stuartbaileyinfo · 2 months
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Stuart Bailey, The Cold Horror is Clear, 2024, Danish linen, embroidery thread and embroidered patch, 420 x 295mm
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drondskaath · 2 days
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Ploughshare | Second Wound | 8th November, 2024
Australian Black/Death Metal
Artwork by Necromodernism
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gbhbl · 2 years
Album Review: Ploughshare - Ingested Burial Ground (Brilliant Emperor Records)
Panic inducing and effects-laden, every second brings an immense level of discomfort.
Ploughshare’s new album ‘Ingested Burial Ground’ takes its inspiration from a dream sequence inspired by a novel. The album features five initial tracks, followed by a B-side regurgitation of those same offerings, featuring re-imaginings by artists such as Sow Discord (David R. Coen), Alex Macfarlane (Faceless Burial), Ignis Fatuus (Grave Upheaval, Portal), Ascanyx, and Xeno Chemist. It will be…
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scatterbrainedbot · 10 months
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okayokayokayokay so pretty much all of these questions will be Officially Answered properly in the character design/intro pages im working on but also i am physically vibrating with excitement about the fact that you noticed all these details and i have very little self control so! lore dump time!!!
(minor tw for mentions of leos self-harm/self-destructive anxious behaviors and unhealthy coping skills)
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- mikey does indeed have curly fur! i believe he would be considered a 'rex' rat (pictured on the left) for this trait? though the curls can be more easily seen on mice (pictured on the right). or, at least it seems that way. have not delved too deeply into the details of rodent genes and husbandry, but id assume its the same sort of mutation considering curly haired mice are also referred to as rex sometimes? either way hes a extra floofy bby 🧡
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-as for raphie, unfortunately being more fluff and less shell than the average rapheal comes with its downsides. especially if you and your brothers occasionally encounter things like territorial dogs, hungry cats, or sewer crocodiles while exploring places ur dad said not supposed to go. (most of his scars will have more ninja related stories, but his ear i think got messed up from something very animal. probably around age 11 ish? old enough to sneak out from dads protection but young enough to not fully know how to handle himself alone against real danger. thankfully his ear injury looks worse than it actually is for the most part, as the damage was largely to the outer ear. his hearing wasnt super affected, except that he now has a bit of a harder time being able to track/pinpoint noises origins if its on his right side.)
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-also yep! dons got some glasses that just clip/rest on the bridge of his nose! theyre mostly just for home use, as they do fall off if hes knocked around. in the field he has some goggles he tends to use (theyre helpful as they have multiple additional functions like heat-imaging, extra zoom/telescoping, and recording capabilities. but also theyll give him headaches if he wears them for too long without breaks). contacts are theoretically also an option but he absolutely hates the sensation of putting them in. so sometimes when hes tired he'll just not bother with either clips or goggles and just squint and struggle. leo hates when he does that lol.
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-speaking of leo, he is def an anxious baby :) he has a few patches of fur missing on his hand cos he has the tendency to tug on it while hes thinking. he yanked and chewed on his own tail a lot when he was younger too, which is why when hes older he usually wears some wraps to cover the scars left from that behavior. he finds those scars specifically to be kinda embarrassing and shameful because they werent from any battle or life-lesson, just his own 'inability to control himself'. all of his brothers have repeatedly called him out on the fact that that is not a healthy way to think about his anxiety or mental health, but leo insists hes fine. hes kinda convinced himself that a proper warrior always has control over his own body* and his own thoughts, thus he should be able to just like willpower-brute-force his way into 'being better'. (this line of thinking pisses raph off so much he has to leave and go hit something)
Splinter also tries to talk him through some of that internalized guilt/shame/everything, but splinters very metaphorical, poetic, and indirect when it comes to talking about Big Things, which combined with how much leo gets caught in his own head, makes it kinda hard to gauge how much these talks actually help
*this is made extra fun considering leos also ftm trans, so he is faced with a body that fundamentally disobeys him perhaps more than the average rat-man.
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-and im still going back and forth between a few species for splinter, but im leaning mostly towards an African Spurred Tortoise! they have these beautiful if kinda subtle geometric shell patterns and are the third largest species of tortoise in the world. the only thing that doesnt fit perfectly with Splints is that (allegedly) their lifespan in captivity is around 50ish years, whereas im p sure Tortoise Splinter is well over 75, probably closer to 90 when the boys are born and hes mutated into Old Man Papa.
but maybe hes just a particularly long lasting African Spurred Tortoise.
the Hamato family has taken very good care of him for many decades after all. :)
(well. until everything all fell apart, that is.....)
