#Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Dubai
light-angelic · 3 months
Overcoming Blockages from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Dubai
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Dive into the transformative journey of manifesting amidst the challenges of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Dubai. Join Light Angelic as we explore the intricacies of manifestation and address the blockages hindering the process. Discover practical techniques and insights to release limitations, embrace healing, and manifest your desired reality, even in the face of adversity.
Know More: https://lightangelic.com/manifesting-and-the-blockages-ceasing-the-process/
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lightangelic · 7 months
LightAngelic-Compassionate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Therapist for Healing
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Discover solace with LightAngelic, your trusted Post Traumatic Stress Disorder therapist. Our empathetic approach, rooted in expertise, provides a supportive environment for healing. Let LightAngelic guide you on your journey to recovery and renewed well-being.
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angeliclightdubai · 9 months
How Childhood Trauma Create Difficulty in Making Decisions
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Punishment is known to be very efficient in giving shape to your child, but if this happens in excess condition, then it can lead to childhood trauma. This can damage their mental state and raise many mental issues like PTSD. If you are one of them, it's better to go for the best Therapy for PTSD.
Also Read: What are the Signs That You Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder? Parents want their children's best but need to remember where to stop. There is a massive gap between care and control. Sometimes, parents start to control their children's lives, which is not acceptable at a certain point in time. This leads to trauma, and often, they doubt themselves to make decisions about their life.
In Which Ways the Childhood Trauma Affects To Take Decision
Effects on Brain
These adverse effects may be directly tied to early life stress's ability to affect brain connections and function. According to research, the emotional regions of the brain that respond to threats become more reactive and dissociated from the regulatory regions of the brain as a result of childhood trauma. Both the harmful effects of child maltreatment and cognitive functions, which are also strongly associated with these adverse effects, are thought to be caused by these brain alterations.
Emotional regulation
Trauma survivors commonly experience challenges regulating their emotions, hindering their ability to make confident and rational decisions. Effective decision-making frequently involves managing emotions, but the impact of trauma can make this a difficult task for many individuals.
Also Read: How to Get Over From Nightmares and Get Peaceful Sleep
Fear and anxiety
Experiencing trauma can cause an increase in fear and anxiety levels, which can make decision-making a problematic task. The individual may be overly concerned about the possible outcomes, hindering their ability to proceed with confidence.
Low self-esteem
Although trauma can be a challenging experience, it does not define one's self-worth or decision-making abilities. With patience and self-care, individuals can regain confidence and trust in their judgment.
It is crucial to emphasize that while childhood trauma can significantly affect decision-making, individuals can develop resilience and effective coping mechanisms. Seeking the help of the best Post Traumatic Stress Disorder therapist for counseling is a proactive step towards addressing these challenges and cultivating a positive and healthy decision-making process.
Direction: Click Here
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onecalldoctor123 · 2 months
Behavior Therapy at Home in Dubai | One Call Doctor, Dubai
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is king. Whether it’s shopping, dining, or healthcare, people are constantly seeking ways to make their lives easier and more efficient. One area where this convenience is increasingly being sought after is healthcare, particularly in the realm of behavior therapy. For those living in Dubai, the good news is that behavior therapy services at home in Dubai are now readily available through One-Call Doctor.
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The Need for Behavior Therapy at Home
Behavior therapy, also known as behavioral intervention or behavior modification, is a form of psychotherapy that aims to treat various mental health conditions by changing negative or harmful behaviors. This type of therapy can be particularly beneficial for individuals with conditions such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders, among others.
Traditionally, behavior therapy has been conducted in clinical settings, requiring patients to travel to a therapist’s office for regular sessions. However, this approach can be inconvenient and time-consuming, especially for those with busy schedules, mobility issues, or transportation challenges. That’s where behavior therapy services at home in Dubai come in.
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One-Call Doctor: Bringing Behavior Therapy to Your Doorstep
One-Call Doctor is a pioneering healthcare service in Dubai that offers a wide range of medical and therapeutic services right in the comfort of your own home. Whether you’re seeking medical consultations, physiotherapy, or behavioral therapy, One-Call Doctor has got you covered.
