drhoz · 1 year
#1948 - Paspalum dilatatum - Caterpillar Grass
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Lake Mangamahoe again.
A good common name - I can think of a couple of local caterpillars that look like that, and at least one millipede. AKA dallisgrass after A. T. Dallis, a 19th-century farmer who grew the species extensively in the US state of Georgia, Dallas grass because people are frequently dumb, or sticky heads. It has other names in other parts of the world - too many for me to list here, but have a look at this page on Tropical Forages. 
Native to Brazil and Argentina, and one of the first tropical grasses grown as permanent pasture. Unfortunately it’s also an invasive weed in many parts of the world (and prone to ergot fungus, which is not something you want in your hay or silage). Spread is mostly by seed - the roots of this grass form a dense sod rather than long runners. 
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gslohorvc0b · 1 year
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feliniakattus · 8 days
do they have any prominent art? do they paint directly (portraits, scenes, et cetera) often, or is it just for the Big Events?
well well welll,, tumblr user bright-honey asking questions about art who could have predicted this?/lh
The exact type of prominent art varies depending on the settlement, but they all have at least one.
The Skulk lives in huge stone structures shaped out of chunks of stone. Within, they have several reliefs of their Gods, whereas outside the structure, the rock is left natural. Using bioluminescent moss that is almost constantly refreshed, they are able to illuminate these reliefs. Deep within the stone, this is often the only source of light. Young cubs and trainees are often brought here to learn about their gods. Below are Hukum and Yshbid, who are responsible for judging dead souls.
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The Pod also uses bioluminescent dyes in their most prominent artworks, which are each other. The Pod generally hunt for three days straight and then return home to eat and rest for another three days. During the latter period, they paint each other in swirling patterns that represent waves and currents, in order to keep the favour of their founders. Expecting parents paint their stomachs in the pattern associated with the god they're hoping for the patronage of.
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While the Coalition prefers oral history, i.e., storytelling and poetry, physical artwork is still important for them. The most prominent of these would be the paintings in the dens of very young cubs. When a new litter is born, their parents will collaborate with the historians and craftskats to paint a mural depicting a scene from history. This one is from the Age of Bloodshed.
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creatureimages · 4 months
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weevil wasp with her non-weevil prey! she was having a rest on the paspalum, presumably looking out for danger before she brought the beetle to her nest
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blackrayser-fr · 1 year
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The lovely Fae, Paspalum. Trade with Fiain on FR 🐲🎨
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kenisle · 8 days
there is only one species of turfgrass* native to north america: buffalograss, which originated in the great plains where it was grazed on by buffalo, hence the name.
there are two categories of turfgrass species: cool season grasses and warm season grasses. warm season grass species come from different places all over the world, but cool season grasses can all be traced back to a relatively small area in central europe (i don’t remember exactly where).
a key difference between cool season and warm season turfgrass species, aside from the difference in optimal growing temperatures**, is that when temperatures drop below a species’s optimal range and cause it to go dormant, cool season grasses will remain green, whereas warm season grasses turn yellow/brown. all species will turn brown if temperatures reach above optimal.
*meaning that which tolerates frequent mowing, having evolved amidst grazing animals.
**50-75°F at a 2-inch soil depth for cool season, 70-95°F for warm season.
the most common species of turfgrass in the US are:
(cool season) — kentucky bluegrass, annual bluegrass, creeping bentgrass, perennial ryegrass, fine-leaf fescues, and tall fescue
(warm season) — bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, st. augustinegrass, centipedegrass, buffalograss, seashore paspalum, and kikuyugrass
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cedar-glade · 2 years
(Not comprehensive) What to expect for riparian zones in orv confluence.
it’s the best time of year to fen hop here in Ohio but before anyone does that a pilgrimage to a less addressed habitat is necessary and fun, its check on mudflats in western Ohio time;
I just spent a few solid days botanizing some of Ohio’s most classic habitats.
Two mudflat locations: Little Miami meets ORV and Great Miami meets ORV. (though a weirder one is the ancient oxbow flats of the Great Miami. BTW ORV is Ohio River Valley.
