#PLUS it reminds me when my brother & I had to share a room for a while jdnfnk
duckdodger · 1 year
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My 1987 loving self is so happy seeing their room set up like this again <3
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gisellecnz · 5 months
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summary. You left Satoru and the kids at home to do some grocery shopping, which means that Satoru will have to take care of two babies at the same time.
contents. Fluff, reader is fem, gojo having troubles at the end
authors note. I requested something similar to this from another author, so if they did my request and posted it please don't get the wrong idea! I also wanted to write about it too now 😭
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You and Satoru have Two kids, the first one is Satoshi, he's the oldest. He just turned two 5 months ago. Then next was Satoko, she's younger than Satoshi. You gave birth to her around 4 months ago.
You found it cute how your kids got Satoru's genes the most, they have his white snowy hair and those blue ocean eyes that you adore a lot.
︵͜⏜͜︵ ︵͜⏜͜︵  ︵ ︵͜⏜͜︵  
Once, you had to go grocery shopping alone, leaving Satoru and the kids at home.
Satoru wanted to come with you, but you refused and told him to stay at home to take care of the kids. You assured him that it would be fine and no curses would start attacking you, plus you also reminded him that he expanded his infinity to you.
(Gojo fully knows that you're a strong sorcerer, he just suddenly became much more of a worry wart after you gave birth to his baby girl months ago.)
right now you're about to leave the house, but Gojo is looking at you with those big puppy eyes, begging you to bring him grocery shopping with the kids as well.
Well... There were plenty of reasons why you couldn't bring Gojo with you, the first one was that you're still kind of a first-time mom, and you don't know how to handle two babies at the same time in public. And of course, you and Satoru can't leave the kids alone at home, you guys don't trust any babysitter to look out for them since they could be bad guys or curses in disguise.
"Please y/n? I wanna come with you!
"Satoru you're being a baby! You do understand why you can't come right? You have to take care of the kids, it's just some grocery shopping! I swear I'll be alright! Now let me go! "
BANG! the door shuts close loudly.
Satoru pouted and looked down at his baby, "Your mama really is a meanie..no? "he cooed and looked down at his precious daughter who was sleeping in his arms, booping her nose. He's surprised that she didn't wake up from the commotion earlier.
"Ah, I'll just get your brother, 'kay? Don't pull any pranks on daddy when he's back. "- acting as if his 4-month-old daughter could stand up on her legs and start setting up pranks.
He kisses her forehead and places her on a nearby crib beside the sofa and heads towards Satoshi and Satoko's shared nursery room.
As he entered the room, it turned out Satoshi was already wide awake, bouncing and giggling in his crib at the sight of his father.
"Hey buddy, did you miss me that much? Is that why you're excited to see me?" A warm smile spread across Satoru's face as he scooped his son up.
"Pa-pa! Pa-pa!"
Satoru grinned, heart warmed by Satoshi calling him "papa."
"No wonder you're so cute; you look so much like me." And, well, you'd agree. Everyone else does too. Satoshi and Satoru could practically be twins.
Satoru picked up Satoshi from the crib, he checked his diaper for poop. "Oh no, you need a shower, bud." He chuckled, Satoru carried Satoshi to the bathroom, and Satoko too just in case.
After a good 20 minutes of bathing Satoshi, they returned to the nursery. Satoshi, now fresh and clean, rested on Satoru's left arm, while Satoko peacefully slept in her bassinet.
Everything was peaceful, not until a cat from outside accidentally knocked over a metal item which made a loud noise, good thing Satoshi didn't get scared by it, meanwhile, Satoko over here woke up from the noise.
Satoru started panicking when he saw that Satoko's eyes are starting to well up in tears.
"Oh my god- Satoko please don't cry, please don't cry.. "
He started to panic even more when he heard her whimpers, he tried to calm Satoko down by caressing her chubby cheek with his right hand.
"Nonono, not right now please Satoko... "
then boom, Satoko is now crying.
"Oh my goodness." He palmed his face and sighed from failing to prevent his daughter from crying.
"Alright, just a second Satoshi." He couldn't grab Satoko from the bassinet with one arm only, since he was carrying Satoshi in his left arm, So he had to put Satoshi down first. But as he was about to put Toshi down, his son gripped his shirt tightly,
"P-papa..... No..."
Then Satoshi started crying, he didn't want Satoru to put him down. The children's wailing filled the room, Gojo felt like he wanted to cry too.
"Aiyaaa..... Y/n...please save me.. "
Satoru didn't know what to do in order to stop the children from crying at the same time.
end: you arrived home 20 seconds later, you went to the nursery room to check what was the commotion about. When you saw Satoru very exhausted you couldn't help but burst out laughing. But don't worry, you told him that he did a great job and gave him plenty of kissed as his rewards after.
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☞ note. this was inspired by that one kbs world tv episode, idk how to make my writings longer 😭 this was so annoying cuz I worked so many times on this fix then when I saved it to my drafts it had an error THEN HALF OF IT DISAPPEARED SO I HAD TO REDO EVERYTHING 😭😭😭
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messedupfan · 3 months
Chapter 14
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Summary: It's the new year! There's a new development in Reader and Wanda's friendship. Jean and Anna have a very important question for reader. And Rachel witnesses something special.
A/n: Hellllloooooo!! I hope y'all are having a good day. Anyone watch Love is Blind? Every season upsets me more than the last. Anyway, comment, like, reblog, and enjoy!
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By the time you stopped staying with Wanda, the pillow wall ceased to exist. The pair of you were comfortable enough to share the space together on the bed and not overthink it. At least that's what you told each other to be able to hold one another at night. On the Sunday that Vision was meant to come for the boys, he called Wanda early in the morning. You were confused and exhausted when you accidentally picked up the phone. Your eyes went wide when you realized that you answered the wrong phone. You quickly put it on mute and woke Wanda up. She had to put on a fake voice to try and match yours. It was a hilarious attempt and she had to hit you to get you to laugh quietly. You just climbed out of bed to use the restroom. 
When you came back, Wanda had her face in her hands. You rejoined her on the bed and she leaned against you once you were settled in. “Vision extended his trip. He said he'll pick them up next Sunday. Which, I'm okay with having them longer. Of course. I love them and I mean, they love you and Rachel so I'm sure that a part of them will be okay with it. But,” she shut her eyes and shook her head as you put your arm around her. “They're going to be so disappointed. I don't even know what I can say? What do you say to a kid when their dad would rather spend the holidays with his new family?” 
You frowned as you rubbed her arm. Even though you knew the question was rhetorical, you felt inclined to answer because you've been that kid before. “My mom wouldn't tell me. She wouldn't even make an excuse on his behalf. She would just distract me with so much fun that I wouldn't even know how long it was until I finally did see my dad.” 
“Do you think that will work?” She rubbed her finger under her nose. You laughed lightly as you shook your head. 
“No, definitely not. Those kids are too smart for that. But, I think I do know something that might work,” you began to remind her of the night before when the boys were bummed by the idea that they had to go with their father because they wanted to stay and have fun with Rachel. “Just say that you asked Vision to let you have the boys a little bit longer and he agreed to let them stay until school starts again.” 
And she took your advice, while you were in the shower, she went to the boys room and told them exactly what you suggested. They were so happy and they hugged her so tight she almost felt guilty lying to them. One of the hardest lessons she learned about being a parent was accepting that she did in fact have to lie to her children on occasion. She already had to tell them that she asked to have Christmas with them and they accepted that because Rachel was still in the hospital at the time and they knew their dad wouldn't take them to visit her. They were confused when they spent time with their dad's side of the family and he wasn't there but they had so much fun with their uncle Tony that it didn't matter. He chased them around and wrestled with them when Vision would have yelled at them for running and he would have punished them for playing around so much. 
The twins loved their dad but they didn't miss him. 
Wanda hosted a New Year’s Eve party that included her mom, the Starks, her brother and his family, plus her friends. You got to invite your friends, Steve and his partner Peggy, the new guy on the job site Thor, and Darcy. A girl you met on a dating app one time and the two of you decided to be friends after. It was rare for her to be in town because she is a political science major who is interning for doctor Jane Foster while she worked on getting her own doctorate. The internship had her traveling a lot. She brought Jane with her because she claimed that the woman was a shut-in. But with the way she almost instantly gravitated to Thor, you couldn't tell. 
You also invited Bucky, another work friend, and he brought a girl he'd started seeing a couple of months prior. A woman named Natasha. When she entered the house she appeared to be on edge. So did Wanda at first, you figured you'd have to ask her about it when you got the chance. After a bit, they both relaxed. 
Of course, Anna and Jean were in attendance as well. They kept wanting to tease you about co-hosting but with so many of your co-workers and your boss being there, they let it slide. You acted as a guest and the kids knew not to mention the living arrangement. 
“So, who are you kissing at midnight?” Darcy asks as she joins you outside on the patio. You needed a break from the party and it was a nice night despite the low temperature. “Me or the hostess?” She smirks then takes a sip from her blue disposable cup. 
You shake your head as you drink from your cup. “I’m not kissing anyone at midnight.” The kids were all in the boys room and you’d hate for them to run down the stairs and confuse them because you and Wanda kissed. They were already confused because one of the nights, Billy came running in from having a nightmare and caught you in the bed. Up until then, you and Wanda were telling them that you were sleeping on the couch. You got away with telling Billy that you also had a nightmare and he seemed to have bought the excuse as he climbed in and created space between you and Wanda so that he could snuggle with his mom. 
“Oh come on, that’s no fun,” Darcy nudges you. “Tell you what, I’ll kiss Agatha so you’ll have to kiss Wanda.” 
You narrow your eyes, “You just want to kiss Agatha.” 
She made a face as she laughed, “No, I just want you to kiss Wanda.”
“How much money is involved,” you ask, knowing the people that are inside. Darcy tries to deny that there’s a bet circulating around the party and eventually gives up. You look inside of the house through the windows on the doors and watch Wanda laugh as something her sister-in-law says. Things weren’t complicated with her but you were constantly afraid that they would become complicated. “I’m not kissing her so that you and whoever else is involved can win a bet.”
“Pietro was the one who started it so,” she takes another drink, “do you really want your boss to lose.” The look she gives you confirms your unspoken question of which side of the bet Pietro was on. You couldn’t believe that he bet that you would kiss his sister at midnight. You shake your head again and finish what’s left in your cup. 
“I need another drink,” you say as you get up from your seat and walk inside. Instead of refilling your cup, you toss it into the trash. Your eyes keep finding Wanda in the small crowd as you move about the gathering talking with the different people there. You liked getting to know Tony Stark but her laugh kept grabbing your attention. One of the times she catches your gaze and mouths a hello with a cute smile. You smile back and mouth, “Hey.” 
As it got closer to the countdown to midnight, you walked upstairs to check on the kids. All of them had made themselves comfortable either on a bed or on the floor. Luna and Rachel have taken the beds, the twins and Agatha’s son are on the floor. The tv was left playing a movie and you carefully turn it off since all of them are asleep. You put blankets over the three boys and tuck the girls into the beds a bit more. You don’t realize that Wanda is watching you until you look up to leave the room. You smile as you stand in the room of sleeping children and strategically step around them to avoid waking them up. 
You leave the door open a crack once you step out into the hallway, “I can move the girls out of the room in a little bit.” You whisper as you step closer to her. “I’m buzzed right now and would hate to drop any of them,” the truth is, you’d hate to wake any of them right now. 
Wanda looks at you with admiration as she continues to smile, “It’s okay. I think they’ll be fine for the night. I um, I actually wanted to warn you about something.” 
“There’s a bet on whether or not we’ll kiss tonight?” Wanda nods to confirm that’s what she was going to talk to you about. “What do you think about it?” 
She shrugs, “I think if we do, it wouldn’t be a big deal. It’s not like we haven’t before.” You nod. 
“But?” You anticipate. 
“But, I don’t want my brother to win,” she says mischievously. “Have you heard what side he’s on?” She asks and this might be the only time in your life that you don’t regret lying when you shake your head. The two of you walk down the stairs as you hear everyone counting down. 
“How are the kiddos?” Pietro asks as the countdown continues. 
“They’re all knocked out,” you inform him. He nods and is pulled in closer by his wife as they get to ten. You look around to find Jane and Thor gazing at one another, nine. Tony and his fiance, Pepper are holding each other close, eight. Agatha and Darcy each have an arm around each other's necks as they both face the television, seven. Mrs. Maximoff is sitting on the sofa with a big grin as she counts down, six. Howard is next to her with his head tilted back as he snores loudly and his wife Maria is next to him counting with a martini glass in her hand, five. Carol is kissing Val each second that is announced, four. Natasha is sitting on Bucky’s lap while he sits on the recliner with her arm around his neck and his around her waist, three.  Jean and Anna pull each other closer as they prepare to end the count down, two. That leaves you standing close to Wanda, one. 
“Happy New Year!” Everyone cheers as the countdown on the television concludes and they each exchange a kiss with their partners. You keep your hands yourself as you give Wanda an innocent chaste kiss on the lips. It’s quick, you’re not sure if anyone caught it. She smiles as she moves closer to her mom and kisses her on the cheek as she wishes her a happy new year. 
“Awe boo!” Darcy says as she digs for cash out of her pockets. The others that bet on you and Wanda sharing a kiss toss their money in the decorative bowl at the center of the coffee table. You wink at Wanda as Pietro shakes his head and puts money in the bowl. Wanda’s eyes widen ever so slightly before she continues to play dumb about the bet. The both of you fake being upset and make it clear that whatever is between the two of you is purely platonic. 
From the top of the stairs, Rachel hobbles back to Tommy and Billy’s room to hide the fact that she saw the whole thing. 
When Sunday comes back around, you get up early to get packed. School starts again on Monday so that meant you and Rachel didn’t need to stay with Wanda anymore. It sucks because you wish that you could have an excuse to be here longer but seeing as none of the kids will be in the house in the upcoming week, there isn’t a reason for you to stay. 
You hug the boys and thank them for being so helpful with Rachel as you say goodbye. They each give you a tight hug before running off to get ready for their dad to pick them up. Wanda called him early to confirm that he will be here for them in the afternoon. He sounded annoyed and convinced her to drop them off at his house since he was recovering from his trip. 
Wanda pulls you into a warm embrace to say goodbye for the time being. You’ve had to resist kissing her the entire week. You wished that you hadn’t done it on New Year’s Eve. She didn’t make it easy either. Too many times the two of you ended up too close to each other. Wanda was getting frustrated that you weren’t getting the signals that she wanted something more from you. 
When the pair of you pull back from this hug, you and Wanda hold eye contact for a moment. Both of you are considering leaning towards each other. That is, until Tommy and Billy start shouting at each other. Wanda sighs and steps out of your arms. “I’ll text you later,” you say as you grab your bag to take to the car. Rachel and her bags are already in your truck. 
You help your daughter out of the truck when you arrive at her mom's house and you only take one of her bags inside since you need to keep the rest at your apartment. Jean and Anna give you weird looks when you're inside and you're curious as to why but you don't question it. “I'll see you guys next Sunday,” you say as you're about to leave. 
“Hold on,” Anna says as she grabs your arm to stop you. “Can you um…” her words seem to fail her. 
“Do you mind staying for tea,” Jean finishes for her. You look between the two of them and notice that something is up with them. You fear that they're about to tell you that their marriage is over so you nod and allow Jean to drag you over to the living room. “So, we wanted to thank you for giving us some extra time to ourselves.” 
“Okay,” you drag out as you eye her carefully. “What's going on?” 
Jean gives you a nervous smile, “Just wait for the tea. Okay?” You nod and sit quietly. There's an awkward tension looming in the atmosphere. You were worried about what they're going to tell you and they are nervous to ask you something very important to them. 
Anna comes in with a tray of three steaming mugs a few minutes later. “You haven't asked them yet, right?” Jean shakes her head as she waits for her wife to get settled. You accept your cup of tea with a close mouth smile and nod. 
“Okay,” Jean starts as she sets her mug down. “Anna and I were wondering if you'd consider making another baby,” you’re about to laugh considering you just went through a break up, “with me?” She concludes. You spit your tea out at the absurd question. “I should have waited for you to swallow,” Jean says as she gets up to grab a dish towel to clean up the mess but Anna pulls her back down. 
“Are you crazy?” You ask as you set the tea back onto the tray. “You tell me that you can barely afford Rachel and you want to add a newborn to your expenses?” You shout in a whisper. You don't want Rachel to get curious and walk in and get excited about having another sibling. 
“Listen, we talked about that. With the budgets the three of us have come up with-” 
“And the GoFundMe!” Anna chimes in. 
“Yes, and the GoFundMe that we set-up for the medical bills, I think we'll be able to get that covered. And it takes nine months to make the baby. Anna and I can get to a better place financially in nine months,” Jean explains. 
“Can you?” You nearly shout out loud. “Look, it's not just nine months of you growing a person. It's doctors appointments, it's prenatal vitamins, it's baby clothes and toys and furniture. We got rid of all that stuff a long time ago. It's not like you have hand-me-downs.” With your pointer finger, you tap the fingers on your other hand as you list the reasons. “Not to mention how expensive IVF can be.” 
