him, eyes searching his face, falling to his lips as he spoke his next words. “Do you want to be with me?”
“More than anything.”
October 18th, 2019
“He’s going to pass out when he sees you.”
“God, I hope not,” Sutton murmured, fingers still covering the small smile on her lips as she gazed at herself in the lingerie she was modeling for her roommates. Her eyes cut back to the two of them. “You don’t think it’s too much?”
“Not at all,” Mia said. Kate shook her head, eyes still taking in all the little bows and lace on the set. She sighed suddenly and grunted, “Now you’re making me want to buy lingerie. I don’t even have a boyfriend.”
Sutton snorted before turning back to her reflection to admire herself once more.
They’d officially been dating a little over a month and it was a dream. It was fun to get to know each other in a different, more intimate way and little by little all the walls were being broken down between them, not that there were too many to begin with.
Jake’s 23rd birthday was October 17th, but because he had a game, they couldn’t celebrate the way they’d been planning to. Fortunately, his next two days were free, so Sutton booked a stay at an Airbnb in Cape Cod.
She was all nerves and anxiety leading up to the trip, simply because of the mounting pressure that came with not having had sex with him yet. They’d spent the past month exploring each other with their hands and their mouths, but it was never taken any farther than that.
Only twice had they gotten close to it.
The first occurrence was about a week after the season started. He’d been away on a four-game road trip and by the time he got home, he was exhausted. Sutton was waiting for him when he got home the next afternoon and he collapsed into her arms on the couch until he was ready to cleanse himself of the remnants of loss and airplane germs.
“Come shower with me.”
“Jake,” she murmured hesitantly, threading her fingers through his hair.
“C’mon,” he whined through a pout. “I missed you.”
She followed him to his room and popped her phone onto the charger while he stripped himself of his clothes. His hands found their way around her waist, sliding underneath her sweatshirt to pull it over her head. When Sutton turned to face him, he captured her lips with his and she moaned against his lips happily.
He shed her of her clothes as they kissed slowly, but as soon as she was standing naked in front of him, she pushed him towards the bathroom, too nervous for what could come next, unsure if she was even ready to go there.
Jake held her close beneath the warmth of the water, fingers traveling along her spine, into her hair, gripping her ass. Her hands were just the same, feeling his every muscle constrict beneath her touch, listening to him shudder when her hands traveled below his hips. He was hard against her lower abdomen,
“I’m not ready,” she blurted out. The second the words were out in the open she was clasping her hands over her mouth. Jake took a step back, his hands falling from her skin to his sides.
“Ready for what?”
“Okay, that’s okay,” he murmured, placing another soft kiss against her lips. “I can wait.”
The second time was after a night spent with Charlie and his girlfriend, drinking wine and watching shitty movies. She was going to spend the night at Jake’s anyway, so when they got back to his apartment, they got ready for bed and cuddled up under the covers together—him in a pair of boxers, her in underwear and a t-shirt of his. She woke up in the middle of the night with Jake wrapped around her, his erection against her ass. As she pulled his arms tighter to her, he stirred and rutted his hips against her. 
“Sleeping with you is so hard.”
“Why? Cause you’re always hard?” she asked with a laugh. He hummed affirmatively, pressing into her a bit more. She turned around and kissed him softly. His eyes fluttered open at the feather light touch of her lips, and then he was on her, kissing her while his hands gripped her ass. In seconds, he had her on top of him, straddling his lap.
“You’re so wet right now,” he murmured as she rubbed against his bulge. Sutton was thankful for the veil of darkness in his room because she was bright red and flustered. He gripped her hips and guided her hips. “C’mon, use me, baby.”
She began to grind against him as they made out and he kept her hips down, rutting up into her to help her towards orgasm. It didn’t take long, the friction against her clit had her breathing heavily into the crook of his neck in no time and as her orgasm washed over her, he helped her through it by continuing to guide her hips against him.
“Fuck,” she sighed, and he laughed gently, wrapping his arms around her to keep her close to his chest. “I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” he spoke. “That was hot.”
