wordsofrowan · 1 year
The Shadow Court
Chapter 3 - A Shadow of a Doubt
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Adrien's room felt like a pressure cooker, his frustration boiling over with each passing second. He angrily threw his bag across the room, not caring where it landed, a physical manifestation of his mounting jealousy and hurt.
"Ow!" Plagg exclaimed, materializing out of the bag. "What's gotten into you, kid?"
Adrien scowled, his voice dripping with bitterness. "I don't know, Plagg. I just can't wrap my head around it. Marinette is changing, and it feels like she's purposely pushing everyone away, including me. And now, I see her smiling and laughing with some unknown driver. It's like she's forgotten all about us, all about me."
He sighed heavily, sinking onto his bed as a mix of jealousy and hurt clouded his thoughts. The image of Marinette's smile with someone else gnawed at his heart, fueling his irrational emotions.
Adrien sat there, consumed by his own insecurities, his mind racing with doubts and uncertainties. The need to confront Marinette burned within him, an urgent desire to understand the reasons behind her actions.
Restlessness coursed through his veins, compelling Adrien to rise from his bed and pace back and forth in his room. Plagg observed him with a mixture of curiosity and concern, aware of the tumultuous storm brewing within his holder.
"I have to talk to her," Adrien muttered, his voice tinged with determination laced with a hint of possessiveness. "I can't let this go on any longer. I need to know what's going on, no matter how difficult the truth may be."
Plagg floated closer, his expression somber. "Just be careful, Adrien. Remember, jumping to conclusions and letting jealousy guide your actions won't help. Approach her with an open mind, listen to her side of the story, and try to understand her perspective."
Adrien's eyes glinted with resolve as he called upon his transformation. "Plagg, Claws Out!" In a flash of black, he transformed into Chat Noir, his heart heavy with emotions he couldn't ignore. Determined to confront Marinette and find the answers he sought, he set off toward her house, hoping that the conversation ahead would offer clarity and bring them closer or expose the cracks in their bond.
Chat Noir arrived at Marinette’s house, his heart pounding with a mix of anticipation, anxiety, and jealousy. He stood outside on the familiar balcony that he had stood on many times, hesitating for a moment before mustering the courage to knock. Memories of moments shared between him and his princess had him clenching his fist tightly, his mind consumed by possessive thoughts. The sound of his knock reverberated through the quiet street, but there was no response. Chat Noir grew increasingly impatient, his desire to talk to Marinette, to figure out why she was changing overpowering any respect for her boundaries. He decided to take matters into his own hands and see if the door was unlocked, not caring about invading her privacy. 
To his delight, the door was unlocked, granting him access to Marinette's personal space. He scanned the room, his heart aching as he noticed some of the subtle differences in her room. To anyone else, the difference may have been small, but to him, it hit like a boulder. He noticed the absence of pictures featuring him and their classmates, causing a surge of anger and jealousy coursed through his veins. How dare she remove the evidence of their connection? It only fueled his determination to reclaim his place in her life, no matter the cost.
Chat Noir decided to sit on her bed and wait for the girl to arrive, he needed to speak to her and he would not wait to see her another day. Hours passed as he waited, the rain continuing to pour outside, serving as a backdrop to his introspective thoughts.
Just as Chat Noir felt his eyelids drooping, a burst of light flooded the room, alerting him to Marinette's presence. He sat up abruptly, his gaze locked on her as she entered, her hair wrapped in a towel and her clothes drenched from the rain. The sight of her disheveled appearance stirred a mix of conflicting emotions within him.
"Marinette," he said, his voice filled with a possessive edge that he couldn't suppress. "Why did you keep me waiting? I needed to talk to you. Where have you been?" His words were tinged with a demanding tone as if he believed she owed him an explanation for her actions.
Marinette's expression shifted from surprise to a mixture of concern and discomfort. She took a step back, a subtle hint of unease in her eyes. "Chat Noir, what are you doing in my room? How did you even get in?"
Ignoring her questions, Chat Noir stood up and closed the distance between them, his presence overwhelming. "Why did you remove the pictures, Marinette? The ones that showed your friends and Adrien? Are you trying to push your friends away?" His voice dripped with accusation, his jealousy and possessiveness fueling his words.
Marinette's eyes blazed with defiance as she crossed her arms over her chest, meeting Chat Noir's gaze head-on. "Oh, please. I have every right to cut them out of my life after everything they've done to me! I refuse to let people walk all over me and dictate my happiness."
Chat Noir's anger surged, his possessiveness pushing him further into a state of agitation. "But they're your friends, Marinette! They care about you. And what about Adrien? Are you pushing him away too?"
A flicker of hurt passed through Marinette's eyes, her voice laced with disappointment and frustration. "They're the ones who pushed me away! They have done nothing but bully and harass me over some lying manipulative person. I will not stand by and continue to let this happen. I've found people who actually care about me. I thought you did too, but it seems you're just like them."
"I'm just trying to look out for you, Marinette, so you don't make a mistake and ruin your life," Chat Noir said, his voice tinged with a patronizing tone as he stood towering over Marinette. "Someone has gotten into your head, filling it with all these crazy ideas. Just apologize to Lila, apologize to the class, and you can go back to being the Marinette we all know and love."
Marinette's eyes narrowed, her anger boiling beneath the surface. She stood her ground, refusing to back down. "Chat Noir, you're not seeing the bigger picture here. This is about standing up for myself, about refusing to tolerate mistreatment. I won't apologize for defending the truth and setting boundaries."
