#Pathfinder Adventure Path
a-cypress-tree-draws · 8 months
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quick sketch of Xaitherin's mom. Just kinda wanted to.
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justarandomnobody · 9 months
Finally, we finished Curse of the Crimson Throne 🥲 it was quite a journey. I've year and a couple of months, but in game terms, it was around four to six months. The last battle took us four hours, and five people fell. Two were resurrected, one of them died again. Two died and couldn't be brought back in the battle and the last one fell dying, but was saved by the last person standing, the one wielding Serithial —who, in fact, died and was resurrected.
After the fight, we used the two remaining charges in a staff of necromancy to bring back two of our allies and asked a shaman to reincarnate the other one.
So, the results were (spoilers ahead):
Cressida was named queen of Korvosa. Marcus Endrin almost left the city, because she had a relationship with Ishani and he wanted to keep his sister, Vavanna, alive, while Marcus demanded she were hanged for her crimes (including torturing him). She ended her relationship with Ishani, priorizing the city.
Ishani was named high priest of Abadar, since Tuttle, the previous one, supported Ileosa.
The mantle of Blackjack was passed to Liada, my character. Vencarlo said he was proud of the decision, leaving the city in the best hands, according to him.
Liada was named captain of the royal guard, Twix was named chief of intelligence. Xhan Xho died and his body was reclaimed by his fiancé, an efreeti genie who tried to resurrect him, but he did not wanted to live again without Ahri, who left him when she learned about the compromise with the genie. So now his soul is being judged by Pharasma.
Shadowcount Sial died in the battle against Ileosa, and left Liada, his lost and now found daughter, instructions to get the crown to the Brotherhood of Bones. Their relationship started poorly, but Liada came to understand that Sial wanted to be a parent (he knew of her existance just a while before the events in Korvosa started, so he used them as a excuse to look for her, and was disappointed to learn that she was Shelynite) and she survived because of his help above everything else, so she asked his spirit if he wanted or needed to come back to life, and since he said yes, she got somebody to cast the resurrection spell on him.
When they went to deliver the bones, the Brotherhood accused Sial of leaving his duties and consorting with the enemy because of his relationship with his daughter, so they left before violence escalated and decided to start a new life with his daughter in Korvosa.
So two kuthonites left the cult and Nidal because of the party.
It was a great campaign, overall 😌 and now Liada can start healing... And perhaps, ask her self what does she really think about some people 🤔
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sarpalida · 1 year
Finally, I was able to update my fanfic.
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madcat-world · 1 month
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Adventure Path Creatures (1 of 2) - Kez Laczin
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delsinsfire · 8 months
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our new campaign started today nd i'm a bird girl
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thornaelle · 5 months
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A portrait of my Pathfinder character Sabella's current mental state. She's having A Time.
▸ Everything she thought she knew about her life was a lie. ▸ Her great-grandfather is not just dealing with a fiends, he is one. He's a Rakshasa, has probably been several of her ancestors through reincarnation or impersonation, and he wants her to come home and be a good little pawn, sorry, grand-daughter. He particularly wants her back now he knows she can change her form and hide that she's a tiefling. ▸ But she wasn't actually born visibly a tiefling! Her older brother Cesare was though, and that was deemed unacceptable because they needed a respectable face for the family heir and not one that openly advertised that they had been dealing with fiends. Their second born, however, could be safely kept out of sight until they could find a way to permanently hide her fiendish blood too. So their heritages were swapped via horrible transmutation magic involving a painting stretched over a frame of magically re-shaped ribs, which has been hanging in her bedroom most of her life :) ▸ Totally unrelatedly hahaha; She's missing a rib! Cesare is probably missing one too :) It's fine, it probably contributes to her ridiculous acrobatics modifier she's real bendy :) :) It's fine :) Or could that be the ancestry involving a creature know for having wierd joints? Certainly no-one's looking at the way she moves with new eyes at all hahahahaaa :) ▸ Her parents may have been trying to protect her all her life which meant pushing her away and making her want to leave. Real shitty way to discover your parents might not actually hate you, might in fact love and want you very much. ▸ AND her dad has "business dealings" with the Azarketi ambassador, of the kind that mean they light up when they're in the same room and her mother is really pissed off. Is your family life not complicated enough already, dad??? ▸ Everything is Fine. ▸ :) :) :|
She's quite looking forward to getting to go and hit things that are completely unrelated to her fucked up family. (I am having a great time. Sabella may be in the middle of a nervous breakdown.)
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morrigan-sims · 8 months
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i am not a woman, i'm a god
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I think I did a pretty good job bringing her to life in the sims!!! I wanna make a full-on edit with her, but this was plenty for tonight.
