#Overhaul imagine
cut3blush · 2 years
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Y’all Chisaki is back and he’s still pretty
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perplexedflower · 2 years
Overhaul Headcanons
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Fandom: My Hero Academia.
Category: F/M.
Relationship: Kai Chisaki/Overhaul x Female Reader.
Type: Headcanon collection.
Overhaul has his very own definition of affection when it comes to romantic relationships. One type of attention you very rarely get from him is a physical display of attention while in public, or more generally speaking when you two are not alone, meaning even one single person present with the both of you will be enough to restrain him from touching you. He's not - and has never been - a social man, and especially doesn't like to show his emotions to others, so even if accompanied by you, he doesn't budge and remains emotionally cold. However, when it comes to private moments, you are always assured to receive physical attention from him. It's never intense, but loving enough to melt your heart anyway. A caress on your cheek, a kiss left on your neck, a hand sliding over your thighs... All these are marks of affection he enjoys giving you when you two are alone. Most of the time, they happen in silence. He loves you through gentle gestures without a word, thinking his acts speak louder than anything he could say to you. And you're fine with it. You often find yourself craving these private moments together, since they usually don't happen until the end of the day or when he's not too busy, which doesn't happen often. Aside from the intimate physical gestures he gives you, he also shows you his love through verbal affection. His tone softens when he speaks to you, and he's developed a habit of complimenting you without filtering himself in the slightest. An example is when he walks up to you to tell you in the most spontaneous of ways how gorgeous he finds you today, leaving you a blushing mess, muttering a shy 'thank you'. These compliments always catch you by surprise, and always leave you wanting for more. Of course, with each compliment he gives you, you end up repaying the favor, complimenting him daily as well, but you always feel like they don't affect him as much as his affect you. But that's only because he doesn't show it.
Overhaul was born to become a leader, and his Boss had always shaped him to turn out that way. He's at the head of the Shie Hassaikai clan, with dozens of men under his supervision, following his orders without double-thinking or ever questioning the choices he makes. It is clear that he embodies the image of a man in control, dictating everyone he considers to be below him. And he is no different outside of work, when it comes to his relationship with you. You two are a couple, you form a pair, who respects each other, but there is no denial that he is the one in control of your couple. It's not so much a matter of respect or trust, but rather the fact that he's always been used to being the one in control of his life, and just because he's dating you doesn't mean this will change. If anything, it makes him want to control his life and yours even more. He not only likes to be the master of his own sea, but also feels the need to protect you and shield you from certain outside things. It's nothing too restrictive or strict, but it still matters to him to trace at least a certain amount of boundaries. On top of his natural authority, you have noticed that as your relationship has grown since when you started dating him, he tends to sometimes be quite possessive of you now, since he never stops feeling more and more attached to you as time passes. He doesn't want to cage you up, but his desire to keep you safe and for himself leads him to tutor you often. Lastly, although it may not show often, he gets jealous easily regarding the things he loves, and you're no exception. Not wanting to show you that side of him is one of the reasons why he controls some of your movements.
Undoubtedly, your relationship with Overhaul leads your mental health to somewhat deteriorate. Yes, you love him, but it doesn't stop you from suffering from breakdowns sometimes, wondering how you came to be so attached to him, and asking yourself endlessly if you made the right choice to follow him down his path. You look back on your couple and come to doubt some of your choices. You do your best not to have breakdowns in front of him, but know he's bound to occasionally walk in on you having one. The first time he surprised you in the middle of a breakdown, he asked you what was wrong, visibly worried. And when you gathered the courage to tell him what was troubling you, his expression changed. He told you he understood your feelings but added he couldn't empathize with them, since he's never truly had that conflict. Having lived in the Shie Hassaikai clan since his earliest years, he's never had another choice but to live like a Yakuza. Unlike you, who didn't grow up a villain. Despite your different backgrounds, he still validates you and accepts you in his life, and you're grateful for that. But, although he tells you he wants you to open up to him regarding your doubts, you can never bring yourself to do so.
He may be a Yakuza, and one hell of a bad man criminally-wise, but Overhaul still has principles. And one of them is that he respects women. Unlike what some people might think, he's not the type to disrespect you, his female partner, simply because you're a woman. He believes in full gender equality, whether it is in private or business matters. In fact, for Overhaul, what determines someone and the level of worth they hold as an individual is not the controversial features people usually bicker about (such as gender, skin color, or age), but their place in society and what they can do to change the latter for the better.
You love Overhaul, you've found this out for yourself throughout your relationship with him, with your feelings for him having only gotten stronger since you've started dating. You love him for all his flaws, all his qualities, his personality, everything that makes him, him. And yet, despite all the time you've spent with him, the one thing you're still not used to is how intimidating he comes off as. You've always felt a certain aura emanating from him, like a strong force, instinctively commanding respect upon anyone who comes across him. And this feeling is even stronger when you two are alone. Whether he does it unconsciously or not, his words often weigh a certain pressure, especially when addressed to you. Sometimes, you can't help but even feel scared of certain things he says or does. You're not blind to the things he does at "work", you know his motives and how he controls his minions. You've even once witnessed for yourself how he got rid of one of his men by killing him using his Quirk, making him explode, repainting the walls red. You quickly realized you weren't supposed to see that. You had walked in on the scene, and by the time he had noticed you were there, it was too late. He seemed panicked, his eyes wide open, keeping his distance from you. He quickly cleaned himself before approaching you, asking you if you were okay as he saw you were visibly shaken up. You knew deep down he was regretting his action, because now he was afraid you'd be too scared to be with him. After all, he's a murderer, and isn't afraid to be one to achieve anything he's aiming for. You know that. But you sucked it all in, told him you were fine, and neither of you talked of it again. Since then, he's made extra sure that an accident of the like never happens again, starting by making it clear to you that he loves you too much to ever hurt you in such a way.
Habits: Overhaul is a germaphobe, everyone knows this, and you especially over all others. He doesn't consider himself a cleaning freak, and actually corrects people who call him that way. Yes, he wants things around him to be clean, to make sure he doesn't come in contact with anything that could affect his system, but that doesn't make him the type to sweep his home every day. He doesn't mind when things are slightly messy and tolerates a little dust, as long as it doesn't accumulate. His main issue with germs is when they come in direct contact with him, thus leading him to wear a mask and gloves constantly. Before he met you and started living with you, he washed his hands every hour, and never took his mask off around others, no matter the context. But over time, through conversation and guiding, you managed, not without difficulty, to progressively take his habits down one level. At first, it was hard for him, since it meant changing life-long habits, but with your help, he now washes his hands at acceptable amounts, and under certain circumstances even accepts to take off his mask in public.
Touch: Because of his germaphobia, it can sometimes get quite hard for you to live with Overhaul, but not for the reasons people might think. He can be strict when it comes to physical touch between the two of you, simply because he fears catching an infection or something of the like. In order to prevent that from happening, he asks you to always wash your hands properly before touching him, and the same goes for your mouth if you wish to kiss him. This can sometimes feel heavy on you, especially if you're a touchy-feely person who needs physical touch. But you can't blame him for it, that's the way he is. Besides, you know well that since you started dating him, his germaphobia went up a notch, because he now fears for the both of you. As much as he wants to keep germs away from himself, he also has someone else to protect from them.
Kitchen authority
Another result of Overhaul's germaphobia is his desire to always be the one to cook. It has nothing to do with trust, or doubting your abilities in the kitchen, but he prefers to be the one to cook. Although it may not show, he's a very skilled cook, due to many years of making his own food in the past. He makes excellent dishes for the both of you, with care and attention, and you make sure to thank him each time for it. Your culinary compliments may seem like they don't affect him, as they don't trigger many reactions in him, but deep down he feels the pride to know he made you happy with one of his dishes. If you ever come to implore him to let you cook for him for a change, it's likely he'll end up accepting, but rest assured he'll be monitoring you the whole way through and watching your every move to make sure you do everything perfectly.
Overhaul has developed a habit of wearing different masks according to what he's doing, such as his crow mask, which he wears for work, and his set of plain black masks, which he wears when he goes out on more casual occasions. One moment you still have engraved into your memory is the day he had awkwardly confessed to you he didn't know which mask to wear when he was alone with you. It had made you laugh, which further annoyed him, but you quickly reassured him that it didn't matter much to you. You told him that it was up to him, and after that day, he decided he would wear his plain masks around you, thinking it was admittedly more comfortable. Eventually, after dating you for long enough, he took a huge step forward and decided he would not wear a mask at all when he would be alone with you, which had earned him praises and congratulations from your part. In the earlier stages of your relationship, you had also tried taking a step in his direction by gifting him masks as a way to show him your support and that you accept him for his germaphobia, but he had to turn down your offer by telling you he preferred to buy his masks himself, to make sure of their composition. However, he had still thanked you for your original idea, and despite never having told you, he still feels grateful for it.
Overhaul has made it clear to everyone that he has long buried the name "Chisaki", and you are no exception. At the beginning of your relationship, he had told you not to use it when addressing him, and you didn't see any reason to oppose it. However, you can get tired of calling him "Overhaul", especially in private settings, so you sometimes allow yourself to call him "Over" in order to preserve the aspect of nicknames, which you find important in a relationship, or whenever you want to show him a softer side of yourself. At one point, you had talked it over with each other, and he had told you you could call him "Kai" if you really wanted to. But you keep that for only the most intimate of moments...
Pet names
Overhaul isn't necessarily attached to the notion of pet names within a couple, and is mostly content enough with calling you by your name. However, as your relationship progresses through time, a time eventually came when he asked you if you wanted to be called by certain nicknames, since he started feeling more comfortable around you. He made it clear that if you did want to be nicknamed, you would be the one to choose them. He wanted to make sure he would call you by names that would please you and make you feel loved. You told him he was free to choose for you, but he insisted it was up to you. You ended up telling him what your favored pet names were and he's never forgotten them since. Although he mainly sticks to your name, he calls you by those pet names every now and then, keeping them for when he's feeling personal or domestic around you.
You know well that Quirks are a touchy subject to talk about with Overhaul, hence why you rarely do so. But, one thing you just couldn't avoid revealing and inevitably had to bring up with him when you two first met was your nature, whether you had a Quirk or not. In the case where you were born Quirkless, the first time you had told him about it had seemed to have somewhat appeased him. It was only some time later, after learning what his "job" is and what his ideals are that you understood why he was content with you being deprived of powers. Although it had sounded weird to you at first when he had told you he was glad you had no Quirk, you came to understand that he feels this way because he sees you as pure and "clean" for it. To him, it means you represent even more than ever someone that he needs to protect. In the case where you were born with a Quirk, you couldn't help but feel fear the first time he confronted you about it. You knew about his morals and dreaded he would reject you for having powers, finding you gross and unworthy of his love. But, to your surprise, he told you he didn't mind it that much, and accepted you for who you are nonetheless. Ever since you've been together, you've brought it up with him only once, and he made it clear he accepts your Quirk because he knows you're not using it to play hero. Getting with him in the first place meant following him on his trails and more or less agreeing with his ideas, and that's enough of a reason for him to accept you by his side. Besides, all ideals aside, you know he loves you enough to not let his morals dictate his feelings towards you, and that he loves you no matter what your powers are, or even if you've got none.
It had taken you by surprise when Overhaul had told you that if you wished to have sex with him, you had to be the one to ask him for it. He explained to you that he didn't see it as a priority in your couple, and that he preferred dedicating his time to other ways of loving you, and it'd lead him to never ask you for some time under the sheets. And indeed, he never has. Ever since you've been together, you've been the one making advances each time. But that doesn't mean he turns them down, or that he doesn't appreciate sex. He actually quite enjoys it, firstly because he knows it pleases you, but also because it allows him to spend quality time with you. His sex manners are of the most common type, consisting in the most basic of positions, and rarely including kinks. But rarely doesn't mean 'never'. Sometimes, he admits it, he uses the opportunity of having sex with you to finally externalize certain emotions he's bottled up and lash out at your body. During those kinds of nights, he's even more passionate, and rougher too. He holds you tighter, pressing his entire body against yours, and even drops sensual whispers into your ears. Even when giving you this kind of sex, he's still loving towards you, asking you every now and then if you're hurting anywhere or if he's being too rough. Deep down, you fight the desire to ask him to be even rougher, wondering what it would be like if he truly gave it his all. It's evidence for him to always wear a condom when having sex with you, since he hates the thought of you filled with "filthy fluids". But that doesn't stop the quality of his sex from being extremely good, saddening you when it comes to an end, making you wish for more. But you know what comes afterward is just as good. After you're both done, he takes you to the bathroom, and steps into the shower with you, to cleanse both your bodies and minds. Under the pouring hot water, he continues to caress you and whisper to your ears how much he loves you.
