ijustliketoreadstuff · 10 months
People want Marinette to tell Adrien the truth? Yeah, of course, I'm sure she can just do that.
Hey Adrien, your dad was secretly Monarch the entire time, he had this secret plot to terrorize and akumatize a bunch of innocent people so he could get his hands on the miraculous to bring back your mom. Oh by the way your a sentimonster and those rings you have were used by your dad to control you like a puppet, don’t loose them. Also, your mom didn’t actually disappear, she was dying from the peacock miraculous after using it to bring you to life, but that's not something you need to blame yourself for. Any who, your dad hid her body in a secret basement underneath your mansion where she was in a pod for a whole year, Nathalie knew the whole time and went along with all of your dads plans for a while, but had a change of heart and gave me a phone that had a bunch of recordings of your mom telling Nathalie and your dad that she didn't want to be brought back and to not go on a total rampage to get the miraculous. Oh by the way, Nathalie also used the broken peacock miraculous, she’s Mayura, but then she started dying not long after that. The reason I know all this is because Felix told me the story of how the two of you were born sentimonsters and that his dad, Colt, also used the peacock miraculous, turns out, pretty much everyone in your family knew about the peacock miraculous. Oh, and I know Ladybug told you your dad sacrificed himself like a hero, but I was lying, yeah I was Ladybug the entire time . I fought with your dad in the mansion in what was basically a cage match at this point and found out where he was keeping your mom, buuut he got the cat and ladybug Miraculous from me and begged me not to tell you who he was as part of his final words before he died with your mom, but then again , he was going to die anyway from Cat Noir's cataclysm, you should have seen it, the guys body was literally crumbling and throwing up coal and ash, he was in the worst kind of pain imaginable, but that has nothing to do with you so your good. So yeah, he made his wish and had the entire universe destroyed and rebuilt so he could give you the life your mom wanted, but no one but me knew that, until I told you that is. I wasn't going to tell you this cause I thought it would be to much for you and cause I didn't want to totally ruin your entire now peaceful and happy life where your finally allowed to be free, have all your close friends and family, and think your dad was not a complete monster. Anyway that's pretty much it, have a rad summer! 
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aesopsharpmybeloved · 3 months
Tess' Sharpuary - 13. Alihotsy
Hogwarts' Potions master finds himself in a rather peculiar, giggly situation...
chapter specific tags: slice of life, attempts at humour
relationships: aesop sharp x reader, aesop sharp & abraham ronen
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13. Alihotsy (1.5k)
tw: briefly implied sexual content
Aesop Sharp was not surprised to find one of his colleagues and closest friends, Abraham Ronen, already sitting in the Great Hall when he arrived for breakfast himself. The older teacher seemed to be caught deep in a conversation with Mirabel Garlick who was sitting next to him, but he nevertheless gave Aesop a wide grin when the potions master sat down at the table.
“Good morning, Aesop! I trust you slept well?” the jovial man asked, his eyes sparkling. “I would’ve slept longer and better if it was the weekend, and I didn’t have Garreth “Menace” Weasley in my class first thing in the morning,” Aesop replied wryly, gratefully accepting the cup of tea offered by his friend. Abraham laughed: “Oh, come now, he’s not so bad. In fact, I tend to find his antics quite amusing at times!”
Aesop found comfort in his tea, it was done exactly the way he liked, nice and hot, contrasting the dreary April weather, and slightly sweet from the milk. “Yes, yes, very amusing,” he went to say sarcastically, “when his cauldron explodes so violently, everyone in 10 feet radius gets hurt by the impact, that’ll be quite hysterical, won’t it.” Aesop knew he was being ever so slightly unfair towards the lad. 
Garreth was on pretty good behaviour these past few weeks, and when he did resort to some sort of shenanigans, it was something small and non-life-threatening.  Abraham only shook his head and returned to his earlier conversation with Mirabel. Aesop’s eyes searched the Great Hall until they finally settled on a Seventh-year sitting at the Ravenclaw table. As if the girl felt his eyes, she turned her head and connected their gazes. She gave him a soft smile, and the potions master immediately felt his frustrations melt away. 
When evening came, the girl would meet him in his chambers, and they’d be free to indulge in one another’s company, as well as the comfort of each other’s arms. The evening couldn’t possibly come quickly enough…
He had some time to spare when he finished his breakfast and made his way to the potions classroom. His limp had severely improved over the past several weeks, and he felt better than he had in years. He wrote the instructions for the Seventh-years’ potion for the day, Mandrake Restorative Draught, on the blackboard, and made sure all the potions stations were up to par. Well, one of them wasn’t, it had a problem with heating, so the Potions master avoided having it used by students, but all of the others were in peak condition. He sent a nasty look at the malfunctioning burner - every year he asks for a new one, and every year the Headmaster says there’s not enough funds for it. And then has the audacity to strut in like a peacock wearing a new suit. Imbecile.
The sound of a door opening got him out of his thoughts, and Aesop looked up to see his NEWT class students entering the classroom. Everyone made their way to their stations, and Aesop too walked away from the workbenches to stand in front of his desk. He partly leaned, partly sat against it, crossing his arms over his chest as everyone readied their things for his lesson. He smiled at the Ravenclaw girl when she caught his eye yet again, but that was all.
“Good morning, class,” he said, stopping the hushed conversations of several students, “today we will begin brewing Mandrake Restorative potion. As the name implies, it is a potion used to restore people who were transfigured or cursed, including petrification, and its main ingredient is a ripe mandrake. Professor Garlick tells me that neither of you had the misfortune of dying when harvesting your mature mandrakes, so we may now proceed to stew them in preparation for the potion.” 
Aesop walked over to the blackboard: “Follow the instructions on the board to a T, a wrongly stewed mandrake will result in your potion being entirely-” Before he could finish by saying ‘useless’, a chuckle suddenly left his throat. Several students looked at him like he had just grown a second head. Aesop cleared his throat, not knowing what came over him just then, but unwilling to let it stop him. When he opened his mouth to speak again, however, another chuckle got out. Then another. And then, to his absolute horror, a full giggle escaped him.
Most of the students looked terrified. Sebastian Sallow’s mouth was so wide open, that a frog could’ve easily jumped into it, and it was this thought that broke the camel’s back. 
Aesop began laughing, deeply and fully, the sound reverberating through the dungeons. He pressed a hand over his mouth to stifle the laughter, but it was no use. He wasn’t able to control it. What the fuck was wrong with him. “P-professor Sharp?” came Amit Thakkar’s very concerned voice, “are- are you alright, sir? Do you need help?” Aesop laughed on, his lungs and stomach beginning to ache.
“N-no!” he managed to get out through the laughter, “s-stay hahahaha! Stay he-he here!” 
He rapidly walked through the classroom, the Seventh-years getting away from him in panic, so very unused to him showing any strong emotions like this. Other than grumpiness, that is. He walked into his office, threw the door shut, and cast a muffling charm on the room, all while laughing his poor lungs out. Tears were running out of his eyes, as he tried keeping his mouth shut anyway, the giggles coming out choked and muffled. 
Where was it, where was it?! Finally, he managed to locate what he was looking for, a vial containing dark, syrupy liquid, labelled as ‘Glumbumble treacle’, and he was now shaking with laughter so much, he barely managed to uncork it. He took a deep gulp of the substance and sighed in relief as the effect was near immediate. His laughter began dying down, little by little, and he only relaxed when the now silence got broken by the occasional chuckle only once or twice a minute. 
However, he remained standing in his office for at least five more minutes to ensure the laughing fit was indeed gone. He felt embarrassed, he truly did, but at the same time… At the same time, he actually felt quite good. He felt like a weight had been lifted off him. His head felt clearer and his chest lighter. 
He didn’t need to guess what happened, it was obvious he ingested a laughing potion, or alihotsy extract at the very least, but the question was: how?
Begrudgingly, he had to remove the Weasley boy from his list of suspects, as well as any other student, as he did not accept any food or drink from them. But then again, what if someone sneaked into the kitchens to pour alihotsy extract into the staff breakfast? Hm, no, not likely. Several people ate the same things as he and seeing as nobody was knocking on his door, giggling uncontrollably and begging for Glumbumble treacle, it seemed he was the only intended target. 
And then it hit him. His tea.
It was slightly sweeter than it usually was, but he failed to notice it. It was such a small, subtle shift in taste, few people would notice, really.  But he always poured out his tea from one of the kettles - except today his tea was poured by Abraham… Of bloody course. Abraham fucking Ronen went, and added a laughing potion into his morning tea… 
Aesop sighed. Oh, he was going to get that sod for this, he truly was.
With a deep breath, he lifted the muffling charm and left his office. Head Boy Thakkar seemed to have calmed his classmates down enough to get them to actually begin working on stewing their mandrakes, and only a few people actually noticed him emerge from his office. When they did, however, they started casting wary looks at both him and each other.
The potions master cleared his throat.
“Does anyone know what sort of magical substance can bring up such a fit of laughter?” he asked, prompting a few tentatively raised hands. “Miss Onai?” “Alihotsy, sir?”
“Five points to Gryffindor.” 
“You are a right sod, you are,” Aesop said as he settled next to Abraham for lunch in the Great Hall. The older man started laughing: “Oh? What happened?” 
“You know very well what happened.” “Oh, alright, I slipped some laughing potion into your tea. In my defence, however, I acted on a request,” the charms professor said with a smile, stabbing a piece of chicken onto his fork and plopping it into his mouth.
“On a request,” Aesop was gobsmacked, “what do you mean on a request? Since when does someone request a teacher to slip alihotsy to another teacher?”
“Was it literally anyone else, I would’ve deducted House points and discouraged them from such a silly idea, but this one, well…” Abraham fished a neatly folded piece of parchment from his pocket and handed it to Aesop.
“Now, I understand that you’ll be punishing her, but don’t be too hard on her.”
Aesop unfolded the parchment and immediately recognised the young Ravenclaw’s elegant script.
‘Happy April Fool’s Day, my love!’ it read.
“Oh, I am going to punish her for this…” he said darkly, but couldn’t deny that the corner of his mouth was twitching lightly.
“Will she be able to attend my class tomorrow?” Abraham asked mischievously.
“We’ll see…”
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Two illustrations for the price of one? That's a steal! 😂 The second one was drawn first, I grew unhappy with it, I drew the first one, not much more to it 😅
[AO3] - [Sharpuary 2024] - [Masterlist]
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new orleans, we have a problem
nick and sidney were out walking the dogs when both of their phones began to ring. cleo was straining against her leash for another tree as the one in front of her wasn't good enough and sidney used her other hand to answer her phone. "hey michelle, what's goin' on?" it was very rare for michelle, sidney's head of pr to be calling her; in fact the last time they actually spoke in a business capacity was to tell her not to answer any questions about her father in the aftermath of the trial. "have you checked instagram lately?" michelle sounded frantic (but when doesn't she sound frantic?).
"no, not really. why, did something happen?" on the other end of the line, sidney could hear the clicking of a mouse and typing. "only that your baby bump is all over social media. a girl got a picture of you yesterday. i'm emailing it to you now." sidney exited the phone app and saw an email from michelle and she tapped the notification. sure enough, it was a picture of sidney from the other night, her bump on full display.
the girl who posted the picture to her x account, zoey, already had hundreds of replies under the post. the baby bump couldn't even use the excuse of being her clothes being wrinkled or a bulky coat (the last of the cool weather is dying down in new orleans). "oh shit. nick! you have to see this!" she titled the phone to her husband who pulled out her own phone and she saw him pull up x, typing her name in the app's search bar. there were thousands of impressions.
half were congratulatory while the other half were condemning the girl for exposing the couple's private joy ("this is something nick and sidney should've been able to announce for themselves. zoey should be ashamed of herself."). and of course there were the weirdos who thought sidney was "ashamed" of being pregnant and wondered why she didn't want to show off her baby. "so what do you want to do now? should we announce it?" a part of sidney wanted to share this news with the world, that she's expecting a baby with her husband, the love of her life, but the other part wanted to protect this piece of her happiness.
"i don't really see the point of announcing it. i mean, the bump is out there. i don't know what much else is there is to say, but i was hoping we could've waited until gabriella was born to say anything at all." they circled the block for a second time, trying to come up with a solution, and in the end, they still decided to wait until gabriella was born and announce her birth instead. confirming the pregnancy at this time would be pointless because, duh, people can see sidney is clearly pregnant.
they made it back home, where they were preparing dinner and talking about how gabriella should be raised. nick removed the grilled chicken breasts from the air fryer as sidney chopped and wash the vegetables. "i feel like if we had to move back to california, it wouldn't be l.a. santa barbara maybe? probably when she's older," nick mused, grabbing a pack of burger buns. sidney loves santa barbara; it would be closer to lily and her friends, but not too close to los angeles where she'd have cameras shoved in her face 24/7. "santa barbara is perfect, it's so beautiful there."
a few minutes later, they sat down to dinner in the living room, where they turned on hulu, trying to figure out what to watch before settling on shrek on peacock. they split a bag of jalapeño chips on their plates as the movie started. "we can still just announce her birth and leave it at that." and then there's also the issue of going back to work. sidney is due in new york to begin filming her show which would give her a little over a month to recover and bond with the baby.
"maybe we should hire a nanny. my parents can't take care of a baby full time, and you only have a handful of weeks to take off from the tour." nick took a few sips of his water and nodded. "maybe my parents? they can come here for a month, and maybe they can watch gabriella in shifts?" as much as sidney loves her in laws, it was a lot to ask two people to pack up and basically move to another state for a handful of months to take care of a baby. "it wouldn't hurt to ask." the nanny idea would be put on the back burner for the time being.
over the course of the movie they wondered if gabriella would like shrek, if she would be more drawn to music or acting when she was older, how she would be raised, and nick asked her how parents managed. "the only thing my parents had to really worry about was perez hilton as far as the internet was concerned, and i wasn't allowed to have a myspace page, but i found around that one anyway, but i think this is a conversation you're gonna have to have with them. or you can talk to danielle and kevin."
sidney turned her attention back to the movie, putting chips on her plate. his two oldest nieces alena and valentina are being raised in new jersey by their musician father and a mother with no ties to the entertainment industry, in the age of social media where your every move is announced by an update account, while sidney was raised in louisiana with her actor father and journalist mother, way before social media was a thing. by the time sidney decided to take acting seriously, everyone had a myspace account and facebook was in infancy. there are definitely stark differences of course, but he could see where things were equal: sidney had a normal-ish life and alena and valentina's lives are normal as well.
that's what he wants for gabriella. for her to grow up without prying eyes. he'd have to ask johnny and simone for advice and his brother for some advice.
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thecandywrites · 2 years
Kinktober Day 4- Size Difference
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Sorry, another death, and another funeral to deal with. Death number 8 - 8 people in my circle of friends of familly I did not expect or plan on dying while I try to wait for THE TWO DAMN DEATHS I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR AND PREPARING MY HEART AND MIND FOR- FOR A YEAR AND A HALF SO MY LIFE CAN RETURN TO ANY SEMBLENCE OF NORMAL. I swear to GOD I'm gonna lose it.
I know, I'm practically a week late on this. But I will try to make up and I will do EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE because believe it or not- Kinktober is the only thing keeping SANE right now. It's practically therapy for me right now and a creative outlet that will hopefully bring peole joy and bring myself just a few fleeting moments of peace from the dumpster fire that is my life.
So, my regular readers thought I was gonna go orc huh? Surprise! DRAGONS BABY!!
Again, many, many thanks to @starsandskies for sharing Kinktober prompts.
Kinktober Day 4 Size Difference 
‘I need to land’ Vivor telepathic told you when he spotted a nearby island. 
You had been flying all afternoon and honestly, you needed the break too. 
‘Please do.’ You told him back telepathically. 
That morning, was yet another frustrating set tryouts. 
