art-by-a-gus · 3 days
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Happy batman day, villian dads
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firadessa · 22 days
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Apparently this was added to Disney Fairies wiki
✨Fairies Finds✨ Color portraits of Bleakwatch characters shared by @plumwillow-pixie
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grimmtells · 1 month
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✦ Son of Magus Merline, the galaxy's most renowned mage, Ozwald serves wizardkind as their current archmage ever since the passing of his mother. Weilding her staff to carry on her legacy, it is his duty to preserve the Mastery of Magic and Alchemy.
When the terrible Nightmare threatened the peace of the galaxy, the wizards joined the GSA alongside the ninjas in their quest to stop this great crisis. They fought together for years, but that was until the sudden treachery of the ninjas. The warriors of the shadows defected to the side of Nightmare, which dwindled the GSA's numbers considerably. Still, as low as morale was, they carried on.
However, the war took a definitive turning point when Yamikage, the one responsible for the treason of the ninjas, snatched Ozwald away from the battlefield on the back of a fearsome dragon demon beast. Before the archmage disappeared, he called out to his kin and ordered them all to flee and never return. At this moment, none of them looked back, they listened to the orders of their archmage and deserted the battlefield, leaving the GSA behind. It was weeks later when Ozwald was seen again, but it was too late then ; he had fallen victim to Nightmare's influence.
Many years after the Great War, on a faraway planet called Popstar, King Dedede noticed that Kirby seemed very confused about the magic tricks Tuff was performing. Without skipping a beat, he used his downloading system bought from Holy Nightmare Enterprise and demanded their best magic user. Ozwald was sent through, and gave chase to Kirby. After a tough fight, the young Star Warrior managed to break Ozwald's trance, letting him finally return to his senses.
Ever since, the archmage has been residing in Castle Dedede, occupying the vacant top of a tower.
✦ Voice Claim | Regular Voice / Spellcasting voice
✦ Likes | Reading, Cooking & Baking, Moonlit strolls, Stargazing
✦ Dislikes | Hypocrisy, Disrespect/ Disdain against magic, Egotism
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✦ Facts |
Ozwald is very adept at Offensive magic and Defensive magic, but also Supportive magic. During the Great War against Nightmare, him and most wizards were back-line fighters using their gift to protect and enhance the other warriors.
Ozwald and wizards as a whole do not really have mana, but using magic, especially strong spells, for long periods of time can tire and wear them out.
Ozwald can perform non-verbal and staffless magic.
He only has one eye ; he lost his other eye during the war after a certain treacherous ninja threw a kunai at him. He tends to hide it from people who aren't used to "gore", not to mention that he feels it to be a tad unsightly. He generally doesn't care to hide it in front of people like Meta Knight, Sword Knight or Blade Knight. if he feels comfortable enough with someone though, he will simply take his hat off.
Ozwald has a younger sister, her name is Winnie. She serves as the Acting Great Archmage in his absence. He hasn't contacted his kin as of yet...
✦ The Wizarding Society |
Although some wizards make an exception of this, they typically live on the "Observatory", which is a huge academy/library-like structure that floats throughout space. Wizards as a society and not simply magic-using peoples are pretty private and keep to themselves.
Whilst a staff or wand are important to channel their magic, wizards that are comfortable and skilled enough with it can perform spells without a vessel, simply using their hands. Enunciating spells is, in most cases, mandatory, but simpler spells like practical ones to make things float can be performed non-verbally.
Most wands and staves are made of metals like gold, silver, bronze and the like. Only very old wizards continue to use wooden staves. Ozwald, despite being more in touch with the newer generations of wizards, keeps his wooden staff because it was his mother's, and it will not break as easily as wood, because of the enchantments she had imbued into it.
As was the duty of the late Merline, wizards continue to observe the cosmos and planets to make sure everything is in order. While they don't tend to intervene ever since the Great War, wizards will warn planets if danger is upon them.
Wizards come in all races, shapes and sizes, but the most common ones are simirrors and waddle doos. Ozwald himself is a simirror.
The Observatory has many protection wards around it, along with the ability to become completely transparent, hiding itself and the wizards inside it.
The Observatory is capable of creating dimentional rifts to fast-travel around the galaxy. Ever since the Great War, wizards have been very careful about using this travel method, as dimentional rifts cause a very high, dense residual activity around the targeted areas, which can easily alert Nightmare of their location since he currently has dominion over most of the galaxy.
Merline is the original architect and creator of the Observatory. It was created as both a safe haven for wizards, but a place to protect the Knowledge and Mastery of Magic from falling into the wrong hands. It was her domain of planetary surveillance as well, when she used to watch over the cosmos on her own.
✦ Height Chart |
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✦ Personality |
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As unapproachable as he looks upfront, there is hardly sweeter than him. Ozwald is kind and patient, he will engage in conversation with pretty much anyone, even Dedede.
