#Pose Skeleton - Music
forgetfuleel · 2 years
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hearts are empty almost all the time
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heartpiratedrabbles · 7 months
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Prompt: Sanji starts treating you differently from normal and it's taking a toll. It all comes to a head when you get hurt.
~~ Part 2
Sanji X Fem Reader
You’d been on board the Sunny for a while now. Enough to know all your crew mates’ personalities. Enough to brace for impact when you hear your captain yell your name, strike a pose when the shipwright yells super, even joining the helmsmen to meditate every now and then. Reading a book just to discuss it with Robin or discussing fashion with Nami. Eagerly sitting and listening to Usopp’s stories, or waking the swordsman up for dinner, even along to music played by a Skeleton were common days for you. Chopper loving your company in the med bay when you sneak him more Candy than the chef would like.
         And then there was the chef. The curly browed, blonde-haired chef. You had heard warnings of him before joining the crew, how his nose bleeds came from his perverted thoughts. How he doted on any female in his sights. Even Nami had pulled you to the side to tell you how to kick or slap him away if you felt it got to much. Robin giving the advice to just ignore it.
         The first couple of weeks you had proven those rumors true. Sanji would go out of his way to make sure you felt comfortable, making you snacks and drinks constantly and praising the very land you stood on. At first you were taken aback by it, but quickly realized that it was just who he was. He treated you the same as Nami and Robin and it brought you comfort that, while a little strange, it wasn’t different from others.
         You’d even join him to help prep the food or wash the dishes, he protested at first, but never truly tried to stop you. The gentle humming you’d hear as you peeled the vegetables or set the table would sometimes make your heart skip a beat. He’d always turn around to have you taste his food prematurely, his cooing as you gladly took the spoonful.
         Maybe that was your problem. Maybe you had fallen too hard for the stupid chef. Going out of your way to wake up earlier to help him with breakfast, or staying up late at night to see him prepare a snack for your gluttonous captain. Making sure you could spend as much of your precious time with him while attempting to make it seem like a coincidence.
         But now here you were, staring at the man cooking with his back turned to you. It started about 2 months ago. His indifference to your presence. The way he’d barely glance at you, sharing only the bare minimum of words needed to not ignore you completely. The silence in the kitchen hung on your heart as you stared at the back of the chef in front of you. It started slow, but now it was hard to avoid. Sanji had just asked you to stop coming to his kitchen. His voice had been low, and he hadn’t even turned his head to talk to you, You swallowed the lump in your throat, deciding not to speak as you listen to his words.
         Deciding to go to the aquarium instead. It’d be quiet there around this time of day, with the rest of the crew distracted in their own daily routines. Holding your breath as to not let a single cry out as your chest burned. You sat against one of the couches, staring at the fish swimming buy thinking about what happened.
You noticed right away when he stopped fawning over you, the praising tones towards Robin and Nami seemingly falling flat as he would turn to you. And you noticed how the dishes and drinks you got no longer were presented with perfection, often getting a closer presentation to Luffy or Zoro. The sing-song voice slowly turning mono-tone towards you over the weeks. Last week he had stopped talking to you in the kitchen, opting instead to just place your task on the opposite end of the kitchen from him but still saying thanks as you finished.
You brought your knees to your chest, biting your lip hard to remain quiet as his last words to you echo in your mind. The dry tone telling you to leave. You could feel your nails starting to break the skin on your palm and the subtle taste of copper on your tongue. Maybe you weren’t welcomed. Maybe everything had been an illusion and Sanji was just the first one to give up the act.
You were quickly snapped out of your mind with the sudden jerk of the ship, falling at the unmistakable feeling of a cannon ball hitting. Your mind going into action mode, forgetting all about your feelings as you go to the deck. The captain and his wings were already on the attack as Franky was switching the ships mode for battle, and you join the line-up to help the fight.
At one-point Marines had started to board the ship. You fought them off as quickly as the came aboard, slashing and dodging as fast as you could. At one point you had been surrounded, a marine attempting to disarm you by grabbing your wrist, forcing you to turn away from most of the enemies before you fell to the ground. You broke free from the grasp quickly enough, slashing at their ankles as you stand back up. The blood in your veins burning as the fight raged on.
         By the end of it, everyone was exhausted. 5 marine ships surrounding the Sunny in hopes to sink it. The adrenaline had kicked in quickly for you with the shaking of the ship and the movement of fighting. You breathe out a huge sigh of relief as Zoro and Sanji take care of the stragglers, throwing them overboard as you slump against the mast, sinking into the grass beneath. Now that the fight was over it was harder to breathe.
         Franky and Usopp going to fix the ship right away, as Jimbei jumped in the water to see if there was damage to the hull. Chopper complained about the smell of blood but chocked it up to the marines Zoro took care of as Nami and Robin whisked him away to clean up in the bathhouse. You glance up as Zoro heads to the crows’ nest to keep watch for a bit while Brook follows Luffy and Sanji into the dining hall, the captain yelling for food.
         Standing up, you notice a stain of red on the mast and grass from where you sat. You felt the shreds of your shirt on your back when you fell but now you could feel the warm liquid dripping down your back and legs. The stinging pain hitting you as you try to straighten your back a bit more, before quickly heading to the med-bay.
         You could hear through the walls Sanji yelling at Luffy to not eat raw meat as you grabbed some bandages and anti-septic. You didn’t want to bother Chopper, Robin had probably made a bubble bath for the cotton-candy lover. It took longer than you would have thought to find the bottle that was sure to sting, and grabbed a clean cloth, wetting it with the liquid. The cheerful laughter in the other room ringing around you as you prepare yourself to clean the wound you couldn’t see.
         You tried turning your head to look in the mirror but only felt light-headed when you saw how much blood was coming out, your flayed skin curling back from the center of the cuts. Seeing the glimpse of how bad it was seemed to also fully awaken your body to how much it hurt as all of your muscles tensed, every movement now seemingly shooting unbearable pain through your body. You can’t seem to fully move yourself anymore as your throat tightens enough to stop your breathing.
         Sanji left the kitchen after feeding his wild animal of a Captain. Opting for a smoke after the battle was over. It was tougher than he’d like to admit and he was in a foul mood as Zoro had defeated 3 more marines than him. Walking around a bit to lean on a railing while staring at the half-sunken ships now far behind them.
         Everyone should be in their normal post-battle routines, Food on the table for those who needed the energy, some fixing anything that needed it or cleaning any messes about. And of course, the women and Chopper taking an extra bath to rid themselves of any sprayed blood, dirt, or gunpowder.
Dinner would be soon but Sanji still had a good amount of time before he had to truly start any prep. Especially recently with your help, what would normally take him an hour had been cut down to half that… Smoke blew out past his lips as he remembers how he told you to stop helping just earlier that day. How you hadn’t even responded to him, the silence hanging heavily in the air before he heard your soft footsteps and the door opening and closing. It was for the best that you stayed away, after all he-
         “Hey Sanji, have you seen Y/N? She didn’t join us for a bath.” Nami walked by with slightly damp hair, distracting Sanji from his current thought. He turns around offering her his full attention, shaking his head to her question as he fawned over her new outfit.
Robin holding Chopper who seemed to have fallen asleep, “Perhaps she was too tired to join us. She hasn’t been sleeping well.” The suggestion seemed plausible, at this point everyone knew how you’d walk the ship for hours at night to try and wade your insomnia away. Chopper had even tried giving you some medicine for it, but was woefully out of the primary ingredient needed. Even Sanji had altered your meals to have no caffeine or ingredients that would promote sleep. Not that he’d ever tell you. It came naturally to shift dietary needs to the person no other reason to it.
Nami and Robin starts walking away just as Nami steps in a puddle, “Ew, Sanji didn’t you guys clean the deck? There’s still blood everywhere.”
“I’ll get right on it Nami-swan~” The reaction was immediate and they continued to walk away. But Sanji looks down, he could have sworn he saw Usopp cleaning the deck earlier. Frowning a bit as he sees it’s a trail. A stupid Marine must be hiding on board. Badly at that. The least they could do is hide the fact that they’re bleeding.
Following the trail of still wet drops of blood, some larger pools and some streaks until he’s in front of the med-bay door. Kicking the door open to find their apparent intruder, his foot catching a flame as he peered inside. But instead of seeing a badly injured marine, he saw you. Your frozen stare into the mirror behind you, your arms in the air as your pale face turned towards the startling noise. His cigarette falling from his lips as his leg falters.  He sees a cloth and a fallen bottle of anti-septic, pooling around your feet mixing with blood that was a shade to dark. Glancing back up to the mirror to see the horrific scene on your back as you let out two anguished gasps before falling.
Sanji lunges forward, barely catching you from falling on the floor as he calls for help. Quickly placing you face down on the bed, grabbing anything to apply pressure to the gushing gashes, quick footsteps getting closer as his mind started to race.
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peachfreak1750 · 4 months
Pyro = can make anything flammable (somehow?) and always has lighter fluid on them. Wet wood? No problem! Flame retardant? NO PROBLEM!
Sniper = Can fall asleep anywhere.. Anywhere. He can literally climb anything sometimes even smooth surfaces like a fucking goat!
Medic = Knows random facts about the bodies and skeletons of many different animals and bugs. He was that kid who killed bugs on the ground in the school yard. He also always has needles on him. Where are these needles? Everywhere.
Spy = Uses all types of knives and can throw any knife hatchet or blade and it lands perfectly every time! The one thing is that he can’t aim perfectly with is a fucking gun. I think he hates them.
Demo = Family guy dead pose.
Engineer = Somehow always has a guitar on him idk where it always is he just pulls that shit out of mid air. He can make anything out of literally nothing, give him one wire and some shards of glass in the middle of the woods and he’ll make a light bulb.
Heavy = Can break **anything** with the right amount of force. Heavy has amo on him at all times his pocket always full. I think he also always has change on him, he has so many quarters.
Soldier = He can eat anything and not die. He has so many pieces of led in his hand from when he was a kid he would stab his pencil into his hand. This man can break anything on his body, Engie usually uses him as a bottle opener.
