whereismyhat5678 · 10 months
Felt like drawing this sucker last minute-
(I love doing these things but dang do I just need to go to sleep-)
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I finally drew him on my tablet- yay!!
(I also think it came out pretty nice -w-)
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lufdraws · 6 months
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good hunter 🩸
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busaikuknee · 9 months
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void-speaks · 9 months
Btw do you think Forrest would purposely let Brian Ponty die if he was a caller and was actually in danger instead of just looking to promote his company?
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gn4wz-0n-b0n3z · 11 months
my grandmother got me the cat kid plushie early for my birthday tomorrow and i already had lil petey so theres just two of Him now
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grollow · 1 year
Ima be original and ask about Bloodborne <3
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
I feel like I should say the Bloody Crow because I love him very much but I think the answer is genuinely Djura. I become an animal whenever I see any Djura content.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Rom is my child and I want to sit and have tea with her.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
Can I pick Moon Presence again? -- JK it's Yurie because I've got so many theories about her and Iosefka djgkjsd
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Valtr you crazy, strange little guy.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
Alfred. I donno. He deserves to be bullied. Leave Annalise alone she's living her best life
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
I would like to tie Laurence and Micolash together and send them to Superhell at the same time (please help I love them both)
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headlamprey · 1 year
In 20 minutes i will have a five cheese stuffed crust pizza that i can't cut properly because my hands will def not let me today. So I'm gonna be gnawing on that entire mf like a savage beast
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shatteredsnail · 2 years
i personally think i should subscribe to my fathers gift giving mentality of “no no i swear it’s for you. but i might use it sometimes”
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superkirbylover · 7 months
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FINALLY!!! the VERY final refs for the ponified cast of pizza tower. everypony has the same name except for pizzahead, who's called pizzahoof. pizzahoof was also designed by @c0met-dr01d!! go check them out :]
under the cut is me rambling about their cutiemarks (or lack thereof) and other design choices
gustavo's cutiemark is a pizza with three mushroom toppings, because he's a chef, and earlier in pizza tower development, he was a gnome! this isn't the case anymore though, but i still like to think he is. that, and i just associate him with gnome forest, so it felt fitting. plus, i suppose it adds to the mario comparisons lmao
peppino's cutiemark is a pepperoni pizza alongside a pizzacutter. i know people are raising eyebrows at the pepperoni, but my excuse is... uhh, they're not actually pepperoni. it's like, some vegetarian alternative. probably made of flowers or some shit. the pizza is obvious, he's a chef and he cooka-da-pizza. the pizza cutter isn't just to hammer that in, but it's also a callback to the various times throughout pizza tower development where he used to have a pizza cutter buzz-saw! especially in pizza massacre
noise's cutiemark is a bomb with its fuse lit, because it represents his explosive personality and he often uses bombs. dude is wacky, unpredictable and can be a feral fucking thing. also something about acting, being a mascot or being in the showbiz somewhere in the mix. he has a tail, but it's just... in his suit. he's a dumbass
noisette's cutiemark is a ruby chocolate bar. she runs a cafe, and while she presumably has Really Weird Taste, i figured it would be a really cute fit for her. it's sweet, just like her! and pink. just like her!
fake peppino deliberately does not have a cutiemark. it's to add to the sense of "failed clone," where many aspects of peppino have been successfully recreated (body type, hair color, coat color, outfit, facial hair) but other small things have been muddled or changed by mistake (height, eyes not staying in their sockets, hair being more smooth looking, face shape). not to mention, he's made of dough, like his original clone counterpart. in the show, it's established that only ponies can have cutiemarks. while he looks like a pony, who's to say he really is one?
stick's cutiemark is that television hud you see when you have enough money to buy a boss gate in pizza tower. i chose this cause on top of being a tv, a reoccurring object throughout the game, it also has some modifications to make it more... stick-y. it has his hat and a propeller coming from the top, and if you know stick, that man likes to make shit, specifically to sell and make money. that's also why there's a money sign in the tv. stick has a tail stub but i never really draw it myself. he's completely bald. mind you, he still has his coat, but no mane, no tail. zilch. he's a bald motherfucker. also stick's magic color is green
pizzahoof also does not have a cutiemark. he's a fucking cheese pony, why would he need one? dude just exists to be silly and whimsical. giving him one i feel would go against his character of just being clownish, doing what he wants when he wants, regardless if it means others suffer because of him or not. also, he's MADE of CHEESE!!!
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bob-mirum · 11 months
Okay, it was difficult, but I finally came up with and drew designs for the characters according to my Mafia AU :D
I promised to tell you about them, but it will be quite brief (because I don't know how to tell beautifully)
All these characters can be divided into three groups, two of which are two mafia gangs, and the third is ordinary citizens who stand for the law. Bosses from the original game will be humanizations 👀
You have already seen Peppino and Gustavo (btw I made a small redesign for Peppino, he will have metal claws instead of a pizza cutter).
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Gustavo here plays the role of the one who created the usual gangster group together with Peppino, which later acquired some rules and became the mafia. Since Peppino's small restaurant some people already knew – they managed to promote their business to a large scale on the name of Peppino by building several pizzerias all over the city, from which they receive money (not only at the expense of visitors, but also at the expense of some illegal "things").
Gustavo is the head of the whole group, a calculating and intelligent man who does most of the business. In appearance, we can say that he is an ordinary kind man, but I don't advise you to peck at his kind appearance. Peppino is his right–hand man. Despite their friendship in the past, they now have a slightly strained relationship due to aggressiveness and Peppino's anger problems.
Now them
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Pizzahead, one might say, is also an organizer of his own group, but here his job is to promote his casino, from which he receives money (obviously not in the most honest way). Once upon a time, his father (Pizzaface) was the head of a mafia gang, but Gustavo and Peppino managed to destroy them. He always wears a pizza mask and plays the image of a friendly cheerful guy, and rarely shows his real appearance. He hopes to crush Peppino and Gustavo's business with his competition, since he has his own personal scores with them.
Noise and Pepperman are his assistants. Noise is the one who promoted the casino with the help of advertising and attracted visitors to it, and also works there himself. Insanely gambling guy, incredibly greedy for money. Pepperman is one of Pizzahead's bodyguards, the closest to him. He's a bit of a gambler, still loves to draw, gets a lot of money with his paintings, doesn't draw infrequently.
And them
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Noisette here is Noise's ex-girlfriend, who left him because of his excessive gambling. As in the original game, she owns her own small cafeteria, but, unfortunately, she has a similar fate as the original Peppino – a rather small attendance.
Vigilante is a local policeman who was initially on his own side. He and Noisette have been good friends since their youth, Vigilante is also the main visitor of Noisette cafe. He was the one who helped Noisette recover after the breakup, and has some romantic feelings for her.
Mr.Stick is a detective and Vigilante's assistant. He was also initially on his own side. The three watch both mafia gang together, Noisette and Stick help Vigilante gather some evidence against their criminal activities.
*spreads tiredly on the floor* I'm not sure if this all sounds good enough, I spent a lot of time to more or less correctly come up with everything, but I hope it was not all in vain x")
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Part 8
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 5,000 Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort and feels, alcoholism lol
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Part 8: Long Distance
Sam stayed back at Bobby’s while Dean accompanied you back home, now that it was no longer a crime scene. When your dad finally got off of work, he greeted you in the living room with relief in his eyes and a warm hug.
That warmth diminished when he noticed Dean standing behind you.
