#Phil’s last words to wilbur were I love you
ursulaincorporated · 1 year
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Take some screenshots from my Kristin cosplays! She’s still not finished. I have the gun, of course, that still needs to be finished. I also want to make some sort of thing for her arm, since Wolfy said that since Wilbur doesn’t like to be touched, she tied something on her arm that he can grab onto. I think I wanna Philza-code it, just to have an element of him in the cosplay. Anyway, enjoy the cosplay!
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wolfythewitch · 1 year
Hello, Wolfy :)
What were Phil's last words to Wilbur before getting zombified?
I love you
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l'manburg language headcanons
okay so i havent sat down and actually created a language for lmanburg but I hc that they have their own language & here are hcs for that language. its a mashup of all the languages that the members speak. i know that a language couldn't really develop in the timeframe so I'm speeding up the development because i want to.
Slang / Phrases
first, it exists withing minecraft, so internet/minecraft lingo and phrases are commonplace (ie: pots, spawn, etc)
l'manburg was born out of conflict, so many phrases and slang are often violent.
because many prolific figures (c!tommy with prime, c!wilbur with being phil's son, c!eret with the herobrine stuff, c!dream with the XD stuff) are heavily religous / associated with religion, religious phrases are also very common.
there are different words for non-canon death, a canon death, and the last canonical death (the one that kills kills you)
Actual Language
l'manburg's language is a mix of british english, french, dutch, spanish, german, latin, and ancient greek. because it is such a new language, some words are the exact same as the English (given that english is the common language) words.
all military/war words have absolutely no english ties (as to provide secrecy). most are a mix of french, latin, and ancient greek (latin and ancient greek comes from c!tommy & c!wilbur, because they were taught by c!techno)
words pertaining nationality, home, or base are a mix of french (l'-), german (-manburg), and dutch (man). Most are french.
words pertaining to money or commerce are dutch & english inspired.
words pertaining to farming are inspired by ancient greek (c!techno again)
words pertaining to government/high authority are often a mix of latin, french, and english (c!wilbur is fucking obsessed with french & latin)
anything related to food is inspired by german and ancient greek.
Context / Timeline
quackity's arrival made spanish inspired words/phrases more abundant.
schlatt made american phrases and spellings very common.
the manburg administration attempted to phase out the language, but was unsuccessful.
new lmanburg caused many more phrases based on death, nature, rot, and renewal.
new lmanburg put a lot of emphasis on philosophical, poetic, descriptive, and physiological words.
words regarding cops, police, and laws are closely tied with negative words such as evil, thief, and traitor.
manburg replaced many religious words and phrases with more neutral alternatives.
the first words created in the new language were military moves and tools.
new lmanburg's descriptive words were often enderian words translated into the latin alphabet (as c!ranboo, the minute man, was the one who used and created them)
lmanburg was often underdeveloped in governmental words pertaining to the running of a country.
okay thats all i have for rn but i might add on to this when i think of it. also if u have any questions/requests please ask i love answering questions /gen
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mathanlin · 10 months
Alien AU where alien!Tommy works with a team of humans. 
They’re… strange. He can’t tell what their mannerisms mean. If he’s annoying them, angering them, making them hate him. 
So, desperate for their approval, he does some research. 
“How to Make Humans Happy.” 
The results are… inconclusive. There’s far too many wildly different options, all sorted under… “love languages?” (Something Tommy’s translator strangely doesn’t have.)  
So he tests a few on SBI. 
“Physical touch,” specifically, “hugs.” Something about putting their arms — of which Tommy has four — around each other. 
So surely he’ll be good at it.
And there’s no one better to give it to than the crew’s fighter, Techno.
It’s *easy.*
The moment Techno appears, Tommy practically tackles him, throwing his arms around the human and *squeezing.* 
And it’s… nice, too. Warm. Solid. Comforting.
Until Techno pries him off with a grimace.
“Not my thing, kid.”
Tommy doesn’t dwell on it. 
(Doesn’t spend a sleepless night on panicked research. Doesn’t fill a notebook with frantic scribbles and ruined hypotheses. Doesn’t pace, terrified he’s ruined something.)
No. He just moves to his next target. His next test.
“Phil: ‘Quality Time.’”
This one’s a bit clearer. Something about giving the human ‘undivided attention.’ Talking with them. Being close.
(Tommy ignores how that sounds nice to *him,* too. This is about Phil. Not himself.)
And just like Techno, it falls apart in seconds.
“Sorry, mate. I’m busy.”
Phil brushes right past Tommy, captain’s coat flicking behind him.
Tommy stumbles after him, translator failing under how much he stutters. "I just— wanted to talk? Time? Just a little—”
“Maybe later,” Phil says. And to his credit, he sounds apologetic. 
But later never comes. 
He’s *captain.* Of course he’s busy. Tommy forgives him instantly. 
But he doesn’t forgive himself. His quarters are practically drenched in papers now, pieces of research, frantic notes. Failed attempts to show love (to see if they love them).
He has one last shot.
Maybe he’d like ‘physical touch.’ Or, ‘quality time.’
But those failed. And Tommy can’t do, ‘gift giving,’ with nothing to give. Or ‘words of affirmation,’ with his translator so unreliable.
But he can try ‘acts of service.’ He can work more.
That’s why he’s here, after all.
In the next few days, he disappears.
He cleans, takes inventory of supplies, organizes plans, always trying to catch Wilbur’s eye. (Never *telling* him. Surely this love is supposed to be selfless. Quiet.)
But what catches Wilbur’s attention is how Tommy ruins everything. 
It was meant to be kind.
It was just one leak in the ship’s engine room. Tommy knows basic mechanics — he knows how to fix it. Just a few patches, a few readjustments—
And then every alarm light goes off, every emergency alert wailing. 
“What the fuck were you doing?”
It’s only after the leak’s patched that Wilbur whirls on him, face bright, jaw tight, eyes narrowed.
(Rage, Tommy can understand. It’s just love he’s confused by.)
“I was… I was trying to help? I was doing my job?”
Wilbur scoffs, snatching his mechanic’s kit and stalking out the door.
And right before he disappears, Tommy hears him mutter, “Then it’s a good thing your contract’s ending.”
And it is.
Tommy has a few more days with them. A few more days to try to show them love, to piece together the frantic notes around his room.
But he doesn’t. Just curls into a quiet ball. Small. Unnoticeable.
Because if they’re giving him up, then that’s what they must want.
“You were supposed to pack up.”
It’s Techno that stands outside Tommy’s quarters, peering into the room. 
Pack up — to leave, with the contract ending. And Tommy hasn’t even gotten up.
Or hidden the notes & failed research scattered around the room. 
“I’m sorry.”
He clambers to his feet, swaying dizzily. Surely Techno won’t notice them. He hadn’t noticed Tommy’s failed attempts either, and if Tommy’s leaving, he surely doesn’t care now—
“What’s this?”
Techno’s brow furrows, eyes fallen on a sheet pinned to the wall. (Test 1: ‘Physical Touch’)
Tommy stumbles in front of him, blocking his view. “Sorry, I’ll clean that up—”
He almost slips on the papers across the floor. The frantic notes he’d written each time he failed.
His handwriting’s shit. But he can still see Techno reading them, brow furrowing deeper and deeper.
*Test 3: ‘Acts of Service.*
*Wilbur should like this one? I’m helping?*
*I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.*
*I don’t know how to love them right.*
Stupid. All of them. And Techno must think the same, with how he slowly looks up.
Tommy bolts. If they want him to leave, he’ll make it easy — and so he runs.
Or… tries to.
Because Techno catches him. Pulls him close, arms gently closing around him.
A hug. 
“What were you trying to do?”
Techno’s voice is soft, murmuring over him. He’s… not letting go. Not shoving Tommy away. So Tommy almost manages to say, *I just wanted to love you—*
And oh, this hug is nice. 
Because Tommy can hide his face in Techno’s chest as Wilbur and Phil slip into the room.
No one even has to say anything. There’s just silence, as the two slowly take in Tommy’s mess of research.
“I tried.”
Tommy’s voice breaks on both words. But the translator must catch them, because all three humans turn towards him, Techno’s hug gently tightening.
Even before Tommy whispers, “I didn’t know if I was loving you right.”
“You were.”
It’s Techno. He slowly lowers himself to the ground, still cradling Tommy so painfully soft.
 “You’re trying.” Techno’s voice catches as he looks at the scattered papers. “So, so hard. That means everything.”
And right there, Tommy starts to sob.
He’s done his research. He knows what SBI’s doing, as they comfort him.
Techno, holding him, rubbing his back. Phil, sitting at his side & never leaving, quietly talking like Tommy’s worth his attention. Wilbur, only leaving to bring blankets & fresh, warm drinks.
It’s love.
(Afterwards, there’s… a bit of change around the ship.
There’s clearer communication, for one, giving a bit of extra time for translation errors. 
And sometimes, words aren’t even necessary. Just gentle contact. Gifts. Time spent quietly in each other’s company, warm and safe. 
A different language entirely.)
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listenheresweaty · 6 months
Dead as Disco (Revivebur x Reader)
no proofreading, we die like men
people I’ve tagged: @poraphia, @witheredroseanon, @drop-of-void, @saccharinesunset
Synopsis: Some tough memories arise, so you help Wilbur out by sending Schlatt a final “fuck you” —-
You had a long, complicated relationship with winter. First of all— it wasn’t summer! So you could rest easy in the wonderful absence of mosquitos and nasty, sweaty heat that prevented you from enjoying any potential scenery. On the other hand, it replaced your favorite season (Fall) and brought tidings of stuffy noses and dry skin. 
And your boyfriend never liked the winter, either. Not after his revival. Too cold, too dark— and too quiet, save for when the wind would blow through the open landscape, sounding far too much like the whistle of an oncoming train. 
You both avoided going outside during the winter, choosing to stay curled up on the couch in front of the fireplace— your head on his chest as he muttered about whatever was on his mind, rubbing circles into your scalp. 
But it was unavoidable that you’d end up outside eventually. A good chunk of Wilbur’s family lived in the tundra region and you were bound to end up walking back home late at night, having decided not to inconvenience Phil and Techno any further. 