You'd say there's nothing in this world Overhaul is more dedicated to than his work. But, ever since you got with him, he is just as passionate about your couple as he is about his work. It's safe to say these are the only two things in his life he views as important and worth his time. Devoting himself to both his work and your relationship, he made it clear from day one that he would love for you to work alongside him. You knew right from the start what his "job" consisted of, and you had chosen to accept it nonetheless. You were somewhat expecting him to impose on you the role of the "Boss' wife", forcing you to work with him, and that was a harder thing for you to process. But, in reality, he had asked you at the beginning of your relationship if you wished to work for his clan, accompanying him in his daily activities, or if you rather wanted to stay out of it, leading your own working life by yourself. You had been very grateful to see him considerate enough to leave you the choice, and still are to this day. The thought of working by his side had intrigued you, leaving your imagination picture how you'd be walking next to him throughout the halls of the clan's headquarters, a newfound feeling of empowerment emanating from you. But on the other hand, choosing a job in something unrelated to the clan seemed the most suitable option, since it would not only give you alone-time outside of home, but would also keep you clean from any of Overhaul's activities, therefore helping keep up appearances. Whether you've decided to work alongside him as the co-Boss of the clan, or work on your own, he loves you just as much, and respects whichever choice you made that day.
Yakuza principles
Overhaul has always perceived himself as a true Yakuza ever since he first joined the Shie Hassaikai, and has always given importance to making a distinction between Yakuza and villains. The main noticeable difference between the two is the code of honor that Yakuza clans impose upon themselves, to make order and organization rule within the group. And Overhaul's clan is obviously no exception. For a man such as him, who wishes to always have everything under control, it's essential he has all his men agree to a specific set of principles and rules. However, something you hadn't expected when you started dating him was to also be imposed these rules. He had told you explicitly that whether you desired to join him in his work or not, you'd still have to obey the rules of his clan. This meant not telling any exterior party about the clan's activity, whereabouts, and identities, in order to protect both the members and you. You had decided to comply with this rule, among the others he had presented to you. But, aside from the initial surprise it had created in you, it has never had any actual impact on your relationship. You go by his rules, in and outside of work, and it satisfies the both of you. After all, you know well he trusts you, otherwise, he would have never started dating you in the first place, and that always makes you happy to think about.
In your eyes, Overhaul is the perfect illustration of a zealous man. He always comes off to you an enthusiastic and passionate regarding the things he does and the things he cares about. It begins with his work, which he puts above all else, and considers to be of the utmost importance. He's got plans, which count trying to make the Yakuza stronger and making his ideal a reality, and he'd do anything to achieve these goals. But his commitment doesn't stop at his work. He's also extremely devoted when it comes to his personal life, especially with you in it. He wholly dedicates his time to you when you two are alone, showing you how important your couple is to him. He tries his best to make it work and doesn't hesitate to go to extreme lengths sometimes, just to make sure you're happy with him and that you won't find anything to reproach him for. It took you some time to notice the true reason behind his actions, and when you understood why he was so committed to you, it surprised you. You hadn't expected him to be the type of man to have these types of doubts, but it also did make you understand how much he loves you. You remind him daily that he doesn't need to do such things for you to believe in his love, but you know deep down that he'll never change, and will always keep on reinforcing the foundations of your couple.
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eggtartz · 2 years
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cw : voyeurism, public sex, kai is your boyfriend, cockwarming, spanking
word count: 685
holiday special
your boyfriend was leading one of the biggest yakuza in the area and he has been wanting to expand his power so he did a pact with the league of villains, believing that they could help him achieve his goals. while in the meeting, shigaraki entered the underground room that has been hidden well by kai. shigaraki saw the sight of you whining on kai's lap, however his eyes weren't focused on you.
"thought you didn't liked getting dirty?" shigaraki asked while gesturing at you, who were giving him hickeys around his neck while panting. what goes noticed is also how his cock was inside your pussy, your thighs straddling him.
"she's the only exception" kai said while adjusting his seating, making you gasp because he accidentally deepened his cock inside you. kai has promised you before that if you manage not to cum while he had this meeting, he'll give you the best sex of your life but of course the villain had other plans. he intended to do that while cockwarming you, making you whine for more, for any action.
you squirmed on his lap, him spanking your butt for that. "behave" he said, muffled by his beak mask. you whimpered while trying to roll your hips when he was talking away with his companion. you didn't even minded at the people in the room, you rocked your hips slowly then clenched your pussy around his cock, making him hiss and another spanking.
kai always did this with you, he would make you cockwarm him while he was doing paperwork, while he was bathing you. he loved that warm, pulsating feeling that your pussy gave when he inserted his cock. it felt amazing and kai didn't wanted to pull out anytime soon.
however, he was getting distracted.
your hip rolls were nudging his cock, the movement giving his cock a new sensation when his cock slid right into your cervix. he almost groaned, voice contained as he kept talking about his plans with the league of villains.
he again got distracted as you kissed his nose, him pinching your nipple making you wince. "behave"
"ca-cant. kai.. wanna.. wanna cum.."
"then? help yourself, im busy" you wasted no time and started bouncing on his cock giving soft mewls at the feeling. you weren't too far from your climax so while bouncing on kai's cock, you slithered your hand to rub on your clit making you whine louder.
kai held your lower back, silently asking you to go faster because he was near too. your hands were busy and your lips were busy too showering him with hickeys while bouncing deliciously around his cock. shigaraki was trying his hardest not to feel aroused with your sweet whines, your pleas that sounds too silent as if the pleas aren't meant for kai.
you finally came with a gasp but kai hasn't yet. with a growl kai had to excuse himself, "wait here" he told shigaraki as he had to finish.
he lifted your limp body, his cock still buried in your pussy and went inside the nearest room. inside, he slammed your body at the wall, him going too fast with his thrust that made you felt dizzy. you draped your arms around his shoulder while your legs around his waist, pulling him to get deeper, faster.
"you couldn't even wait? pathetic" he whispered againts your ear, making you whine softly. he was pounding inside your pussy ruthlessly, not having any control because at how good your pussy felt.
he groaned, feeling his cum shooting inside you. he pulled out, some of his cum dribbling but he took out a plug from his behind pocket.
he collected the cum and shoved them back inside then took the plug and plugged it inside your pussy. he took out some wipes from the nearby drawer and gave it to you.
"clean yourself and stay here. i'll finish things up" he said while zipping his pants back, adjusting his mask that was all messy and not in place.
niyou laid there all exhausted and full. so, so happy.
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imagineanime2022 · 11 months
MHA Characters With Teen Reader (Platonic) *Part 2*
Dabi X Reader, Tomura Shigaraki X Reader, Kai Chisaki X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Heyy! So I LOVE HOW U WRITE the LOV with platonic teen reader. And I had an idea where fem!teen!reader gets a s/o and the LOV gets overprotective and want to meet them and stuff. Characters would be: Dabi, Shigaraki and Overhaul (Ik he isn't part of the league but still 💀)! Tyy
*Part 1*
🔥 Dabi hadn’t expected this to be a problem, especially not while he was still breathing but here he was watching you giggle at some teenage idiot hanging around the back alleys. 🔥 You don’t even realise that he is watching leant against the wall of the alley as you talk and get closer until he clears his throat. 🔥 “Who’s this?” “Just a friend” “Close for a friend.” “Let’s just go.” 🔥 His eyes never left the kid that you had been talking to even when you stood right in front of him, so you grabbed his hand and pulled him along until he finally turned to look at you. 🔥 “You like them?” “No.” “Don’t lie to me, I hate it when people lie to me.” “Would you hurt them if I told the truth?” “No.” “I like them a little.” 🔥 Dabi had no way to get any information, so he waited until he could catch the kid alone. 🔥 “So what are you hoping to gain from them?” “Excuse me.” “I’m not repeating myself, we both know you heard me.” “Gain? Someone who cares for me.” “Cares for you… I hope you care for them as much as they care for you, if not there won’t be anything left to find.” 🔥 Dabi isn’t one to believe in love, or finding in the life that you had both chosen to live but you were important enough to him that he would let you have what made you happy. 🔥 He hopes that the relationship continues in the best manor and if it does it he would be happy for you, he’d never admit instead replace that with teasing and dismissal. 🔥 However if it ends badly trust me when I say he will fulfil the threat unless you want the honour in which case he’ll clean up after you, make sure neither one of you are caught.
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Tomura Shigaraki
✋ Shigaraki cares for you far more than anyone would have thought and he had far too much power at his disposal. ✋ When he walked into the bar to see you sitting at a table with some kid he couldn’t recognise, he knew most of the ‘would be’ villains around here and all the homeless kids that hung around looking for food or work. ✋ “(Y/N)! Come here!” “Yeah?” “Who have you invited into my bar?” “Kurogiri’s bar.” “Don’t get smart.” “They’re just talking to me.” “And if they are a spy?” “Then I’m sure you will tell me soon enough.” ✋ Shigaraki looked at the child that had been sitting with you, he didn’t trust them and he never would, he’d be civil for you, well kind of. ✋ “I’ll kill you if you hurt them.” “Y-yes sir.” ✋ Shigaraki would have someone from the league follow you when you start meeting them outside of the bar, where he could not see you. ✋ God help you if you start lying to him, he’d honestly just kill the love interest out of spite, so don’t lie to him. ✋ If things go well then he’ll leave you as you are but don’t expect him to give you anything more than that, he won’t congratulate you or even acknowledge the relationship really but that has nothing to do with who it is, just that there is anyone at all. ✋ If things don’t go well, you can expect to find the ex-partner on the floor in the bar, begging for their life and they will die, Shigaraki will make sure of it, even if you beg him not to. ✋ He’ll just send the kid home to die, far from your eyes and convince you that the kid moved away.
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Kai Chisaki
💉 He knew before you even knew, he had been watching you and the newest member of the Mafia for a while, he could see what they wanted from you. 💉 He found out everything that he needed to know about them before he even thought about entertaining the idea of a relationship. 💉 When you finally tell him about your new friend he didn’t say anything, in fact you were almost convinced that he didn’t hear you, until a couple of days later when he addressed the new information. 💉 “So your new friend… Are you sure that they are here for you?” “What does that mean?” “You are higher than most in this organisation, you think that they want you for you.” “Is that so hard to believe?” “Make me believe it.” 💉 Kai is happy to lose you to this argument because he’s sure that he’s right, he had done his work without you before and he’d do it again (even if he would miss you). 💉 That being said he would not let someone take you from him without a fight, it may be different love but it was love all the same. 💉 “What do you intend to take from them?” “Take? Nothing.” “Do not lie to me!” “What could I take from them? They have nothing!” “They have whatever they want, I make sure of that. They want you so for now that is what they get.” 💉 From there on there was no arguments about the relationship however you always had a guard and you cleaned yourself thoroughly before interacting with him again. 💉 If the relationship going right, they would likely get more from him and when he’s sure that he can trust them they would earn their place next to you. 💉 If it went terribly, the Mafia had a way of dealing with scum, Kai would give you the choice of participation but you would be there to see it, you will remember what deceit looks like so you never fall for it again.
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Request Here!!
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blurbios · 1 year
Burdensome [Overhaul x Reader]
cw: self-doubt, loneliness, cursing, food mention
other: gn! reader, angst(?), dialogue heavy so you’ll have to scroll a bit (sorry)
wc: 3.1k
synopsis: you were growing tired of feeling so far away from your boyfriend who was just down the hallway.
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The music from your headphones stopped abruptly, causing you to whip out your phone from your pocket, only to be greeted by the no battery sign flashing on your screen. You let out an annoyed sigh and turned around to make your way to your room to charge it. You thought it had to be late or at least getting late because your phone had been fully charged when you started pacing around the compound. You tried to peek into the office as you passed by, but there were two low ranking members of the coveted Shie Hassaikai stationed outside who obstructed your view. “The boss is working.” One dismissed you, his voice gruff. 
“Isn’t it past your bedtime anyways?” The two snickered as you stomped past. You contemplated telling them off and whether or not you should tell Kai when you see him next, but you decided against both. You knew he had a lot on his plate and you didn’t want to add to it, more so than you felt you already did. The winding halls were quiet, your steps echoed as you neared your room. You couldn’t remember the last time you did anything with your boyfriend and you felt terrible. That alone caused a pit to form in your stomach. You plugged in your phone and plopped onto your desk chair, shaking your mouse to wake your desktop. 3:42am was displayed on the corner of the screen, it really was late and Kai was still working. You tried to find something to watch to keep you awake until he inevitably came to join you, but nothing interested you. You thought about playing a game, but as soon as you booted one up you no longer wanted to play. 
You grabbed your phone and drafted out a text, “hey are you going to be done soon? it’s pretty late and i didn’t see you once today. i miss you, you know.” You furiously backspaced the message, like you always did, because you didn’t want to bother him. You slammed your phone down out of frustration and breathed in deeply to prevent any crying. It had been months since you moved in and you could count on your fingers how many times you’ve actually done anything with Kai outside of the four walls of your shared bedroom, if you could even consider it shared at this point. He was always busy and you understood that, but if he was so goddamn busy all the time why did you have to be so bored out of your mind all the time? You knew you could go out if you really wanted to, but you’d have to tell him first and he’d assign someone to keep you safe if he himself couldn’t. You knew it bothered him when you went out anyways, so you only went out when he’s the one who proposes it. But it wasn’t fair, you only moved in because he was incessant about it, saying how he wanted you close, practically begging. Sometimes when he was laying next to you it felt like he was miles away. You wanted to scream, the tears you tried to shrug off began to form in your eyes. You wanted to be able to help him, he told you in the past that you just being there helps him, but you knew it was bullshit. You placed your head in your hands and let it all out as your mind raced. He wasn’t a bad boyfriend, he did care about you, but he had a goal he was set on before he met you. He did come to bed every night, or at least to your knowledge, he came to bed every night. Most times he just slipped in without waking you and slipped out in the same manner. He had only woken you up a few times and he apologized profusely in those instances. Your eyes started to sting and you could feel the tears drying on your cheeks. You mustered up all your energy to stand up and shuffle over to the en suite bathroom to wash your face. 
