#Outlast Them All 💀
kookieswan · 11 months
Outlast Them All - Bloody Beginnings
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Variant!Namjoon x Journalist!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: Interactive AU, Outlast!AU, Horror, Psychological Horror, Angst, Strangers to Enemies to ???, Fluff?????, NSFW content (Sexual and Non-Sexual).
Warnings: OOOOF. Minor character death, blood/gore, foul language, general horror, angst. This story will consistently tackle themes of obsessive behavior as well as psychological/general horror and many of the characters are morally gray. Please be warned.
Notes: Remember, your choices will heavily impact the outcome of the story. Choose carefully lovelies ♥️
This is Part I of the Outlast Them All series. Find the Masterlist here! 💀
“Breaking NDA’s, huh…?” You scan the email one more time before closing your laptop with a huff, the beams of your headlights shining through the fog ahead. You can’t see much in the darkness, the lights of Mount Massive Asylum not nearly as bright now that they’re shrouded.
It’s a massive building, true to the name, and you can’t even to begin to guess how deep it really goes. With the sheer amount of patients and employees the place likely has, you know you’ll get answers one way or another. You already have a good start from whoever the hell sent you the damning documents.
Some random employee apparently decided to have fun as a whistleblower, decided to say fuck it, and somehow chose your ass to be the one to expose whatever the hell is going on inside the walls ahead. Were they descriptive? No. Could this possibly skyrocket your career into something amazing? Fuck yes.
Glancing over, it’s obvious that no one’s been at the security gate for a minute, not a single fucking soul in sight as the door blows back and forth. A blessing to be sure; you’ve been sitting st the gate for more than twenty minutes and nothing. Stepping out of the car and toward the small security box, it’s easy enough to pull the lever to allow the gate to open slowly in front of you. Fuckers didn’t even take the keys out. Nice.
You walk briskly toward the entrance with your camera raised after pocketing the keys, the courtyard completely void of any sign of life. Glancing up toward the windows, you can see light flickering on and off in some of them, others completely black. As you walk carefully up the stairs, the thumping of your boots echos through the emptiness without remorse.
Just when you reach the front door, there’s a shriek in the distance, just barely there. It makes you pause, having to remind yourself that sounds like that are probably normal around here. Gripping the handle, you shake it roughly but to no avail. It’s locked up tight, just as you had thought it would be. Didn’t hurt to try though… Another way then. You’re nothing if not resourceful.
Sneaking around the side of the building seems like the obvious choice, and so you trail along the shrubbery, looking for any broken door or open window. You spot one before long, way up in one of the floors above, the drapes billowing out as the wind picks up. It looks as if they were doing some landscaping, a ladder nearby masquerading as your lifesaver. Time to climb then. Joy.
You wonder idly if any of this footage will actually be useable, most of it being your breathing and gusts of wind. No one would even guess you were here for one of the biggest story breaks of the last ten years, not as you grunt and groan while scaling the side of the building like an idiot.
“What the hell…?” The window is broken it looks like, shattered by something with some sort of liquid dripping around the glass. Looking closer, you notice that it’s red. Blood most likely, and not really what you wanted to find. Recording a shot of it, you slowly slide through the window and creep into the room, careful to avoid any broken glass. No need for booboos, it’s bad enough you probably got blood on your coat.
It seems normal, if not a little quiet, and you distractedly pan your camera around as you step toward the door. Clearly what you’re looking for isn’t here, probably down in the basement because honestly, the secrets are always hidden in the basement. The door creaks as you open it, and you peek out quietly, looking both left and right. It’s a simple hallway a hallway, one that quickly becomes a safe zone as you peer into the lobby below with widening eyes.
It’s a fucking bloodbath.
Guards smeared across the floor like bugs; blood and guts scattered around the room like confetti. You stare, the camera shaking a bit as you capture footage of whatever the hell happened to those poor fucks. Backing away right into the wall, you pull the notepad out of your pocket and scribble down your newest findings.
‘Stumbled into absolute carnage. Things seemed fishy but fine at first- that quickly changed; bodies everywhere just in the lobby alone. Don’t know how bad it is yet, have to go in further.’
If you thought the higher ups of Mount Massive were fucked before, well, they’re definitely fucked now.
On some sort of shocked auto pilot, you meander over to the next door you see wobbly, not really sure where to go from here. It’s clearly not safe down there, in here, but the urge to explore further is strong; something isn’t right here. Trying not to second guess this whole thing, you push the door open and nearly shit yourself screaming.
Something- a body?- swings down from the rafters, nearly hitting you in the face. The fumes smack you in the face anyway, and overwhelming need to puke your guts out rising up quickly. There’s a loud groan from beyond the bookcases and peering into the darkness, you see a man… Hanging from the fucking rafters like a slab of meat. What in the fresh hell did you walk into…?
“G-get out of here! Fuck, why the hell…? Don’t let them…” Turning the night vision on on your camcorder, you cringe as the man chokes violently on his own blood, flailing around a bit more before falling completely limp. What a fucking way to go.
Maybe it’s shock, maybe it’s a very morbid curiosity, but you just stare for a solid minute, the battery slowly draining from your camera. Snapping out of it finally, you stumble over what you can only guess is dead bodies until you get close enough to touch the man.