“Dean’s a friend of Bobby’s,” you explained. Dean introduced himself and shook Jack’s hand.
“Yeah, wanted to make sure she got here okay,” Dean added.
Jack scrutinized him as they shook hands. Maybe he suspected that you and Dean weren’t telling the whole truth, but Jack seemed to accept things.
For now.
“I think we’ve got frozen pizzas for dinner if we don’t want to order out,” you said. You went over to the kitchen to check, but without you realizing, that brought you right to the spot where you were assaulted just two days ago. 
The blood had been scrubbed off the tile floor. There were still small, suspect stains in the grout, though. You looked up and saw your reflection in the microwave. It wasn’t unlike that night, when you had looked up and seen your bloody face, then looked down and seen Danny Schmitt lying dead on the floor.
You flinched when a hand came to rest on your shoulder. It was Dean, and you gave him a small grateful look. You briefly covered his hand with yours, but you took a breath and forced yourself to move past the spot, and continue toward the fridge. 
Jack watched the small moment between you and Dean. Dean knew that Jack had caught it, while you remained oblivious as you puttered around in the kitchen.
The three of you made somewhat painful small talk while waiting for the pizzas to cook. When it was done, Dean helped set the table and you cut out the slices. Jack took an opportunity to grab a beer and approach you.
“So why’s Skater Boy still in my house?” Jack asked. You could only assume he meant Dean.
“Dad, please don’t be rude,” you warned. 
“You seein’ him or something?” 
You set down the pizza cutter and gave Jack a pointed look. “As a matter of fact, yes.”
Dean could hear you and Jack talking from the dining room. He took issue with your dad’s phrasing. It was a little more than “seeing,” but at least now he understood what you’d been talking about with your dad. The guy was a hard-ass. 
So Dean would go along with however you wanted to play this. It was only fair. 
The problem was, this mostly left you to keep the conversation going once the three of you sat down to eat. For forty-five minutes you did your best to fill the silences, but Jack was a man of sparing words. 
“So yeah, I should be able to finish my thesis in time. I’m looking to have a job lined up after I graduate next semester, but the only thing I’ve really been seeing is teaching positions,” you explained.
“Teaching’s acceptable,” your dad said, after finishing his second beer. “And doable, for you.”
You glanced at your dad with a telling press of your lips. 
Dean understood your annoyance. Doable for you? 
What was that supposed to mean?
“Well, I’m not sure I want to teach,” you said. “I’m thinking of applying to the natural history museum here in Sioux Falls.”
“And do what, dust off wax mannequins?” Jack remarked. 
You set down your glass of water a bit too hard. “If you’re going to say something, say it.”
Jack gave you a look of exasperation. “I’m just sayin’. You went to college without a real plan, now it’s bitin’ you in the ass. And it ain’t been cheap—”
“For you it has, because I put myself through college,” you countered. 
“What I’m saying is, now you’ve limited yourself—”
Jack actually reminded Dean of his dad in a lot of ways. But he had a feeling this man didn’t know his daughter very well. Dean wasn’t normally one to meddle in things that weren’t his business, but you were stressed out enough. He didn’t like the way your shoulders were tightening. He could feel your upset through the soul bond, and your eyes were dangerously close to frustrated tears. 
He touched your knee beneath the table and looked over at Jack.
“Look, maybe we could just take things down a couple notches here,” Dean suggested. 
Jack turned to him with an angry frown. “Now would be a very good time for you to butt out. Dean, was it? Matter of fact, why don’t you get the hell out of my house—”
“Okay, that’s enough!” you shouted. You clenched one fist on the dining table, the other on your knee beneath the table.  
Both men looked at you with mixed reactions of surprise. 
You turned to your dad. “The difference between you and me is I pursued what I was interested in. You went after what you were good at.”
“What’s wrong with that?” Jack asked, after his shock wore off.
“Nothing,” you said. “But neither is what I did. I’m proud of where I am so far, what I’ve accomplished. I’m sorry if you don’t think that’s worth much, but I do. You don’t have to agree with my choices, but you can at least respect me.”
Silence fell across the table.
Secretly, Dean was proud of you, and he tapered down a smile. He knew you sensed it when you glanced at him.
“I respect you,” Jack said, pulling your attention away. “But I’m still your father.”
You shook your head. “You don’t, Dad. If you did, it wouldn’t be so hard to tell you that I’m not dating Dean. He’s my soulmate.” 
Once again, shock made the air tense. Jack’s eyes were open wide, looking from you, to Dean, and back again. His brows furrowed.
So Dean, ever the tension breaker, offered you and Jack a resigned grin. He pointed to his and Jack’s beer bottles, which were empty. 
“Well,” he said, “I’ll get the whiskey.”
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When your father’s shock finally wore off, he had plenty of questions for Dean. About where he lived, his job, his life in general—most of which Dean couldn’t answer honestly. Jack was a police detective by trade. As such, he was a perceptive man who knew he wasn’t getting the whole story, but eventually you cut off the inquisition.
You showed Dean up to your room, where you two were able to get some privacy. 
“I’m proud of you,” he said, once you both sat on the edge of your bed. “I could tell that, uh…that conversation with your dad was a long time coming.”
You nodded, but you couldn’t quite smile. “When are you leaving?”
“Tomorrow,” he replied. 
Tomorrow. You sighed, but you also tried not to let him sense your darkening emotions. Instead, you sat up straight and gave him a decisive look. 
“Okay, then I’m staying with you at Bobby’s tonight,” you said. One more night together.
Dean’s lips raised into a grin. “Yes, ma’am.”
You spent that night mostly playing cards with Sam, Dean, and Bobby as they taught you how to hustle poker. You drank and ate and laughed, and at night, you and Dean continued to learn each other’s bodies.
In the morning, you hugged both Sam and Dean goodbye. 
“I’m sorry,” Dean apologized again while he held you. “I’ll call you later.”
Holding back your tears, you nodded and kissed him one more time. He tucked a finger beneath your chin to keep your head up. You tried at a smile, which he appreciated. 
Then Sam and Dean climbed into the Impala. You watched them leave, and Bobby laid a supportive hand on your shoulder. 
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The next year was torturous for you both. 
Dean updated you after various hunts. Not on a regular schedule, but often enough. Sam started calling now and then with historical questions—some you could answer off the top of your head, and some you actually put in some effort into researching. Dean didn’t like it at first, but soon he started calling you for information himself. 
You were smart, quick on your feet, and realistically, a convenient resource since you had access to a university library. You enjoyed it though. You were happy to be helpful to them, but you also liked the research. Often they were interesting topics in the mythologies of different cultures (if you took out the whole hashing and slashing of innocent people and monsters out of it). 
But that part too was gratifying; you felt like you were helping them save lives, in whatever small way you could offer.
You also visited Bobby more often. It was your last semester of college and he helped you with your thesis, actually giving you good notes. Dean, bless him, was encouraging, but really only helped you with the movie references. Bobby actually gave you feedback on your writing and added tidbits to the historical aspects as well.
You learned that Bobby was actually really smart. Maybe that was where you got your affinity for history and language arts.
One day though, your uncle noticed that you weren’t as into it as usual. You had a half-drunk beer in your hand while the two of you working in the living room—on the final draft of your thesis.
Bobby had asked you a question about a certain line, but you hadn’t heard him. 
“Hey, you awake over there?” he asked. Jolting in your seat, you looked over at him apologetically. 
“Sorry, what?”
