#Pendragyn writes
pendragyn · 2 years
19) What is some random info you happen to have that you used in a fic?
Ooh, so let me set the stage. I do not play chess. I barely know the rules of chess or the names of the pieces, so it's all rather vague. But I knew about what happens when a pawn makes it across the board to the other side - they can be Queened! (promoted technically, meaning they become much more powerful)
Which worked out very handily when writing my Good Omens fic about what happens when Aziraphale and Crowley trade places and I tied it into why everything in Crowley's car turns to Queen.
This was a kind of hard one, because there's a lot of weird stuff that I know that I don't/didn't know wasn't common knowledge. I figured since I've never seen anyone else point it out in the GO fandom that I'm the outlier for making the connection.
Thanks for the ask!
Fanfic Writer's Ask Game
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winters-tales · 2 years
I was tagged by @moondust-bard in this one!
Rules: in a new post, share the last line from your current wip, and tag as many people as there are words
Mother just smiled and kept walking, all conversation over.
Not as evocative as moondust's, but even though it's the last line as thing's stand, it's still only about halfway through the piece itself.
The nine people I'm going to tag are:
And of course, if anyone else wants to do this, feel free!
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thestuffedalligator · 2 years
I was tagged by @aethersea and @crocwork-clockodile.
Rules: Write the latest line from your wip (or post where you last left off in your art) and tag as many people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog.
I’ve been holding off on replying because I’ve been working through a writer’s block big enough to see from space, but I’m going to jump on this now that I’ve finally got the drive to work on a short story:
“Help me.” It’s said through a mouthful of blood.
Baba Yaga’s iron teeth gleam in her smile. “I might.”
And tagging — deep breath — @somethingusefulfromflorida, @born-of-ravens-and-kings, @totally-not-an-awkward-okapi, @ruinconstellation, @caffeinewitchcraft, @erdariel, @pendragyn, @awkwarddesertfox, @anapocalypseofmagpies, @afoxnamedmulder, @softlytowardthesun, @madmanrambler, @richardjager, @persephinae, @ralfmaximus, @andhumanslovedstories, @fingersmudges, @skyriderwednesday, @marghen, and all the other writers and artists who want to join in and who I’ve forgotten to tag here.
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ngkiscool · 3 years
Weekly Spotlight #6
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This week's spotlight is on Agnes Nutter, the one with all the brain cells.
All the stories relate in one way or another to her fate, please mind the rating and tags, and of course all have mentioned canonical character death CW.
Heaven Enough by HSavinien - 1.8K, G. Summary: Agnes decides to do a little double-checking.
The Color of Success by unravels (Holly) - 1.4K, G. Summary: The Them pass a rainy, ordinary afternoon indoors until a supernatural visitor interrupts with her own input.
Setting Things To Rights by Pendragyn - 2.6K, G.
Summary: The night after the almost apocalypse, Adam Young gets a visit from the ghost of Agnes Nutter, and she helps him sort out a few worrisome loose ends left over from the world not ending.
The Nice and Accurate Life of Agnes Nutter by ngk_is_cool - 544 words, G. Summary: Agnes Nutter discovers her abilities as a young girl, and they shape her life.
You'll Be Okay by fractalgeometr - 251 words. G. Summary: Agnes knows her fate. She's ready for it. She just has a few last things to write down.
Thursdays (a sensible woman) by EdnaV - 489 words, T. Summary: Every Thursday, Tracy Potts has tea with a Lady.
Burn The Witch by Phoenix_of_Athena - 1.4K, T. Summary: Agnes watched her village grow around her, saw babies grow to be men who would someday burn her, and she reminded herself that it would be worth it. She was important. Agnes would be a figure who shaped the world; she would be wise and mysterious, and slightly catty; she would be respected by those few in the know, and revered by her own descendants. Her legacy would be enormous. Valuable. Larger than life.
Certainty of Promise by losyanya - 500 words, T. Summary: The eve before the execution of Agnes Nutter, the witch, Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery Pulsifer pays her a visit to verify the accusation. Or such was his plan. However, Agnes might be more knowledgeable about Plans.