Benefits of Behavior Therapy at Home
One of the most significant advantages of opting for behavior therapy at home in Dubai is the unparalleled convenience it offers. Instead of having to commute to a clinic or hospital for your therapy sessions, a qualified and experienced therapist will come to your home at a time that suits you best.
Personalized Care
Another benefit of in-home behavior therapy is the personalized care and attention you will receive. In a familiar and comfortable environment, you may feel more at ease and open to discussing your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors with your therapist. This can lead to more effective and targeted treatment.
Flexible Scheduling
With One-Call Doctor, scheduling your behavior therapy sessions is a breeze. You can choose a time that fits into your daily routine, whether it’s early morning, late evening, or even on weekends. This flexibility ensures that you can receive the care you need without disrupting your other commitments.
Who Can Benefit from Behavior Therapy at Home?
Behavior therapy at home in Dubai is suitable for individuals of all ages who are dealing with a wide range of behavioral and mental health issues, including but not limited to:
Anxiety disorders
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Eating disorders
Substance abuse
How to Get Started with One-Call Doctor
Getting started with behavior therapy services at home in Dubai through One-Call Doctor is quick and straightforward:
Contact One-Call Doctor: Reach out to One-Call Doctor via phone, email, or their website to discuss your needs and schedule an initial consultation.
Initial Assessment: A qualified therapist will visit you at home for an initial assessment to understand your specific needs and develop a personalized treatment plan.
Regular Therapy Sessions: Once your treatment plan is in place, your therapist will conduct regular behavior therapy sessions at your home, focusing on achieving your therapeutic goals.
Ongoing Support: One-Call Doctor is committed to providing ongoing support and monitoring to ensure the effectiveness of your behavior therapy and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
Behavior therapy is a valuable and effective form of treatment for a variety of mental health conditions. With One-Call Doctor’s behavior therapy services at home in Dubai, receiving the care you need has never been easier or more convenient. Say goodbye to the hassle of commuting to therapy sessions and embrace the comfort and flexibility of in-home behavior therapy with One-Call Doctor today! For more information about behavior therapy at home in Dubai or to schedule an initial consultation, contact One-Call Doctor today. Your journey to better mental health and well-being starts here. For more details visit our website : https://theonecalldoctor.com/services/behavior-therapy-at-home-in-dubai/
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solutionlab · 6 months
Stress management, ptsd therapy treatment, post traumatic stress disorde...
Stress management, ptsd therapy treatment, post traumatic stress disorder therapy
Welcome to a transformative journey towards stress management and healing from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this insightful video, we delve into effective strategies for coping with stress and explore therapeutic treatments for PTSD. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive guide to empower you or someone you know on the path to mental well-being. Expert therapists share valuable insights, coping mechanisms, and therapeutic interventions aimed at alleviating the impact of stress and managing the challenges of PTSD. We understand the importance of mental health, and our commitment is to offer support and guidance. Join us in fostering a community dedicated to well-being – hit the like button, subscribe for regular updates, and share this video to extend the reach of valuable information. Together, let's embark on a journey towards resilience, recovery, and a healthier, happier life. So with a commitment to excellence and a passion for creativity, our team of professionals is ready to collaborate with you to achieve your goals and we invite 🤝 you, to our world 🏡 where innovation, precision, and imagination converge. We, welcome 🤝 you to our services hub, where your vision becomes reality.
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bridgespeechcenter · 8 months
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Dubai: Bridging Mental Wellness Gap
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Dubai's mental health awareness has grown in recent years, emphasizing the need for appropriate therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a leading mental health treatment. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Dubai is discussed in detail in this post to promote mental health. We use "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Near Me." to examine CBT accessibility.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Dubai: Vital to Mental Health
CBT is a structured, evidence-based psychotherapy that links thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. It is commonly used to treat anxiety, depression, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Dubai aims to identify and change negative thought patterns and improve coping skills.
A growing community of professional and competent therapists supports Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Dubai. These specialists adhere to international care standards and complete extensive training. The DHA governs mental health services in Dubai, ensuring CBT practitioners satisfy strict licensure and practicing requirements.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Dubai therapists use a variety of CBT strategies to meet each patient's demands. They may include:
Cognitive restructuring: Identifying and addressing faulty or unreasonable cognitive patterns that cause negative emotions. People change their thinking and gain positive perspectives through guided exercises.