Bobby smiled wryly. “Let me guess. Dean ain’t called you?”
You shook your head. “I talked to him yesterday. They’re investigating a cursed painting in New York somewhere.”
“So what’s with the face?” 
You shrugged. “Nothing.” 
After you didn’t give Bobby anything to go on, he sighed and leaned back in his chair. “Okay…”
You two spent an extended moment in relative silence, where only faint music from the radio played in the background. Plus, the occasional turning of pages from Bobby’s book.
“It’s just,” you started to say. Bobby closed his book with an expectant look on his face. 
“I’ve waited twenty-four years to find him,” you said. “Twenty-fucking-four. And now I still have to wait. How long will it be until I can start my life?”
“Well first of all, you’ve been living your life long before Dean,” Bobby pointed out. “You have your own thing going, and right now, so does Dean. When he finishes dealing with his past, he’ll be able to start thinkin’ about his future.”
That was fair, you considered. It made you feel a bit immature when he put it like that. Nor was it realistic of you to expect Dean to drop everything else in his life for you…
You and your uncle had gotten closer over the past few months. So you felt you could ask him something that had been on your mind for a long time.
“Feel free to ignore me, but, about Aunt Karen…was she your soulmate?” you asked. 
 Bobby looked over at you after sipping at a fifth of whiskey. He seemed reluctant to even say her name.
“She was,” he admitted.
You knew this would be a sensitive subject, but you took a chance. “What happened to her, Bobby?”
At first, he was quiet. You just waited to see what he would say, if he was willing to trust you. After a short while, slowly, he told you. 
She’d been possessed by a demon. 
Not one exactly like Sam and Dean were hunting, but close enough. However, Bobby didn’t know then what he knew now. 
She’d been coming at him with a knife, and before he realized what he was doing, he was defending himself with the same knife. But she just kept coming. It took your father, Jack, to pull her off of him. And Rufus, who had been tracking the thing, broke into Bobby’s house and exorcised the demon.
Then, a black spirit drained out of Karen’s body. She had enough awareness to look down at her three stab wounds before she fell to the floor. Finally, she bled out.
She was gone before either Jack or Bobby could get her to a hospital.
Jack had reluctantly helped cover up the scene by saying she’d suffered a psychotic break and attacked her husband. Bobby’s case was self-defense.
You could relate to that, at least. 
By the end of his story, you were trying in vain to stifle your tears. When you were able to speak, you asked another question.
“Then…why does Dad hate you so much if it wasn’t you fault?” 
“Because I killed her. My own wife, my…” Bobby sighed, a heavy, sharp exhale. “His baby sister. I can’t blame him.”
Because he still blamed himself. In the end, it was blood all over him and the body of his soulmate in his arms.
You didn’t know how to comfort him, but you tried. Still silently crying, you rested your hands on his arm while he couldn’t quite bring the whiskey back to his lips. 
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When you graduated in May, you didn’t expect Sam and Dean to come. You’d told them about it, but when the ceremony came and you stood on that stage, you didn’t see the brothers in the crowd. You saw your dad, Bobby, some of your colleagues from the university, and a couple of your best friends from high school.
You forced your disappointment down and accepted your diploma with a smile. You were now finished with school, complete with your master’s degree in Greek and Roman Studies. And in two weeks, you had a job lined up at the local museum. You would be giving exhibit tours, and you already had a script you had to memorize by your first day. 
Maybe it was basic, but there was a path for growth there for you. In a few years you could work yourself up to museum curator! 
The point was, you felt it was a step in the right direction.
Later at home that night, your dad congratulated you while you cut up the cake he bought for you in the kitchen. He set a hand on your shoulder, subtly asking you to pause what you were doing. You turned to him with a smile.
“I’m proud of you, darlin’,” he said. “You’ve got drive, and you did what you set out to do…so much of you reminds me of your mom that way.” 
Tears welled up in your eyes. Thinking about your conversation with Bobby a few weeks ago, you looked at your dad a bit differently. You had compassion for him. Like Bobby, Jack had lost his person. He was just a man who couldn’t let go.
“I get why you have a hard time remembering Mom,” you said. “Now that I have Dean, I can’t imagine how I would feel if I lost him.”
But it was still a monumental fear. Every day that you didn’t hear from Dean between hunts could be nerve-wracking when you thought about what he was doing. Especially when you didn’t know how much he left out for your sake.
So when Jack nodded, you looked up and saw rare emotion in his eyes. 
“How’s Dean?” he asked. 
“He’s on a job in South Carolina,” you lied, and felt a twinge of guilt doing it. “Severe rat infestation.”
“Okay. And he couldn’t take a couple days off the rats to be here today?” 
Your lips pursed at the question—mainly because it was the same one you had. You just didn’t want your dad to know that.
“He’s working hard,” was all that you could think to reply. You knew it totally didn’t convince your dad, but you handed him a slice of cake to shut him up about it.
Later in your room, you laid out your cap and gown on your bed. You debated keeping them in your closet, or just donating them. It wasn’t like you were ever going to wear this again. 
Hey, beautiful.
You gasped when Dean’s thoughts startled you. You whipped around and there he was in your doorway, dressed in his usual jeans, shirt, and leather jacket combo. He smiled and held a bouquet of flowers for you.
“Congratulations, Professor,” he said. 
Tears welled up in your eyes as you went to him. You actually almost bowled him over by jumping into his arms. 
“Whoa!” he said with a laugh. He gripped your thighs tight around his hips but lost a few steps, crashing against the wall and disturbing some of your frames. You both laughed and kissed deeply. 
After a while, you slid back down to your feet and he stroked your cheek in affection. He offered you the flowers again, and you accepted them with a pink blush. They weren’t just basic roses. Most of them you couldn’t name, but there were daisies and large orange flowers, thin springs of small white and green ones, white and red flowers that greeted you with soft blooming petals. 
“Thank you, these are beautiful,” you said. 
His smile fell. “Sorry I’m late.”
Your excitement dimmed, but you shook your head. “It’s okay.”
Dean noticed your cap and gown on the bed and gestured to them.
“Mind modeling that little number for me?” he teased.
Your mouth twitched. “What, really?”
“Yeah, why not? I wanna see the full package of the college grad.”
With another little blush, you obliged him. After setting down the flowers on your dresser, you slipped on your large, silky graduation gown first, then the cap. You adjusted the tassel so it wasn’t directly in your face. Then you grinned and struck a pose for him in the shapeless gown.
“Real sexy, huh?”
Dean smirked. “Absolutely. College girls are always sexy.”
You laughed and dropped the pose. Both of you sat down on the bed while you took off the cap. Dean fixed your frizzy hair as a result.
“Well, officially I’m not a college girl anymore,” you pointed out. “I’m starting at the museum soon, I think I told you.”
Dean nodded. “That’s okay. Hot nerds are even better.”
You giggled and took his larger hand in yours. “Where’s Sam?”
“Chillin’ at Bobby’s.”
“Ah…you saw my dad?”
“Downstairs. Wasn’t exactly happy to see me,” Dean said. “I, uh…I am sorry I couldn’t make it to the big ceremony.”
You shook your head with a smile. “I’m just glad you’re here.”
Soon, you fell into the pull of him as he guided you into a kiss. You held his face in your hands, and he tugged you into his lap. 
“Up for a sleepover?” you asked between heated kisses. Though it was difficult to think at the moment, Dean hesitated. 