Father Christmas, Father Time by irisbleufic - 700 words, T. Summary: Humming, Agnes ceased to knead and brushed off her hands. She strolled up to the window, waving cheerfully to her grandsons—then to the armed men on horses, who drew closer by the second. Let them come and take her if they would. She'd been in her coat for an hour, and if they were going to go on wasting her time, she might as well sit down. They would make it to her front door eventually.After all, she knew recipes far deadlier. There was more than flour under her fingernails.
As always - for feedback, suggestion and recommendations (including self recs) comment here or massage me. Enjoy :)
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Last Line Tag
Thanks for the tag, @magic-is-something-we-create! This is just from a flash fiction thing I did real quick.
She stuffed it into her pocket. She could wait a little longer. She had to.
‘‘I’ll be right down!”
I’ll tag, with no pressure, @tlbodine, @projectsoulcode, @krissysshittystories, @raevenlywrites, @sleepyowlwrites, @elketiste, @writerfae, @pheita, @perditism, @pendragyn, @shydreamyechoes, @witherednightmare, @rhikasa, @ambsthom, @andinbetweenwegarden, @cheshawrites, @lova-writes, @dustylovelyrun, @stormharbors, and @howdywrites.
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catoperated · 3 years
Thanks to @suppuration for tagging me! Uh… I guess I tag @ryttu3k @curiousserpent @dysphorie @pendragyn (and anybody else who wants to!)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
22 officially. More are orphaned.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Please Don’t Eat the Flowers (TMA) 599
Cocoon is Accurate but Chrysalis Sounds Better (TMA) 563
Pride and Joy (BNHA) 537
Secrets and Dry Eyes (BNHA) 364
Weather the Storm Together (BNHA) 285
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, even if I’m a month late responding or the comment is just a heart emoji, I like people to know I see them and appreciate them.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
A Kiss Before You Go to Hell in which Jonah Magnus gets his soul sucked out by his ghost ex. I don’t even dislike him as a character that much, but damn.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Pride and Joy (it’s finally over, woo) ends on a very hopeful note and a bad joke.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Yes, and completely ignoring that my most popular fic is a kinda weird crossover, the silliest one is The Winter Human bar none.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not the usual “how dare you write this” hate, but I did delete a JonGerryMichael fic (Blind Spot) that was about 75k words and counting because I not only wrote myself into a corner, but because people were getting really shitty about story choices already made in a “I guessed where this is going incorrectly and now I’m furious you did this instead” manner. Since I was already having trouble figuring out how to end it, I decided it wasn’t worth the hassle and deleted it instead. I don’t regret it.
Fanfic is my hobby, something I do for fun, and I’ll rip up anything that makes it no longer fun. I came pretty close to deleting Pride and Joy a few times out of spite due to all the “plz update” comments, but I really liked the story and eventually wanted to finish it on my own terms, so it was spared.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
There’s exactly one (1) explicit story by me that still has my pseud attached. I orphaned it in a fit of pique because someone made fun of the fact it only involves a handjob. I’ve since stopped hanging around fandom/ship specific discord servers and my mental health improved tremendously. Who knows? I might write more smut in the future.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I’m aware.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I think that’s one of my orphaned works. I wouldn’t mind doing it again.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Don’t make me choose. It’s more than I have a type, and it’s tall blond ray of sunshine and his moody dark haired lover.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Probably Hands-On. I know exactly how it ends but it’s very low on my list of priorities right now.
15. What are your writing strengths?
When I get going I can bang out thousands of words in no time, one chapter after another. Boom, boom, boom.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
When that moment passes I’ll be unable to write for weeks. Also falling into the trap of bland back and forth dialogue where nothing else is happening. Trying to do better on that.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
You mean like native Spanish speakers randomly injecting Spanish into their speech to remind you of it? That’s bad.
I try to avoid full-on dialogue in other languages cause Google translate is my only recourse, but I provide a translation if I do and am welcome to corrections from fluent speakers.
