#Pisces uranus
black-lake · 7 months
astro observations 12
heyy here are some of the things i found out lately while i was wasting time
🎠 An aries moon and capricorn sun man, I always find this mix intriguing. Can give off the vibes of a character straight out of a webtoon, or a fuck boy that’s just visibly toxic. Either way I find them so incredibly magnetic. They possess strong fiery auras and usually have a rebellious streak to them. If they act out of their shadows they can be arrogant, insensitive, disloyal and only chase after the physical. 
🎠 Initially I wondered why eminem doesn’t give me libra sun vibes at all, then I looked a bit deeper into his chart and realized that he’s just textbook uranian, he even looks like an alien and acts like one at times. He got sun conjunct uranus, aquarius moon, mars conjunct uranus, and uranus square nn. He was born to be a rebel. 
🎠 He’s one of greatest rappers to exist and it’s worthy to mention some of the aspects that indicate his unique talent for rapping. First of all mars conj uranus is known to give unique talents, so that’s that. In this case sun and mars conj uranus granting him a natural rhythm, quick thinking, and unique expression. But the supersonic speed doesn’t come just from that. What’s interesting is that his ability to be a fast rapper and master lyricist is amplified by pluto also being in libra, conjunct his mars and pallas, fueling him with anger, intensifying his capabilities with determination, and heightened mental control and intelligence. Saturn is also in an air sign (gemini), indicating speed and intelligence. This gives rise to a grand air trine, linking his powerful stellium of sun, mars, uranus, pluto, and pallas in libra, his moon in aquarius, and saturn in gemini. The stars really aligned there making him the rap god huh.
🎠 If you know eminem's story you'd know that he had a tough upbringing. From a difficult mother and absent father to being an outcast bouncing between schools and sketchy neighbourhoods, the only white kid in a black community, being bullied by gangs, and even beaten up till he drifted out of consciousness, then dropped out of school. Makes me think it's why he keeps his bodyguards with him all the time! He was left with nothing and a daughter to provide for, encountered racial prejudice in rap contests for being white, despite these obstacles, he rose to become the best-selling hip-hop artist and earned recognition from rappers as one of the greatest of all time. Leads me to the next obs.
🎠 Heavy uranus/aquarius or 11°, 23° can easily become misfits without trying to. They’re constantly put in new environments, places where they’re the only ones of their kind, like a white kid in a black community, a foreign in a mostly local area, the new kid in school. There’s always ‘something different about them’ that people pick up on even if it was as early as elementary school. Which may get them outcasted or bullied. Their experiences at times lead them to hate school and drop out. 
🎠 People with these placements have something special to offer the world. It may seem like obstacles are constantly put in their way without them doing anything, but it’s their path unfolding. So they can wake up from their conditioned states and break from the status quo. The more that happens the more they realize who they are. 
🎠 Here’s why I think those that got capricorn north node can be the best fathers or the child’s favorite parent. It’s part of their destiny to be a caregiver and a good example for their children and they have the biggest hearts when it comes to caring for them and protecting them. They desire to give their child what they themselves may have lacked in their youth and shield them from the pain they experienced. Their child is their inspiration and reason to keep going in a way.
🎠 The biggest two examples I can give, Eminem singing mockingbird (one of my favs) for his daughter Hailie. He often mentions her in award shows, and did a whole diss track (killshot), in 13 minutes btw lmao, just because MGK made a tweet about his daughter. The other example is Travis Scott singing goosebumps for his daughter Stormi on stage and bringing her to his concerts. She has always said that her fav parent is her dad. Anyway, don’t mess with these ppl’s kids they’ll go after you to the end of the world. 
🎠 Men with mercury conjunct saturn have deeper voices, speak slowly and eloquently like they’re a 50 year old even if they’re 25. They are very grounded, have a methodical way of thinking and are wise beyond their years. Also masters at dodging questions.
🎠 I’ve seen it a lot and experienced it myself having an aries stellium. Women with a lot of aries or mars placements can often feel like they’re more cute, youthful and sexy in a cool way rather than the typical feminine way. They often have toned bodies, smaller chests and a lot of masculine qualities that trying to appear too feminine can feel fake to them. 
🎠 People with north node in capricorn can feel like they've been robbed of the success they deserve. It's giving the vibe of a musician that has worked so damn hard on their album and received public success but no official awards, then released another album and did it again and again and still haven’t gotten a grammy. I mean grammys are scams but ykwim. Along the lessons of success and accomplishment, there's also a profound lesson in patience and self-validation, a focus on recognizing one's worth from within rather than seeking external validation.
