rainbowdonkee · 22 days
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Full art for Legendary Corrin - Child of Dawn
Artist: PenekoR
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panette · 6 months
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childofaura · 2 years
have you done penekoR yet?
*heavy breathing*
PenekoR's artwork.
Probably another one of my top favorite artists in FEH, and definitely considered one of the most skilled, seeing as they have a HUGE list of credits for characters they've drawn (though for some reason the website I'm using to look at the credits doesn't have Legendary Xander there, even though he is on the website under PenekoR?). Anyways, moving on.
Before I start talking about the things I love about PenekoR's artwork, all the good stuff and then the criticisms, I have to get one criticism out of the way just so y'all know I AM aware of it, and that is: PenekoR has issues drawing noses when they draw faces straight on:
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I fully acknowledge that as a criticism because it does look funky, and I think it's something they could easily improve on, but for some reason it hasn't fully been addressed. Though I will say that Legendary Xander looks like they're finally trying a different approach, as they gave him nostrils and some lighting/shading:
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But I'm including the fullbody portrait here because we're gonna talk about why PenekoR's artwork is so friggin' awesome. PenekoR has some AMAZING artwork in the multiple fields: expression, posework, anatomy, color, and detail. All can be seen here with Xander's stern face and this gorgeous armor design.
Seriously, look at the posework and expression for Yarne, Valter, and Catherine:
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Everything checks out, nothing looks funky, Valbar's insane face is captured perfectly, and the babe Catherine looks confident and beautiful. Plus look at Yarne, he doesn't exactly have much going for him in terms of clothing or hair to give him motion, but PenekoR pulls it off by giving him his hunched forward pose with his arms stretched forward. He's leaping forward to attack.
And then there's the other thing: PenekoR draws gorgeous men AND gorgeous women.
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(Which, pardon me for a moment but PenekoR is like Sgt Johnson: They know what the ladies like)
And Sonya:
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Which I also have to say that Sonya's art here is perfect, it shows exactly how sultry and assured she is as a character, something I kind of felt was missed with the Easter alt we had.
Now aside from the nose criticism, the only other criticism I can think of was Aversa's attack portrait:
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It IS possible for women who are super flexible to twist like that, but that's like for gymnasts, and even showing it in artwork can look funky to the eye. But I understand what they're trying to go for, Aversa's a seductive temptress so you really wanna push that flirty angle she has. Still a little funky to look at, but it looks like from future artwork we've seen that they've tried to go for more of a plausible pose, like with Sonya:
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... Seriously IS, why didn't we get Duo Sonya/Aversa?! Aversa would have fit WAYYYY better than Tharja! Could you imagine? Sonya's 25, Aversa's thought to be like... 27 or 28 years old, so Aversa doting on Sonya like Marla or Hestia would could have made for a great interaction! Now I'm just bitter >:(
Anyways, PenekoR's one of my favorite artists. I'm sure to most people, it's hard to get past the nose thing, so they'd see PenekoR as a 7/10. But to me, they've constantly put out such amazing work that's so pleasing to look at, so I personally rank them a 9/10. They're another artist I'd love to see draw Shura when he gets in the game. Or a Priam alt if they get the chance.
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yeyayeya · 2 years
IntSys remembered Xander exists
Love his art and was surprised he was an axe cav (I haven’t played fates in so long but isn’t his axe like Garon’s old weapon? I may wrong)
Xander fans are having the time of their lives right now
But Legendary Elincia when IntSys. Please, I need her already
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targentis · 1 year
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feh-alt-battle · 3 months
Request Poll - Inigo/Laslow
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Suekane Kumiko, PenekoR, Wada Sachiko, Suekane Kumiko
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chynandri · 1 year
A small detail I love when artists do it is making ephraims eyes more blue than teal - that’s how they are in his gba sprite!
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I think it looks good when his eyes are the same colour as his hair too. but idk there’s sth special about his eyes being a different blue. Penekor thank u for noticing this 🫶
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w0rld0flight · 5 months
Happy 7th anniversary to Fire Emblem Heroes :)
Despite the flaws this game has, as well as my criticisms for it, I still enjoy it at the end of the day.
Also goodness gracious I still remember in 2017, when people were talking about how there'll be a Fire Emblem spin-off game for mobile devices and stuff like that, and now look at how far we've come ;w;
So, to celebrate, I'll be posting all the artworks made for the game's 7th anniversary!
First up, the artwork by Kita Senri!
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Wada Sachiko
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Rika Suzuki
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Asatani Tomoyo
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Yamada Kotaro
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ichikawa Halu
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Niji Hayashi
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Daisuke Izuka
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Watarizora Tsubamemaru
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rubywolf0201 · 4 months
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I don’t know if I want to get back into FEH since despite declaration over time, I realize it didn’t do any good for my mental health in general but can I say….
I’m kinda meh on PenekoR’s take on Kagetsu but he looks fine!