Mostly I just say “he said something she didn’t understand” for I am a coward.
18. What’s the first fandom you wrote for?
Chrono Trigger. Good ol’ Icy Brian’s Fan Fiction Archive. I might rewrite that story one of these days for old time’s sake.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
I still have a soft spot for Mall Madness since it’s the first thing I ever posted to AO3.
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20 Questions for Fanfic Writers
Thanks to @pendragyn for tagging me! I tag @doctoraliceharvey @mamaju1205 @acrazyobsession and @lechatnoir1918
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 16
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 162,702
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. A Shot in the Dark 2. Show Me 3. Elaborate Lives 4. No One Is Alone 5. Trapped in his arms
4. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Nope.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to. But I often forget and don’t reply for weeks. 😂
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Either Love is a many splendid thing or Heartache
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? My endings so far tend to be more ‘hopeful’ than happy. Having said that Elaborate Lives will end happy. As will Wherever you find love
8. Do you write crossovers? Yes
9. Do you write smut? I tried once. It was terrible and I have since deleted it. Maybe one day I will try again.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I doubt it.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? Or turned into podfic? Not that I know of
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No.
13. What’s your all-time favorite relationship (doesn’t have to be romantic)? Alice and Matthew (TDBM)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? Oh No One is Alone, for sure. Readers have lost interest, as have I. Plus it was the first chapter fic I ever began, and my writing style has changed so much now that i find it hard to go back and write like that.
15. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue. Thanks to years of writing scripts for my drama degree
16. What are your writing weaknesses? Movement (Stage Directions 🤣)
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I would only do it if i was completely proficient in that language, and since i’m not fluent in any other language, Its not likely to happen.
18. What’s the first fandom you wrote for? The Doctor Blake Mysteries. Unless you count ‘Leonardo Place’ which was the mash up of every single Leonardo DiCaprio film me and my friends wrote back in the 90′s when we were in high school. Based on Melrose Place it was full of absolute stupidity and dumb things like Phillipe from Man in the Iron Mask falling in love with Cal from Titanic. Or something equally as crazy!🤣 Would love to know if i still have that stashed somewhere or if i chucked it
19. What are your favorite tropes/scenarios to read or write? Fluff, Fluff, Fluff, Found Family, Alternate universe, Alternate meeting
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Wow.... I dunno. Elaborate Lives is my favourite WIP atm, But for finished fics, my top three at the moment would be The Sigh of the Weary, I didn’t think you cared, and Paper faces on parade
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dustylovelyrun · 4 years
Last Line Tag
Rules: Post the last line that you wrote, then tag as many people as there are words in the line.
Tagged by @writingamongthecoloredroses. I’m grabbing from one of the older ones I’ve still got listed, so. No idea when. But I’m determined to try and work through some of them, human! I will get them all done. Hopefully.
Rather than the reassurance he sought, however, all Calleum received was the slight, jerky nod of someone that was equally unsure; of someone that had been staring down into the same void, expression contemplative, and their body language wary, and so, so afraid.
For Pulse this time! A little pivotal moment for the Adeyemi-Nakamura siblings, their friend Xanxia, and everything they’ve ever really known, truthfully. I’m not sure how far they’ll get right now, but. It’s a start for them.
Tagging: @septemberliterature, @a-book-of-creatures, @draconesmundi, @akiwitch, @jewellsfrommaruss, @ambitiousauthor, @pepper-writes-things, @linariouswrites, @wyldlynxx, @aelenko, @magic-is-something-we-create, @itsmariemccurdy, @writemeagoodprompt, @phoenixisdabestwriter, @raevenlywrites, @pendragyn, @cirianne, @stories-by-rie, @sad-small-writer, @etddivine, @inkwell-attitude, @andiwriteunderthemoon, @silverink-and-ichor, @writings-from-the-hart, @writinglyra, @shattered-starrs, @rhikasa, @pamsdrabbles, @ardawyn, @violetcancerian, @farradays, @writingbyjillian, @fictional-semantics, @the-writing-fandom, @shattered-starrs, @loopyhoopywrites, @mego42, @lilliloves, @hannahs-creations, @sidhewrites, @writeouswriter, @em-dashes, @godsliltippy
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stoneantler · 4 years
2020 Creator Wrap: Favorite works
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 (or so) favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works.