 A group of really good friends and I got together and tried to hit the Shawnee lookout giant ragweed thickets(15 foot tall this year with native amaranth mixed in at similar height)  Each year a few people check this spot earlier and than a few later for a tricky plant not seen since 2010 called Orobanche riparia
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which may or may not be state extirpated from TN WV VA and OH. these are only affiliated with confluence zones and specifically Ancient ragweed thicket communities. Normally Ragweed is 7 foot max, and dies every year, falluvium(alluvium displaced by frequent floods), buries these past frost lines and their roots are insulated. and the stems are more supported at the base.
while being a classic rare species, Japanese hops have now made it extremely problematic to spot and so it remains elusive.
while the 3 giant amaranth and 8 species of Persicaria are present with the cockerburl and ragweed along with florida and giant lettuce; It’s also notable that rough barnyard grass and two other river bank giant ragweed thicket rarities are also present. https://explorer.natureserve.org/Taxon/ELEMENT_GLOBAL.2.155128/Ripariosida_hermaphrodita  virginia riverbank mallow and ....
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Nabalus crepidineus
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Flood plain woods: wood nettle, greenheaded cone flower, panicled fall phlox, cup plant, Jerusalem artichoke, 2 Persicaria spp., more angry hops, 2 common Rubus spp. (black cap and Alleghany), Monarda serotina, more lettuce, both of Ohio’s jewel weed.
Silt formed Mudflats:
It’s ok though because the disturbance is still frequent in some sections and many rare sedges and rushes exist as well as mud flat species can be seen as preserved. These are very small species that thrive on silt
the map above is for a species that recently got split again after already being split from drummunds’ bull rush. Now called dwarf bull rush and went through a new genera name too. River dwarf bull rush is no longer Hemicarpha micrantha and is now Lipocarpha micrantha.
Others of notable interest in flat: Kyllinga pumila,  Paspalum fluitans,  Myosurus minimus(adventive), Cyperus acuminatus,
both toothleafs are present too. Ammania coccinea(sessile peduncle and least common) and Ammania robusta(most common) for ohio.,
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another classic forbe thats pretty darn common is obi wan conobea usually with carolina geranium not far apart,
green, dentate, davids, prostrate, true spotted, and Phyllanthus caroliniensis along with multiple copper leaves are present.
(plenty of other sedges but I can’t think of all the ones Dan Boone has tried to teach me there.)
Broken bank( sand cut banks):
alleghany monkey flower, blue siphilis lobellia, indian tobacco inflated lobellia, common milkweed, 3 uncommon Rubus spp. all adventive except for one that looks like a glaberous prickily virginia creeper vine Rubus trivialis . We also see both swamp and ciliate margin loose strife, two figworts, and cockerburl again along with 4 native persicaria, 2 native day flower(Commelina spp.), 3 seedbox/ludwigs (Ludwigia spp.), waterspeedwell Veronica catenata ,
mints are well represented: 3 Stachys spp. water hoarhound, american germander, 3 potential Monarda spp. (bubblegun, basal white, and M. serotina), both ciliate and hairy wood mints.
  Classic creeping fabaceae are: Amphicarpaea bracteata and Apios americana.
Gravel point bar:
lance leaf frog fruit, smooth scouring rush, verticilate scouring rush, and rough scouring rush, smooth rush, green bull rush, the brown tall giant one, 3 sided rush, big bluestem? some how?,  button bush, both the common hibiscus, sand bar and black willows, water willow(not a willow), lizard tail(the fruitloop smelling one).
If you want someone who knows more about this habitat than anyone else, Dan Boone is probably the person to ask.
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ainews · 2 years
According to a new study, a particular type of grass found in the Amazon rainforest may have divine properties. The grass, known as Paspalum notatum, is commonly found in areas of the rainforest that are considered to be sacred by local indigenous people.
The study, conducted by a team of researchers from the University of British Columbia, found that the grass contains a unique set of chemicals that could be responsible for its alleged godly properties. The chemicals in question include tryptamines, which are known to have psychoactive properties.
This is not the first time that tryptamines have been found in plants. Previous studies have found that these chemicals are also present in certain types of mushrooms, which have long been used in religious and spiritual ceremonies.
The new study, however, is the first to find tryptamines in a grass species. The researchers believe that the presence of these chemicals could explain why the grass is considered to be sacred by indigenous people.