Scout = This man has so many pairs of shoes, this mother fucker goes through that shit way to fast. I also thick to avoid untied shoe laces he has velcro shoes. Also he shockingly knows how to play the guitar because he hangs out with Engie too much, but he can only play by ear because he ain’t ever reading sheet music.
*spy to his new side kick teaching them how to be a little thief*
Spy: Now be carful with Medic he’s a tough one.
Newbie: is it because he is really observant?
Spy confused: What? No, he has needles in his fucking pockets.
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osleeplessflowero · 4 months
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"Don't follow me, you'll end up in my arms.."
Time for some more Dust appreciation. :)
Oneshot Masterpost * Notes: - Gender Neutral Reader - Part of the Bad Sanses collection
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Alone With You
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It's truly a lovely night. The stars twinkle overhead in the sky, the moon shining its natural spotlight over Nightmare's castle. A mission had gone quite well a few hours prior in the day, so you suggested the idea of having a little party to celebrate such a feat. With slight reluctance, you managed to get the others to agree.
So here you are, currently decorating the living room while Killer lifts you using his magic, your soul covered in a pretty shade of blue that illuminates the space around you. With a smile, you finish taping up a banner, and give him a thumbs up so he puts you back down onto the ground. Your legs wobble slightly as you land, adjusting yourself by grabbing onto one of the various couches.
"alright, you got this area pretty much covered. like i genuinely can't find a spot you didn't overly decorate." Killer grins, looking at your handiwork. Well, he's right: the room is covered from head to toe with party decorations, a few boxes of supplies now empty. Nightmare shakes his head at your antics as he watches from his favorite chair, legs crossed.
"And you'll be the ones to clean it up when this is over. Right?" He silently warns, a challenging smirk on his face. Killer gulps comically, letting out a sheepish laugh. You nudge his shoulder, before nodding at Nightmare.
"Yes, we will." You smile, the ruler's own relaxing a bit when your eyes meet. Dust and Horror enter the room from different directions, the latter going over to get a drink from the small table you set up. Dust leans on one of the walls, occasionally glancing off to the side and muttering things to..well, as far as you know, no one.
You find yourself glancing over at him from time to time, before Killer claps his hands, a sign that you're finally done decorating anywhere you could think of. "mkay! let's get this party STARTED- i'm feelin' up for some karaoke..HIT IT HORROR-"
"no." Is all he says as he lifts his drink to his teeth, taking a sip. "oKAY!" Killer goes to start up a song himself. You let out a snicker at their shenanigans, Nightmare rolling his eyelight in response. Some upbeat music begins to play as Killer grabs a mic, posing dramatically before the lyrics begin to pop up on screen.
Your gaze shifts from him to Dust when you see the other skeleton moving a hand into the darkened depths of his hood, your brows furrowing in worry. He steps outside after a few minutes of Killer's performance, needing a break..you look over to the others who seem to be distracted at the moment before opening the door leading outside as well, closing it gently behind you.
You spot him leaning against a wall of the castle, holding his head and wincing, muttering again..
"i know, i- fuck, stop being so loud. it's too much. too loud. it hurts my skull. please." There's a short pause, and he seems to calm down.. lifting up a small box from his pocket and taking out a magic infused cigarette, lighting it and taking a puff.
You frown as you walk over, stopping in place when his eyelights drift over to you. You smile a little at being acknowledged, but your worry is still obvious due to your furrowed brows.
"Hey, stranger. You feeling okay? You left all of a sudden..just wanted to make sure you're alright." You continue walking until you're by his side, leaning on the wall next to him and crossing your arms. He lets out a slight huff, looking up at the stars.
"just kinda..overstimulated. needed some quiet to calm down and killer singing california girls in there was not helping."
You let out a slight laugh, the skeleton beside you smiling a bit at the fact that it was because of him. "Yeah, I get that. If it helps..I could stay out here with you for a little bit."
He turns to look at you more directly.
"Ah- um-" You start to backtrack, getting a little nervous. "Of course, if you'd prefer to be alone I totally get that, I can go back inside and wait for you-"
"i'd like that. you don't have to stay out here if you don't want to, though. you spent all that time in there.."
"I do want to spend time with you, though..we've got all night for the party. I want.." You trail off when you realize how close he's standing now, leaning over you and looking down. You can only see his eyelights within the darkness of his hood thanks to your dark environment, the sun usually causing his eyes to be shrouded in darkness as well. His gaze is constant..he barely blinks, his eyes relaxed since he's in your presence. You clear your throat. "I want to stay with you as long as you're out here."
"well, alright then.. if that's what you really want." He backs away from you, dropping the cig after a few more puffs and crushing it with his shoe, walking along a path and motioning for you to follow. You do, hurrying a little to stay behind him as he makes his way over to the large stone fountain by Nightmare's rose garden.
You both sit at a small distance from each other on the fountain, Dust leaning back to stargaze and you fiddling with your thumbs. It'd been a hot minute since you could be alone together..and while you're not exactly happy with the fact it's because he was overstimulated, you are glad you can spend some time with him anyway.
"you know.. i don't think it ever gets old." There's a fondness to his voice as you look over. "the stars, i mean. looking at them reminds me of the first time i got to see them.. things're a lot different now, but..i know they'll always remain the same. a nice view on nice nights."
"You really like them, huh?" You smile, looking up yourself.
"yeah..one sight i could never get tired of." He smiles, even though you can't see it from where you're sitting.
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" You look up at it as the skeleton's eyelights drift over to you, his eyelights softening.
"yeah..it really is."
You look over at him, your face beginning to feel warm upon seeing his expression. He puts his hand on his forehead, letting out a chuckle.
"you have got to stop looking at me like that."
"It's not like I mean to, you did this to me." You frown, furrowing your brows. He lets out a laugh at that, shifting his position and putting his arms around you..you freeze in place, knowing fully well that Dust is not usually one to initiate contact.
He's warm..the magic within him gives you warmth, despite his bones being so cold. You rest your head on his shoulder, looking vacantly into the distance. His arms rest comfortably around your body, holding you as comfortably close as possible..his chin resting on your head.
"sorry..just..need this for a little bit. i need to be a little selfish from time to time."
You sigh, hugging him gently. "I don't mind it at all, Dust. You can hold me whenever you want." You smile when you hear him chuckle again, closing his eyes.
"that's the thing..can't really say that if it's all the time." "Dust.."
The music inside changes, and you can't seem to hear Killer's muffled voice anymore. He must've decided to stop for a little bit.
Hearing one song in particular, you slowly move away from Dust..holding out your hand with a smile. He tilts his head to show confusion in response, looking between you and your hand.
"C'mon..let's have a little party of our own." Your smile shifts into a grin, and after a moment of contemplation, he agrees. He takes your hand, letting you pull him up off of the fountain (with a slight struggle because he's a big guy).
He seems to realize what you want to do, placing his arms around your waist before abruptly pulling you towards himself. You feel your face flush a bit darker as you look up into his eyelights before rolling your eyes at his now faintly visible smug grin.
You raise your arms and put them around his neck, the two of you beginning to slowly sway to the beat of the song playing inside. Someone slightly cracks the door so it's louder before disappearing back inside..you have a feeling you know who it is.
"What on earth are they doing out there?" Nightmare glances out the window from his chair, Killer standing a little closer to it to watch.
"they're having a moment, boss- i gotta give 'em a good setup."
"My my..I'd expected you to want to sabotage their time together, due to how jealous you few tend to get." Nightmare raises a browbone.
"well..we're all their partners. so we should all have time at some point." Killer rests his chin between his hands, smiling as he observes the two of you.
"..thanks for sticking with me. i didn't really want you to go." Dust averts his eyes, and you let out a little laugh.
"I know. I could tell. I wasn't gonna go anyway.. I'd prefer for everybody to be together, the party wouldn't be the same without you." You smile, seeing a bright shade of purple illuminating his hood and revealing his face.
"..you're too sweet for me. i don't deserve you."
"Untrue. You're perfect for me, and I'm perfect for you in..some way."
He chuckles again, a fondness to his eyes as he leans down and steals your lips with a kiss. You slowly close your eyes, leaning into it and holding still..savoring the moment. Magic fills your senses, a sour taste that you don't mind all that much hitting your tongue.
Eventually you have to break the kiss to breathe, taking a few light breaths and pressing your forehead against his. It's peaceful for a few seconds before he whispers to you.
"i think i'm ready to go back in now." You smile and nod at his statement, taking his hand and leading him along the path back to the door. Killer jolts in his spot, going back to pretend he was doing something while waiting on you both.
"heeey! glad you guys are back, who's up for some party games?" He grins, holding up some board game boxes. The two of you share a glance, before nodding in his direction.
"You can pick, Killer. I don't mind. You guys wanna play anything in particular?" You sit down, Killer sitting on your right and Dust on your left. Nightmare remains where he is, and Horror sits across from you.
"he can pick anything except for candyland. i'm sick of it." Dust rests his arms on the table, his chin resting on top of them.
"you're just salty i beat you last time." Killer taunts, earning a scoff from him. "you wanna go there? okay bet, let's play candyland."
You roll your eyes as Killer quickly begins setting up the board, smiling to yourself as you think of how the evening's gone so far.