Thank you @iressails for tagging me :)
1. I really love eternity is also full of eyes, which is a Dark fic about our favorite doomed trio (Noah, Jonas, Elisabeth) struggling against the apocalypse, themselves, and fate itself. There’s lots of parts of this series that I love but what’s really special about it for me is what I learned while writing it. I don’t really consider myself much of a fiction writer and my true love will always be poetry but something clicked for me while writing this series. I kept pushing it and rewriting it and revising in a way I’d never done before until I had this story I liked and understood. I’ve also gained a few friends from this fic which is a bonus :)
2. This drawing of Flint and Madi. They’re both so pretty? I have a ton of failed Flint sketches but this one came out so nicely? Somehow leaving Madi’s clothes unfinished has a kind poetry to it?
3. My Trust FX fic Cleanse us of our human skin. It was cathartic and ugly to write and I love it. In particular, I love all the lyrical little moments in this fic. The swifts in the evening sky as two people are sitting around talking, the cigarette exchanged in the dark in the wake of violence, the crying dog in the yard and how it parallels Primo.
4. I haven’t posted these anywhere else yet but I did of series of 20+ bird paintings this month. Here’s my favorites from the whole batch:
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5. I’M NOT LINKING THIS BUT I FINISHED MY THESIS THIS YEAR AND I JUST NEED TO GUSH ABOUT IT! I finished a small volume of poetry for my MA this year and I cannot emphasize enough how much I love it. I did a public Zoom reading with my graduating class and just, it was a beautiful moment for me, listening to the music of my words and the music of everyone else’s words. I found the draft of my thesis that advisor handed back to me right before quarantine started and I remember the first thing she said at that meeting was, “This is such a beautiful collection, you have the beginning of a book here.”
I’m tagging @deadendtracks, @caravaggiosbrushes, @agarlandoffreshlycuttears, @empirics, @kahootqueen69, @vikkicomics, @pippinlindenmere, and @pendragyn or anyone else who thinks this looks fun!
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winters-tales · 2 years
WIP Title Tag
So my main blog, @fenrir-kin was tagged by @the-writing-reader but I'm gonna do it here.
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So uh, I have a small confession.
I committed the cardinal sin of deleting my WIP folder a few months ago. It had been languishing for years, and none of the pieces took my fancy, so I just. Deleted it.
HOWEVER, there are a few WIPs still floating around disorganised, so here you go, a selection of titles (that have taken me far too long to find I should really put them in a folder or something-):
Free food and stabbing
Healing is art
Pretty cyberpunk
Robots n shit
the one i couldn't save
Not very many, but that's what you get for having a purge! Sorry folks 😅
I am going to tag in... @pendragyn, @sometimesraven, @fishcustardandclintbarton, @autumnimagining and @teashoesandhair
And of course, anyone else who wants to give it a go!
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Last Line Tag
Thanks for the Last line tag @pendragyn
A sickening CRASH drew their whole attentions to the bay windows. Beyond the forests of his family’s estate, the campus was burning. No, not burning… dissolving. In a brilliance of energy that went beyond fire, the student center rent, twisting and writhing under the enormous force of… something.
Something living.
Tagging back @shapeshiftersandfire  @reininginthefirewriting and @mrs-raven-writes
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faejilly · 4 years
@leahazel replied to your post “@shadoedseptmbr replied to your post “I mentioned on Twitter the...”
God I hate the cowboy cop trope more than anything, Jesus.
I used to enjoy them in fiction because obviously that’s not how you’d want irl cops to act but it can make for a fun story... but then they became the Standard and now they’re horrifying
@pendragyn reblogged your post and added:
same with Miss Marple. Even Poirot. Cops are bumbling fools at best. I wish the cozy mystery genre hadn’t been infiltrated with cop outs.