(In truth, you just wanted to get home before the snowstorm that threatened to keep snowed in for the rest of the week—- and although the Syndicate members were lovely hosts, your anniversary was coming up and you wanted to at least spend it alone together).
“Shit weather.” Wilbur mumbled as you traversed the Prime Path. “Hasn’t even snowed yet.” 
Wilbur kicks at the frosted ground for emphasis, adjusting his grip on your hand and pressing as close as he could without unbalancing you. You felt sufficiently warm in your sweater and jacket, save for the stinging sensation of the wind biting at your knuckles and nose, but Wilbur was still shivering. 
“The frost isn’t that bad. At least it’s crunchy.” You hum. 
“Eugh, there’s so many more terrains that make better crunching sounds than this.” He grumbled. 
“..Such as?” 
“Gravel, for one. Sand— when it’s spread sparsely enough. But technically beaches make crunching sounds too, it’s just— muffled. I guess.” He turned to you. “Why don’t we ever go to the beach?”
“Because last time we went, I couldn’t kiss you for a week without getting sand in my mouth.” 
“That’s why you wouldn’t kiss me??” Wilbur exclaimed, looking scandalized.  “Because you’d get a little sand in your mouth!”
“It’s disgusting!” 
“It’s not!”
“Yes it is— it doesn’t leave your mouth, and then your going about your day and suddenly feel it crunchbetween your molars—“ 
“That’s the best part, the fuck are you talking about?” 
“What—-“ you splutter, at a loss for words. “I can’t with you. I just can’t.” 
“Ouch.” He pouted in mock offense. “You know darling, with how you treat me sometimes, one would think you…”
He trails off. You continue walking, staring at the frozen grass as you wait for him to continue. When he doesn’t, you look back up. 
Wilbur tears his eyes away from whatever he was looking at and glances back at you. “—Oh. Yeah. Nothing, we’re… lost my train of thought.”
You peer down into the darkness and spot an array of cobblestone and flags in the distance. 
Oh. You had forgotten that it was visible from this route. 
The banners on Schlatt’s grave, scrawled with graffiti from over the years, flapped silently in the wind. 
It’s no wonder he had gone silent— especially with that incident the last time Tommy visited the Tundra. 
“You ought to be careful around Quackity, Wilbur.” Philza and warned, sitting by the fire as Tommy raided his pantry for more honey bottles. 
“Nah, he’s no threat.” Wilbur said, stretching his limbs. “He’s all bark, no bite. Sure, he acts all tough, but he’s just like his country. All style, no substance.”
You heard Tommy snort. “No bite? Dude literally ate Schlatt’s heart at his funeral.”
Wilbur choked. “He what?” 
“Yeah, and I still have his lungs somewhere. Good times.” Tommy closed the pantry and began stuffing Phil’s belongings into his pockets. 
“I sure hope you didn’t do that at my funeral.” Wilbur snorts. “…How was it, by the way?”
Tommy’s movements freeze, and you avert your eyes. “How was what, again? Sorry, I wasn’t listening. Anyway, the, um, honey—-“
“My funeral.” Wilbur repeated, smile faltering. “Was it— like— how was it?”
“We, um…” Tommy couldn’t look his brother in the eye. “It was a— wiggly time back then. There was so much going on, and—-“
“Oh.” Wilbur’s smile had completely disappeared. 
“With—with— with rebuilding, and threats of further destruction—“
“We didn’t— we couldn’t—“
“Yeah. Okay.” Wilbur cleared his throat. “Okay. Alright! I get it.” He stood up, clapping his hands with a strained grin. “So! Phil, you said Technoblade was outside?”
“..Yeah.” Phil said. “He’s outside.”
Phil had barely the time to finish the sentence before Wilbur was gone, leaving a slamming door and a puff of frigid air in his wake. 
Wilbur Soot, the silvertongued General, Founder, Brother, Father, Son, lover—- had never gotten a funeral. 
Schlatt, on the other hand…
To everyone’s credit, Schlatt’s funeral had been more of a celebration, an opportunity for everyone he had wronged to spit, laugh, and dance on his grave. 
Well. Almost everyone. 
You glanced sideways at Wilbur, wondering if you should give it a shot. 
“Hey.” You say and his head snaps to you. “Cmere.” You take his hand and gently pull him off the path, heading to the gravesite. 
“Uh—“ Wilbur hesitates, clearly reluctant to approach the very object of his inner turmoil. “What are we doing?”
“Wait.” You scale the hill and pass by the worn benches, heading straight to where the marble tomb lay. 
“Uh, [Name]?” He repeats, laughing a little incredulously. “I don’t really understand why we’re—-“
“Shush!” You march right up to the coffin— and with two definitive stomp, stomps— climb right on top. Swiveling on the spot, you turn and hold a hand out to a dumbfounded Wilbur. “Cmere.”
He lets you pull him up, awkwardly finding his footing on the rectangular lid. “Uh, alright. Why— woah!”
You tug him closer, guiding his hands to your waist and wrapping yours around the back of his neck. 
Wilbur stares, and you stare back. 
Your confidence begins to falter— crap, this was a dumb idea. “Um. I just— thought we could dance? Yknow.. here?”
“Dance.” He echoed, a light beginning to dawn in his eyes. A smile spreads across his face— a lovestruck, wobbly smile— and he steps closer, pulling you to his chest as he buries his face in your neck, suppressing a laugh. “..Alright.” He murmurs against your skin, grinning like an idiot. 
“I know there’s no music, but—“
“It’s okay.” He says quietly, holding you close as you both sway to an inaudible tune. 
You let yourself melt into it, reaching a hand up to idly pet the back of his neck, playing with his hair. 
It’s less of a dance and more of a prolonged embrace since there isn’t much room for foot movement, but neither of you mind. 
You tilt your head to press a kiss to the stretch of jaw just below his ear, feeling his lips twitch into another smile against the crook of your neck. 
“I don’t deserve you.” He murmurs, so quiet it barely disturbs the silence around you. 
“You deserve the world.” You say. 
Wilbur lets out a puff of laughter, shaking his head against your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you tighter. “Mkay.”
“I’m serious.”
“I know. I’ll never understand, but I know.” He sighs, turning his head to rest his chin against your shoulder, staring out into the open fields behind you. 
“You’re not a bad person.” You move a hand to scratch at his scalp and he hums contentedly. “You may not have been a good one. ..Although, admittedly, this server hasn’t been the most.. conducive to good morals. You’re a person though, a human being, and all this—-“ you squeeze him tighter, kissing his jaw, “—-you deserve.”
He’s silent for a while. You let him think, rubbing circles into his back and pretend you don’t hear the quiet sniffles he tries to choke down. 
When Wilbur speaks again, his voice is steady, if not a little hoarse. “Do you, uh.. think I could be one?”
“A what? A good person, you mean?” You furrow your brow.
“Yeah. That.” 
Wilbur has always had different views of humanity than you do. He presented the world like a stage, bustling with heroes and villains, characters predestined by fate. Life was a story, and they were in center stage, the protagonists of it all, following a script until met with triumph or tragedy. It’s with these grand, romanticized views of reality that Wilbur had managed to win over so many people. Everyone loves a good story, after all. 
As a rigidly scientific mind, you never shared those sentiments. Humans were merely developed animals, that’s all. Each struggle would be lost and rendered meaningless to the sands of time, and so would the morals on which they stood. 
“I think you could.”  The night is getting colder and your feet are freezing, but neither of you are willing to leave this pocket of warmth you’ve created, heads tucked into necks and hands running through hair. 
“But you don’t believe good and bad people, do you? You never did.” Wilbur said quietly. 
“Maybe not. But I still think you could fit your definition of ‘good person’. You are kind. That’s a start.” You continue rubbing circles into his scalp, carefully twisting and combing the curls with your fingers. 
Wilbur doesn’t respond. He only lifts his head, trailing his lips in a pathway from your shoulder to your jaw, up your cheek to rest against your forehead. He stays like that, eyes closed for one, two, three heartbeats before he pulls away to look you in the eye. 
Wilbur’s  ears, nose, and eyes are tinged red, the first two from the cold and the last from silently crying into your shoulder. 
Both your hands and his cheek are frigid, but when you brush your thumb under his eye he leans into the touch anyway, not looking away from you for even a moment. 
He only closes his eyes when you lean forward, pressing your lips to his. 
It’s the collapsing of a star, pulled magnetically inwards, striving to be as close as physically possible. He’s cradling your face like it’s made of sugarglass and you treat him with equal gentleness, running a hand through his hair, mindlessly stepping backwards as he crowds your space, adjusting to get closer, closer because it’s still cold—-
You take one last step and suddenly there’s no more marble under your heel, and you pitch backwards, toppling off the tomb with a yelp. Wilbur follows suit, sprawling out on the grass next to you with grunt. 
Within seconds, you’re both wheezing with laughter, pulling each other closer and leaning back to rest
After catching his breath, Wilbur speaks. “We should do this more often.”
You don’t miss the tinge of sadness in his voice, and suddenly become very aware about how distant this relationship has gotten. It’s not neglected, by any means, but you can’t remember the last time you did something like this. 
(Actually, you can. The last time you danced like this was November 15th, 2020). 
But you opt for a more lighthearted tone. “What? Dance on this grave more often?”
“No, no— I mean yes, I’d love to make this our designated date spot— yknow?” He looks over at you with a sly grin. 
“Mm-hm. Maybe bring some music next time.” You smile back. 
“And a few blankets. Maybe some wine.” Wilbur leans a bit closer. 
“Picnic?” You whisper. 
“Definitely.” He closes his eyes and rests his forehead against yours. “But.. also in general. We could… have more dates, in general. It’s been a while.”
“Yeah. It has.” You murmur, closing your eyes as well. “…So, next Friday?”
 You feel him laugh softly. “Yeah! Yeah, next Friday sounds great.”
Unable to help yourself, you cup his cheek and pull him into a kiss. It’s a lot softer than the last kiss, lips lingering together as you both pull apart to breathe. 
“…I hope Schlatt’s fuming in hell right now.” Wilbur says quietly, eyes still closed and lips still close. 
“I bet he is.” 