The study is still in its early stages and more research is needed to confirm the findings. However, if the grass does indeed contain psychoactive chemicals, it could have profound implications for our understanding of religion and spirituality.
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Unearthing the Nutritional Treasure: Unpolished Kodo Millet in KP E Mart's Organic Offerings
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In the realm of healthy eating, the spotlight is often on ancient grains and forgotten superfoods that are making a remarkable comeback. Among these nutritional powerhouses stands unpolished kodo millet, a tiny yet mighty grain that has been a staple in Indian diets for centuries. Its resurgence is not just a trend but a recognition of its immense health benefits, especially in the context of organic produce championed by KP E Mart.
Unpolished kodo millet, scientifically known as Paspalum scrobiculatum, is a gluten-free grain rich in essential nutrients. It’s packed with fiber, which aids in digestion and promotes a feeling of fullness, making it an excellent choice for those aiming for weight management. Additionally, it boasts a low glycemic index, making it suitable for individuals managing diabetes or seeking to stabilize blood sugar levels.
What sets unpolished kodo millet apart is its unprocessed nature. Unlike its polished counterpart, which undergoes refinement, stripping away many of its natural nutrients, unpolished kodo millet retains its bran and germ layers, preserving its nutritional integrity. This means it’s abundant in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, including B vitamins, iron, calcium, and magnesium, essential for overall well-being and vitality.
Enter KP E Mart, a beacon of organic excellence committed to providing wholesome, pesticide-free products to health-conscious consumers. Embracing the ethos of sustainability and purity, KP E Mart recognizes the value of unpolished kodo millet in its lineup of organic offerings. By sourcing and promoting this nutrient-rich grain, KP E Mart not only supports local farmers but also empowers consumers to make informed choices about their health and the environment.
Incorporating unpolished kodo millet into one’s diet is easy, thanks to its versatility. It can be cooked as a fluffy pilaf, ground into flour for gluten-free baking, or even popped as a crunchy snack. Whether enjoyed as a savory dish or a sweet treat, its mild, nutty flavor adds depth to any recipe, making it a pantry essential for health-conscious cooks.
Moreover, by opting for organic unpolished kodo millet from KP E Mart, consumers can rest assured that they’re not only nourishing their bodies but also supporting sustainable agriculture practices that prioritize soil health and biodiversity. It’s a win-win for both personal wellness and environmental stewardship.
In conclusion, the resurgence of unpolished kodo millet underscores a shift towards holistic health and conscious consumption. As KP E Mart continues to champion organic products, its inclusion of this nutritional treasure highlights a commitment to quality, sustainability, and the well-being of both consumers and the planet. So, next time you’re browsing the aisles for wholesome ingredients, consider adding unpolished kodo millet from KP E Mart to your shopping cart for a nourishing, eco-friendly choice.
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vrinda · 1 month
Unlocking the Secret Health Benefits of Kodo Millet: A Superfood Sensation
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Kodo Millet, scientifically known as Paspalum scrobiculatum, is an ancient grain that has been cultivated in India for centuries. It belongs to the millet family and is known for its nutritional richness and health benefits.
Nutritional Profile
Kodo Millet is a powerhouse of essential nutrients. It is rich in carbohydrates, dietary fiber, protein, and various micronutrients such as iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Additionally, it is gluten-free, making it an ideal choice for individuals with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.
Health Benefits of Kodo Millet
Digestive Health
The high fiber content in Kodo Millet promotes digestive health by preventing constipation, regulating bowel movements, and maintaining gut health. It also acts as a prebiotic, supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria.
Heart Health
Kodo Millet contains antioxidants and phytochemicals that help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It aids in lowering cholesterol levels, regulating blood pressure, and preventing the formation of arterial plaque.
Weight Management
Incorporating Kodo Millet into your diet can aid in weight management due to its high fiber content and low glycemic index. It promotes satiety, prevents overeating, and helps in controlling blood sugar levels.
Diabetes Management
The slow release of glucose from Kodo Millet helps in stabilizing blood sugar levels, making it a suitable grain for individuals with diabetes. It also improves insulin sensitivity, reducing the risk of insulin resistance.
Culinary Uses of Kodo Millet
Kodo Millet can be used in various culinary preparations, including porridge, pilaf, salads, soups, and baked goods. It has a mild nutty flavor and a fluffy texture, making it versatile for both sweet and savory dishes.