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kwyrmagic · 15 days
haii!! could we request vampire/emo themed snpts please? thanks in advance!! (your blog is super awesome sauce)
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System Names: the chained up collective, the sun-fearing system, bats hanging upside down, the ruby gloom system, the drained collective, the undying creatures, creepy catacombs, the cave dwellers, the dyed hair collective, gerard way’s fanbase, the fanged lovers, the bloodless, murder of crows, the parasol wielders, the hot topic system, the exhausted, minute misery, smudged eyeliner system, the ghoulfriends, those shrouded in shadow, cramped coffins, the vein drainers, those damn dhampirs, batty bitches, the headbanging collective, the emo system, the dark circle system, the studded belt collective, the cobwebbed coffin, the crying collective, the melancholic, batty bloodbath, the fanged system, the flying bats, the blood-filled cauldron, the fanged, the vegan vamps, the reflectionless collective, fishnet freaks, the sad playlists, the stitched hearts, bloody bruises, the weirdos, mister, the fallen down, the cursed collective, helena’s graveyard, the empty system, the graveyard dancers, the bloodied blades, closeted skeletons, striking violent poses, the fearful, the strange and unusual, those with the darkened clothes, the mortuary collective, the unbeating hearts, shadow lurkers, the grotesque ghouls, the raccoon tailed, the weary and worn, those from transylvania, the empty chalice, the demolition lovers, the decrimson stains, the teenagers, monster high, the bat colony, the counts of the night, the wounded fingers collective, the lonely, those that returned from the ashes, the immortal system, the mysterious rejects, the bleeding makeup collective, the scarlet drinkers, the horror show, broken hearted, the emo cult, the dhampirs, totally not posers, torn and frayed, the bloody things, the graveyard obsession, the silent pulse, the strays, the bat-winged system, those who blast music, the vampiric manor, those who come out at night, the headphone wearers, the ones drowning in music, the haunted forest, warped with hate, the tattered clothes collective, the outcasted, the bleeding, the romeos and juliets, the failures,
Usernames: surroundedbynight, liesinthebooks, sxwithaghost, vamprieofthepalace, fshnetglves, tonightisthenight, vampfangz, yrfavoritevampire, kneeh1ghconverse, julietscmndlust, messydrinker, romeosbloodiedhnds, tututhousands, raisedglasses, cleanupyrlooks, chainedcastle, chaliceofblood, skullst4k3s, mortalbats, teenagersrscary, sluuuuuuurp, saneabandonedme, onyxsoooul, mmyspacekween, baaaaatwings, cannibalglow, commandedlust, myssspaceking, coginthemrdrmchine, eldritchemo, batwisp, txtteredpxges, fangsintoflesh, swoopshadow, checkrdconvrse, vampygrlfrnd, hopeandshadow, aspirationstoshreds, vampybyfrnd, bloodycauldron, lovewithavampire, amurderofbats, plasmapouch, deadlydeparted, cadavercutie, em1lythestr4nge, shrpstlves, hidinginmycloak, rosesforthedead, dxeadlynightshade, vans4life, ripupyourheads, legsandtongue, heymisery, theblackparade, splitgoblet, bitingvampire, hshtaghosted, warruined, gallonsofblood, caprisunblood, rrrrrrbl, vxmpyrrr, darkenyrclothes, wermonsterhigh, rubygloooom, deadbats, silverdippedcrown, brnthempires, castlecrawl, dearlydeceased, pileofbones, returnfromtheashes, dripdripdrip, halfhumanhalfnot, batbatbatbat, elvirasratings, violentpose, itsnothertime, garlicsting, bloodchugger, awfulfuck, completecooperation, weallgotohell, countofthenight, rvencrws, scaredofstakes, twooofanged, ddaintydhampir, buildingacoffin, brrrkenheart, garishgh0ul, gerardseyeliner, outsiiider, bloodthorne, imnotokayipromise, weallfalldown, tangledhxadphones, notaposerpls, dxadliest2lead, fortuneandflame, hiddentomb, cryptchaser, someonewillbleed, hangry4humans, gerardwaaaay, topofthemanor, bloodyhiss, no1garlichater, youwearmeout, fulloflies, gr4vedweller, undeadlxve, actuallyanemo, mcrcutie, bloodybtch, sh1mmeryfangs, fuckofagun, tornandfrayed, unholyveins, crampedcoffin, cobwebbedcoffin, thnkabtthestakes, vampirism, mychmiclrmnce, number1, batsbeforethemoon, fffangedkillr, raaaventamer, crackedskin, touchedbyangels, b1temrks, bloodbeforelove, warpedwithhate, murderofcrows, yrmyonlyhpe, releasethebats, gravedancer, crrpycutie, bldsckingfreak, cheersforrevenge, abyssalbite, chillinwmycoven, freaktastic, cause4thequeen, fangtasia, razrfringe, vampsdoitbetter, backfromthegrave, beastinrepose, dracscastle, needlessbeating, bathedinfire, plasticfangsss, vamprism, beenababygirl, lookalivesnshiiine, trnsxualtrnsvnya, number2, raisedabetterson, cemeterybaby, fangtastic, litrlydead, madgear, misslekid, looking4thecure, houseofwolves, gerardshairstrand, transylvan1a, scuffedcmbatboots, oldguillotine, chappedandfaded, eatyrheartout, blltprfheart, eylnyrdwnmyface, skltonheart, nananananana, screeeaaaam, gothicmusic, number3, sweetrvnge, vmprdiaries, nbdyundrstnds, undrprssre, drwninglssns, guitarshredder, stayoutofthelight, thatissoghoul, raccoontailss, number4, demoniademon, knifeinmyhands, nocturnaaal, blackattire, blackpolish, hereishelena, horrorshows, burymeinblack, idontloveyou, headfirst4halos, crledupinmybed, number5, hospitalstay, witchingh0ur, incineratingmatch, stainedblade, ilvethe1780s, sharpenedblade, l3thallust, fndtnsofdecay, m4ne4ter, sp1nesp1ke, vamps4humans, holdingontonight, b1teme, solonggoodnight, ladyofsorrows, howidissapear, vampirecountscount, shadowstained, mybulletsyrlve, lvemyghoulfriends, heartaaache, fangbangers, batskeleton, traceofthrfangs, deathnvrstpyou, foggynight, eyelinertears, cmtrydrve, demolitionlvrs, missingheartbeat, burntbyacross, giveemhellkid, spooningavampyre, themurderscene, chillycuddles, coldtothetouch, deadeyes, fuzzyyybats, myagonyyy, famouslastwords, ghostofyou, mrried2themusic, eyesrshiningbrght, d4ngerd4ys, thx4thevenom,
Names: aamon, adalaide, adrienn, aeron, agatha, agony, ahimoth, alistair, altaire, altar, alyx, ambrose, ambrosia, ash, ashe, astrophel, auberon, aux, ax, axton, barrett, batsy, blade, blaire, blaze, bones, burdett, cadell, cage, calypso, carnage, carnamor, casimir, caspian, cazimir, cephas, chain, chase, claude, clawde, claws, corvin, crimson, crow, crowley, crush, cymph, cynthia, damon, daemon, daimion, daxten, daze, decay, delyth, dez, dizzy, dominique, dorian, dragomir, dread, drusilla, dryden, ebony, echo, edge, eldritch, electra, elisabat, elspeth, espen, esther, evan, exequiel, eza, ezekiel, felyx, flick, gabriel, gerard, ghost, gloom, gore, grave, grey, grimoire, grotesque, hatchet, havoc, hawthorn, heathen, hellebore, hemlock, hyde, ida, ingram, ink, isidora, jaqueline, jax, jaws, jaz, jazper, jekyll, jet, jett, kane, kaerix, kier, killian, knox, lament, lennox, lestat, lilith, lothaire, luce, luther, lux, lydia, lysander, maddox, maeve, marietta, maw, mercy, midnight, miles, moon, morgan, morgana, mortem, myth, myst, mystery, neechee, noir, nox, neutrix, nuisance, odessa, octave, octavia, octavius, omen, onyx, pandora, percival, phantom, phoenix, pierce, poe, quill, quince, rabid, ramona, raphael, rave, raven, rawre, raze, razors, reaper, rhaenyra, rin, rip, rogue, ronan, ruby, rumor, rune, sabbath, sabien, salem, sangue, sardonyx, scarlet, scream, sebastien, selene, shade, shadow, shred, silas, skrrt, skull, smoke, snap, spine, spike, spirit, strange, sting, stray, tear, temperance, thane, thorn, thrash, theramin, umbra, valentine, valerian, vamperine, vane, vance, vermillion, vesper, victoria, viktor, viktoria, ville, vincent, vispan, vivienne, volitaire, vollo, wild, wryn, xander, xanthos, xavian, xavier, xenia, yarrow, yuma, yvette, zaye, zayne, zedar, zee, zev, zeke, zim, zion, zypher
Pronouns: vampire/vampires, bat/bats, wing/wings, cave/caves, echo/echos, smoke/smokes, cloud/clouds, soar/soars, swoop/swoops, flight/flights, night/nights, dark/darks, shade/shades, shadow/shadows, moon/moons, wisp/wisps, fang/fangs, gleam/gleams, shine/shines, glimmer/glimmers, drain/drains, sink/sinks, thrill/thrills, sharp/sharps, drip/drips, drop/drops, heart/hearts, beat/beats, life/lifes, immortal/immortals, cold/colds, chill/chills, vein/veins, glass/glass', swirl/swirls, goblet/goblets, chalice/chalices, castle/castles, forest/forests, silent/silents, alone/alones, silver/silvers, stake/stakes, cross/cross', hiss/hiss', sun/suns, scorch/scorchs, hide/hides, cloak/cloaks, ruffle/ruffles, frill/frills, lace/laces, parasol/parasols, velvet/velvets, scarlet/scarlets, ruby/rubys, obsidian/obsidians, onyx/onyxs, mirror/mirrors, crack/cracks, void/voids, mystery/mysterys, candle/candles, petal/petals, rose/roses, thorn/thorns, puddle/puddles, pool/pools, ash/ashs, ashes/ashes', crow/crows, raven/ravens, vulture/vultures, corvid/corvids, morbid/morbids, dark/darks, brood/broods, extreme/extremes, pain/pains, blur/blurs, flicker/flickers, fire/fires, fuse/fuses, spark/sparks, lighter/lighters, smoke/smokes, heart/hearts, crackle/crackles, key/keys, sharp/sharps, smash/smashs, shatter/shatters, break/breaks, crimson/crimsons, sneak/sneaks, night/nights, scream/screams, threat/threats, swear/swears, splatter/splatters, red/reds, empty/emptys, spike/spikes, riot/riots, loud/louds, rage/rages, teeth/teeths, reject/rejects, checker/checkers, stripe/stripes, smudge/smudges, polish/polishs, eyeliner/eyeliner, raccoon/raccoons, music/musics, drown/drowns, note/notes, scribble/scribbles, headbang/headbangs, bracelet/bracelets, mumble/mumbles, mutter/mutters, zero/zeros, razor/razors, rawr/rawrs, die/dies, dead/deads, gloom/glooms, tear/tears, sob/sobs, curl/curls, 🦷, 🫀, 🫁, 🐦‍⬛, 🕷️, 🕸️, 🌑, 🌪️, 🦴, 🎧, 🎼, 🎸, 📱, 💿, 📷, 📞, 🎵, 🎙️, ⏳, 🔦, ⛓️, ⛓️‍💥, 🧨, 🪓, 🔪, 🗡️, 🪦, ⚰️, 🕳️, 🩹, 🩸, 🗝️, 🗑️, 🖋️, ✂️, ❤️‍🩹, 💢, 🎶, 🔇, 🗯️
Titles: prn who sleeps upside down, the cave dweller, the one who used manic panic, prn who hides in the night, prn who lurks in the shadows, the one scribbling in their notebook, the bloodsucker, the count, prns blood-filled chalice, the countess, prn who sleeps in a coffin, prn who is obsessed with death, prn who longs for the sun, the undying creature, prn who has raccoon tails, prn who is listening to [favorite band], prn with the skinny jeans, prns bloodied dagger, prn who shops at hot topic, the vampire cursed with immortality, prn texting on prns flip phone, the one with the emo bangs, prn who terrifies, the music listener, prn who has prns headphones in, part of the emo cult, prn who fears the sun, the vegan vampire, the one with the vampiric cloak, the wielder of parasols, the bloodless body, prn who lies in the darkness, the immortal soul, the thing with fangs, the one wearing the fingerless gloves, the one covered in chains, the empty emo, prn who sizzles in the sun, prn of sinister magic, prns infinite disdain, the dead thing, the unbeating heart, prn who stares out the window, the exhausted vampire, the one who lurks in graveyards, prn with the bat wings, prns doodled-on converse, the fluttering bat, prn with skeletons in prns closet, the friendly vampire, prn with razor sharp fangs, prn who shrouds prnself in shadow, dead on the scene, prn who stays alone, the strange, prn who shreds on prns guitar, the dhampir, the lost, prn who drains life from the living, the being with visible veins, the stitched heart, the one with too many studded belts, the bloodied bat, prns empty playlist, prn who haunts, prn who likes emily the strange, the friendless, lurks the graves, thing of nightfall, prn who is filled with misery, the vampyr, prns immortal soul, prn with smudged eyeliner, the crying thing, the one blasting music through prns headphones, prn who is not a poser, prn with no reflection, the one who shatters mirrors, prn who turns into a bat
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petra-creat0r · 2 months
Deltarune: Fool's Fate Ch. 7 Secret Boss
We finally get to the Studio Dark World! The only chapter other than Chapter 1 of Fool's Fate to be set not in Hometown!