“Hey… Hey!” You tap the poor guy a few times, trying very hard to ignore the rotting bodies around you. It reeks of blood and piss, maybe some vomit too, it’s all the same as it makes your eyes burn. The man doesn’t respond, and at this point it’s pretty fucking clear he’s dead just like all the other poor fucks you’re surrounded by.
Should you turn back? Yeah probably. Are you going to? Fuck no; your whistleblower was making it seem like rainbows and fucking unicorns in their email compared to whatever the hell this is. A fucked up cooperate nightmare and you’re going to expose it to the world.
A loud bang against the door startles you, causing you to jolt forward and almost drop your camcorder. You nearly stop breathing, listening as the clanking sound coming from outside of the door. It’s at a steady pace, the sound sharp against the brick walls. Whatever it is, you’re going to have to walk right past it to leave the room…
You have 24 hours to decide. Choose wisely 🎃
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derangedanomaly · 4 months
If you want to ofc could you tell us more about u? Like irl outside of Tumblr :D sorry if it's a personal kinda question
Wait- you're actually interested to know something about me?..
I-uhm- sure!
ABOUT ME (ig?)
I'm not a native English speaker
My favorite color is red
Other than Undertale/The Au's, I also like: The slashers, South Park, Obey me, Mlp, Sonic and Steven Universe! (*^^*)
I have a lot of hobbies that I can't keep track of..and I'm adding more and more as time goes on. Other hobbies besides drawing: writing, reading, programming, animating, playing videogames, listening to music, journalling, collecting, creating new things (like from a paper, or crocheting), I'm sure I have more- but I can't remember them now 😭
I'm an introvert
I really like Lana Del Rey, Mitsuki, and Queen.
I like to wear dresses- but I have next to none 😭
I'm broke as a joke, so the only place I've ever seen/visited is: The Italy and The Great Britain. 💀
I have mental breakdowns a lot, mostly about my future 😭
I can't stand public speaking!!
I hate being forced to do something.
I wear glasses-
I'm surprisingly not that much into anime, I've seen some, but I just can't watch a 20+ minutes video, that has episodes 😭
The only animes I've watched (and liked): TBHK, MHA, SPY X FAMILY
I've watched more- but I didn't really liked the others.
I'm scared of spiders- and it's pretty serious too, I have like a panic attack... 💀
I'm not into sugary things. I like spicy things the best!
I'M A GAMER AT HEART!! Some games I own/played/have: The Sims 4, Outlast, Outlast 2, Sonic Frontiers, Subnautica, Subnautica Below Zero, Genshin Impact, Honkai Starrail, Rayman (I have like wayyy more, but I don't remember all of them.. 😭)
My favorite games are: Subnautica (both of them- but I like the first more), Sonic Frontiers, Genshin Impact, Honkai starrail, Rayman, Outlast
I'm from The Czech Republic! ^^
I have OCD
I'm hopeless romantic. 😔
I want to read a lot- but don't have the time for it.
I like old music! ^^
Alright- that's about all the things I've thought about at the top of my head- I'm still surprised you even want to know something about me, lolz.
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streaminn · 1 year
okay but if streamer enid and wednesday ever come out of their facade, how would people react 😭😭😭
Gobsmacked, confuzzled, PUZZLED?? SURPRISED!?!
Alot of !?!!
@jdwicked on Twitter HAS "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO" in their bio when it comes out
But seriously, alot of Endespair fans don't know how to feel. Imagine your streamer going WEDNESDAY MY WIFEEE, SHES GO GOOD during a review night and realizing that she wasn't lying 💀 that wait a sec, you're telling me nerd ass Endespair, the one who makes several edits on popular actress and writer Wednesday Addams isn't just a huge simp?
It boggles them.
Boutta make them the less skeptic chat after that. Enid will say the most abnormal thing and chat will need to accept it bc nothing will be as ludicrous as being married.
Wednesday isn't even putting a facade, she's known as willa bc that's what Enid calls her and rolls with it. It's not her fault the cam is on an odd angle and coincidentally only shows Wednesday's hands lower body usually.
If it comes out that it's just Wednesday and Endespair being known as married then people will start wondering who are the masked suitors of Wednesday and start making conspiracies as to why she's so close to her co-actor sin Addams (literally Enid's acting career)
If it all comes out! Like Endespair side job as an actor and her marriage, there's gonna be alot of denial on both Fandoms. Bc Enid literally just pulled a superman as Sin.
- I will not believe shrieking Endespair is the same as Sin Addams, there is just no way
- u sure the streamer who played outlast with a blindfold is the same covered and grinning in blood?
