sher-ee · 2 months
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Then read this: ⬆️
Article updated May 2024. It should be required reading at this point.
"Pathocracy is a term used to describe a government run by leaders with personality disorders.'
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Cluster B Society
A strange new pattern of psychological dysfunction has infiltrated our most prestigious institutions, our corporate bureaucracies and the highest offices in the land. In short, we're sick. Our society is out of balance. We've been consumed by a cluster of disorder that appeals to our worst instincts and deranges our most important social functions. We need to recover our sanity, but to do so we must first know exactly what we're dealing with.
Today we are witnessing the emergence of something new. What might be called a Cluster B society. Like the culture of narcissism, our own digital age has a distinct psychological profile: heavily influenced by the power of social media; the cameras are always on; an audience is always watching; and narcissism has transformed into hysteria, moral theatrics, emotional volatility, self-indulgence and outbursts of violence.
Psychologists have captured the spirit of our modern culture in four specific psychopathologies that together comprise the Cluster B personality disorders.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder is characterized by a sense of entitlement, of obsession with one's own self-importance and deep feelings of resentment, often expressed through moral self-righteousness.
Borderline Personality Disorder is characterized by an unstable sense of identity, black and white thinking, feelings of emptiness, and recurring self-harm and suicide attempts.
Histrionic Personality Disorder is characterized by excessive emotionality, sexual provocation and attention seeking, often to serve a pathological need for sympathy.
And Anti-Social Personality Disorder is characterized by impulsivity, manipulation, disregard for others and a penchant for violence and aggression that violates social norms.
But this cluster of social pathologies is no longer an individual matter. It has begun to shape the patterns and structures of our entire culture, which is quickly becoming a Cluster B society that replaces disagreement with accusation, uses false compassion to manipulate citizens into compliance, honors victimhood instead of accomplishment, and enforces the whole scheme with the threat of violence.
For most of our history, significant personality disorders were treated as problems and largely relegated to the fringes of society.
But in our emerging Cluster B Society, the narcissist, the borderline, the hysteric and the anti-social psychological types have been elevated into positions of power and celebrated by our institutions. The new status quo is an emerging leadership class that rules through emotional blackmail. Powerful institutions use the cover of various victim groups to impose their agenda on the rest of us. If we dissent, we're branded as hateful bigots, we're accused of lacking empathy, we are ritualistically banished.
While these strategies are contemptible, they're also remarkably effective in controlling what we think, what we say and how we act, and they've slowly transformed our institutions into what psychologist Andre Lobachevski calls "pathocracy," or "rule by psychological dysfunction." This has become our new social order.
If you look around you'll start seeing it everywhere.
A coercive-control society.
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llewelynpritch · 8 months
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/treating-traditional-patriarchal-mismanagement-tory-pritchard-ma-laime/https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQ3f8j7NZEVYH-yADTY60BnzO76CoRMO5Ktc3OQDcoL4N-TpxIaceDLPeXlGFh_STnBwzvK_L2c6LZU/pub Treating traditional, patriarchal, colonial misMANagement by corrupt Tory government UK ‘just as a nightmare’ particularly Rishi Sunak (PM no nationally elected mandate) and Boris Johnson ‘Traitor UK' is unhelpful for several reasons ... Scroll Right Down to find out more #AI #Perplexity Llewelyn Pritchard 17 January 2024
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Psychopaths and politicians both have a tendency to be selfish, callous, remorseless users of others, irresponsible, pathological liars, glib, con artists, lacking in remorse and shallow.
So why do we keep voting them into positions of power? We examine.
Read More: https://thefreethoughtproject.com/deep-state/american-pathocracy-the-rise-of-the-political-psychopath
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cosmicmote · 6 months
on sale today:
the lines of separation long ago carved out
and no longer hidden
every opening of a seashell
the horizon to another world
but can you cross over, oh no
the energy-governing-organ holds sway
where and while the emperor rules;
between night and morn certainly rings true
and relatable, a type of exile and hermitage
at least the tempest and opening there-in;
the forces of undivine -
a cameraman rode a bicycle through wastelands
not all that different than our own
so that civilization may look at its own ruins and
the term bodies can be defined loosely, less failingly
but also minds and spirits left in ruins, spanning waters and lifetimes. they aren't always ours
permeating all aspects of vita,
we have called it pathocracy and now add
pornocracy to exploit and feed on kids, striving to legalize
and reframe so that
the corruptions are everyone's but those on top
as if, as if
a trunk as pillar can transform and transplant
but it can't give up its nature, biologically
or otherwise
what is living
but a simulacrum on plundered screen!
