#Pet animal
randomratty · 4 months
Hamster board!!
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spoonyliger · 5 months
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Pet PMD PFP Ko-fi requested by Yolmar.
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spidermilkshake · 2 years
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Ogres are often unfairly characterized as cruel brutes who capture folk and fatten them up for slaughter. It's perhaps more accurate to say they take part in forms of agriculture that the very humans, elves and dwarves that revile them have boiled down to an impartial process long ago--in many ways, learned from humans, though catered to the ogre society's preference for both an avoidance of mess and of good optics and ethics. Many of the different ogre communities are known to keep various animals in contained pasture for eventual meat slaughter--though getting the full years of the animals first and the various byproducts (largely wools, milks, and sometimes eggs) in the process. Once the various deepmara, dire rats, cattle, boars, giant arthropods or birds are old and hobble about under their ponderous weight and old age, ogre farmers tend to put them down via heavy crossbow or heavy axe in darkrooms, and utilize every part of the well-aged meat in roasts and especially sausage-making. Ogres are full carnivores, and so they have a special kinship with a select few tame cave bears... these beasts also quite like a succulent aged sausage, and so special measures must be taken to ensure their greedy pets do not demolish their winter's stores in a day or two!
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The Orcs have a wide variety of farming traditions to their name--though here is shown the Orcish method of mushroom farming in the deep places of their world. Orcish engineering fixes hooks into the walls of certain areas of lower light, and straight lengths of wood from either nearby Underforests or imported Surface woodlands if there are no neighboring forest zones are laid in them in rows and drilled to introduce fungal threads of edible species. As each log breaks down, new logs are slotted in, producing a deep, moist layer of compost behind the current logs. Aquaducts were built to channel water below the layers and down the rock walls to keep the humidity up enough for optimal mushroom fruiting, but as a side effect the common Deepwhisker catfish among a variety of alga and aquatic invertebrates of the Underground end up infiltrating these cool, shallow channels. Alongside this orc farmer is a loyal tamed timber wolf--as orcs are strong enough and independent enough to provide a wolf with a beneficial partnership.
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Many would not understand the concept of a Pixysh farmer, strictly due to the highly decentralized and anarchic manner in which Pixies operate. Individual Pixie family groups and small communes, however, do very much engage in care and encouragement of various tree and herbaceous plant species within their lands--most especially the fruiting shrubs, which provide sugary berries and fruits which can be more easily preserved for their high energy in winters. Here, a defensive Pixie farmer fights away various large birds and other threats from the family's rowan berry tree, grabbing up as many fruits as can fit in his satchel as possible at a time.
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Quickling society is as far removed from the remainder of Surface cultures as can get--isolated to their canopy cities in the southern Heartlands and the Nechola woodlands. Within these equatorial climes, they are known to engage in a number of farming techniques both high above the forest floor and down amongst the trunks--most notably, mushroom farming, such as the Quickling farmer shown here atop his silver wolf mount checking upon the new growth of Elm Oyster mushroom below the lowest basements of his people. Quicklings in the canopy are more known from taming various small falcons, parrotlets, and songbirds, as well as cultivating light-greedy crops such as tomatoes and sour-gherkins.
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daily--cats · 2 months
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cute-catts · 22 days
this is amazing 🐈 ♥️♥️
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only-cat-memes · 3 months
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catasters · 5 months
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landsccape · 10 months
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ur-daily-inspiration · 4 months
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Happy Pride Month
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catchymemes · 26 days
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octoberloved · 1 year
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I put a net over my garden to keep her out and she somehow managed to still get in 😂 Caught looking like she robbed a bank
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spidermilkshake · 2 years
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The Ratling is difficult to narrow down, but the Surface settlements of the southern Heartland are known to be high in ratling population, and the farmers of that race do their best to conform with the Empire's tax adjustments. The ratlings of this are in particular copy and enhance the practices of their often richer human neighbors--keeping vegetable and dog breeds with much more admirable traits. It remains a necessity to outperform as a ratling in the Heartland Empire, even long after the days that Empire Humans of noble class and visiting High Elves could claim you as property...
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Trolls, both the Surface Parrgeg and the Underground Murruk tribal groups, are accomplished farmers. Here, the Parrgeg is strongly represented in the way they keep their vegetable plots and mountain ibex herds, with a small focus on the beehives which are far more emphasized with their sister tribe. Even so, troll farmers of each sort are not unable to trade secrets, and Trollish communications have remained simple and without political interference for several Ages of this world.
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A neaula farmer saddles up their tamed Antediluvian Drake and rides out--intent to herd the smaller, more common Riding Drakes to new foraging lands and to guard them from attack atop the fearsome mount. Wood Elves have long had a positive working relationship with the many species of Drakes that populate the southern hemisphere of Ancardia, and keep various species domesticated for anything from feathers, scaly leathers, eggs and companionship. The Antediluvian Drake is notoriously difficult and independent, not to mention large and dangerous, so any neaula rider able to command such a creature commands a lot of respect, and wealth.
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I've been waiting and working upon this series of the homebrew setting's Farmer series, and since the basic set ends at the standard "Wood Elven' piece, but is short one piece, I thought I would add a subcultural farmer-associated piece using one of the Ancardian cultures yet used, and displaying the usual status of the poor, afflicted Vampires among the folk of this world.
As it sits, with most Ancardian societies, those who are sickened with the disease of Vampirism are at a terrible, hopeless fate of being slaughtered by the Heartland Empire, the Ayn Monarchy, or other affiliated--or similarly-idealed--folk!
Amongst those humans outside the range of the Heartland empire, as well as a number of cultures of the Underground who don't care to aggress the sickly and instead assist the diseased and disabled in their population, the Vampires find they are able to make their workings. Here we see a H'Zaari human vampire, working diligently on his attempt to treat those both like himself and those cursed with illnesses similar to his own! With a careful cultivation of his own medicinal leeches, he has found the ability to more easily acquire his own treatment and to study the means to release a simply and humane treatment for all Vampires among the people everywhere, though it is something that old interests, mindbogglingly, resist with bloodshed and force.
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daily--cats · 3 months
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cute-catts · 7 months
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