#Point is I love you all and here's to another year of Dragon Balls
I love you guys and our stupidity, that's my wholesome message of the year.
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bones4thecats · 14 days
Henlo! Could I request some headcanons where Cooler, Frieza, Android 17, and Gohan get the "If anything happens, I love you" message from their S/O? Maybe S/O was away for a little while before getting into a dangerous situation, but is found injured but alive.
Their S/O Gets Severely Injured
Characters: Cooler, Frieza, Android 17 and Gohan Requester: ❤️‍🩹Anon A/N: I now nickname you ❤️‍🩹Anon, since your prompt is about y’know… healing and whatnot. Anyways, this is my first Dragon Ball piece so I do not guarantee that they are all in character, so warning there I guess. By the way, in Gohan's piece, the reader is female since y'know... Pan and all. Now, enjoy, I guess!
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»»————————————-   Cooler  ————————————-««
🧊 When Cooler first inherited his portion of his family's army, he wasn't amused with how small it was. But, when comparing his power to his younger brother's, it was understandable why it was so differentiating when it comes to size
🧊 Thankfully, his father, King Cold, was kind enough to give him the district that you, his darling S/O of many years, lead with a high amount of nobility and pride
🧊 Cooler has been away for a while when you were sent out by Frieza to cover a nearby planet and either gain their trust or completely annihilate them without any mercy. It was truly your call there
🧊 But, when he returned to see that you and your band of armored warriors were missing and have been for a few hours, Cooler began to become nervous. You were never gone this long when taking care of some minor business on Frieza, King Cold, or even Cooler's orders
" Lord Frieza! There seems to be a misreading! "
" What do you mean by a misreading? " Frieza questioned, a sense of annoyance and a very small amount of curiosity laced him his already pissy tone.
" It seems that the planet we sent Section 213 to is full of powerful fire-demons, much like us! "
" What?! "
🧊 After hearing this, your lover demanded to see your coordinates and send out another section, Section 89, out to find you and your teammates. And while his younger sibling attempted to reassure him of your team's power, Cooler merely pushed him aside and began to descend with Section 89 right behind him
🧊 Once landed, Cooler began to fight with the team following suite, knocking each beast aside with relative average stats. While it took on average two or three members per monster, they were taking care of them relatively quick
" Y/N? Y/N, where the hell are you?! "
" She's over here, Master Cooler! "
🧊 Running at a high-speed that could be compared to the super-saiyan's, Cooler stopped in his tracks when seeing your bruised and cut-up body. You had a large gash on the side of your stomach, and he could tell from a mere few feet away that you needed immediate medical assistance
🧊 Once returned, Cooler yelled for the healers to fix you. Though, it was hard for them to focus with both Frieza and Cooler glaring at them from behind. Frieza was only there because he couldn't afford to lose a powerful warrior and by-far one of the most talented fighters he had left after the battle on Namek
🧊 At some point, the doctor had to push the two outside, which was where Cooler stayed while tyrannical emperor left to sort out the rest of his ship from the chaos
" Master Cooler. Your S/O is all patched up. "
" And? "
" They will make it perfectly well. They'll just need a few days of healing. They're quite lucky. If they were a mere Yardrat or Tuffle they'd most likely be beyond any kind of help. "
" Good. Now, leave. I must see them for myself. "
" Understood. "
🧊 While he sat down in a seat right beside your medical bed, Cooler just sighed and ran a hand across your cheek, which had multiple cuts and bruises, not to mention a slight burn that reached from your chin to your forehead in a straight line. Oh, how awful was it on that damned planet?
🧊 You'll tell him when you wake up. Yes you will. But for now, Cooler can lay his head down on your bed and rest for a bit before you awaken form your long-overdue power-nap
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»»————————————-   Frieza  ————————————-««
🏔️ Frieza has hated being in Hell for the many years he was wrapped up like a larvae becoming a butterfly or moth and sung to like a baby by cutesy-bears and fairies. Due to this, he had a ton of pent-up anger. Which, while he did not mean it, he had accidentally taken out on a small fraction of his army
🏔️ From this lose in members, Frieza had no choice but to send out one of his best teams; Team Y/N. Which just so happened to be led by his favorite soldier and his one and only spouse, Y/N
🏔️ Before you and your team evacuated to check for any signs of life on the now-destroyed and bare wasteland that was once a prosperous land, you had left a solid message for your husband. One that he would forever regret not telling you in person
" If anything happens, I love you? That cheesy moron... "
" As if you are any better, brother. "
" Shut it, Cooler! "
🏔️ You and your team had just barely landed when one of them was snatched away with stupendous speed. This kind of speed was alarming to you and your underlings, causing a couple of them to panic and get snatched themselves
🏔️ Meanwhile on the ship, a fairly-rounded serving demon was observing the life-monitors that laid within each Frieza's Force member's body. And once he noticed the way they were immediately falling like flies, his tail feathers erupting and knocking his chair back, alarming his Highness
" What is going on down there?! " Frieza barked.
" Team Y/N is getting pummeled, killed even! We need to send people down there- now! "
🏔️ Frieza stood abruptly and ordered for the guards to follow him, after all, backup is necessary almost wherever the dangerous man went. Especially when it came to the safety of his lover
🏔️ Once landed, the sight of four out of the seven members of your team being impaled on the elongated tongues of horrifying and demonic-appearing beasts caused the Emperor of the Universe's heart to start racing. You better not have been harmed!
🏔️ The male raised his hand and sent a large beam of energy soaring at the monster, causing it's tongue to come flying off of it's mouth. The smell from it's blood was rancid, but if smelling this meant that you would be safe, then so be it
🏔️ You were located a mere few feet away, hiding behind a large boulder structure by Frieza. And once he picked you up, he rushed back to the ship, his men and yours following as they sent many beams at the creatures as they attempted to follow suit
🏔️ Back on the ship, Frieza sat in his room as the doctor healed you up. While he would love to be there for his dearest, the sight of their beaten and bloody body was by-far the only thing keeping him away from the Cui-copy's work
🏔️ The sound of his door being knocked on made him stand and ready himself, putting on his cool and composed facial expression before opening the door, ready to scold and possibly punish the soldier for daring to interrupt the most powerful being in the ship. How he would do so was already pulsating through his mind
" What is it you want? I am clearly in the middle of business. "
" Wow, you're seeming extra nice today. Are you sad I was hurt by that behemoth of a beast? "
🏔️ A small crack of his voice was heard as Frieza opened his eyes to see you standing there with a highly-functional mechanical cast around your leg, a small amount of pre-obtained energy holding your leg up and behind you in a position as if you were kneeling on one side
" Y/N... Why aren't you healing in the medbay?! I was about to come visit you! "
" Uh-huh. C'mon, the doctor said I needed to fix up my other leg's walking anyways! " Sarcasm was highly detecatble in your tone, causing Frieza to be slightly annoyed. Why are you being so calm?!
" That doesn't matter- "
" Yeah, yeah. Anyways, you got any wine back there? "
" W-what?! By what I remember, taking in alcohol, no matter the kind, with medication could cause someone to... overdose, if I remember correctly. "
" Aw~ Are you still worried about me?~ "
" S-shut it! Just- get in here already... you're a pain. "
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»»——————————-   Android 17  ——————————-««
🐈‍⬛ This guy knew how dangerous this Tournament was, so why was he now just wondering why the enemy was being so tough on you, it was obvious that you were beaten, so why was he continuing?!
" Hey! He's going to far! "
" Y/N, hang in there! "
🐈‍⬛ Everyone's calls were only enraging your husband even farther as he fought against another Universe 5 fighter while you dealt with the other two dogs
🐈‍⬛ The yellow one, Lavender, has thrown so much of his poisonous energy at you that it was beginning to make your joints slow down, which alarmed the rest of your teammates. Hell, even Frieza was nervous at the sight- you had the amount of power that could level up to defeat him!
" Why you damned wolf! "
🐈‍⬛ Holding your hand up as you canceled out every sound around you, the slight movements of feet with fur and claws was the only thing you would allow through. This meant you would be able to both dodge and hit the remaining beast-men back with ease
" Take this! "
🐈‍⬛ Gripping his hand in yours, you could feel the poison rush through your body, but the feeling was numb to you, the amount of venom in your system seemingly muted out anymore seeping through your thick-skin
" Wait, what the hell?! "
🐈‍⬛ Android 17 smirked and jumped up before kicking the blue wolf, Bergamo, in your direction while you powered a whip of energy before wrapping Basil and Lavender up as you twirled them around and threw them away, grabbing Bergamo on the way as they soared back and off the edge of the field, resulting in a Universe 7 win
🐈‍⬛ 17 ran up to you and wrapped his arms around you before you were teleported back up to your teammates for a small intermission granted by Zeno upon Goku's request
" What were you thinking? "
" About the survival of our home, and our family. "
" And while I appreciate that, Y/N, you must be more careful with your limits. I don't need another Goku around. "
" Hey! "
🐈‍⬛ Hearing you chuckle as Whis laid his staff on your forehead before booping you and releasing your body of the poison's affects made your husband smile gently and hold you close as Universe 7's angel chanted with an 'all better now!'
" Don't you ever scare me like that again, you hear? "
" Nope, you forgot a couple of things in that sentence there, mister. "
" Why you... alright. Please don't ever scared me like that again. I love you to much for that to happen. "
" That's better. "
🐈‍⬛ While you laid your foreheads upon one another's, the sound of Goku and Frieza gagging in the back caused you to laugh as 17 just sighed like a disappointed father
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»»————————————-   Gohan  ————————————-««
📚 Unlike his father, Gohan was primarily focused on his work and studies growing up. Putting his training behind for helping his family of his wife, Y/N, and his young daughter, Pan, prosper in life
📚 You on the other hand, adored to fight. As you were raised by your favorite person on Earth, who also just so happened to be a fellow descendant of the Three-Eyed People, Tien Shinhan
📚 As Pan grew older, you would help Piccolo and others train her, teaching her valuable lessons in minor training for her human-side while Piccolo handled her more alien side, which came from your husband
📚 Gohan knew that sometimes you would go out and about with his father's old friends in order to handle some ordeals, and with you being one of the strongest human fighters in their current time, you were practically required to attend
📚 As you kissed your daughter's forehead and gave your husband the tightest hug known to the half-blooded Saiyan, you gave him a final message until you returned a few days later
" If anything happens, I love you. "
📚 If anything happens? How far away were you going this time?
📚 While it was quite a hassle balancing his job and caring for Pan by himself, Gohan was grateful to have both his mother, Chi-Chi, his sensei, Piccolo, and his childhood friend, Videl, all there to help out once and a while
📚 He couldn't wait for when you would come home. Counting down the days with fun dinners for him and his daughter as the calendar was decorated with cute little stickers from Videl
" Hey Papa? Why does Mama look so beaten up? "
" She probably- wait she looks what?! "
" She has a big cut on the side of her face. It looks like it's bleeding a lot! "
📚 Gohan opened the front door of your home and picked you up quickly before rushing inside and running towards the bathroom to find your first-aid kit. Well, one of the many you had around the house
📚 Pan looked worried as you picked her up and laid her on your lap, brushing your hand through her hair as she sniffed and began to allow tears to bulge up in her eyes. You never liked to see your daughter in any kind of distress, especially emotionally. Physical scars can heal, but emotions are far harder to fix
" Mama, where did you get the cut...? "
" Let's just say... Mama got into a fight with some bad people and Mama kicked their butts. "
" Really? What were they like? Were they s... sai... "
" Saiyans? "
" Yeah! Were they Saiyans like Papa? "
📚 As Gohan walked back into the room with gauze being prepared in his hands, he saw just how comfortable Pan asked you questions while you avoided the topic of exactly who you fought and what happened on that planet miles away
" Y/N, can you please lift your headpiece up? "
📚 You did as your husband asked as you laid your thick head piece on the side, it was cracked from some force coming from your now deceased enemy, but it was nothing that Bulma couldn't fix!
📚 While Gohan bandaged up your head and arms, Pan asked both you and him questions of the days back when you both fought side-by-side. And whenever you mentioned him singing with the old dragon, Icarus, his face erupted in a mix of pink and red
📚 Why was your memory so damn good...
" Can I hear the song? "
" I don't think Piccolo would like to be reminded of that... again... "
" All the more reason to do it! "
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ofstarsandvibranium · 9 months
Unexpectedly Yours: Part 2
Fandom: Ted Lasso (Regency AU)
Pairing: Roy Kent x F!Reader
Summary: Lord Roy Kent still has yet to marry. He hates the notion that marriage is a way to ensure your status in society. You have delayed your debut to society for years because of the same idea. So what happens when two people who hate the idea of marriage are constantly drawn to each other?
Part 1
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You giggle as you watch Phoebe and Cece run around the room, "breathing fire" and roaring like a dragon.
"I'm going to eat you!" Cece roars in a deep voice, right into your face.
You fake scream, "No! Please! Don't eat me! I'll do anything!"
"Anything?" Phoebe asks in her own 'dragon' voice. When you nod, she goes, "Then you have to give me your kingdom so I can be a dragon king!"
"No! I can't let you have my kingdom!"
"Then we're going to eat you!" Phoebe and Cece creep towards you until Lord Kent "pops" up from behind a chaise lounge with a wooden sword in hand, "I'm here to save you, princess!" he explains in his raspy voice.
There's a small crown on his head and he looks a bit ridiculous to you, so you snicker a bit. He points his sword in your direction, "Shut it."
You roll your lips inward to hold back your laughter.
Cece and Phoebe turn to him, "Who are you?"
"I'm the prince..knight come to rescue the princess from you dragons," he points the wooden weapon towards the two little girls before him.
"You'll have to kill us to save her then!" Cece explains.
Lord Kent cocks a brow at your young cousin then looks at you. You give him a shrug. Sensing his hesitation, Phoebe speaks up, "You have to kill us, Uncle Roy. Stab us right through the heart!"
He looks at his niece in disbelief, "I'm not stabbing you, you odd girl."
She rolls her eyes, "It's just pretend, Uncle Roy. You're not going to hurt me. Besides, you can't save Princess Y/N if you don't kill us. Then she'll be dragon food!"
Cece and Phoebe bare their teeth and their "claws".
Lord Kent sighs and gently pokes Phoebe in the chest, "Stab." She exaggeratedly falls to the floor, her tongue sticking out to signal her death. He then pokes Cece in the chest, "Stab." She, too, exaggerates her death, similar to her new friend.
"My hero," you chuckle.
Lord Kent walks over the "dead bodies" of your cousin and his niece. He holds out his hand, "I've saved you, Princess Y/N," he says unenthusiastically as he pulls you from your place on the floor.
You snicker, "Thank you, Sir Kent. You're so very brave."
Cece opens her eyes, lifting her head up, "You have to kiss her too!"
"No, I don't," the viscount quickly says.
"Yes, you do! It's how all the fairy tales end!"
"No, they don't."
