#Police training
alwaysbewoke · 9 months
being anti-genocide is not allowed on meta
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like i said before, i don't mess with shaun king like that, but that being said, many things about one thing can be true at the same time. it is very clear that there is a wave of censorship happening across social media against pro-palestinian content in favor of israeli propaganda. so whether or not you like shaun or not, it is very clear what is happening and why. there is clearly a genocide happening in gaza that is being perpetuated by colonizing power. a genocide against an indigenous population for land, resources, and power. basically the same thing america did to the natives here. had it not been for people like shaun king (flawed as he may be), many people would not be aware of the heinous acts of israel against the palestinian people right now. so even as someone who is not a shaun king fan, i am not so myopic in my view of things to not realize that he served a positive purpose when it comes to the israeli genocide of palestinians.
on a much larger scale, whenever a platform or a power attacks someone popular, one of the goals is to send a message to everyone else that they are not safe and that they should back off. it's like a football coach picking on and cursing out their hall of fame quarterback. when everyone else who isn't as popular or powerful sees that on the team, they immediately realize that they must fall in line or worse can happen to them. that's the goal of banning shaun king from ig. however as a black man who understands how connected all oppressive systems are, we cannot slow down. may i remind all my brothers and sisters that israel is where police forces like the nypd go and train in abusive violent tactics, which they then come back to america and overwhelmingly exercise on black and brown bodies. so if you think this does not affect you, you are sadly and deeply mistaken. additionally, this kind of censorship is going to spread. if we don't fight back, it won't be long before you will be arrested for speaking out against israel. this is what israel wants, and they have the money and political power to make it happen. you can either sit back and let it happen or you can fight back. however, make no mistake, it's coming, and this is the first major blow that the enemy has struck in their offensive against our free speech.
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gaystation4 · 1 year
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brandoooom · 2 years
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VR police training by Brandon Tauszik
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yemme · 7 months
Florida... I just... A fucking acorn. A handcuffed black man shot.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“So when he starts to heave the rock, I go like this – see? A cadet in England’s mounted police school at Aldershot goes through his paces for the cameraman.”
- from the Toronto Star. November 17, 1932. Page 27.
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fojfitfitness · 15 days
Boosts Performance in India’s Police Physical Forces
Police physical training in India is crucial for boosting performance. Modern techniques and customized fitness plans, like those from Fojfit, enhance physical fitness, mental resilience, and tactical skills. Fojfit's approach focuses on building strength, endurance, and agility through gradual muscle development and fitness improvements, preparing aspirants to meet the rigorous demands of their roles.
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qupritsuvwix · 2 months
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defensenow · 4 months
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inde-60 · 5 months
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ghostreblogging · 4 months
Ok ok so hear me out Twins au. Danny and Damian are twins. And you know the whole story. Danny gets "killed " moves in with the Fenton's and becomes phantom. Ad Damian doesn't know that. Well the magician summoning Damian's dead brother to enact his revenge on him has a very bad timing
"Oh robin. Dont you know the dead can have fangs. I've heard of a little tale. Of how you killed your own brother. Your twin in a quite a cruel and merciless way don't you think?" The magician drawls on over the horribly over used repetitive lines.
But it still stops Damian in his tracks. He can see as his family stop and look at him. With the look of horror and well concern. And he hates it. He can feel their gazes on him and it burns his skin.
He stops and tries to yell at them. To do something. To stop dawdling around.
Until a right flash of green stopped him. The circle lit up as a clawed hand grasped the edge from inside.
Unfortunately the magician wasn't a phony.
The being slowly crawls itself out. It's wearing striped prison clothes with conically oversized shackles? Huh.
Damian muses to himself as he prepares for battle . Must represent his or rather their lives in the league of assassin's.
The being finally looks up and shouts
"Ghost crimes exist? What even are ghost crimes???" Dick whispered to Jason
"I don't know but I am so angry at the implications of ghost cops. " Jason replies
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sgreffenius · 2 years
Agreed, agreed, agreed.
When I read that Finland requires 5,500 hours of training for its police officers, I thought, “Well, that’s way too much for classes and other training methods that keep trainees out of the field.” The best model is the one used in the medical profession, where new doctors are introduced to clinical practice as soon as possible. Interns are apprentices, residents are journeymen or women, and full-fledged doctors are masters. Police departments could adopt the same rigorous training, where the best officers supervise apprentices, and journeymen have a role in training as well.