tarot and gibran and life inspired in a world full of patchwork nickelodeons
words ©spacetree 2024
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daily spread from procgen tarot: https://watabou.itch.io/procgen-tarot
and https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/gazas-wasteland-seen-via-bicycle-after-six-months-war-2024-04-04/
further: https://www.amazon.com/Between-Night-Morn-Kahlil-Gibran-ebook/dp/B0065YDH9Q/
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wmproprt · 1 day
Michael Shellenberger, journalist and author of “Apocalypse Never,” “San Fransicko,” and the upcoming “Pathocracy,” [on] the collapse of trust in elite institutions and its implications for civilization. … Democratic elites, both within the party and among media proxies, have become fully insulated from the consequences of their policies and now have backed themselves into an ideological corner. @JohnPapola @DadSavesAmerica
Michael @shellenberger: How Our Leaders Lost All Credibility
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deblala · 5 months
Pathocracy - Tyranny at The Hand of Psychopaths
View On WordPress
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nakediconoclast · 8 months
From Democracy to Pathocracy: The Rise of the Political Psychopath
Twenty years ago, a newspaper headline asked the question: "What's the difference between a politician and a psychopath?" The answer, then and now, remains the same: None. There are surprisingly few differences between psychopaths and some politicians.
Evil Franklin
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agape-philo-sophia · 8 months
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Our world is characterized by: permanent war, full-spectrum dominance, targeted assassinations, rendition, torture, water-boarding, NSA, FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6, NATO, Gladio, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, mercenaries, Blackwater, paramilitaries, Contras, counter-insurgency, nuclear weapons, cruise missiles, drones, landmines, cluster bombs, napalm, white phosphorus, Agent Orange, depleted uranium, biological and chemical weapons, enemy combatants, shock and awe, mujahideen, al-Qaeda, Taliban, Islamic State (ISIS), Zionism, state terrorism, false flags, 9/11, color revolutions, regime change, coup d’etats, sanctions, drug trafficking, mind control, enslavement, manipulation, deception, human trafficking, plausible deniability, impunity, fascism and neo-fascism, Auschwitz, Nanking, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, genocide, apartheid, dictatorship, plutocracy, oligarchy, kleptocracy, political sociopaths and narcissists, structural adjustment, austerity, extreme inequality, exploitation, poverty, elite pedophilia, endemic corruption, predatory capitalism, profiteering, tax havens, money laundering, bank bail-outs and bail-ins, too-big-to-fail, monopoly capitalism, globalization, market manipulation, financialization, corporatism, corporate personhood, golden parachutes, fracking, mountain-top removal, tar sands, Fukashima, laboratory-created diseases, genetically-engineered food, glyphosate, medical-pharma mafia, vaccine catastrophe, autism, three-strikes, maximum-security, militarization of police, corporate media, public relations, propaganda, fake news, surveillance, RFID chips, optical scans, facial recognition, global government, the New World Order. It is clear that this world has not been built by caring human beings, but has been constructed and is run by parasitic hallow soulless evildoers. And, despite the violence, suffering and chaos they have caused, we allow them to remain at the top, and in control. Simply stop giving these people the power to control you. Innerstand that the only power they have is the power the people themselves grant to them.
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the-real-zhora-salome · 11 months
The power of 'pathocracy': How politics attracts dangerous people | The Herald
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'Student SUPPORTS Hamas fully' | Peter Hughes: 'Kindness to one group can mean cruelty to another'
Andrew Doyle: Has kindness become cruel and divisive? Well, that's a theory being advanced by Dr Peter Hughes, a philosopher and author who has written this week about how acting with extreme kindness to one group can lead to acts of cruelty towards another. And I'm delighted to say that Dr Peter Hughes joins me now. Welcome to the show.
Peter Hughes: Thank you very much for inviting me.
Doyle: So, Peter, where does this theory of yours come from?
Hughes: Well, it comes originally from the work of a Polish psychiatrist called Andrzej Łobaczewski. He wrote a book when Poland was in a communist occupation called, "Political ponerology." And that means the theory of the origin of evil. And what really fascinated him was how, what he called a pathological minority, a minority of people who were narcissistic, grandiose, but mediocre and believed in themselves way beyond what their competence would dictate, took it upon themselves…
Doyle: I know few people like that.
Hughes: … but they took it upon themselves to decide what people could think, what people could do, what people could say, and he was fascinated by this. And he wrote this book in collaboration with other psychiatrists. It originally, they threw one copy of it on the fire when the secret police came around, just in time, they smuggled another one out to the Vatican which got lost, and then eventually he recovered it from memory and rewrote it from memory, missing a lot of the statistical data, but the basic points he made were true. And what I'm fascinated in is how a pathological minority can come to power, can hold power, when the majority of the people do not believe in what they're saying. In our case, what we pathologize in our society is kindness.