Phoebe's eyes open and she adds, "Yes, they do, Uncle Roy. Remember the one you told me last night? That ended with a kiss and they lived happily ever after! Do you not want a happily ever after?"
The viscount lets out a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Phoebe-"
"Just do it," you say, making him turn back to you, "It'll be quick."
"Fine," he grits, appearing as though kissing you is the worse thing in the world. You can't help but feel a bit saddened by this.
He faces his entire body towards you. He steps closer to you and begins leaning in, closer and closer until his lips hover over yours. Just as he's about to kiss you, the door to the room opens,
"Alright, my love, time- oh," It's Lord Kent's sister, "What's going on?" she looks at Lord Kent with a questioning gaze, eyes fluttering between you and him.
Lord Kent steps back, "Nothing."
"Mummy, can I please stay longer?" Phoebe begs as she scrambles from the floor.
"Unfortunately not, my love. We have to get ready for the ball tonight."
Phoebe grimaces, "Another ball?"
"Yes, another ball," Clara smooths down some of Phoebe's hair and then looks up to Lord Kent, "Brother, shall we or-"
"No. Let's go," he rushes from your side, walking past his sister and niece.
Clara clears her throat, "I apologize for him."
You shake your head, "No. It's alright," you curtsey, "Thank you for allowing Phoebe to spend time with Cecelia. They had a lot of fun."
"I'm sure we can plan another play date for them soon, Lady Y/N," she gives a small bow, "Enjoy the rest of your day."
"You as well."
You and Cece watch the Kents walk down the stairs and head out the door. Once gone, Cece looks up at you with a pout, "You didn't kiss. That means there's no happily ever after."
"It's alright, Cece. Some people just don't get a happily ever after."
At the Ruthford Ball, Clara and Lord Kent walk around the ballroom, side by side.
"So...shall we discuss what I interrupted earlier?"
"It was nothing," Lord Kent grunts to his sister.
"Didn't look like it was nothing. Looked to me like you two were about to kiss," she says with a playful smirk.
"It's just pretend. We were pretending for the girls," Lord Kent explains, refusing to give his sister any satisfaction.
"You know, I hear that Lady Y/N is a very respectable woman, albeit she's not too fond marriage. Guess that's the one thing you two have in common."
Lord Kent sighs, stopping to face his sister, "What are you getting on about?"
She shrugs, "I think you two would be a fine match."
He scoffs, "She hates me."
Clara smirks, "Didn't seem like she hated you earlier. She looked very fixated on you."
"It was pretend," he grumbles, walking away from his sister, in desperate need of a drink.
As a server passes with a tray of flutes of champagne, he immediately grabs one. However, he isn't paying attention to where he was going and he bumps into someone...you.
The liquid spills over you, the glass shattering to the floor.
Nearby onlookers watch with curious gazes as you gasp and look up to see the perpetrator.
"Is this revenge?"
"Your new dress!" your mother cries out with a pout.
"Mama, it's fine."
"I can get you a new one." Lord Kent speaks up, causing your mother to realize he was the reason your new dress is soiled.
"O-oh. Lord Kent, I see the roles are reversed now."
"So it seems," he does his best to give your mother a polite look, "I can have the modiste make a new one for you."
You wave him off, "It's alr-"
"That would be lovely, Lord Kent. Thank you! My daughter very much appreciates it!" your mother speaks for you with such enthusiasm. She gives you a look that makes you speak up, "Yes. I'd very much appreciate it, Lord Kent," you give a slight bow and inwardly grimace. You hate that your mother makes you do this.
Lord Kent speaks up, "Lady Y/N, do you care much for the dress?"
"Pardon?" you look at him confused.
"Are you upset that I seemed to have ruined your new dress? And answer honestly, please."
You look down at your dress. You don't see any tears or stains. Just some slight dampness, "I wouldn't say you've ruined it, Lord Kent. I honestly don't believe I'd need a new dress since I won't be replacing this one."
"Very well. I apologize for not paying attention," he gives a bow.
"Thank you, my Lord. I apologize as well," you curtsey. You mouth, 'Thank you' to him and he nods.
"Aaaww your dress!" Keeley appears beside you with a pout.
You chuckle, "It's fine, Keeley."
"But you just got this one."
"It was an accident."
"Come on, let's try to dry it off," she takes your hand and guides you away from Lord Kent and your mother.
Jamie, the nice friend that he is, put himself down on your dance card so he can be a buffer for the various men written on your card.
"Having fun?" he asks you with a knowing smirk.
You scowl, "I am not and you know it," you sigh, "But what about you?"
"Oh I'm having loads of fun," he gives you a look and it makes your eyes narrow at him.
"What's that look for?"
"Well, don't know if you've noticed, but a certain viscount has been looking at you a lot tonight."
"Lord Grumpy Face. When I turn us, just look over my shoulder and you'll see," Jamie turns you 180 degrees and you're facing the other direction. You look over his shoulder and your eyes meet Lord Kent's. His gaze doesn't waver, even when Jamie spins you and lifts you in the air for a moment.
You snort, "He must be admiring his handy work considering what he did with my dress."
"You keep telling yourself that, darling."
"He hates me."
"Don't seem that way," Jamie spins you around and the song ends. You all clap for the orchestra and Jamie leads you towards the beverage table where Keeley is waiting and watching.
"Have you noticed that Lord Kent keeps watching you?" she asks and Jamie smiles.
"I said the same thing."
"So I'm not hallucinating then?"
Jamie shakes his head at his love, "Not at all. Looks like Lord Grumpy Gramps has a soft spot for our new debutante."
You roll your eyes and groan, "Both of you, stop it. You're acting childish." You take Keeley's glass and down its contents. You hand it back to her and say, "I'm stepping out for air."
You make your way outside to the Ruthford's gardens. You like coming out here, remembering how you and Amelia Ruthford used to play hide and seek in the hedge maze.
You sit at the fountain near its entrance. You let the breeze cool off your body. You're playing with a loose thread on your glove when you here someone clearing their throat.
"Lord Kent," you immediately stand to curtsey.
He shakes his head, "Please, stop that. I hate it when people do that."
You smirk, "Good. Because I hate doing it," you plop back onto the fountain's edge.
Lord Kent slowly approaches the fountain, sitting a small distance from you, "Are you alright?"
"I'm just tired of all of this and I haven't even been out to society for long. I'm tired of the dancing, the socialization. I just want to be home, reading, or spending time with Cece. I want to be my own person, not some...cow being offered up to the highest bidder." You chuckle, shaking your head, "I'm sorry."
"No, no. Don't be. I like this side of you. I don't hear many women talking so freely and openly when they're around me. It's...nice."
You feel nervous. Being in Lord Kent's proximity again after what transpired earlier.
"I didn't expect you to be here," he says, filling the silence.
You sigh, "I didn't expect to be here either, but mother forced me to go. She says I need to take every opportunity to find a potential suitor."
"Any prospects?"
"None, just like the other balls before. Not that I'm actually paying attention to any of them." you get to your feet and move towards the hedge maze, "Have you been in one of these, Lord Kent?"
He follows you, stopping at the entrance and looking up at the high grown hedges, "Can't say I have. You?"
"Only this one. Plenty of times. I'd come here a lot to play with the Ruthford's daughter, Amelia. At first, it took forever for us to solve it. Lord Ruthford would have to come find us. But the more we did it, the more we remembered."
"Do you still remember?"
You look at him with a mischievous grin, "Guess we'll find out." You giggle as you rush inside, taking sharp turns.
"Y/N! Wait!" Lord Kent cries out for you as he heads into the maze. Already, he's lost you.
"This is stupid!"
"No it's not! It's fun! Ever had fun, Lord Kent? Or are you like all the boring Lords here?" your voice is near but not as close as Lord Kent thinks.
"Is there a short cut to this?" Lord Kent asks.
"Not at all. Lord Ruthford loves puzzles and hates cheaters."
"Fuck," Lord Kent curses and you tap him on the shoulder, startling him, "Fuck!"
You snicker, "Not very appropriate language to have around a lady, my Lord."
He looks at you completely unamused, "Get me out of here."
You roll your eyes, "Fine, You have no sense of adventure or fun, do you?"
"I feel sorry for you future wife," you mutter, leading Lord Kent with very turns, loops and eventually to the exit.
At the exit, you find Keeley and Jamie waiting for you with matching smirks.
"Something wrong?"
"Oh nothing. Have fun?"
"Pft, tried to. Lord Grumpy Gramps couldn't make it very far. Demanded lead him to the exit," you go over and loop your arm with Keeley's, "Is my mother looking for me?"
"No, but Mason Stanton is. He's next on your dance card, I believe?"
You groan, "Can I feign illness?"
"You did that the last time," Jamie says.
You look back around towards the entrance of the haze, spotting the fountain, "I got it." You pick up your skirt and starting running towards the fountains.
"What? What's happening?!" Keeley cries out after you.
You stop at the fountain's edge, looking over your shoulder to your friends and Lord Kent.
"Oh now your dress will definitely be ruined!"
You sit at the edge and squeal when you lean back, falling into the fountain.
You friends and Lord Kent rush over to you, watching as you make a big scene, "Oh no! My dress is ruined and I'm all wet! My night is over!"
Keeley was shaking her head while Jamie tried to stifle his laughter. Lord Kent merely stood there, a smirk on his face.
"You're so...odd," he says as he walks over to the fountain's edge, lending a hand out.
You take it and with a grin, pull him in.
Keeley gasps and Jamie bursts out into laughter.
"Y/N!" your mother comes running down from the manor, "What is going on?!" she's fuming.
You put on your best distressed expression, "I was admiring the fountain and I tripped over my skirt and fell in. Lord Kent tried helping me out but fell in as well."
Your mother looks at Keeley and Jamie, who nod in agreement, doing their best to hide their grins.
Your mother sighs, "Well hurry out of there. Don't want you to catch your death."
Lord Kent exits first, drenched to the bone. You try not to pay attention to how his clothes cling to him, showing off his toned body. He holds his hand out as you climb out. You thank him and waddle over to your mother, "We should probably go home now."
"Yes, we should. Come on," she wraps her arms around you, leading you back towards the manor.
Lord Kent, Keeley, and Jamie all remain right where you left them. Jamie pats Lord Kent on the shoulder, "Yeah, I don't think you could handle her, Lord Gramps."
Lord Kent glares at Jamie, growling, "Don't touch me." His attention turning back to your retreating figure.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Lucerys - Dance
Pairing: Lucerys X Green!Daughter
Summary: reader and Luke had been best friends for years before being split up but finally they meet again at the readers birthday ball.
Words: 2914
Requested by anon
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Masterlist Here
Being the youngest child of the king was a strange experience. As the youngest you didn’t have to worry about as many marriage proposals or having to go to make official royal visits. The only times you were sent on royal visits had been with either your mother or brother Aemond as your mother did not trust her another son to look after you. You spent more time looking after Aegon than the other way round as you were the one that would sneak him his hang over cures when your mother banned the maesters for helping him as punishment for her sons drinking.
Despite this you were also close with your mother. She was extremely protective which had its ups and downs. On one hand you didn’t need to worry about Lords trying to manipulate you for your hand and on the other you only really had your family to spend time with. However, as you were the youngest, quite a bit younger than your siblings, it still could be lonely at time. Or at least it was after Luke had left court.
When Luke was still at court however you were inseparable. You studied together, trained with your dragons together, were forced to learn how to dance together. It was lucky that you both got on so well because if not the whole ordeal would have been awkward. You didn’t mind spending all your time with him however and soon you may have well been the same person.
The day Rhaynera decided to move her and her children to Dragonstone to marry Daemon Targaryen you cried. You cried the whole day and so many more to come. Luke did his best not to join you in your tears. You clung onto him for dear life as you said your goodbyes. But eventually you were forced to let go.
You didn’t leave your room for days after he left. The worst was no one really noticed as they were used to you being away in some corner with Luke. Aemond only noticed when he realised, he had not been pranked by you and Luke for a week. The only reason you even came out of your room is because he banned the cooks to send food to your room and eventually you realised starvation would not bring Luke back.
Eventually you found a new normal but it was hard at first. Now you were far more studious, rode your dragon more, and even began to wear more princess like dresses as you weren’t having to sneak around with Luke to pull off your next heist. Alicent was so happy by the change that soon you became her favourite. She loved to come to your chambers and do your hair as before you had never allowed her to, claiming she pulled to hard. Now you didn’t see a point of fighting your mother off.
During her visits to try out the latest braid styles in your hair she began to discuss plans for your upcoming birthday. As usual there would be cakes and dancing and lords pretending to take an interest in you. For you it was more of a chore and you would celebrate your birthday properly the day after. Usually this would be done with Lucerys, but this year Heleana would have to do.
“You’re so lucky my dear not to have to organise this yourself,” Alicent said as she tugged your hair back from your face, “Trying to organise the guest list alone is killing me. Who can come and what day and how much time we spend with them outside of the ball itself. It’s all very complicated just to avoid bruising some egos,”
“Do I even know half the people coming?” you asked.
Alicent sighed, “You know of them at the very least. It’s all the usual sort but don’t worry darling you don’t need to talk to anyone for very long. That’s what I’m here for. You just pick a couple lords or their sons, don’t worry I’ll point them out to you, you dance with them then you just sit and look pretty,” Alicent smiled as she admired her handy work. “Don’t you just love it?”
It took all your energy to muster up a smile to try convincing her but she seemed pleased non the less. “We’ll need to set up some more dancing practises,” your mother continued. “Can’t have you stepping on any fragile toes,”
“I normally practise with Luke,” you sighed as you ran your fingers over the braids. You knew exactly the disgusted face he would make if he could see them now.
“Well you can dance with him at the ball but for now-“
“Lucerys will be there?” you span around to face your mother.
“Of course he will,” she said, her face contorted to scold you for interrupting her, “Rhaynera and her whole family will be there. Even that Daemon of hers. I can’t believe she married that lunatic,”
“Why didn’t you tell me he was coming?” you ignored her pettiness not wanting to get involved in her drama.
Alicent just shrugged as she began to pack up her hair styling supplies, “Well of course he was going to be there. I didn’t think you would mind,” but you were too thrilled to care at this point. Lucerys was coming back.
The days leading up to the ball you had been on the lookout for his arrival but your mother kept you so busy you didn’t even find out they had arrived till after dark and your mother insisted you needed your beauty sleep and he could wait. Then despite your tries the next day it felt like everyone was trying to keep you both apart. Every time you would leave your room there would be someone needing something about some dress or food or song that need your opinion despite everyone knowing your mother would be the one really deciding.
Then the day of the ball rolled around and you didn’t think you could be busier. While your mother was off greeting guests you were being primped and polished by handmaidens and servants. Everything had to be perfect. When you were finally ready you looked into the mirror and did not recognise the girl staring back at you. Her hair was filled with intricate interweaving braids. Her skin was slathered with lotions and tinted balms. Her dress showed off a figure even you barely recognised.
