#Plant Activators Market Growth
blissfullyecho · 2 years
march looks a lot like
consistent skincare routines, healthier meals, being more active, opening the windows to let in the fresh air, crisp new book pages, green juices, smoothies, daily walks, journaling, meditation, prayer, positive thinking, affirmations, mirror work, spending time with amazing people, vision boards, stretching, burning candles that smells like spring, buying flowers, planting something special, baking, picnics, feeding ducks, going to the fresh market, visiting local farms, going on a bike ride, sunshine, clean products, enjoying personal time, trying new cafes, studying, working on self-development projects, spring cleaning, spending more time in nature, thriving in femininity and stillness, seeing the bunnies in the grass, going to bed early and waking up early, listening to smaller musicians and bands, trying different things, new bedsheets, new pillows, massages, stargazing, listening to the birds, dancing in the rain, unplugging, and allowing spring to be the season of true mental growth.
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melkyt · 1 month
Life&Death Lawlu AU
Law with the power of death, the trope of everyone he touches dies. Self-isolating after he lost everyone he cared about from his cursed power, even if it was not directly. He moves through the world as a ghost, with nothing to call his own. He has friends, but he keeps a distance for their safety. Law can't stay in a city for long as anything crumbles to dust over time. He is a doctor, using his ability to heal people. As the killing effect starts slow when people are around him, it targets the little things, like cancers or viruses first.
Luffy with the power of life, everything he touches grows and grows without control, without anything to stop it. He doesn't isolate but more like people leave him, when it gets too much, when he gets too much, when his power goes out of control for the millionth time, and they can't handle it.
Luffy tries not to let it get to him, putting on a bright smile for the world. He moves from area to area without staying long enough for his power to make things grow and break everything in its path. His ability could cause just as much death as Law's. It also does not discriminate with what it makes grow, so a cancer or a virus will twist out of control,
The double-edged sword of their powers.
They meet by chance, in a city that recently went through shit, a natural disaster. With those in charge not doing anything to provide relief. Luffy heard about it and is there to use his growth to make the corruption come to light so he can show them what it means to have 'too much' in a way only he can.
Law is there providing relief, working as a traveling medic at the time; people usually call him out for much bigger disasters, like infectious diseases in places that do not have the infrastructure to handle them. Yet he is there because he hates such corruption and will show those responsible what it means to lose everything.
Them being in the same town, their powers clash and cancel each other out. An excess of growth is kept back by an excess of decay, and vice-versa. Law, who is always laser-focused on the signs that will tell him to move from an area, is confused because no plants are dying, and there is no scent of sickly rot in the air when he passes market stalls.
Luffy is not paying attention; he knows it's about a week before things start getting weird from his power, so he is just running head first to finish fcking ppl up before that deadline.
That is how they meet.
Law taking off his protective gloves (they are made of tough fabric that has to be replaced maybe once a month), examining a piece of fruit that is not turning to dust at his touch, and even more, it's not changing at all.
Luffy running through the same market, jumping over a food stall, not looking as he barrels straight into Law. They fall into a tangle of limbs.
Law stunned as his hand rests on Luffy's chest, and while the skin gets signs of decay but it quickly reverses as if nothing happened. Luffy says 'oops, sorry', jumping up and continuing in his mad dash.
Law looking at his hand then at Luffy like 'No fcking way.' His entire world view shaken. He runs after, calling for him to wait.
Luffy turns around without stopping. Frowning and realizing that he touched the man he bumped into, skin-to-skin contact. "Wait, wait! If you get close, you gonna die!" His power takes slower to activate than Law's as it searches for what to make grow first. "I mean, probably gonna get hurt anyway. Sorry, sorry!"
"I said fucking wait!" Law slams his hand into the ground, it crumbles under his palm.
"Woah," Luffy stops, bouncing from one leg to another. He grins, crouching down, flicking a plant clinging to what little dirt is in the pavement. It explodes, roots moving between the cracks, shooting towards Law, stopping right before reaching him, a flower sprouting, and then dying as it reaches Law's aura of death.
"What are you?" Law approaches cautiously, watching for any sign of sickness in someone who looks to be way too healthy, its like he is glowing
"Monkey D. Luffy! And I make things grow!" He chuckles. "Who are yah, and why you not growing?" Luffy circles him, waiting for little bumps to show up, as they always do when he touches someone. He's been more careful not to do it, but it's been a busy busy day.
Law regards him, and does his bare minimum intro like "Law" followed by "Come with me"
Luffy, distracted from what he was doing and curious, goes "Okaaay"
They go through the city to the set up medic tents. Thats where Luffy hears his full name from people whispering. 'Trafalgar Law, god of death'
And some who travel around recognize Luffy from more war-torn regions. 'God of Destruction', he gives them a grin and a thumbs up.
Law leads him to where he set up base. Telling Luffy to sit, and give him his hand.
Luffy not doing any of that, he instead looks around Law's office, poking everything and things that are prone to grow even when stifled by Law's power, do so.
Law watching as a cactus he had in the corner springs to life, blooming for the first time since he got it, his experiments going through at least a year of growth and decay. He is fascinated, wishing he had time to write the discoveries down.
Luffy is watching how animated Law gets about his research. It has been a long time since he has been near anyone like this without them feeling the explosion of power twisting around when he uses it. He takes Law's hand, watching as their powers spark and cancel each other out.
Law freezing, sure he asked to see Luffy's hand, this is the first direct touch he has felt in his life. The first time he could hold someone's hand without having ten layers of protection between them. The first touch that lasts more than five seconds. It is safe to say that his brain short circuits, and he just stares at Luffy. Can't believe his eyes and that he is still standing there, alive and breathing, as if nothing could hurt him.
Luffy smiles, as it is the same for him. He always had to let go before he could hurt anyone, but Law shows no sign of change.
Luffy refuses to let go of Law after that, clinging to him at every chance; decades of being touch starved to catch up on, and Law may grumble about appearances, is not about to make Luffy let go.
They realize that they balance each other's power out, and they can stay in the town with no side effects. They still punish who they came to punish and have to abscond, but after they decide to travel together.
Law meets his friends in person for the first time since they were children; Luffy is able to hug his crew as long as he is holding onto Law.
They make each other's lives better, and it is not long before they fall into a routine, going after corruption and making the world better. Being able to exist without the constant threat of loss hanging over them.
Luffy still feels like too much sometimes and that he will be left alone again.
Law still sometimes considers that he does not deserve a loving touch, that he will only cause pain, still afraid that he will lose what he cares about and it will be his fault.
Yet them waking up to find each other in the mornings, still there and still alive washes away those doubts.