After two years in the field with qualified mentors, we would have young police officers who know how to do their jobs. Moreover, they would not see themselves as ‘warrior cops’, one of the worst concepts I have run across in a long time. Police are public servants. They can serve without killing people. They can protect people instead.
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ryandjaxon · 2 years
I know this feeling. We’re treated as second class citizens. The source of this hatred is the Wealthiest French Canadian families, their politicians, and their legislations. They setup the police to fail. Similar to NATO, Article 5, an attack on him is an attack on me. 🫡 Molson Family, and company, step up. #solidarity Ryan Douglas Jackson - Second Class Citizen
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"CAUTION 4 OFFICERS IN DORLAND AFFAIR," Toronto Star. December 8, 1933. Page 7. --- Honorably Acquitted by Board Detectives Told to Use Care ---- GUNS STILL CARRIED === Mayor Urges Extreme Care by Police in Using Fire-Arms --- In honorably acquitting the four detectives - George Tuft, Patrick Hogan, Archie McCathie and James Thomson - recently acquitted by a jury under Mr. Justice Wright, for their part in the shooting of Albert Dorland and William Toohey, when they appeared before the police com- missioners yesterday, Mayor Stewart emphatically declared that Toronto police officers will continue to carry firearms and that the commission was behind the members of the force in the performance of their duties.
Mayor Stewart, in declaring that the board appreciated the fact that they were acquitted by a jury, also recommended that they follow the advice laid down by Mr. Justice Wright at their recent trial, that "In future, you, as well as all other constables, should be extremely careful in the use of firearms."
When the four detectives appeared before the board, Mayor Stewart, as chairman, pointed out that they were not brought before the board to be censured.
Must Study Manual "The board does not desire you to be under any cloud during the coming holiday season. We appreciate the fact that you were acquitted by the jury," he said. "I believe now that you have gained further knowledge of your duties through your experience in the recent trial and our advice to you is that you study further the police manual as to your police duties.
"Lawbreakers and gunmen are a menace to society. When such men resort to the use of firearms they must expect to be burned. Our police officers will continue to carry firearms and the commission will support members of the force in the performance of their duties," declared his worship.
In discussing the great increase in the number of panhandlers and peddlers, the board felt that the municipalities and the government were making adequate efforts to look after less fortunate citizens and desired to issue a warning to the citizens that they mustn't encourage panhandlers on the street, but direct them to city hostels.
Citizens are warned against opening their doors to peddlers after dark and requested not to ask strangers into their homes for meals.
"The board feels that the proper duties of the citizens are to direct them to the city welfare department and city hostels," stated J. Palmer Kent, secretary of the board.
"If panhandlers pester people on the street and become offensive the board advises citizens to get in touch with the nearest police officer or police station," said Mr. Kent.
Unlicensed Movers A deputation representing the Toronto Cartage and Warehousemen's Association waited on the board and requested that it check the activities of persons operating as movers without licenses.
They asked the board to enforce the express by-law and request city police to prevent persons carrying on express businesses or moving goods in trucks and wagons without licenses. The chief constable was instructed to check up on all persons who may be conducting moving businesses illegally.
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fojfitfitness · 28 days
सेना और पुलिस की फिजिकल परीक्षा की कैसे करें तैयारी ?
सेना और पुलिस की फिजिकल परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिए मेहनत और अनुशासन जरूरी हैं। फोज़फिट के साथ, आप इसे आसान बना सकते हैं। नियमित दौड़, पुश-अप्स, स्क्वाट्स, और पुल-अप्स जैसी एक्सरसाइज से शारीरिक शक्ति बढ़ाएं। लचीलेपन और संतुलन के लिए योग और स्ट्रेचिंग भी करें। फोज़फिट की मदद से इन मानकों को पूरा कर सेना और पुलिस में शामिल होकर देश की सेवा का मौका पा सकते हैं।
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elierlick · 2 years
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Same applies to every public transit system.
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franzias-cave · 19 days
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do you think if they knew they were going to create the ecru house they would have made the same choices
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