Jean and Anna share a look, “We weren't thinking about doing this through IVF. It's safer and more cost efficient to go the more natural route.” Anna is the one to suggest this. 
You stick your neck out and slowly blink as you widen your eyes. You cannot believe what you're hearing. “You really just suggested that I fuck your wife?” 
���You don't have to be so crude about it,” Anna chides. “I plan on being present and it wouldn't be wrong for you to fornicate with my wife. It's purely for reproductive purposes.” You cringe at the medical terms she uses to describe the act she is asking of you. It makes you want to throw up. “I don't understand what is so difficult about it, you've done it with her before.” 
You slowly close your hands into fists, not because you intend to use them but because air was the only thing you could grasp without hurting yourself. “I was in love, we were in love. Rachel was created from love.” 
“And this baby would be too,” Jean argues. “We care deeply about each other, Y/n.” She tries to take one of your hands in hers but you recoil, disgusted by the touch you once found comforting. 
You shake your head, “That's not the same and you know it.” You take a few breaths to calm down before you get too worked up and as your mind clears from the shock, you are able to come up with a reasonable argument. “You two might be ready to have another kid, but I'm not ready. I can't take that on financially or even emotionally right now. Besides, there is so much that happens during their first few developing years that I wouldn't want to miss when passing them back and forth.” They share another look and you already know they've thought about a crazy solution to that. You're starting to think you should just leave. 
“Well, we were thinking that you don't have any parental rights to this one. So that we can have a kid that's ours full time. We really want a baby that we can raise together that's just ours and we chose you to help us with that.” You scowl at this, they're actually asking you to not be present in the life of a child that you're supposed to help bring into this world. You couldn't believe it. “If you think about it, we can't have kids on our own and I really want Rachel to have a sibling that comes from both of us. You've said it yourself, half siblings aren't the sa-” 
“Don’t even. I was a kid when I said that! I would never say that now. I love Kate,” you interrupt. “She is my sister.” 
“Okay, fine, whatever. You still felt that way at one point,” Jean snaps, annoyed by your lack of support. “You can go off and have as many kids as you want with whoever you want. We only have so much time to do this and we used to talk about having another kid.” Jean tries hard to convince you that this is a good idea but it only sounds more and more bizarre. 
“When we were together,” you remind her as if she was an idiot. At this point, you're starting to wonder. “Those plans disappeared the second we signed the divorce papers.” You look between the women that you have tried again and again to support and defend. When Jean introduced Anna to her parents, they weren't accepting of the relationship at all. It took you the better part of a year to get her parents to tolerate the relationship. They still held out hope that you and their daughter would reunite at some point. They knew a few couples that split up only to marry each other again a few years later. Then came the wedding last February, Jean's family didn't want to attend because they didn't want to believe it was happening. You made sure they came. 
Now here they are, asking more out of you. With what return? What do you get out of this other than a few traumatic nights and a child you won't be allowed to raise but know is part of you? Then you think about Rachel and how when she would play with her baby dolls, they weren't ever her children. They were her siblings. You've had many talks with her in the past about why she doesn't have any siblings and she has expressed how she doesn't want to be an only child. You put your face in your hands as you realize that she's already ten and she'll be eleven soon enough. You had thought your eight year age gap between you and Kate was pretty big, and when you thought about having kids you always saw yourself having kids with small age gaps. That was until you had Rachel at seventeen. 
“We're not expecting an answer now,” Jean finally says. “Just please, consider it before you say no.” 
You sigh as you can't believe that you're actually going to think this over. “Okay,” you rise and walk out of the house. You drive to the nearest liquor store, the one you met Wanda at and buy a couple of bottles of the vodka she had suggested. As soon as you got home, you drank until you passed out to forget about the asinine request. 
You overworked yourself all week, being the first one on site and the last one to leave. Someone needs to be focused on paying off those medical bills and not trying to rack up more of them. The work keeps you from thinking about what Jean and Anna asked. You couldn't believe that is a real idea they discussed and thought was okay to run by you. When you got home, you had a bottle of vodka with a side of instant noodles. 
On Friday, your coworkers, Bucky and Thor, ask that you join them on a night out and you accept. You invite Steve as well because Bucky took a liking to him but wasn't sure if he could invite the guy himself. You thought it was funny that he was being weird about it but you didn't catch how flustered he was when you informed him that Steve accepted the invite. Then Thor requested that you invite Darcy and her friend. He tried to play coy but you know that he really liked Jane. He was just the idiot that forgot to call her the next day. He claimed that he waited too long and now he needed your help. You didn't mind extending it, he was a decent guy from what you've gathered. 
A couple of hours later and  you're drunk enough to start spilling your guts. Starting with how much you miss Daisy before getting into the real problem. Jean and Anna's request. Shocking everyone at the booth. The guys all agree that you shouldn't do it but Darcy plays devil's advocate and says that she knows someone that could help at no cost at all because they owed her a favor. “It's not just the sex that's the problem, Darcy,” you try to explain. “I can't just pretend it's not my kid. If I were someone that didn't mind that kind of thing, sure, I'd do it. But I'm not that person, I would want involvement.” 
She puts her hand on your back and rubs soothing circles. It would be comforting if it wasn't her touch. You begin to yearn for Wanda’s touch again. You didn't realize how much you missed it. There is a loud group of people that are being disruptive and it puts you in a bad mood as you start to miss the Hub being your go to. You doubt Phil would let you step into that building ever again. 
“Anyone want more? I'll get the next round,” you stand up even though you barely can and Darcy takes notice as she quickly joins you. Buck and Steve have engrossed themselves in a separate conversation. Jane and Thor were practically eating each other's faces. She gave him the cold shoulder when she arrived but he was able to crash through her walls pretty quickly. 
While you wait at the bar for the drinks, someone falls against Darcy and she complains about her arm hurting. That triggers something protective in you and you grab the person to try and get them to apologize. They spit in your face and you shove them. Your friends are quick to escort you out of the bar before you get into something you'll regret. 
“Give me your phone,” Darcy says as she digs through your pockets. 
“Hey, that's my phone,” you try to grab it but you're really out of it. Bucky and Steve are both holding you up, they didn't realize that you had drank so much. They exchanged worried glances as they held onto you. Thor and Jane were busy trying to calm the person you pushed. 
Wanda’s week was quite uneventful. She worked quietly on the project she was assigned. With the spare time she has in her day, she worked on her passion project. The dream house she one day hoped to build on a land she's trying to buy now. She doesn't want to continue to be limited by this house. The house that's so full of nightmares. There were good memories here, like the boys learning how to crawl and eventually walk, but it wasn't enough to erase the negative energy that has embedded itself within the walls like black mold. 
She was planning on inviting her girls over on Friday but she really only wanted to be hanging out with you. Because of that feeling, she invited someone to sleep with instead. She needed to get you out of her head. You were starting to consume her every thought. Even when she worked on the plans for her dream house. Would Y/n like this much natural light if I add this wall of windows? Wouldn't they like a woodworking space, like my father had? Maybe Rachel needs a room… she dropped her pencil and scrapped the paper. She didn't need to be thinking about that. 
Wanda was kicking the girl, Jessica, that she had over when her phone started ringing. Her heart jumped at the goofy picture of you with the caller ID that you had set, covering her screen. “Hey you,” she greets as she shuts the door. “What's up?” 
“Wanda, keep it in your pants.” Wanda moves the phone from her face as she doesn't recognize the voice. It was still your contact information. “This is Darcy. We met last week,” she says with an urgency. This gets Wanda’s heart to race with worry. 
“What's wrong with Y/n? Why are you calling me from their phone?” She asks as she searches for her keys. Ready to be driving to the hospital. 
“They're fine for the most part. I think.” She goes quiet for a second. “Look, they're really wasted and I was wondering if you could pick them up?” Darcy asks nervously. “No stop! Hey! Y/n, don't do that! Steve, Bucky, get them!” Darcy shouts away from the phone but Wanda can hear everything she says. Wanda shakes her head. So far she hadn't known you to be the drunk type. She'd seen you have a few drinks and get a buzz but she hasn't seen you in such a state that your friends have had to parent you. 
Wanda sighs, “Text me the location. I'll be there as soon as I can.” 
“Okay, thank you,” Darcy sounds distracted. “Damnit, Y/n, why do you have a flask! Stop drinking!” Is the last thing Wanda hears before the call drops. She sits in her car for a few minutes before she receives the text of the location. It was a bar close to her house and she was there in no time at all. She doesn't even have to get out of the car to help you inside because Steve and Bucky shove you into the front seat. 
“Wanda!” You say happily as you realize whose car you've been dumped into. Your eyes are closed but you recognize the scent you had been wrapped up in for two weeks. “Where's Wanda? I want to say hi,” you mutter as you start to get sleepy. 
“Here's their phone,” Darcy says as she stands at Wanda's side of the car. “Don't let them call or text anyone. They're going through something with the ex and you have to make sure that they don't say something they'll regret.” 
Wanda is confused, “What happened between Y/n and Daisy?” 
“Oh no, honey,” Darcy smiles, “Not that ex. This is baby momma drama. You'll have to ask Y/n about that one in the morning. It's not my place to go into the details.” 
Wanda nods in acknowledgement. “Thank you for calling me. Does anyone else need a ride, I'd be happy to -” 
“Nope, we're good. Just focus on Y/n. Maybe try to get some water in them.” Darcy taps the car. “Good luck,” she waves as she rejoins the group on the sidewalk. Wanda drives you back to her house and helps get you inside. She didn't realize how heavy you could be when you're not holding your weight yourself. But she manages. 
“I’m sorry I drank too much, Wanda,” you mutter as you lean against her on the sofa. She was trying to get you to drink some water before she attempted to move you up the stairs. 
“That's okay, just drink this now,” she says as she puts the plastic cup against your lips. You take a sip and nearly spit it out as you show your disgust. 
“Poison,” you exclaim. “Gah, what is that? It's awful,” you say as you lean away from it. 
“It's water,” she leans closer to you. “Drink it!” She demands. 
You make a face and take the cup and chug the whole thing. “I think my body is rejecting it. I need to chase it down with something. Do you have any vodka?” You complain and Wanda shakes her head. 
“What did Jean do to you?” Wanda asks herself and you laugh maniacally when you catch her name. 
“She wants my baby,” you answer. And Wanda is concerned that there is going to be some sort of custody battle. She can't think of why there would be. Unless Jean has a better job opportunity somewhere else. 
“She can't take Rachel from you,” Wanda says as she gets up to refill the cup. 
“Not that baby!” You shout. “My other baby. Er. A new one. She wants a new one and she doesn't want me to have it.” Wanda relaxes a bit, still confused but at least it's not something that will necessarily disrupt Rachel’s life. She walks over and claims the cup of water is vodka. You drink it as if it was the first drink you’d ever had in your life. “That’s the good stuff right there, what’s that brand?” 
She is standing in front of you as she waits for you to finish the beverage. “I’ll tell you in the morning so that you don’t forget.” When you’re don’t she reaches for the cup and instead of handing it over, you grab her by the wrist and pull her to land on top of you. She tries to push herself up but you catch her lips in a sloppy kiss. “What are you doing?” She whispers as she pulls away. 
“Something I should have done a long time ago,” you reply. 
She shakes her head, “You’re drunk.” 
“So?” You ask as you try to kiss her again. This time she is able to slip out of your grasp. 
“So, this isn’t happening,” Wanda doesn’t go into how she’d be taking advantage of you since you’re so wasted and she hasn’t had a drop of alcohol all week. She doesn’t remind you of why you rejected her before or mention that she refuses to be a rebound for you. “Let's get you to bed,” she says as she lifts you up by your arm. You shake your head, disappointed by the rejection but comply. 
You're a little wobbly as you walk up the stairs. Wanda is closely behind you to ensure your safe ascent. You stop in front of her open bedroom door. Uncertain if she wants you to stay with her. But you decide that it's not her decision to make. So you move to the guest room. Wanda doesn't argue as she collects a bottle of painkillers and fills the cup again. She leaves the items on the nightstand beside you. You fell asleep the second your head hit the pillow. You snored softly and Wanda was surprised because you never snored during the time you stayed with her.
“I'll see you in the morning,” she says while she flips the light switch off and shuts the bedroom door. Wanda grabs the pillow that smells like you out of her closet and sets it on her bed before she gets in her pajamas. She crawls into bed and clutches the pillow to her chest as she inhales your scent in order to fall asleep.
Chapter 15
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiofthemultifandom @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters @bittysworld @hopeless-romantic17177 @spongebobtentacles
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Part 6
Pairing: Dean x Female Reader
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (Rated M for eventual scenes – 18+)
Word Count: 4,800 Warnings: Angst, fluff, and some supernatural shenanigans.
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Part 6: Trust Building
After you showered and dressed in a clean shirt and yoga pants, you felt refreshed but still somewhat anxious. You don’t have anything to be nervous about, you tried to remind yourself.
You finally met him. His name is Dean. He seems…nice.
A soft smile grew on your face when you thought of how he’d looked over your injuries in concern. How he’d seemed just as nervous as you, but was familiar in his teasing and gentle when he’d helped you up the stairs.
He seemed to be a decent guy. But so had Danny Schmitt.
That thought made you shudder. Those horrific memories of last night tried to surface, but you stubbornly shoved them down by covering your eyes with your hands and letting out a few deep breaths.
When you’d calmed down, you released your trembling hands. That’s it, you decided. You were going downstairs. You were going to go crazy if you stayed up here in this room.
…Plus, you were getting hungry.
Things were probably going to get awkward fast, but you were up for it. You didn’t want to be rude to your uncle, and you wanted to get know Dean and his brother Sam.
So you carefully descended the stairs, trying not to freeze in place when all three men paused in their conversation to look at you. You gave a little wave.
“How’re you feelin’?” Bobby asked.
“I’m okay.” You joined Sam and Dean on the couch once they made room for you. Bobby sat in a rickety chair across from them, with a coffee table full of old, open books in between. What kind of book club were these guys having?
You shared a small smile with Dean, who seemed to take a brief moment to look you over. You noticed his gaze lingered on your yoga pants. But smoothly his eyes returned to your face. He inhaled and looked curious.
“What’s that, apples?” he asked. You blinked in confusion, until you realized what he meant: your body wash. To be fair, it did have a strong smell.
“Oh, apple spice.” You nodded. “Good guess!”
Dean grinned a little. “It’s nice.”
Sitting on his other side, Sam rested an elbow on the couch’s arm. He hid a smile behind his hand, while Bobby just rolled his eyes.
“All right, well dinner’s on the way,” your uncle said. “Hope you like Chinese.”
You were just about to reply affirmatively when your phone buzzed on the coffee table. With a quick glance, you saw who it was and frowned. Dad.
“That’s been going off non-stop for the past ten minutes,” Dean said.
“Yeah,” you sighed, and went to pick up the phone. “Hi, Dad.”
You felt guilty about taking off from Jody’s house without telling anyone, but in fairness, you’d left her a note. Your dad was stern and quick to reproach you.
“You can’t just take off like that. You had me looking over the whole damn town for you!” said Jack.
Your lips pressed together. “Look, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you where I was going, but now you know where I am. I’m safe.”
Jack started to interject, but you cut in before he could start giving you orders.
“Tell Jody I’m sorry, but I’m comfortable here,” you said, glancing up at Bobby, and then at Sam and Dean.
“…Fine. The house should be back to normal in a couple of days. If you leave Bobby’s house for any reason, you call me,” Jack said.
Like you were a child.
“Fine,” you snapped and hung up the phone. Then you looked up at the men, who all looked away as if they hadn’t been listening.
“Sorry,” you added. “My dad’s a bit…overprotective.”
“I mean…can you really blame him right now?” Dean asked. “I get it, you ditched your babysitter. But not for nothing, I’d probably react the same way.”
His face was more serious, devoid of the flirtatious teasing from before. Your hackles started to rise as he took your dad’s side…until you realized that he meant well. Through the connection that bonded your soul with his, what you felt most was his concern for you. 
And, he might actually have a point.
You just weren’t willing to acknowledge that just yet.
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You tried to get to know Sam more too. You learned that he’d gone to college at Stanford for pre-law, and that he’d planned to be a lawyer. When you asked why he didn’t go for it, he and Dean got quiet.
That’s when the takeout finally came. You sensed it was a sensitive topic, so you didn’t push it.
The four of you ate while Sam and Dean traded off telling childhood stories and motel room antics, most of which made you laugh.
But you became sad when you realized what Dean had told you once was true: he and Sam had been raised on the open road. They hadn’t truly had a home since Dean was five years old, and Sam had been just an infant, after their mother died.
“The house burned down,” Dean explained, but you had a feeling there was more to the story. You sensed it in his guarded emotions—both in his body language and through your bond.
“Nice ring,” he remarked, noting the flash of silver on your right hand. You gave him a closer look and he took the opportunity to take your hand. You tried (and failed) not to blush.
“My mom’s,” you said, your eyes lowering. “She…died when I was around fourteen.”
Dean sighed and released your hand. “I’m sorry.”
You knew he understood how you felt. He’d lost his mom too.
“What about your dad?” you asked.