Vivor was considered to be an adult dragon, slightly smaller than most males his size. But despite him being smaller, he was an excellent flyer. He had more strength in his slighter smaller frame than most dragons twice his size.
But what Vivor lacked in size, he made up for in personality, temperament and sheer beauty. Vivor the the coloring of a peacock. One of the most beautiful dragons that ever been hatched on your family’s farm.
And because of the circumstances of his birthing process, his egg got cracked and you had incubated him on your own chest when you were only a small child of seven. And now 15 years later, both of you were considered adults and because you had incubated him on your own chest, your bond with him was unusually strong than most dragon riders had with thier dragons. And dragons usually took a five year ‘wild flight’ with other flocks of dragons around the world, to really fine tune their own sense of directions around the world and map out the layout of it so they could navigate it in case they had to be carriers to deliver dragon silk, dragon flannel and dragon wool around the world. 
And instead, of going along with the other dragons, Vivor wouldn’t go without taking you. So at the age of 17, you did. And for five, wonderful years, you flew all around the world and made your own maps of the whole supersphere as well as make notes of all the other dragon species you discovered along the way. It was the best years of your life so far. 
But now, Vivor listened to his own instincts and came back to your home on Neveah- following the urge all native Naveahan born dragons did. To come home and settle back down, usually with mates that they found along their journeys and either come back to the farms they were born on- or could go to any number of other homes depending on which rider they chose. And depending on if that rider was part of the family that belonged to the family that took care of thier parents, or another, that's when the dragon breeders could ask their price for thier dragons from their riders besides any goods they made on their own farms.
But while many other female dragons had shown interest, Vivor had not reciprocated it and they had instead went with other males who were interested. 
But what was crucial was- that he was now at the stage where he should be pairing up and finding a mate and while Vivor was on the small side, because he had come home- unpaired and unmated- practically all of the great dragon breeders of Neveah were eager to court both him and you because usually female dragons preferred male riders and vice versa. But because Vivor had chose you as his rider, it also meant that you- as an unmarried dragon rider, you and your dragon were up for grabs. You were average for a Naveahan. Naveahans were humanoid beings on the supersphere, looking "human" but not quite, in fact had many gifts and abilities most humans didn't. Like the capability for telepathy, among other things.
And for the last two weeks, you and Vivor had been invited to every dragon farm on the whole island nation that was your home of Neveah. And Vivor- even for being at the bottom of the pecking order for his clutch, was now the most highly sought after stud because of his coloring and the potential to give his offspring similar coloring. Most of the dragon farmers were practically drooling at the prospect of having dragon plated armor in Vivor's colors which would fetch an enourmous price, simply because not only would it be beautiful, but functional too.
But so far, all Vivor was willing to do was to cover a mechanical dragon, to gain his sperm to inseminate other female dragons instead of pairing with them and becoming their permanent mate which is what he had done at every farm so far. And today, he had gone to the very last one on Neveah and done the same thing. He gave their own mechanical dragon a rut while you held the sleeve to collect his sperm so they could artificially inseminate thier own female dragons when they would find their own permanent mates. And while he could demand the highest stud fee, you were frustrated and you could tell he was too. Because usually native Neveahans who had gotten married and started a family- would look for a pair of already mated and paired dragons.
Vivor and yourself grew up together and came of age together and because of your unusually strong bond, Vivor could actually read multiple languges, just like you could. Which most dragons could only 'talk' telepathically with their riders. But that was it. But instead, both of you got to see more of the world than most ever could. You rode on Vivor as he flew in flocks of all kinds of dragons while they were on their own wild flights and you learned what that flight panttern was. Because of your close connection to Vivor, you gained his sight, you could see air currents, you could see the winds and see and appreciate so much more than the average Neveahan.
But now that you were back at home and Vivor was refusing every other female he was introducted to, all you could speculate was that maybe his mate was another dragon in a moura colony somewhere. Since mouras and dragons also had a strong relationship with their dragons but while it was similar, it was also- altogether differnt too. Or maybe Vivor's mate was just somewhere else in the world that you had yet to find. And you had enough funds on your pack to literally fly anywhere and live comfortably, anywhere, even a moura colony. Which you had visited dozens of them on your five year flight, which the mouran dragons also took, sometimes pairing with a Neveahan dragon and bring it home to the colony they were born in too.
But with Vivor dismissing every other female dragon he had met yet, made you feel like you couldn't move on or settle down yourself because then Vivor would miss out and miss his chance with his life's mate, wherever she would be. But at the same time, you were actually grateful for it. Because many of the sons of the other dragon breeder families had flirted with you shamelessly while they allowed Vivor to be in the arena with all their own farm's unmated females which only led to Vivor initiating play bows but not initiating any kind of pair bonding and rejected any female who did to the point he was stuck in the middle of a circle, surrounded by the raised rears of female dragons dripping their own essences to let Vivor either breed any of his choosing or breeding all of them. But Vivor was having none of it and instead too refuge in the rafters of the pairing barn to escape them before the females noticed he was no longer in their presence.
And so to save face on your account, and especially your own family's account and for Vivor, that's how you encouraged Vivor to at least cover the mechanical dragon to bring in a stud fee and exchange a bit of his own sperm in exchange for a handsome price and the freedom to walk away.
So after the last visit to the last farm and even with no one talking to you at all, he still looked them over and "met" them but still politely refused them.
So you were just hoping that a small flight around Neveah, your home, your large island nation, and getting Vivor up in the air to fly and in the clouds, would perhaps clear his head and once he would get a chance to regain his barings, he’d be able to tell you why he was so frustrated and why he was rejecting every female dragon he had ever met so far. 
But instead, he had circled the island once and then flew to a nearby, but uninhabited island, which there were many around Neveah, they were usually used for fishing bases or to gather wild fruits that grew on the islands and not on the mainland. 
But he landed and you just took his saddle off and all the heavy sacks of gold and other precious treasures that were part of his stud fee along with your usual pack for day trips. But you still laughed when his whole body shook once he was free of the saddle and the load before jumped up in the air and flew to the highest point on the island, leaving you rather stranded there on the small plateau to make your camp, grateful that you had bought some food stuffs before this flight so you could eat while Vivor too advantage and ate a few seagulls that were flying around the island, so at least he got to eat himself.
But then, instead of returning to you, you felt he was letting his frustrations turn into anger as he angrily started to claw at the rock that was at the top and was using his extraordinary strength to break apart the rocks and dig into the rocky outcrop. 
“Vivor? What in the world are you doing up there?” You called to him as you sat on the saddle pad and had some little bits of rubble land over your head and shoulders before looking up to see more before you got up and walked around to see him shoving entire boulders off of the sides of the plateau before they crashed into the water around the island. 
‘Venting my frustratoins.’ He answered curtly which made you frown so you began to climb up the rocky cliffside that separated his plateau from yours. 
“Vivor, we need to talk about these frustrations.” You insisted once you got up there. 
‘No we don’t!’ He answered with a dangerous growl as he pushed a boulder twice his size with his whole body off the side. 
“Yes we do! Talk to me Vivor! What is wrong? Are you really so picky that no other dragon on Neveah is good enough for you?” You asked. 
‘Yes!’ He finally screamed in your head which made you clutch your head and whimper in pain for how loud his voice boomed in your head that your ears ached as if he had said it outloud. Then he abandoned the boulder to come over to you to quickly apologize for hurting you as he licked and nuzzled at your ears and head. 
“Why Vivor? Why are they not good enough?” You asked him as you used his close proximity to hold his own head in your hands and look into his eyes but he put up his mental wall again and withdrew and managed to kick the boulder off off the cliffside and down onto the ground before you realized what he had been doing. He was carving out a cave, for a nest, a good sized one, out of the rockside. He chose a good site too. 
“Vivor why are you building a nest when you don’t even have a mate?” You asked him but all you got in answer was him breathing his hottest dragon fire into it partially melt and the resolidify the cave which made you duck behind one of the boulders to shield yourself from the heat of the dragoon fire. 
‘You should know! You bred me to! You and your people have bred dragons for characteristics and instincts right?! For thousands of years! You tell me!’ Vivor yelled again. Not as loudly as before, but definitely with much more bitterness and much more rageful and spiteful resentment in his tone than he had ever spoken with you in. 
“Hey! For thousands of years Neveahns have changed our entire race and culture to support dragons, so they didn’t die out! We have fed you, cared for you, allowed you to nest and incubate clutches that are usually ten times the size as those in the wild. And while I agree, domesticated dragons do not have the same pure instincts that wild ones do- but don't the advantages outweigh the lessoned natural instincts? If your parents had followed pure instinct you wouldn’t be alive! And that's why I we picked out the name Survivor for you! Because you survived something that naturally- you shouldn't have!” You reminded him as he simply curled up in front of his cooling cave like a cat and pouted as you came over and sat within his coil and put his head into your lap and began to pet his head to soothe him because he was clearly still trying to balance the demands his instincts were making of his body with his heart and his mind and the rest of him and you could sense that he was frustrated that his instincts were telling him one thing but his mind was telling him something else while his heart, he was hiding it from you because he was guarding it closely, trying to protect himself emotionally. 
“But I have never once given up on you. I have always given you every chance to succeed. I protected you from your clutchmates when you landed at the bottom of the pecking order. I never once questioned you or your actions that you were driven to do by your instincts. I let you indulge in all of them so that you can enjoy what you are. You are a dragon Vivor. One of the most special and sophisticated and amazing ones I have ever known and anyone who would judge you just based your pretty scales should know that one should not base their opinion based on their looks, but rather judge their character based on their actions." You insisted.
"And I hope that I have proved with my own choices, that I will chose you. No matter how many times I have to do it. No matter what I am choosing between, I choose you, and what is best for you. No matter what I have to do or endure to make sure you are happy and taken care of. And I would hope that you can see that I have proven with my actions that nurture is just as valid and important as nature. And we have done more together in the last five years than anyone else in Neveah has done in the last hundred. You don’t have to choose a mate here and now. Some dragons may not choose a mate until their twenties or even thirties, hell their fourties especially when they're mega dragons the size of cities instead of just slightly bigger than a horse." You tried to reassure him.
"If that’s how long it will take, I’m in. I’ll wait and it will be worth it. Because it’s your life and your happiness that is in your own hands, not mine. I’m just along for the ride, remember? Hell you don’t even have to find a mate at all! You could just continue to be a stud dragon, and that’s perfectly fine. Or if you want to fly around the world again, and see where the winds and the currents takes, us, we’ll do that too. Wherever you go, I will go. That's the way it's always been with us and that's the way I want it to stay if you want it to stay that way too." You insisted.
"Because honestly, after the last two weeks, I get it. I see it. I see how Neveahan's treat dragons like elevated horses. I see how mouras treat dragons and guard dogs. I've seen how others treat dragons as dangerous pests or auspicious blessings. But you have always been my friend. First and foremost and that's all I need. And I like to think that's all you really need from me right?" You asked, but all you got was huff but still silence.
"I don’t care to ride any other dragon than you for as long as I live. When we fly, we are not dragon and rider. You simply share your wings with me so that I fly with you. I let you have your head and chart your own courses and let you follow whichever winds or currents you want to, to either strike out on your own or follow with any flock you want to fly with. And in five years, we went with more flocks than I saw lands on the surface. And I would not trade that for anything. I flew among wild dragons as thier equal. And that's what we are, we are equals." You earnestly professed.
"That has been the way you and I have been since the beginning and it’s worked out for us and we won’t stop now. I don’t need to live here in Neveah. We don’t need to settle down here at all. Lots of dragons choose their mate’s preference of not being on Neveah over their own instincts to stay. And I can only hope that they’re happy with those decisions. We saw it the moura colonies and even in the wild." You reminded him.
"Granted I would like to come back here from time to time to reconnect with family for family reunions and all that and just in case those females produce eggs that your seed fertalized and the males were to try to reject the eggs, because that's been known to happen, I will incubate those eggs with you. It's happened with other dragon riders who own studs. Or other dragon riders who keep a lone female dragon who refuses to pair up too and the only way to let her follow her own instincts is to artifically inseminate them. If I incubated you, I can incubate your offspring with you if I have to. We would just be collecting a lot of eggs from a lot of different farms and make our own special incubation nests, but not too different than the one your clutchmates got to incubate in. And with as much as your connection has opened up my mind to the minds of other dragons, I can usually tallk to other dragons without being their rider, like the way I did with your clutchmates, especially when they would pick on you when they played too rough with you." You proposed.
"But that doesn’t change the fact that you are still my best friend in the whole wide world. You always will be. No matter what. I have your back and you’ve always had mine, both literally and figuratively.” You reassured him before you kissed his forehead and hugged his forehead as he pressed his ear to your chest, specifically to your heart so he could hear it beat. Which was always a sound he found soothing since incubation and even after hatching, he would prefer to sleep with you in your bed, with his head over your chest to keep hearing your heartbeat than sleep in the barn with his clutchmates. To the point you practically potty trained him like a puppy and he practically grew up to be a ‘house dragon’ rather than purely ‘a farm one’. And since his birth as an egg, the two of you had always been insperapble, even as you helped your parents help thier own set of dragons birth and incubate clutches of eggs together, except for this very last one when you went for your five year flight with Vivor instead.
‘But what if there is no other dragon that I could ever find who could…that I would ever…even want…’ Vivor stuttered in his words in your head. 
“Then living as a bachelor and pulling in stud fees is what we can do. And we can do that anywhere, not just here in Neveah. Granted, I worry that you’ll eventually feel you’re missing out on actually having a dragon as a mate and going through the courting and mating process properly and missing out on that connection you would have with her or raising your own offspring with her instead of only giving your seed to another to add to other females so that she and her mate can raise your offspring for you if you're not there to raise them yourself in case they get rejected by the father.” You answered him. 
‘But if I do that, what will you do?’ Vivor asked and picked his head up and turned it slightly to look you in the eyes. 
“If you’re happy and content with whatever choices you make, I will be too. You know me. I'm easily contented. As long as I have clothes on my back, a bed roll to sleep on and food stuffs to fill my belly when I'm hungry. I don't care. I don't need a huge fancy house or farm or anything like that. Just a food and water source and the chance to buy soap when I can't make it myself to wash myself and my clothes. Becuase any man who can't respect my friendship and my relationship with you or be jealous or be intimidated by it, is no man for me. Hell they make dildos. i can ride those when I need my own sexual release and I can always just keep the sleeve I've been using for you at the other farms." You reassured him, but in a more upbeat, slightly teasing tone to try to get him to at least laugh.
But Vivor just dropped his head back into your lap with a depressed and defeated huff which got you to frown and do the same.
"Come on Vivor, just...tell me what it is. Whatever it is, we can fix whatever problem you have. I just need to know what it is first. For the last six months of our flight, you told me that you were both looking forward to coming home but you were dreading being rejected. But so far, you've been the one that's done the rejecting. You've had your pick of all the single dragons on the island and practiclaly in the world, of what we've seen of it anyway. Did you have your eye or heart on another and she got snatched up by another? what?" You asked but all you got in answer was more silence.
"Vivor, if you keep cutting yourself off from me and not talking to me. I get just as frusted as you do. I can't help you find relief from your own frustrations if I don't even know what they are. so just tell me!" You begged of him but all you got was more silence, but this time a sense of fear and his sense of rejection was the highest you had ever felt from him before.
Suddenly, you seemed to realize and connect the dots. 
Vivor always withdrew from the female dragons to return to your side the moment any other had ever flirted with you. Even when female dragons had practically gotten into position for him and presented themselves to him so he could start mating immediately. He had done that ever since the two of you came back. He had been doing it- actually- his whole life. He protected you from any who tried to pick on you, but it grew from pure protection to something- much more possessive. Especially when you were ovulating. He was practically like a guard dog and wouldn’t let anyone but a family member even approach you and growled dangerously at anyone and outright wouldn’t even let you leave the confines of his coiled body around you. 
