starzpsychics · 1 year
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A guide to Clairvoyance
Clairvoyance is a gift every human being gets at birth. In general terms we are seers
What is a seer?
A seer is someone who senses the spirit realm with their own eyes, or in their mind’s eye. Seers can be adults, but many are children, this is a gift that they have been born with, or sometimes develop as they mature or have supernatural encounters.
But for the vast majority this gift is left undeveloped they will lose the gift of seer through fear of the unknown or of that which is unexplainable. For some though the gift of seer remains, and a percentage of people will go on to develop this gift.
In this guide to Clairvoyance, we will examine the gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer.
Clairvoyance is the ability to see what is unseen, it is having the power of knowing or cognizing realities, to see the different levels of the Astral Plain. Clairvoyants can see energy fields, spirits, symbols and get visual premonitions.
Developing clairvoyance isn’t really that hard, but there are a few things that must be done in order to be successful. The first step is to rid yourself of negative thoughts and tendencies and to understand that fear, doubt, nervousness, and anxiety will only hamper your success, and may even totally block the development of clairvoyance altogether, if not dealt with!
How do Clairvoyants see?
Typically, most clairvoyants see things in their minds eye (also known as the inner eye or third eye).
The phrase “mind’s eye” means having the ability to visualize things in your imagination. That said however, the mind’s eye and the imagination are not the same thing. The mind’s eye is the ability to visualize things in your mind. Whereas the imagination is the ability to create or visualize something that is not physically present!
There is a difference. A clairsentient can tap into your feelings and emotions by studying your picture.
Clairsentience (clear feeling) is one of your metaphysical senses. The other metaphysical senses are clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing), and claircognizant (clear knowing).
Clairvoyance uses the same parts of your brain that are active when you dream or visualize. If you are able to visualize anything, then you have clairvoyant ability. The gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer enables you to know people on a very personal level.
Clairvoyants can pick-up other people’s energies, which can be troublesome at times, because it means they are affected by other people’s negativity, feelings, emotions, and problems without being aware of it.
Generally, most people find Clairvoyants easy to communicate with, and often find people are draw to them to off load their difficulties.
You have probably already heard people refer to Clairvoyance as the sixth sense.
Have you ever watched gymnasts and wondered how they manage to get their bodies into the right position, ready to catch a tumbling partner or as they use the trapeze? This is the sixth sense.
Sixth sense also known as the subtle perception ability, is a person’s ability to sense the subtle-dimension or the unseen world of angels, ghosts, Heaven (Swarga), etc.
The sixth sense helps you to navigate and understand the subtle cause and effect interactions that are behind many events, that are typically beyond the rational understanding of the intellect.
ESP - extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, premonition, intuition is the same as the sixth sense.
Clairvoyance is often linked to precognition or retro cognition as well as psychometry.
If an artist or someone that predominantly uses the right side of their brain were to become enlightened (psychic) they would have the ability to read auras, our chakras, draw guides, and this is how they would channel what they received because the ability to see images is their most heightened sensitivity.
A clairvoyant would probably pick up and see your aura. The aura that surrounds each of us is made up of seven layers/auric bodies. Each one of the subtle auric bodies that exist around our physical body has its own unique frequency, the auric bodies are interconnected they affect our feelings, emotions, thinking, behaviour, and health.
During a reading the clairvoyant may see a symbol or a movie-scene which is a metaphor for the situation.
Clairsentience is a metaphysical sense (something which is outside of physical reality as we understand it) that relates to recurring physical and emotional feelings, this is referred to as your gut feeling and indicates Divine guidance. If you have ever had a physical or emotional feeling suddenly wash over you with no apparent connection to your current state of mind, you have just experienced clairsentience.
It is a complete awareness picked up by a person resulting from contact with an object, letter, or another person the seer should get a feeling, get strong signals. With time and testing the art of psychometry can be mastered, indicating that clairvoyance is an achievable gift, with patience and effort.
It is the highest attribute of the human mind but is dormant in many people that said it can be developed in virtually all. It is the natural, instant awareness of facts, principles, events and things. To develop intuition, simply, when you get an intuitive thought test it at once, this will help your perceptions grow clearer, stronger, more frequent and free.
Ø Clairvoyance sees,
Ø Psychometry feels,
Ø Intuition knows instantly.
To explain this further in our ordinary everyday lives we see as everybody sees. In clairvoyance we see with more distinctness; in psychometry we feel with greater intensity, and in intuition, we leap to results in an instant.
A guide to Clairvoyance and opening up.
To use the gift of clairvoyance becoming a seer you will need to activate the third eye chakra the pineal gland:
Many people believe herbs can be used such as:
Wood Betony Gotu Kola Parsley Alfalfa Mugwort Ginkgo Leaf (Ginko Gobola) Lecithin
Some consequences of opening your third eye chakra the pineal gland include:
Increased lucidity in dreams, clearer psychic visions, hearing voices or sounds and an increased telepathic ability. The herbs can be made into tea.