While Ozwald believes that a certain degree of sterness is required to properly teach the youth, he also believes that being too harsh and demanding will not serve any purpose. He prefers to teach with rewards, and attempts to make any topic interesting to get the attention of easily distracted children like Tuff, who usually dislike learning "boring stuff".
Ozwald is extremely forgiving, perhaps to a fault, some might think. But he says himself that as a man who has committed one of the greatest sins against his comrades (abandoning them), he does not get the luxury to be critical of what is done to him.
Ozwald is very doting with children. He does not necessarily want a family of his own, but he does have a strong sense of paternality in him.
Ozwald has an easygoing sense of humour, while he does not hold grudges, he is not above using previous events as ammo to tease someone.
Ozwald gets quite competitive with games of any kind and events putting him against other people/teams.
(Sidenote : i'd like to add things like the observatory and Winnie to his info sheet, but it's already me taken me long enough to get this done so i'll add those later !)
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forgotten-plotline · 1 month
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infernothechaosgod · 10 months
"Another one!?"
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Oswald mouse- from "now entering public domain" made by -@mickedy
Oswald the lucky rabbit - belongs to Disney the company (quite of a funfact I know! you might have not known that since they don't use him. :) )
Public ozwald - made by @jakeneutron
Neon "Ozzie" - from "Public shock" made by me
4040/dreamcore oswald - made by @hotcat-lol
Oswald the lucky rabbit (2) - made by @ninebaalart
Wi oswald - from Wednesday's Infidelity made by - I'm accualy not sure who? I tried checking but nothing came up Help pls-
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gothcatgirlfriend · 1 month
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ozwald, what's wrong? you're public!
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goferwashere · 1 month
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misc. doodles and something else coming later… also you know I doodled that Oswald before I saw him in the cutscene that he didn’t have glasses my bad 🎀
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Into the pit was created for the sole purpose of beating the bad pixel art allegations
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mikahooni · 3 months
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some art for the vicn trilogy
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daisyfarms · 3 days
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bryan360 · 3 months
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This orange otter deserved some float time. 🦦 ☀️💧
Tagged: @murumokirby360 @shadowredfeline @alexander1301 @rafacaz4lisam2k4 @coda-archive
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firadessa · 2 months
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Please acknowledge Bleakwatch Chronicles, Tinker Bell and the Lost City. I understand that BW chronicles may not have as much fans and are turned off by the art style. Also the author never posted (Zack Loran Clark) much promo for the book unlike Allison, nor mentioned anything about DF on his IG page. It is intended for a younger audience. However, I am much more excited for this book as it pertains to the movie universe. So please, just clap if you believe if you will.
As this is the first book to come out since 2017 that is labeled as "Disney Fairies" and the second spinoff- like this is important. You don't have to buy the book or give it the free promotion, but acknowledge the existence of it at least. WoS is not labeled as DF, if it matters.
Here are some of the reasons why I am more excited for Bleakwatch Chronicles than I am for Wings of Starlight by Allison Saft (Clarion x Milori YA Novel):
It's a post canon story implied to take reference to the cancelled Tinker Academy movie where TB goes to study at the Tinker Academy on the mainland. The art seems like they took references especially when directly compared to the concept art. WoS is a backstory.
It releases first, BWC releases in November 2024 and WoS releases in Feb.
It seems like more of original concept to me, literally because of the new concepts like the Flutterpunks and the implied secret cities of the Bleakwatch and Clockwork Capital.
New characters like Quin and Ozwald will be joining TB on this journey.
It expands on a old concept, and tweaks it in a way that makes more sense. IMO, an idea like a Tinker Academy seems to hold less weight because before the events of Tinker Bell fairies couldn't go to the mainland to spread nature, and it's implied they always stay. It is also implied in GFR that Tinker fairies don't typically go to the mainland even if TB's inventions help them in the intensive summer season (the song implies that's why she's there- it's implied in the first movie she goes there whenever she has a job) Vidia is dismayed by this and says "this is why Tinker fairies don't go to the mainland" whilst TB is checking out the car. In a deleted storyboard for Tinker Academy it is implied that it is a prestigious academy that FM gets into before the events of Tinker Bell, yet to me the idea of underground London tinkers makes more sense to me than the academy. Think about it, it's implied that TB and FM are some of the most brilliant Tinkers in pixie hollow and yet the Tinker population is small. (only Clank and Bobble greet her and we see no one in green outfits) Why do you think that is? I personally like the idea of rogue Tinkers who would scavenge on the mainland for parts and self-exile themselves from Pixie Hollow. It explains why FM calls the lost things junk, if the difference in mindset between the mainland tinkers and the pixie hollow tinkers was that the mainland Tinkers are considered "scraps" (get it) while the PH tinkers are considered more put together and community driven. It makes sense that TB being a brilliant Tinker that outshines even Vidia gets such an audience if brilliant Tinkers do not normally last in PH because they are seen as too curious and ambitious, opting to start their own community of outcast Tinkers in the mainland. Vidia's talent switch in The Pirate Fairy also implies that Tinkers have the gift of thought, and literally think differently (regardless of personality) then their non-tinker peers because it's their talent. There is much potential for this storyline as it adds more nuance to the Tinker Bell movie and the dynamic between the nature and non nature talents, something I think it would benefit from. It makes a lot of sense if the edgier steampunk designs came from a secret Tinker counterculture and not a secret academy imo.
