#Poor Kingo
eternalowl · 1 year
Gilgamesh: Wanna talk about your emotions?
Thena: No.
Kingo: I do! :D
Gilgamesh: I know, Kingo.
Kingo: I’m sad 😔
Gilgamesh: I know, Kingo.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
JESUS your prompt with Gil being a special force agent was sooooo good! The DRAMA! my heart! Pls do a part 2! the mission and if he fulfilled his promise! I need to know! May the drama, action and sweetness be with you! :D
Gil opened his eyes to a white ceiling and a dim light over him. Last he remembered was the operation and covering the stairwell. He was pretty sure it was going well, last he recalled.
He tried to raise his hand to rub his eyes but found it occupied. He looked down, and now he was pretty sure he had died during the sting and was now in his own personal heaven.
Thena was asleep in the chair next to his recovery bed, head on her arm, her hand holding his in her sleep.
Yeah, he had definitely died. He must have, for this to be happening.
"Hey, man."
Gil startled, looking over and getting just a peek at Kingo, where the curtain between their beds had been pulled a little too far. He could just see a little bit of him. "What happened?"
"It went fine until there were more unsubs than we thought," Kingo narrated, his eyebrow doing a lot of work to help him express what he thought of it all. "One of them tried to take the stairwell to escape and, well, that's where you come in, pal."
Right, now Gil could recall the weight of three men plowing into him, pushing them all down one and a half flights of stairs. And that was before he had to fight and apprehend them all, too.
"Good thing you were in there," Kingo puffed out a faint laugh. "That's the Boss, though--doesn't leave any stone unturned."
Yes, that certainly was their surprisingly fretful and caring boss. Gil snuck a look back at her on his other side, probably completely concealed from Kingo's view by his body. At least for the time being, so long as he could be cool about it.
"Relax, I know she's there."
"She came in a few hours ago, after everyone else and the higher ups had already come in to tell us the mission went well," Kingo snorted amidst his quiet laughter. "She took one look at you and didn't leave your side--obviously still hasn't."
Gil blushed, his hand aching to tighten around hers but not wanting to risk waking her and ending his little moment of bliss.
"She really cares about you, big guy," Kingo said softly from his half of the room. "Tries not to--I guess it wouldn't look too good for her rep. But it's obvious you mean a lot to her, at least from where I stand."
"Well," Gil sighed, now free to look at her all he liked with Kingo's graciously given secrecy. She looked even more beautiful than she did when she had her stern Goddess of War face on. "She means a lot to me, too."
"Oh my god, I'm going to sleep."
"You brought it up!" Gil hissed at his partner, who was already faking a deep, loud snoring next to him. Gil rolled his eyes, at least shifting to look at Thena again. As soon as she did wake up he was going to tell her to sleep in a proper bed, for the love of-
"Gil?" Thena blinked herself awake, pulling her head up and cracking her neck through her discomfort. She looked at him, finding him still asleep. She sighed, "what am I going to do with you?"
Gil let himself 'awaken' as he felt her fingers brush over his forehead. If he let this go any further he might not be able to live with himself. He opened his eyes and the first thing he did was smile at her, "hey."
"Hey," she smiled back, resisting the urge to put a nautical mile of distance between them. In just this particular moment, her concern for him won. "How are you feeling?"
"Well, I'm guess I'm pumped full of drugs at the moment, so not so bad," Gil noted lightly, much to Thena's chagrin. He was always like this, happily reporting that so long as things went well, then he could endure whatever collateral damage he had suffered in the process.
"You had quite a fall, Gil, and then quite a fight," Thena informed him more firmly, one hand still on his, the other smoothing down some of his bed head for him. "It's nothing to take lightly."
"But I still did it," he proclaimed proudly. She blinked at him in confusion, but his smile only grew, "I cam back to you...alive."
"I suppose you did," she cleared her throat, finally pulling back and standing, brushing off her skirt suit and smoothing down her hair.
He supposed it could have been the weird hospital lighting, but Gil really could have sworn there was a little bit of pink in her cheeks. "I will next time too, Thena."
She spared him another, quickly withering glare. Her hand brushed over his shoulder ever so lightly - and too quick for his hand to come up and reach for it to keep it there - before she went to retrieve his doctor, "consider it a direct order."
Kingo lay in his bed, wide awake and wishing he weren't.
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baeyonder · 2 years
Kingo: Could you two...STOP FLIRTING IN FRONT OF ME?!?!
Thena: Wha—wE'RE NOT FLIRTING!!!
Gilgamesh: I was...
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lovelyfanatical · 2 years
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I’m With You - Chapter 3.2
Happy Monday or whatever day you're reading this, fellow Drukkari stans! Had a busy weekend, but I'm back with a new mini-chapter! If you missed the last one and need to catch up, you can do so here, or start over from the beginning here. We've arrived at bread week, which always seems to be a bit of a doozy. How will our beloved competitors fare? Find out now on the next installment of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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Much like lunch, the decision to invite Dane to dinner was unanimously passed. Well, except for Kingo, who claimed he’d be hosting a rival soirée, even if no one else attended. Ajak graciously agreed to host dinner, though her room was not the corner and was just as cramped as everyone else’s. While Ajak tried to keep everyone’s spirits up for their new guest, bread week was still weighing heavily on everyone’s minds. Druig had done alright in the signature, but the technical had been especially brutal. He was pretty sure he was in trouble this week. Makkari had fared only slightly better. Ajak and Sersi had done alright, and Dane wasn’t far behind. Poor Karun had come in last. A heavy atmosphere pervaded the ride back to the hotel and continued into dinner itself. After a solid ten minutes of minimal chatter, however, Ajak had had enough.
“Hey, what did I say this morning? We should enjoy the time we have together,” she said, signing where she could, which did draw a smile from Makkari.
“Sorry, Ajak. I think we just need to think of a subject other than baking to talk about tonight,” Sersi replied.
“Where’s Kingo when you need him?” Druig added, which drew a few chuckles.
I still can’t believe they actually brought him back! Makkari said, excitement partly restored.
“I guess I missed this earlier, but how is Kingo back?” Dane asked hesitantly.
“Oh, they needed another interpreter for Makkari, so Darcy got special permission to hire him,” Sersi explained.
“He’s at a different hotel now, which is why he couldn’t join us,” Ajak chimed in.
“It is nice to still have him around,” Karun piped up. “And it must be nice, getting to eat everything without the stress of having to make it first.”
“Speaking of stress, does anyone know if Thena is capable of feeling stress? She never seems to break a sweat, whatever the judges throw at her,” Sersi said.
“I think the judges are the ones sweating when they go to Thena’s station,” Druig interjected.
No kidding, Makkari agreed. Her gaze might overpower Arishem’s.
“I would not want to be on the receiving end of one of her glares,” Dane said. “I think she reserves it for the judges, though. She seems nice enough outside of that.”
“Really? Have you talked to her much?” Sersi asked.
“Well, no. But I always see her talking to Gilgamesh, and she seems quite friendly with him. I think they usually eat lunch together.”
At this, Makkari’s eyes lit up as she smirked mischievously. Next to her, Sersi had a similarly amused look.
“Makkari, what’s with the look?” Ajak asked in a mock-scolding tone.
Nothing, she replied nonchalantly. Just an interesting detail.
As Ajak rolled her eyes, Makkari gave Druig a quick wink. Druig smirked and signed, Another case, Sherlock? which made her smile.
“Hey, share with the group, Druig!” Ajak chastised. “We’re still learning!”
“Guess you’ll have to learn faster,” he replied, which made Makkari break out into her own smug smile. The rest of the table sighed in mock frustration.
“I’d suggest we hold a competition to see who can learn the most sign by next week, but I think Druig would have us all beat,” Sersi said.