#ts4#the sims 4#sims 4 CAS#ts4 CAS#adventures in cas#my sims#cas#areelu#areelu p:wotr#pathfinder wrath of the righteous areelu#p:wotr#pathfinder wrath of the righteous#fandom sims#god I love this woman so fucking much#I finally understand all you people who get attached to non-companion NPCs from bg3.#seriously tho. If you like BG3 go play p:wotr!!!! You won't regret it.#I'm over 70 hours in and not even 2/3rds of the way done with the game. A true completionist run can apparently take 200 hours.#and the characters are amazing the story is incredible#the mythic path system blows my socks off. It's so unique and awesome and I wish more games had something like it#AND it goes all the way to level 20#it's based off the pathfinder rulesystem which is in some ways similar to dnd but different in others.#and this sexy lady is in it!!!!#also: being evil is ***actually*** a viable path in this game.#you don't lose out on any content by being evil. you can choose your alignment and in just about every conversation there's evil options.#also lawful and chaotic ones.#hell you can literally become a lich or a demon and go full-throttle evil.#this game is so fucking amazing and in some ways I think it's actually better than bg3.#but I know a lot of people here like bg3 for the aesthetic elements (mods + character customization + stunning visuals)#so those people probably won't care about p:wotr.#but if you're like me and you like playing RPGs based on tabletop systems and you like interesting stories then you should totally play.
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haclif · 11 months
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This past Sunday happened something that doesn't happen to me a lot: we finished our 3-years long Rise of the Runelords Pathfinder Campaign.
I felt that I had to somehow commemorate the milestone, so I took some time to do a set of portraits of our characters with their "after campaign" look.
Long live the Runeslayers.
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lonesomechunk · 1 year
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art of my lizardfolk cosmos oracle Kudak for my iron gods game
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dailycharacteroption · 6 months
Prestige Class Spotlight 13: Aspis Agent
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(art by LoranDeSore on DeviantArt)
Ah, the Aspis Consortium, an organization in the Lost Omens setting as insidious as they are greedy. With a mission statement that can be boiled down to “Make a Profit no Matter the Cost”, this organization is every bit of every bad thing about a worldview centered around money. Exploitation, theft, smuggling, slavery… If it can make them money, the Consortium will take advantage of it, all while maintaining the veil of goodwill through charitable works that are in the end infinitesimally tiny compared to the profit the organization makes exploiting the very people they’re supposedly caring for.
Remind you of anything in real life?
While the villainous and underhanded side of the Aspis Consortium can make them suitable antagonists for nearly any campaign, the most likely branch of the Consortium that members of the Pathfinder Society are likely to run into would be their agents. These explorers and plunderers seek out the same sort of ancient sites that the Society is interested in, but purely for the purpose of acquiring the relics within to either keep for personal power or sell to buyers without a thought or care about the impact they cause by doing so, be it disrupting sites held sacred by the locals or outright curses and magical traps on the relics they seek.
Which isn’t to say that the Aspis won’t have their field agents also participate in more domestic crimes as well, of course, but their training focuses on tomb robbing first and foremost.
Which is where this archetype comes into play. While primarily meant for villains, it can also be used for villainous protagonists in evil games, or even by former Aspis members who became (or are becoming), more heroic.
And outside the Lost Omens setting, this archetype could be quite useful for representing a character that is a professional temple delver, particularly one that often has to fight off other expeditions as well.
Delving into this training requires a whole suite of skills revolving around deceit and dungeon delving, as well as basic training with a whip and either keen senses honed around noticing traps or the ability to cast magic that reveals secret doors. The whip training in particular is due to the weapon being a signature combat style of the Aspis Consortium for it’s ability to cause nonlethal pain and control the battlefield.
True to their roguish talents, these agents learn the art of recognizing and avoiding traps if they don’t already have it, and improving upon their skills if they do.
Periodically as they grow in mastery, these agents pick up little tricks or improvements as they grow, drawing upon a short list.
Some stand fearlessly against larger beings and prove shockingly imposing against them, while others learn various advanced combat techniques ranging from setting up traps, using combat maneuvers, and even turning a whip into a deadly weapon. Others learn to ward their thoughts against intrusion so that foes only learn the thoughts they want them to know, while others with bardic training continue that to gain new and better performances. Some learn the art of concealing small objects and can even suppress their magic, which others still learn how to continue their bardic, inquisitor, or mesmerist training into spellcasting. Others learn techniques associated with rogues, while others learn enough magic to shrink an item down for easy carrying and concealment. Some who are also vigilantes can learn an additional technique for their social or vigilante identities.
