skeletonoli · 3 months
all I want is more Slytherin focused fics.
I want to see knights of walpurgis.
I want to see the fallout of Grindelwald.
I want to see how Tom Riddle rose to power, how he gained a following.
I want to see how this era dealt with these young marriages and young families.
I want marauders era.
I want to see the back sisters navigate pure blood politics.
I want to see lucissa mentoring Severus.
I want to see Severus navigating pure blood politics as an outsider and how him and many others were groomed into joining the death eaters.
I want to see Lucius and Narcissa's struggle to have children.
I want to see fresh out of war Slytherin.
I want to see Severus Snape becoming a teacher at 20 after watching his friends die, having little to no support system.
I want to see these young Slytherins deal with navigating life and school with parents who are locked up or dead.
I want to see how the attitudes towards Slytherin changes over time, how they become hated and dehumanised.
I want to see lighting era.
I want to see how this new generation of heirs deals with the turbulence of the second wizarding war.
I want the stories of Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini.
I want to see the stories of the women.
I want to see how Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bullstrode, Tracy Davies and the Greengrass sisters are treated in society.
I want to hear more about muggleborns and half-bloods in Slytherin.
I want to see how this generation of Slytherins were pressured into becoming death eaters and the consequences of this.
I want to hear their stories.
165 notes · View notes
longdaytogo · 1 year
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the slytherin girls when they were younger
685 notes · View notes
heyy! how are you? Could you write a story in which reader and there close friends get into a serious argument which ruins there relationship and there close friend reveals that reader has a crush on Draco and reader somehow runs into Draco and then cries into his arms as he comforts her. This happened to me (the first part not the second part, my crush sided with my friend) and I feel like it'd help me cope xx make any changes as suitable!
Sorry if this is too long to read and if you have a similar request then ignore this xx
Love your writing btw xx
First of all I want to say that I am really sorry that this happened to you and I hope that by now everything turned out somewhat good again. Much, much love and strength to you and I really hope I got everything right and that you will like this fic!
I really suck at making up fights out of nowhere, so this kinda felt like I forced it to escalate but I hope that it all still makes sense and you enjoy reading (even though I´ve done some characters really dirty in this fic).
False friends and true love
You stared into the fire crackling inside the fireplace of your common room. You felt your eyes getting heavy as you watched the flames dancing, and the chattering of your friends lulled you in. You sighed comfortably as you snuggled up even more into the cosy blanket covering you, your eyes lazily drifting from the fireplace to your friends who had spread on the couches and armchairs next to you, talking about the latest Quidditch matches, homework and the upcoming exams.
You barely even noticed how you became dizzier and dizzier, slowly drifting off into sleep, until suddenly, your head fell to the side, hitting something hard, making you jolt up again, looking around in confusion.
“Easy there, (Y/n).”, you heard a voice chuckling next to you.
You turned your head and blinked at Draco in confusion, who grinned at you with a smug look on his face.
“Sorry, almost fell asleep.”, you mumbled, your face heating up immediately as you realized that your head had fallen, out of all the possibilities, on Draco´s shoulder.
“Nothing to be sorry about.”, your friend answered, the smile on his face only growing wider. “I´m glad to serve as your pillow. Even though I consider myself quite disappointed that apparently, our company isn´t entertaining enough to keep you awake.”
His snarky remark made you return his smile immediately.
“If you want to put it this way. But you could also argue that it is so soothing that I even feel safe enough to fall asleep.”
“I think I like this version much better, love.”, Draco chuckled.
“But regardless of your comforting company, I think I still prefer my own bed. So have a good night.”
You wanted to stand up, but Draco held you back.
“Are you sure you already want to leave, (Y/n)? You know, I wouldn’t mind functioning as your sleeping place once more.”
You let out a small laugh.
“I bet you don´t. But I feel like my neck wouldn’t benefit from this.”
“Well, if you should change your mind, you know where to find me.”, Draco winked, making the blush return to your face.
“Whatever.”, you huffed, quickly turning away from your friend, hoping he wouldn’t notice your flustered state. “Goodnight y´all.”
“I´ll join you.”, Pansy stated and quickly got up as well. But the mischievous look in her eyes already told you that she wasn’t doing so because she was tired.
And you were right. As soon as the door of the dorm you shared with your friend closed behind you, Pansy crossed her arms in front of her chest and stared at you with narrowed eyes.
At first, you seriously considered ignoring your friend, but soon enough you realized that this strategy wouldn’t get you anywhere. You knew Pansy was rather determined and once she had something on her mind, she wouldn’t rest until she had gotten what she wanted.
You sighed as you let yourself fall onto the bed, looking at Pansy, while tilting your head.
“Alright, what is it?”
You already had a faint suspicion, still, you weren’t willing to give in that easily.
“Are you for real? Isn´t it obvious?”
“Obviously not, so would you care to enlighten me?”
Pansy walked up to you and dropped onto your bed right next to you. With the slyest grin, she looked at you.
“Draco and you?”
“Draco and me what?”, you asked, trying to act the innocent, even though you knew you failed spectacularly.
“Merlin, (Y/n). You could have cut the tension with a knife back in there. For a second, I thought that boy would just take you to his dorm immediately.”
“Pansy!”, you snapped, slapping her arm, but your friend just laughed.
“Tell me I´m wrong and tell me you wouldn’t have gladly joined him.”
“Obviously I wouldn’t.”, you said, but it was a lie and Pansy knew it just as well as you.
You had had a crush on Draco ever since you could remember and ever since you could remember, Pansy teased you about it. At first, you had really tried to deny your feelings for Draco, not only in front of Pansy but also yourself, but there was absolutely no point in lying. Neither to yourself nor to your friend. Pansy knew you like the back of her hand and to her, you were like an open book. She had often encouraged you to try and talk to Draco, assuring you that she was rather sure that he shared the feelings you held for him as well, but until now you had never dared to do so. Still, Pansy had never given up. And neither did she now.
“You could have just stayed and cuddled with him. He even told you he wouldn’t have minded. And you can´t tell me that there´s a single guy out there who would let you do so unless he is all over you.”
“Or unless he´s a good friend.”
“Oh yeah, because you cuddle with Blaise all the time. Or Crabbe. Or Goyle.”
“That´s different. They just ain´t that much into it.”
“But Draco is?”
“Well, obviously.”
“But only with you.”
“That´s not true.”
“So have you ever seen him cuddle with someone else?”
You hesitated for a moment. Because even though you hated to admit – Pansy was somehow right. You really had never seen Draco comfortable with anyone else being near him in that way before. Actually, most of the time, when other people came close to him, he backed up immediately, pulling a face in disgust. But when it was you, he only pulled you closer, from time to time -when no one else was around- actively looking for your closeness, acting so much more relaxed and loosened up, when he held you in his arms. Your relationship was for sure different from the friendships the two of you held with others, but that didn’t mean that there were any romantic feelings involved from his side, did it?
When you didn’t answer, only staring into the void with a faint smile on your lips, Pansy grinned superiorly.
“That´s what I thought.”
“That doesn’t mean anything.”, you brushed her off, hiding your face in your hands.
“Well, if it doesn’t mean anything, you surely won´t mind if I get Draco here so the two of you can continue where you left off.”
You gasped as you looked at your friend, still grinning at you.
“Don’t you dare, Pansy!”
“I´m just saying. I don’t mind sleeping in the common room tonight. And I could send Draco up here and tell him that…”
“You won´t tell him, Pansy. None of this, alright? Never! You have to promise.”
Pansy just rolled her eyes.
“Obviously I won´t. What kind of friend would I be if I couldn’t keep a secret?”
And with that, she definitely had a point.