Sam and Dean shared a brief glance before Dean replied. “He’s still around. He started the family business, so he travels a lot too.”
“I see.” You were very curious to meet their dad. If he was anything like Dean, then that man was sure to be interesting.
After a while more of eating and talking, Bobby wished you goodnight and went up to his room. Sam returned to the living room to set up his sleeping spot on the recliner, leaving you and Dean to clear the dining table and wash the dishes together.
“So your dad’s a cop, huh?” Dean asked.
You nodded. “Yep. Hence the overprotective bit.”
“Is that why you didn’t tell him about our…” Here Dean raised his brows. “Situation?”
You smiled in amusement. “Honestly, yeah. It just…didn’t feel like the right time to tell him about us. When you meet him, you’ll understand.”
“I get it. My dad’s not always a picnic either, but he’s a good man,” Dean said. “Your dad seems to be too.”
“Except he doesn’t want me here,” you said. “He’s got this…thing with my uncle. I can’t figure it out.”
Dean seemed to remember something. “Yeah, Bobby was sayin’ something like that. They had a falling out a while back?”
“I think it started when my aunt died,” you admitted. You were seven, and Aunt Karen had been your dad’s younger sister. You didn’t remember her that well, but you had a warm memory of her making pies for every season: pumpkin and apple for fall, blueberry for winter, strawberry and rhubarb for spring, and peach for summer.
“I’ve asked Bobby about it, but he’s not really the sharing type,” you said.
“Yeah, fair enough,” Dean said. It made you look over at him with some curiosity.
Dean was becoming something of an enigma to you. In some ways, he could be incredibly straightforward and kind in how he looked after you and asked about your life. But any time you asked about his family, about his past, about his job, he would pull back from you.
It made you nervous. What the hell is he hiding?
But it also made you determined to find out more. Now that you’d found him, you weren’t going to let him go so easily.
After the table was cleared and the dishes were done, you realized just how tired you were. Even your head was starting to ache.
Dean might’ve heard your thoughts (you had to get better at controlling that), because he looked you over in an assessing way.
“Hey, you should probably get some sleep,” he said. “It’s been a long day, sweetheart.”
Even that small nickname made you blush again. Dean noticed, smiling. You purposefully looked away and called out to his brother.
“Goodnight, Sam.”
He looked up from the book he was reading and smiled at you. “Goodnight. Sleep well.”
You returned his smile before returning your gaze to Dean. He crossed his arms expectantly, a grin playing at his lips. “My turn?”
You uttered a laugh. Gaining some courage, you leaned up on your toes, rested a hand on his shoulder, and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Goodnight, Dean.”
Sweet dreams, you added mentally, then you turned to climb up the stairs.
See you tomorrow, he replied. It made you pause on the stairs and turn back to him with a soft smile.
Then, Dean watched you go up the rest of the way to make sure you were all right. He did his best to clamp down on his mixed emotions, so you wouldn’t sense them. When he turned around, he found Sam wearing a knowing grin.
“What?” Dean asked.
“I just never thought I’d see you like this.”
Dean rolled his eyes and sat on the other end of the couch. He leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees, then rubbed at his face with both hands. Sam sat down next to him and dropped a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m glad, Dean. You deserve this,” he said.
Do I? Dean thought. “You know we’ve got a job to do.”
“…Yeah,” Sam said with a sigh. He was conflicted too. He wanted to give his brother the time and space to enjoy this, to spend time with you, but they still had to find their dad—and the Yellow-Eyed demon that killed Jess, and their mom.
Still, this was important.
“Why don’t you go up and talk to her?” he suggested, nodding up the stairs.
Dean frowned. “She’s going to bed.”
“Even if it’s five minutes,” Sam said. “Don’t waste any more time, Dean. Do something.”
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So Dean went up to your room, and he knocked.
You opened the door a few moments later, but you hadn’t changed clothes yet. Sensing more than hearing his anxious thoughts had kept you puttering around the room, straightening things up, brushing your hair, trying to find something to wear for bed. You just didn’t know how to reach out and comfort him, or even if you should.
But you smiled when you saw him.
“Can I help you, sir?” you teased.
“Just for a minute,” he said, once you let him into the room. “You can kick me out whenever.”
You beckoned him to sit with you on the edge of your bed. You and Dean sat in silence for a moment, both of you trying to think of something to say.
“This is hard, isn’t it?” you said. Dean let out a breathy chuckle, his shoulders sagging a bit in relief. He looked over at you.
“Somehow, thought it’d be easier,” he said.
“Okay, let’s just get this out of the way. We’re basically strangers. Let’s stop focusing on the cosmic bond part of it all, and just try to get to know each other,” you suggested. 
Dean saw the logic there.
“Sounds good to me,” he said. He reached out and tucked your hair behind your ear, his thumb brushing the side of your face.
A blush dusted your cheeks. “You like doing that.”
“You don’t seem to mind.”
“Not really, no,” you admitted with a smile. Dean returned it, before his expression became more serious again.
“Hey, can you answer something honest for me real quick?” he asked.
“Okay.” Though you wondered where this was going.
“Are you okay?”
You folded your hands in your lap and stared down. “Yeah. I feel fine, Dean. Really.”
“Not what I meant,” he said. You felt his concern through your bond, encouraging you to look up at him.
“I get it if you don’t, but if you need to talk about what happened last night…” He let the thought hang off, giving you the space to decline if you wanted to, or if you weren’t ready. You sensed that he was willing to listen to you, and actually, that he genuinely wanted to know.
Well, that you could believe. He seemed to be the protective type.
You sighed; as much as you didn’t want to think about what happened, flashes of those memories were already resurfacing behind your eyes.
“It happened so fast,” you began. People always said that in the movies, but it was true.
“I got home late. I was…talking with you. As soon as I set my things down in the living room, he grabbed me from behind, dragged me into the kitchen for some reason…” You took a breath. “When I had enough wits about me to start fighting back, that’s when he used my head for basketball practice on the counter.”
Dean was quiet while you spoke. He was trying to keep his darker thoughts from spilling into his connection with you, but that was a feat in itself.
It was a good thing for him that Danny Schmitt was already dead.
“I saw the kitchen knives, but before I knew it I was on the ground,” you continued, though it was difficult to steep yourself in those wild, thrashing moments. Being pinned down, not being able to call for help or reach anything that could help you.
Your hand went to the bruises on your throat. “I couldn’t breathe…then I’m…not sure what happened. Maybe I got some adrenaline-fueled, Hulk Hogan-type strength, because the next thing I knew, I was looking down at Danny’s body. And the kn-knife, somehow I…”
Tears spilled down your cheeks as you started to lose your grip, but Dean reached for your hand, squeezing yours. That, and sensing his supportive presence in your mind, gave you something solid to ground you as you breathed through it.
As was your habit, you twirled your mom’s ring around your finger.
“Danny?” Dean asked.
“Y-Yeah. We went to high school together,” you explained. “He was an idiot then. He got his fingers caught in the automatic stapler. How do you go from that to psycho-killer spree?”
Dean gave you an amused look, but he gave you an honest answer.
“Some people are born bad. Some people do bad things once in a while, and regret it,” he said. “Some people got evil shit on their mind, but don’t got the confidence to actually pull the trigger. Until they do.”
You let out a deep breath as you nodded.
“I just…Dean, I don’t remember grabbing the knife,” you confessed. “But it makes me wonder…what the hell else am I capable of?”
Dean could understand that, better than most. He let you lean into him and drew you close as you finally allowed yourself to let go. You felt bad for dampening his shirt with your tears, but you relished in his comfort and the safety of his arms.
Until both of you shivered. It felt like the room had dropped ten degrees all of a sudden.
Dean got an awfully familiar, suspicious feeling.
“Aw, shit,” he said.
“What?” you asked nervously. Your bedside lamp flickered, and somehow a draft kicked up into the room.
Dean got you to stand up by the elbows and grabbed your hand, heading for the door. It swung closed in your faces, making you gasp.
“Shit,” he repeated.
Your looked up at him in fear. “What the hell’s going on?”
“Whatever happens, just stay close to me.” Dean’s voice was firm, authoritative. It was fair to say you clung to his arm. Maybe that made you the quintessential damsel in distress, but to be fair, you were definitely in distress right about now. You didn’t have a clue what was happening, but Dean seemed to.
Then a strong gust of wind pulled him away from you and threw him into the large wooden dresser across the room. You watched in alarm, but you eventually made yourself move to go and help him.
That’s when a strange mirage glitched and appeared in front of you, startling you. It was a woman, maybe in her late-thirties. She looked familiar, but before you could focus on her face, Dean’s fist swiped through the mirage and made it disappear.
You looked up at him in shock. He was a bit banged up with a couple of scratches on his arm, but he held what looked like the iron handle from one of the dresser drawers he’d smashed into. You touched his arm, and your mind blazed with questions that you were finally able to express.
“Are you okay? What the hell was that? What—”
“All right, for right now just follow my lead, okay?” he said. He grabbed your hand and tried opening the door. It was locked. Damn it.
Sam called from the other side.
“Hey, you guys okay?” he asked.
“Yeah, we’ve got us a ghost,” said Dean.
“What?” you exclaimed. As in Casper?
Dean sighed. “I’ll explain later. Move away from the door, Sammy.”
“Okay, go ahead.”
In one powerful move, Dean kicked through the door and broke the lock. You and Dean escaped the room, but your eyes widened as you pointed behind Sam. “Watch out!”
The woman was there again. Now you could see that she wore a white blouse with small flowers on them, and a long, dark skirt that seemed to glide across the floor. You realized that you recognized the shade of her hair, the shape of her face and features—many of them were similar to your own.
You felt like the air had fled from your lungs, all while your heart constricted painfully. Dean’s head swiveled toward you; he’d picked up on the shift in your emotions through your connection.
“Mom?” you uttered.
A gun shot rang out, making the vision of your mother scream angrily, and then disappear. Behind her was Bobby with a shotgun full of rock salt.
“All right, let’s get downstairs,” he said.
The four of you ran down quick to the ground floor. The lights continued to flicker as you went, and a draft followed you through the living room where the fireplace crackled with life. You watched as Sam went and got cannisters of salt from the kitchen and started drawing a large circle of salt around you all. Meanwhile, Dean grabbed the iron poker from the fireplace.
“Okay, will someone please explain what the fuck is going on already?” you asked. “Why am I seeing my mom?”
And why is she trying to kill us?
Sam and Dean shared a look before the latter sighed and met your wide-eyed stare.
“Like I said, she’s a ghost. Yeah, they’re real. Salt keeps them away, iron fends them off,” he explained. “Temporary fixes though. The only way to get rid of a ghost is to burn its old body’s bones.”
That was a lot of crazy information to absorb in all of thirty seconds. Dean laid his hands on your shoulders to get your attention, and to ground you.
“Where is she buried?” he asked.
“The cemetery,” you said tremulously. “Don’t say you’re gonna dig up my mom, Dean.”
His face twisted in apology. “That’s kinda where this is going, yeah.”
You were a tad bit horrified.
“But wait, you can’t,” you realized. “They buried her ashes.”
Sam, Dean, and Bobby all shared a similar frown. Damn it.
The ghost of your mother, Christine, reappeared just a few feet away and startled a scream out of you. The four of you stood within the salt circle, but that didn’t stop her. Her dark eyes were focused on the men as she created a gust of wind to blow the salt circle away.
Bobby shot off a salt round from his gun and made her disappear for a few seconds. But she was getting tenacious. She reappeared moments later to continue whittling at the salt line.
“Why is she coming after us?” you exclaimed.
“Some spirits don’t pass onto greener pastures if they feel like they’ve got too much to leave behind,” Bobby explained. “After a while, they start to lose their grip on…well, reality.”
“They turn vengeful,” Sam supplied. “Poltergeists, hauntings—”
“But why would she go after me?” you asked. You buried your hands in your hair and closed your eyes. Maybe you could block all of this out and pretend it wasn’t happening. “This can’t be real!”
“Hey,” Dean said. He grabbed your arms just tight enough to break you out of your spiral. You looked up at him with tears in your eyes. “This is real. It’s happening. Somehow your mom’s ghost is tethered to something else, because I think she followed you here.”
“Followed me?”
“From your house,” Dean said. He was leading you somewhere—with his tone and his eyes.
You gasped at as hit you.
The impossible knife stabbing of Danny Schmitt.
You hadn’t been anywhere near the kitchen knives. You’d been pinned down while slowly choking to death. It hadn’t been adrenaline. There really was no way you could’ve reached them.
“She…she killed Danny.”
“Yeah.” Dean nodded. “Trust me, I know, because this is my job.”
“This is what you do for a living?” You were damn near hysterics.
He offered you a helpless grin. “And it don’t even come with health insurance.��
“He’s right, there’s something else keeping her here,” Bobby said. He looked at you. “Do you have anything of hers?”
“No, I—” You’d started toying with your ring before it dawned on you with a gasp. Dean looked down at your hand and came to the same conclusion.
“It’s the ring,” he said. “We need to burn it n—”
Dean couldn’t finish his thought, because Christine reappeared behind him and threw him several feet away. The iron poker in his hand clattered away from him. She turned to Sam and Bobby next.
Before either one could shoot off a salt round, Christine raised a hand, commanding a desk to shove them against a large bookcase. They had to shield their heads as books fell off the shelves and thudded to the ground.
Christine stopped when she turned to you. Instead of attacking, she raised her hand out to you. Your eyes widened.
She didn’t answer, but she didn’t look at you with the same anger and menace as she had to the men.
“She’s not after you,” Sam said, with a tilt of his head. “She’s trying to protect you.”
He was still stuck with Bobby, while Dean was also pinned against the wall by the force of Christine’s will. He had enough autonomy to raise his head and meet your eyes with urgency.
“Toss the ring in the fireplace,” he told you. “Do it now!”
Your limbs were frozen in place. It was almost like being attacked by Danny; you could see the knives, but you couldn’t make yourself grab one. This time, you didn’t want to.
“I can’t!” You shook your head adamantly.
“I get it,” Dean said. He was struggling to break free of the ghost’s hold, gritting his teeth. “But you need to put your mom to rest. It’s the ring or your life. Throw that thing into Mount Doom!”
You looked up at Christine, and at times you could see through her spirit-like body. She wasn’t really there, nor was she supposed to be here.
Right now you were poor old Mrs. Jenkins, clutching your pearls.
So you ran to the fireplace. But the moment you fell to your knees there, a strong gust of wind blew out the flames. You gasped and turned to see that your mother was there, and she was now angry with you for trying to destroy her.
Frantically you searched for something to keep her away. What you found was Dean’s iron poker.
“That’s it, stick it right through her!” Dean guided you. Inside he was desperate to help you, but he instinctively buried it under the practiced focus of a hunter.
Your hands closed around the iron and you swung it like a baseball bat, making Christine’s spirit dissolve. Sam then called your name and showed you a lighter in his hand. He threw it towards you, but it bounced through your hands and scattered across the floor.
“For God’s sake,” you muttered frantically. You all but dove onto your hands and knees to scramble after the lighter.
“Watch out!” Dean shouted.
With a gasp, you twisted to face Christine again. This time, she commanded a chef’s knife from the kitchen.
“Mom!” you tried. While she heard you, she didn’t acknowledge what she was doing. Her face was twisted with a truly evil expression—one that you’d never seen on your mother when she lived.
The knife turned in mid-air. Then it spiraled toward you.
You instinctively covered your face with your arms and shouted. “Stop, Mom. Please!”
The room was deadly quiet.
Slowly, you realized you were still alive, if breathing heavily. You opened your eyes and lowered your arms a bit. The knife hadn’t pierced you, but it was still hovering in front your face. You remained very still when you looked up at Christine.
Her face revealed her shock. The evil dregs of death had melted away, revealing your mother as she was. As she had been in your fourteen-year-old memory.
Her expression softened into regret and sadness. The knife fell away from you and clattered to the ground. You let out a relieved breath and laid a hand over your wild beating heart.
Then it was Sam, Dean, and Bobby’s turn to feel relieved. Christine released them from her hold, and Sam and Bobby pushed the desk away from them while Dean rolled the kinks out of his neck.
“I’m sorry,” said Christine. Her voice was familiar, and also sounded overlaid with many whispered voices. Tears pooled in your eyes, but your hand closed over the lighter you found at your side.
You toyed with your ring and glanced at Dean. He gave you an encouraging nod.
“Do it, honey,” your mom said.
Shakily, you got to your feet and went back over to the fireplace. You used the lighter to reignite the wood, but once you took the ring off your finger, you hesitated.
A hand rested on your shoulder, and your tearful eyes met Dean’s sympathetic ones.
It’s okay. You can do this, he told you through the soul bond.
With a deep, shuddering breath, you nodded and let go of your mother’s wedding ring. It took a while, but eventually the silver started to melt.
Your mom’s spirit dissipated with a smile on her face.
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The aftermath of that night was difficult, to say the least. The guest bedroom you were supposed to sleep in had a broken door, but the guys had helped you get it back on its hinges, more or less. You all agreed to leave cleaning up the house for tomorrow, as there were only a few hours left in the night anyway.