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toastyliltoasts · 4 months
Purely A Coincidence
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Part 2
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Pairing; Prince!Wilbur x GN!reader
Words; 2.3k
About; After being sent away by your mother, abruptly might I add, to a whole new kingdom; a new life, as a physician's apprentice, you run into a complete asshole.
Warning(s); Swearing, Mention of pillory (although idk if that's a warning), dont know why but usage of cringey ass names cus I dont know wtf to call the characters (apologies to all the Isaacs), Mention of dagger, Not proofread :)
A/N; So uh holy shit. came home back to 21 damn notes on the last (first) fic I posted so I just guessed somehow that you all are in love with Wilbur.. So here's another one ✌️ (Also Niki, our beloved, is here <33)
Taglist; (I forgot to add this but uhhh lmk if you wanna be added to the taglist)
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The rest of the story contracted very shortly, you had ended up in prison after the prince, who you now knew as Wilbur, had ordered for you to be sent to jail for six nights and then made you lovely reservations to the royal stables to muck it out clean. The thing is, that wasnt even the best part. You had to sit through approximately more than 3 whole hours, being lectured by your uncle, inside prison might I add, about how that was 'irresponsible' and could've gotten you in trouble. He wasnt wrong, not one bit, but that self obsessed ass really got on your nerves. Plus, you were pretty sure the jailors were also tired from the continuous scolding.
So after what felt like a lifetime of being lectured, Phil let you know that he talked to Wilbur's father who was, surprise surprise, a really good friend of your uncle's and managed to get you out of that hellhole after two nights but apparently, you had to keep your end of the deal as well.
And that's how you found yourself, trapped in a pillory, as rotten tomatoes, apples and other decaying fruits and vegetables were thrown at you by children and adolescents at surprising speed.
Needless to say, Phil had to draw you a huge bath and help you get pieces of unrecognizable fruit that stuck to your hair. And you're probably never seeing your tunic again either. After that the lectures did indeed stop, as you made a begrudging Phil promise, yet the infamous raise of his 'better not try anything' brow did not. You already had a daily entitlement to that hawk look of Phil's ever since he found out that your mother sent you to L'manberg because she was afraid for your safety.
She had sent a letter with you to hand over to Phil which probably mentioned something about your 'gifts', or whatever she called it. It was true that you would probably be considered an outcast there if anyone but your mum and your best friend, Isaac had found out. You knew that you had a little bit of, if not the whole of your existence, related to Merlin Ambrosius according to all the bed time stories you've learned from you mother. So it made some sense that you were related to sorcery. But that just made Phil more concerned about you and try to keep you out of possible danger, which you appreciated in some way.
And so, with countless warnings to you about keeping your 'special abilities', as he liked to call it, out of hindsight, he just pushed some vials full of, what you guessed were probably disgusting, medicine into your hands and told you that those needed carrying to various people around the castle and village, whose names you probably would've forgotten if Phil didnt drill it into your mind. So off you went on you 'merry' way to only run into the person you least expected to meet.
"Ah, I see some time in the stocks were just what you needed" Wilbur smirked with a raised bow as if asking you to confirm his suspicions. Keep walking, keep walking, keep wal-
"Come on now, no need to be afraid of me" he sounded pretty satisfied with the jab as your legs pause to let yourself take a deep breath.
"From you ?" you asked, still with your back facing him and not letting him have the satisfaction of ticking you off. Honestly, you've genuinely had enough of him.
"And the idiot speaks" he smirked. You hear the contact of his boots clashing with the hard rock of the surface.
"Look, I already told you you're an ass. Guess I just didnt realize that its a prince's one" you slowly turned around on your heel only to be met with his slightly amused look of shock and his other 'henchmen'.
"What's this now ? Got daddy's men to protect you ?" you gestured to the men surrounding him. He chuckles, his caramel eyes glinting with a hint of gold in the sun light though you could only interpret him as 'up his own ass'.
"You do know that Im capable of handling myself right ?" he replied sarcastically, though he seemed pretty adamant that he could knock you out with one blow (which he probably could and you already knew you were in trouble)
"Never knew that" you sent him a mock shocked expression before continuing.
"Care to set an example ?" your tone was nonchalant yet your mind was running feral. Genuinely not because of this dumbass infront of you but because you were in for another lecture when you're done.
Wilbur raised a brow in a challenging manner, chuckling lightly before maintaining direct eye contact with you.
"You dont know what you're getting yourself into, do you ?" he paused for your confirmation.
"I am very much aware, actually"
Well, another long story short, you were done. Wilbur had handed you a flail to make the 'competition' fair and things commenced. Both Wilbur and you had flipped over dozens of carts and boxes as he tried to corner you in for easy access and your weak spots while, to be honest, you were just swinging the flail around in defence with slight co-ordination, having never picked up the said mace in your life before. You could feel the now forming crowd's eyes burning into you as he had effectively trapped you between a wall and a wooden stall.
Before you could even process it, your eyes flashed a shade of gold, which thankfully no one saw, and his mace was stuck, wrapped around a pole. It bought you a bit more time to get properly on your feet and grab a near by broom. Just as you neared him, to demand for him to submit, you saw your uncle Phil in the crowd with the most disappointed and disapproving face he could muster which made you feel more guilty than you've ever been in your life. You felt something in the bottom of your stomach, some itch of sorts. Almost as it you were gettng deja-vu. And in that moment of weakness, Wilbur managed to grab another broom, land a hit on your head, which hurt like hell thank you very much, and trip you. But, surprisingly, he let you go just as the gaurds were about to drag you to the stocks again, saying something about how 'there's something about you that he just cant put his finger on'.
Phil had, instead of the gaurds, dragged you back to physician quarters, scolding you the whole way there. Unfortunately, he had seen your little stunt you pulled to distract Wilbur and went absolutely berserk on how you shouldnt use magic in front of people, that it would get you nowhere but the pyre. You were honestly sick of this, you were sick of this kingdom and you were sick of everything in it, especially that royal prat Wilbur. So you just wordlessly went into your room before throwing yourself on the bed like a ragdoll and spent the rest of the day there. That is, of course, until Phil came in with some kind of poultice to apply on the bruises forming on your arms. You both just conversed like nothing happened before you brought up the topic of your magic. Phil just told you that it was there for a reason he didnt know, but for a reason nonetheless. He gave your head and hair a fatherly ruffle before leaving dinner on your table and out the room.
You woke up slightly numb but better with rest. You left your room and sat down on the wooden dining table as your uncle made you breakfast. You apparently had to give some sort of sleeping draught to the lady Niki because, for some reason, she had trouble sleeping. And while gulping down your breakfast, your uncle informed you of some visiting neighboring king and how there was some sort of welcoming celebration that, as court physician's apprentice, you were allowed to attend. You werent exactly the most excited for hours upon hours of treacherous, boring speeches you've seen back in Willowdale. But you just thanked Phil for the lovely breakfast and carried on with your day. You found the way to lady Niki's chambers with the help of multiple gaurds and got there with slight ease, only since you had directions of course.
Niki was, undoubtedly, the nicest royal you've ever met. She was headstrong and had a lot of courage, while being extremely humble to the point you couldnt even believe she was blood related to that snob. She was incredibly polite and made you feel like you were back with a childhood best friend again. And after giving her the draught and leaving, Niki promised to let you know if she needed anything else. You giddily walked back to the quarters with a smile etched onto your face at your interaction with the lovely lady.
You followed Phil like a lost kid, gawking at everything your eyes land on. The castle was lit with absolutely beautiful shades of colours painted on the candles and the gold decoration shined under its glow. The ambiance was definitely lively with bits and peices of conversations between other people enter your ear.
"You sure this isnt some coronation, Phil ?" you asked, baffled at how above and beyond the royals went for a simple welcoming party. Phil chuckled.
"Of course not," he spoke as if you were a child, even as he said your name.
"As I see you've met Wilbur countless times, him and his father dont take celebrations lightly" Phil let you know with a playful glare at the previous statement. You scoffed, annoyance directed at the specific royal probably more visible now.
"I can see that very clearly, Phil" you glared at the prince you spotted previously, a few moments after you entered the ceremony hall.
You also spotted several well known royals around the kingdom and even outside of it. And of course, along with the visiting king who had all this ceremonious stuff done for him as just a 'gift' from L'manberg, its royals and people.
The celebration went on for a bit more before the royals of L'manberg had to deliver their speech. You had to stand a bit far away at the table and had to stay besides Phil as you listened the never ending string of words. You, god knows why, got that feeling that you've done this before, even when you've lived at Willowdale until now. You shook it off as your mind trying to entertain your bored self.
That is, until you saw a blur of glinting sliver under the low dim of the chandelier. Your eyes tracked down the metal just as it was thrown and, as soon as you saw its designated target, your eyes flashed gold. The dagger slowed its path as you, for whatever reason, found yourself at Wilbur's side in a spur of a second and instinctively pushed him out of the way. You both hit the ground with a thud while you heard worried gasps and murmurs accompanied by the sound of a slash. Wilbur, still dumbfounded, stared as the dagger imbeded itself in the chair he was on mere seconds ago. The sound of hurried footsteps met your ear, the gaurds seizing the man responsible. Wilbur's surprised eyes found yours while yours was still on the dagger. You found Phil staring at you worriedly but he knew not to jump in at this moment, you had just saved the prince's life, albeit putting your own one slightly at risk, but saved it nonetheless.
"Wilbur," you heard the king's concerned voice, making both you and Wilbur scramble to stand up. The king checked Wilbur for any fetal damage but ended up with none.
"You saved my boy's life" he turned to you and you immediately felt all the attention on you. You wished you could smirk in that prat's face, for his 'I can handle myself' bullshit but maybe, just maybe, your mind was a bit more occupied from recent events.
"Gratitude must be repaid" you shook your head at once. No, watching Wilbur's pissed off face in a couple of hours after everything calmed down would be more that enough.
"Dont be so humble, this requires a special merit" the king insisted and, even before you could utter a word, he continued.
"Henceforth, you shall be Prince Wilbur's personal servant" your eyes widened. Sorry, what ?. Even with incredibly delvished hair, Wilbur looked more deadpanned than ever.
"Father!" Wilbur exclaimed in an offended manner but, unfortunately, the king was hearing none of it and left you both, staring at each speechless. You were just about to start jumping at eachother's throat when Phil dragged you both to the physician's quarters to check for injuries.