I think I first started coming up with this guy around the fourth of July, it's just taken me a bit to draw them and flesh out their lore. Anyways, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen I present to your, your host, the one, the only, the darling deer with the charming voice, Ray D. O'Skelly!!
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Ray's name should be obvious. It's a pun on radio. They're a radio host. Not a lot to explain there. Though when first coming up with their name and concept, I did look into 30s and 40s era radio hosts to try and pull inspiration from their names. Red Skelton was one I landed on since Skelton is similar to "skeleton" and I already knew I wanted this boss to have a skeletal face to resemble 30s era radios. Eventually I shorted it to Skelly to flow better with the O to go with the radio pun.
I don't really have a text quirk for Ray yet? Best I can think off is their voice sounds staticy or they get interrupted by ads/song lyrics similar to Spamton and Bitsy. I do know that they can't actually speak because of the well... whole thing that happened to their face. Their voice comes through their microphone. If anyone has any ideas let me know. Maybe a sound board situation?
Since I imagine the studio world being similar to what I think Chapter 3 will be like, being based off movies and film rather than TV, and Bitsy is already animation theory and I've got Casper to cover Woody theory, Ray is radio theory. Video killed the radio star. The theory I forgot to include in my original poll when I was first coming up with Bitsy despite being one of my favorite ideas. Aside from being based on an old-timey radio host, I also vaguely pulled some subtle inspiration from Alastor from Hazbin Hotel. Mostly just in the fact that Ray is a deer along with their color palette, radio theming, and some of their demeanor.
Backstory under the cut
Ray O'Skelly used to be the talk of the town, the bees knees, the cats pajamas! The voice heard across the globe and broadcast to nearly every station. MTTWood's very own home town darling and host of the most tuned into radio channel in all of the studio world. Ray's radio show had it all! Music, news, even radio plays performed by the deer themself! It was the age of radio and Ray was monarch, surely there was no way their popularity would falter any time soon.
At least... that's what Ray thought before the leader of the studio world signed a deal with some folk from this up and coming "Television" Dark World.
At first, the TV World didn't pose much of a threat to Ray, or at the very least it couldn't yet compete with the popularity of their radio show. But over time, the alternative form of entertainment started to gain more attention and views than Ray's show gained listeners. Especially after the appearance of a supposed Knight in the other Dark World and the merge of most of the channels into TennaVision. According to the public, Ray's show was getting old and bland. The music they played went out of style who knows how long ago, and people would prefer to watch the news and Ray's "radio plays" rather than simply listening. Ray either had to adapt, or fade away in obscurity.
That was when Ray met a man. A man offering aid, offering salvation to the deer down on their luck. The man offered to help Ray "get with the times" as they say, and rise back to fame. Help get their radio show back in the public zeitgeist and to surpass the competition. Almost without thinking, Ray took the man's offer, desperate to stay relevant through whatever means necessary.
The man made good on his deal, helping Ray by suggesting a few changes to their format here and there. New music, updated segments, notes on Ray's tone and how to better appeal to masses and be "hip with the kids", the works. Ray wasn't particularly for all the new changes, but they were desperate. Desperate for attention, desperate for fame and adoration. And fame and attention they got. It was almost as if, whoever tuned into the station would HAVE to listen. Ray's listenership was through the roof, all thanks to the man...
Perhaps it could be said that fame and power corrupts, because at some point, listeners noticed a shift in Ray's demeanor. Once the soft-spoken and well mannered host with the most, they got more prideful, vein, sadistic. Either from all the attention going to their head, or perhaps from a great Truth revealed to them about the nature of their existence breaking their mind. Whatever it was, it twisted the once charming radio host. Twisted them into an arrogant yet still devilishly charismatic individual with an ever captive audience.
Eventually, Ray's pride got the better of them. Even after the man left, Ray still maintained their popularity and fame, yet their ego wouldn't settle for just that. Ray had a captive audience at their disposal who would have to listen to anything they said. Any idea they suggested could be implanted in as little as a whisper and the right frequency. Ray could control this town. Could bend it to their every whim and will. Which is just what they tried to do. Before their operation got shut down of course.
Turns out, an old acquaintance had played stool pigeon and cried wolf to the authorities. Even if Ray tried to charm the guards, it was no use. Their studio was taken from them and shut down and they were cast out onto the rainy street. Yet even stripped of everything, Ray wouldn't let anything stop them from reaching the top. In a makeshift studio down in the darkest corners of MTTWood, Ray continued to broadcast their signal to who ever would listen.
That is until the children of a star and their friends found themselves in the studio world...
hehehe. It might've taken me a bit to come up with but this was fun. When I designed Ray, I knew they were a little charmer, but I also wanted to have them be twisted. I imagine after the studio Dark World is sealed and Ray ends up staying at the Blook house with Spamton and Poly, they act like the sweetest little darling. Only to still be manipulating people through subliminal messaging in their radio broadcasts. I'll have to play that out some time.
Anyways, only 3 left to go! And one of those I already have so it's really just designing the secret boss for the Town Hall world and then the Festival world. The later of which I already have a vague idea for.
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ailuropoda-sims · 2 years
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💀 Robin Zhu 💀
"We're birds of a feather; clothed in red and black." A street artist that's rumored to be a werewolf by some. Robin cares little for what other Sims have to say about them, their art, or their background and is more than content letting their actions and art pieces speak for themselves.
Basic Info: Age: Young Adult (I'd say somewhere around 23+) Pronouns: They/Them Traits: Self-Assured, Art Lover, Loner Favorite Food: Garlic Noodles Favorite Music Stations: METAL and Hip Hop
#2 in the series of the CAS pre-made Sims makeover I'm doing! (´◡`) The previous one, Himari Kosaka, can be found here! For reference, the base Sim looked like this! Again, the pre-made base always gave me strong NB vibes, so I did just that! As always, CC used by the Sim will be listed down below! Also thanks to @katalena-rights for suggesting a name for them! :)
General: Hair, Lip and Facial Piercings, Eye Shadow (Base Game), Eyeliner and Lipstick, Blush, Eyelashes, Eye Catchlights, Tattoos, Rings
Outfit 1/Everyday: Earrings, Choker, Tank Top, Belted Shorts, Jacket, Chipped Nails, Fishnets, Boots
Outfit 2/Formal: Earrings, Choker and Necklaces, Blazer, Suit Pants, Harness, Nails, Socks, Shoes (Cottage Living) Outfit 3/Activewear: Earrings, Headphones, Sweater, Shorts, Shirt Print, Chipped Nails, Skeleton Stockings (TSR), Boots Outfit 4/Party: Earrings, Choker, Tank Top, Jeans, Bracelet (By IvkaSims but I can't find the original link for the post, it seems to have been deleted TwT), Fishnet Bodysuit (TSR), Tied Shirt, Nails, Fishnets, Boots
Outfit 5/Hot Weather: Earrings, Shades, Choker, Shirt, Shorts, Bracelet, Undershirt, Nails, Fishnets, Socks, Boots Outfit 6/Cold Weather: Earrings, Necklace, Jacket, Pants, Long Sleeves Accessory (TSR), Nails, Boots
Poses: @helgatisha Huge thanks to all of the CC creators whose CC I used! @johnnysimmer, @pralinesims, @crypticsim, @kijiko-sims, @cubersims, @simpliciaty-cc, @jellymoo, @aharris00britney, @arethabee, @trillyke, @dallasgirl79, @aladdin-the-simmer, @sentate, @serenity-cc, @xurbansimsx, @ikari-sims, @vampirepill, @casteru, @tukete, @saruin, @the-crypt-o-club, @deathpoke1qa, @nucrests, @dissiasims, @tamo-sim, @clumsyalienn, @candysims4, @ts4eve, @its-adrienpastel, @mellosakicc, @enriques4
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fandonnavyce · 2 months
Dannymay2024 Day 13: DnD AU
Seeking Answers From The Other Side
Speak With Dead Spell: You grant the semblance of life and intelligence to a corpse of your choice within range, allowing it to answer the questions that you pose. Until the spell ends, you can ask the corpse up to five questions. Note: The corpse knows only what it knew in life, including the languages it knew. Answers are usually brief, cryptic, or repetitive. The corpse must still have a mouth and can't be undead.  (AO3 Link)
A Cleric on the Nature Domain chanted a spell.