Behavioral Experiments: Clients test their views and assumptions in real life. Hands-on evidence challenges maladaptive belief processes.
Exposure Therapy: Used to treat anxiety, exposure therapy gradually exposes patients to fearful stimuli. Dubai therapists help individuals overcome their fears in supportive situations.
Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Individuals learn present-moment mindfulness and relaxation skills to handle stress, anxiety, and depression.
Homework: Therapists provide clients exercises to practice between sessions to reinforce skills and promote growth.
Dubai's Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Near Me idea emphasizes CBT's accessibility. A growing number of mental health clinics, hospitals, and private practices in the city use CBT as a major treatment. This vast availability assures that CBT seekers can find qualified practitioners around the city.
Many Dubai therapists offer telemedicine, allowing clients to get Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Near Me at home. This novel therapy has been invaluable, especially given recent worldwide health issues.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy advances mental health care in Dubai. CBT gives mental health patients hope with its evidence-based methods and experienced practitioners. Dubai's "Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Near Me" initiative shows its dedication to provide quality mental health treatment to all people. As the city prioritizes mental wellbeing, CBT is a key step toward a healthier, more balanced existence.
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worldcrimenews · 7 years
Dubai Resident Convicted of Sexual Assault in Singapore
Depression and other mental health issues can drive people to drastic actions, as illustrated by a recent story from Channel News Asia. According to the report, a man from India assaulted the nurse of his wife, a cancer patient in Singapore. The incident later resulted in his conviction on the charge of sexual assault.
Pillai Shyam Kumar Sadashivan and his wife lived in Dubai. The 47-year-old man worked as a managing director of a steel company; but after his wife became ill with cancer, their prosperous life changed. In December 2016, the couple travelled to Singapore, searching for more effective treatments for the wife’s cancer.
While in Singapore, Pillai hired a private nurse to care for his wife. The nurse worked independently through MedXcess Healthcare, and she agreed to visit the couple’s rented flat and help with the wife’s daily care.
When the 25-year-old nurse came to the flat, she discovered that her patient was napping, so she went into the living area with Pillai to speak with him about his wife’s medical needs. Pillai began to turn their talk towards sex. He asked for “extra services,” and request that she pull up her shirt.
The nurse said no and placed her arms across her chest; but Pillai seized her blouse, ripping a button off, and put his hand down her shirt. He touched her thighs as well, but she rejected his advances.
The nurse reported the incident to her employers, who notified the police and terminated the contract. However, the damage had been done, and the traumatised nurse had to seek counselling to deal with the aftereffects of the incident. She suffered from ” unexplained crying, insomnia, lost or reduced appetite, feelings of worthlessness,” as well as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression in Singapore, even as Pillai returned to Dubai. Pillai’s wife stayed in Singapore to continue her treatment.
Pillai faced charges of sexual assault and of insulting the modesty of a woman. He pled guilty, and on October 13, 2017, he was sentenced to just seven months of jail time and three strokes of the cane.
It is likely that Pillai himself suffered from depression, or from additional mental health issues that could have been diagnosed by a qualified psychiatrist in Singapore or Dubai. By his own admission, he had not been intimate with his wife for months due to her illness, and watching her health decline probably took a toll on his own mental state. Unfortunately, he did not seek help or support for his mental condition, and he inflicted serious emotional injury on a young woman.
Help for Trauma-Related Depression in Singapore
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madhavisrtworks · 1 year
What is Craniosacral Therapy? - How it Works
Craniosacral therapy may be the solution for you if you're seeking for a non-invasive and gentle therapy to reduce stress and enhance your general health. We shall define craniosacral therapy, describe how it functions, and outline what to anticipate from Madhavi's Srtworks Craniosacral Treatment in Dubai in this blog article.
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
In the alternative therapy known as craniosacral therapy, the joints in the skull, spine, and pelvis are gently moved. The cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord is thought to produce a regular pulse that can be felt throughout the body, which is the foundation of this theory.
Pain and discomfort can result from disruptions in this pulse, known as the craniosacral rhythm, caused by physical or mental stress. Craniosacral treatment works to reestablish rhythm and advance healing by gently adjusting the joints and tissues of the craniosacral system.