🎠 I noticed that aries, gemini, aquarius and capricorn placements or heavy mars, mercury, uranus and saturn can prefer skirts over dresses or just wear pants all the time.
🎠 Those with uranus-neptune in pisces really brought back the love for anime, manga, webtoons, cosplay, colourful cute aesthetics, dreamcore, surrealist aesthetics and art. They just got a dreamland vibe to them and it’s quite fascinating to see.
🎠 I have north node in leo and I'm starting to look like my 5 year old self, no joke, connecting to your inner child can do that. Looking at my childhood photos stirs up emotions within me. I often find myself reminiscing and yearning for that carefree time when I was simply myself, devoid of societal pressures. Plus, I can't help but notice after fixing my fucked up teeth I got my child smile back. I feel like I'm in a journey of rediscovery as I start to recognize that childlike spirit within me once again.
🎠 Those with sagittarius, libra, taurus, gemini, leo and aries placements have the most beautiful smiles omg, like it does something to your heart. Please keep smiling it really brightens up this world. I mean I can fit all the signs here I just love when others smile. 🥺
🎠 Mercury opposite pluto, these native can say exactly what would get them mocked or bullied. They keep starting the wrong fights for the wrong reasons. They could get triggered of people who communicate better than them. Their lesson lies in improving their communication skills, cultivating tactfulness and diplomacy, and learning to reclaim their power in a psychological manner rather than resorting to mindless verbal confrontations.
🎠 Mars conj/opp pluto can at times experience violence early on, in school or their neighborhood. They experience a lot of obstacles constantly, inner and outer pressures that they may feel like giving up. These challenges ultimately instill within them greater resilience and determination to pursue their goals. Many martial artists and athletes have this aspect, seeking an outlet to channel the intense anger they experience.
🎠 People with aries north node really go from one battle to another without a break. Leaving behind their need to compromise and avoid confrontations can be challenging but is the very thing that brings those battles. Eventually they will find themselves needing to defend themselves alone with no support, fighting back relentlessly no matter what and stop compromising to keep the peace. They will gain this sense of self assurance and bravery to face anything in life.
🎠 I know someone with a lot of saturn oppositions, aquarius sun and stellium opposite saturn, capricorn moon and aries nn. This person has always been underestimated by their parents and always felt like an outsider. They had controlling parents that imposed so many restrictions on them. They also were targeted in school for having a funny and likable personality. Being their aquarius mc and aries mercury bestie I saw their potential and encouraged them to fight back even if it meant making a scene. They eventually built up the courage to stand up for themselves no matter how alone they are. But they also have this wisdom to know when to pick their battles and when to ignore things and let them go, which I look up to.
🎠 People with a lot of chiron conjunctions or oppositions have a heart of gold. Real angels on earth that have been through it. They have so much compassion and understanding for others because they’ve been hurt in many ways. They know what it feels like to be wounded by life and have tremendous amounts of empathy for that. They have sensitive souls and their presence alone can make others feel seen and heard. I appreciate these people a lot, like thank u for existing. 
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bratzinmoodboards · 4 months
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Requested by @diya444665
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daphnaea · 2 months
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zodiac moodboard: sagittarius sun | pisces moon | libra rising | scorpio mercury | sagittarius venus | scorpio mars | sagittarius jupiter | leo saturn | aquarius neptune | pisces uranus | sagittarius pluto | libra lilith for @pretty-prrincess-13
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yrotic11 · 5 months
Frutiger Aero/Webcore is so Aquarius Neptune /Pisces Uranus🖲️💿🧼🌐🌊🛸🥣
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astro-tag-9 · 2 months
Hiiii 🤍
Can I get a character pls?
Pisces sun 8h ♓
Pisces moon 8h♓
Pisces mercury 8h♓
Pisces mars 8h♓
Aquarias venus 6h♒
Aries jupiter 9h♈
Libra saturn ♎
Aquarias neptune 7h♒
Pisces uranus 8h♓
Leo rising♌
Lilith and chiron pisces (lilith 8h chiron 7h)♓
5h pluto
Roxy Ryan & Jane Ryan
( New York Minute)
*you get two because they’re twins 😊*
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blackwidow16 · 3 months
Pisces Uranus aesthetic
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apiscesthing · 3 months
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ezukll · 7 months
hope you’re doing well!!
I am curious what are your thoughts on pisces stellium in 3rd house? (sun, mercury,uranus)
have a nice day/night💋
Hii, hope you're doing great as well.