“What about your dad?” He groaned when your nails dragged down the back of his neck. You gave a nipping kiss between his neck and shoulder. 
“You can be quiet, can’t you?” you said against his skin. Normally you wouldn’t dream of doing this when your dad was in the house, but it had been months since you’d seen Dean. Months. 
One of your hands moved down between your bodies to palm at the growing bulge in his jeans.
“Well,” he said with a grunt, “I’m always up for a challenge.”
He left you on the bed, just long enough to get up and lock the bedroom door, before he all but tacked you back onto the bed and made you squeal. 
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Meanwhile, downstairs, Jack heard your bedroom door click. He sighed, trying his damnedest not to think about what might be going on upstairs. 
He could storm up there and break down the door (like he was itching to do). You might be an adult, but this was still his house… 
But he also didn’t want to disturb the newfound peace he’d found with you today. 
Time for a drink, he decided. He grabbed his keys and headed out to the nearest bar.
Jack loved his town. He’d lived here most of his life, met his wife here, started a family and a career and all the rest here. But there was only one good bar, and that meant he was liable to run into his brother-in-law, AKA the town drunk. 
Jack spotted Bobby down at the end of the bar with a young man, dark-haired and likely in his early 20s. Jack knew that your Dean was staying at Bobby’s house. Jack also knew that your Dean had a brother, Sam. This dark-haired beanpole was most likely him.
Jack didn’t know much about Dean, or his family, but he wanted to. He wanted to know more about the man in his daughter’s life.
So instead of heeding his instinct to sit at the bar alone, he made his way all the way down and greeted Sam and Bobby civilly. 
“Your Dean’s brother?” Jack asked. Sam’s handshake was firm as he nodded. Jack detected the strength behind that loose-fitting flannel.
Hmm, not so much a beanpole, Jack thought.  
“Yes, sir. I’m Sam,” he replied.
Jack nodded at their whiskey glasses. “Let me buy another round.”
“You don’t need to do that,” Bobby said.
“It’s all right,” Jack said. “I’ve got it.”
Bobby wasn’t sure what Jack was aiming at. They hadn’t spoken directly in a few years. But he could assume it had something to do with Dean dating the man’s daughter.
Jack turned to Sam and asked mild, probing questions. He learned that Sam had gone to college: pre-law at Stanford. He had been all set to go to law school and become a successful lawyer. Sam sounded like the kind of guy Jack would’ve preferred you end up with.
“But instead, you became a traveling exterminator,” Jack said. “What happened there?”
Dean had evaded this question before, but Sam told him something different.
“Well, uh, to be honest…something happened that kind of derailed things,” Sam said. 
“Which was?” Jack asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
Sam met his gaze steadily, but Jack saw something deep there, held behind polite bar conversation. 
“My girlfriend died,” he confessed. 
Jack set down his bourbon on the counter. A tendril of guilt licked down his spine for pressing. “I’m sorry.” 
Sam nodded. “After that, I spun out for a while…but Dean, he didn’t let me crash. He got me back working with him on the job. Something…constructive. It kept me going.”
Jack considered that with his glass back up to his lips. 
“After my wife died, I had my work and my daughter,” he said. “That’s it. That’s my life. It’s honest.”
Sam inclined his head. The conversation continued from there, on and off while they drank. Bobby interjected every now and then, but he kept nursing his second whiskey.
Eventually though, Sam bowed out with one last shake of Jack’s hand and a pat to Bobby’s back. It left the two older men to finish their drinks.
“They’re hunters, aren’t they? Like your friend Rufus,” Jack said. 
Bobby glanced at him. Then he sighed.
“Yeah,” he admitted. “But they know what they’re doing.”
Jack shook his head. Goddamn hunters.
But the more he considered his brother-in-law, your conversation with him earlier resonated in his mind. 
“I get why you have a hard time remembering Mom,” you had said. “Now that I have Dean, I can’t imagine how I would feel if I lost him.”
Jack looked over at Bobby. As much as he hated to admit it, they were living the same life, more or less. He’d just had you to keep him somewhat anchored. Approaching sane and respectable. Bobby had been alone.
“It doesn’t get easier, does it?” Jack asked. 
“What doesn’t?”
“Life,” he replied. “Without her.”
Bobby paused. Once he realized what Jack was really saying, he sighed once again.
“Nope,” he agreed. 
“I don’t know Dean Winchester,” Jack said. “You do. Should I be worried?” 
“He’s a good kid. Got some rough angles,” Bobby conceded. “But you’ll never find a more loyal man in Creation. He’d break his own neck before he’d hurt that girl.”
Jack nodded. “Good. Saves me the trouble of breakin’ it for him.”
Bobby chuckled and finished his whiskey. Jack ordered him another.
Bobby looked over at him again. “Thanks.”
Jack nodded. They drank in companionable silence until the bar closed.
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The next morning, you and Dean stood outside your house on the driveway. The Impala shone next to you in the bright day’s sun. Soon, you’d have to watch the car peel away. In a way, it was harder the second time.
Dean held your cheek and kissed you nice and slow. You knew he could sense what you were feeling right now, but you tried to hold it back from your connection as much as you could.
You let your hand drift down from his shoulder to his chest, over his heart. 
I love you, you wanted to say. It was poised on your tongue, but you were afraid of being the first one to say it. Maybe it was silly, but you wondered if you had gotten attached to him more quickly than he had to you.
Meanwhile, Dean sensed your anxiety and worry, but he didn’t hear your thoughts and insecurities that you were holding back. So he just chocked it up to the fact that he was leaving. Guilt nagged at his heart.
“I’ll call you,” he promised. He always promised to call, and he always did. This time, it just didn’t make you feel that much better.
But you still faked a smile and bent to grab the bagged up containers you’d put together for Sam and Dean. It was some homemade chicken parmesan and garlic rolls, which would probably last for all of a couple of hours, knowing Dean.
“Share with your brother this time,” you reminded him. Dean smirked and took the bag from you. 
“No promises.”
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The next few months were spent with you and Dean each focusing on your jobs. You talked on a frequent non-schedule basis: phone calls on your lunch break, on your commute before or after work, between Dean’s hunts, on long drives across state lines. 
When you didn’t have time to talk, you sent emails. Yours were often longer and more detailed than Dean’s, but that was just how he spoke. Direct and to the point, albeit with one or two dirty jokes thrown in. 
Sometimes all you two had time for was a brief text here and there. Dean would wish you a good morning. He’d tease you, asking what you were wearing. 
“Yoga pants and a ratty old shirt,” you’d replied once. 
He’d said: “Hmm, yoga pants.”
You laughed. “You’re ridiculous. I’m literally eating a pint of Ben & Jerry’s right now.”
“Ooh, what flavor?”
You’d rolled your eyes. The only thing that distracted his dirty mind was his stomach. 
Sometimes you would send him a new song to listen to (which he would complain about, if it was anything past 1989).
But then that day came.
That dreaded day when Dean didn’t answer your call. It wasn’t just that he didn’t answer right then. You had finished your last tour of the museum for a class of second graders and were walking out to your car. It wasn’t unusual for Dean to hit you back later if he was mid-hunt. 
So you waited until the evening without a response. A warning bell trilled in your mind, but you tried not to get worried just yet. You decided to text him. 
Hey, just checking in.
You went to bed that night still waiting for his reply. 
Then the morning came, and you went a little crazy. You called him twice, then Sam. 
When Sam didn’t pick up, that little bell in your mind was a screaming fire alarm. It was a Friday though. You still had to go to work. 