The way you felt…well, there weren’t really words for that. You laid in bed in a worn-out, oversized shirt you found in the damaged dresser. Your body was exhausted in every way. Your mind, however, was wide awake.
So was Dean’s. He stared up at the wall from his place on the couch, downstairs. Through the bond, he could feel the many shifts in your fraught emotions. It was keeping him awake too, mostly out of concern.
He tried to take hold of that thread of energy and send you something reassuring, even if it was just his presence and not his words. Because what could he say, anyway?
He sensed that you accepted the connection. He felt your gratefulness, despite the rest of it.
Do you want to come up here? you asked.
It surprised Dean, but his reaction was…conflicted. After tonight, part of him wanted to keep some distance between you and himself. His job attracted even more supernatural batshit insanity than a vengeful spirit. He didn’t want you to get caught up in that…
But a larger part of Dean couldn’t deny you, either.
I’ll be right there, he said.
Without waking up Sam on the recliner, Dean got off the couch and climbed up the stairs towards your room.
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AN: Congrats to @spnexploration for figuring out the impossible stabbing of Danny Schmitt! You guessed it right on your first try. But I hope the clues I left were subtle enough lol.
Now that the reader knows about the supernatural, let's see what she and Dean get up to upstairs...
To keep reading: PART 7
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A huge thank you to everyone commenting and reblogging and overall engaging with this story! I didn't think it would end up being this long lol. But there's more to come soon!
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mattybraps10 · 6 months
I Can See You | Brendan Brisson x Hughes!OC
Summary: Phoebe accidentally grabs Brendan's shirt for the lake and the day goes downhill from there. Plus, another special guest is coming to join them over the summer.
Word Count: 1072
By: M
Parts: part one | part three | part four | part five
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“Excuse me?” Jack cut in, offended.
“Yeah- Wait. She’s done WHAT before?!” Luke added.
“Guys relax, it was one time… If I recall correctly someone may have spilled their drink on me” She said, nudging Brendan.
“More than once…” Brendan cut in, fucking with Phoebe.
“More than once… huh Pheebs? Something you wanna share with the class?” Quinn said, laughing. 
When Quinn laughed, Phoebe relaxed. None of the boys actually thought anything had happened between Phoebe and Brendan, but it was always enjoyable to poke fun at their little sister. 
“Sure, Lil’ Hughes has been around my closet plenty of times.” Brendan said, laughing and climbing into the boat.
“Yeah. Okay Briss.” Jack said, patting Brendan on the back, and sitting next to him.
Quinn sat behind the wheel as she joined the boys on the boat. Luke pushed us from the dock. Phoebe sat at the front, hoping to get a bit of sun on our drive. Brendan sat with Luke and Jack at the back of the boat, laughing and grabbing snacks from the bag he’d brought. Phoebe put on her sunglasses, closing her eyes and laying against the seat as the boys bickered behind her. 
“Bro- She’s totally asleep.” Luke called to the back of the boat, standing over Phoebe.
“How are we supposed to get her back to the house? I mean I’m not carrying her, not after last time.” Jack said, jumping off the boat. The last time Jack had tried to carry sleeping Phoebe, she’d woken up causing them both to fall into the grass. 
“Y’all are weak. I’ll just do it.” Brendan said, trying to avoid another fight.
He scooped the sleeping girl into his arms, wrapping her limbs around him as he stepped onto the dock. Still asleep, she nestled her face into his neck.
“Oh my god. She’s gonna be pissed when she sees that!” Quinn said after noticing that Jack had taken a picture of the loving scene. “Lake highlights!” Luke called, recalling the time Phoebe had posted a photo of him asleep on the boat.
“Hey Huggy, send that to me, yeah?” Brendan asked, smiling.
“What? Wanna study it or something?” Quinn said, laughing.
“This is definitely the closest he’s ever been to a woman. Probably wants to remember it forever.” Jack added as the boys, save Brendan, burst into laughter.
“Woman? I hadn’t noticed.” Brendan said, walking back to the house.
“Don’t let her hear you say that.” Luke called after him.
“Yeah, she’ll kick your ass. I mean there’s a reason we keep our teasing light.” Quinn laughed as he walked through the sliding door.
Brendan carefully placed Phoebe into his bed, opting against invading her space by going through her room. The girl curled into the blankets, draping an arm around the standing boy. Had she been awake, Brendan would’ve made a joking comment about their past, but her peaceful face reminded him of what he’d lost.
“Okay Hughesy, I’m gonna go back to the kitchen with your brothers. Let me know if you need anything.” He smiled, mostly to himself and removing her arm from around him.
“Yo, Briss! Took you long enough.” Jack laughed as Brendan entered the room. 
“What can I say? The ladies love me.” He replied, a smirk covering his face.
“Still my sister dude, ew.” Jack said, disgust evident on his face.
“Y'all, is it okay if I invite Matty to visit for a few days?” Luke said, walking into the kitchen and easing the tension.
“Hell yeah! I’ve missed him.” Brendan replied, grinning.
“Sure man, do we have the space? I mean mom and dad’s room is off limits so we only have four rooms…” Jack said, trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements.
“I mean someone’s gonna have to share, why don’t you just move into my room Rowdy?” Luke asked, ratifying the situation.
“Oh hell no. You snore,” Jack replied, “No one wants to deal with that.” 
“Sorry, bro.” Brendan replied when Luke gave him an expectant look.
“Hey Quinner!” Luke called across the room as his older brother walked into the kitchen, hair wet from a shower.
“What’s up Moosey?” Quinn said, grabbing a gato from the fridge.
“Will you room with Jack so Matty can visit for a bit?” Luke asked, a pleading look in his eyes.
“Absolutely not. I’m the oldest, I want my room to myself. Sorry bro.” Quinn uncapped his drink and took a sip.
“Briss?” Luke asked, turning to his last resort.
“Look, I mean I don’t mind sharing a room.” He shrugged, turning to Jack.
“Hold on. My room has one bed… Not happening buddy.” 
“Well that settles it then, no Matty.” Luke sighed, defeated.
“Hold on guys.” Phoebe said, walking into the kitchen, still clad in her bathing suit.
“The princess awakens from her slumber.” Brendan said, holding his arm out as dramatically as possible.
“What if your friend just sleeps on the couch in my room? I mean I have the biggest room.” She said, shrugging as if it was that simple.
“No way in hell I’m leaving you in a room with him,” Brendan cut in, “guys?”
“I mean she’s right, it’s not like they’re sharing the bed or anything.” Luke replied.
“Yeah, loosen up Briss it’ll be fine.” Jack smiled, patting him on the back.
“Phoebe doesn’t even know Matty, I should take the couch. He can have my room.” Brendan said, not willing to admit defeat.
“Brendan. I can handle myself.” Phoebe said, shocked that he’d insinuate anything different.
“I know you can, I’m just looking out for you. That’s what friends are for.” She visibly recoiled as the last sentence left his mouth.
“Whatever.” She replied, coldly, walking into her room.
“What just happened?” Luke asked as she closed the door.
“I don’t know.” Jack and Quinn said at the same time.
“I think I need a beer.” Brendan said, as the boys looked at him expectantly.
“Okay. Be like that then.” Luke said, handing him a beer from the fridge.
“What do you expect me to say? I’m just as confused as you guys.” Brendan said, taking a swig and leaning against the counter.
“Okay. Sure. Just go pack up your stuff, Matty’s coming tomorrow. We gotta wash your sheets tonight.” Luke said, a clear dismissal.
“Gotcha man. Give me twenty and I’ll have the sheets in the wash.” Brendan said, saluting to the brothers.
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vintagegeekculture · 2 years
How would you go about rebooting/modernizing "Flash Gordon" in a way that minimizes and/or mitigates the yellow peril in its DNA (e.g., Ming) but still keeps it recognizable and palatable to the fans? I always thought it'd be interesting to race-flip it, especially if one were to base Flash on someone like indigenous athlete and Olympian Jim Thorpe.
You know, when I heard about the Sex Archie show, at first, I thought it was a joke trailer from College Humor or something. But now, thinking it over, I realize it was absolutely genius.
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The Riverdale approach (grounding something in sexuality) may not necessarily work for everything, but it would absolutely work for Flash Gordon specifically, because Flash Gordon always very much had in its DNA a kind of European sexuality mingled with experimental art direction, something like Barbarella or Heavy Metal comics. The comics always had whipping scenes, dungeons, seraglios, seductions, hypnotic compulsions into service, and arch enemies who pin their foe by pressing their wrists against a wall. It's very interesting to compare it to the far more non-sexual Star Wars movies that it supposedly inspired. If you do an adult version - emphasis on the adult - something like Game of Thrones but pushes it even further, it would absolutely work. Flash Gordon is not an antihero (he's more an audience identification POV character like Ned Stark who is a stand in for the moral values of the audience), but the planet Mongo is surrounded by antiheroes. Are you telling me that Prince Barin, if push came to shove, couldn't kill in cold blood?
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The best possible person to helm a reboot of Flash Gordon would be a cokehead lunatic Italian who threatens his actors by pulling out a knife on set while yelling gibberish. You know, the kind of guy who directs all my favorite movies. I'm reminded of the very fascinating costumes and designs that Heavy Metal artist (and lunatic Italian, what a plus!) Milo Manara did for an aborted remake of Barbarella starring Drew Barrymore in the mid-2000s.
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A project that absolutely captures the spirit of what I am talking about is Taika Waikiki's Thor: Ragnarok, which merely flirted with 80s Heavy Metal themes and suggested debauchery within the constraints of its' rating.
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Or better yet, Steven Sommers, director of the Mummy (you know, the good one from 1999) would do something amazing with this material. The target audience for a Flash Gordon revival would be the people who share memes that say "my sexual orientation is the cast of the Mummy"). God, Tumblr would crack in half and get a new favorite show, which is why it amazes me that they haven't added Tigra to the Marvel movies yet. Incidentally, I think the Masters of the Universe who create our culture are absolutely sleeping on how absolutely essential that movie is to the generation that grew up around the turn of the 20th century (much like how Gen Z views Polar Express as a classic for some reason).
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Hey...Lady Gaga loves to act, doesn't she? You know, I bet she would understand this material immediately, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a huge fan. I mean, she already dresses like she came from Ming's Throne Room. She loves art direction and burlesque. She's also of Italian origin (hey, it doesn't hurt). I'm not sure if she's ever read Heavy Metal (I doubt it, as she's not a pot dealer older brother who listens to Primus) but I think she'd get it, because she doesn't think pop "low" culture is a dirty word. Regular people who would sleep on yet another Flash Gordon revival would watch if she was in it somehow, or involved in production.
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chewwypepsicola · 1 year
can i ask for any color gang + purple specific headcanons? ALSO what did u think of episode 30 :)
RAAAHHH i love sharing hcs okay here we go, ill limit myself to 6 per character so this doesnt get overwhelming or boring heheheh
General stuff, oldest to youngest i see them like this: green, purple, blue, yellow, red, second. i HC that stickfiguresfighting.dotcom is actually a job they all had and that was the way they met (before second), Yellow wanted independence, Green overall just needed to start making money, Red wanted to really fight other people and he dragged Blue along Following up, Blue and Red are siblings, Blue being the oldest and often looking after Red when they were small.
GREEN: - AUTISM - Oldest of the group but actually a middle child in a very loud household, he loves his family but he's very likely to have wished for a more comfortable space so thats why he moved out rather quickly and got that job - Noise cancelling earphones yesyes - genderfluid any prns pansexual icon - He HATES PDA (public displays of affection) this is a running joke i have that has developed into a proper HC haha, he always makes faces and gagging noises when YellowBlue are being gay in his general field of vision -Following up, despite hating PDA, he's super super affectionate in private when in a relationship, when in public or out of the confiness of his room he's more subtle like knees bumping against eachother under the table or soft looks across a room, THIS IS OF COURSE ALL IN REALTION TO PURPLE, SORRY, I AM A GREENPURPLE ENJOYER.
PURPLE: - My baby my baby youre my baby say it to meeee, thats not HC thats just my honest to go reaction to anything purple avm - Boy might be dog shit at fighting but he's so good at everything else i swear to god, he's super flexible and has a great amount of body strenght since we see him doing all sorts of stunt and gymnatics plus we see him being reasonably good at parkour, which in turn i have decided to take as "oh okay so he kicks ass at parkour he's the best and no one would ever be able to beat him noted." - I think he's decent at cooking but terrible at baking. Not even minecraft cakes come out right when he makes them. - They/he transmasc ourple sorry woa who said that?!?! (also mlm)
BLUE: - ELDEST DAUGHTER SYNDROME woa who said that?!?! what! - These are just canon but stoner epic skater girlfriend material she's so cool and epic - she/him bigender lesbian WOAH! - Alright you got me i'll elaborate on the eldest daughter stuff. SO BASICALLY. in my mind palace since i have decided that he and red are siblings Blue ends up being the oldest of the two, they have a singular parent so this makes Blue go thru the epic /s experience of having to take care of his little brother and their parent, giving up on childhood and dealing w responsabilities she shouldn't have. You might ask where the fuck did this come from and ill reply I HAVE NO CLUE THEY WRITE THEMSELVES OKAY!? - Blue is doing better now if you wanna know how fucked up that syndrome is just google it real quick you will be hit with the force of three trucks, shes an epic stoner gamer girl that likes to now play pranks on his little brother and be a menace. he's still a caretaker at heart and thats why he mostly tasks herself with doing most of the cooking. - THIS ONE IS BASICALLY STOLEN FROM THAT OTHER TUMBLR USER BUT UHH chronic pains after the lava incident yes brilliant send tweet
YELLOW: - Youngest child in a normal nuclear family, has an oldest sibling, relationships w family are not terrible but he always wished he would get more attention and always felt left aside when he tried to talk about his passions and interests - this guy is autism for sure! - he/him transmasc lesbian sorrey bleh - insomniac i share this hc w everyone else in the fandom this guy is just crasy insane and needs blue to remind him to take his sleeping pills and go to bed - after the LAVA incident and blue struggling to walk down the stairs of their house i think everyone agreed to rearrange the rooms and let blue have the bottom one, those two since they are a couple decided to just share a room and yellow made his old room a sort of study or overall "work" room so that he would not bother blue at night
RED: - ADHD (EXPLOSION GIF) - not a single thought behind those eyes but somehow still so smart and just as capable as everyone else OUGH - fisically strongest, not saying he's the best at combat he simply can pack the hardest punch but he might not be doing it the right way and thus hurting himself in the process - SPEAKING OF, ISNT IT FUCKED UP HOW FAR HE PUSHES HIMSELF?! now that we bring up 30 and everything that came before it i just could Not help but notice the way red passed out like three times during that whole battle, that boy had multiple broken bones and was running on pure adrenaline fighting w his own body to not give up, despite being the one more battered and bruised he kept standing back up and throwing himself right in the line of fire he makes me so sad OUGH -he/him transman realness mlm PHEW - i think that second and he passed out on the couch they moment they all realize they were out of danger you could not wake up those two up for a week they needed the rest SECOND: -trying my best to not run out of ideas here cause i know i have many hcs relating to them but also ive already wrote down a phew a while ago let me think uhhh - youngest. baby of the group, but for some fucked up reason he has decided to take on the "im the more responsible one here i need to look after all of you" role like a DUMMY - it makes very sad to think of him worrying himself so much w the safety of the others cause he has seen first hand that they are way more fragile than him, he doesnt know WHY he endured so many of Dark's attacks in ShowDown but he knows he did and he remembers vividly seeing his friends fight for their lives right in front of his eyes, of course he is going to be burdened with that weight. - Second has terrible separation anxiety that's not even a HC thats basically canon he can not be at ease until everyone is together and he is reasssured that they are okay OUGH (sounds of crying) - Little guy has awful nightterrors that leave him just sitting at the edge of his bed staring off at nothing until he falls asleep again, Green caught him one night and was like "hey you good why are you sleeping sitting like that?" and Second had to explain and Green offered to sleep w him so he would be more comfortable, Second now tends to ask green or red to keep him company when it happens smiles
OKAY THATS ALL!!! as usual i shall share a doodle, please forgive any grammar and spelling mistakes english isnt my first language we are doing the best we can over here hahah, here's the doodle! with my family headcanons for the colors and an extra "family photo" for the hollowheads haha
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ninthhousesteel · 2 years
Lucas dustin and mike are Steve’s children. Will and El are ronance’s children. They share custody of Max.
i heavily maintain that the kids are tied more to the individuals than the ships which creates a Weird family tree
nancy's kids: max and mike
- max needed an older sister in her life and found exactly that in ms. nancy elizabeth wheeler. nancy knows what it's like to always be disregarded for being a woman and sympathizes with max and urges her to stand up for herself and never take no for an answer. she becomes a mother figure to the girl when robin comes into play, being the one to keep order (and keeps the house from burning down)
- we were completely robbed of nancy and mike sibling interactions! i want nancy to embrace her nerd side again by joining hellfire's dnd campaigns and having a star wars movie night with her brother (plus their relationship reminds me of myself and my brother and im projecting)
robin's kids: max, el, and will
- max is the younger sister robin never had. the two are inseparable and can often be found hiding in the back room of family video waiting for steve to fall victim to their prank. max tries to teach robin how to skate Once. never again. (nancy gave them both a stern talking-to and neither one is willing to incite the Wheeler Wrath again)
- el grew up being different from her time in the lab. robin knows what it's like and shows her that it's okay to be different and that people will still love you for who you are! robin is often the chaperone for elmax date nights (accompanied by nancy of course, who else would drive?)