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pealeii · 9 months
what is better than the les mis finale?………nothing i think………..
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markscherz · 9 months
what's the rarest Creature you've encountered? doesn't have to be a frog but any kind of amphibian or perhaps even a non-amphibian
I saw two Astrochelys yniphora specimens in the wild in 2006, while I was in Madagascar on my first trip with my father and a group of other herp enthusiasts. At the time, there were an estimated 800 specimens in the wild. By 2008, the population had dropped to ca 400 individuals, and as of 2018 the species has been considered functionally extinct in the wild, according to Pedrono & Clausen (2018) and the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust.
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I think this is very probably the rarest creature I have seen in the wild. I guess I have seen some animals in zoos that are also extinct in the wild, or close to it, but I think that doesn't really count. I have also collected the only known specimens of quite a number of frog and reptile species, but those species are probably mostly fine in terms of population numbers, just no-one has checked. And I have seen and handled quite a large number of specimens of extinct species at museums, but that's a very different thing, of course.
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Construction of a massive municipal park—over 20 years in the making, is finally underway in the city of Irvine.
They say if California became its own country, it would have one of the world’s largest economies. The new Great Park of Irvine is a reflection of the always lofty ambitions of the state, and is expected to dwarf Central Park by more than 500 acres.
It was on May 23rd this year that the “Great Park Project” broke ground on the long-derelict El Toro Marine Corps Base, 21 years after voters approved a ballot measure ordering the state to create a park on the site.
Expected to take another 10 years to complete, the park will span 1,300 acres and include several museums, an amphitheater, a veterans memorial garden, an aquatics center, a sports complex, and not one but two lakes.
“After many years of community input and after the last year of intensive planning and design, we are excited to be launching what is a $1 billion investment to establish the world’s next great metropolitan park,” said Irvine City Councilman Michael Carroll who serves as Chairman of the Great Park Board...
First item of work on the agenda is to demolish and clear away 77 old military buildings while leaving the El Toro air traffic control tower which will be leased by the FAA. However a portion of the Irvine Great Park, as it’s being called, is already open to visitors and includes a soccer pitch and some other amenities including tethered balloons to take visitors up into the sky."
-via Good News Network, July 12, 2023
More of this, please!!!
Also, I checked, and somehow the tethered balloon thing is not only real it's actually free. They go up 400 ft in the air
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sparkmender · 1 day
💬 + "Rumor has it that Sentinel Prime is doing some shady stuff up on the surface.."
Peering over his tinted welder’s goggles, Rung purses his lips thin.
“He and I don’t speak, these days. He comes in and muddies up the couch with his pedes, rambles at me about grand plans, leaves some curios he found for me to ‘spruce up’ for him, and wings his way out again before I can say so much as a word in edgewise.”
The antique waves at the holoscreen projector inset into the wall opposite the shuttered windows. “I don’t even get the broadcasts. Sentinel had his darling little spy drone cut me out of the feed. I’ve yet to figure out how she’s done it…”
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chirhos · 1 year
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on the resurrection - the old churchyard // wood and nails // credo
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unlovablereject · 11 months
There is a difference between supporting a terrorist organization and a country defending itself after a brutal act of war. Yes, things were tense, but hamas has clearly made it his purpose to take Israel and kill all Jews. If you keep supporting hamas at this point, you are antisemitic, no questionability.
CBC has decided to not keep what little journalistic integrity they still have and won't call the act of terrorism what it is without quotes now. It's "poltical" now to call a terrorist attack what it is. This TERROIST ATTACK, killed 2000 people after a major holiday, in the middle of the night men, women, children, babies, newborns... Citizens jumping out of their beds, turning back into soldier, dying to save their neighbours. Yet, a conflict that happened in India was called a "...horrible act of terroism..." without any quotes. Here's some proof of how little journalism is actual unbiased. Source. . Source TV fails us all. https://torontosun-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/cbcs-arguments-for-not-calling-hamas-a-terror-group-are-weak/wcm/afde9ee1-3ac6-4243-b104-9f949a9bf181/amp/?amp_gsa=1&amp_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQIUAKwASCAAgM%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16981252683198&csi=1&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&ampshare=https%3A%2F%2Ftorontosun.com%2Fopinion%2Fcolumnists%2Fcbcs-arguments-for-not-calling-hamas-a-terror-group-are-weak
Israel did NOT blow up the hospital in Gaza. It has been confirmed by BOTH SIDES. There was a ton of footage maintained from the general that shows Israeli soldiers trying to save what lives they could, as they also died in the explosion. It was again, hamas the TERROIST! TO HIS OWN PEOPLE WHAT A SUPRISE?!