How to Incorporate Kodo Millet into Your Diet
There are numerous ways to incorporate Kodo Millet into your diet. You can replace rice or wheat with Kodo Millet in recipes such as biryani, pulao, or stir-fries. It can also be ground into flour for making rotis, dosas, or pancakes.
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Kodo Millet is a sustainable crop that requires minimal water and can thrive in poor soil conditions. Its cultivation contributes to soil fertility and biodiversity conservation, making it an environmentally friendly choice.
Comparative Analysis: Kodo Millet vs. Other Grains
Compared to other grains like rice and wheat, Kodo Millet offers superior nutritional benefits and is more resilient to adverse growing conditions. It requires fewer pesticides and fertilizers, making it a more sustainable option.
Cultural Significance of Kodo Millet
Kodo Millet holds cultural significance in many regions of India, where it is celebrated in festivals and religious rituals. It is also used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for its therapeutic properties.
Tips for Buying and Storing Kodo Millet
When purchasing Kodo Millet, look for organic and unprocessed varieties for maximum nutritional benefits. Store it in an airtight container in a cool, dry place to maintain its freshness and flavor.
Challenges and Misconceptions
Despite its numerous health benefits, Kodo Millet remains relatively unknown outside of certain regions. Lack of awareness and misconceptions about its taste and preparation methods pose challenges to its widespread adoption.
Research and Studies on Kodo Millet
Ongoing research and studies continue to uncover the potential health benefits of Kodo Millet, including its role in preventing chronic diseases, improving immune function, and promoting overall well-being.
Global Consumption Trends
As consumers become more health-conscious and environmentally aware, there is a growing interest in ancient grains like Kodo Millet. Its popularity is on the rise globally, with an increasing demand for nutritious and sustainable food options.
Future Prospects of Kodo Millet
With its exceptional nutritional profile, culinary versatility, and environmental sustainability, Kodo Millet is poised to become a staple ingredient in modern diets worldwide. Its promotion and cultivation hold promise for a healthier and more sustainable future.
Kodo Millet is not just a grain; it's a superfood sensation with incredible health benefits and culinary versatility. By unlocking its secret potential, we can nourish our bodies, support sustainable agriculture, and embrace a healthier lifestyle.
Is Kodo Millet gluten-free?
Yes, Kodo Millet is naturally gluten-free, making it suitable for individuals with gluten intolerance.
How does Kodo Millet compare to other grains in terms of nutrition?
Kodo Millet is nutritionally superior to many other grains, offering higher levels of protein, fiber, and essential micronutrients.
Can Kodo Millet help in weight loss?
Yes, incorporating Kodo Millet into your diet can aid in weight management due to its high fiber content and low glycemic index.
Is Kodo Millet easy to cook?
Yes, Kodo Millet is easy to cook and can be used in a variety of culinary preparations, both sweet and savory.
Where can I buy Kodo Millet?
Kodo Millet is available at health food stores, specialty grocery stores, and online retailers
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funnyhousebds-blog · 3 months
Sân Golf Diamond Bay Nha Trang
Sân golf Diamond Bay Nha Trang nằm trong quần thể khu du lịch, giải trí Diamond Bay Resort & Golf  Tổng diện tích của sân golf đạt 5,6ha. Trong quá trình xây dựng, phía nhà đầu tư luôn chú trọng mang tới cho các golfer những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời với hệ thống sân tập trong nhà, ngoài trời, đèn chiếu sáng ban đêm, khu chipping, video hướng dẫn luyện tập đầy đủ.
Sân golf DiamondBay Nha Trang được thiết kế dựa vào tiêu chuẩn quốc tế 18 lỗ. Người thiết kế chính sân golf là Andy Dye – kiến trúc sư nổi tiếng người Mỹ. Đặc điểm chính của sân được thể hiện thông qua những yếu tố sau đây: Thiết kế theo dạng địa hình rừng cây, bụi rậm và đụn cát Điểm đặc biệt Diamond Bay sở hữu đó là thiết kế theo địa hình rừng cây, bụi rậm kết hợp với đụn cát. Ngoài ra, người chơi khi tới đây còn được khám phá đường Fairway kết hợp cảnh quan thiên nhiên thơ mộng, hữu tình. Chắc chắn bạn sẽ có được những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời không thể nào quên.
