#Phases of the Moon
rotblut · 1 year
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Phases of the Moon (2022) dir. Hiroki Ryuichi
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~ Aqua and Black ~
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Phases of the Moon Pt. 1
Remus steadily eased the door to their dorm shut, returning from another one of his late-night searches through the library’s restricted area.
“Find anything interesting?” Lily asked from her seat on the couch.
“No, on either side, no way to make me feel like a girl, no way to make me look like a boy,” 
“Remus, I agreed to cover for you so you could look for ways to be you, not change who you are,” Lily said sternly.
“But if there’s a way to fix me, I should be looking for that option too, no?” There was a genuine question in his voice, but the sorrow, the years it took for him to even acknowledge himself for who he was, hid deep in the same statement. 
“Moon, you don’t need to be fixed, at all. You’re perfect just as you are, and the only goal of this search should be to make you more comfortable.”
Moony sat with that statement, letting his thoughts envelop him. 
As Lily heard someone stumbling into the corridor, she called, “Not it!” snapping Remus out of his thoughts.
She briskly retreated to her room, passing the duty of answering the door to Remus.
“C’mon Lils, I answered last time!” he called to her, eliciting only a chuckle in response. 
In the meantime, Sirius tripped his way up the stairs, disoriented and drunk.
“Prongs! Let me in, you idiot!” he hollered, banging on their door.
“Wrong room, love!” a call came through the door.
“Awww, Moony, you can let me in, can’t you? I’ll explain to McGonagall if we get caught!”
“Sirius, just go back to your own room!” Remus said sharply.
“Moons,” he drawled, “just let me in, I promise, it’ll be fine.”
Slowly, the door between them eased open, but neither of them had touched it. Remus turned around to find Lily, with her wand pointed at the door. 
“I was sick of you two yelling for everyone to hear,” Remus glared at her as she moved towards him.
“It’s time to tell him,” she whispered in his ear, heading to the kitchen.
“You trying to steal my lover, Evans?” Sirius growled, stepping into the dorm.
“Of course not, Pads, they’re all yours!” She pours herself a mug of tea and retreats to her room.
“Moons!” Sirius grinned at his lover, going in for a kiss.
Remus dodged him, resisting Sirius’ smile, no matter how impossible it was. He had different things to worry about right now, like how to tell his lover, his star, something that could change everything. 
“You should really be in your own room,” Remus groaned at Sirius, attempting to distract from the matter at hand.
“Oh, it's quite nice to see you too, Moony,” Sirius said sarcastically.
“You know that’s not what I meant, but this is the girls' dorm, and, well, how did you even get up here?”
“You know me, I have my ways, now are we gonna keep bickering, or are you going to kiss me?” 
“Did you really come here just to kiss me? At 2 am?” Sirius ignored the question, instead taking in Moony’s outfit, trailing his eyes up and down Remus, in an oversized shirt and what Sirius could only assume were boxers.
His heart skipped a beat and then sank. Who’s boxers would Moony be wearing? Why would they be wearing anyone’s boxers? Why wasn’t Moony in Sirius’ boxers? 
Sirius tried to say anything else, to answer the question, tell Moony why he was actually here, anything but ask about the boxers, but he just couldn’t. Moony was in someone else's boxers, he had to know who’s. 
“Where’d you get the boxers?” Sirius asked, the anger seeping into his gravelly pitch.
“Don’t remember, I’ve had them for a while,”  this is not how Remus had pictured this conversation.
“Has this really been going on for a while?” Sirius practically screamed, air quoting the last part.
“What?” Remus asked, his brows furrowed. 
“You know exactly what!” Sirius shouted, pacing the room.
“I really don’t!” Moony warned, anxiety building in his chest.
“Just tell me who you’re shagging!” Sirius cracked, lunging towards Remus, towering over him.
“I’m not shagging anyone- I’m really not-” Remus staggered backwards, tears streaming down his face, breath coming in shallow sobs.
“Okay, if you’re not fucking anyone, then who’s boxers are those?” 
“It’s not what you think!” Remus shouted back, his voice shaking.
“So who is it? One of the Slytherins?” he uttered the last word in disgust. 
Remus’ thoughts spun, wondering what could make his lover think such a thing.
“No, Sirius, they’re mine!” Moony yelled, seeing Sirius cock his head in confusion, he continued “They’re my boxers! Okay?”
Remus broke down in tears, blubbering. He sank to the floor, his back pressed against the counter.
Lily emerged from her room, sternly eyeing Sirius as she poured a glass of water for Moony.
“You really couldn’t have handled that any better?” she says to Sirius, handing the glass to Remus.
