#Peter Parker x Black Cat
japepperony · 4 months
Y’all don’t understand how important it is to me that the next spider-man trilogy is based in college. I need that actually. I need the Gwen Stacy and Harry Osborn arc. I need that. I need him to go to esu. I need him to be alone, tk not rely on MJ, Ned, May, and Tony. I need that fling with Black Cat. I NEED THIS GUYS I NEED IT!!!
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blooming-violets · 2 years
Bingo Prompt: You pick the trope. I pick mirror sex! Please and thank you.
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Mirror, Mirror (Mirror Sex)
[tasm!peter x black cat/felicia hardy]
TWs: 18+ smut, finger fucking, mirror fucking, and face fucking, all the fun stuff, not the healthiest of relationships
A/N: If I put out one bingo prompt every two months then I will finish in...over two years...sounds reasonable! 
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Felicia silently dropped in through her bedroom window and closed it behind her. The bag of stolen jewels was tossed carelessly onto the bed, the pieces rolling out over the blanket. Yellow street lights poured in through the window to illuminate the diamonds and create a soft, pleasing sparkle across the mattress. A bed full of diamonds used to sound appealing to her. Now, it didn’t hold much value. The jewels weren’t something she cared about. It was the act of stealing them that drew her in. Once they were in her possession, she couldn’t care less what happened to them. 
Her leather stiletto boots made a satisfying sound to her ears as she crossed over the hardwood floor towards her full length mirror. She had challenged herself to complete the mission in heels tonight. It gave her an added boost of confidence knowing she was just as agile in them as her combat boots. They made her leather clad ass look extra impressive and she was aiming to impress tonight. Her end goal was never the jewels. Felicia was specifically looking to catch the watchful eye of her favorite little Spider. She knew he had followed her back home. She could sense him in the shadows and felt him following her every move. He had stayed quiet tonight, lacking his usual fast witted quips. That meant he had alternative motives. He didn’t want to catch her in the act. He wanted to surprise her when he thought her guard would be down. He wanted more from her than a sarcastic exchange of words.
She knew what he wanted, she craved it too, and she led him straight to her hideout to get it.  
Felicia tossed her mask off and pretended to fix her hair, running her fingers through the dyed, snow white locks. Her eyes stayed trained on the window, waiting for him to arrive. She hid her smile when she saw the familiar red gloved hand silently lift the pane up. She’d play dumb for him this once. She’d let him think he was sneaky as long as she got what she wanted from him in the end. Peter crawled through the opening and up her wall onto the ceiling. She hummed softly to herself, fanning through her hair, and patiently waiting for him to make his presence known. 
Finally, he unstuck from the ceiling to land with a nearly silent thud directly behind her. She feigned a gasp of surprise for his sake. He straightened up to make himself seem taller and squared his shoulders. She couldn’t see his expression behind the mask but she assumed he’d be smug, thinking he surprised her with an ambush. She liked him best when he was cocky. His brash confidence amused her. 
“Someone’s been a bad kitty. I thought you were over petty thieving?” He growled in her ear. He always deepened his voice when he wanted to be more menacing than he really was. She knew his every tick. He didn’t scare her. She’d seen him at his most vulnerable. She’d seen him whimpering and begging her to let him cum, completely undone, and drooling over her. It was impossible to be intimidating with that image stuck in mind. 
Felicia replied with a curt laugh, “I wouldn’t call robbing a highly secured bank and emptying out a vault petty thieving. You’re undermining my skills. Are you trying to neg me, Spidey? Do you think it’ll make me want you more if you undervalue me?” 
She refused to turn around to give him the attention he was craving. Instead, she gazed at her own reflection in the mirror. His masked face bore into her but she ignored it. He liked it when she didn’t give him the time of day. It gave him something to chase. And if there was anything she learned about Spider-Man, it was that he loved a good chase. 
“What would I need to neg you for? I already have you.” The presumptuous tone of his voice shone through with every word. 
She rolled her eyes in mock annoyance, “You’re an idiot. You wish you could have me. I’m out of your league, web slinger.” 
They often wrestled for who would claim dominance. There was no natural pecking order between them. They seized whatever the moment allowed them, desperate and needy for whatever they could get. Tonight, she was hoping he would take charge. She wanted to give up control. She wanted him to do the heavy lifting but she’d never outright admit it. 
“Someone needs to be punished for robbing banks. I caught you red handed. I’ve been following you all night.” He made it sound like that information should be a shock to her. 
Felicia chuckled, sarcasm dripping from her lips, “I would have never guessed. You’re not as sneaky as you think. The red and blue don’t make for good camouflage. Next time, if you want to blend into the shadows, try taking a page out of my book, and go for the black. I think skin tight leather would look nice on you. It’d highlight your ass.” 
Peter turned sideways, admiring himself in the mirror, and sticking out his behind, “You think so? The spandex already doesn’t leave much to the imagination.” 
“Leather gives a nice shine. Draws the eye in.” She subtly arched her back, puffing out her chest to draw his eyes to her partially exposed cleavage, clad in black leather. 
She watched his body language change, his breath catching in his throat, and his shoulders subtly tensing. He turned to push himself closer behind her. She smiled as she felt his hips press into her backside. 
“You need to stop the thieving, Cat. I thought we had a deal?” His voice was gruff. She knew that meant he was turned on and was trying to fight his feelings. “The Black Cat was going to side with me from now on. You were on my side, remember? Good guys don’t rob banks.” 
“My morals have always been shady, Spidey. You know this,” Felicia pouted out her bottom lip at his reflection. “Maybe I need some more convincing? How was it you persuaded me last time to join you? If I recall correctly, it involved a pair of handcuffs and a hitachi wand. Human beings are very susceptible when they’re on the brink of an orgasm. You might want to try that tatic again.” 
The exhale he replied with was his sign that he was fully on board where she was taking this meeting. He wanted her as much as she needed him. Peter reached his hand up to pull off his mask. 
“Wait!” Felicia caught his hand before he could expose anything more than his lips. “Leave the mask on. I like you better that way.” 
She couldn’t see his eyes but she knew him well enough to know he was rolling them. His hand fell from the mask and back to his side as his shoulders deflated. The corners of his mouth turned to a frown.
“Hurts my ego every time you say that,” he huffed. “I have a perfectly decent face. You know you’re really mean, right?” 
She laughed, “Good. You need to be knocked down a few pegs.” Her voice lowered into a purr to draw him back in. “And if I remember correctly, you like it when I’m mean.” She backed her ass up against his hips and wiggled over his crotch, feeling him twitch to life. “See? Someone enjoys my torment.” 
Peter smirked. She liked watching the way his lips moved when he smiled. It was the only part of his face she allowed him to show. She didn’t want to know who was under the mask. She wanted Spider-Man, not the man behind him. It was easier to distance herself that way. 
Felicia lifted her hand to grip onto the silver zipper dangling between her breasts. She slowly rolled it down her top, letting her bra push through, and expose her tight stomach. She watched Peter carefully through the mirror, tempting him with her seductive gaze. 
It didn’t take long for him to cave. It never did. 
His gloved hands raised to her shoulders to peel the leather top from her body. He discarded the garment to the floor with little care. He trailed his fingers over her black bra, tracing along the straps, until he reached the back. The bra popped off her chest and was tossed aside after her top. Peter gave an approving hum at the sight of her heavy breasts. His face nuzzled into the top of her hair as his arms ensnared around her waist. 
“You’re a very bad kitty,” he whispered, leaning down to kiss her bare shoulder. 
The low grumble of his words mixed with the warmth of his body rubbing behind her caused a flame to ignite in her stomach. Felicia closed her eyes, tilting her head back to rest against her Spider and gave a lazy smile, “Are you going to do something about that then?” 
She could see herself on full display in the mirror. Her bare breasts with hard capped nipples hanging heavy against her chest. The indented curve of her sides, muscles rippling under her tight skin, to give way to her full hips. The way the leather pants hugged her legs, highlighting their long length, and the toned muscles of her calves. Her heeled boots blended in perfectly with the pant leg to make it seem like one piece. She liked the way he took the time to admire her body as he slowly uncovered new skin. She looked good and she knew it. If she was Spider-Man, she wouldn’t be able to resist herself either. 