- will and robin bond over their shared love for the arts. they exchange cassette tapes and will begins to teach robin how to paint (which she loves because she gets to create something with her hands!) she becomes his gay mentor™ and silently Dares anyone to even think about messing with will
steve's kids: all of them <3
- he's been the best goddamn babysitter this group of teens could ever ask for. they all know that they could call on him at any hour of the day and he would show up on their doorstep, spiked bat in hand. he still shares the special father/son bond with dustin but loves all of his kids equally
eddie's kids: the hellfire club
- post-vecna, everyone is inducted as an honorary member of hellfire. where steve's parenting is measured, eddie's is chaos. he chaperones the kids to their first party, allowing them to drink but always checking in and making sure that they're not having too much fun. he plays concerts for them, learning the chords to any songs they ask him to
(bonus: chrissy and vickie's kid is mike because who better to piss nancy off than Little Brother himself
jonathan makes mike his responsibility whether the little wheeler likes it or not)
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
There shall be art - bonus part | Morpheus x priestess! reader
A/N: Bonus part of the fic “There shall be night” series after a request of the lovely @lexi-anastasia​ and this post Enjoy! 
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[Series Masterlist]
Despite them being immortals, a time off was an unknown concept to most of the Endless. Their job was never done, there was always something to be done to serve humanity. But since the last priestess of Morpheus had become his wife, things were bound to change. Being the Queen of the Dreaming gave her some powers over the realm, and most of all over her loving husband. So when she had asked him for a day off to visit a museum, he fondly smiled at her and couldn’t say no. After all, the Dreaming had been successfully rebuilt, the retrieval of Dream’s tools and the arrival of a queen had reinforced its strength, and in the absence of the royal couple, Lucienne was more than capable of handling things. 
Even if he had been reluctant with this trip in the Waking World for a second, Morpheus was glad to have this time with his beloved wife. Hand in hand, they strolled in the never-ending corridors of the Louvre museum, taking in all of the beautiful works of art throughout the years. They didn’t care about the pressing crowd in the most popular exhibition rooms, nor did they let go of each other’s hand. Turning her head slowly toward her husband, (Y/N) smiled fondly at his soft expression, and the gentle smile on his usual pouty lips. She knew that Morpheus had always been fond of artists, some of the paintings reminded him maybe of some people he had once known. 
“Something on your mind, my heart?” she asked while squeezing his hand softly as they were looking at a wall full of high paintings. 
“Just reminiscing about some dreams those artists had,” he answered with his rich, deep tone. “It had been an interesting time in the realm.”
“I can imagine,” she chuckled. “Did it influence the realm?”
The king of Dreams and Nightmares nodded, “It did. Fiddler’s Green had taken quite a fondness of them.” 
“As if you didn’t like them either.” chuckled a voice behind them. 
The spouses turned around to face the familiar voice, only to find Dream’s older sister standing in the middle of the exhibition room with her usual kind smile. 
“Sister,” greeted Morpheus with a slight frown, “What are you doing here?”
“I heard the two of you were visiting the Louvre. It’s been a very long time since I haven’t took a day off, and I thought that I could join my brother and favorite sister-in-law on their vacation.”
Although he was always delighted with his sister’s visits, Morpheus couldn’t help but frown at her presence. This day was supposed to be a time to enjoy his wife’s company, away from the realm’s responsibilities. Sensing her husband’s slight brooding, (Y/N) let out a small laugh, and she sensed him relax immediately. Pecking his cheek with a soft kiss she then let go of his hand for a brief moment to go and hug Death. 
“I’m happy to see you,” she greeted the Endless, “It’s a great idea to join us today, you needed a day off too.”
Morpheus’ sister smiled brightly as they parted. As soon as their hug ended, the Dream Lord’s hand cradled his wife’s immediately. He wasn’t much for big displays of affection, but he always searched for physical contact with her, especially in the Waking World. (Y/N) smiled at him and nuzzled her face in his neck. 
“I am glad you’re here, sister,” said Morpheus, knowing that it would be impolite to send her away. Plus, he was happy to share this day with her too. “I didn’t knew you liked art, though,” 
“I’m curious,” said Death brightly, ignoring the looks of fascination of some visitors around their trio. “Art is said to be the thing that could overcome me, outliving artists beyond their time. It’s a shame that I never took interest in it at all.” 
Dream nodded, and the three of them resumed their visit. (Y/N) smiled discreetly at the occasional stares. She knew that Dream and Death, as Endlesses, often had a magnetic aura that fascinated humans. Their athletic figures, cladded in black clothes contrasted with the priestess’ light-coloured clothing. Morpheus’ looming figure overed over her in a protective manner, occasionally bringing their intertwined hands to his lips to kiss her knuckles softly. Death chuckled at their unconventional yet loving pair as they went from room to room. As they reached the Antic Greece statues department, (Y/N)’s eyes brightened in joy. It reminded her of her prime youth, of her first centuries of service as a priestess and her long-lost childhood. Morpheus gazed at his wife’s excitement with loving eyes, listening to her every remark and small anecdotes on every statue of gods and vases. 
He and Death listened fondly to every word, when she told them about one statue’s arms missing, or how statues looked back then when they were painted. Both of the Endless had seen the Waking World at that time, but (Y/N) had the most memories of it, and they enjoyed her knowledge on the subject. 
“I’m surprised no one had ever made a statue of you, little brother,” noted Death as they passed in front of the Venus of Milo. “Desire had definitely inspired many of them, but I don’t see your brooding face on those statues.”
“I did not mingle with humans as much as I did centuries later.” he mumbled to his sister’s amused face. 
“Maybe some statues had been made,” said (Y/N), “But without clear symbolic attributes, it is difficult for art historians to assure clearly who was represented.” 
“Or you didn’t make such a good impression on them.” teased Death. 
Morpheus grumbled slightly, “The only one I need to make a good impression on is my queen” 
“And you’re doing a wonderful job, my heart.” assured (Y/N) before planting a soft kiss on his lips. 
The trio left the Greek department, with a small look of sadness lingering in the priestess’ eyes. Sensing the wave of melancholy coming from his wife, Morpheus tugged her in for a hug. She nuzzled on his shoulder, silently thanking him for the support. Then after a few moments of silent affection, she tugged away from him, kissed him once more and offered him a bright smile. Morpheus felt his heart melt at this sight, and followed her gladly as (Y/N) tugged gently on his hand to catch up with Death a few meters away. 
Strolling through the rooms, they ended up in the department of french sculptors filled with fine marble statues of impeccable whiteness. As they walked next to a group of visitors following a tour guide, something caught (Y/N)’s ears. 
“This statue over here, is an accurate representation of Morphée, or Morpheus, known as the God of Sleep and dreams.” 
Stopping in her tracks she turned toward the group. Her sudden pause made Morpheus and Death look at her with a questioning look, but her own look of amusement made them wonder what it was about. Slightly tugging at her husband’s hand she brought the three of them closer to the group to take a better hearing of what was being said about the sleeping man’s statue. 
“The artist wanted to represent the God of sleep in all of his glory, but also depict a more pathetic side of his.”
“At least he got this right, little brother.” chuckled Death in a whisper, to which Dream only groaned. 
“The wings you see over here and the slouching posture reminds of the cupid imagery from ancient Greece, which is pretty accurate because–”
“Actually, this is not true.” interrupted the calm voice of (Y/N). 
All eyes turned toward her, especially the two Endless’ ones. 
“There is nothing accurate in this representation of Morpheus.” she carried on calmly. 
She felt Dream’s hand tugging slightly on her, trying to stop her but she was actually pretty amused with the situation; and so was Death. 
“Wings have never been one of Morpheus’ attributes, and the representations of Cupid are actually more recent than the concept of him.” 
“Ma’am,” said the guide while nervously clearing his throat, “Excuse me but I know my job here–”
“And I have two PhD in ancient Greece Art history.” she retorted while looking at them dead in the eyes. “I also happen to be quite a specialist on the subject of Morpheus.”
Behind her she could hear Death’s chuckles and sense her husband’s mortification. Some of the visitors were intrigued and listened to her carefully. 
“And please,” she added as she gestured to the statue, “The realization of this is beautiful, but do you really think that the personification of dreams would be this dull? Morpheus is handsome, a sight for sore eyes and a sexy mess of an anthropomorphic personification. That statue doesn’t do justice to his fine ass.”
A burst of laughter coming from Death interrupted her rambling and Morpheus took her arm to drag her away from the dumbfounded group of tourists. (Y/N) smiled proudly at herself, secretly enjoying the way her husband’s cheeks took a slight pink shade of blush. 
“I wasn’t finished yet.” she teased lightly when they were far enough from the group. 
Dream cleared his throat, “It may have been unnecessary, my love.” 
“Why? I love to restore the truth about your glorious body.”
Death snorted again, definitely not ever letting her brother forget about this incident. Morpheus chuckled at his wife’s amused face and nuzzled her nose with his to hide away his embarrassment. 
“Although I appreciate hearing your love for me, you had no need to come to my defense.” he said softly. 
“Never hurts to try.” she smiled at him before kissing him fondly. 
He laughed at her almost childish behavior, savoring the easiness of this moment. He was glad to be able to share such easy moments together. After his imprisonment and the whole vortex affair, things had been tense. And even if (Y/N)’s presence was a blessing for him, acting like a calm touch to his mind, moments of such thoughtlessness were rare. He couldn’t be happier with (Y/N) at his side. 
“We’re never talking about this statue again.” he warned to Death’s amused grin. 
“Oh we will,” she assured “Next family dinner, mark my words brother.”
Morpheus groaned, hiding his face into his wife’s shoulders. He will never hear the end of this, especially when Desire would catch a word of it.
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A/N n°2: this is the shortest thing I have ever written and I litteraly wrote it in like 20 minutes at this point this is almost a crack fic lmao  And yes, the priestess having taken the time to do two PhD in art history is canon, fight me on this  But let’s be honest, this request was so cute and I loved it -- it triggered my art history ass too. Fun fact, I have actually imagined Dream, the priestess and Death’s visit in my head bc I have worked in the Louvre for 3 summers and I know the exhibitions rooms like the back of my hand. I would have fangirled so hard if I had seen them lmaooo (the pic at the begining of the one shot is a view of the Louvre where french sculptures of the 17th and 18th centuries are exposed actually)
Fun fact n°2: The greek and romans statues were actually fully painted. That explains why some details such as irises in the eyes are not sculpted, or why there is sometimes no details of jewelery; because eyes were painted, and statues were decorated with real clothes and jewels. We now have those statues completely white because the paint had fade away, and by the time they were discovered in the early archeological digging in Roma during the first decades of the Italian Renaissance (around 1400-1410), they were completely white. So the fascination of greek and roman art during the 15th century prefered immaculate statues, and washed the few bits of paint that could remain. Thanks to advanced scientific techniques, we now know that antic statues and temples were full of color!  (anyway, enough with the historical fun facts)
Thank you for the reading, love upon all of you and take care of yourselves ♥
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tveitertotwrites · 2 months
What is your favorite childhood memory?
What is your least favorite childhood memory?
What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do?
You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
Hey! Thanks for the questions! You can't really tell this that much based on the way I answered these, but all of my MC's/OC's are in the same room together doing this interview. The questions are from this ask!
3). What is your favorite childhood memory?
Brooklyn: "My favorite childhood memory is when my siblings (Elizabeth and Parker) and I would do a talent show with our cousins. We each did something different for our own separate sections, I usually did a song or a dance I had been learning for a competition. And since a lot of us were involved in dance and theater due to out parents, at the end we did a big cheesy dance number. It was always very fun and lighthearted and brought all of us closer together."
Claire: "My favorite childhood memory is when my grandmother and I would bake together. It was always so relaxing and it was something that I could do with someone who thought I was important at a time where home was not great."
Adelaide: "My favorite childhood memory is when my twin brother, Atlas, and I shared a room. We were little and while out parents always tried to make sure it was clean, we would always mess it up within like an hour after it was fully cleaned because we would make a big fort or something. It reminds me of when we were closer, not saying that we aren't close now, but there are times where I wish Atlas and I could be little again and making blanket forts and not having to care about the things that we thought was so far away at that time like paying rent and whatever else we didn't have to think about."
Charlie: "My favorite childhood memory is growing up with my siblings and doing the same sports as them. When I was a freshman, my older sister Athena was a senior and my older sister Summer was a junior and we were on the same volleyball team which was fun because I got to play alongside them and cheer them on during their senior nights. I also was on our school's co-ed swim team which I did with my younger brothers, Aaron and Sage, which was also fun because they were very supportive and I felt very proud of them, especially when they did well. Plus, I am the only one in our family to do a school activity with all of my siblings, so I feel like I won a competition or something."
4). Least favorite childhood memory?
Brooklyn: "My least favorite childhood memory was when my dog, Daisy who was a Yorkshire Terrier was ran over by a car. We had just gotten home and were sending out the dogs one at a time because if all 3 of the dogs we had at the time went outside together, it would be too much chaos and we were trying to get our oldest dog, Miley, outside and Daisy just bolted out the door and into the road and she was ran over by a car. She survived thankfully but she did have to have surgery and some casts for a little while but she made it through for a few more years."
Claire: "My least favorite memory is when my grandmother passed away when I was 12. For about a year or so prior to her death, she had been switching back and forth between the hospital and the nursing home due to some complications. And then about a year of hopping between the two, she said, or more likely wrote because she couldn't speak very well in her last couple of months, she had enough and wanted to stay at the nursing home until she passed, which was hard to hear at 11/12 because she is the one who said it and while I don't blame her or anything, it was hard knowing that she did as much as she could and it still wasn't enough."
Adelaide: "My least favorite childhood memory is when my older brother Rowan went off to college. At that time, Atlas and I were only like 7 years old and we had like no perception of time, so what we thought was that he was going to be gone forever but reality it was only a month or two at a time because of breaks and stuff. We also were all very close even though Atlas and I were 11 years younger than Rowan."
Charlie: "My least favorite childhood memory is when I broke both bones in my lower right arm. I was 8 and playing on a swing set when no one was around me at the time and I wanted to stop, so I went to go put my feet on the ground to stop myself. And where the little play set with the swings was placed, it was dirt underneath but there were roots of a nearby tree that kind of stuck out of the ground and my feet got caught by it and I fell and used my arm to break my fall and ended up breaking both of the bones in my lower arm. Which wasn't fun because it was near the start of winter and it was my dominant arm so i couldn't use it and at school when we would do assignments I had to have my teachers write for me."
8). What do you think had the biggest impact on you growing up?
Brooklyn: "Probably seeing my family doing theater and dance. They're the reason why I do what I do and I can't thank them enough. I always try to invite them to any event I can and show them appreciation for what they did for me and how I have the privilege to be as successful as I am because of their help."
Claire: "I think what had the biggest impact on me growing up was the favoritism of my younger sister. While I did have my own activities and things like that, I definitely felt my parents always being at everything for my sister. Like if I had something coming up, my parents would 99 percent of the time either had something to do with my sister or would say that they had something with my sister and would go do something else."
Adelaide: "What had the biggest impact on me growing up was growing up with two brothers. Having two brothers was interesting because I was told that doing things for me was vastly different from my two brothers even though I was the same age as one of them. It wasn't a bad thing in my opinion just interesting."
Charlie: "What had a big impact on me growing up was probably being the middle child. I felt like there were times that I was seen as too young or too old to hang out with my siblings at times and since there was 5 of us I felt like everyone had a partner except for me. But I didn't feel like that all the time because of sports and school activities which I am thankful for."
6). What is the hardest thing you have had to do?
Brooklyn: "Probably standing up for myself against people within the industry even though it is very hard. There a lot about the industry that is hidden and comes to light later down the road and it can be scary for anyone, especially those who don't have much power or respect. Trying to make it in the industry, no matter which side, is hard enough for the people who don't already have a way in and then having the added barrier of people only giving you jobs if you sexually satisfy them or satisfy them in a similar way is really frustrating for people who want to come into the industry."
Claire: "The hardest thing I have had to do is the chemical attack. It was during a time when I didn't believe in myself, and there were things going on in my personal life at the time. It was hard knowing what was going on and what people would be going through, such as the families of Bobby and Danny who had died due to what had happened. Knowing that I was partially to blame for it still haunts me to this day, but I am grateful to be around people who support me and care for me after everything."
Adelaide: "The hardest thing I had to do was probably go to med school. It was the first time where I had been away from my family for a while, especially Atlas. He had been going to school on the West Coast while I went to school on the east coast. Undergrad was the hardest as at least with Med School, my best friend Claire (Evans) and I were on the same campus and shared a dorm for our time there and we also went to hospitals within the same area so that part wasn't difficult. Undergrad, I was by myself and knew absolutely no one."