The cold water was refreshing, but it made you jump a little. You brought both hands to your face and dragged your fingers from the inner corners to the outer corners of your eyes, out to your temples, and down your jaw. You stared at your reflection, you looked drained and you were, rightfully so. You crossed the threshold of your room and scanned the room, looking for something to keep you occupied. Your eyes landed on an old notebook you brought from home, you took it over to the desk and scrounged around for a pen. You figured if you couldn’t say all the things you thought to him, the least you could do was write it to get it out of your brain. Much like your failed text messages, you only wrote a few lines before scribbling them out and ripping out the page, just to crumple it. On your fifth attempt, you actually managed to write the whole thing out. The second you wrote your name at the bottom of the page, you slammed your notebook shut. Again, you checked the time, 4:57am. The sun was going to rise soon, if Kai hadn’t returned by now, he wouldn't. Part of you wanted to bring him a blanket in his office, but the other part of you was far too tired and didn’t feel like trekking back just to be greeted by those two idiots at his door. You tossed and turned for a long while before falling asleep. You woke up to a knock at the door, you sat up groggily to check if Kai was next to you, He wasn’t, causing your heart to sink a bit.
“Y/N?” The familiar voice belonged to Kurono. “You didn’t come for breakfast before, so I figured I’d bring you lunch.” He opened the door slowly, to make sure he didn’t startle you.
“What time is it? You scratched your head.
“Almost 2.” He extended the plate of food to you.
“Where’s Kai? Thanks by the way!” You smiled as you grabbed the plate from him.
“He has a meeting with some on the rise villain soon, so he’s preparing his general spiel, you know how he is.” Of course he was working, you nodded as you rose to walk and set the plate on the desk, pushing things aside to make room..
“Did you see him this morning?” You wanted to stop prodding, but the words left your mouth before you could think.
“Yes. Why is something wrong?” 
“Forget I asked. Thanks again for the food.”
“Ah okay, and please refrain from walking around today. We don’t know this guy well and Kai wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.” He walked out the door, making sure to shut it behind him. This whole thing was starting to get to you, so much so that your food tasted bland. Even though it was your favorite dish, something felt off. You thought about blowing up his phone again, but apparently it’s an important meeting and you wouldn’t want to ruin it, whatever it was. Confined to your room for the day, you just put on some dumb sitcom and laid in bed scrolling through your phone. You even scrolled through old chat logs between you and Kai, it reminded you how sweet this all felt. A familiar warmth grew in your chest, as you reminisced. You thought moving in would guarantee that you would wake up next to him every morning and that the two of you would tell each other everything, how naive of you. When you started dating the head of a yazuka organization, you didn’t expect much out of it, but you expected something. Hours passed as you wallowed in your room, until you heard a knock at the door again. “Dinner is served!” Kurono said way too cheerily as he walked in.
“Thanks.” You didn’t have the energy to match his demeanor. 
“Sorry about you being cooped up in here today, I’m sure he’ll make it up to you.” He picked up your plate from lunch and swapped it with the dinner plate. You felt sick and much to his concern, you looked it too. “Are you feeling okay?” 
Of course you weren’t, “Yeah, just a bit annoyed.” A bit. The whole situation was laughable, he couldn’t walk down the halls himself to check in on you, or share a meal. Instead he sends his lackey to feign interest in how you felt. 
“Well if there’s anything I can do, just let me know.”
“You can leave.” You knew you shouldn’t take this out on him of all people, but you couldn’t keep the mask on anymore. Without another word, he up and left, leaving you alone once again. You just sat in bed, spacing out, not focussing on anything in particular. The show you had on had stopped playing, who knows how long ago,so the room was quiet. Sitting in bed became laying in bed and at some point you fell asleep, but that was short lived. Kai actually showed up, he was careful to not wake you, trying his best to be light on his feet. He looked over at your sleeping figure and smiled to himself, then gave the room a once over and noticed your dinner untouched. He shook his head, picked up the plate and brought it out of the room, when he came back in he saw that you were sitting upright.
“Kai! You’re back.” You exclaimed, half awake. You quite couldn’t tell if it was a dream or not, so you reached your arms out towards him. 
“Listen, I’m sorry for waking you and about today. I know being in here alone all day wasn’t the best, but I had to make sure you would be safe.” You felt the bed dip down a bit as he sat beside you, holding your hands in his.
“Did you send Hari to check on me?”
“Yes. Why?” He tilted his head slightly, raising a brow.
You couldn’t stifle your laugh, “Are you serious?”
There was visible confusion on his face, “Are you suggesting that I shouldn’t have?”
“I’m suggesting that maybe you should have.” Your voice broke when you placed emphasis on ‘you’, causing you to look away from him. He was at a loss for words, you’d never talked to him like that before. You pressed your lips tightly together and shook your head slightly in disbelief when you saw him stop himself from speaking. “What am I to you, Kai?”
“Just answer the question.” All the frustration you had felt was pouring out of you, making your words sting. 
“Everything.” He locked eyes with you, but you turned away. 
“You’re a terrible liar. We both know that isn’t true. If you’re saying it because it’s what you think I want to hear then it makes this even worse. Please, just tell me the truth.” 
“Y/N, please. I’m too tired to argue.” He leaned his back against the headboard. 
“I’m not trying to argue, I’m just trying to talk to my boyfriend.”
“We can talk tomorrow.” He said as he ran a hand through his hair. 
“Oh, can we now? You sure you’re not gonna be busy again?” You could feel the anger building inside of you. He could feel that the energy in the room switched.. 
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You cut him off and made your way to the door. 
He mimicked your actions, “Where are you going?”
“For a walk, you know since I didn’t get to leave this fucking room today.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“No, you’re not because you’re too tired, remember?”
“I won’t be long.” You exited the room, chest heavy, legs moving as if you had weights tied to your ankles. You walked to the end of the hall and back, counting your breaths to calm yourself and to prevent spiraling further. You stood a couple of feet before the doorway for a while, contemplating just walking out completely. You let out a deep sigh and stepped up to the doorway. The scene in front of you made you feel as though a ton of bricks had just been dropped on you. There he was standing over your desk, notebook in hand, a small tremor visible in his hands. “What are you–Kai, I, I’m sorry.” He looked so hurt, something you’ve never seen. He looked up at you and tried to collect his thoughts, but as his eyes met yours all he could see was the words he had just read. 
I don’t know how to say any of this or if I’ll ever even get the chance to say all this. I love you, I do, but it feels like our relationship is just an afterthought or rather I’m an afterthought. I understand that you’re busy with work, that’s why I’ve held on to this as long as I did. It’s also why I try to avoid bothering you. You have so much on your shoulders, I don’t want to be burdensome, but maybe having me move in was a bad idea. We rarely get to see one another and most of the time we spend together is sleeping. I want to be a good partner, I want to make you happy, but it’s hard to do when I’m too worried to even send you a text. I worry about you, you work way too much, and I worry that one day it’ll become so important that you forget about me entirely. These days it feels like you’re some kind of urban legend and everyone I run into around the compound has a story about seeing you, yet I always miss out on the sighting. I don’t expect you to drop everything for me, I don’t want you too, I know how important your work is to you and how important to everyone it will be if it all goes right, but I expect something. I’m not asking for a mile here Kai, just a goddamn inch. God forbid I want to spend time with you or go out in town like a normal person without having to jump through hoops to get permission. You say it’s to keep me safe, so you can have me close, but it hurts. I’m sorry.
He returned the book to its former position and sat gently on the edge of the bed, eyes focused on the floor. The room was filled with a sad silence, until he finally broke it. “Is that really how you feel?” He bit the inside of his lip, so he wouldn’t cry in front of you. 
“It probably came off too harsh, I–” You felt so guilty for upsetting him. 
“Do I really make you feel like this?” He had a pained expression on his face, brows furrowed slightly. 
“Yeah, maybe, sometimes, I don’t know.” You rubbed the back of your neck, you couldn’t bring yourself to make eye contact. He looked at you and saw the tears welling in your eyes, his expression dropped even more. You tried to blink them away, but your eyes began to overflow and you couldn’t stop it. “I’m sorry.” You repeated over and over, each time more and more defeated. You couldn’t stand anymore, your chest hurt too much. You dropped yourself on the bed next to him. 
“I’m sorry.” He brought your head to his shoulder as an attempt to soothe you. The contact with him made it feel real, he was there next to you, trying to make you feel better. You’ve missed his touch so much that it took everything in you not to fold instantly. 
“It’s fine, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have written that.” You said between shaky breaths. 
“You don’t deserve this. I’ll be better, y/n.” He placed his arm around your shoulders and began to trace patterns on your arm. 
“So will I.” You sniffled, dragging your nose across the back in your hand. 
“Huh? You have nothing to apologize for and nothing to be better at, you have done nothing wrong.” He placed emphasis on those last words, saying them slowly, making sure you heard them clearly. He got up to retrieve the tissue box from the nightstand. He handed you a tissue and used another to wipe your tears from your face, flashing you an apologetic smile. 
“Thank you.” You blew your nose and tossed it in the bin. 
“You know you can talk to me right?” He tilted your chin up so your eyes would meet his. His gaze was warm, no trace of annoyance on his face, just concern and genuine care. 
“But you’re always doing something, I don’t want—” 
“You could never be a burden to me. Knowing that you’re here puts me at ease, knowing that I can see you whenever I want warms my heart.” He held one of your hands in between both of his.  
“Yeah, but I want to be able to see you whenever I want. It’s a two-way street, Kai. It isn’t fair that it’s always on your terms, and only on your terms.” You placed your free hand on top of his. 
“I never thought of it like that, I didn’t realize my rules were such a hindrance.” He gave your hand a gentle squeeze before continuing, “I’m sorry, my dear, for these things I've made you feel, for the lack of time I've spent with you, all of it. I shouldn't have let someone so precious to me slip through the cracks. I’m going to be better, starting right now. Whatever you want to do tomorrow, we’ll do it.”
“Really?” You smiled for the first time in days. “Really, but you need to promise me something first.”
“What is it?”
“Promise me that you won’t stop yourself from reaching out to me anymore.”
“But what if you're busy?”
“I’ll let you know when it’s an important client, besides that you can come in whenever you want.”
“Then I promise.” You threw your arms around him and he returned your embrace, holding you tighter than he ever had before. 
“But you’re gonna get sick of me quick.” You said as you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. 
“You’re the one person I could never get sick of.” His words were sincere, he kept one hand on your back and brought the other up to cradle your head. 
“I promise.”
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a/n: this started out more lighthearted in my head, but as i wrote i got super emo, so i’m sorry y’all. also, fun fact! i got back into mha because i watched the overhaul arc and was suddenly down bad
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uhzuku · 1 year
hi ren. would you write a little something for overhaul? if you're feeling it ofc!
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— [ _ping.@pcwer ]
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“fuck — f-fuck!”
your fingers, as deft and talented as ever, wrench songs from his lips as you play his body like the finest instrument, dancing across his skin as he lets out cry aftetlr cry of your name.
“please, y/n — y/n, oh god-!” kai moans, the fingers of one of his hands interlocked with your free one as you lap at the underside of his sensitive balls while your free hand toys with his weeping tip. your tongue, naturally roughened by the feline quirk you called your own, runs up from his twitching hole and across the expanse of his taint and smooth-shaven balls ( you cannot, unfortunately, resist the temptation to roll them around over your tongue just to hear his cries ) and up the soft skin of his length. he wails for you, oversensitive and aching with need, and you don’t have to look up to know that tears are shimmering in the corners of his eyes.
as you take his balls into your mouth and begin to suckle at them his free hand, once tightly gripping the sheets, releases the cloth so he can throw his arm over his face, almost completely silencing his cries — but you weren’t having that.
you pull away from him, releasing his balls from your mouth with a loud, wet pop! and sit back on your feet, watching with dark eyes as he props himself up on his elbows, taking deep gulps of air as he starss down at you in shock. “wh-what — what are you doin’?!” he whines, his thighs trembling as he tries to cstch his breath. “i was about t’cum-!”
“you aren’t supposed to hide those pretty sounds from me, kai,” you purr softly, trailing your fingernails along the sensetive flesh of his hard cock, drawing whimpers pleasing for you to suck him again from his lips. you murmur, “i’ll get back to it if you promise not to hide from me again, kai,” and he nods shakily.
“yes, yes, i promise — please, y/n, suck my cock,” he begs softly. “i — i want to cum!”
you grin darkly and press yourself back flat against the bed between his spread legs, then lick your lips.
“as you wish, sweetling.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 1 year
Not a request but a little question about Kai.
What do you think that would have him giggling like a school girl?
Like, I know it's a once in a lifetime type of experience but, only imagine, maybe something like you unconsciously adopting aspects of his personality, or you falling cutely to the ground... Idk, what do you think would make it for him?
I don't think there will be a thing that makes Chisaki giggle like that... is just not his type of actions.
However, there is such actions that make his lil cold heart do a flip and make him smile. Like... true smile, not a fake one.