You slammed your book shut and groaned as you leaned back in your chair. The bushy-haired girl on the opposite side of the table did so as well, only that she was closing the book so carefully that you could have suspected it was a rare and precious relic and not only an old schoolbook.
“This wasn´t that bad after all, was it? We´re already halfway through.”, she spoke up.
You gasped in disbelief.
“Only halfway? I thought we were close to the end. We´ve been sitting on this for hours. I feel like my head is going to explode.”
“Well, you asked me for help because you wanted to do it right. So we will do it right.”
“Whatever.”, you huffed.
“Tomorrow at the same time then?”
“Tomorrow already? Can´t we take a break?”
“The longer we wait the longer it will take us to finish that. So we better be quick. I also got other things to do.”
“Alright then, see you tomorrow.”
You grabbed your books and threw them into your bag carelessly, making the girl in front of you frown.
You were already halfway out of the library when you turned around once more.
“And Granger?”
The girl with the red and golden tie around her neck glanced at you distrustfully. You forced your lips upwards into a small smile, even though you were quite sure it looked rather wry.
“Thanks for your help. I…” You bit your lip, trying to make the words not sound like the worst insult. “I really appreciate that.”
Carefully, the Gryffindor returned your smile.
“You´re welcome.”, she said, before turning to the books in front of her again, closing the one you had just used for your Ancient Runes essay and replacing them with the ones you used for History of Magic.
You shook your head in disbelief as you made your way to your common room. Your eyes already felt heavy and your mind groggy after the hours of work you had put into your one essay. How Granger could now continue to work on yet another one was just incomprehensible to you.
When you had finally reached the door to your common room, every thought about the Gryffindor was however replaced with the ones of a cosy spot in front of the fireplace and the much more pleasant company of your friends who would talk about much more interesting things than why the unicorn presented the number one, the graphorn however presented the number two in the language of the runes.
With a faint smile on your lips, you entered the room, heading for your usual seats. You already spotted your friends sitting there, engaged in a conversation.
You let yourself fall onto the expensive material of the armchair with a heavy sigh, stretching your stiff limbs.
“Sorry it took me so long.”, you stated. “I was sitting on that damn essay until just now. And we haven’t even finished it. Can you imagine this? Hours of work and no results yet. Merlin, this Gryffindor know-it-all all really had me on my toes. But at least it wasn’t as bad as I imagined it. I just hope that in the end all of the work will pay off. I really can´t afford yet another bad grade.”
You placed your feet on the coffee table in front of you and looked at Pansy and Blaise, who were sitting on the couch next to you, expectantly. But instead of some understanding words, you were only met with icy silence. Pansy didn’t even look at you, while Blaise´s glance shifted between you and your friend.
“What? Are you lost for words?”, you chuckled, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
“That´s one way to put it.”, Pansy muttered under her breath, her eyes shooting daggers into your direction.
You narrowed your eyes in confusion as you returned her look. Pansy was a master at daunting other people and making them feel like they had just committed a war crime just by looking at them, but normally, she reserved those glares for the people of other houses, especially the Gryffindors. And if she looked at one of her best friends like you had just drowned some kittens, you must have screwed up something really bad. But for the love of Salazar, you couldn’t figure out what it was. Your gaze shifted to Blaise, silently seeking for help, but the boy just pursed his lips and looked away.
You sighed and sat up straight, returning Pansy´s glare without blinking once.
“Alright, tell me, what is it then?”
Your friend raised an eyebrow mockingly, but there was no actual amusement in her voice as she said: “Really, (Y/n)? You can´t think of anything? You must be down even worse than we thought.”
“Down for what? What are you talking about? Is something wrong?”
“For Merlin´s sake, Pansy! Just quit your games and tell me already!”
“Why should I? If you don’t get it yourself, I´m afraid we can´t help you anymore.”
You groaned in resignation. You wouldn’t be able to get out of her what you wanted to know like this. Pansy had closed up completely and it looked like she wouldn’t open up that easy again. And you knew for sure that trying to get something out of Blaise was impossible in almost every state. Yet you took a deep breath and forced yourself to smile sweetly at Pansy.
“Alright, I see where this is going. So what does my best friend in the whole wide world wants me to do for her so she will finally tell me what I did to upset her today?”
 Pansy crossed her arms in front of her chest, still glaring at you.
“Well, I can´t tell you, because by best friend you obviously can´t be referring to me.”
Your face fell.
Your roommate smiled at you so calmly as if she hadn’t just given you evil tidings.
“I think you heard me correctly, (Y/l/n).”
Even though the fireplace was still lit up, the fire inside burning brightly, you felt the temperature dropping by a few degrees at her words.
“Quit the show, Pansy. Either tell me what´s wrong now or stop behaving like this, this really isn’t funny.” You heard your voice shaking.
Pansy stood up from her place, walking up to you slowly, before she came to a halt right in front of you, towering over you. To her right and left you could see some people shooting you some curious glances.
“You´re right, (Y/l/n), this really isn’t funny at all. All of those years I shared my room with some filthy bloodtraitor who brought so much shame to the entire house of Slytherin.”
By now, you were absolutely sure that whatever this was about, the situation was certainly serious. Because Pansy knew better than anyone else that this insult wasn’t something to make fun of. Bloodtraitors were the worst witches and wizards to ever exist, in your opinion, willingly abandoning their rights and obligations and betraying the people closest to them, disgracing their entire bloodline. You tensed in your armchair, straightening your back as you glared up at your friend.
“What did you just say?”, you asked, still hoping that you had just misheard what Pansy had said. Your voice was dangerously low because even though it was your best friend standing right in front of you, you couldn’t guarantee that you wouldn’t hex her nastily if she would repeat what she had just said.
But Pansy didn’t seem to be impressed because she looked you dead in the eyes and said: “Do you really want me to repeat that, (Y/l/n)? Isn´t all of that already embarrassing enough for you?”
“Alright, Pansy, tell me who knotted your wand or quit the bullshit and leave me alone.”
The girl let out a humourless laugh.
“I certainly won´t leave. But I will gladly help you pack your things if you want to.”
“Why should I? This is my home just as it is yours.”
“Not anymore. You lost your privilege of calling this place home the second you got involved with that filthy mudblood.”
Now you couldn’t help but laugh yourself.
“Hold on, that´s what this is about? That I work on that essay with a Gryffindor?”
“A Gryffindor, a friend of Potter and a mudblood.”, Pansy spat out.
You shrugged your shoulders.
“So? It´s not the first time we use others to get us some good grades, is it? And if I remember it correctly you even encouraged me to do so, because you couldn’t help me.”
That was true indeed. When you had a good cry on Pansy´s shoulder about how you didn’t know how you would pass the class, she had actually told you that you should just ask the person who was on top of the class for help, since none of your friends had taken the class this year and you were on the edge of a breakdown. And the person who was the best in your class happened to be Hermione Granger. And when you had realized that there was no way of talking her into doing your work for you, you had grudgingly agreed to partner up with her for the class, something neither you nor the Gryffindor had exactly been looking forward to, but your teacher had however been delighted about. And now Pansy actually wanted to blame you for taking her advice?
“I told you to look for someone to do your work, not to become best friends with.”
“What do you think we were doing? We were studying, Pansy. Not braiding each other’s hair.”
“Yes, you were studying. And you talked with her. And smiled at her. And in the end, you even thanked her. Millicent has told me all about it.”, Pansy snapped.
Your gaze fell on the said girl, who was sitting in a chair not far away, her arms crossed in front of her chest, as she looked at you disapprovingly, thrusting her jutting jaw forward.
“So am I supposed to keep a straight face for hours, showing everyone how much I hate studying with that girl and in the end not even thanking her for helping me out, even though I still need her?”, you asked in disbelief.
Pansy just shrugged her shoulders.