Charlie: "The hardest thing was probably losing my grandparents at a young age. My maternal grandpa and paternal grandma both died due to cancer when I was little and then my paternal grandpa had died prior to my birth. My maternal grandma was also sick during my senior year and died only two months before my graduation which was hard."
13). You have an unlimited budget to build anything you want! What do you build and where do you build it?
Brooklyn: "Well if you asked me when I was little then I probably would have said little dog houses all over the world. But now I would probably say either a theater in my hometown or a women's shelter."
Claire: "Umm... Selfishly I would say another location of my hometown's coffee shop and put it here in Boston. But also free period products, birth control, and help line information for different needs in stations all over the country."
Adelaide: "Yeah. I would also say resource stations around the country. But also I would love to have the view I had in Greece from my room here in Boston but at that point I should just move to Greece instead, it would be a lot cheaper."
Charlie: "I would probably build free donation buildings for good condition clothes. People could donate their clothes that were in good condition and look through other clothes and they could be free."
Any other questions?
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rottenroyalebooks · 2 years
Insurrection - Chapter Two
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Fem!Reader
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Fanfiction
Warnings: None that I can think of but let me know if I need to add any!
Ask to be added to my Insurrection taglist!
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Y/N walked to the Town Hall with determination in her eyes.
Everyone knew not to mess with her when she had that look on her face, especially when the man who was practically her uncle was risking his life every day to be a spy on the inside.
She entered the hall with the boy hot on her trail and walked through the room, seeing Josiah looking at the map on the table in front of him.
"Which of our spies was caught? Was it Sir Elliot?" She asked with fear clear in her voice.
Josiah moved his eyes away from the map, watching the young woman approach. He stiffened up when he saw the determined look in her eyes.
"No, my brother is perfectly fine." He had hesitation in his voice that Y/N caught onto in an instant.
"Then who was it?" She needed to know.
"It was Kaia." He gave in, a scared look in his eyes as her jaw slacked open.
"You sent one of the Fae to be a servant to Evelyn? Have you gone mad in your old age?" She snapped, beginning to pace back and forth.
"She volunteered, Y/N! It's not like we had much of a choice! There are few here that present as human." He defended his actions and she turned to him.
"She has wings, Josiah, wings that resemble an Emperor Butterfly. They don't just disappear." She tilted her head back.
"Sir Elliot will find a way to help her. You have to stay focused on the plans." He told her, pointing at the map in front of him.
"Well, you are doing things behind my back won't help me stay focused. We're supposed to be a team. Everyone here depends on us to bring the Revolution to life. We have to work together to make it a reality; there's too much at stake for us to be doing things behind each other's backs." She watched as Josiah dropped his head in shame.
"I know and I'm sorry. I thought it was the right call at the time, she did get some good information to Sir Elliot before she was caught, we had received an update letter from him." He placed a finger on the letter that sat on the table next to the map.
The change of subject was quick, and Y/N walked over to where the letter sat, "One thing I remember about living in the castle, secrets were never secret when shared with a servant. Did she find anything of help?"
"Some, like when a large shipment is coming into the castle." He said and she perked up.
"How large? Large enough to sneak in an army?" She asked and he nodded.
"In two weeks. We need to begin preparations and planning." He said and straightened out his back, "I heard Mack caught himself a Witcher."
She sighed, "The man doesn't listen to me when I tell him to keep his traps away from the trail. Ashton brought him and his Bard friend to the village, I left them at the Tavern."
"I've heard stories, he is very powerful. What if the Queen sent him to kill us all?"
Y/N sighed, of course the thought had slipped into her mind, but she wanted to hold some hope, "He seemed to not know of the Revolution to begin with, plus his Bard friend seems like the kind of man to make things slip. I doubt they are going to bring us harm."
"Then have you asked him to join us?" Josiah gripped the table.
"What would a Witcher gain from helping us? There isn't enough money in the kingdom to pay him to join us. He is just staying for a night to rest up and he will be gone in the morning." She said standing up straight.
"There's no harm in asking, Y/N/N, plus we need all the help we can get to fight off the knights."
"No, Josiah, we won't be asking the Witcher for help and that is final." She stood up straight, "I just hope Kaia finds her way back to us safely."
"Kaia is smart and can shrink down to look as if she were a Butterfly herself," Josiah reminded her as he sits down in his chair.
"I still worry about her." She said quietly, "I'm going to find Mack and yell at him about his traps, again."
"I'll send Percy after you again if I need you." He said gesturing to his son, who was the boy that grabbed her from the Tavern.
She nodded, turning around and walking away from the table and back outside where the children were running around, playing games with wooden swords.
"Oh, children! You aren't holding your swords correctly!" Y/N called to them, gesturing for them to crowd around her, one of the girls handed her the wooden sword.
"You need to have a firm grip, your hand wrapping around it completely," She started to explain, holding out the faux weapon for them to see, "Then you must make sure your feet are spread at two feet apart for balance and security; you try."
The children held up their weapons, slowly tapping their swords together, standing as she once did.
The smile that stretched across her face was wide in triumph, "Perfect! Remember what I showed you earlier, kids." She left the children to play, spotting Mack sneaking his way into the tavern, most likely to attempt to avoid Y/N’s wrath.
"Got you," She mumbled as she started back down the path toward the Tavern, speeding through the village and entering the Tavern once again.
She scanned the building, her eyes landing on Mack, who had found a table with his hunting buddies. She stood up straight and started walking over there, one of his friends noticed her approaching and stiffened up.
"Mack," She said earning a yelp from the man himself, "Why did two men come into the village with a story explaining that they got caught in a hunting trap when I have said to each of you, time and time again, to keep your traps away from the path?"
The man turned around nervously, looking up at the woman innocently, "Well, Y/N, I have a perfectly good explanation for that," He started playing with his chubby fingers awkwardly, "You see, the trees by the path are cut at the branches and those branches hold the traps better than the other ones in the forest -" He's cut off by Y/N whipping her dagger out and stabbing it into the table right in between his fingers.
"There is a reason that I told you, men, to not put the traps by the path. Not only does it potentially cause harm to unsuspecting civilians, but it also puts the Insurrection at risk of exposure!" She snapped, too much had happened in the last hour, and she needed to get her point across, "Evelyn has her Knights going through the woods searching for us and any magical being they could get their hands on and when they notice that you are an Elf, they will not hesitate to take you away!"
She paused, taking a deep breath to compose herself, "You are a skilled hunter, Mack, and I do trust your word with the trees, but I cannot risk losing anyone else. That goes for everyone. Do we understand each other?" 
Mack nodded, "I know, Y/N, you're just looking out for us." He says watching her pull the dagger out from the table. 
"Good, I will be in my room if I am needed." She paused, looking around, "Please don't need me for anything."
With a few swift motions, she was out of the Tavern once more, unaware of one man's lingering gaze.
Her room is on the second floor of the Town Hall, originally built for Sir Elliot before he went off on his own accord to be a spy in the castle after the declaration of the Princess' unfortunate death.
Josiah's room is direct across from hers. He merely uses the room as a private space to do work since he built a small home for his wife and son on the outskirts of the Village. His dedication to the cause only grew stronger when his second child was born not long after Y/N joined the Insurrection.
Y/N put all of her time and energy into the revolution, making it stronger and hopeful, even though her hope had been fading.
The news about the shipment was promising and she just couldn't keep her mind off of it so late into the evening she sat at a table in her room and drafted out the plot to infiltrate the castle.
A few knocks on the door could be heard throughout the room, though Y/N's gaze didn't leave her plan in front of her, "You may enter."
The door opened with a creak and Y/N looked up to meet Ashton's eyes, "You look like you could use some company, friend." The woman said, stepping into her room with a small smile.
"I wouldn't mind it." She chuckled, putting her quill down on the desk in front of her.
"Today has been a day." Ashton inquired, sitting on the edge of her bed.
"You've got that right. There's a Witcher in our village. Have you gotten him, and the Bard settled in the Inn?"
The brunette nodded slowly, "I have, they send their thanks for your hospitality. They spoke with Josiah as well; I wish I had eavesdropped."
Y/N let out a deep chuckle, "Ashton, your wandering ears will get you in trouble one day; you're worse than a castle servant."
The girl scoffed, shaking her head, "How dare you?" She teased, a light smile on her face. "I'm more thinking about Kaia. I do hope she's alright."
She gave her friend a reassuring smile, "The Fae has face worse and overcame it, this is no different."
Ashton tensed up, "But this time she is faced with a wicked Queen."
"Who is merely a human, Ashton," The girl turned back to her planning as an idea popped into her head, "Evelyn may have power in the kingdom, but she is weak compared to the Fae." She knew how powerful Kaia could be, she had witnessed it when she first joined.
Ashton was now silent, which was quite rare for the woman, which caught her attention again.
"What is wrong, Ashton? You can tell me anything." Y/N stood from her chair and stepped towards the bed, looking down at the older girl.
"I fear that I have fallen in love with the Fae..." she paused, looking away from her friend in fear of how she would react.
Y/N just gave her a soft look, wrapping her arms around her friend, staying silent as Ashton continued to speak.
"She'll never know how I truly feel. Before she left the Village to go to the Castle, she told me that she had her heart set on coming back to me...and I never told her the same." The confession left her lips and she leaned into Y/N’s embrace.
"I have faith that she will return. If her heart is set on it; then it will happen." She whispered into the other girl's ear as sobs left Aston’s mouth.
Nothing is fair in love and war.
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blueikeproductions · 1 year
JD is just laying on his sleeping bag in his shared room with Dan and Liam, reading one of Dan’s Marvel Transformers comics. Liam is wiggling around in his crib looking fussy.
JD: Man that Grimlock is a jack ass. Reminds me of Thrash getting crowned king back at the fall dance. All Grim’s missin’ is his own Heath-
Liam: -starts crying loudly-
JD: -whips out his gun, now a Shockwave toy, instinctively- …The fuck am I doing? -sets the toy gun down and gets up to check on Liam-
Dan’s mom rushes upstairs and into the bed room: What’s wrong? What’s happening? JD: I dunno! Liam just started crying!
-both plug their ears as Liam starts crying louder-
JD: Man that runt’s got PIPES! Death metal might be in this kid’s future!
Dan’s mom picks up the fussy baby and rocks him: He doesn’t smell or anything. It’s not a diaper and he just ate! C’mon baby, c’mon it’s ok. Oooh… -Liam is still fussy and crying-
JD: -still plugging his ears- Ugh this kid’s screaming a decade’s worth of resentment and misanthropy I’ve been keeping bottled up, and he’s got nothing to scream about like I do! How do we turn ‘em off?!
Dan’s mom: Oooh, when he gets like this Daniel usually sings to him..!
JD: Perfect time for Danny-boy to be on a date with Dumptr-, I mean, Dunnstock! Ack my ear drums…!
Dan’s mom: You try, JD.
JD: Huh?! I can’t sing! Veronica was VERY clear on that when I tried to serenade her last night!
Dan’s mom: PLEASE…! -Liam still screaming-
JD: Ok, ok…! Um… Oh wait! Better idea! -fishes out his harmonica from his coat pocket and plays a loud note to clean it out-
Liam: …? -his volume goes down some-
JD: -takes a deep breath and starts playing Karma Chameleon on it-
Liam: -slowly but surely calms down, starts giggling and cooing, yawns, and falls asleep in his mom’s arms-
-JD finishes the song as Dan’s mom tucks Liam back in to the crib, the baby sleeping peacefully now-
-JD and Dan’s mom both sigh in relief-
Dan’s mom: Good call on Karma Chameleon. That’s what Daniel usually sings to him!
JD: Had a hunch… Plus I, uh, think Liam’s a little young for Big Fun’s Freeze Your Brain anyway…!
Dan’s mom: -ruffles JD’s hair, the formally troubled youth blushes- You’re pretty good with kids. You think you’d step up to the plate and be a dad someday?
JD: Are you kidding? With MY upbringing? -looks at Liam, loosens up and half smiles- …Maybe I’ll see where “honorary” big brother takes me first…
-Dan’s mom smiles-
-All three flinch as they hear the downstairs door slam, as Roland has come home, and he sounds agitated-
-Liam starts crying loudly again-
Roland: -from downstairs- Oops…
JD and Dan’s mom hug each other in mutual fear, exhaustion and light irritation at Liam’s screaming and start crying in synch: WHYYYYY???
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txtmetonight · 4 months
Me and My Husband
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call summary ⋆ ★ You’ve had your lives' fulfillment of being contempt–or so you think. Because with Choi Beomgyu by your side, you ponder upon the thought a bit more than you should.  
pairing *. * Choi Beomgyu x Fem! Reader
genre⋆ ★  Angst, Fluff?
warnings *. * Misogyny, Drinking, Pregnancy, Bad Grammar, Crude grammar
call duration⋆ ★ 5.6k
a/n*. * I know that there are different interpretations of this song so this is mine. Also, I got inspired by the novel Kim-Jiyoung born in 1982. It's such a good book, I def recommend it. And kinda sorry for the end. I suppose I rushed it a bit. Anyways, hope you enjoy lol.
taglist ⋆ ★  @kflixnet//@oreoqueen // @woncheecks//@probably-too-obssessed // @matcha-binz 
The Mitski Diaries Masterlist
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I steal a few breaths 
From the world for a minute 
In a working economy, where prices were rising, and work employment was decreasing, you were able to stabilize yourself against the rising tides of the world. An eight-to-four job that consisted of going outdoors to capture the photographs your management team had assigned you to click or either staring at a high-tech screen, a large white cubicle littered with little stickers and important reminders surrounding you.  
It was a mediocre job that paid just well enough, but you were contempt. For now, at least. When you were old enough to really know what you wanted to be in the future, you would daydream about meddling in the medical field, and thinking about it further made you conclude that you wanted to take up a profession in psychology. 
But sometimes after a dose of too much beer, you wonder how you got to take up photography and you find yourself on the web, wobbly fingers searching up how much medical school costs before you’re thrown back into reality looking at numbers that made you dizzier.  
Your father and mother did their best to support you, but it was hard when your mother had your younger brother and house chores plus small work, she took up to make extra cash, and your father had to manage a small convenience store that did particularly well on some days. If someone asked you how your life was before college, you would respond with a monotone “It was alright”.  
Because honestly, it was. You shared a room with your grandma until she passed while your younger brother had his own, your school was far away and when it was cold you froze walking there, and your father and mother would fight for a while when he came home drunk. Yet still you lived a happy life, nevertheless.  
And over the years you’ve learnt several valuable lessons. First, when going an interview, it’s best to wear the brightest lipstick you’ve ever known, and your hair should be tied up to a high ponytail if you want to increase your chances of being picked, especially in an interview with other women. Though you probably won’t be picked, not when you find out that even a single man was also competing.  
Second, a good night of drinking after a long day is nice but don’t overdo it, or the already less pay you get will be cut slack from however many hours you will miss that morning.
And third, the best boy you’ve ever met will be on a class retreat to the mountains for the Badminton club during your college experience.  
A club filled with ten other male members and two other female members; served as a stress reliever after exam weeks and piling schoolwork. It was fun playing matches and though most members of the club reasoned that they were slacking off on you because you were new and not because you were a girl, you thoroughly enjoyed it.  
The retreat was a plan that was created on a whim, one second you were drinking wine with the girls in one of their dorms, and in the other, all fourteen members including you were on a bus driving up a steep road, playing some old nostalgic songs. Just days before, a new member had joined, and at first, he hadn’t piqued your interest as much, but when he helped you grab your duffel bag from the top, your gaze stayed on his face a bit longer than usual.  
Choi Beomgyu was born on March 13, 2001, he had AB blood, he housed a parrot named Toto and he had you wrapped around his finger by the end of the five-day, four-nights trip (which was a bit pricey for a bunch of college students). 
And on the last day of the excursion, he had kissed ever-so softly against the walls of the cabin, while everyone else was out at a lake.  
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And then I'll be nothing forever 
And all of my memories 
And all of the things I have seen 
Will be gone 
With my eyes with my body with me 
“Sunghoon, was definitely holding an affair with that short girl from section three! Why’d you think they both keep leaving the break room together?” 
You strain a smile towards Kazuha and hold back a small exhale, instead focusing on the small strokes of color on your nails. A lilac shade. “I–I suppose? I don’t even know who the short girl is?” And after a second you add, “Nor Sunghoon. I don't even know Sunghoon.” Your heart thrums harder in your chest at the sudden emotional turmoil, that was honestly kind of stupid. But still, you laugh sourly, gazing at the girl through your lashes, her own lips dejectedly turning into a frown.  
“I had forgotten you had quit.” She quietly murmurs, taking the brush from your hands to paint your left hand. Her eyes wander over the expanse of your shared room, and they linger too long on a portrait of your husband by your bedside table, eyebrows furrowing at the familiarity of the object.  
You refuse to look, not when her face falls as she realizes with a tiny chuckle going back to your hands. It was a brown frame that held a picture that you took of your partner when you both were still dating (now married) and it used to sit near your mousepad, behind your daily cup of coffee, and in the small space you used to be offered.  
You and Beomgyu dated for five years, one year in your last years of college and the other four years while you both worked. And all those four years, you’ve kept that same picture of your lover at the same spot, and at the same time on the clock you would stare at his utterly handsome face before being hulled back to work yet again.