He urged her closer to the mirror to get a good look at her and started rubbing his hands over her sides. She always loved the way the ribbed material of his suit felt against her skin. She was almost certain he designed it that way so he could finger people without having to take off his gloves and make it feel extra nice for his partners. He seemed like the kind of sick bastard who would think about that. She wasn’t complaining. She loved cumming over his thick, gloved fingers and knowing he’d keep the lingering smell of her on them for as long as he could. She’d caught him sniffing his glove a few times in the past after one their rendezvous. 
“I’ve been waiting all night for you to finish your heist. It took you twenty minutes longer than usual to rob that bank. I think you’re losing your touch,” he murmured. 
Felicia smirked back at him, “It’s because of the heels. Brand new. I was breaking them in. What do you think of them? You like?” 
“I’ve been watching your ass saunter around in them all night. Looked great but you lacked your usual swiftness. Can’t complain though. It gave me enough time to rub one out while you fumbled around with the stupid safe.” He cupped the weight of her breasts in each hand while he spoke. 
“You were looking at my ass and jerking off? What would the public think about that, Spider-Man? The Bugle would have a field day when they found out. I am very disappointed in you. Good guys don’t creep on women without their knowledge.” This was another reason why she loved when he kept the mask on. It unleashed a darker side of him that he’d never reveal with it off. The mask gave him safety. A physical barrier between Peter Parker and Spider-Man. “Are you sure I’m the one who needs punishment? It sounds like you’ve been a very bad Spider.” 
Peter growled in response, his lips curling into a smile. They were already fighting for dominance and he wasn’t going to let her win this time. He spun her around and tossed her over his shoulder. Felicia gasped, the breath being knocked from her lungs, as she felt him rip her boots from her feet. He quickly followed by peeling her skin tight pants off her legs, leaving her completely naked, and stranded over his shoulder. Any other person would have struggled to get those pants off that quickly but, with his enhanced strength, they were no match for him. Peter could throw her around with ease like she weighed nothing. He loved being able to show off his strength as if it was supposed to impress her. 
A gloved hand caressed her bare ass cheek before giving it a hard smack, “No panties tonight? Naughty girl.” He dropped her back to her feet and spun her around be face to face with her reflection. She let out a quiet whine of pleasure at being forcibly man handled. Without her heels, he seemed much taller, looming behind her, than before. She wanted to feel small tonight and he was giving her exactly what she needed. 
Peter dropped his hand to slide between her thighs. The movements were slow and meticulous, urging his way higher up to find his prize. Felicia gave a squeak of approval when she felt him part her lips and trace along her slit. 
He rested his chin on the top of her head and grinned at her in the mirror, “You’re already soaking through my glove and I haven’t even stuck a finger in yet. Someone’s desperate.” 
It was true. Right now, Peter was the only person she was currently having sex with. He was the only one she felt safe enough with to let her guard down. He might be a masked vigilante but he had a reputation of being the good guy. A hero. He’d proven himself to be a good sexual partner over the last few months. He was exciting. He could read her better than most people and knew when to pull back from going too far. As long as he kept his mask on, she was happy to let him play with her. It had been over two weeks since she last saw him. That’s why the jewel heist was necessary. The Black Cat was in desperate need of attention that only he could provide. 
Light whimpers tumbled from her lips as her slick folds were expertly stroked. Every time he reached her clit, he’d twirl the tip of a finger around it, teasing her without giving her the satisfaction she was craving. Her breath was already coming in heavy pants. Her hips would roll with his fingers, trying to keep him closer to her swollen clit, but constantly being purposefully evaded to keep her begging for more. She knew she was leaking all over his palm. She could feel the wetness of his glove against her sensitive skin. There was something about being toyed with by Spider-Man, New York’s goody two shoes, that made her drip with excitement.
Finally, Peter eased in his thick, middle finger. The ribbed material of his glove gave her that added bit of pleasure. Before she even had time to open her mouth to let out a moan or adjust to the invasion, he was adding in a second. 
“Yes,” she gasped. 
This was exactly what she needed, her body was screaming out for a release. The tips of his fingers grazed perfectly over that delicious spot inside of her which made her knees tremble. Peter created a steady rhythm, pumping in and out of her, putting a portion of his strength into each thrust of his arm. The noises her pussy was making were positively filthy. He hooked and twisted his fingers to delve in deeper and reach every angle he could manage while her ears were filled with her own moans and the squelching, wetness of her cunt. 
“Look at you,” he whispered in her ear. His free hand grabbed a fistful of her hair and shoved her face towards the mirror. “So needy for my touch. Soaking wet. Zero resistance. All it takes is two fingers for you to lose yourself. A proper whore.” He gave her a dark laugh. “Are you like that with everyone you fuck or just me?” 
Felicia shook her head, gasping for air as he assaulted her throbbing pussy, “Just you, Spidey. Only you. Only you can make me feel like this.” He had no idea he was the only one she allowed to touch her these days. The less he knew, the better. 
He smirked, pleased with her answer, “Are you going to be a good kitty for me from now on? Are you going to behave yourself?” 
She whined, “Yes. Yes. I’ll be so good. Please.” She’d say anything if it meant he kept touching her. She grabbed for his other hand and held it between her thighs. “Please. Rub me too. I need more.” 
Peter tisked his tongue at her and pulled the hand out of her grasp, “I don’t think you deserve it. If you want someone to rub your clit, you better do it yourself. Go on. Do it. Touch yourself. That’s an order.” 
Her heart was racing as she slipped her own hand between her legs. She spread her thighs a little further apart and leaned her back against Peter’s chest. Everything was hot and sopping wet down there. She could feel the slickness coating her thighs and dribbling onto his hand, never ceasing from thrusting into her. The tips of her fingers found her throbbing clit and she locked eyes with the masked one as she began pleasuring herself along with him. His mouth parted while he watched intently and he quickly licked his drying lips. He was enjoying his view in the mirror. 
Felicia’s breasts heaved with each heavy, panting breath. She could feel the slight creeping embarrassment heat up her face as she saw how aroused she looked in her reflection. Her face was ignited with a drooling pleasure. He had that effect on her. Whether she was taking control of him or he was of her, she was always left dissolved into a puddle of shaking orgasms by the end. She really was a proper whore when it came to Spider-Man. 
Peter made a low noise of approval, “Fuck, Cat. Your walls clamp down so tight whenever your clit gets played with. I love the way you squeeze onto my fingers. So tight.” 
She closed her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip to stop the obscene moans rumbling out of her. “Shut up,” she managed to spit out. “You’re no better. I’ve seen you turn into a whining, begging mess in my hands.” 
He chuckled, “It was a compliment, dumbass.” His voice lowered into a satisfied purr. “I think it’s hot. Do I make you feel good?” 
She grumbled in response, not wanting to give in to him too easily. 
He brushed aside her snow white locks and licked up the ridge of her ear, “Come on, Cat. You know you want to answer. Tell me. Do I make you feel good?”
Felicia couldn’t help the moan that fell from her lips as he slowly eased in a third finger. She watched his lips tug into an arrogant smile. 
“There we go,” he whispered. “See? It’s not that hard. Look at how well your body reacts to me. It’s like a drug every time I see it. I can’t stay away. Tell me how it good it feels to be finger fucked by Spider-Man. Tell me how much you love it and I’ll give you what you really want.” 
She squeezed her eyes closed. She didn’t have to look at herself while she answered, “It feels so good. I love the feeling of your fingers stretching me. I want you inside me all the time. I dream about it every night. Why do you think I robbed a bank tonight? I wanted you to catch me. You’ve been ignoring me for two weeks. I took matters into my own hands.” 
Peter slowed, pulled his soaked digits from her clenching channel, and ran them over her breasts, tweaking her nipples. She felt empty without him filling her. 
“You could have just called,” he chastised her. “I have a phone, ya know.” 
Felicia flashed him a smile, “But this is more fun.” 
“Maybe I wanted to see how long it’d take for you to miss me?” 
He gripped her hips and turned her around to face him. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled him in for a kiss. She adored the feeling of his warm tongue fighting its way past her lips. He grinded his stiff bulge against her pelvis, attempting to get any kind of friction on it that he could. She humored him by palming him through his suit while he heated up the passionate kiss, moaning into her mouth and giving her a quiet whimper. Eventually he pulled himself out of her intoxicating grasp to spin her back around. She heard him fumbling with the pants of his suit and knew he was unleashing his beautiful cock. 