They also learn how to conceal their aura so that magic that senses particular moralities fail to reveal anything. Later on, they can sense such attempts and even later provide a false aura in case their detection is sophisticated enough to sense all moral alignments.
Not content to merely bypass the traps they find, these tomb breakers learn how to rig both traps they’ve disabled or set up personally so that they can trigger them with a touch. After all, such ingenious mechanisms shouldn’t go to waste, whether they be used against rival delvers or particularly dull denizens. Later on, they can even trigger these traps from a distance with a deftly thrown rock or a nearly-invisible pullcord.
These agents also learn the art of striking for vulnerable points as a rogue would, or improving upon that skill.
Aspis agents know how to throw off the game of others, letting them demoralize or feint foes with clever words. Better yet, they can set such things up days in advance, calling back to a throwaway statement made days ago that sheds it in a new light and leaves a foe infuriated or reeling.
This prestige class certainly points the character in the direction of being the snarky rival archaeologist or treasure hunter, but the fact you can customize it to better suit several different base classes is a real boon. Not having true spellcasting increases is disappointing, forcing you to rely on the more roguish aspects of the class, and as such, your spellcasting choices will likely be built with that in mind, focusing more on buffs and utility than damage or debuffs. Still, this class can be a veritable bag of tricks, ranging from better casting to weaponizing and building portable traps, to performing all sorts of combat and utility tricks with a whip.
In the hands of an antagonist, this archetype can be quite effective for giving an adventure a villain or even recurring villain that isn’t inherent to the dungeon itself, which has the dual benefit of expanding the world and also give your villains and bosses somewhere to be that isn’t behind the final door. In the hands of a protagonist, however, it can a great way to have a morally dubious character in your game, or even a penitent one using their talents for good. Heck, aside from the lore there’s no reason this can’t be used with a swashbuckling hero that isn’t afraid to fight dirty to defeat evil.
Though most shabti, those beings created as surrogate souls to take the burden the souls of the wealthy after death, have a healthy respect for the dead and the world beyond due to how they are rescued form their fate by the psychopomps, not all feel this way. Some are bitter indeed for the cultures that invented the process of creating them to suffer in place of wicked rulers. Such is the case with Nayobi, who has become a professional tomb robber, not just for the riches  therein, but to rob the dead she blames for her creation and suffering of their dignity.
For a month, the party has been racing against their rivals from tomb and ruin site trying to find the clues to the temple of the Horizon Eye, and they’ve both finally made it. However, the fight that erupts threatens to activate the Eye itself, a complex and powerful portal mechanism, and it’s guardian, a Lhaksharut inevitable!
The greedy often say that everyone has a price, that anyone will do anything if the reward is great enough. However, the counterargument is that there are lines that some people will not cross. Such was the case when the relic hunter Miriam Albrax learned what her employers planned to do with a dark relic she had procured, going into hiding as a hermit in one of the oldest forests in the world, watching over the relic with trap and forest ally alike.
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Pathfinder: Adventure Path - King of the Mountain - Barbarian Capstone by Gislaine Avila
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a-cypress-tree-draws · 7 months
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Now that I'm getting better at hair & clothing design, I wanted to practice with redesigning someone I haven't drawn (or even really talked about) in awhile, and with Skull & Shackles steadily drawing to an end (😫) & the prospect that we'll be playing War for the Crown next, I thought it'd be nice to play around with Mika a bit.
I removed a lot of the more obvious references to her seal nature (the big fluffy coat & boots), and replaced them by incorporating the colour palate of actual harp seals (not just the fuzzy babies you see on the internet: they gain black & grey spots as they get older) into her hair, since that's where you would *actually* see that connection.
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justarandomnobody · 9 months
NPC randomness in Curse of the Crimson Throne
[Some spoilers about the Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path ahead]
The barbarian NPC that we befriended on a tavern when the goblin won a drinking contest against him at the start of the adventure and was our companion from time to time (read, when the quests were too hard for a party of three), Krauss, met Cinnabar, a Red Mantis assassin that was tasked with killing us, who we forgave (mainly because of my character's influence, who tried to make her stand for her own and claim her life as her own, instead of expecting her boss to come and kill her for failing to kill us).
After a drinking night, apparently they started dating (a weird flex on the argument, but since she thought her life was going to end and Krauss was still trying to adjust to his new body, because he died and we could only get somebody to cast reincarnate on him and was reborn as a half-elf, it was nice for them to have something in common and a renewed will to live ---for Cinnabar).