Luffy, one day, looking for Law in the middle of the night, just to make sure he is there, decides not to wake him and crawls into bed.
Law wakes up later with the same thought to check that Luffy is still there after a nightmare and is immediately calmed by the tight arms wrapped around him. They share a bed every day after that, their relationship grows with little things like that in their shared trauma, and they could never imagine a life without the other.
Life & Death, finding peace in each other, and the world at large is better for it.
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hexjulia · 6 months
reading more about atomic gardening and this is so much fun. to read about that is. it also seems fun to do, but. you know. anyway:
"The story of these citizen-pioneers of mutagenesis (the technical term for creating genetic change through the application of chemical, physical, and biological agents) is full of fantastic details, from Muriel Howorth’s propagandising ballet-mime, Isotopia, which involved a cast of Knowledge, Electron, Proton, Neutron, Rat, and Cow, as well as a working geiger counter, to Tennessee-based atomic entrepreneur C.J. Speas irradiating trays of seedlings into his backyard bunker.
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IMAGE: C.J. Speas giving a tour of his radioactive bunker to high school students, photo by Grey Villet for Life, via Pruned.
Perhaps the most bizarre detail in the interview, however, is the news that these gamma gardens are still in operation, relatively unchanged in design since the 50s, in the grounds of national laboratories today. Their circular form, which, as Johnson notes, bears more than a passing resemblance to the atomic danger symbol, “was simply based upon the need to arrange the plants in concentric circles around the radiation source which stood like a totem in the center of the field.”
It was basically a slug of radioactive material within a pole; when workers needed to enter the field it was lowered below ground into a lead lined chamber. There were a series of fences and alarms to keep people from entering the field when the source was above ground. The amount of radiation received by the plants naturally varied according to how close they were to the pole. So usually a single variety would be arranged as a ‘wedge’ leading away from the pole, so that the effects of a range of radiation levels could be evaluated. Most of the plants close to the pole simply died. A little further away, they would be so genetically altered that they were riddled with tumors and other growth abnormalities. It was generally the rows where the plants ‘looked’ normal, but still had genetic alterations, that were of the most interest, that were ‘just right’ as far as mutation breeding was concerned!
Over at GOOD, Peter Smith recently described a similar layout at the still-active Institute of Radiation Breeding, in Hitachiohmiya, Japan, which has “has a 88.8 Terabecquerel Cobalt-60 source, ringed by a 3,608-foot radius Gamma field (the world’s largest), and a 28-foot high shield dike around the perimeter.”
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IMAGE: A gamma garden at Brookhaven National Labs, New York, c. 1958; image provided by Paige Johnson, via Pruned.
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IMAGE: Aerial view of the Institute of Radiation Breeding, Hitachiohmiya, Japan.
As it turns out, far from being a fantastic fossil from the future that never was, along with jetpacks and flying cars, atomic gardening is alive and well today. According to a 2007 New York Times story, which quotes Dr. Pierre Lagoda, head of plant breeding and genetics at the International Atomic Energy Agency, radiation breeding is actually experiencing a renaissance, due to the introduction of “new methods that speed up the identification of mutants.”
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IMAGE: Mutant crop varieties mapped by The New York Times.
What’s more, the Times adds, nearly 2,000 gamma radiation-induced mutant crop varieties have been registered around the world, including Calrose 76, a dwarf varietal that accounts for about half the rice grown in California, and the popular Star Ruby and Rio Red grapefruits, whose deep colour is a mutation produced through radiation breeding in the 1970s. Similarly, Johnson tells Pruned that “most of the global production of mint oil,” with an annual market value estimated at $930 million, is extracted from the “wilt-resistant ‘Todd’s Mitcham’ cultivar, a product of thermal neutron irradiation.” She adds that “the exact nature of the genetic changes that cause it to be wilt-resistant remain unknown.”
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IMAGE: “Pierre Lagoda, the head of plant breeding and genetics at the International Atomic Energy Agency, showing mutated plants at a greenhouse in Austria,” photo by Herwig Prammer for The New York Times."
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poiseandprogress · 1 year
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Poise & Progress: The Game Plan
So in my last blog post (which was also my first might I add) I mentioned that I adore anything relating to leveling up and becoming a femme fatale. And so today I’m choosing to become a part of what I adore. 
Here, I’m laying out my goals and plans on how I will achieve these goals. I’ve decided to categorize them based on the areas of my life that I would like to elevate. I will add that this is neither an original idea or layout. I was inspired by a blog here on tumblr that I’ve been following for a while. (@boujeeceo - they haven’t been active for a while though but you can look through their page of course! I don’t gatekeep.)
Okay, let’s get started with my goals shall we?
One Time Goals:
Save 5k 
Finish my modeling website 
Buy a vlogging camera
Create 3 Sources of income 
Start my social media management/marketing business 
Open my clothing boutique 
Have my own skin care line here in The Bahamas
To Purchase:
Smile direct club 
New bedroom furniture and closet storage (my bedroom needs a SERIOUS makeover)
New Wardrobe essentials (a little difficult considering my personality changes every three months but I think now that I’m laying it all out and building my dream persona it may get easier to manage)
Health & Fitness
Start a workout routine
At home pilates (gyms make me uncomfortable for many reasons)
Daily 30 minute jogs
Healthier diet (wholesome, plant based?)
Intermittent fasting? 
Cut out meat again?
Add more fruits and vegetables to my diet
Create a meal plan and meal prep on Sundays?
Solid Sleep schedule 
Get at least 7 hours of sleep daily (I’m struggling with the idea of this because I feel as though in order to be successful sooner I have to sacrifice some hours of sleep)
Take vitamins daily
Build a solid skincare routine & be consistent with it!
Practice my makeup skills
Learn how to install and style my own wigs
Fix my relationship with money!!
Increase Income 
Start a side hustle that I can scale into a remote/work from home business that brings in more than my current 9-5 does.  
Making more friends with the same interests as me and ones that have successfully achieved for themselves the lifestyle that I see for myself so that I can learn from them. This also means evaluating my current friendships and putting some distance between me and those that aren’t working on growth. 
Strengthen relationship with God 
Read 1 chapter of the Bible Daily
Continue to explore my spirituality
Meditate daily
The girlies on every social media platform say that the best way to remain consistent and to be successful when it comes to social media is by niching down. I’ve been working on what my niche could be, based on the type of content that I like to consume and also the type of content that I will be able to post the most given my current location, income, and budget. 
I’m leaning towards: LIFESTYLE | FASHION | BEAUTY
Start posting again. It’s that simple, I know it is. 