“I cast Speak with Dead.”
The artificer-wizard next to the cleric nudged their companion.
“Ask him what being dead is like.” 
Sam scowled, “No Tucker, I’m not going to ask that,” she scolded, “it would be a total waste of one of my five questions.”
She turned back to the corpse sitting silently in their coffin. Tall, dark haired and handsome, and looking like a young man around the same age as Sam and Tucker, only the unnatural pallor of its skin hinted at its dead state of existence. Sam cleared her throat then enunciated clearly,  “What do you know about the cursed villagers?”
“From which village?” the corpse asked. 
Sam did a double-take, “You just asked me a question!” whilst Tucker automatically answered, “This village, Amity.”  
“Was this in the last,” it looked up at the starry night sky and asked,  “400 years?”
“Yes,” Tucker nodded.
“Hang on, is it responding to you?! But I cast the spell. Wha- what’s going on?” Sam cried. “Is it casting Speak with the Alive ?! This shouldn’t be happening!” 
“Do you know anything about cursed villagers?” the corpse asked.
“NO, THAT’S WHY WE’RE ASKING YOU!” Sam yelled in frustrated panic.
The corpse gave Sam an ethereal blue deadpan stare before chuckling. “I wasn’t talking to you.”
“What?” she whispered uneasily. 
Haunting music began to creep and hum with the whistling wind and the grave rumbles of ruptured earth. An unnatural furling mist thickened in the ghostly moonlight as Sam stared uneasily at the dead man in front of her. 
The corpse looked pointedly behind Sam. She turned around. Behind her, dead bodies were clawing and prying their way out of their graves, heaving their rotting corpses onto the earth above.  As one the skeletons stared at the two adventurers with their hollow, empty eyes.
“I’m sure someone here has an answer,” the corpse cheerily announced.
Tucker looked at Sam with innocent surprise, “Huh, I didn’t know this was an AOE spell.”
“No Tucker,” Sam grimly denied, “no it’s not.”
A/N: 100% inspired by this short:
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galenfeadraws · 2 months
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Fan Joy July #11
The next room had another encounter with a skeleton that was easily destroyed, followed by another chest. This one had some parchment and he unrolled it curiously. Wait. It was a map! He almost cried.
An illustration for Puzzles by @musical-chan (now with Tumblr name - I'm glad you liked it!)
Today's challenges: pose (I was trying really hard to get the HW item pickup pose!), foreshortening, hands
1st July 2024
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dc418writes · 1 year
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✨Pairing✨: firefighter!Curtis Everettxblack!nanny!reader
Summary🪄: You witness Curtis’ jealous side for the first time (Dipped in Guilt addition)
⚠️: age gap (reader is in late twenties, Curtis is in late 30s to early 40s), sprinkle of possessiveness, insinuation to happy adult fun times, pretty much all fluff
*DISCLAIMER!: although visual was made by me via Canva, I DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP of photos used as they were all found on Pinterest*
“Looks like Jensen went all out with this huh?,” Curtis speaks. His son happily sitting in his thick, tattooed arms as you both walk up the concrete walkway
A decorated archway hangs overhead the entire short walk to the front door made to look like a cave full of spiders in their elaborate web. Finn couldn’t be less impressed though, deciding the grey mouse ears on his head - removing them for the fourth time now - were more intriguing than what was around him
“I like it,” you smile. “I wouldn’t expect anything less from Jakey.”
“Of course you’d say that,” he thought. Ever the kind, supportive one, it’s like you were Jensen’s biggest fan
You’d always actively listen when he was going on about one of his nerdy interests. Nodding along and giving your input every now and then about some character or theory you had
You were like that with everyone at the station really. Listening with awe to Ari’s stories of traveling in foreign countries and truly interested in the latest book Cap was reading
You even had a little book club of sorts, which had a small smile creeping along his lips when he’d overhear you on the phone excitedly discussing a part you couldn’t get over
Although Curtis did feel a way about you being on the phone with his station captain so late
And now that he thought about it, why the hell were you calling Jensen “Jakey”?
It didn’t take long for the door to swing open after ringing the melodic bell. Jake smiling on the other side in some outfit that looked like a blue ninja and matching mask as music and giggles could be heard from deeper in the house.
“Hey, come in! Glad you guys could make it!”
“Thanks for inviting us,” Curtis replies stepping in the highly decorated home. There were orange and black streamers along the walls and ceiling along with fake cobwebs and bats. Paper skeletons were along the walls in various goofy poses while a couple larger, plastic ones sat on some of the tables in addition to a mini fake caldron and Halloween themed confetti
Overall, it reminded Curtis of a less cluttered version of a Halloween store the longer you walked through
Clearly the kids loved it how they ran around ogling and enjoying themselves in their costumes
“Very nice Sub Zero!,” you spoke. “Is that the one you found on the site you told me?”
“Yea! And thank you for being the only person here to appreciate an iconic character,” he emphasizes specifically towards a group of kids - including his niece in her ghostface costume - walking past
“Whatever bluey.”
Jensen just shakes his head. “That’s the problem with this generation, no respect. Also very adorable cat and mouse costume you two.”
Tickling under Finn’s chin, the one year old giggles in his grey onesie before reaching for Jake’s glasses - as he usually did whenever they’d see each other.
“And let me guess, Curtis is a…grumpy old trucker?”
Although fitting from the black flannel over his arms, dark jeans that covered the laces of his boots, and ash grey beanie, Curtis just glared in his typical sour puss fashion cutting Jensen’s chuckles short. His once joking mood replaced with a slight look of fear as he nervously cleared his throat.
“S-Sorry, just jokes I swear.”
“Hey, more big people!”
Hearing that familiar deep, soothing drawl, you instantly turn around to find Ari with a beer in hand and in his usual jeans and simple white tee waving from the kitchen.
“So we got adults in the kitchen/dining room, and kids mostly in the living room. Food is in both, but let me know if you guys need anything,” Jensen quickly explains before jogging off at his sister’s call.
“Aww how cute, cat and mouse,” Ari smiles giving you one of his famous bear hugs before gently tickling Finn in his side. “And what about you Curtis?”
“A tired, responsible adult.” Ari chuckles at his friend - expecting nothing less than that response - as you playfully roll your eyes taking a babbling Finn from his arms.
“Well on that note, I’ll leave you adults to it. Cmon baby boy, we’ll have fun for the both of em.”
Curtis’ eyes naturally follow as you stride into the living room while cooing at his son. Ari’s daughter, Maya, excitedly squeals your name once you step foot on the large rug protecting the dark hardwood below. Having babysat her a few times now, she already loved you as if you were her best friend. She also loved Finn, saying how he was the cutest baby she’d ever seen.
“He’s like a babydoll!,” she whispered in awe while holding him that first time. Since then, you, Curtis, and Ari suspected that Maya might look at Finn as her own real life babydoll watching as she took care of him while he played on his mat and would occasionally try to rock him. She even tried to feed him his bottle, but that usually didn’t go well since Finn liked to hold his own.
Seeing you interact with the kids - complimenting their costumes and goofily dancing right beside them - a fraction of a smile tilts the corner of Curtis’ mouth replacing his usual stoic gaze.
There’s also a hint of something waking inside of him every time you hold his son or help him toddle about the room being careful that he doesn’t fall or hurt himself
It’s almost primal or possessive as he feels a low twitch and a warmth bloom along his skin
And he knows it’s bound to get him in trouble
“Stare any harder, and I’m gonna start getting jealous,” Ari smirks handing Curtis a chilled beer from the fridge behind him. Clearly caught, he can only shake his head as the two lightly clink their dark bottles together before taking respective sips.
“So I take it everything’s going well?”
“Yea, she loves Finn and he loves her back. Sometimes I think he might like her more than me.”
“Understandable. I mean she’s prettier, so kind, an amazing cook, funny, gorgeous-,”
“Are you done?,” Curtis glowered lowering the beer bottle from his lips. “Want me to call her back in here so you can find more ways to compliment her?”
He knew Curtis liked you, but he didn’t realize his friend was this deeply smitten. “Relax cowboy, no one’s trying to take your girl.”
Although Ari had to admit, if they weren’t friends he’d be doing any and everything to make you his.
“Whoa, Curtis has a girl?!,” Jake pauses as soon as he steps into the kitchen. A dopey grin on his face much to Curtis’ dismay.
“No, I don’t.”
“Oh he does,” Ari adds only making him more annoyed.
“I’m happy for you man! Finally getting back out there and opening yourself up for love.” Curtis instantly shrugs Jake’s arm from around his shoulder, but the giddy dork only puts it back making Curtis glare at his frosted tipped station mate. “You should’ve invited her.”