“Hey, don’t let me stop you!”
Yeah, Druig and I can be judges while the rest of you can compete!
“A competition within a competition,” Karun mused out loud.
“And what does the winner get?” Dane asked.
The gift of my conversation, Makkari answered.
“A priceless gift indeed,” Druig commented. Makkari rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t keep the smile off her face either. The group readily agreed to participate.
As they were leaving Ajak’s room for the night, Druig noticed Makkari hanging back with the elder woman for a moment. Ajak may not have known much sign yet, but she did know the universal sign for “I’ve got my eyes on you.” Makkari gave her an innocent look as she stepped out into the hallway. As Ajak shut the door and the others headed back to their rooms, Druig asked, What was that about?
I don’t think Ajak approves of my snooping, Makkari replied. Even if she does enjoy listening to my findings.
Druig chuckled. So, you are planning to snoop on Thena and Gilgamesh?
Just a little! I don’t think Kingo’s ‘are you single’ ice breaker is going to work on them.
Fair point. He waited a moment before asking, Do all of your investigations pertain to matters of the heart, Detective Makkari?
She narrowed her eyes at this and asked in return, What are you trying to say about my sleuthing skills, Druig?
He raised his hands defensively before signed, Nothing, they are unparalleled. I’ve just noticed a… pattern starting to emerge.
She paused as she considered how to respond to his silent implication. Okay, I guess you could say I… have a healthy interest in other people’s love lives.
Druig put on a mocking smile as he replied, My dear detective, I did not take you for a romantic.
She punched him lightly in the arm, but she was already breaking into a smile. If I’m a romantic, then you’re one too.
Whatever gave you that impression? he asked, genuinely confused.
You’re my accomplice. Guilty by association. And no one else pesters me about it as much as you do, so you’re clearly just as invested as I am.
Druig felt his temperature start to climb as she sped past the actual reason he pestered her so much. He brushed it off with an exaggerated sigh as he said, Fine, you caught me. But no one else can know.
If you don’t tell, I won’t tell. She held his gaze in a moment that Druig wished he could stay in forever. But he had to give her an answer.
She broke into a smile as she tilted her chin up at him. He mirrored her, with his own smile quickly taking over his face.
Detective Makkari returns, and she definitely ships Thenamesh! Anyway, hope you enjoyed this mini-chapter! The next one might take a bit longer because I have another busy weekend coming up, but hopefully, it won't be too delayed.
Part 10
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According to Plan — kinkvember 2022
✦ pairing — Ikaris x female!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 2.1k
✦ prompt — sex against the wall.
✦ additional warnings — nsfw, mentions of alcoholic beverages (neither Ikaris or reader are drunk, don't worry), unprotected sex (please don't do this) vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, rough sex, light cum play, light aftercare.
You weren't positive he was looking your way. Not at first. Ikaris was not only hard to read but hard to like, an acquired taste not many were interested in.
The scowl rarely left his face as of late, and when it did, his semblance could barely be described as neutral. You couldn't remember a time you saw him smile, much less heard him laugh.
Your friendship was new, in a stage it could still crumble if you made a false move. You, only you, and if he did, you wouldn't see it as such. He intrigued you a little too much to give up the opportunity to unravel the mystery behind his deep eyes.
And he was stupidly attractive, only somebody too proud for their own good would deny it.
Your eyes met across the room. He nodded and lifted his glass. He was in a good mood. Mimicking the gesture, you smiled at him.
Ikaris pushed himself off the wall he was resting his shoulder on and made his way toward you. Around you, people gawked at him, probably wondering why he was once again ignoring Kingo's riveting conversation for your patient smile.
"Which story is it this time?"
Ikaris shrugged. "Wasn't paying attention."
You didn't believe him, but you didn't say as such. He didn't want to talk about Kingo, and that was fine, you didn't either as much as you loved your old friend.
As your attempts at conversation continued failing, you realized Ikaris didn't want to talk about anything. Not in the lounge, not in the backyard, and definitely not under the yellow light of lampposts whilst enveloped by autumn air.
You walked beside each other in silence. You recognized the path he had taken you both onto and it could only lead to your shared building or to the bar you got kicked out from a week ago — you couldn't remember if you told him about it, but as he swerved left, you confirmed his destination was the old building.
Once before your door, words got caught in your throat, lips parted as his eyes lingered on the bottom part of your face. You licked your lips. unsure as to what was going on; it excited you nonetheless, having his undivided attention, perhaps even enticing him.
You searched for his eyes, looking for a sign that you weren't imagining things or assuming his intentions, a confirmation that the tension between you wasn't a figment of your imagination.
He grabbed you by the back of your head, and after a moment of hesitation that ended once you placed your hand on his bicep, he slammed his lips against yours.
Suddenly, there was no pretense he hadn't planned things to go this way tonight. Not when he kissed you, not when he refused to let go of you as you struggled to open the door, and certainly not in his hungry eyes as you peeled off your jacket.
He threw his own onto the couch and once again reached over, strong hands grasping your plump waist as he drew you in for another kiss. It was different than the one before, languid, teasing, hot.
A part of you expected him to be rougher as his hands eventually wandered, but for a moment, the only thing Ikaris did was take his time to become familiar with your figure.
"You had to wear the same dress you were wearing when we met, huh," he said, accent thick with amusement — almost teasing, as if you had done it on purpose. His fingers trailed along the seam of your dress, tracing your outer thigh.
"I didn't think you'd remember."
His eyes bore into yours. "Well, I do."
The implications of his words weren't lost on you, nor the heat tugging at you from within. Lusting over him was dangerous, you had been warned about his poor social skills and emotional stuntedness. His hands on you made it difficult to care, though.
Pressing his body to yours, he moved a hand to your lower back and looked down at you. His breathing was steady, but his dilated pupils told a different story. You couldn't find out if he was as rough as you imagined as thorough as somebody as pretty should be —if only to leave people wanting for more— and as he leaned in to kiss you again, you hoped you would find out soon.
Ikaris kissed you as though he was trying to devour you, to rip the delicate threads of friendship you had carefully sewn. And you let him, for a few seconds pretended this had been your plan all along too and let him, and as his kiss became more demanding, you let go of any hesitance left in your system.
You felt his hand come up to your neck, leaving your thigh to softly grasp your throat. He caressed your skin as he parted from your lips, panting against your mouth. "You want this, right?"
You breathlessly confirmed, "Yes."
He pushed you backward, crushing you against the wall. His breath fanned all over your face, intense gaze fixed on your wanton one.
A wave of arousal crashed onto you as he dragged his hands down your sides, touch heavy and warm. Need started to brew in the pit of your stomach once he slipped his hands past the hem of your dress.
Mouth heavy on yours, he demanded entrance with his tongue. Your heart leaped in your chest as his fingers grazed your pussy from on top of your panties, never relenting in his passionate kiss,
He pressed his forehead to yours whilst he recovered his breath and you could only gaze into his eyes as he pulled your panties to the side.
"Wait," you stopped him before he would start touching you. "My feet are killing me."
He momentarily pulled away so you would take your high heels off, hands moving to quickly discard his pants as he kicked his shoes off too.
He was taller now, and by the glint of his eyes, he liked it.
The outline of his cock was finally visible to you and next thing you knew, he was once again pressed against you. His hot kiss matched the warmth of his palms and his strong thigh pried your legs open — you felt his constrained cock near your hip.
His hot breath tickled your ear as he asked, "Do you need me to do anything for you?"
Leave it to him to ask if you were wet in the worst way possible. "You were about to find out," you reminded him.
His attention shifted downward to where your thighs met his. Hooking his thumbs into your panties, he pulled them down. He was rougher than he should have as he pressed two fingers to your clit, making you gasp, and dragging them down to trace your slit.