Wednesday's pr is exasperated bc fuck, now they gotta comb through Endespair content to make sure nothing exposing has been said
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lif3isstrange · 1 year
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Ask gameeeeeee 🦖🦖���🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖🦖 (for research purposes this emoji needed to be used 🧐)
1. 14 and it sucked because of all the stigma around autism. People make it seem like this awful thing and that you’re just a fancy word for dumb, then I moved on but got upset because I felt like I was being a burden on everyone with my picky eating and sensory meltdowns but my psychiatrist said ‘don’t be angry at yourself for the way you are, be angry with the world, it’s the worlds fault for not fitting with you, not the other way around’. I was like damn she’s worth the money 🥳
2. I am in the people I live with so they all just think I bring up autism as an excuse and I’m really just a ‘spoiled brat’ 😍 my mum refuses to learn anything about autism at all and my sister said stimming was disgusting and sounded ‘sexual’ ?! My dads quite sus tho with the autism symptoms but doesn’t know how to deal with it🤨
3. I have adhd aswell so they both love to conflict 🥰, my autism thrives in routine but my adhd loves chaos, my autism wants to be quiet and focused and my adhd wants to look at how the tree kinda looks like that one from two years ago and loudly blab about something uninteresting to others 😟 it’s a lot to handle but I wouldn’t be as cool without em both so 😎
4. Yes but extremely confused and can’t be bothered to figure it out 🤩
5. That it isn’t our fault and we don’t do destructive things on purpose, we do it to try and display our feelings because we can’t really be verbal and calmly talk about them when we’re focused on how bright the lights are and how horrible and itchy our clothes start to feel. We need more time to adjust with change and so people need patience etc. many people even parents fail to understand what asd is like 🫡
6. Yes but only with another autistic so they got the sensory meltdowns but they were a bad person and liked their computer a lot more than me 💀 I love relationships as I am a very loving person and feel the need to share it but relationships are hard and extremely emotionally challenging plus I don’t trust men much anymore 😵‍💫
7. The adhd tends to come in clutch so I think it’s more my town lacks personality than me. I have a very analytical way where I will find something we are both passionate about and then ramble on about it with them then keep trying to find other things in common and go on etc. I basically treat befriending like a fun cia operation 🥸
8. My special interests aren’t as strong as other peoples but I love the game outlast 2 and the lore of it. There was so much work put into the game and theories how the speakers throughout the game were put a certain hz to brainwash the citizens into the religious insanity and the story behind the entire thing is just chefs kiss 🤌
9. Idk if this counts but probably Jacqueline Wilson books 😭 I bought and read every single book she wrote (my favourite was rose rivers) some of those books were so insane to read but I was such a bookworm. I bought every magazine she put out aswell and collected all the free gifts in them 🤭
10. Kill ur father and don’t listen to anyone bc they’re all evil 😭 I let everyone treat me like garbage and was such a sensitive little baby 😖 if I could go back I’d tell her to set everyone straight and not let anyone mess with me plus to stop being a weirdo 🤓
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apollos-olives · 9 months
Moses was never tempted by the Devil directly as Jesus was. So I think Jesus has a higher mental stability than Moses. Jesus has MUCH more powerful feats as well. He has many, many healing feats. From complete cripples to blind to insanity and psychological healing. Has a strong dominance over demons. Able to banish them with a word. Has prescience and can see into the future. Knows when and how he will die. In a straight fight he would know what Moses would use and be able to counter it. Can walk on water as if it was solid ground and command storms and the elements.
Jesus is INCREDIBLY TANKY. He took torture a crown of thorns carried his own cross UPHILL was crucified then stabbed deprived of all food and water and still lived multiple days and was awake and outlasted the other 2 on the crosses next to him.
Also if he wills it he can simply ressurect himself in any form he wants and is spiritually indestructible.
Jesus is also much more charismatic and politically cunning. He was actually likeable, unlike Moses for most of his life auahahahahaha
habibi i'm muslim 💀 WJSJSKDJSKDJ i respect your beliefs i promise, it's just from a personal standpoint, jesus was just some guy. sorry 😭 moses wins for me, especially since this is just a fist fight and they can't like... call on anyone else to fight for them yk
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wolfymysterypaws · 9 months
Hi Everyone! I'm finally posting an “About Me” post, so that if you're interested in the stuff I post, you'll know a little more about me.
My Name is Steven! 🙇
I am 22 as of now (January 3rd is my birthday!) 🎈
I am Trans Female to Male! 🏳️‍⚧️
My Pronouns are He/They! 🫶
I am Gay! 🏳️‍🌈
I am an Artist! 🎨
I am a Furry! (“Furry”, meaning I have a fursona I draw and would like to someday turn them into a fursuit so I am able to attend Furry Cons with Style ✨!) 🐺
I could be Autistic, I do show signs of it but it is hard to get a diagnosis BECAUSE My parents are against it and as an AFAB, the doctors will most likely miss it. ♾️
Horror! 🎃
Animals! 😺
Video Games! 🎮
Art (Whether it be Drawing, Painting, heck, even Editing!) 🎨
YouTubers (Markiplier, Ethan Nestor, Jake and Johnnie..) ▶️
Specific Interests
Stranger Things (I am well informed about the current situation with one of the actors. I do want him out of the series, it broke my heart to hear all this. I'm mostly here for Steve Harrington.)
Dead By Daylight 🪝
Saw 🐷🌀🧩
Scream 👻
Mortal Kombat 🥷💪
Music! (Green Day, Maroon 5, Lady Gaga, PARANOiD DJ, Avicii, Mystery Skulls...) 🎶
Resident Evil 🧟‍♂️
Hazbin Hotel 🏨 🕷️
Helluva Boss (Sometimes, I'm only there for Octavia) 🦉
Team Fortress 2 🔫
One Piece 🏴‍☠️
FNaF (Not really SB, but it might be included) 🦊🐰 🐻 🐔
Outlast 🥼
If I think of any other Fandoms I'm in, I will update this list! I should probably make a DNI (Do Not Interact with me) list as well.
Anyone who causes toxicity
If you don't like my stuff, go away. I don't wanna hear your bitchin' about what I post.