My personal preference would be the use of Crystals:
*Agate *Beryl *Jade *Sapphire *Amethyst *Azurite *Aquamarine *Citrine *Quartz *Lapis Lazuli
These crystals can be used in meditations, put under the pillow, directly on the third eye area, made into jewellery.
If you need to speak with a psychic, please visit us at: https://starzpsychic.com
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thewitchery · 2 years
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Divination Slavic Spell Candles // Made by the Witch these magical spell candles feature beautiful Slavic embroidery patterns on both sides with each “stitch”, star or flower having its own meaning. See them all at #TheWitchery via https://www.thewitchery.ca/?s=Slavic+Spell+Candle Ukrainians believe that embroidery is a magical talisman #protecting against from everything evil / bad all the way to representing #happiness, #fate, life, & power. * Square ~ Well-being, peace, & fortune, perfection, harmony, & order. In the Ukrainian tradition, the square is the symbol of earth. * Rhombus ~ Sun & earth union as well as utility. A rhomb with a dot inside means a sown field which equaled to prosperity & abundance for Ukrainian ancestors. * Circle ~ Sun, heaven energy, & eternity. * Herbal ~ Purity & prosperity. * Guelder rose ~ Love, wealth, beauty, motherhood, & procreation (bush – mother, berries – children). * Grapes ~ Family happiness. * Poppy flowers ~ Help ward off the evil eye. * The tree of life ~ Beauty, youth, soul renewal, immortality, resurrection, & fertility. * Heart ~ Happy family life, usually embroidered on wedding dresses. * Stars ~ Protection from evil, diseases, & weakness. * Chevrons ~ Essence, spirit, & matter. * Wavy lines ~ Water, rain, time stream, & the evolution of the universe. * Сross ~ Protective amulet from evil spirits. * Swarga ~ Hearth & family happiness. * The star with eight rays ~ Union of female & male principles which gives birth to all. * Сurves ~ Infinity, life journey, eternity, strength, & vital energy. #divination #candledivination #scrying #psychicvision #spellcandle #spells #slavic #ukrainian #slavic #slavicwitchcraft #candlemagic #folklore #folkmagic https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpp9X81LTt-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amieravenson · 2 years
Mugwort and Psychic Vision
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Mugwort is hands down my favorite plant ally. It has so many practical applications for my personal practice that I can't seem to buy enough of it. I have little half-filled jars of it everywhere. But this year, I asked my husbear to grow me some fresh mugwort. And it's gorgeous, lush, and plentiful. Thanks, Husbear! The main reason that I use mugwort is for its ability to induce psychic visions. It's really helpful for my tarot practice, for prophetic dreaming, scrying, and for shamanic journeying. This Autumn, I'll be using it as a part of my tarot/oracle card cleansing incense, in dream pillows, and I'll be using the oil in an Elen of the Ways oil blend that I intend to make. As always, I'll be annointing my third eye with mugwort balm before tarot readings to open up my senses. And I'll probably make a nice cup of mugwort and wormwood tea for Samhain to see what kind of scrying I can do. You can also make an infusion to wash crystal balls or scrying mirrors with. I use it for EVERYTHING. Aside from the psychic vision-inducing powers I've mentioned, mugwort is also used in protection spells, and can be carried to induce lust and fertility. Mugwort's element is earth or air (depending on the source you consult), and its planet is Venus, making it feminine in nature. It can be imbibed as a tea, infused into a bath, used as an aromatherapy essential oil, added to sachets or dream pillows, made into magickal incense, or several other applications. What do you use mugwort for? Blessed be, and happy visioning! Read the full article
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astrologerpawan · 23 hours
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Astrologer Pawan offers expert advice on love, career, and personal growth through astrology. Reach out for transformative insights and guidance!