And you moaned instead of complaining; he was finally being as rough as you had imagined he'd be. Forcing your legs further apart with his forearm, Ikaris teased your entrance with his slicked fingers.
"I suppose you don't," he half-heartedly mocked you, accent thicker.
Still, he didn't remove his hand from you. Slowly, he pushed a finger in, and met with no resistance, he added the second one. You sighed, resting your head against the wall behind you as Ikaris lazily moved his fingers in and out, not yet interested in making you come.
The slow rhythm of his fingers was pure torture and your whines weren't enough to convince him to pick up the pace. So you demanded, "Faster."
He stopped altogether, making you groan in disapproval. "What did you say?"
He hummed, eyes gleaming with mischief. He looked so pretty.
"Please?" you tried.
"So polite."
You didn't have a chance to come up with a retort, he resumed fingering you, and this time he didn't hold back. He took your breath away, making you gasp and search for something to do with your hands.
Your head was fuzzy, almost floating as he leaned in to tell you, "You look so good like this."
Either his words or his fingers were magic, perhaps both. Your muscles trembled as pleasure ran through you and muffling the cry that left you would have been a disservice to your own pleasure.
Your limbs loosened as you tried to clear your head, breath ragged as Ikaris held you in place with both hands. You felt the stickiness from the fingers that had just been inside you and found yourself sighing dreamily.
Scared he would start teasing, you grabbed him by the shirt and pulled him into a kiss. Ikaris indulged you for a moment before breaking the kiss and removing his shirt.
His skin was warm and soft as you trailed your hands along his torso. Of course his body was gorgeous, but there was something about the dip of his collarbones and the ridge of his muscles that made him look almost approachable. In this state, he was no different from any other person you had hooked up with; not on the surface.
You couldn't help but explore his bare chest as he smothered you in another searing kiss, holding you tight as he gripped your jaw. He tasted so, so good, and although you didn't want to presume that the idea of doing this with you had dictated his drinking choices, you were unable to stop yourself from wondering why you could taste your favorite sweet cocktail on his tongue and why the taste had lingered for so long now.
He kept you locked in place like a precious secret, adamant about keeping your lips together. You pressed your hips to his, needing more contact.
"I want you so bad," he said, breathless, lips brushing yours.
You ground against him, fingers tracing his shoulders. "Take me, then."
Ikaris tugged his underwear down, freeing his hard cock. Before he could do it, you wrapped your hand around it. A groan left his lips and you looked up to find his pupils blown wide.
In a swift movement, he had your back affixed to the white wall behind you, hands shoving your dress up to your belly.
He hitched up your thighs with his hands, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his frame. Ikaris bucked up against you, cock teasing your folds before finding your entrance. His gaze was piercing as he waited for permission. You nodded, immediately feeling him push his cock in.
You held tightly to his shoulders yet he didn't decide to move immediately. When he did, his thrusts were slow, drawn out.
He built up his pace and the only thing you could do was take it, enjoy yourself as he did all the work. You would be sore later, perhaps the day after too, but as he pounded into you, eliciting moans and yelps, you found that you didn't care.
You were thankful the wall behind you was sturdy, that you had been smart enough to choose an old building to reside in, and mostly, that you had met Ikaris in the lobby when you moved.
You threw your head back, pressing it against the wall behind you as his thrusts became stronger, turned quicker, and Ikaris took the chance to lick a stripe up your neck, feeling the shaky vibrations of your moans against his tongue.
His pelvis pressed into yours, holding you in place as he rolled his hips, thoroughly fucking you as his fingers dug into your thighs. "I knew you'd feel good," he sighed against the skin of your neck, teeth scrapping near your jaw as he groaned.
You could barely speak, only humming and sputtering his name. It fed his ego, his drive to fuck you into the wall.
"Such a good fucking girl," he praised.
You clawed at his shoulders accepting his greedy lips between whimpers, head reeling as pressure built up within you. Ikaris let out a deep growl against your mouth. "Come for me," he demanded.
Fuck, it was like he knew your body better than you did.
Your nails pierced his skin as you came undone all over his cock. Ikaris bucked his hips into you, hiding his face in your neck to muffle deep guttural moans into your skin.
Abruptly, he pulled out, and before you could react, hot cum spilled onto your jelly-like thighs. Ikaris had half a mind to hold you upward, finally letting you hear the moans he had been adamant to hide as he fisted his cock, sputtering more drops of cum onto your skin.
"I'll clean you up."
"I can do it," you assured him, breath ragged. Neither of you moved for a while, catching your breaths. Shifting on your bare feet, you said, "Come, I'll lend you a towel."
Your legs wobbled as you took a step. Ikaris placed a hand on your lower back and you didn't dare turn around to see his reaction.
He was having none of it and irrupted into your personal space so you would see his pleased smile. You didn't hate it.
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madmewmewmercy5 · 2 years
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boldlong · 2 years
App uninstall root
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1 Uninstall system apps on Android, a process to be careful with.
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0 notes
fancyphoenix · 3 years
Kingo: Why does she look like that?
Sprite*facedown on the floor*: Like what?
Kingo: Like you're dead.
Sprite: Because I'm dead.
Ajax*writing something in her notepad*: Ikaris made public his relationship with Sersie, making out with her in public.
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life-is-a-tamasha · 3 years
Also can some direct me to gif or closeup of the posters behind kingo on the jet puhlease
I know they are hilarious ohmygod
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siempre-bucky · 3 years
Dad!Druig x Reader
Summary: You and Druig ask Ben to watch your daughter while you try to stop the world from ending. OR The other Eternals are being hard on Druig for being a really great dad and the poor guy needs a fellow dad friend.
WC: 771
A/N: am I continuing to be a slut for dad!druig...yeah. I really liked Druig and Phastos' relationship at the end of the movie and wanted to explore the dad friend dynamic
requests are open♡
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"Can we talk real quick?" you ask lowly to Ben and a newly recruited Phastos as you exit their Chicago home. Sersi quickly ushered Ikaris down the driveway so you could have some kind of privacy.
Phastos raised an eyebrow and tilted his head as he saw you nervously stand in front of him. "What's going on?" Ben asked as he tucked his hands inside his jeans pocket.
You inhaled deeply, "I need a favor."
Phastos started to chuckle, "You guys already roped me into saving the planet, and you wanna ask me for another favor, Y/N?" He asked with annoyance in his tone.
"It's important, Phastos," Druig said sternly as he emerged from the darkness in true Druig fashion. Orla clung to his neck, her small frame shaking from the events of the past few days.
Phastos' jaw dropped as he saw the child protectively wrapped in Druig's arms. There was something about Druig's face that caught the inventor off guard; if he didn't know him as well as he did, he might have missed it. His face was stoic, but his eyebrows ever so slightly were turned up in fear, his lips dipping into a frown. The mind reader was scared.
"While we try to save the world, will Ben watch our daughter?" You asked. Phastos didn't move, his eyes still fixated on the father and daughter standing before him. Ben's face on the other hand immediately softened, gently squeezing his husband's bicep.
"Please, Phastos. She's traumatized, this is the safest place she can be right now," Druig cut in. Phastos didn't miss the quiver in his voice.
Druig tightened his grip around Orla as they all stared at him. At her. He was so tired of the stares and the comments from some of the other Eternals. As soon as Orla ran into her parent's arms after they killed the deviant, they wouldn't stop staring at the little family he was so fond of. He heard all of Kingo and Sprite's mocking remarks, how they couldn't believe he was a father and how their kid must be miserable to have a dad as all doom and gloom as him. Ikaris burned holes into him as he watched and stared at his family on the plane. If Druig could've ripped his eyes from Ikaris' skull he would.
"You had a baby," Phastos whispered in disbelief as the couple took a couple of steps towards you and Druig, "I didn't think it was possible."