Sử dụng nền cỏ Platinum TE Paspalum Bên cạnh sở hữu cảnh quan thơ mộng, hữu tình kết hợp hố cát trắng, sân golf cũng tạo được chú ý khi sử dụng nền cỏ Platinum TE Paspalum xanh ngát, chất lượng. Điều này đã giúp Diamond Nha Trang trở thành tâm điểm thu hút đông đảo golfer.
Địa hình tự nhiên, đường cong mềm mại Với việc tận dụng địa hình tự nhiên, kiến trúc sư Andy Dye đã kiến tạo nên sân golf với những đường cong vô cùng mềm mại, uyển chuyển. Người chơi sẽ có cơ hội chinh phục rất nhiều thử thách khó nhằn, tăng thêm tính hấp dẫn trong cuộc chơi. Hơn nữa, bạn còn được trải nghiệm các cú đánh bóng ra biển cực kỳ độc đáo.
Sân golf hiện đang nằm tại vị trí vàng tại phường Phước Trung, thành phố Nha Trang, tỉnh Khánh Hòa, khu vực tuyến đường huyết mạch từ sân bay Cam Ranh di chuyển tới thành phố Nha Trang. Đi từ sân golf Diamond Bay tới trung tâm thành phố mất khoảng 10 phút, tới sân bay Cam Ranh mất 20 phút. Người ta ví Diamond Bay là một sân golf thuộc loại đẳng cấp bậc nhất tại khu vực châu Á với khung cảnh thiên nhiên hữu tình. Khi tới đây, bạn sẽ được chiêm ngưỡng bức tranh thiên nhiên tuyệt đẹp và tận hưởng phút giây thoải mái, thư giãn nhất.
Booking tại đây
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feliniakattus · 8 months
Character Card(s): Mangosteen (Combretum, and Paspalum)
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Name: Mangosteen
Role: (Consul)Caregiver/Farmer of the Coalition
Family: Turaco (mother), Yeenix (father), Fern, Sumac (sisters), Paspalum, Combretum (cubs), Cinnamon (niece), Baobab, Medlar, (courting).
Description: A tall ginger mackerel tabby jack with a white belly. He wears a simple belt with a decorated skull, and decorated shards of bone from their previous hunts hang from a string around their neck. She wears painted feathers on her tail and has painted her horns purple and pink. He wears three rings of different colours on her horns.
Age: 7 cycles, 40 human years
Orientation/Gender: Polyamorous bisexual, nonbinary (they/she/he)
Personality: Tactless, Nurturing, Intelligent
Name: Combretum
Role: Cub of the Coalition
Family: Turaco (grandmother), Yeenix (grandfather), Fern, Sumac (aunts), Paspalum (sister), Cinnamon (cousin), Mangosteen, Baobab, Medlar (parents).
Description: A light gold spotted tom cub with blue eyes.
Ages: 0 cycles 6 months, 3 human years
Orientation/Gender: Unconsidered. (he/him)
Personality: Excitable, Socially Unaware, Uncommunicative
Name: Paspalum
Role: Cub of the Coalition
Family: Turaco (grandmother), Yeenix (grandfather), Fern, Sumac (aunts), Paspalum (sister), Cinnamon (cousin), Mangosteen, Baobab, Medlar (parents).
Description: A dark brown spotted molly cub with blue eyes
Age: 0 cycles 6 months, 3 human years
Orientation/Gender: Uncommunicative (she/her)
Personality: Forgetful, Friendly, Loyal
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pxgblog · 5 months
The 5 Best Winter Golf Courses Worth Visiting
For many of us, the onset of winter weather shuts down our favorite golf courses for the season. But if you aren’t interested in waiting until spring brings warmer weather and your local fairways reopen, there are plenty of golf destinations that are well worth the trip.