And that was the extent of it. But now, he was turning another year older and she wanted to give him a gift to remember.
“Hey, baby,” he greeted as soon as Sutton opened the apartment door. He swept her up into a hug and kissed her full on the mouth while Mia and Kate aww’d behind them. “Hey, ladies.”
“Happy birthday!”
“Thank you, thank you,” he responded before placing one more kiss on Sutton’s lips. They detached from each other long enough for Jake to grab Sutton’s overnight bag. “Are you ready to go? I’ve been itching to get out of this city with you.”
Jake led her to the car, hand-in-hand, chattering on about the game he played the night before and Sutton hung on his every word, like she always did. He loaded her things into the trunk beside his and slid into the driver’s seat, handing the aux over to her—the only person he ever let control the music in his car.
As soon as they pulled onto the highway, Sutton blurted, “I want to have sex with you.”
“Yeah? I want to have sex with you, too,” he responded, goofy smile playing at his lips. His eyes were still trained on the road, like she hadn’t just divulged this important information to him. She laughed softly and reached out to take his free hand.
“No, like tonight,” she said. He looked over at her with wide eyes. “Eyes on the road.”
“You can’t say something like that and expect me to pay attention to much else,” he grunted, though he was now grinning from ear-to-ear. He squeezed her hand lightly. “Are you serious? You want to?”
“Birthday sex,” he murmured, chuckling at himself. She laughed with him and shoved his hand away playfully only for him to drop it to her thigh, a little higher than usual, and hit the gas.
Jake was a pest at dinner.
Even though they’d been seated at a table across from each other, he pulled his chair around to sit beside her. His hand rested against her thigh the entire time, fingers gripping every once in a while to get a rise out of her.
When asked if they wanted a dessert menu, Jake was quick to turn it down.
“No, I think we’re alright,” he answered. Sutton turned to protest, it was his birthday after all, and he’d probably get a free dessert, but he shook his head at her. “Thank you, though. Everything was delicious.”
“You don’t want dessert?” Sutton asked as soon as the waitress stepped away.
Jake smiled and leaned in close to whisper in your ear, “You’re my dessert, Sutt.”
The ride back to the Airbnb felt way too long and the anticipation of the night ahead had Jake buzzing from the moment they got into the car after dinner to the moment he was sitting in a chair in the living room, waiting for her.
“You can’t touch!” she called from behind the bedroom door. His eyes were locked on it, carefully watching the handle so he could prepare himself.
“Sutton, you’re evil.”
“Promise me!”
“I promise, baby. Come on.”
She pulled the door open and his eyes drank her in. Then, her robe fell to the floor and he released a shaky breath. He leaned forward in the chair, elbows resting on his knees as he braced his hands together to keep himself from touching her.
“Sutton, I don’t know how you expect me to keep myself from touching you when you’re wearing that.”
“Do you want your birthday gift or not?”
“I really fucking want my birthday gift.”
“Then, you’ll find a way to keep your hands to yourself.”
Jake leaned back against the chair with a frustrated sigh, eyes still glued to the lace clinging to her body. He swallowed thickly as his eyes trailed over her chest, landing on the little bow between her breasts before meeting her eyes again.
In the sweetest voice, he murmured, “You’re so pretty.”
A blush crept up her cheeks, smile betraying the seductive front she was trying to show, and she sighed, “How am I supposed to act sexy when you’re making me blush like this?”
“You’re always sexy,” he spoke, voice low again. “You don’t need to act.”
She walked over to him, shaking her head when he reached for her again, and straddled his lap, fingers threading through his hair as he gazed up at her. His hands hung limp on either side of him and his fingers twitched as she grinded against his bulge.
“This is so unfair,” he grunted. She kissed his neck, sucking a mark into it as she continued to rub against him. “Who knew you were such a tease?”
“Who knew you were so chatty?”