Peter pushed himself up behind her and clasped onto her chin, guiding her attention back up to the mirror, “I want you to look at yourself while I fuck you. I want you to see what I see every time I plunge my cock into you.” 
Felicia gasped when she felt the warmth of his thick head press against her folds. She did what he asked and kept her eyes focused on her own reflection. Tantalizingly slow, Peter carefully breached past her puffy lips. He pushed deeper and deeper until she was forced to bite her own finger to suppress a moan. Her eyes had widened with a desperate need and she watched the heated pleasure spread across her expression. For only a brief moment, she wished she could see the look on his face too. 
She didn’t have much time to contemplate it before he was pulling back and thrusting into her. His thick appendage stretched her wide and hit deep into her with each thrust. Peter bent her over, holding her up by a fistful of hair, so she was face to face with herself in the mirror. Like he asked, she stared straight into her own dark eyes. She looked completely debauched. Sweat glistened on her forehead, her eyeliner was slightly smudged from its usually crisp cat eye, wispy strands of her straightened hair stuck to cheek and were starting to frizz up from the sweat. Her eyes were dazed and stared back at her with a lewd, helpless expression. Her open, drooling mouth gave out a constant stream of loud, shameless moans and her hot breath fogged up the glass. 
“Like what you see?” He growled behind her, smirking at her reflection. “Because I know I do.” 
Felicia glanced up at his lopsided mask. His tongue was hanging out from between his lips in concentration as he focused on pumping into her with a steady rhythm. His grip on her hair was the only thing keeping her from falling face first into the mirror. She couldn’t answer him if she wanted to. Her body was too preoccupied on the endless waves of pleasure coursing through her. His cock always felt so nice. She had missed it. She had missed him. 
Peter yanked her back up against his chest, her back forced to arch so he could keep up his thrusts, and he steadied her by encompassing her breasts with his hands instead. One of his gloves was still soaked with her juices. It felt cold against her skin as he toyed with her nipple. 
“Best set of tits I’ve ever met,” he sighed happily. 
Felicia purred with enjoyment as he gripped at her soft flesh, pinching and teasing her taut nipples between his fingers. She could feel his heart pounding against her back. He was loving this as much as she was. He kept a hand massaging her beautiful breasts while the other slayed out over her stomach. He felt the hardness of her muscles and circled down the heat radiating from between her thighs. They both knew the second he found her clit, she’d be pushed over the edge. 
She stared into the large whites of his exaggerated eyes and silently urged him onward. Peter’s fingers found her swollen bud and he proceeded to tenderly stoke it. 
“That’s it,” he whispered. “Squeeze me tighter. So fucking tight. Good kitty. Feel that orgasm start to rise in your stomach. Look at how your nipples are getting harder. Watch the muscles tighten in your stomach. I want you to cum for me, Cat. Be a good girl and cum for your Spider. Let yourself go. Give in.” 
With a high pitched whine followed by a guttural moan, Felicia’s entire body shook with rapid, jerking movements. Peter pumped into her with faster and shorter thrusts, quickly rolling his hand in tight circles over her clit, letting her get every ounce of pleasure that she could. Her soaking channel tightened around him, squeezing onto his cock, riding him like her life depended on it. 
He gripped onto her chin to force her eyes back to the mirror, “Watch yourself. Look at you. Look at how beautiful you are as you cum.” 
Her eyes met with her own, her vision blurring slightly from the happy tears that always welled up whenever she came. The tight coil building inside of her snapped. It radiated warmth through her entire body. A low, lewd moan fell from her parted lips. She watched the euphoric expression overtake her face, her eyes rolling back into her skull, unable to keep them focused on herself any longer. The tears fell from her eyes and rolled down her heated cheeks. 
When her clenched walls finally released Peter, he slid out from inside of her. She could hear him panting behind her. He had one arm slung around her waist to keep her upright. He had yet to find his own release, not wanting to empty inside of her. As much as she wanted to collapse onto the ground and curl up, she steadied her trembling legs. She forced herself out of his tight grasp and to her knees, turning around and silently taking him into her mouth. He didn’t have to ask. He never needed to. He had been so good to her. She’d take care of her Spider in return. 
Felicia wrapped her hand around his rock hard cock and placed the tip into her mouth. The moment she started to apply the slightest of suction with her lips, he went weak at the knees. She slowly lowered her head while she sucked, impaling her mouth on his shaft, and relaxing her throat so he could slide down easier. With the tight seal of her lips, she used her tongue to its full effect, teasing his head, tasting herself drenched over him, and moaning in delight as he rolled over her tongue. She relished in the pathetic whimpers falling from his lips. Spider-Man was a sucker for a good blow job. If any villain ever wanted to get the upper hand, all they’d need to do was wrap their lips around his cock and he’d be putty in their hands. He could pretend to be the dominant one all he wanted. Black Cat knew the truth. His needy sounds filled her with a certain pride knowing that she was the one to force them out of him. His cock felt nice in her mouth like it was always destined to be thrusting down her throat. 
She looked up at him through her lashes. The mask had slipped up his nose and she could see his eyes peering down at her from under it. They were cast in shadow but, for a moment, they locked their gaze. He stared down at her, watching her expressions carefully, while she sucked him off. Her heart lurched at the sight. It was very rare she ever caught a real glimpse of his eyes. Felicia tore away her gaze. It was too much to handle. She wasn’t used to the man behind the mask staring back at her. Her grip around his cock loosened as her mouth went slack. 
He responded to their shared, intimate moment, knowing how much she claimed to hate seeing him without his mask, by grabbing the back of her head and thrusting himself down her throat. She gagged at the sudden invasion but quickly recovered. It was his indirect way of forcing her to focus back at the task she had given herself. She straightened herself up and gripped onto his hips, working her lips to reach the base of his dick. Tears welled in her eyes. There was gurgled moaning and choking gags but she managed to take him entirely into her. She held him there for a second before pulling back with a gasp of sputtering air. A thick line of drool connected her bottom lip to the head of his cock. She gazed back up at him, a single tear streaming down her face, seeking his approval. 
Peter gripped onto the back of her hair and pushed her face back towards him, “I didn’t say stop.” 
She allowed him to face fuck her, his cock pumping in and out of her mouth at a furious pace. He was pissed off that she never wanted to see him without the mask. It made him feel small and unworthy. Spider-Man had a desperate need to feel wanted and loved. Felicia was great at giving him the opposite of that. It only made him chase her even more. He poured his frustration for her into the blow job, practically growling as he used her throat like a pussy. His aggression delighted her. It made her feel alive. It proved that he cared about her and what she thought of him. He wanted her to love him back. She loved knowing that she still had power over him. The cards were in her hand. She didn’t want to be the weak one. He was wrapped around her finger. No matter how dominant he tried to be, she would always hold the power. Peter gave a final grunt, lodging his cock into her mouth, and unleashing his seed down her throat.
“Fuck,” he grunted. “That’s good.” 
His shoulders sagged and he stumbled backwards away from her, tugging the mask back over his face to hide any shame he may have.  
Felicia swallowed every drop he gave her and wiped the thick strands of drool from her chin. She watched him carefully while he tucked his softening member back into his tight pants. She didn’t need to see his face to know he felt guilty for fucking her like that. He always felt guilty whenever he lost himself in the moment and let his emotions take control. He didn’t want to be seen as the aggressor but that was why she wanted him. Her throat would be sore tomorrow morning. She refused to tell him that she allowed him to do it. If she didn’t want him to face fuck her, she would have never gotten on her knees in the first place. She knew what she was doing. 
She wasn’t usually the kind of person to offer comfort to ease anyone’s tortured conscience. 
Instead, she cut his growing tension by gracefully getting back onto her feet and handing him an olive branch in the form of a sly smile, “I suppose your deal still stands, web-head. Black Cat will be back on your side and refraining from any petty thievery for the near future. For now. As long as you promise to come visit me from time to time. A girl has needs, ya know. Don’t leave me wanting you for too long. Otherwise I might get feisty.” 
She watched the relief wash over him as his posture loosened. He overthought everything he did when he had no need to.
Spider-Man held up two fingers, shooting her a peace sign, and hopped up onto her window sill, “Maybe I like it when you get feisty? See ya later, Cat. Try not to dream of me! I know it’s hard. I’m irresistible.” 