A Pisces Stellium in the 3rd house can point towards a focus on communication and thought in one's life. With Pisces governing emotions, intuition, and spirituality, this can manifest through creative writing, poetry, or music. The sun in this placement can indicate a focus on self-expression and individualism that may be felt deeply and emotionally. Additionally, Mercury in the 3rd House can support communication and creativity in one's thoughts and ideas. Uranus in this placement may highlight a unique or unusual way of thinking or expressing oneself. Overall, this can indicate a strong connection to the self and inner world.
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lovingaquarius · 1 year
so i wanted to learn more about my whole sign chart but i got JUMP SCARED bc it changed my pisces uranus to the 7th house 😭 and then my aries mars to the 8th .…someone send help IMMEDIATELY
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d4rkpluto · 4 months
ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʀᴇᴛʀᴏɢʀᴀᴅᴇ
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thank you for the 10,000+ followers! a game with no exchange will be released:)
now that i've written and understand planets in retrograde thoroughly they will be included in chart readings for free.
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♇ having mercury in rx makes someone think more often, especially over the most pettiest things they think is big. they're very anxious people, and since it is in retrograde it could be implied that they're "wired differently" they think more out of the box, and even speak different, how they speak and write could be very distinct.
♇ mercury in retrograde could give someone inactive relatives, or cousins and siblings they're not close to. and since they're people who doubt themselves a lot, they could stall themselves from the path they're supposed to take, being their own obstacles. they could also be people who take some time to take in/process information.
♇ as i said they're people who hold themselves back a lot, this could link to their childhood, might've had people speak over them and silence them when they were younger.
♇ people who have venus in retrograde might focus on love too much, and they could be people who have a struggling relationship with women. sisters, women who are their cousins and women who are their friends.
♇ they could also be very secretive people, they have a hard time opening up, which could make them be deemed as cold. they have a hard time giving and receiving affection.
♇ they could be bad at handling money, and might think everyone is out to get them. they could find it hard to love themselves, having venus in rx, is the peak of the "tortured poet".
♇ those who have mars in retrograde could have a hard time getting along with men, or even with the opposite sex. to have mars in rx could mean you could be considered as someone who i very intense. can a hard time expressing your sexuality and aiming for your goals.
♇ instead of learning life lessons quick, they are normally stubborn people and barely listen to advice given to them by trusted people. could be people who are too hesitant, say and do things at the wrong time and place.
♇ people with mars in retrograde might've gone through sexual trauma, could be scared to be intimate with other people. they're people who hate authority or people trying to have dominance over them. the type of people to not listen to the rules and break them.
♇ people who have jupiter in rx are the definition of "thinking out of the box", they're people who do have moments that question their faith and some of these people tend to have a God Complex.
♇ sometimes they feel like they're the unluckiest person in the world, might feel like they wont be able to travel the world like they want to. could also have long cycles of depression.
♇ having jupiter in retrograde can mean they're someone who marches to the beat of their own drum, they can be very detail-oriented people, which sometimes mean they feel like they can judge anyone and think of themselves to be flawless. jupiter in rx people are the type of people who want everything in their future to be perfect also, without life's trials and tribulations. can be unrealistic.
♇ as it is told, saturn in retrograde brings a father that wasnt in the person's life, the person who has the saturn in rx can make someone feel like they're being punished by life all the time.
♇ this could also mean they might find it hard to express themselves emotionally, could be due to their childhood. they go through many trials and tribulations, makes them depressive, but in the end they become really wise.
♇ they doubt themselves a lot, could have trouble balancing themselves, and their masculinity, could be too domineering.
♇ people with uranus in rx do not like change, they're likely insecure, [not all are going to be due to different commodities in a chart], but these are usually people who think they are not going to succeed in life.
♇ they sometimes feel like they're in control of nothing which pushes them into their need of controlling everything. they're quick-thinkers but still over-thinkers. they feel like they can never feel nice in a platonic or romantic connection.
♇ it leads them into being paranoid and chaotic. they might also put themselves in a box to make things easier, don't know they're limiting their potential when doing that, they're so much more and need to understand it.
♇ to have neptune in rx could make the kin be very delusional, might find it hard to separate idealistic views with reality. definitely reminds me of alice in wonderland. they're very spiritual people but can over-whelm people by adding their faith into everything.
♇ could be really good at manifesting; trust issues but sometimes are stubborn from learning their mistakes. can be deemed as very dreamy and compassionate.
♇ they could have this feeling of needing to save everyone. their trials and tribulations are a creative outlet for them, another indicator of being the tortured poet. [but the tiring and damaging things they go through are usually expressed through their art, which includes writing, story-telling, writing music, painting etc].
♇ i do get surprised when i come across these in a natal chart reading, but, pluto in rx folks definitely do hate constraint, they dislike authority and feeling like they're being controlled, which could push them into trying to control other people.