Minors. Sorry, kids. This stuff ain't for you. Nothing personal.
Just because I live in Alabama, it doesn't mean I'm pro incest. Stfu and go away. We don't do that here. (ADOPTED SIBLINGS AND STEP SIBLINGS, COUNT. IT'S TOO CLOSE.)
Any Queerphobic shitheads.
Religion pushers. I do love Jesus but I don't push my beliefs on anyone 💀
As of right now, I will close this off with if anyone would like to chat, my dms are open! I'm here for you 🫶
I am very often accepting, Idc what you look like or who you identify as (as long as it's not a problem!), I'm always willing to make new friends. Mwah, Mwah 💋🫰
I'm not really ready to post my fursona on here just yet but if you would like to see them, they're on my Instagram!
IG: @starstruckspider
You matter. I love you 💕
-Steven 🐺
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gameinfoxtbr · 1 day
My Sweet Home Dungeon Tier List Rank Your Minions
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Greetings to you for the best My Sweet Home Dungeon Tier List! It doesn’t matter if you are a strategized player or you are just entering the dungeon, it is so important that you know which Minions are the best. Packed with helpful tips about which Minions to summon or promote to Elders, and with whom to upgrade, this tier list will help you get the best out of My Sweet Home Dungeon. Reference this guide, and your walls yours, and your enemies will surely be impregnable! 🛡️
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What Is a Tier List? 🤔
A tier list is a list that is made by putting one’s in-game characters or items in order of their usefulness. In the game, My Sweet Home Dungeon, Minions are the players’ main force, and every minion is different from another in terms of usability and efficiency. The minion groups are categorized into different tiers; S being the most powerful, C being less efficient than S, but still, useful in specific circumstances. For more background on how to play, check out our My Sweet Home Dungeon Guide.
S-Tier Minions: The Best of the Best 💪
These Minions are premium and therefore should be your prime targets. Most of them have incredible powers, points, and characteristics and are well capable of overcoming all the odds. - Shadowblade – A tinkering Minion with a prospect of high critical damage. Fast attacks make them quite suitable for attacking formations while they are also good at dodging. 🗡️ - Flame Sentinel – This Minion has a good AoE damage which the Fire meta needs. It can easily and effectively manage an increased number of heroes in a short period. 🔥 - Titan Crusher – A tank has high health and defense attributes. It can soak a lot of damage so while it is absorbing damage your other Minions can attack. 🛡️ - Frost Mage – Controls the speed of your enemies’ actions, and immobilizes them so that you can attack first and have more time to do it. These Minions are a must-have for building a strong defense! Make sure to unlock them using the latest My Sweet Home Dungeon Codes.
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A-Tier Minions: Strong Contenders 🏆
A-tier Minions are strong and indeed very handy but are not nearly as universal in their application as the S-tier characters. They are, however, capable of intervention when utilized tactfully. - Blazing Archer – They are a ranged Minion with high attack speed and perform well in dealing with enemy heroes. 🎯 - Iron Golem – Another brave Minion but with allowed movement speed. As such it is perfect for taking up choke points and taking the hits. ⚔️ - Thunder Shaman – This Minion is best used when it comes to lighting attacks on your foes as well as freezing the opponents so that your team has a better shot at landing solid blows. ⚡ - Venom Witch – Extes poison damage over some time and can be valuable to help decrease an enemy’s health points before the actual defending skills are engaged. 🧙‍♀️ Though not as powerful as S-tier, A-tier Minions are still essential for any serious player. Combine them with the top-tier Minions to maximize your dungeon’s potential.
B-Tier Minions: Solid Picks But Situational 🎯
B-tier Minions aren’t bad characters, but they aren’t as powerful as the A or S-tier Minions in every battle. These are perfect, especially for the teams that have just started, or the teams that lack variety in their players. - Skeleton Warrior – Despite being effectively disposable Skeleton Warrior is a cheap Minion to deploy in large numbers. Its low cost makes it useful for early waves and common when you are starting a new round of gameplay but not very effective in the later part of the wave. 💀 - Stone Guardian – A Minion that holds mainly defensive capabilities; has low attack points but is very efficient at defending. 🗿 - Rogue Assassin – The hero deals a reasonable amount of damage and doesn’t possess enough durability to outlast other powerful heroes. Take advantage of it when you wish to go in for a radical move that has a specific aim or goal. 🗡️ Even though these Minions won’t be able to contribute as much to your defense, they can be useful if combined with stronger units. For more information on how to combine these characters with your gameplay, visit the About My Sweet Home Dungeon Game section.
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C-Tier Minions: Not Ideal, But Useful Early On 🛠️
C-tier Minions have lower statistics for the most part and should be exchanged as soon as possible with better characters are unlocked. That still provides the information that is helpful for new players, or if you want to stick with the specific niche strategy. - Goblin Scout – A cheap Minion with Destruct/Dex as attack & defense numbers. Good in the beginning when a mana battery is not present but becomes useless rather soon. 🏹 - Mud Golem – A slow, tank-like Minion with less DPS. The only positive thing, which can be said about it is that it is quite durable. 🪨 - Fire Imp – Attacks with petty firepower and is slow and weak, thus cannot be used in the long run. 🔥 With progression, it is advisable to substitute them with stronger minions belonging to the higher tiers of the game. For a detailed breakdown of how to optimize your Minion lineup, check out our My Sweet Home Dungeon Developer section.