I find it really interesting that the popular mystery protagonists in the “golden age” of cozy mysteries, back when Christie and Sayers were writing, were pretty much never actual police. (Except for Marsh, and while Alleyn was British, his author was from New Zealand, which skews the perspective, I would think.) Like, most of the authors were relatively privileged, but still. They knew. 
@servantofclio replied to your post “@shadoedseptmbr replied to your post “I mentioned on Twitter the...”
When I was a child in the 80s, the Vietnam war seemed like a very long time ago to me, but I realized it some point that it had not been -- it was recent history for all the adults around, and haunted the entire decade, I think.
same on all counts, and I really can see it around the edges when re-watching older TV shows as an adult. There’s a note of manic/desperate/relief that reminds me of stuff set in the 1920′s like, performative survival, a little? A lot less than you see in stuff set in the 20′s, (probably because it’s by accident while they were living it rather than on purpose when portraying it) but the tone’s familiar.
And yes to everything about cop procedurals. I feel like hte success of the Law and Order & CSI franchises shifted that landscape, but I'm not sure what earlier shows started it.
Yeah, I’m not quite sure when it shifted either, but L&O was definitely part of it. (I mean, there’ve been cop shows for forever, but there used to also be other things, and it’s the lack of the other things that really started shifting it from “idealized fiction” to “copaganda”.) I almost feel like the real problem wasn’t the comedies or the clearly smoothed over things like Dragnet, but the drama cop shows which make you identify with the ‘good cop in a tough situation’ because then they almost always turn into the ‘cowboy cop’ that hazel mentioned and by the time they do that you’re on their side. 
It’s like. Spies. In a spy movie, the fact that they act independently and unilaterally is why they’re appealing; in anything except a spy movie, the fact that the spy can do whatever the hell they want with no consequences is clearly a problem.
We’ve got a lot of cop shows where we’re identifying with the cop getting away with whatever the hell they want... and very few other things showing us why that’s bad. 
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gaslightgallows · 4 years
First lines meme thingie
I got tagged by @teadrinkingwolfgirl! 
Rules: Post the first lines of your last ten fics read or written and then tag others to do the same.
I haven’t read anyone else’s fics in ages (mea culpa) so I’m really doing this to remind myself of what WIPs I’m supposed to be working on. XD
Tagging! @firesign23, @rivendellrose, @cigaretteburnslikefairylights, @pendragyn, @kiwimeringue, @timetravelbypen and anyone else who’d like to play!
The Patience of Angels (Good Omens)
“Right,” shouted Beelzebub, Lord of the Flies and Prince of the First Circle of Hell, “shut up, you lot!”
The rabble quieted down, but not without trouble – Hastur had to set a few unruly demons on fire before Beelzebub could finally make themself heard without screaming. They settled into the chair at the head of the long, long table, with Hastur at one elbow and Dagon at the other, and surveyed the assembled with resigned disgust (which was the most neutral emotion Beelzebub could summon).
Every demon with any scrap of authority was there, every prince and duke and a bunch of other ranks besides, by Satan's own order. Except for Satan himself, of course. He hadn’t been to a board meeting in a year, which wasn’t like him – he usually at least came to the once-a-year all-staff meetings. But the boss was still sulking and licking his wounds after that business in Tadfield. Beelzebub supposed he had the right to sulk; after all, six thousand years of planning had been flushed straight down the toilet, all because of one disobedient brat.
There was something marvelously poetic in that, somewhere, but Lord Beelzebub did not possess a poet’s soul. (Though they had possessed a few poets, over the centuries, but they hadn’t picked up much in the way of insight.)
Sideways (MCU, Stoki)
Loki was not expecting to see Captain Rogers again – vastly preferred not to see him again, in fact, along with the rest of the Avengers – and when he did, the first thing he thought was that wasn’t sure about the new beard.
Thankfully, Captain Rogers couldn’t see him, so he didn’t have to concern himself with the captain’s feelings on the matter.
