samuelfarrand · 1 year
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mysticbloom · 10 months
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starzpsychics · 1 year
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A guide to Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is a gift every human being gets at birth. In general terms we are seers
What is a seer?
A seer is someone who senses the spirit realm with their own eyes, or in their mind’s eye. Seers can be adults, but many are children, this is a gift that they have been born with, or sometimes develop as they mature or have supernatural encounters.
But for the vast majority this gift is left undeveloped they will lose the gift of seer through fear of the unknown or of that which is unexplainable. For some though the gift of seer remains, and a percentage of people will go on to develop this gift.
In this guide to Clairvoyance, we will examine the gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see what is unseen, it is having the power of knowing or cognizing realities, to see the different levels of the Astral Plain. Clairvoyants can see energy fields, spirits, symbols and get visual premonitions.
Developing clairvoyance isn’t really that hard, but there are a few things that must be done in order to be successful. The first step is to rid yourself of negative thoughts and tendencies and to understand that fear, doubt, nervousness, and anxiety will only hamper your success, and may even totally block the development of clairvoyance altogether, if not dealt with!
How do Clairvoyants see?
Typically, most clairvoyants see things in their minds eye (also known as the inner eye or third eye).
The phrase “mind’s eye” means having the ability to visualize things in your imagination. That said however, the mind’s eye and the imagination are not the same thing. The mind’s eye is the ability to visualize things in your mind. Whereas the imagination is the ability to create or visualize something that is not physically present!
There is a difference. A clairsentient can tap into your feelings and emotions by studying your picture.
Clairsentience (clear feeling) is one of your metaphysical senses. The other metaphysical senses are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing), and claircognizant (clear knowing).
Clairvoyance uses the same parts of your brain that are active when you dream or visualize. If you are able to visualize anything, then you have clairvoyant ability. The gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer enables you to know people on a very personal level.
Clairvoyants can pick-up other people’s energies, which can be troublesome at times, because it means they are affected by other people’s negativity, feelings, emotions, and problems without being aware of it.
Generally, most people find Clairvoyants easy to communicate with, and often find people are draw to them to off load their difficulties.
You have probably already heard people refer to Clairvoyance as the sixth sense.
Have you ever watched gymnasts and wondered how they manage to get their bodies into the right position, ready to catch a tumbling partner or as they use the trapeze? This is the sixth sense.
Sixth sense also known as the subtle perception ability, is a person’s ability to sense the subtle-dimension or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, Heaven (Swarga), etc.
The sixth sense helps you to navigate and understand the subtle cause and effect interactions that are behind many events, that are typically beyond the rational understanding of the intellect.
ESP - extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, premonition, intuition is the same as the sixth sense.
Clairvoyance is often linked to precognition or retro cognition as well as psychometry.
If an artist or someone that predominantly uses the right side of their brain were to become enlightened (psychic) they would have the ability to read auras, our chakras, draw guides, and this is how they would channel what they received because the ability to see images is their most heightened sensitivity.
A clairvoyant would probably pick up and see your aura. The aura that surrounds each of us is made up of seven layers/auric bodies. Each one of the subtle auric bodies that exist around our physical body has its own unique frequency, the auric bodies are interconnected they affect our feelings, emotions, thinking, behaviour, and health.
During a reading the clairvoyant may see a symbol or a movie-scene which is a metaphor for the situation.
Clairsentience is a metaphysical sense (something which is outside of physical reality as we understand it) that relates to recurring physical and emotional feelings, this is referred to as your gut feeling and indicates Divine guidance. If you have ever had a physical or emotional feeling suddenly wash over you with no apparent connection to your current state of mind, you have just experienced clairsentience.
It is a complete awareness picked up by a person resulting from contact with an object, letter, or another person the seer should get a feeling, get strong signals. With time and testing the art of psychometry can be mastered, indicating that clairvoyance is an achievable gift, with patience and effort.
It is the highest attribute of the human mind but is dormant in many people that said it can be developed in virtually all. It is the natural, instant awareness of facts, principles, events and things. To develop intuition, simply, when you get an intuitive thought test it at once, this will help your perceptions grow clearer, stronger, more frequent and free.
Ø Clairvoyance sees,
Ø Psychometry feels,
Ø Intuition knows instantly.
To explain this further in our ordinary everyday lives we see as everybody sees. In clairvoyance we see with more distinctness; in psychometry we feel with greater intensity, and in intuition, we leap to results in an instant.
A guide to Clairvoyance and opening up.