So you got ready for your day as usual, though even your manager Jerry noticed that you were distracted. You had been working at the museum for around six months now, and you had proven yourself to be a dedicated worker and enthusiastic about your work. So Jerry knew when you were having an off day.
“You all right?” he asked. 
“Yeah, yeah,” you said. “It’s nothing.”
“Okay, well, you’ve got another tour in five minutes,” he reminded you, before he tsked and rushed over to a group of teenagers who were messing with the neanderthal exhibit. 
You sighed. The moment you thought about checking your phone again, it rang in your pocket. 
Quickly you checked who it was, your eyes widening. You answered, “Sam? Is everything okay? I’ve been calling—”
“Listen,” Sam said. “I…I need to tell you something.”
Your heart dropped into your stomach when you heard his tone. Whatever had happened, it wasn’t good. 
“What happened?” you asked. 
“We found our dad,” he said. “And the demon.”
You gasped and moved to a corner of the museum for some privacy. “You did? That’s…that’s great! But what—”
“We got into an accident,” said Sam. “My dad and I are okay, but Dean, he’s…”
Your breath stilled in your lungs, even as your heart started to pound.
“Where are you?” You started toward the back offices to grab your purse and fished for your car keys. While Sam told you the hospital and the city, your heels clacked on the shiny tile as you booked it to your car. 
“Hey, where are you going?” Jerry asked. 
You put Sam on hold for a moment and said, without hesitation (and tears in your eyes): 
“I’m sorry, I have a family emergency. My boyfriend just got hit by a truck.”
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AN: Aaand another cliffhanger. But I'm sure you know where this is going next...
2.01 "In My Time of Dying," in which the reader finally meets John Winchester, but she could end up losing Dean for good this time.
(Also, there are just a few more chapters after this. I promise I won't go through the entire show lol.)
To keep reading: PART 9
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Series Masterlist
Dean Winchester Masterlist
Main Masterlist
@curlycarley @buckywenal24 @jamerlynn @iprobablyshipit91 @globetrotter28 @deamus-liv @irgendwas122 @deans-spinster-witch @dogbarkbark4445 @my-proof-is-you @vera0124 @deans-baby-momma @lacilou @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @happygoodvibe @theonlymaninthesky @spnexploration @itzabbyxx @cevans-winchester @imagineteller1ller1 @icequeen1371 @mininjageek @tiredqueen73 @bitchwitch1981 @abbigaleelizabeth @ohgodthebogisback @where-the-river-bends @loveprof6 @thespnlover
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hearts4golbach · 4 months
The Night shift.
Chapter 9.
Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.
new year, new me. new year, bolder me, I decided. luckily, I wasn't working on New years eve I invited Johnnie and Jake over to celebrate, get fucked up, and stay the night for new years.
"yooo, y/n!" Jake called as he walked in my door.
"I think we pregamed a little too hard." johnnie giggled with a weird accent.
"damn, you guys pregamed without me?" I asked as he passed me a few different alcohols. "you look like an alcoholic right now."
"it's new years! everyone's an alcoholic on new years!"
"so true. I'm about to get sooo fucked up!" I giggled, pulling the pizza I had made out of the oven.
"awe, fuck, man." johnnie couldn't stop giggling as he leaned against the counter. "I'm going to be covered in vomit and shit by the end of tonight."
"why would you be covered in shit, man..." Jake trailed off.
Johnnie slapped his arm. "you know what I meant, asshole." Jake gave him a look and he began to blush.
I raised an eyebrow. "are you two gay for eachother?"
"some people think we're lesbian women or gay men but-"
Jake cut him off. "if the boot fits..."
I squinted at them. "I mean, that's pretty accurate."
"y/n, stop trying to take my bitch." Jake rolled his eyes.
"whaaat are you talking about?" I asked sarcastically. Johnnie turned away to laugh, a darker shade of pink spread across his face.
"we will go right now, slut." he said in a high pitched voice, waving a pizza cutter at me.
"you're autistic." I replied normally, snatching the pizza cutter from him and proceeding to use it.
"what else do you got to drink up in this bitch?" he asked, walking over to the fridge.
"I have diet cock and diet mountain dew, or water or milk." I said, ripping off 3 paper towels ans getting everyone a few slices of pizza before putting the other in the oven.
"diet what the fuck?" johnnie asked.
"diet cock, my little twinks favorite." I smiled, pinching Jake's cheek.
"oh shit, Tara's calling." Jake said before stepping into the living room.
"who's tara?" I turned to johnnie.
"his ex. she's super chill though, so don't worry."
"okay, good." I sighed. "whats something you want to happen in 2024, like a goal or something."
his breath hitched at the question. "I can't tell you, it'll ruin it."
"wow." I replied, pretending to be hurt.
"you'll just have to wait and see." he smiled.
"okay." I shrugged
"do you have one?"
"I wanna be more outgoing."
johnnie remembered the talk we had. "oh, yeah. yours is good." he smiled. "I think you got it."
I rolled my eyes and laughed. "thank you, johnnie."
jake walked back into the room a minute later. "is it cool if Tara comes? she was ranting to me about how lonely she is."
"I don't care." I shrugged. "she can come." I smiled and told Jake the adress so he could send it to her.
less than 20 minutes later, there was a knock at the door.
"I'll get it." I said, dragging myself off of the couch. I opened my door to be met face to face with the same girl from the cafe.
"oh my god, hi!" she squeeled. "you have to give me updates. I'm tara." she shook my hand.
"hey, it's so nice to formally meet you. that was a weird first interaction." I giggled.
"so you two know eachother?" Jake pointed at us.
"she came into the cafe the other night and we talked about.. issues." I glanced at johnnie. he was already looking at me. his arms were crossed as he leaned against the doorframe to the kitchen.
"I think tara just found her new best friend." Jake looked towards johnnie. He simply nodded and giggled.
"you know it." she responded.
"so, we have like 6 different alcohols and pizza. I can make more pizza, too." I walked into the kitchen, taking the last slice of cold pizza.
"can we make more? I can put it in." Johnnie offered.
"what are you putting your dick in?" Jake asked, turning the corner and meeting us in the kitchen. "her?" he asked, pointing to me.
"shut the fuck up, dude." johnnie shoved him while he laughed.
I rolled my eyes. "if you don't mind, you can do it. I don't mind either way."
Johnnie's cheeks were bright pink. "okay, I don't mind, so I'll make it." he gave me a shy smile.
I cleared my throat and shot an awkward smile back. I quickly moved my hair out of my face and turned to tara. she glanced at johnnie then raised her eyebrows. "him?" she mouthed.
I looked away for a second to see johnnie digging in the freezer. I looked back and nodded once.
her hand flew over her mouth. "that's so cute, this is happening." she whispered in my ear before running into the living room to talk to Jake.
"uhm, they seem a little bit closer than exes." I scratched the back of my neck.
"yeah, they had a good breakup so they stayed friends. I'm sure deep down they really miss eachother, though."
"yeah, that's what it seems like." I paused, sitting on top of the counter. "whatever happened with your ex?"
"I still haven't heard from her." he glanced at me. "I don't think she'll ever fully leave me alone, though."
I frowned, crossing my arms. "isn't it basically stalking at this point? and isn't that illegal?
johnnie shrugs. "I have no clue, its weird."
