#Parallel Worlds
sproutedlavender · 6 months
Manifestation is easy. We're doing it all the time. We are literally creating the world around us at every moment. We can shift into any desired reality we want, so why are we making it so complicated? Manifesting is the easiest thing in the world. Set it and forget it, boom! Manifestation complete.
You might say "but I don't see it..." But you don't have to! By feeling it and knowing it is done, you shift your reality. The 3d is a bit slow, so it might take a little for your manifestations to appear but once you decide something you don't have to keep trying to get it. If you decide you have your manifestations, it's done! And all you have to do is be in the state of it being done. This means joy, confidence and ease.
There's nothing left to do! You're living your dream life right now! Worries are out the window and life is good. <3
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ridreamir · 9 months
How about some head cannons for blue berry academy students befriending a new student reader who turns out to be a faller? The reader is from our world and does have at least some memory loss.
And so I might have turned it into a fic and not a list of HCs... lemme know if you want me to rewrite it lol -- it was getting kinda long so this might just be a part one of two if people actually like it. If not I'll just move onto other things :p
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With the multi-billion dollar project underway to extend Blueberry Academy's underwater campus, there's been an influx of new students lining up to attend the recently founded institution!
As for you who may or may not have crash-landed in Unova not long ago -you with no credentials- there's no way you could have applied to join the wave of incoming students... had it not been for a string of improbable events that tied you up in some top secret plot.
An unpredicted meteor ripped through the planet's atmosphere in the late hours of night. A burst of unusual green-blue energy had not only been visible to the naked eye, but it set off all the satellite radars in the region. And what stumbled out of the impact zone was the most unlikely part of the story.
... Where... were you? Did you... fall asleep again? Opening your eyes, the cold midnight wilderness flashed alight with an eerie aurora floating close to the ground. The dust was settling, but instead of dispersing into the dirt, it'd been floating up back toward the clear starflecked sky. The surrounding field stood littered with broken shards of... something. They'd been decaying into twinkling flakes light enough to float off the ground — and being that it was pitch black, the only light you had to see was quickly dispersing from the stripped soil and clumps of torn up grass. Once they'd burnt the last of their light, it had left you nothing but one last gentle light source. Registering the mysterious shimmering crystal not far from your face, you sat up, with no proper sense of how you'd got there or what it had been doing on top of you. You must've walked for miles with it in your arms before passing out from exhaustion.
You're really asleep again. You tried to cry out, open your eyes. Nothing happened. You tried to feel your fingertips, your breath in and out of your nose. Where is your body? Nothing... happened. The shell forming around you kept out the melded together white silhouettes, but it also kept you in. But a woman burst through the doors, and you couldn't make out here face as she yelled at them to stop. No, all you could make out was the familiar pattern of her earrings. "Can't you see that you can't drill through this?!" She pushed them out of the way, standing between you and their stainless steel tools. "You'll do nothing but hurt the both of them!"
. There's some illegible message displayed on the device you hold in your hands. You look down at it, not remembering what you were doing before.
You can't make out any of the details anymore, but you're unable to look away as you hear the sound effect from pressing the A-button. The symbols warp into familiar letters. You suddenly feel a slightly overshadowing presence behind you. At last, comprehensible text materializes.
"And so you have returned with some pretense of self awareness. Not as you were before, however."
You press the A-button again. "More a shell of what you once were... Something I lament to say likely cannot be reversed." A-button. "Nay, you are not the you that I once knew." You... press it again. "..." It does not speak, so you press it again.
And again.
"I am at a loss as to whether I should mourn a past that has faded into obscurity or feel at peace knowing that you are as ever-changing as the world you left in my charge." You press the button one more time, but the voice seems to hesitate for a moment, thinking of what next to say.
". . . "
"Regardless, I have been awaiting your return for a very long time."
Better to get up and put on your tacky school uniform now than fall back asleep and wait to be dragged out from your boring old dorm room by the scruff.
Being taken as a test subject in the most remote middle-of-the-ocean facility felt more like being held prisoner than enrolling in school. Your homeroom teacher, Ms. Briar, had served as a reminder that the muddy flashes of memories you had of being encased in a living crystal were, in fact, real. She seems to know a lot about the creature you woke up holding, but next to nothing about you. While still mildly annoyed by her poking and prodding, you've warily come to accept that her endless curiosity is not out of cruelty. She is... respectful toward you. Not of your boundaries, but she's fascinated with you in a mild manner that does not immediately endanger your safety. Speaking of, as you sat down and slung your bag over the desk chair, Terapagos came tumbling out, clinking clumsily against the floor. "Aaa-" It cried, stuck on its back. Or, well, not it. He. You quickly scooped him up and set him back on his legs. He's looking up at you, nudging your shoe with his head. His unusually large eyes sparkle as he stares with unmatched innocence, waiting for you to bend over and pick him up. Which you do, knowing the pink haired girl that sits a few rows behind you is vibrating in her seat. "Cute... so cute..." She's mumbling under her breath. Ever since you 'enrolled' she'd done nothing but stare at your companion, which he seemed to find uncomfortable if the pulling at your shoelace wasn't enough to convey that fact. "Alright, little guy, alright. I'm on it." You huff, gently plucking him off the ground with two hands. He cries out in joy and she suddenly clutches her heart, falling backward out of her seat.