“Shit.” You breathed as your eyes went wide and it seemed that Vivor had been listening to your thoughts in your head and his ears pinned back and he grimaced as it seemed, you had figured it out and immediately uncoiled from arund you to coil in the opposite direction to leave you sitting there, leaning against his side but sitting there rather dumbfounded for a moment.
“It’s me! You won’t choose a dragon mate because you want me as your mate! That’s why you’re really rejecting all the other female dragons. You're not too picky about them or their personality or the farms they belong to or where they come from or any of that! You are rejecting them because they're not me! And that’s why you won’t let any other guy flirt with me ever since my body matured enough to ovulate and in theory have enough physical maturity to start to find a mate of my own and have a family of my own. Because you were always so protective. But no, you are being possessive too!” You finally realized as you finally realized he had uncoiled from you but coiled in the opposite direction and had instead withdrew from you completely because he was fearing your rejection. He was afraid that you would take your "unusually strong" connection and view it as "unnatural".
I mean, granted it wasn't exactly common place, but there was a part of Neveah where only studs or only mare dragons and their riders resided if thier own families didn't want them on their own farms or if they wanted their independance from their larger family and thier larger farms. And usually the homes in that community, meant that the dragons themselves could either reside in the "community" barn or reside in the riders home with them. And you'd bet half of his fees that the ones whose dragons resided in the rider's home- that their relationship was the kind of relationship that Vivor was wanting- specifically with you. I mean there were all kinds of tales of riding off into the sunset with their dragons, and returning home from time to time but otherwise were happy to live on the winds and go wherever the currents took them. Or settled anywhere else they wanted to.
But his lack of denying it was enough of a confirmation for you 
“Vivor!” Vive!” You got up and went around and tried to untangle him from the rest of himself to get to his head. 
"Survivor Lucian Dellavega." You finally said, using his full, whole name before he finally let you have his head and wearily open his eyes to peek at you through them, but fully open them to see that you were smiling so adoringly at him.
“Why didn’t you tell me? If you had told me about this before we ever came back, I would have never agreed to take you to any of those farms to stud you out." You asked him.
"Because I thought that's what you wanted me to do." Vivlor answered.
"Vivor. I don't care what you do, as long as you are not a danger to yourself or others. That's it. That's the one rule I have about you." You reminded.
"Now, granted, studing you out is a great way for me to earn an income, but no stud fee is high enoug if it's uncomfortable for you to do and for you to give your seed to be used to artificially inseminate dragons you have no other attachementst to. It's not worth it to me if it's not something you want to do. So just answer this for me. Do you want to be a stud dragon?" You asked him plainly and simply. But he just shrugged his shoulders and gave an 'eh' for an answer like he could take or leave it which only made you laugh harder and shake your head.
"Vivor, if I had known you wanted me as your mate, we could have skipped studding you out completely. We could have built our own place on my parents farm, which seems to have doubled since we left it last, so at least the family business is good and booming. But we could simply use it as a home base but not much else. We have trade with all the other families in the Dragon Breeder Guild. And the Dragon Goods Guild. Becuase there is always a market for dragon scales for armor and to protect the trades where fire is concerned, like the glass blowers and the metal workers, from the bladesmiths, to the jewelers, to the welders to every kind of blacksmith because dragon scales are naturally immune to fire and shield against excess heat. Because of the Dragon Goods Guild- I have almost limitless supplies to all the dragon silk, dragon wool and dragon flannel to make myself a wardrobe for any and every civilizaition we've ever been to- ten times over. I don't need your stud fees to live or survive or for us to make our own way in the world unless it's something you want to do. And if it's something you want to do- then go for it. Don't let me hold you back. I'm ok with you selling your own seed, but I'm never going to let anyone entrap either of us into any situation that we both don't want to be in." You insisted.
"My family is so rich it's almost stupid. The farm can afford to keep so may pairs of dragons and afford to keep all the herds that we do to both provide meat for the dragons and ourselves. And do so with plenty to spare. Just from the sales of your clutchmates that returned with you- was enough to set my family up for at least three more generations, as if they didn't already have enough set back to ensure it for the next one hundred generations. I could ask for all the funds you can carry and use them to live abroad if you wanted to. And we can be as dependant or as independant from them or Neveah as a whole as you want to be. Because frankly, I don't care. Yeah it's my home and yeah, it's my family, who I love dearly, but I still love you more. But it's not worth losing you and your happiness over.” You reassured him as you pet his head and smiled when he still leaned into your touch before he wrapped around you and coiled around your body and hugged you so tightly it was almost difficult to breathe, but you welcomed it and hugged him back.
‘Yes, I was afraid you'd reject me and I was afraid that you would reject the idea of being my mate even though you have always been my everything. I have always loved you. At first you were like a sister, when I was still in the egg. Then when I hatched, you were like a mother to me. Then as I grew, you were both still those things yet more than those things combined. You loved me and cared for me and risked your life to save mine even when I was just an embryo in a cracked egg that without you- I never would have gotten the chance to live. And we have shared our lives together. And you are always open with me and you don't hide anything from me. And I'm sorry I've been hiding from you. I was just scared of losing you.' Vivor confessed.
"Ooh, Vivor." You cooed as you pet him and hugged him tighter but smiled happily.
'For the last five years- flying with the other flocks, but with you as still my rider, was like the best of both worlds. Still being wild but yet still having you as my friend and my one true rider. But then we came back and now, I realize, how alone I am again. I’m a dragon that my own clutch mates didn’t even want to be with. I was the outcast. But with you- I was safe. And I was in the company of a friend who loved me and cared for me. And now that we’re back, they’re all finding mates and their riders, which to me is ass backwards. A dragon should find their rider then their mate and both should be happy with their choices, not the other way around.' Vivor insisted which got you to snort a laugh.
'But it's true! I didn’t want you to be tied down to any of those other families just because of me. I know you only want me to be happy but I am only ever happy with you. While you are not a dragon, your personality and character and heart and spirit are one with mine. And I don’t want that to ever change and I can’t imagine ever feeling the way I do about another dragon the way I feel about you. And I know it goes against my nature to a degree, but…'  Vivor finally confessed before you just kissed him then hugged him again.
'It's not against my nature to love you that way Vivor.' You mentally rassured him as he readily moved to lay down to hold you with all four of his limbs and his wings over you to hold you to himself, the way you used to when he was smaller than you. 
“You silly dragon. Why do you think there are so many legends about dragons “kidnapping” fair maidens and flying with them off into the sunset? And those princesses to tell thier dragons to burn any who would try to take her away from her dragon?” You asked him somewhat rhetorically.
‘But dragons are always the bad guys in those stories.’ Vivor frowned but held you just as tightly as he dared so you could still breathe easily as it was your turn to put your head over his heart that you realized beat just for you. 
“Not for the maidens. Just the knights who think they have more of a right to the maiden than the dragon does.” You giggled. 
“Come on, I know that you know that I can get myself to orgasm by riding the saddle I made to ride you. And I know you like to think you can keep your dirty thoughts about me all to yourself but I still saw what you saw in your fantasy when you mounted those mechanical dragons, you think about mounting me instead, granted it was only bits and flashes but from what I did see, made one hell of an impression. So come on, let’s see if we can make this work in real life and not just in fantasy.” You encouraged.
With just a few careful claw marks, he had shredded your clothes off of you which got you to laugh because of how eager he was to try but he still carefully laid on his back while his cock practically shot out of it’s sheath and was already hard and throbbing as you kissed his chest as you moved backwards to line yourself up to him. You knew exactly how big he was and you ventured that the reason he stayed on ‘the smaller side' was because he didn’t want to get too big, just in case this could ever go from fantasy to reality for both of you.
You straddled him only to get the angled tip in, which was enough to pierce your entrance and start to stretch you out before you really pushed it and the head finally broke your maidenhood but the head was in and the sigh of relief from both of you was audible. You could see and mentally feel, emotionally feel all the tension and apprehension and fear and frustration melt away and get replaced with pure euphoria that you were stradling him and giving him a chance to mate with you. Or even, in your terms, make love to him, and him a chance to make love to you in turn.
You gradually worked your way up and down the shaft, your own essence and his own helping with the lubrication for this to do so but while he was stretching you to your body’s max that your canal could possibly hold but you were doing it. You were succeeding.
And the more you of his cock that you got into you, the more of himself and his mind, his heart and soul were opened up to you too to the point that your physical forms hardly mattered and seemed to fall away. It was a union of two souls, two hearts, two minds, into one on a plane that such things as physical forms didn't exist.
You had no idea how long it took but the first orgasm you had was simply like leaping over a physical hurdle to get you to a finish line that you didn’t know what was at the end, but it was something big and something that you never knew you wanted but you felt you both needed. Each orgasm after that was simply another marker closer to the end goal, that you wanted to reach as each orgasm, you were delightfully drowning in euphoria.
Finally, it was as if you were being pushed faster than your body could ever travel. You were practically hurtled to the end, just as you vaguely felt all of Vivor’s cock including the bulbous knot at the base squeeze into you and your womb began to fill with seed, so much of it, you didn’t know how- by proportion- your much smaller body was going to take it. But it was. It managed to take all of it.
But for a small eternity, you felt truly at one with Vivor in a way you had never felt before. All of yourself was connected to all of him in ways that transcended anything you had ever thought to even try to comprehend. It was a place you could only describe as like a heavenly paradise, but not of this world or physical realm. It was both like the euphoria of flying in the auroria borialis with the heavens spread above you while watched the sunset below you. But instead of the heavenly expanse surrounding you- you were in it. And it came from within instead of being something to be experienced outwardly. 
When you finally came back into your own body, and regained your own consciousness within your body, you woke up to find that you were still laying on Vivor but you were in the cave he had carved out. Your gear and saddle were between Vivor and the back of the cave wall. It was raining hard outside, with strikes of lightning and booms of thunder, which you were pretty sure what prompted you to wake up in the first place and somehow, the next day. Or so you imagined since your stomach was the first to remind you that it had not gotten a chance to eat in way too long.
Somehow, someway, between the encounter yesterday and this momsnet now, he had pulled out of you to release his seed which laid in a pool just outside the cave. And the bits of your shredded clothes were haphazardly put over you like a blanket while your heart laid over his chest, over his own heart while your body splayed out over his chest and abdomen. His arms were wrapped protectively around you and his legs, were propped up against the cave wall while his tail laid between his body and the mouth of the cave while his wings were partially extended, also covering you up to keep you both warm, and safe. 
‘Well hello there, sleep ok?’ Vivor asked once he mentally noticed you were waking up as you lifted your head to look around and take in your surroundings for a moment. 
“Yeah, I slept…better than I ever have before. How long have I been asleep?” You asked as you folded your arms under your chin to look up at him only to see him grin. It was the same, satisfied, somewhat smug but pleased and content grin that you had recognized his parents always wore after copulation. And if this was the norm for sex with dragons, you didn’t think how sex with any other being could ever compare. It was the single greatest experience of your life, well, so far anyway.
‘Me too.’ Vivor smiled, his pearly white teeth almost blinding as were yours as you both giggled before you crawled up the rest of him to sit at the base of where his long neck met his chest and kissed him on the snout before he stuck his tongue into your mouth which got you to giggle before you sucked on it and tried to slide yours alongside his which only elicited an exciting rumble in his chest as his hand came to rest behind your body to hold you up so he could stick more of his tongue into your mouth, careful not to put too much into you for fear he’d choke you. 
‘Lay down.’  Vivor urged you before you laid back on his chest as Vivor let his slick tongue taste down your body which got you to mewel and writhe over him before his snout dug into your womanhood and he inhaled deeply before his tongue speared what his cock had done the day before. 
His tongue could taste the remnents of his own seed, but the taste he was most excited to taste was you. He had seen his fair share of couples copulating in the barns before, and knew males could put their mouths at the female sex and do something with their tongues that brought the females pleasure. And he wanted to do the same with you.
Much to his great reward to suddenly see and feel how much pleasure his own tongue could do to you as he twisted and moved it in and out of you before finding the same spot with his tongue that his cock had found the evening before and scrunched up his tongue inside your canal so that a portion would rub against it while the middle of his tongue rubbed against your clit had you keening and grabbing ahold of his own fingers since his hands were carefully wrapped around your waist to keep you there while your thighs squeezed his face since he had his mouth open wide enough that none of his sharp teeth would ever touch your delicate skin and hurt you- while your knees hooked behind his horns while your ankles dangled behind his ears. 
This time, when you came, your canal seemed to gush a special pheromone thick mucus that he greedily slurped up and only made him hunger for more. 
“Please Vive, please, please, I can’t, it’s too much, please!” You whimpered and begged as your body was on the verge of overstimulation but just when you thought you’d go crazy, the second orgasm flooded every fiber of your being and Vive got his entire tongue coated in your nectar to the point, he had to pull it out to swallow it off of his own tongue which only prompted you to snap your legs shut the moment his mouth was closed so that he couldn’t go for round three- not before you could recover from it first. Your sex was buzzing and tingling and your brain was practically drunk with love and lust as you rolled over, only to see that he had made a mess on his own belly which you decided to go tease for tease and lick what few drops were still hanging from the head up which made his cock bob and Vivor shudder which made you lose your balance and land chest first into the pool of his seed on his belly before you slipped off of him onto your side onto his wing. 
‘Fuck! Are you ok?!’ Vivor jerked but you just started laughing because you were completely covered in it before you stepped outside into the rain. 
‘Sheba what are you doing?’ Vivor asked as you stood in the rain and welcomed the warm rains before you tried to wipe his own seed off of you with your hands before Vivor got into your ruck sack and found your bar of soap and tossed it to you so you could at least bathe in the rain before he came out into the rain and tried to wipe his own mess off of himself which prompted you to scrub his softer belly scales clean before a lightning strike nearby sent you both back into the cave for safety as you used what was left of your shredded clothes to dry off before you got your special quilt out- that you had made for the two of you to sleep on when you were on that five year long flight. You put that down on the floor of the cave so you could sleep comfortably again that night before you got the last of your food from your pack since you had yet to really eat that day, but were happy to lay naked but dry within the coil that Vivor always wrapped himself around you. 
‘So now what?’ Vivor asked you. 
‘Whatever we want to Vivor. We got enough coin we could head back, get proper supplies like we did five years ago. And then- let’s just see where the winds take us. I can tell my family that you still need more time to fly around, and either find a place that’ll accept us as we are, or we find and make new home, just for us, wherever we want. Or- we do a blend of the two. Come back every two and a half years. If you still want to be a father. We can still stud you out. Then we can do our own thing until it's time for the females to lay their eggs and if any of your fertalized eggs gets rejected, then we can incubate them and raise them as our own on my family's farm, since we'll get the most support there. Or if you want to stick to the single stud area, we can do that too.' You answered him back with your mind.
'Two and a half years thing, just in case any of my fertalized eggs gets rejected by any other male. And let's try that. And if none get rejected, I don't want to take any eggs from any parents who would love them, no matter who fertalized them. But just in case any of them gets rejected, incubating eggs with you sounds like a dream, even if you didn't lay them yourself.' Vivor decided.
'Then that's what we'll do. Honestly I was hoping for that too. You'd be an excellent father, and even if other eggs that you didn't fertalize, if any eggs get cracked, we can always get called in to help incubate those too. All we need is to coat them in more mucus and then wrap them put patches of dragon silk over the cracks to further stabilize the eggs but it would keep the eggs seperated enough that if any egg were to go bad, it wouldn't devestate the others, and we could simply remove it and dispose of it since it had already died, but we could do so with clear conciences that we did everything we could to save it and at least try to give it a fighting chance to make it.' You smiled as you pressed your forehead to his and nuzzled your forehead to his as you could feel how happy and content you both were, and fully and completely at ease too. Which was really wonderful.