It wasn’t a lie that you missed your job, and you spent your time at the kitchen countertop mulling over it, now more than ever as you scroll through your co-workers' feeds and watch them with large, widened eyes as they post the carefully edited photos they had taken or just fun gatherings with their peers.  
That night you hold a staring contest with the ceiling of your bedroom, tracing the moving shapes your brain seems to formulate due to the pitch-black gloom. The presence of a warm body keeps you grounded as you wander to the depths of “what ifs”, just toeing that line before stepping back out in fear of a nasty wormhole that would bring you to tears.  
“Hey baby, why are you still awake?” 
An arm gets thrown over your waist while a voice tears you away just as you start to turn your attention to the blades of the fan above, and you look to your side to see Beomgyu having his eyes shut with his lips dangerously close to your neck.  
“I dunno, just thinking. How was work today?” Your question and just for a second you ease into his warmth, preparing yourself for a story time just like how you would when your mom was reading you a fairytale to help you sleep. Beomgyu goes silent for a second and you’re afraid that he’s drifted to sleep but he drowsily murmurs, “It was tiring. Mr. Kang made me do a stack of reports and read a bunch of blah blah blah”  
You scrunch your nose at his wording and envelop your fingers with the hand that’s placed on the skin of your stomach. “Is that so? Well, I wish that tomorrow is better, no?” He nods and gives you a small kiss on your cheek, eyelashes tickling your skin when he blinks. “I really hope...you would wish that for me, baby? You're so sweet. Today was probably easy for you, right? I too wish to take a couple of days off”  
He jokes before snuggling into you even more and you ponder how well he could cuddle a wooden board...because that’s what you are right now. Stiff as a board. You gulp and clutch his hands tighter to force your eyes to close. Your “job” at home was not easy. You had to make sure that the laundry was done, that the dishes were clean and that Beomgyu got his food on time because he was always grouchy after a long day at work.  
Exactly seven months ago, Beomgyu on behalf of you being his wife had told you to quit your job. You suspect that it was because of the pestering you heard over his phone when he doesn’t think you’re nearby, the voices of the people in his life wondering about your duties as a wife. But in his perspective, the job he was asking you to leave had you always complaining and coerced you to be awake until three sometimes. In your eyes it was boring-old work that you cherished, and the same job that you held many heart-felt memories of.
Perhaps that doesn’t matter when you must take care of your husband.  
And so, you had taken his decision to leave a resignation letter at your boss's desk just a few days after the talk. Many asked you if it was because you were pregnant, but you just smiled and shook your head, saying that your husband needed you. That day he had taken you out to a fried chicken place with soju on the side as a congratulations party that you were finally broken from your chains. You were finally a free bird.  
And the cries that you let out over the spicy chicken were a sign of pure happiness and not the distress that roared instead of your gut. 
But now as you lay awake, eyes slowly burning with heavy sleep, you promise yourself just for a night of peaceful sleep that all the things you’ve seen, all the memories you have about “work” will be gone on for your own sake.  
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Being cooped up in the house, you decided to take a stroll outside after taking a peek at the window. It was a nice sunny day with a soft breeze that made you grab your coat before you headed out the door. Sporting a nice pair of shoes that your husband bought you over the weekend, you watch curiously as the sidewalks bustle with people. Cars honked and the chatter of the TV running bled through the walls nearby you as you strode by. It was a happy day, but the smile on your face doesn’t seem to cooperate as much as you try.  
But me and my husband 
We're doing better 
It's always been just him and me 
You try and try, but it twitches and turns, and you force yourself to cover it up as much as possible with your hands and with your gaze downwards. All your life, you’ve tried to reach for the stars and every time you came nowhere close, so how was this one error in your multitudes of malfunctions going to affect you. You know that you’re dented and bruised, and so you’re afraid...afraid of being left behind by Beomgyu as if you’re nothing when it’s just you two together. Because truly, you believe you are, even as much as your lover convinces himself that you’re not...just to make it better for the both of you. 
Nonetheless, you realize that it will always be him next to you, holding your hand, whether you like it or not. 
The cold wind picks up and you wrap your jacket around you tighter, but that doesn’t do much for the running goosebumps that trail down your arms. A familiar convenience store just down the road practically calls out for you as a shelter to hide from the biting cold, and so you jog through the sidewalk, hands shivering on the door as you open it.  
The bell on top rings. The cashier barely even looks up while you walk by, and you slip by past the younger woman to hide near the ramen section of the store. You were always amazed by the number of flavors and companies that this single food item held, the different sizes, colors, and levels of spice were always intriguing when you ran your fingers over the cartons of boxes, which ultimately stopped at a black box.  
In bold red colors, a small cup of your favorite ramen looks back at you. You freeze and let out a sigh. Then before you know it, you reason with yourself and snatch the cup into your hands. You used to eat this daily, dead at night with a computer in your lap and the sauce smeared all over your lips as your eyes gleamed distantly with a show played in the background.  
While you walked through the aisles, you caught yourself in the reflection of a bright window, eyes widening when you found a younger version of yourself smiling back at the windows. She’s pretty and youthful and smiling like she didn’t have a care in the world. Her face is contorted into an expression of happiness, and you're bewildered when she winks at you.
The wrinkles on your face are practically non-existent on hers while she tilts her head, mouthing words you couldn’t hear. Your feet twitch to run up to the glass, to put your ear against it to hear her better but you don’t. Instead, you gape like a baffled fish. Something wet drips down your cheeks which slowly drips down her’s too.
You wonder why she’s crying so you reach up to your tears to wipe them away from the burning they leave in their way, and you expect her to do the same...except on her side, long fingers that don’t match yours slowly mop them away.
The background behind her which used to be transparent, materializes into something like your old dorm. And right behind her is him with his short brown hair and a sympathetic smile on his face. He croons at her, crouching by her side, slowly patting her head in a soothing manner. And suddenly, you feel as though your own hair is being ruffled, as though you can hear the soft humming and the feeling of warmth pressing into your back.  
It’s been a while. It’s been so long since you’ve felt such a comforting touch from him. You’ve fallen into a routine that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. So salty that it leaves you choking on your own saliva each time you try to gulp down your arising tears, in the bathroom. But you love him. You really do. And in the end, it’s just a husband, you suppose. Not your boyfriend. Only your husband.  
“That’s not fucking fair Beomgyu!” You scream, hands waving in the air like a madman. A volcano rumbles deep in your heart, aching to be released as if it just bubbles over the top. The man in front of you sucks in his lips, his eyes shaking at your outburst.
If you had sanity in you at that moment, you would’ve stopped at his trembling, or with the thought that the neighbors next door could hear your screeches (the walls were horribly thin). The skin on you reeks of frustration and despair. You don’t cry though. “I–I’ve had a hard day too!” He reasons, stepping closer towards you but stopping abruptly when you drag your foot backward. “
And so? You won’t spend it with me? Do you know how bad these two weeks have been for me? Did you even have a fucking hint?” His voice stills in his throat, choosing to stay silent with wide glossy eyes. He’s never liked to be yelled at; you’ve known that since he got scolded by his teammate in a badminton match and came back to you with a raw nose and ruby eyes that faded out near his pupils.
You furrow your eyebrows, and in a moment of actual hurt that he hasn’t said anything about you, your arms cover your chest. “Of course you didn’t. You never do” You whisper, voice cracking as you turn around to stomp back to your room. The door slams behind you when you collapse to the floor with blubbering sobs. You wail and wail and wail. Fingers itch at your face furiously, not letting a drop spill on the floor.  
You don’t hear the door slowly creaking open, nor the soft singing behind you but once you do, your heart stills in its rampage. The silence is loud as a pair of feet pad behind you, nuzzling into your head as his fingers crawl over to your neck, pulling you against his chest. “I don’t have an excuse.” Beomgyu starts off.
“But I promise you, that I’ll do better for you–for us. Because you deserve it more than anyone else. (Y/n), you deserve all the happiness in the world and much better so I’m sorry that you’re stuck by me”
He stops when he feels you shaking your head against him, but that doesn’t deter him too much when he finds the confidence to clean your face with the soft pads of his fingers, his lips now on your neck, just where your pulse beats against his mouth. “But please stay with me.” Beomgyu puffs.  
“By your side?” You ask, turning around in his arms when you couldn’t stand it anymore to watch an older version of yourself, crying heartbreakingly so in the reflection of your cerulean lampshade. Such a tragic sight, that you feel as though your guts are being arranged by the never-ending feeling of unexplainable doom.  “By my side. Nothing more or nothing less”  
You nod and the notion of perturbation and doubt fills the hollow gap of your beating organ–and all you’re hoping is that he’s right.  
The way that your mind thinks is quite twisted, you believe. Because you assume that you’re obliged to be Beomgyu’s side forever on–because frankly, it’s just you and him together.  
So I bet all I have on that 
Furrowed brow 
And at least in this lifetime 
We're sticking together 
Me and my husband 
We're sticking together 
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Your mother-in-law was a pleasant woman with a charming smile and her husband–your father-in-law was a nice man who sported thick glasses during the many novellas he would devour on the couch. The first time you met them two was when it was a time between yours and Beomgyu’s relationship when you both were introducing each other to the other half’s family members and this time it was your husband’s time for a meet and greet at his house.  
They invited you inside and took the bouquet of lilies you brought for them, unlatching your hand-locked hold with Beomgyu as they both took a turn to hug you. They were warm and smelled like sugary vanilla, the mother having a hint of spicy red chilies sticking to her clothes.
Immediately she drags you to the kitchen for a bit of assistance while Beomgyu catches up with his dad. You furrow your eyebrows, because Beomgyu didn’t do that at your house when he came over. In fact, you found yourself in the kitchen again that same time. Was he supposed to help as a guest?  
At the dining table, they served you rich Jjajangmyeon that you ate a lot though it was salty and ever since then they all assumed that your mothers-in-law's Jjajangmyeon was your favorite dish.  
You’re brought back to that memory of the first-day meeting when you find yourself looking back at the black sauce in front of you. The two older adults sit in front of you, one is slurping up his food while the other sits with her hands in her lap followed by dialogue that she was waiting for her only child to start eating. But she tells you to start and so you do, trying to not let the saltiness reside on your tongue too much.  
“So (Y/n), when are you and Gyu going to have my grandson?” Soo-Young laughs nudging her husband to follow along too and soon enough you three are all awkwardly chuckling. You push around the noodles before bringing it up to your face. “I’m not sure. I don’t really want to carry a child as of now. I’m happy with Beomgyu just the way it is right now.”
For some reason your voice struggles at the word “happy” but you clear up the crack with a small cough, eyes darting back to your food. “Do you have a problem with your body that you can’t bear a child?”  
You’ve expected this very question, but your heart still drops at it. 
“I–I don’t. Me and Beomgyu aren’t trying right now” You’re ashamed, but you shouldn’t be. But you can’t help it when both parents don’t look convinced but rather disappointed. Anger flares for a mere moment. You’ve heard what their brothers, sisters, and cousins, have been saying about you both.
And in that very scene, you feel like you’re crumbling against their hard stares. You don’t want to bear a child, you just don’t! It’s too much for you now. Mentally and Physically. “Well, that’s good your body is healthy.” Your father-in-law's face hardens and his wife nods briefly before continuing her onslaught. “I hope you have a boy soon. It would be good for all of us”
She sends you a sweet upturn of her lips before she watches the door for its grand reveal, all while you’re internally panicking. The sweat rolls down your back and you play with the food on your plate.  
And I am the idiot with the painted face 
In the corner, taking up space 
But when he walks in, I am loved, I am loved  
You’re hopeless in situations like this. You never know what to say or what to do, and you’re so fucking pathetic that you can’t help but rely on others–on your husband. So, when Beomgyu bursts in through that door, with a bright smile on his face you feel your body melt and puddle against the chair.
The welcoming nod he sends towards you is just warming enough for you to unclench your jaws and hands. “You’re back” You whisper.... standing up in your chair while you hit your table against the surface of the table. Your husband loosens his tie and places his blue briefcase on the couch before he spares another look at you.  
“Careful honey didn’t know that you were this excited to see me” He quips while he rubs his hands, eyes closing when the stomach-growling scent of food slams into his nose. “Oh, Beomgyu how was work today?” His mom asks, leaving you to serve your husband with whatever he pleased at that moment, and he is happy to tell you exactly what he was craving at the dining table. “Not that bad, I didn’t have too much work today.”  
He sighs as he places a chaste kiss on your cheek, your eyelashes fluttering at the contact. The hysteria inside you has slightly died and it slowly seeps away as you watch your husband, your hand slithering to his to hold, but his hands move away before you can catch them.  
Your smile drops and the feeling intensifies deep inside you. 
Beomgyu sends you an eyebrow raise, lips smiling softly when you subtly shake your head towards the front door, and he gets the signal immediately before he immediately starts to chow down his food. Fingers twitching against your thighs, you stand up to distract yourself and head to the kitchen to grab Beomgyu some water.
You don't feel real for a second, honestly as though you were watching a perspective of yourself in a video game. The veins under your skin thrummed with buzzing nervousness as your eyebrows furrow, and you find your hands shaking as you fill up your husband’s glass, but everything is zooming in and out and the world around you is going round and round.  
“I–I” You mutter to yourself and before you know it, shards of sharp glass fly everywhere around your feet, bursting into a million diamonds once they touch the ground...and your feet. The soft tissue cracks open at a single deep slice, yet you don’t feel the burning pain where it should be.
Instead, you feel it in your throat where bile threatens to spill into your mouth, in your brain where it pulses erratically, your eyes that flit all over the place and your beating organ that stops for a second and then continues then stops then continues.  
Stop. Thump. Stop. Thump. Stop. Thump 
“(Y/n)?!” A pair of callous hands step over to your side, and you find yourself face-to-face with your mother-in-law, her face concerned as she leads you out of the mess. “I’m sorry” You whisper, whipping your head towards Beomgyu, who immediately rises from his seat and sprints to the bathroom.’ 
“Oh gosh, it’s okay” Her eyes dare to flicker to the penetrating wound. You don’t even try. Not when gravity could potentially pull those salty tears down to earth.  
It doesn’t take long for Beomgyu to find the first aid kit and bring it back to you, before he wraps his arm around your hand, pulling you up. “Beomgyu? Where are you going?” His mother demands, and you almost croak for them to stop, just leave you alone, but you don’t. Rather, you flop onto your husband’s side as he explains that he is just going to take you outside for a second.  
“(Y/n)’s still most likely in shock. Let her breathe some of the fresh air, it will do her good. I read it in an. article sometime back.” You’re not even sure what his mother says after to him but you’re being dragged with your other unharmed foot just right outside the porch, where he makes you sit in one the brown chairs that was placed for decor, and he...and he just sits on the ground, next to your dripping foot.
The smell of rust makes you gag into the crook of your arm, coughing violently as you try to let yourself up. “What’re you doing? Sit back down” He grabs your fleeting arm, looking into your eyes with an unexplainable glint.  “Ok” You mumble, and that’s all it took of him for you to obey, gently sitting back into the cushion of the seat.  
The silence consumes you whole, and you furrow your eyebrows struggling to breathe. Words that you want to spit out, lodge themselves in your trachea. Below you, Beomgyu carefully tends to your foot with a serious look imprinted on his handsome features. 
Drip. Drop.
Eyes shooting up to the ceiling, you ignore your husband’s pointed gaze on you, his working hands wet from the silent waterfall that streams down your face. “Baby...” He whispers, putting his cold hands around you, grazing your cheeks as he pulls you down to earth. You sniffle, wiping away your reddening nose,
“I don’t know if I want to stay here anymore?” You’re not sure why you’re questioning yourself when you knew for sure you itched to leave, every nerve inside burning in aflame in hopes of disappearing. “But why? We just came and you know how long it’s been since we’ve stayed over. Plus, today was the last day before my leave off... I had to drive forty minutes just to get here” He reasons, applying light pressure to your foot to stop the spurting of blood.
Your chest stutters at his words, guilt settling deep in your bones, but your lips don’t stop moving. They talk against your mind’s will.  
“I don’t want to have a kid.” 
Beomgyu’s still motion makes you sick to your stomach. “I see. Did my parents ask you about it?” He questions softly. “I suppose.” And finally, you find the courage in yourself to stare him in the staring eyes, wary of the slightest flutter of annoyance from him.
Yet he slowly raises his fingers, and pinches your cheek lightly, tugging it side to side while his lips turn full of a small smile. “If you don’t want to have one, that’s ok, love. But...you know that they’re right, we–we’ve been married for a while now. Don’t you want to start a family? I know I do.” 
You gasp, reaching for the escaping oxygen, “Bu–but I–” 
“You won’t do everything on your own. Just us. Together. I’ll take care of us as a family, treat you well, take more leaves off, um–not go out with my friends as much, I’ll do anything you want.” He leans forward to place a longing kiss on your forehead, and you just close your eyes, chewing your tongue off as it squirms to scream at him.
Your fists tighten to push him off, and your legs ache to run away. Run away as far as you can from this place. But you don’t. You stay sitting in that chair as Beomgyu wipes away your tears, kissing you warmly. He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t get the way that you’re going to change permanently forever. Both mind and body.