You ran your fingers through Orla's wavy brown hair, "We didn't either."
"Of course, I'll take care of her," Ben cooed, stretching his hand out to rub Orla's back gently. Both of you let out a heavy sigh of relief before Druig sat Orla on the ground.
"I don't want you and mommy to go," she whimpered as she clutched the handle to her little backpack.
You two kneel before her, your fingers wiping away her tears. "We don't either, my darling. But we have to keep the world safe," you tell her gently.
"Like in the stories," she sighed, then her bottom lip started to quiver, "are you coming back for me?"
Druig nodded and slipped his wedding ring off his hand. He reached over and took your hand in his, slipping off your own. "Orla, will you take care of these while we're gone? They're really old," Druig asked as he placed the two gold bands into her little hand.
Her eyes widened, "you never take these off," she gasped.
Druig laughed and closed her palm, his strong hand covering hers, "So we have to come back for them. Just like we have to come back for you, m'love."
Phastos watched in awe as you two said your goodbyes, his heart aching as he watched you cry, while Druig held your hand to comfort you. Druig... blew him away. He never pegged him for the fatherly type, but he could see just how much that little girl loved her parents.
As they walked down the street to the awaiting car Phastos turned his attention to the mind reader. "Orla seems like a great kid," he compliments. A proud smile tugged at Druig's lips.
"She's the best, man," Druig told him happily.
"You're a great father," he told him, clapping his leather jacket-clad back. Something inside told Phastos that his friend needed to hear that. And he did, Druig smiled as nudged his shoulder as a wordless thank you.
There was a brief silence before Phastos asked, "Y'all got pictures?"
Druig scoffs while the three parents pull out their phones, "Do we?" You laugh, scrolling through the countless photos you had of Orla. Druig and Phastos laughed and talked as they walked down the street, eyes glued to each other's phones.
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eternalowl · 2 years
Day 2 - First Kiss
Posted on ao3 with the title “I’d rather be dry (but at least I’m alive)”
““It’ll be fine,” he said. “It’s not going to rain at all,” he said. “WE WON’T GET SOAKED AT ALL,” HE SAID,” Thena ranted, gesturing wildly with her hands.
“I’m sorry! I must’ve looked at the wrong day!” Kingo said, trying to defend himself.
“No shit,” Ikaris deadpanned.
“Excuse me, but my CHILD is here.” Phastos glared at Ikaris.
I just wanted to eat my sandwich in peace but then the world just went “Nope. Abso-fucking-lutely d e n i e d”, Makkari complained with a dramatic flair of her wrists.
“Hey Ikaris, how about you fly up there and fight a cloud,” Druig suggested, desperately trying to fight back his laughter.
“Can’t fly, dumba- idiot.”
“That’s it. I’m just going to call an Uber,” Kingo said as he surrendered, throwing his arms up in the air and later pulling his phone out of his pocket.
“Can I go with you?” Ajak asked, her damp hair clinging to her face.
“Sure. Anyone else?”
“I’m not walking out here anymore,” Sprite said, holding her soaked hood above her head.
“Can we join too?” Sersi asked.
“You can, but not Ikaris.”
“I might actually throw YOU into the sky instead of Druig.”
“Fine. You can go too.”
“Good idea on calling an Uber,” Ben said as he took his phone out of his pocket.
“You’re not coming with us?” Kingo asked.
“We’re a family of three and you guys are already trying to shove five people in a car,” Phastos deadpanned.
Can we go with you? Makkari asked for both herself and Druig.
“I guess we’re cramming five people into another car,” Phastos mumbled.
“Thena? Gil? Who are you going with?” Kingo asked.
“I’ll walk in the rain. I’m not a pussy,” Thena said, earning a loud laugh from Gilgamesh.
“Jack, earmuffs,” Phastos said to his son. Jack covered his ears with his hands, imitating earmuffs. “Thena, what the hell? Even Ikaris was able to restrain himself!”
“Oh, so you can swear?” Druig said, sounding slightly agitated.
“Say something like that one more time and you’ll lose the ability to say anything,” Thena said while glaring at Phastos, which earned a laugh from Druig.
“This is why she’s my favorite. Well, my favorite after my beautiful, beautiful Makkari,” Druig said, giving his girlfriend a warm smile and a light peck to the forehead.
“Okay, seriously, how long has that been going on for?” Phastos asked, wildly gesturing to the couple.
“About five days,” Kingo replied.
“Shut your mouth,” Druig said as he glared at the man.
“So mean…”
The Ubers arrived a few minutes later and the others were gone. Thena and Gilgamesh were left to walk alone in the rain.
“You wanted to take the Uber, didn’t you?”
“I just want to be with you.” Hearing that made Gil’s blood rush to his cheeks. “Also, my house isn’t too far from here anyway.”
Gil looked at the street sign. “Hm, I guess I wasn’t paying any attention,” he said with a chuckle.
The two walked slowly in silence for a bit. Thena let her head rest against one of Gil’s broad shoulders.
“Thank you,” Thena said out of nowhere. “For walking me home,” she added a few seconds later.
“No need to thank me; I’m always happy to spend time with you, even if it’s short like this,” Gil said, earning a warm smile from Thena.
About a minute later, Gil looked to the side and at Thena, who was still smiling. Her face was wet and her hair was drenched.
Why does she have to be so beautiful? Gil asked himself before blushing deeply and shaking his head as if to banish the thought.
Before either of them knew it, they were walking up to Thena’s front door. She fished into her pocket and retrieved her keys. She put the key in the door and opened it.
“If you want, you can stay until the rain passes,” Thena offered.
“It’s fine, I have some work to get done so I need to head back to my hotel room anyway.”
“Stop by tomorrow?”
“Of course!”
Thena walked back out and gave Gil a goodbye hug. After a few seconds, they pulled apart. When they pulled apart, Thena didn’t go back into her house. They both stared deeply into each other’s eyes. Eventually, Thena’s eyes drifted down to Gil’s lips. She placed a hand on Gil’s cheek and stood on the tips of her toes. She tilted her head and leaned in, placing and long and soft kiss on his lips and making his eyes widen. Gil then returned her kiss, still surprised at Thena’s sudden action. She wrapped her arms around his neck. One of her hands later made it into his hair as his hands drifted to her back. The rain continued to beat down on them as their need for each other increased. They pulled apart, breathing heavily and lips still centimeters away from each other’s.
After catching their breaths, they went back in. This time, their kisses were filled with hunger. Before anything could escalate to a point beyond return, they pulled away. They stayed close to each other for a little while, breaths mingling in the air between them.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” Thena said as she walked back into her house. She shut her door, leaving a dumbfounded Gilgamesh out in the rain on her doorstep.
Who could have known Thena felt the same way? he thought before he walked away from her front door.
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softquietsteadylove · 3 months
Hey. So for the gladiator AU how about a prince visits the kingdom of Ajak and Thena and wants a traditional gladiator fight between both kingdoms? The prince says both kingdom chooses 3 gladiator and Gil is one of them who gets picked!
He groaned, trying to get back to sleep before the back of a hand nudged his arm.
It sounded like Thena. But it couldn't possibly be the princess in his room, whispering to him on the cusp of sleep. No, that would be madness, and also it was the middle of the night.
"Gilgamesh, please!"
He sighed up at his ceiling. Princess or not, he was not one easy to wake. "He's sleeping."
He heard her sigh. Thena had all the grace and poise expected of royalty, but she also had a slight impatience and impertinence. It was what dragged her to the side of his cot - now a luxurious palace bed - whenever she wanted.
Gil dragged himself up, first to his elbows then to his palms, his arms stretched behind him. He blinked up at her, although she crouched down next to him as soon as she saw he was awake. "Thena, what are you doing here?"
