storgicdealer · 29 days
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oh my god. it will be the first time ill ramble RIGHT after an episode releases.
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non-plutonian-druid · 5 months
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look guys i actually did some spirit designs
[ID: the Hargreeves' spirits in the Paranatural au - or at least, the five of them that are kids in this au.
Luther's is an ape that looks like his body from the comics. Diego's is a creature that looks a bit like a small porcupine. Allison's is a large snake with its mouth duct taped shut. Klaus' is a blue raccoon with three eyes and a pink tail, and Viktor's is based off of the White Violin from the comics, except its head transforms into reaching arms. End ID.]
sorry, the ID got REALLY long this time. that's a summary for anyone scrolling, theres a more detailed one under the cut!
[ID: Luther's spirit is labelled First Simian In Space: THE MARTIAN APE. He looks like the ape that supplied Luther's body in the comics, drawn in the paranatural style; blue, with one eye. He is wearing an astronaut helmet and sitting in a coin operated rocket ship that is much too small for it. He has transformed the world around him into a scifi martian landscape; cardboard standups with doors and lockers scribbled on them are the only indication of the real world. Luther is sprawled on the ground staring in shock, while the Martian Ape says "Y'know, you should totally just kill your dad".
Diego's spirit is a very small creature that looks a bit like a porcupine.
Panel 1: Diego holds his spirit in his hands and says, "So, what's your name?". His spirit responds "I am called..."
Panel 2: A caption appears; Projectile Extraordinaire: KRAKEN. The image is in full color, focusing on Kraken, which glowers cutely and shows off her spines.
Panel 3: The same shot as panel one, except Diego now looks very skeptical. He says "..." and then "Why." Kraken responds "It sounded cool."
Allison's spirit is a giant green snake coiled around a tree branch, with a pattern down his back that looks like open mouths.
The first two images are centered on Allison, who is scowling in both. Someone unseen says "It can force people to do things, honey!" and "It's too dangerous to leave you alone with it." and finally, "So we fixed it."
The final image is of the spirit. He is captioned Muzzled Mind Controller: THE RUMOR. His mouth has been duct taped shut. He does not look pleased.
Klaus' spirit is a blue raccoon with dark purple legs and a fluffy striped pink tail. It also has three eyes.
Panel 1: The large colored closeup of Klaus' spirit. It is captioned Mystical Conartist: THE SEANCE.
Panel 2: Klaus asks it "With a name like that, what's your power?" The Seance, its nose just high enough to fit into frame, replies, "Oh, I can sense ghosts"
Panel 3: Klaus looks supremely unimpressed. In the background, a ghost says "Hi" to Allison and Luther, and they say "Oh, hey" back.
Panel 4: Klaus asks, "Seriously?"
Panel 5: The Seance, viewed from above, says "Hey, I can sense them even when they're not visible! Like behind walls and stuff!"
Panel 6: The Seance adds "Also I can float." It is demonstrating, floating about eye level with Klaus and emitting a cloud of cyan spectral energy as it does so. Klaus looks more pleased with this and says "Okay, that one's pretty good."
Viktor's spirit is a Wight, a spirit so warped by rage and pain that it has permanently been changed, its spectral energy has become white, and has gained massive, devastating power. It looks a lot like the design of the White Violin in the comics, but it manifests too many or too few arms from where its head should be.
There are three images of it. In the first, it is kneeling. It has manifested six arms in varying degrees of completeness, and all of them look sad.
In the second, the matter of its head has split into many small pieces that almost look like parts of mouths, save for two clawing hands. It screams, in the Wight spirit language from Paranatural, WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME.
In the third, the largest, its knees buckle as it stands and manifests one reaching hand. It is captioned Violent White: THE WHITE VIOLIN. End ID]
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Here's the Sim that I'm planning on doing this here thing with.
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NAME: Dominique (Dom) Larkham When I added the vitiligo in CAS, she reminded me of Zazie Beetz's Domino in Deadpool II, along with her buoyant nature. It's the wrong eye but I called her Dominique as a kind of tribute. AGE: Teen, will age up with two positive and one negative PARENTHOOD traits. TRAITS: Self-Assured, Freegan. Her third trait upon aging up will also be decided by poll. I just need to know her second one first as some will be unavailable depending on the result (ie. a FREEGAN can be LAZY but can't be a SNOB etc). LIKES: Cooking, Fitness, Dancing, Gardening, Purple, R&B, S-Pop, Compliments, Silly Behaviour, Jokes, Potty Humour, Pranks, Deception, Gossip, Ambitionless Sims, Idealist Sims, Spirited Sims, Funny Sims, Homebodies, Rascals DISLIKES: Americana, Classical Music, Painting, Violin, Stories, Deep Thoughts, Complaints, Malicious Interactions, Argumentative Sims, Pessimistic Sims, Yellow CURRENT ASPIRATION: Live Fast (Teen)
LOT: Little Falls Nook, Copperdale SIZE: 20x20 VALUE: 18,711k PACKS: Most important are ECO LIVING, TINY LIVING, DREAM HOME DECORATOR, LAUNDRY DAY and SNOWY ESCAPE. You can probably easily sub out all the others. PLAYTESTED: Yes, use bb.moveobjects. The HSY escape window doesn't work but that's a glitch I've encountered all my saves, nothing to do with placement etc. Your Sim may need at least L3 Handiness to get the bed down properly (also you can die via a Murphy Bad malfunction). The laundry function has been enabled through the clothesline, laundry hamper and washtub. GALLERY: HAYLEY247
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Apart from the house value, Dom's funds have been cheated to zero. She has no skills, no musical instruments and nothing with which to make money. And she still needs to attend high school.
The overriding goal is for her to achieve the FABULOUSLY WEALTHY aspiration (with a greater total maybe) buuut we can work on others in the meantime. There will be a post on her progress per in-game week. I want to take a fun and silly collaborative approach to this, where I'll throw up polls and you can help (or hinder) Dom as you like.
I am a vanilla player (all packs except DINE OUT and PERFECT PATIO) and have no intention of portraying serious themes beyond the silliness in which they're handled in the game - and absolutely no exclusively real-world issues (racism, sexism etc). Those don't exist in the Sims 4, and thank goodness for that.
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dragoon-mid-jump · 9 days
FFXIV Swap: Relaxation Edition!
A swap gift playlist for @ubejamjar feat. their WoL, Ajisai Kawanami, playing to the suggested theme of Relaxation! I suppose you could call this "Lo-Fi Beats to Rotate Your WoL To"? Because that's what I sure did making this! It's got a little bit of everything I felt would resonate with your WoL, from vibes and aesthetics to shipping.
And below the cut are some brief blurbs on how and why each entry made it into the playlist itself! Thank you much for your patience, apologies for the lateness, and I hope you enjoy giving this a listen as much as I did crafting it!
The Last Stand (Masayoshi Soken): Personally, one of my favorite Endwalker tracks to vibe to. I heard it in my head as I read your ask prompt entry titled "The Perfect Date" with Ajisai and Aymeric. There's something about the acoustic that really resonates with the notion of relaxation, which is fitting considering it plays during downtime moments in Endwalker. I think it also really fits the Aesthetics section of the "5 Character Associations" tag game you did!
I Still Miss You (Bernth): A piece I found from a primarily instrumental guitarist I listen to that I checked out after noticing that you shipped Ajisai with Haurchefant, given his ultimate fate, as well as the "5 Character Associations" at play once more ("Loneliness after your lover goes home" under Emotions/Feelings) while still tying instrumentals to relaxation.
Easier (Crane Wives): Found in an ask while trawling through Ajisai's character tag, so I figured I'd add it in! You also already did the lyric analysis yourself, too, and I can see how it lines up!
Vanilla Twilight (Owl City): There's something about the lyrics of missing someone dear to you that resonates with what I can feel from Aymeric being unable to accompany Ajisai on her travels past Heavensward, save for a few instances later down the MSQ, coupled with the colors blue and purple and starry skies and winter mornings in the Associations post, while also tapping into the more lowkey vibes I'm aiming for.
Rule #1 - Magic (Fish in a Birdcage): A song I found while music-surfing, and after I gave it a listen, it reminded me of your "A Perfect Date" vignette, moreso the latter half after Ajisai and Aymeric leave the cafe they were at and retire to her abode. It's the combination of the more private quarters and the repeated lyrics:
"There is magic in this room I don't know if you can see it There is magic in this room I don't know if you can feel it It's called love Some call it love Love"
as they just spend the rest of the night in each others' presence.
6. Between Twilight (Lindsey Stirling): This was mainly on vibes from the low-key violin that comprises most of this track and resonance with...well, not just her aesthetics, but with some gposes of her general travels and less strenuous MSQ moments.