This whole servant thing was not going to be fun.
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2-sleepy-for-this · 5 months
Cause for Celebration
hey guys, here’s the new years fic I impulsively decided to write last minute. Sorry to say it’s not beta read or checked but it’s just a lil oneshot I wanted to get out before midnight.
tw ~ loud noise, Tommyinnit at night
word count ~ 930
Philza followed his daily routine just like he always did after sun down, he walked through the inner workings of the house, it’s walls and vent were familiar to him so much so that he didn’t even need a light when walking. He had rather good night vision as a borrower as well which he was glad for.
He made his way through the tunnel that would take him to the inside of the snack cabinet, admiring the way the light flittered through the cracks of the floorboards overhead. He liked the little things, pun intended, and tried to take things slow despite borrowers quick paced nature.
Not that he needed to be paranoid anymore, the humans of the house, the three beans that had been brothers without other family, knew about him.
No need to hide from the supposed danger, his sons. Despite them not being his by blood, his paternal instincts went wild when he first moved here, and he wasn’t even sure why until he was caught by Techno and found out they were orphans. That didn’t sit right with him.
So of course he had immediately adopted them all, regardless of the size difference and from that point on he was their father, their tiny father that loved them very much.
He was shaken out of his thoughts by loud footsteps running down the hallway he was under. It must be Tommy, that teenager still didn’t understand the concept of quiet, even with a tiny father.
Phil was curious to see what Tommy was so excited about though if his footsteps gave any indication to his mood. So he shifted his course to the nearest wall exit he had, though he still took his time getting there. 
At least, he would have if not for the sudden pounding in the wall near his living room exit, accompanied by sounds of a gremlin child screeching for him, the familiar sound of:
He huffed to himself at his youngest’s attempt to get him out of the walls. Well, it worked, but Phil didn’t mind if his sons needed something.
“What do you want, gremlin child?”
He crossed his arms, walking out of the wall with a glare, no real heat behind it. 
“It’s new years! You gotta celebrate with us, dadza!”
Now this was new… what was that? Sure, Phil knew human beans had holidays for a lot of things, a lot more than borrowers had, but new years? What was the point of celebrating a new year when it was just the passage of time?
Tommy seemed excited about it though, and Wilbur and Techno were there sitting on the couch too… he couldn’t say no to spending time with his sons.
“Alright.. so what exactly do we do?”
“Watch the ball drop, it’s on the television.”
Wilbur pointed to the TV, a machine he rather enjoy watching during family movie nights, it was on a channel show a brightly colored gigantic ball on a building and a countdown timer underneath it. Phil had to admit, the colors were very mesmerizing.
“And once the clock reaches zero we celebrate and drink.”
Techno chimed in with a smirk, Wilbur butted in at Philza’s apprehensive expression.
“Grape juice. We drink sparkling grape juice.”
He clarified with a chuckle, Phil sighed in relief, he couldn’t have his sons drinking alcohol at their ages, he knew that humans needed to be twenty one years old for some reason and he trusted human law when it came to his boys.
Philza agreed to staying and together the family watched the television and laughed, telling stories as time ticked on. It was times like this that made Philza truly happy in his lifetime. If he heard a year ago that this would be his life, sitting with humans who deemed him their dad in a home that felt safe, he’d scoff and say it was crazy…
He liked this crazy life.
Even as Tommy managed to drain his energy before midnight, passing out on the couch while Wilbur and Techno had a ‘civil’ argument with Phil sitting on Techno’s palm, he felt happy. This was the kind of life he thought wasn’t possible for a borrower like him yet he was living proof it was.
Finally his sons, minus Tommy, started counting down from 10
He was held close by Techno, the surface of his palm rough and textured nicely.
Phil was given to Wilbur and he was hugged against his chest, he clung to the fabric of his sons favorite yellow sweater, feeling comfort.
He looked at Tommy, his youngest son asleep, looking so peaceful as he slept. Phil smiled softly at his secure feeling.
“Happy New Year!”
Three of the four shouted, Phil could care less about how his ears rang at the noise, he could only feel love as he watched his family, Tommy jumped up awake from the jump scare and shouted.
Once they calmed down from the height of the night they were all quick to settle down, the television was off and the lights were dim as the brothers relaxed on the couch, too tired to go to their respective bedrooms. Phil didn’t care though, because while they were all on the couch together it meant he didn’t have to go back to his room in the walls either. 
He didn’t have anything to worry about as he laid down on a pillow in Techno’s lap between Wilbur and Tommy. Maybe new years wasn’t so bad.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ happy new years! Hope y’all enjoyed and my posting schedule will hopefully get better so dw if you gave me a oneshot prompt!
tag list:
@da3dm @i-am-beckyu @lunar-but-little @phoenix-on-the-run
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at0micc0la · 1 year
Tommy's little crush
synopsis: headcanon about TommyInnit crush in Wilbur's new friend
words: 1.4K (when did that happen)
a/n: sorry, didn't proof read it and the ending is a little out of nowhere. Hope you guys like it
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
Wilbur inviting friends over was a weird occurence, mostly because everyone in the house is an over the yop weirdo (w love)
So the moment you walked through the entrance door Tommy was intrigued by you
"Who's this Wilbur?" Tommy asked, looking you up and down, only making you a bit uncomfortable under the boy's eyes
Wilbur stopped in his tracks, almost as if he didn't notice his sibling was in the room "This is Y/N, we are going to my room so don't bother us" the man took your hand and guide you what might be hus room, but before dissapearing with his brother Tommy saw you smile and wave at him, making him intrigued by you
When Tommy told Phil about Wilbur taking someone to his room, the man giggled
"Why don't you go offer them something to eat? Maybe you could talk with this mysterious friend of WIlbur"
And that's what Tommy did
He carefully oppened Wilbur's door, and through the creek he saw you laughing at Will, who was talking to you about God's knows what with a big smile on his face
But Tommy wasn't interested in Wil's dumb smile, but yours. You radiate some type of magnetic energy that calls him, that makes him want to be one of the reason you smile
This thoughts were quickly pushed to the side when Wilbur's tall framed blocked his view
"You lost something?" Wilbur looked at him as if he was commiting some type of crime so Tommy just let the first thing that came into his brain leave his mouth
"Phil wants you to go to the kitchen"
With a groan Will left his room, promising that he wouldn't take long, and this was the wooden opportunity for Tommy
He needed to know who this person in his brother's room was, to take care of Will, not because he thinks they are cute or anything
So that's how he met you, he learned that you were friend of a friend of Will and you two met because your love for the music
He learned your favorite band and a little bit about what you were currently doing (studying something he couldn't remember what because he was entrance by your eyes that were shining)
When Wilbur arrived with a tray with two glasses, juice and cookies, Tommy knew it was his sign to leave, but he didn't want it, not yet
Months passed and you were a common guest, and Tommy's crush just grew
He wanted to spend just a little more time with you and an opportunity came
Wilbur was talking about going to watch Avatar with a friend
"Phil, where is Wilbur going?"
"He's going out with Y/N" The man answers without much thought, boy nodded crafted a plan, he would go with them and sit next to you, then in the middle of the movie he would do the yawn trick and you will lean your head into his shoulder, he just needs to take action
"You think we would mind if I go with them?" Phil just looked at him as if he was growing a second head
"I don't think he would like you going with them... Also he invited you last week to watch the movie with him, what made you change your mind?"
With Wilbur's step getting close and Phil in front of him questioning him made his face flush "Eh.. um, well Philza, a man is allowed to change his mind"
Phil just looked at him and laughs "Oh just curious, mate. I want to know what made you change your mind, or may I say who" the man just laughed harder when he saw how embarrassed the kid was "Hey Will!" The man stopped on his track
"Tommy here needs to ask you something" he patted his head and left the room
Tommy stuttered asking if he could go with him, only to be rejected
"Oh, no. Maybe another day, it's just that. You don't know everyone that's coming and I can't look after you"
Wilbur blushed and said his goodbyes, leaving Tommy with a failed Plan A, so here comes plan B
The boy wasn't going to leave without a fight so he called Tubbo and left to the movies
"I don't understand why I'm always dragged to your crazy ideas"
They followed Wilbur uptown, where he met you
The two boys stayed behind, waiting for you other friends to arrive, to only be surprised about the two of you leaving the park you met at
"He is a liar!! He told me there was going to be more..." Tubbo cover his friends mouth with hopes of silence him
"Tommy, be careful they're gonna discover us"
When they arrived at the theater they joined the line, where they made the plan
Tommy pays for his and Tubbo's ticket (bc poor boy), the boy would distract Wilbur so Tommy could sit next to you and Tubbo on the other side
"Please tell me you two are not scheming"
The boys looked at Wilbur, who had the most neutral face he can make
"Oh, C'mon, they can't be in something evil? Let them be Wil" you giggled and grabbed the man arm and took him to buy popcorn and candy
"Wait , no, Y/N!" he made a "I'm watching you" gesture and willingly let you guide him, moving his hand to hold yours
This little action called Tubbo's attention
"Tommy, are they on a date?"
"Bah, as if" they boy paid for the tickets "Y/N is his best friend, and he would've told me"
can you imagine??!!
Anyway Tommy sat next to you, and Wilbur to your other side
When you were already midway the movie, he tried to do the yawn trick
It took Tubbo 17 nudges, until Tommy gave him the "Okay, I'll do it"
And when he did it, intead of your shoulders he was found with Wil's arm, who beat him at holding you
Wilbur sent him a "What are you doing?" look and then Tommy realized, You were on a date with his brother
He stood up and dragged Tubbo with him
"Tubbo, I think they're on a date"
"Took you long enough"
When Tubbo saw Tommy looking down, he comforted him, they came back to finish the movie but sat somewhere else
The movie ended and they catched up with the couple, Tubbo being the one who talks since his friend is unable to form words
"Tommy, you seem cold. Let's go to the car before we leave" Wilbur dragged the boy to the parking lot, where they had a small talk
The boy was tense, he wanted to hate his brother for being with his crush, but if they like his weird ass brother and they are happy, Why would he stop it?