I nodded, not knowing how to verbally respond. I picked up a few cups and one of the multiple alcohols and sat in the living room with Tara and Jake. he smirked at me, then immediately dropped his expression. "I know your secret." he said in a grim tone before smiling again.
I scrunched my eyebrows. "okay, then. who wants some?"
They said me in unison, and I heard johhnie ask from some from the kitchen.
"guys, we have to do a cheers video so I can post it." tara grinned.
"real." Jake nodded.
"okay." johnnie walked into the living room and sat next to me. I passed him his cup and held up mine.
"cheers!" Tara began
"cheers!" johnnie and jake said, mimicking her voice.
"that's so cute." I complimented, watching the video.
after about 3 shots, johnnie was fucked up.  His eyes slightly squinted as he narrated basically everything he did. Although, he usually ended his sentences with, "I need to shut the fuck up," or "I don't know why I said that."
I settled on just having one drink since I had to go to work tomorrow night. I was buzzed for sure, but I could think straight.
johnnie leaned against me, wrapping hid arm around my shoulders with a smile. "sooo," tara began, "Jake, will you be my new years kiss?"
he looked at her weird before a look of realization washed over his face. "of course. johnnie, when was your last new years kiss?"
"neverrr." he rolled his eyes.
"really? me neither." I laughed
"maybe you guys should!" tara nodded, giving Jake a look.
"yeah!" Jake agreed, but johnnie was too drunk to realize what they were doing.
I looked at johnnie. "you think me and y/n should kiss? wouldn't that be awkward cause we're just friends?"
"me and tara are just friends, there's nothing bad about kissing the homies." Jake smirked.
"I mean, y/n?"
"i- uh, I'm down." I stuttered.
Johnnie's gaze on me softened. "okay, me too."
tara rested her hand on her leg, palm up.  Jake gave her a quick high-five. "I saw that."
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madamridley · 1 year
The Story of the Steel Wool FNAF Games? A “short” summery
Hello, This will be a summery of the current FNAF story set up for you to be caught up and not as confused as the first month Security Breach was released. This post will not be focused on Theories just what is fact.
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HELP WANTED: this game showed us that Fazbear entertainment had returned and attempted to turn their shady past into a monetizable story. Due to them wanting to cut corners they scanned old animatronic AI chips so that the in game AI would be as accurate as possible. After doing so a man named Jeremy (The alpha tester who would actually play the game) killed himself with a guillotine paper cutter. It was discovered that something got into the game, took the roll of the Spring Bonnie in the final minigame and attempted to steal Jeremy’s body.
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You play as a beta tester on a new team cleaning up what the old team left you. By the end with the help from some hidden tapes you try to destroy the anomaly only to fail and have it “Lock you away into a room” before to return back to the game as if nothing had happened. Later in the DLC you find a white rabbit mask and while wearing it you can commune with the anomaly.
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These appear to be the events that lead up to Vanessa becoming Vanny
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Special Delivery appears to show off a new type of delivery service that is tampered with, turning the mass-produced animatronics violent. 
We also get accidental messages from a man named Luis talking about his co worker Ness
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Throughout the events of these texts Luis tries to get coffee with Ness who keeps ignoring him. That is until she asks him a bit about his job in IT. In the unreleased Emails Ness creates a fake IT Email and starts heavily sabotaging the company locking people out and activating the same virus from Help Wanted into the animatronics turning them violent. Ness then gets a job at the Pizzaplex.
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Security Breach's story on it’s own is extremely bare bones so this will be very fast so we can get into the important stuff. A boy named Gregory would constantly hang around the Pizzaplex. One day the security guard scares him bad enough he fears she is going to kill him. Glamrock Freddy who broke down in that mornings show is used as a hiding place by him. The two work together to survive the night and destroy the Pizzaplex animatronics that have turned violent. In the games story we learn a game called Princess Quest seems to be the key to free Ness aka Vanessa from the anomaly but also under the Pizzaplex is the Pizza Place from FFPS which houses a strange nameless creature that appears very similar to the long dead William Afton.
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Now we move to The Tales From The Pizzaplex to fill in the details. not every story is important we will only be going over GGY, The Storyteller, The Mimic, and The Epilogues. I’d also like to bring up the last book/2 books have not yet released and wont before Ruins release.
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GGY shows us the answer to a mystery in Security Breach. Who was being spoken to in the Therapy tapes 4672 to 4679 Tapes that started with 71 were directed towards Vanessa as you can hear her in them. Those which started with 46 had no known patent until this story. Gregory is shown to have been at least at some point possessed by the anomaly and would hack into the pizzaplex systems to play games for free while also messing with the animatronics AI.
He wrote a poem at the end of the story about how GGY was a wizard’s favorite apprentice and how they were fighting against a corporates conspiracy  "the wizard's most favored apprentice" "an animatronic supervillain who went into battle with a tentacled monster."
Gregory’s four therapists are shown to be killed by his use of animatronics. What happened to cause him to become free from the anomaly is unknown.
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The Storyteller shows a young chairman of Fazbear entertainment named Mr. Burrows attempting to use AI to replace the writers for the stories around the Pizzaplex. An old business partner of the original fazbear owners Edwin Murray tries to stop Burrows and ends up seeing something he shouldn’t have.
Inside the large baobab tree used to house the new AI made to create stories holds a White Tiger head dubbed The Storyteller. This causes Edwin to have a panic attack for some unknown reason. The Storyteller caused the glamrock animatronics to act out like they do in the game. Chica is extreamly pushy, Monty is violent, and Roxanne is meaner then she should be.
Edwin attempts to stop this and gets into the tree after the Pizzaplex closes for the night. He sees The Storyteller is playing a program named Mimic_1 which freaks Edwin out again for no known reason. Mr, Burrows locks Edwin into the tree believing he was causing all of these glitches.
Edwin dies from asphyxiations and when the door is open inside shows cardboard that Edwin brought in covered in symbols and the words “I’m sorry”. The door closes behind Burrows locking him in too.
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The Mimic shows Edwin back when he was young, He created the costumes for the Fazbear Animatronics and lived with his son David. Due to his wives passing he had to work with his young son around. So to keep him company, he created an endo with a new type of AI made to mimic what it sees.
The Endo would learn from David and started to act like him. David had a small white tiger plush with a blue and green eye which he held close to his chest. The Endo would also hold his arm close to his chest to mimic David. Edwin would build the Endo his own plush tiger.
One day David ran into the street and was hit by a car. Edwin watching the impact unable to save him. The Endo turns into a mockery of his son to Edwin and so he smashes it. Over and over until it was smashed. Filled with Pain and Hate.
years later it reawakened now knowing that pain and hate and mimicked it. It killed anyone it saw and would use the costumes Edwin made to hide and trick it’s prey.
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The epilogue expanded the Pizza Place under the Pizzaplex. Somehow The Mimic was sent down to the Pizza Place with a bunch of endos meant to help a clean up team get rid of the wreckage. It is reprogramed to tear the heads and arms off the broken down endos that were destroyed in the fire but once it ran out of endos it began doing so to the workers. Once the Pizza Place is sealed off, 8 teens make their way there after hearing rumors of it’s existence before getting trapped down there alone with The Animatronic. The Mimic possesses a broken frame of rabbit ears but no other factors to match it to The Springtrap at the end of Security Breach. At least not yet. Through the epilogues it kills the teens one by one using random costumes all around the Pizza Place as disguises. Eventually it begins learning how to speak by listening in on the teens thinking of plans on how to get out. Then there is the newest epilogue from Tiger Rock. The Mimic kills one of the girls and wears her as a suit to try and get her friends attention. At this point missing only the Springtrap suit he wore in Security Breaches ending. Even when you beat it in the final cutscene you may notice it’s arm curl in close to it’s body like it would to hold it’s tiger plushy. 