How to Unlock Top-Tier Minions with My Sweet Home Dungeon Codes 🎁
There is no better way of doing this than by using My Sweet Home Dungeon Codes to unlock these powerful Minions. Based on these codes, you are going to be rewarded the gems, exclusive Minions, and other valuable items to use within this game which will give you a boost. Here are some tips for getting the most out of your codes: - Check Regularly: A code can be changed during events or an update in the game. Do not forget to check the My Sweet Home Dungeon Codes Latest Update and News page for new codes! - Redeem Quickly: As mentioned above, most codes have an expiry date and therefore it is advised that they should be used often. - Stack Rewards: Make sure to use your codes sensibly to assign more resources for your Minions and to unlock the special Minions you never knew existed and they have the potential to win the entire game for you. For a step-by-step guide on how to redeem your codes, refer to the My Sweet Home Dungeon Guide.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) ❓
Q-1 Who is the strongest Minion in Dungeon My Sweet Home?A- The highest tier of Minions is S-tier where Shadowblade and Flame Sentinel are considered as main characters because of their ability to deal high amounts of damage.Q-2 How frequently are the codes for My Sweet Home Dungeon released?A- People frequently code during the occasion such as special game events, holidays, or new versions’ releases. As always, you should also visit the My Sweet Home Dungeon Codes Latest Update and News section for updates!Q-3 Can I reuse a code?A- No, it means that any given code can only be used once in the account.Q-4 How can one know whether or not to upgrade from one Minion to another more superior Minion?A- First of all, prioritize increasing levels of S-tier and A-tier Minions as those Minions have high utility in terms of defense and offense. While a Lower-tier Minion remains functional, it’s advised to upgrade it only in case of utilizing it for the necessary tactics.Q-5 How can one utilize lower-tier Minions?A- Some of the Minions that the player cannot use in battle include the Lower-tier Minions including B or C-tier minions that are also best to be used in early levels of the game or as support characters. In between levels, swap them with better Minions from a higher rank of the enemies’ range.Q-6 Are there any ways that are not related to codes to unlock Minions?A- Yes, there is but you have to play the normal levels for Minions but with codes, it is one of the easiest ways to get the premium and special characters on the game.
Conclusion: Build Your Ultimate Defense with the Best Minions 🏰
To triumph in My Sweet Home Dungeon means also to know what Minions involve the most beneficial bonuses in a fight. This tier list will also help you determine which Minions you should summon, and which Minions you should upgrade first! With the best-quality Minions possible, proper gameplay, and updated My Sweet Home Dungeon Codes, you will create an unpenetrable barrier and keep all the villains out of your dungeon! 💪 If you’re getting restless and ready to level it up, then this is the category for you. Start using these codes and upgrade your Minions today! Word Count: 1,015 Read the full article
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bubblegumnnebula · 4 months
Saying just teenagers feel this way and immediately shutting down any discussion comes of a bit infantilizing. Even so teens are also entitled to opinions. Rape fantasies are normal thats true, but no expert says to actually go out and find someone to roleplay it with or share them on the internet where anyone, including real rapists and creeps can read it and get off on it. Exposure therapy is meant to be done by therapists not your self proclaimed sadistic partner. You can heal from sa without using self harming coping mechs that force you to get turned on instead of triggered by it. and creating dark themes in your work does not indicate your moral but the way you you do it can definitely say something about you. Compare outlast, a disgustingly gorey horror game thats still really good and well done even with its themes of sa, mutilation, mental illness to that one horror game that came out on steam where the entire plotline is just raping women of your choice💀
I like certain dark themes but to be fair the entire market has been saturated with horribly written rape and incest fantasies veiled under dark romance💀 and with the increase in AI porn, even done by young boys of their fellow classmates. Im all for teens stating their discomfort around certain sexual topics.
I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but rape rarely has anything to do with being horny or getting off. Rape is about power, it’s about taking control over someone and taking away someone’s bodily autonomy.
The fact you don’t realize that proves even further that you lot are too immature to be in this conversation.
Even further, I can guarantee with 100% certainty a rapist isn’t going on the internet to read FANFICTION about rape/sa, they’re going out and actually doing it. They’re going into incel forums and talking about someone (most likely a woman) is inferior to them, and how they’ve “gotten out of line” and “needs to remember their place” (again, taking control. Power. Not getting off)
A rapist isn’t going to bother reading or writing a random fanfiction with dark content, they’re going out and actually raping people.
Yeah, you can dislike it, but keep that shit to yourself. Block the tags. I’ve had them blocked for years and completely moved on with my life. What people write in the internet is none of my business (because shocker!! it has no effect on real life people) , and it shouldn’t be any of yours.
Again, there are no victims and no one is being harmed when someone writes a non-consent fanfiction about a random ass fictional character
A lot of woman have rape fantasies, even if they aren’t victims. Spoiler alert: when someone is performing a rape fantasy or writing a non-consent story, the person is STILL VERY MUCH CONSENTING TO BE A PART OF THE SITUATION
The fact you likened AI porn -which someone has lost consent to their bodily autonomy, just like rape- to writing fantasies of fictional scenarios involving fictional people is frankly disgusting and you should be ashamed.