Would be you trying to make something just to please him. Not because of a date or any celebration. Just because you wanted to make him happy.
Like, expect this guy to just melt at just arriving one day and seeing that you cooked something he liked or cleaned his room because yes.
He would still be with his guard up at first, but the moment you answer him on why the hell you did all this with a
"Oh, I just wanted to make you happy." Or "Because I wanted to"
Chisaki will have one of the rarest and softest smiles on his face, I can assure you.
Act of services is the love language this man wants to and needs to receive. Fight me.
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i-cant-sing · 7 months
Thinking about that tiktok about the girl being all sad about her parents dying one day and stuff, and I'm just thinking about Yandere President Overhaul AU, the toddler triplets are just sitting around with reader (who's heavily pregnant and snoring on the couch, a little drooling too) and Tomura suddenly realised that you could die- be it by pregnancy or talking to other people- ANYTHING could kill you.
And now Tomura is about 2 seconds away from having a full blown meltdown, and Dabi and Himiko are just trying to calm him down (and give your poor self a break and not wake upto 3 kids shrieking and crying).
Himiko: can you like- not freak out? Mom's not going to die-
Tomura, snot and tears: maybe not now! B-but who knows when?! Maybe- maybe it's today- or tomorrow- or when we're asleep! What are we gonna do w-without her?!
Dabi, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest: stop being such a baby, Tomu. If mom dies, we'll just- go with her.
Tomura, stops sniffling: what?
Himiko: dabi... that's a brilliant idea! Oh my gosh, we can use my knifes!
Dabi: of course its a brilliant idea, I'm the oldest. I'm smart like that. *pats Tomuras head* see? I told you we have nothing to worry about.
Tomura, wiping his tears away and nodding: you're right. Wait, what about dad?
Dabi: we are not inviting him. He's not coming with us, he hogs mom all the time!
Tomura, eyes twinkling: Dabi, you're a genius.
And the kids all just gather around their poor innocent mom, who's just content when she wakes upto her 3 menaces sleeping away in her arms. Meanwhile, Kai (who's been listening on to the triplets convo because ofc he has the whole place bugged.) is just thinking in his office... "what the fuck? The kids are just gonna kill themselves when Y/n's not around anymore? What- how- why didn't I think of that first? Also, why didn't Himiko stand up for me? Won't she invite me along when they all go? Is she still mad at me for not getting her a pet octopus last week? What was I supposed to do when her mom said no?!"
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A Perfect Match
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summary: Chisaki isn't looking forward to meeting his soulmate, at least not until he discovers that you are Quirkless.
tags: soulmate!au, fluff, fem!reader
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It’s just so annoying. Even though he’s lived with it all his life, Chisaki swears he’ll never get used to seeing that godforsaken timer counting down. It’s always there, in the corner of his periphery, and it only ever disappears when he shuts his eyes and lets everything fade to black.  
A soulmate mark. That’s what it’s called. People have different variations of it—some know the first words their soulmate will ever speak to them, some have a red string tying them to their soulmate that only they can see, and others, like him, have been stuck with a timer since birth that tells him how much longer until he meets his soulmate for the first time.  
And based on how much time is remaining, it looks like he’ll be meeting his soulmate today.  
Chisaki isn’t excited. If anything, he’s dreading the encounter, and he just wishes it would hurry up and be over with. At least then, the timer will disappear, and it’ll be one less thing grating at his nerves. He doesn’t believe in the phenomenon of soulmates, he has no desire for trifling matters such as love, and for a man who loathes being touched, he can’t imagine it would work out anyhow.  
Much of the day goes as planned. He helps Pops with some paperwork, cleans up the office to keep all those pesky germs away, and Chisaki briefly wonders how he’ll even meet you, since he intends on staying home all day.  
“Chisaki,” Pops suddenly says. “Would you mind going out into town and buying me a few things? I wrote a list of what I need.”  
Ah. So, that’s how.  
“Of course,” Chisaki nods, and he puts on his jacket before slipping his shoes on by the door. “I’ll be back soon. It won’t take long.”  
Seriously, it really won’t. Regardless of the fact that he’s going to run into you, he has no intention of staying and chatting. He’s going to reject you right on the spot. Soulmates aren’t real, anyways. What a stupid notion, to think that someone’s greatest love can be predetermined.  
Chisaki adjusts his mask more tightly, then steps outside. He reaches the store quickly enough, and although he hates having to touch things that countless strangers have laid hands on, his gloves provide him with a thin layer of protection from all the filth.  
He tracks down everything he needs at a steady pace, and as he reaches for the very last item on his list, someone else reaches for it at the exact same time.  
Immediately, Chisaki recoils, and he manages to avoid touching a stranger’s hand. But right as he’s biting back the urge to grimace, he realizes that the timer—the same timer he’s had all his life—his finally disappeared.  
So, it’s you. Chisaki turns his head to the side and finds himself looking at a young woman, who is staring back at him wide-eyed and breathless. He has a pretty good idea of what’s going on in your head. You must have realized it, too.  
After more than two decades, he’s finally met his soulmate.  
You’re pretty. Chisaki can at least admit that much. You have nice features, you dress in a way that suggest you care about your appearance, and you have a pleasant, clean scent, which means that you take personal hygiene seriously—thank god.  
But all that being said, Chisaki still has no desire to strike up a relationship with you. He doesn’t enjoy being around people. He can’t even bear to touch people, not counting Pops, who is his family. Not to mention that he’s part of the yakuza, and from what he gleams, you seem to be an average citizen.  
There’s just no reality in which this would ever work out.  
“U-Um,” you stammer, visibly nervous. “Are you...? I mean, um... it’s you, right? You must be my... soulmate.”  
It’s a bit endearing how flustered you are, and for a moment, Chisaki feels slightly guilty about what he’s going to do.  
Still. It’s better to tell you the truth now rather than let you get your hopes up. 
“The timer,” Chisaki nods. “I have it too. Well, I did have it. Up until a few seconds ago, at least.”  
A smile blooms across your lips, and it tugs at his heartstrings a bit, because goodness, you really are adorable.  
“I knew it!” you beam. “Oh my god, I can’t believe this is really happening! I’m so excited! But I guess that was pretty obvious, haha. Sorry. I’m going to try to calm down now, but it’s just—this is just so—”  
Chisaki raises a hand. “Before you say anything else, I need to let you know that I have no interest in pursuing a relationship with you.”  
It only takes a second for your expression to sink. 
“...what?” you mumble softly. “But... we’re soulmates. I thought that means we’re supposed to be together for the rest of our lives. I didn’t mean that we should start dating right away, but at the very least, if we could start by getting to know each other...”  
“I’m sorry,” Chisaki says. “I don’t have much interest in romance. I prefer to keep to myself, and frankly, I’m not even sure I believe in soulmates. It all seems far too convenient. It was nice meeting you, but we’ll have to leave it here.”  
By the looks of things, you’re on the verge of tears. Chisaki isn’t a very emotional person, but he can’t fault you for getting your hopes up. This must have been something you’d been looking forward to for many, many years. If only your soulmate was someone else. It’s a pity. You seem like a very nice woman, and he hopes that you’ll find happiness one way or another. Just not with him.  
You swallow hard, just barely managing to hold back your tears. “I... understand. I’m sorry. I came into this with all these expectations, but I never stopped to think that the other person might not have been as excited as I was. I guess I was just really hopeful. I’m Quirkless, so... people have always thought less of me. I figured my soulmate would like me no matter what, but we’re pretty much strangers, so I don’t know what I was thinking. Anyways, I’m sorry again for bothering you. I’d ask your name, but it would probably just make the whole thing more painful.”  
You turn to leave, but in that moment, Chisaki’s eyes have gone completely wide.  
What did she just say?  
“Wait!” he cries out, and you reel to a halt, surprised by the outburst.  
Now it’s Chisaki’s turn to swallow. The roof of his mouth feels dry and uncomfortable, and he worries that perhaps his ears deceived him. 
“You’re Quirkless,” he breathes. “Is that... really true?”  
“I’m not sure who would lie about something like that,” you chuckle weakly. “It’s not exactly something to be proud of.”  
Wrong. You don’t even know just how wrong you are.  
In a world teeming with filth and sickness, those who haven’t been contaminated by the Quirk pandemic are a rarity. People like you are unblemished and pure, and... 
Shit. Chisaki is starting to believe that soulmates might be the real deal, after all.  
“It’s okay not to have a Quirk,” he says, and it’s insane how fast his heart is beating now. “No. It’s better not to have a Quirk. I much prefer it that way.”  
You press your lips together. “Are you making fun of me right now? Listen, I said I was sorry for bothering you—”  
“I’m not making fun of you. I’m being completely serious. Quirks... I’ve never liked them. Just the thought of them makes me sick.” He pauses, inhales sharply to collect himself, then lets out a heavy sigh. “The reason I turned you away is because I thought it would be impossible for us to have a relationship. I break out into hives the moment anyone touches me. I distance myself from people, and the thought of being intimate with someone has always repulsed me. And Quirks are largely to blame for that, because Quirks are a mutation. A disease. That’s why I didn’t think we had a chance. But now that you say you’re Quirkless... I’m starting to think differently.”  
You arch a brow, and it’s clear that you don’t understand where he’s coming from. Fuck. He hopes he isn’t scaring you off. He’s finally, finally found someone who he has an actual chance of being with, and he doesn’t want to ruin this.  
“If you don’t mind... would it be alright if I held your hand?” Chisaki asks breathlessly.  
Once again, you stare back at him in confusion, but it thankfully doesn’t look like you’re opposed to it. You reach out a hand, slow and hesitant, and at the same time, Chisaki peels off on his gloves, letting his skin breathe free.  
When your fingers meet his own, he lets out a soft gasp. Not out of disgust, not out of apprehension, but out of sheer relief.  
No hives. No uncomfortable tightness in his chest.  
You aren’t sick like the rest, which means he can touch you to his heart’s content.  
Chisaki would have liked to hold your hand for much, much longer, but out of fear of scaring you off, he reluctantly lets go and gives you some space.  
“I just wanted to confirm something,” he mumbles. “If it’s you... I’m able to touch you just fine. I don’t get sick. It looks like we’re soulmates for a reason.”  
The look in your eyes is far from judgmental, and when you finally muster up your next words, Chisaki can hear a little hiccup catch in your throat. 
“So... you really don’t mind that I’m Quirkless?” you ask.  
“Not at all. It’s just the opposite. I feel comfortable around you precisely because you’re Quirkless. That must be why we were fated to meet. Because we’re a perfect match.”  
Chisaki has never flirted a day in his damn life, but something he said must have tickled your fancy, because you blush and shyly avert your gaze.  
“I was really worried there for a moment,” you mumble. “It sounded like you wanted nothing to do with me.”  
“I’m sorry,” Chisaki frowns. “I was too quick to judge. I’m very particular about certain things, and I thought there was no chance. But I was mistaken. And if you’re still open to it... I would love the opportunity to get to know you better. Starting with your name. Would you mind telling me your name?”  
“I’m [Name],” you reply, and you flash him another bright, genuine smile. God, he swears he’s already fallen in love with that smile.  
“It suits you. I’m Chisaki. Chisaki Kai.” He takes a moment to think it through, and then, he does something he’s never done before in public.  
He removes his mask so that you can see his entire face.  
Your eyes widen. “Oh, wow. Chisaki, you’re so handsome! I didn’t realize my soulmate would be so gorgeous. Now I can’t help but feel self-conscious by comparison...”  
“I appreciate the compliment,” he chuckles. “But you’re beautiful. I thought so even before I found out you were Quirkless.”  
He watches, with great delight, as you blush yet again. You’re just so adorable. He never thought he would be thanking his lucky stars for having a soulmate mark, let alone one that caused him endless frustration for more than twenty years, but here he is.  
“I was going to head straight home after running some errands for my old man, but how about we sit outside somewhere and chat for a while?” he asks hopefully.  
Your smile returns, this time, wider than ever.  
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As it turns out, Chisaki doesn’t get back home until much, much later, and he finds Pops waiting for him with his arms crossed.  
“Chisaki,” Pops frowns. “What was the hold-up? You’re usually so efficient when it comes to these things. I was expecting you back hours ago.”  
Normally, Chisaki would have apologized at great length for inconveniencing Pops. He is, after all, the man that brought him and raised him as his own. He loves and cherishes him, and will do anything in his power to repay him. 
But right now, Chisaki is up in cloud nine.  
“I met my soulmate,” he says, setting the shopping bags down. “Sorry, Pops. We got to talking for a while.”  
“Oh?” Pops lifts a brow, and tries—but fails—to hide his smirk. “But I thought you said you wanted nothing to do with them. You told me you didn’t believe in such things.”  
“Well, I changed my mind.”  
“I’ve never known you to be the type to do that. You’re stubborn to a fault. But I’m not complaining. It sounds like you’ve turned over a new leaf. So, then, tell me about this soulmate of yours.”  
For the second time that same day, Chisaki removes his mask—and it’s so that Pops can see his ear-splitting grin.  
“She’s perfect.”  
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theshinazugawaslut · 3 months
Overhaul would be so subtly sarcastic if he had a wife and I think it would be so, so funny.
"Meet my wife. A woman of bad fashion."
You're wearing a simple zebra print jacket with bright yellow pajamas.
"Oh, Kai, why are you here?"