“Well, they’re wearing boxers! What was I supposed to think?”
“You’re supposed to trust the person you’re with and be able to discuss things in a calm manner. And, while sober, preferably.”
“I was calm and slightly sober,” he seemed to take in what he said, “that’s a lie.” 
“You should go,” Lily said quickly, before glancing at Moony, “that alright with you, love?”
Remus stayed still for a few moments before nodding.
Sirius stalks over to the door before looking back at Remus, sorrow flashes across his eyes, rapidly replaced by unease. He quickly turned around, slamming the door behind him. 
As soon as Sirius was out the door, Remus sank further into the floor, banging the back of his head on the counter.
“I just thought he’d get it, Lils! I didn’t think he’d accuse me of cheating!” he bawled, pushing his fists into his eyes. “Do I really seem like a cheater? Someone who would shag a Slytherin?” 
“Of course not, Moon. Now stop hurting yourself and come sit with me.”
Remus makes his way to the couch, tears still clouding his vision, fury shaking his palms. 
“He doesn’t deserve you,” Lily said quietly, laying a blanket on the two of them.
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mistyrainblog · 3 months
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stardustemotions · 2 years
There was a reason she was so romantic about the moon. It never asked her questions or begged for the answers nor did she ever have to prove herself to it. It was always just there breathing, shining and in most ways humans can't understand: listening.
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splitting-infinities · 11 months
Chapter 3 is up!
Here's an excerpt:
Parker crept closer until he saw a body lying on the dock. He sprinted toward it, afraid it was Arthur’s at first. But no - as he got closer, he realized this man was massive and unfamiliar. He’d been dead at least long enough for his skin to cool.  The cause of death? Brutal. This man’s throat had been slit. Parker wanted to be sick. He’d never known exactly how many people Arthur had ever killed. Art had been too young for the Great War, but most private eyes had (or ended up with) a body count. It was tough work, and sometimes altercations didn’t go your way. Parker had never seen Arthur kill anyone before. Until today, he didn’t think Art had it in him. But now? Whatever had happened here had pushed Arthur past the brink. Pushed him hard enough to kill, and kill viciously.  “Whoever you were, you must’ve done something terrible to get Art to kill you. I’m sorry it had to happen like this,” Parker told the corpse. “But frankly, I’m glad it’s you we’ll bury and not him.”
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kaipanzero · 1 year
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Phases of the Moon
月の満ち欠け (2022)
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hiddenstashart · 11 months
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ink commission for a client on FB
a study of the 1534 woodcut by Hans Holbein the Younger titled “Phases of the Moon”, but with werewolf astronomers
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laikacore · 8 months
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wax face / when you are the wound man / i'm lost without you
by laika wallace
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oversized-hoody · 2 months
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Decided I would make a design I wouldn't mind hanging on my wall Might also post an alt sans-cats for those that want just the moons <3
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omegamagus · 1 year
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4. Lunar It's not just a phase.
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rotblut · 1 year
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Phases of the Moon (2022) dir. Hiroki Ryuichi
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chasingrainbowsforever · 10 months
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By blueming_soo
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julianova44 · 8 months
This needs to be routed out but this octahedral piece of cherry is going to be a box to store dice in. Working with a friend at a small TTRPG gaming company called Games Unbound
We’re currently experimenting a bit with order of operations, but I think for the next one we’ll probably do the routing first
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spookydooky97 · 1 year
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sourdoughservitor · 8 months
Full Moons
Full moons are the most notorious of the lunar phases, as the moon is at its full strength and exerts its influence with abandon. The entire face of the moon is visible at this time and the moon shines at its brightest. During this peak, the moon lends witches its strength, its sense of action, and its proclivity for development. It is also a time slated for clear-sighted divination.
In Celtic and Old English tradition, full moons have names and meanings depending on the time of year during which they are present. Put simply, there is a full moon for each month, plus the occasional extra one per year.
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Wolf Moon
The Wolf Moon occurs in January, and is also known as the “Moon after Yule.” It is named for wolves’ heightened activity during this period. In the Celtic calendar, this is the Birch Moon, which represents rebirth and regeneration after Birch’s rapid re-colonization of burned forests. Creativity, fertility, healing, and protection are extra potent during this time.
Snow Moon
The Snow Moon occurs in February. Also known as the “Hunger Moon” or the “Storm Moon,” it coincides with the coldest month of the year, in which food is the most scarce. Occasionally the Snow Moon is supplanted by a rare Black Moon, which is said to be when there is no full moon in February. The Rowan Moon, in the Celtic calendar, represents Brighid--the goddess of the hearth. She is known for protection and fire as well as initiations or dedication. Rowan is used for power.