“Ain´t that hard, is it?”
“Pansy, you know I need a good grade in that essay or I´ll fail that class.”
“So? I need this class. I need those grades. I´m really sorry if you don’t like that, but right now I need to set my priorities and they certainly aren’t keeping you content with me all the time.”
“So you choose your work with a mudblood over your friends? Your family?”
“No, Pansy. I choose a good degree over your personal vendetta.”, you answered, before you stood up, now being face to face with the girl you had always thought had been your friend. “Tell me when you can think straight again, but until then just leave me alone. I really can´t deal with that childish behaviour right now.”
You wanted to pass her, but Pansy stepped in your way.
“You might consider this childish, (Y/l/n), but I´m just loyal to my house. Something that you don’t seem to care about anymore.”
“How dare you call me out like this?”, you responded, raising your voice. “I am just as loyal to this house as everyone else in here. Salazar, you know I wouldn’t be a Slytherin if I wouldn’t be.”
“Seems like even the sorting head can be wrong from time to time.”, Pansy scoffed, looking at you in disgust. Then she stepped to the side, finally paving the way. “And now get out of here, we don’t want to see you in here ever again.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, so you´re talking for everyone now?”, you mocked, convinced that the others wouldn’t share Pansy´s opinion, but as you looked around, your confidence was crushed rather quickly.
The entire common room had witnessed Pansy´s and your conversation and everyone seemed to have a clear opinion about what had happened. But not in the way you had hoped. You could see the disappointment and disgust in the eyes of the people you had shared the biggest part of your life with over the past few years, noticed how they shook their heads in disapproval, crossing their arms in front of their chests as if they wanted to build a barrier between you and the people you had considered your family. Lastly, your gaze settled on Blaise, who was still sitting on one of the couches, his face showing no emotion.
“Oh, c´mon, you all can´t be serious, can you?”, you asked, trying to force yourself to smile, but failed terribly.
“You know the rules, (Y/n).”, Blaise spoke up, his voice sounding almost bored, even though he knew very well that his words would shatter your heart. “No encounters with mudbloods. No encounters with Gryffindors. No encounters with people who threaten our world. And you did all of these things.”
By now you could feel tears pricking in your eyes, but you blinked quickly to prevent them from falling.
“You should really leave now.”, Pansy hissed, the grin on her face making you suspect that she enjoyed this situation way too much. And it broke your heart that she did so.
“Come back when you remember where you belong.”, Blaise added.
“That´s not on you to decide. You can´t just kick me out.”, you rejected.
“Well, it doesn’t look like anyone minds, does it?”, Pansy responded.
And when your gaze flickered through the room once more, you hated the fact that you had to agree with Pansy. Right now, no one seemed to be on your side. You had done nothing wrong, yet they all treated you like a leper.
“But Draco. Draco isn’t here. You can´t decide this without him.”, you started one last weak attempt, not only clutching at straws that Draco would understand your situation and support you, but also knowing that every Slytherin respected the boy and wouldn’t dare to speak up against him.
But while you saw some people looking rather uncertain at the mention of the Malfoy heir, Pansy just giggled maliciously.
“That´s just so sweet, (Y/l/n). You really think Draco is going to save you?” Her voice was dripping from fake petty. “You really think that he isn´t going to be disgusted when he finds out that you encounter the enemy? Out of all the people you think that Draco will understand your friendship with a mudblood who is also Potter´s filthy girlfriend?”
“She isn’t….”, you tried to contradict, but Pansy continued unbothered.
“You really think that he won´t hate you just as much as we all do by now. That he won´t hold your betrayal against you?” She giggled again. “You know, I will almost feel sorry for you when Draco finds out, you know that? It´s really going to break your little heart when he abandons you as well. It´s quite the opposite of what you were hoping for, isn’t it?”
You felt your heart in your mouth. You knew that all of this was just a big misunderstanding. You weren’t quite sure yet whether Pansy intentionally hurt you or if she actually thought that you had betrayed your house the way she had portrayed it, but you knew that even after everything she had said, you still loved her. She was still a part of your family and you just knew that you would be able to forgive her her cruel words one day when she would realize the mistake she had made and would beg you for forgiveness. But if she would actually reveal what you were really feeling for Draco, now that the entire house of Slytherin was listening, you knew that your trust in her would be damaged lastingly.
Your eyes were locked with Pansy´s, silently pleading to not say something that she couldn’t take back, but Pansy´s glare wasn’t affected by it. She returned your gaze without blinking once when she said -loud enough for everyone to hear-: “Merlin, (Y/l/n). You had a crush on this boy ever since the first day and now you´re throwing it all away for some stupid mudblood. That´s really pathetic.”
The room around you started to spin, slowly at first and then faster and faster, when the buzzing in your ears mixed with the whispering and laughter of the people around you. All you wanted to do was to break down right away, run to your dorm, lock the doors and never get out again, but when you saw Pansy grinning at you, apparently enjoying the effect her words had had on the room, you knew that you wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.
And when you spoke up again, you were pleasantly surprised by how calm your voice sounded, when you said: “You know what, Pansy? Even if this was true, it wouldn’t be half as pathetic as throwing away a friendship over some stupid rumours and not even listening to the person you have always called your best friend.” You waited a moment until the echo of your words had vanished in the room that had fallen quiet again, eager to listen to what you had to say, before you took a deep breath and added: “And about your question what kind of friend you would be if you aren’t able to keep a secret; the answer is you ain´t one at all.”
Just for a second, you thought you could see some regret shimmering in Pansy´s eyes, but you didn’t look at her long enough to be sure of it. You just walked past her, ignoring the glances of the people around you, as you tried to prevent your legs from giving in, at least until you would be out of sight for the people that had until this very day had meant the most to you.
But while you were rather proud of yourself for not letting your guard down while you had still been in the common room, the moment the door had closed behind you, the tears had started to fall and until now they hadn’t stopped yet. Ever since you had walked away from the common room almost half an hour ago, you had wandered around the castle aimlessly. It was sheer luck that you hadn’t crossed ways with some other students or -even more likely since it was almost curfew- any of the professors or Filch. You had absolutely no idea where you were going or how you would explain to anyone why you were still out, with puffy eyes and looking like an absolute mess. All you knew was that you certainly wouldn’t go back to your dorm tonight. Maybe if you would go to the Hospital Wing, Madame Pomfrey would allow you to stay the night if you would claim to feel sick or have a bad headache. You knew that Madame Pomfrey wasn’t easy to get fooled but given your pathetic appearance you were quite sure that she wouldn’t ask too many questions. And how you would continue from that point on, you could still think about tomorrow.  
For now, there was a much more important question occupying your mind. After the entire common room had heard what Pansy had blurted out about your feelings for Draco, you were absolutely sure, that the latest by tomorrow, the entire school would know. If you were honest, you didn’t actually care about your stupid classmates gossiping about how (Y/n) (Y/l/n) was hopelessly in love with Draco Malfoy, you knew that these kinds of rumours had spread across the castle´s grounds rather often already, but what you did care about was what Draco would think about it if someone would tell him in every small detail - and probably some rather subjective interpretation - about the entire situation and Pansy´s words.
After Pansy had exposed you like this in front of everyone and didn’t even seem to be sorry about it at all, you had already kind of accepted that you had lost your best friend – probably forever- but after everything she had said tonight, you weren´t even as sad about it as you thought you should be. Pansy had made her decision. She had decided to believe some stupid rumours without even questioning them, had decided to let her pride and her prejudices ruin one of the longest and closest relationships both of you had ever had. This was on her. Not on you. But with Draco, it was different.