In theory, the less Loki had to see or hear or be aware of Earth, the better. In practice, he'd learned enough about humans to realize that it was at least prudent to keep tabs on Midgard and its infuriatingly stubborn inhabitants. Unlike Odin (not quite late, not quite lamented, safely and comfortably sequestered away in the most inconvenient corner of the palace dungeons), Loki did not have the ability to see and hear all things within the Nine Realms, so he’d had to take the Gatekeeper into his confidence.
Heimdall was... he wasn’t entirely sure what Heimdall’s opinion on the matter of Loki pretending to be Odin was. He recalled the first time he took the throne—
‘Took.’ It was given to me, justly, by Asgard’s own laws of succession and by order of... the queen.
—when Heimdall obeyed his commands up until the moment Loki relieved him of his duties. He knew better than to make the same mistake twice; Heimdall had guarded the Bifrost for longer than Loki had been alive, and he’d learned a thing or two about the watcher’s loyalties. With the true king alive but incapacitated and Thor having abjured the title, who was there left to be king, save Loki?
And it clearly didn’t matter to Heimdall that Loki was technically supposed to be dead.
Upon the Mountains, Like a Flame: Chapter 10 (MCU)
"Are you truly going to prevent Loki from using his magic to defend himself?"
"I have said that I will. It is the only possible way of ensuring a fair fight, especially if Loki and Sigyn are to face Theoric together. Unless you wish to make it that easy for Loki to defeat him. His power has grown--"
"No," said Frigga, "he hasn't." She sounded tired. "He had help. From whom or who, I know not, but I do know the scope of our son's power."
Odin stopped his disgruntled pacing and turned to face her, and suddenly Frigga felt very cold. "Are you certain? We have never been entirely sure what manner of power to expect from one of his... lineage."
"If Loki had learned by nature how to shield his appearance and his identity from us both, he would have used it – and crowed about it – long before now. As it is, he can transform himself into any number of animals in order to bedevil his brother, but we always know it is him. And before you ask again," she continued, "no, Sigyn did not help him. This manner of magic does not belong to her."
Odin conceded that point, at least. "Sigyn's preference would have been to slip away from Asgard between dawn and morning and never look back. And you would not have been able to find her, I think, any more than I would have. And yet... she stayed."
"For Loki."
"For love of him," Odin sighed, feeling old, as he had when Loki had pleaded for Sigyn's hand in marriage. "They make a frightening pair, those two.
The Art of Weaving (Sequel to “The Art of Spinning”) (MCU)
“He lacks compassion.”
“Lacks...” Thor stopped dead in his tracks. “Father, he spent a month caring for Mother and wouldn’t leave her side even when I wanted him to come to Svartalfheim with me. He helped me free Jane from the Aether and find a way to defeat Malekith that saved the last of the Dark Elves from slaughter, when you and I would have gladly let them all die.”
“And what has been the result of those good deeds? A long-dead race returned to the Nine Realms, upsetting the balance of power even further, and my heir abandoning his birthright to waste the next century in the company of a woman who will be gone in a blink.”
Thor remembered his brother’s parting words, the tight, sorrowful embrace, and the lock of hair Loki had given him. “He gave up his chance for freedom. He accepted responsibility for his crimes, even though we know now that he was being manipulated. What more would you have from him?”
“Nothing. I am grateful to have my youngest son back. But I would have my eldest reclaim his place as well.”
But Thor shook his head, and stepped away from his father’s fond hand. “I can never be the king you want. Loki can. He is like you in ways that I am not.”
Odin went suddenly still. “What do you mean?”
“I lack your ruthlessness.”
L'éternité de la damnation, l'infinité de la jouissance (Crimson Peak)
It had been two years. Two years of independence and travel and writing and of seeing the world. Her life would never be normal again, but at least now it felt charmed instead of cursed. At least during the day.
At night, she still dreamed of red-soaked white nightdresses, and of Lucille Sharpe haunting the crumbling halls of Allerdale. She woke with the taste of blood in her mouth, and visions of Thomas screaming in hell.