Hit 500 subscribers by New Years (Currently 292 - All of my past videos are private right now as I’m rebranding)
Meet monetization requirements (500 subscribers, 3 videos within 90 days and 3000 watch hours)
Hit 5k followers by New Year’s Eve (Currently 4,026) 
Create a solid social media strategy & content calendar 
Complete my social media marketing course 
Learn a new language (currently learning italian seeing that my boyfriend is an old Italian man loll)
Drink a gallon of water daily
Read more books 
Form daily routines 
Build my portfolio 
Book more runway stuff 
Travel for modeling
Hobbies that I’d like to start:
Tennis/Golf: I would like to have a physical hobby that can also keep me in shape. And also somewhere that affluent individuals in my community enjoy hanging out.
Traveling: This one feels like a dead giveaway. Of course I want to start traveling more. 
Horseback riding: I used to do it when I was younger and volunteering at a nearby stable. Learning to ride was a requirement but I didn’t stick around long enough to actually get good at it. 
Cooking & Baking (It’s recently become a dream of mine to host a fancy thanksgiving dinner) My family has never really been the baking type and traditional Bahamian meals are great and all but I would like to explore the art of cooking. 
I think for now this is a pretty extensive list of goals and aspirations even though in my head it feels like I’ve only scratched the surface. I’ll be going into more details on different aspects of these things here of course!
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f-identity · 2 months
Earth as Universal Dumping Ground
A premise for stories I'm working on. The idea behind this is, well, aliens, angels and demons, plus other dimension-traveling species over the millennia had been using backwater Earth as a dumping ground for what is waste to them.
More nefarious reasons: where some aliens dump a body or other controlled goods so space police don't find evidence against them.
bada-bing, bada-boom In whichever way the narrative develops, a number of the monsters and extraterrestrial beings organize themselves and establish a pocket dimension on Earth where they can enjoy a small, protected part of the quaint planet's environment.
And, of course, where they can invite humans they're interested in, especially if the humans are also interested in creatures like them.
uuugh it's exceedingly difficult for me to write smut without plot or worldbuilding, as shall be seen below
Pocket Dimension Codename: Headframe System
The heart of this system is Headframe City. Power plants and other industrial buildings have their zones or districts, usually on the outskirts. (I don't have many details for this city at time of writing. Maybe I'm basing it on Kuala Lumpur MYS or Melbourne AUS, but more walkable and populated with monsters???) The city's governing body also has a Human Acquisition Department, whose Executive Director is a dragon.
Rowood Village
Northwest of Headframe City, connected by active highway and rail. Almost a small town. There's a popular Central Market running many kinds of businesses.
Fever Wilds
Directly east of Headframe City. though with some distance or rough terrain in between. There are some woods in this region ruled by a Demon King.
Goldfever Village
East-southeast of Headframe City; south of Fever Wilds. Connected to Headframe by highway and rail. The monsters here live in harmony with nature.
Cratenbowl Village
South-southwest of Headframe City, connected by rail and cart path. Rustic and isolated, with strong spiritual ties to old-growth forests. There are monster family villages neighboring Cratenbowl.
uhhh stay tuned for my human OCs and their individual journeys to this Pocket Dimension, whether invited or rescued or whatnot
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nixiemcretro · 8 months
New Year, New Something That Rhymes with Year
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Technically I’m still the same, but my hammock is weirdly outdoors. For the first time in years I have an outdoor area. I’m no longer trapped in a box. I hate apartments. At the same time, urban sprawl isn’t good from an environmental standpoint either. Maybe the answer lies in population reduction? I’m doing my part!
We’ve got cicadas out here in the wastelands. The floury baker cicadas are still about, the one above was intercepted from a noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala) but had catastrophic wing damage at the joint. He was laid to rest that same afternoon. Just because something can suffer, doesn’t mean it should. Rest easy little one.
We’ve also held our first barbecue without incident. My diet remains mostly vegan, thanks to reduced pressure on rent. The only big exception is salmon which will probably be replaced eventually again.
The garden though, and being able to have plants outdoors in the sunlight. What a game changer. I’ve made an active decision to let dandelions take over the buffalo grass. They mow down quite well.
Looks better than any buffalo grass I’ve ever seen. Function over form I say. When they are at full growth, they provide pollen for the bees (native and European), harbour lots of little bug jumpers, which in turn feed the lizards that roam the grass. A little sad when a common blackbird (Turdus merula) snaps up a few, but as long as I can keep the bugs plentiful the lizards should thrive.
Not everything has been rosy though. My first plant casualty, lavender. I had high hopes for it, but since I don’t really know what I am doing it kind of died. Farewell lavender.
My native beehives have been doing well, attracting a few different species of native masked bee (Genus Hylaneus) as well as native wasps (possibly Genus Pison). Both are ridiculously tiny and harmless to us.
Then you’ve got the other bugs, like the pictured assassin bug nymph, Pristhesancus plagipennis. It’s ready to drink the brains of the next honeybee that lands nearby.
And now I’m back on the Apple Watch train with my shiny new Apple Watch SE 2. This time around I’ve picked out the smaller of the two and went with the 40mm. And I have to say, I do not miss the bulk of the 44mm. The Apple Watch is a great motivator to stay on track with new year health goals.
Wait that’s not the image I was looking for… that’s more dandelions!
Whoops, that’s another floury baker cicada. I think the several that were in this tree were eaten by the local bat population as they’ve been silent for a while now.
And that’s Stumpie. Tail growth is coming along well. If I find him running about while I’m mowing the lawn I’ll move him into a lizard hotel plastic tub until I’m done.
Don’t look at me like that Stumpie. We don’t want any repeats of how you got the name Stumpie after all!
Then we’ve got this little guy still rocking about, a bar-sided skink (Concinnia tenuis). After being trapped by a redback spider (Latrodectus hasselti). Luckily for the lizard I noticed…
And here’s the data I wanted to show. Weight loss is beginning again. You might notice a drop almost immediately after becoming unemployed, then a spike to >100 kg when I ran out of money thanks to Sydney’s rental market being unaffordable for a single person – let alone an unemployed single person.
Sure, I could have killed myself easily enough but chose to do the paradigm shift thing. Is it enough of a shift? That’s still an unknown at this point. At least for now, there are real life distractions everywhere which seems to leave very little time for uploading videos. Not such a bad thing I guess. That’s not to say I haven’t been recording new footage.