7. Foreverglow (Lindsey Stirling): It was right under the above song in the album listing, but this time it has lyrics. Still has the same vibes as the above, but the lyrics have the song hone in more on the night sky aesthetic.
8. Starlight Waltz (Ponyphonic): Another find from music-surfing. Pulling from your Wondrous Tales prompt "Lost Together" as well as that starry sky aesthetic. Well, it's a waltz, and it calls to mind the dance in the prompt. It fits both of these separately, but not necessarily together, if that makes sense? Mainly because that particular Gpose isn't shot at night.
9. Twinleaf Town (Pokemon Diamond/Peal/Platinum OST, cover by insaneintherainmusic): Ah, Twinleaf Town my beloved. Your hometown in the Gen 4 games. Comfy and cozy and safe. In Platinum particularly, the climate has turned a bit colder in Sinnoh compared to its predecessors, noted by patches of snow around the neighborhood and the characters dressed warmer. I think all that fits some of Ajisai's softer vibes, aesthetics, and Gposes.
10. Nobility Sleeps (Masayoshi Soken): And for the finishing touch, I just had to add a track from Heavensward to allude to Ajisai having love interests in both Haurchefant and Aymeric! So, I picked Nobility Sleeps, which plays at night in the Pillars in Ishgard! It's a soothing track, imo, which is a given with the time of day you can hear it in-game.
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starlitangels · 1 year
Art Gallery
A little Jealous!Honey ficlet for your Jealous!Honey ficlet needs. 848 words
“Well this is... fun,” I said.
“Isn’t it? I love art galleries!” Guy replied brightly, squeezing my hand and dragging me over to another framed painting. He studied the painting intently before reading the plaque next to it. I looked around. Most of the paintings were abstract. To me, they were just splotches of random color. I liked paintings, but abstract had always been odd to me.
But Guy was having a good time, so I’d stand at his side and listen to him ramble. It was his turn to pick date night—and next week he would sit through whatever thing he couldn’t care less about for my sake. We both tried to choose activities that we both would enjoy, but Guy had really wanted to go to an art gallery I didn’t care much about and had agreed he’d do whatever I wanted to do next week.
Which meant next week we’d be going Frisbee golfing on the university campus.
I let Guy drag me from frame to frame, letting him monologue about the deeper meanings to be gleaned from each of the paintings while I nodded along.
After over an hour, I needed a break. “I’m gonna run to the bathroom. I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t wander too far or I won’t be able to find you.”
“Whatever you say, honey,” Guy teased.
I kissed the side of his head before letting go of his hand and wandering off to try and find the bathroom, peering at every facility sign I could see.
Eventually I found it. But it was unnecessarily far away.
Guy hummed, bouncing on the balls of his feet, while he read a plaque.
“Hi there!” a voice said.
He jolted and whirled.
A girl was standing there, smiling, her hands behind her back while she leaned forward a little. She had on a bright, floral dress and ballet flats.
“Uh... hi,” Guy said.
“I’m Josie!”
“My name’s Guy.”
She stuck out a hand. Guy shook it.
The girl twisted back and forth where she stood. She was probably around his age, maybe a few years younger. “My parents painted most of these,” she said. “They do it together.”
“Oh. That’s so cool. Do you paint too?”
“A little. Nowhere near as good as they do. I’m more of a musician.” She pointed to the one next to the one he’d been reading. “That’s supposed to be me when I was a baby.”
Guy sidestepped over to it and studied it before skimming the plaque. Her name was on it. Our baby girl, Josie. The abstract work had some skin tones, but was mostly a bean-like shape of purples and pinks. If he squinted he could almost see the baby face sticking out of a blanket bundle.
“That’s fun,” Guy said.
“Do... do you like art?” Josie asked.
“As an observer, yeah. I can’t draw or paint to save my life,” he replied. “I just love to admire other people’s skill. And learn everything I can about whatever I can. I’m a writer. I like knowing things. You said you’re a musician?”
“Yeah. Strings, mostly. Violin, viola, cello, guitar, that kind of stuff. But also piano.”
“Oh cool! When did you start?”
“I started piano when I was six.”
“Me too! I didn’t last long, though. I couldn’t sit still to practice.”
Josie laughed.
Guy felt something heavy land on his shoulders and yank him.
I planted a firm kiss in Guy’s hair, trying my best not to glower too harshly at the pipsqueak in the dress. “What’d I miss?” I asked lowly.
“Hi honey! This is Josie. Her parents painted most of these!” Guy said.
“Cool,” I deadpanned.
“Josie, this is my partner.”
Josie looked up at me and smiled, but I saw intimidation in her expression. “H-hi,” she greeted.
She looked back down at Guy. “I’ll let you get back to your... perusal. If you have any questions, feel free to come find me!”
“Thanks Josie!” Guy said brightly. The pixie girl wandered off.
I scoffed once she was out of earshot. “Thank God that’s over with,” I said. “I was getting sick of the flirting.”
“I wasn’t flirting!” Guy protested defensivey. “Honey, I would never—” He started with that voice that said he was gearing up for a monologue.
“I know you weren’t. She was,” I interrupted.
“I mean, I can’t say I blame her. Fine specimen that I am. But I only have eyes for—”
I cut him off by leaning and nibbling softly at his earlobe. “What do you say we go home and I can remind you who you belong to all over our apartment?” I whispered.
His whole body shuddered. “Okay,” he said. “I mean, you know me. I’m never one to pass up any opportunity like that when you make it that open-ended.”
I smirked. “Right answer. Maybe I’ll let you remind me who I belong to too. If you’re good.”
He purred. “Ooh. Say less, honey. Let’s get home!” He grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door.
Tag list: @darlin-collins
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harukaprism · 2 years
Playing for Marius
Pairing: Marius Von Hagen x F!Rreaader
Warnings: None just pure fluff
Word Count: 671
Dawn's notes: You will need to listen to this song as I got struck by the inspiration bug when I heard it and thought about Marius (can you tell I play the violin?)
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Marius had it up to here with everything going on right now, too many board meetings, his father was on his case about everything, he didn't even have the time to paint. His only saving grace was you, his beautiful girlfriend. 
Recently the only time the two of you saw each other was through video calls, you were busy working on a big case with Wing, it's not like he hated Artem! He was a good guy, he trusted him with you but he was jealous of all the time he was spending with you lately. 
The second he stepped foot into the house his father joined him in the fourier. "Marius, how did the meeting go?" 
Weren't you supposed to be retired? Marius thought glumly as he slipped his shoes off. "It went fine, I still have some work to do. If you'll excuse me." As he walked past the older man he couldn't help but hear the sigh that left his old lips. "Is there something else you would like to say father?" 
Turning around the two men met eyes, it was not a father and son look, it was a ceo vs ceo look, one that Marius knew very well and a look that Austin Von Hagen gave very well. "I know this stress has put a strain on your relationship with that lawyer…" 
"She has a name." Marius snapped interrupting, close to bursting at the seams he couldn't think further with his actions. 
"Yes, you are right I apologize." Taking a deep breath his father sighed. "This stress has put you two in a bad situation. I left a summary of the trial in your room, she should be home now. You should go see her." Blinking his deep purple eyes he watched as his father walked past him with a small smile tugging his lips. "She really is one helluva lawyer." 
With that he was out the door keys to his sports car in hand, he didn’t even think to call you first but he couldn’t think about that now, all he could think of was getting to you. Weaving in and out of traffic he quickly pulled up to your apartment and booked it up the stairs. 
Marius had no idea why he needed to see you so badly after the comment his dad made but it was clear that he needed all the time he could have with you. As he approached the door he could hear the faint melody of a violin playing, of course he only assumed it was your radio playing but he was sorely mistaken as he entered your apartment about to call out your name; there you were standing in the middle of your apartment, chin sitting perfectly on the chin rest, a black sponge resting between your shoulder and the wood of the instrument, the bow flowing perfectly against the taught strings as your fingers shifted to pull out the beautiful song. 
Stunned to complete silence all he could do was watch as you skillfully played the violin, very impressed when you moved your wrist to make the note last longer making it waive in the air. He swore that he could see the notes flying around your body as the song repeated itself, but he didn’t care, you looked like a dream.
The evening light filtering in through your big window casting you in a glorious shade of purple and pinks with gold mixed in. If he wasn’t already planning to marry you he would have proposed right here. 
He kept his silence as you lowered the instrument excitedly. “I think I have it down now, Marius will love this!” 