Worm Moon
Occurring in March and also known as the “Crow Moon,” the “Chaste Moon,” or the “Paschal Moon” (if after March 21), this moon is named after earthworms which return to warmer soil after the winter. Similarly, the Celtic Ash Moon is sacred to druids for prophecy, psychic power, and the inner journey.
Pink Moon
The Pink Moon, also known as the “Breaking Ice Moon,” the “Budding Moon,” the “Awakening Moon,” or the “Paschal Moon,” celebrates the thawing and blooming of spring flowers. It occurs in April. This moon corresponds with the Celtic Alder Moon, which is known for its powers in communing with the dead. Alder is a powerful tool to call upon and communicate with spirits.
Flower Moon
May sees the Flower Moon, whose other names are the “Planting Moon” and the “Milk Moon.” It is an optimal time for fertility and growth in both plants and animals, and is the perfect time to plant many varieties of plants. The Celtic calendar calls this moon the Willow Moon, for willows thrive in the rain that is plentiful around this time. Willows are thought to protect one from danger, particularly storms and other natural threats. They also have a connection with death and are often found near cemeteries.
Strawberry Moon
The Strawberry Moon, also called the “Rose Moon” and the “Hot Moon,” occurs in June and is named after the ripening of wild strawberries. It occasionally coincides with the summer solstice. Hawthorn, this moon’s Celtic correspondent, is associated with fire and fertility.
Buck Moon
Also called the “Thunder Moon” and the “Hay Moon,” the Buck Moon is named after great summer storms and new antlers that begin to emerge from deer. It is seen in July. This is also the Oak Moon, which represents protection, defence, success, and strength. It is sacred to the druids who believed if you carried an acorn in your pocket, you would have good fortune; and if you caught an oak leaf before it hit the ground, you would remain healthy for the next year.
Sturgeon Moon
August welcomes the Sturgeon Moon, named such for the huge spawning fish. It is also known to signal the harvest of many plants, giving it the names “Grain Moon” and “Corn Moon.” The continuation of summer storms also grants it the name “Lightning Moon,” and the heightened activity of the large cats mirrors the Wolf Moon with the “Lynx Moon” name. The Holly Moon is the Celtic antagonist to the Oak Moon, and it represents nature’s immortality, success, and the luck it can bless one with.
Harvest Moon
The Harvest Moon occurs in September as it rises for several days, giving days extra light. It features the height of the harvest season. In the Celtic Calendar it is known as the Hazel Moon, which represents wisdom, knowledge, and protection. It is a good month to practice shadow work and divination.
Full Corn Moon
The Full Corn Moon, also known as the “Barley Moon,” occurs in October. It signals the end of the harvest season. It is known as the Celtic Vine Moon, representing the height of the harvest; both happiness and wrath are brought forth in the sweetness and bitterness of the end of the harvest. Equilibrium is reached through the extremes of both positive and negative emotions. Light and darkness are also equal at this time.
Hunter’s Moon
Hunting, slaughter, and the preparation for winter are common during the Hunter’s Moon in November. Other names include the “Travel Moon” and the “Sanguine Moon.” This period sees the fading of light as the season shifts rapidly to winter. The Celtic calendar calls this moon the Ivy Moon, and honours the processes of death, decay, and rebirth. Banishment of negative energies are especially potent during this time. Ivy is also known for binding and cooperation as ivy connects even the most crumbling of environments.
Cold Moon
The Cold Moon, also known as the “Frost Moon,” the “Mourning Moon,” and the “Beaver Moon,” this period is known for its cold weather. It may also be referred to as the “Moon Before Yule” and the “Long Nights Moon.” It occurs in December. This moon is also known as the Reed Moon under the Celtic calendar, for the plants used to make wind instruments of haunting sound, mimicking those of the spirits on their way to the underworld. It is occasionally called the Elm Moon. This is a time to speak to spirits recently passed, to meditate, and to reflect on the past and the cycles of life and death.
Blue Moon
Blue moons occur as the third of four full moons in a season, or as the second full moon in a calendar month. The seasonal full moons coincide with the Lenten and Paschal Moons according to the Christian ecclesiastical calendar, to determine the dates of Lent and Easter.
Elder Moon
The final month in the Celtic Calendar is known as the Elder Moon. It represents finality and endings. Elder is fragile, but quick to heal and replenish itself. This is a time for healing and renewal.
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To clarify, the Blue and Elder moons aren't like the monthly named moons. They overlap with the other moons of the year. For example, a Blue Moon, depending on how it's determined, can be during any calendar month. The Cold Moon is usually also the Elder Moon, depending on when the day falls.
Thanks so much for reading, all!
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