To use the gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer you will need to activate the third eye chakra the pineal gland:
Many people believe herbs can be used such as:
Wood Betony Gotu Kola Parsley Alfalfa Mugwort Ginkgo Leaf (Ginko Gobola) Lecithin
Some consequences of opening your third eye chakra the pineal gland include:
Increased lucidity in dreams, clearer psychic visions, hearing voices or sounds and an increased telepathic ability. The herbs can be made into tea.
My personal preference would be the use of Crystals:
*Agate *Beryl *Jade *Sapphire *Amethyst *Azurite *Aquamarine *Citrine *Quartz *Lapis Lazuli
These crystals can be used in meditations, put under the pillow, directly on the third eye area, made into jewellery.
If you need to speak with a psychic, please visit us at: https://starzpsychic.com
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spinallyspiraling · 1 year
Inbox me or comment and let's discuss this
It's weird, who I am makes me feel like it's mandatory to chase the ineffable yet the ineffable is the scariest concept, idea, and truth to contemplate and experience. I rise a lot and fall almost the same amount as I rise because nothing is known about rising after one has already received 777. (Lightning Flash of creation, flaming sword, etc.)
It's not a commitment issue because I want to be my best self and not any version of me that is negative to the world at all. Having these ideas keeps my heart pure, but in total truth, I have no idea of what to expect. In limited knowledge, I momentarily run back to what I know. When I ascend to a new height, even though I can never return to the same level or depth as before, the pendulum is swinging towards the monad and the pineal gland. Upwards flows the current, so I drift up into the unknown that is inescapable. The energy dissipates from the pendulum every time gravity takes a stab so the pendulum is more in death with every swing instead of more than life... In over analyzing the process, I can't help myself by shaking the pulsating and inflamed question; "Will I totally lose myself?"
In some way aren't we all supplanted by all we know, think, and experience anyways right? What if you in time were
to be replaced with something that wasn't you? Would you yourself pray for a replacement version of you that creates the peace God also wants for you or would you pray for a version of you that ruthlessly subtracts the population? Society in their religious memberships become subservient to one narrative anyways so when one observes the options wouldn't either option have to be a Christ regardless of what wing it resides? God is pleased with all of his creation when he performs his will for it. This makes God happy. (look for this in your Bible as I reworded it entirely) Maybe God needed the Revelations chapter of the Bible. When one gets critical of it all why does it nag as a question, "Why even give the word of your mouth, the chapter Revelations to the Prophets anyways?" If the Bible is your word and you uphold the first and the last, you have the power to create a paradise with you and your son, yet you gave the prophet who wrote Revelations an antichrist and a devil who came to be in command and control of the world and it's government. If God had Revelations written then wasn't his will technically to decimate the world's population by more than 90%, to establish such a low human populace, and first of all give the Devil and the antichrist any power to begin with? There will be a time when God and his son return in flesh, in astral, hell; only God knows what form. Their arrival would mean world peace and everlasting life. Wouldn't the side of good and evil both be absolved since revelations and the rest of the Bible was his word and even his will? There are either four or seven crowned princes of hell, therefore it must be that God is pleased by those who perform his will. If those who act poorly yet were fated to do such as a way to ensure other parts of your word to be completed would they or would they not even be rewarded as opposed to condemned? It is said when Judas hung himself that a demon came and cut a reincarnation out of the belly or his lower intestine. Judas was allowed to become the Devil. God loved Judas and even Judas was the favorite of Jesus. Judas had to do his dirt so God could openly give the world the Tav or the Tau which is a cross and his covenant to his people. Wouldn't all of the aforementioned information indicate that a crowned prince of hell who was evil in the eyes of the world have exaltation rather than a torturous and famished afterlife? Jesus even said at the last supper that everyone was his friend except one of them who was the Devil.