"You could say I'm here to pay homage to your impeccable cleaning skills- I'm here to talk you."
"Woah, that's so cool!" you say, looking at the soup he's made.
"No, it's hot," he frowns.
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cut3blush · 2 years
The House Wife
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Warrnings: smut
Authors note: Kai Chisaki has a face that you just wanna sit on
Chisaki loves having you as his cute little housewife. He buys you so many things like expensive jewelry, cute dresses, and shoes. And the most important thing is high-grade A quality cleaning supplies. Sometimes if he’s in a good mood and you finished all of your weekly chores he’ll take you out to a fancy dinner as a reward for all your hard work and good behavior. It was the rare occasion that Chisaki day off from “work”. But it was also the day you’d be the busiest due to the number of chores you had today.
So you wake up earlier than him to make him a big breakfast consisting of a well balanced meal. Chisaki woke up to the smell of coffee. After doing his morning routine he sees his precious wife wearing a swing dress fitting it on all the right places. Your neck is adorned with pearls and matching earrings. He pulls your waist your back pressed against his chest he pulls down his mask and kisses your neck. You hear the sound of the toast popping out of the toaster. You grab Chisaki’s hand and lead him to his chair and serve him his breakfast.
After the two of you finished your breakfast Chisaki tells you that he was going to read in his study for a bit while you do some chores you nod and watched your husband walk away. While Chisaki was reading you did a few chores like washed the dishes and dusted a few items around the house what you didn’t know was that Chisaki had tiny cameras installed all over the house.
That way he knows your safe and sound. He loves watching you prance around the house cleaning and how you sleep in his shirts when he’s away. Chisaki sat on his chair taking out his phone and opening the app where he can see the cameras. After flipping through them he found what he was looking for. His wife cleaning the windows her plush tits pressed against them.
Chisaki undos his belt and pulls down his zipper he takes out his member with precum dribbling on the slit. He wraps his hand around his prick his thumb rubbing the tip. His other hand fondling his heavy balls. He starts to rub up and down his length. He thinks you look so delicious with you all pressed on the glass. He starts to roughly pull on his cock while biting his lower lip. He just wants to press you more against that glass and slam right into your tiny pussy he doesn’t care if anyone sees he’s far into deep in his lustful desires.
Chisaki lets out a few breathy moans as he starts to stroke his cock faster. Until his cum splatters onto his short. After Chisaki falls from his high he cringes at the mess he made and changed his shirt and take a shower after he goes to find you. You scrub the floor instead of using a mop because the mop just won’t do but some good old fashion elbow grease will do the trick. You get on your hands and knees scrubbing the floor.
Chisaki sees you on your hands and knees ready for him. His once soft member starts to swell up again. He slowly gets behind you. He grabs your hips grinding on them. You turn back to see your husband. He starts kissing your neck. You tell Chisaki that you need to finish cleaning the floor. He starts lifting your dress seeing his favorite frilly panties. He slowly pulls them down your slick sticking to them. He rubs your plush lips as his other gloved hand gropes your tits. You start to grind on his finger. He tells you how much he’s been neglecting you and that he misses the way you feel around him. Chisaki flips you on your back he rips the buttons from your dress.
He unclips your bra squishing your tits together. He leans down to kiss you, your lipstick smearing all over as your tongues dance together. Your hand goes down to his pants you feel his hard cock. Chisaki looks at you and tells how pretty you look with your lipstick all smudged as his thumb cresses your cheek.
Chisaki pulls down his quickly undoes his belt and zipper he takes out his cock it’s standing up proudly. He pulls you on top of him. Your face looking right at his monstrous cock. He spreads your lips looking at the tiny hole. He lowers down his mask and his tongue enters your hole as his fingers grace your clit you take his cock in your mouth. He starts to move his hips upwards stuffing your mouth with his cock you quickly breathe with your nose. Chisaki pulls his head back letting out an airy moan.
He inserts two fingers inside of you. You stroke his cock vigorously sucking on his tip he holds your hips to his face as he tells you to cum together. Your juices squirt all over his face. While you try your best to drink the amount of milk he’s giving you. Chisaki slaps your ass telling you to be a good girl and to get on your hands and knees he orders you to keep cleaning the floor since you made a mess as he fucks you like the little slut that you are. He slams his hard cock inside you. You arch your back sloppily scrubbing the floor he pulls on your hair as he leans down and kisses you, your smudged lipstick on his lips.
Chisaki grabs your hips and digs his nails deeper into you. You arch your back as Chisaki feels you getting tighter around him. You try to keep scrubbing but your arms give out. Your upper half is now on the flood, as Chisaki grabs you by, the arms and you’re now chest to back with him as he starts to thrust upwards. He hits the golden spot inside of you you tell Chisaki to go harder. He jackhammers into that spot his hand slides down noticing the slight bulge in your tummy.
He keeps hitting it pressing his large hand against the bulge. You arch your back telling Chisaki that you’re going to cum. He tells you to wait for him after a few sloppy thrusts he feels you cream around him as he shoots his load inside of you. Chisaki pulls out cum dripping into the floor. He kisses you and tells you that he’ll help you finish up your chores and to clean up the mess.
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lexxiie · 2 years
can we have lov trio + overhaul discovering that their s/o had been cheating on them? 🥺
When They Think You Cheated
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Omg, anon, no! I'm so bad at writing break ups, so I'll change the concept a bit to them believing their s/o is cheating, but she's not.
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Featuring: Shigaraki, Dabi, Hawks, Overhaul.
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Tomura is an insecure man. That is no secret to either of you, however, he understands how his insecurities may harm your relationship, so most of the time he voices them out so that you can both talk about them, and you always end up reassuring him.
Today, though, he cannot, for the life of him, think of a way to talk out the fact that you have a hickey on your neck. What is there to talk about? The truth that he ignored was that you accidentally burnt your neck earlier this morning while doing your hair, it would've never occured to him, especially when he was as angry as he is right now, observing your neck, a thin layer of make up attempting to cover the mark, but failing. Why would you even hide it if there was a reasonable explanation? He knew for a fact that he didn't left that on your neck.
As much as he wanted to yell at you and dispose of all his rage, truth was that he was really hurt, and so everything he managed to do was confront the reality with resignation. "Who did that?" He asked calmly, but you could hear bitterness in his voice. "What?" You asked, not very sure what he meant. He looked at you angrily now, it was very clear. "Who's the guy that you are seeing? Or do you just happen to have a different one every now and then? You know, I always thought of you as a smart girl, but it is very stupid of you to let them leave your neck like that, you could've tried harder to hide it." You finally understood what was going on... Oh god. He tried to sound as if he didn't care, cold and indifferent, but you knew how incredibly hurt he was.
You immediately got up and approached him, reaching for his face, but he moved to avoid your touch. "Tomura, look, it's a burn mark, I did it with my straightener, I swear." He looked at you through narrowed eyes, still not believing you. You rushed to your room and came back with your straightener in hand, turning it on and attempting to place it on your arm, but Tomura immediately stopped you. "Are you crazy?" The man scolded you, and you looked at him desperately. "It is a burn, I swear." You repeated. Now starting to doubt himself, Tomura then reached for your neck, caressing it softly with his thumb, rubbing a bit of the make up off. You were right. Oh no. He truly felt like a fucking asshole. The man sighed before pressing his forhead against yours. "I'm truly sorry, (Y/n). I'm so, so sorry." You were just relieved it all ended. He spent the rest of the evening tending to your wound, scolding you for putting make up on when it was still so fresh and kissing your cheeks in hopes you would forgive him. Never again will he act like that, that's for sure.
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Touya sits silently on the edge of the bed as he observes the hotel recipt he found under the bed. It dates a week back, when you were supposed to go on a work trip at a completely different city than the one this hotel was at. Now, he can be very confident some days, and very insecure some other days. This is one of the latter days, evidently. In moments like this, thousands of thoughts run through his mind. Why? Is it because of the scars? But you said you didn't care. Did you lie? Of course you did, who would actually choose him over anyone else? He feels stupid, and so heartbroken. He loves you. He really does, and now all of this hurt has turned into uncontrolable anger.
He stands up and walks to the kitchen, where you turn around to smile at him as soon as you hear him coming, only to be greeted by his beautiful blue eyes contorted in pure rage. He must be a very scary adversary to his enemies. "What the fuck is this, (Y/n)?!" He asks while holding the recipt in his hand, speaking those words through gritted teeth, as if his jaw was frozen because of how angry he is.
"Wait, Touya, is not what it looks lik-" The villain slammed his fist on the kitchen island, flames emanating from it. "It's not?! Really, (Y/n)? Do you really think i'm this fucking stupid?” He is now yelling, very loudly. He starts getting closer to you, and you start walking backwards, trembling. He then takes one more step forward and you raise your arms as if you wanted to protect yourself. Now Touya is the one walking backwards. He would never hurt you, but as he took a step back, he realized that it really looked like it. Did you think that he was gonna incinerate you? Did you think he was about to hit you? The look on your eyes was too familiar, he had seen it in his mother's eyes way too many times. He sighed deeply as he burried his face in his hands. It seemed like he wanted to wake up from a nightmare, and then, as seconds went by and he wasn't lifting his head, you realized he might have started to cry, though he would never let you see him.
"That day-" you started speaking after several minutes, "I decided to stay at a different city because I heard about it being quiet and pretty. I thought maybe I could rent an apartment there, so you wouldn't be at risk. There isn't many people, it is indeed quiet, no one would recognize you, so I looked at a few places. There isn't anyone else I'm seeing, just apartments." Touya finally lifted his head from his hands, and you could see the relief in his eyes, but also a lot of guilt. A lot of it. He got closer, kneeling before you, pressing his forehead to your body, his hands clenching the coat that covered the sides of your frame. This was him apologizing. You caressed his hair softly, everything would be okay.
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He trusts you, he really does, but what is he supposed to believe when you tell him that you are going to the grocery store and you lie. He went there to help you in case you had bought too many stuff since it was taking you a while, but you were nowhere to be found. Minutes later, you come home, smelling like men's cologne that clearly wasn't his own.
God, this can't be happening, he thinks to himself. You walk to him, hoping to get a kiss from the yakuza, but instead you are greeted with a cold stare, his lips don't move when you place yours over them. "Where were you?" He asks visibly angry. "At the grocery store." You answered showing him the two bags on your hands. "All of these hours just for that? You really don't want to piss me off, (Y/n). Not more than you already did." Now his tone sounds like a threat, and you get defensive. "What is that supposed to mean?" You ask him. You have always hated whenever he would talk to you like you were one of his men, and he knew that. "Where did you actually go?" Unbelievable. You still didn't quite understand where he was trying to get, but you did know that you didn't like the way he was interrogating you. "Did you go out to meet with someone?" He asked, this time, impatience ruled over his voice. Okay, so he thinks you are cheating. great.
Leting out a heavy sigh, you dropped your bags on the floor and approached the hurting man before you. Much to your surprise, he allowed you to take his face in your hands. "I went out to get you a new cologne, I noticed you ran out of the last one I gave you. I wanted it to be a surprise, but it is in the car, in case you wish to have it now."
God, did he feel like an idiot right now... You could tell that he was beating himself up mentally. The worst part of it was that he felt truly relieved that you hadn't fallen out of love with him yet. Despise him attempting to seem indifferent earlier, he felt like his whole world was crumbling down before him. Kai then took your hands in his, kissing them softly. "I'm truly very sorry, darling." He said sincerly. "It's okay, I should've made up a better excuse anyway." You replied smiling gently. He couldn't help but smile back, still embarrassed with himself. He compensated you treating you to dinner that night. Kai saw himself realizing how strong he felt about you. The sole idea of you leaving made him feel vulnerable and terrified for the very first time in a while. He was going to need to learn how to trust you more if he didn't want to lose you.
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The pro hero had a lot of work all of the time. He would get home late very often, many times closer to sunrise than midnight. Of course, it was only logical for you to be asleep at those hours, which was always the case. Except for last week.
He had gotten home very late, but still earlier than usual, expecting to find his lover on his bed, hoping he could hold on to you for a couple of hours before he had to get to work once again, but you weren't there. Naturally, he freaked out, but just as he was about to go looking for you everywhere, the main door flew open. He hid on the bathroom, in case it was someone else, but all he saw was you getting on the bed and falling asleep almost instantly.
He let that incident go. He gave you the benefit of the doubt, he gave you his trust. This despite the uneasy feeling in his chest, however, today, you weren't on the bed either. Now the doubt felt very real. What on earth could you be doing at 4 am? He waited a couple of minutes, until you finally got home. The hero was trying his very best not to break down when he saw you. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this hurt. "That other bed must be really comfortable." He accused, startling you as you obviously weren't expecting to see him yet. "What?" you asked, a bit disoriented. "You heard me." Keigo then stood up from the couch, walking towards you. "How long have you been sneaking out for, huh? Cause this is the second time I witness this already" You realized how this looked immediately. Oops.