‘Gods I love you.’ Vivor cooed to you. 
‘Love you too. Want to go again?’ You asked. 
‘Yes!’ Vivor practically cheered before you got on all fours and presented your rear the same way you had seen female dragons do for the males. 
‘Now that is the ass that I’ve been in love with.’ Vivor cooed as he licked from your clit up your ass, up your back, to your shoulder and your neck before his tongue wrapped around your throat while his cock slid up your backside and then once your legs were wide enough and with you guiding his cock back into your canal, which now welcomed the sensation of being filled to being exquisitely stuffed. And to your mutual delight- the same series of events as last time happened, you and Vivor reconnected and you had never felt more loved, connected, understood, appreciated, desired, wanted and cared for on every level possible in every way concievable in and ways you never could have imagined.
You looked down to see his cock bulge your belly as he drove into with much more force and vigor and zeal than you imagined you had ridden him with the day before, but not in any way that could hurt you but he was eager to see just how much and how far he could physically go with you. You didn’t know how your body could take him, but you didn’t care. This felt so good and so right and you didn’t care where you had to go or what you had to do to support yourself and care for Vivor when he wasn't supporting you and caring for you too.
But Vivor was your mate and you were his. And that’s all that mattered.
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itskyliedarkplaz · 10 months
Miraculous season 5 finally
Please don't tell me I am the only one who thought the season 5 finally of MLB was really bad.
The only thing that can be good are the true transformation of Tikki and plag and Gimmi.
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But above everything else do you know what pisses me off the most?
it's not how Gabriel got away with everything and got deemed as a hero nor is it how Lila (since that is the name we know of her) got the butterfly miraculous without having any equipment and going unnoticed by ladybug. All of these piss me off very very much.
But, what I don't get is why was Chat Noir not also a part of the final battle? HE IS ALSO ONE OF THE PROTAGONIST. HE DESERVES TO KNOW WHAT HIS FATHER DID. Werent ladybug and cat noir like dying and yang. Both should be treated equally. But only ladybug is getting to everything and shouldn't ladybug also tell who was monarh and what the hell happened to him? Adrien is also a good hero, he and lady bug are a team. What were the writers thinking? We have since them battle together since the beginning. Gabrielle should have gotten the consequences of his action. He should have gotten the hate from Adrien, he should have been seen as a monster by the society. He should have gotten away with and deemed as some hero WHICH HE WAS CLEARLY NOT FROM THE BEGINNING. In one of the episodes when Gabriel goes back in time in season 5. He had a chance to give himself the key to fixing the peacock miraculous but does he do that. OH HELL NO.
No one would have expected this ending, and it is not said in a good way
THIS ENDING SUCKED. And the ending of Garielle's so-called five-second redemption arc does not make it good either. For all I see he is just a way he escaped all his problem got away scot free and was deemed as a hero!
He got what he wanted.
Anyways that's my rant, I lost my sanity today because of it, if you want to remain sane do not watch the season 5 final. This was a rant for the people who lost their sanity like me this. Welcome to the what-a-shitty-ending club(If you think so)
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ampugoat · 6 months
There were sunspots near the corners of his mouth where his laugh lines were etched. 
Had he been a fan of the sun before? You feel your breath catching in your throat. Of course he liked the sun- he was drawn to you. How long had it been since he’d seen himself, you wonder. If he could drink in the view like you were now…
“Lost in thought, dear?” He practically purrs, voice dripping in smooth honey and melted velvet. You loved the way he growled under his breath, though that was much more rare. You wanted nothing but the most from him, though, and he did of you. You watch as carefully mended and hemmed clothing falls from his slender frame. At first, only his shirt, and he practically delights in slowly unbuttoning it for you. You think about how many other people have seen this sight in the nearly two centuries Astarion has been plagued as a vampire spawn. Was he always so sickly sweet? Was it just a method of survival in a world that didn’t want him? Even his first lover, the sun, became something of torture. Though you suppose this to be true of all love. 
“Yes,” you exhale, and you study the scars on Astarion’s back. Not for the first time, no, but perhaps the hundredth. It ached deep in your chest to see them, to know why they were there, to know that Astarion never would see beyond your crude drawing in the dirt many moons ago. 
But that was then, and you are here. You are here watching the pale elf practically strut in front of you, much like a peacock. All flare, minimal bite. You watch as his gaze falls over you, savoring the view. Maybe it was clockwork. You didn’t care. In two hundred years, Astarion chose you to spend some time beside. In two hundred years, he’s probably had many partners. And tonight you were one. It caught your heart in your chest like a latch and a key. He was dying to open you, to read your softest secrets. 
As he saunters toward you, moonlight awash over pale skin, you study his curls. The way his bangs fall over his forehead, barely graze the tops of his ears. He was undoubtedly handsome. And you had the thought of mind that he would look even better over you. 
Before you realize it, Astarion is behind you. Pressing himself softly, ever so gently, but lustfully. His fingers grip the small dip in your hip and he squeezes. You feel a soft groan rise in your throat. 
“Absolutely beautiful. Delectable, even,” he hums into your ear. His teeth graze your earlobe playfully as he wraps his arms around your waist. “May I?”
He’s breathy in your ear. You can tell he wants this. You want it, too. You nod. You tilt your head to the side, exposing the nape of your neck in the moonlight. But Astarion does not budge. 
“No answer is not consent,” he reminds you, still commanding, but gentle. “I want to hear you beg.”
You shiver, and he chuckles softly. You nod again, catching yourself, and clear your throat a little, hoping you wouldn’t sound as excited as you were. “I- I want it. I want you.”
“Is that so?” He laughs, but he does not make you beg further. You feel one hand firmly grip your hip, one hand slides its way up your abdomen to rest on your shoulder. And then the sharp, slightly stinging ache of your blood flooding his mouth. Crimson drips over the corner of his lips and you swear you hear Astarion practically moan. 
Your head flutters. You wonder if the dizziness is from the bite, or from the grip the elf has on you. You’ve practically drooled every time your sight fell upon him. You don’t mind either. 
“All the coin in the world couldn’t put a price on you,” he chuffs, and you want to roll your eyes. But he stops. His hands remain still, and you feel a shift in his energy. You turn to look at him over your shoulder, and he is in thought. 
He picks up on your hesitation, and purrs softly back at you. “I have a question, darling, and I need you to answer me honestly. Not just on account of the near… dubious activities to come,” he winks, “but because I need to know how you see me.” 
“With my eyes,” you answer immediately, eliciting a groan from the elf. 
“I’m trying to have a moment with you, I swear to hells,” but he’s laughing as he chastises you. “Not very many wish to be company to Vampires, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. So what-”
“Stop,” you interrupt him. You turn and place your hand on his chest. You look at him, past the almost faraway gaze in his eyes, to the deep pits of his soul. You believe he has one, after all. “Please, we can-”
“I need to know if you are trying to bed me for the sake of lying with a spawn, or if you’re… Wanting me for who I am, not what I am.” There’s a moment of thick silence between you two, your hand staying on his chest. You give him the room to think, to sit with the confession. He thinks he’s a monster. 
“I think you’re handsome,” you finally begin, causing him to jerk away with laughter. Flattery was always helpful. Gods knew Astarion used it enough. “I think you’re funny and more compassionate than you want others to think. And I think you’re awfully damn paranoid,” you tease, and Astarion laughs again. Deeper this time. You watch the lines by the corners of his lips wrinkle. How he must have loved the sun. 
“I know I can’t take that away from you. But if you’d have me… I’d like to be part of your company for the next couple decades.”
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dark-night-star-light · 11 months
Spirit Animals: Immortal Guardians (Reread pt. 9)
Chapter 1
“If only she could turn right around and go home” (1). Interesting first line . . .
“I wish I had a spirit animal, Kaiina thought. Then I’d always have company . . . ” (2). That’s . . . actually a good reason, wow.
“‘How could I have summoned Dinesh?’ Kaiina asked in wonder. ‘And why to me?’” (5). Yeah, is it, like, random . . . or . . . ?
Woah, Zerif speaks the local languages . . . ?
“ . . . but this one was white . . . ” (7). Has Kaiina never heard of a polar bear before? Don’t they teach her about these things???
“The polar bear and the boar had spread out” (8). Okay, so she does know what a polar bear is.
“ . . . saw two more tattoos appear on the man’s chest: an eagle and a ram” (10). Uh . . . when does he take Arax??? That wasn’t in Tales of the Fallen Beasts . . . 
Chapter 2
“But now Myriam was too busy playing host to worry about that - the ibis kept busy greeting each newly arriving bird . . . ” (13). Oh, that’s so cool. 
“ . . . Myriam had spent the day following them around, keeping tabs on which was the most beautiful” (13). That’s so funny. I imagine the peacocks being like, What is this thing following us around?
“She gathered lichen and wedged it into the narrow black crack, wetting the patch with pond water” (14). Isn’t the Evertree in the middle of Nilo??? It’s near a pond???
“ . . . The tree was dying” (15). I genuinely forgot why it’s dying. I know it’s something to do with the Wyrm, but I don’t remember how.
Chapter 3
“In Zhong, she’s perfected a serene smile, warm enough to honor the person’s interest but chilly enough to discourage handshakes and questions” (16). Parallels to Meilin’s very first chapter in Wild Born?
“Lately Jhi had started to take Meilin to task whenever she slipped into rudeness. It was very annoying” (17). See, this is the dynamic the Bile robbed us of in the first arc.
“Essix the Falcon is not a messenger pigeon! Essix eats messenger pigeons for breakfast!” (18). Why didn’t Rollan just send a messenger pigeon? 
 “ . . . and I’m not asking this lightly. But you must come to Greenhaven as soon as you can . . . ” (19). This does not sound like Rollan at all.
Rollan signs his letter “Your Rollan” and then in the immediate next paragraph, Meilin refers to him as her “friend”. 
Abeke has gotten even more muscular! Slay!
“But Meilin knew what her friend would really want her opinion on. ‘I like your new skinnier braids’ . . . ” (20). When has Abeke ever shown interest in hairstyles, though???
“‘Oh no! What have we done?’” (21). This quote is so weird??? I don’t know, it just feels off.
So far, the vibe in general feels weird . . . 
“ . . . Abeke said, looking at Kovo with something almost like sympathy” (23). Why, though??? Why is she sympathetic?
“‘You’re polite as always, Takoda,’ Rollan said to the boy, a complicated expression on his face” (24)). I feel like I remember Rollan being suspicious of Takoda . . . is that what this is???
Kovo drawing the Wyrm symbol on a landscape??? What is the landscape, though??? I don’t remember this . . .
Chapter 4
“‘I came down here to study while we were training’” (29). Literally when??? When did Meilin ever go to the library???
“The tortoise blinked its rheumy eyes at them and yawned” (30). I wonder if Meilin ever thought of the tortoise as being slow, like she did with Jhi.
“‘ . . . the Lost Lands is contained in here’” (33). Stetriol also had a nickname??? Eura’s the only one without a nickname, now . . . 
“At the elbow, where the living tendril ended, the knob of it throbbed and shifted, curling into new visions of the same shape” (38). So it’s in a spiral shape even as it squirms up? That’s odd.
Chapter 5
“ . . . and now he was going to lose the people he loved most in the world because of it” (39). Is he??? Also, awwww, that’s cute (that he thinks of them as the people he lives most in the world). 
“He felt his face twist into a humiliated scowl” (39). Oh my god, he’s becoming Meilin.
“Rollan wouldn’t give up. He threw his arms around his friend. ‘You’ve been disgusting ever since we’ve known you’” (40). It’s so awesome that I can actually see the character growth from the last arc. 
“‘Rollan and Abeke are our best trackers. . . ’” (42). Getting the feeling that I missed something? Rollan can track? 
“Meilin and Rollan were staring at each other with moony longing . . . ” (42). Why do they do this in front of other people???
“With one move, she’d told him she wasn’t scared of his sickness” (42). Personally, I think that moment is far superior to Meilin and Rollan staring at each other.
Chapter 6
“Takoda had spent his life in sandals, and now he was wearing a pair of heavy boots he’d borrowed from Conor” (44). I feel like I remember Takoda living somewhere else before the monastery??? Did he really wear sandals? Or did he go bare foot before that?
“He probably wouldn’t say no if they asked him to be a Greencloak someday” (45). Kovo would, though, lol.
“It was a moment that would forever be seared in Takoda’s memory . . . Takoda couldn’t imagine a spirit animal relationship more different from his own” (46). Funny, because Meilin’s relationship was pretty similar to Takoda’s during the first arc.
“ . . . the Great Beast that had nearly conquered the world - stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the leader of the Greencloaks” (48). Symbolizing the new relationship that the Greencloaks forged with the Great Beasts in general?
“If only he and Kovo knew more than ten symbols, he could explain the danger” (50). He can explain the danger anyway, right? Kovo understands Common.
I forgot whether Kovo recognizes this place or not.
“‘Kovo saved your life’” (53). Okay, so Kovo killed Briggan, who bonded to Conor, who killed Kovo, who then saved his life. Parallels???
“It was like the earth itself had a mouth, open and hungry, waiting for prey to fall in” (54). If they’re in the mountains between Zhong and Eura, how do they get to Nilo, where the Evertree is? Because this is where they fall, right?
I do not remember Kovo and the others fighting over the door??? Huh.
“Calmly, as easily as if it had been made of wet paper, Kovo reached up and plucked off his collar” (59). So ominous.
Chapter 7
“‘. . . and we’ll stop in and say hello to all the shop owners you stole from back in the day’” (60). Okay, I need Rollan to go back to that Valdez guy and push him around a bit. Just a bit.
“ . . . memories of the handsome blond boy resurfaced in unexpected moments” (62). First Shane reference in second arc!
“‘Many of the people of Northern Amaya are nomadic, following the herds throughout the year . . . ’” (63). Rollan doesn’t sound like Rollan at all.
“‘Where to?’ Rollan asked. ‘Anywhere!’ ‘No seriously, where to?’” (64). It feels like they swapped Rollan and Abeke’s personalities? I kind of like it, though. More foil theory fodder.
Rollan caused a stampede??? Wow, I clearly remember close to nothing from this book.
This whole scene is very . . . different??? In a good way, though. There isn’t much Rollan and Abeke friendship in the first arc, so now that they’re alone, it feels strange. But I like it.
Chapter 8
“‘Meilin,’ Conor said in low tones. He placed a tentative hand on her back. ‘I’m as angry as you are . . . ’” (73). Conor and Meilin friendship is all but nonexistent in the first arc, but it feels like they made up for that in the second arc.
“‘King. Worthless,’ Takoda translated” (76). King??? Who’s the king? What king??? Is it Takoda?
“‘I have to tell you that I miss him’” (76). Doesn’t putting your spirit animal in passive make you stronger to some extent? They fought off the “bonding sickness” from the staff at the end of the last arc that way.
“Stop it, Meilin. Terror is your enemy” (79). Giving major first-book-Meilin energy.
Chapter 9
“‘You have more in common with Kovo than you think’” (82). Conor getting mad!
“ . . . the torchlight seemed to have the monster dazzled” (83). The Many’s weakness being light is not something I remember. 
“ . . . a spiral, just like the one on Zerif’s forehead . . . ” (84). I wonder if Conor thought that Zerif would eventually become one of these things.
“The light bomb seemed to affect the ghoulish creatures much more strongly . . . ” (87). I wonder if the Wyrm itself is sensitive to light? Or Zerif?
“Then Takoda gasped, like he’d been punched, and in a flash Kovo became a tattoo on the boy’s neck” (88). Why does it hurt for Takoda to take Kovo into passive state? Did Kovo want it to hurt? Can he do that?
“Although she closed her eyes to slits, they streamed tears, even in the dim light” (88). Oh, so it’s just because the Many are Sadreans, not because they’re Many. 