A knock came from the door. “Come in,” you called despite feeling all the air leaving your body as your breath quickened.
You glanced at the door to see Aegon walking in, “Well don’t you look like mothers’ little pet,”
“Shut up Aegon,” You glared as you examined yourself in the mirror, running your hands over the braids then the dress then the braids again, “I feel- “
“Stupid? That’s what you get for pleasing her,” Aegon walked over to stand behind you looking at you in the mirror together. He turned to the women in the room, “Leave us. I will escort my sister down in a few minutes,”
He was met with several hesitant looks as the women contemplated who was worse to anger; your brother or mother. “My prince, the queen specifically requested-“ one lady started but was soon cut off.
“I am sure I can be trusted to walk her down some stairs. I’ve not drank that much have I?” he chuckled as he placed his hands on your shoulders.
“I’ll be down in a few minutes. I promise,” you assured your ladies and finally they left the room.
When the door closed Aegon turned you around, “You look like mother,”
“Fix it,”
“Say no more,” Aegon said as he began to pull pins out your hair. Soon he was pulling and tugging harder than mother but it was all worth it when your hair began to resemble hair rather than a helmet. He still kept some of the braids in but now it was at least a curly half updo. “I’m not about to start tearing your dress so you’ll have to deal with that but dab some of that gunk off and lets go before mother finds out and fixes you.”
“Thank you,” you sigh as you dab off the excessive lotions, so your skin did not look so greasy. “I just wanted- “
“To look good for your boy toy,” He smirked as you began to splutter out incoherent sentences, “It’s fine. I’m hardly one to judge. Just don’t tell Aemond you fell for the eye snatcher,”
“It was an accident,” you snap and Aegon just laughed, “Besides he probably doesn’t like me,”
“If he doesn’t then I want to know why he wouldn’t shut up about you all morning so c’mon. Grab your shit and let’s rock this bitch. I wanna make an entrance,”
And that he did. Well kind of. you think the gasps were because it was the first evening all week the prince had walked into a room without stumbling. Aegon led you into the ballroom and presented you to your mother who struggled not to strangle her son in front of everyone. But all you cared about was Lucerys.
He was stood beside his mother and brother who were a mere feet or two away from the king and you tried your best not to stare at him, but you swore you could feel his eyes on you. After your father had greeted you, it was Rhaenyra’s turn.
“You look absolutely darling sweetheart,” your sister said as she took your hands in hers giving them a light squeeze, “I like your hair its very…interesting,” she smiled.
“It’s a new style im trying,” you said with heat rushing to your cheeks before turning to Daemon which honestly did not help your blush. “Uncle,” you greeted and he just nodded and smirked in return. Going down the line you finally got to Jace, “Hello idiot,” you grinned, knowing now it was far too personal to hug him in front of everyone though desperately wanting to.
“Dumbass,” he smiled back as he took your hand to kiss it and you swore you saw him glance at his brother as he did. “We’ve missed having you around,”
“I miss it too. You should visit more often,” you said before quickly moving down again to finally get to Lucerys. “Luke,” you beamed, reaching for his hand but he just bowed his head. “Im so glad your finally back,”
He gave a tight smile and nodded his head, “Happy name day princess. We shouldn’t keep you from your guests. It was lovely to see you,”
Even your sisters face was filled with confusion, but no one had time to question it when your mother rushed you off to great the next family. you looked back over your shoulder to see Jace taking his brother somewhere and Luke didn’t even spare you a glance. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes but you managed to keep them in as you bored yourself with the next guest.
The whole evening was a mix of watery eyes, cake, and dancing. Most of the lords were old enough to be your father but their were a couple age appropriate ones. Although you’d never pursue him Jace was one of them and soon approached you for a dance.
As you took to the floor, Jace leading the way and placing a hand on your waist and one in your hand, you finally could attempt to get some answers, “So do I have to ask why your brother hates me?”
Jace sighed as he spun you to the music before bringing you back in, “He doesn’t hate you he’s just a dumb kid,”
“Don’t call him dumb,” you snapped and Jace laughed, “I might hate him but don’t insult him,”
“You don’t hate him either. You both have the same problem,”
“And what’s that?” you asked, forcing yourself to smile when you felt your mothers gaze.
“Too many feelings and not enough courage. Its partly my fault,” he confessed, “I’ve been winding him up about it since I found out about this ball,”
“Winding him up about what?”
Jace groaned “Yous are just as bad as each other. You both like each other,”
“He clearly does not like me,” you frowned but refused to deny that you liked him anymore.
He glanced into the crowd, and you noticed Lucerys staring at you both, “Really? Then watch this,” Jace said and as the dance began to draw to a close he stepped in closer, his hand falling slightly closer to your hip and his face a mere inch away from you.
Your skin prickled hot at the closeness and you knew this must look incredibly suspicious to anyone else. Before you could pull away from Jace, Lucerys was pulling him back from you. He was glaring daggers at his smirking older brother. The room was growing more silent the longer you three stood. You could see your mother approaching out the corner of your eye. Jace nudged his brother who finally faced you. His skin started to glow pink around his checks and neck, “I think it was my turn to dance next,” he stumbled over his words as his eyes fell down, “If you would like of course,”
Finally a smile found its way to your lips as you stepped back from Jace and faced Lucerys, “I would love to,” you quickly turned and nodded to the musicians who had stopped during this whole ordeal. Soon music began to flood the hall and people soon began to move on.
Jace walked off leaving a still red Lucerys behind. “May I have your hand?” he asked, his eyes still not meeting yours. You simply responded by grabbing one of his hands and resting the other on his shoulder. Soon his other found your waist and a smile on his face as you began to dance the first dance you had ever learned.
You didn’t say a word as you danced but you didn’t need to. As you moved you both laughed and smiled and almost cried as he began to twirl you and spin you and pull you in. You didn’t need to think about your next step because you were both moving as one.
Eventually the music drew to an end and the people clapped as your dancing stopped. Now you stood still again in the middle of the dance floor. “Would it be selfish of me to ask for another?” he said with a bashful smile tugging at his lips.
“It would be selfish if you didn’t,” you said as you took his hand again for another spin.
Later that night as the ball was finally beginning to die down you managed to sneak off with Luke to the a hallway in the servants area that you knew your mothers would never check. You sat on the floor next to each other, resting your head on his shoulder. “Did you have fun tonight?” he asked.
You snorted in return, “Please I don’t think I’ll be able to walk again. I don’t understand why I had to dance with everyone,”
“You’re a princess,” Luke laughed, “Who wouldn’t wanna dance with you?”
“So you only danced with me because of my title?” you faked gasped, holding a hand to your heart, “I could cry,”
“Please,” he scoffed, “Oh please milady marry me so I can be prince of nothing,” he laughed and you joined, “Besides if we married you’d be the one reaching up,”
“Me?” you laughed even harder, “I’m a freaking princess. Your heir to some planks of woof,”
“Rich planks of wood. Think about how many frilly dresses you could buy,” he said as he pulled at the lace details of your admittedly frilly dress.
“My mother made me wear it,”
“It looks good on you,” this time he wasn’t laughing. Instead for once he was looking right at you.
“Thanks,” your voice was almost a whisper as you looked back into his eyes. The eyes that had been in your dreams for months. “I’ve missed you,”
“I missed you more,”
“I doubt it,”
“I didn’t eat for weeks after we left. I could barely bring myself to go on rides or practise. Nothing was the same without you there,” he said, his eyes still never leaving yours.
“Why didn’t you write me?” you’d been wondering for weeks but you were now scared for the answer, “I sent a letters but you stopped replying,”
This time he looked away. His cheeks were red once again as he stared at his shoes, “I didn’t want you to think I was an idiot,”
“Why would I think that?”
“Because as soon as we left, I realised I was in love with you,” Lucerys looked up from his shoes but still wouldn’t meet your gaze, “and every day I debated getting on my dragon and flying back. I almost did it once but Jace found me sitting next to my dragon, I couldn’t do it. I didn’t want to see the look on your face before you rejected me and sent me on my way,”
“Who could say no to that face?” you said and finally he looked at you again. “Ask me Lucerys. I at least deserve to decide my own answer,”
“Would you do me the honour of being mine (Y/N)?”  
“Of course, I will,”
A/N: This took me way too long to write. Life has been weird and my Y keytab broke. Who know how much I used the letter Y?
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
The Vampire King
(Polyamory au) (Supernatural au) (Drabble!) 
Summary: Vampire hobi never imagined himself a king, but after circumstances allow himself to take a human queen for a wife wife, he finds there’s a lot of love left in his cold dead heart.
Tags: Bullet fic, supernatural au, halloween surprise gift, Smut, Double penetration, Knotting, Vampire! hobi, Human! m/c, Knight! seokjin, Dragon! namjoon, Werewolf! jungkook, Succubus! jimin, Mage! Taehyung, Vampire! yoongi, Tentacles, oviposition, sex-magic, blood-lust, fear kink, edgeing, overstimulation, Ace! hobi, Dom! hobi
W/c: 2.8k (it’s a drabble okay 🥰) 
A/N: happy halloween! here is a little surprise! i wrote this in like an hour lol so it’s heavily unedited but i hope you enjoy it! please remember to leave me a like and a comment if theres something in here you enjoyed!
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- Vampire hobi has never fancied himself much of a ruler, but still- he ends up as the king of some nation after his long running best friend dies- having been king) and hobi- having been his 'long lost bastard son' or something, unwilingly inherits the throne. 
- Hobi is old- older than many many magical beasts and things that go bump in the night. he’s old enough to think- hey i've never been a king before, might be fun, i could like it. (The truth is he’s dreadfully bored, dreadfully tired of the vampire council and his own kind). 
- for a while he even likes to plan the balls! humans did always burn bright and burn quick, but they’ve always created the most fantastic creations too. their music puts even the sound of fairy song to shame. 
- only...why are his advisors trying to get him to marry a human? isn't that a little antiquated? To fuck only one person and only one gender at that? He's convinced, because really, how long will he even be king anyway? He can only probably last another 20 or so years before they'll start to get suspicious of his inhumanly good looks and he’ll need to fake his own death to evade suspicions (humans might be interesting but they’re not the smartest bunch).
- only then, he meets the m/c, the princess of a rival nation who has the sweetest blood he's ever smelled. he’s winded in the throne room when he sees her, smells her, nostrils flaring, sure that his eyes must be flashing red. only- why is her heart beating faster when she sees him? how can such a beautiful creature love an old cold bag of bones like him? 
- Her blood sings to him at all hours of the day, through every touch of their courtship, when he gifts her blood red roses, when he whispers sweet nothings that don’t mean nothing to her, calling to him almost as much as the delicate human it's attached too. he can’t say he’s ever met someone so, new before. so fresh and happy, it makes him smile in a way he’s forgotten he could. 
- He can at least restrain himself until their wedding night. Only then does he allow himself to have a taste of her blood, explaining to her who- and more importantly what he is. what she’s bound herself too. 
- The m/c is surprisingly cool with the whole being married to a vampire thing. she quickly develops a taste for not only being in love with hobi but also helping him feed more discreetly. Why would he ever need another feeding partner when he has her? She might even get mad at one point when he tries to hunt someone else because it’s her husbands needs she’s tending too after all. 
- She loves to cuddle up in Hobi's lap while he’s sat on the thrown, kissing and pecking up her neck until they're alone and hobi can sink his teeth into her delicate throat. Being bitten by a vampire is kinda nice, the whole venom rush and all kinda feels like a drug, a feeling like liquid gold rushing through her veins. 
- Sometimes she lets hobi sleepily teeth there when she sleeps and he dozes,  vampires only need to truly sleep once a month, but he’s more than happy to just lie down beside her and close his eyes, often with his fangs softly buried in her neck. A vampire bite doesn’t hurt unless the vampire wishes it, and hobi would never hurt her. 
- There’s only one problem with their whole relationship. most vampires sexual desires wane over time, not all- but most. Hobi has fucked and been fucked in just about every single position way and hour of the day that a person can even be fucked. it’s not that he doesn’t love the m/c it’s just that...he can’t feel any lust other than bloodlust anymore. 
- And it doesn’t help that Hobi’s venom also makes the m/c extremely extremely horny too.
- That doesn't mean he's not well invested in seeing the queen fucked. in-fact, he loves to watch her loose her careful veil of coquettish composure, loves to watch her overstimulated and squirting, all over the floor of their lavish bedchambers. would never get tired of licking the slick from her lovers fingers. Just because he prefers to watch and not participate doesn't make his love for her any less real, doesn’t make the aftercare he gives her after her scenes any less lingering and caring. 
- King hobi has quite the vetting process for the queens concubines only the best lovers and cocks make it into the queens inner circle. maybe rumors start, that the king has promised a lavish life to anyone who would be the bedmate of the queen.
- There’s prince Namjoon, second in line to the dragon throne (not that anyone would ever know, he keeps his dragon form quietly leashed most of the time). both of his cocks fuck the queen well enough to have her begging for hobi to make namjoon a permanent fixture in their lives, even if his double knots are a little bit harder to hide and fit in her little cunt, hobi orders namjoon to try, making her take it until she’s crying. 
- The queen just about screams the first time her little pussy and ass are filled at the same time. cumming to the sound of hobi’s merciless laugh because “you’re cute when you cum hard my sweet” it’s all a game to him, a game that she and namjoon are more than willing to play every evening, during the day too sometimes. although they press their luck- having her attend meetings and afternoon tea time with lords and ladies with her cunt all stretched and fucked- dripping namjoon’s copius amounts of cum because dragons are known for ridiculous stamina. 
- The dragon princess endless firey stamina is almost enough to sate her permanently. Almost- but even namjoon cant contend with bloodlust in a human body, even he whimpers out “wanna knot, please my king” after the 3 hour he’s spent mounting her. 
- please imagine hobi quietly sipping wine from a velvet chair, sighing and saying “if you must” flippantly as her holes are stretched to capacity. It’s Nothing that a few hours of coddling can’t change, soothing the dragons tears.  “my little fire” he’d croon, whipping back namjoon’s bangs, “it’s not your fault our little queens a bit of a slut” both of them contending with a pouty “hey!” from the m/c pressed between them.
- the m/c loves to sleep like that fire at her back, and the cold body of her undead husband at her front. only...her bed is terribly large, surely theres room for one more? 
- then there’s knight Seokjin, who might be the only human in hobi’s bunch but isn’t anyone to dismiss, his prowess in the sack and on the battlefield is something legendary and well known among the kingdom. he’s quickly appointed as the queens royal guard. 
- His levels of oral prowess certainly never leave anything to be desired either. At dinnertime, Hobi often asks him nicely to get on his knees for the queen often because his baby deserves to be spoiled (and it’s not like Seokjin never cums while eating her out, apparently her pussy is just as delectable as her blood).
- they play this game where during dinnertime jin kneels on a pretty little velvet cushion, and as long as the m/c keeps her face schooled into a mask of propriety he’s allowed to continue, but jin makes it offally difficult when he puts his plush lips around her clit and sucks. and all of a sudden hobi’s calling jin’s name and he’s pulling himself out from under her skirts, looking dazed, his lips slick soaked. 