"Listen, Keigo, I'm not sleeping with anyone else. In fact, I'm not sleeping at all." The man looked at you confused now, all of the anger he previously showed you slowly disappearing. "I have been having trouble sleeping, so i go out and take walks in hopes i'll get tired, I'm sorry I worried you, yes?" You assured your lover as you took his hands in yours, offering him a tired smile. "But why? You used to sleep well before..." All of his previous worries seemed to be forgotten as soon as he realized how tired you looked, his hands roaming your face, as if they would figure out what had changed. "Yes, that was before you would leave all night, I guess I'm a bit more anxious now." You confessed. He felt very bad for adding to your already bad night with his insecurities. Soon after, though, Keigo managed to change his schedule, making sure to spend every night holding you, and he would be lying if he said he didn't miss you too. As for that particular night, he prepared you a tea and talked about his day until he made sure you had fallen asleep.
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eggtartz · 1 year
✧ 4th October ✧
Overhaul // Hygiene Comes First (f! quirkless reader)
kinktober masterlist
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warnings : manipulation, mention of abuse, usage of sanitizer as lubricant, hints of breeding kink if you squint, a tinge of stockholm syndrome
it was undeniable at how you were kai's favourite, given that you are quirkless that he views you as pure and isn't plagued by the sickness of these so-called quirks. given on your condition, once you were at a legal you were outcasted by your own family. by society but not him. not kai.
instead he sees you as a perfect pair for him, a bride and a wife fitting oh so perfectly by his side. it was too easy taking you away from the streets, not a single hero patrolling are when his members took you forcefully. though, he was impressed. when you arrived you were smeared with blood which was obviously not yours. he smirked behind his mask, deeming himself as incredibly lucky. "sit down, little one" he said as his members left, leaving him sitting on a couch while spreading his legs. "what do you want from me? I don't have anything valuable!" you sniffled, wrists restrained against the cuffs.
He stood and closed the distance between the two of you while slowly removing his mask and revealing his face that even the shie hassaikai rarely sees "i see you as valuable" he said in one breath "you are someone that im interested in "he pulled your hand, his gloved hands caressing yours "you might be abandoned by everyone but not me" you looked up "h- huh?"
"im asking if you would like to stay with me darling," he said almost sweetly, manipulation seeping into your vulnerable state and letting you ponder as your senses started to get cloudy. your hand started to shake with weakness "but.. why me? a quirkless person?" tears started to swell as he took your chin in hand, thumb caressing gently. "that's why. it's because youre not tainted, sweet heart. you're special" he whispered and you flinched at his warm his words affecting your heart even your soul. he smiled gently
"do you agree, y/n? i promise, you'll never have to suffer again" he coaxed you, even allowing himself to hug you despite the filth clinging to your body.
~ ♪
it was nice of kai to bathe you, occasionally squeezing your body too endearingly and too affectionately making you shudder. it felt odd when you were finally naked on the bed as kai spread your whole body with lotion with a vanilla fragrance. "you want this, right?" he asked again, hands dangerously around your crotch as he squirted more lotion into his hand
"y-yeah.. I don't know how to.. do it though" you managed to said in a squeak as he smiled "no worries, just lay down and relax yeah?" you nodded as he reached for the sanitizer on the nightstand. he might've scrubbed your body clean with antibacterial soap but your insides haven't. he needs more than soap in order to penetrate you properly.
"h-huh?" you looked down when he cocked the head of sanitizer at your cunt but shushes you. he pumped the sanitizer inside, the cold substance making you jump as it felt foreign (also considering you're a virgin) "need to make sure you're clean, sweetheart" he smiled and pushed two fingers inside, sanitizer as lube. you whimpered, as he pumped more sanitizer and added a third finger. he pushed them slowly inside and outside as you blinked away the tears. "t-too much!" you yelped
"you can do it, it's okay" he cooed, gloved hands went to squeeze your breast. you tried your best not to writhe but he eventually stopped. you saw how he unzipped his trousers and pulled out his cock from his boxers. "h-hah.." you panted, salivating at the curve of his tip which was leaking with precum.
"I need to clean you, darling. inside and out" he said, rubbing his cock while pumping sanitizer as lubricant. you hissed, the sanitizer becoming colder as it was exposed to the wind. kai made sure to pumped excessively so it'll fit just right I to pussy and he pushed. you groaned and bit your fist as kai's eyes rolled to the back of his skull. it was such a contrast on how cold the sanitizer felt but how warm your pussy was.
it fitted like a glove, just right and perfect. he gently held your hips and did one thrust before pumping one more of sanitizer before the bottle ran out so he threw it on the floor. he held your hand and thrusted slowly, making you mewl in pain as blood appeared on his cock and popped your cherry. he bit his gloves off and slowly flicked your clit making you see stars. "o-oh.." your eyes were wide as your breath was stolen, the feeling of your most sensitive bud getting toyed around was enough to send you over the edge.
"did my love just came? filthy girl, I need to seriously clean you now" he frowned although you can hear a hint of amusement in his tone. he started to pick up the pace, the sanitizer as lube drying up as he pounded into you. your back arched from the bed as you moaned "mmh!"
"that's a good girl, be my wife hm?" he mumbled againts your ear as he grunted, pressing his body on yours. your hands flail around as you find something to hold on, scratching his back "need! to- a-ah!" you moaned, squeezing your eyes tight as he pounded deeply into you. he straighten his body and stilled as he came inside you with a groan.
"take it.. take it and be the mother of children.. my perfect wife.." you panted as your body went limp, kai sat up abd observed your glossy pussy with oozing cum
"you're all clean now."
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spacexseven · 2 years
Could you do a Yandere Mori or Yandere Fyodor x reader, with an ability that makes them come back to life after being killed. They can die from old age but not by anything else. Maybe they witnessed a crime and had to be silenced but only for Mori or Fyodor to see the ability activate and them come back to life. Either one has never seen this before and it can be extremely useful.
this is so...this is interesting thank you :> i really like the idea of this ability ^^
cw: death, start of yandere themes
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fyodor hadn't thought much of it when he unleashed his ability onto you. you, as far as he was concerned, were just another nameless sacrifice in the pursuit of his ultimate goal, just another unimportant person whose fate lead them to die at his hands.
really, that should have been the end of it. fyodor would walk away and everything would continue as normal. your death made no difference to him, your life remained meaningless to him, and your face forgotten already. until a strange noise echoed in the empty alleyway behind him, and fyodor turned around to see an unbelievable sight.
you were standing in the same place he had just killed you, looking perfectly fine except for the blood splattered all over you.
it's only then he notices the defiant look on your face. it only lasts for a moment before you, with a natural ease that simultaneously intrigued and surprised him, pat down your shoulders, arms and legs, as though checking for something. seemingly satisfied, you spare him one last glance before staggering away.
fyodor feels something inside of him fill with a new, strange sensation. something between curiosity and fear; what was this unnatural phenomenon? an ability that defied god's law—how was he supposed to deal with that?
though seeing your retreating figure, fyodor thinks that you don't pose much of a threat, if at all. he wonders again, why he had to kill you. suddenly, his own reasons escape him, following your steps.
stranger than all of that is how you don't return to exact revenge. apart from that fleeting moment of anger, that glare directed right at him. he's curious about the logistics of your return from the dead, but more than that, he's curious about you. how does one walk away from the face of death?
in retrospect, there wasn't any fear in your eyes, though the scent of death was heavy on him, and his murderous intent was poorly veiled. were you already aware that you would not—could not—die, despite the corpses that littered the alleyway, and the merciless look in his eyes?
he glanced at the warm hued sky, and mulled over his options. the detective killer was waiting on his instructions; fyodor was supposed to meet that man at this time, but now, something far more valuable had crossed his path. something worth delaying his plans for.
when he stands beside you on the train platform, you barely spare him a glance. fyodor reaches out a hand, about to place it on your shoulder when you speak up for the first time.
"are you really about to do this here?" you glance around, then, with a sigh, "i'll forget about what i saw. nobody has to know."
"very clever," he remarks, "but i don't want you to forget."
out of the corner of his eye, fyodor notices your hand discreetly slip into your bag. he's anticipating your response, whether it be verbal or physical, but before you can reply, the train groans to a stop and the crowds flood out, taking you with them. fyodor is left standing on the empty platform, looking out on the tracks as he reflects on your words.
what a shame it was that you left when you did. he was looking forward to seeing that defiant glare again, but this would do well, for now. fyodor takes note of the list of stations, recalls the image of you, and decides to leave it at that. there would be other opportunities for him, other chances to find you. if not today, another day.
though he had a feeling that the fateful day would be coming very soon
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thefiery-phoenix · 5 months
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He'd be attracted to people who don't have that 'sick disease' also known as a quirk. He'd want someone who's pure and clean and the minute he sees you and your quirkless form, he thinks you're an innocent naive helpless little darling that he NEEDS to protect since the pro heroes suck at doing their job
The idea of him keeping you locked away and isolating you from the rest of the world so you can rely ONLY on him for everything is really tempting and appealing to him (Sadistic prick)
If you had a really strong and useful quirk, he'd still be attracted to you though. Just, he'll make sure to get rid of it and rob you of it by stealing it so he won't have to see you 'suffer'. And THEN, he might lock you up and leave you in isolation 
If you're someone he decided to protect from everyone else, oh man... I PRAY for ya. He'll try befriending you and worming his way into you life and pretty soon, he'll ask you to come live with him. You agree but when you start rebelling against him, you'll be restricted from using your favorite things and lose your freedom
He thinks that he'd doing everything for the sake of your 'best interests' and to be honest, he knows more about you than anyone, even YOURSELF, considering the amount of time he spent stalking you and asking his men to keep an eye on you. He's like a doctor, but a really creepy and short tempered one. He'll give you regular checkups so expect constant fussing by him over you since he thinks proper health, nutrition and hygiene are a TOP priority 
If you're behaving well, you'll get all sorts of things you want but you'll have to EARN them by gaining his trust and behave good around him since there's only so much fun one can have when they sit and stare at a wall for 24 hours everyday 
The WORST thing this sicko might do is try convincing you in his sick and twisted way that he's NOT treating you bad. And after a while, you'll fall into his trap and web of lies and you'll start believing him and start feeling guilty if you misbehave around him. Damn does this dude know how to pull out an UNO Manipulation card 
Punishments are simple if you try escaping or behaving badly. If you yell and scream at him and throw insults at him, he'll just ban you from using your favorite things and it'll be a really LOOONNGGG time after you get them back. You won't be getting them back till you apologize and admit that you were in the wrong. If you manage to hit him or kick him, you'll be denied of his attention for a while even after you cry out an apology
He isn't going to punish you physically but his punishments can take a really HUGE toll on your mental health and state of mind and so.... like I said, for the sake of your sanity just don't argue with Bird Face and agree to everything he says 
If you manage to attack him with a weapon (One, HOW TF did you manage to do THAT!? And 2, that's actually way cool Hehehe.... okay, I sound like an evil twin of Sangwoo,imma stop nowTvT) , you'll be isolated in a room with white walls and he'll only come by to give you your meals and THAT'S IT. No screen time, no favorite things, nothing. He'll isolate you till you're practically BEGGING him for forgiveness 
This dude ain't a Romeo so don't expect him to be all lovey-dovey with you. But occasionally when he feels like it, he might hold you and hug you from time to time and say how glad he is to have found you, his little pure angel to care for and protect. Who KNOWS what would have happened to you by now if you didn't come under his care?
He'll let you roam around the backyard ONLY (Not without you having at least a dozen of heavily armed bodyguards keeping a close eye on you) and if you still complain, he's gonna make sure you're grateful for letting you at least step out of the house 
He'll let you look after Eri and Eri just ADORES you. She sees you as a parental figure and I won't be surprised if she develops platonic yandere tendencies and feelings towards you. She'll be sad and pouting when you won't focus your attention and honestly, WHO can resist her CUTE adorable little face? I sure as heck can't....
So... Mr Bird Mask is really SCARY yandere who can haunt you in your dreams and become your WORST nightmare unless you abide by his rules and laws. And THAT children, is today's moral of the story UvU
"Angel.... I'm doing this for YOU now it's time for your daily checkup. Don't be a brat, I only want what's best for you~"
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Friend or Foe ?
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Overhaul, the powerful leader of the Shie Hassaikai, kidnaps Pro Hero Deku's girlfriend. Now his prisoner, you have no choice but to get to know him. But . . . is Overhaul so bad after all ?
Read on AO3 here
TW for kidnapping ; CW for SMUT so 18+ only please !!
Dating a pro hero had its perks.
You had a guaranteed protector from any type of harm, someone who had a good income, and you had a front row seat to many exclusive events. Dating the number one hero, Izuku Midoriya aka “Deku,” meant that your perks were bumped up tenfold. The spotlight was always on him, and if you were spotted on his arm, it meant it was aimed at you too. Although the attention could be constraining at times, you secretly relished in it and felt immense pride towards your boyfriend.
However, dating such a public figure had its drawbacks.
Like the current moment you found yourself in.
One moment you had been in your bed, exhausted from another day of work, and the next you found yourself groggy in an unfamiliar room. The floor was cold underneath your thin pajamas, and as you came to, you realized the lighting was dim. When your eyes finally came into focus, fear immediately struck you as you recognized the looming figure sitting in front of you.
Kai Chisaki, aka Overhaul, the young head of the Shie Hassaikai.
You had recalled when Izuku had told you about his battle with him, how he had been successful in saving Eri but that Overhaul had disappeared without a trace. There had been rumors that he was still working as a yakuza, and a few heroes had reportedly run into him. Despite that, no one had made an effort to capture him, and he remained working as a villain behind the scenes.