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voucwjryey · 2 days
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wiccapedia-author · 2 months
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#psychicreading #clairvoyant #intuition#tarotcards
#psychicmedium #tarotcards #energyclearing  #spiritualguidance #psychicpowers #prediction #soulconnection #psychicvision #divination #psychicenergy #psychicmediumship #psychicintuitive #psychicadvice
#spiritualawakening #psychichealing
#psychicinsight #psychicabilities #psychictruth
#psychicchat #psychicline #psychicmediumship
#tarotreading #mediumship #psychicreadingonline
#psychicmessages #angelcards
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ancestralvoices · 5 years
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Question of the day www.ancestralvoices.co.uk #2020 #2020vision #2020predictions #predictions #prediction #dream11prediction #psychic #psychicvision https://www.instagram.com/p/B4GSn9tDg3_/?igshid=rttwhrboexg8
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ccarriganphotos · 3 years
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Medical intuitive healer Catherine Carrigan interviews natural vision expert Meir Schneider about how improving your vision sharpens your intuition. Questions addressed in this interview include: What does it mean to see well? How do we see with our brain as well as our eyes? Many people refer to our third eye as center of our inner vision. How does our inner vision relate to our actual vision? How can opening our third eye improve our vision? How can we open our third eye? How can integrating the right and left hemispheres of our brain open our third eye and improve our vision? Many people project what they think they see out into the world. This is the subject of many spiritual texts including A Course in Miracles. How can we stop projecting what we think we see and see what's really there? How much of our balance relates to our vision? How does our dream life relate to our vision in real life? How does getting unstuck in our vision help us get unstuck in our lives? Many people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). How does spending time in light and sunlight improve our vision and our psychic vision? How do you use your intuition in your life and work? #naturalvisionimprovement #Meirschneider #innervision #psychicvision #thirdeyevision #thirdeye #medicalintuitive #naturalhealing #thirdeyeopening #healersofinstagram #authorsofinstagram #intuition #intuitivedevelopment #medicalintuitivehealer https://www.instagram.com/p/CZe989LuC23/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hagroot · 4 years
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A beautiful glass bottle filled with snake skin, palo santo and moss for transformation, rebirth, healing and dream recall. Snake Medicine is very ancient and extremely powerful. Snake Medicine includes wisdom, healing, initiation, elusiveness, transmutation, exploration of the mysteries of life, elemental energy, goddess energy, psychic visions, creative power and the ability to travel between the realms. Using Snake Medicine allows us to shed our skin (our illusions and limitations, getting rid of that which no longer serves us) to achieve peace, health and oneness. The shed snake skin that I use comes from my ball pythons. They are incredible snakes with wonderful energy and ancient knowledge. Every piece of jewelry that I make is created with healing intentions and positive energy. Palo Santo is a wood used by shamans in sacred plant spirit ceremonies. They use it for purifying and cleansing, for getting rid of evil spirits and misfortune, meditation, space clearing and shamanic healing. -X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X- Visit my website at www.hagroot.com to see more of my creations. -X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X- #folkmagic #folkmagick #primitivecrafts #conjure #witchcraft #primitivemagick #spellbottle #snakeskin #snakemedicine #palosanto #witchcrafted #transformation #rebirth #magick #conjurecraft #rootwork #rootworker #seer #psychicvision https://www.instagram.com/p/CFSecXAH-Un/?igshid=zmypw02nxhm8
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thereikidays · 6 years
Day 32: “Tiger in a Cage”
Emotions were especially calm on this day. The usual up and down that is normally felt was nothing but a steady pace; processing thoughts and emotions without being swayed or attached to them. I marveled at this fact, until I received a “warning” from my subconscious during this day’s session. Before I go over the “warning” I feel I received, I will note some other things that I felt and saw on day 32. For one thing I noted something about physicality that felt different, once I was settled into “the chamber”.
For the first time I felt I was detaching from my physical body, to some extent. It was not an out-of-body experience though, as that would be extremely ungrounding, and a lot of the point of practicing Reiki is to ground. This was more like sinking more deeply into my own self, which is quite the abyss it turns out. I suppose it could be described as the sensation of getting centered, except I’ll say that such centeredness is almost impossible to feel while focused on the physical body on its own. When spiritual people talk about “finding the center”, I am not sure if they are describing this, and not a direct aspect of inhabiting the physical body.
It’s odd to admit to such a thing, but I think all this time I have considered myself to be made up of an inner and outer being, with the two being greatly connected. In my previous perception there is, firstly: the outside animation that is my physical body. I have as much control over that as everyone else has of their own, but sometimes it feels as though it is a driving force that has control over my life. This animation of the outward self could be categorized accurately as a decorative wall, but it feels much stranger to me now, after this particular Reiki day. Somehow falling into a new layer of my energy opened my eyes to the reality that the outer self will never be able to speak for any of the other selves… this experience changed my perception of my appearance, if even just for a short while (we’ll see!).
It almost feels like my outer self will forever be overly shallow and unable to keep up with the many internal layers it is associated with, and so I see its disconnect from the reality of spirit in a brand new way. I’ve always been told that appearances don’t really matter, but this particular session showed me the reality of this in a very strange and visceral way. It’s much like how you can shop for a car and take as much time as you possibly can in order for that car to reflect you and who you are, but the reality is that it will forever be a shallow representation of the being within, driving it from place to place. Metal can only bend so far within expression. Paint and gloss can only be so personal...