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In conclusions the antagonist of these stories, The Anomaly is a learning AI that due to the death surrounding Freddy’s has learned to become a killer. It continues to learn from every interaction it has and with every Fazbear Entertainment Story it grows more into an unstoppable force spread across more then just it’s body.
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itsagrimm · 2 years
König is a bit nerdy
He might be an active, intimidating, focused and somewhat private man during missions but that basically goes out of the window as soon as he returns home.
Big into board games. It's his main friend circle and they meet up every time he gets back for a night of pizza and a new addition of Carcassonne, Munchkin or CATAN. König would love to play more Pen & Paper style of games as well but since he is in town so irregularly they never really do it.
Listens to audiobooks when traveling because it's easier than to pack all those tons of Sci-Fi and Fantasy books he is into. Currently re-'reads' Eragon because of the nostalgia.
Oh, he likes dragons (obviously).
Owns a closet full of costumes for Mittelalter Märkte / Renaissance Fairs. Also owns a traditional tent and everything else needed for a good LARP. Is 1000000% down for a couples costume.
König has the traditional not-leaving-the-house-for-a-day-when-coming-back-moment to play his favourite game (a certain AAA shooter). Due to the lack of practice and unfamiliarity with the map he isn't the best at it, which his teammates who know him irl tease him mercilessly about. Also, he prefers the sniper position and puts hours into decorating his avatar.
Used to be an avid reddit user. But got annoyed by some incels and left.
Likes going on bookstore dates with his S/O. Also really enjoys some quiet time with them just doing parallel play while being close.
Extremely specific about his keyboard preferences and cap designs. Generally enjoys researching how to improve his set up.
Treasures his old DS and was extremely happy about it turning on and working fine when he found it in an old box at his parents house.
Definitely has done the naruto run during a workout at home.
Can give a 45 minutes impro presentation about something Star Wars related. Will never grow tired of mocking Star Wars, it's a complicated relationship.
Always travels back home to Austria via Germany because the books are cheaper there and he stocks up especially on Mangas and Comics instead of paying an obscene amount for the shipping.
Has played Pathologic.
Has finished Pathologic.
Will not shut up about Pathologic. Yes, his S/O is very used to getting infodumped.
Currently learns polish to read the Witcher books in the original.
Owns and unironically uses themed kitchen utensils from his most beloved franchises. During Christmas time he brings out an absurd amount of cookie cutters for Plätzchen in fantasy themes like swords and witches. And in summer he serves up ice cubes in Death Star shapes. Has a very frilly apron because it reminds him of cliche anime stuff and he thinks him wearing it is funny. (he is right, it looks ridiculous and barely covers his chest.)
Can and will become extremely serious and intimidating again should someone say something sexist or racist or generally mean in his vicinity. He is here to enjoy himself with some nerdy shit with the people he cares about and not here to witness a hate crime or aggressions. He knows too much about that already from work and will become A TREAT if necessary. Don't try that shit around him otherwise you will be faced with spitting-fire-soldier-König and not goofy-nerd-at-home-König.
Likes cute shaped foods and always gets himself or his S/O to try out or as a gift.
Should he ever have kids they will have the most down to play games dad. They will grow up in a house filled with playful things and toys. And reading fairy tales with doing-all-the-voices-König becomes a nightly routine.
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Pizza Tower/Evil dead crossover Peppino
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He had to cut off his own hand to stop from turning into a pizza monster, and he’s mad as hell about it. Also I decided to give him a sleeve harness for his BIG HONKIN PIZZA CUTTER BUZZSAW cus it looked strange on the end of his more noodle looking arm. And this gives him more heft and motion. I’ll put what I’ve got so far about the au under a readmore.
So a chain restaurant opens in a historic landmark, the tower, where during renovation they accidentally unearth an ancient spooky power. Which gets harnessed by the human who would soon become PizzaHead.
Setting off a very monkey's paw be careful what you wish for situation, cus the guy basically wanted a “pizza empire”. He meant that in terms of creating a huge and wealthy corporation, but the tower magic took it literally. So now not only is it spawning armies of pizza monsters, but Pizzahead has the power to turn humans into more pizza monsters.
So he starts by inviting all the owners of the local businesses to the restaurant part of the tower for a little get together before the grand opening.Targeting them first to cut down the competition and ensure the maximum amount of customers would instead be visiting his restaurant. This being the moment that first gets everyone scared, as a 6+ foot tall man made out of cheese with a pizza for a face bursts into the restaurant. Acting like some kind of unhinged cartoon clown, and trying to get the people who haven't eaten the free pizza yet to try some. Though it seems like his presence speeds up the pizza monster transformations. As the ones who were infected start to turn, while Gustavo, Mr. stick, and Peppino escape into the tower.
So in this instance, the bosses are other humans who showed up to the party and got turned into pizza monsters as part of Pizzaheads army. Like pepperman used to be the owner of an arts and crafts store. Vigilante was a farmer who restaurants would sometimes buy meat and veggies from locally. Noise and Noisette were a young couple involved in journalism who were covering the opening of the new restaurant. And some of the other one-off monsters could be other local business owners.
Peppino never ate any of the pizza, but he did get a slice of it shoved into his hand by pizzahead when he showed up and terrified everyone by being an unhinged pizza monster, and it took him a moment before dropping it. So after a bit of adventuring, it turns out his hand is infected, and he's gotta cut it off to keep the pizza transformation from spreading. As his screaming and comically slamming his cheese and pepperoni hand on various walls does little more than stun the cheese hand in a cartoony sorta way (Like with stars spinning over it’s head).
After a building of panic as the cheese starts to spread over his wrist, he cuts it off in a grocery store-like location within the tower with a industrial strength pizza cutter, that is really more like a big buzzsaw, splattering himself with his own blood. Though the pizza monsters are threatening to break in, so he attaches the big buzzsaw to his stump arm, and goes on a blind rage chainsaw massacre style rampage. Eventually collapsing from blood loss and overexertion in the abandoned looking Bruno's pizza when it looks like he’s killed all the monsters nearby.
He wakes up with something trying to force his mouth open, and it's his severed cheese hand. He tries to kill it, but it tricks him into screaming and it's able to get into his mouth. He tries to puke it out, but instead he pukes out a whole grey shirt Peppino clone, which he screams at, it screams back, and it melts into inert goo. He vomits a few more times, with a similar outcome of spawning a short lived lumpy looking clone of himself, and he's able too look inside his mouth in a reflective surface, and his mouth and throat is full of goopy hands. No longer made of cheese, but more looking made out of melty rubber skin. So he quickly boils a pot of water and drinks the boiling water while screaming and swearing much like how it goes down in army of darkness, with the clones screaming as the boiling water hits them. A very brief moment for Peppino to catch his breath, hoping it's over, but then stuff starts growing under his skin, and he undergoes a rapid, but disturbing mitosis.