You may hate your child forever on after this, but you still don’t get a say on whether you want it or not. 
“Baby?” Beomgyu pulls back to look at you, giggling at your flushed cheeks, but you don’t find anything amusing. “Yeah?” You mumble, sucking in deep breaths. “We’ll get through it together. I promise.”  
‘Together?’ You ponder.  
You don’t want to.  
Me and my husband 
We're doing better 
It's always been just him and me 
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Your whole body aches with unimaginable pain. Everything is on fire, and the wet tears rolling down your eyes do nothing to soothe it. There’s chattering everywhere but it’s going in one ear and out the other, so you hope that the man by your side is listening intently. You blink slowly to the beat of the two hearts just above your rising chest. Small heads tickle your chin, and their soft warm bodies slow down your breathing a little.  
“You did so well, love.” You want to make up the happy sniffles that emit next to you, but you can’t because your dear husband is truly crying. Any other time you would’ve made fun of him, poked, and teased him for his weeping but you feel like doing the same. But everything dried up the moment your eyes had first landed on your babies.  
Godsend babies.  
But, after their first cries hit the world, you imagine yourself as a mere twelve-year-old (or rather any age below twenty-six) left alone with two wailing babies, locked in a very dark room. Though it was important to take note that, your vivid imagination had increased by tenfold through those nine months...so you didn’t think anything of it. Yet those feelings felt very very real, as though they were thriving right under your skin, crawling like little centipedes, sneaking into every crevice and bump under your organs, eyebrows twitching at the torment.  
You turn your head to catch the calendar on the plain white wall, and in a red circle, highlights the date.
"February 12th" You tremble as you watch your husband nod furiously, clutching your hand to his face. The red burns into the paper and kept in a trance you wonder...in a few years from now, will those random letters and numbers leave a bitter taste on your tongue, or will the remnants of sweet birthday cake follow instead.
So I bet all I have on that 
Furrowed brow 
And at least in this lifetime 
We're sticking together 
If someone asked you how you felt as of right now, you would say “I dunno” in hopes of justifying yourself to your own consciousness. But taking one look at Beomgyu who beams as bright as the sunny sun outside, teeth blinding as ever, you would then change your answer to “Very happy. I am very happy because I have two kids, one of whom is a boy, thank you very much. And the other is a girl and they both, plus me are loved by my lovely husband, who is sticking with me ‘till death do us part.”
You would’ve thrown the last part in as a little joke to hide the dishonesty that would’ve seeped through the very gaps of your teeth. But that doesn't change the fact that it was now officially true. Those two on your chest, breathing with life, had just made it so.  
Me and my husband 
We're sticking together 
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“(Y/n) what is this mess?”  
The two kids (both turning eight in a month) in your lap scurry away at the sound of their very tired father leaving you to stand there with a cluttered disarray behind you. You sigh. “I’ll clean it up.” Your body throbs as it leaves its place on the couch, not bothering to even watch yourself as you accidentally stumble into Beomgyu. Though you immediately freeze at the familiar odor that excretes from him.
“Have you been drinking again?” You ask, turning around to face the man who just oddly stares at you. Pieces of gray litter his hair, a stubble grows but he still looks handsome as ever, stunning as he was in that damned cabin. “What’s it with you on what I do? You’re not my mom. You’re my wife.”  
You lean towards him with a comforting pat on his arm, understanding the horrible grief that stirs deep inside him. You wonder if you should let him off the hook this time, his mother, the grandmother of your kids had just passed away a month ago, and his unhealthy habit his just started a week after her passing.
Perhaps you were too nice to him, maybe those small jobs you’ve taken on had made you soft-hearted, but you always fell weak in front of Beomgyu and you realized that earlier on. “It’s ok, love.” You sigh, taking him into a hug, trying not to wince at the sour smell. He doesn’t do much to embrace you, but you don’t mind.  
Parting away from him, you offer a weak smile to him.  
“Tomorrow is the weekend. Let us get a bigger desk for our daughter since she’s now having the room to herself.” 
Me and my husband 
We're doing better 
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lazzies123 · 5 months
Good Morning
Ah, finally, it's weekend. I wonder what surprises await me today. God, I feel so blessed. Being responsible for my own place, having my own room, air-conditioned, plus a gaming computer. This feels like a dream of mine 10 years ago. Back then, I had to share a room with my big brother and my father. It was a small rented house after my father's business collapsed. We had a weak computer. All it could run was the Warcraft III game. I played Dota 1 with bots a lot. I thought I was good at the game until one of my best friends invited me to try Dota 2 at his house. It surprised me. As it turned out, playing with real players was super hard. I was not good at all, haha.
Oh, good old times. Now. I always keep Dota 2 on my current computer because it is a medium to connect me with my old friends. One by one, they are gone as everyone gets busier as we get older. Some got married. Some are so busy with work, and some just decided to quit Dota 2 for good. Sometimes, I miss them. I miss playing with my friends and yelling like we own the place. We were young souls who had not found a purpose in life. We had nothing to worry about. We just played the games and had fun. Those times are over now. Now, whenever I open Dota 2, I rarely find my friends here anymore. I guess it is a part of growing up. We are on our own.
Friends. I never show you how grateful I am. I remember many times I ditched my friends just to spend time with a woman I liked. After things didn't go well with the woman, I always went back to my friends. They always accepted me. It was like they knew I would mess up, haha. I wish I could spend more time with them in real life. I really forgot the last time I hung up with my friends. There was one time they said straight to my face, "How can you visit a woman who is far away when you cannot even hang out with us?" Those words stroke harder than any blade. My wound, it's still here. They were right. They listened to me when things didn't go well between my old crush from Singapore. They knew I would not make it.
However, I had my reason. I could not visit her because I had to take care of my father at home. I am really sorry, friends. I cannot. I really cannot leave the house to spend my time with you. I do not know how long this will last, but I am so grateful to have you. You've always got my back. This time, it is my turn to go.
Today, I am leading my own life. I cannot play games like I own the world anymore. I only have a little free time. I need to choose wisely on how to spend my time. If I could, I would rather spend my time with my family. And her, probably. She has the potential to be my family in the future, right? But I do not know. We've never talked about it.
Ah, God. Growing up is amazing. As I grew older, everything I had in the past became so beautiful. Good moments, bad moments, and even heartbreaking events became so beautiful. Whatever I had in the past made me who I am today. I know I have not become the man I wished to be 10 years ago, but it's not a bad life. This house is a dream for people who do not have a home. This job, it is a dream for those who are jobless. As unhappy as it is, my family is a dream of everyone who's had a broken family. You cannot count your blessings, really. God has given us so much. And this morning, I am grateful.
God. You gave me difficulties, so I remember you, always. You gave me heartbreak to remind me of your love. Whatever happens to me, I keep returning to you. I think this is the greatest blessing someone could have. I look around. How many people out there who seem to have everything but always ask more. How many crazy rich people out there cannot sleep at night thinking about how to get richer and richer. How many men out there live an unhappy life with their ideal women. No matter how good a life is, it is meaningless if someone forgets about you. It is not about how much I have. It's about how grateful I am towards God's blessing, no matter how small it is.
God. Today, I am alive, and I am grateful. Thank you for all the blessings you gave to my family. Thank you for sending her to me. She is amazing, just the way she is. Thank you for giving me good friends who never mislead me. This morning, I am a happy man.
0 notes
I hate myself to be honest.
I'm a few grades late in school, I'm homeschooled and I've been spoiled my entire life I've never been taught or forced to do chores so I'm practically useless. My mom always gets mad at me why I don't know how to do basic chores or things. I have wondered since I was very little if I were to die would everyone I knew lives would be better?
I got very frustrated one day and climbed out of the window of my shared room with my sibling.
I almost succeeded, almost successfully jumped off the balcony. Then my parents caught me they dragged me back inside.
My mom was angry and was calling me very selfish to kill myself and told me what if she and my dad were such selfish people like me they would kill themselves and leave us to rot. Because only very selfish people kill themselves.
Told me I would have to sell my body, all my things, and I'll barely even afford one cup of noodles, and that if the cops found out their selfish child killed themselves they would get arrested, then my brother and future sister-in-law would get arrested then my nephew would be all alone with no parents because of my selfish actions.
I'll be honest it just me feel worst, that I should have done my research on how to do it, how to not get them arrested so that my nephew would still have parents to raise them. Plus it's not like he's going to remember me, he's still very young. He won't have to remember his useless, piece of shit aunt. I shouldn't have done it on a whim.
The few things keeping me here are my nephew and future sister-in-law. She's one of the nicest people I know and lets me talk to her about how I feel.
I fear missing out on games, shows, my login streaks, movies, certain life events, stories, fanfics, animations, and songs.
I don't really love my mom to be honest. I don't like being near her, I feel better when she's not around. She blows up whenever she's angry and yells and berates you. She called me a blight that had no contribution to society.
She was angry because I was cheating on my math PACE's which is justifiable but I rushed to finish it because I don't know anything. I'm bad at studying. all I did was cheat and my mom never stopped me when I was younger now I was caught by the school and I was trying I really was but I have to rush it or else I won't be able to get to the next grade and that's if any schools accept me.
She was hitting me with my PACE's, dragging me by my hair. All I could do was cover my face. I really do wonder if my mom disciplined me properly and caught me earlier would I be a good student? Would I be not struggling in school? Would I have friends? Would I actually be in the grade I'm supposed to be in? Would she stop comparing me to my cousin who's better than me in everything? Would I be happier?
I don't even properly take care of myself I don't shower or brush regularly, and I stay in bed all day, sleeping the day away because it was better than being awake. Am i depressed? Or am I just a lazy piece of shit?
I wanted to kill myself on my birthday, but I had a great time with everyone. So I didn't. But for some messed-up reason, I wanted to kill myself on my mother's birthday. A gift that her useless piece of shit daughter gave to her. That reminds her that her child killed herself and that you did nothing. Her birthday is months away, so maybe I'll think through it first.
My parents won't take me or my siblings to therapy, my mom needs it too. But they always promise it but we know they never will. She knows she has problems but won't go to a therapist.
I just want to be happy and normal. I just want a happy family. None of us are really close. I'm more close to my future sister-in-law than any of them.
Sorry for flooding your feed with my bullshit. Just needed a place to rant.
0 notes
milkyybuns · 2 years
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Just Chatting
Characters: Uzui Tengen x streamer!reader
Contains: NSFW (MDNI), modern au, fem!reader, streamer!reader, reader is a bad girlfriend , angst, dubcon, sad + angry tengen, jealous + possessive tengen, overstimulation, slight exhibitionism, dirty talking, sex instead of talking through issues like adults 😕
Synopsis: Since becoming a full time streamer you've barely had time for your boyfriend. He decides that enough is enough.
Word Count: 1.2k
Tagging: @novaresque @awaruna2 @lighturqoi @bigtiddyvampirelover @mindlesschicca
a/n: Started this 3 months ago but only just had the motivation to finish it. I never thought I’d be writing angst but here I am. Reader is a bit of a shit person, This literally hurt my own heart writing it but I couldn’t get the idea out of my head. Enjoy?
Tengen's thoughts are in italics
“Baby come and watch this movie with meee!” Tengen whined.
“Mm soon just one last round, promise.” You replied distractedly, eyes glued to the screen and fingers tapping at your mouse and keyboard.
Tengen hated it.
He wanted to be a supportive boyfriend, he really did, but the insecurity in him flared up every time you seemed to be having so much fun online with these strangers instead of him.
It only got worse when you became a full-time streamer. Every day you'd play or chat with your viewers for hours on end, often leaving your boyfriend eating dinner alone in the dining room of your shared apartment.
Tengen took a deep breath as he waited for the microwave to finish heating up the leftover curry.
It’s ok, I'll finally get to spend some quality time with her next week. I've booked the most romantic anniversary dinner after all!
Tengen buttoned up his freshly ironed shirt and put on his fitted dress pants. He turned around in the mirror and grinned.
Damn I look good~
He was brimming with excitement, practically skipping down the hall to your room.
"Ready to go sweetheart?" His head poked through your doorframe, but the giddiness in his expression quickly soured at the sight of you hunched over your work desk.
“Oh Ten you know my 10k celebration stream is tonight right? I told you ages ago.” You didn't even look up from your screen as you continued to set up the mic.
“B-but... What about dinner?”
He sounded like a hurt puppy.
“Sorry baby we’re gonna have to reschedule.”
"It's our 1 year anniversary!"
“You know how it is, don’t want to disappoint my fans!”
Your fans? What about me?
His eyes drifted to your outfit, clenching his jaw when he saw the way your tits were practically spilling out of the strappy top. He could never understand why you had to wear things like that for your 'fans'.
“It’s normal for streamers, plus it's good for the donations.”
“Do they know you have a boyfriend?” He emphasised the last word as if to remind you.
"...It's better to let them think I'm single. It's just part of the job."
Tengen was seething. He leaned against the door frame of your studio room, watching you chat to your audience and thanking them for their donations.
“Hey lovelies! I’m so excited for my 10k anniversary stream today ♡ Thank you guys for always being there for me and I can’t wait to answer all your questions in the special Q&A!” You beamed at your screen, giving your audience your sweetest smile.
His voice was cold, barely able to contain his anger when you continued to ignore him.
“Hm? Oh don't worry guys that was just my brother!” You said sweetly. "Thank you to everyone who submitted questions, let's get started ♡ ”
Let’s see how your fans react to this.
You flinched when you felt large hands push your thighs apart, glancing down to see Tengen under your desk and between your legs. He sucked and bit at the soft skin, but you pushed his head away, silently gesturing to him you were live. He paid you no heed, instead ducking under your skirt to press his tongue against your panties. After thoroughly wetting the fabric he pushed them aside to dive right into your folds, two fingers pressing harsh circles against your clit, making you squirm.
"O-ok first question: Sirsnakealot asks: 'What's your type?' "
"Ah I'd say, someone who's dependable, has his own job. And it'd be a bonus if he's handsome ofc <3 hehe."
You forced a smile as you tried your hardest to keep your eyes from rolling to the back of your head. Your flushed expression was not missed by your attentive viewers.
mitsuluvss555: does she have a fever?
ynsimppp: y/n-chan go get some water <33
“I’m fine! I think I ahh~ just had too many energy drinks before the stream...!”
You had to pretend to take a sip of water off screen as you collapsed against the desk. You flipped up your skirt to meet the fiery gaze of your boyfriend, who was now suckling on your clit and playing with your quickly dampening folds.
"S-stop it Ten...! We can...hah..do this la...ah...later." You reprimanded in a hushed tone.
He looked up at you defiantly, responding by pushing two of his long fingers inside your now soaked cunt, curling them in that way that made you keen.
Your vision was getting blurry, but you bit your lip and hid it with a smile.
"N-next question! ItsMeDiooo with the $69 donation asks: "Y/n-chan are you single?"
You feel Tengen growl against your cunt, his fingers pumping faster inside you as his teeth sank into your clit.
"aha t-these questions are so personal today...I've told you guys before, I'm just too busy for a relationship at the moment. Thank you for the donation though, I appreciate your support!"
Tengen was being purposefully noisy, hoping your mic would catch the sloppy sounds he was making between your legs.
"Next question!"
How the fuck are you still ignoring me?
Suddenly you were roughly pulled off your chair. You fell onto the carpet as your boyfriend quickly hovered over you.
yandereyorchan: what happened???
mitsuluvs555: y/n chan are you okay? ><
bigdaddyguro: I didn't pay for this what the hell
“Ten what the fuck? I need to get back to my stream-"
His firm grip on your waist held you in place, as you struggled to get back up. His hot mouth trailed up your neck and left sloppy kisses on your exposed skin.
“I planned such a nice evening for us baby.” Tengen growled against your ear.
“I got all dressed up for you, and you would rather talk to these strangers?” His voice was icy yet calm, making you shiver.
He bit down harshly at your neck, leaving hickies in all the places you said he wasn't allowed to. Pleads of 'no not there ten!" and "baby, stop it!" were muffled by open-mouthed kisses against your lips.
“I’m your boyfriend aren’t I? Let me act like it then.”
He pressed the blunt tip of his cock against your slick folds, making your eyes widen.
“Ten stop it the stream is still on!” You whispered in a panicked tone.
“Are you scared they’ll hear you?” Tengen smirked. "I bet they'd love to listen in, would probably jerk off wishing they were inside this tight pussy."
He groaned when he pushed all the way in ‘till he bottomed out. Both of you panted harshly as he fucked you right there on the carpet. Your breathy moans sounded so pretty to him, the way you mewled and whined under him almost made Tengen forget he was angry at you. Almost.
Just when you were about to cum, his hips stopped altogether. You whimpered in protest as you met your boyfriend's dark gaze.
"W-why'd you stop?"
"Tell me baby, who's the one giving you this dick?"
"Who does this little pussy belong to?"
"Y-you, Tengen...!"
"Damn right."
He resumed his intense pace with a groan. Soon your walls were spasming around him, tightening with one last whimper as he pumped you full of his milky seed. Tengen couldn't help the smirk on his face as he watched his cum slowly slip out of you.
"Get up baby, we have dinner to get to."
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