♇ could be escapists through drug and sex, they could also find it hard to accept their dark-self. easily infatuated people, people can get easily obsessed with them as they can get with other people.
♇ good money makers, could manipulate others with materialism, though, they might not be confrontational, could feel easily intimidated. sometimes could never see the potential in themselves can be their own obstacle.
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rmstitanics · 25 days
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CANCER MOONS and 4H MOONS might enjoy media with the found family trope.
Those that have an 8H STELLIUM, PISCES MOON, 12H STELLIUM, or SCORPIO URANUS would make great divination witches, tarot readers, astrologers, and / or ghost hunters.
MERCURY OPPOSITE MARS folks have no filter in every sense of the concept. They tend to speak their minds and say the MOST out of pocket things, and also might be prone to swearing like a sailor.
“Taylor Swift only writes music about her exes—” NO. Her entire discography reflect the journey to heal the inner wound of CANCER CHIRON, which is all about feeling unloved and abandoned by others. If you’ve got this placement, you probably relate on a spiritual level to her song “The Prophecy”.
12H STELLIUMS may have had some paranormal experiences in their childhood or early adulthood.
SUN SQUARE URANUS aspects may be prone to a feeling of always being at war with themself — whether spiritually, emotionally, or psychologically. Although they do a good job at hiding this inner conflict, it might still manifest in social interaction by others perceiving them as contradictory due to actions not aligning with words.
AQUARIUS MOONS are natural humanitarians, and would find lifelong emotional + spiritual fulfillment in community service or philanthropy.
I encourage individuals who have NEPTUNE TRINE MERCURY in their chart to try astral projection or lucid dreaming — you’ve got a natural affinity for it!
If you have your SUN PLACEMENT AND CHIRON PLACEMENT IN THE SAME SIGN, your Chiron wound is likely a major and crucial part of your core personality. For example, Abraham Lincoln had his sun sign and chiron sign in Aquarius, indicating that the core wound of always feeling like an outsider in the community was a foundational aspect of his character.
CAPRICORN CHIRONS might enjoy writing or reading historical fiction — especially historical fiction that features characters who others view as “outsiders” achieving succsss in the public eye against all odds.
4H SATURN placements may have chosen or will possibly choose to attend university far away from home in a desperate attempt to break free from strict parents.
SATURN TRINE NEPTUNE aspects make for individuals who care deeply about topics related to social justice and are driven to take action and participate in organizing their communities. They could be involved in social media activism and have accounts dedicated to posting about certain issues, but it is essential for these natives to also take concrete actions locally.
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astuteology · 1 month
Placements that "can" make someone uninterested in love, relationships and marriage🚫
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Chiron in the 7th house
Aquarius venus
Virgo venus
Venus conjunct saturn
Venus square saturn
Saturn in the 7th house
Juno retrograde in the 7th house
Venus retrograde
Saturn in the 12th house
7th house lord in the 12th house
North node in the 1st house
Saturn in the 4th house
Scorpio mars
Scorpio rising (not always)
1st house lord in the 12th house
7th house lord in conjunction with Saturn or south node
Sun in the 12th house
Venus in the 12th house
Mercury in the 11th house
Uranus in the 7th house
5th house lord in the 12th house
12th house lord in the 5th house
12th house lord in the 7th house
7th house lord in the 7th house(sometimes)
Saturnian ascendant or descendant
Uranus conjunct venus
Neptune conjunct mars
Uranus aspecting 5th house or 7th house
Retrograde Scorpio venus in 12th house
Pisces venus in 11th house
11th house lord in the 2nd house
Aries moon in the 12th house
Saturn conjunct the nodes
Mars conjunct north node
Jupiter square venus
Venus square uranus
Venus square neptune
Scorpio moon
Moon conjunct the nodes
Moon in the 12th
Saturn, moon and South node conjunction in the 5th house or the 7th house
Moon in the 8th house
Moon square venus
Moon conjunct uranus
Aries venus retrograde
Retrograde pluto
Retrograde planets in the 5th house or the 7th house
4th house lord in the 12th house
South node in 4th house, 5th house, 7th house, 8th house, 11th house and 12th house
Sun and saturn making hard aspects with venus, nodes and moon
Retrograde virgo venus, gemini venus or pisces venus
Capricorn sun
Venus in Capricorn
Venus conjunct south node
Venus in the 8th house
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bratzinmoodboards · 5 months
Hi can i get a moodboard for gemini sun, aries moon, gemini rising, gemini mercury, gemini venus, pisces mars, libra jupiter, cancer saturn, pisces uranus, aquarius neptune pluto in sagittarius ?