She didn’t know if he deserved that. He had done terrible things, but how many had been of his own choosing? He had not been a good man, but he had so desperately wanted to be.
Demon in My View (Good Omens)
Normally, Aziraphale was loath to part with any of the books in his collection – though he was not above going against his own grain for people whom he knew would love and cherish the tomes almost as much as he himself did – but in this case, he was delighted to make an exception.
"No charge. No, I absolutely insist. After all, my dear boy, they were meant to be yours."
Adam thanked him politely, and then asked, "Do you still have that wicked flaming sword?"
Aziraphale winced a touch at the adjective but let it pass. "No, no, I'm afraid not. I was required to give it back."
"That's not fair. It was yours, Crowley said it was. And you did help save the world with it. They should give it back to you."
"Well, perhaps they will, one day."
And His Feet Were Made of Clay (Good Omens)
The bookshop of A.Z. Fell was closed. It was the middle of the day and every shop surrounding it was open for business, but most passersby didn't seem to notice the bookshop, and the ones who did weren't surprised that it was closed. In fact, if you examined the diaries of London citizens going back to eighteen hundred, you would find countless entries complaining about the fact that Mr. Fell and Co. (Aziraphale had added the 'Co.' in the eighteen-forties, when he realized he needed to start pretending to be his own son.) never seemed to be open, and that when they were, the very nice gentleman inside was always curiously reluctant to actually sell you anything.
The thing that Aziraphale had always liked most about his corporation was that it looked human. It lacked basic human needs and drives, but it could simulate and perform those functions with perfect adequacy, and really, that was beside the point, because it looked human. It looked unique, the way humans did. Looked like God the way humans did, and the way angels most emphatically did not. Angels had been created by the Almighty with a variety of ineffable functions in mind, and what they looked like when they weren't cramming all their eyes and wings and wheels into a chunky bipedal casing with odors and fluids reflected those functions.
Humans, as near as Aziraphale had been able to figure out in six thousand years of watching, had no preordained function. God had made them because they were fun and that was enough, and he rather liked that about them. Envied that about then, even. (Envy wasn't something he was supposed to admit to, but he lied to himself about so many other things that he simply couldn't have this one on his conscience.)
Although if they did have a function, he was convinced that they existed for the sole purpose of making more of themselves.
A Pause From Thinking (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine)
“Doctor, I appreciate the courtesy call, but it this is some sort of human mourning ritual, I’m really not interested.”
"I didn't think you'd be interested in mourning. I just thought you might want some company. A loss is a loss, after all." Julian poured out the whiskey and handed Garak a glass. "Here's to terrible fathers."
Lots of Rules and No Mercy (sequel to “I Say, Why Not?”) (Tron) 
It was about a month after Alan was first able to communicate with his security program that Tron made the request—not out of any doubt in his user's abilities, but out of respect for the human he looked to as both creator and guardian angel.
"His name was Ram," said Tron, the words appearing on the screen beneath his angularly-rendered face, his voice coming through the headphones like an echo of Alan's own voice. "We were in the MCP's holding cells together for a while. He was just an actuarial program, but he was good at the games and..." The blocky, pixelated face didn't convey one-tenth of the emotion Alan was sure he could hear in the program's tight, gruff voice. "He was a good friend."
"I'm sorry." Alan felt silly, even after a month, apologizing and offering sympathy for the erasure of a program. He was a software engineer after all—he'd been writing and rewriting and erasing programs since high school. It had never been that big of a deal before. "I'm sorry, Tron."
Tron seemed to gather himself together. "Alan. Can you resurrect him?"
Alan stared at the face on the screen, unsure of what to say. He knew Tron couldn't see him or his expression of dumbfounded shock, but the silence said enough. "Forgive me," Tron murmured, seeming to bow his head in the way that made Alan the most uncomfortable. "It was impertinent of me, I shouldn't have asked—"
"It's not that," Alan blurted out. "It's just—I wouldn't know where to start," he added, trying to ignore the uneasy thrill of his creation's simple faith in him.