“‘It’s okay,’ came a voice Conor knew as well as his own” (89). Aw, Conor-Meilin moment(?)!
“‘You’ve come to stop the Wyrm . . . ’” (91). Why does Xanthe think that? Was there a prophecy or something?
Chapter 10
I kind of wonder if the city or tribe you’re from is like a last name in Erdas. They say “Abeke of Okaihee” and “Rollan of Concorba” as someone would say a full name.
“Abeke longed to see her father and sister again” (96). Why??? They are literally so abusive . . . this is just one thing about this series I’ll never accept.
“‘I’ve never seen a horse take such an instant disliking to someone’” (98). Rollan’s horse rivalry saga continues. 
“ . . . The leopard lay down in the earth, head resting on her paws, and started up at him” (98). Wasn’t it mentioned that Uraza didn’t really approve of Tellun in The Evertree? Also, in Tales of the Great Beasts, she never, ever bows down before Tellun. Neither do the other Great Beasts . . . ?
“‘You make him sound so serious.’ Anda laughed. ‘I just think of him as my elk. And I’m his boy’” (99). I still think it was definitely a choice to have a leader of the Great Beasts. I also like Anda’s attitude toward Tellun. Less awed, more of a “oh, yeah, ha ha, that happened” type. 
“‘My elk is silly most of the time; I’m not sure why he’s being so serious today . . . ’ . . . ‘Why didn’t you ever tell me you were that important?’” (99). This line makes no sense. Anda knows that the elk he summoned is Tellun, but didn’t realize he was important? What exactly did Tellun tell him?
“Though she and her family had worked through their differences . . . ” (100). When??? It went straight from Abeke’s father saying he didn’t care about her at all to Abeke and her family “making up” at the end of The Evertree. 
“‘They could gossip in the woman’s tent and sip herbal teas together’” (101). Oh, he’s a sexist. Also, if he believes so much in gender roles, how come Anda told Abeke that the men would have loved to go hunting with her? Wouldn’t they have scorned her just like her father?
“‘ . . . I’m closer to my family now than I ever was before I left Okaihee . . . ’” (102). That’s unfortunate. She’s closer, or she’s just learned to put up with their abuse?
“At the sight of his son’s crying, Anda’s father’s face tightened into a frown” (103). Presenting, the manliest masculine manly man, who can’t handle the sight of a guy crying.
Chapter 11
“ . . . Xanthe looked even more like the strange beings that had attacked them . . . ” (105). Can’t tell if Conor is trying to say Xanthe looks like the monsters, or that the monsters look human. 
“ . . . Meilin allowed Xanthe to help her to her feet” (105). She what???
“ . . . the rising air smelled vaguely like the hot stones his mother had once used to warm his bed . . . ” (107). All I could think about reading this was that one scene from the Shadow and Bone show.
“Conor smiled as he imagined [Meilin’s] outraged expression” (108). Conor and Meilin’s relationship is peaking in this series. Said this before, I think, but there are no good Conor-Meilin moments in the first book. At all (in my humble opinion).
“‘Are you scared of heights, Meilin?’” (111). I don’t remember this at all??? I think she was scared of spiders because of the Drina situation and the Webmother, but heights???
“ . . . it seemed some Sadreans had spirit animals, too” (113). Right, but before the Second Devourer War, they would’ve had bonding sickness, right??? Right??? Because they didn’t have access to the Nectar??? Plot hole???
“‘Our man of mystery,’ Meilin said in amazement as she watched Takoda stride forward and introduce himself to the nearby Sadreans. ‘Shy with us and assertive with everyone else’” (114). Yeah, why’s that??? Just pointing it out doesn’t change the fact that it makes no sense.
“‘I’m not afraid of heights, you dummy’” (115). Oh my god, this is too funny.
“By the time they’d stepped onto the city’s rock floor, Conor and Meilin were breathless with laughter” (115). That’s so cute . . . they’re acting twelve again!
This trap system is really cool, it just needs some archers and it’s good to go.
My guess: the screamers fail somehow, and that’s how they get attacked by the Many (I seriously don’t remember anything about this plotline). 
“‘This shows the founding of Erdas’ . . . ‘ . . . become the civilization known as the Hellans’” (121). Where did the Hellans come from??? How do you “found” a whole world???
“ . . . Briggan and Jhi and Uraza were pictured near one another, friends even way back then” (122). Where’s Essix? Also, it’s funny, because in Tales of the Great Beasts, Uraza insults dogs and glorifies cats. Kind of want to know Great Beast Uraza and Great Beast Briggan’s relationship.
“‘He told the Hellans about the danger of the Wyrm and gave us our task . . . ’” (123). Right, but doesn’t Kovo hate humans?
“ . . . ‘the Evertree’s roots withered, and the Wyrm’s egg dropped . . . new roots began to grow where the old had been . . . much weaker than before . . . the fall cracked the egg, allowing small gray parasites . . . to spill out’” (123). I think it’s so interesting how they managed to make the original series’ climax be the cause of this new problem.
Ooooooookay, I was wrong. The screamers did work. 
“His body broke into shudders, and he couldn't make it stop” (126). Conor had a panic attack?
Chapter 12
“Aynar had mapped them a trail that would lead back to the Tellun’s Pride II . . . ” (132). Wait, so, Tellun literally gets stolen in the time it takes to go back the same way they came? Wow. That’s . . . sad.
“‘Anda is scratching the leader of the Great Beasts’” (133). How come nobody had this reaction with the Four Fallen? I mean some did, but Rollan was all “oh yeah, I summoned a Great Beast”, like he wasn’t in awe or anything???
“‘It’s confusing to me, too. It’s Tellun, but he’s not using his boomy voice’” (134). Again, Essix wanting to follow Tellun is so weird. Like, I just think the idea of a leader of the Great Beasts is a stupid idea in general, but whatever.
How did Rollan not see anything in the north, when an attack came so soon after?
“‘But I think he can communicate freely with any animal he meets’” (138). So, Tellun can: turn a desert into a lush forest in a matter of minutes, communicate with any animal he meets, and invoke awe. Is it just me, or are his powers all over the place?
“‘My father and I only started to understand each other recently, but our love was there all along’” (138). Okay, that’s it. Did they just refer to the relationship between Abeke and her father as “loving”?
“He dreamed of Artica, of balancing on an ice floe with Meilin . . . ” (141). Is this a reference to the fact that Fire and Ice is the first book in the series with major Rollan-Meilin moments?
“He recognized this awful pain. Rollan had felt it once before, under a bloodred sky at the end of the world” (142). Wasn’t that bonding sickness caused by the Staff of Cycles? And the bonding sickness is gone now, right???
Ohhhhh, so the bonding sickness comes from the Evertree being sick, and the Evertree is sick again . . . so . . . there’s bonding sickness again???
Chapter 13
“[Kovo] roared” (147). Why’s he just roaring at the Sadreans??? Is he good?
“Each of the elders came forward and did the same, choosing a different part of Kovo to honor . . . ” (148). I do not remember this ritual . . . at all.
“Immediately Jhi was covered in color . . . She looked delighted by it” (148). The elders: *doing an ancient ritual* Jhi: Play time!
“Xanthe scrutinized the panda’s belly, then she, too, threw her arms around Jhi” (149). But she just met Jhi???
“‘This isn’t precisely what I’d call a feast, not exactly,’ Conor said . . . ” (149). Conor being rude? No way . . .
“ . . . or, more distantly, her mother” (152). Her mother died giving birth to her, though???
Huh, Meilin also had a dream about Rollan and her rotting bond.
Jhi can stop noise???
“They’d gotten the high-speed summoning down to a science . . . ” (155). How high-speed, though?
“ . . . Conor managed a wicked grin” (157). Who is this guy?
Wow, Meilin be using the Many like a surfboard.
“ . . . he took her trembling frame fully in his arms” (165). I can’t get a handle on Takoda despite reading a whole-ass chapter from his perspective.
“‘Give her a second!’ Takoda snapped” (165). Honestly, yeah.
“His eyes were a bit too wild. His smile was a bit too stretched” (170). Did the Wyrm change him physically besides the parasite, though?
Chapter 14
“ . . . cruel Gerathon was the one who most often stalked his dreams” (171). Why??? Shouldn’t it be Kovo?
“Gone were the days of allowing Zerif to call the first shot; Abeke gave no warning before letting her arrow fly” (172). Parallels to shooting Zerif in Against the Tide? Also, when had she ever let Zerif call the first shot?
“Anda had started to flee . . . ” (173). So he’s flight out of fight-or-flight.
“‘Tell me, plainsboy, you only just summoned the Great Elk. Have you mastered his dormant state?’” (176). Okay, but Tellun died first, meaning that he was reborn first. So shouldn’t Anda have had enough time??? To learn? In Tales of the Fallen Beasts, Dawson summons Rumfuss into passive, so . . . that means that Anda should’ve also had enough time to learn to summon Tellun. Also, it’s up to the spirit animal, so Tellun can just go into passive if he chooses???
 “ . . . the mysterious figure wore a long, stiff crimson cloak. Even if there hadn’t been a hood hanging low over his head, a curious mask - a single white plate, like one huge scale of a reptile - covered his features. The stranger stride forward fearlessly, the fingers of one leather-gloved hand flexing and unflexing” (179). I love the Redcloaks’ outfit, actually. I love how it manages to cover every part of the body, the body, the face, the hair, and the hands. Also, the masks are supposed to be reminiscent of their spirit animal, right? So how come Shane’s isn’t a crocodile???
“But with one long stride, the red-cloaked stranger was in front of Abeke” (180). Awwwww.
Okay: unpopular opinion (probably . . . ): I don’t like that Anda lost his spirit animal. I think that Shane should’ve showed up earlier to help save Tellun, then disappeared as usual. Anda would’ve joined Rollan and Abeke and it would’ve helped us flesh out Tellun and his powers more. But now, all that’s left are broken relationships.
I get that it was to set up a sense of failure and hopelessness, but instead, the failure could’ve maybe come from letting Anda get so hurt?
Final thoughts and rating:
I really liked the description of Sadre. It was done pretty well. The colors made it seem so foreign, and I like that. The newer Conor-Meilin bond is so good. I don’t remember a single moment in the first series where they had such a moment. I did like Xanthe as a character. Rollan and Abeke’s relationship is amazing in this book as well. Conor getting angry and being rude in some places was something I enjoyed personally, because it shows his development from the last series. Kovo returning, and this time being on the side of the protagonists was an amazing direction to take the story, because it explains how complicated the first arc really was. I really like how mistrustful-but-grudgingly-playing-nice relationship between the group and Kovo was cemented, as well. 
Rollan didn’t really feel like Rollan for parts of the book, and while I get that it’s because he matured, it’s possible to mature a character and still have them be recognizable. I thought Anda losing Tellun was straight up unnecessary. We could’ve finally learned about Tellun’s powers, but instead Tellun gets taken and we don’t. I still don’t understand how the Sadreans had spirit animals without getting the bonding sickness, since they didn’t have access to Nectar. I absolutely despised the way they’ve glorified Abeke’s relationship to her father, and especially after she’d come such a long way to understand that family sometimes wasn’t biological. I also didn’t like that this arc wasn’t even a little foreshadowed in the first arc, though that’s a more minor thing. 
Rating: 9/10
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temporalbystander · 1 year
Have another
Well I'm up way to damn early and, since I can't fall back asleep, how about another theory that occurred to me right before we fell asleep? Now I'm going to say this has spoilers for emotion so if you haven't seen it? Don't read below the line.
So, we all accept that Kagami, Felix and Adrien are sentimonsters right? And as Nathalie showed us, using the miraculous when broken is dangerous and can result in the user's death. This we consider proven by the fact that both Felix's father and Adrien's mother died at around the same time, about a year before the show started. But here's the problem. Either Kagami also lost her father a year ago, something I think would have been brought up by now if that was the case, or her mother was the one to use it. But then why isn't she also dead?
Now, some people think that because Tomoe is blind that that was her price for using the miraculous but that doesn't make sense. We learn from Adrien that the dizzy spells and coughing that Nathalie went through is the same thing Emilie went through before she died. So, despite clearly being accelerated due to the multiple uses of Doosu's power, the process of the deterioration is the same. So, since Kagami's mother shows no signs of dying yet, unfortunately, she either didn't use the miraculous or, something else is at play here.
I have a couple of thoughts on this, each with their own problems.
Theory 1. Kagami has a father who died a year before the show and has never said anything about it. While being the most logical it seems like we really should have heard something about it before now. After all, what happened to Adrien's mother and Felix's father were among the first things we ever learned about the characters.
Theory 2. It's not just the miraculous that's the problem, it's the amok as well. If Tomoe put the ring away somewhere after a simple order of 'always do what your mother commands' it may explain why she didn't feel the effects like the others have. It could also explain why we get a shift in Kagami's personality after Riposte which is the timeframe she would have been given the ring. Or it's just good character development. However I see two problems with this theory. The first is that Nathalie never held onto the amok for long as Mayura. The only confirmed ones we have are Sentibug, when she was already feeling the effects, sentirobustus and Optigami, which she had when already sick. Now you could explain this as her repeatedly using the miraculous but that alone turning a 15 year death sentence into a couple of months seems a stretch. Speaking of which, if the miraculous user can sense amoks, even when not wearing the miraculous then just being near it should be enough to cause trouble. So either this theory is wrong or Tomoe just started her 15 year countdown.
Theory 3. This one makes sense in some regards but absolutely zero in others. It also has two forms, both under the same premise. One user, multiple sentimonsters. If an Akuma can akumatise multiple people through one object, even when they aren't all touching it ala Gang of Secrets, then why can't an amok make two sentimonsters from one object as well? Since we know Adrien's Amok is split between the twin rings why couldn't that split also make Adrien and Felix? After all, I can't be the only one that finds it weird that Adrien is said to be so much like his mother while Felix is cold, calculating, manipulative and willing to destroy the entire world to get what he wants. Sound like anyone else we know? However the problem here is getting Felix's father to be the one to make Kagami, which just seems very weird. Plus, even before he got the miraculous or one of the rings, Gabriel seemed to have no control over him.
Theory 3 b. There has only ever been one creator of Sentikids. Emilie herself. With the death of Felix's father at the same time simply being a coincidence. After all, we've never actually confirmed that the peacock miraculous can only make one amok at a time have we? Unlike an Akuma the connection isn't to the miraculous holder it's with the object so, in theory, there's nothing to say that you couldn't keep pulling feathers from the fan, especially if you detransformed inbetween. Again I see two problems with this theory, the fact that it goes against everything we're shown to be a limit to the powers of the miraculous, and there's no way shadowmoth wouldn't have created an army of the things if that was possible. 
There is a third potential problem of why Emilie would do it for others but I think I can explain that. Firstly I believe Emilie, Amelie and Tomoe were all incapable of having children. Emilie and Amelie due to a genetic condition they share as twins and Tomoe? Well either Tomoe has a similar condition, couldn't find a partner to meet her standards of perfection or didn't want to run the risk of having a child that would share her blindness, again due to her perfectionism. Now it makes sense that Emilie would do such a thing for her twin and that the kids would look similar, they probably wanted the boys to share the same bond they had growing up. But why would Emilie do it for Tomoe? How would either party even know of the others circumstances? Well I think a line in perfection that originally confused me has the answer.
Tumblr media
Hear me out. What if Tomoe was the one that told Gabriel and Emilie about the Miraculous? How would she have known? I'm not sure but as someone so obsessed with an old culture like samurai I can believe her knowing other ancient stories. But then why didn't she go herself? Either she couldn't or didn't trust anyone not to take the power for themselves. So when she heard that Gabriel and Emilie were looking for a way to have a child just like her she told them about the stories and sent them looking under the condition that if they find anything they help her. With that being the case it makes sense why they came back to Paris after HawkMoth showed up. Tomoe wanted to know what was going on and that Gabriel wasn't going back on their deal.