Thank you mate, xxx
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esotericalchemist · 1 month
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𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 - 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐛𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ✧・゚:*
Masterlist - YouTube (subliminals)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Jupiter stands out as the great benefactor, often referred to as the planet of expansion, wisdom, and abundance. Just as a compass points us to the right direction. Jupiter can be our spiritual guide, leading us toward a life filled with growth, prosperity, and deeper understanding. By tuning into the energies of Jupiter, we can navigate the complexities of life with greater optimism and purpose, unlocking the door to endless opportunities and the well of abundance that lies within and around us.
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✭ 𝐋𝐞𝐨 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✭
When Jupiter is in Leo in your natal chart, it combines Jupiter’s expansive and optimistic energy with Leo’s confident, creative, and charismatic nature. This placement encourages growth through self-expression, leadership, and a flair for the dramatic. Jupiter in Leo inspires you to seek abundance by embracing your individuality, taking the stage, and sharing your talents with the world. To tap into this energy of abundance, focus on cultivating your creative gifts, leading with confidence, and using your natural charisma to attract opportunities that allow you to shine.
1st House: With Jupiter in Leo in the first house, your personality is bold, confident, and magnetic. To access abundance, embrace your leadership qualities and express yourself with creativity and enthusiasm. By taking the initiative and showcasing your talents, you attract personal growth and opportunities for success. 2nd House: Jupiter in Leo in the second house emphasizes financial growth through creative endeavors and self-expression. To harness this energy, invest in your talents and pursue ventures that allow you to showcase your unique abilities. By valuing yourself and your work, you create a strong foundation for financial abundance. 3rd House: In the third house, Jupiter in Leo enhances your communication style with flair and confidence. Use your natural charisma to build strong connections and inspire others through your words. Engaging in creative writing, public speaking, or teaching can open doors to new opportunities and growth. 4th House: Jupiter in Leo in the fourth house suggests that your home and family life can be sources of pride and joy. To tap into this energy, create a warm, inviting home environment that reflects your personal style. Take a leadership role within your family, and focus on fostering a sense of pride and togetherness. 5th House: With Jupiter in Leo in the fifth house, your creative expression and pursuit of pleasure are amplified. Engage in artistic or performance-based activities that allow you to shine. By embracing your passions and sharing your joy with others, you attract opportunities for growth and fulfillment. 6th House: Jupiter in Leo in the sixth house emphasizes the importance of creativity and confidence in your daily work and routines. To access abundance, bring a sense of enthusiasm and leadership to your job. Focus on roles that allow you to express your talents and take pride in your work, leading to career satisfaction and success. 7th House: In the seventh house, Jupiter in Leo encourages you to seek partnerships that are dynamic and mutually empowering. To tap into this energy, focus on building relationships where both partners can shine and support each other's growth. Your natural charisma will attract relationships that are both fulfilling and growth-oriented. 8th House: Jupiter in Leo in the eighth house connects transformation and shared resources with self-expression and confidence. To harness this energy, approach joint ventures and deep emotional connections with an open heart and a willingness to lead. Embrace transformation as an opportunity to grow and shine more brightly. 9th House: With Jupiter in Leo in the ninth house, your approach to higher learning, travel, and spirituality is infused with a sense of adventure and personal expression. Seek out experiences that allow you to expand your horizons while showcasing your unique perspective. By embracing your inner explorer, you attract opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. 10th House: Jupiter in Leo in the tenth house emphasizes the role of leadership and self-expression in your career. To achieve success, focus on roles that allow you to be in the spotlight and use your natural talents. By leading with confidence and creativity, you pave the way for recognition and long-term career growth. 11th House: In the eleventh house, Jupiter in Leo highlights the importance of leadership and creativity within your social networks. Build strong, inspiring relationships with friends and groups that share your vision. By leading collective efforts with enthusiasm, you can achieve your long-term goals and make a positive impact on your community. 12th House: Jupiter in Leo in the twelfth house suggests that your spiritual growth is connected to self-expression and inner confidence. To harness this energy, explore creative and artistic outlets as a form of spiritual practice. Embrace solitude and reflection to connect with your inner self, allowing your inner light to guide you toward abundance and fulfillment.
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✭ 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐨 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✭
When Jupiter is in Virgo in your natal chart, it combines Jupiter’s expansive and optimistic energy with Virgo’s detail-oriented, practical, and service-focused nature. This placement encourages growth through organization, hard work, and a commitment to improvement. Jupiter in Virgo inspires you to seek abundance by refining your skills, focusing on efficiency, and using your talents to help others. To tap into this energy of abundance, prioritize precision, develop your expertise, and approach challenges with a mindset of continuous improvement and service.