Why the fuck do you care so much about what people are doing in their free time if it isn’t harming anyone. Get a job. Get a hobby. Read a book. Help a child. Pick some flowers.
Better yet, take your unwarranted moralistic outrage and help actual victims. The fact you never mentioned victims or a systemic problem outside of harmless fantasies proves you don’t actually care about victims, you just don’t like dark content because it makes you uncomfortable. Which is fine, but don’t disguise your dislike by saying dark content is morally or ethically wrong when no one is being harmed in the process. Just be uncomfortable, maybe rant about it to a couple of mutuals in DMs, block the tags, and move on.
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mobgunkoalter · 1 year
🌙 hi! im moon 🌙
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20 something; they
current hyperfixations: outlast (mostly-related content here), hades, funger, mcr, sdv, DANMEI i love reading danmei but i yap about them in a separate space online.
100%ed all outlast games (minus trials, it's a WIP💀); my playthrough footage of outlast, whistleblower, and outlast 2 insane runs were uploaded for my irls to use as their personal walkthroughs lol
current achievement grind: FAITH good christian boy
i go by mogegoat on steam so if u randomly see me in trials,,, hi sdkjfn im really painfully shy tho so I’ve been soloing trials since day 1
i like lots of other things and will reblog other content, don’t be surprised 🏃💨
this is a dumpsite for doodles and art scraps so it's gonna be a mess, if u walked in here expecting consistency and an ongoing theme then i am so sorry orz
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coylesboytoy-moved · 1 year
I want to change my url but idk what to. this one was something I decided on very quickly just to get the blog up. jeux (game in French) + elite. but I want smth different. 😔 I miss my old url.
on my old blog, I kept the same url for 2 years and I still love it. I didn’t want to lose the url… or the blog… but I got so much anon hate from the same person on all my blogs for a year that I had to leave and start over a third time. :( bad memories too bc of abusive ex-partners and ex-friends I met through here lol but I’ve defeated half the purpose of starting over bc I told one of them the urls to this one. 💀
my first blog lasted 9 years. the second, 2. no one knows this one exists and it’s rather lonely lol. :/ I’ve lost so many longtime mutuals bc I couldn’t risk telling anyone the urls.
anyway, pardon my drama. I have some saved urls from my last “secret blog” I might use. maybe I’ll opt for an outlast url, or another game-based url! idk. I can’t use the one I use on tiktok rn (to be changed later) bc it’s also my reddit username and I don’t want anyone I know personally finding my reddit. ideas are welcome. ❤️
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kookieswan · 11 months
Outlast Them All - Little Bunny
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Variant!Namjoon x Journalist!Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: Outlast!AU, Horror, Psychological Horror, Angst, Strangers to Enemies to ???, Fluff?????, NSFW content (Sexual and Non-Sexual).
Warnings: Minor character death, blood/gore, foul language once again, general horror, angst, religious themes. This story will consistently tackle themes of obsessive behavior as well as psychological/general horror and many of the characters are morally gray. Please be warned.
Notes: You picked the worst choice last time and my my, how you will pay for it ☺️ Once again, your choices will heavily impact the outcome of the story. Please pick carefully lovelies ♥️
This is Part II of the Outlast Them All series. Find the series Masterlist here 💀
Waiting around definitely isn’t going to get you anywhere in this shithole. There’s clearly a lot of messed up stuff going on in these walls, and you’re here to find out what that is, not hide from it. Glancing up at the dead man one more time, you decide to delete him from your memory and make your way toward the door.
The sound isn’t getting any quieter, so in fear of it being some sort of psycho, you creep as quietly as you can around other dead bodies and pools of blood. Thank god you decided to wear boots instead of something flimsier. Pressing your ear against the door, you listen quietly to the metallic sound.
It clanks against the wall a few more times, and then strangely enough, everything goes quiet. You wait a beat, then two, slowly pulling your camcorder back up. Cracking open the door, you slowly pan the camera out to get a peek, the lights flashing sinisterly overhead.
At first glance, you can’t see anything, the only immediate sound being the fluorescent flickers of light going in and out. Deciding to brave the storm, you push the door open with your foot and step out slowly, eyes darting back and forth.
You take a few quiet steps into the hallway, a sort of squelching sound following like a shadow you. Glancing down, you grimace as your eyes follow the boot tracks of blood you’ve left behind. Lovely.
Your eyes snap to the corner of the hallway as something seems to ghost by, a shadow…? No, it can’t be. A trick of the eye likely, your paranoia is growing more and more every second.
Sliding your feet against the floor quickly, you try your best to get rid of the thick liquid, knowing it could potentially trail something toward you. With what you’ve seen, you don’t want any fucking body following you around this place… Although, it might be better than the fucked up tranquility.
It’s still eerily quiet as it is, and it’s already making you severely uncomfortable. You ponder on how the lack of life is odd as you quietly make your way around the corner. Glancing down through the glass into the lobby, everything’s still seems the same as when you first checked; bodies everywhere.
You notice bookshelves blocking your path ahead, hastily pushed out of the way and falling against each other, both smeared in blood. Curling your lips, you prepare to slide through the small crack before you hear it-
“Little bunny.”
You’re ripped out from your spot, a scream tearing through your throat as a behemoth of a man drags you away from the safety of bloody pages. He holds you high in the air as you attempt to wiggle away from him, unable to see his face as it’s covered by a mop of long black hair.