Not only because you loved the boy in a way so different from everything you had ever felt before, but also because Draco would – the moment he would walk into the common room – be assailed with narratives of all the people he trusted the most and who had already formed an opinion about what had happened. And an opinion about you. And you were rather sure that most of them wouldn’t be exactly well for you.
At the mere thought of what Draco was thinking about you maybe at this very moment, if he had by now already entered the common room and heard all those nasty things about you, you felt the tears welling up in you all over again. Draco would be so disgusted by you. Maybe he would even hate you. But the worst thought about this was that he was probably disappointed in you. You could vividly imagine how the blond boy was sitting in his usual armchair, staring into the fireplace, while Pansy would tell him how you had betrayed them all. How you had betrayed him. And when Pansy would be finished, Draco would look at Blaise, hoping he would contradict, but Blaise would just shrug his shoulders and say something like: “I know, man, we all didn’t expect it. But Millicent saw them in the library. And Montague as well.” And then Draco would shake his head and let out a sigh, wondering how he could have ever been fooled by you like that. And the next time you would see him, his gaze wouldn’t be full of affection but would be cold, maybe even indifferent. And he would walk towards you, but instead of coming to a halt in front of you, he would just walk past you, probably giving you a small nod and say: “(Y/l/n)”. And then he would punish you with his neglect, knowing that this would be the worst thing that he could ever do to you.
Your vision was blurry, and your hands were shaking when you turned around the next corner, still not knowing where to go. But your walk was curbed rather harshly when suddenly, you bumped into someone.
“Easy there, (Y/n).”, you heard a deep voice chuckling.
And it was the same voice you had just played in your head over and over again. Only that now that he was actually standing in front of you, Draco´s voice didn’t sound as cold as you had imagined it but was as warm and affectionate as you were used to it. And when you glanced up at the tall Slytherin through the haze of your tears, you could see him smiling down at you without hesitation. You gulped heavily. Probably, Draco hadn’t met any fellow Slytherins yet who had told him what had happened back in the common room. This was the only explanation for why he kept so calm around you.
“I was already looking for you, love.”, Draco continued. He brushed some strands of hair out of your face, his smile unfazed.
For a moment you felt some irritation welling up in you. Why was he looking for you? Did he already know after all? But if he did, why was he still so gentle around you? But either way; why was he smiling at you while you were obviously upset, with tears still running down your face? Did he already hate you so much that he enjoyed seeing you like this?
But all those thoughts were pushed back because you forced yourself to savour every moment, he would still be nice to you. With all your willpower, you tried to imprint the softness in his eyes and the way his voice sounded when he called you by his favourite nickname for you into your mind, in case it would be the last time.
Draco however didn’t show any intention of pushing you away anytime soon. Instead, he pulled you to one on the windowsills, hidden behind one of the permeable walls of the castle, where you were shielded from curious glances. When the boy took your hand into his bigger one, you followed him without hesitation, until he sat down on the sill and signified you to do the same.
Draco just stared at you, his face showing no emotion, when you sniffled quietly, trying to wipe away the tears, still burning in your eyes. Only when you had finally given up trying to fix the mess the tears had done to your face, the Slytherin finally cleared his throat.
“So, do you want to tell me what happened?”
“You don’t really want to tell me you don’t know yet, do you?”, you responded. You didn’t intend your voice to sound that bitter, but you were just too exhausted to try and hide it.
Draco shrugged his shoulders.
“I heard quite a few things tonight. But I want to hear it from you as well.”
You let out a small laugh.
“Well, you´re the first one.”
You didn’t know why now that you finally had a chance to explain yourself, you got as defiant as you did now. But when you glanced at Draco, he just looked at you, not seeming to hold your words against you and waiting patiently for you to explain yourself. And at that moment you suddenly knew that you just had to take this chance. Obviously, you couldn’t be certain how Draco would think about the entire story, but for some reason, you just knew that the bond between the two of you was way too strong to be destroyed by all the things that had happened today. Draco and you had always sticked together. And that wouldn’t change today.
The moment you came to that realization, the words started to tumble over your lips. With every word you spoke, the pressure that had been put on you was falling off more and more. And Draco listened patiently to everything. From your fear of failing the class, to how you may or may not had been a bit friendlier to Granger than you had been supposed to and finally how everyone was holding exactly that now against you, even -or more precisely especially- Pansy, who had not only broken with you but had also said some things you had told her in confidence. That however was the only point where you left out some details. Even though you strongly suspected that some idiot had already told Draco how you were actually feeling for him, after all the time you had been keeping it from your friend, you just couldn’t bring yourself to say those words out loud in front of him.
When you had come to the end of your report, the tears, that over time had almost dried, came back in full force.
“I just don’t get it.”, you sniffled. “She is – she was my best friend. And now I don’t even know if any of this has ever been real. I mean if it would have been, she wouldn’t have done this to me, would she? Salazar, Pansy hates me so much, Draco. The entire house does now. Everyone does.”
Your voice broke down and you lowered your head when yet some other tears were making their way down your cheeks.
Until now, Draco had quietly sat on the windowsill, looking at you with narrowed eyes the entire time, his eyes not leaving your face for once. But now that you had fallen silent, he quickly stood up, and with one large step, he was standing in front of you, grabbing your hands to make you get up as well, before pulling you into a tight embrace. You buried your face in the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around you, holding you as close as humanly possible.
“I don’t hate you, (Y/n).”, he mumbled into your hair. His voice was low and you could feel the vibration of the words in his chest, making you shiver. “I don’t hate you and I never could. And if the others actually think like that, they´re all idiots. Merlin, forget it. They´re idiots anyway. You´ve done nothing wrong, love. Trust me, this isn’t on you.”
“But why does it feel like it is?”
“Because everyone has told you it is. And now you start to believe it yourself. But I´m here to tell you that you´re not.”
“How can you be so sure of that?”
“I know you, (Y/n). Salazar, you´re one of the best people I´ve ever met. All you did was ask for help.”
“Exactly, I showed weakness. In front of a mudblood.”
“Sometimes you can bend the rules a bit, love. You did it because you had to. There´s nothing wrong with that.”
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle and felt yourself relax into Draco´s arms a bit.
“Says you.”, you mumbled.
“Exactly. And if even I can say that, then it has to be true, doesn’t it?”
You were pretty sure that under every different circumstance and with every different person, Draco would have probably given them hell for even talking to someone like Granger at all, let alone working with her. But maybe this was the reason his words calmed you down even more. The Slytherin was willing to go against those values he believed in so strictly just to cheer you up. And it worked better than you would have guessed.
Draco and you stayed in the embrace for a couple more minutes, until even the last tears had dried up and most of the tension had left your body. And even though you now felt just exhausted and would have done anything for him to keep on holding you like this for just a bit longer, you pulled back slightly, until you were able to look Draco in the eyes again. When his eyes met yours, he smiled softly, holding a tenderness in his eyes you had never seen in him before.
“Thank you.”, you said. Your voice sounded slightly raspy.
The smile on Draco´s face only widened.
“There´s nothing to thank me for, love.”
“No, for real, Draco. I… I felt really shitty about all of this but now I feel… like maybe there is a way to work it all out.”
“And if there isn’t one, we´re going to make one.”
You looked at him hopefully.
“Of course. We´re in this together, don’t you think?”
“Purely selfish reasons.”, Draco smirked. “I want to see that pretty smile of yours again as soon as possible.”
You couldn’t help your lips twitching up at his words, making Draco grin smugly.
“See, my life would be a lot worse without this.”
You nudged him.
“Oh, just shut up!”
“Why? It´s the truth.”
You let out a small giggle before you grew serious again. Because with all the affection Draco was showing you now, you were reminded of another certain detail, one you would rather forget but you knew that it was probably for the best if you would bring it up before anyone else would.
“Yes, love?”