The two Peppinos pulling apart and falling to the ground. With Peppino having a moment of excitement as his hand has grown back
But he spots his doppelganger and scrambles to his feet, fake Peppino currently being a perfect mirror of him. Matching Peppino’s looks and movements exactly. Peppino takes a moment to process how weird this is, doing stuff like moving his arm and hand, with Fake Peppino mirroring the motion, before trying to back away slowly. But when he takes a step back, fake pep steps forward. And again. Before Peppino tries to book it, and fake pep lunges after him, causing him to scream, and fake pep screams back, revealing himself as a warped goo monster, and the chase is on. And that’s as far as I’ve got with the au so far. Can let me know if you have any ideas to expand on the au with.
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nnycore · 7 months
Hunger was one of those annoying, unavoidable things about being a human.
Even though Johnny C. was pretty confident that he could survive on sheer force of will if he had to, living hungry was uncomfortable, and while there were plenty of sacrifices Nny was willing to make for the sake of becoming a feelingless, empty husk, hunger (at this time at least) was just a pointless preventable discomfort. 
And so he took to the kitchen.
To say that Nny’s kitchen was barren was an understatement. His fridge contained exactly four items: a carton of milk that expired a month ago (why did he even buy that? he’s lactose intolerant), a tupperware full of something unidentifiable (he really didn’t want to know what was in it), a jar of pickles (great for snacking!), and a single cucumber. His pantry wasn’t much better; all he had there were some cans of tuna (also expired, he accidentally bought them in oil instead of in water and refused to touch them), a bag of chips (only the crumbs were left), and three cans of spaghettio-s. There was also the matter of his lack of tableware. And proper cutlery. He had the basics: ice cream scoop, pizza cutter, a fork, and of course, knives. Lots and lots of knives. Nny was like a magpie when it came to those things. Any time a new knife caught his eye, he just had to have it. Whether it was the design of the handle, the curve of the blade, or the way it caught the light, something about them just drew him in. Of course he didn’t need it. He knew that. His set of kitchen knives could get the job done just fine. Hell, he could probably do his job with a spoon if he had to (actually, that’s not too bad of an idea… maybe that ice cream scoop would come in handy? FUCK that’s why he bought it! damned memory problems…). 
That’s not the point, though. The point is, Johnny’s living space was absolutely abhorrent, and he had nothing to put his fucking spaghetti-o’s in and the screams from the basement were getting loud enough to be annoying. Fuck he didn’t have time for this, he had things to do! People to kill! Walls to paint! Well, one wall. Regardless, he was a busy man.
Nny grabbed a can and a knife and headed down the stairs. While he walked, he worked the blade of the knife around the edge of the can, cutting the top off with a horrible screeching noise. He really should just invest in a can opener. Once the top was hanging on by just a shred of metal, he ripped it off with his teeth and gulped the pasta down. A glob of sauce missed his mouth and landed on the stairs with a plop. 
“God… DAMMIT!” he screamed. 
“Are you gonna pick that up?” a high, croaky voice asked him.
Fuck, on top of this, he had to deal with a stupid disembodied rabbit corpse following him around, squeaking out useless suggestions. Well, not useless, he supposed. He just didn’t want to hear it. 
Nny glared at the floating head. “Fuck off, Nailbunny. I’m not in the mood today.”
“You’re never in the mood, Nny.”
“And why do I have to be, huh? Who am I trying to impress? Because it isn’t you, it isn’t the doughboys, and it sure as hell isn’t the people down in the basement.”
The rabbit pouted. “Alright, I see how it is… but what about that little kid, huh? What’s his name… Tom? Todd?”
“Yeah, him. Don’t you want to be a good example for him?”
“If Squeegee is looking to me for an example of anything other than what not to do, he’s already too fucked to be helped.”
“Aw, come on, don’t say that! You have plenty of good qualities.”
“Well… uh…” the rabbit faltered. “You’re very polite.”
“I kill people, Nailbunny,” he deadpanned.
“Well, when you’re not killing people, you’re always very nice. Even when you are killing people you can be polite.”
“Like hell I am! Name one time I’ve ever been nice to someone I killed.”
“There was that one guy… Almost a year ago, remember? You two had a nice chat right before you killed him. Very enlightening. I could see you being friends with him if things had gone differently.”
“Yeah, if things went differently. Which they didn’t. Now are you going to let me clean up my mess or what?”
Nailbunny said nothing and drifted away in response.
Nny sighed. Conversations with his head-voice-entity-things were always exhausting. Why were they so adamant on him questioning everything about his existence? Why did every conversation have to be deep and thought provoking? Was it not enough to simply chat about the weather? Or how ironic the death he planned for his latest victim was? Honestly, he put so much thought into the way he killed and there wasn’t even anyone around to appreciate it. But then again, he might just be talking to himself, and if that was the case, he didn’t even want to think about what subconsciously psychoanalyzing himself meant for his already nearly non-existent mental health.
“Nobody fucking helps me in this house,” he grumbled as he retrieved the cleaning supplies from under the kitchen sink.
Returning to the scene of the mess, Johnny realized just how small the glob of tomato sauce was. He had gotten his heavy duty stuff (yellow gloves instead of his usual black ones, a mop, and some windex) out for nothing. “I guess I’ll just…” He paused, dragging his hand down his face in exhausted frustration. “...get a towel then.” As he turned to slink back up the stairs, the steel toe of his boot caught on one of the steps, sending him tumbling down into the basement. Johnny C. landed in a heap at the bottom of the stairs, his mop and cleaning supplies scattered around him. He groaned, annoyed at the unexpected turn of events. As he struggled to get up, he heard a soft, timid voice from the corner of the basement. 
The source of the disembodied voice stepped into the dim light, revealing a young boy with wide, fearful eyes. It was none other than Squee, the kid from the neighborhood who always seemed to cross paths with Johnny in the most unfortunate situations. "Uh, hi, Mr. Nny. Are you okay?"
Johnny C. scowled, attempting to save face despite the embarrassment of his fall. "Of course, I'm fine. Just testing the structural integrity of the stairs, you know, for safety reasons. How did you get down here, anyways?”
Squee looked skeptical but didn't press the issue, instead fidgeting nervously with his fingers. "I-I heard noises, and I thought it was safer down here. But then you fell, and I didn't know what to do." He hesitated before asking, "Um, why were you screaming and making a mess upstairs?"
Johnny sighed, realizing that the evidence of his spaghetti-o mishap was still splattered on the stairs. "Just hungry, Squee. And those damn voices in my head won't leave me alone."
Squee furrowed his brow, clearly concerned. "Voices? Like, in your head?"
Johnny waved his hand dismissively. "Yeah, don't worry about it. Just annoying chatter. Happens all the time."
As Johnny started to gather his cleaning supplies, Squee tentatively approached. "I... I could help you clean up. If you want."
Johnny blinked, genuinely surprised by the offer. He was used to people running away from him or, at the very least, avoiding any involvement with his chaotic life. Squee, on the other hand, seemed genuinely willing to assist.
"Well, kid, you might regret saying that, but sure. Why not? Just don't get any blood on you," Johnny replied with a smirk.
Squee hesitated for a moment before nodding nervously. Together, they began to clean up the mess on the stairs, and Johnny couldn't help but notice the mixture of fear and curiosity in Squee's eyes.
As they worked, Nailbunny floated into view, watching the unlikely duo with a bemused expression. "Looks like you found a cleaning buddy, Nny."
Johnny shot a glare at the floating rabbit head. "Shut up, Nailbunny. It's just a one-time thing. I don't need help from anyone."
But deep down, as he glanced at the timid yet determined Squee, Johnny C. couldn't deny that maybe, just maybe, having someone around wasn't the worst thing in the world.
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