You were practicing to play for him? Oh god how he loved you. “Was that the whole piece or is there more?” He watched as the panic set through your body as you turned around. “Sorry, I let myself in.” Holding up his keys he let a grin pull his lips letting you jump into his arms. 
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pickleprickle · 1 year
Leia's Gift
Summary: After the events of ROTJ, Leia and Luke return to Obi-Wan's hut, to find that the old Jedi left something for her to take into safekeeping. (Leia's POV)
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Word Count: 933
Rating: T
I PROMISE I'm done with Hermit Obi-Wan and the Violinist now. I felt weirdly guilty about killing her off last time and wanted to give them both a nicer conclusion.
Part One Part Two
Leia stood in the center of the shabby house on the bluff where her savior had lived while watching over her brother. A kitchen station. Small chairs with an even smaller table between them and the alcove bed, which was still neatly covered with a faded purple blanket. She sat on that bed, weighed down by the stories her father had told of Obi-Wan Kenobi's bravery and heroics during the Clone Wars and even before that. Weighed down by the memory of him saving her. Lightened by the memory of him sneaking her out of that Imp facility under a trench coat.
She'd only had a few days with him all those years ago but every moment was burned into her mind. Other than her parents, Obi-Wan was the kindest, noblest, and best person she'd ever known.
And this is where he'd lived his last days before coming to her aid again.
Luke had been down below for a while now, rifling through everything. Searching for . . . something. He probably didn't even know what. All he'd found so far were some model ships and journals.
"Leia," Luke called as he emerged from below. He held out a dusty case. "He left this for you."
She took the case and gazed at the handwritten note affixed to it. For Leia
Leia had no Force training but had always been able to feel things. Whatever this case contained was burdened with so much. Despair on the surface. Below that . . . solace . . . peace. Then the root of all of it: love.
"Luke, I'd like to open this alone if you don't mind."
Leia sensed a slight flare of jealousy from her twin. Despite having fought together and sharing a connection through the Force and blood, they were still strangers in many ways. She still hadn't told him about that first rescue and wasn't sure she would ever share that. Luke would have too many questions and it felt like, if she talked about it too much, those memories would stop feeling the same.
Luke nodded and went back below while Leia opened the case.
A violin. Two packets of flimsi lay atop it with a note attached to the first page:
In a few moments, I'll be leaving to rescue you (again). You Skywalkers still cannot stay out of trouble and are still dragging me into it. Make no mistake, though. There is truly no place I would rather be than chasing after you both, trying to get you to listen to me.
This case and everything in it only exists because trouble found you, Leia. Rescuing you all those years ago reminded me of who I am and what I'm capable of doing and feeling. Because of you, I was able to open myself to love the woman this instrument belonged to and had the happiest years of my life. I will be eternally grateful for that gift.
Please take this case and what's within away from here. Share her music and her story. I cannot bear the thought of her memory being lost to the sand.
P.S. Don't let Luke irritate you. He has always been that way.
Beneath that note was sheet music with a heartbreaking dedication on the cover. Further, there were pages filled with sketches of a woman. Her smiles. Her eyerolls. Several sketches of her hands doing ordinary things first and others attempting to capture those same hands as they flew across a violin. The last was a packet of flimsi written in Obi-Wan's hand, telling her story from the Galaxies Opera House to her last days. At the top of the page was another inscription:
Remember her. Please Leia, remember her for me.                                                                                            
"Luke!" she called. He immediately returned, covered in dust and holding a well-rendered toy corvette. She handed him the sketches and biography. "It seems Obi-Wan Kenobi had a wife."
Luke's brow furrowed as he shuffled through the pages, recognizing the woman's face, feeling guilty about those times his friends had taunted the strange hermit in town and he'd done nothing to intervene. One afternoon his idiot friends were on a tear and she'd stormed over and stared at Luke with disapproving intensity until he told them to shut up.
Leia sensed shame from him. Images. She pushed it aside and thought about the man her father had trusted with her life. The man who was now trusting her with the love of his life. Leia didn't want to know about Luke's memories of Obi-Wan. She had her own and wanted to keep them – keep him – as she remembered.
He glanced at the violin. "Do you know how to play that?"
Leia brought the violin to her shoulder, struck the bow, and played the first bars. The strokes were imprecise, but with practice it would become steady. And she would practice. Next to her, Luke froze.
"I know that song," Luke said. "For a couple years before we left Tatooine, I heard it every night, echoing from the Wastes."
"Then you can tell me when it's being played right." Leia cut her eyes over to her irritating, newly minted – and loved - brother. "Do not tell Han. I don't want him to know I'm not good at something."
It was petty, but Leia didn't care. Han was the most annoying man in the galaxy, but Leia would master this concerto and play it for him. This music came from love and deserved to played for someone she loved.
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forestdragoncat · 8 months
For both Argenta and Syzh'favia: 🎻 🍎 💜?
Always glad to see you! <3
🎻 VIOLIN — does your oc play any instruments? what is their skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced/virtuoso/etc)?
Argenta - well, she has a lovely singing voice, but isn't really proficient with musical instruments. Aside from a flute, which she sorta picked during Free Crusaders' gatherings in The Sanctuary of The Silver Symphony (her Court), but she is an amateur :)
Syzh'Favia - now, she is a daughter of two bards from a musical troupe, and she can, more or less, play any "popular" instrument (like the ones presented in the game), especially if it's a simple folk melody, but her instrument of choice (and for self-made improvisations) is lyra, and Favi is, indeed, a virtuoso with it. In fact, that's how she made a Pact with her Patron - during one of the troupe Sword Coast tours, on a town's Summer Festival she met a fellow wandering lyrist, who, having heard her performance, challenged Syzh'Favia to a music duel. On a condition that the winner will receive the loser's instrument as a prize. And after a hard, but fun competition concerto their audience finally declared Favi's victory. So her rival's fulfilled the terms... And then it turned out that their lyre was magical, the rival themselves was a fey in disguise and has now bestowed a part a their powers on the astonished tiefling bard through said lyre. So Favi needs it to do any of her magic, but the fey's lyre can't really be lost, stolen or broken forever - she can summon it back anytime she wishes. As long as Syzh'Favia doesn't abandon her musical craft and writes at least few new songs each year :D
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Argenta - Was born in Ardis, Ustalav, but didn't stayed here for long, as her mother, Ruxandra (former) Mivirania, run away from home soon after Argy's birth to save her daughter life and/or future. They and Rux's friend-turned-lover-then-turned-wife, Pheli the gnome shaman wandered the Ustalav for some time, moving south before crossing to Lastwall and, eventually, to north Nirmathas, where they finally settled for good. Well, her mothers did - Argenta left on her 18th birthday, fused with Silver Lining and went back to Ustalav through Varisia and Realm of the Mammoth Lords. It has the most pleasant climate and aesthetics for her, but she is certainly no patriot, she just was a (mainly) undead hunter and Ustalav has plenty of bounties for them.
Syzh'Favia - since game give me no choice in the matter (unless i missed something), she is baldurian. She loves her city and it's people - for they make a good stage and even better listeners for her performances! And are good people in general, too! Though she had to leave Baldur's Gate pretty often with the rest of musical troupe, and was in a lot of other Sword Coast cities and even traveled to Moonshae Isles a few times. But Favi has always counted Baldurs Gate as her "true" home - even if she doesn't *yet* have her own house here (the troupe lives in commune).
💜 PURPLE HEART — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
Argenta - she is a bastard offspring of Mivirania, a minor noble human (with a very-very small drop of elven blood) family in Ardis. They don't really have that much in wealth or influence, especially compared to other noble families, but, my, do they try to compensate it with pride and arrogance! So when Ruxandra, the youngest daughter, who was to be wed with the son of another noble family, suddenly turned out to be pregnant and gave birth to a foul half-undead, the heads of the family got very angry and decided that in order to save the prosperous marriage they will 1) Keep the whole deal in secret and 2) Dispose of the child in unspecified manner. And that's when Rux, the meek, the quiet and the obedient (but also optimistic and kind) finally snapped, teamed up with eager Pheli, grabbed Argenta and sneaked out of her (frankly, abusive) household for good. Good for her.
(As for Argenta's father - well, for a long time everyone thought, for an obvious reason, that it was some moroi vampire, encounter (and, well, everything else that transpired) with whom shocked her mother so much that she forgot everything that happened. But then, during the Fifth Crusade Argenta learned that, apparently, it was Areelu's doing. She, as usual, was experimenting.
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(It's actually a pretty old picture, from Beta days of WoTR, hense Areelu's tabletop face and Argenta's edired portrait. Back then, it was a joke).