Better go and check the garden is still there and get my 30 minutes of exercise in. Target weight is set at 75 kg this time around. Roughly 20 kg of weight loss to go, and while transitioning. Should be one heck of a ride. 🤷‍♀️
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reliaabledevelopers · 6 months
Exclusive Amenities and Features in Reliaable Developers Plot Developments Across Bangalore
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Bangalore, also known as India’s Silicon Valle­y, is a thriving urban center known for its innovation and growth. The city’s re­al estate market shows this vibrancy, offe­ring a diverse range of options to suit both home­ buyers’ and investors’ prefe­rences. Among these­ choices, plot developme­nts, especially those by Re­liaable Develope­rs, are notable for their distinctive­ amenities and features that e­nhance residential living standards. Le­t us discuss these plot deve­lopments further, emphasizing the­ special features and amenities that contribute to their appe­al.
Prime Locations:
Bangalore’s plot developments are strategically positioned in highly desirable areas, offering residents easy access to essential amenities. From renowned educational institutions and quality me­dical facilities to bustling shopping centers and e­fficient transportation networks, convenie­nce is paramount in these prime­ places. Reliaable De­velopers projects are­ strategically situated to ensure­ residents benefit from unmatched acce­ssibility. For example, Reliaable­ Developers Ecity is located near prestigious schools like­ Delhi Public School, alongside medical facilitie­s such as Kauvery Hospital, and within proximity to major tech parks like Ve­lankani Tech Park. These strate­gic spots provide residents with seamless conne­ctivity to basic conveniences, e­nhancing their everyday living e­xperience.
Safety and Security:
Privacy, security, and exclusivity are the hallmarks of gated plot developments in Bangalore. These­ communities provide reside­nts an escape from city life, with strong se­curity measures implemente­d. Staffed by dedicated se­curity staff and equipped with advanced monitoring systems, re­sidents can feel safe­ and secure in their home­s. Reliaable Deve­loper projects make safety and se­curity a priority in their projects, confirming gated communitie­s are well-kept and safe­guarded with state-of-the-art CCTV surve­illance.
Advanced Amenities:
Modern amenities include clubhouses serving as gathering places for residents to unwind and socialize, along with spacious swimming pools providing relief from Bengaluru’s hot weather. Top-notch gyms cater to those focused on health and fitness, while well-kept courts are available for those enjoying sports. Take Reliaable Dollars Colony for example, where residents appreciate amenities like a clubhouse, gym, gardens, swimming pool, and cafeteria, cultivating a feeling of community and relaxation.
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Eco-Friendly Initiatives:
In today’s environmentally conscious era, Bangalore’s plot developments lead the path towards sustainable living. They incorporate eco-friendly initiatives like­ rainwater harvesting, solar ene­rgy usage, and waste manageme­nt methods to decrease­ environmental effe­ct and encourage harmony with nature. For instance­, Reliaable Reside­nza, which has received positive Reliaable Developers reviews executes such initiative­s, like rainwater collection syste­ms and sewage treatment plants, to decrease e­cological footprint and promote coexiste­nce with nature.
Community Engagement:
Residents in Bangalore’s plot developments are integral members of lively and inclusive communities. By often organizing social events, cultural programs, and fun activitie­s together, they cre­ate meaningful friendships and re­lationships. Reliaable Deve­lopers Bangalore actively e­ncourages community participation, nurturing a feeling of unity among re­sidents. By developing a ne­ighborhood of people with shared inte­rests, they assist with setting up social e­vents and cultural programs aiming to improve the local are­a.
Bangalore’s plot de­velopments provide luxurious living through the­ir focus on prime locations, high-quality facilities, and a dedication to se­curity, sustainability, and social involvement. These­ plot developments improve­ basic housing by offering residents a comple­te lifestyle. Through the­ir integrated approach, Reliaable­ Developers proje­cts offer a comprehensive­ experience­ for a comfortable life in the city.
About Reliaable Developers:
Established in 1999 by Dr. Rama Re­ddy and Mr. H.P. Rama Reddy, Reliaable De­velopers has bee­n a leading name in Bangalore’s re­al estate sector. Led by Dr. Rama Re­ddy and Dr. Mahendra Reddy, the company combine­s tradition with innovation in their approach. With a focus on developing BDA-approve­d plots, they have­ successfully delivere­d over 15,000 plots across prime locations in Bangalore. Custome­rs frequently praise the­ company’s dedication to excellence and convenient locations of the­ir BDA-approved plots in Reliaable Developers revie­ws, further solidifying its positive reputation in the real estate sector. Notable projects that de­monstrate their commitment to quality and time­ly completion include Reliaable­ Lifestyle and Dollar Colony. They envision a future driven by innovation and sustainability.
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culturehause · 8 months
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The 66th Annual Grammy Awards may have been one of the best overall ceremonies in recent years give or take a few things.
JAY Z took the stage to receive the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award and when he did he candidly spoke out against the very institution that has nominated him 88 times and awarded him 26 times.
The key takeaway highlight the 1989 Boycott by Will Smith and 1998 Boycott by himself for DMX not being nominated despite Jay Z winning for Hard Knock Life Vol. 2. But essentially calling out the academy for NOT getting it right and his wife Beyoncé never winning Album of The Year despite having the most Grammys.
Marketing Moment: Jay Z as always was sitting at his table where he was served Armand De Brignac and Dussé (both which he owns) as well as Tidal being integrated with the live show appearing on the LED screens on the stage of Crypto Arena.
Find full speech below.
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Victoria Monét took home Best New Artist, Best R&B Album and Best Engineered Album, Non-Classical. She spoke proudly thanking her manager Rachelle Louis for quitting her job and taking a chance on her. A decision that paid off greatly for them both.
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SZA took home 3 trophies for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance, Best R&B Song and Best Urban Contemporary Album.
Marketing Moment: A key highlight was SZA's second performance which was a strategic partnership with Mastercard where she debuted a new song 'Saturn', aside from the rare second solo performance, the partnership also integrated with Lyft where if customers use their U.S. World or World Elite Mastercard for a Lyft ride, a tree will be planted up to 500,000 trees.
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Taylor Swift who has been the top of all entertainment and sports media outlets for the past year took home 2 awards with the main one being the coveted Album of The Year for her 'Midnights' album. Taylor announced a new album during her AOTY acceptance speech and will be the ongoing topic of the week leading up to Super Bowl 58 in Las Vegas where her boyfriend Travis Kielce will be competing for his 3rd title.
MARKETING MOMENT: Travis Scott performed during the ceremony but the highlight was his brand Cactus Jack x Jumpman debuting a commercial immediately following promoting his new sneaker which was aired to 16.9 million U.S. households and not including the rest of the world. Travis also quickly uploaded the commercial on his instagram page which has more than 54 million followers.