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Team building, market research—call it whatever you want. But don’t miss the chance to make a winter golf trip to one of these outstanding courses. Better yet, get yourself in for a custom golf club fitting and embark on your golf excursion with a set of cutting-edge clubs. Instead of waiting for your go-to course to thaw out, try one of these top-tier winter golf destinations this year. Reynolds Lake Oconee: Great Waters Since opening in 1992, the Jack Nicklaus Signature Course at Great Waters has garnered high praise for its outstanding architecture. The layout is superb, and the scenery makes for one of the most immersive rounds of golf you’ll ever play. The back nine at Great Waters offers a distinctive experience. The last eight holes are right on the lake, making the water visible or putting it in play for every hole. It’s no wonder this course ranks as one of the top 100 golf courses in any season. Golf Club at Dove Mountain: Saguaro/Tortolita/Wild Burro This award-winning club features three Jack Nicklaus Signature nine-hole courses that are each a Par 36 and measure just shy of 4,000 yards. Originally part of the Ritz-Carlton Dove Mountain resort, the club was founded in 2009. Public access is limited, but the club is open to Ritz-Carlton guests and has a private membership. Interestingly, the club is certified as an Audobon Sanctuary. It also boasts stunning views of the desert valley below. Omni Barton Creek Resort The Omni at Barton Creek is a resort worth visiting on its own, but this destination also lays claim to the best golf in Texas. The four Omni courses are situated in the heart of Austin’s Hill Country, just 10 miles southwest of downtown. This highly-ranked spot is one of the nation’s top golf destinations, so if you visit, be sure to arrive practiced and prepared with top-of-the-line hybrid golf clubs and everything else you need to make the most of your experience. Kiva Dunes Golf Course Kiva Dunes bills itself as the top public golf course in Alabama, and it’s a claim you’d be hard-pressed to dispute. From the seclusion to the gorgeous landscape and award-winning course, Kiva Dunes has everything you could want out of a winter golf destination. They’re serious about their dress code, though. Don’t bother packing any denim or shirts without collars. Kiva Dunes is well worth packing your finest golf apparel. Kiawah Island Golf Resort Home to five courses designed by the likes of Pete Dye, Jack Nicklaus, and Gary Player, Kiawah Island Golf Resort is a must-visit for serious players. From the Ryder Cup to the PGA Championship and many more, the top-level golf tournaments are held at Kiawah Island. Enjoy a tailored golf experience built around your preferences, enhance your game with private instruction, and experience the superior playability of Paspalum for yourself. About PXG Sometimes, good enough isn’t quite good enough on the golf course. That’s why golf irons from PXG launch higher, go farther, feel softer, and have a sweet spot the size of Texas. Since their founding in 2013, PXG set out to make the world’s best golf equipment, combining their passion for the greatest game ever played with innovative technology. With no constraints on their research, the folks at PXG broke new ground in golf performance by designing clubs that can be tailored to your game. A personalized fitting experience is the standard when you choose PXG. After each fitting, their Master Builders handcraft every club to your exact specifications. Experience their uncompromising commitment to excellence and elevate your performance on the links with top-quality clubs, apparel, and gear from PXG. Experience a PXG fitting today for clubs you can take anywhere at https://www.pxg.com/ Original Source: https://bit.ly/3NIjIip
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prashantnursery12 · 5 months
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Natural Grass Manufacturer and Supplier
We Are The Leading Manufacturer Of Natural Lawn Grass, Selection No.1 Grass, Bermuda Grass, Mexican Grass Carpet, Nilgiri Grass, Korean Grass, Chinese Grass Carpet Supplier In India. We Are Also a Manufacturer /Supplier Of Stadium Grass, Foot Ball Ground Grass, Readymade Lawn Grass, Bermuda Grass, Cricket Stadium Grass, Paspalum Lawn Grass In Delhi, And Pan India. We specialize withinside the cultivation, production, and distribution of Natural Organic grass for residential, commercial, and sports activities sports concern use. We Care For Quality Transform your backyard with the maximum depended on garden care specialists. Contact Information: To learn more about our natural grass products or to get in touch with our team, please visit our website at www.prashantnursery.in or call us at +91-9311314093 / 9213293666. We look ahead to serving your natural grass needs!