- sex is always a game to hoseok, he always loves to give her little tasks to tease her, don’t cum even after both namjoon and jin have cum in you, keep their cum warm and snug inside of you my queen, we can’t have the whole castle knowing who you like filling you up, would they all ask me for a chance to fuck you? if they knew how sweet you sounded when you’re being ruined?
- and it’s even better if jin gets on his knees for her while hobi’s having his meal as well, the way she whimpers and falls apart, her pleasure so so sweet in her veins has hobi often reaching down to pull seokjin up for messy messy kisses. (kisses aren’t the same as sex, hobi will always love getting kisses even if sex has lost it’s interest). 
- sometimes, when the m/c is extra extra tired and if hobi’s taken a bit too much blood from her the night before. hobi will pull jin into their bed (the knight might prefer to take the evenings in the dragon princes quarters frequently, it’s nothing against hobi or her it’s just that sleeping next to a chilled block of vampire isn’t the most comfortable) 
- hobi loves jin’s blood too, almost as much as the m/c’s, the bloodlust affects him too- enough that it causes the knight to rut against hobi’s legs, which is fine 🥰 hobi doesn’t mind it even if he never feels wanting stiring in his own belly. 
- then they’res succubus jimin, who appears in the queens quarters by complete accident, as only ‘a true act of lust could summon a succubus’ (this true act of lust might just happen to be an orgy planned by the king for the queens birthday). 
- Jimin is not only the m/cs cutest companion (succubi where designed by the devil himself to be cute, but jimin still blushes when hobi calls him that). jimin’s a lovely little bedwarmer for her on the nights that hobi simply can’t be tempted for sleep,
- But he also makes her laugh and so so happy, hobi loves to watch them from the shadows as they lounge in sunlight. jimin might also have the prettiest prettiest cock in the land, but thats a secret that you keep. the prettiest thickest little cock that the m/c loves to bounce on- that maybe even the king likes to drink from (succubi find all acts of lust pleasurable, even acts of bloodlust), he murmurs in her ears, dark magic that makes her pleasure thicker, makes her soul belong to jimin in ways it can’t belong to the others. 
- and then theres mage taehyung, who charms himself not only to have a cock, but maybe a few tentacles as well, One- two- three- four as many as she wants to fill her up. he might also make her some aphrodisiac potions, might make the king some too when he asks to just have one night, one night where he understands the wanting that the other have again. it’s not enough to set him truly back into human wanting, and yet, it’s more than enough to have their bonds all reaffirmed. 
- Mage taehyung has a lovely habit with the spells, has a mind thats almost as creative as hobi’s when it comes to figuring out new sexual deviances to torture the m/c, the edging potion in taehyung favorite, the one that makes it impossible for the drinker to cum no matter how many times their clit is spanked or how many cocks they take in their cunt or hole (mages do often take succubi for familiars, and once jimin and his bond is made, there’s no breaking it. succubi blood is a very very potent potion additive too!) 
- maybe one time, during a demon summoning gone wrong, tae doesn’t just summon the tentacles, but gets possessed by the leviathan too. he ends up breeding the m/c in their form, fucking her full of demon eggs that thankfully another spell helps vanish. the coven finds her like that, fucked dumb on the floor a tenticals holding her up and fucking her down on three, tae’s eyes rolled back speaking some demon tongue.
- “the demon king wants her hyung” jimin sniffles, once he’s managed to kick the demon out of tae’s body. “don’t want him to have her, she’s /ours/” “i won’t let anything happen to her, or any of you” hobi promises, but it does nothing to comfort the little succubus “then why haven’t you turned her yet? anything could happen to her or jinnie and they’d just be gone” 
-  Hobi’s coven does enjoy teaseing her by how eager she’d been to take the monsters eggs, they have their fun and forget the fear “maybe i should open our doors for every little beasty and beauty that comes our way my sweet” hobi threatens, hand warming over the m/c’s swollen stomach. Feeling her shiver in fear and delight.  
- the vampire werewolf wars are long over, there isn’t enough bad blood between their races for him not to allow the sweetest pup from the stables, alpha jungkook- to show his prowess in the bedroom. There isn’t a sight king hobi likes more than watching the m/c dig the heal into jungkook’s knot while the alpha whimpers from her feet, his hands carefully folded behind his back the picture of absolute obedience. All for the chance to knot and breed her.
- maybe hobi’s eyes warm at that- because he’s long since given up having children with the m/c after none- not even Seokjin’s seed managed to take. they are very very in love and desire to have a family even if their relationship isn’t the most conventions. 
- Hobi might have a particular fondness for when jungkook’s ruts sync up with the full moon and he has to fuck her in his monstrous form too 🥰 after that she might be able to take both of Joonies knots at the same time.  
- Now, king hobi has never ever been convinced by one magical species to enter the queens coven of pretty little concubines. Hobi would never ever dream of allowing another vampire to fuck the m/c- in the fear that maybe they’d be convinced to suck her blood, and her blood belongs only to the king. 
- But then one of his old friends comes to visit, vampire Yoongi, who is the first fledgeling that Hoseok ever sired. Although time and more than one broken heart separated them they great each other as more than family and more than lovers. 
- hobi gets to watch her walk with the vampire, feeling his own long cold heart warming as he gets to see her laugh and throw herself into the others arms, fangs flashing in the light. And hobi really can’t contain his heart can he? he’s too fond of the both of them, cant resist giving his fledgling and his sweet sweet little human wife what they both want. 
- maybe hobi discovers that he likes feeling yoongi gulping, likes to hear the stutter of her heart as he feeds on the other side of her throat. 
- hobi ends up taking a new fledgeling half a decade later, only because he couldn’t bear to be parted from either of them in death. Maybe yoongi helps him too- having never sired another vampire to be his own fledgeling, maybe they both bite on either side of her neck to turn her at the same time. 
- hobi laments the loss of her sweet sweet human blood (because vampire blood just doesn’t taste the same although they’ll still feed from each other often, especially as her sire, they’ll both need to stay close through nearly 10 years of blood cravings. 
- hobi can’t wait to nurse his needy little fledgling, and yoongi’s going to do so well- hobi already knows they’ll both have the cutest cutest nest- and if the other vampire wants to lean into his nesting instincts for the first time in nearly a thousand years then hobi won’t complain. 
- (if you’re wondering what happens to jin, he and jungkook happen to mate, although it’s a little non-traditional for the omega to be older than their alpha- jungkook very very good at guiding jin through his werewolf puberty) 
- He fakes his own passing as the king, and the throne passes to one of his long lost relatives. and hobi and his little coven of demons and witches and vampires flees to a castle in the countryside. where they’re all left to fuck and fight and feed from each other for eternity. 
- Hobi’s coven might not be the most conventional of covens, but it’s one he made himself with the kind of love that last centuries <3 
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tackytigerfic · 4 months
Never have I ever…. There was only one bed!!!!!! pls and thank youuuuu, only if it sparks joy etc etc etc!! 😘
hello, my lovely! thank you so much for the ask.
According to my AO3 tag search, I have written this twice! Once in Dreaming Skies which was co-written by @sweet-s0rr0w (which we are both really fond of, it's a Dron getting together fic set on a dragon reserve in Romania and we got to write so much lovely world-building and magical theory stuff and there's a baby dragon and Draco wears a funny hat lmao)
Apparently I also wrote this in If It Takes All Night but I'm not sure that it works for this trope as such, as they're already having to share a bed because they've been cursed to have to touch each other at all times. So the prospect of any other beds is moot anyway?!
Oh and in Power Lines, before they get together they end up sharing one-bedroom motel rooms (it's an American road trip fic) because Draco is a poor student and is too proud to let Harry pay for separate rooms—how convenient.
I was going to talk about how I'd write this trope now but then remembered I actually have it in my current WIP, a Voldemort-lives wartime AU. They have to move into Harry's room because there isn't space for people to have their own rooms once Malfoy and Potter arrive from another universe. Here's a snip of them in their bed — this is when they're still in the enemy part of their relationship lol. CW for canon-typical violent thoughts ie Harry wanting to punch Draco. They're arguing about the other universe's Malfoy here as Draco thinks Harry has a crush on him.
The bed was soft under Harry’s knees when he landed, fury lending him speed, and he ignored Draco’s shocked inhale and the affronted wriggle of his warm body away from Harry where he leant over him.
“Shut up,” Harry said, and Draco pulled even further back, shoulders pressing into the headboard of the bed. “Shut up about all of it. You haven’t a clue how I feel. He’s my friend, actually, though it makes sense that you wouldn’t get that. You wouldn’t understand.”
“Such good friends that you’re sneaking around behind his boyfriend’s back,” Draco said, and Harry hated the sneering roll of his mouth, and the plump smooth curve of his unblemished cheek, and the warm clean smell of his hair—every part so violently him.
“At least I talk to him. To both of them," Harry said, leaning heavier on the duvet. Draco’s legs splayed awkwardly where he was trying to avoid Harry's weight. “No one else in this whole fucking place is trying to work with them. I’m the only one who sees how much they could help us.”
“Every single time your magic sparks off Potter's, you could be eroding the edges of the world,” Malfoy said. “Though there’ll be no Voldemort if the very fabric of our universe is destroyed, I suppose. One point for Team Reckless.”
Harry hadn’t hit anyone in years, probably not since Draco himself, in school, but he wanted to so badly that he could feel the hopeful tingle of it through his palm, out into the fingertips and collecting in his balled fist. Interrogate the feeling, Bill would say if he were here. Let yourself feel what you need to feel. Harry suspected “violent desire to punch Draco Malfoy right in his smug mouth” was not quite what Bill had in mind, though you never knew with Bill.
“Do you know what it’s like?” Harry said, pressing his hands flat against his own thighs, bearing down into the shifting muscle, grounding himself above Draco’s restless body. “Being me, I mean. Do you know what it’s like?”
“I don’t even know how to answer that,” Draco said. His colour was high in the spill of moonlight, throat swallowing convulsively. “Of course I don’t.”
“Just imagine,” Harry said quietly. From next door came the low sound of laughter. Malfoy had made it to bed, then. “Imagine being in pain all the time, horrible sick-making pain from all the Occlumency. And all the fighting. Years of it, Draco, years and years.” Under his palms he could feel the tremble of exhaustion in the stretch of his leg muscles. He straightened, stretched, then lifted himself up and off Draco so he could flop down onto the bed. The pillow was cool and firm under his hot cheek, and he closed his eyes. After a moment he felt the bed shift as Draco wriggled back down to lying too. The pillow under Harry’s head dipped with the added weight of Draco’s head, and he kept his eyes closed.
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
Future Trunks Deserves Better Ships
So fanfic with Future Trunks is very limited. But here are the pairings that I have read or seen when searching for fics in the past:
Trunks/Past 18
Trunks/Future 18
Trunks/Broly (crackship based on DBZA)
Trunks/Mai (most prominent pairing now due to DBS)
Trunks/Female OC (never read any fics with this)
I have a question: why is Trunks constantly paired with people who are WAY older than him?
Trunks is literally the good boy next door type. I can see him getting on well with a variety of women. And Toriyama or whoever decided to pair him with MAI, a woman who was a gag villain in dragon ball?? At least 18 was a fleshed-out character. My boy Future Trunks deserves better!!! Mai is literally Bulma's age or older! She could be his mom!
Out of all the ships, I think Trunks/Past 18 is the best. The age gap would be lesser compared with future 18 and past 18 has the benefit of not being responsible for Trunks' trauma. I read a fic a few weeks ago called "Butterfly Effect" that had Trunks/past 18 as the main ship and it was so good. The downside is that Krillin does not get with 18 but Krillin got another love interest in that fic and I am not a diehard Krillin/18 shipper so I hardly cared.
Trunks/future 18 is interesting. I read a great fic where the OG Trunks (the one killed by Imperfect Cell) was brought back to life and ended up marrying his future 18. They had a daughter together. I loved the character development which made their enemies to lovers journey feel satisfying. However, the issue with Future 18 being paired with Trunks is that she is half responsible for his suffering. Even if it turns out she was mind-controlled, it was still her. Plus, I have a huge distaste for the dragon balls being used to wipe Earthlings' memories so former villains (like Buu) can walk free. It's disgusting. I think Bulma or Trunks erased people's memories when the androids were dead though. But it was convenient for the ship to take off. Can't start dating 18 if you have people screaming whenever they see her and want her in jail after all. Plus, Future 18 has to be at least 16 years older than him. Ugh.
I like Trunks/Broly as a crackship. Too bad there aren't any serious fics that are completed. The only completed works seem to be porn. Anyway, this ship has issues. First the age gap again. Second, it's not a fruitful ship (pun intended). As the last protector, Trunks needs to train humans to fight and/or have Saiyan hybrid kids to teach to take up the mantle. I think you get my point about why this ship is problematic. As the last full-blooded Saiyan, it would benefit the Earth more for Broly to either meet a human female or another strong alien that could bear him kids. Imagine a hybrid with Broly's potential?! I'm pumped with excitement already as I type this!
If I were to decide the type of girl I would pair with Trunks, I would go with something like this:
A fighter like Videl. Someone with a fiery spirit with a passion to get stronger. Maybe she was traumatized by the androids and her desire to get stronger is a coping mechanism. Or maybe she just likes fighting and heard about the martial arts legends. Anyway, her journey could lead her to Trunks and he becomes her master. Training has always been a duty for Trunks. He's like Gohan in that he does not enjoy fighting. But maybe training this girl/woman could help him find fighting/training enjoyable or fun. Her passion could rub off on him and it encourages him to keep pushing his limits. She could motivate him to be better.
A girl who loves adventure like Bulma. This woman could be an alien and through shenanigans she and Trunks end up on a galaxy adventure together. Trunks has likely never travelled much and grew up in a constant warzone. I think it would be nice for Trunks to go on a fun, low-stakes adventure and meet other alien races. Maybe he could find allies/friends that could help protect Earth. Maybe he finds New Namek on the way. Maybe he finds a master to help him unlock his hybrid potential more. Trunks needs a teacher after all. It would be nice for Trunks to have a relationship with a kind of girl that helps him relax and discover his inner child. Someone he can have fun with.
A girl of service/duty. Kind of like Padme from Star Wars. Someone who understands and can empathize with his burden of protecting the Earth. Maybe she works in a nonprofit or something where she is on the front lines helping people every day. She would have grown up traumatized by the androids and lost loved ones like Trunks did. They can help each other heal as they forge a new family together.
Anyway, I did not intend this to become an essay. I just love Future Trunks and I am so disgusted with his (not) canon pairing. It's like that bastard Toriyama checked his female characters catalogue and dumped Trunks with the first one who was still single. Future Trunks deserved better and DBS will never be canon to me! At least GT left Future Trunks with his happy ending. Screw DBS and screw Mai!