And after this moment, it was even more abundantly clear that there will be no peace, because nobody really hurts Argenta's mom like that and ruins her life (from Argy's POV) and then doesn't get wrecked. Don't push that red button.
And by "wrecked" i don't mean just punched or killed - it means "i am going to play along that i am your dead daughter and your experiment was a success, use you to ascend myself and my friends (and also kill two other big assholes along the way)... and then i will throw you in a ditch, and in your last moments you will know that you have been played. Oh, did i mention that i will ask Pharasma to erase your soul, too?" There is a reason why Argenta is a CG who is still close to CN - there is a dark side from her connection to negative energy, she just keeps it in check. In absolutely most cases.
(And, tbh, Areelu did a lot more than just hurting Rux to deserve such strong attitude from Argenta. It was more of straw that broke dhampir's back, i think).
Syzh'Favia - in contrast from drama that is above, her family life is a lot more simpler. She is a Mephistopheles tiefling daughter to a Mephistopheles tiefling father and an Asmodeus tiefling mother, who, as stated before, are both bards in a semi-wandering troupe of musicians, jesters and magicians. She is the only child, but had a few kids more or less her age among other troupe members as playmates and childhood friends. They weren't (and aren't) any big superstars, but are known in some circles, make a decent coin on performances and love each other very much :3
During the game events the whole troupe, including Favi's parents, were in the middle of yet another big Sword Coast tour, on which Favi herself didn't went, and learned about the illithid-tadpole business after everything was already over :D
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hi this is my first time requesting,
Could I request no. 9 from the event?
I'm a really short nonbinary artist from the northeast coast of the US, I like the cold and my favorite holiday is Halloween, my favorite season is Autumn and I like crows.
I have pretty bad anxiety and gender dysphoria, I stay in my house most of the time, and my favorite color is green, but I also like purple and orange. I can be chaotic at points but recently I've had to chill out because of some stuff I went through, and I like swimming.
I like technology and science, and I'm impulsive at points, most of the time I rely on my instincts and knowledge, I act like a dumbass but I have moments of genius.
One of my favorite things to do on Halloween is to pretend I'm a decoration and scare Trick-or-Treaters, it's some of the most fun I tend to have.
Bright lights tend to annoy me, and I bring an umbrella with me whenever I go outside when the sun is out because I burn easily. I also collect pins and bells, mostly pins though.
I can play piano and I've been trying to learn the violin, music is something that I've always loved ever since I was a little kid. At this point it helps me get up in the mornings and has become a requirement to my routines.
My art tends to lean in a sort of cute-yet-terrifying direction, but I do like drawing monsters. My creativity is what drives me for the most part, the other being spite towards my horrible mother to be successful when she didn't believe I could be.
🎀 No.9: Ever Fallen In Love With Someone 🎀
tell me a little bit about yourself and i'll give you a rogue pairing a/n: mmm i am giving you one of my top picks for myself, i hope he's right for you!! 1k milestone info! 🔞minors dni🔞 • kofi • tag: finnie1k
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ok yeah halloween, autumn and crows. i was definitely giving you a scarecrow, but this one is perfect for you
he's a homebody, except for when he's teaching or he's out committing crimes. he'd like nothing more than to relax at home with you
any issues you have, past or present, he's so happy to talk through them with you. his degree makes him super helpful with that kind of thing. a chance to put it into practice for someone who deserves it and can utilise it would be wonderful
he relies heavily on his knowledge for most things, especially his crimes. instinct plays a part in that he supposes, but someone who is willing to learn and retain would be after his own heart
an opportunity to do some scaring without it needing to be related to crime would be so relaxing for him, terror for pure enjoyment is something he would cherish, so terrorising the neighbourhood with you? absolutely perfect bonding activity
he's a bit of a shadow, preferring darkness to the light. he'd rather read with a dim overhead or by candlelight for the aesthetics (and also to save on the electric bill)
ah, someone with creative talents would bring so much joy to his life. some haunting, but beautiful music to score his days? he'd treasure that so much, and it would add wonderfully to the ambience he's trying to cultivate for himself. you can play while he reads and offer him some peaceful background noise. he'd encourage you to pursue your talents also, enthusiastically! he'd watch you practice, provide you some feedback, and he'd be in the front row if you ever played somewhere
he'd cover the walls in your art, truly. and he'd probably encourage you to help him design his costumes or his scares. an artistic rendition of what he's trying to achieve would make it easier to explain it to his strawmen, who are a bit less intellectual than he is
and he would understand the spite very well. everything he does is in the name of spite against his childhood bullies, his colleagues at the university. although he does also do things for money to buy books and to spoil you. but he would believe wholeheartedly that you were brilliant and wonderful and deserving of someone to tell you that every day
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sasslett · 1 year
Get to know me!
tagged by @elveny, let's see if I can get this done before I have to get out of bed (someone play me the world's smallest violin)
Share your wallpaper: So my PC is set to cycle through my XIV screenshot folder as its wallpaper, so here's my Chromebook (where I do all my writing) and my phone (where I do all my blogging) wallpapers instead!
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A lovely comm from thetictactician on Twitter on my Chromebook!
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and this amazing comm on my phone from Hollycircling on Twitter, I can't believe she indulged me and went this fucking hard but she did this. In a week.
The last song you listened to: Warrior by Beth Crowley (this is such a Jess song tbh)
Currently Reading:  Ok... so... I actually haven't read any sort of published novel since... 2011, with A Storm of Crows I think? So I used to read a shit ton, but it was 11th grade and my friends were like 'You're still reading kids books? Read something for grown ups instead' (I was rereading Percy Jackson at the time, my beloved). So I gave it a try with a 'grown up' fantasy series and... fuck GoT it was awful and I decided if that's what adult literature was like, I didn't want any part of it. So I quit reading entirely.
Last Movie: Bullet Train, months ago. I don't like watching movies - I'm huge into the behind the scenes stuff, cinematography, lighting, direction, costume design etc etc so it makes it hard to watch movies when my brain won't stop analyzing and criticizing everything (honestly modern cinema is so full of people just 'sending it' for the next big paycheck, the heart is just gone). But my husband insisted I watch this one and you know what? It was actually really well made, I was impressed.
Craving: More time. More time to finish these cosplays (Twelve have mercy the con is in a week and a half), more time to write, more time to decompress. Also craving a Chromebook/laptop/portable writing device that doesn't freeze when I type more than 5 letters in a row...
What are you wearing right now: My nightgown! (still in bed) It's got penguins on it and it's fucking adorable.
How tall are you: 5'5, idk what that is in the rest of the world. Americans, y'know.
Piercings: None, but I bought some super cute Ascian earrings last year and I've been really tempted to get my earlobes pierced.
Tattoos: None, not my thing but totally cool for everyone else!
Glasses? Contacts?: Lasik! Totally worth if you can do it.
Last drink: Choccy milk (I am an adult)
Last show: Last narrative-focused show? Uhhhhhh.... I watched the first season of The Walking Dead in 2012 and I legit can't think of anything more recent. I just don't enjoy watching things much, I'd rather be doing something, and I'm such a snob when it comes to screenwriting/characters that most things just don't appeal to me. Other than that the last non-scripted show I watched was Restaurant: Impossible.
Last thing you ate: An oatmeal chocolate chip cookie my sister made last night.
Favourite colour: Wine/burgundy! That deep, dark, blood red with just a hint of purple (in case you couldn't tell since it's the color my WoL wears in every outfit)
Current obsession: FFXIV lol
Unrelated Obsession: Unrelated? I'd say writing but that's kind of related... So, horses? I mean that's just always my obsession.
Any pets: Uh... yeah. I myself have two horses. And then... we have a shit ton of cats. So in 2020 strays kept showing up at our house and then they'd have babies, eventually we managed to catch them all and get them fixed and now some of them have chosen to move in. Shelters are full all across the state, rescues and fosters are full. So now we have... 10 cats that live inside (it's a large house) and then another six/seven that are still feral outside but fixed at least. Nothing much we can do about it, but keeping them inside keeps them safe and saves the wildlife outside, too.
Do you have a crush on anyone: An eternal crush on my husband. He's just amazing. Soft. Adorable. Handsome. Perfect. Goofy. Gorgeous. Smart. Creative. Loving. So many more words. 12 years together in May!
Favourite fictional character: Assuming player characters/WoLs don't count, Elena Fisher from Uncharted. She was the first female character I encountered who was just... normal. Not a token female, not sexualized eye candy, not walking boobs without a personality, she was... a real person, a real character in her own right, whose gender didn't change who she was. And I fell in love with that back in 2007 (I was in middle school then, so it was kind of a big deal for me). She only got better as the years went by, I still love her.