The implication of this book suggest revitalizing the Disney Fairies franchise, possibly not just as a "brand". Not sure what that could mean but it's interesting
IMO, Wings of Starlight has more of a "booktok" vibe I'm getting from it. I'm not just saying that because it's YA, but given the (beautiful) cover design it feels more targeted for what Disney thinks grown fans of Disney Fairies might like based on whatever market research was done (and you know it was). WoS has been receiving better marketing and there are people out here that don't even know two books exist. I'm not saying the book looks lazy, slapped together, or unoriginal- or it will just be corporate and bland, I mean I'm a Disney Fairies fan I don't believe that everything is corporate greed lol and like to see creativity in the "unexpected". But I hope that future Disney Fairies books won't just be going for what is "trendy" to reel people in and instead invest in creative storytelling *in general*, in other words I hope they keep concepts and genres broad and inclusive enough so we have the potential for more creative stories. Not just expanded stories on specific characters and stories like the Twisted Tales series, or sticking to specific genres for this specific niche audience in a way that feels too specific. I feel like there has to be some sort of balance struck, or DF may be a little stuck for a while and may still have "missed potential".
On expanded stories, like I said, Disney has done a lot of that and there is an audience for that. However, I prefer the idea of post canon more than a backstory or expansion. From what I know, we know some details of the Milarion backstory and it will be adding more layers and expanding on the dynamics of the existing characters, where the new book seems to be more lore driven in focus.
I don't like Secret of the Wings that much in terms of lore as a lore fanatic. I feel like this book could also retcon other things when possibly trying to explain things that make sense in SOTW. If BWC is good, I can imagine myself thinking about it more after it releases but I can just imagine myself thinking more of how I felt and my emotional reaction after WoS with fading interest afterward, it just sort of feels like the book could resonate with me more y'know? and I got a pretty good gut feeling for that sort of thing.
Underdog bias, just acknowledge it's existence. Do that with the NG graphic novels from 2022, heck the whole Never Girls series. Do that with the whole DF franchise if you are new here somehow. That's it, that's the post.
The mystery. What is the mysterious pocketwatch and who's on the cover?
Copy and pasted plot summary- Tinker Bell loves nothing more than solving a problem. For her, red buttons demand to be pushed, treasure maps need to be followed, and lost things ought to be found. So when a strange fairy crash lands in Pixie Hollow and leaves Tinker Bell two clues to find a mysterious necklace on the Mainland, she really doesn’t have a choice but to help. However, her journey takes an unexpected turn when she discovers a hidden city of fairies living below the streets of London.
In this city called Bleakwatch, she’ll meet the Flutterpunks, the most infamous band of trinket scavengers around. Helping her may just give them their biggest score yet. But when the Flutterpunks’ plan goes haywire, they’ll be forced to choose between a big payday or saving their new friend.
When their adventure takes them inside the glittering Clockwork Capital, Tinker Bell and the Flutterpunks will uncover a villainous secret that threatens all the fairies in Bleakwatch. It turns out there’s more at stake than just finding a missing necklace, and it’ll be up to Tinker Bell to set things right. Luckily, that’s what tinker fairies do best!
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2th · 2 years
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ozwald ‼
comm from @maepop
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ao2fics · 1 year
Etho: I’m going to kill you vs. Gem: And how do you plan on doing that?
“I’m going to kill you.”
“Oh?” Gem doesn’t even look up at him, just continues lovingly trimming the leaves of her starter base. She makes a point to come visit every now and then, keep her old base happy and healthy. “And how do you plan to do that?”
Etho studies her from his perch on the roof just below where she’s stand, leaning back in a forced casual pose. He’s fidgeting, subtly tapping his fingers on the shingles.
“You’ll find out.”
Gem grins at him and says, clearly amused, “You don’t know yet, do you?”
“Wha—no—I have a plan.” Yeah. Definitely. He just… needs to do some fine tuning on the whole how part of it. “You’ll see.”
“Looking forward to it!”
+ bonus scene for @bookworm-2692
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“Here’s how you threaten somebody.”
Gem sets down her gardening shears and wipes her hands on her overalls. In a blink, she has her diamond sword up against his neck, smiling.
“I’m going to kill you.”
Etho swallows, eye flickering between Gem and the blade.
“That’s… fine, I guess.”
“Really?” Gem smiles like the sun. “Great, I needed a new head for my murder dungeon wall!”
[Etho was slain by GeminiTay] <Tango>: heck yeah go geminislay!! =D
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389 · 2 years
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enjoyslurm · 10 months
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