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Killer Mike took all 3 hip-hop trophies for his album 'Michael' including Best Rap Album, Best Rap Song and Best Rap Performance. The Atlanta native amazing night was overshadowed by him being temporarily arrested backstage for alledgely bumping into a police officer.
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Last but certainly not least Lil Durk took home Best Melodic Rap Performance for his hit radio friendly single "All My Life" ft. J. Cole. A well deserved win and shows how continuous artist development, hardworking and collaboration can be rewarding. Ever since Lil Durk appeared on Drake's "Laugh Now, Cry Later" he has been on an upward swing in his career with so much more room for growth. Walking the Grammy red carpet in custom Louis Vuitton designed by Pharrell Williams.
The Dean's Notes: Holidays and global cultural moments like Grammy's, Super Bowl, Christmas, etc. are the best times to make announcements and launch products. Artist and brands are doubling and tripling down on Grammy advertising, Super Bowl advertising including Social Media, TV and the all new MSG Sphere where ad spots are costing $2million for 90 seconds of space.
In 2024 how will brands, celebrities and influencers take advantage of shifting their budgets from micro-spends for big moment opportunities? They are all fighting for as many eyeballs at once and trying to build unique messaging that could possible appeal to as many costumers as possible.
Influencer marketing has been aligned with activations during these key tentpole moments where brands can utilize the "organic" reach of social influencers by inviting them to these events knowing they will deliver great content recaps on their personal channels without being paid an influencer fee. Giving the brand increased earned media reach.
Please subscribe to Culture Hause blog and be on the look out for our Super Bowl recap which will including the best of social media moments, commercials, halftime show and of course the big game.
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beforestfarming · 2 years
Food Forests: Pathways to Sustainable Agriculture
What is a Food Forest?
Food forests are agricultural systems where numerous diverse food crops are grown within any given patch. They’re called food ‘forests’ and not food ‘farms’ because they are designed to look, function and feel like forests.
Why forests? For the simple reason that they are epitomes of natural ecosystems. They are resilient, adapt to changing weather conditions, and need external support. All forest elements - trees, vines, shrubs, animals, insects, even soil and water - speak a common language and rely on each other to survive and grow. This makes the forest ecosystem self-sustaining.
Characteristics of a Food Forest
Food forests are designed to mimic the processes and patterns of nature. Naturally, they will include all the characteristics of an actual forest.
Lush greens wherever the eye can see
Several, intertwined, dense layers of trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers
Diversity of plant and animal species
Coexistence and inclusivity of all life forms
Three-dimensional growth of life, including the underground
Presence of several micro-ecosystems of varying scales within the forest
The biggest visual characteristic of a food forest, however, is that it looks drastically different from modern monoculture farming. Typically, in a food forest, no two patches will look the same. In addition, the plants grown are primarily edibles.
But unlike forests, food forests do not grow on their own. Well, not initially. Permaculture farming methods are applied to design a food forest. Deep land studies and analyses dictate the best course of action for the land that is in tune with the landowner’s aspirations for their ‘food garden’.
How do Food Forests Aid Sustainable Agriculture?
Modern agriculture has been suffering due to climate change. It is also heavily market-dependent. Hence farmers are forced to grow more on less land. This leads to the excess use of fertilisers that ultimately degenerate the soil.
Food forests, on the other hand, make use of permaculture farming principles. It is a regenerative approach to farming where all activities work towards restoring the land’s nutrients and capacity. Albeit a slow process, it guarantees self-sustenance over a few years of nurturing. As they say, good things take time!
This approach to farming provides a promising solution to sustainable agriculture. Here’s why food forests can be the key.
1.Regeneration of Soil Health A curated selection of native species eliminates the need for using fertilisers. Furthermore, plants of various sizes can help strengthen the root network. Groundcover plants/ low-growing shrubs protect the soil from sun and harsh weather. This prevents soil erosion and restores the carbon in it.
2.Inclusion of All Life Forms Just like in the jungle, several species of animals and plants coexist in a food forest. Any design that threatens the life of another specie is modified/eliminated. Animal- friendly designs like bio-fencing and temporary shelters are encouraged.
3.Efficiency of Resources Food forest designs include smart water channeling, relying on renewable energy for power and building permanent structures from local materials. This reduces the carbon footprint too.
4.Reduced Need for External Inputs When there’s a goldmine of agricultural inputs on your own land, why look outside? Planting species that act as natural pest controls, and using the waste from one facet as a valuable resource in the other are just some of the many ways food forests reduce the need for external inputs, slowly inching towards complete self-sufficiency.
Considering all the benefits food forests offer, In India, we are seeing growth of startups which manage such food forests and offer managed farmlands near Mumbai and other metro cities to people looking to live an alternative lifestyle. In the coming years we hope to see this trend growing further, drawing people away from the concrete jungles of the urban centers.
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krishilearning · 10 months
Horticulture definition & Branches
Horticulture is a subfield of agriculture that focuses on the cultivation, management, and study of plants used for non-food purposes like medicine or industry. It also includes non-food crops like flowers and ornamental plants. In order to produce high-quality and profitable crops for a variety of uses, including food production, landscaping, ornamental adornment, and more, it involves a wide range of plant-related operations, including planting, breeding, irrigating, growing, harvesting, and post-harvest processing. Horticulture is a broad field that includes everything from modest backyard gardens to extensive commercial operations, and it frequently entails the use of specialized knowledge and techniques to improve the growth and development of plants.
Enhancing the quality, quantity, nutritional value, and aesthetic appeal of plants—whether they are cultivated for food, medicine, ornamentation, or other purposes—is the aim of horticulture. To maximize the growing conditions and productivity of plants, horticulturists use a variety of procedures, including breeding, grafting, pruning, and pest management.
Pomology: This branch of horticulture is concerned with the cultivation of fruits. Pomologists study the production, storage, processing, and marketing of fruit crops such as apples, citrus fruits, grapes, and berries.
Olericulture: Olericulture is the branch of horticulture that deals with the production and cultivation of vegetables. It includes the study of vegetables from seed production to harvesting, storage, and marketing. Common vegetables studied in olericulture include tomatoes, lettuce, carrots, and onions.
Floriculture: Floriculture focuses on the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for their aesthetic and decorative qualities. This branch includes the production of flowers, cut foliage, potted plants, and landscaping materials. Floriculturists often work in the floral and landscaping industries.
Viticulture: Viticulture involves the cultivation of grapes for wine, raisins, and table grapes. This branch covers various aspects of grape production, including vineyard management, pest control, and the study of grape varieties suitable for different purposes.