“He did. You’ve seen her a few times,” Ari chuckles with a wink before taking another swig from his nearly empty bottle. At first, Jake doesn’t seem to get it quirking his brow in confusion. When things finally click, Jake’s face morphs into surprised realization then excitement looking back and forth between a grumpy Curtis and sweet you in your makeshift cat costume bouncing Finn in your arms.
Curtis knew he should’ve stayed home.
Finally back home, Curtis lounged on his couch with arms crossed over his chest as some old, black and white horror movie playing on the screen mounted on the wall. The younger looking woman screaming in horror as some alien species cornered her in an alley
He couldn’t really pay attention though, with you currently in your room getting dressed to go out with your friends
“It’s our Halloween tradition! Since freshman year, we’ve always dressed up and hung out downtown.”
Selfishly Curtis wanted you home with him. You curled on the couch with your snowman blanket - as you tended to do - only a mere arms length away from him as you both watched a movie or one of your shows
He especially liked Love is Blind, but he’d never openly admit that
As if hearing his thoughts of you, the thick heels of your black booties click down the hall eventually stopping in front of him giving a little twirl and your heart melting grin
“And enter the wicked witch!”
Wicked was the word alright, but not in the traditional since of how the character looked when he was little
He could see your black thong through your lacy, wide legged black pants with spiderweb detailing. Your sleeveless top - lacy and see through as well - showing your black bustier underneath. To top everything off, a purple pointed hat on your head with black cats scattered all around in various poses
He could only stare as you excitedly grabbed your purse from the coatrack and shuffled through its contents making sure you had everything
“If Finn wakes up before I’m back, there’s two bottles in the fridge I made earlier, and the bottle warmer is already plugged in,” you state walking towards the front door as you begin typing on your phone. “Oh and-,”
Not paying attention, you don’t hear or feel Curtis get up closing the distance between you with hands stuffed in his front pockets. Turning to suddenly see his broad body startles you, making you slightly jump and a breathy giggle slip past your soft lips
“You can be very nimble for a guy your size,” you joke, but Curtis just peers down at you looking stoic as usual. “Well, I uh guess I’ll see you later then. Were you gonna lock up behind me or-,”
He simply stays silent looking stoic as usual causing your once good mood to slightly dim
“Um okay..g-goodnight then,” you weakly smile with hand twisting the doorknob. Once you have it open by just a crack, Curtis’ larger hand is pushing it closed again and leaving it there to block you from going out
Effectively confusing and startling you; making your brows slightly knit
“…Is something wrong?,” you ask.
“You want me to start being open?,” he begins still trapping you between him and the door. Not that you were particularly complaining. “Okay then, I don’t like - no, I despise the fact that a bunch of men, let alone one, are gonna have their eyes on you. Wanting something that’s not theirs.”
You can only stand there waiting for him to finish. Your back eventually pressing against the door as you step back trying to move away from his intense gaze
“Now I’m gonna give you an option. You can leave; go have fun with your friends and I drag you back here in an hour not caring if you’re ready to go or not, nor if you’re kicking or screaming when I do it. Or you can rightfully stay here.”
The way he spoke with authority as if he was your father stunned you into near silence, unable to clearly get your response out. “S-Stay?”
“Yes..with me,” he states leaning close enough that you could feel the air from his nostrils skate across your skin. “And I promise to make you forget about whatever grimy place you wanted to go and whoever you were planning to go with.”
You feel your core spasm at such a promise reflexively clenching your thighs together as your tongue peeks to wet your lips and you gently nod in approval. It should be shameful how easily you drop your purse into his waiting hand almost like you’re in a trance, but you could care less letting him lead you to his bedroom. In the morning, you’ll just text a quick apology to your friends about standing them up.
Not that they’d know what you were talking about since there weren’t any plans in the first place
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solomiracle · 7 months
when i think of them, i think of...
inspired by this post by @shoccolatine, check it out!
his smile — whether seductive, sadistic or genuine
reds, blacks/greys/whites, golds
his study — the skull on the wall, fireplace, the red velvet chair | you reading by the fireplace, enjoying the quiet crackling sounds as he works
his demon form — the red gloves, the horns, the wings, the peacock feather details on his clothes, the diamond on his forehead
his fur lined coat, his gloves, his tie
his eyes, specifically the reds at the bottom
apples, poison, fangs, blood
ghosts, grief, loss | him petting a sleeping cerberus as he sits by lilith's statue. he's silent, not wishing to disturb her
how much he loves his family — how he's willing to be a villain to anyone he feels may harm them, from you to his own father
cosmic and body horror, upside-down crosses, eyes, destroyed psyches, crackling, warped reality, the sound of bones snapping
the skeleton in his room
records, wine, comfortable silence, quiet nights
him laughing as he and you drive in a getaway car
his laugh, his smile, his sunglasses, his jacket
that little pose he does where his hand kinda covers his lips, usually done when he's feeling confident
his silliness — the dumb excuses for doing (or not doing) something, his even dumber schemes, running/hiding from lucifer, his tsundere-ness, how he says "yikes!"
gift boxes, jewelery, gold, silver, money (coins and paper)
casinos, the word "jackpot", poker, slot machines, cards, dealers
the casino fight scene in black panther, specifically the part where claw's hand thing shoots the cabinet and the money flies everywhere
his wings
his familiars | him petting and praising them for doing a good job, like catching stray grimm or reporting important info
him punishing people who don't pay back their debts — they find themselves in an empty street, fog rising and crows soon surrounding them
how much he respects lucifer, how he followed him into hell without question
how despite all the fighting and dumb stuff that he does with his family, he still values his role as a big brother
this card (the pre-devil's flower)
him at his pc, laser-focused in on a game. he's glaring at the screen, fangs bared, determined to win
his room — the bathtub, the jellyfish, the aquarium, the figures, henry 2.0 in his little fish bowl
headphones, game controllers and consoles, screens, neon colors (greens, blues, purples), keyboards
anime, magical girls, figures, sparkles
his tsundere-ness and shyness, how he gets flustered so easily, how cute he is when he blushes, your love and affection for him being "too high level"
how he seems to have a soft spot for the twins
his demon form — the tail, the diamond pattern along his neck, his weird zipper jacket thing, his horns | (a fic i read where the author described his horns as antlers, and they headcanon-ed that they shed every season)
fish, colorful coral reefs, bright blue seas, bubbles, beaches, snakes
deep dark oceans, octopus/giant squids, sea monsters, ships, the navy, admiral uniforms, lotan
orange cats, piano music, books, libraries, coffeeshops, soft greens and browns
him sitting in a greenhouse. sunlight filters through the glass walls and plethora of green plants. he's smiling as he reads a book, an orange cat sleeping in his lap
his professionalism — he has many connections, and he prides himself on his intelligence. "people respect someone who's well-informed."
how he's a gentleman, almost like a fairy tale prince
love and lovesickness | him writing love letters and poetry for you, a giant smile on his face as he comes up with the most beautiful words to describe you
him becoming incapable of reading love stories when you're away, for all he can think about is you while reading them. his fingers delicately trace the spines of his many romance books, but he refuses to open them. just the thought of doing so is too much to bear
his room — the beauitful shade of purple, the window, the books, the candles
fire, chaos, destruction, broken buildings and bones, screaming, rage, fangs
his eyes, a beautiful green
his demon form — the feather boa, the horns, the ribbon ribcage design on his shirt
the things that make him stand out compared to his brothers, compared to everyone — his symbolic animal is a unicorn (the only fantasy animal), his black eye shine, his butler outfit is the only one with three patches on the sleeves
his pose — one hand on his hip and the other on his chest, just like lucifer...
pinks, yellows, oranges, and more pinks
his cute smile and giggle
his demon form — the bat wings, the gradient horns, the bleeding hearts on his arm, the asymmetrical legs | (the redesigns i've seen from people where they include a scorpion tail)
scorpions, sand, heat, blood, bloodlust, hearts, gore, passion, obsession, love
diaries, glitter gel, sparkles, cute nicknames
spotlights, music, singing, stages, partying, drinking, clubs, sex
bunnies, strawberries, fluffy and fuzzy textures, fangs
his eyes | (the fics i've read where the author describes their color as champagne)
him lying in bed on his stomach, fresh out of the shower in a cute robe, slippers, and headband. he's writing in his diary, kicking his legs, smiling as he thinks about you
lipstick, blush, makeup, nail polish, influencers, devilgram, livestreams
(red) hearts, both the symbol and the organ
his positive energy — his ability to light up a room, how he wants everyone to join in and have fun, asmo nights, how he sees the beauty in everyone
how much he cares for his family — he painted their nails so everyone would know them as brothers, how he's determined to make sure satan feels included
his insecurities — he ties himself to his image and appearance, to the point that when you were the first to compliment his personality alone and not just his looks, he was surprised
how he acts like a helpless damsel in distress while also being the most viscous character
that scene in season one, where he said that if you were thinking about belphie while with him, he would rip your heart out | (it made my heart beat faster, but not out of fear)
reds, oranges, yellows
the sun, bright blue cloudless skies
him being the cause of plagues and famines. a scene of him summoning swarms of locusts to gorge on crop fields, leaving nothing left, still unsatisfied
wheat and corn fields, apple orchards
his wings | (i saw someone describe them as fairy wings)
dense, mossy, and enchanted forests. twisting trees and twinkling fairies, mushrooms and flowers growing everywhere
bugs — bees, butterflies, flies, grasshoppers, beetles, locusts
bears, squirrels, lions, grass, honey, fluffiness, cuddling
his smile, how adorable his blush is
calling him beautiful or sweet, watching him blush in embarrassment. a big, ravenous demon turning into mush after being complimented by a human
how he loves his family more than anything — his extreme survivor's guilt over lilith, how he said he would die for lucifer, how he became enraged and even attacked lucifer once the truth about belphie's whereabouts were revealed
even with how he's a big brother to belphie, they're still twins, making him the youngest of the brothers as well — he has his own bratty behaviors, throwing tantrums, being a karen at restaurants, stealing food from levi every morning. he's the biggest brother, but he's still another baby of the family
his hair
his jacket and shirt | (they both look very comfy, and i would love to wear them)
hunger — hell's kitchen, banquets, expensive meat, clusters of grapes, plates, forks and knives
fangs, tongues, gore, cannibalism
dark purples and blues, blacks, white accents
space — starry night skies, the moon, constellations
sleep, teddy bears, pillows, blankets, dreams, illusions, ghosts, nightmares, fear
the cow jumped over the moon nursery rhyme
cow print — it's on his pillow, his demon form's jacket, and his swimwear jacket too
his horns, which are similar to that of a dorset horn sheep
him looking down at sheep mc's bell in his hands, a solemn look in his eye. maybe mc's in the human world, or maybe it's been years after their death
regret and grief — not being able to save lilith, his love for humans turning to hatred, his fight with lucifer, the attic, lesson 16
how he and lucifer were said to be close before the attic...
beel, lilith, and love — he doesn't blame beel for saving him, and called beel an idiot for believing otherwise. he learned about the circus in the human world, and pretended to be a ringmaster while trapped in the attic. he let lucifer get rid of lilith's room, and said goodbye to her
his sarcastic and bratty little shit-ness — his "innocent" bitchass smile, his giggle, how he embodies the youngest sibling and baby of the family, the anti-lucifer league
a fanart i saw of him in his TSL outfit, the description being "the princess is locked in the tower for a reason..."