"Refuse to fight."
That was not what he had been expecting. He blinked a little more. It was dark, but there was at least some moonlight coming through the open columns lining the room. "What?"
"I know you were selected to fight against King Tiamut's selection of gladiators--a bunch of Deviants," she rifled off immediately. She was high in energy, probably just finished her many royal meetings and whatever else they demanded of her as the princess. "But you can refuse."
"Refuse?" he repeated, unable to do much else as his mind pulled itself awake. "Thena, I-"
"Gil, please," she pleaded, leaning forward. "I was in meetings all day. But as soon as I heard, I...you can refuse. You're not just a gladiator, you're the captain of them. I--we-"
His eyebrows rose at the near slip.
She cleared her throat. "We selected you to be Captain of the guard so you could retire from fighting after nearly giving your life."
Gil smiled. He had long suspected Thena's part in his promotion and change of station. But it was endearing all the same to have evidence of it (in not so many words). "I am still a gladiator, Thena. It's my job to fight for you, and your mother, and this kingdom. Captain or not, I can't refuse a formal selection."
She sighed again, more sharply this time. She was very well aware of that, had maybe even attempted to argue it already.
"And hey," he said more gently, leaning forward, drawing up his knees to rest against them. "I won't be alone, this time. I don't have to fight the gauntlet by myself, I'll have Kingo, and the new guy."
Kingo was at least an acceptable fighter, she knew, had even exchanged some words with he was sure. He didn't know much about the new guy--he was from some other kingdom. But he was an experienced gladiator.
Thena drew up her head, meeting his eye in a way that was almost defiant seeming. "Our kingdom has many fighters. There is no reason it has to be you."
She was right, in a way. He was the captain of their forces, if anything, he could have his pick of substitutes. And they would be a legitimate choice, picked from his own flock.
"No," he shook his head. She looked at him as he expected, like he had something sprouting from his neck. "I won't, Thena."
"Why not?" she asked of him, her voice growing higher in pitch, tight like a lyre's strings. Her eyes sparkled as a sheen came over them.
"Because I am your Champion." He had pride in that. He had honour in that. He didn't take it lightly that he was the best of the best--the best of their best. He was the one to fight a kingdom's worth of gladiators in the name of the princess.
She huffed, shaking her head at him, a few wisps floating around her sculpted cheeks. "Pride, Gilgamesh, truly?"
"Thena," he corrected. He turned enough to place his hand over her fidgeting ones. "I am your Champion. That means something to me."
Her eyes didn't become less glassy, but something else came over her. He wasn't sure what expression that really was, but he felt completely captivated by it. Her head drifted to the side. "Gil, please, I cannot watch you go through something like that again."
The time he had fought Kro and nearly found himself on death's door, she meant. In fairness, she was right, he had been all but eviscerated in that fight. He had recovered under the queen's watch for weeks, and even now he had scars that looked like traderoads spanning his entire body.
He looked down at their hands. It was unthinkable for him to behave like this with the princess. But it wasn't the first time they had found themselves in such close contact. Whatever relationship he had with Thena, it was more than just a foot soldier and the distant throne.
Thena let him collect her hands into his and bring them to his lips. Her lip trembled, but he held her fingers to his skin. "Thena, I swear to you, I'll win this fight."
She blinked her tears away, although they collected in her long eyelashes like stars stuck on the glittering sea. "I don't want you to promise me that. I want you to swear that you won't put yourself at risk for me."
He kissed her hand again before setting them both down on the bed. "I took an oath to do exactly that. But that doesn't mean I'll risk my life. What did I tell you before I fought Kro?"
She sighed.
But he raised a brow at her expectantly. If he was going to be awakened at this hour then he could at least enjoy his time with her.
Her eyes flitted as she searched her mind. But she peeked at him almost coquettishly. "That you wouldn't let that happen?"
"Close," he promised, entirely too soft on the blonde vision in front of him. He patted her hand again. "You are not the prize--the prize is to see your smile another day."
And there it was, showing itself like the sun through the clouds. She laughed faintly. "That is not a prize."
But it was, and she had no idea how much he treasured it. "To me, it is."
She sighed, but it had lost its tense, sharp edges, coming out more soft and breezy, like the cloth billowing around the columns. "We could make you a diplomat. That would make you completely ineligible for the fight."
He chuckled as well, leaning back again. He really was tired, and he had a fight to start training for at first light. "I'm afraid I'd make a terrible diplomat, my Lady--way too biased."
She laughed more, light and cute. Her eyes drifted downward, and he knew she was tracing the scar that stretched over his chest and down across his body. "Does it hurt?"
He shrugged, even running his fingers over it lightly. "Sometimes when it rains, oddly enough."
She managed a whisper of a smile, but her eyes dimmed. "I remember waiting for you to awaken, much like this. I truly did fear you would never open your eyes again."
He shrugged again, forcing her to look at him. "But I did."
"Thena," he pressed. "I will be fine. You have my word."
He had also given her his word that he would win the fight against Kro--which he did! Although he did make it more by the skin of his teeth than maybe he wanted.
She seemed to accept it, though, nodding and leaning away from the bed's edge. Her hands dragged away from the white linens as if her fingers yearned for him. "Very well, but if you are injured by the time the training has concluded, I reserve the right to alter our choice."
"Fine," he grinned. He tilted his head at her, "that is your right, my Lady."
Thena snorted as she stood, adjusting the white muslin wrapped around her robes for modesty's sake. "There is no need for 'my Lady' here, Gil. I realise I should not have come without your permission. But I had to speak with you before tomorrow."
"I know," he excused easily, easily dismissing his unhappiness with being woken up in the first place. He dashed his eyes down his naked front. "If anything, I'm the indecent one, here."
Thena blinked, staring at his scars once again. Although, it seemed for the first time that she was noticing that seeing his scars had to also mean seeing his bare chest as well. Her jaw bobbed before colour rose in her face to contrast against the blue of the moonlight. "Th-That's--y-you--I-!"
She turned on her heel, walking away with swift steps, although her feet made no sound on the floors.
Gil laid back down once she was gone. He felt completely wide awake, heart pounding, senses screaming. He didn't really have to make that last joke to embarrass the poor lady. But he had to admit, the sight of her cheeks rouged made him feel....alive. He felt that living to see tomorrow was worth any price.
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dreaminginpastels · 3 years
before it’s too late
pairing: druig x gn!eternal!reader
summary: you and druig are the closest of the eternals but self-doubt and misunderstandings have meant that neither of you have made a move.  when a sudden loss shakes the eternals, druig decides that he needs to do something about how he feels…before it’s too late.
warnings: angst and fluff, self-doubt, insecurity, grief and loss, spoilers for the film
reader pronouns: they/them
word count: 2.3k
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You and Druig. Druig and You. That was how it had always been. For the thousands of years that the Eternals had been protecting the Earth, the two of you had been protecting each other. Even your gifts were extremely compatible - mind control and mind reading. Sprite often joked about how even Arishem made you for each other.
You spent each battle side by side, often paired up as the “intellectual” Eternals, and made use of your telepathic connection when faced with even the most intimidating foes.
Okay, I get we’re in the middle of a battle but tell me, did Arishem really have to make the deviants this ugly?
Absolutely not, but my question is why did he have to make Ikaris look like that? I mean, the poor sod!
For someone as aloof and cold as he appeared to everyone else, in your telepathic conversations he never failed to make you laugh. You had found your other half in Druig and often wondered what you had ever done to deserve his friendship. In those moments, you answered yourself with a thousand tons of crushing self-doubt.
Eternals had to be strong, fierce, bold, and brave. You were…not. You always felt inadequate on the battlefield, hopelessly waiting for those with physical gifts to demolish your enemies. You knew that Arishem had made you this way for a reason, but sometimes, when you really thought about it, you wondered why.