“Shut me up then,” he challenged with a cocky smirk. Sutton rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t stop her lips from curling into a smirk as well. She sunk down to her knees, pushing his thighs open before fumbling with his belt and his eyes watched her hungrily. He lifted himself from the chair and let her pull them down, leaving him in just his boxers.
“Take your shirt off.”
He threw it off eagerly, tossing it over her shoulder to the other side of the room.
Sutton flattened her hands against his chest and ran her fingers over his muscles as they constricted beneath her touch. His breath was already unsteady. It was painful not being able to touch her when she looked so damn good. She kissed along his chest and down his abs to the waistband of his boxers. A breathless curse fell from his lips as she tugged them down.
In no time, she was working him with her hands and then her lips were wrapping around his length. He gathered her hair in his fist and gently pulled it back and out of her face, watching in awe, mouth ajar as she bobbed her head on his dick. She looked up at him sweetly, eyelashes fluttering against her cheekbones as she watched him unravel. He moaned as she took him deeper, hitting the back of her throat.
His other hand flew to his own face and ran through his hair, gripping the roots as he felt his orgasm beginning to bloom in the pit of his stomach. Jake never lasted long when she was on her knees. Her mouth worked wonders for him.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he muttered, grip on her hair getting tighter. His hips thrust up involuntarily and she gagged around his cock, but didn’t stop. He threw his head back with a groan as she deep throated him and then he finally came. She swallowed it, sucking him dry as he became a moaning mess beneath her. “Fuck, Sutton, fuck.”
She pulled her mouth off his cock with a pop and licked her lips as his gaze returned to her. He dropped his hand to the back of her neck and pulled her up to him. The lace of her lingerie scratched against the bare skin of his chest and when she straddled him as they kissed, he could feel how wet she was underneath.
“You’re so wet, princess,” he whispered into her kiss. One hand slid along her thigh up to her pussy. He pushed the fabric to the side and slid his fingers along her folds. “I love it when you suck my dick, but I can’t wait to fuck you.” He inserted two fingers into her pussy and she moaned as he curled them against her g-spot. “You’re so wet, so ready for me. Do you want my cock, angel?”
Sutton nodded, a whimper falling from her lips as he pulled his fingers out of her. He stood, wrapping her legs around his waist so he could walk her into the bedroom. When he lowered her onto the bed carefully, he kissed along her skin from the valley of her breasts to her lips.
“Do you like your gift?”
“I love it,” he whispered against her throat. His fingers trailed along the lace covering her pussy. “You bought it for me? Just me?” She nodded, breath catching in her throat as he rubbed her through the fabric. “Happy birthday, JD.”
She giggled at his dorky expression and that little smile on his lips, but she shut up the moment he pushed the lingerie to the side. His fingers began to massage her folds again, coaxing sweet moans from her as he sunk the fingers into her heat and curled them once more.
“I never get tired of your moans,” he murmured. “And I can’t wait to hear what you sound like when I’m fucking you.” She swallowed thickly, his words so dirty compared to how he often joked with her. He noticed her reaction and smiled. “Do you like it when I talk to you like this, Sutton?”
“Yeah, I didn’t know you had it in you.”
“You’re gonna learn a lot of new things about me.”
Sutton giggled and he did just the same because nothing between the two of them could ever stay serious. They just liked each other too much to not be smiling, giggling messes at all times.
“As much as I like this lingerie,” he began, fingers dancing along the bows. “How do I take it off?”
Sutton sat up with a laugh and reached behind her to unclasp the bra. It fell away and she tossed it onto the floor. Jake hooked his fingers beneath the waistband of the panties and pulled them down, throwing them onto the floor as well. His hands were everywhere all at once, cupping her breasts, teasing her core.
He pushed her thighs apart and slotted himself between them as he began kissing her again, the head of his cock brushing against her clit as he leaned in. Her sharp intake of breath shattered the silence in the room.
“Jake, I want you,” she pleaded. He released an uneasy breath, cheeks flushed pink as he reached out to grab the condom from the nightstand and ripped the wrapper open with shaking hands. Sutton reached up and took it from him, asking, “Are you nervous?”