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duhragonball · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super 070
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Time for a baseball episode (derogatory).
Sigh... All right, let’s just get through this.  So Champa contacts Beerus and proposes a friendly game of baseball to build “good relations between Universe 6  and 7.”  I’m pretty sure the assemlbed teams represent the only people in either universe that are aware of the other universe.  
Some issues with this premise:
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1) Champa is only doing this as a pretense to go to Earth and enjoy its delicious cuisine.   This seems pointless, as Universe 6′s own Earth was restored in Episode 41.   Beerus specifically wished for this so that Champa could enjoy Earth food whenever he liked.   Did he forget about this, or does U6′s Earth food just suck?   Or maybe the U6 Earthlings destroyed themselves all over again?  I mean, the Super Dragon Balls could bring them back to life, but that doesn’t resolve whatever they were fighting over when they died.
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2) Champa can’t even field a whole team, so Vegeta and Goten switch sides to make it fair.  Maybe they should have organized a Pickleball tournament instead.
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3) Only three characters in this cartoon know how to play baseball, and two of them are the umpires.  Everyone keeps fucking around and/or trying to hurt one another, because it’s a Dragon Ball cartoon and that’s how they all roll. 
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Let me just focus on Yamcha here, because he’s the only character who manages to look cool in all of this.  Goku manages to strike out Champa, then Yamcha takes over pitching and strikes out two more batters.  Then he’s the first at bat, and Vegeta beans him because he thinks the object is to incapacitate the opposing team.   So Yamcha gets a free trip to first base. 
Then he steals second and third because Champa doesn’t understand the rules well enough to stop him.  At one point he throws the ball at Yamcha to cut him off, and apparently that’s illegal.   I thought you could do that, but now that I think about it, it doesn’t make a lot of sense.
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Then Beerus and Champa start fighting above the field, and Whis and Vados have to stop them before it destroys the entire universe.  Destroyer Gods fighting is supposed to be a serious taboo, just like time travel.  Funny how Beerus destroyed Bulma’s lab, but he gets to keep his hands.
Anyway, Whis and Vados call off the rest of the game due to the Destroyers’ poor sportsmanship, so we didn’t even get a full inning into this nonsense.  Champa is horrified to learn that the game is a tie, but it’s not.  Universe 7 wins, because...
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... While Beerus and Whis were fighting, and all the other players were cowering in terror, Yamcha managed to steal home plate.  So U7 wins, 1-0. 
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This whole episode is played up like a backhanded compliment to Yamcha.  He perserveres through the whole episode to win the game, and everyone congratulates him for it, but there’s also a lot of dunking on Yamcha too.  Like “Way to go, Yamcha, I guess you’re not completely useless after all!” That sort of thing.
Also, this whole “Yamcha loves this because he used to be a major leaguer” thing kind of contradicts the very episode of DBZ that this is referring to.  Yeah, Yamcha was the star player for the Taitans in Age 761, but he also found the game boring as hell, and he only did it for the money. 
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Sure, he’s had 18 years to change his mind about the game, and I suspect he’s mostly into this because it’s a chance to look cool in front of the others, but this episode is still kind of a let-down for me.  There was a baseball issue of the Tenchi Muyo! comic, there was a baseball episode of Deep Space Nine, there was a baseball episode of Transformers, etc. etc.  This is the literal definition of a trope shows use to blow off an episode.
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adder24 · 1 year
In the name of love, I dare you to try.
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Warnings: This is the third time of writing some absolute filth, I am still learning the ways of smut, so by all means happy for helpful critique. Anyway mentions of some Oral shindigs and sex.
Rating: Very much an R here people.  
Summary: It's the annual get together and after the dismal performance from last year, you were determined to make up for it and put your team on top once more but there was an obstacle in the shape of Johnathan Nolan.
@untilthe12ofnever @nuggsmum @happiness-in-the-dark @captkatecastle @superlc529 @alwayscaskett810 @my-happy-corner @the-boneyard-rider @myfriendtheurbanlegend @wholesome-dragon-lady @plinkitee @littletime67 @littlefreya @emelinelovesjc @moviesaremylife @nathanfillionserenfity @hellostickerdoodle @bonnie131313 @dangertoozmanykids101
Tag on people smut below the cut
It was the annual get together for the Mid Wilshire division, a night where all departments would come together and partake in getting to know their fellow man, building friendships and connections and partaking in some friendly competition in whatever sport was available in the venue of choice.
Last year it was bowling, which you sucked miserably at and part of the reason why the K9 unit came last,but this year, they chose to go to a sports bar, and luckily there was a pool table. A lot of those you work with don’t expect you to pick up a cue and sink some pool balls but those that knew you, knew not to challenge you. You would be their secret weapon.
A casual dress was all that was required, you threw on some ripped, black skinny jeans, a white cropped top to show off your toned midriff, Black and white hi-tops, a Blue plaid shirt and a Blue Dodgers snapback. These were essentially your comfy clothes but tonight they would be your game winners.   
You were informed that some of the new recruits and T.O’s of patrol were attending tonight, a perfect opportunity to redeem yourself of last year's mistakes. You hung around the pool table on purpose, weighing up the competition.The Rookies then started to filter in and sure enough they were round the pool table, showing off and trying to prove themselves in front of everyone else, including their T.O’s and superior officers. 
This bunch seemed cocky and you felt now was the perfect time to bring them down a peg or two. You chose the confident ones first, the ones who thought they knew what they were doing till you took them apart with trick shot after trick shot, embarrassing them in front of everyone that was watching.  You then blew the chalk off the tip of the cue and pointed at the one that was cocky, inviting them to challenge you, they accepted and in next to no time you were putting them in their place. It was a clean sweep and as you chalk your cue again, you noticed a crowd forming around the table, hearing people mock the rookies, telling them that the K9 unit came in last place last year and that they were being embarrassed. Not that you cared.
One by one they fell, the most they potted was two before you got to work, taking them apart in minutes and enjoying the look of disbelief on their faces. It wasn’t much of a challenge but at least you were regaining some respect from your unit. You then challenged the T.O’s, Lopez was the first, she had moves but not enough to stop you and soon fell by the wayside, she was closely followed by Harper, another who had a bit more skill and a few trick shots up her sleeve but still you stood. Then there was Bradford, not easy to read, confident and even put a hundred dollars on himself to win. It was like a red flag to a bull for you. You had a point to prove and proven it was. Sure, he obviously spent time at the table, was a lot tougher and had a few more shots that he pulled off but he too fell and when he did, there was a raucous cheer that erupted from the K9 unit.
“Yeah yeah alright!” Tim growled as he gave you money and disappeared into the crowd.
“Anyone else fancy their chances?!” You call out as you chalk your cue
There was a moment of pause before the usual chatter continued. You thought you was done, that your pride had been restored and the K9 unit was back on top, that was before you heard his voice.
“I’ll have a go”
You look up from the cue and see him staring back at you, a smile on his lips and his blue eyes glancing over you; Nolan. Wearing an open light blue shirt, Black t-shirt,stonewashed jeans and black boots to finish off the look.
You knew each other, had the pleasure of working with each other a few times and built up a friendship, even if he was a little flirty sometimes. He’d come by occasionally with lunch or to see how you and Bandit were doing. Often you joked about it being an excuse to come give Bandit some fuss but you could see a mischievous glint in his eye which suggested differently.
“Alright big guy, brace your ass for a good pounding” You teased with a smirk on your lips
“Ooh you promise?” Nolan replied with a wicked grin on his lips.
"Oh I promise" You reply as your hand slowly runs down the cue from the tip, down the shaft and rests on the wrap where you feel comfortable holding it “Give you a head start, I’ll break first”
You blow off the excess chalk on the tip and lean down over the table, taking aim and weighing up in your mind if you should go easy on him. You decide to make things interesting and take your shot, hitting the triangle of balls gently so that they break but don't scatter too far, a precarious position but not a hard one to get out of. Nolan looked at you and then did the infamous raise of the eyebrow, the one that always made things twitch and right on cue, it did exactly that, causing you to bite your lip.
He grabbed the chalk from off the table with his massive paw like hand, glanced your way and began to gently caress the tip with the chalk cube, making slow circular motions before placing it back down on the table and gently blowing the excess off the tip he then took his position, leaned over the table and took his shot, breaking the group up a little more, causing a striped ball to roll into the middle left pocket.
“Let’s get this party started” He says playfully, wiggling his eyebrows directly at you.
You watched the way he moved around the table, calculating his shots and making it look effortless but you weren't too worried. Everytime he glanced over at you, you would do something to distract him or put him off entirely, it ranged from doing lewd gestures with the cue, to biting your finger in a seductive manner. You could see he was desperately trying to concentrate but eventually he caved and missed a shot.
“Looks like it’s my time to shine” You say, knowing he was going to resort to desperate measures to put you off. You were prepared but at the same time you were intrigued by what his game plan would be.
And so it began, the endless attempts to put you off. It began with circling the table like a shark, watching your every shot intently, then it moved on to him mimicking your movements and doing things with the cue to get your attention, subtle lewd things that he knew you would notice and although it was distracting, it didn't slow you down, you still had a point to prove.
Then it came down to him standing beside you, getting down to your level when you took a shot and whispering some outrageously filthy innuendos, things like "The way you stroke that cue stick, makes me think you had practice" Or "Promise to hit my balls like that?" Things that would get him slapped by any other woman, but not you, you knew you had got under his skin and this was a ploy.
You were down to the last ball and as you lined up your shot, he decided to walk behind you, his hand subtly stroking your ass before he took his place beside you.
"You pot the black, you can not only win it for the K9 unit but I'll let you punish me in whatever way you see fit. He said softly
"And if I don't?" You ask
"I'll make sure you'll be the one screaming my name tonight" He growled softly, making his intentions very clear.
"Alright…let me add to that. I win, we go off and blow off some steam but you're going to be screaming my name first, you win  and we will do it your way" You reply with a wink.
His eyebrows raised before a wicked grin appeared on his lips.
You then lick your lips, chalk the tip of the cue while running your hand slowly down the shaft, your fingers delicately caressing the wood. You can feel his eyes on you, watching your movements and you can sense that things were getting a bit tight for him. You smirk and then lean over the table, lining up your shot, knowing it all rests on this. You could cut the tension with a knife.
You then take a breath and take the shot.
The white ball rolled towards the black ball, hitting it with enough force to pot it, slowly into the top right pocket. The K9 unit cheered and barked while the rookies walked away grumbling and blaming each other, all but Nolan who stood on the other side of the table, humbly defeated and keeping his eyes on you, watching you as you smirk at him and fold your arms across your chest before signalling with your eyes, to meet you in the parking lot. You disappear through the crowd and head out to the parking lot, making your way over to your customised pick up, a stand out Black with Red trim Ford Raptor. You press the button to unlock it and as you reach for the driver's door you feel a presence behind you and before you know it, you’re being pushed up against your own car by none other than Nolan.
“Oh I really got under your skin” You purr
“Oh yeah…you knew exactly what you were doing” He growled as he studied you, running a finger under your chin and tilting your head up to look at him “But I promised to deliver on a deal, so where are you taking me?”
“Away from prying eyes in the back of the truck” You reply, biting your lip as you notice the hungry look in his eyes. 
“The truck?” He asks, a little surprised
“Yeah…It’s that or go home and you get attacked by Bandit because he thinks you’re attacking me” You reply
“I have been in the back of trucks, they are not comfy” He replies
“Well you ain’t been in the back of mine, I got a comfy bed all setup…and it needs christening” You reply cheekily.
“Truck it is” He responded before he made his way to the passenger side and climbed in
You took a moment to compose yourself before you climbed into the drivers side and started the engine. You had a spot in mind, a private beach owned by a friend of yours, somewhere you go to regularly when you feel the urge to escape the rat race and gain some sanity back. It wasn’t far from the sports bar, ten minutes to be precise but it was a long ten minutes and when you did finally get to the beach, all that sexual tension that was built up in the bar could finally be released. 
As soon as you put the car into park you quickly undone your seatbelt and expertly manoeuvred yourself into position, plopping yourself onto Nolans lap and copping a feel of his bulge, giving him a wild grin. That's when he reached up, grabbed a fistful of your top and pulled you down into a searing kiss, your lips pressing against each other over and over again before you parted your lips slightly, just enough to let his tongue slip in and explore, tasting and swiping with your own. 
You could feel his hands slip under your top, his fingers sneaking underneath your bra, gently caressing and teasing your nipples, causing a gasp to fall from your lips. You wrap your arms around his neck, pushing yourself against him as you deepen the kiss further, craving more as you both fight for dominance. Eventually you concede, breaking the kiss so you can catch your breath but you knew this wasn’t over as you felt his fingers work their way to your spine, tip toeing down to the small of your back, causing your skin to erupt into goosebumps before those once delicate fingers reached down and grabbed your ass, giving it a firm squeeze and causing you to catch his hungry gaze with your lustful eyes.
There was no need for words, you both knew how this was going to play out and there was no need to draw it out longer than it should. You made the first move, climbing off his lap and into the back. You expertly manoeuvred through the small gap at the front and onto the makeshift bed that you had set up in the back. You were kicking off your shoes while he opened the passenger side door, slipping out as he made his way round to the back.
You start to unbutton your jeans, trying to wriggle yourself free before he throws the door open, pausing momentarily as he drinks in the sight before him. He then helps you, grabbing the legs of your jeans and pulling them off.
"How private did you say this beach was?" He asks as his hands gently begin to caress your ankles
"I'm the only one here who has access" You reply.
You then noticed the wild smile growing on his  lips and before you knew it, he had grabbed your ankles and pulled you towards the door. You go to sit up but his hand gently pushes you back down, flat on the bed.
"Just relax and enjoy yourself" You hear him say as he hooks his fingers into your black panties, pulling them down your legs and throwing them into the cabin.
You giggle with nervous anticipation and before you know it, he carefully parted your legs and plunged his tongue into your silky cavern. You jolt a little, toes curling as you feel him explore, tasting you and teasing your sweet spot. You grip the seats tightly as little moans fall from your mouth, your hand reaching down to grab his hair, fingers getting knotted as you try desperately to wrestle back control of yourself but the man has a hold over you. Each flick or swipe of the tongue sent you closer to ecstasy.
He had you in the palm of his hand, causing your body to squirm as your senses become awash with pleasure and just as he brought you to the brink of ecstasy, he retracted his tongue, leaving you gasping and wanting more.
You were about to protest when you felt his lips begin to gently kiss your stomach and once he had you relaxed, he began to slowly crawl across the makeshift bed, trailing kisses from the stomach up before his eyes met yours again. You can feel your breath hitch in your throat as he leans down and kisses you tenderly, his lips pressing against yours, again and again, sliding between your legs before he pushes himself up onto his knees, his hands reaching down to his belt. You push up onto your elbows and swallow hard, watching him wrestle with his belt, popping the buckle open and loosening the belt. You lick your lips in anticipation as he reaches for his jeans, unfastening the top button before unzipping his fly. You chuckle, reaching for his waistband, helping him push his jeans down. You can see his bulge protruding from his boxers and you sneakily run your hands over his engorged package, causing a tiny growl to escape his lips.