The Goblin Emperor’s Garden (The Goblin Emperor)
It became Maia’s habit, following the drama of his first Winternight as emperor of the Elflands, and once his wife-to-be decided that he no longer needed quite so many dancing lessons, to hold small intimate suppers one evening a week in his private dining room in the Alcethmeret. Sometimes he entertained several people, sometimes only a few, but nearly every week, Csethiro Ceredin was at the table.
If it was only the two of them at supper, she sat opposite him, where he had the privilege of listening to her speak until the small hours of the morning on all manner of topics, while he forgot about his meal and tried not to drown in her brilliant blue eyes. If there were others at table, she sat at his right, and though she had other social obligations on such evenings, it was worth it to Maia, to be able to sometimes, quickly and surreptitiously and not always entirely secretly, squeeze her hand under the embroidered tablecloth.
His secretary and all of his nohecharei always noticed, and he suspected that they desperately wanted to tease him about it. His nephew Prince Idra also always seemed to notice, and as he and Maia grew closer, Idra did not hesitate to tease him.
“You should be careful,” Csethiro playfully warned the prince, one night after the rest of the guests had taken their leave and the three of them were alone at table, lingering over dessert. “For someday your uncle will find you a wife, and you will make just such a fool of yourself, and he will be as shameless in laughing at you.”
Idra and Maia both blushed, stamping their utterly dissimilar features with a moment of family resemblance. “If I am so fortunate as to someday have such a wife as to be worth making a fool of myself over,” said Idra, half-bold and half-shy, as only a fourteen-year-old boy could be, “I should thank my uncle profusely for his choice, and not mind the teasing.”
“Well spoken, cousin,” Maia said gratefully.
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teaflint · 4 years
Last Line Tag
Thank you @maidollanganger​ and @roselacedclouds and I’m sorry that it took me so long to respond :)
Here is the last bit from my WIP (Library of House Prado)
Agnes closed the folder with exaggerated care and smoothed out a nonexisting crease before handing it back to Noelle. 
“Thank you for explaining this to me,” she began with a forced smile. “My father’s cousin, my guardian, is directly related to the head of the Prado family. Crystal Prado was his grandmother and he didn’t go to Dankworth. I’m sorry to disappoint you, but I’m inclined to follow his example. So, this petition doesn’t concern me in the slightest.”
“That’s alright,” Noelle said quickly, tucking the folder under her arm. Her tone subtly shifted from bubbelly to dismissive. She gave Agnes a tight smile, her whole demeanor changed in light of this new information and she was about to turn and leave, when Agnes spoke again.
“However,” she said, “if it did concern me, Noelle Bruneau, I would never sign it.”
I’m tagging @t-lane-writes @dameschnee123 @froglesbianwriting @pendragyn and @write-it-down13, only if you guys want of course :D
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ao3feed-goodomens · 5 years
Wilde Card
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30JSpd6
by Pendragyn
So I had an idea about why Aziraphale had a complete set of Oscar Wilde writings. And how they had probably left a trail of infatuated and disappointed humans in their wake in all those clubs they'd gone to for intellectual stimulation and a good meal and dance lessons.
This could happen some time during the later chapters of Ineffable Bastards.
Words: 1000, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Ineffable Bastards
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Nonbinary angels, Making an Effort (Good Omens), Kissing, Fade to Black, Snippet, Post-Canon, Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), I love these ineffable dorks
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/30JSpd6
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Wilde Card
by Pendragyn
So I had an idea about why Aziraphale had a complete set of Oscar Wilde writings. And how they had probably left a trail of infatuated and disappointed humans in their wake in all those clubs they'd gone to for intellectual stimulation and a good meal and dance lessons.
This could happen some time during the later chapters of Ineffable Bastards.
Words: 1000, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Ineffable Bastards
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Other
Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens)
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Nonbinary angels, Making an Effort (Good Omens), Kissing, Fade to Black, Snippet, Post-Canon, Ineffable Husbands (Good Omens), I love these ineffable dorks
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/20426414
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