It was these moments that encouraged your loneliness, that told you that they deserved better. Druig deserved better. So you never said anything. You never told him how you had felt, convincing yourself that it was better for the Eternals to remain family and to not cross those kinds of emotional boundaries. And then Sersi and Ikaris announced their engagement.
The ceremony was beautiful. The rest of you regarded the bride and groom with pride, positively beaming at their happiness. Deviant battles didn’t discriminate, so you all had to enjoy the happy moments when you could. And this was the happiest moment of all - for everyone else.
After the ceremony, you had all moved to a decorated courtyard filled with beautiful food, glowing fairy lights, and a string ensemble that played while the couple and their guests danced. Sprite was entertaining the guests with stunning illusions, lighting up the area and enchanting them with the tale of Ikaris and Sersi. You, however, sat in a corner by yourself, quietly watching the wedding party with a multitude of emotions swirling inside you.
Makkari noticed your discontent and joined you, asking if you were alright.
“I wish things were different, Makkari.” you signed, watching Sersi and Ikaris slow dance. “I wish I was braver. Like you, you’re like the most badass person ever. Why couldn’t Arishem have made me more like you?”
She frowned, before signing vigorously. “What are you talking about? You’re amazing, and you can read my mind if you don’t believe me. Why would-”
Realisation suddenly dawned on her face. “Wait, is this about Druig?”
You sighed, even his namesign was perfect. A ‘D’ that turned into the sign for ‘know’ - a reference to his gift. You looked over to him, noticed that he was having what looked like a frustrating conversation with Kingo, and caught his eye. He smirked at you from across the room and suddenly his mellifluous voice appeared in your mind.
You look beautiful. Also, your hands are moving ridiculously fast, slow down a little would ya? Give a guy a chance to eavesdrop.
You smiled back and replied, Not a chance.
You asked Makkari to continue your conversation outside, leaving a disgruntled Druig to manage Kingo alone.
“Bro, I’m telling you, you have to do something about this will they/won’t they action you’ve got going with y/n.”
Druig rolled his eyes. “Kingo, I really don’t have time for your shit right now. You’ve been berating me on this point for literally thousands of years. I’ll tell them when I’m ready to tell them.”
Kingo prepared for the next round of debate when Gilgamesh walked over to where they were sitting and took a seat between them.
“Uh, big guy, we were having a conversation here.” Kingo quipped.
“I know,” Gilgamesh replied. “And now it’s finished. I need to talk to Druig.”
Kingo begrudgingly stood up and headed over to the drink table. “Ugh fine, you guys are no fun. Phastos, I swear if you don’t get your butt on the dance floor…”
Druig turned to Gilgamesh. “Thank you, he was driving me insane.”
“Hey, don’t thank me too soon, I agree with Kingo.”
“Oh great, can’t wait to hear this one.” Druig snarked in reply.
“Listen, Druig, I get it. It’s terrifying to take that leap and tell someone special how you feel about them. The fact that we’re Eternals makes no difference, that’s an eternity of suffering if your confession ruins things-”
“Wow, this is doing wonders for my confidence, thanks Gil.”
“Hear me out.” Gilgamesh continued, “Thena is the love of my life. I would do anything for her. I would give my life for her. And I know that you would do the same for y/n in a heartbeat. What we don’t know, Druig, is how much time we have. And I care about you both too much to watch you suffer for eternity because the two of you would rather lay down your life than have a simple conversation. Believe me, you want to do something about this before it’s too late.”
Druig sighed, reluctantly rubbing his neck before nodding thoughtfully. “I hear you, Gil. Thanks.”
In the time after Sersi and Ikaris got married, your bond with Druig deepened. You spent more time together outside of battles, and on the days that your doubt suffocated you, all it would take was a playful nudge and smirk from him for your worries to wash away.
Druig made you feel safe. He was your home. Which was why it tore you apart when he abandoned the Eternals, and you, that day in Tenochtitlan. He had given you one final emotion-laced look before descending those stairs without so much as a Goodbye, beautiful as he went.
In the years that followed, you thought of him often. You were immensely grateful for Makkari for being a shoulder to cry on and the biggest support on the nights that your loneliness consumed you. It truly felt like you had lost a part of yourself, and Makkari, through gentle compassion and encouragement had helped you find it again through reading and learning.
You were finally happy and settled into your ‘new life’ when the rest of the Eternals arrived at the Domo. They brought with them two devastating updates - the truth about your creation and purpose, and the news that Gilgamesh had sacrificed his life for Thena.
Overwhelmed with the emotion of seeing your family again, learning that Gilgamesh had died and that you were a puppet in Arishem’s game, you did what you always did - turned to Druig for any little crumb of comfort - only to find that his eyes wouldn’t meet yours.
Standing in the Domo, Druig didn’t know how to feel. He had convinced himself that he was ready to see you again. Ready to explain his actions, to apologise for abandoning you all those years ago. But then he saw that you had spent all these years with Makkari. Years that you should’ve spent by his side. He watched the way that you crumbled into her arms and sobbed as you learned of Gilgamesh’s passing.
Gil. The last words he had spoken to him at Sersi and Ikaris’ wedding echoed again and again in his mind.
“You want to do something about this before it’s too late.”
And he hadn’t. He’d let you go like a coward. And he had regretted it every day that he had been away.
Now he couldn’t even bring himself to look at you, too ashamed of his actions.
A while later, the group had split up to settle back into the Domo and to prepare for what was to come. Druig sat alone in the hull. He couldn’t even bring himself to explore the various items Makkari and y/n had amassed over the years. It was just a reminder of the time they had spent together bonding and getting closer. A reminder that y/n didn’t need him anymore. They were currently sitting with Makkari across the hull from him, laughing and making the most of what happiness the two of them could muster given the latest news.
“Ah, I see you still enjoy tormenting yourself by watching y/n from afar. You haven’t changed, bro.”
Druig sighed. “Kingo, if you’re here to make me feel even worse, you’ve got a task ahead of you.”
Kingo turned to him, a serious expression on his face. “Druig, I’m saying this because I love you. We’re on the verge of the biggest battle we’ve ever faced. We have no idea if we’re going to make it out of this. If any of us are going to. Will you please listen to me for once and get your stubborn ass over there?”
Druig took a deep breath. “I-I don’t even know what to say to them. I mean, they look so happy with Makkari, and all I’d bring them is more misery and hopelessness. They could do so much better than a sarcastic loner like me. Besides, I abandoned all of you that day. They’ll never look at me the same. I betrayed them.”
“Hey,” Kingo began forcefully, grabbing Druig’s shoulders and looking him straight in the eye. “You are way more than a sarcastic loner. You have a brilliant mind and deep inside that stubborn, sarcastic exterior is a lovable goof that deserves to be loved as much as the rest of us. You two are perfect for each other. I’ve never seen you happier than when you’re together. Either of you. I think you’re making a mistake you’ll regret for the rest of your potentially short life if you don’t go over there and at least talk to them. I’m not asking for Shakespearean levels of wooing, I’m asking you to try.”
Druig sighed in defeat. Looking over, he locked eyes with y/n. God, he missed those eyes. Crystal clear and able to convey a million different emotions in one glance.
He smirked.
Hi beautiful. I missed you.
As Druig made his way over, Kingo turned to Karun, “Did you get that? See, I can do sincerity!”
“Very good, sir.”
Makkari noticed Druig approach and stood up, the two of them sharing a smile as they traded places.
He had only sat next to y/n for a second when they suddenly pulled him into a hug. He smiled, holding them tight as he relished the feeling of them in his arms. Where they belonged.
As they pulled away, they wiped gentle tears from their eyes. “I’m sorry, I’ve just missed you so much.”