With those final, snarky words, he jumped out the window, leaving her standing naked and alone, like always. 
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lmaverick123 · 11 months
Top 10 Ships in Fiction
For those who didn’t know, shipping is a term associated with various fandoms, where they take characters from their fandoms and pair them up romantically.  This is something that can lead to some of the hottest debates, and I’m basically sticking my neck out here to get caught right in the middle of that.  But you know what, I’m okay with that, because man, there are some characters who seem…
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thealtoduck · 2 months
Greedy (Pt 2): The Morning After
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Peter Parker x Male Black Cat!Reader
Warnings: Smut, bottom!Reader, top!Peter, friends with benefits, anal sex, semi-public sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, cum-in-ass, mention of breeding, sex on balcony, one of your neighbours watches from his kitchen and jerks off to it (with your and Peter’s consent, of course)…
Male Black Cat!Reader: Masterlist
Summary: It’s the morning after you fucked Peter senseless and you see another oppurtunity have fun on the balcony but end up being seen by your neighbour, Mr Smith…
When Peter woke up the next morning still in your parent’s bed, he noticed you weren’t in his arms, you weren’t even in bed and up looking around until he spotted you. The doors to the balcony stood open and there you were completely butt naked in the early morning sun.
Peter was lucky he healed fast from his powers after how rough you’d been with him last night. He stood up from the bed and walked towards you. You were leaning against the balcony railing, breathing in some fresh air as you heard Peter speak up.
”Y/n, you’re naked, come back inside someone might see you” Peter said. ”It’s six on a Sunday morning, Peter” you stated simply. Turning back to see Peter’s also naked body waiting inside. ”Join me?” you suggested lightly. Peter thought for a moment before he shyly stepped out on the balcony next to you.
It was weird feeling a slight breeze against his manhood as it hung out in the open, for everybody looking at the balcony to see. Though there weren’t any people to actually see, the early weekend morning left the suburbs silent as the dead of night. Not even the birds were awake to chirp.
”Bit disappointed you can walk today” you said, ”Maybe I should’ve been rougher with you”. ”No you were good, I just… heal quickly” Peter said hoping you wouldn’t take the hint that he actually does ”heal quickly”. You didn’t pick up on the hidden message and continued looking out over the other houses and yards.
Peter glanced at you, your naked form mixed with your complete nonchalance of the idea of people seeing it stirred up something in him. ”Tell me if you want me to stop” Peter said standing himself beside you before groping your right ass cheek in his hand.
You let out a small gasp at Peter’s action but didn’t say anything and let him continue, Peter stood himself behind you and squeezed the globes of your ass playfully. ”How does it feel?” he whispered in to your ear.
”Nice, continue” you let out softly. Peter placed kisses on the crook of your neck and worked his hands over your body. You felt your manhood harden at Peter’s touch and the feeling of his cock grazing against your ass.
Peter felt daring. He trailed a hand down your back to your butt, he felt his way down to your tight hole, running a teasing finger against it making you let out a needy little sound. Peter regonised that sound from you, it meant you wanted to be taken then and there.
”Out here… on the balcony, really?” Peter asked amused.
You shrugged with a small smirk on your lips. ”A guy wants what he wants” you said, bending over the balcony railing slightly, pushing your ass out to Peter, showing you were ready for whatever he wanted to do to you.
”Wait here a sec” Peter said, going back inside, he went to the bedside table and got the bottle of lube from last night. When he walked back to the balcony, you were just as he left you, obidiently waiting for his return.
Peter spread lube on some his fingers and asked politely ”Can I start?”. You turned your head slightly, a genuine smile on your face. ”Go ahead” you said invitingly, widening your stance slightly.
Peter started teasing a finger over you hole, before slowly pushing a finger into your enterance. Despite you being rather ”experienced” with other men you always felt just as tight everytime to Peter.
He added another finger inside you, as you let out quiet moans into the open air, looking out over the neighbourhood. Once Peter added a third finger, he could tell you were getting needy for his cock. You were hard as rock when Peter stroked your dick.
You were really getting a kick out of being outside for everyone to see (if they were actually awake). ”Peter, I’m ready-fuck, please just take me” you said as Peter placed kisses on your shoulder. He wasn’t used to you sounding like this, but he liked it.
Hearing the most popular, most wanted, most sexy guy at Midtown as good as beg for his cock made him feel good. Peter felt like he imagined jocks in 80s movies felt. He lubed his cock and lined himself up with your enterance and decided to tease you a bit, poking your hole slightly with his tip.
”You want it?” Peter teased slightly, kneading your ass proudly in his hand. ”You know I do” you said readily. Peter smiled and slowly started pushing his thick cock past your enterance, slowly insterting himself in you.
”Fuck” you swore at you ass slowly opened to accomadate Peter’s size, it was like he got bigger for everytime you bottomed for him. Peter bit his lip cockily as he watched his shaft disappear into your tight hole.
The way you gripped the railing hard while bent forward like that was almost to make Peter cum on the spot but he knew he needed to give you a nice long fuck.
Once Peter was fully stuffed inside you, you breathed heavily while getting used to his size. ”Fuck, yeah” you swore quietly to yourself, Peter put his hands on your hips readying himself for when you wanted him to start moving again.
After a while, you had been spread out to accomadate Peter’s swollen cock. You uttered a quiet ”Ready”, Peter slowly started pulling out of you before once again pushing in, setting a slow pace for the two of you to begin with.
You moaned quietly as Peter continued to place loving kisses along your neck and back. The scent of you along with the warm gripping feeling of your hole around his cock, was almost enough to drive him mad.
”Oh yeah” Peter uttered, eyes closed in bliss as he slowly pushed into you once more. He was dragged out of his fantasy by the sound of your voice uttering ”Pervert” in a annoyed tone. ”What?” he said, opening his eyes, confused thinking he’d misheard you.
”We have an audience” you stated, nodding in the direction of the house left to the one across from the balcony. Peter immediately paused his movements into you and looked in that direction and saw through a window on the bottom floor.
There handsome man in his mid-to-late twenties, standing in his underwear with a coffee cup in hand looking out through his kitchen window, he had obviously just woken up, and had a rather dazed and confused expression as he had just caught the two of you and ”activities” out on the balcony.
”Oh shit!” Peter swore swiftly pulling out of you, covering his crotch with his hand and running back inside to the bedroom. He had expected you to come with him but you remained out on the balcony, gaze fixated upon the man in the window.
”Y/n, come back inside! He saw us!” Peter panicked. But you remained on the balcony as unbothered as ever. The attractive man was still meeting your eyes. You knew him as Mr Smith, you couldn’t remember his first name, he hadn’t moved in too long ago, living in the house for maybe a month or two.
You noticed Mr Smith’s briefs had grown tighter in the croth area revealing his morning wood. His confusion turned into a seductive smile and he brought a hand down to his crotch and palmed his dick through his tiny briefs. He had been enjoying what he saw.
You bit your lower lip looking at the man, scanning his bidy, you didn’t know he was THAT well trained and you hadn’t noticed how good looking he really was until now. Maybe it’d be fun giving him a little show for him to ”enjoy” himself.
You moved a hand down to your dick and started stroking yourself, to the enjoyment of you neighbour who continued playing with his clothed cock. You turned back to Peter who was looking at you stunned from the bedroom.
”Wanna give him a show?” you offered in your seductive tone almost like a cat’s purr to Peter’s ears. ”What?” Peter questioned confused, what you were suggesting was a new level of adventure for him.
He had lost his virginty to you, all of his sexual experiences had always been with you and you only… this felt completely new and foreign to him… and yet he felt really curious.
Peter slowly stepped back on to the balcony, covering himself with both his hands. He stood himself beside you. ”That’s Mr Smith” you informed him. Peter made eye contact with the attractive Mr Smith who looked intrigued at the two.
Peter removed a single hand from his crotch and gave Mr Smith a shy wave. Mr Smith returned it with a friendly smile. Peter removed his other hand revealing his full naked glory to the stranger who looked impressed at him.
Mr Smith then put away his cup of coffee and slowly pulled down his underwear revealing his own hung cock, to you and Peter. The man could tell by your expressions only that you were impressed with the size of him. He slowly started rubbing his hand over his big cock.
But he was waiting for the two of you to start with the real show for him to watch.