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x-emeraldsky-x · 9 months
Sasuke wandered confusedly through the hall, loud chatter and excited squeals ringing in his ears as he passed booths filled with merchandise; all with crowded lines waiting for a chance to at least see what was being offered.
His eyes narrowed as he searched for the bright blonde hair of the friend that annoyed him into coming in the first place, but amongst fans covered in merch and with hair that was dyed to match the musicians, he was no where to be seen. Sasuke scoffed. Naruto begged him to come to support a friend of his, and he didn't even choose to show? What a loser.
Sasuke pressed on, scanning past the branded shirts and faces covered in paint. "XO" was printed everywhere on every thing, it slowly started to become a blur of colours.
Purple, red and pink spotlights lit every room in the stadium, music from the band blasting from the speakers, every song was instrumental to tease the fans flooding in as the concert time grew closer. Sasuke's head spun with all of the stimulus.
Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around his shoulder, a familiar burst of laughter relaxed him just enough. He actually decided to show, hm? Could have come on time. Loser.
"Whatdya think, Sasuke?! This place is packed!- oh, I got you some freebies too. I figured you'd get lost, 'tebayo"
Sasuke scoffed, taking the bag from Naruto. It was similar to one of the showbags you'd get as a child, but featured a near gruesome image instead of a typical cartoon character. A skeleton covered in branches and cherry blossoms, it was posed like it was praying. He preferred the cuter stuff, the stuff that wouldn't give him nightmares.
"My friend drew that, yknow! She designs a lot of the merch stuff for the band. Oh! Also! You hear that drumming? That's her too! Oh, oh! And-"
Naruto continued to rant while dragging Sasuke off, assumingly to where they'd sit for the show. Naruto said something about VIP tickets and being close to the action a few days ago, so they'd be able to see and hear everything the best. A perk of being "The Lead Singers Best Friend and Little Brother Figure" he said.
The hallway leading to the entrance was just as packed as the room with the booths. Black shirts with a symbol of "XO" interlocking printed in crimson, similar ones with a purple moon cycle on the front, one fan even had their own shirt with a design drawn with bleach. Whoever this friend of Naruto's was, they were very good at drawing a crowd.
Naruto flashed a card to the bouncer minding the doors, and much to everyone's disgust and rage, they were let in just a few minutes early.
With no need to be mindful of others, Naruto raced down to their seats, while Sasuke paid closer attention to the scenery. The room was lit only at the seats, the stage was shrouded in darkness, the leg of a mic stand could hardly be seen poking out from under the curtain. Even if he squinted, there wasn't much to behold.
When he reached his friend, he looked at their slightly separated seats. Two more bags sat at their legs, each with unique designs. More freebies, he guessed.
Naruto jumped into his seat and urged Sasuke to join him. Sasuke sighed. Despite being nineteen, almost twenty, Naruto still acted like a complete child. How can someone with a drivers licence, fully capable of purchasing alcohol and cigarettes, be this obnoxious and shameless? He sat without argument, though.
Before he knew it, the doors opened and fans started pouring in. Sasuke glanced behind him out of curiosity; every seat was filled, and everyone was restless in their seats with excitement. Amongst them all, though, was the last person he'd expect to see there. Nara Shikamaru, a former classmate of theirs, was sitting in a signed jacket with an unfamilar glisten in his eyes.
"He's a massive simp for the guitarist," Naruto whispered, catching where Sasuke's eyes sat. "He fought off like, three guys for that jacket."
Sasuke snorted and shook his head, turning his attention to the stage when the lights shut off.
The stadium grew silent, the lack of light felt like a void. Sasuke's arms started forming goosebumps from the atmosphere.
A soft beat settled in through the speakers, the sound of the curtain reeling back made people inch closer to the edge of their seats. A hooded figure walked up to centre stage, bringing their arms up above their head and forming an 'X' with their arms in sync with the spotlight shining on them. Bright red illuminated the figure, revealing a punk-eqsue outfit with belts being a consistent theme, but their face remained unknown. They started a hard beat by stomping their boot on the stage, which was followed by fans clapping to it.
A second figure joined the first, cloaked much the same, but their guitar adding a much different silhouette. They pulled it off their back and lifted it up, the body of the guitar facing to the ceiling. The lights turned off and a purple LED light was shon onto it, revealing a fluorescent purple circle on the back. Together, their symbols formed 'XO'.
After a moment, music started pouring from the speakers around the stadium and a clear spotlight lit the stage, allowing full sight to the audience. They dropped their symbols and pulled the cloaks off in unison.
'O' was clearly the older of the two. A tall woman with lightly tanned skin, features sharp and almost deadly. Her hair was dry, parted quite messily into four parts, part of her bangs nearly covering her right eye. 'X' seemed much more friendly, smiling wide to the whole crowd. From the looks of it, she had no instrument. She lacked a mic on her earpiece as well.
The two women were dressed with a theme, both with their own symbolism. 'X' wore a red jacket with two crosses on her arms and black gloves. The small belts around her thighs were wrapped unevenly. Two on one, three on the other. 'O' was much similar, although her jacket was black, made from a thick leather and had purple moons running down the sleeves. Her jeans were ripped at the knees and her boots were covered in the same belts.
Sasuke furrowed his brows and squinted, focusing on the finer details of the first part of the band. Her hair was a familiar shade of pink, thick and clearly unconditioned, and her eyes were a deep emerald green. He swore he knew her, but he couldn't put the name to the face.
She pulled a microphone from a pouch on her hip, spinning it in her hand while more music kicked in. She raised her fist and everyone focused on her.
"Good evening Konoha!! How's everyone feeling tonight!?"
The audience roared in respose, Sasuke needing to take a moment to cover his ears. He glanced over to Naruto who sat unfazed. He too was focused on the woman in red. She must be the friend he always talked about.
"That's great to hear! Are you all ready to go?!"
Another roar came, but Sasuke took focus to her speech.
"Hell yeah!! That's what I like to hear! First things first though... Temari, sound check!"
Her voice was familiar too. Deeper than most women Sasuke had met, and rougher too, as if she'd had a broken nose before. However, there was a softness to it. A kindness. It almost sounded like...
"On it, Sakura."
Sasuke didn't hear the next sounds to come. He leaned back in his chair, staring blankly in the direction of the stage. Sakura? Haruno Sakura? That's her?!
Temari smiled at her partner, flipping the guitar so the strings faced their fans and pulled the strap above her head. The body was painted a shiny black with purple lightning like strikes going across it, a job clearly done at home, but not by her. She pulled a pick from her jacket and struck the cords, the sound alone made the floor shake, and the following cheer broke Sasuke out of his trance.
"All right!!! Sounds good! Lets get this show started, shall we?!"
The two women backed up to the middle of the stage, the lights dimming to prepare for their first song. A cold silence filled the room, the speakers dying down as sound technicians prepared the track, Sasuke squinted to take in more features.
Despite the darkness, the white of her teeth shone through. She smiled with a joy she never had during their highschool years together. Her academics were her highest priority, fitness came next, and lastly was her crushes. She'd always smile wide when her test scores were high, or she had scored big during extracurricular sports, but nothing compared to this.
A warm spotlight hit them as the music began, Temari's guitar the only live instrument. It was an up beat rhythm, vaguely following the rock genre they were going for. Sakura nodded and loosely danced as she found the rhythm in herself, her voice powerfully hitting the mic when she started to sing, although it was more of a rap than anything else.
Sasuke stared with his mouth hung loosely open. Sakura's energy grew with the song, her movements becoming sharper and more pronounced as she found moves to her words, her hair and jacket adding secondary motion that flowed so smoothly with her body. Sasuke's legs grew weak, sinking into his chair as he watched as closely as his eyes could. It was mesmerising.
Sakura's eyes danced over the audience. Her smile grew when she saw her close people in the crowd, Sasuke could only see Naruto, but he was certain someone like Sakura would have a lot of friends. Her eyes moved from left to right, eventually meeting his at the centre.
Her smile fell, but her voice didn't. Sasuke couldn't tell if it was disbelief, disappointment or disgust, but Sakura didn't stop her performance. She focused her gaze to the wall, finishing the song before meeting his eyes again.
He felt his cheeks begin to burn under her gaze. The soft shimmer in her eyes, the gentle curl of her lips... it had been many years since she looked at him like that. Sasuke missed it dearly, her eyes filled with adoration and love. He felt like a complete fool for rejecting her love once.
Their eyes locked for what felt like hours. Sasuke's focus never once leaving her eyes or her smile, even when she turned away. She was still working, afterall. Sasuke would have to wait, and he would wait an eternity just to have her look at him once more.
The second song began to play through the speakers, fans cheering and shouting as they recognised what it was, and although Sasuke was clueless, he was just as excited to hear it.