“y/n, darling, you don’t have anything to be sorry for.”
Druig took a deep breath, “I want to apologise. I was an idiot and a coward and I shouldn’t have left the way I did. But hey, I guess something good came from it, huh? I’m so happy for you and Makkari. You’re wonderful together, and you deserve to be happy.”
Y/n eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Me and…Makkari?”
Suddenly they erupted with laughter, the joyful sound echoing through the Domo. “You thought-you think Makkari and I are…together? Oh man, I’ve missed your humour. Wow, that was a good laugh!”
“Wait, you’re not dating?”
It took all of Druig’s strength to not jump for joy as y/n shook their head in amusement. Instead he settled for a broad smile. The flood of relief and hope that he felt was unmatched, but was soon replaced with butterflies. He knew what he needed to do.
“y/n, I need to tell you something and I really need for you to hear me out, okay?”
When they nodded, he took their hands in his again, pausing at the sight of their enchanting eyes looking timidly up to meet his.
“God, you’re gorgeous.” he muttered under his breath before steadying himself and continuing.
“y/n, you mean everything to me. You’re my other half, the best thing in my life without question. I’ve wanted to tell you how I feel for you for literally thousands of years but I always talked myself out of it because you’re galaxies out of my league. That’s why I didn’t say goodbye - I had convinced myself that you were better off without me. But a good man once told me that we never know how much time we have left so we shouldn’t put off telling those we care about how special they are to us. We don’t know what’s going to happen with the Emergence but I do know that I don’t want to spend another minute of my life having not told you that you’re my everything. You’re the stars in a dark and cloudy night, you’re what I fight for. You are my reason for being. y/n, I love you. I’ve always loved you. And I’m so sorry that I left it this late to tell you.”
Tearing up, they squeezed Druig’s hands tight. “Oh Druig, I don’t know what to say. I’ve always loved you as well. I kept my feelings for you to myself because I was sure that you deserved someone better, a stronger, braver, more capable Eternal. I wish that you could see yourself the way I see you because then you’d know that you’re the most brilliant, hilarious, caring person I’ve ever known. I wish we had more time but if you’ll have me, you’re all I could ever want and more. You’re my person.”
“Darlin’, I’ll be your person for as long as we have.”
Druig leaned forward and tentatively placed a gentle kiss to your lips. As he pulled away, he looked up to the sky and smiled.
Thank you Gil, I hope you’re proud.
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a/n: druig has quickly found his place in my heart as one of my absolute favourite fictional characters and boy did this hurt my soul to write. I hope you enjoy it and please feel free to request (especially if it’s my sweet boy) 🤎
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chiefdirector · 2 years
Could I request Druig x Makkari x female eternal reader who has Weather control powers headcanons please :)
Dating Druig and Makkari with weather manipulation powers headcanons
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I’m building from these headcanons for an eternal!reader dating Druig and Makkari
Your abilities, whilst they can be used in combat, are best used to help establish and aid humans across the world
You spend most of your time subtly helping communities that had been effected by droughts or floods or just poor weather in general
But doing this takes a lot of your time so you don’t see your lovers as much as you would like too
Druig does insist on you coming to his hidden village whenever your in the country
Makkari comes and finds you whenever she is out looking for an artifact for her collection
Speaking of which, whenever you and Makkari find yourself in an open space (think beaches or fields) you both see how much faster she can go aided by you creating a gust of wind
(Spoiler: you brought the sound barrier and Ajak made you both promise to never do it again)
(Spoiler: you did it again the next week)
Kingo tried to get you to do the special effects for his movies whenever he sees you.
Sersi also asks for your help when she is rebuilding communities stricken by hard times. The two of you became quite close in doing this
All in all, loving the two of them is chaotic. Add in weather manipulation makes it worse. But you wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Masterlist | Buy me a coffee?
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brelione · 3 years
Messy Christmas Party (Eternals X Reader)
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It felt silly, sending out invitations after all these years.
But you still had a bit of hope
You made them look nice, smelling of pine with golden seals and pretty writing.
You included an address and a small map in case they had trouble finding your cabin along with a little PS saying not to feel pressured to come
The first answer you received was from Makarri. The leaves around your house were all mixed up and the snow looked as though it had been plowed through. It was more than safe to assume that she had decided to personally deliver her response.
Sersi was the second to write back and you could see how her excitement had translated into writing. The letters were messy and written down quickly, stating that she would be more than happy to come and that she would be bringing her fiance, Dane. 
The second response you received was from Gilgamesh. He said that he and Thena would be coming and they would be bringing a wagon of baked goods with them.
That put a smile on your face. Gil’s response had been very important for you. Of course you loved him but you also love his cooking.
Two more envelopes came in three days before Christmas. One from Kingo, stamped with a K and full of glitter so that when you opened it a trail of shimmer covered your pants. The second envelope was from Ikaris. It was short and blunt, saying that he might just drop in.
The day of the party you waited anxiously, still in your warm pajamas with a feast cooked up. Salads, a ginormous ham, fresh bread and biscuits, butter you had made yourself, juice, liquor, tea, coffee. Anything and everything. Christmas music plays throughout your cottage from a record that Phastos had sent you along with an indestructible record player. 
Makarri was obviously there first. Before the sun had even come up you heard a light knock on your door, the beautiful eternal on the other side. You immediately hugged her, excited to see eachother after so long. She plucked a hot biscuit from a plate, signing a review as she finished it. 
You didnt expect Phastos or Druig to show up. Really, going into this you tried to keep your expectations low just in case anyone forgot or just didnt feel like coming. But damn, did they deliver.
Phastos and his husband had come in a car that you couldnt recognize which meant that Phastos probably built it himself. It had no problem getting through the mountains and is that a flat screen tv and a snack bar in the back?
His husband had brought a loaf of blueberry bread,handing it to you shyly. You showed them around and told them to feel free to put whatever they wanted on the tv. Which for them meant watching Christmas Chronicles. Not a bad choice. 
Sersi, Dane and Sprite got there at 10 pm sharp just as the invitation said. Dressed in coats and scarves, Sprite lunging at you the second you opened the door. “Oh thank fucking god i’ve had to listen to them all day on the way here.”She says, kicking off her shoes and helping herself to blueberry loaf. 
It didnt take long for everyone to catch up, sharing their adventures and introducing spouses and making future plans. Somehow Dane ended up getting an invite to Phastos and Ben’s next spa trip since they all agreed that they needed some more time to relax.
Dane was a little too nice, complimenting everything about the house. 
Makarri scanned the pictures on your walls, waving you over when she saw a picture of Druig. Which shouldn’t be possible since cameras weren’t around the last time you all saw each other. It had been from twenty-something Christmas’ ago, faded and poor quality as he stared blankly at the camera with a Christmas hat clinging to his forehead. The one next to it made you grin since he had finally given up his act and burst into laughter.
Speaking of, a knock on your door pulled you away from the wall. Tall and in all black he stood in the doorway, a small smile on his face. “Really, you’ve outdone yourself.”He comments, stating he could hear the shouting of Christmas carols from a mile away.
Every time he looks anywhere you immediately feel yourself getting nervous, getting his attention elsewhere
Its 11:30 when you hear a loud thump from outside and a Scottish voice shout to open the door
A tree comes through before he does, Ikaris standing with a blank expression and a Santa hat on
“We aren’t dressing up, are we?”He asks as everyone laughs
He puts the tree down and goes to shut the door when I hand stops him, Gilgamesh and Thena coming through dressed to impress. Red and green velvet elves, not bad. And a wagon of treats and potatoes behind them as promised.
And its twelve when you’re all hushed by Makarri who feels the vibrations of more footsteps
Well, Kingo and six cameras.