Rising up could eventually render someone's awareness to fade out and to be supplanted with something that wasn't God's light. The opposite could be on the other side of the Kundalini once the ionization has reached 33 two times. The fear and the worry is all stemming from desire to be the best expression of self to the possibility of becoming the or an Antichrist. Maybe God's plan was to fulfill a need for a small population so the few could live forever and pose no threat to the world at all; whether it be the atmosphere, the oceans, or even beyond the atmosphere. Surely God's will would be to null, reduce, and eradicate all life that failed to even try to fathom his existence or those who were seen as unworthy of an eternity with his presence. Why would a God who has wrath, judgement, and vengeance give love and acceptance to someone who dismissed him or didn't care to commune or find him at all? The only evil is willful ignorance in the face of Knowledge. Science even says adapt/evolve or die. God wants to be known and even the "evil" exists to ensure the arrival of his word complete. God is an all consuming fire so wouldn't the kundalini fire result in God's word being fulfilled even if one received the Devil at the top of the tree on the second ascent? In Matthew it even says God's son came as a sword even though they expected him to come as peace. The second coming is said to descend down into flesh but the antichrist is said to ascend out of the pit upwards. How would evil result in my kundalini ascending out of the body and upwards into the monad? God is the Monad. The first rising creates the lightning flash that gives man the Christ within so even if a second rising creates an Antichrist wouldn't it be God's will since it occurred by traversing the tree back into the Monad which is God?
It is said that the lifting of the serpent saved the Jews and was called the Brazen Serpent. In the bible it also says the Son of Man needs to be lifted up. So why would Revelations then further dictate that the Antichrist ascended and went upwards from the pit when the Brazen Serpent and the Son of Man needed to be lifted?
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The Pineal Connection!
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aquariandeity · 2 years
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#lawofattraction #abrahamhicks #spiritualtiktok #manifestationtok #manifest #abundance #grateful #wealth #attracting #marchblessings #pinealgland #pinealglandactivation https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp_LZlwOCuM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tapeteeth · 2 years
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Magic Eye Elixir Bottle @tapeteeth Vintage Art Object.
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autoeroticalgolania · 2 years
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The Solar Anus - Georges Bataille
only a few pages, give it a go
FULL PDF includes:
The Solar Anus
Rotten Sun
The Pineal Eye
The Sacred Conspiracy
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June 18,2022 - I started having severe tremors of my head/neck and right arm/hand.
June 20, 2022 - I saw my PCP who was concerned with sudden onset of symptoms. He would not let me leave his office until he spoke with neuro.
June 21, 2022 - I spent 9 hours in the ER. CT was clear, Blood work was relatively normal. Sent home with Rapid neurologist appointment.
June 23, 2022 - I see the rapid Neuro clinic. He sends me for more bloodwork and refers for MRI.
August 14, 2022 - The first episode of loss of consciousness. I also had weird stabbing migraines prior to episode.
August 21, 2022 - MRI of head and spine
I had my MRI results 5 days after my scan. I never heard from the neurologist. I phoned 3 weeks later to book an appointment to discuss the results. When the receptionist phoned back she told me that the doctor wanted her to relay my "normal" results and that he would no longer be seeing me.
Normal? 1.2 cm cyst in my brain is not "NORMAL". Thats not even the kicker... It has been there for 10 YEARS. None of my doctors thought it was important information.
Now this particular type of cyst, Pineal gland cyst. Has always been over looked by the medical community. They typically watch them and wait... Even if you have all of the symptoms. They won't even discuss the possibility.
Currently feeling defeated.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Im in Canada
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medicatrix-naturae · 3 months
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lifestylereview · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Pineal Guardian: Reviews & Comparisons
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Pineal Guardian Protector Review
Are you looking for ways to strengthen your memory function and overall brain health? This particular formula is said to be based on latent protection and is beneficial to working memory. Pineal Guardian is a blend of nine natural ingredients designed to support memory and brain stimulation. All ingredients are carefully tested for purity and ensure the absence of toxins and bacteria.
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starzpsychics · 1 year
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Understanding and Using the Merkaba Crystal
The Merkaba crystal looks like a star tetrahedron, a 3-dimensional, 8-pointed star that is made from two triangular pyramids, one pointing up and the other down. The symbol itself can be found in many ancient texts and artifacts like the Bible.
Which in physical terms is a vehicle for ascension.
Merkaba is a Hebrew word, associated with the Hebrew Bible text from Ezekiel 1.4-26. Merkaba means chariot (also known as Merkavah) and is known as the "chariot of ascension." In this culture, it is said to be a vehicle that takes the soul from this world to the next.
Merkaba is believed to be Egyptian and means – Mer, representing light energy; Ka, representing the astral plane and higher dimensions; and Ba, representing the physical plane and the body.
History of the Merkaba Crystal
The term merkaba is first mentioned in Ancient Egyptian texts dating back to 3000 BCE and is described as an energy field that surrounds and protects the body during its journey to the afterlife.
The merkaba was also alleged to have been used by the gods to travel between different realms.