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pluralzalpha · 8 months
Genuine storylines from episodes of The Real Ghostbusters:
Two reporters interrupt one of Egon's experiments, leading to a demon stealing his body and turning it into a rampaging hulk. Meanwhile, Egon's soul is sent to another dimension where it's used as a trampoline by a monopod.
On an entirely separate occasion, Egon is discorporealised and eventually pulled into another dimension. The others rescue him with the help of a wizard.
Winston plays baseball with Native American spirits in a battle between good and evil.
Winston learns he is the reincarnation of an ancient African mage-warrior and fights a dinosaur skeleton possessed by his archenemy, using Peter's terrible synth music.
A man who hates fried chicken sells his soul to a demon in return for the power to make all the chickens in the world disappear.
Egon is bitten by a were-chicken, turning him into a were-chicken himself. Another one is hatched and grows to Godzilla-sized proportions. This is an entirely separate chicken-focused episode.
Peter falls under the spell of a banshee posing as an extremely 80s rock star, which includes an extended music video dream sequence.
The guys go to the premier of the original Ghostbusters movie, which is based on their adventures, and not the other way round.
They get pulled back in time on Christmas Eve into 19th century London, meet Ebenezer Scrooge, bust the three ghosts of Christmas and kill Christmas forever. They then have to go back in time again and impersonate them.
They get picked up in a tornado and dumped in a parallel universe where zombie versions of them work as Peoplebusters. This place is called Boo York.
They get infected by purple ectoplasm and grow extraneous body parts on themselves, which eventually split off and combine into a huge monster.
They run out of ghosts to bust so start fighting organised crime.
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masked-artist-xp · 11 months
I am a minor.
Art requests are currently closed.
Asks are open!
I am open to answer just about anything.
My birthday is oct 23rd.
In a relationship fr fr
I am a black cat therian
My pronouns are he/they/it/neos
Refer to me by Ash/Vix/Masked !!!
My persona's name is Fang. (But there is also my creator sona and Corruption who are seprate sonas)
My fursona's name is Vix
I have ADHD, Autism, hypermobility, and a few more mental issues ^^
I am a bisexual demiboy(but it's totally chill to call me transmasc or nonbinary)
If you do submit an art rq I may put it off for a bit-a while cuz I tend to be working on a bunch of things at once.
There's gonna be probably a lot of cussing on this blog- so- don't follow if you don't like cussing- QvQ
I am a scemo kid >:P
We don't say slurs on this blog!
You can absolutely tag me in posts with Horror Sans cuz I absolutely love him <3 (/p) cuz Horror is my comfort characterrrr
I'd love music recommendations if you have any!!! (just not country music or slow songs- not my pace lolz)
I do tend to post a few of my outfitzzz(especially if I feel like they're popping off that day)
If you submit an art rq, plz specify who a character is by/where it's from that way so I can draw the proper character, also make sure that I can get a good ref of whatever I'm drawing if it's not my own oc lmao
If you're not welcome on my blog, I will very clearly let you know.
Suggestive side blog: @oh-gods-its-so-gay
Ship side blog(for Dragons Blood aka Fang×Ellis): @fdiwbdk-omg-shipartttt
Music side blog: @music-fucking-slaps-frfr
Majority of my necessary information is in my bio!
You are homophobic/transphobic/racist/a pedophile/a predator/a proshipper/a TERF/a zoophile/anti-furry/anti-therian/abelist
Art request information!(if I open them again)
-characters, skeletons, suggestive stuff, animals (even if it looks funky), furries, doodles, gore, ships(if they're acceptable), ect.
-NSFW, overly complex poses or scenes, bare feet(cuz ew no), backgrounds, sanscest or papcest(sorry y'all), anything homophobic/transphobic/sexist/racist, or against religions, or anything that stands with absolutely profane acts(rape, sexual assault, abuse, pedophilia, incest, ect.)
Don't send more than 1 at once, don't ask for a request if requests are closed, don't pester me to do a request, don't send the same request more than once, don't request me to draw anything that is in the "will not draw" section.
Feel free to talk to me! Askz and Dmz are open for a reason! (I promise I'm not that scary)
Join the discord!
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onlyplatonicirl · 5 months
Seven Years Later, a wedding unfolds in the Omega Timeline between a skeleton and human.
   “Gradient stop squirming.”
     “I’m not!”
     “Gee Grady, did you gain weight?”
     “Come on Grady, I just want you to look good on your big day! I am the artist, you know.”
     Ink grabbed hold of Gradient’s pant leg, trying to hike it up until it draped over Gray’s foot.”
     Gradient grumbled. “Well the artist picked up the wrong pant size from the boutique.”
     Ink then began to fiddle with Gradient’s long draping, green and black overshirt. “Well, well, well that’s what was in the bag when I picked it up!”
     Gradient sighed. “Whatever, just, try to keep yourself together for just one day. Don’t bother other guests. Don’t start doing interpretive dance when the music starts in the hall. And please, for the love of god, don’t start explaining skeleton anatomy to anyone, especially not my fiance.”
      Ink looked Gradient up and down, getting to his feet. “Huh? I don’t do that!” He tapped a finger against his cheek. His eye sockets shifted between a few rounds of various shapes. “Ugh. What is your special guy’s name anyway? Uh. Caine, Carrie, Raphael, something along those lines right?”
     Frustrated glitches began to spritz off of Gradient’s body as he dragged his hands down his cheeks. “See? This is exactly what I mean! Casey! His name is Casey! Here!” Gradient found a rotting bandaid on the floor of the wedding hall’s bathroom. Ink mindlessly handed him a pen, an excited expression gripping his face. He was probably just excited by the thought that Gradient was going to draw something. Gradient pasted the bandaid on the wall and etched out- “C-A-S-E-Y” on the portion that wasn’t bloody, and handed it to Ink, whose eyes rapidly scanned over the name.
     “Ah. Casey. I remember now. Thanks Gray.” Ink patted Gradient on the head, ending with an affirming smack, and just stood utterly still, a goofy smile stretching across his face.
     Gradient pulled up the decorative hood that was attached to his shirt portion. He didn’t realize that his hands were shaking and that beads of sweat began to streak down his forehead. The hood’s cool darkness made him feel a bit better though, as it always had in the past. Like a little dome where he could escape the grip of reality. And Ink. And PJ’s crayon-eating sessions.
     “Aww.” Ink clasped his own hands together and striked an adoring pose. “You look so skrunkly wunkly, my little Grady. Hahahaha.” Ink abruptly swept Gradient into a smothering embrace, lifting him above the ground with surprising force considering the artist was significantly smaller than him. He could feel Ink’s hip bones jam into his side. It hurt almost as bad as that one time Casey chucked him down a full flight of stairs, resulting in a shattered rib bone and two rolls of cheap adhesive bandages.
     “Uhhhhgg.” Gradient managed to wheeze. Finally, after an eternity and a half, Ink set Gradient down, yet continued to stare at him with a dopey smile. An awkward silence existed between the two until Ink lifted a finger into the air.
     “Oh! I almost forgor, uh, forgot. Dream wanted you to have this. He thought it would add a ‘splendid accent’.” The artist dug inside of his pant leg, retrieving a silver circlet that sort of broke off and overlapped delicately near the center. Like that thing that Dream unconditionally wore as if it was a part of his body.
     Gradient stared at it, the bathroom’s LED lights bouncing off of the reflective silver surface. It was typical of Dream to assert his opinions and authority wherever he pleased to put it. He was equally bad, if not worse, than Ink in terms of invasive qualities. But Gradient had a whole separate list of worries regarding the small yellow guardian. He was mostly afraid that he would judge Casey for being a human, which would spiral back to arguments about Ink being a bad parent, which would result in a disaster to say the least. Those two were highly corrosive with each other, anyone could tell if they just glanced a bit whenever they talked or spoke or were at all in each other’s presence.
     “Here!” Ink took the circlet from Gray’s hands and reached up on his toes, trying to squeeze the piece of metal onto his head.
     “Ow! Stop that!”
     “Hold on it’ll fit, almost got it!” Ink stuck out his tongue and tried different angles, but the thing wouldn’t slip. It seemed as if Dream had used his own proportions to measure the decorative piece. Someone who was probably at least a foot shorter than him.
     Ink eventually gave up and twisted the metal around his arm. Gradient stared at him, concocting a way to make him leave the bathroom because, quite frankly, he had had enough Ink to last another hour, and needed peace. 
😏 got more
Gray having a hood as part of his outfit is SO HIM and I love Dream’s gift to him (sized to Dream’s own head LOL) and Ink LITERALLY NOT REMEMBERING CASEY’S NAME but he’s so happy for gray anyways omg they are SOOOOO SO CUTE
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midnightsilver · 1 year
The art post
My process vid:
(music: Carry on Wayward Son sung by Briana Buckmaster)
I haven’t posted a full process vid before, I usually take process photos then put them into a gif. I figured: who wants to see a full video of me constantly erasing and redoing the same bit of art over and over again?! That’s boring!
Well maybe you do?! This vid is for all the artists out there who will be happy to see artwork being a pain in the arse for someone else! 😂 It let’s you know that things often aren’t smooth and easy, especially if you are indecisive and impulsive like me!
So to put it into context here are some of my issues: I chose a difficult pose, curled up, one arm not in sight and one leg bent towards the viewer. When I started my neat sketch I put Sam’s ear in the wrong place and that fucked up his head size but instead of fixing the ear I spent ages adjusting the head size. By the time I got to colouring I forgot how to use the colour wheel and kept having to redo my shading because the tones weren’t working. I also couldn’t remember what blender brushes I like to use to mix colours on the page. Then half way through I though Sam looked too short so I tried to erase the edges to make him longer and taller and I accidentally turned him into a pin-head skeleton 😂 so I had to redraw him. And finally by the time I got to doing his face I found my groove and the rest of the picture took 2hrs compared to the 6hrs I had spent on it previously!! 😅 so I hope you enjoy seeing that sometimes art is a ball ache for other people too! 😁 Happy Arting 👍🏻
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