.... God this took me over an hour to write... I'm sorry for wasting your time.
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blufox3542 · 1 year
Out of Context Quotes from my Physics Class
Prof: You gotta remember ROYGBIV. He’s a very colorful cowboy, and you know he’s a cowboy because his name is Roy.
Prof: Can you taste the rainbow?
Me: No!
Prof: What is that the slogan for again?
The Entire Class, all at once: Skittles!
Prof: Why do we have cones in our eyes?
Student: Oh, I know! Red is for danger, green is for food, and water is blue!
Prof: No, but I like that explaination.
Student 1: Don’t shrimp see like, 16 colors?
Me: That’s a rainbow mantis shrimp, and they can punch so hard they evaporate the water around them!
Student 2: Actually it’s the peacock mantis shrimp, and they’re neither a peacock, a mantis, or a shrimp!
Prof: But! Back to the monkeys. I know everyone wants to hear about monkeys.
Student: I am dying to hear about the monkeys.
Student: We all see the same light, but might interpret it differently.
Me: Maybe that’s why some people have such bad fashion!
Me: I tried to explain it to my dad and he was like “time is subjective anyway!”
Prof: If you’re retired maybe.
Prof: I think we all experience the same thing because we all came from our Master Mommy.
Me: Our what?
Prof: Our Master Mommy!
Student: If a baby came out jacked, like if a baby came out how a giraffe comes out, would it be able to walk?
Prof: If you can see ultraviolet light, your ancestors were elves. If you can see infrared, your ancestors were gnomes or dwarves.
Student: What’s the source? I would like to know the source for this.
Prof: What’s the source? The source is, uh, “trust me bro.”
Prof: You guys are one of my three favorite classes!
Student: How many classes do you have?
Prof: Three.
Student: Yeah, I thought so.
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artzychic27 · 1 year
Canceled Akuma Class meets SB & IB Akuma Class
Adrien: *Starting a bus* GET IN! GO GO GO! *The Akuma Class pile in the bus, and Adrien guns it down the road while occasionally hitting mind controlled civilians along the way*
Marinette: So, we’re going to the police station, grabbing all the weapons we can, and taking Marc and Nathaniel down?
Adrien: Not exactly. Here’s the plan- We all tuck our dicks between our legs all scared and shit, leave the city, and never come back! *Everyone nods, so far liking this plan*
Ivan: So we’re just gonna let Marc and Nathaniel have Paris?!
Lila: Yeah. Wasn’t that great, anyway.
Ivan: Where will we go?
Adrien: I know a place.
*They pass by a sign that reads, ‘Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Chat Noir Studio - 70 Miles’*
*Two hours later*
Kim: So, where are we going?
Adrien: The one place Marc and Nathaniel will never find us! A remote studio in Europe where a show called Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir was filmed.
Myléne: Never heard of it.
Adrien: Yeah, it’s not for everybody. Especially the Tumblr critics.
Alix: So instead of fighting for our city, we’re running like a bunch of bitches?! Chloé, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but talk some sense into this guy!
Adrien: Hey, leave her alone! She’s having a hard time after witnessing her mother getting beheaded in front of her.
Chloé: *Celebrating in the back of the bus*
Rose: Guys, we should go back. Maybe Marc and Nathaniel were just having a bad day… When they took over Paris and put our friends and family under their control.
Nino: Hey, I’m for going back, too! I didn’t have time to pack a suitcase full of my best CDs!
Sabrina: Guys, there’s no going back. The place is remote, and no one will ever think to go there. And I’m sure those losers would love to take us in.
*Meanwhile in Canon Paris*
Canon!Kim: *Looks up from his phone* … Didn’t we get cancelled?
Canon!Sabrina: Yeah, weren’t we all caught in some fiery explosion?
Canon!Chloé: No, we got killed by aliens, because why should The Sopranos have the worst series finale?
Canon!Lila: Uh, I remember coming back from the future and saving everyone-
Canon!Marinette: Lila, you didn’t save jack shit, you lying son of a bitch! God, it feels good to finally curse.
Canon!Lila: Yes I did! And two nerds wrote fanfiction about it!
Canon!Juleka: Yeah… That’s not canon, Lila.
Canon!Nathaniel: Off-topic, if I dip my old sneakers in bronze, can I sell them on Etsy? *Everyone looks at him weirdly* What? We got cancelled and I need cash!
Canon!Alya: Uh… Off-topic again, who are those guys? *Points to the SB & IB Akuma class*
Canon!Alix: … Oh, this looks like the most unnecessary crossover ever.
SB&IB!Nino: So, I’m guessing you’re all wondering why we’re here.
Canon!Nino: Yeah, and I’ve got a question… *Points to SB&IB!Nino’s sneakers* WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOSE?!
SB&IB:Juleka: Right. This show came out in 2015. Expect a lot of these jokes, people.
SB&IB!Marinette: Anyway, we’re kind of in trouble. See, we’re your cooler, more fashionable counterparts who saved- well, replaced, you and your dying show.
Canon!Marinette: Not off to a good start.
SB&IB!Marinette: And our Nathaniel turned out to be a villain and took over our Paris.
Canon!Nathaniel: I did what?!
SB&IB!Kim: Yeah, you and Marc have the butterfly and peacock miraculous, it was a whole thing where they made a mind control amok that we managed to escape from. To sum things up, we’re all sorta wanted criminals now.
Canon!Akuma Class: …
Canon!Ivan: Honestly, after everything that’s happened before we got canceled, this isn’t so weird.
Canon!Nathaniel: Can we talk about how Marc and I are villains?! Do we at least have cool outfits?
SB&IB!Marinette: Badass outfits.
Canon!Nathaniel: Alright! I’m good.
SB&IB!Alix: So, until we find the courage to quit acting like scared little shits, we’d like to hide here since no one in their right mind would ever come here. Because your show fucking sucked.
Canon!Lila: Wow. And I thought I was mean.
Canon!Adrien: And just for that, I’m not so sure I want you guys staying here.
SB&IB!Marinette: Wanna say that again, Mr. High Road? *High fives SB&IB!Adrien*
Canon!Adrien: Hey! I’m helping now! Or… I was.
SB&IB!Marinette: *Scoffs* Yeah, after like two seasons.
Canon!Nino: Hey! Don’t talk to my bro like that!
SB&IB!Marinette: Kiss my ass, 80s TMNT knockoff! *Pushes Canon!Nino into a wall*
Canon!Nino: Big mistake. We got a Marinette, too!
*Canon!Marinette tackles SB&IB!Marinette to the floor and the two proceed to fight, leading to an all out brawl between Canon and SB&IB while Nathaniel just stands and watches*
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Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down the top 5 moments from my grandfather's funeral!
Number 5 - The length of the ceremony
I got into that building, and I've never been to a funeral before, so I was ready to be there for about an hour. The pastor got up, read about 2 or 3 bible verses and just kind of... walked away. Whole thing was about 5 minutes. It was so short that the funeral director hadn't even come back inside yet after preparing the hearse. After the ceremony he was supposed to formally call the pallbearers (me and my cousins) to the front. Instead my dad just had to do it, and we all got up, very confused.
Number 4 - The carrying of the casket
As my cousins and I grabbed the casket to carry it out, we quickly realized that the aisle of seats that had been set up, was incredibly narrow. On my side, I had about 3 inches of space between the casket and seats, so I just kind of started to squeeze by. At this point, the funeral director came back in, saw us struggling, told us to step out of the way. The casket was essentially on a gurney, so most of us stepped out of the building, while my cousin pushed the casket out from the back.
Number 3 - The loud music next door
Prior to the service, my mom and I went to the hotel to set up for the reception, where there was an extremely loud event going on in the next room. They said it was supposed to end at 2pm (around the time of the reception), but that it had been going all morning. I'm not sure what the actual event was, but they just had a lot of very loud music. When we arrived, the event was still ongoing, although the hotel had asked them to keep it down a bit. After making conversation for a bit, my dad finally stood up and gave everybody a chance to tell stories about my grandad. Just as he was about to speak, the music SWELLED and we had to ask the staff if they could get them to turn it down.
Number 2 - Grammy meeting her great-grandson
My cousin just had his first child, and this was the first time that he'd been able to see our grandmother since the baby was born. It was really sweet to see my 87 year old Grammy with her 8-month old great-grandson.
Honorable Mentions
Blue Hair - About 2 months ago, I dyed my hair bright blue. I thought that it might be seen as inappropriate, so before I flew to my parents, I decided to get a haircut. What I didn't know was that my parents had been prepping everybody for my hair, and it turned out my family had actually been really excited to see it, including my grandmother, who said she would have loved it since blue was grandad's school color. Also apparently one of my aunt's got mad at my mom because she thought my parents made me get it cut.
Divorce - My other aunt apparently was telling people her husband couldn't come because he had work. They have in fact been divorced for almost 3 years, and he has since remarried and has step-kids. My aunt did not tell anybody in our family that she would be lying about this to people who didn't know. My mom mentioned it to my dad's cousin, and is now worried my aunt will blame her for spilling the beans on the divorce.
Number 1 - The visit with Grammy after
Me and my cousin went to stay with Grammy after the reception to spend the night with her, and help around the house a bit. We successfully managed to change the password for her Peacock account so she can watch her soap operas, and after Grandad's death, she's finally confronting her mild hoarding problem and let us throw out 2 trash bags full of junk. She also revealed that after Trump was elected, she switched parties and now votes Democrat, which I was surprised at. Despite her long, rambling stories, and terrifying habit of refusing to use her walker, it was a nice trip... right until we were about to leave and she looked at my cousin's nose stud, and then asked me, "Do you think she's r******d?"
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agirldying · 2 years
digesting early childhood trauma pt. 3
another facet of my childhood i often overlook is my parents. this one's a little long because there's a lot of tea about my dad and i haven't really thought about this before.
lets start with my dad - when i was younger we used to be much closer and we'd play games and have fun together, i used to sit inside a tote bag and he would swing it in the air from side to side and i would scream and laugh, i remember he'd spin me around in the pool and stuff. but every time i cried it would set him off. he would accuse me of "making a scene" and would yell me to stop crying.
i have always been absolutely 100% horrible at doing math so my dad would sit down in the dining room and do math homework with me. but i got wrong answers all the time and he was very impatient and would shout "No!" like the answer was so obvious and i was avoiding it on purpose or something. it made me feel even more insecure about math and every time i guessed my answer i would say it very timidly in fear of being yelled at. especially if i kept getting the answer wrong, i'm pretty sure he would just get up and walk away if not just scoff at me. i really feel like this experience made it really hard for me to even attempt to do my homework at home, so i got used to doing it all at school if not in my bedroom, and at this point i pretty much do all of my homework in my room.
my dad is also very opinionated and stubborn, so as i grew up and entered teenhood, him and i butted heads a lot and got into arguments and even screaming matches at times. i remember one time, not sure how old i was but imma guess i was maybe 11 or 12? i also don't remember what led up to it but all i remember is being in the living room with my dad and he was all up in my face yelling at me, and i decided to put my foot down and yell back, at which point he threatened to throw my phone in the garbage so i stopped.
then when i was about 16 or so we only got into more arguments as our political views drifted farther apart (he's a republican im pretty sure? thankfully not a trumpie though). one time a family friend made a facebook post making fun of emotional support animals on flights where a guy pulled up with sort of like a rolling bar of alcohol and was like "this is my emotional support bar" or some shit. so i commented and was like "wtf is this ableist shit" and then she was like "omg how dare you swear at me on my own facebook post i'm contacting your father right now" so i was like oh great. soon enough my dad storms in and yells at me about how you can forge a doctor's note to allow an ESA on the flight and how people bring peacocks and pigs on the flight and how that one girl flushed her hamster down the toilet at the airport or something and was overall just trying to say that emotional support animals are just a euphemism for pets you want to bring with you everywhere. and at that point i knew that there's no arguing with my dad so i just sat there quietly until he started repeating his points so i said "you said that already" and then he mimicked me and said it back to me and then stormed out.
he also used to say a ton of fucked up shit to us at dinner like how he believed transgender people were no different than transracial people or whatever and that black people in hoodies should realize they're suspicious and that he as a musician reserves the right to refuse to perform at gay weddings because watching them kiss makes him uncomfortable or whatever his stupid reason was. also after one of my friends died by suicide he tried reassuring me by saying she was going to die that way regardless. so him spouting all this stupid stuff really deeply strained our relationship but i never said that outright because i figured he was dying on those hills.
at one point i told my therapist about how i'm not close with my dad and don't even care about that and she scheduled a session to mediate between my dad and i. basically it was good in that she allowed us to take turns talking without interrupting each other but the whole point was to be closer and do more things together after the session but that quickly fell through.
so because of all this my dad and i are really not close at all, in fact his perception of me seems to be from when i was 13, even though i'm 22 now. like he thinks that my autism is like a personality trait to me and that my only interest/skill is with technology. and while he now also knows i'm a poet because my parents attended my publication party, that's still virtually all he knows about me and i'm honestly happy with that. i don't really feel like he deserves to really know me after how he treated me growing up.
that being said my dad has changed a lot since and while he still has a lot of bigoted and far-right opinions on shit he's much more considerate especially since i came out as trans (even though he sent me a letter back saying he basically rejected that idea but would call me a nickname of my birthname instead of my birthname). i think he understands that i'm an adult now so i'm going to disagree with him and he's just going to have to accept that.
i also will mention that because he struggled with money growing up, he financially supports me to the point that i haven't worked more than a month in my life. i have an allowance of $60/week and it's livable for me because i don't ask for much, i'm not materialistic really at all, and anything school or food-related is reimbursed, generally speaking. i am privileged to live like that but the con is that i have an extremely poor work ethic and i have a hard time understanding the true worth of money when it's given to me for free. it's hard to even want to break the cycle and get a job knowing i get the equivalent of a paycheck from doing nothing. it makes me feel ill-adapted to the responsibilities of adulthood and it seems like my parents didn't expect that. i know they just want me to not have to worry about having enough money but i honestly wish they gave me less.
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potionboy3 · 2 years
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Character profile
► basics; Full Name: Valentin Raphael Hartford Birthday: 25th August 1965 Pronouns: he/him Sexual Orientation: bi Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Blood Status: pureblood Nationality: English
► personality; Personality type: INTJ Personality: Often times vain and a bit of know it all. Also very charming and wants to do the right thing always.
► magical info; Wand: Beech wood with a dragon heartstring core, 11 ½ and unbending flexibility
The true match for a beech wand would be, if young, wise beyond their years, and if full-grown, rich in understanding and experience. Beech wands performed very weakly for the narrow-minded and intolerant. Such wizards and witches, having obtained a beech wand without having been suitably matched (yet coveting this most desirable, richly hued and highly prized wand wood), had often presented themselves at the homes of learned wandmakers, demanding to know the reason for their handsome wand's lack of power. When properly matched, the beech wand was capable of a subtlety and artistry rarely seen in any other wood, hence its lustrous reputation.
Patronus: Pheasant
Pheasants are noble birds known for their beautiful plumage. They are regal and often symbolize virtue and refinement. Unlike peacocks, they make no show of their feathers but hold themselves to a high standard of etiquette in all situations. They can be a bit proud, which might lead to trouble, but deep down, they care greatly for family and comfort.
Patronus Memory: when Harker laughed for the first time Boggart: Juno dying during a job or during the war Specialized/Favourite Spells:  Expelliarmus
► background;
Place of Birth: London Home: flat in London near the ministry Pre-Hogwarts: Valentin spent his childhood in his family's home on the country side. He aspired to become an auror since young age admiring his uncle. His parents were strict but loving and he had a good relationship with his sister. Their family was safe during The First Wizarding War because of his father staying so neutral, but they did have to cut ties with his favourite uncle who was more vocal for few years there which disappointed him greatly and made him want to become an auror even more so he could take actions. 