And LAST BUT NOT LEAST! WE HAVE IVY AND I LIKE KAKAGE’S ART OF HER BETTER THAN CUBOON’S (sorry I just don’t like cuboon's take on Ivy despite the well-designed swimwear 😬)
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detragallery · 10 months
12 and 22 for the ask game :3
12. show us an old drawing
well if you insist ;)
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this is the first fully colored illustration i posted on my (second) tumblr. honestly? i'm still really proud of this. i want to try making a full tarot deck again <3
22. what inspires you
oh. SO much. you, for one. HEEHEE. also, just like...everything..... music inspires me a Lot, so when i'm creating art i have to have a specific playlist going on while i draw. this is why i have 800 playlists on Spotify.
i also have a specific list of tumblr artists who have been very influential to my style, and who inspire me to this day:
@thewickwheat, @japhers, @reallyhardydraws, @cyellolemon, @princecanary, and @burdge 💕
(also certain FEH artists inspire the hell out of me. i am looking directly at PenekoR)
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rainbowdonkee · 5 months
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FEH 7TH anniversary illustrations!
The artists did amazing work as always, find the rest of the illustration that couldn't fit here.
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faireth-reed · 2 years
Let's face it, the favourite is Jeralt
Like we rarely get dilfs in FEH (specially a certain FE7 one), and I thought we'd have to wait for a Love Abounds banner. He's for free and might build him, depending on his weapon and stats. Speaking about the winners, tho:
Seliph: we feared him getting the main lord treatment. Would have been much better to be themed after Deirdre, Julia or other characters that have been mentioned. But IS must have seen everyone using L!Sigurd in Arena and gone the easy way. He joins the "honorary GBA lord" group tho xD.
Byleth: the most predictable choice of theme, but others would have been fine too. I think she'll be near Micaiah-Lysithea in terms of usefulness, but there are other mage options that can do that too. I'm okay with that, since variety should be maintained.
Tiki: okay, most of us expected something better than her young outfit. Some reference to either Naga or Marth, but it's clearly not PenekoR's fault. Have you seen which characters they tend to draw? Males that are (almost) villains and strong females. I don't imagine them saying "yeah, I'll make Tiki cute again".
Chrom: my most disliked lord. If you've played Awakening, you know that all the other characters' presence is none-existent in story, except perhaps Lucina and Say-ri. So there was no way he'd reference his sisters. I have a pair of merges on Eirika, so don't care much. With Kozaki's style he looks more like Alfonse but it's not bad, and we know they can draw a wide variety of characters.
So might summon a bit till the first celestial stone. Probably Tiki's the most useful one since there was an enormous amount of buffs. And Seliph might have an interesting gameplay style. Don't have Sigurd so might be a good option. I'll check the other opinions.
Also, poor choices of outfit have nothing to do with the artists who obeyed orders. Why would people be so childish to DM them about characters that have plenty of alts? Also, the drawings themselves are good, better than other brave units. Pull yourselves together, it's easy to skip a banner.
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childofaura · 10 months
Xander for the best artist ask game. So far there’s Maeshima Shigeki, Suekane Kumiko and the rest of it consists of PenekoR sadly.
Ok so, I think PenekoR fumbled both Summer Xander and Festival Xander.
… But I’m actually gonna pick PenekoR’s Legendary Xander:
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It was tough because Suekane’s Easter Xander is good, but the damage pose looks a little weird. Maeshima Shigeki’s Xander is actually pretty cool, but he looks washed out for some reason.
Legendary Xander improved on all of PenekoR’s faults in their previous versions of Xander. Xander’s nose is much more defined, his face has a clear stern look, the posework is nice and strong, and the attention to detail in his armor and cape looks amazing. Really plays into Xander’s regal air.
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sieglinde-freud · 10 months
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years
Thoughts on current cyl 6 designs and ghb? Who'd you free summon/are going for?
*ahem* anyway!
Outside of Chrom I wasn’t super excited for this group, so I summoned him, but I feel like Chrom almost got the short end of the stick because everyone else is wearing clothes based on someone close to them and Chrom is pretty much wearing his standard Great Lord outfit. (Which is probably what happens when you’re at your fourth (?) non-seasonal Alt, I also think Brave Luci and L!Luci are similar and am disappointed by that)
I mean I love him because he is my husband but you know, cowards coulda put him in Emmeryn’s outfit to fit the theme is all I’m saying.
Jeralt as the GHB is absolutely delightful and I just got around to getting him in Three Hopes because I am the worst gamer ever and incredibly fucking slow so happy to see more of him!
Seliph in his dad’s clothes are cool, if I had more of an emotional connection to Geneaology I think that would probably be the one I enjoyed the most
Female Byleth in Sothis Regalia is cool conceptual but something about the artwork itself puts me off. Idk I don’t like the way she’s looking at me. Gives me the creeps
PenekoR my beloved but They coulda put Tiki in Naga’s or Bantu’s outfits instead of literally just her younger self which by design is very similar to her adult outfit. Or maybe something representing Mila since she was sleeping in the Mila tree?
So overall I’m kind of lukewarm on the Brave units this year, which isn’t surprising because other than Chrom I was lukewarm on the winners anyway. I’m sure people who are bigger fans of these characters are much happier
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Lizard Blades (Showcase Ver) by Penekor
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