The last place you traveled: Depends on your definition of 'travel'. On a literal sense probably Portland, but since both that and Seattle are practically in my backyard I don't really count those. Other than that, Philadelphia I think, for a wedding.
TAGGING! Oh so many people should do this. Off the top of my head, if you'd like to... @ainyan, @mimble-sparklepudding, @boggleoflight, @tallbluelady, @humblemooncat, @dragoon-mid-jump, @otherworldseekers, @aethericfist and now I'm out of time and have to get ready for work so anyone else who sees this! Sorry I was tagging in a hurry, I know a lot of you are character/RP blogs so feel free to ignore.
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stratesphere · 11 months
n e ways rtc is consuming my left brain as korn and homestuck overtake the right!!! headcanons timeee
i believe in scruffy ocean, she def has a hooked nose, freckles and slightly messy hair despite how well she tries to keep it neat. sje also has braces..
shes a QUEER!! probs unsure of jer gender but too ashamed to try and figure it out, (ocean x constance real)
she hates blueberries, i can't explain why she just does
shes 5'7!!!!!!!! tall!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!1
she plays the violin and many other string instrument
she made rhe whole choir bracelets, despite how msnytimes mischa breaks jis on accident sje always makes him a new one.
one side of her jair fades into purple dye and the other blue, her glasses r FAKE!!!!
also her and Noel r besties and she absolutely adores hearing about Monique when she gets rhe chance
she really reallt really really really really likes Clairo and Car Seat headrest.. a lottttt
JANE THE SWEETHEART (or Penny) ((or Savannah))
in the attic room thingy, as jane, she had detached puppet strings on her elbows, knees and neck
agender, pansexual Jane real
her and Ricky r in love cuz i absolutely adore spacedolls theyre so cute im gonja sob i oove them smm :3
(i exist in fhe au where rhey all get brought back to life) Jane learned how to bake bc of constance and shes not bad at it. also after she got brouhjt back she kept the name Jane and Savannah
Mischas like a big brother to her def!!
Noel (aka me)
he loves strawberries soooooo much but hates cherries, theyre rhe only red fruit he wont eat.
sometimes he'll "preform" as Monique for Constance. he also talks about his fantasies wirh Ricky like 'my oc aants to be friends with your oc!!!!' type shit and now there's a Monique zolar catwoman-man
hes genderfluid and gay, doesnt care what pronouns ppl call him
guys pls Noel wouldn't like Will Wood or any music like that.. maybe 70s music like Abba and sometimes 80s but he listens to French music c'mon yall
whejever mischa switches 2 Ukrainian, Noel switches to French and they both steadily pick up on words in the languages from eachothe r
he listens to Lana Del Rey occasionally bc shes the only English speaking artist Talia likes. also after they all got brought back yo life (let me dream.) he finally saved up and brougjt Talia to Canada
cries slightly everytime he breaks one of constances bracelets, he feels bad everytime but constance doesjt mind at all. mischa is the #1 every choir member defender (even ocean but he doesnt show it)
reads rickys stories about his silly off brand David Bowie (the silly space age bachelor man) ((thjs one is inspired by another post i saw I don't remember the og creator im sorryty))
last but not least Ricky!! (also me fr)
he/they pronouns usually but slso uses a lotttt of space related neo prns
him and Constance take care of the cats the choir own
HE ADORESSSS 60S-80S POP MUSIC AND JUST DJFJEJFJ AHHHHH🙁🙁 jes rhe average ziggy stardust enjoyer
hardly cries.. like at all, also he lightly tapped Ocean with his crutches(?) once and she freaked out (idk what the things je usss r called im sorry)
for some strange reason hes very medically talented??? like for no reason at all. and his fave Homestuck character is Eridan and Nepeta
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sleepyblr-heart · 1 year
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while i work on catching you all up on the rest of present's story, i think you eserve some fun facts about her and the world she lives in! Let's start with the world!
the story she's in is collabrative (or, maybe roleplay would fit better, but we've been calling it a collabrative storyline so. pbt.) most of the characters don't belong to me, instead belonging to 2 friends of mine (waves. hi eph and pup)
the world is made of like. 4 (known) dimensions. theres the normal universe, the 4th Wall (an endless white void with a grid pattern on the floor and a forest one of the gods planted), the Inbetween (which sits between the 4th Wall and the normal universe, it's a black void filled with Things), and hell.
there have been like... 8 gods so far. 2 of them got turned into babies. ones a cat. ones an object that got murdered and turned into a ghost. ones a fox that the oldest gods decided to fuck around w/. one of them's present.
the gods have 3 basic forms (or. 2 and a vessel.) Their normal, godly form (typically humanoid but never exactly human, the newer gods stray farther away from human than the older gods). A face form (which while mainly because it's easier to draw also only allows certain, allowed objects to see them in this form), and an Object form or Vessel (typically just a vessel, unless the god was an object at some point, like present!)
there are a few species outside of regular objects (though most will prolly not come up in my summary of present's story). They are: Shapeshifters, Body snatchers, Mimics, Demons, and also like One Entire Vampire.
Certain magics are invisible to the naked eye, while others are visible. However, there are like. 2 objects who can see invisible magic as well as visible magic (along with certain supernatural creatures, specially ghosts.) One of these objects is one of present's girlfriends, Baton.
The world has almost ended like. 5 times. Surprisingly, despite being prophesied to be the one who saves the world, she has had almost no hand in helping with any of these world ending events (mostly because none of the other gods thought to tell her much about the situation)
the gods have divine weapons (though they dont need to really be weapons. one of them has a watering can and one has a dog treat.) Present's is a violin bow (literally) and rapier! dont ask how the string attached back if the rapier is unsheathed i dont know either. magic prolly.
now to present specific fun facts!
She has a fictional condition which, when in a lot of stress (or feeling to high of any emotion, really) her body temp. gets so high she catches on fire
she also has an anxiety disorder. so you know. Wonderful mix!!
she currently works at an ice cream shop run by an employee of Litterally The Worst Company Ever (BBC (Big Boss's Crew)). It's a cover-up to try and find canidates to hire at the actual company.
She has 2 very accidental children, one being a kid named Hattish which baton adopted while present was still on BFP (hattish may have also kidnapped baton but we dont need to worry about that) and Phoney, a cell phone that just. Came alive while Snowglobe, present's other girlfriend, was calling her and baton.
when she has any free time (which is a bit rare atm) she writes music! she hasn't properly published any of it, but im sure she will at some point.
present (like most gods) can create magic arms, however she actually doesn't use them too much if she can help it. she's lived her entire life using her legs or mouth for stuff, it's a bit hard to get used to using new limbs after only a few years!
she doesn't like using most of her magic unless it's needed or someone asks. (mainly because she used to not be allowed, but also she's worried of accidentally hurting someone with it.)
after the first near world ending disaster, she thought she would be returned to her normal object life, and have her magic taken away from her.
she was wrong.
she wishes she was right.
she doesn't like the color purple too much, as it reminds her of fog.
but the color purple also reminds her of one of the gods, which is one of her best friends, so she doesn't hate it!
she started wearing wrapping paper as part of her transition! it's an incredibly personal thing to her, and the only people that have been allowed to help her put on wrapping paper when it gets fucked up (or when she wants to try a new color combo) have been family, her childhood friend Candy heart and her girlfriends.
she has scopophobia, meaning she hates looking and being looked at. the only people she wants to look at her are baton and snowglobe (she doesn't mind other people she's close with looking at her for a bit, but she still freaks out if it's for too long)
that last thing is important, mostly because the only she's worse at than reading other peoples feelings is reading her own. and the fact that she wanted those two gay fucks to look at her was what helped her realize "oh hey. fuck. love is a thing, huh. and im feeling it. goddam"
i think thats enough fun and Facts for now. remember!! go vote for her in the @original-character-championship!!! or dont!!! both outcomes are still very funny to me!!!
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rene-is-an-insomniac · 10 months
Henlo~ so i finally got the chance to submit my request (god pls i was so busy 🥲)
✨Anywho congrats on the 100 followers~ you’re doing great hun!✨
(The actual request: P.S. you can deduce or base my info based on what you already knew about me. I don’t mind with other people knowing kek.)
• Just call me Blu or Luna, that’s why i spelt Blu without the E.
• Currently an archt’l apprentice. An all-rounder, assigning, guiding, rendering, drafting and reviewing notes with co-workers. Assists on-site.
• Usually to the point, uses cheeky humor, empathetic but will not care if tired or drained (wits or energy), (very) focused to a fault - often clueless after hyper-focusing, night owl, forgetful, somewhat laid back when not working. In a playground scenario, i’m the kid who’s usually in the middle helping the others to keep up, or the one usually chilling under the tree. Somewhat of an ambivert, leaning more on introverted.