"Look Tom, I know you have a crush in Y/N" the boy tried to denied it but couldn't say anything, he just stopped on his track. Wilbur took a deep breath
"It took me too long to finally ask them out, I truly like them" Wilbur wasn't even looking at him to have this conversation, but at the distance, where the two men could see you and Tubbo talking about God knows what.
"I know big man" the pain of not having any type of opportunity left TOmmy's body, the protectiveness of a brother invaded him intead "And take care of them, 'Cause if you don't I'll make Phil hunt you down" teary determinated eyes lookes at Wilbur, who softly smiled and ruffle(? the boys hair
"Will do, don't worry"
They walked back to you, who greeted them with a big smile and reaching for Wilbur's hand, who took yours without hesitating
Tommy and Tubbo left you do your couple stuff alone, to not see something they didn't wanna se (like don't kiss in front of a heartbroken boy)
And the boys were so invested in their plans fo the weekend (to distract themselves of this failed plan), so they didn't see the group of girls near the exit of the theater
Well, they noticed them when Tommy tripped and fell into one of the girls
Her friends helped her getting up while Tubbo was silently laughing
Tommy was standing up to apologize to the girl and he was thankful of this misfortune, a beautiful girl was in front of him
"Gosh Em, you ok?" the girl brushed off her friends question, looking at Tommy who was entrance with the girl
"I'm sorry, he is a bit dumb" Tubb apologized on his behalf, to which the boy
"Sorry, woman, let me make it up to you" and that's how Tommy got a date and Tubbo thirdwheel two times in a day
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shubblelive · 1 year
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summary : you and wilbur can’t afford to buy each other big gifts this year, but you’ll be damned if he goes without.
genre : holiday fluff!!
warnings : none!! happy holidays <3
pairing : wilbur soot x reader
pronouns : none (you/yours)
featuring : wilbur soot, tommyinnit (mentioned), philza (mentioned) (none of them are streamers in this)
word count : 1.8k
note : last fic of 2022!!! thank you guys for making this year so so wonderful! i’ll see you all in 2023, love love love you <3333
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The package was on his doorstep when he got home from work, and he picked it up with one hand and pulled his gloves off with the other. He put it on the kitchen table, not thinking much of it. He ordered things online occasionally; it was probably something he’d forgotten about.
He collapsed on his bed, completely exhausted. With the holidays coming up, work had been completely hectic, and all he wanted to do was sleep all weekend. He toed his shoes off and dug into his pocket to find his phone, dialling the most recent contact.
He put you on speaker and placed the phone on his chest so he could sink into his sheets. You picked up almost immediately and he felt the tension start to ease out of his bones.
“Hi, Will,” your voice was soft and he smiled.
“Hello, darling. Sleep well?” It was difficult, when you had first started dating. You’d just be waking up when he got home from work, and when your shift ended he was fast asleep. But you’d managed to wrap your schedules around each other, knowing those few precious hours during the week when you could make time for each other, until the weekend when you were both free.
You hummed in agreement, and he could imagine the adorable way you yawned, tongue out like a cat. “How was work?” you sounded so soft and sleepy he wanted nothing more than to pull you into him and lull you back to sleep.
“Shit,” he chuckled. “I missed you. Was counting down the hours till I could come home to you.”
You awed, and for the next hour you chatted as you got ready for work. It felt like you were there, your voice drifting from beside the stove while he searched for something to eat. He’d need to go grocery shopping soon.
And then, that hour was up, and you were saying goodbye. When you hung up Wilbur was reminded that you weren’t there. He was alone in his shitty apartment, the sound of cars echoing in through the kitchen window that didn’t fully shut all the way.
He found leftover pizza from the night before and didn’t even bother reheating it. Yeah, his job was pretty shit, and his flat didn’t have proper heating but he was happy. He had you, however far away you were, and Tommy and Phil.
He told himself he’d do the dishes after he showered, and he was just about to start when he remembered the box. It wasn’t overly large, but it had a substantial weight to it.
The label was unmistakably your handwriting, and he softened. There was a card inside and he sat down to read it, eyes watering. He knew you struggled with money, you both did. He already had your gift ready, and he felt a wave of guilt at how much yours must have cost.
I know what you’re thinking. This gift cost me about $50 all up. I made most of it myself. You ARE going to wait until I say you can open open each bit. If you cheat I will be very grumpy.
I love you very much. Can’t wait to talk to you next. Happy holidays, Will.
Wilbur sent you a text saying thank you before he finally turned to the gift. It was a small cabinet, about 20 centimetres tall. Small enough to fit on his kitchen bench without being imposing. You’d painted it yourself, beautiful swirls of blue and peach. Each of the drawers had a number painted on it, from 1 to 25 and he found himself beaming at you.
The first drawer held a feather, clearly fake but soft all the same. There was a note on the inside, and Wilbur felt his heart grow soft. You really had put a lot of effort in to show him how much you loved him.
Now, I didn’t want to risk sending the actual one lest customs officers confiscated it and ruined my plans. Not sure if you remember this, but one time when you were visiting, we were out at the park and a bird landed on your head.
I thought this was hilarious (because it was), but you naturally didn’t see the funny side. That afternoon when we got back to my place, I cut your hair for the first time. In your kerfuffle, a few feathers fell. I grabbed one to remember.
Wilbur ran a hand through his hair and laughed. He needed another hair cut soon. Maybe, if he was lucky, he would get to go see you and you could do it for him. He tucked the feather and the note back in the drawer, before opening the clock app. Only eight hours until you were home and he could call you.
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The next three weeks brought a hellish work environment, but more importantly more FaceTimes with you. He’d kept some of your notes in his wallet, sometimes pulling them out during his breaks because he knew you’d be asleep.
You know how in voice memos when you say things the waves make different shapes? This says ‘I love you Wilbur.’ Dunno why, told them to say “you’re a wanker with dumb glasses but they made me that one instead.
I know it’s dumb, but this pen reminded me of you. The ink changes colour every so often and it’s really easy to write with. You’re so vibrant and special, and you’re really good at getting your words out of your head into the world.
I painted this rock to look like a bee because I can’t bee-lieve we’re together. I mean, mostly because of that time I got stung by a bee and you took care of me but also because I can’t bee-lieve it.
When we first started dating, I was terrified I would forget your number before I could memorise it, so I had sticky notes just like this one. Yes, I drew hearts on all of them. I have no shame.
There were serious gifts, like more spray for his glasses, and charms for his keys. Then there were more sentimental ones that represented important dates of favourite memories. And then there were ones like he’d gotten the day earlier.
I found this at a thrift store, and when you open it, it plays ‘That’s what I like’ I figured you could piss off Tommy with it or something.
Wilbur had finished your gift, but he was paranoid it would break while being sent, so you had told him to just show it to you on Christmas when you spoke, and that you could collect it next time you saw each other in person. Ever since last year, when you and Will had both spent far too much money for either of your budgets, you decided that expensive gifts weren’t an option. At least not until you were both out of your financial struggles.
Over the year he had written out one thing he loved about you every day, and put them onto slips of paper and filled a glass jar with them. Some were general things, like “you have really pretty eyes” but some were more specific, like “today you told me a random fact about tropical fish, and now every time I see a fish it’s yet another excuse to think about you.”
So it was Christmas morning, and you both had the morning off. Wilbur had volunteered to take the afternoon shift to get some extra money. He’d FaceTimed you early in the morning, hoping you hadn’t gone to bed. He wanted to open the last drawer with you, but you’d texted him a few days earlier saying if times didn’t work out than to just open it himself. Since he’d be working late, he probably wouldn’t get to talk to you if you didn’t answer. So he sighed, and made his way over to the kitchen to open the final drawer.
Unlike the rest of them, this one had a note on the top rather than the bottom. Read this first, it read, and he unfolded the paper eagerly.
It wasn’t a note, like he’d assumed. Instead it was a screenshot. A screenshot of flight information.
There was a knock at the door.
He brought the paper with him, staring at it for a few moments. It hadn’t quiet registered what it meant until he opened the door and you leapt into his arms.
“You’re here,” He breathed out, closing his eyes.
“I am,” you said. “Did you open it yet? I didn’t know if I came too early but I know you have to work this afternoon.”
“Just in time.” He insisted. “I just opened this,” He brandished the piece of paper and you stepped back.
“So you haven’t seen the rest?” Wilbur shook his head and suddenly you were dragging him back inside his flat.
“Do you have a bag? Did you come here with nothing?” He asked, flustered at the mess his place was in. You didn’t care, and you didn’t answer either, instead just leading him to the cabinet. “How long are you staying?”
“Will, just open the drawer.” You insisted.
He did, and underneath where the note had been, there was a small key. “I don’t understand.”
“When I was here last I got an email about jobs available in Brighton,” you explained, clutching his hand. “I guess my workseeking app must have assumed I moved. Anyway, I applied and they said the position had been filled but a month ago they reached out and said they had an opening. So I took it.”
“So this is-”
“The flat I’m renting.” You nodded. “It’s just temporary, the whole thing was quite rushed. But I’ve been slowly shipping my things over, and I’ll be here for the next six months at least.” His face was blank and you bit your lip. You and Wilbur had been together for nearly four years, but you were worried you’d overstepped by not asking. “Is that okay?”
Wilbur looked at you, tears in his eyes and pulled you into him again. He kissed you, long and hard, until he needed to come back up for air. “Of course that’s okay! Holy shit, you’re actually here.” He kissed you again. “Move in here.”
“You said it yourself, you’re looking for something more permanent. Come live here, with me,” he faltered. “If you want to, that is.”
“Of course I do,” You beamed. “Of course!”
Wilbur laughed and embraced you, and the two of you stood there in his living room. In your living room. “Merry Christmas, lovely,” he whispered, not wanting to break the spell.
You giggled up at him. “Happy Christmas, Wilbuh” you mocked his accent.
He chuckled softly. “Hey, you live in the UK too. That means sooner or later everything that comes out of your mouth will be stupid.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
“I love you.”
He sighed begrudgingly. “I love you too.”