Without another thought, he throws you against the thin glass barrier that protects you from the carnage of a lobby below, your body hurling toward the floor. You don’t even get to feel the impact as everything goes dark…
“Oh, you’re still alive…!”
“Who…?” It comes out so terribly slurred that you can barely understand what you’re saying. The man blinks down at you, the robes he wears a dead giveaway to what he might be. A priest…? Here?
He squats down to get a closer look at you, eyes scanning up and down your body. He doesn’t touch, but his lips curl ever so slightly downward as he takes in your condition. You take note of his bleached hair, the roots starting to show very obviously as if he hasn’t got a touch up in a while.
“Not too terribly injured, hm? No need to worry about who I am for now, but listen to my words.” You don’t have much of a choice, your body not really functioning from what’s probably shock of being tossed through a damn window. You do flex all your appendages though, glad that you somehow managed to avoid breaking your fucking back in half.
The man glances to your side, noticing something laying next to you. He picks it up, the object being your camcorder which looks like it’s in good shape, thank fuck. He grabs your hand gently, opening your fingers and placing your evidence there, brown eyes weirdly gentle.
“You were sent to me, no? An apostle to lead me toward the light… Yes. Keep this close and be safe, for I cannot protect you here.” An apostle? This guy wants you to be his apostle? Right. Okay. Gripping at the camcorder, you just stare back quietly and try not to laugh.
The priest stands up, nodding to himself and turning away without another utterance. You turn your head to watch him walk off, a groan leaving your mouth as you slowly sit up. You pause as you brace your hand underneath you, realizing then that you’ve landed on something particularly… Soft. No. Nope. You try to ignore it as you stand and rip out your notebook from your jacket.
‘Made little progress, some big fucker decided to throw me through a window. Called me a bunny. Then another fucker that’s apparently a priest of all things decided to make me his apostle. More bodies. More blood. No answers.’
“I don’t get fucking paid enough for this shit.” You mutter to yourself as you move away quickly, not daring to glance back on the body or twelve you may have landed on. Okay, okay you need a game plan now. Staying might not be the best decision after all, not if big muscly scary men are going to be throwing you through windows.
Tapping your pocket, you pull your phone out and fucking pray for some sort of signal, anything at all. A bright ‘NO SIGNAL’ screams back at you, mocking your vary existence for being so damn stupid. You try to call 911 anyway, but nothing goes through. Just your fucking luck, huh?
Glancing up at the window you were tossed from, you squint at whatever the hall someone had written in blood. ‘PROCLAIM THR GOSPEL’. You stare quietly for a hot minute, wondering how in the fuck the crazy priest man managed to climb up there… He clearly takes his teachings very seriously.
Coughing quietly, you decide to head toward the front desk to check for some sort of key or button to unlock the entrance, anything to get out. You don’t find a key, no, instead you find a hastily scrawled out note, splatters of blood covering the paper.
‘If anyone finds this, hide. The variants have all escaped, the facility is in emergency lockdown. All the doors are locked and there’s no way out. If all else fails, check the security room on the first floor for a way out, it’s where I’m heading.’
Variants…? So every patient of the facility is roaming the halls right now. The thought makes you shudder, a million different scenarios running through your mind as you try to decide what to do. Sure, you can leave right away, but there’s still so much you could uncover… Fuck.
Choose wisely ☺️
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allisonlol · 3 years
Chuuya, atsushi, akutagawa, and dazai with a gamer! S/o?
a/n: as a fellow gamer, i love this req !! 🥳
warnings: none!
(Chuuya, Atsushi, Aku, Dazai) with a Gamer S/O
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tbh he doesn’t really see the hype behind video games but as long as it makes you happy, he’s happy 😭
in fact he’s rather impressed by your fast reflexes & quick thinking while you’re playing
he’ll never say no if you ask him to play some with you either
beware tho because he WILL rage if you guys lose
(in fact this is the number one reason why he doesn’t like video games - it sets off his temper too easily 💀)
i feel like he’d prefer call of duty or overwatch the most (…😟) and will insist you guys play those together if you offer
if someone’s ever rude to you in voice chat he SNATCHES the mic away from you and cusses the other person out 😭 starts THREATENING them too like chuuya sweetie it wasn’t that deep-
probably gets you banned from multiple servers for this
has also rage-thrown one of your controllers before and it snapped in half (dw he bought you like three new ones to make up for it-)
that’s why it’s better for him to just…watch you play rather than actually join in 😁
he has such a genuine interest in anything that you do, so of course he loves seeing you play your video games :)
loves when you play animal crossing & will always ask to see your progress and whatnot
you end up buying him a switch so the two of you can play together and- it is the most precious thing omg 😭
always visits your island to run around & help you out with various tasks
sends you little gifts in the game too, like fruit or tools you may need. also plants little flower gardens around your island <3
GIVES YOU ALL OF HIS BELLS 😭 like no bby pls keep ur money !!
besides animal crossing, atsushi also likes watching you play mario kart
cheers you on from over your shoulder the whole time
“if only you were this good at driving in real life !!”