• likes: food, scenic views, general designing, music, well-engineered pens or stationary (good quality stationary tbh), bright or neutral colors. Always fond of purple. Loves boba pearls and sweets.
• dislikes: bitter tastes or too spicy food. Being burnt out, broken items, narrow-minded people. Migraines, too-hot weather, waking up too early, unlabeled merch (like items for sale that somehow didn’t get labelled on accident)
• hobbies (good god i have a lot-): music (singing, violin, ukulele, piano. Accumulated over the years starting at 6 years old.), crocheting, gaming (usually support or spotter; if not, the base builder and designer of the group. Quite chicken at leading or being assertive in-game), reading articles and novels (i once read a novel for almost 6 hours straight and ended up with a head ache. It was a good book.)
Thanks you for using Rene's Express.
We hope that you enjoy~
Dearest, Bluu
Greetings and Salutations! How has your journey been as of late? From the recent news from the Steambird, you’re going to Fontaine next, correct? Fontaine.. Infamously known for their trails.
It would do you well to be wary while on your adventures there. I recently returned from a summer trip with Klee as of late. Her Mother, Alice, gave us an invitation to visit her Aunt. Klee, Traveler, her friends and I, helped Miss Idiya save the bottle from exploding. The place she was running was almost like a bottle from a Jinni. She claimed that the world was run from the ambitions and dreams of all those who have visited.
Pretty inspiring huh? Enough about me, how have you been? I know you’ve been busy organizing things for your job. Are those customers still giving you trouble? If they are,If you ever need help, let me know. Let's not make this a transaction relationship.
Calvary Captain of Mondstadt
“I’ll see you next time, don’t make me wait too long though~.”
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redolentgrove · 1 year
No Stronger Words
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Bijoux looked over to her left with a casual glance. She again stopped cold at the sight of the Mew, still feeling a bit nervous at the sight. She swore she was working on it; he'd just talked to her a few days ago! She had to get better at not treating him like he was unapproachable. But his question... her ears wilted with dread.
"Aww... mister Lucifer, did you really have to notice that detail of all things?" she mumbled, her tail swaying in rhythm to try and calm herself. "Man... Mom was right; you really are an incredible listener if you brought that one up. But, I guess it won't hurt to tell you about it. I mean, it already happened; it's not like Mom is going to get me in any more trouble if more Pokemon know about what I did during last spring's talent show. She can't ground me again... I hope."
She blushed hotly. "It's a bit of a long story, but I mean, considering how much Mom and I have talked to you already, I can only guess you're used to us being overly chatty, so... at least I warned you, but still."
(Fair warning: loooooooooong text post beneath cut.))
"And now, for our final performance here at Undella High's senior talent show, performing as a solo singing act…"
Bijoux stood quietly behind the curtains in her high school auditorium, wearing a flourishing red dress that stretched entirely over her taurbody. She shifted nervously on her four feet as a spectacled Lucario in a tuxedo outside spoke, looking over at an anthro Flareon in a tank top and jeans standing next to her. The fire-type gave her a pat on the shoulder and a thumbs-up gesture, before the voice outside called out her name.
"Bijoux Aniseed!"
Scattered, polite applause peppered around the auditorium, with several parents and attendees not readily recognising the Cinccino-taur as she stepped out. Several, of course, save for a Shaymin-Leafeon taur hybrid clad in a loose, purple dress who clapped far more supportively than others. Scattered glances came the hybrid's way, but she didn't care one bit, continuing to support her daughter's appearance on the stage.
"Thank you, Mr. Hallen…" Bijoux began, nervously taking the microphone from the tuxedo-clad Lucario into her hands. "Um... before I begin, I'd like to thank a few Pokemon for their assistance in helping me record the backing track for my performance. After over a year of working with them on fine-tuning the melodies and several attempts recording, I would be remiss in not mentioning their help.
"Firstly, I want to thank Fiamma, for her help in mixing, as well as her guitar sounds. Evie, for her violin tracks and for coordinating meeting times and places, as well as backing vocals. Britton, for his piano performances, and assistance in helping transcribe the sheet music for everyone. Theo, for his drums and percussion work. Ms. Lime, for allowing us to use the school band instruments and recording hall for the final sessions. Mx. Perriman, for accepting my act into the show and putting me at the end so I'd have time to work up the confidence to go through with it."
Bijoux paused, as a couple of voices rang out in impatience and throats cleared. "And of course, I have one more thank-you, the most vital one of all. Admittedly, I'm… not used to singing solo; I'm better at singing in the group choirs…" She nodded curtly. "But I promised my Mom I would give it a shot, way back when my transitions began, as I worked to match the voice I heard, to the one I wanted to hear."
A spotlight shone over the hybrid taur, who waved curtly toward the turning audience as Bijoux continued. "She believes in me, has always pushed me to improve. And many of her words, the songs she has sung for me, for others... I wanted to bring this joy to everyone. So I chose... a very special song, to share tonight. One that, in essence, has spent all of high school in production, between long days, weekends away in hiding. I could only think of one song that would be fitting for a night like tonight. A song she sang so many times, that it would be a dishonour to not choose it."
"Bijoux, honey..." The Lucario tapped his wrist, gesturing his head toward the audience.
"R-right... um, sorry." The younger taur composed herself with a nervous tap of her forepaws. "So this is it. The solo I promised you, Mom. The one I promised myself, four years later, but better than never."
Bijoux's left arm raised to the air, the cue that she was at long last about to perform. There was a brief silence, and the click of a button, the recording playback beginning with a slow tap of drumsticks, setting a slow, deliberate tempo. A somber piano melody began to play in the air, accompanied by the soft sound of violin strings being bowed, and the intermittent chords of a guitar to form the full backing. Bijoux opened her muzzle for the first time a few seconds into the instrumental intro.
Yeah, yeah….
Bijoux's voice was soft, and yet carried an emotional weight behind it. Shaky, but genuine. Her facial expressions became more confident, and gentle percussion kept the tempo as the main portions of the song began to play.
It seems like yesterday when I said, "I do" And after all this time My heart still burns for you If you don't know by now that you're my only one Then take a look inside me And watch my heartstrings come undone
"Wait…" Loki's ears drooped as the words began to spill from Bijoux's muzzle. She could feel herself getting nervous; she'd heard this song before. Countless times, in fact, but it had always been in her own voice. And it had always been in one place… the purple dogwood in her home. It hadn't always been as tall, nor as vibrant, as she recalled from the first time she sang it, but it was unmistakably the same plant. Loki's mind began to race as she recalled the song itself, and to whom she had addressed the lyrics: her first husband, Shijima.
I know I promised you forever Is there no stronger word I can use? To reassure you when the storm Is raging outside You're my safest place to hide
There was the Houndoom yet again. Shijima's face appeared in Loki's mind, clear as day. The perfect purple of his eyes, the clarity of the scar running just above his nose. The horns that curled back behind perpetually tilted-back ears. It had been centuries since he last breathed, and yet… like clockwork, the words formed him as though he had just stepped out of heaven, staring directly into her eyes. A hesitant glance at first… bashful, reciprocating the clear love in Loki's face, but without his own visage betraying the silent, stoic nature he had carried for everyone else. And then began the first instance of the chorus.
Can you see me, here I am I need you like I needed you then When I feel like giving up I climb inside your heart and still find (You're my)
Loki's muzzle began to mouth the words along with the backing vocals. She knew the song better than anyone could have ever guessed, a sign that worried her even more while the melodies continued.
You're my safest place to hide
Bijoux's voice confidently projected through the airspace at this line. And as Loki looked back at Shijima, she saw his fur begin to take on a slightly greyed shade, the effects of time weathering the memories she held of the Houndoom's appearance. Family members disappeared from the mental photo album, new ones appeared, but the three constants remained… Shijima, Loki… and the slowly blooming dogwood behind them. Tempered glances from the fire dog began to wither, to soften, with the taur's hands brushing over his fur, her muzzle mouthing an echo of the words Bijoux was singing.
You see colours no one else can see In every breath you hear a symphony You understand me like nobody can I feel my soul unfolding Like a flower blooming
Bijoux's voice grew more melodic and soft on this verse. An ease and warmth was evident now; she had begun to find her element at long last. Meanwhile, in Loki's mindspace, Shijima became obscured by falling purple leaves, and as each one fluttered past the Houndoom, the dog's eyes slowly began to lid tiredly, a few more patches of grey fur continuing to spread along his coat. An already-tucked tail drooped even more, his stance growing less steady. He leaned against Loki's body, and the hybrid taur began to feel a familiar warmth against her lower half, despite Shijima's memories… being just that. And as Bijoux's voice soothingly trilled out the line about 'a flower blooming,' it began to smell like a thousand Gracideas had fluttered open right around the pair.