“You… you said you heard a few things about what happened back in the common room before you came looking for me.”
Draco nodded, now looking a bit grimmer again, as he remembered all the nasty things he had never imagined anyone could ever think - let alone speak out loud - about you.
“And did you… did they… I mean, have you also heard something about you. About us I mean. Not that there is much to say, but I just… I don’t know… Pansy said a few things earlier and I just want to make sure that this… I just don’t want you to get something wrong about it.”
Draco nodded again, his eyes never leaving yours, as he brushed some strands of hair out of your face, letting his fingertips ghosting over your cheek, making you shiver.
“We don’t have to talk about this now, (Y/n). There´s pretty much been going on tonight and if you´re not ready for this now…”
“No! No, it´s alright. Just… What did you hear?” Even though you were scared of what would happen next, even though you were scared that you might lose the last person who you were still meaning something to by this as well, you knew that none of these things would get any better if you waited any longer or would just ignore it. “If you want to tell me of course.”, you added quickly, as you noticed the indecisiveness in Draco´s eyes.
“Well, a few people came up to me and told me that… Apparently, you told Pansy that…” Draco shook his head and took a deep breath. “No, you know what, it doesn’t matter what she said. What any of them said. This… should be about us.”
You just nodded, your eyes flickering anywhere but meeting Draco´s, until suddenly you felt a hand under your chin, gently forcing you to look up at the blond boy again, who was looking at you intensively.
“(Y/n), do you have a thing for me?”
You gulped heavily at the straightforwardness of his question. There was not much to beat around the bush, so you just nodded. The nod looked a bit rigid, also given to the fact that his hand was still placed at your chin, but it was unmistakably a nod.
Your head was running wild, imagining all the things that could go wrong about this, from Draco feeling betrayed by you, to taking back everything he had said within the last minutes, but none of those things happened. Instead, a small grin appeared on the boy´s face again, spreading more and more with every second passing.
“Then you might want to know that I have a thing for you as well, love.”, he said in a husky voice, sounding as if the confession had almost knocked the air out of his lungs as much as it did to you.
You blinked at the boy in confusion, having to take a moment to let his words sink in.
“You… you also…”, you stammered when you had finally found your voice again.
Draco nodded.
“One could say I am stupidly in love with you, as some of these people have expressed so elegantly. So yes, I also.”
You looked at the Slytherin with widened eyes, feeling a warmth flushing through your entire body, you had never felt before.
“Are you going to let me kiss you now, or what?”, Draco chuckled, when he saw the still perplexed look on your face.
Still too stunned to speak, you just nodded.
And when Draco finally gently pressed his lips on yours, you couldn’t quite remember anymore why you had thought that this day would end so miserably in the first place. All that you could think of at this moment were Draco´s lips on yours and his hand wandering from your chin to your cheek, cupping it, before continuing its way to the back of your head to pull you even closer to him, while his other hand sneaked around your waist, striving the same. He never loosened his grip once, only trying to pull you even closer than before, his touch comforting you, reminding you that you were anything but alone in this world. Because Draco would stay with you, no matter which challenges you would have to meet in the future and with him by your side you were positive that you would master them effortlessly.
Only when your lips were swollen and your lungs burning, you finally pulled back slightly, still his arms stayed where they were, not wanting to lose the feeling of closeness completely.
“We should probably get back soon.”, Draco mumbled. His lips brushed against yours as they moved. “It´s already after curfew and you need to get some sleep. This was a long day.”
Unwillingly, you tensed under his touch as you shook your head.
“I can´t go back there. How am I supposed to sleep in a dorm with her after everything that happened? After everything she said?”
“Well, at least some of it turned out to have a positive outcome after all, didn’t it?”, Draco responded, pecking your lips, but he quickly grew more serious again when he saw you shooting him a deadly glare. He sighed. “Alright, love. Maybe I got a different idea.”
You raised an eyebrow, looking at him questioningly as Draco smirked at you.
“What if I told you,”, he said, as his thumb brushed over your lips tenderly, “that there is a place that will make all your dreams come true and I can promise that Pansy won´t be nowhere in sight?”
You gasped and slapped him against his chest lightly.
“Draco Malfoy, if you´re suggesting I´ll get back with you to your dorm, let me tell you that I certainly won´t…”
“Even though this idea sounds more than tempting”, Draco interrupted you, “that isn’t what I have in mind. I mean a room that will literally shape into everything that you are wishing for. And I´m sure, a cosy bed won´t be an exception. And tomorrow morning, I´ll get you your school supplies and after class, we´ll think about how we´re going to go on, alright?”
You looked at the boy in front of you with narrowed eyes, but at this point, you were actually too exhausted to argue and Draco´s idea actually sounded just way too good to question it. So you just nodded.
Draco grinned at you smugly, as he took a step back, letting go of you, before his hand found yours, intertwining your fingers.
“Follow me then, my love. I promise you won´t be disappointed.”
You returned his smile without hesitation.
“As if you ever could disappoint me.”
“Obviously. As long as we´re together, everything will turn out just fine.”
And when you followed Draco, you just somehow felt that he was right. One way or another, everything would work out. You were sure of that.  
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @army24—7 @lbhmoon @cappgyuccino @writingwitch007 @myomy0ss @tinafuentes @dmslvt @Slytherin4eva @foulkryptonitepeanut @chillcheesecake @pottertea @webswatts @jaiistg
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modern-harrypotter · 1 year
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INSIDE TEXTS - Story behind Ron’s bio.
The story behind Severus Snape writing “please” on Ron’s essay.
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ghaniblue · 7 months
A little Millicent/Pansy for the @hpsaffics Femslash February prompt 'good girl'. Read on AO3 instead.
Millicent knew what she's good at: being big and mean and ugly. Her mother used to sigh and ask if she really wanted to eat that. Her father said she could be almost pretty if she smiled more. Millie did not smile. She ate the last slice of cake. She got good at using her big arms and strong legs, and her right hook could lay a man flat without bruising her knuckles too badly. Nothing a quick healing spell couldn't fix. She knew what she was good at. She wasn't pretty or sweet or delicate, but she was good at hurting those who were.
Pansy wasn't pretty—she grew into her nose, but it stayed rather pug-like—but she was striking. Everything about her was designed to be razor sharp: the severe cut of her bob, the colour of her lipstick like a bead of fresh blood, the wing of her eyeliner and the point of her nails. She was like a knife cradled in satin and lace. Deceptively decorative.
Millie was never afraid of hurting Pansy. Pansy could bleed her dry with a single word. Her tongue was sharper than any Diffindo spell. The words Pansy chose to use were: kneel and good girl and fuck me.
Pansy called her sweetheart and darling and made Millie's whole body burn up with a look, a coy smile. It was like a fever, a shiver-haze of desire in her blood. Millie didn't know where to put her feelings, heart beating out of her chest as if her rips couldn't hold it all, too big and bold for her body. So she put Pansy on her back, spread her legs open and buried her feelings between her thighs until her fingers ached and her tongue felt numb. She kept going, fucked her until Pansy's curses and moans rang in her ears. Millie licked her buzzing, swollen lips, drunk on the taste of Pansy's cunt, and made her convulse again and again, until Pansy grabbed her hair and pulled Millie off her clit.
She obeyed, like the good girl she was; no more orgasms tonight. Millie buried her face in Pansy's blood-hot, swollen cunt and licked her clean with soft sucks and kitten licks. Pansy giggled and pulled her hair and came one last time like a rolling wave onto the shore, on a gentle swell of a sigh. Millie smiled, obedience was overrated anyway.
Millicent knew what she was good at. She was at her best buried between Pansy's legs.