► physical;
Faceclaim: Lauri Tilkanen Eye Color: blue Hair Color: brown Height: 178cm
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► story;
Valentin started school during The  First Wizarding War but felt fairly safe in Hogwarts. He did want to follow his uncle's example and become an auror when graduates so he could take more actions on the matter and in general protect people. He spent his school years trying to reach the goal. He was hardworking but still had time to become popular in school. After graduating he applied for the auror program and got in easily. On the program he met  Juno Creed. The two solved a tough case on their first trial run and after that it was settled that the two would be work partners.
He never wanted a family but after working for sometime  he was met with a surprise when one of this one night stands greeted him with a baby. Valentin thought of giving his son up for adoption but in the end after spending time with baby Harker, he decided against it and became a single father with a very busy job. During the second wizarding war: Valentin’s fought against the ministry falling during the start of the war but after it eventually happened, it led to his uncle’s death. He was shocked and scared but pretend to be neutral about it to keep his family and his muggleborn boyfriend Juno Creed safe. Juno had to disappear from the ministry and Valentin stayed behind in hopes of keeping at least some things in order. He secretly worked with the Order Of Phoenix and took part on the actual war fighting later. 
► relatives;
Son: Harker Hartford Born 1989, Harker came with a name. He was 4 months old and had the token blue eyes that ran in the family. Valentin raised him and the two are very close. Harker thinks of his father as a hero, although he grew up to be very different from him. Harker is more shy and lives head in the clouds. He wants to be a poet one day. Harker is eventually sorted into Hufflepuff like his father. Face claim: William Franklyn Miller
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Father: Gilbert Hartford
Valentin is closer with his uncle than his father. Gilbert  works in the ministry but he is on the international side and travels a lot and the two never formed a close relationship due to that but do get along fine but don't often have deep conversations. His father doesn't always understand his life choices. During the first war, Gilbert stayed neutral publicly but was gone on international war business for the most of it. Valentin hated this and saw his father as a bit of a  coward, wishing to be more like his uncle who took actions. It was only during the Second Wizarding War, when he had his own son that he started to see why his father made the choices he did and could relate to it. Face claim: Dougray Scott
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Mother: Calla Hartford Calla is a hardworking and ambitious woman. She was always supportive of Valentin's dream of becoming an auror and wasn't so glad when she found out about Valentin's son. She thought that he was wasting his dream, starting a family right when his career was starting to take off but in the end, just like her son, she fell in love with the child and also often took care of him. She used to work as a secretary on the auror office but later quit her job there and now writes a column for The Daily Prophet from home.
Face claim: Lisa Chappell
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 Sister: Ursula Hartford Ursula is Valentin's younger sister, a very social hufflepuff woman who's working as a secretary in the auror office. She knows all the gossip going around the office. They siblings very different from each other but have always gotten along well. Valentin is protective of Ursula. She is also the godmother of his son Harker and often takes care him when Valentin is busy with his job. Face claim: Lindsay Heather Pearce
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Uncle: Raphael Hartford
Raphael, is Valentin's biggest hero and also his boss at the auror department in the ministry. Raphael was famous for his cases and loyal to his job. He and Valentin were always close and he loved him like his own son. Raphael was strict but had a good sense of humor and a talent for eye rolling and gently judging his workers personal life choices,  but in the end he was always a fair boss and very professional. During The First Wizarding War Raphael was vocally against Voldemort, not enjoying the changes that were happening in the world around him and he got in a lot of trouble for it with the death eaters. He died during The Second Wizarding War after he publicly disagreed with what was happening in the ministry after it fell under Voldemort’s will. Valentin saw this happening and it shook him to his core and forced him to make different choices in order to protect the rest of the family and his loved ones. He had no choice but claim he didn’t agree with Raphael and feared that the man died disappointed in him. Raphael never had children or a wife. 
Face claim: Dylan McDermott
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Pets: Juno and Valentin adopted a crup called Hope before the war
► relationships; Love interests: Juno Creed Juno and Valentin went to school at the same time. Valentin didn't remember Juno from the school years, being so "busy" and popular himself. They didn't get along at all at first when paired up for their job, being very different from each other but after working together in many cases, they became good friends and later boyfriends. Juno also became a big part on Harker’s life and eventually helped Valentin raising him.
Things got dark and complicated during The Second Wizarding War for the two. Juno being muggleborn got him in trouble and he had to leave the ministry. Valentin stayed behind and tried to work on the situation from the inside. They also worked with the Order Of Phoenix- Face claim: Hayden Christensen
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Clea Malfoy
Clea and Valentin had  a one night stand that never really grew into anything real. She did end up pregnant and gave birth to their son Harker. She didn't want to stay in the picture and left the baby for Valentin's care so he could make the decision for himself if he wants to keep the baby or not. She was not part of either one's life until later... Face claim: Deborah Ann Woll
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Friends & Dormmates: Up for some friends and dormmates! (Goes to school: 1976-1982, basically during the first wizarding war...)
Allegiances: Hufflepuff house, Aurors, the ministry of magic, Order Of Phoenix Enemies: Voldemort, death eaters, criminals
 ► misc;
Hobbies & Extracurriculars: duelling club Favourite Subject: defense against the dark arts, charms Professions: Auror
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‘Beloved Osho, what is this urge to do something, to create? To free your message, your word, unto the world? I feel like I am in a hurry and that all the people in the commune have the same feeling. It is as if there is no time left, as if any day, this very moment, can be the last moment. Am I dying? I am exploding each and every moment. What is that? What is this urge? Please say something for this thirst.’ Sarjano, man is dying, mankind is dying. And in fact there is not much time left. And this is felt not only here around the commune, it is felt everywhere by sensitive, intelligent, creative people. Only the mediocre are unaware of it; only the politicians go on rushing into the danger, the calamity, that awaits, totally unaware where they are going and where they are leading the world. But people of sensitivity, awareness, meditativeness, people of the heart, are everywhere feeling that the danger is very close, that mankind can commit suicide any moment, that the future was never so uncertain as it is today, that the tomorrow may really never come. These are moments of great turmoil, but they can become of great creativity too. When one is encountering death, one can bring one’s total potential into manifestation. When there is no time left you cannot postpone. Hence the hurry. When death is very imminent, life flares up to the optimum. And that is what is happening to all creative people around the world, and more so around this commune, because my whole approach is such that only the very creative ones will be attracted to it. I teach sensitivity. Down the ages, religions have been teaching just the opposite—how to become insensitive—because the more insensitive you are the more you can remain aloof, distant, detached. Because it was thought that to attain to God one has to renounce the world, it was a natural consequence, a logical consequence, that one should learn how to be more and more insensitive to beauty, to music, to love, to people, to life itself. In the past, religion has been teaching people how to be unintelligent, because sensitivity and intelligence go together, insensitivity and stupidity go together. Your so-called saints are not intelligent people at all, but you have worshipped them. And you have worshipped them for the wrong reason—because they were insensitive, because they had dulled their consciousness, because they had grown thick skin around themselves. The spring will come but they will remain unaffected, the clouds will gather and they will remain unaffected. The peacock will dance but they will remain unaffected, the night sky will be full of stars but they will be completely unaware of it. That was the whole discipline in the past: how to become like a rock, so that the world cannot overpower you. It was a kind of paranoia, it was based in fear. I teach you just the opposite: be sensitive, be alert, be loving, be sensuous—because God is not against the roseflower, God is in it. If you can sensuously feel the velvetyness of the rose you have touched God himself. God is not against the stars and the sun and the moon, he is in them. If you can allow them to enter into your being, if you allow them to stir your heart, if you can allow them to drive you crazy in a dance of joy and celebration, you will be coming closer and closer to home. I teach sensitivity, I teach love. The people who have gathered around me have a totally different quality to them. This is not an ordinary ashram, it is a commune of creators—artists, painters, singers, musicians. All kinds of talented people have come to me; only they can understand what I am saying. People understand according to their own inner capabilities. I may say one thing, you may understand something else. Communication is not easy, language is not adequate, and you will understand only that for which you have come. I have gathered around me a special kind of people. Hence this urge will be felt by almost everybody, that something has to be done. First, it will be a very very vague kind of feeling, just a silent voice within your being, heard yet not heard, understood yet not understood… a whisper, not very clear, a little muddy, not very transparent. In the beginning this is bound to be so. You will hear it like a song: it will be more poetry than prose, it will come to you like dreams, visions. Slowly slowly the unconscious will be able to communicate to the conscious. And that’s what meditation is all about: learning the way to bridge the unconscious with the conscious, so that your own being can give you indications where to move, where to go, so that you don’t need a leader, so that you become a guide to yourself, so that you can become a light unto yourself. Sarjano, you are not dying, but this will be felt like that because you are part of humanity and humanity is dying. All that is human is disappearing, and all that is inhuman is becoming more and more dominating and powerful. Man is being reduced to a machine, and mechanical values are becoming dominant. The artist is not respected, but the technician is. Poetry is not loved, but plumbing is. The dancer is no more in the center of life, but the businessman, the bureaucrat, the politician are. All that is beautiful is becoming irrelevant to man, because that which is beautiful cannot be used as a means to anything. That which is beautiful is an end unto itself. You cannot use poetry in war; you will need the scientist, not the poet. And you cannot use musicians in the marketplace; there you will need economists. This whole life is geared around wrong things. Money is more important than meditation. This is a very topsy-turvy situation: man is standing on his head. Man is dying, and the death is very slow. And remember, when death is very fast you can avoid it, because you become intensely aware of it. When it comes very very slow, a slow poisoning… For example, a person goes on smoking every day. All the experts go on saying that this is dangerous to you, that this will kill you, but he smokes every day and it doesn’t kill him! So you may write it on every packet of cigarettes—nobody bothers about your warnings that ‘This is harmful to health,’ that ‘This is harmful to life.’ Who cares?—because experience says something else! You smoke every day, dozens of cigarettes, and you don’t die and you have not died yet. You believe in your experience. The poison is very very slow: if a person goes on smoking one dozen cigarettes every day, then it will take twenty years to poison the whole system. Now, twenty years is a long time, and man has a very very short vision, he is shortsighted. The world is being poisoned very slowly. The rivers are being polluted, the oceans are being polluted, the lakes are dying. Nature is being destroyed. We are exploiting the earth so much that sooner or later we will not be able to live on it. We are not behaving well with nature. Our whole approach is wrong, it is destructive. We only take from the earth, and we never give anything back. We only exploit nature. The ecology is broken, the circulation is broken; we are not living in a perfect circle, and nature is a perfect circle: if you take from one hand and you give from another, you don’t destroy it. But we are doing it: we only go on taking, and all the resources are being spent. But this poisoning is happening slowly, slowly. You don’t see it happening because it takes a long time. And then there are politicians who go on gathering more and more atomic weapons—more atom bombs, more hydrogen bombs, super-hydrogen bombs—as if man has decided to commit suicide. This is what is being felt by you, Sarjano. You have the heart of a poet or the heart of a painter, the heart of a lover. You have immense potential for creativity. You are sensitive, hence you are feeling it. But the feeling is as if ‘I am dying.’ No, not you—something far more important is happening, something far more dangerous too. Individuals have always died, it is not a problem. It is, in fact, part of recycling. Your body goes back to the sources to be renewed, your being moves back into the eternal to be rested, and then you come back again, fresh, young. Life tires, life exhausts, death is a rest. For the individual, death is a blessing—but not for humanity itself; then it is a curse. Individuals go on dying and they go on coming back. But humanity is needed for them to come back. This earth is a beautiful planet and it is in the wrong hands. Hence you are feeling that something is to be done very urgently. Yes, it is urgent, because death is coming closer. This century’s end is going to see either the total destruction of humanity, and with it the total destruction of life on this earth, or a new man being born—a new man who will not hate life, as in the past it has been done; a new man who will love life; a new man who will not be negative in any way, but will be affirmative; a new man who will not desire life after death, but will live moment to moment in sheer joy—who will think of this life as a gift and not as a punishment; who will not be antagonistic to the body, who will respect the body as the temple of the soul; who will love, and who will not be afraid of love; who will move in all kinds of relationships and yet be able to remain himself. To be in relationship and become dependent is the sign of weakness. And to escape to the Himalayas or to some Catholic monastery because of the fear of becoming dependent is again the sign of weakness; it is cowardly. To live in relationship and yet remain independent, that is what courage is. The new man will be courageous. In the past, only two kinds of cowards have existed on the earth, the worldly kind and the otherworldly kind—but both are cowards. The really brave man will live in the world and yet not be of it. Either this is going to happen, or a total destruction. Now there is no third alternative. Man cannot survive as he is. Either he has to change himself, transmute himself, or he has to die and vacate the earth. This is what is felt, this is why you are in such a hurry. That’s why I am in such a hurry. My sannyasins can be the new man, my sannyasins can herald the new age. Hence my sannyasins are going to be opposed by all past-oriented people: by Hindus, by Christians, by Mohammedans, by Jainas, by Buddhists—by almost everybody. They are going to be opposed, and that is natural because we are trying to bring a new future in. To bring that new future we will have to destroy the past, because unless the past ceases to exist, the future cannot come into existence. The past has to die. We have to drop our clinging with the past. What does it mean when you say that ‘I am a Hindu’? It means you cling to a certain past tradition. What do you mean when you say that ‘I am a Mohammedan’? You cling to something past. But when you say, ‘I am a sannyasin, a neo-sannyasin,’ you don’t cling to any past. Your eyes are focused on the future. Your roots are in the present and your branches are moving towards the future. Then the past is irrelevant. I want you to remember it again and again that the past has to be made irrelevant. You have to cut yourself off from the past. You say, Sarjano, ‘What is this urge to do something?’ Yes, something has to be done. You have to give birth to yourself, and you have to prepare the way for the new man. ‘What is this urge to do something, to create? to free your message, your word, unto the world?’ Yes, it has to be shouted from the housetops, it has to be hammered—because people are deaf, people are blind, they will not hear what is being said to them. Just the other day, Neeraj sent me a beautiful parable from Pierre Delattre’s Tales of a Dalai Lama. In this beautiful book comes this parable: All the monks had seen the spirit come out of the wall long enough to utter just one word. But each monk had heard a different word. The event is immortalized in this poem: The one who wanted to die heard LIVE. The one who wanted to live heard DIE. The one who wanted to take heard GIVE. The one who wanted to give heard KEEP. The one who was always alert heard SLEEP. The one who was always asleep heard WAKE. The one who wanted to leave heard STAY. The one who wanted to stay, DEPART. The one who never spoke heard PREACH. The one who always preached heard PRAY. Each one learned how he had been in someone else’s way. What I am saying has to be conveyed to as many people as possible, and as fast as possible. Use all modern media to reach as many people as possible. Still, be aware that it is very difficult to communicate. It is almost an impossibility to communicate; still it has to be done. Even if fragments of what I am saying are understood, it will be enough to create the field, the energy field, in which the new man can be conceived. Even if people misunderstand it… it is better to understand the truth, but even if the truth is misunderstood it is better than a lie. Something of the truth will remain in the misunderstanding too. And truth is a potential power, a great power. Even if a fragment, just a seed of truth, falls into your heart, sooner or later you will become the garden of Eden. It cannot be avoided. Just a drop, and the whole ocean will find its way towards you. Sarjano, it has to be done. You have to create my message in as many forms as possible. Compose music, play on the guitar or on the flute, because it is easier to stir the heart of the people, to wake it up through music than through words. Dance, but dance in a new way so your dance becomes a teaching of meditation. Dance in such a way that the one who looks at you starts feeling that it is not only a dance but something more, something plus; so that he starts feeling the vibe of meditation that is happening inside you. Paint: paint pictures which can become objects of meditation, paint pictures of the inner sky of buddhas. The modern painting is pathological. If you look at Picasso’s paintings you cannot look long, you will start feeling uneasy. You cannot have Picasso paintings in your bedroom, because then you will have nightmares. If you meditate on a Picasso painting long enough you will go mad, because those paintings are out of Picasso’s madness. Go to Ajanta, Ellora, Khajuraho, Konark, and you will see a totally different world of creativity. Looking at the statue of a buddha, something in you starts falling in tune. Sitting silently with a buddha statue, you start becoming silent. The very posture, the very shape, the face, the closed eyes, the silence that surrounds a marble statue will help you to get connected with your own inner sources of silence. Gurdjieff used to say that there are two kinds of art. One he used to call objective art, and the other he used to call subjective art. Subjective art is absolutely private, personal. Picasso’s art is subjective art; he is simply painting something without any vision for the person who will see it, without any idea of the person who will look at it. He is simply pouring out his own inner illness; it is helpful for himself, it is therapeutic. I am not saying that Picasso should stop painting, because if he stops painting he is bound to go mad. It is painting that is keeping him sane; his painting is like vomiting. When you have eaten something wrong, when you have a food poisoning, vomiting is the most healthy way to throw the toxins, the poisons, outside the system; it will help. Picasso’s paintings are like vomiting. He is suffering from many illnesses, all the illness that humanity is suffering from. He simply represents humanity, he is very representative. He represents the whole madness that is happening in millions of people. He is a sensitive soul; he has become so attuned with the pathology of mankind that it has become his own pathology. Hence the appeal of his paintings, otherwise they are ugly. Hence his great name—because he deserves it, he represents the age. This is Picasso’s age: what you cannot say about yourself, he has said it. What you cannot pour out of yourself, he has poured it on the canvas. But it is a subjective phenomenon. It is therapeutic to him, but it is dangerous to everybody else. The ancient art was not only art; it was, deep down, mysticism. Deep down, it was out of meditation. It was objective, in Gurdjieff’s terminology. It was made so that if somebody meditates over it, he starts falling into those depths where God lives. Khajuraho or Konark—if you meditate there, you will know what the Tantra masters were doing. They were creating in stone something that is felt in the ultimate orgasmic joy. It was the most difficult thing to do, to bring ecstasy into the stone. And if the stone can show the ecstasy, then everybody can move into that ecstasy easily. But people who go to Khajuraho are foolish people. They look either at Khajuraho sculpture as obscene—then they miss the whole point, then they are seeing something which is within their own unconscious; or they are too moralistic—then they don’t meditate on any statues, they are in a hurry to get out of the temple somehow, they just throw glances. Khajuraho sculpture is not just to see, it is for meditation. Sit silently and meditate for hours. If one goes to Khajuraho, one should live at least for three months there, so he can meditate on each possible inner posture of orgasmic joy. And then, slowly slowly, the at-onement, slowly slowly, the harmony; then suddenly you are transported into another world—the world of those mystics who created this temple. This is objective art. So too is the Taj Mahal. On a fullmoon night, if you sit silently by the side of it, not being bothered about the history of the Taj Mahal and who created it and why—those are all nonsense, irrelevant facts, they don’t matter: Shah Jahan and his beloved, and his memory of his beloved, he created it… Don’t be bothered by the guides; tip them before they start torturing you, and get rid of them! Shah Jahan has nothing to do with the Taj Mahal, in fact. Yes, he created it, he created it as a memorial for his wife, but he is not the essential source of it. The essential source is in the Sufi way of life, it is in Sufism. Basically it was created by Sufi masters; Shah Jahan was just instrumental. The Sufi masters have created something of immense value. If you silently sit in the full moon night just looking at the Taj Mahal, sometimes with open eyes and sometimes with closed eyes, slowly slowly you will feel something that you have never felt before. Sufis called it ZIKR, remembrance of God. The beauty of the Taj Mahal will remind you of those realms from where all beauty, all benediction comes. You will become attuned with the Sufi way of remembering God: beauty is God. Sarjano, don’t try to repress this urge. Create in any way that suits you. My message has to be delivered in all possible mediums. In the new commune we are going to have many guilds. The sculptors will have their own guild and they will sculpt, and the poets will have their own guild, and the painters and the carpenters and the dancers and the musicians and the novelists and the filmmakers. All possible media have to be used to approach as many people as possible, to approach as many different kinds of people as possible—because one who can understand poetry may not understand prose, and one who can understand music may not understand painting, and one who can understand sculpture may not understand poetry. And the message is so important because the whole future of humanity depends on it. Nowhere else is the experiment being done on such a great scale. There is no other community on the whole earth which is working in such a way as this commune. This is the greatest therapeutic center in the world now. We need a great therapeutic center so that the modern mind can be helped to vomit, cathart all that has gone wrong in it. Then we will need creators. And once somebody has catharted and thrown out all that is wrong, a great urge will arise in him to create. Once pathology disappears, everybody becomes a creator. Let it be understood as deeply as possible: only ill people are destructive. The people who are healthy are creative. Creativity is a kind of fragrance of real health. When a person is really healthy and whole, creativity comes naturally to him, the urge to create arises. This urge is being felt by many just like you, Sarjano. Do something for it—and whatsoever you do is good. Follow your own urge, don’t distort it. In the beginning it will remain vague, but if you follow it, soon it will become clear, more and more clear. And if you start doing something about it, things will become very clear very soon. There are many things which become clear only when you do something about them. For example, the poet is never really aware of the poetry unless he has written it. It remains a very vague cloudy phenomenon. Once he writes it down it starts taking shape, form; it becomes crystallized into words. No painter is ever able to say anything about what he wants to paint, unless he has painted it. It is said that the best way to learn is to teach. And I agree with it, because what you want to learn you will not be really clearly aware of unless you start teaching it. In the future, education will have that dimension. My own vision is that each student should be given an opportunity to teach too. The students who are reading and studying for their master’s degree should be allowed to go to lower classes to teach; those who are working for their bachelor’s degree, they should be allowed to teach the lower classes. Every student should be a teacher also, and vice versa. Every teacher once in a while should sit with the students and start learning again. Each teacher once in a while should be a student, and each student once in a while should be a teacher too. This difference between the teacher and the taught has to be dissolved; the teacher and the taught are part of one process. And the same is true about other phenomena. The therapist and the patient—the therapist should not remain always a therapist, once in a while he should lie down on the couch and let the patient be the therapist and he becomes the patient. And immense will be the benefit out of it. The patient will learn many things that he was not able to learn while he was functioning as a patient: by becoming the therapist, by trying to solve the problem of the therapist—because now the therapist is the patient—he will be able to see many things more clearly. And the therapist as a patient will be able to see more clearly the problem, the anxiety, the anguish of the patient, because he will be standing in the shoes of the patient; now he will know where it pinches. The therapist and the patient should not be divided, they should become part of one team. It is a therapy team, and sometimes the therapist plays the role of the patient and sometimes the patient plays the role of the therapist—the roles are interchangeable and so on and so forth. A couple making love… the man should not always remain the man, and the woman should not always remain the woman. Sometimes the man should be the wife, passive, and the woman should be the husband, active; they should change roles. The husband and wife should not remain frozen, they should be more melting: once in a while the wife should play the active role, take initiative making love, and the husband should be just passive, receptive. Love will have a greater richness that way than it has today. In fact all frozen roles have to be by and by dissolved. Life has to become more liquid. So do whatsoever you can do, and by doing it, you will know what was the urge. Be articulate, try to convey the message, and don’t be afraid. A great fear arises when you are trying to deliver something immensely valuable; great fear arises, one starts feeling nervous. There is no need to feel nervous, because it is nothing to do with you. The urge is coming from the innermost sources of your being, it is divine. You are in the hands of God; be instrumental, you need not be worried. You need not be proud if something good happens, you need not be ashamed if something goes wrong. Surrender both right and wrong unto the feet of God, and be free of your self-consciousness—because if you are not free of your self-consciousness you will never really be a creator in my sense of the word. The real creator has no self. The real creation comes out of no-self, the real creation comes out of inner emptiness. When one is utterly empty, one is full of God. Not to be is the way for God to enter you. If you are too much, he is not there. If you are not, only he is there. And creativity is part of the creator. No man ever creates; it is always God who creates. Hence the poet while he is creating is divine, and the painter while he is painting is divine. The only thing: if he is self-conscious then God is not there, then whatsoever he will do will be subjective art. But if he is not there, if he is drowned in painting, completely lost, has forgotten himself and there is no self-consciousness, there is no ego, then God is there. When you find a painter painting, utterly lost, linger around. God is very close by—far more close than you will find him in the temples, in the mosques, in the churches. When a singer is singing, sit by the side. Feel, God is very close by. When somebody is playing on the flute, hide behind a tree and listen, and you will be able to see something, something that is not of this world, something that is of the beyond. Creativity is always from the beyond.
Osho (The Book of Wisdom)
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meret118 · 2 years
"Book of Queer" How to watch: Premiered on Discovery+
The most appropriate way to kick off Pride Month is with a celebration of LGBTQ+ history, honouring the heroes who likely never imagined there would be a month-long explosion of rainbow merchandise and corporate statements.
With the help of queer historians and experts, "The Book of Queer" aims to shed light on historical figures whose contributions have been overlooked, or their queer identities erased, by mainstream society. Narrated by queer icons and featuring an entirely LGBTQ+ ensemble cast, the five-episode series will include stories about Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Bayard Rustin, Josephine Baker, Harvey Milk, Sylvia Rivera, Marsha P. Johnson and more.As conservative lawmakers across the US attempt to ban educators from even acknowledging the existence of queer and trans people in classrooms, this series, infusing facts with comedy and musical fun, is a vital reminder that LGBTQ+ people have existed throughout history.
"Dead End: Paranormal Park" How to watch: Premieres June 16 on Netflix in the US
Fans of queer cartoons should make sure to clear their schedules for the arrival of "Dead End: Paranormal Park." The animated horror-comedy, based on creator Hamish Steele's graphic novel series "DeadEndia," follows trans teen Barney (voiced by Zach Barack) who gets a job at the local haunted theme park where an encounter with a demon gives his dog Pugsley (Alex Brightman) the ability to talk.
The coming-of-age story will see Barney, along with his pal Norma (Kody Kavitha), encounter zombies, ghosts and other supernatural beings while also navigating family, identity and even crushes.
The current political climate is especially hostile toward queer and trans youth, so an LGBTQ+-inclusive kids and family series in which a young trans protagonist (voiced by a trans actor) finds a space and friends that let him embrace his true self and laugh along the way cannot premiere soon enough.
"First Kill" How to watch: Premieres June 10 on Netflix
If you’re dying for a dose of delicious supernatural queer teen angst, look no further than "First Kill." Based on a short story by V.E. Schwab, the series puts a young lesbian twist on the classic forbidden romance between a vampire and a slayer.
Teenage vampire Juliette Fairmont (Sarah Catherine Hook) has hit vamp adolescence and is finally expected to kill and feed on actual humans. Although she has been pushing back against this rite of passage for as long as possible, Jules can't help but be drawn to her crush, Calliope Burns (Imani Lewis). Cal, a recent transfer student, has a secret of her own: She's the youngest daughter of a family of monster hunters.
Cal is eager to prove that she can take down a demon by herself, but she quickly discovers that killing Juliette is as impossible as denying her feelings for her. The series should appeal to anyone who thought "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" or "Twilight" would have been better if it were gay.
"Queer as Folk" How to watch: Premieres June 9 on Peacock
The men, the sex and the city are hotter than Hades in Peacock’s multicultural, New Orleans-set remake of the pioneering soap, this time without the same over-reliance on white, cis men to propel the narrative. (Whether you see its depiction of a mass murder reminiscent of the Pulse nightclub shooting as a strained device or an apt reflection of current affairs and LGBTQ history is another matter.)
Still, carving out new terrain by moving Babylon to Frenchmen Street, and queer Southerners — especially queer people of color — to the foreground, this "Queer as Folk" conjures its share of carnal pleasures. As Brodie's (Devin Way) move home upends the lives of his ex (Johnny Sibilly) and a talented young drag artist (Fin Argus), you can have your bourbon ginger and drink it too. As for the rest, painfully earnest and more than a little pained do not read, in this particular political moment, as terribly far off the mark.
More at the link.
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lavanyaindia · 8 months
A Guide to Bandhani Prints and Their Rich Heritage  
Fashion is a significant industry that constantly introduces new styles and ways to use fabrics. However, there are timeless traditional techniques that have been making clothes look gorgeous for a very long time. One such ancient method is called Bandhani. Bandhani is a unique approach to tying and coloring fabric, practiced in areas like Rajasthan, Gujarat, and specific parts of Punjab and UP.
In this blog we will explore more about this rich heritage craft and learn what makes it so special?
Where Does the word Bandhani Come from? 
Bandhani is derived from the word ‘Bandha’ which means tying. Followed from the centuries, this craft of tying and dying has retained its immense popularity till date. It has time and again revamped and re-introduced itself according to the changing times. Now again, it has seen a comeback into our contemporary closets.
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A Special Journey of bandhani Colors and our Culture
Indian women proudly and lovingly wear Bandhej. The unique printing methods are handed down through many generations as precious family heirlooms. This is a craft that has stood the test of time, which makes it even more extraordinary. Bandhej prints are adorned with designs like parrots, peacocks, dancing figures, flowers, and more.
Bandhej holds cultural importance, particularly in the northwest of India. It's a crucial part of a woman's ethnic trousseau. Bandhej suits and dupattas are commonly worn during wedding ceremonies. A bandhani chunnari carries special meaning in weddings in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Moreover, red bandhani sarees are thought to bring good luck to brides-to-be. They're also given as gifts to new mothers and worn during celebrations in the Gujarat and Jain communities.
The Art and Process Behind Vibrant Tie and Dye Fabrics
Creating Bandhani dresses is a fascinating process that involves many people, performing various tasks. From purchasing to bleaching, adding designs, tying, dyeing, and selling, a lot of hard work goes into it. The cloth used is mostly grey, so it needs to be turned white through bleaching. The designs are applied using a non-permanent chemical, often featuring small dots and shapes. Then comes the tying step, which can vary based on dot size and design.
Different Bandhej techniques have names like Barik Bandhej, Rai Bandhej, and Khas-khas Bandhej. Skilled artisans tie the fabric in specific ways. After tying, the cloth is dyed. It's first bleached, then dyed according to the chosen design. In the past, natural dyes like vegetable dyes and tea leaves were used, but today, chemical-based dyes are more common. Colors like green, blue, yellow, red, and black are popular for bandhej unstitched suits and sarees. The cloth is then dried in the air, and unique patterns like Chandrakala are created on it.
Bandhani's Bollywood Influence
Bandhani suits and sarees bring a joyful and easygoing style. These vibrant, colorful patterns on cotton and other materials can be worn in many different ways. Bandhani has become popular again, and even famous people are wearing it for special occasions. A new wave of bandhani designs and better methods is coming up. Both skilled craftspeople and fashion designers are making this old art form more modern and appealing.
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Source: Hindustan Times
Bollywood's elite showcase the beauty of bandhani. Stars like Alia Bhatt and Kareena Kapoor have embraced and perfected the art of wearing Bandhej. Alia Bhatt stunned in a purple Sabyasachi bandhani lehenga that remains memorable. The timeless combination of a deep V-neck blouse, a voluminous skirt, and a matching dupatta continues to be a sensation.
Embrace the grace of bandhani suits and sarees and create your own styles that reflects both tradition and modern allure. Let this rich heritage be your fashion canvas. Check out LavanyaIndia's authentic unstitched suits in bandhej and customize them according to your preferences.
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