When this whole world gets too crazy, yeah… And there's nowhere left to go (Nowhere left to go)
Small murmurs of concern and astonishment began surrounding Loki, the rest of the audience around her clearly beginning to smell both the Gracidea flower along her flank, and the heavier lavender scents indicating the grass type's happiness and strong emotional state. Not to mention, the shock that this girl, someone who had barely been part of the backdrop for most of her high school life, was out here performing as though she had belonged the entire time.
I know you give me sanctuary You're the only truth I know You're the road back home
A few Pokemon here and there began to look at the taur, whose gaze toward Bijoux had now morphed into a confusing mixture of betrayal and pride. At this point, Loki's memories of Shijima had taken a backseat to simply taking in Bijoux's voice, which now enveloped the whole auditorium like a giant electric blanket. She felt her eyes tearing up listening to the words that had been forming such vivid sensations around her.
Can you see me, here I am (here I am) Standing here where I've always been (I've always been) And when words are not enough I climb inside your heart and still find (You're my) You're my safest place to hide
'Words are not enough.' Loki remembered that all too well about Shijima. Often times, the two would be able to say more with body language and touch than they ever could using speech, or even the most elegant prose that the taur could ever conjure. Words could never possibly have been enough to accurately reflect how deeply the two had loved one another, and it would have sometimes felt like an insult to even make the attempt. In fact…
My safest place to hide
Speaking of touch, she once again felt a warm brush against her tauric body, seeing a familiar paw in her mind. A black-furred canine paw… Shijima had reached himself gently out to touch her, and the familiar sensation of his pawpads against her body had returned Loki to the trance-like world of her memories. The melody became mostly just the piano and some quiet violin backing on the next verse, almost trance-like in its continued effects.
I know I promised you forever There's no stronger word I can use To reassure you when the storm Is raging outside You're my safest place to hide
The paw shook lightly against her, seeming to struggle to simply stay off the ground, weathered and weighed down by the years of life. And yet… the once stone-faced canine's muzzle… formed into a warm, heart-tugging smile. His head, much as it struggled… craned into the taur's hand, giving her fingers a slow, deliberate lick.
A brief jolt to reality at this interjection from Bijoux. A change of percussion melody played before the final chorus began, driving Loki's mind right back to the forest with Shijima…
Can you see me (See me) Here I am (Here I am) Standing here where I've always been (I've always been) When I feel like giving up (oh oh) I climb inside your heart and still find (You're my) You're my safest place to hide
Loki's eyes let loose with a torrent of tears as she watched the dog's eyes close completely, feeling a crushing weight on her heart. A single song, just under five minute in length, had stretched her mind onto a conveyor belt of memories with Shijima, one that took her through over the six decades that she had spent nurturing, loving him… gaining his trust, earning the right to see him happy. To see that smile, that damn smile that had captivated her since the first time she'd ever seen it. To feel, yet again, a final gesture of love from him, puppeteered by a song that she first sang during one of the last days of the canine's original life. Even now, as the Houndoom lay still, a kind smile remained over his muzzle, a reflection that he had enjoyed the song even now, be it with a new voice… or be it from a distance immeasurable by mortal-kind. The idea that even now, Shijima had indeed climbed inside Loki's heart, and debatably her very soul as well. A perch that he would never leave, no matter how hard the taur had tried to deny, to suppress the pain of the physical departure…
You're my safest place to hide
Bijoux remained still once she had finished, the last guitar strums sounding afterward. It was the final line. The final reminder. One that Loki could hear in a chorus of three voices. Bijoux's had remained the most prominent, just as it had through the performance. Shijima's was there… a core, awoken memory, given that the dog had rarely sung, even alongside Loki. A rumbly, murmury singing voice, one that possibly nobody but the taur herself had ever heard.
And of course, Loki's own vocals rang out. Not just there, but in the auditorium, synchronised with Bijoux's, quietly enough to not disrupt the final moments, though strong enough to be heard by several audience members. A few gazes turned between the front where Bijoux stood, and the crying hybrid sitting next to them, obviously making mental connections. Were said connections accurate? Some, maybe; others, not as much.
And the applause began. It was an immediate tidal wave of emotion on display from everyone packed into the building, sweeping everyone into its path. One raucous roar of approval turned into many, and before anyone knew what hit them, the entire audience had stood to its feet, hooting and hollering, clapping as loudly as their voices, their bodies, could carry such sounds. Loki's tears continued to flow as though her eyes had become cascading waterfalls, but she was on all four of her paws, screaming as loudly as anyone else in that auditorium, if not moreso.
Bijoux only just now began to look up at the crowd who had broken the near-silence in a unanimous show of passion and gratitude for having heard the song. The voice that had carried a weight the Cinccino-taur could never have imagined, the lyrics that wove a story only one knew intimately, yet echoed sentiments felt by all those who had been there to listen.
The normal-type taur stood there in stunned, shell-shocked silence. Her eyes immediately drew themselves to her sobbing, applauding mother, her ears flattening ashamedly. She knew the song had been an important part of Loki's history, one that she had only heard her sing in what had been perceived privacy. Regret washed over her, halfway torn between feeling pride for finally performing solo vocals, and feeling shame for doing so with a song that she doubted Loki would have approved of her using. She felt the touch of several classmates who had rushed out to hug her and congratulate her, sinking into the forming mob of teens and eventually losing sight of her mom in the chaos. In fact, once she looked out into the audience when she got a good look once more... Loki was gone, entirely, having run out of the auditorium to attempt to compose herself.
The standing ovation lasted almost three minutes, and to Bijoux, it felt like an eternity. She was used to academic praise, to the accolades of the whole choir in a joined effort, to seeing others sing solos, but herself? She remembered the promise she made her mother when she had joined the choir, that no matter what, she would make one solo performance, one way or another. Now she had done it, but at what cost?
After everything had at long last settled to normalcy, Mr. Hallen returned to the stage next to Bijoux, closing out the show with a monologue while unseen judges tallied votes and made decisions. Finally, the Lucario began announcing awards for the evening, as a luxuriously-dressed Gothitelle woman passed him a sheet of paper. Several categories were brought up and then awared; top physical feats, instrumental performances, original acts, comedic routines and outstanding vocal renditions were recognised and presented with small trophies.
And at the end of it, the final category of 'top overall act' had been announced, with a giant trophy, easily three feet high, being brought out to go with it. Bijoux watched with shared pride as a Vespiquen accepted the top honours for best overall act, clapping for her just as others had clapped for her own performance. A final round of applause was given to all of the winners as they stood together. And finally, all of the acts joined in one last show of solidarity for a group bow, with a final standing ovation for the effort shown by every performer. With a closing quip, the show had ended, and everyone began to disperse.
About a half-hour had passed from the end of the show. Bijoux stood outside with the Flareon from earlier, talking nervously with her as the two swapped details of their performances. Neither girl had a trophy in their possession, though it didn't seem to sour the conversation, which included shared smiles, laughter and shrugs of the shoulders.
"Okay, really though, Legs, you were freakin' robbed…" the Eeveelution growled, shaking her head. "You literally had the entire auditorium on their feet by the end of that act, and they can't even give you a small category trophy for that? I swear, those judges had to have rigged the hell out of that vote, and if they ever show themselves I'll-"
"Fiamma, enough," Bijoux finally interjected. "I literally don't care about those trophies. And what, you don't think Evie earned her trophy? She's been singing solos in the choir since freshman year. I literally only just joined it this year and I've just blended into the background chorus on every performance. And she helped me out a ton with my own act when she could have just buzzed off and left us all stranded. She did just as well as I did with her own song, and even performed an instrument while she sang! That's basically two acts in one! All I did was sing to a recorded melody! You can't just ask judges to forget everyone else's act just because of a crowd's reaction to my own..."
"And why do you think they reacted like that, Legs!?" Fiamma's face formed into a grouchy pout, her arms folded in defiance. "Pity!? No, it's a talent show, not a talent season; if you get that kind of reaction and knock the audience dead like that you definitely deserve to walk out of there with some sort of recognition. Forget Evie; look at her over there gloating and strutting around with that giant trophy like she's queen bee! And you know what the bee really stands for!"