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cdreambur · 8 months
au where dream and wilbur are both actors, set to star in a movie together.
it's the story of the fictional city of l'manberg and its fight for independence, the two of them playing the generals of the opposing sides.
dream is nervous, because contrary to wilbur, who's been starring in big productions since his early teens, the movie is dream's first big role.
but the crew is absolutely wonderful, and the worry about meeting wilbur, whose fan he's been for a long time, is completely unnecessary, because the first words wilbur says to him are, "we're making them gay."
dream can only stare at him, a confused, "what?" all that comes out of his mouth. he's kinda glad that they're alone in the meeting room, sure that he looks like a complete idiot right now.
wilbur just grins.
"come on, the part where i straddle you, the scene where you pin me against a wall, telling me to surrender? people are gonna ship these guys anyway, the least we can do is give them some good material."
he accompanies his words with a little wink, light brown eyes twinkling with mischief.
it makes dream laugh, the last bit of tension melting from his shoulders.
he smirks back at wilbur.
"why the fuck not."
later, he thinks that might've been the moment where his tiny celebrity crush turned into something more.
filming is amazing. the crew is one of the nicest dream has ever worked with, and he makes fast friends with a lot of them.
there's sapnap, tommy, tubbo, and george, their co-stars, niki and karl, two of the writers, and the director, phil, and the producer, sam.
but the person he spends the most time with is wilbur.
he has no idea if it's because they're the leads, they actually get on that well, or a mixture of both.
all he knows is that ever since their first encounter in that meeting room, they've discovered that they not only share a love for stupid jokes and geography, but also that the chemistry they're able to show on screen easily translates into real life.
dream is honest enough with himself to admit that none of it helps with the adoration he has for wilbur, making the butterflies in his stomach and the warmth in his chest stronger with every smile, every compliment, every hug he gets from the brunet.
he never realized how serious it got though.
the day he finally does is the one where they film one of the scenes wilbur mentioned at that fateful first meeting.
they've been doing what they were talking about then for weeks at this point, every scene between their characters charged with unbelievable amounts of tension.
it's fun, and no one has told them to stop yet, so dream doesn't expect anyone to do it now.
which is exactly why he's not holding back at the moment, hands wrapped around wilbur's wrists, pinning him against a brick wall that one of their set designers, foolish, built in the studio two weeks ago.
his breaths are deep and deliberately controlled, face just the tiniest bit closer to wilbur's than it has to be as his lips quirk into a malicious smirk.
"just give up. you know you can't win against me. you're not good enough."
he meets wilbur's eyes, the brunet's gaze the perfect mixture of defiance and fear, and not for the first time, dream is hit with the thought of how amazing of an actor wilbur is.
he tries to free himself from dream's grip in a way that probably looks much stronger on camera than it actually is, allowing dream to follow the script and continue to hold him in place.
when he falls still again, dream lets his expression shift into a triumphant grin.
"we have no mercy for you. we will burn down your houses, we will kill everything inside your walls, and we will take back the land that is rightfully ours, if you do not surrender."
with a sneer, he brings his face even closer to wilbur's before delivering his last line of the scene with a vicious tone.
"i wanna see white flags outside your base by tomorrow at dawn or you are dead."
spitting out the last word, he watches as wilbur flinches, eyes fluttering shut for a second before they open again.
when they do, dream is suddenly overcome by the urge to kiss him.
it comes out of nowhere, slamming into him like a freight train, and he's just barely able to stop his eyes from flitting down to wilbur's lips.
phil's yell pulls him back into the present, and he lets go, stepping away from wilbur.
"guys, that was a perfect one-take! you were fucking incredible!"
dream barely registers phil's compliment, mind stuck on the way wilbur's breath was fanning over his lips, how the only thing he wanted to do was surge forward and kiss wilbur.
it's horrible. he can't fall in love with a co-star. especially not wilbur soot, beloved sweetheart of hollywood and the public.
he glances over at the brunet who's straightening out his clothes before meeting dream's eyes, smiling brightly at him.
dream's heart flips and he sighs inwardly.
looks like it's already too late.
the rest of filming goes wonderfully. dream's pretty sure that some of his scenes with wilbur were some of his best ones ever, even phil and sam mentioning that their energy together is stellar.
it makes both of them grin shyly.
when the movie goes into post-production, dream allows himself a few weeks of rest before he's out again, meeting with his manager and visiting castings.
he stays in contact with wilbur and the rest of the crew, even encountering tubbo and sapnap at one of the auditions.
the ten months until promotions start fly by like nothing, and soon, dream finds himself in interviews about the biggest movie he ever worked on.
it's exciting, and fun too, especially since most of them include their whole cast, always talking and joking and laughing.
dream missed them, and it's nice to be in the middle of the chaos again, bickering with sapnap and goofing off with tommy and tubbo.
but he also enjoys the quieter moments, talks with phil or george and especially the bunch of interviews where it's just dream and wilbur.
his feelings for the other haven't disappeared in their time apart, something that only gets more obvious now that he's around wilbur pretty much 24/7 again.
still, he gets through promo completely fine and without blurting out every emotion he experiences in wilbur's presence.
he guesses the acting career was the right choice.
when it's over, six weeks of games, interviews, and two press conferences done, they get a few days off.
then, the premiere rolls around.
it's happening in new york, and their team rents out the whole floor of a hotel close to the cinema for all of them to get ready.
things are hectic, but the tension in the air isn't a negative one, filled with excitement, joy, and pride.
dream, who's been one of the first ones to be done, is wandering the crowded corridors in his search for wilbur, a grin on his face.
the last person to see his fellow lead was eret, telling him that wilbur's in the suite at the end of the hall, waiting for the rest of them just like dream.
when dream wanders in, the room is empty, but he only needs a moment to catch sight of the open balcony door, leading out onto the private terrace.
stepping outside, he's met with wilbur watching the city skyline, turning and smiling at him when he sees dream.
tina, one of their stylists, has put him in a dark blue suit reminiscent of the uniform he wears in the movie, pairing it with a crisp black shirt and perfectly polished black dress shoes.
thin silver rings adorn his fingers, matching the delicate silver necklace around his neck, a small pendant in the form of a star resting against the hollow of his throat.
hair messy and the tiniest bit of color on his lips, he looks absolutely breathtaking, and dream almost feels a little boring in the simple green suit hannah gave him.
wilbur's voice pulls him out of his thoughts, eyes finally flitting up to meet wilbur's.
reciprocating the greeting, he steps up to the railing to stand next to wilbur as the brunet asks, "nervous?"
dream nods.
"a bit, yeah. biggest premiere i've ever been to, since, you know, biggest movie i've ever worked on."
he chuckles, a little anxious and mostly happy.
wilbur grins and gently nudges his shoulder.
"understandable. but i think you don't have to worry so much. it's gonna be amazing. and if it really isn't, just come find me and the two of us can go to subway or something."
brown curls fall into dark eyes that shimmer with sincerity, and dream, overwhelmed by the genuine offer and the soft curve of wilbur's smile and all the things they did together in the last two years, lets so much more honesty slip into his next words than he originally wanted.
"nah. i think i'd rather take you to a nice restaurant for our first date."
wilbur's lips part, and before dream can even properly register what he just admitted, he breathes out, "are you serious?"
he sounds so hopeful, completely different from anything dream expected.
it's everything he ever wished for.
so, he simply replies, "i am."
it seems to be enough, because not even a second later, they're both moving, their lips meeting in a chaste, sweet kiss.
dream's heart races as they pull each other closer, bodies pressed together when they part with matching smiles on their faces.
their fingers interlace.
(in the end, they don't ditch the premiere, but they do get dinner at wilbur's favorite sushi place a week later.)
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if-you-feel-lonely · 2 years
Prompt: Family photos
C!SBI x reader (family au!), Tubbo and Ranboo mentioned
TW: Violence (lighthearted sibling violence), swearing, sibling bullying (calling each other adopted and the like)
Event masterlist (discontinued)
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Phil loved to take awful pictures of his kids. He'd never hired a photographer and took proper, professional family photos. Why? That's the same question that Technoblade, Wilbur, Tommy and Y/n all asked every year. Along the halls of the house was a variety of family photos. In the living room, in a frame on the windowsill, was a picture of the four of them, covered from the knees down in white powder.
"Tommy, you're going to knock the flour if you keep walking up and down like that." Wilbur stated, sighing irritably.
"I would never. Careful is literally my middle name-"
Famous last words. He received a death glare from three flour-coated teens.
"This is why your real parents gave you up!" The neighbours could've heard Y/n shout.
"I'm not fuckin' adopted!"
To Phil, this was prime opportunity. As the older trio directed their fury at the younger blonde, he managed to sneak a picture of their gluten-covered legs. Y/n snapped around at the sound of a camera app. Needless to say, Phil was almost in hysterics.
"Come over and do that again, I dare you."
The next photo was from many years ago. Tommy was no older than eleven, Wilbur was fourteen, Y/n and Technoblade were the eldest children at fifteen. Out of context it looked strange - Techno and Y/n walking ahead of the younger two as Tommy slide tackled Wilbur's shins.
The four of them had been walking back to the house, having been sent home again after the school decided there was too much snow to stay in school. It was in the students' best interest to go home before the snow got too thick.
The older two walked ahead, lost in their own conversation. Tommy, however had other plans.
"You killed my father, prepare to die!" He shouted, before running at Wilbur and slide tackling him, successfully knocking him to the floor.
Techno turned around, followed by Y/n. "I don't claim this." He spoke. Y/n hummed in agreement.
Days like this made Phil grateful for the high-quality doorbell camera.
The living room, the dining room and the halls were all filled with similar photos - it made Phil smile when he walked past, and it made his kids blush with embarrassment at the awful timing of the photos being taken.
His favourite, though?
It sat on his desk in his office next to his computer. Wilbur and Y/n sat on the sofa looking at each other, both with their legs crossed. They were playing slaps, despite Phil telling them not to. On the floor, Techno attempted to teach Tommy how to wrap presents, but to no avail. It's A Wonderful Life played in the background on the TV. Tubbo and Ranboo had spent the day with the family - the two were sat on the other sofa, watching Coraline on a pirated website, on Tubbo's very cracked phone, with the help of the house's patchy Wi-Fi.
It wasn't a very calm evening - Tommy wound up covering himself, Techno and the carpet in tape and wrapping paper, Wilbur and Y/n ended up with very sore hands, and sore wrists where they had missed, and Ranboo and Tubbo had to sleep on the sofas that night, since it was dark, rainy and probably dangerous.