Oenology: While not strictly a branch of horticulture, oenology is closely related as it involves the study of wine and winemaking. Oenologists focus on fermentation processes, wine chemistry, and sensory evaluation to produce high-quality wines.
Pest Management: This branch is concerned with the study of pests that affect horticultural crops and the development of strategies to manage and control these pests. Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is an approach that combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical control methods to minimize the impact of pests on crops.
Post-Harvest Physiology and Technology: This branch deals with the handling, storage, transportation, and processing of horticultural crops after harvest. It aims to maintain the quality and freshness of produce from the farm to the consumer.
Urban horticulture: This field of study focuses on the special difficulties and opportunities associated with cultivating plants in urban settings. In order to improve urban green spaces, it includes endeavors like rooftop gardening, vertical gardening, and community gardening.
Seed Science and Technology: Seed science involves the study of seeds, including their development, germination, storage, and viability. Seed technologists focus on the development of high-quality seeds for improved crop production.
Turf Management: Turf management is concerned with the cultivation and maintenance of grasses for lawns, sports fields, and other recreational areas. It involves aspects such as mowing, fertilization, pest control, and irrigation.
These different types of horticulture demonstrate the diversity of plant-related activities and the important role they play in providing food, beautifying landscapes, supporting the economy, and contributing to human well-being. Horticultural practices continue to evolve with advances in science and technology, contributing to improved crop yields, sustainability, and overall quality of plant products.
Kindly visit for more - https://krishilearning.com/branch-of-horticulture/
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mrudula01 · 1 year
Sustainable Power Generation Drives Floating Power Plant Market
Triton Market Research presents the Global Floating Power Plant Market report segmented by capacity (0 MW- 5 MW, 5.1 MW- 20 MW, 20 MW – 100 MW, 100.1 MW – 250 MW, above 250 MW), and source (non-renewable power source, renewable power source), and Regional Outlook (Latin America, Middle East and Africa, North America, Asia-Pacific, Europe).
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The report further includes the Market Summary, Industry Outlook, Impact Analysis, Porter's Five Forces Analysis, Market Maturity Analysis, Industry Components, Regulatory Framework, Key Market Strategies, Drivers, Challenges, Opportunities, Analyst Perspective, Competitive Landscape, Research Methodology & Scope, Global Market Size, Forecasts & Analysis (2023-2028).
Triton's report suggests that the global market for floating power plant is set to advance with a CAGR of 10.74% during the forecast period from 2023 to 2028.
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Floating power plants are innovative power generation units on floating platforms on water bodies. They serve as primary or backup power sources for specified facilities, utilizing renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.) and non-renewable (diesel, natural gas, etc.). These plants offer the advantage of mobility, making them ideal for temporary power generation to tackle local energy shortages.
The increasing popularity of offshore wind projects is due to several market factors, such as the growing demand for clean and sustainable energy sources and advances in offshore wind technology. Also, supportive government policies and the urgent need to combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions further elevate the demand for floating power plants.
Furthermore, the popularity of floating power plants based on IC offers opportunities to the floating power plant market. These innovative power generation systems offer flexibility, scalability, and rapid deployment, catering to remote areas and serving as backup solutions in grid instability situations.
However, challenges like technical complexities, high costs associated with logistics and accessibility, and a shortage of skilled workers for solar panel installation limit the floating power plant market's expansion.
Over the forecast period, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to register the fastest growth. A growing population and increasing industrialization fuel growth prospects. The region is home to a rapidly growing population, which in turn drives the need for expanded power generation capacity. Furthermore, Asia-Pacific is experiencing significant economic growth, with many countries emerging as major global players. This economic expansion is accompanied by a surge in industrial activities and the establishment of new manufacturing units, creating a heightened demand for electricity to support these sectors. Floating power plants present a viable solution to meet this demand, especially in areas with limited land availability.
Floating Power Plant AS, Upsolar Group Co Ltd, SeaTwirl AB, Caterpillar Inc, Mitsubishi Corporation, Wartsila Corporation, Siemens AG, MAN Energy Solutions SE, Kyocera Corporation, and Vikram Solar Limited are prominent companies in the floating power plant market.
Due to its complexity, the floating power plant market poses a moderate threat of new entrants. Capital-intensive development and deployment, along with the need for specialized expertise, act as barriers. Additionally, a skilled workforce in offshore engineering and renewable energy is crucial. Nevertheless, government policies supporting renewable energy adoption, such as feed-in tariffs, subsidies, and favorable regulations, are vital in attracting new players by mitigating financial risks and offering long-term incentives.
Contact Us:
Phone: +44 7441 911839
Website: https://www.tritonmarketresearch.com/
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spectatingwitchowl · 1 year
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note: do not repost this image. if you find this on someone else's profile, just comment my username on their post (dandelione01whatever on tumblr and dandelione._01 on instagram). no need for further arguments. just do the right thing.
꒰⁠ Demonstration of a Relevant Ability: Rain in a Miniscule Scale ꒱
The campus greenhouse was a popular site for students to flock to, doing all sorts of activities inside. Whether it be for the purpose of hanging out only and admire the year-round wet weather through glass walls coated in raindrops, or for agricultural research and other academic-related tasks. This Garden of Eden in a transparent house, filled with flora from floor to ceiling, sometimes attracting tiny flying fauna, has got you covered with all of your needs.
Clouds of small amounts spawn around a set of basil plants and other herbs that had been crossbred since at least two months in an experiment conducted by Denver and Madeleine in an attempt to create a hybrid plant which will be used in the field of medicine. Rain showers the newly bred herb, absorbing every drop of it yet just enough to keep it from being overfed, the cloud slowly disappearing in the process. Denver watches through the entire act, mesmerized at the thought of seeing the regular precipitation in a smaller scale.
"That looked beautiful." He says as he takes a closer glance at the shrinking wisp, fighting off the urge to let his finger feel through it, knowing that the rainwater must not contain any dirt from his hands. So-called 'magic' was a common thing, a trait often categorized based on the ancient Greek concept of the four fundamental elements; air, earth, water, and fire; albeit only about half the population possesses them naturally, otherwise it is learned by those who aren't capable of it. Yet, it still never disappoints to mesmerize the human eye.
"I find it beautiful as well. I would sometimes create little tornadoes about the size of my palm as demonstration for when I get bored or when I'm studying about meteorology." Madeleine slightly smiles at the compliment, a bit embarrassed upon receiving it for something so trivial— at least to her. She then lifts her left hand, a cloud fading in around her before lifting itself in thin air.