“Oh no. Are you going to punish me, Officer Nolan?” You asks playfully while biting the top of your index finger.
“Damn straight I am” He growled as he pushed his boxers down, springing his dick free
You catch sight of it, gasping a little at its size before he pushes you back down, one hand sliding underneath your bra, his fingers teasing and caressing a nipple of his choosing. You arch your back as your senses spark to life, tingling with illicit joy, a distraction while his other hand glides along the top of your leg, hooking under your knee and wrapping it around his waist. He continues to tease and caress your breast, working you into a frenzy before he seizes his moment.
He leans down, claims your lips with his own and slowly enters you with his hardened cock, filling you up, causing an audible moan to escape your lips as you feel your walls begin to stretch and adjust to his size. You wrap your other leg around his waist, pushing him in deeper. You both took a moment to process what was happening, before eventually he started to roll his hips. Starting slow, breaking you in gently as he bites and nips at your neck, causing your body to feel electric, your walls clamping around him which makes him moan softly against your ear.
You grip his shoulders as he gets into a rhythm, feeling him hit your spot, over and over again, sending your head spinning as you feel waves of pleasure begin to wash over you. Little moans fall from your lips as you dig your nails into his shoulder, driving him into a frenzy as he increases his tempo, his thrusts becoming more powerful, so much so that it was beginning to rock the cabin but you didn’t care, you was busy floating in a river of ecstasy, your body coming alive as you feel him pound your spot over and over again as ripples of pleasure course through your body.
It was clear that he had one thing set in his mind, he wanted your sweet release, to feel your nectar wash over him while he listened to your cries of pleasure. He was driven, motivated by the way your body reacted to him, wanting more as you battled to hold on to the euphoric state that you were in, helped by the gentle rhythmic rocking of the cabin. Then as you feel your orgasm start to peek, he slowed his pace down, his lips finding yours again while his hands gently run down your sides.
“Fancy finishing on top?” He whispered softly in your ear as he gently nibbled your earlobe
“Sure…always fancied taking you for a ride” You pant softly while smiling playfully
He smiles, gently nibbling your neck before you both clumsily switch positions, limbs going everywhere before you eventually find yourself on top of him, straddling him while your hands rest on his shoulders. You pause to absorb the moment, enjoying the view of him under you. You feel his hands track down to your hips, his delicate touch sending a shiver up your spine as you bite your lip. You hold his gaze for a moment before you make the move, guiding his tip to your entrance as he carefully pushes his way in, your walls reacting to this intrusion, twitching and stretching to accommodate him once more. 
Within moments you’re riding him, a slow gentle pace to begin in order to break him in before you caught up with the pleasurable sensation that courses through your core, craving your own sweet release as you rock back and forth, sliding up and down his shaft, his tip hitting your spot over and over again before you suddenly feel the wave of pleasure intensify, your body trembling as you become undone, the intensity of your orgasm causing you to cry out as you feel your juices ooze down his shaft.
You ride the blissful waves that follow after as well as feeling him fill you with his seed, his hands gripping your hips tightly as he let out a low satisfied groan. He pulls you down to rest on top of him, your breathing beginning to even out as you bask in the afterglow, finally being able to enjoy listening to the waves crash against the shore. You feel him then gently wrap an arm around your waist, an easy smile on his lips as he starts to come down from his lust fueled high.
“So…..since you won and all….any chance for a rematch?” Nolan asked softly as he gently stroked your back
“For you? Any time, however, I know a better place to play pool.” You reply
“And where would that be?” Nolan asked
“My place…and next time we play, we play strip pool.”
“Oh that’s dangerous” Nolan growled
“I like danger” You reply
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
So out of pure curiosity, do you have any headcannons for salamandrian culture and salamander characters (Newtralizer, Sal Commander, Mona Lisa). There isn't much info about these people and I'm curios
I’ve talk about a few ideas from time to time in other posts of mine but never got to fully explain them, so here’s some HCs I have of the Salamandrians from TMNT 2012.
Mona is 2 years older than Raph (so Casey’s age of 17), Sal Commander and Splinter are the same age (50s), and Newtralizer and Tiger Claw are the same age (30s)
The Salamandrians are an honorable warrior race. They live to fight in battle, so much so that they recruit young children into their armies. They live by a simple rule: “If you can walk you can train and if you can train you can fight”. 
Mona, Sal and Newt all joined their militaries at young ages. Joining the military and earning high ratings of lieutenant or commander is considered very normal and common on their planet. Ex: Mona was promoted to lieutenant when she was only 14 years old
Salamandrians have massive appetites, they get hungry and can eat a lot (think of it like Saiyan appetites from Dragon Ball)
They are very literal, metaphors and puns will go over their head.
Their “Rokka Rokka” is more of a verbal tic than being truly apart of their language. The tic usually comes out when a Salamandrian experiences great/intense emotion (excitement, rage, etc)
They don’t celebrate birthdays. They see no point. To Salamandrians their logic is: "Why celebrate your birth? Congratulations, you survived another year! What a waste of time!" Because of this, characters like Mona Lisa don’t know when her birthday is.
Millions of years ago, Salamandrians used to hunt and eat Kraang, back then known as Utrom. Though over the course of history they evolved and peace grew between the two species, that doesn’t stop a Salamandrian from still have a desire to consume one (we’ve seen Newtralizer do it and Mona has even threatened to eat one)
The Salamandrains only ever got involved in a war against the Triceratons because the Triceratons were at war with the Kraang. The Salamandrians found it insulting that an equally powerful race like the Triceratons were at war with a weaker alien race instead of them, a more powerful and stronger opponent. They saw it as an insult on their honor and declared war with the Triceratons to prove that they are a more worthy opponent than the Kraang. So basically Salamandrians started a war with the Triceratons because they’re petty.
Marriage does not exist on Salamandria. Instead when you come of age you are set up in a matchmaking process, using statistics and skill sets (strength, intelligence, etc), you are match with your “mate” with the goal to create a strong offspring to one day assist in the planet’s military. It is seen more as a business deal than actual compatibility and love. Only rarely do matches actually end up falling in love and stay together and continue to make more offspring.
For Mona Lisa, she was matched with three different suitors, but they were all disgraceful in their own way, seeing her as a trophy for them to brag about (because she has such a high ranking honorable status in the military). Mona knew this very well so she rejected them, and with three rejected suitors Monas reputation in matchmaking was badly damaged and she was known as the unwanted prize. It wasn’t until she met Raph, who was a man who saw her own person and respected/loved her for who she was.
For Sal Commander, when he was a young man, he too was matched, and in truth he fell in love with his mate, but sadly she never reciprocated those feelings. Despite that, she agree to go through with being his mate and they had a child together. Shortly after the child was born, Sal’s mate left him and a few short years later Sal’s child died in combat at a young age. 
Over his years in the military Newtralizer grew to love fighting in battles just like any Salamandrian, but he began to enjoy it more than others to an extreme level. He yearned to kill and spill blood during times of peace, something that disturbed many of his comrades, including Sal. Desperate for more battles, Newtrailzer made a deal with Lord Dregg to become his personal assassin just so he could continue his sick trill of killing. For years Newt did this secret job on the side but one day Sal discovered the dark true of his friend and pupil.
Fighting in battle is traditional for Salamandrians, but willing killing and harming innocent with out a cause was disgraceful. That’s what Newtralizer did, and when his dark secret was discovered he attacked and nearly kill Sal Commander and fled Salamandria to avoid his trial for his crimes.
Also, if anyone’s curious, here’s a list I put together of canon facts about Salamandrians according to the show >> LINK
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Buddie fic idea inspired by what I do on Saturdays for fun:
I love kids, children of all ages, but especially younger kids, I don't get to interact with them a lot though, so over the past year, I've taught myself how to make balloon things, animals, weapons, hats, tiaras, etc. Then, I'd come to a mall, and just offer to make free balloon things for kids. That usually leads to kids swarming and making a circle around me, play fighting each other or giving me requests. It's great honestly.
This is so, something Buck'd do, if he wasn't volunteering at shelters and such, he'd definitely do this in his free time, before he was close with the fire fam.
And at one of these malls is where he'd meet Chris for the first time. Maybe he sees Chris being a sad little ball alone on a chair because he's new in LA and his dad is busy, and he hasn't made a friend and he's a little afraid the other kids aren't gonna like him. Maybe he came here with his great grandma and he got seperated from her in the crowd, and he's scared and crying. Maybe from the corner of his eyes, Buck catches a glimpse of the brightest most dazzling smile, and he wonder who this smile belongs to, and he's just hit in the face with the single cutest kid ever. Maybe he sees a shy little Christopher standing in the crowd, letting the other kids go before him, his requests getting drown out in the crowd because he doesn't know how to speak up louder.
Whatever the situation is, Buck sees Chris first, offer out his own dazzling smile, and ask Chris what his favorite color and animal is, Chris asks him if he could make him a lizard, or a dinosaur, or a kimodo dragon, and Buck barks out a laugh, but does his best to comply. After a bit, Buck and Chris bond, Chris tells Buck a little about him, just the fun stuff, like what his favorite deep sea creature is and "Everyone has a favorite deep sea creature Buck", and "I also have a favorite spaceship, but I think we're not there yet, Buck" and "There are white snakes Buck, they're called Albino". Buck will be so smitten with this kid that he doesn't realize there's 6ft of brown haired brown eyed gorgeousness stuffed in a too small green Henley watching him with a fond smile and a cute blush.
At one point, Buck is blowing up another balloon to make something for a kid, and he'll look up at Chris's excited "Daddy ! Come meet Buck, he's the balloon man" and Buck will proceed to drop the pump and send the balloon flying everywhere, letting out a sound that seems like ultimate comedy to 13 years old kids, which will inturn get a string of giggles out of Chris. Because honestly who does this man think he is walking around looking like that, like he doesn't know that he's a safety hazard and is currently being very detrimental to Buck's ability to breathe and/or think and/or function.
And honestly the rest is history.
I might write this, but honestly I've never written anything before, so if you want to, feel free to write it and tag me because I absolutely need this cuteness in my life
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seriouslysam8 · 8 months
What if Ginny and Sirius daughter were in the same year… THEY COULD BE BEST FRIENDS! And Sirius daughter would totally get Harry to ask Ginny to the Yule ball, and because she’s a badass she would demand Ron take her so she can go too. The sibling arguments would be kinda hilarious because she would be annoyed at Harry for being a blubbering awkward fool whenever Ginny is around. But then she doesn’t let anyone pick on Harry except her. Draco is terrified of her, and when Ginny and her are together this guy runs the other way. Sirius & Marlene can’t even point out their daughter’s or Harry’s flaws (in a parental way of course) or punish one of them without the other getting fiercely protective, so they basically get grounded together every single time. Which results in them sneaking into each others rooms and playing games, they try to use the cloak but Sirius and Marlene know the other is in there. They pull pranks on Sirius all the time, like all the time. Sirius curses Jily every time he finds dragon dung in his shoes for leaving him and Marlene to deal with the offsprings of two marauders all by themselves, but then when he hears the two of them laughing their heads off so hard that their clutching onto one another… he just 🫠
One more thing… their friends with the Weasley’s since forever so Ginny and Sirius daughter are really close, and when they were younger they would make Ron and Harry dress up in Aunt Muriel’s old clothes and have tea parties with them.
This is the quality AU material I am HERE for!!
Blackinnon would have such a hard time punishing those kids. They would just see James and Sirius being little shits in those two. They would be so close. I love how they’d have known the Weasleys forever. Maybe they move to Devon after Halloween to start fresh and they’re neighbors?? Could you imagine little Harry and little Ginny hanging out their windows and holding signs up for each other and just giggling??
THE TEA PARTIES!!! The boys wouldn’t be able to say no. There would be SO many pictures of the tea parties.
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siro-cyll · 1 year
Long time follower here, would love to hear about your OCs if you ever want to share!!! I love the ones you've shown, they're creative and fun, and your art style is so fun to look at.
Ain't going anywhere if you wanna post more than gravity falls!
Aww, thank you so much! QAQ I have quite a few rattling around in my head, I just never really get the courage to really post/say much about them on here. (I'm fighting my anxiety just to post this fhfghfhdgk)
But, here's the main ocs I think about (under the cut because this is gonna get long)
Zinnia Conifer
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An absolute ball of sunshine, Zinnia is the sweetest girl you could possibly know. She's 13, loves anything about ghosts, aliens, and dragons. She also has narcolepsy with cataplexy and deals with it the best she can, with the help of her friends and family. She is one of the few people in my universe with time altering powers and has been slowly learning how to control them. Her main story involves her waking up in Limbo one day, and traveling through it trying to figure out how and why she got there, while meeting others who share her abilities.
(She's my baby oc and must be protected at all cost. She's completely oblivious to any danger around her)
Riddell Hazard
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Riddell's an old barn owl familiar who had been blessed (cursed) with immortality. While his physical body may die, his consciousness is sent to another plane of existence while his body reconstructs. He's died many times over the years, and the strange way his immortality works has taken a toll on his body, to the point it'll give out on him without outside influence. Riddell was always a quiet and private person, but with this curse attached to him, he's become jaded and bitter, wishing to find a way out. However, he has a soft spot for birds, especially owls.
His story involves him meeting @lord-rosenth0rne's oc Cross and @junodabeach's oc Stark, dealing with the trauma and abuse he's dealt with over the years while finding a family that actually loves and cares for him.
(he gets a happy ending I swear)
Zane Selene
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Zane is an anxious person who lives with their adopted family, full of magic users, while they are the lone 'powerless' human. While in truth, Zane possesses mysterious powers not even their adopted mother can place. Their story is more slice of life of them dealing with stuff going on in their hometown, Lyre's Hollow, that borders on the human and arcane realm. Lots of human and magic shenanigans, with background hints about where they came from.
And then the following ocs are ones that are fandom related that I think about a lot. All of them are pretty much 'but what if the protag had a friend the whole time'.
Ignacio Vasquez aka Vas
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My Half Life oc, Vas worked as a general practitioner at Black Mesa before the resonance cascade. They're friends with Gordon and Barney before everything blew up, and during the events of the game, Vas travels with Gordon making an attempt to save as many people as possible on their journey out of the facility.
Vas is normally an easy going person, quick to immerse themselves into the latest rpg and make silly little bets on who can win a desk chair race. They also have a cochlear implant and sign often, especially with Gordon. Vas has to quickly adjust to being a combat medic with all the chaos around them.