Nobody here talks to you. Not because they haven't tried, but because every attempt has been met with you either pretending you hadn't heard them or getting up and walking out the classroom. All Briar had to do was take the attendance. They couldn't necessarily threaten you into forced bonding with others. No, your real confinement was having to go into the terrarium and complete menial tasks for the equivalent of money just so you could buy food and school supplies. You didn't even want to be here, you just didn't have anywhere better to go. Apparently they just wanted to protect you for the time being, but there's no way in hell you'd believe that's why they sent you into glorified solitary confinement in the middle of the ocean. Everyone else had permission to come and go whensoever they pleased.
No, your only equals here were your few Pokemon friends. The researchers might've claimed to be keeping your friends in the terrarium for the sake of their health and the preservation of the outside world it mimicked, but you'd never believe in their so called pure intentions. No, this was a pretty little garden for outsiders looking in, and a cage too small for ornate living decorations like you.
Terapagos had been your only one constant since day one, and he was wary of most other people. You trusted his judgement the most. Most other people. The lunch ladies were apparently the saints of the Pokemon world. The food staff are genuinely kind, and Terapagos is a fiend for all types of Pokemon confections you're quickly learning. They've told you that most Pokemon have a taste preference, but not your special little pal, though the poor thing had such a tiny stomach that does not match his monstrous appetite at all.
There's one other person Terapagos had once been intent on pestering in at the cafeteria, but was quickly distracted by another helping of berries and whipped cream.
Compliments to the hardworking Alcremie in the kitchen, they were the only ones who could truly keep his menace at bay... You were endlessly thankful for the distraction, anyway. You wouldn't have known what to do if he'd marched right on up to the four of them chatting amongst themselves over lunch. Red haired dude. Pink haired girl. Scary four eyes. Annoying dragon jerk. Everyone knew who they were. Those were the most problematic trainers in all the Academy.
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videogamesskies · 4 months
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Majora's Mask (2000) (N64)
This one is a special one :)
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calaisreno · 1 month
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Déjà Vu, Chapter 8
Summary: Sherlock and John investigate the Murder of James Moriarty. Details of the case are laid out and discussed. Seriously, this chapter is a lot of talking, a lot of deductions and theories. But also some lovely domestic moments. And one very important piece finally clicks into place.
One Such Domestic Moment:
John sets a jar of apricot jam in front of him. “You don’t have to say it. I feel it, too.”
He’s a little bit afraid of saying how it feels as if they’ve known each other for years, as if he’s been waiting for Sherlock since before he knew what love involved.
It is love. But he’s hesitant to say it out loud.
“I know.” Sherlock smiles, piling a ridiculous amount of jam on his toast. “What I want to know is this: why hasn’t Mycroft kidnapped you yet? He knows everything that goes on with me, and never hesitates to stick his long nose into whatever I’m doing.”
John shrugs. “I’ve kept my eyes open for that black car, but haven’t haven’t seen him. Doesn’t he live in Oxford?”
“He does, but comes to London regularly to check up on me. At least he doesn’t put cameras in the flat anymore.”
“That’s a level of devotion I can’t quite fathom,” John replies, glancing around the room with new eyes.
“Don’t worry,” Sherlock says. “I checked for surveillance when I moved in.”
Thank you for reading, for the lovely/lively discussions in the comments section. I can hardly believe we're here, just two chapters to go!
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save-the-data · 7 months
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Kamen Rider Decade | S01E01 
Japanese Drama - 2009, 31 episodes
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clemsfilmdiary · 1 year
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Tron (1982, Steven Lisberger)
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marlynnofmany · 11 months
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I saw this in a sidebar ad, and screenshotted it because that would make a fine writing prompt.
Multiverse shenanigans, anyone?
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theomnicode · 18 days
Wait a second, actually parallel worlds?
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I've made meta in the 2 years past about parallel worlds during the Saitama and Garou fight and you can read it below, but I cannot be arsed to synopsis in lenght because I actually need to get this meta out here very, very fast and I'm on a schedule. In short, Genos' huge speech was yet another hint of things to come that I discuss below.
But the thing that hit me today and the thing I've just plain ignored for two months cuz I've been doing other stuff is what empty void has said in second to last chapter 201, You pass.
He just casually confirmed parallel worlds. And nobody is talking about this. Guess multiverse is too mainstream lol.
Potentially major future spoilers below, beware
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Thing to note here, is that he's using God's powers to apparently enter outside of causality where he casually manipulates parallel universes to perform his Dimensional Slash, which is bonkers on it's own BUT
Here is what Blast said during a yet another retconned chapter. I joked before that retconned chapters are just parallel universes at this point but it's starting to look like it's not a joke anymore.