>> more microfics <<
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libbnott · 10 months
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Honeys 🩶
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vicky-sc-art · 1 year
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I based Millicent off the Trunchbull…
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m-malov · 1 year
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Harry + Neville (and Severus being a d*ck (like always))
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Milli + Pansy + Theo (Pansy is just being sassy)
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(Reblogs appreciated ^^)
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kkangkkangie · 2 years
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The Slytherin Gang—minus Pansy & Blaise b/c they opted on a shopping spree instead & Millicent had to go home after fighting the wildlife.
Ron wanted to be in Draco’s hammock to be with his best mate, but he snores, so he was banished to the top.
Theo’s already passed out, poor bby can’t read in the dark
Tracey enjoys camping, just not when there’s a no magic rule
Harry and Draco are flirting—in their old bickering way. Apparently, Draco’s arse is disrupting Harry’s sleep.
Daphne’s attempting to be one with nature—but she’s currently fighting the urge to hex Harry and Draco
Celaena’s just stealing Harry’s body heat while writing in the dark—she wants Malfoy and Harry to get on with it and start snogging, so she can get the hammock to herself.
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siriusly-sapphic · 8 months
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Okay, so this is not technically on a friday anymore, but I wanted to post it anyway bc yesterday was chaos, and I didn't want to give up on this immediately.
Fic feature friday! Inspired by a post made by @the-last-dillpickle because I kind of love this idea of highlighting one or two older (although in this case, only slightly older) fics every week?
So I'm gonna try and share a rec and sometimes a self rec every Friday, each at least one year old.
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And honestly, how could I not start with this one?
Icarus by @thistlecatfics is a 20,000 word long masterpiece.
Mind the tags on this one, because it gets pretty heavy, but it's a beautiful look at Parvati, Pansy, and Millicent after the second war. A dark and sympathetic look at young people who did bad things and are now quite traumatised and how they're really struggling to deal with everything that's happened. Taking care of someone at the cost of yourself while pretending you're not in need of help just as badly, but still this fic manages to end on a hopeful (all be it a little fragily so) note. Maybe things can look up a little bit, after all.
It's a Mature fic, 20K words (2 chapters), with warnings for substance abuse, addiction, suicidal ideation, implied/references sexual assault, and just the general vibe of people really struggling while attempting to recover from what happened to them. Again, it's heavy, but it kind of has to be. Absolutely amazing fic.
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And then because Icarus hurts Parvati, I figured this self rec would fit the theme.
We'll Be Happy is my own 2K long little one-shot, which is Lavender and Parvati in the days leading up to the final battle. It ends during the battle, with Lavender's death and Parvati's reaction to it. Tarot spreads, an attempt to ignore what Divination is telling you, and the heartbreaking realisation that it was going to happen anyway. No one's happy here, don't believe the title.
It's rated Teen, and only needs the warning of Major Character Death (and I suppose as a consequence of that, also the tag Hurt/No Comfort)
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rewritingcanon · 6 months
Definitely agree with the Pansy thing in your last post. Like, there’s four other underdeveloped Slytherin girls in the background ensemble to develop (Daphne, Tracey, Millicent, Astoria) and. It’s always just Pansy… (and if it’s Daphne, then. Well. It gets weird.)
exactlyyyy give some other slytherin girls more development they deserve it 🙁 pansy is not the ally people she thinks she is guys….
but i do ubderstabd people choosing to interpret her differently for fanon reasons. no one likes racism and she was draco’s friend (as well as blaise’s???) so draco fans might want to change her a little to fit their own ideas of the characters. as long as they can recognise the source material i dont have a problem really.
but it will always be weird that pansy is more developed than any other female side characters in fandom when she is like that in the books. not even just the slytherin girls (because i guess pansy had more page time than the other girls) but even the gryffindor girls. fandom can you please turn your attention to angelina johnson please i beg!!!
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Traitor pt.4
After the exam the next day, you were a nervous wreck. Not only because you were pretty sure you had screwed up the question about the  Goblin riots of the eighteenth century, but also because Harry had some kind of seizure in the middle of the exam. With a worried look on your face, you had watched him leave the room, sharing a short look with Hermione, who just shrugged her shoulder, looking just as helpless as you.
After the exam, you spent the time until dinner with Draco, Blaise and Pansy, until you finally went to the Great Hall. But none of your Gryffindor friends was in sight.
When you already wanted to leave again, you saw Ginny entering the hall, her eyes wandering around, until her gaze settled on you. When she passed you, she let a small piece of parchment fall onto the ground right next to your seat. After a few seconds had passed, you unobtrusively picked it up. Need to get to Umbridge´s office, distract the others. You looked up and saw Ginny sitting a few meters away from you. As she looked in your direction, you gave her a short nod.
“We should go down to the lake again.”, you suggested after dinner.
Pansy, who had by now grown into somewhat accepting your presence, groaned.
“I don’t want to go outside. It´s so warm.”
“Exactly. We´ve been in here the entire time, cramming. The weather is so beautiful. We should take advantage of that.”, you tried again.
But Pansy shook her head.
“I don’t want to.”, she said in a whiny voice. “I´ll get back to the common room.”
That wasn’t that bad either. You couldn’t keep an eye on her there, but the Slytherin common room was located in the dungeons, far away from Umbridge´s office. You shrugged your shoulder defeated.
“Alright, your loss then.”
“I´ll join you (Y/n).”, Draco said, lying an arm around your shoulder, making you blush immediately.
“Of course you do.”, Pansy muttered, but you could see an amused grin playing around her lips, even though she tried to hide it.
“Blaise?”, you asked, looking at the tall boy questioningly.
Blaise´s gaze flickered from you to Draco and back to you.
“I think I´ll join Pansy.”, he smirked, winking at his best friend in a not exactly subtly way, that only made the blush on your cheeks deepen.
“Let´s go then.”, Draco said happily, as he took your hand as if it was the most normal thing to do.
And you followed him without hesitation.
Lazily lying down by the shore with Draco was by now definitely one of your favourite things to do. Especially now, that you didn’t have to spend time on studying for your exams anymore. However, today, you couldn’t quite relax. You were leaning with your back against the trunk of the tree again, while Draco had placed his head on your lap. Your hands were tangled in his hair, drawing lazy circles on his scalp, making the boy sigh comfortably. But while right now nothing but this moment should matter, your thoughts drifted away regularly, and you involuntarily tensed under Draco. The boy obviously noticed. And as you once more didn’t answer the question, he had asked you, he sighed and opened his eyes, glaring up at you.
“What is it (Y/n)?”
“You´ve got something on your mind, don’t you?”
You just shrugged your shoulders.
“Is it because of Potter? Are you worried about him?” If you wouldn’t be so occupied with your own thoughts, you probably would have noticed the jealous undertone in his voice.
“Yes. No! Well obviously I´m worried; he broke down.”
“But he was back on his feet right after it. He´ll be fine.”
The fact that Draco didn’t make any snarky remarks about the disastrous failure of his archenemy showed you how much he tried to calm you down.
“I know. And that´s not what…” You took a deep breath. “Draco, I need to tell you something.”
Your timing probably couldn’t be worse, but then again you highly doubted that it would ever be right. And you really needed to get this off your chest. You just couldn’t lie to the boy any second longer.
As he noticed the seriousness in your voice, Draco slowly sat up and looked at you attentively.
“What is it (Y/n)?”
You sighed.
“I… I don’t know how to tell you. It´s just… Draco you… I like you, okay? I  genuinely do and I´m just scared that if I tell you… You´re gonna hate me if I do.”
You turned your head, fixing your gaze on the lake that was glistening in the light of the setting sun.
Only when you felt some hands carefully cupping your cheeks and gently forcing you to turn your head again, you did so. Still, your gaze was fixed on the ground.