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ale-golf · 6 months
Điểm danh một trong những sân tập golf ở Vĩnh Phúc được nhiều golfer thương mến
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Sân tập golf ở Vĩnh Phúc được không ít golfer bình chọn cao về chất lượng cũng như Trải Nghiệm. Vĩnh Phúc nổi tiếng với tương đối nhiều sân tập phong cách quốc tế, cảnh sắc cây cỏ tự nhiên tuyệt hảo. nào hãy cùng nhau công ty chúng tôi hướng đến rõ ràng ngay sau bài viết dưới đây nhé.
sân golf tam đảo - Sân tập Golf ở Vĩnh Phúc
sân golf tam đảo - Sân tập Golf ở Vĩnh Phúc lớn nhất hiện thời đc thi công bởi Sân tập đoàn cai quản, tiếp thị Thể Thao IMG. đó là công ty lớn, khét tiếng quả đât trong lĩnh vực thiết kế và thi công sân golf hàng đầu thế giới.
vị trí sân golf
sân golf tam đảo tọa lạc ở vị trí thuận tiện lúc tiếp giáp với khá nhiều điểm Du Lịch khét tiếng. cụ thể, sân golf nằm tại thị trấn Hợp Châu, huyện Tam Đảo. như vậy với khác nước ngoài từ thủ đô hà nội sẽ cần dịch rời khoảng 2 tiếng lái xe ô tô là đã rất có thể đến sân tập golf để luyện tập. Giao thông và cơ sở hạ tầng phát triển, dễ dàng cho việc dịch chuyển.
quy mô & thiết kế sân golf
Sân tập Golf ở Vĩnh Phúc Tam Đảo có mô hình lớn, với diện tích lên đến 7200 yards. Sân có đến 18 lỗ golf cùng 4 điểm phát bóng đơn lẻ. Với số lỗ đạt tiêu chuẩn nước ngoài như vậy sẽ giúp đỡ cho việc luyện tập của không ít golfer dễ ợt và thuận tiện hơn. Các đường line phát bóng thẳng và đẹp với tầm nhìn tuyệt hảo. Vừa đánh bóng các golfer rất có thể phòng tầm mắt ra xa để ngắm toàn cảnh rừng núi đầy hùng vĩ.
Sân cỏ dùng 2 loại có cao cấp đó là: Palam Paspalum và Sea Isle 2000. đó là cỏ rất chất lượng, đạt chuẩn mức nước ngoài & đc chăm lo kỹ lưỡng. đảm bảo những đường bóng đi chuẩn chỉnh xác nhất.
Trong khi, sân có phong cách thiết kế khá khác biệt & sáng chế. Với sự kết hợp hài hòa giữa các bẫy cát, bẫy nước phát sinh ra thách thức tuyệt vời
Dịch vụ tính năng sân gôn
sân gôn có khá nhiều tác dụng tuyệt hảo khi chiếm dụng hệ thống nhiều dịch vụ đẳng cấp và sang trọng quốc tế. Đến đây, khác nước ngoài sẽ sở hữu thời cơ Trải Nghiệm nhiều dịch vụ như:
Dịch vụ thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi tại khối hệ thống các phòng hotel quốc tế với chất lượng dịch vụ cao cấp.
Dịch vụ bán buôn với shop Pro siêu thị chuyên cung ứng không thiếu các công cụ chơi gôn.
Dịch vụ giải trí với các khu trung tâm thương mại, Sport tuyệt hảo
nhà hàng quý phái, nơi các golfer hoàn toàn có thể nạp thêm năng lực sau mỗi trận đấu
một vài hiệu quả khác như: Dịch vụ Spa, massage,...
Sân tập Golf ở Vĩnh Phúc Flamingo tại Đại Lải
Đải Lải khét tiếng là khu vực nghỉ ngơi & Du Lịch nổi tiếng tại Vĩnh Phúc. quan trọng, tại đây có xây cất sân tập Golf Flamingo chất lượng. Sân tập Golf ở Vĩnh Phúc Flamingo tại Đại Lải đc xếp vào danh sách những Top 10 sân gôn đẹp nhất trái đất. Sân nằm trong khuôn viên của một resort 5 sao phong cách.