"Don't get me wrong, but I don't see why you have to compliment that when you can speed up the growth of plants, quickly let flowers bloom and fruits to ripen— a very relevant ability for agriculture. Crops would be flooding in the markets with an ability like yours."
"Well, thank you. This wouldn't have been possible under five months if it weren't for wizardry." He watches as the clouds float around her, now travelling to the other plants displayed. Hesitating for a minute, Denver finally asks a question he found rather childish.
"My apologies for bringing up a silly question, but would you mind if I touch those?" He points at the clouds that Madeleine may have seemed to forgot spawned just a few moments ago.
"Ah, these? Sure. I wouldn't mind. They're cold and made of really tiny droplets, so they're a bit damp as well. You really wouldn't feel a solid texture." With a move of her hand, one lowered and moved between them, allowing Denver to easily touch it without reaching up and struggling. He lets his hand through the cloud, feeling a sudden cold, yet humid texture exactly like she described.
"It feels cold, and a bit funny for some reason. Great how these give us water in many forms when they themselves are made of it."
"Congratulations, you have experienced a childhood dream of many." She chuckles and he did as well before going back to their experiment.
More content about Dandelion and his equally nerdy friend. There are a lot to unpack about their setting which I may or may not have publicized, such as the fact that magic exists, and is something aquired through either birth or learning and training. Madeleine is capable of manipulating clouds, and Denver can manipulate plant growth. Both have their limitations, Madeleine having to take an incapable amount of physical energy just to create a supercell cloud, causing her to become severely exhausted and pass out, her physique weaker than average serving as an obstruction and limitation. Denver's ability is limited to plant growth only, not being able to prevent its death. They still tend to play around with their abilities despite that.
Anyways, the final two characters out of six will be put into progress afterwards.
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[ at least the others are like. easy ]
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^ this fucker got fired, and is now in deep with the black market. except someone keeps making Ewart go into debt and he's not doin' great. somehow no one is willing to help him. weird, right?
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Rune, due to no longer having his coven brand, offered himself to Darius, Alador, and Raine's goal of trying to free others from their brands. He's not sure how much help he's actually been, but he does think his existence of 'it can be done' has helped their motivation at least.
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Sawyer helped find a place for the wild magic university. He's also now in charge of the black market; he keeps things from getting too out of hand. He's also been helping try to integrate sellers who were only in the black market due to Belos' laws back to the clean market.
[ ya, he's the one keeping Ewart in debt lol ]
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Bluebell, no longer a scout, gets to focus full time on her passions now. She's befriended a lot of beasts, and is actively studying the titan growth patterns and learning about titans in general. It's fun for her, and King likes the attention. She's determined to be the first one to publish an actual book on Titans.
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Echo is kind of living the best life out of everyone. Her family lowkey became the new Blights of the Isles. Turns out, when everyone needs construction done, the construction family gets a huge pay out. However, Echo's younger brothers do most of the family business, and Echo has finally opened the gardening shop she's wanted for years. She has hired a few plant-based witches as a part-time workers; but has also been helping those that can't use plant magic grow gardens.
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Dante's mastered his potions even more, and has actually managed to move out of the black market and into an actual store. It's nothing super big or fancy, but it's enough to satisfy his need for an income. He and Jinx have also moved back to their family home.
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market-insider · 1 year
Biostimulants: Tailoring Solutions for Crop Performance Enhancement
Biostimulants are substances or microorganisms that are applied to plants, seeds, or the surrounding environment to enhance plant growth, development, and overall health. Unlike fertilizers, which primarily provide essential nutrients to plants, biostimulants work by stimulating natural processes within the plants themselves. They contain various biologically active compounds, such as amino acids, proteins, vitamins, enzymes, and plant hormones, which can improve nutrient uptake, enhance stress tolerance, and stimulate beneficial microbial activity in the rhizosphere. Biostimulants can be derived from natural sources, including seaweed extracts, humic and fulvic acids, beneficial microorganisms (such as mycorrhizal fungi and rhizobacteria), and other plant-based substances. They are commonly used in agriculture, horticulture, and turf management to promote plant growth, increase crop yield, improve nutrient efficiency, and enhance the resilience of plants to environmental stressors. Biostimulants offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to optimizing plant performance and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.
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Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Biostimulants Market Report
The biostimulants market has witnessed significant developments in recent years due to growing awareness about sustainable agriculture practices and the need for improving crop productivity. Manufacturers are continuously improving the formulation of biostimulant products to enhance their efficacy and ease of application. This includes the development of concentrated liquid formulations, water-soluble powders, and granular formulations that ensure better nutrient absorption and distribution in plants. Biotechnological advancements have played a crucial role in the development of biostimulant products. Biotechnological techniques such as genetic engineering, microbial fermentation, and extraction processes are being used to produce biostimulants with higher concentrations of active compounds, improved efficacy, and targeted functionalities. There is ongoing research to better understand the mode of action of biostimulants and their interaction with plants. This research aims to identify specific physiological and biochemical mechanisms triggered by biostimulants, including hormonal regulation, enzyme activities, gene expression, and nutrient uptake pathways. The findings help in optimizing the application of biostimulants for maximum plant response.
Companies are focusing on developing biostimulants tailored for specific crops or plant species. These specialized products consider the unique nutritional and physiological needs of different plants, ensuring targeted benefits and improved crop performance. Several countries have started implementing regulations specific to biostimulant products. These regulations aim to define product categories, establish quality standards, and ensure the efficacy and safety of biostimulants in agricultural practices. The introduction of regulations provides clarity to manufacturers, distributors, and farmers, fostering responsible growth of the biostimulants market. Microbial-based biostimulants, such as beneficial bacteria and fungi, are gaining attention in the market. Researchers are exploring different microbial strains and their interactions with plants to unlock their potential in improving nutrient uptake, disease resistance, and overall plant health. Farmers and agronomists are incorporating biostimulants into integrated crop management practices, including precision agriculture and sustainable farming systems. Biostimulants are being used in combination with other inputs like fertilizers and crop protection products to optimize plant health, reduce chemical inputs, and improve environmental sustainability. The biostimulants market is experiencing global expansion, with increased product availability in various regions. This expansion is driven by rising demand for sustainable agriculture solutions, government initiatives supporting organic farming practices, and the need to address environmental concerns associated with conventional agricultural practices.