1st House: With Jupiter in Virgo in the first house, you're practical and focused on self-improvement. Embrace your ability to analyze and organize. By presenting yourself with humility and dedication, you attract growth and success through hard work. 2nd House: Jupiter in Virgo in the second house emphasizes financial growth through careful planning. Focus on skill development and creating multiple income streams. Hard work and precision help you build financial security. 3rd House: In the third house, Jupiter in Virgo enhances clear and precise communication. Use your analytical skills to build connections and share insights. Writing, editing, or teaching can lead to intellectual growth and new opportunities. 4th House: Jupiter in Virgo in the fourth house benefits your home and family through organization. Create an efficient home environment that supports well-being. Practical care and thoughtful service foster security and growth. 5th House: With Jupiter in Virgo in the fifth house, your creativity shines through meticulous craftsmanship. Engage in precise hobbies like writing or design. Refining your skills attracts joy and fulfillment. 6th House: Jupiter in Virgo in the sixth house highlights service and efficiency in daily routines. Improve your work environment and develop productive habits. Roles that use your analytical skills lead to career growth. 7th House: In the seventh house, Jupiter in Virgo seeks practical, mutually supportive partnerships. Build relationships focused on growth through service. Your attention to detail attracts stable and rewarding partnerships. 8th House: Jupiter in Virgo in the eighth house ties transformation to careful management of shared resources. Approach joint ventures with a detail-oriented mindset. Precision in managing relationships and resources fosters growth. 9th House: With Jupiter in Virgo in the ninth house, your approach to learning and spirituality is methodical. Seek practical, structured educational experiences. Focus on applying your analytical skills to expand your horizons. 10th House: Jupiter in Virgo in the tenth house emphasizes hard work and precision in your career. Refine your skills and work with dedication. Commitment to excellence builds a strong reputation and supports career growth. 11th House: In the eleventh house, Jupiter in Virgo values service and practical contributions in social networks. Build relationships with those committed to improvement. Collaborative efforts on practical goals help achieve your aspirations. 12th House: Jupiter in Virgo in the twelfth house links spiritual growth to service and inner discipline. Focus on self-reflection and refining your inner self. Combine spiritual exploration with practical service for inner growth.
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✭ 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✭
When Jupiter is in Libra in your natal chart, it combines Jupiter's expansive and optimistic energy with Libra's focus on harmony, balance, and relationships. This placement encourages growth through collaboration, diplomacy, and the pursuit of beauty and justice. Jupiter in Libra inspires you to seek abundance by fostering strong partnerships, creating harmonious environments, and striving for fairness and equality in all your interactions. To tap into this energy of abundance, focus on cultivating relationships, enhancing your social skills, and finding ways to bring balance and beauty into your life and the lives of others.
1st House: With Jupiter in Libra in the first house, your charm and diplomacy shine. Embrace your ability to connect with others and promote harmony. By fostering positive relationships and fairness, you attract personal growth and success. 2nd House: Jupiter in Libra in the second house highlights financial growth through partnerships and balance. Focus on fair financial arrangements and collaborative ventures, especially in beauty or art, to achieve stability and abundance. 3rd House: In the third house, Jupiter in Libra enhances diplomatic communication. Use your ability to see different perspectives to build connections and mediate conflicts. Writing or teaching that promotes harmony can lead to new opportunities. 4th House: Jupiter in Libra in the fourth house benefits your home life with balance and harmony. Create a peaceful environment and foster fairness within your family. This supports long-term security and growth. 5th House: With Jupiter in Libra in the fifth house, creativity flourishes through beauty and collaboration. Engage in artistic pursuits with others or celebrate aesthetics. Collaborative efforts attract joy and fulfillment. 6th House: Jupiter in Libra in the sixth house emphasizes cooperation in daily work. Build harmonious relationships with colleagues and create a fair work environment. Roles involving teamwork or well-being bring satisfaction and growth. 7th House: In the seventh house, Jupiter in Libra focuses on growth through balanced partnerships. Nurture relationships that are fair and supportive. Your diplomacy attracts partnerships that enhance both personal and professional life. 8th House: Jupiter in Libra in the eighth house links transformation to balance in shared resources. Approach joint ventures and deep connections with fairness. Fostering equality in close relationships leads to transformation and growth. 9th House: With Jupiter in Libra in the ninth house, higher learning and travel are guided by justice and balance. Seek out educational experiences that explore diverse cultures and philosophies to expand your horizons and personal growth. 10th House: Jupiter in Libra in the tenth house emphasizes diplomacy in your career. Build a professional reputation on integrity, collaboration, and fairness. Leading with grace fosters long-term success and recognition. 11th House: In the eleventh house, Jupiter in Libra values balance in social networks. Build relationships with those committed to fairness and cooperation. Working towards collective goals promotes harmony and helps achieve long-term aspirations. 12th House: Jupiter in Libra in the twelfth house connects spiritual growth to inner balance. Focus on practices that promote peace and forgiveness. Activities like meditation or art help connect with your inner self, leading to spiritual fulfillment.
