#spideytorch quotes
Johnny: then. we broke the rule
Peter: yes I hope it’s not a mistake
Johnny: “I hope I’m not a mistake” Title of your sex tape
Johnny: *GASP* title of our sex tape
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hurtspideyparker · 2 months
Peter: From now on we'll be using code names. You can address me as Eagle 1
Peter: Black Cat, code name "been there done that"
Peter: MJ is "currently doing that"
Peter: Johnny is "it happened once in a dream"
Peter: Deadpool, code name "if I had to pick a dude"
Peter: Tony is... Eagle 2
Tony: Oh thank God
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isthei · 2 months
peter parker: how do i make my date more romantic?
gwen stacy: how about you try being mysterious!
[on the date]
human torch: so, where are we going?
spider-man: none of your business
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ticklet0d · 6 months
Johnny, leaning on the counter: Hey beautiful, come here often?
Peter: Is this the part where I remind you we've been married for four years or do I play along?
Johnny: Play along!
Peter: Alright. Sorry, I'm not interested, I'm married
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batcavescolony · 2 months
Gwen: this is my boyfriend Peter, and his boyfriend Johnny-
Peter: Johnny's not my boyfriend
Gwen: he hasn't figured it out yet, but we all know it's true.
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spdytrch · 9 months
johnny: baby
peter, in the spider-man suit: fellow associate
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incorrect-spideytorch · 8 months
Peter: Do you want to go out with me?
Johnny: No.
Peter: :(
Peter: :((
Johnny: …alright fine.
Peter: :)
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Johnny: You're gonna tell me if your last name was Money you wouldn't say 'here comes the money shot'?
Peter: No.
Johnny: Yes you would dude.
Peter: No, I wouldn't.
Johnny: Yes you would.
Peter: I don't say anything when I ejaculate.
Johnny: Nothing at all?
Peter: I mean noises come out. But I'm not gonna say anything.
Johnny: Gimme a. Gimme a. Shh shh, go.
Peter: I'm not gonna do that!
Johnny: Come on. Come on. Jerk off right here, let us hear it.
Peter:.... No!
Johnny: Alright, okay.
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spideytorchiscanon · 2 years
*spideytorch childhood friends au*
Peter: I have a crush on someone.
Johnny: who?
Peter: I can't say, silly. It's a secret
Johnny: I'm good at keeping secrets. I can keep this one! Promise!
Peter: mmm no. If I tell you, they will know!
Johnny: I promise I won't tell! Promise! Please!
Peter: fine. But if you tell anyone then I don't think I can trust you with more secrets
Peter: You.
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bitrashteddy · 2 years
Peter: Do you know the kind of silence and the kind of hug where you know everything is going to be okay
Johnny, waiting for Peter to continue, eyebrow raised: ...
Peter: and when you kiss them nothing else matters
Johnny: Peter, baby, where are you going with this?
Peter, quietly: Tell me I'm not catching feelings
Johnny, heartbroken: Peter I-
Peter: Please- just. I can't fuck this up, how would I begin to explain this to Tony-
Johnny: So, you and Harley are what? Fuckbuddies?
Peter: yea... I'm so done for
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Peter: look, you have to take it chill!!
johnny: got it, no more marriage proposals
peter: and without big gestures
johnny: right! right...
*explosion sound*
peter: *tries to look back*
Johnny: Don't look back! just look to the future for our future you don't need to look back!!
peter: *turns*
fireworks: I love you peter!!!
johnny: pfft it has nothing to do with me, it must be another peter
fireworks: from johnny
johnny: haha! must be another johnny!
fireworks: storm
johnny: hahahaha!! what are the odds!!
fireworks: *johnny face*
johnny nervous looking at peter: ...
johnny: *cute face*
peter sigh: *smiling* johnny...
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hurtspideyparker · 2 months
Johnny: Aw man, Parker's life is great. I wish I had that
Peter, with 3 nickels to his name, the entire city of New York against him, and every women in his life severely neglected: Bro
Johnny: Oh well. 
*flies off in his super car, after being fawned over by adoring fans, his wallet full and his model face plastered on every magazine*
Peter: BRO
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isthei · 3 months
spider-man: this is where i watched my uncle die, wade.
deadpool: cowabummer!
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lilabelle777 · 11 months
Tumblr media
@spideytorchweek final day: free day
royalty au
“[he] touched me and it felt as if the stars were dancing across my skin.”
~ porcelain skin by josh wilbanks
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Peter: Why is the coffee pot broken?
Johnny: Bobby did it
Johnny*an hour later, sitting in a chair with a brown background behind him*: So...it was actually me but I didn't want him to be angry.
Peter*a little bit after Johnny, in the same chair*: I knew it was Johnny. I want to see if he confesses to his crime.
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Peter: Are you okay?
Johnny: I don’t know, I’m too tiredddd
Peter: You’re a bicycle?
Johnny: …. You’re just saying that to confuse meee aHHHHH
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