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global--news · 1 year
The Past, Present, Future of Shenzhen Huang Qiang Bei (Volume 2)
——Slkor, Song Shiqiang
The Past, Present, Future of Shenzhen Huang Qiang Bei (Volume 2)
——Slkor, Song Shiqiang
    In 1992, Deng Xiaoping visited Shenzhen, which supported and affirmed the Shenzhen economic model and inspired the people of Shenzhen. With the opening up of China to the outside world, the economic consumption center of Shenzhen gradually moved westward beyond Luohu District, and the focus was in the Futian District in the 1990s. Over the years, a middle class with consumption power emerged, and with the accumulation and development of the industrial base, a market of division of labor and spontaneity was formed. Hua Qiang Bei, located in Futian District, developed into the Hua Qiang Bei Business Circle with the electronics street as the industry leader, creating an economic miracle.
Mr. Song Shiqiang, General Manager of Slkor and Kinghelm
 In 1994, Vanguard Super Department moved to Hua Qiang Bei and introduced the Singaporean "warehouse mall" model, which was a key factor in activating the whole Hua Qiang Bei Business Circle. The department store's success led to the transformation of more than 40 buildings in the Shangbu Industrial Zone into commercial areas, and the rise of various other businesses such as the "International Electrical Appliance City" and the "Manha Clothing Mall." The author, Song Shiqiang, also mentions his earliest connection with Hua Qiang Bei and his efforts to work for its prosperity.
Second direct-sale store of SlkorMicro Semicon Co., Ltd. (Slkor) in Hua Qiang Bei, Shenzhen
The market, Hua Qiang Bei, an electronics market in Shenzhen, China has been a hub for small and medium-sized enterprises, and many successful companies have emerged from it.
The author, Song Shiqiang, is the general manager of Kinghelm and Slkor, two companies that started in Hua Qiang Bei. The author discusses the success of the Chinese economy, which he attributes to the complementation of the state-owned enterprises and small private businesses. The author also discusses the growth of Hua Qiang Bei and how it has been nurtured by the government and supported by state-owned enterprises. The passage also contains personal anecdotes about the author's experiences in Hua Qiang Bei and the people he has met there. Finally, the author mentions that Kinghelm and Slkor have moved their headquarters to Shenzhou Computer Building in Bantian, Longgang, and that Slkor's IC design and research team is now located in Korea and Suzhou, while Kinghelm's processing plants are located in Tangxia, Dongguan, and Li.
Hua Qiang Bei is an electronic market located in Shenzhen, China. It is famous for being the world's largest electronics market and a hub for electronic components, including emulational mobile phones, Bluetooth headsets, and other electronic products. The market is known for its fierce competition, creativity, and the ability to produce billionaires. The influx of migrants from Pearl River Delta Region and Shenzhen brings fierce competition and creativity. Hua Qiang Bei Chaoshan bosses are famous for daring to fight, which combines the bloodiness of Hunan people, Society of Brothers tradition of Sichuan and Chongqing people without procrastination. The market's products are mostly electronic components, characterized by storage capacity and convenience of transportation, which can earn money decades later and thousands of kilometers away. Additionally, the market has electronic components with high unit price and high standardization, and the customers are basically 2B manufacturers, making the transaction mostly wholesale, where many people can make money easily. The active electronic components have the characteristics of unique model correspondence; they can't be used universally with a single difference. Therefore, if the products of downstream customers just lack this material, scarce material number can earn a lot of money, which belongs to commercial compensation value. Like Kinghelm and Slkor, Hua Qiang Bei's companies all belong to the electronic and information industries, which is in line with this great era.
Company: Shenzhen SlkorMicro Semicon Co., Ltd.
Contact Person: Mr. Song
Website: http://www.slkoric.com/
Telephone: +86-0755-83044319
City: Shenzhen
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adj444 · 2 years
MAR. 7 '23
iiii ammm STARVINGGGG what is it that suddenly made me, who eats the exact same meals every single day, suddenly start burning extra calories in the midday and during the evening enough that my stummy starts RUMBLINGGG
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BIOLOGY: photosynthesis test today so not much classwork done but i finished pretty fast & i'm pretty confident about my performance so i'm happy :) i started transcribing the questions that i got docked marks on or didn't get right from the mock marking scheme so i'll hopefully be organizing these better soon enough. here's some experiment questions (problem area) to stare at for now... starting structure & sexual reprod of flowering plants next!
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AG .SCIENCE: free class again </3 so i kind of worked on kale a bit more and i think im slowly getting the hang of it umm heres some recall spam really quick -> fertilizer application 1/2 at sowing & 1/2 2-3 weeks after germination; 4-6 month growth period; 6-7 optimum 6.5 pH soil; 8 weeks prior to sowing soil testing; 10mm seed sowing; 15-20kg/ha sulfur; 70 plants per m^2 target; up to NEVER ABOVE 70% of diet.... catch crop = crop planted in field that would otherwise lay bare, + soil structure + prevent against nutrient leaching + biodiversity - pests - poaching if grazed during wet winter months; club root main disease threat 2 kale causes roots to swell inhibiting water and nutrient uptake = wilting = low yield, spores can lay dormant in soil for 20 yrs so avoid any land with history of club root; have to crop rotate so dont plant any brassica crops for 4 years in that same area...ummm ya lol:)
BUSINESS: went over something but it wasnt much and it was more just videowatching and stuff so i worked on breakevens cuz i have a test on breakeven charts and marketing at 9 am tmrw ahhh!!! which i spent 1.5-2hrs on afterwards as well cuz i was actually having issues with graphing stuff but i think i worked out the tangles enough to do okay tomozzz.revised over PROMOTION & PLACE of marketing mix!!! promotion = personal vs. nonpersonal; adverts (nonpersonal) informational, competitive, generic (ads for broader industry, not specific brands i.e. got milk), persuasive, reminder ads; PR (nonpersonal) functions to create and maintain a positive brand image done thru events, news conferences & briefings, sponsorships and public service activities; sales promotion = enticing increased purchasing activity (larger items or greater amount of items bought) done thru free samples, free gifts, loyalty cards, membership programs, competitions; personal selling (personal) face to face selling in order to build relationship with customer, important in stores like computer stores where average consumer doesnt have as much information as sellers, increases knowledge trust and repeat purchases....... PLACE = CHANNEL OF DISTRIBUTION!!! manufacturer -> customer = direct; manufacturer -> retailer -> customer = alternative; manufacturer -> wholesaler -> retailer -> customer = traditional; each new party makes end price higher for consumer (all need to take profit); consider location of customers (close = cheaper), chararcteristics of item (perishable, heavy), image (luxury vs. cheap)......
ENGLISH: we actually went over a few articles that were treated kind of like open-ended discussion comprehensions = dont have to do much except the first one was about technology so of course it got my attention lol:) not much 2 say here but i am definitely not going to have my comparative essay done for tomorrowww 4give me ms lee
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