You postioned yourself as you had been, before the interruption. And Peter stood himself behind you and slowly started to re-insert himself into your warmth. Grabbing your hips once more as he started moving slowly in and out of your ass.
He gave a glance to Mr Smith, who had started jerking himself in satisfaction of the show you displayed for him. But Peter wanted to impress him even more than that, he wanted to show the neighbour how good he could fuck you.
Peter gave a sudden thrust forward, his pelvis meeting your ass with a slap of your skin meeting. You released a louder moan and you uttred a ”So big” to which gave Peter a sense of pride. He started speeding up his thrusts in to your hole.
Giving you a sense euphoria as Peter’s cock jabbed at your insides, in a steady but rough pace. You glanced at Mr Smith who was beating his meat to the sight, he was licking his lips as he looked up to the two of you on the balcony.
To Mr Smith it felt as if he was allowed to watch the intercourse between two olympian gods on Mount Olympus, so beautiful and sacred but also inviting, but yet so far and off limits.
You moaned loudly on the balcony as Peter pummled your hole without mercy, as if you were calling out to your neighbour. As if asking him to help you and Peter reach your climaxes.
Peter grabbed your shoulder with one hand and your waist with the other to position you just right for him to plow your as hard as he could. Fucking his cock right into you, his tip jabbing at your prostate wildly.
”Peter!” you called out through heavy breaths and loud moans. ”Yes, babe?” he said confidently, loving your struggling yet heavily pleasured voice. ”Breed me for Mr Smith to see” you said blissfully.
”Yes, sir” Peter obliged delightfully and delivered several feral thrusts into you. You felt your orgasm building up from Peter taking you like this, then you glanced over at your neighbour.
And the combination of Peter’s loving rough thrusts and Mr Smith’s face as he was getting close to cum sent you over the edge. You let out a growling moan as your dick sprayed cum like a hose, some on the railing, some on the balcony floor and some shooting into the backyard below.
Peter hearing your moan was unable to control himself as he planted himself inside you with a powerful last thrust and uttered a satisfied ”Fuck Y/n” as his cock then drenched your insides with floods of his white sticky seed. Which started leaking out of you before he even had the chance to pull out.
As you both came down from your highs, you looked to Mr Smith down in his kitchen, who seemed to have came, his cum had shoot so hard it stained some of the window. He had a satisfied look on his face and gave you both a thumbs up in ”Thank you” and ”Good job”.
You both waved teasingly back at him, and he disappeared out of your sight from the window. Peter finally pulled out of your battered hole, making cum seep out and run down your legs and drip down to the balcony floor.
”Can you help me back inside?” you asked in exhaustion, feeling your legs shaking. ”Of course” Peter said supporting you back inside, you laid down on your front on the bed, the remenants of the mess Peter had made of you still clearly visible, hole gaping wide, splashes of cum on your ass and legs.
Peter took a mental picture of his work, it was an image he would never wanted to let go, all of this and you were still stunning as ever.
”You need help cleaning up” Peter asked, back to his sweet normal self, with a hint of boyish pride in his voice. ”No” you said simply ”I wanna stay this way a bit longer”.
”Besides, you should get cleaned up, weren’t you meant to go helping your Aunt with that bake sale for charity” you reminded him. ”Right” Peter remembered ”Can I borrow your shower and a set of clothes?”
”Go for it” you confirmed as Peter went and cleaned himself up.
When he came back clean and changed, you were laying on your side still butt naked, but drying of Peter’s cum with a towel. ”I need to get going now to make the bus” he said, Peter came and gave you a goodbye hug and kiss on the cheek.
”See you tommorow” you said stroking his cheek playfully. You laid back down on the bed as Peter turned to leave. ”Oh! And Peter?!” you stopped him.
”Yeah?” he asked turning back to you. ”If you see Mr Smith, please tell him he can stop by here whenever he wants” you said in a playfull tone.
”Oh right” he said a bit awkwardly and left the room and made his way out of your house.
You wanted to invite Mr Smith over? Peter thought as a feeling suddenly blossomed up inside him, jealousy. That man couldn’t fuck you and make you cum better than he could.
Then there was another feeling… confusion… weren’t the two of you mutually exclusive. Peter had thought so, but the two of you had never put into words what your relationship actually was.
Couple? Friends with benefits?… Just benefits?
Had you been messing around with other people on the side through out your friendship? He thought to himself.
Peter was left with the same questions through out the day.
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novakiart · 9 months
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gal pals
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they’re all my loves
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Everyday i think about the fact that Felicia Hardy canonically buys herself Spiderman merch
Like imagine you’re working the till at your local luxury department store and a blonde bombshell walks up to you with 30k worth of products and as you ring her up she puts her purse on the counter, and it’s just THIS
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helpwhatsthis · 1 year
okay so ppl are making the spiderman ethan edits but why is no one pointing out that scream has the whole fucking spiderverse??
pt. 1 of this post bc I have more!
bc ethan is peter parker
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and chad is miles
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anika is cindy
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mindy is jess
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kirby is felicia
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I'm gonna make a part two for the pics but someone else pls tell me you see it too??
me when I write a fic abt ethan and chad with a spider-gwen reader??
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bruciemilf · 1 year
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Pspspspspsp, —
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periprose · 1 year
Okay I gotta request something JUST HEAR ME OUT
Black Cat!Reader trying to tell Tasm!Peter she's Black Cat while he tries to tell her that he's Spider-Man at the same time. Queue up Peter being baffled, while reader just doesn't believe him lol
Also I am loving Florence, it's so good and rich, I'm still only on chapter three but I want to kiss your Peter senseless- he's such a sweetheart🫶 Also I love youuu🥰
AHHH bby i love this idea and I love you!! (also thanks for the support on florence)
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Secrets are difficult to reveal.
They're especially terrible when you're telling something so tumultuous to your best friend, something that could either make him judge you severely or run away from you.
How do you confess that you're a thief? An villain turned anti-hero?
Even worse, Peter is someone you really love. Someone you know is too good for you- he would never feel the same way. But that's why you have Spider-Man, right?
You always knew it wasn't always going to be fun and games to be Black Cat. To be the very symbol of bad luck- it's a bad premonition.
You stare in the mirror. Peter will be here any second- he always climbs up the fire escape into your apartment's bedroom, and you told him you had something important to say.
There's a knock at your window, and you turn a little too abruptly.
Peter watches from the outside. He has a tentative smile, but he can see that you're worried, and you make the conscious effort to relax your face.
Peter himself is worried. He's about to confess something very important to someone very near and dear to him- he's Spider-Man, and not just that- he's having a sort-of affair with Black Cat.
He doesn't even know how it happened. First she was stealing wealth from banks, then a few months later she came with him with the notion to be good, and Peter always believes in someone redeeming themselves... but that doesn't mean she had to be so goddamn hot, all black leather and white fur, and Peter's just a horny dude who could not help but kiss back when she made a move on him yesterday.
And it was hot, it was good for him to take out some very human emotions by making out with her, but it wasn't everything. It wasn't you, and now he feels incredibly guilty. So he wants to come clean. Peter wants to let you know the whole truth, and even if that means you'll never like him again- Peter will never act on his unspoken feelings for you- he knows you deserve to know.
"Hey." You let Peter in, and he immediately walks in with an air of anxiety, hands already shaking as he paces around. "You good?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah." Peter shakes his head immediately. "No, not really. We need to talk."
"Oh." You give him a look as you sit on your bed. "You have something to say, too?"
Peter nods, and you think it can't be nearly as bad as what you're going to tell him.
"Okay. Let me go first- I've been hiding something from you." He starts, but you shake your head. "I haven't been around."
"I haven't been around, Peter." You tilt your head at him. "I... I haven't been telling you the truth."
"Just wait. I'm trying to tell you something important." Peter insists, wanting you to know the truth but you keep going.
"I'm a bad person, Peter." You murmur, and Peter stops, interest piqued. "I've been misusing our friendship- you wouldn't want to be friends if you knew my past."
"No. That's not true." Peter sits down next to you on your bed, feeling that he should comfort you before potentially breaking your heart. "I'll always be your friend. Tell me what's going on."
"Don't sound so sure." You grimace at him. "I... I'm Black Cat."
"I know, it's so terrible. I stopped with all the stealing and killing, but... I'm still not sure if my so-called good deeds are enough to forgive me." You lean over your legs. "I don't... I work with Spider-Man every now and then, too."