“(Y/n). Hey, look at me.” Draco´s voice was as soft as you had never heard it.
Slowly, you glanced up at him smiling down at you.
“(Y/n). I want you to listen to me, okay? I could never hate you. There´s nothing in this world you could do that would ever change what I´m feeling for you.”
Normally, you would have blushed now due to his words, but right now, he unknowingly made things only harder for you. You could feel tears pricking in your eyes.
“That´s even worse.”, you whispered. “Because I don’t want to hurt you.”
A small smile appeared on Draco´s face.
“I guess that´s a risk you must be willing to accept if you love someone.” You blinked quickly to banish the tears welling up. “(Y/n), whatever it is. You can tell me.”
You took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Only when you had managed to do so, you started to talk.
“Before all of this, I never really liked you, you know that Draco?”
The boy let out a small chuckle.
“Don’t you say.”
“And I didn’t like what you and your friends stood for. And when Umbridge turned up, it only got worse. I mean, everything she has done… She´s just such a horrible person. And I hate everything she has done to this school. Done to us.”
Draco narrowed his eyes.
“Why did you become a part of all of this then?”
“That´s the point, Draco. I never really wanted to. When all of this started and before we got… before all these things between us happened, it was all just… In the beginning, all of this was nothing but a l…”
You were interrupted by a silvery ball of light, that suddenly intervened. Irritated, you turned your head, looking at the orb.
“Emergency.”, Umbridge´s shrill voice echoed from the ball. “Meeting at my office. Immediately!”
And with that, the orb was gone again.
You stared at the place where it had vanished in shock. But Draco was already on his feet.
“C´mon (Y/n). We have to go.”, he said in an antsy voice.
“You heard her.”
“We aren’t her servants, Draco.”
“But it´s an emergency.”
“What I have to tell you is urgent too.”
Draco stopped his movements and looked at you.
“Tell me then.”
You stared at the boy, towering over you. You wanted to tell him. You really wanted to. No, you needed to. And since you suspected that the message had something to do with Ginny´s note it was probably even more important to tell him now, before he would find out any other way. But right now, you felt as if the spell between the two of you was broken. What you were about to tell him needed time. It needed an explanation. And now you weren’t able to take that time.
You sighed.
“Never mind.”, you mumbled.
Draco nodded and offered you his hand as he helped you up.
“We´re gonna talk about it after this.”, he said, smiling at you, as if he had no doubt that after whatever was going to happen you would still be whatever you were right now.
But for some reason, you highly doubted this. And for that reason, you held onto his hand tightly as you made your way back to the castle, clinging on to it as if it was for the last time.
Draco knocked twice before he opened the door to Umbridge´s office. As he entered, he stopped in the doorframe.
“Now look at this.”, he said. His voice sounded dangerously joyful.
Only when Draco finally stepped aside, so you could enter behind him, you could see what had brought the huge smile on the boy´s face. Your heart stopped.
There were your friends, held captive by your other friends. Cassius Warrington held his wand to Ron´s throat like it was a knife, Millicent Bulstrode held onto Hermione tightly, two Slytherin girls from a year above you did the same to Ginny and Luna, and Crabbe kept Neville in a stranglehold. Pansy and Goyle stood off the beaten track and watched the scene with huge grins on their faces. Harry was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, while Umbridge towered over him with a spiteful smile on her lips.
You watched the scene like a rabbit in headlights. Only when Draco, who was still holding your hand, pulled you to the side and sat down in one of Umbridge´s armchairs, you moved again, following the boy, but your gaze was still fixed on the scene in front of you.
Just as you started to realize what was happening, the door opened again, and Professor Snape joined you.
“You asked for me, Headmaster?”, Snape asked in his usual unimpressed voice, but you could see his eyes flickering through the room restlessly.
“Ah, Professor Snape.”, Umbridge said and her smile only widened. “Would you please bring me another vile of Veritaserum? I need it as soon as possible.”
But Umbridge´s smile fainted the second Snape explained to her that he didn’t possess any truth serum at the moment and that it would take about a month to brew a new one.
You had never seen the woman that furious and it scared you. You shared a glance with Draco, who looked slightly alarmed as well.
“Very well.”, Umbridge suddenly said after Snape had left again in an unusual calm voice that was even more concerning than her previous tantrum. “The Cruciatus Curse should loosen your tongue.”
You could hear Hermione letting out a strangled cry before she assailed the Professor to change her mind, but Umbridge seemed to have made a decision. You looked at the others, unsure of what to do. Even the other members of the Inquisitorial Squad seemed to be uneasy, not sure whether they should do something about this obvious crossing of a border, or not. Your hand clenched around your wand, ready to do whatever would be necessary to keep Umbridge from torturing Harry like that, but as your gaze found the one of your friend, he shook his head slightly, connoting you to not do something stupid.
“But Hermione is right, Headmistress.”, you quietly spoke up. All eyes were now lying on you. “I mean, we did all of this to protect the Ministry, didn’t we? Because they broke the rules. Then we shouldn’t be allowed to break the laws we´re trying to protect, should we?”
But Umbridge didn’t even seem to listen to you.
“Shut your mouth!”, she said in a shrill voice. “Don’t talk about things you don’t understand, silly girl.”
Draco wrapped his hand around your wrist, pulling you closer to him, looking up at you with a gaze that clearly meant that you should listen to the woman.
Umbridge had by now raised her wand. It shook slightly in her hand. An expression of madness had appeared on her face and her eyes were glistening maliciously.
Your hand clenched into the firm material of Draco´s sleeve, as you watched the teacher scanning Harry´s body for the most convenient place for the curse to hit.
But before she could vocalize the curse Hermione stepped in again. By now tears were running down her cheeks. Umbridge lowered her wand, as she saw that Hermione was at her breaking point, ready to tell her what was going on. For a moment you could have sworn to see some regret flashing in her eyes, as she realized that she wouldn’t get to torture Harry today.
But when Hermione started to tell Umbridge about Dumbledore´s secret weapon, everything else seemed to be forgotten.
You looked at Hermione with widened eyes. How was it possible that you didn’t catch any of that? You highly doubted that you would have forgotten if your friends had told you about it. Hadn´t they told you this because they didn’t trust you anymore? Because they thought that they might had lost you to the enemy?
But as you looked at Harry, who seemed to be just as confused as you by Hermione´s statement, you slowly started to realize that your friend was trying to fool Umbridge once more. And it seemed to work because the expression of madness now gave way to one of hunger.
Finally, she seemed to be convinced by Hermione´s report.
“Very well, my dear. Then show me the way. And we will take Potter with us.”, Umbridge said.
“Professor.”, Draco now spoke up. “Don’t you think a few of us should accompany you? We could…”
But Umbridge didn’t seem to like the idea of anyone else accompanying her, so she left with Hermione and Harry, ordering you to not let any of the others escape.
You stared into the void. If you might had forgotten in the last few weeks what exactly the operation had been good for, you had been reminded of it today painfully. You had known that Umbridge was a cruel person, but even in your wildest dreams, you would have never imagined her to be willing to hit one of her students with an unforgivable curse. And the people you had grown into liking so much in the last few weeks had just been standing there, doing nothing about it. But then again, you had done nothing about it too. The recent events had changed you so much, you barely recognized yourself anymore. And you hated it. You had gotten yourself into a position where, no matter what you would do, it would be wrong. But now wasn’t the time to pity yourself. You had to think up a plan for how you would be able to get your friends -your real friends, who had been your family ever since you attended Hogwarts- out of here.