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✭ 𝐒𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐢𝐨 𝐉𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✭
When Jupiter is in Scorpio in your natal chart, it merges Jupiter's expansive and growth-oriented energy with Scorpio's intense, transformative, and deeply emotional nature. This placement encourages growth through profound transformation, embracing the unknown, and exploring the depths of your psyche. Jupiter in Scorpio inspires you to seek abundance by delving into your passions, confronting your fears, and transforming challenges into opportunities for growth. To tap into this energy of abundance, focus on embracing change, exploring your inner depths, and using your emotional intensity to fuel your ambitions and personal evolution.
1st House: With Jupiter in Scorpio in the first house, your personality is magnetic and transformative. Embrace your inner strength to navigate challenges and initiate change. Your passion attracts opportunities for personal growth and new beginnings. 2nd House: Jupiter in Scorpio in the second house emphasizes financial growth through strategic investments and passion-driven pursuits. Focus on ventures that resonate with you deeply, leveraging hidden opportunities for long-term abundance. 3rd House: In the third house, Jupiter in Scorpio enhances deep, intense communication. Use your probing nature to build meaningful connections and uncover truths. Engage in research or writing on complex subjects to open doors to intellectual growth. 4th House: Jupiter in Scorpio in the fourth house brings deep emotional transformation to your home life. Create a healing environment and foster trusting family relationships, supporting long-term security and growth. 5th House: With Jupiter in Scorpio in the fifth house, your creativity is fueled by passion and a desire for transformation. Channel your emotional depth into artistic pursuits, attracting joy and fulfillment through powerful self-expression. 6th House: Jupiter in Scorpio in the sixth house highlights transformation in daily work. Focus on careers involving complex problem-solving or crisis management. Your depth and insight lead to career growth and satisfaction. 7th House: In the seventh house, Jupiter in Scorpio seeks deep, transformative partnerships. Build relationships that allow for mutual growth and emotional connection, attracting powerful and fulfilling partnerships. 8th House: Jupiter in Scorpio in the eighth house amplifies transformation and shared resources. Embrace ventures that involve psychological, spiritual, or financial risks, using your insight to navigate complex situations for profound growth. 9th House: With Jupiter in Scorpio in the ninth house, you’re driven to explore hidden truths in higher learning and spirituality. Seek experiences that challenge your beliefs and expand your understanding, attracting intellectual and personal growth. 10th House: Jupiter in Scorpio in the tenth house emphasizes transformation in your career. Pursue roles that involve crisis management or strategic leadership. Your ability to turn challenges into opportunities leads to career growth and recognition. 11th House: In the eleventh house, Jupiter in Scorpio values deep, transformative relationships within social networks. Collaborate on transformative projects with like-minded individuals to achieve your long-term goals and impact your community. 12th House: Jupiter in Scorpio in the twelfth house connects spiritual growth to inner transformation. Engage in practices like meditation or therapy to explore your subconscious, confronting fears to unlock profound spiritual growth and fulfillment.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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astrolovecosmos · 4 months
The 5th House & Pregnancy
Below gives insight into how one might prepare for a child during pregnancy, their hopes and potential as a mother/parent. The 5th House rules over creation, legacy, and pregnancy.
Aries/Mars in the 5th House = Confident in their decisions as they prepare, leader of the household and will be giving orders that must be followed - is the captain now, is very brave with their pregnancy, could try to do everything on their own at times, Mars tends to be associated with an unexpected or impulsive pregnancy (could be unplanned or a planned birth that is premature), could find their assertion and inner warrior through pregnancy, won't hesitate to take care of their own needs, passionate and enthusiastic in their anticipation.
Taurus/Libra/Venus in the 5th House = There is a great focus on getting ready in the material and financial world, their environment must be stable, works hard to make the nursery and home welcoming and comfortable, works hard to make their self as comfortable as possible during pregnancy too, is very protective and cautious around pregnancy, Venus in particular is debated to indicate a very smooth or "easy" pregnancy.