But it was his family, and by that definition, it was perfect.
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yoki-loves-stars · 4 months
i heard the words techno centric au 👀 i'm listening
the moment which i desired but was never prepared to face came...
this is very messy but...
an AU where Tech is immortal and every now and then he meets the same 3(4 if you count Kristin) people. They all look the same, have the same names, act the same, treat him the same, but have different stories, perceive him differently and most importantly don't remember him.
there is also no way for him to find them. He watches them die and tries to look for them as time passes, but he never can find them. They are always the ones to find him first no matter what he does. So he just has to wait no matter how hopeless it is.
First he met Phil. For Phil he was a son, a comrade, a follower, a friend. He taught Techno a lot and gave him the ideals to live with and to stand for. Phil was the only one who Techno once told about his immortality, about Phil's past lives. The lives of him being a warrior, a leader, an artist, an architect, a loving father and an angel of death. All these lives he had a soulmate, Kristin, and sometimes Techno wondered if she's also immortal, but never asked.
He met Wilbur then. Wilbur was a brother, a leader, a friend, a musician, a traveler. Tech liked to change his story just to see how would it change Wilbur. Sometimes he liked to play an older brother role, sometimes they were twins, sometimes he was younger, sometimes he was just a friend of Phil's, but Wilbur always treated him with the same taunting smile even though Will himself always was changing.
He spend time with these two the most. If he could he would give his life for them, but he couldn't, so instead he would give them the world, slaughter anyone who'd stand on their way, that he could do.
He met Theseus last and didn't think of him much. He thought that this child was yet another mortal and was quite surprised to see him once again as time passed. He was already so used to Phil and Will and now he had to put up with someone new, understand their habits, understand them. Tommy had the most serious roles for the most unserious person to ever exist. But he did treat Techno with a huge amount of respect.
the AU doesn't focus on SBI that much thought, but on Techno's life without them. Slowly he realises that he doesn't really understand who he is as a person. He's been the blood god, a soldier, a warrior, a prince, a leader, a follower, a brother, a son, a friend. But in between that? Before Phil found him centuries ago? He was nobody. His life came to constant waiting.
(Another thing to mention is that as immortal he doesn't really change visually either. He looks like a young adult, people usually think he's in his 20s.)
So he decides to try and become someone. He travels, learns to farm, to cook, craft, (there are things taht he could do already but they weren't a choice but a necessity during wars) write, study. He finally settles down and find a place for himself. He learns how to handle grieve, trauma, loneliness, old habits, voices and his own emotions.
During that time he encountered other people too. Some became his friends, followers and students, some became his enemies. Also Floof is here :D
And then his soulmates find him once again
i apologize for the rambles. I also apologize if this post has an unbearable amount of mistakes I started writing it at 1am
ill see if i have any art of this AU but i probably don't...
i always can make more tho😼
tech is one of my comfort characters ever (i also want to add that he's anything but cold here. he's always laughing and taunting and joking)
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vodkathegreat · 1 year
Caught passerine! Wilbur x reader Pt.2
Tw: none! Just teeth rotting fluff
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"Oh god..." Those words were the only ones that came out of Techno's mouth, he quickly covered up Tommy's eyes and closed the door. The embarrassment that washed over you was indescribable, however Wilbur froze, he was so shocked he couldn't talk. "it's over for us, isn't it?" He said, tears were forming in his eyes after which they rolled down his cheeks. He quickly pulled out of you, got dressed and then dressed you up as well. The next thing he knew, his dad showed up, "We have to talk and you know about what." Phil said coldly, Wilbur knew what was going to happen. "Stay here, Dear..." He patted your head and quickly walked out, leaving you alone.
"What did I told you, Wilbur..." Phil was disappointed, his monotone voice spoke up to Wilbur. "I know..." Wil wasn't brave enough to look his father into his eyes. "You knew... And still you ignored my words..." The young man quickly looked up, "You don't understand me! I'm a grown man, you can't just tell me who I can love!" His father stood up, "Listen, I thought I could trust you... You can't just love a girl who is in a league far below us, If you know what I mean!" Wilbur was quiet, he didn't knew what to say. "I'm going to make sure that this girl won't be able to see you, Ever again!" Phil sighed, "You're dismissed."
You were still sitting in his room, you weren't alone for a long time because Techno walked in. His expression was very... Unpleasant at least. He looked very sorry as he looked down at you. "You seem very nice, you know...?" His soft yet firm voice spoke. "Well, Thank you" You smiled at him gently. "I think Wilbur told you about our father, haven't he?" You just looked up at him, his pink long hair were covering almost half of his face. "He did..." Techno laughed, "Yet still he couldn't stop himself even thought he knew Phil was here. Look, I want Wilbur to be happy... I actually was wondering why he was so bubbly and giggly lately... Turns out he was seeing you." He was smiling to himself. "We won't be seeing eachother anymore, right?" The pink haired man frowned. "Well yes, I doubt that... But you managed to slip into his room these past few months, it's kind of impressive." Before you could answer, Wilbur entered the room, you could see his gaze soften when he looked at you. "My Darling... You have to leave..." Techno looked sad, that was all you could tell from his expression that you barely ever saw change. Wilbur's eyes swelled up with tears, looking at you. Tommy came in, "Our father wants to see you..." His energetic voice spoke through.
You were scared that's all you could think about. Walking throught the long hallways of the castle until you reached his office. "Sit down..." Phil spoke as you looked up at him. "I can't even think about you seeing my son..." He sighed, "I'm going to make sure, he will fall in love in someone else, someone who is more worthy of him than you." You were focusing on his voice, the words sounded unreal. "Yes, sir." You were frightened, you walked past Wilbur's chamber, looking inside. "Last goodbye?" A soft smile appeared on your face as he ran into you, crying into your shoulder. "D-Dont go, My Dear..." Wilbur sniffled out as Techno and Tommy pulled Wilbur away. "See you soon" You said without hesitation, you were going to come back, of course you were! "See you soon?" Techno just smirked as you were walking away.
You waited through the next couple of weeks, his heart was aching for you, he was hugging his pillows just to think you were with him, he was doing that for nothing... Nothing compared to you... Weeks flew by, you were just checking up on him from time to time after which you were brave enough to see him again.
"Techno!" You climbed throught his window, you looked desperate, his eyes were wide open. "Y/n...? You came here for Wilbur, you came back!" His smile was wide, you never seen him so happy. "So he's home?" You asked, still hanging on the window frame to Techno's chamber. "He is, you're lucky Dad's not home he went away for 3 days..." He quickly pulled you inside, "Be careful, there are so many guards, wait let me lead you..." He carefully took your hand in his, leading you out of his chamber to Wilbur's. "Here you go, run to him!" Techno laughed softly.
Wilbur was sitting next to his desk, scribbling something down, tears running down his face when he heard the door of his chamber open. "Missed me?" He quickly sprung out of his chair, hearing the familiar voice of his Darling. Wilbur froze he couldnt control his excitement. "Oh god..." Your arms were open for him, he quickly ran into them, crying again but this time out of luck. He looked rough is all you can say, he had a stubble of a moustache, his eyes were puffy, his hair were messy. "I thought you were dead! Why weren't you showing up?!" He sobbed out. "I was waiting for the perfect moment and here I am..." You were holding him so tightly as he started to sloppily kiss you. "You're going to stay over, right?!" He was looking so happy, looking at you with hope "of course..." Those were the last words said out loud before both of you fell asleep, holding each other tightly. Tommy and Techno walked into the room again, looking at their brother so happy again and smiling at each other. "She's the 'Darling' that he was writing about in his poems, huh?" Techno smiled at Tommy.
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Well I left the dump fandom and long while ago so i wanted to post an old wip fic. It was such a passion project but I never finished it because of technos death so I'll leave it here (and it's concept notes).
!! Wilburs mentioned a few times so don't be alarmed this was from like 2022, I promise I don't support that twat !!
The roaring sound of the crowd was something Techno never got used to.
They were always too loud.
That combined with the curse of his crown the voices of 100,000 people constantly yelling around him, always led to migraines that would last for days.
Yet he continues to fight in the arenas when he's invited.
He has too, it's the only thing that calms the voices.
It keeps him away from his family, he hates that. He wants so bad to stay in the castle and listen to Wilbur play his latest song, or watch Dad write in his study. Let Mom tell him stories like when he was little. He prays for the day he has perfect silence, because that's the day he can look at his little brother and not feel shame. The voices hurt Tommy and now Tommy hates him. Tommy's only 10 he doesn't need to know about the voices, it's already confusing enough for him to wonder why his brother held a sword to his throat after he asked to play.
Techno hates himself for it, he wants things to be different. He wants to be a good brother, because he loves Tommy. He really does.
"BLOOD GOD TECHNOBLADE! TODAY IS THE DAY YOU FALL FROM YOUR PEDESTAL!" The crowd screams, they seem to really favor the new guy lately. He hopes they aren't getting tired of him, that would be bad for his name. "Sure, like I'm gonna lose to a homeless man." He's sure if the guy wasn't wearing a mask he would've seen his eye twitch. "I'm NOT homeless." Techno just laughs. "Wow! So you think homeless are bad? Cancel this man, get him out of here." The new guy started studdering trying to defend himself Techno assumes to stay in public favor.
"What, no! I didn't say that, you're putting words in my mouth." Techno would've responded but his thoughts were cut short by the announcer.
"All right! Our match today is the All Mighty Blood God verses, our newest fight who's been quickly rising up the ranks.. Dream Wastaken!"
Techno blinks almost dumbfounded, "Wastaken? What kind of title is that? It sounds dumb."
Techno must have struck a nerve with that remark, Dream suddenly went still and took his position.
"I'll have your head Blood God," he could see a green glow from under his mask.
"HA, like hell you will"
The announcer signals the start and Techno lets himself go and all he sees is red.
Dream raises his sword and stabs towards Technos abdomen. Techno takes his axe and swings to hit the blade away. He ends up hitting the handle of the sword cutting deep into Dreams hands
Dream staggers back dropping his sword and clutching his hands. He inhales sharply the audience collectively gasps.