However, one of the things we found out was that her boss was in town and was going to try to kill her, so one of the goals we had when attacking the castle, besides bringing the queen to justice, was to stop the Red Mantis and free Cinnabar from them. But the Red Mantis, their boss Kayltanya among them, skipped town between our assaults (there were several, since we couldn't clear the castle in just one trip, which was to be expected). We thought that was enough. since it seemed they would leave Cinnabar alone for the time being.
The issue at hand was that we got access to a harrow deck which had some powerful effects on either us or some of our allies (it destroyed the marriage of the warrior, and killed me, for instance, but I was brought back thanks to the goblin attachment issues). And one of the effects was that a former enemy would came to me as an ally (to me, since I picked the card).
And this enemy was Kayltanya.
She had a change of heart, a complete change of heart, and wanted to help us defeat the queen, after she was contracted by her as her assassin. But since this change was genuine (magically produced, but genuine nevertheless), we accepted her and brought her to our lair, where she could explain herself to Cinnabar and assure her that she won't be in any danger from her again. And then, she met Krauss. And she liked the strong and well-built barbarian. And decided that she wanted a part in their relationship.
And they agreed.
So the barbarian is in a polycule with two former enemies of us... and they... seem to be happy about it right now, so they have that going for them, which is nice, I guess.
The point is, in a conversation that involved this meme:
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(Krauss, will you teach us to make love?, we're Spanish speakers playing in Spanish)
I said to the group, "I don't know how we got to this :'v", and the rest went something like this: the GM, my wife: "me neither". The goblin: "That's my little Krauss, I raised him well". Me, to the GM: "how can you not know, if the whole thing was your idea?" GM: "Well, I rolled some dice", said picking a die and showing it to me, "and said, 'if it rolls under 30, they'll be in a polycule', and I rolled a 16". Me, thinking: "That makes sense, I guess". Me, realizing she picked the d20: "Wait a minute >:v"
And that's how the NPC got two evil girls as his girlfriends, while the goblin is in love with Vencarlo Orsini (who probably won't ever love her back :'v), the fighter lost his wife and child, because an Ifrit came to ask him to marry her and he said yes (it was that or to offend a court in the Fire Elemental Plane, and the Ifrit seemed to really want to marry him), and the (aroace) swashbuckler (me) has been parrying every pretender, while trying to remain sane.
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mukuharakazui · 1 year
bg3 is crazy for being a massive $70 larian + wotc collab game whose accessibility menu features subtitles that are present for less than half of all idle character dialogue and almost zero battle dialogue
#succ speaks#not to be the 'paizo wouldn't let this happen' guy but god this is actually insane#like why even have an accessibility menu at that point? i'd rather watch a youtube video with automatic captions#same energy as devs complaining that everyone was making their pcs a white human guy in early access while they had no asian human options#like bro i just want to know what bestie karlach is saying but if u make her mumble with no captions even tho i have subtitles on#tf am i supposed to do.....🤨😡😭💀#baldur's gate 3 is fun but this is pissing me off. like i'm prob not gonna keep playing this solo & only play online with friends#it's fun but. not fun enough to mimic the actual wacky bullshit i do with charisma rogues and bards in dnd or pf#i think i'm also used to having real humans around for ttrpg antics and dynamic character interactions so bg3 feels bland in comparison lol#also because irl i can ask people to repeat what they just said 🙃🙃🙃#joining the mob by accident was admittedly funnier in bg3 than it was in dnd though considering i stumbled into the base out of nowhere#i guess it just falls under ny philosophy that dnd is most fun when wotc has zero actual say in what happens and what we can do 👍#however as much as pf > dnd...bg3 > kingmaker. i think pathfinder is just to true of a ttrpg to adapt into a video game super well#like. the writing in wotr was WAY better than bg3 but still sometimes bad enough to be infuriating ESPECIALLY in regards to iomedae#but the weird ass iomedae stuff is also true in the adventure path itself and plenty of other people have complained about it#but hey at least in wotr the subtitles told me what she was saying every time she spoke 👍#wotr was still rly fun tho no hate to the game in general this is a quick slam of being pissed at bg3 again 🙏🙏
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spoondoodles · 3 months
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The crooked are smiling They know me the best / This cradle still burns Like a hole in my chest - The Crooked, The Cradle by The Crane Wives Introducing my grippli/tiefling flurry ranger/path of the heavens cleric for the pf2e Strength of Thousands adventure path: Iopo! I've been playing them for a long time now (over a year!) and I love them so very dearly :) My acearo nongendered metallic red frog :)))) what will they do (jump off an enemy to trip them ofc)
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appendingfic · 9 months
I don't know how to feel about the fact that in the Pathfinder canon setting, the works of HP Lovecraft are about real entities
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