“A little bit, I think. It’s because I like you too much.”
“Too much?”
“It’s not a complaint,” he responded, capturing her lips in a kiss. He sucked in a breath and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as Sutton rolled the condom over his cock. “Fuck.”
She laid back against the pillows once it was on and Jake admired her body, laid out for him. His hands travelled up her sides, back to her breasts, along the skin of her neck and her cheeks. He nudged her thighs apart some more with his knees.
“Are you ready?” he asked. She nodded, accepting his kiss before he reached down and aligned himself with her entrance. One hand rested beside her head and his other wrapped around his cock as he pushed the head into her. She sighed as he entered her some more, finally releasing his member from his hand and caging her head in on both sides with his hands.
He shuddered as he filled her up, the feeling of her warmth all too consuming. His forehead dropped to her shoulder as he bottomed out and she sighed out a moan, wrapping her legs around his waist to take him deeper.
“You feel so good,” he muttered, barely able to get the words out. He let out a shaky laugh and halted his movements to steady his breath. “Hold on. I need a minute.” Sutton furrowed her brows as he leaned back. He gazed down at her body, down at his body and the place they fit together. “If you told me back in March that this is where we’d be seven months later, I wouldn’t have believed you.”
“No, you’re my dream girl,” he spoke, leaning in to kiss her again. He pulled out slowly and then pushed back into her. As she sighed beneath him, he spoke against her lips, “You’re so far out of my league.”
“Jake,” she whispered, fingers carding through his hair. He glanced up at her again. “You’re perfect for me.”
Their next kiss was passionate and full of fire, and he began to thrust faster, pulling her leg higher on his waist to hit deeper. The sound of their moans mixing and their bodies together filled the room. He spoke praises to her about how beautiful she was, how good she felt. She kissed him until her lips were bruised.
His thrusts were slow and calculated and he tried to look her in the eye to see how she looked when she was filled with him. The view was beautiful with her lips plump and her eyes wide. She watched him intently, overwhelmed by this moment, overwhelmed that she was finally with him like they’d wanted to be for so long.
She rutted her hips up to get more friction from him and he dropped his hand to her clit, hoping to help her reach the peak before he had his second orgasm of the night. Her nails scratched his back as her toes began to curl.
“Please,” she moaned.
“What’s up, baby? What do you need?”
“Fuck me harder.”
Jake lifted her leg up to rest against his shoulder and dirty, loud moans filled the room as he fucked her. She looked so pretty beneath him, eyes squeezed shut as her back arched off the mattress. He coached her through it, talkative as always, and she shuddered beneath him as he reached the peak, pussy fluttering around his cock. Her chest heaved as he fucked her through the orgasm and, finally, he poured into the condom as he reached his own.
He didn’t pull out until he was soft, and even then, he hardly moved away from her, opting instead to just drop his weight against her in bed. Her fingers carded through his hair and he relaxed into her touch, leaving lazy kisses against her skin. Finally, he pulled himself off her and moved up the bed to rest his head beside hers on the pillow.
They stared at each other for a long time without saying a word.
Jake couldn’t believe his luck, couldn’t believe that this girl was his, finally. He threaded his fingers through her hair to see her face properly and sighed before leaning in to press a kiss to the top of her nose.
“You’re my best friend,” he whispered. “I’m so happy we’re together.”
“Me too.”
Sutton’s heart felt like it could explode from happiness. After all the times she’d been mistreated, all the bullshit she went through with Garrett, she was finally with someone who understood her, both inside and out. Jake looked at her like she put the stars in the sky and it made her melt.
“I think I could spend the rest of my life with you,” he spoke, voice cracking a bit with emotion as his eyes bore into hers. “I love you, Sutton.”
“Jake,” she sighed out, tears coming to her eyes. She reached up, swiping a thumb along his cheekbone and he tilted his head to press a kiss to her palm. “I love you, too.”
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