Bellamy Espinoza aka Bell
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My Dead Space oc, Bell is an engineer working on the Ishimura when the necromorph outbreak started. After being left for dead by their panicking crewmates, Bell had been hiding out, having to create some new gadgets just to stay alive. They eventually meet Isaac as he tries to get the Ishimura's engines started again, and help him get the ship up and running again (this poor man deserved the help I mean COME ON)
Bell is the type who uses humor to cope with the mounting horror around them, coming up with silly names for the creatues (like death pancake) and trying to ease tensions by making off the wall comments. Not that they don't take this seriously, they just need something to laugh at in a panic as they run for their life.
They do manage to survive the events of the first game, not without being mauled first.
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and finally, Arsenio Conifer
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My Pokemon oc. The past few Pokemon games I've played, I've played as Zinnia, I found it more fun playing as one of my child ocs rather than myself. So, Arsenio is Zinnia's parent in the Poke-verse (as well as canon parent, but for now they’re mainly Pokemon based).
Arsenio lives in Paldea, growing up with the reputation as being a living shiny charm because of how often shiny Pokemon seem to appear around them. They quickly got tired of being dragged around by fake friends, only using them to draw out rare Pokemon and quit being a trainer altogether. Instead, they created a care center that works to rehabilitate abandoned or neglected Pokemon, finding good homes for them, and working with the Professors by providing starter Pokemon for new trainers.
They grew up knowing Sada and Turo, and because of their job, they see them often. With the Professors disappearing for long periods, Arsenio had taken Arven in to watch over him. By the events of the game, they have practically adopted him. Also Poke-verse Zinnia sees Arven as her brother the entire game, they have an adorable sibling relationship going on.
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Hope that it’s alright that I’m asking about the whole list. If it’s too much, just pick your preferred ones. An you do day 20, prompt 7 (fanfiction questions)?
Of course it’s alright! I’ve done prompts much longer than the 20 questions here and honestly, I feel so flattered that you’re interested in me enough to ask! Thank you so much for sending this in, giving me the opportunity to talk about this, and I hope you’ll find some interesting little tidbits here, my gorgeous anon 😊
1.    When did you start writing?
Wayyyy, way too long ago to remember an exact age, honestly. I’ve been writing in some form for as long as I remember. I remember writing little scenes about Dragon Ball Z after watching episodes in a Hilroy scribbler that thankfully never saw the light of day. I remember writing Dream Street fanfiction to horribly date myself. I’ve been writing in some form from at least eight years old, and I remember going into early middle school trading hand-written, on looseleaf in binders, Harry Potter fanfiction with a friend. I remember writing on Quizilla first though for major fanfiction platforms, also around middle school I think, so I think my first internet fanfiction would have been around 2003-ish?? So I’ve been writing fanfiction here on the internet for at least 20 years, which makes me feel super fucking old, my lovelies.
2.    How many different fandoms have you written for?
Easily over a hundred. I write for a solid 37 fandoms on here currently and there’s been several that I used to write for but don’t anymore, not to mention fandoms that I wrote for way back and stopped writing for before ever coming onto Tumblr.
3.    If applicable, do you think your writing has improved a lot or a little since you first started writing?
Oh, I can absolutely guarantee you that my writing has improved leaps and bounds from little eight-year-old me scribbling on paper. Even from the original Polycanons blog here on Tumblr to today, I feel I am always improving my writing skills in some way or another. I honestly think that’s all I can continue hoping and praying for, that despite having a set style as a writer now, that I keep consistently improving on this or that as a writer. Right now, my biggest struggle still remains dialogue, but I’m actively working on improving that wherever I can.
4.    What was the first fic you wrote?
As mentioned above, I remember scribbling out little Dragon Ball Z fanfiction. The first smut I ever wrote was Vegeta smut, haha. I can’t remember the details of any of them clearly, but I think that was one of the first fics.
5.    What is your favourite fic you have written?
Oh, this one is impossible for me to answer. Not only do I have admitted issues with labelling anything as a favourite, but I’ve admitted that although some people have guessed prior names I’ve written under, I refuse to publicly acknowledge my past usernames I’ve used to write. It’s not because I’m ashamed so much of what I’ve written, though I do think that they are not the greatest fics and that I’ve improved in my skills as a writer since writing them, but more that, like every kid coming into fandom, I had to learn how to deal with fandom in general and that, at one point, I was a complete and utter douchecanoe who was judgmental of others and let getting mildly major in one of my fandoms get to my head. I regret my former actions so much and really am ashamed of the person I used to be in fandom, and since I’ve learned and matured into a much better person, I want to distance myself from that person I was. There are some who will know once I post an upcoming fic within the next couple of months, because it’s a rewrite of an old fic I’ve always wanted to rewrite and because it fits a prompt, I get to, but I won’t publicly acknowledge that so…a lot of my old fics can’t get discussed haha. I will say that, of the ones I can acknowledge here on tumblr, there was a fic I wrote for a Halloween exchange event that I loved writing and still imagine scenarios within that universe! It can be found here!
6.    Which character of yours has been your favourite to write?
I think I’ve kind of answered this a couple of times. Rather than favourites, I have characters I find easy to write. KHR overall is a fandom I find easiest to write about, with Gokudera, Enma and Yamamoto really being super easy for me to write within the fandom itself. For K, HOMRA is easiest for me to write about. In Nanbaka, Rock, Samon, Qi, Seitarou and Hajime are the easiest for me to write. In Iruma-kun, Balam and Jazz are the easiest for me to write. For Bungou Stray Dogs, Steinbeck, Kunikida, and Chuuya are the easiest for me to write about. In Servamp, Tsurugi, Sakuya, and Misono are easiest for me to write. In Eyeshield 21, Hiruma, the Kongo twins, Sakuraba and Riku are the easiest for me to write. In Saiyuki, the Sanzo-Ikkou are the easiest for me to write. In Ronin Warriors, Kento and Cye are easiest for me to write. In Kekkaishi, the Night Troops are easiest for me to write. In GetBackers, Ginji and Emishi are easiest for me to write. In Black Cat, it’s Sven. In Karneval, Yogi is the easiest for me to write. In Gangsta., Marco, Yang, Delico, and Alex are the easiest for me to write. In Bleach, it’s the Eleventh Division and Hisagi. In Naruto, it’s the Akatsuki. For Deadman Wonderland, it’s Senji and Minatsuki. In Ouran, it’s Haruhi and Tamaki. In Durarara, it’s Shizuo and Izaya. In Yu Yu Hakusho, it’s Kuwabara, Kurama, and Botan. In Gintama, it’s Gin, Hijikata, Kondo, and Okita. In Mystic Messenger, it’s V and Saeran. In Ikemen Revolution, it’s Kyle, Oliver, Harr, and Sirius. In Blush Blush, it’s Nimh and Cole. In Date Warp, it’s Linds. In Hatoful Boyfriend, it’s nobody really – I get to write about it so rarely that it’s equally hard and easy for all the characters. For The Outsiders, it’s Dally and Darry. For Class of the Titans, it’s Neil, Odie, and Herry. For Ultimate Spider-Man, it’s Danny, Luke, Sam, Flash, and Ben. For Gravity Falls, it’s Stan. For The Mighty Ducks, it’s Portman, Fulton, and Adam. For The Covenant, it’s Tyler. For Jungle Fury, it’s Dom, Fran, and Casey. For Ninja Storm, it’s Cam. For Mystic Force, it’s Chip. For Holes, it’s Zigzag and Twitch.
7.    Which character of yours do you most identify with (if any)?
Again, sticking just with the fandoms I deal with on here. For KHR, it’s Skull, Enma, and Gokudera. For K Project, it’s Bandou and Eric. For Nanbaka, it’s Jyugo. For Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! it’s Iruma and Elizabetta. For Bungou Stray Dogs, it’s Kunikida, Steinbeck, Poe, Atsushi, and Chuuya. For Servamp, it’s Sakuya and Misono. For Saiyuki, it’s Gojyo. For Eyeshield 21, it’s Ishimaru, Unsui, and Yukimitsu. For Ronin Warriors, it’s Cye. For Kekkaishi, it’s Masamori. For GetBackers, it’s Natsumi. For Black Cat, it’s Eve. For Karneval, it’s Gareki. For Gangsta., it’s Delico. For Bleach, it’s Kira and Orihime. For Naruto, it's Naruto, Gaara, and Rock Lee. For Deadman Wonderland, it’s Ganta. For Ouran, it’s Haruhi. For Durarara, it’s Kadota. For Yu Yu Hakusho, it’s Kuwabara. For Gintama, it’s Shinpachi and Yamazaki. For Mystic Messenger, it’s V and the twins. For Ikemen Revolution, it’s Kyle and Zero. For Blush Blush, it’s Anon. For Date Warp, it’s Rafael. For Hatoful Boyfriend…probably Ryouta? For The Outsiders, Johnny and Ponyboy. For Class of the Titans, Odie. For Ultimate Spider-Man, Ben and Amadeus. For Gravity Falls, Dipper. For The Mighty Ducks, Adam, Fulton, and Goldburg. For The Covenant, Tyler. For Jungle Fury, Casey. For Ninja Storm, Cam. For Mystic Force, Chip and Madison. For Holes, Stanley and Zero.
8.    Which character of yours do you find the hardest to write?
Again, sticking just with the fandoms I deal with on here. For KHR, it’s Mukuro, Reborn, and Shitt P!. For K Project, it’s Nagare. For Nanbaka, it’s Jyugo, Liang, and Upa. For Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! it’s Asmodeus and Opera. For Bungou Stray Dogs, it’s Dazai and Fyodor. For Servamp, it’s Lawless and Mikuni. For Saiyuki, it’s Lirin and Nii. For Eyeshield 21, it’s Kid and Akaba. For Ronin Warriors, it’s Rowen and Sage. For Kekkaishi, it’s Yoshimori. For GetBackers, it’s Ban and Kazuki. For Black Cat, it’s Train. For Karneval, it’s Gareki. For Gangsta., it’s Worick. For Bleach, it’s Hitsugaya. For Naruto, it's Sasuke. For Deadman Wonderland, it’s Shiro. For Ouran, it’s Kyoya and Mori. For Durarara, it’s Celty and Shinra. For Yu Yu Hakusho, it’s Hiei and Yusuke (in a relationship anyway). For Gintama, it’s Kamui. For Mystic Messenger, it’s Zen. For Ikemen Revolution, it’s Ray. For Blush Blush, it’s Stirling. For Date Warp, it’s Nathaniel. For Hatoful Boyfriend, Shuu. For The Outsiders, Sodapop and Steve. For Class of the Titans, Theresa and Jay. For Ultimate Spider-Man, Peter. For Gravity Falls, Ford. For The Mighty Ducks, Charlie. For The Covenant, Chase. For Jungle Fury, Theo. For Ninja Storm, Shane. For Mystic Force, Vida. For Holes, the Warden.
9. If any, what music/artists do you like to listen to while writing?
Ohh, I think I’ve mentioned this a couple of times on the blog, but I actually do up little playlists for most of my writing. If it’s a fic, the playlist tends to be longer and more personalized to the story itself. But I make them even for headcanon writing, since I pick five at a time I’m feeling, so I make up little hour-long playlists with songs that might be inspirational for the headcanons or speak to the theming of the headcanons.
10. Do you ever put any of your own traits or personality into any of your characters? Which?
Yes. There are parts of me that I add to some characters – mental processes, traits, viewpoints, quirks, habits. I see the potential for these characters to strongly do or think these ways and it makes sense for them. But it’s not just me that I do this with. I’m really good at reading people, figuring them out, because at one point survival for me really did rely on me being able to read people’s moods and anticipate their behaviours. And I honestly love learning about people because people are fascinating. So, all of that combined with my storied life means I’ve gotten to deeply know a wide variety of people and I’ll often write little bits and pieces of those people into characters where again, these parts of them I’m writing into the character make so much sense and feel authentic to the canon character themselves.
11. If you could take one character from your fic and put it with another character in another one of your fics, who would you want to see together?
Okay, but thank you for giving me the chance to write this. I am such a huge fan of crossovers. It’s so frigging fun to take characters from different media and stick them together and I think a lot about various crossovers, along with writing little scenes and headcanons of crossovers that never get seen because, really, there’s not requests for them and they’re not big enough to post as fics. But it’s fun to take wildly different characters and figure out who would get along, who would hate each other, what romances or relationships might come about, who would be those on and off type friends where you’re never sure if they like each other that day or hate each other that day, who are truly neutral towards each other and just don’t really notice each other, how they’d talk and interact with all these different people. Of course, high school and boarding schools make great crossover opportunities. KHR is actually really great to set crossovers in as well, just because a Mafia Family is a great way to add a different group of characters from a whole other media and that gives me the added fun of figuring out flame types for the characters. But I will admit to one of my hugest guilty pleasures…I’m such a hardcore Big Brother fan and that’s my favourite crossovers to imagine. I take whatever character I’m really feeling at the moment for each of my fandoms and I throw them all in as contestants in the Big Brother house. It’s fun to figure out not only who would get evicted first and who would win, but also who plays the best social game, who the comp beasts are, who forms alliances with who and how seriously do they take those alliances, who has the best blowups, who becomes a fan favourite and all those kind of things.
12. Which do you prefer writing most, description, dialogue, or actions?
Easily description, then actions, then dialogue. I’ve always been upfront that I’m never sure of my dialogue, that it’s hard for me to write conversations that feel authentic and natural and fit with the tone of the character’s voice and are worded like they would word things.
13. If you could base one of your fics in a different location than where it is currently, where would you like it to be?
Okay, but if I had my way, every fic and every fandom and every character would be visiting Disney World. Everyone goes to Disney World (props to the Varia for being the quickest to get evicted and banned from all Disney parks forever). Or they’d be in a supernatural land where magic and different creatures exist. Or they’d be in a great big old Victorian mansion, with a blizzard outside, warm crackling fires and Christmas just a night away. Those are normally my three go to’s.
14. Which of your fics would you like to see turned into a movie the most?
Honestly, though you guys haven’t seen the actual story come out yet, it’s The Ever Young. I’ve been planning and playing with it for years, and while I normally have a really hard time visualizing things (most things come in words and sounds, not images), it’s actually one where I can almost see the scenes and the story as an actual episodic anime. There’s arcs, seasons, suspense, great action scenes, romance and hatred, and NO FANSERVICE.