"But-" Peter tries to interject, and you keep going anyways. He's incredibly baffled- it's not that you don't match the size of Black Cat, it's just that he's sure he would've recognized your mouth under her mask. He's fantasized about your lips long enough.
"He kissed me yesterday." You admit, and for some reason it feels like a slap in the face to say, even if you know that Peter doesn't actually like you like that. "And I've always liked you, Peter, so I just have to get this off my chest, because I feel so terrible. I'm sorry."
Peter is snickering.
"What?" You shove him. "I'm trying to tell you about my actual, serious pain, Peter, and you're just laughing-"
He loves this. He can actually be with you, no questions asked, and you have to be Black Cat- who else would know that Spider-Man kissed you? Peter feels a little bad that you're clearly agonized about it still, and he is laughing, but he can't help it.
"I was trying to tell you the same thing." Peter shrugs, as you hang onto his every word. "Okay, not the same thing. But that I'm Spider-Man."
You raise your eyebrows. "Really?"
"What do you mean, really? What's so shocking?" Peter asks, somewhat affronted, still finding it funny. "Do I not look like I have Spider-Man's build?"
"No, no. It just... feels a little too convenient." You give him a pitiful glance. "Maybe you could prove it?"
"Wow." Peter shakes his head, stifling a small smile. "Why would I lie?"
"No, Peter, it's not that you would lie. It's just... it's too obvious of a happy ending for me, and I-" You wince. "I don't normally have those."
"Oh." Peter knows about your past, your unhappy origin story, and he doesn't want to say anything to negate that truth.
So he simply thwips out a web towards your desk, planting your water bottle against the wall, and you don't look too surprised, although you do inhale.
"So that means- I was working with- and you-" You try to make a coherent sentence. "We... we kissed?"
"Tell me if this feels the same." Peter murmurs, half jokingly, mostly serious, and he pulls your face up in the same way you remember he did yesterday.
Knowing that you were the one in that leather black suit with the white trimming stirs something more inside him- yeah, he loves you and he's so glad to have you here now- but it makes yesterday even hotter in hindsight.
No mask this time. Nothing to get in the way of you dragging your fingers through Peter's hair as he presses his lips against yours, not hesitant at all. His lips are firm, plying against yours, and he inhales in a way that screams that he's wanted to do this for a while- even if he kissed you a few days ago, it wasn't like this- and it has you understanding he doesn't want to be gentle. He wants to finish what he started.
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casualcomicfan · 1 year
Things non-comic fans get wrong about Peter Parker.
Several people who don't read the comics seem to get ideas about characters and how they act. It's fine when you're doing to characters you know about, but for characters you don't know about, not so much.
Please note: This post is not meant to gate keep anyone from comics, MCU or any other Marvel related products.
#1: He is ugly. This one is false for the most part. Look at the women he has dated, Liz Allan, Gwen, MJ, Black Cat, Carol Danvers and others.
#2: He is naive. This one is also false. Peter is optimistic. There is a difference. Peter himself recognizes that the world is a terrible place. However he thinks it can get better. That is the whole point of him not killing his enemies.
#3: He has to suffer to be relatable. No, just no. This one is false. He doesn't have to suffer to be relatable. He is relatable because he deals with relatable problems. He is nerdy, has to make ends meet, etc. That is how he was relatable. Not suffering. And certainly not whatever the f#ck is going on in the current run.
#4: He is hated by other heroes. This one mainly stems from the Superior Spider-Man comic arc, but is still blatantly wrong. He has several friends in the comics, such as: Daredevil, Deadpool (to an extent) Wolverine, Luke Cage, Johnny Storm, Cloak and Dagger, and several others.
#5: He is not respected by the other heroes. This was also caused by Superior Spider-Man. However several people respect him. Mr. Fantastic and Iron Man respect him for his intelligence. Captain America calls him on of the greatest men he's ever known. Thor says (in a complimentary way) that he was the most mortal man he knew. T'Challa let him eat a Heart-Shaped Herb. Hulk was one of the few people who knew Peter's identity after OMD.
#6: He was a teenager for most of his publication history. The first ever Spider-Man comic was published in August 1962 in Amazing Fantasy #15. He he graduated and became an adult on June 8, 1965 in The Amazing Spider-Man Volume 1 #28.
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iheartyvesss · 1 year
green eyes | p. b. parker
peter b parker x black cat!reader
this a drabble guys.
for rico
infidelity, degrading!!, comparison (“can mj do this?”), sub!peter, soft dom!reader, oral (m receiving), riding, peter js got bitched ngl, premature ejaculation, creampie, mentions of anal & rimming, angst if you squint.
wc: 2.1k
my heart lags behind it
but, i don’t love you anymore
i’m so insecure
never knew that love did this.
—erykah badu, green eyes
peter knows it’s wrong to imagine someone who isn’t his wife under him. he can’t help it. the way you prance around and maneuver your body in ways he didn’t know was possible makes him strain against the seat of his suit. the way your lips brush his ear when you’re on a stealth mission, or the way you drag your claws up and down his chest. he knows he’s married. you know he’s married, but you and mj have your own intense problems. enough to take her husband, apparently.
and that, you did.
your claws are digging into his thighs, dark eyes trained on his as you kiss the tip of his dick. your eyes are so pretty to him, so hypnotizing, so needy. the way you deepen your voice to a purr so smooth he can feel it in his chest. he can’t help but feel the urge to give you what you want. he needs you so bad he’s gripping his dick at the thought of you instead of his wife.
“mm, been waiting on this haven't you? been thinkin’ about me when you’re fucking your wife?” you blow out a humored huff. “such a shame. poor peter parker not happy with his perfect little wife.” you watch his reaction with bright eyes. the way his brows furrowed and his cock twitched in your hand. slut. you give him one last teasing lick before you’re dragging your tongue up to his tip and swallowing it down. your tongue flattens before it’s swirling around his dick, providing peter with a sensation that makes him double over.
his hands are tight on your hair, pulling gently and you find this endearing in a way. superhuman strength and he makes sure he’s gentle with you. “god- i- fuck.” peter mumbles, thighs already twitching and he almost looked embarrassed. you take him fully in your mouth while your free hands rub up and down his thighs affectionately. you dig into them slightly when his hips jerk, launching his cock further down your throat. you sputter briefly from his actions but regain your composure. relaxing your throat, you pull off of him and sweetly lap the precum from his tip. you don’t give him a chance to comment as you take him back down your throat, pumping what doesn’t fit this time.
peter’s thighs continue to twitch under your hands, deep groans leaving the man above you. he moans louder when you take him fully and swallow. the way your tight throat sheathes him has him seeing stars, it’s making his chest tight and his vision swim. “wait i-” and he’s cumming down your throat, plentiful and pitiful. peter covers his face with one of his hands, the other is on your cheek as some sort of apology until he can regain his composure.
“i’m sorry, it’s been a while.” he mumbles softly as he strokes your cheeks. his own are a bright red and the strawberry shade creeps up to his ears and down the back of his neck. you attempt to bring yourself back down from the high that was having the man you’ve wanted for years cum down your throat. you pull away from him but still swallow, collecting excess at the side of your lips. you sigh affectionately and pull yourself up to kiss him, your hands almost immediately sliding to his bare ass. “it’s okay, baby.”
peter’s kisses are soft and strong at once. he puts his entire body into his kisses, leaving lingering touches where he’s allowed and deepening it the most he can. with your hands wrapped around his back he’s allowed to pull you closer by your hips. his lips are desperate and sweet against yours and you feel your heart pound more than it already had been. your hands slide from his ass, up his back, and to his neck. you let one of your hands cup his cheek affectionately whilst the other begins to wrap around his throat. “you…” you pause, briefly kissing his lips again. “are so cute, but i need to fuck you, hm? need to make sure that every time you’re inside mary jane, you’re thinking of me. you wish she were me.”
he groans softly, dick twitching against your thigh. he doesn’t let you say much else as he’s kissing you softly before moving towards your bed. you trail after him, peeling your suit off piece by piece while he peels the entire suit off from where it pooled at his feet. god, what you’d do to fuck him in that stupid suit. you need him. as soon as he sits back on the bed you’re on top of him, straddling him with that look in your eye again. the one that landed him this situation in the first place. “what do you want from me pete? tell me baby, i need you to use your words.”