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Empty void has a key to entering this higher dimension where God resides. This is retconned. Funny, because it's a key information. You wouldn't want this on enemy's hand.
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Essentially what he means is that the higher dimension where God resides is outside the causality of the universe, where God can manipulate the parallel worlds because that too is explicitly stated to be a power from him. This is what Empty void essentially does but way smaller because of his capacity. Ergo, that means...OPM God has probably, hypothetically, more than likely, manipulated the timeline to his benefit. Because he's a multiversal being. The only thing stopping him is being locked away, but Blast has pointed out interaction with God's dimension has increased rapidly. (173, secret intel) He is definitely doing something because it's a two-way street. Once the pandora's box of influencing timelines and parallel worlds is opened, it cannot be closed anymore.
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That's why he's looking for sacrifices to become his pawns, beings that are/can become strong enough to manipulate the laws of causality (thanks Genos for that tidbit). To access the majority of his powers to help him exterminate humanity.
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That's why the retcons may actually be parallel worlds canon, but on a meta level they got retconned by OPM God and so won't make it to physical publishing. Which is very meta and I love it but oh my god...
Blast maybe knows a LOT more than he lets on but decides to not basically cause mass panic by unveiling more information. Or he is making guestimates because he doesn't know the true extent of his power and the truth is far too terrifying to comprehend.
Empty void's capability to casually manipulate parallel worlds is already a horrifying concept but he's so lacking in capability to what a being of untold, limitless power could actually do with such a thing it's not even funny. We need to think bigger. Maybe that's why it has chosen the moniker God for itself... indeed sounds like a godly power when he can just Thanos snap.
Almost like...divine power?
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It's crazy to think that the only reason the timelines in 164 diverged is because Garou no longer passed the vibe check from Saitama that decided whether he desperately needed help or a decisive blow to end the fight.
It seems likely that Saitama using his causality-defying powers is summoning God to their dimension too, simply by using them. That's why more and more stronger monsters keep appearing, despite Saitama disposing plenty monsters. I wouldn't wanna be in his shoes if this is found out to be true, that in his quest for power, he may have inadverently doomed them all. Nor I'd want to hear about the public outcry.
Closing note, more old metas from myself pondering about if OPM god has a lot more power and influence that we realize, plus secondary meta about Saitama casually bending reality. There's also metas about God's motifs being seen extremely early in the series besides the obvious moon (ceiling lamp, Garou speech bubble outline) which could indicate very subtle subliminal messages used to influence Saitama, but for the life of me I cannot find that one atm.
*nods thoughtfully* Yep, all makes sense now. The plot thickens.
You know what? I don't blame Psykos for going nutters when she found out her world is just a toy for some inter-dimensional being bent on destroying mankind because it reduced mankind to being savages who just shit the bed.
(Legit I'm reminded of P12 boss from FF14 lol and now that banger of a song is playing in my head too. Same archetype. Those who've played know who I'm talking about :D)
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x-heesy · 4 months
Michael Boehme — Parallel Worlds
#contemporaryart #art #artist #painting #artwork #abstractart #modernart #artgallery #arte #fineart #artoftheday #artcollector #instaart #artistsoninstagram #drawing #contemporarypainting #abstract #contemporaryartist #gallery #kunst #abstractpainting #design #illustration #digitalart #artlovers
Beam Me Up Jesus by The Wong Boys 🎧
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fandoestrans · 1 year
[ENG SUB] Bai Yu interview for 'Parallel World'!
Bai Yu talks about filming experience (complains about the wind for the 3826294734th time), how it was like working and laughing with Ni Ni, and Chang Dong's characterisation
YouTube: https://youtu.be/g09WhZFE0rg?si=VtNWehnE9xl2OoTM
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lilianhuas · 1 year
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NiNi & Bai Yu being Chaotic on Hello Saturday x Parallel Worlds [West Out Of YuMen] 9/30
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synsick · 4 months
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These here are some of the best non-comic multiverse films around. There are more films and TV series that I could add here but these here are some of the strongest to me and they have a really good approach to the multiverse.
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silveragelovechild · 5 months
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Somewhere on a parallel world, Tommy and Niki Mapother are happily married and own a Dunkin Donut franchise in Fresno, California.
(Illustrations by Planet Hiltron)
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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calaisreno · 26 days
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Bonus Chapter: Jamais Vu
Jamais Vu: Never Seen. The feeling when you meet something familiar, and don’t recognise it at all.
Some outtakes: five times Sherlock and John didn't meet. This is meant to give the feeling of drifting timelines… some hints of displacement.
At the request of @totallysilvergirl 💕
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save-the-data · 1 year
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a portrait of jianghu: reincarnated disciple | s01e05
Chinese Drama - 2023, 24 episodes  
~ Episode List ~
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