#Poor bird :(
yellosnacc · 1 year
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I humanized some of the creatures. Hope nobody expected cute or not-chad-face-snake stuff. Didn't do all of them and not sure if I will but thank you for every idea. It was a funny little adventure.
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I did not draw most of their legs as I'm lazy.
This also made me realize that pugs (dogs) are half the way to humanization with that extra flat face. I guess?
I like the little rodent in the corner. Friendly.
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jaubaius · 1 year
There's a choking the chicken joke here.
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elitehanitje · 5 months
Peacock Power Dysfunction
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draco-glacialis · 4 months
Sara: So are we flirting right now?
Sara: That doesn’t answer my question
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efraart-mix · 7 months
"Nobody likes me everybody hates me"
Quaquaval under the spotlight of the hate 😢😞
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godofthestupid · 19 days
today after work I saw a bird helplessly trying to fly back up from where it had landed on the road
after I made sure that neither I nor the bird would get hit by a car I picked it up and tried to think of how best to help it but couldn't really come up with something
it had probably hit its head or neck pretty badly because it couldn't move it that much anymore
the best thing I could come up with was to place the bird in a safer area with clover and wild flowers so that if it attempted to fly again it would land on grass and soft plants instead of concrete but still,I feel bad for not being able to do more than that
I truly hope that the bird was just a bit disoriented and could fly again after I left
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elementclangen · 4 months
Moon 72-Newleaf
In another blow to the Clan, Bird (101) was found dead near a fox den.  It’s clear the fox killed him.  The Clan grieves the loss of another clanmate so soon after Shardfrost, but Bird wasn’t super close to anybody in the Clan.  The biggest impact is on Sunjaw (14) who noticed the discrepancy in the grief for the hyper-powered cat versus the powerless cat.  It makes her feel like she isn’t valued as much as her clanmates, or even her sister and father.  That hurts.  Rosemaryquake (29) has been trying to get along with Bushmask (73).  It’s not going great, but at least he’s being considerate of her.  Sunflower (136) is still trying to comfort Stonefreckle (55).  It’s going better this moon, and Stonefreckle appreciates the elder.  Yuccastar (51) is still questioning her leadership, and her Healer.  She feels like Brightfalcon (115) is hiding something from her.  But what?  She tells Airclaw (14) to use her wind powers to eavesdrop on the senior Healer  (Seeming to forget that she also has air powers.  Oh well).  Meanwhile, Darkpetal (111) is suddenly struck by just how busy Brightfalcon is, and how much she does for the Clan.  What would they do without her?  
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martlet-of-snowdin · 5 months
A small box with a slice of blueberry pie was left for Martlet, along with a note, written in cursive, but still legible.
“Hello Feathers!
Unfortunately, I had something come up last night so I wasn’t able to join the sleepover, but I got you some pie to make up for it. :}”
“- Moray”
- @poisson-rapier
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◀︎◀︎───────────────── ⁛❄️⁛ ────────────────▶︎▶︎
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valleynix · 10 months
Omg wait what if Reader time travelled in this reality and tried to save Eva? If it's even possible in the slightest and they can go that far (I'm not sure to what extent that ability works). And not that it would actually work, she'd most likely die somehow regardless 😭 but just the idea.
I'm afraid it'd also mess up the timeline if it was successful
it probably wouldn’t work too well and would absolutely fuck up the entire timeline of events (like… the Dimitrescus probably wouldn’t exist as we know them and likely wouldn’t have met), and then Reader would be stuck there until they died or become another Miranda (an old, moldy, and tired bird). but it’s a super interesting idea! they do have the potential to fix things for the better, even at the sacrifice of their own happiness
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vergina-spva · 1 year
18 with a rarepair or anomalypoly
OTP asks
Okay, so before checking which question it is, I decide to pick Heat/Shachi/Wire for this, because that's what I'm currently writing for.
18: How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
Hehehehe. You know they have a cat. In any AU where they'd live together, they'd get a cat. One. Maybe they get a bird too. Like, a canary or a budgie, but... that might not have been their best idea. One day the bird mysteriously goes missing...
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ashestoshadows · 1 year
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“Fly, bitch”
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waluijoe · 5 months
a bird flew right into my mom's window i got so scared and i stepped out to see if he was alright and he spent two entire minutes spitting blood, and i stayed with him and pet him and he died right under my hands i'm so sad
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bigfatbreak · 9 days
Birds of a Feather previous / next
tw: blood
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froglover1312 · 1 year
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Lan Wangji might be an unstoppable force, but Xie Lian has 800+ years of practice of being an immovable object.
(poll results here for context)
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hoot-alex · 3 months
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