Chat Noir's frustration grew, his voice sharp with disbelief. "But Marinette, you're pushing everyone away. You're isolating yourself. Can't you see how much you're changing?"
A flicker of hurt passed through Marinette's eyes, her voice steady but filled with determination. "I am changing, Chat Noir. I'm growing, learning, and becoming stronger. I won't allow anyone to manipulate or control me anymore. If that means making tough decisions and losing people along the way, then so be it. I refuse to compromise my self-worth."
"Whatever," Chat Noir retorted, his voice tinged with bitterness and disappointment. "If you're just going to push everyone away and ruin yourself, then I won't stay here and watch."
Marinette's gaze hardened, her resolve strengthening as she met his eyes. She stood tall, no longer reliant on his validation or support. She had found her own strength within, and she didn't need Chat Noir to define her worth.
"Fine," Marinette replied, her voice steady. "I don't need you to understand or approve of my choices. I'm taking control of my life, even if it means standing alone."
Chat Noir's surprise was evident as he glanced back at her, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. He realized that the Marinette before him was no longer the same girl who had once sought his approval and validation. She had evolved into a spiteful vindictive woman, who was willing to just destroy her own life.
Without another word, Chat Noir turned and left, his departure no longer holding any power over Marinette. She stood there, watching him disappear into the night, a mixture of sadness and relief washing over her.
XoXo Rowan
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bigfatbreak · 10 months
What does Tom think of Emilie after meeting her?
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the only Agreste he's not massively disappointed with is Adrien himself. It's a good thing that's the only one he plans on sparing.
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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happy birthday, adrien <3
and this shot of adrien digging his nails into rua's back..... good for him good for him
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monpetitchattriste · 1 year
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Something about them being cringe and emo
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sentient-stove · 10 months
“He hugged me! He never does that, I literally have to schedule dinner with him weeks in advance.”
“Oh shit yeah, he’s definitely possessed.” Danny agreed as he stuck a hand into his thigh, pulling out the spare thermos he’d stored there. The cap was a bit dented but otherwise fine, meaning he could probably still use it. “Happens to the worst of them unfortunately. But at least ya got a haunt and ecto-expert here.”
Adrien’s face fell, shoulders slumping. “Is it too much to hope it was a belated change of heart?”
“Bummer.” The teenage model said. “I was going to ask if I could maybe eat lunch with him tomorrow instead of in a month and a half.”
Wow. Danny was tempted to ask Adrien if he could switch Mr Agreste out for Vlad. Vlad would love actually having a kid who wanted his attention and mediocre parenting skills. He voiced none of this however, having enough tact to not stuff his foot in his mouth yet.
“Hella bummer. On the plus side, wanna trap your daddy dearest in a thermos with me?”
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metalatias5 · 2 years
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some time ago I asked for suggestions for a SixFanarts challenge both here and on Twitter and before I knew it I had nine suggestions, so..
here we go, it’s finally done! ^^
(and I finally had an excuse to draw Hunter with heterochromia, pff)
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yayayachi · 1 year
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Oh to be manipulated and possessed by your father figure :)
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unecoccinellenoire · 2 years
It makes sense from a narrative perspective and it's totally in character for Gabriel but I cannot imagine buying an Alliance ring and having to pick between a 14 year old girl or a boy as an avatar.
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melloweentea · 2 years
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guinevereslancelot · 2 years
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society if adrien agreste was allowed to be cheeky
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frie-ice · 2 years
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This crossover collage is of Hunter the Golden Guard and Adrien Agreste, also known as Cat/Chat Noir and the akumatized villain, Cat/Chat Blanc. Similar to how Hunter was confirmed to be a Grimwalker, there have been strong indications that the theory of Adiran being a sentimonster might just be true. If that is the case, I hope there is a way to make Adrien human. So what happened to Senti-Ladybug won't happen to him.
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ninjnerd-anaklusmos · 5 months
I was a boy in Paris doing alright, then I became a freaking cat overnight!
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Now I gotta figure out how to do this right, so much to learn and see!
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Out of the estate with my new family, in a school that's just for those in poverty, a whole messed up world is waiting for me!
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Adrien Agreste!
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I'm finding out what being normal's all about!
Adrien Agreste!
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Making my way, it's a new near-death everyday
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It's gonna be my time, to show my dad that I'm not WORTHLESSSSSSS
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bigfatbreak · 10 months
In the Villain Dad AU, does Lila work with Viceroy? Or is she beneath his radar?
Viceroy doesn't like using children in his schemes, unlike Hawkmoth. Adrien is allowed to be Caspases because he's around Marinette enough to stand sentinel for her, and he also knows Nathalie and Gorilla are trustworthy enough that they would give him a heads up if Adrien was useless. He very rarely uses kids in his plans, unless its there's no other choice - or unless they rightfully demand it.
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zkretchy · 2 years
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my first actual thought about “cat who happens to possess you and is now a ghost(?)” was Gwent Not like Geralt is too happy about the accidental cheating happening but hey-can’t really block out the noise of someone inside your head now can you
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It's so funny seeing miraculous lb trend right now and seeing all the fans be like "Oh my god!!!! It's so terrible here!" and I'm over here with lmk and tdp like. Oh god. You all don't even know
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jattendschaton · 2 years
too much poor little not enough meow meow
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