Doyle: So, there's something very interesting about this idea. I've seen kindness and being a victim weaponized so that effectively, the assertion of victimhood becomes a means to bully others, and to cudel others. Which sounds counterintuitive of course, but we see it all the time. So, we see it among activists, we've seen it on the streets of London. We've seen people chanting for, effectively, genocide and death of Jewish people. And saying that they are victims and that's why they're doing it. What's going on there?
Hughes: Well, because what you do is you have a strong allegiance to your ingroup and that means you have a strong aversion to your outgroup, and the more depth and virulence you support your ingroup, the more likely you are to be violent to your outgroups. Let me give you some examples. We had a a case recently, obviously in the wake of the Hamas atrocities in Israel, we've had people tearing down posters of children who've been who've been taken hostage. We've had universities making statements condemning Israel with no mention of Hamas whatsoever. We had yesterday a student in, I think, a Canadian college called Durham College saying that she supports herass fully and believes they should do it in her words again and again and again and again. And it's all done in the name of kindness for the oppressed.
Hughes: So, once you divide the world into oppressor and oppressed, the righteous and the unrighteous, the sinful and the blameless, then you can unleash unlimited cruelty.
Doyle: But is it just because these things have become abstractions to these people? You know, they're not there on the ground seeing the children being burnt alive, seeing people being raped and tortured and murdered, and so therefore they can see this as something that's happening far away and they can sort of, I suppose, romanticize it and change it into something that it isn't?
Hughes: But it's slightly different from that. Because the psychology, and what makes it such a a catastrophe really, is that the psychology of it is very robust, because they're really talking only to themselves. And what they're doing is that one person who believes in this type of pathological kindness will connect very well with somebody else who doesn't. Whereas, for the mass of ordinary people, they have a very different understanding of kindness. We understand kindness as being giving to someone who has a need, who might be in trouble, who might be struggling, regardless of what their belief is.
One of the foundational stories for our own civilization is the Good Samaritan. And of course, the Good Samaritan is someone who comes along and helps someone who's been robbed and attacked, even though they come from different social groups and the Samaritan is the exile, the other, if you want. And these acts of kindness which ordinary people engaged in are being demonized because they're not using the correct language.
Doyle: But it is baffling to me. You know, we saw that activist at the Trans Pride rally calling on, basically, the crowd to punch women who disagreed with them and getting a big cheer, right. Now what's going there, because these are a group of people who are saying they are demonized and victimized. But they are the bullies, quite clearly in that situation.
Hughes: Well, Łobaczewski estimated about 5 to 6% of a population - he called it the pathological underbelly - will drive these ideas. But what they do is, they pathologize, then they pathologize normal people and everybody else gets pulled into this catastrophic world.
Doyle: Okay that's interesting, so it's a minority.
Hughes: It's a minority that drive this, it's not a majority.
Doyle: Well, I was going to say because with all the the death threats and rape threats that go towards JK Rowling simply for having an opinion that most people hold, and for for a very compassionate opinion as it happens. Now, it would never occur to me, I can't think of any scenario where I would behave like that and yet you see these thousands and thousands of people doing that. I can't think of any scenario where I would attempt to defend terrorists like people are doing. So, is it just, it's not that we've suddenly got sociopathy on a widespread level. It's not that.
Hughes: No, it's not. I think it spreads and people can ally themselves to this pathological minority, but a minority that drives it. So, if you look at the situation with Hamas for example, Hamas went into the -- I, we don't need to go into all the details about what they did -- but, we know how horrific and horrendous it was. And that is the pathological minority.These are people who are jihadists, who will stop at nothing to erase Jews from the face or the Earth.
Doyle: I don't believe their supporters could do that.
Hughes: But not only could they not do it, they couldn't even watch it. But yet, they will cheer. They will say yes, let's do it again and again. Okay then here's a cudgel, here's an axe, here's a knife, do it. "Well, I couldn't do that." So, the way to counter these people, if there is a way to counter them because they've got so deep in our society, into the bureaucracies that govern our institutions and our corporations, but you have to isolate the pathocrats. Because most people just want to get on. Most people understand empathy. Most people are capable of looking at other people and seeing them as a fellow human being, as a fellow sufferer.
Doyle: It's about reclaiming humanity, right?
Hughes: About reclaiming one's humanity, and one's collective humanity from the pathological minority.
Doyle: So, finally, because we don't have much time, but there is nothing new about this in so far as if you go back to the Inquisition. The people who are strapping those individuals to the rack and torturing them -- they did think they were doing it for God. They did think they were on the side of the Angels. It's perfectly possible throughout human history for for good people to do the most horrendous things.