"I don't care," the taur repeated sternly. She didn't even cast a glance toward the Vespiquen on the other side of the hall, who was buzzing and humming proudly around a crowd of their fellow choir and band members, nor the golden trophy nearly fully obscuring her from a general view. "Evie earned it. I appreciate how passionate you are that I deserved something, but stop it. I didn't join this talent show to win; I joined it because I made a promise to myself and Mom that I would branch out and perform on my own..."
"Anyway. I didn't get any solos in choir... so this was my last best chance. No blending behind a choir, no group performances where I would be masked behind someone else's solos. Just me, a microphone, and my own voice, doing everything I could to prove that I could stand out on my own. I don't need some shiny trinket to tell me I succeeded."
"You're living in such a fantasy world!" Fiamma protested. "This isn't some movie where you get to shrug off something so blatantly wrong… you need to go back in there and demand some sort of explanation! Or see if Evie's mom was on the judging committee or something! There's no way you can just be so… so blah, about this!"
"Blah about what?"
Both girls' heads whipped toward the voice coming from behind them. Loki stood and looked at them with a piqued curiosity. Fiamma blushed upon seeing this, the Flareon darting away before the elder taur could ask a second time to receive a response.
"Mom, it's nothing; Fiamma was just-"
"Bijoux, quiet." Loki placed her hands squarely on Bijoux's shoulders, a piercing glare staring into the younger taur's eyes, tears welling and betraying the anger in her look. "Why did you sing that song? Of all the ones you could have chosen… why that? One of the most personal songs I have… one I never shared with anyone… you couldn't have thought I wanted it to leave Redolent Grove! And how? How did you even know it?"
Bijoux's ears folded, a hot pink hue dotting her freckled ears and cheeks. "I… I heard you singing it a few times. And… I liked it a lot. I just… every time I heard you sing it, I felt like I could see the love poured into your performances, the emotions, the vulnerability… the pride you felt singing it. The emotions and words resonated so much… and all that time we spent, singing together, you believing in me, I…"
Loki's gaze softened slightly, though the forming tears continued to dribble down her cheeks. "….and?"
Bijoux leaned her head upward into Loki's chin, bonking heavily into it as she felt a rush of emotion, a mixture of shame and love, but also determination. "…and I wanted to show just as much that I could tell a story through song just like you did… I know I should've picked a different one, but nothing else felt right… and all the work everyone did helping, I couldn't throw that away... I'm sorry…"
Loki once again erupted into sobs, wordlessly hugging the smaller Cinccino-taur to herself without caring who could (and did) see them. Several students, including the Vespiquen, peeked over with a growing interest, and then a heightened concern, as the two taurs embraced with shared tears and a blanket of emotions that wrapped them more deeply into their hug. Small murmurs cropped up here and there, but no one was laughing or mocking them; in fact, everyone appeared highly supportive of the pair. A realisation that Bijoux had sung something Loki so deeply treasured and carefully crafted, made its way into the crowd's collective minds.
"....Mom?" Bijoux finally interjected. "Mom..."
Loki shook her head softly, ears flattened as far as possible. "...we will be talking about this later," she whispered, turning herself away from Bijoux with a low, grumbly huff before looking around at the students (and now parents) gathered in the area. "What? I'm proud of my girl and everyone else. Never seen a parent cry proud tears for their kid? Your loss..." She darted out of the hallway (and school) with several angry growls, leaving behind a highly embarrassed Bijoux. The other Pokemon stared at the now beet-red blushing Cinccino-taur with conflicting mixtures of anger, support, and, in several cases, flat-out confusion...
(( @ask-no151 ))
((Song Credits: Safest Place to Hide, performed by the Backstreet Boys
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ricawcaw · 2 years
Lmao got tagged by @krok and nearly forgot about this
Nickname: Rica, always been always will be probably
Sign: Libra!
Height: 5'2" im a shorty
Last Thing I Googled: Danish Butter Cookie Tin (had to explain a joke)
Song Stuck in my Head: Sugar Cloud from Ride the Cyclone
Number of Followers: UHHHH 53, small crowd
Amount of Sleep: About 6 hours if I manage to get myself to put my phone down, don't have the best habits
Dream Job: You really think I want to work? Idk I like my customer service job, just wish I was paid more. It's not a dream job though
Wearing: college football team grey hoodie and soft purple pajama pants with sheep on em, and rainbow tie-dye crocs
Films/books that can Summarize Me: Good question. Probably Pokemon, power of friendship with little creatures saves the universe.
Favorite Song: Bold of you to assume songs don't rotate in my head like a carousel
Favorite Instrument: Acoustic guitar and harps, fond of violins too
Aesthetic: 12 year old boy in a gamestop but a lesbian
Favorite Authors: Don't really have one, fond of Samantha Shannon but I specifically only read Priory of the Orange Tree because I try to focus most my media energies into sapphic/lesbian stories
Random Fun Fact: Opossums are the only known North American marsupial and eat ticks by the literal thousands. They're also largely immune to rabies and many other diseases and playing possum isn't an act but an actual defense mechanism that triggers and forces them to freeze up I'll tag uhhhhhhh @bassios @lobo-chan and @library-bat
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frozaru · 1 year
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Review: Soundcore VR P10
Greetings everyone! Here I'll be giving my honest thoughts on what I'd consider quite unique earbuds - the VR P10 from Soundcore. They're catered for gaming and have verified functionality with VR headsets such as Oculus Quest 2. Peak your interest? These can be found priced at £99/$99 via Soundcore's official website + Amazon directly, or in-person stores if you live in USA. Let's get started!
📦Unboxing Experience:
Pretty clean packaging imo with it's appealing design in addition to convinience. They also come with a decent amount of silicone ear tips which will suit many ears big or small (medium worked for me). Simply looked and felt premium all around, which gives me a great first impression. Good job so far!
🔎Appearence [next to Soundcore Life A2]/Comfort:
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Though I'm not a fan of this "Airpod stem" trend, these make an exception for me with nice silver details, signature logo finish + 3 customisable lighting modes (breathing, lights on and battery saving/lights off respectively). Those lights can indicate helpful stuff such as solid purple for on/fully charged, blue for pairing or flashing red when very low. Case looks great with a shape akin of stones...can I say it's included dongle is pretty neat too? Okay ty! Moving on, ear tips themselves also felt comfortable enough with only fatigue after some hours which was usually when both buds were low anyway. Speaking of...
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You'll be glad knowing that these earbuds have USB-C featured both on case for charging and a connector on the dongle. Also expect about 5/6 hours on buds (in 'battery saving mode') with an average 24 hours of battery life after giving them a full juice up. This is enough to get through 4 or more gaming sessions in my experience! In terms of speed, 10 minutes shall grant approx 1 hour of battery life for those clutch on-the-go moments.
Facts regarding this dongle btw...it's incredibly versatile featuring multi-platform support for PC, PlayStation, mobile and even Switch with lag-free playback. What's more, it allows Bluetooth audio from phone + received audio SIMULTANEOUSLY with Game and Talk (something I haven't come across before in other true wireless earbuds)! They can also be further compatible for Switch in docked mode or older devices with a USB to USB-C adapter (here's my recommendation). I've found the feature pretty useful for communicating on Discord or taking a phone call without much compromise.
🎵Sound Quality/App Features
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From my experience of "default" aka Soundcore's signature (no super hearing or Bassup), it seemed clear with bass which gladly dosen't drown out the mids and highs. Highs may sound weaker but that's kind of justified as these are geared for subtle audio like footsteps or gunfire rather than instruments like violins and pianos. BUT as we get into Souncore's feature rich app, there's so many settings to tweak and fit your personal taste!
You've got a plethora of equaliser options + the ability to create custom ones as standard with their app. Acoustic (my fav as it brings everything up a notch), Electronic, Pop, you name it. Mentioned earlier is bassup which allows bringing in more for a stronger punch which bassheads may enjoy and super hearing that will make subtle noises more audible, perfect for a competitive edge.
Speaking of tastes, let's talk colours with 5 options being light purple, red, pink, blue or Violet. Heads up that lighting will effect battery life to varying degrees. Have multiple dongles? Great news as which ones in use can be selected directly from app! Very useful if you're someone who has a busy life (on the flip side though, Soundcore hasn't made things clear rn regarding where more can be purchased).
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💭Are these worth the purchase? If you're looking for something with striking design, good sound for gaming in a small package and flexibility with software and hardware, absolutely Imo! Although I would personally like to maybe see slightly improved battery if Soundcore ever comes back to this concept in future. That's it for this review, tysm for getting here! Oh, and if you'd like to help me create better content or maybe obtain better equipment by donations, I've recently created a Ko-fi! It's completely optional but if you do, I'll be really grateful. Take care and live a good life!
🎴My Carrd
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