Now, here you were, lying at his feet in what you could only assume was his hideout.
He was resting a gloved hand against his cheek, golden eyes seemingly bored as he glanced down at you.
“Well, look who came to. Welcome.”
His deep voice had an unamused lilt to it, although the plague mask he wore muffled it slightly. You glared at him, trying to sit up but feeling the room spin around you.
“You might want to be careful. I personally mixed the sedative we gave you to bring you here. You’ll be unsteady on your feet for a while.”
Glaring at him again, you ignored his warnings and rose to your feet unsteadily.
“Izuku is going to find you, and he will kill you this time.”
A chuckle rumbled from behind his mask, golden eyes squinting as he seemingly laughed. Shaking his head, he waved at someone behind you, instructing them to take you to your new room. A pair of strong arms grabbed onto your shoulders, pushing you towards a door and into a dim hallway. After a few turns down different corridors, you were shown your room. It was a simple one, with a queen sized four poster bed on the right and a large bookshelf directly across from it. A vanity sat beside the bookshelf, with a door beside it leading to what you assumed was the bathroom. You were surprised to see there was a window with sheer white curtains pulled shut, letting in some moonlight from outside. The lackey pushed you in, pointing at the bed.
“You are to stay here at all times. Meals will be brought to you. You will be supervised during baths, no arguments.”
Your stomach sank at that.
“Boss suggests you get some sleep. Like he said, the sedative he gave you is pretty strong.”
It seemed as if he could read your mind, as your body began to feel exhausted at that moment. You nodded, waiting until he shut and locked the door behind you before stumbling over to the bed. Collapsing onto it, you shut your eyes and dreamed of your boyfriend coming to rescue you.
The silver lining to being a kidnapping victim was the strict routine you kept.
You were awoken at eight AM sharp every morning, with a different member of the Shie Hassaikai coming to rouse you from sleep. The door next to your vanity turned out to not be the bathroom, but instead a closet. The bathroom was down the hall, and you were led there every morning to shower for the day. As mentioned they waited in the bathroom for you, timing your showers to ten minutes. They would watch as you stripped and stepped into the shower before turning around to give you some privacy.
When you returned to your room, a tray was always waiting for you. The first day, the tray had been placed on the vanity, and you had frowned and turned to the member responsible for you that day.
“I don’t even have the decency to have a dining table or something?”
The next day, when you returned from your shower, a small table had been added, with a comfortable armchair placed next to it. You ate in silence before handing the tray to the minion who always took it hastily and shuffled out. The remainder of the day was spent either reading, sleeping, or pacing the room. Lunch was delivered at noon sharp, and dinner at six o'clock promptly.
Overhaul never made an effort to come visit you. The rotating door of subordinates never mentioned him either, and you were beginning to question why he had kidnapped you in the first place.
After the first week, you knew that finding something to pass the time faster was needed, so you decided to look at the bookshelf. Each shelf was stuffed with books, and you were surprised to see a lot of titles that you had already read. You decided to start at the top shelf, pulling the very first book and working your way to the bottom. The first book was, ironically, Pride and Prejudice, a guilty pleasure that you often reread. You spent the day reading it, paying no heed to whoever was in charge that day as they delivered lunch and dinner.
The days bled together as you went through each book. You were a bit disappointed that there was nothing new for you to read, but the reading helped pass the time. One of the lackeys had pointed out your reading habit while walking you to the bathroom, and while you showered he struck up a conversation with you about what you were currently reading.
“Tess of the D’urbervilles,” you called out over the running water. “I’ve read it, like, ten times. It’s a favorite of mine, but pretty much everything in the bookshelf is.”
“Wait, you’ve read all those books?”
You turned your head and was relieved to see his back was to you as you showered.
“Yeah, reading is a big hobby of mine. I’m thankful for the books, but something new would be appreciated.”
He hummed in acknowledgement, letting you know you had three minutes left in the shower. The walk back to your room was silent, and he stated he would see you later to bring you your remaining meals. You picked up Tess of the D’urbervilles, picking right up where you left off.
When lunch arrived, you were kind of looking forward to whoever had been in charge of you that morning. He was the only one who made an effort to talk to you, and you felt lonely pretty much all the time. Right as noon struck, you heard the door unlocking and looked up, a fleeting feeling of happiness rising in your throat.
It turned to dread as Overhaul walked in.
The subordinate from earlier rushed in behind him, placing the tray of food on the table. You noticed he had a book tucked under his arm, and he placed it on the armchair before scuttling off. Overhaul stood by the door, gloved hands clasped behind his back as he studied you silently.
“Are you finding your living arrangement adequate?”
You crossed your arms, frowning at him.
“You mean do I like being trapped in a room and having my showers timed? Yes, of course, it’s so peachy.”
He chuckled, shaking his head as he slowly walked towards you. You scooted backwards on the mattress, trying to put as much distance as possible between you two.
“Relax, I’m not going to hurt you. The opposite, actually.”
He stopped at the foot of your bed.
“I heard that you’ve read all of the books that I provided for you in the bookshelf. I must say, I’m rather impressed. You are a very well-read woman.”
“Er, thank you.”
Overhaul gestured to the book that had been left on your armchair.
“A gift, I suppose. I hope this isn’t a novel you have read already.”
You studied him before carefully sliding off the bed and walking over to grab it.
“Things Fall Apart?”
He nodded, cocking his head as he spoke to you.
“It’s a fantastic narrative about the effects of colonialism in Igboland. It really shows you how humans have the great talent of ruining many things.”
“You’re one to speak,” you muttered without thinking.
You froze, turning to slowly face him. He seemed unbothered, his golden eyes crinkling a bit as you realized he was smiling.
“Let me know what you think. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
He left then, leaving you alone. You ate first, savoring the food before grabbing Things Fall Apart and climbing into bed. Overhaul was right - it was a fantastic book and it was hard to put down. You ordered the dinner tray to be brought to you in bed so you could continue reading comfortably, and you stayed up late to try and finish it.
For the first time in a while, you were tired when you were awoken at eight. The henchman of the day noticed it and was particularly gruff with you as he led you to the bathroom. He sneered at you as you undressed, barking out the minutes left and ogling your naked body, much to your chagrin.
Overhaul returned at lunch, standing by the door again and waiting for his employee to leave. He looked at you with what appeared to be expectancy before speaking.
“So? What did you think?”
“You were right,” you admitted, although you didn't want to. “It was an amazing book. I stayed up late to finish it.”
You walked over to hand him the book. As you got closer, you were surprised to see that he towered over you. Angling your head up to peer at him, you took note of how his green jacket stretched slightly to fit his broad shoulders. He smelled . . . clean.
“Thank you. It wasn’t necessary, but I appreciate it.”
“Well, I asked if your living arrangement was adequate. It’s only fair that you keep your mind sharp.”
He took the book from you, his gloved hand brushing yours. Another book was produced from his jacket.
"This title is a bit older, but a great narrative as well.”
Middlemarch by George Eliot.
“The author of this is actually a woman. It was a series, but this is the whole collection.”
You thanked him, turning away shyly to look towards the tray.
“I shall leave you. Until tomorrow.”
He returned the next day with the same expectant look.
“It was a little boring,” you had admitted, hoping he wouldn’t be upset.
Instead he had laughed, shaking his head as he held his hand out to take the book from you.
“Well, how about North and South? It’s a bit Jane Austen, but with the issue of class heavily focused on.”
A new routine was established, one that included Overhaul. He began delivering your meals alone, bringing a new book every morning with breakfast. If he was busy or pulled into meetings a note was sent with his subordinates, apologizing for his absence and offering a new book for you to read. While you ate, the two of you talked. He asked if you had ever wanted to be a pro-hero, and you told him you had no desire to, especially since you had a fairly uninteresting Quirk. He told you about Pops, the man who had raised him and who he greatly admired. You told him about your favorite things, and he told you about his. After a while, you found yourself finding him as a friend and not a villain.
It was also hard not to notice that he was attractive. He had grown comfortable enough with you to remove his mask, and you had been stunned silent at seeing his face. His eyes were ingrained in your mind, but seeing it combined with all of his features sent heat rushing to your cheeks. He had a sharp jawline with stubble never growing, a sharp nose, and slightly pouty lips. Whenever he took off his jacket, you admired his tall, lean form but took note there was evident muscle. The henchman who you had grown close to, who you came to learn was named Rappa, told you that he had fought Overhaul in an underground brawl, and he had been surprised by how fit the man was.
You were conflicted at the attraction that was beginning to develop. The friendship that was developing also led to an internal conflict, and you kept convincing yourself that the only reason you were getting along with him was to avoid being killed. Whenever you caught yourself thinking about him throughout the day, you told yourself you were developing Stockholm Syndrome. A tiny voice in your head reminded you that the theory had been debunked, but you kept convincing yourself that that’s what it was.
Time bled together, and it felt as if you had been kidnapped for a year. Overhaul continued to visit you, and eventually you were allowed to wander the hideout with a guard. Rappa often accompanied you, especially when you sat in the courtyard. Your window had a view to the small area, a small fountain surrounded by flower bushes that often got abundant sunshine. Sometimes you just sat there, shutting your eyes as you turned your head to the sun. Other times you brought a book, curling up by the fountain as you flipped through pages hastily. Rappa would engage you in conversation, and the two of you often exchanged laughs.
Overhaul must have developed a strong sense of trust in you, as one day while delivering lunch he asked if you would accompany him to an event. You cocked your head to the side, putting your utensils down to fully listen to him.
“It’s a social event. My presence has been requested, and I have an image to preserve.”
He hesitated before clearing his throat and resuming.
“Word has gotten around that you are in my clutches, and it is expected that you will come along with me.”
The room fell silent. You couldn’t look at him, eyes focused on the food.
“There will be guards with us at all times. No one will lay a finger on you.”
You didn’t respond. Overhaul got closer, pausing right before the table.
"I will not make you do anything you’re not comfortable with.”
You slowly looked up. He had removed his mask, tucking it under his arm. His expression was sincere, features tinged with slight worry as he waited for you to say something, anything.
He raised an eyebrow. “Okay?”
“I’ll go with you.”
The days leading up to the event were filled with preparations. A tailor was sent to collect your measurements, promising to bring the gown in the next few days for you to try on. Rappa went over security measures with you, teaching you codewords for various situations that could arise. Overhaul popped in when he could, checking on you to make sure you were still comfortable with going before departing for the day.
You were given details about the event. It was a private event, invite only for the most sought after villains. When you asked what type of event it was, Overhaul paused and said it was an auction.
“There may be some . . . things that might disturb you. You will be safe as long as you do what I say.”
The day of the auction you were allowed to sleep in. Breakfast was left for you, a note beside it stating you would be summoned to get ready later that day. You ate slowly, thumbing through the most recent novel that Overhaul had left you. Rappa came to collect your tray, waiting for you to finish and sparking light conversation. Once you were done he gently took the tray, studying your face for a moment before speaking.
“Overhaul will come and collect you in the afternoon. He will oversee you as you get ready for tonight.”
You felt nervous for the first time. Rappa smiled, taking note and gently placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be there to protect you.”
He laughed, turning to walk out of your room.
“Besides, Overhaul will kill me if anything happens to you. You’re too precious to him now.”
The door shut, leaving you sitting there with your mouth agape.
While reading, you fell asleep. You woke up to someone softly shaking your shoulders.
“Are you alright?”
Dazed you sat up, the figure in front of you coming into focus. Overhaul was inches away from your face, mask on as his golden eyes peered down at you with concern in them. The close proximity had you blushing, and you pulled away slightly.
“Er, yeah. I’m okay, sorry for falling asleep.”
He pulled away, a slight frown on his face.
“No need to apologize. Come, we must get you ready.”
You were surprised that he offered out his hand. He always wore gloves, and right now was no exception. Hesitating, you took it, letting him pull you out of bed and leading you out the door. You were used to the walk to your bathroom, taking a sharp turn to the right but he kept walking forward.
“Um, where are we going?” you asked.
“My personal quarters.”
Heat flared throughout you. Was this . . . appropriate? Couldn’t he have sent someone to your room instead? A flurry of questions flooded your mind, keeping you distracted as he led you the rest of the way. Two men stood guard outside his door, greeting him with nods as they let you both pass. His room was neat, with white walls and plush, white carpet. A large king-sized bed was to the right, covered in a fluffy, white comforter and various comfy looking pillows. Two matching nightstands were on either side, adorned with lamps. Two large windows were on the opposite wall, letting in abundant sunshine. A desk sat in front of the windows, with documents and office supplies placed neatly on its surface. To the left, a dresser and bookshelf sat on either side of a door, which was where Overhaul was leading you.
The door opened to a luxurious bathroom. There was both a clawfoot tub and a large shower with a rain showerhead. You felt your chest tighten as he closed the door, locking it before clearing his throat.
“Since we will be in close proximity all night, I will directly oversee your hygiene. Please strip and get into the tub.”
He busied himself then with turning on the tub water, opening a cabinet and rummaging for bath soap. You watched his back, biting your lip as you realized you had two choices: strip, or be killed. With shaking hands, you pulled your shirt off before sliding off your sweats. Overhaul turned around, mouth open to ask you a question but snapping it shut upon seeing you in your undergarments. He swallowed slowly, trying to keep his eyes on yours but failing.