“need you to fuck me, (name). shit- i can’t- need you so bad.” he mumbled, jutting his hips upwards in an attempt to have any sort of friction. you can’t help the laughter that bubbles out of you, “how pathetic. one of earth’s heroes begging to get fucked. how would your spider society feel?” you lift slightly to reach a hand down and stroke him in your palm, rubbing circles around his red tip. peter tips his head back but doesn’t answer, the softest of whimpers and whispers falling from his lips. he doesn’t know what to do with himself. mj doesn’t fuck him like this.
you rubbed his tip against your clit, let out a soft gasp at the friction you’ve desperately needed all evening. you moan before biting down on your lip and finally sinking down on peter’s cock. he groans, deep and guttural before his hips jerk into you. you’re so tight, so wet, better than he’d imagined. better than what he’d been fucking his fist to. “(name)!” he whines, tilting his head back and closing his eyes. “you feel so good, better than i imagined. can’t- shit- can’t compare.” he mumbles, damn near unintelligible. and you think it’s adorable that he’s already pussydrunk. “i’ve barely started fucking you and you’re already a mess, peter. what would you have done if i’d bent you over and fucked your ass, hm? pressed my fingers in like you’re some kind of slut.”
the movements of your hips are fluid. the bounce of your ass against his hips before you settle on grinding your body down against his has peter thanking a god he didn’t know he believed in. he grips your hips for dear life, but it does little to prevent him from thrusting up into you (though there’s nowhere else to go). “shit. you should’ve, i would’ve been so good for you. so good to you. fucking- faster, please!” and even with your knowledge that peter was practically a loser, you knew even this was pathetic. your friendly neighborhood spider begging for some pussy. fucking punk.
“aw,” you purr and lean towards his ear whilst your nails trail down his chest. your thumb remains at his nipple, rubbing it in slow circles. “my peter likes his ass fucked? you really are my kind of slut, baby. my spider.” peter replies in a groan, his hands at your hips twitching out of what could only be desire. you giggle in his ear, licking the shell of it before pressing a soft kiss to it. you pull away, angling your hips to hit that spot inside of you whilst also pleasing peter. you slam your hips down once, taking in peter's reaction. his eyes are glazed over and his teeth biting down harshly on his lip. good. your ass practically smacks against his thighs, filling the previous silence of your room with the loud sounds of skin on skin contact. your lips meet peter’s to prevent a loud moan from resonating out of your throat and out into the open, and it takes everything in you to remind yourself you have neighbors.
peter feels so good. he’s on the longer side rather than the thicker, but the way his tip hits into you makes your legs shake. those specific veins on the side of his dick rub your insides so well, makes you want to fuck him forever if you could. “i wish i could use this dick everyday, baby. wish you’d chosen me, you could’ve always had me. had this without cheating on your wife.” peter thrusts up into you in what you assume is an attempt to distract you from the fact that you are, in fact, his mistress at the moment. even if this is supposed to be one-and-done. “you’re so good to me, (name), maybe you’re right. maybe i should’ve chosen you, but what would have changed?” you shake your head, pressing your lips against his once again.
this isn’t a conversation to have when he’s balls deep in you.
the grinding of your hips and the harsh jutting of peter’s hips has the both of you holding onto each other for dear life. your claws begin to draw blood on his shoulders, and his fingerprints are no doubt leaving bruises on the side of your hips. you whine into his neck, moaning against the skin at a particular thrust into your g-spot. it has your eyes rolling, hips digging further into his as you chase that specific movement. peter picks up on your attempt and holds your hips in place. “that’s it, baby, please. i just want to cum, just wanna fill you up.” you pull back from his neck to wrap your hand around his neck, squeezing gently. he moans and both of your movements become desperate, needy, pleading for a release that is so close and so sweet.
peter watches your expression change with sharp eyes, taking in this image forever since it will be the first and only time this occurs. he wants to remember what your face looks like when you cum on his dick. not miguel’s or fucking webslimger’s. his. “peter i’m gonna cum- oh, fuck!” you practically yell out your orgasm, legs shaking as your pretty pussy flutters around peter’s cock. he’s right there with you, holding you down against him to ensure that his seed goes deep in you. that it’ll take even if he has a hard time explaining it. “you’re so good, baby. so good. filled me up so well, ‘m so proud of you.” you’re mumbling soft praises against his skin, rubbing your hands down his chest and across his nipples. peter jerks into you a few more times to finish out his orgasm, hissing softly when you bite down on his neck and pull at his nipple.
“i love you.” he mumbled softly, looking at you with the softest eyes known to man. you feel your stomach turn, but give him a soft smile in return. you kiss his lips, hoping and praying he can’t taste the uncertainty against your mouth. that he can’t taste the fact that you don’t, in fact, love him anymore. but you’ll always crave him. always want his body against yours and to see his smile, his happiness, his heart.
this must be post-nut clarity. you come to the realization that you don’t love him anymore. and to think this man was the love of your life. he was what you saw when you thought of your future, but..not as of late. he has mj, and she seems to be (or used to) enough for him. maybe she wasn’t. but you didn’t intend on finding out. instead, for the time being you’ll play pretend. press soft kisses to peter’s lips and moan his name in that soft purr you know he likes. for now you’ll be what he first fell in love with. the same you that you wish you still were. for now, you’ll lie.
“i love you too, peter.”
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comic-art-showcase · 1 year
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Sketches by Olivier Coipel
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How think it is Spideytorch
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How really it is
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thealtoduck · 7 months
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Peter Parker x Male Black Cat!Reader
Warnings: Smut, semi-angsty, top!Reader, bottom!Peter, friends with benefits, unprotected sex, rough sex, anal sex, fingering, doggy style, spanking, you cry after sex, calling Peter a whore, slut, etc…
Male Black Cat!Reader: Masterlist
Summary: After a failed robbery you’re pissed of so Peter helps you release some frustration…
You shot your grappling hook and swung yourself to another building closely followed by Spider-Man. He’d been able to keep up with you a lot better than usual, having learned to avoid your regular tricks and traps.
”You’ve gotten better at this!” you called out to the superhero chasing you. You jumped the gap to another building. Suddenly a web caught your arm pulling it back making you lose balance and fall hitting the rooftop floor.
You felt a pain in your leg as you quickly tried standing back up. Spider-Man swung right over your head and landed in front of you. ”Or maybe you’ve just gotten slow” he teased, the two of you then engaged in combat.
You slashing at him with your claws and him doing his best to block and dodge your attacks. Once he went on the offensive you ducked his quick strong jabs. Spider-Man noticed the leg you fell on was shaky as you avoided his punches.
He used this to his advantage and did a sweep with his leg knocking you to the ground, it was usually by now you found some gadget or distraction to give yourself a chance to escape. Spider-Man quickly ran up to you and ripped your backpack from your back and quickly webbed one of your arms down keeping you in place.
”You can’t take that” you said losing the regular playfullness in your voice. ”I just did” Spider-Man said victoriously. He went for the zipper on the bag while muttering ”What did you even steal?”. You watched with a glare as Spider-Man brought out a set of files from your bag.
”Put that back” you demanded but he ignored you. He opened one of the files and stated ”It’s the layout of a prison” he then turned his gaze to you and asked ”Are you planning to break someone out?”. He continued looking through some other files as you desperately looked for a way to free yourself.
You heard sirens in the distance approaching and even though you couldn’t see his mouth you knew Spider-Man was smirking. ”Well looks like i finally caught you Cat, tell me how does it feel?”.
Then you found something. ”Oh Spider… when will you learn, you can’t cage the Black Cat” you said and threw one of your newer gadgets towards him, which he easily dodged out of the way for it as it hit the water tower behind him. ”You missed” Spider-Man said proudly, but as he noticed your facial expression he realised… you hadn’t missed.
Next thing he knew an explosion came and he was completely drenched in water and the water tower started collapsing on to him. The files you had collected were washed away spreading wet sheets of paper out all over the rooftop.
Spider-Man managed to catch the falling water tower as it landed on top of him. He then threw it to the side and turned to where you had been webbed finding only an empty spot with some left over webbing.
”Shit” he swore to himself. He tried to pick up some wet paper files but they fell apart almost instantly as he did. At least he had managed to foil your break out plans he thought to himself.