Yeah not much writen ik but here's the plans I had written in my drafts, it's so nostalgic to reread.
it starts out as Sbi + Mumza but techno and tommy get separated from Phil, Kristen, and Wilbur
(Wilbur is 17, Techno is 15 so hes less than wilbur because fuck you, and Tommy is 11)
So it's parentsduo + Wilbur and then also Bedrock bros, eventually they fins their way back to eachother. Techno and Tommy used to have this kinda tense relationship, they both cared alot about each other but Tommy always got along with Wilbur more. (Techno wasnt jealous of that, not at all.) but they just thought the other disliked them, and it's bothered them for years and now it's time for Techno to be cool and strong big brother for tommy. Being there for when he has nightmares to tell him stories, or reminding him that they WILL find the rest if their family. Running from zombies with the only weapons you have being swords and bows is a little bit difficult. but he does have one thing, his axe that was gifted to him by a neighboring kingdoms prince. To replace the one that was ruined in a duel he participated in on their behalf. Which they may or may not run into that prince and his betrothed (also his son?!?!?!?)along the way... Wilbur misses his brothers every single day, no matter how much his parents try to comfort him that they will be okay and that Techno is capable. He just can't shake the feeling that at every waking moment that he's not looking for them. They're getting hurt. He wishes it was him and Techno that got separated, cause then atleast Tommy would be with phil and Kristen. He wouldn't need to worry about his brother. He knows Techno will protect Tommy with his life.. but that's what he's worried about. If Techno dies protecting Tommy then what happens after? Tommy is left wandering untill inevitably hes... So he hopes Techno doesn't have to do soemthing that wreckless Because if he does, he'll lose BOTH of his brothers. and personally he'd rather not have that become a reality."
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colossal-red · 3 months
Endless Sleep
Tw: death mention, grieving.
Tommy’s sleep was restless, it had been several weeks since the incident, as those dumbass therapists called it… he hated that word now. Ever since that day, it had been hard to close his eyes.
He missed those mofos so much.
In his sleep, in the very same room on a significantly bigger bed than the one he rested in on a nightstand, Philza would awaken, and sit up with a groggy look about him, wiping some sleep from his eyes he would turn to look at Tommy… a sigh coming from his lips.
He himself had troubles too, but he had to be there for Tommy; It was all that kept him going, losing two of his three sons would do that to you… need something to keep you going. He’d rise to his feet, and gently stroke Tommy’s small hair with a finger, feeling his soft movements, despite the sad nature of his distressed motions, it was the most active he’d seen him in a while.
“Shhh…” He whispered softly, stroking his blond hair until he calmed. The larger avian would look out a window, gazing at the night sky, the stars shining brightly. He wished he could see them just one last time.
On the nightstand, close to where Tommy slept was a photo of the once happy family, but now half of them were gone. Techno, gone much too soon and Wil, taken most recently.
It was heart shattering.
Memories flashed through Phil’s mind, as soundless tears dripped from his face, times of love, times of laughter; God he’d give anything to have those times back.
One memory in particular appeared, a day like any other, except all four of them were tired as shit hehe… Phil nearly crashed the car that day, picking them all up from their work or school in Tom’s case.
Tubbo had called them all sleepy boy’s when he came to visit, and the name kind of stuck, it became an inside joke, Sleepy Boi’s Incorporated, they called themselves.
They tried their best to stay awake and have some family bonding time together but… when Wil face-planted into a pie that Tommy had moved in front of him, Phil would send them off to bed.
Everyone learned a lesson from that to not stay up too late hehe…
Suddenly, lost in his thought, something would perch on Phil’s shoulder, and nuzzle his neck. “Tommy…?”
“Phil.” Tommy replied simply, wings held close to his body as he stayed there on the Bean’s shoulder.
“Did I wake you?”
“Nah, if your snores can’t wake me up old man I doubt anything could.“
That caused a laugh from Phil, Tommy staying perched on despite the shakes, Phil was still crying a bit, but the laughter felt nice. The smaller avian smiled, burrowing into Phil’s neck as he reached up and placed a hand on Tommy to almost hug him, a sniffle coming from Tom.
“You okay mate?”
“Yeah,it’s just… I wish they were here with us.”
“Me too Tom, me too.” Phil replied, sighing again as he sat down, softly stroking Tom’s hair.
“It’ll be okay mate. They’d- they’d want us to carry on…”
“Yeah, Wil would’ve cracked a joke here I think. Techno would maybe have laughed in his usual way, patting your back…” Tom mumbled to himself, just staying as close to Phil as he could.
“Yeah, probably.” Phil said with a sad smile.
“I think… I’ll be okay… won’t we Dadza..?”
“Yea… yea mate,”
“We’ll be okay.”
Hey y’all, Red here.
Regarding the Wilbur Soot allegations…
Wilbur Soot is gone; As far as I'm concerned, the Wilbur Soot we knew is dead now... the one we knew and loved would never do the things he's done, all that's left is this, terrible abuser who I can’t even recognize. :,]
I believe… we can still make fics about the one we knew and loved, our Real Wilbur, not this- disgrace.
Separating the one we knew and loved from the disgrace that emerged from the ashes;
And so I had this fic idea… a smol Fic Idea: A tribute to the SBI, Phil and Tommy-centric with the two in grieving over the deaths of Wil and Techno, but after some bonding and comfort- g/t, the short fic would end with the simple words... "It'll be okay" to celebrate the life of Techno, as we are getting close to that time of the year again… when we lost the legend… and to celebrate the Wilbur Soot we knew and loved, but abhor what he has become.
Just to be clear: I 100% support Shelby, she’s a good person, who didn’t deserve any of what happened to her… or anyone else affected by Will…
This fic, and any subsequent ones released after this by me… are not in support of Will, they are a tribute to the happy memories the Wilbur we knew and loved gave us, and mourning of the loss of the one that gave us hope, and inspired us…
I miss him, and after that ‘apology’
In the words of Soldier Boy…
“You’re such a f^cking disappointment.”
Here’s a hug for everyone in need :,] I’m still on hiatus, just to be clear… but when I get the chance to truly come back I will, I love all of you/p
And I hope y’all have an excellent day… (When I come back I’ll also clear out my inbox- thanks for the asks <3/p)
See y’all… when I see you. ❤️/p
P.S. I do apologize if people look at this fic in bad taste, I wrote this for myself majorly, in mourning of the man who was “Everything I wanted to be” as quoted from Spider-Man Ps4.
@kayla-crazy-stuffs @brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @poprockpanda @a-tiny-frog-girl @local-squishmallow
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Sing A Little Song For Me Pt. 3
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nobody asked for it, but here’s a part three i thought about 🫶🏼
three years later…
wilbur was miserable. he let the love of his life slip away just because he was afraid of commitment and being a bad husband. he was scrolling through instagram, liking random pictures and memes, not even realizing he scrolled to y/n’s profile and frowned, clicking on their profile picture, wanting to see what they’ve been up too. he sees a new guy in your life now, apparently, and frowned. he realized the girl he loved, no, still loved, moved on and had a new boyfriend it seemed like it. damn, it hurt. he wipes his eyes and calls his friend, phil and tommy.
“hey guys, i just found y/n’s instagram again and it’s making me feel like shit.”
phil looked at wilbur, worried and frowned. “wil, don’t succumb yourself to sadness that isn’t necessary.”
tommy sighed. “mate, you’re fucking miserable when you’re sad.”
wilbur groaned. “how do i move on though? i need some sort of closure or something.”
tommy looked innocent. “I have her address?”
”why the fuck do you have her address?” wilbur fumed.
“I um.. uh.. am partners for a project with their daughter?“ tom questioned.
“and why didn’t you mention this to me?” wilbur said, scarily calm.
“because i didn’t want to make you rip off the bandaid? or because i secretly have a crush on their daughter?”
wilbur held the bridge of his nose, sighing. “you better give me the fucking address now.”
phil looked on, watching, waiting for wilbur to blow up.
”here! her address is 2523 Rd 173 Grover Hil, OH 45849. Just don’t do stupid shit.” Tommy said.
wilbur grinned. “no promises! now bye!” he hung up the phone and visually mapped out his response to her in his head.
wilbur went out the next day, saw the house y/n was living in and grasped the ring he was carrying. he made his way to the door, sighed and knocked. and knocked.
a little boy opened the door and yelled. “mum! there’s a hot guy at the door!”
he heard a “alright, wilbur! let me get the door.” and then a perosn came into view and his heart stopped. (yes i named y/n’s child wilbur, sue me)
it was them. y/n. and god did they look amazing.
he cleared his throat and said, as any normal ex would do, “I missed you.”
the person at the door shooed wilbur away and closed the door behind them. “why the fuck are you here?”
will started to get down on one knee when jarred arrived, greeting his wife with a kiss. “hello dear, who is this?”
they kissed Jarred back and put their right hand, the one with the ring on it, towards wilbur, on his chest and smiled up at him. “just somebody that i used to know, dear. nobody really that important.“
wilbur. still on one knee frowned. “i was going to give you the world, y/n! i came here today to make you my wife! instead i find you with him.”
y/n frowned. “you had that chance a long time ago. i’m a different person now. at least i have somebody who loves me and respects me as i am, and we’re on the same wavelength with our relationship, unlike you and i. and me, i’m as happy as i can be, which is suprising after what you made me do. i have 3 amazing kids, an amazing and loving husband, and where are you? still eating ramen out of the same dish?”
wilbur scoffed and threw the ring at Jarred. “You can have the bitch for all i care.”
wilbur peeked out of the door. “mum, what’s a bitch?”
y/n stood there stunned. “well honey, a bitch is this guy here. but in the future, don’t use that word, alright, sweetheart?”
he nodded. “okay mum!”
Jarred turned to wilbur. “you better move the hell outta here before I call the cops, you bastard. and don’t come back!”
wilbur stood up and ran towards y/n gave them one last kiss on the lips and ran off. “i had to do that, at least once.”(I HAD TO QUOTE GALE FROM THE HUNGER GAMES)
y/n sighed and leaned into Jarred. “I’m sorry, I don’t know how he found me or why he decided it’d be a good idea to approach me.”
Jarred stood there, shocked. “As long as you’re here with me, it’s all that matters, dearest.”
you hugged him. “that’s all i’ll ever be.”
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