Gemini/Virgo/Mercury in the 5th House = SO MUCH RESEARCH - parenting books and blogs, singing and talking to the belly often, may like to be part of support groups or around other pregnant woman or mothers of newborns, Virgo in particular can be highly critical of themselves during pregnancy and/or critical of their family in relation to the pregnancy, some debate Mercury and Gemini could indicate twins, very good at sticking to healthy habits, vitamins, and eating, may need a lot of verbal reassurance at times.
Cancer/Moon in the 5th House = May have a lot of expectations about being a mom/parent, could idolize this part of their life, can be highly sensitive and introspective during their pregnancy, is SUPER protective and may be very selective about who is in their life now, their emotional and intuitive connection to their baby may seem supernatural, is good at nurturing themselves and the baby, is associated with being highly fertile, may be attracted to ideas of a natural birth, breast feeding, or other natural methods in pregnancy and babyhood, may seek a lot of advice or become inspired by their own mother or grandmothers.
Leo/Sun in the 5th House = Goddess levels and attitude towards motherhood/parenthood, can be demanding during pregnancy, it is all about HER until the baby is born, isn't afraid to make pregnancy a little fun in their preparations - maybe they get really creative with the nursery or finds a lot of joy in getting to know other expecting mothers/parents, with the Sun in particular their identity may be changed in pregnancy, maybe they makes their identity all about being a mom/parent, or may highly project their identity onto the baby in pregnancy and babyhood, is devoted and adoring to their child and very proud of the both of them.
Scorpio/Pluto in the 5th House= Pregnancy may force them to deal with deep and important questions, might heal themselves during or through pregnancy somehow, could be introspective during pregnancy and may be tempted to isolate at times, there are themes with control such as becoming highly controlling during pregnancy, taking control of their own life, or refusing to let anyone control them, is perceptive and intuitive towards their pregnancy and child, may become softer and more compassionate through pregnancy, crazy pregnancy dreams and intense cravings.
Sagittarius/Jupiter in the 5th House = Won't let pregnancy slow them down or restrict them, could face important questions about responsibility and sacrifice, excited and impatient about the pregnancy, curious about other women's/parent's experiences, can approach pregnancy in a very open-minded way somehow, pregnancy may be a strong spiritual experience, makes decisions quickly, can gain a lot of wisdom from pregnancy, some debate Jupiter in particular indicates having multiple pregnancies close together or having twins or more at one time, the cravings may drive them crazy, could somehow have a "lucky', "blessed", or maybe "easy" pregnancy.
Capricorn/Saturn in the 5th House = Wants to be a hardworking parent, wants to mentor as a parent or maybe mentor and guide others in pregnancy and motherhood/parenthood, fantasizes or plans to "master" motherhood/parenthood, looks forward to or takes on the authority and respect of motherhood/parenthood, Saturn in particular can be associated with fear and insecurity about being a parent but also overcoming that fear, will only become a mother/parent once they are truly ready, may be tempted to do everything on their own or feel like they have to, can be controlling during pregnancy and don't mess with their routine and organization, is very serious about their potential and preparing for their child.
Aquarius/Uranus in the 5th House = Can be very particular in their pregnancy but also confident, pregnancy may be daunting or force them to mature, will have unconventional views and approaches to pregnancy, somehow this pregnancy could be a rebellion or liberation for them, places a lot of importance on the society and community they will be raising their child in, may try to change the world for their children or take a "having children and raising them to make the world a better place" stance, Uranus in particular is associated with unexpected birth (early or late) or unplanned pregnancy and adoption or surrogacy as well, Uranus is also associated with choosing to not have children, may want to connect with other pregnant woman or moms of newborns, could want a lot of social reassurance and activity during pregnancy, may have unique symptoms and cravings.
Pisces/Neptune in the 5th House = Wild pregnancy dreams and cravings, has a deep spiritual connection and experience during pregnancy, relies on their intuition a lot during this time, has a complex relationship with acceptance, forgiveness, and sacrifice with and during their pregnancy, has a lot of hopes and needs to be careful of becoming too unrealistic about their aspirations for pregnancy and becoming a mother/parent, could experience very intense and volatile mood swings compared to their peers' or other family members' pregnancies, may have a lot of struggles with the baby blues, connecting with their baby may come easily or be a huge focus for them.
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astro-tag-9 · 2 months
i’ve seen you do this before and you seem really knowledgeable with this plus it seems fun, i was wondering what character you’d think i’d be?
my big three are leo sun, virgo moon and scorpio rising
mercury in leo (9H)
venus in leo (9h)
mars in gemini (h7)
jupiter in sagittarius (h1)
saturn in leo (h9)
uranus in pisces (h4)
neptune in aquarius (h3)
pluto in sagittarius (h2)
hope you have a good day (:
❤️ Katy Chen 🩷
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