Hughes: Horrendous things. But what makes a tyranny of kindness so dangerous is that people can punish other people, the outgroup endlessly, take great pleasure in it, and still remain virtuous. And that is truly terrifying. And is where we're at. And we have to understand, the tyranny of kindness is also a tyranny of virtue which, interestingly enough we remember the Republic of Virtue at the end of the French Revolution which is what Robespierre and his fellow revolutionaries saw as the endpoint of the French Revolution. And where did that end? It ended in bloodshed and the guillotine. And that is where we're headed unless we isolate these pathocrats, reclaim normal kindness from its pathological underbelly, and reclaim words like love, hate and kindness for the mass of people, of normal people.
One final point, and Łobaczewski makes this really well, he said the only crime that normal people commit which makes them punished so much for their views, is that they're not psychopaths. And normal people aren't. Ordinary people are decent.
I believe in the decency of humanity, I absolutely do, but then I see these marches and I see most of them are not chanting anti-semitic chants or engaging in that kind of thing. But they are turning a blind eye when other people are. That's what disturbs me. That makes me think that it's become so normalized in that movement. How do you reach those people? I couldn't walk past someone calling for genocide and ignore it. I don't know how you reach that point, and once you've reached that point, isn't it a question of deradicalization rather than persuasion?
Hughes: It is, it is a process of deradicalization. But deradicalization is simply one form of psychological realignment, when what you're doing is you're enabling people to see that they've got this virus in their heads which is driving their behavior, which is against their interest and it's against the interest of all their fellow human beings, including those closest to them. Nobody wins in this game. Nobody at all wins, because where it ends is in chaos and bloodshed. And who's going to gain from that? No one.
Doyle: Well, I think it's absolutely chilling stuff. Dr Peter Hughes thank you so much for joining us.
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cultml · 2 years
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llewelynpritch · 1 year
https://lnkd.in/eMv2rX8j https://lnkd.in/erHmeXcn 
Explain how and why the Conservative majority UK Parliament at Westminster, London and beyond is no longer fit for purpose. AI Open Source GPT Chat Llewelyn Pritchard MA 27 April 2023  
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" Pathocracy is a system of government wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people."
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watchingmedia · 7 years
New Yorker Reporter Debunks Russia Twitter Panic
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alxndrasplace · 7 years
Definition of Pathocracy
Definition: pathocracy (n). A system of government created by a small pathological minority that takes control over a society of normal people (from Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes, by Andrew Lobaczewski)
from Greek pathos, “feeling, pain, suffering”; and kratos, “rule”
A totalitarian form of government in which absolute political power is held by a psychopathic elite, and their effect on the people is such that the entire society is ruled and motivated by purely pathological values.
A pathocracy can take many forms and can insinuate itself covertly into any seemingly just system or ideology. As such it can masquerade under the guise of a democracy or theocracy as well as more openly oppressive regimes.
1. suppression of individualism and creativity. 2. impoverishment of artistic values. 3. impoverishment of moral values; a social structure based on self-interest and one-upmanship, rather than altruism. 4. fanatical ideology; often a corrupted form of a valid viable ‘trojan’ ideology which is perverted into a pathological form, bearing little resemblance to the substance of the original. 5. intolerance and suspicion of anyone who is different, or who disagrees with the state. 6. centralized control. 7. widespread corruption. 8. secret activities within government, but surveillance of the general population. (In contrast, a healthy society would have transparent government processes, and respect for privacy of the individual citizen). 9. paranoid and reactionary government. 10. excessive, arbitrary, unfair and inflexible legislation; the power of decision making is reduced/removed from the citizens’ everyday lives. 11. an attitude of hypocrisy and contempt demonstrated by the actions of the ruling class, towards the ideals they claim to follow, and towards the citizens they claim to represent. 12. controlled media, dominated by propaganda. 13. extreme inequality between the richest and poorest. 14. endemic use of corrupted psychological reasoning such as paramoralisms, conversive thinking and doubletalk. 15. rule by force and/or fear of force. 16. people are considered as a ‘resource’ to be exploited (hence the term “human resources”), rather than as individuals with intrinsic human worth. 17. spiritual life is restricted to inflexible and indoctrinare schemes. Anyone attempting to go beyond these boundaries is considered a heretic or insane, and therefore dangerous. 18. arbitrary divisions in the population (class, ethnicity, creed) are inflamed into conflict with one another. 19. suppression of free speech – public debate, demonstration, protest. 20. violation of basic human rights, for example: restriction or denial of basic life necessities such as food, water, shelter; detainment without charge; torture and abuse; slave labour.
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