Merkaba and the Ancient Egyptians
For the ancient Egyptians, the connection to the Divine was particularly important. They believed Ka, ‘spirit’ to be the life-force energy that flowed through all things, and Mer, or "light", to be what brought knowledge and understanding to people, and that the combination of these energies, was the perfect way to travel between different realms and connect with the divine.
They believed that the merkaba was the perfect tool to help them achieve their goals in life and help them to attain a higher state of consciousness.
Priests and Priestesses of different Egyptian gods used merkaba in their ceremonies and rituals to connect with the energy of the universe and achieve a higher state of consciousness.
Priest would use Ka divination to enter a deep meditative state, using the energy of the merkaba to connect with the divine, however it is not clear whether it was a physical object being used or a visualized one. During their meditations, the priests would receive messages and guidance from the Gods to be shared among the people.
The Merkaba Crystal and Sacred Geometry
A Merkaba shaped crystal can be made of different crystals with powerful healing and cleansing properties.
It is true to say that since ancient times, people have been trying to unravel the mysteries and meaning of the Merkaba. What we do know is that within the Merkaba is everything that allows us to exist as spiritual-physical beings, because it provides the basis for the mind-body-soul connection at the root of spiritual practice.
The Merkaba has roots in the Torah, and is connected to sacred geometry, and looks like a three-dimensional version of the Star of David and has the power to create a perfectly unionized and balanced energy field.
Made up of tetrahedrons, the Merkaba (sometimes spelled Merkabah), star shows balance and stability, and is the result of combining two opposing tetrahedrons to form a Merkabah Star, or Star Tetrahedron.
The top section of the Merkaba tetrahedron is believed to represent masculine force, with the lower section believed to represent feminine force.
The tetrahedron is also linked to the energy of the solar plexus - grounded, glorious, and ready to rise - this shape knows how to hold its personal power.
The Merkaba star is linked with the cosmos, with the top shape being the cosmos and the bottom shape being the earth. It is also applied to the physical realm and spiritual realm - dark and light - opposites together to create harmony.
The Merkaba shape is everywhere in our existence, you can see the shape in water, our cells, plants, animals. It is also connected with the flower of life, the mandala, and the tree of life. The Merkaba tetrahedron is said to be linked with the Divine and is believed to move us closer to ‘God' or higher consciousness. The upward/top point of the tetrahedron is said to take you higher, while the lower point is what keeps you grounded on your astral travels and connected with the earth.
What is the Merkaba Crystal used for?
Wearing jewelry made from Merkaba or having a crystal in the Merkaba shape is a fantastic way to find inner peace and is a way of harmonizing and connecting opposing energies.
The Merkaba star will nourish your subtle body and help with chakra healing.
It is also used meditation helping you to expand your awareness and thus connect with your Higher-Self, enabling you to experience an elevated state of consciousness. The Merkaba meditation synchronizes the feminine and masculine characteristics of our being.
They can also be used in advanced Reiki practices, astral traveling, lucid dreams, and to activate and purify the human Light Body, as well as for Mer-Ka-Ba visualizations.
How can Merkaba crystal benefit you?
The Mekaba Crystal can be useful in opening the Pineal Gland which sits in the middle of the forehead (also known as the third eye). By using the Merkaba crystal alongside ancient prana breathing techniques, you can help restore prana flow into the pineal gland. A fully activated pineal gland will help you to achieve your full potential. It will also help you to connect with the higher realms, as well as being able to use visualization techniques, and heighten your spiritual awareness.
Connect with the Source and raise your vibrations.
Merkaba is connected to source energy, which connects you to your soul intention, meaning you can create any kind of reality you wish.
Merkaba energy can remove negative and stagnant energy, allowing a fresh energy to flow around you. It can also remove chakra blockages that may be hindering you. For your energy to flow, the chakras need to be clear and flowing freely across all seven points of the body.
To learn more about Crystals please visit us at: https://starzpsychics.com
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healthcareusaa · 5 months
Revitalize Your Body: Pineal Guard Supplement for Peak Performance
Rejuvenate your body and optimize performance with Pineal Guard, a supplement designed to support the pineal gland's role in regulating bodily functions, suitable for all adults.
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Brainbow! Rainbow in the brain
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siddhxartha · 2 years
There is a special place for us.
Somewhere within our neglected and twisted desire. Burrowed deep in our dreams where sense is flipped upside its head.
A place that doesn’t even exist.
A place where you’ll see familiar faces. A place of calling and origin. Don’t forget the journey that took you there.
We all have to go there some day.
3/16/23 1:38am
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