he didn’t mean that omg he was just thinking out loud 😦
oh lord
he’ll pretend to care but honestly finds video games useless
subtly hints that you should spend your time doing something more productive but…you don’t listen 🙄 (i wouldn’t either it’s ok)
after some time he may warm up to it a bit
will pretend to be doing something else while actually watching you play ur games 👀
gradually works his way over to sit next to you…don’t comment on this or he’ll leave immediately
likes when you play horror games the most, like outlast or resident evil (same)
is SUCH a backseat gamer 🙄 gets really nervous watching and orders you around about what you should do next-
literally hovers directly over your shoulder…he’s stressing omg
this results in you dying in the game and the both of you SCREAM at the jumpscare 💀
you offer for him to give it a go but he’ll have no clue on how to use the controller and will just end up shoving it back into ur hands
another one who’s super into anything ur interested in
loves watching you play and thinks it’s adorable how concentrated you get
ALWAYS asks if he can play the games with you 😭 you’d be a fool to tell him no because he’s actually super good at them like tf-
a menace honestly. the gaming community fears him
likes to play gta and mortal kombat with you the most
the two of you wreck absolute HAVOC in gta…fr unstoppable together 💀
watch out bc not even you are safe from dazai in games
he’ll turn on you in seconds…jokingly of course
mf just likes to win 🙄 not saying he’ll be able to beat you tho…
he gets so nervous if you play any kind of horror game that it’s almost cute
throws the controller when he gets jumpscared and starts whining about how he wants you to play a different game
an easy way to get him to leave you alone if that’s ever what u wanted 💀
a/n: finally finishing this up at 5am but omg. this req made my day
song i listened to while writing: bite marks by au/ra
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Thank you!
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kantush · 3 years
Don't know if you've heard of/played Outlast, but like Heisenberg as Eddie Gluskin? (Or whatever his version would be)
YES! I PLAYED OUTLAST 1 & 2 AND WHISTLEBLOWER. I love the game even though it made me flinch alot ( used to replay it alot but I can't do outlast 2 all over again XD, that was a real heart pumper from all of them). Enjoyed Gluskins character and now I want Heisenberg to hunt me down like how Gluskin does in the game and tell me "darling" or "have my babies"💀 (cant believe he actually says that, gotta bolt from that for sure🏃💨) Thank you for bringing back good memories, excuse me as I try to make up a scenario and probably draw out a Gluskin-ish Heisenberg! :)
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zachrykdouglas · 3 years
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🌹💀🖤 "There's no fight between evil and good when you have the devil by the throat. It's in that moment you learn how to kill something for the first time. A mind is a dangerous place to leave behind the best parts of yourself. I haven't always made the right choices nor have I given myself proper love and care. I'm the last one to receive any form of comfort when it comes to helping someone else. My honesty is currency these days. Sometimes it takes me a while to arrive at a particular place, an abrupt resolution that either hurts me or the one I'm with. If I'm being truthful, it isn't my fault all the time. We hope things turn out in our favor with weighted eyes and damaged dreams of what we believe it all could be, of what we all hope it can be. What's meant for you will find you. Anything forced cannot be together longer than the pressure applied to make it last. I've broken my own heart more than any kind of love ever could. There's this moment of clarity, something made by grinding my bones together. Sometimes in life, you find yourself staying at a hole in the wall motel, in some hole in the wall town, writing about some heartbreak you found along this stretch of highway. Maybe love and loss are lovers. Maybe I'm writing about something that doesn't exist. Maybe some are meant to ride solo instead of shotgun. I'm too old to care about what will happen tomorrow. I just want to write about something with enough blood and violence that one day someone will believe me when I tell them I gave it all for love. Give me coffee, paper, and a typewriter. I'll point out the honest ones who ride the open road as if it's a canvas where abandonment is only selfish to those who don't understand themselves. I probably ate too many suns and moons as a child, thinking I'd be full from their energy, their parental guidance. My graveyard has too many stones with no names. I stopped etching onto them when I surpassed thirty-one. They're daily reminders to myself of how short this whole goddamn thing is and how far we have to go to outlast everything else. I'm not made for everyone. I'm barely made for my own experience down here. I walk a fine line with fire behind me." (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ-8f49sLVR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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kookieswan · 11 months
💀Outlast Them All💀
Variant!Namjoon x Journalist!Reader
Genre: Outlast!AU, Horror, Psychological Horror, Angst, Strangers to Enemies to ???, Fluff?????, NSFW content (Sexual and Non-Sexual).
Warnings: Horror aspects, death, blood/gore, foul language, angst, detailed injury/illness, talk of mental health (depression/anxiety), religious themes… This story will consistently tackle themes of obsessive behavior as well as psychological/general horror and many of the characters are morally gray. Please be warned.
Notes: This story in no way reflects the ideals of the bts members or what I think of them. Their likeness is being used, nothing else.
Summary: Your career as a reporter has been steady, sure, but you’ve always wanted more. A single email from a whistleblower makes that easy enough, throwing you at the mercy of the variants of Mount Massive Asylum. Will you venture into the depths of hell on earth, or abandon hope? The choice is yours.
Find my Main Masterlist here!
Nsfw/18+ 💋, Fluff 🌸, Angst 🥀, Horror 👻
Main Story:
Bloody Beginnings 👻🥀
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kookieswan · 11 months
OTA Poll Results - Part II
You chose to:
Stay in the lobby and look around for more information.
Out of all the options:
You chose the most perilous option. This is the second time you’ve chose the most perilous option.
The next update for Outlast Them All is scheduled for this weekend! Do remember that your actions have consequences lovelies 🙂
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