15. Which of your characters do you think you would be the most friendly with?
Now, this one is an interesting question because it’s not who I like the most, which characters I favour and would want to have like me, but the characters I genuinely think would enjoy spending time with me. It took me a bit to think about but the answer I’ve come up, for each fandom, is below:
For Katekyo Hitman Reborn – Yamamoto, Skull, Enma, Tsuna, Chrome, Levi A Than, Lussuria, Spanner, Shoichi, Kusakabe, Basil, Lanchia
For K – Bandou, Shouhei, Fujishima, Dewa, Munakata, Shiro
For Nanbaka – Nico, Momoko, Seitarou, Qi, Kiji
For Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun! – Iruma, Jazz, Lied, Elizabetta, Balam, Caim, Goemon
For Bungou Stray Dogs – Kunikida, Kenji, Tanizaki, Higuchi, SakuOda, Ango
For Servamp – Kuro, Misono
For Saiyuki – Gojyo, Hakkai, Yaone, Lirin
For Eyeshield 21 – Musashi, Mamori, Unsui
For Ronin Warriors – Cye, Mia, Rowen
For Kekkaishi – Masamori, Shu, Yukimasa, Tokine
For GetBackers – Ginji, Emishi, Natsumi
For Black Cat – Eve, Rinslet, Jenos, Kyoko
For Karneval – Nai, Yogi, Iva, Akari
For Gangsta. – Delico, Yang, Nina, Dr. Theo, Alex, Galahad
For Bleach – Kira, Momo, Hisagi, Rangiku, Orihime, Uryu
For Naruto – Sakura, Naruto, Hinata, Tenten, Rock Lee
For Deadman Wonderland – Shiro, Ganta, Karako
For Ouran – Honey, Haruhi, Mori, Nekosawa
For Durarara – Anri, Erika, Walker
For Yu Yu Hakusho – Keiko, Yukina
For Gintama – Shinpachi, Kyuubei, Zenzou, Madao, Kondo, Katsura
For Mystic Messenger – Jaehee, Yoosung
For Ikemen Revolution – Kyle, Blanc, Sirius, Luka
For Blush Blush – Nimh, Anon, William
For Date Warp – Linds, Rafael, Janet
For Hatoful Boyfriend – Ryouta
For The Outsiders – Ponyboy, Johnny, Darry
For Class of the Titans – Neil, Herry, Odie, Atlanta
For Ultimate Spider-Man – Ava, Luke, Harry, Flash
For Gravity Falls – Mabel, Stan, Soos
For The Mighty Ducks – Fulton, Averman, Goldburg, Connie
For The Covenant – Tyler, Pogue, Sarah
For Jungle Fury – Fran, Casey
For Ninja Storm – Dustin, Cam
For Mystic Force – Vida, Chip
For Holes – Stanley, Zero
16. Are there any ideas you are currently playing around with that you would like to write sooner or later?
Oh, there’s always a million ideas in my head. I don’t often have chances to write the ideas around, because I’m normally busy with something, so they just float around and never get used. I really do want to explore the pasts of a lot of my favourite characters, I’ve said for years I’ll get around to doing a next Gen full fic for KHR and a full fic werewolf pack AU for K, I have some original story ideas floating around (some paranormal erotica stuff)…like, there’s probably at least 50 different ideas for things I want to write floating around but it’s finding the time and mental energy to do so.
17. Favourite fic that is not written by you?
Impossible. Simply IMPOSSIBLE question. I have been extremely blessed to have found a fandom in KHR that has so many extremely talented or thought-provoking writers in it. In K, there are so many talented people coming up with interesting fics or just really amazing and interesting ideas. The same goes for the majority of my other fandoms (though there are some where I’m pretty sure I’m the only one writing in that fandom) and I admit to having really lucked out in finding fandoms where the pure creativity, passion, and talent the fandom has is astounding.
18. Have you ever written a personal experience into your fic?
Absolutely I have. Comfort fics or even writing traumatic experiences that you identify with into a fic can be incredibly therapeutic. I find it really helps me, in a lot of cases, to process my feelings around experiences when I get to write them out. Or some situations I’ve been in have been so weird and wonderful that they just can’t not be used to make a fic better or more interesting!
19. Who has been your favourite face claim to use?
Most of the icons I use are of characters I write about on the blog! My current icon is an anime version of me I commissioned. During my roleplaying days though, either Lenalee or Ami from Sailor Moon was one I used a lot.
20. Lastly, take your favourite character from any of your fics and tell us 3 things you like about him/her and 3 things you dislike?
Again, I don’t really have any favourites. I’ve been writing a lot of headcanon posts recently to build up a solid queue on the blog after the event’s end, so I’ll just go with the last character I wrote about for all the last three fandoms I wrote for!
Reborn from Katekyo Hitman Reborn – He has style, he’s always true to himself, he genuinely cares about his students…however, he can be overly harsh, he can be hypocritical, and he’s egotistical at times.
Munakata from K Project – he is very true to himself, he’s confident, he always tries his best…however, he’s too inflexible at times, his social skills suck, and he can’t read a room
Mikuni from Servamp – He’s so intelligent, he’s funny, he truly loves his brother…however, he can’t trust people, he’s flighty, and he likes to play with people’s heads
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bunnygirl678 · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
i felt like doing one of these lmao
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
30! Which most of them are for Nameless lmao
2. What's your total A03 word count?
304.751, about to go up again lol, probably another 80k in this month, 268,863 have been in 2023, lol. I spent a large portion of time not writing, but after my breakup this year I've started writing frequently again.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now really just pokemon, if something else comes to me I'll write it, I'm working on a dragon ball z fic, but I don't touch it a ton.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
This is sad for me cause they all suck. I wrote them late high school early college, and they're all based on the Avengers movies (although one i think may have been the comics) it's a huge fandom, and I've had them up for 10 years so (god it's been that long already???) All of my good marvel 616 fics are missing, buried in a discord that I don't have access to anymore and word docs from a computer long since recycled
But in order, I feel Salem, Astronaut, Almost Honest, Wicked Games, The Whole World Was Moving But I was Standing Still (God what was with my names then lol)
Please don't read them haha
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! Sometimes I miss them, but I try to respond when I see them, even a few weeks/months later. I really appreciate comments, and I feel like I've made some friends through them, or at least they comment on stuff I write, and I can reference my other fics to them lol, though they can totally make friends on here or discord, happy to talk to anyone. I've had people tell me I inspired them to write which is seriously the highest honor.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
ummmm prolly the one where Tony dies after Steve cheats on him, I think that one is 616 based, but don't quote me, or go read it, the writing is...undeveloped, I think at that point I just started writing them, my characterizations weren't great, they got better but none of that is available lol
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Ummmmm maybe Ode to my Soulmate? I can't do sad endings for the most part, my philosophy is real life sucks so I always try to make happy endings, Frank Left has a nice ending, that one gets almost no love, but I adore it.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'm not good enough/big enough to get hate, lmao. Smaller fandom now, i think there might be some negative comments on the marvel ones but I haven't read those in yearsss.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I'm trying, Oral Fixation is my most recent published, but I'm working on one where Green gives Red a blowie in his Neo Champ uniform from masters, i've been writing that since the neochampion uniforms came out months ago ahha. I'm not great at smut, but I'm practicing, fun fact I learned how to give a bj through fanfics, and used to get compliments all the time in my younger sluttier years lol (Pre-kid haha)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not anymore, I used to do 101 dalmatian crossovers lol, i doubt any are published, maybe on fanfic.net but i don't even remember my username haven't touched that since like 2011, i used to do x-men crossovers where various characters would have mutant powers, but i doubt those are published either.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I'm probably too small to get that kind of notice. I always welcome people to steal my aus and write their own fic with it (not copy paste my stuff, but write out the au the way they come up with with their own words)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I doubt it, but anyone can, I might end up translating one or two when I finally start learning a new language, or maybe improve my output on spanish (i can read it but not write/speak/listen well lmao)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah but this was high school and I don't think we ever posted them, again might be on fanfic.net, but like I don't even remember my username
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I don't have a favorite, maybe reguri, or 616!stony which i don't read much anymore but will always hold a place in my heart, my oldest ship is probably rougexgambit
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Blood Bank- but only because there is no ending, I'm going to continue that thing for the rest of my life, (at least quarterly updates lol although working on a new chapter now), there's also a reguri one that i wrote like 10k words on after i first started writing again, but it sucks ass, I don't love the plot to rewrite, I've written a lot more better stuff for them
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel like I do pretty well with hints/twists. Certain characters I'm really good at writing, feel like I've gotten really good at world building, and coming up with off the wall aus. IDK i'm not good at pointing out my strengths.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Everything not listed above? Lol. No, probably missing edits and not noticing them until I'm reading the fic months later, I'm getting better at pacing and general flow, sometimes I overdo it on dialog, and leave out movement. Smut too, but i'm working on everything, the key is to just keep writing, also too many fics going at once,
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I typically don't do it unless I know the language, I'll just put it in english and say they said it in whatever lang. So like for Kalos I just say they're speaking Kalosian lol
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I used to tell stories with 101 dalmatians, but the first I ever actually wrote was from Stargate SG-1, I was like 10ish, I didn't post it, it's long since been trashed, but I was obsessed with Carter/O'neil and wanted them to adopt Cassie (i think that was her name, it's been years since I watched that show), first published is probably x-men i remember writing phoenix's force fics and posting on fanfic, might have done a ginnyxdraco for harry potter. These would be on my old fanfic.net or possibly livejournal, i don't remember,
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I write all my fics for myself, so i really love them all, and go back and reread them often lol
Unfinished, Under the Alolan Sun and Blood Bank, those are my passion projects, I have fun writing them,
finished, either The Most Expansive Collection of Champion Red Merch in All of Kanto (probably one of my least angsty lol) or How to Beat Champion Red at Something (my silly little ficlet about Red being a picky eater, i just giggle when i reread it)
Ode to My Soulmate is also up there.
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moosecow · 1 year
Ten things I wish would just DIE already…
10. Miraculous Ladybug
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Before you sharpen your pitchforks! Hear me out! I actually REALLY like this show…but GOD It is the BIGGEST tease I have EVER seen! Marinette and Adrien should have gotten together at the end of the first season, and maybe we could have explored their relationship, given them more depth? Raised the stakes instead of the CONANT. ENDLESS. FILLER. Of absolute nothing that is this show. We all know they’re going to get together, just rip the bandaid and let us move on. I’ve never seen a show jerk its fan base around so much!
9. Avatar the Last Air Bender
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Again, I LOVE THIS SHOW, SO, SO MUCH! But I can tell that they’re now turning this into a cash cow. I don’t want to see another avatar show, especially after what they did with Legend of Korra. What made Avatar so special was that, yes there was a lot going on in their world, but it never stopped focusing on the core cast, their development, their relationships, and their reactions to the world they live in. Korra just gave us more and more characters instead of focusing on the ones we had, and it lost me with its overcomplicated plot, and I fear legend of Genji, AND the live action remake (which already has alarm bells going up because it’s live action and when has worked out well?) Can we just…revive an old gem on Nickelodeon? Or make something new and substantial instead of relying on SpongeBob reruns?
8. Dragon Ball
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Yes, another show I like! But MAN! How many power-ups can we go through before it gets old! Even ASH finally reached his goal in pokemon! There’s so much content here, and I’m grateful for that! I don’t mind more games and merchandise, but enough of the show! It’s clear that only Goku and Vegeta are the only characters capable of beating the big enemy, and no one cares much for the younger characters taking over. But at this point their not that interesting. ESPECIALLY Goku. He’s just a guy that likes fighting. Vegeta was more interesting with his reformed villain arc, but he is constantly overshadowed by his dumber super-saiyen. It feels like they’ve exhausted all their stories….
7. Velma
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I’m gonna barf. Seriously, all people do is complain about this show. Can we just, STOP? Review bombing it, complaining about it, making reaction videos to it, is just…feeding it at this point. If all of us hate so much! So many shows that deserved to be watched and enjoyed were completely ignored and faded away from the public consciousness, but not this one, at least, not yet. I see video and video about it! Ignore it. Let it die like it’s supposed to! And now I will never mention it again, and neither should you!
6. Marvel
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It’s not so much as I want this franchise to die…more like…I think we need a break! It’s been like 20 years of non stop Marvel and I feel like we already peaked with the Avengers Endgame. Besides Moon Knight and Wakanda Forever, all I’ve seen is general dislike of all the new stuff coming out. I know that Disney is a big conglomerate and they’re going to milk this thing for all it’s worth…but wouldn’t people enjoy it more if you let it simmer for a bit, let the ideas come back after some rest, and then get back into it?
5. 13 Reasons Why
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This show should have stayed a book! Oh. My. God. As someone that struggles with mental illness, watching this get sensationalized and reduced to nothing more then teenage angst for badly written teenage characters is so gross! I don’t have much to say about it. It just makes me so angry! How do people actually like this and continue to watch and recommend it? It’s basically the same as every other “dramatic” teen show out there, but uses suicide as a hook to draw people in, which is so disrespectful! You want a show that is more mature then this and actually handles mental illness well? Watch BoJack Horseman.
4. Grey’s Anatomy
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I don’t care about the relationships in this show. I don’t who broke up with who, who died, who couldn’t have a kid, who cheated on who. I cared more, in the first season at least, when they were just young surgeons, and they were dealing with the struggles of that. BUT MAN! This show quickly became a soap opera! I mean what did I expect from an ABC show. Just end it already! If you want a good show about doctor’s that focuses on their personal growth and the difficulties of the job watch House, or better yet, watch Scrubs.
3. Kingdom Hearts
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This hurts. This hurts. So. Much. GOD! I love these games…but I REALLY hate the direction they’re going. KH3 was such a red flag! The story was complicated enough with time travel, the whole foretellers things, how we keep adding characters instead of focusing on the core Destiny Islands Trio, how Kairi is basically a plot device where, EVEN IN HER OWN GAME, she has to be rescued by Sora. And now, KH4 is on its way and Nomura is basically turning it into versus 13….I don’t even know anymore. Things were getting real dumb in Dream Drop Distance. I’m just going to pretend thee series ended at KH2, where the emotions were there and the story wasn’t derailed and removed of all the charm it had…Either end it…or do something actually good with it, because at this point, it’s just getting ridiculous. And this is coming from someone that loves this series with every fiber of their being.
2. Stranger Things
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Yeah, Netflix will cancel actually interesting things like Inside Job, Dead End National Park, I’m not okay with this, Sense 8, and introduce stupid ideas such as removing password sharing (EVEN AFTER RAISING THE PRICE BECAUSE PEOPLE WERE PASSWORD SHARING) but they will keep things like Cuties and…this show. At this point, Stranger Things is a shadow of its former self. Not only are there no stakes, because everyone has plot armor, but it’s basically just teenage drama at this point. Remember how in Season 1, the demagorgan was actually scary? Remember how going into the upside down had health consequences? The characters just walk around now without a problem. But this show is just drama filled enough to keep the attention of the masses without actually having any substance. It makes me sad that it followed the pattern of the first season being the most interesting season and then everything going down hill from there. How did THIS show, of all shows…make me not care? What could be worse then this?
#1. Harry Potter Series
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I loved this as a kid. I read this thing so many times…but now…I’m past it, and JK is just. A. Terrible. Terrible. Person…the fact that it doesn’t end with her words, that she actively gives money and supports hate groups, kind ruins the messages I learned in HP. As a kid, I thought part of the point was to be inclusive, and to make life better for people that are mistreated by the mainstream. But no. Not only were the last few movies terrible, but Rowling keeps digging that hole. Even if I wanted to, I just can’t enjoy it anymore. So, even if not everyone will. I’m going to let it die. We need another book series to inspire a generation…I just can’t with this anymore…
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