Umbridge had left almost half an hour ago and had left you in her office. By now, the members of the Inquisitorial Squad had sat down on the chairs, pointing with their wands at the others, who were standing in one corner of the room. The atmosphere was tense, and no one said a word. You let your eyes wander around the room, searching for any advantages that might benefit you in here. Your eyes settled on Umbridge´s desk, where she had placed the wands of your friends. Their owners stood only two meters away from them. Still, it was almost impossible to reach them. Not if all those people watched them closely, only waiting for them to make a move.
You needed to distract them. But you had no idea how to do it.
“Where do you think they went?”, you finally broke the silence.
Draco shrugged his shoulders.
“They could be anywhere.”
“But it needs to be close. Students aren’t allowed to leave the school ground. And if they have worked on it before…”, Pansy stepped in.
“Maybe the room of requirement?”
You shook your head.
“That wouldn’t make sense. They know we can get in there.”
“I mean, it depends on what this weapon is, doesn’t it?”, you spoke up again. If you would just keep talking long enough they might get inattentive and you would provide your friends with the chance they needed.
“Do you think they hid it in their dorm?”, Draco asked.
You shook your head.
“If it´s so dangerous that they think it can defeat Umbridge then they won't keep it in their place. Besides, I´ve never seen anything in there.”
“Maybe somewhere outside?”, Pansy suggested. She lowered her wand a bit as she thought about it. “Only if it won´t get affected by the weather of course.”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Maybe. What do you think, Millicent? Crabbe, Goyle?”
The three turned around, looking at you irritated. Since neither of them was the sharpest knife in the drawer, they weren’t used to getting engaged in a conversation that required actual thinking.
And that was all your friends needed. In a quick movement, Ron sprinted towards the desk, grabbed the wands, ducked away from a curse Draco had fired on him as soon as he realized what Ron was up to, and threw the wands to his friends.
Since they were caught by surprise, your friends managed to throw some curses at their opponents, before they were even able to react. Still, the fight to reach the door was bloody. But one by one your friends managed to bring the members of the Inquisitorial Squad down. Lastly, Ginny jinxed a Full Body Bind on Pansy, who sank to the ground.
Now only Draco and you were still left. It would have been a hopeless fight, even if you were truly on the side of the Inquisitorial Squad.
But the moment Ginny was distracted hexing Pansy, Draco suddenly sprinted forwards, grabbing the girl by her wrist, his wand pointing at her head.
“No one leaves the room, or your little friend will pay for it.”, he hissed.
The others, who were almost at the door froze. You could see Ron´s entire body tense and his eyes were flickering murderous as he saw Draco having a tight grip on his little sister.
“Malfoy, if you hurt her, I will…”
“That´s up to you, Weaselbee. And to your friends. Wands down.” Ron lowered his wand immediately, as well as Luna, but Neville hesitated. “Now, Longbottom. I won´t ask again.”
Slowly, Neville obeyed. Draco grinned brightly.
“Well, well, well. At least you are better friends than fighters. (Y/n), get their wands.”
You stared at the boy, not quite realizing he was talking to you. The entire time you had remained in a corner of the room, not quite sure what to do. But now you had no other chance but to take action.
“(Y/n). What are you waiting for?”
You caught Draco´s gaze. He was panting heavily, but there was a triumphant shimmer in his eyes. He was absolutely certain he had won. The enemy was under control and he had not the slightest doubt that you would follow his orders.
Slowly, you stepped towards the others, your wand in your hand.
“(Y/n). What do you think you´re doing?”, you heard Ron´s aghast voice.
Your gaze was flickering from the redhead to the blond boy, who was smiling at you.
“I have no idea.”, you said in a hollow voice. It was calm, but your hand shook vigorously as you raised your wand. Slowly, you turned around to Draco, the tip of your wand now pointing towards him.
“(Y/n)… What…?”
“Let her go Draco.”
And as you looked into Draco´s eyes, it almost broke your heart. You could see how his gaze changed. From irritation to realization to the ultimate defeat. The grip he had on Ginny loosened and the girl freed herself, but Draco didn’t even seem to notice, as his eyes never left yours. You remained rooted in your spot, your wand still pointing at him, while the boy didn’t even make any effort to raise his.
“We should leave before the others recover.”, you heard Ron´s voice through a haze. “(Y/n), are you coming?”
But you shook your head, your gaze still fixed on Draco.
“You go. I´ll stay.”
“Leave. Now!”, you snapped and turned your head to Ron and looked at him vividly.
“C´mon Ron. She´ll be alright.”, Luna said in a soft voice, as she grabbed her brother by his arm and dragged him behind her. Ginny and Neville followed them.
You waited a few more moments to make sure they were out of reach before you lowered your wand. But Draco still didn’t reach for his. Instead, he just continued staring at you.
“I… Draco, I´m so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I…”
“Since when?” Draco´s voice sounded clear and controlled.
You lowered your gaze. There they were again, the tears burning in your eyes.
“Since when (Y/n)?”
“Since the beginning.” It was just a whisper.
Draco nodded. His face showed no emotion.
“Draco, I really am sorry.  I would have never done that if I would have known… I mean, this thing between us that was never…” You took a step towards Draco, but he backed off.
“You should go now. When they get up again, you don’t want to be here anymore.”
“But I…”
“Damn it, (Y/n). I told you to leave. So get lost.”
Draco´s voice broke as he glared at you. And when you saw the tears welling up in his eyes as well, you knew that your betrayal on him was even worse than you had ever imagined. So instead of trying to explain to Draco once more something that -at least it seemed to you like that right now- had absolutely no justification, you just nodded and turned around.
Only when you had almost reached the door, you looked at Draco once more. He was still standing at the same spot; his shoulders were trembling.
“Just so you know; whatever we had – that wasn’t part of the plan.”
You could feel the tears running free by now. Draco didn’t show any signs he had even heard what you had just said.
And only when you were long gone, a single tear made its way down his face, making the boy wonder how -within minutes- the possible best thing that had ever happened to him turned out to be the worst.
Taglist: @xodracomalfoyxo @marigold-morelli @army24—7 @lbhmoon @Cappgyuccino @writingwitch007 @myomy0ss
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modern-harrypotter · 11 months
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Slytherin Instagrams
In Order: Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Daphne, Millicent and Theodore
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ladiesofhpfest · 1 year
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As Pride Month kicks off, we want to begin by celebrating the women who are unconventional, out of the ordinary, or unique. Unconventional can mean anything - looks, personality, hobbies, or something else! Show us the ladies who are marching to the beat of their own drum and loving it!
Some ideas to get you started:
Pre-Hogwarts Hermione: what was she getting up to?
Nymphadora Tonks: rocking whatever style she wanted since the day she was born
Characters who are described in 'unattractive' terms: Rita Skeeter, Dolores Umbridge, Marge Dursley, Pansy Parkinson, and Millicent Bulstrode - what were their hopes and dreams?
Sybill Trelawney doesn't care what you think about her interior design skills
While other little girls were playing with dolls, Bellatrix Lestrange was playing with _____.
Happy creating, and can't wait to see what you come up with!
2023 Fic Masterlist
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gods-graveyard · 10 months
The 3rd year duo interacting with the lil snakelets
(Book one- navigating the den of snakes, @Yellow_sprouts)
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can I just say how absolutely FLOORED I've been by the submissions for the @ladiesofhpfest?
It's a privilege to mod, see the stories or art as they come in, and then get to read or see them before anyone else does.
we're only on week 5 and there are 31 works in the AO3 collection. My friends in fanfic, that's 31 new female-centric works. Thank you to each and every one of you who has submitted so far. the works have been stunning and mind-blowingly good.
so far our favorite characters have been Minerva McGonagall (6 works) and Andromeda Tonks (5 works). Because of the way the themes have been structured, there hasn't been much romance yet but I anticipate that will change in the coming weeks!
here's to another 10 1/2 weeks of awesome, female-centric works!
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