You grappled your way to your secret lair, an old storage unit your mom had used during her time as the Black Cat. You opened your door and walked inside seeing collections of jewelry and paintings, maps with marked out locations and all your tech stuff. You slammed the door behind you and ripped off your mask throwing it aside.
You walked up to your working bench and slammed your fists on the table, your one chance you could’ve had to free your mom from prison and that stupid arachnid boy had ruined everything.
You grabbed something random from the working bench and threw it across the room in a rage, making it smash against the wall…
You layed with crossed arms on your bed leaning against the headborard as Peter played video games on your flatscreen tv. Your dad was out of town for business so you and Peter decided to have a sleepover while he was gone.
You thought about canceling with Peter after last nights failed theft but you hoped his company might help cheer you up… so far it wasn’t working, you had a noticable scowl on your face and a clear lack of energy in your voice.
Peter had noticed but not pointed it out as he wasn’t completely sure you wanted to talk about it. Once he finished the level he put the controller aside and layed down next to you. He gently touched your arm and asked ”Y/n, are you okay?”
You turned to him with a distracted look and said simple ”Yeah” but then added a ”Just in a bad mood”. ”Do you want me to leave or something? I can give you space?” Peter asked sweetly, sitting up ready to leave if you wanted some alone time.
”No, stay, i like your company” you said but with more softness in your voice this time as you put your hand on top of his, giving it a light squeeze. ”Alright… is there anything i can do for you?” Peter asked generously. You stayed silent for a moment…
”Can i fuck you?…” you said a mix of coldness and longing in your voice. Peter was caught of guard making him silent, making you quickly add ”You really don’t have to if you don’t want to, i just- i just want some release… that’s all”.
Peter thought about it for a moment and asked curiously ”What did you have in mind?”. You stood up and said ”Come on” and led him out of your room, and down the hallway. You then opened the door to another room where Peter followed you inside.
It was a bigger room than yours, the first thing Peter noticed were the two glass doors along the left wall that opened to a balcony looking out over the other suburban houses. He looked around the room, along the walls were some really nice paintings, like straight out of a museum.
There were also some pictures of you as a child spread around the room, as well as a big family portrait hanging over the headboard of a large bed, a bed for two. This was you parents room.
You stood in front of the double bed and then explained in a darkened tone ”I want to take you like whore on my parents bed”. The request left Peter on mute, this was something new to him… having sex on your parents bed felt so inappropriate and lewd… and he was suprisingly really turned on by it.
”Look, like i said you really don’t have to if-” you said again but Peter interrupted saying ”Yeah, let’s do it”. You nodded and said ”Okay, get ready then, i’ll get the lube”. You said leaving and walking back to your room.
Peter slowly started undressing pulling of his shirt and pants, leaving him in socks and underwear. Peter moved on to the bed and tried to position himself in a sexy way, like he’d seen you do before.
When you came back inside you threw the bottle of lube on to the bed and tugged your own shirt off. You stood yourself on the edge of the bed and pulled Peter closer by his legs. Peter stood up on his knees and the two of you started hungrily making out.
You grabbed at Peter’s bulge feeling him getting hard in your hand, you then slipped in your hand inside his underwear and rubbed your hand along his cock with a firm grip of him. Peter let out a soft moan in your face as you did.
You then gently pushed Peter on to his back on the big bed and dragged his underwear down his legs and threw them on the floor. Peter was now naked in front of you apart from his white socks which you decided to leave on because you thought it made him look cute.
You unbuckled your belt and pulled you pants down and climbed onto the bed in between his legs. You opened the bottle of lube and poured some in your hand and spreading it on your fingers. You then lifted Peter’s spread legs revealing his tight hole that hadn’t been used in a while.
You mercilessly started shoving your first finger in to him making his mouth gape open. ”Fuck” Peter swore as you watched in satisfaction. You impatiently added another finger into him and then another, pumping them in and out him loosening up his ass. Peter’s dick was now rockhard as you finger fucked him.
You then suddenly pulled out your fingers from him, wanting to get your hard manhood inside him. You flipped Peter on to his stomach giving you a full view of his bubble butt, you started teasing your length against his hole.
You squeezed Peter’s left cheek and gave it a light spank. ”You want my cock?” you asked as you kept teasing his awaiting heat. ”Yeah, i want it, please” Peter said almost begging. You spread his ass and pushed your hung cock in to his tight hole, making Peter whine beneath you.
You groaned feeling Peter’s tight walls around your manhood. ”Fuck Y/n, you’re so big” Peter moaned as you sheated yourself inside him. ”Bet you like that” you said grabbing his hips. Without giving Peter much time to adjust you started rolling your hips, your cock moving in and out of him.
”Taking it like a real slut” you said degradingly as Peter moaned in to the matress. You sped up your thrusts making the sound of skin slapping together sound out through the room, his ass kneading your cock like perfection. You moved your hands to Peter’s back pressing him onto the bed.
”Such a whore for my cock aren’t you?” you asked him as you roughly took his ass. But Peter was to blissed out to answer, you raised a hand and gave Peter’s right ass cheek a hard slap that echoed through the room. ”Aren’t you?” you repeated demandingly.
”Yes, i’m your whore” Peter let out through the ectasy he felt. You fucked yourself in to his heat agressively, using the rage you felt to fuck him like a bitch. His hole clenching around you making you groan loudly.
You bodies started getting sweaty from you intense fucking. Peter moaned loudly as you plowed in to him. ”You love when men fuck you full of their cum?” you asked in a rough tone as your big cock pushed against Peter’s prostate.
”Yes, i love being filled with cum!!!” Peter moaned loudly. If anyone was standing outside the bedroom door they would’ve definetely heard every single word. You laid down on to of Peter and took his hands that were gripping the bedsheets and held Peter down as you thrust wildly in to him.
Peter started getting close from the feeling of your cock fucking deeply in to his now loose open hole. ”I’m gonna cum” Peter whined through his moans. ”Cum then you little whore” you said grabbing Peter’s messy sweaty hair in your hand.
Peter’s length pressed down to the matress then started spilling his seed in to a puddle on the sheets. You thrusts started growing eratic and hungry as you chased your own release. ”Gonna fuck my whore full of cum” you growled to the tired out Peter beneath you.
”Yes fill me with your cum!” Peter gasped which was all you needed to hear as you delivered one last powerful thrust in to him and let your seed erupt deep inside Peter’s heat, filling him all the way up. His hole started leaking as soon as you pulled out of him.
You laid down beside Peter in exhaustion feeling cleansed of your anger. You looked to the side where spotted a picture on the nightside table, it was a picture of you as a kid and your mom before she got locked up. It made a new feeling bubble up inside you.
A tear started trickling down your cheek your cheek as you let out a small whimper. Peter heard and immediately turned to you. He noticed tears had started uncontrolably rolling down your cheeks.
”Y/n, are you okay? Did i do something wrong?” Peter quickly questioned. You shook your head and said ”No, i’m just emotional”. Peter looked conserned at you. ”Can you hold me?” you asked him through sniffs. ”Of course” Peter said and let you nuzzle your tear stained face in to his chest.
He didn’t really understand what was happening or what brought this on but he wrapped his arms around your body letting you cry. You calmed down after a while but you the two of you stayed cuddled together.
Soon enough the two of you fell asleep in the big bed holding each other closely all through the night.
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diannaphantomfiction · 3 months
Superior Spider-Man AU where this happens:
1) Spider-Man doesn’t stop Daredevil from going to far exactly one time and his tone and speech patterns are different. Matt is immediately 100% sure this isn’t the Spider-Man he knows.
2) Peter didn’t give one sanctimonious lecture to Kaine for the entire Spider-Man/Scarlet Spider team-up. Kaine is worried about his brother and increasingly convinced that something is wrong with his brother.
3)Felicia is confused and hurt after her Spider pushed her away and insulted her. There was no leaning into their kiss before pulling back. No gentle reprimands. No stuttering excuses. No attempts to make her stop stealing. Just insults and coldness. This isn’t her Spider. Is it Ben maybe? Why wouldn’t he just say that? Who is this if it isn’t Peter?
4) The only thing these three have in common is Spider-Man, but they are more than willing to put up with each other if it means getting Peter back. And if it involves a bit of kidnapping and a few crimes? Well, Peter will thank them later.
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