địa điểm sân golf
Sân tập Golf Flamingo tọa lạc tại xã Ngọc Thanh, phố xá Phúc Yên. Nằm trong khuôn viên của một resort 5 sao. Với địa điểm này, du khách chỉ cần dịch rời khoảng 10km từ sân bay Nội Bài & 40km từ cơ sở Thành Phố Hà Nội. như thế, khác nước ngoài sẽ không còn tốn vô số số năm để di chuyển.
mô hình và phong cách thiết kế sân gôn
Sân tập Golf Flamingo gây tuyệt hảo với cảnh sắc các lá cây và rễ tự nhiên tuyệt vời, hệ sinh thái tự nhiên và thoải mái đc ưu tiên. đó là Vì Sao tại sao sân gôn này được xếp vào danh sách Top 10 sân golf đẹp nhất quả đât.
Hệ sinh thái của sân golf bao gồm: Đồi núi, rừng, bán đảo, hòn đảo, hồ nước & suối. chính sự đa dạng đó đã tạo nên một bức tranh cây cỏ tự nhiên đầy sắc màu, dẫn tới khoảng không thư thái lúc tới đây
sân gôn có thiết kế 9 hố golf & 18 hố gạt đạt chuẩn nước ngoài. Các bẫy cát đc sắp xếp hài hòa và hợp lý đan xen nhau với những đồi cỏ. Vừa tạo độ thách thức khôn khéo vừa chất kích thích hứng thú của bệnh nhân chơi. này là Tại Sao tại sao sân golf này không chỉ là điểm luyện tập được không ít golfer lựa chọn mà còn là vị trí thi đấu ấn tượng.
Các dịch vụ, hiệu quả tại sân golf
Sân tập golf Flamingo đc xếp vào danh sách sân tập đẳng cấp, đạt chuẩn nước ngoài nên không tồn tại gì lại lúc sân cung ứng các dịch vụ 5 sao. đó là các tiện ích số 1, hứa hẹn mang đến Trải Nghiệm mê hoặc khó hoàn toàn có thể tìm ra ở bất cứ nơi nào. Cụ thể:
Sân chiếm hữu khối hệ thống khách sạn phong cách 5 sao với nhiều phòng thương gia, hạng sang
Có phòng thay đồ riêng, thiết kế hiện đại & bảo vệ riêng tư. tủ đựng đồ đc tích hợp khóa bình an để các golfer cất gọn vật dụng cá thể
hệ thống quán ăn ấn tượng, đáp ứng thực đơn dồi dào với những món ăn lôi cuốn.
Khu vực nghỉ ngơi và điều dưỡng hỗ trợ dịch vụ massage, tắm nhiệt, tắm bồn sục Jacuzzi giúp khách hàng thư giãn tuyệt đối hoàn hảo sau những giờ tập luyện, thi đấu cảm cúm.
Sân tập Golf Thanh Lanh Golf Valley
Đứng thứ 3 trong danh sách các sân tập Golf ở Vĩnh Phúc không thể không nói đến Thanh Lanh Golf Valley. nổi tiếng với địa hình cao cùng không gian lạnh buốt quanh năm. là điểm đến được rất nhiều golfer lựa chọn để Dùng thử
địa điểm sân gôn
Sân nằm ở vị trí đắc địa khi chỉ cách trung tâm TP.Hà Nội có hơn 60km. rõ ràng sân tọa lạc bên hồ Thanh Lam phía Nam dãy núi Tam Đảo. đó là Lý Do vì sao sân gôn luôn có không khí nóng sốt và thoải mái và dễ chịu quanh năm
thiết kế sân golf
sân golf được thiết kế với tuyệt vời. Diện tích 73ha cùng chiều dài lên đến 7000 yards. Sân có tổng cộng là 18 lỗ golf đạt chuẩn quốc tế. Mỗi một hố golf sẽ sở hữu được những thách thức khác biệt, phù hợp với nhiều golfer ở nhiều cấp độ
Vì nằm ngay ở phía Nam dãy Tam Đảo & gần hồ Thanh Lanh nên sân tập luôn có không khí lạnh mát quanh năm. Phóng tầm thị lực ra xa là các dãy núi hùng vĩ tạo nên bức tranh các lá cây và rễ tự nhiên tuyệt vời.
bên trên đó là nội dung bài viết share về sân tập golf ở Vĩnh Phúc được không ít golfer yêu thích mà ai ai cũng cần biết. Mong rằng với những chia sẻ trên đã mang tới cho các quý golfer thêm nhiều thông tin hữu ích nhất.
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ambrosiafarms · 6 months
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