All-in-all, the sensation was that of snapping entirely into place, and it seemed I could feel the lessening of clutter that has been progressing over the first month. There is now a stronger connection to the chakras, and each one feels like a room with specific pressures of atmosphere. Some chakras are more communicative than others, and I have found that my throat and heart have much more to say than the rest. On day 32 I got two very distinct messages from my throat and heart chakras. My throat contained a very powerful vision that caused me to cry a bit, and it was that of myself at an older age, playing music somewhere the sun is shining, and there are several people around me. It was highly effective emotionally, because my greatest fear is that I am growing too old to pursue music anymore, and that once I reach a certain age no one will take my work seriously. This vision was a reminder that impatience is not the answer, and that in fact impatience is slowly killing me emotionally. When I was looking at the images presented I felt a very, very strong presence near me. I could not discern if the energy was human or otherworldly, but it felt very close and comforting.
The other vision came from my heart chakra, when I tried to tune in and envision its state. When I applied Reiki to it an image bloomed in front of me, of a tiger in a cage. It did not feel like it was a precedence of anything; it mostly felt like nothing but an interesting image. Since I am such a geek for finding symbolism in basically everything, I typed “tiger in a cage” into google, just to see what the hell would come up. One of the first things I found about this strange archetype is that it represents repressed emotions surfacing. This is when I began to wonder if it was some sort of message for preparation: another purge was on its way. The other thing I found about “tiger in a cage” was a folk tale that has the same premise but with differing characters throughout. In all of the versions of this tale that I found, the tiger is in pursuit of fairness and “justice”. In the most common version to be found of the tale, the tiger is locked in a cage until a young boy walks by and lets him out. “I’m going to eat you now,” the tiger says, and the boy replies: “But that isn’t fair, I helped you out of the cage!” The two characters then go in pursuit of alternate opinions, all the while the tiger trying to discern what’s really fair. In the end a clever assistant to the young boy asks the tiger to demonstrate what happened, so that they can make a decision as to what’s fair. This sets the tiger back in the cage, and he gets locked up in it while the young boy and his helper walk off happy.
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Detailed information here: https://information.hrvgmethodology.com/
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hudsonpsychic · 6 years
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#chakras #meditation #lbgt #lostinlove #psychicreader #aura #happy #tarotcard #lovespells #dreams #clairvoyant #energy #future #pastlife #twinflame #past #advise #reincarnation #livereading #shinebright #meaningofdreams #career #relationshipgoals #psychicvisions #crystalballreading #psychicinsight #sprituality #chakrahealing #mindbodysoul #energytherapy (at Massachusetts)
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thetwowizards-blog · 7 years
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Psychic Vision Oil🔮✨ SOLD🕊
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romeodeltabravo · 5 years
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Electric Six nailed it again with their 2011 album Heartbeats And Brainwaves!, which sees the disco punk band continue to go from strength to strength, but by the same token it feels a little too deep within the comfort zone. A competent band in their stride is a fine thing to see, and I enjoyed this disc, but I’d like to see something a little further from home as we continue to go through the catalog. Still worth a spin. Highlight tracks include Psychic Visions, The Intergalactic Version, Hello! I See You!, and Bleed For The Artist. Available on iTunes and Spotify. Another pretty good run tonight, not much to report beyond that. #gym #health #fitness #fit #beard #ink #tattoos #wednesday #cardio #running #comewithmeifyouwanttolift #irontherapy #electricsix #heartbeatsandbrainwaves #2011 #psychicvisions #theintergalacticversion #helloiseeyou #bleedfortheartist #rock #punk #disco #alternative #itunes #spotify https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw61NuenH-7/?igshid=1imc2vaqsgoy0
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mysticvisions7 · 6 years
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Year ahead Tarot Reading. Message me to book. $35 Special. #mysticvisions #mysticmessenger #yearahead #psychic #insight #tarotreading #tarot #reading #psychicvisions https://www.instagram.com/p/BsyzLyThOis/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1w12ztka1aalt
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wellness2017-blog · 7 years
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Day #4 of Most Common Used Incense - Frankincense Element associated with water Frankincense promotes calm, peace, relieves stress & anxiety, useful in ending conflicts, arguments, reestablishing a friendship that has ended due to conflict, bringing peace & resolution to enemies, & bringing peace & resolution to warring factions. It alleviate the tension of a tense situation. Used for religious rituals & as aid for meditation. It is believed to have many healing properties, relieving conflicts and stressed within one's body which lead to illness. It is promotes spirituality, astral strength, protection, consecration courage, dispel negativity, aid to meditation, induce psychic visions and attracts good luck... #frankincense #healing #spirit #spirituality #astral #astralstrength #protection #dispelnegativity #meditation #consecration #courage #attractgoodluck #bringspeace #resolution #water #psychic #psychicvision #health #wellness #wellbeing #peace #peaceonearth #calm #love #heart #hearttoheart (at Awakening Inner Wellness)
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