“Go on. The water won’t be hot for long.”
You took note of the slight quiver in his voice. Sucking in a breath to steady yourself, you unclipped your bra and slid your panties down your legs. You slowly approached the tub, waiting until you saw the bubbles forming and looking at Overhaul for approval. He merely nodded, and you gently stepped in.
The water was hot. You stifled a painful groan, slowly sitting down and trying to keep your body relaxed. Overhaul pulled a stool, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it neatly on a towel rack. He pulled his gloves off, draping them over the jacket before settling next to you.
“I’ll be gentle.”
You didn’t respond, keeping your eyes low. His hands threaded through your hair, gently loosening some knots before pulling it into a neat bun. Your breath got caught in your throat at the gesture. His hand dipped into the water, swirling the bubbles around. A bath sponge was produced out of the water, and he gathered bubbles on it before placing it on your shoulder. He inhaled a shaky breath, letting it glide across your collarbone before brushing against your chest. The material tickled you, and you bit your lip to hide any sounds. The sponge dipped towards your navel before rising again and passing your chest again. You were aroused, and you were ashamed of the fact. He gently pushed you forward, washing your back before dipping the sponge back in the water.
“Lower into the water.”
You slowly slid down, letting the bubbles get washed off. He washed the area again, lingering on your chest before resuming the same path as before. After rinsing, he instructed you to stand. You stood on shaky legs, flitting your eyes over to him quickly before looking straight ahead.
The sponge started at your navel, brushing across your hips before circling around to your lower back. You shuddered, biting harder on your lip as he returned to the front. He paused. You were about to turn your head to peer at him but he kept on, rubbing the sponge on your core.
“You . . . you need to be clean. Everywhere.”
You nodded frantically, trying hard not to press your thighs together. He kept on for a few more seconds before moving down your legs, circling around and washing your ass.
His voice was a whisper now. You sat back down, sinking a little lower to be safe.
“Up, angel.”
Your head was spinning, and you blamed the hot water. He lingered on your hips, his free hand gently squeezing one before retracting. He brushed against your core, his wrist pressing against it before moving down your legs. You sank into the water when he asked, lifting your feet up so he could wash them quickly before asking you to stand. He handed you a towel, asking you to dry off while he cleaned the tub.
You waited by the door, trembling slightly as you watched him scrub furiously. The back of his neck was red, and you convinced yourself it was the heat.
Yeah. Just the heat.
The image in the mirror kept surprising you.
The hairdresser had left you with your natural hair, blow drying it to give volume at the top. The makeup was smoky, paired with an innocent pink lipstick. The dress that had been chosen was . . . sultry. It was a spaghetti strap, cut with a V to accentuate your cleavage. Expensive lingerie had been picked out, with a lace pushup making your boobs the center of attention. It cinched at the waist, a high slit ending at the top of your thighs. Black garters finished the look, peeking out through the slit.
Overhaul’s eyes went wide upon seeing you. Rappa grinned, showering you with compliments as he took his position beside you. The both of them were dressed in tuxedos, their hair neatly styled. Rappa had tamed his long hair, and it hung neatly to his shoulders. Overhaul’s hair, despite being short, had been slicked back slightly.
“You look fantastic,” he murmured.
The three of you rode in a private car with heavily tinted windows. Overhaul sat in the front while Rappa rode in the back with you. The ride was quiet; the only sound was the music playing softly in the background. Through the dark tint, you noticed you were driving away from the city and towards the warehouse district. You watched as the roads began to disappear, the car pulling off into what had once been some sort of shipping dock. The driver kept on before coming to a stop at a lone warehouse in the back.
“Rappa, you know the drill.”
He nodded, sliding out of the backseat and jogging around to open your door. He extended a hand out, grinning as he helped you out. Overhaul was waiting in front of his car, offering his arm politely to you. Rappa took his place behind the both of you, silent as he followed you inside.
The warehouse seemed inconspicuous at first, but as you entered you could faintly hear noise in the distance. The sound of your heels clacking echoed in the large expanse, your breaths coming out louder than usual. At the far end, a large stack of shipping containers were stacked around a door, where two men stood. Upon seeing Overhaul approach they nodded, opening the door and bowing.
The inside was far from what you expected black market events to be.
The hallway was lined with lanterns, glowing with a soft, orange light. The floor beneath you had lavish carpet, a deep violet color and soft under your feet. The three of you continued on towards a set of brick stairs, descending down towards jazz music. At the bottom of the stairs, a large room opened up, covered in round tables with dark tablecloths and jars filled with candles. People hung about, a few wearing masquerade masks to conceal their identity. Your heart dropped as you realized a few Pro Heroes, openly chatting with what you could only assume were villains.
Overhaul nudged you forward towards the bar. The bartender grinned, leaning against the counter as he took in your appearance.
“Well, well,” he beamed. “I never thought I would see the day you had a lovely woman on your arm, Overhaul.”
“Do you not recognize her?”
The bartender leaned in, studying your face before his eyes widened a fraction.
“No shit. That’s Deku’s little girlfriend!”
He leaned back, whistling.
“How did you bag her?”
“I kidnapped her.”
You bristled at the reminder. Right. You were here against your will.
“We have wares to view. We shall chat later.”
Just like before, Overhaul nudged you towards another set of stairs in the back. This hallway was lined with open doors, each one showcasing a wide variety of “goods”. You saw rooms upon rooms of weapons, drugs, and, to your absolute horror, people. Overhaul noticed your distress and grabbed your hand, interlacing your fingers before giving it a quick squeeze.
“Eyes forward,” he murmured.
The three of you went on towards the final set of doors, where Overhaul stopped in front of the only closed one. He knocked three times before entering. The League of Villains was waiting inside, heads snapping up and grinning upon seeing who was there.
“Well, well, well,” Shigaraki grinned. “We have business to discuss.”
Rappa had steered you away as Overhaul stayed behind to discuss business. You went back downstairs, sitting at a table while he hovered, eyes sweeping around you. Thankfully, after seeing who you had arrived with, no one dared to approach you. After about twenty minutes you were nervous, eyes flickering back to the staircase looking for Overhaul.
“Were you abandoned, little one?”
Rappa narrowed his eyes as a man came up to you. He was unfamiliar to you, but you could smell the alcohol on his breath. Swaying unsteadily on his feet he leaned in, leering at you as he licked his lips.
“You’re very pretty. I can show you a fun time, much more than that bird beak guy.”
You opened your mouth to argue with him but he grabbed your hand. Rappa stepped in, trying to pull the guy off of you but failing. You wailed, the guy’s skin melding to yours as you realized he had some sort of attachment Quirk.
“Well, would ya look at that?” he slurred. “I guess you’re mine now.”
“You guessed wrong.”
The man was grabbed, Overhaul’s eyes alight with anger as he used his Quirk to disintegrate the drunkard. Your eyes went wide as his arm began to disappear, getting close to where you were connected before suddenly stopping. The pain in your hand dissipated, and you realized he was using his Quirk to reverse the pain.
“Are you alright?”
He gently pulled you to him, cupping your face as he gently brought your hand up. You were shaking slightly, nodding as he examined your skin.
“Thankfully he didn’t do any severe damage. Come, let us go. I’ve done what I needed to already.”
Overhaul let go of your face, and you realized suddenly that his hands were still bare from using his Quirk. He slid one hand down, settling on the small of your back. Heat flashed through you at the intimate gesture, and you found yourself leaning into him. The walk back to the car was, thankfully, without issue, and you were headed back in no time.
“Shall I escort her back to her room?”
Rappa had opened your door, raising an eyebrow at Overhaul who shook his head.
“No, I want to check on her hand again. You’re dismissed for the night. Thank you, Rappa.”
His hand resettled on the small of your back. When he opened the door to your room, you turned to look up at him.
“Thank you for helping me,” you said softly.
He shook his head. “I was just trying to protect you.”
It was silent for a moment while his eyes flickered down your figure.
“That dress looks, ah, complicated. Shall I help you out of it?”
Before you could think it through, you nodded. He stepped in, quietly closing the door behind him and locking it. You took note of that, arousal coursing through you as you walked over to your bed, sitting on the edge of it so you could remove your heels. Sighing, you rubbed your feet. Overhaul came to kneel in front of you, gently taking your feet and massaging them. You sighed in content this time, tipping your head back as you relished in the feeling.
Even though you had simply been by his side all night, there had been tension between the both of you. You blamed the bath with him earlier, but you had caught him glancing at you throughout the night. Even now, as he rubbed your feet, he was sneakily staring at your chest, eyeing the way your chest rose and fell.
“Let me unzip your dress.”
He sat beside you, gently sweeping your hair aside and grasping the zipper. It slowly slid down, his fingers lingering on your skin. You shivered, closing your eyes as you felt arousal forming deep within you. The dress fell from your shoulders, slowly falling before pooling in your lap. You heard Overhaul inhale at the sight of the lingerie underneath.
“Overhaul,” you whimpered.
His lips were quickly on your shoulder, pressing a soft kiss before sliding across your shoulder blades.
“Kai,” he whispered. “Call me Kai.”
You turned around, studying his face before kissing him. One hand cupped your face, the other grabbing your hair and gently tugging on it. You raised your hands to hold him but hesitated, knowing about his aversion to touch. Kai sensed your hesitation and pulled back, grabbing onto one of your hands and placing it on his crotch.
“Touch me,” he commanded.
You squeezed his bulge, releasing a low groan from him. Your hands moved up, pulling at this shirt to untuck it before unbuttoning it quickly and throwing it onto the floor. His eyes never left yours as you worked on his belt before slowly pulling his zipper down. There was a pause as you stared at each other, a silent way of asking for consent before continuing.
Kai stood to remove his pants, leaving him in his underwear. His erection was straining against it, causing more arousal to pulse within you. He gently pushed you back onto the mattress, and you crawled further back to settle on your pillows. The mattress dipped as he knelt on the edge, slowly making his way towards you. You felt fire burning your skin where his eyes landed, memorizing every dip and curve of your body and committing it to memory.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you,” he murmured.
He leaned down, capturing your lips in another searing kiss. His hands grabbed yours, placing them beside your head as he interlaced your fingers. His bulge kept rubbing against you, creating delicious friction that just wasn’t enough. Your hips jerked up, seeking more but Kai simply chuckled, shaking his head as he nuzzled into the crook of your neck.
“So impatient, hm?”
One of his hands let go to reach into his waistband and slowly pull his underwear down. His cock sprang out, thick with a neat trim at its base. Kai reached down to pump himself, and your stomach clenched when you saw he could barely wrap his own hand around it.
“Are you ready, angel?”
You nodded furiously, looking deep into his eyes as you grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him down to kiss him. You felt his cock head pushing against you, and you lifted your hips to help him slip inside. The initial stretch burned a little, and you tried to relax to help him ease inside.
“Relax,” he breathed, pressing a wet kiss to your temple.
You sucked in a breath, eyes fluttering shut as you slowly felt your body relax. Kai groaned as he pushed further inside until he bottomed out and was pressed flush against you. He froze, panting above you as he allowed you to adjust to his thickness. When you were ready, you jerked your hips up.
Kai started off slow, pulling his hips back until just his tip was in before slamming into you. You gasped, squeezing his hands at the feeling as he repeated the motion. Goosebumps rose on your skin, with a shiver running down your spine at the feel of him stretching you out slowly. After a few thrusts, he began to pick up speed. His thrusts began to get rougher, and you felt your bottom beginning to get sore from the sheer impact of his hips.
But you didn’t care. Your mind was spinning at how good he was fucking you, and you wondered where he had been your whole life. You wrapped your legs around him, trying to put your feet up as high as you could. The changed angle had him hitting you even deeper, and you couldn’t help the loud moan that you let out.
“Kai,” you panted. “Don’t stop.”
Your words spurred him up, and his thrusts were so fast your body couldn’t keep up. You felt your insides clench as your orgasm began to form, and Kai sensed it because he fucked you even faster.
“You’re mine,” he growled. “I’m going to fill you up and no one else will be able to do so. Understand?”
You nodded frantically, words failing you as the knot in you snapped and you came hard with a yell of his name. Kai kept on, riding you through your orgasm until you felt him spasming inside of you, followed by a surge of warmth. He shivered, nuzzling against your neck as he tried to relax his breathing. When he pulled back, his eyes were full of affection as he stared at your blissed out face.
“Tell me you’re mine,” he whispered.
“I’m all yours, Kai.”
The silence of the base was broken by the sound of a loud crash. A flurry of underlings ran towards the sound, Rappa among them to report back to Overhaul. He was quickly notified that the sound of the crash was the Pro Hero Deku, who had come to retrieve his long-missing girlfriend. The Shie Hassaikai leader was calm, dictating orders to his men and waiting patiently in his meeting room.
It didn’t take long before the young man had fought through the throngs of men, stepping into the room with a menacing glint in his eyes. Overhaul sat on the couch, arms spread lazily along the back of it. One leg was crossed, ankle neatly pressed against his knee.
“Well, it took you long enough.”
The resolve in Deku quickly crumbled upon noticing you. A slow grin tugged at Overhaul behind his mask, his hand coming up to rest gently on your head. You were sat on your knees at his feet, leaning into his touch and angling your head to smile up at him.
“But it took you too long. She’s all mine now.”
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