Here is an article on that: https://www.wired.com/story/al-ahli-baptist-hospital-explosion-disinformation-osint/
Many times my people and Israel have been tried to be wiped out. We survived almost the entire Roman Empire, and were a thorn in Rome's side. After many failed attempts, Israel was taken by Titus who went out of his way to make all forces hit Israel. Then Titus gave it the name philistines (which means weak/weakness, while Israel means Lion).
Israel was an established country for 40 years before, without their consent, and to give up land the same people we gave asylm to in the 1920's, and now want to actively destroy you? Did deeper than the first fucking google article dumbasses, or past TV which has been an unreliable source more and more for decades.
There is no history of a palistine before it became a state in 1988. Before that they lived in Syria, Jordan and Egypt. You want some history, okay, just for proof here it if FROM THE UNITED NATIONS (UN):
Israel has belonged to Jewish people since Torah. A book that predates both religions that seem to side to destroy Jews. Both have an active agenda. To get rid of us and our land.
Israeli Soldiers are taught to try to preserve all life, but protect innocent no matter the side.
Hamas does not care about his citizens, they are starving, thirsty, and sick. If he thought about them why did he not make sure he would be able to have infrastructure to make sure his people could eat, drink, have power, medical supplies, fossil fuels? He didn't think about them, he never does, and never has. His goal is to destroy Israel and kill every single Jew.
We are people too, us Jews, Israelis. Why are we always evil for wanting to exist and wanting what should belong to us?
People tell me I "don't know the history of the area". I do. I know a lot more than 99% of people who asked. I could talk for hours about both sides history (most of it Israeli because it was our G-d given, ancestral birthright).
Do you not think we want and deserve a place to go that isn't dominated by the three top biggest religions in the world, ours not even being close to those. (Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism)
I know way more than this but I'm tired of your antisemitism USA especially. And shame on you for not seeing this clearly.
Britian, it's illegal to protest for hamas in the streets, as it should be everywhere.
It's funny it went from Islamaphobia from 2001 to Oct. 2023 to antisemitism and wanted genocide real quick. You do realize this is the ONLY PLACE FOR JEWISH PEOPLE! We want what is rightfully ours!
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With all that said I do not like war, I despise innocent people dying for just where they live. I want peace in the land, and everyone that lives there.
Am Yisrael Chai!
May Hashem bring peace to the land and ALL who dwell there. Strengthen the hands.of our Holy defenders and May the crown of victory be place upon them.
-(paraphrased) Avianu Shebashamim
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Tfw you get recommended a particular pastor-teacher by a peer and you have gotten just wise enough at this point to go look the person up before just ingesting their teaching, and the top two things they have recently said are "Christian Nationalism is a good thing and a God-ordained pursuit" and "Israel should by no means pause or cease fire" and you're just like. Aha. Ok then. Glad I checked first. 😅
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marnz · 1 year
Perennial by Rowan Beaird is an absolutely exquisite short story about tulips and grief, hugely recommend. You can read it for free here.
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secretseacat · 3 months
found out about a program called 'Guns to Garden Tools' where you can turn in an unloaded firearm and they'll reforge the metal into trowels/hoes/picks/what have you
and it's just cool to see people still committed to turning swords into ploughshares
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princeleonstuff2 · 9 months
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nicolagriffith · 1 year
Snippets—Cath Llew, Events, Sales, and Deep Dives
MENEWOOD is out in 15 days (!) so I'm starting to gear up: updating my Events page, writing about research into bynames, taking Deep Dives into immersive prose, and more.
In Hild, Hild acquires four bynames or epithets—like ‘Butcherbird’ and ‘hægtes’. In Menewood (out in just 15 days!) she acquires more, the first of which is ‘Cath Llew’, or lynx. Over on Gemæcce, my research site, I’ve written a juicy post—maps! drawings!—about how and when and why that happened. As Menewood is out soon (15 days!), I’m gearing up for publicity, which includes starting to update…
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apas-95 · 3 months
fuuuuck does anyone know a smithy that can convert ploughshares into swords. I have a fuckload of ploughshares I need to turn back into swords. urgent
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