“These are my friends!”He says, opening the door and stepping right in. “Kingo, the movie star. Cant step out of the spotlight for a second, can you?”Druig asks. Oh, leave it up to him to stir up family drama. 
Ikaris sits like an elephant in the room, not talking to Dane or Sersi, rather keeping to himself until you call time for the feast
Most of the sounds are then just the sound of chewing and laughter
Well, until someone throws a potato at Irish man
“Ikaris.”You warn.
You get many compliments on your cooking along with a lot of requests for you to cook all the time. “Really, why haven’t we gotten together more?”Kingo asks, swallowing a mouthful of corn. “Because we’ve been everywhere but together.”You respond. Silence fills the room, broken by Sersi. “So why not get together every couple of holidays? I’m sure your fans could wait, Kingo.”She says. “Well, I guess now’s a good time to mention,”Phastos says, gaining everyone’s attention. He looks to his husband for support, taking his hand as they explain that they are planning on adopting. Everyone is happy for him, even Ikaris although he seems to be slightly bitter. “And you’ll let me be the number one babysitter, right?”You ask. “No, that would be me.”Thena says softly. Phastos chuckles, pointing to you. “I’ve got you on speed dial for when I need it. And you could make a huge feast for the birthday party, obviously.”He says. “Obviously.”You repeat. “And maybe one for my birthday.”Dane says jokingly. You frown, nodding. “I forget that some of us here have birthdays, all more reason to celebrate.”You say, taking a sip of cider. “Well i just gave myself a birthday.”Phastos says. Sersi hums, nodding as well. “Me as well, for an instagram account.”Kingo replies. “Pick a good one.”Gil says.
“Well how old do you say you are?”You ask Kingo. “Thirty-five as far as everyone is concerned.”He says, making Sprite crackle. “No way in hell!”She shouts. “What? I don’t look thirty-five?”He asks. “Dane is 35.”Sersi says, grinning.
After the age discourse, you settled on a birthday. 9/3/93.
“That wont work, you don’t look old.”Sprite says, making everyone laugh once more.
Then came time for presents, not that they knew that of course.
A bag and a box for each of them. A first edition copy of Emma by Jane Austen for Makarri, a new green sweater for Sersi that you had made yourself, a gold ring for both Phastos and his husband with sapphire stones, an 1800’s painting for Dane, leather arm cuffs for Druig since he always liked to look cool and proper, some gorgeous emerald moon earrings for Makarri, art supplies for Ikaris, a new white gown for Thena and an old fashioned cookbook for Gil, bound in leather.
 ‘Now this, this is just divine.’Thena says, taking in every detail of the gown.
‘Fluffy raspberry chocolate dipped macarons, that sounds like something I should keep in mind.’
‘Did you make these rings yourself?’
‘Goats fur paintbrushes?’
‘Is this a vangogh?’
‘How’d you estimate my wrist size so perfectly?’
These earrings are fabulous
Let’s just say there were many more messy Christmas parties to come
With a little note at the end of the invite that said it was not in fact a bring your own Christmas tree event
@i-am-the-1930s  @thorinslittlebitch​  @uwiuwi  @slytherin-shitposts  @jordynanderson9 
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euphoniumpets · 3 years
Family Reunion | Druig x reader
Summary: you and Druig have always been close to each other and thought nothing but as a close friend. Having the powers that could drain life from your hands and being banished because you accidentally killed a human being, Ajak didn't have a choice but make you leave the family. Years after when Ajak is dead and the deviants are back, you are the last one they needed.
Requested?: Yes by @sergntbarnes.
A/N: I decided to make the reader have a different powers instead of ice and or fire. I hope it was okay and i hope it is possible for the reader having the power of death??
Warnings: violence, trauma, mentions of death, angst.
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You didn't understand why Arishem created you like this. For years, you've tried to understand your powers. Tried to control them whenever you touched something, but they would always leave the scent of death.
That's why you hated physical touch. When people would try to touch you by accident, you would flinch away from them. Druig would always understand how you would think.
That's why you liked him in the first place. No matter if he could catch a glimpse of you, he would always know what you think. The two of you had a bond like no one had in the family. He would always try and make you laugh, comfort you when you would ask questions about why Arishem created you. You would always think of yourself as a monster that drained people from being alive, but Druig was always there to comfort you.
But not when you accidentally killed someone.
It was one rule that you had when all of you were surrounded by humans. You weren't allowed to have bare hands since Ajak was afraid that you would use your powers. That they would turn against you because of your powers.
You thought they would understand because you didn't want to hurt anyone. ''Please, you have to understand, it wasn't my fault,'' You begged Ajak, her eyes drifted towards the poor innocent child in front of you, laying dead.
''I didn't want to hurt her.'' You begged her with tears in your eyes. Your eyes drifted towards your family behind her. You saw that they didn't want to meet your eyes.
''I know, but I can't let you do this anymore,'' Ajak responded with sympathy. ''It was a mistake-'' You tried to reason, but you stopped when you saw her made the decision.
''Druig?'' You pleaded. You looked at him as you saw his gaze on the floor like the rest of your family. For years, you thought they would be your family, they always supported you but not this time.
''Are you sure about this?'' Ikaris questioned with uncertainly behind his voice. He stared at the small house on the hill that stood silently and watched them from afar.
''Last time we talked to her was when Ajak banished her...'' Ikaris responded and looked at the rest of them gathering around them.
''Let me go first, maybe she will talk to me,'' Sersi replied.
''Why do you think that she will go through you?'' Druig questioned as she looked at him. ''Because she trust me, it took a while to gain her trust back after everything,'' She told him. Sersi walked towards the house as Kingo, Sprite, Ikaris, Druig, Thena, and Gilgamesh were down.
Sersi stared at the door before knocking on it. ''Y/N? Are you home? It's Sersi,'' She called out. ''I just want to talk,'' She replied and tried to knock again but received no answer. She let out a sigh before she thought of a moment.
Walking behind the house, she saw a familiar figure in front of her. She smiled when she saw you cutting a three-branch and placing it in your basket.
''Y/N,'' Sersi responded before looking at the cherry tree. ''It's beautiful, you always had a thing with plants,''
''I never understood why,'' Sersi replied with a light chuckle. You looked at her, unfazed. ''You brought them here,'' You told her. She looked at you with guilt. ''Listen-''
''And I told you not to,'' You cut her off.
''I know,'' Sersi responded. ''But it is important,'' You scoffed at her and placed the scissor down. ''Last time I remember, I wasn't involved with your superhero needs,'' You scowled at her.
''Ajak is dead,'' She blurted out. You stood frozen for a while before you looked at her with an unreadable expression. ''The deviants are back and we need you, Y/N,''
''Your the only one who has the power enough to kill them,'' Sersi replied. ''I may have the power to kill them, but that doesn't mean I'm going to use them on you if you're not leaving,'' You threatened her.
''Y/N, please...'' Sersi begged. ''Don't do this,'' She pleaded with you and began to step away. You tilted your head towards her and smirked.
''I'm going to stop if you're not leaving,'' You warned her as your eyes began to glow. Sersi looked at you before you and before you could attack her, you could hear someone scream your name. ''Y/N, stop!'' Druig used his powers as he pushed Sersi out of his way.
You stopped as you looked at Druig. You scoffed as you saw your family standing in front of you. ''I said stop,'' He replied and stepped closer. ''This will be your final warning,'' You told them as you looked at Gilgamesh, Thena, Sprite, Ikaris, and Sersi before walking away back to the house.
''So, what the hell are we doing now?'' Sprite asked them. Druig let out a sigh as he watched you walk back towards the house. He understood you more than anyone could and he knew that he could fix the bond between you.
''I will go and talk to her,'' He responded before following after you, leaving them with confused expressions.
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