Read more..  History of Spiritual Response Therapy
How Does Craniosacral Therapy Work?
You will lie down completely clothed during a craniosacral therapy session while the therapist utilises light touch to evaluate the rhythm of the craniosacral system and pinpoint any areas of tension or restriction. After that, the therapist would employ mild methods to relieve the stress and reestablish the rhythm.
In craniosacral treatment, mild touch, holding, and moderate pressure are some of the techniques employed. Verbal cues may also be used by the therapist to encourage you to unwind and let go of stress.
What Are the Benefits of Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral therapy can be beneficial for many conditions, including headaches, migraines, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. It can also help improve overall health and well-being by promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and boosting the immune system. What to expect from Madhavi's craniosacral therapy in Dubai 
Madhavi's Artworks is one of the leading providers of craniosacral therapy in Dubai. Our experienced therapists use gentle, non-invasive methods to help you achieve optimal health and well-being. During your session, you can expect to feel relaxed and comfortable as our therapists work to release tension and restore craniosacral tone.
Whether you suffer from chronic pain, anxiety, or just want to improve your overall health, Craniosacral Therapy at Madhavi's Works in Dubai can help. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and begin your journey to better health. 
Read more… The process of restructuring one's spiritual life to find purpose and fulfillment
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lifeway6231 · 2 years
Group therapy ajman
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What Kind of Group therapies Are Available for Kids?
Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) - is a cognitive behavioral therapy that was developed by Marsha Linehan. DBT is based on the idea that people have the capacity to regulate their emotions and behaviors, but sometimes they need help in order to do so.
DBT has been found to be effective for a variety of mental health disorders, including borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse disorders and eating disorders.
Process groups therapy - is a form of group therapy where the focus is on the process of the group rather than on its content. The idea behind process groups therapy is that by focusing on the dynamic interactions among members in a group, they can help each other to explore and understand their own thoughts and feelings.
Social skills groups -  are a form of therapy that provides a safe environment for people to practice social skills. They are designed to help people become more confident, learn how to make friends, and find ways to interact and connect with others.
Some social skills groups will have their own specific topic such as managing anger or making friends with an autistic child. Others will be more general in nature and focus on topics like communication, self-esteem, or assertiveness.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) - groups are a type of psychotherapy that focuses on changing the thought patterns and behaviors of individuals. CBT is used to treat a wide range of mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.
CBT is typically done in an individual therapy setting but can also be done in group settings. There are many benefits to group CBT sessions such as increased support for individuals as well as a sense of community among those participating in the session.
Find the best Group therapy in Dubai for your kids, they will be given support through all their social problem.
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light-angelic · 3 months
Illuminate Within: Navigating Post-Traumatic Stress with Light Angelic
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Join Light Angelic in a transformative journey towards spiritual awakening and trusting your instincts. In the bustling heart of Dubai, we offer a sanctuary for those navigating the shadows of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Through guided practices and intuitive exploration, discover the power of your inner light and learn to follow your gut feelings with clarity and confidence.
Visit Now: https://shorturl.at/aCFJR
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lightangelic · 8 months
How Childhood Trauma Create Difficulty in Making Decisions
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Punishment is known to be very efficient in giving shape to your child, but if this happens in excess condition, then it can lead to childhood trauma. This can damage their mental state and raise many mental issues like PTSD. If you are one of them, it’s better to go for the best Therapy for PTSD. Read More>> https://angeliclightdubai.tumblr.com/post/727633251560194048/how-childhood-trauma-create-difficulty-in-making
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angeliclightdubai · 10 months
What are the Signs That You Have Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
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Suppose you are stuck in a never-ending loop of intrusive thoughts and irrational behaviors that consume your every waking moment. In that case, you may suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). OCD is an often debilitating mental health condition characterized by persistent and uncontrollable thought patterns and compulsions to perform specific actions, such as counting or washing hands. Also, this can cause PTSD; in that case, you have to consult the best Therapy for PTSD to get back into normal life.
What seems like a trivial problem can immensely affect victims' lives: If left untreated, it can lead to further challenges with academics, career prospects, relationships, and even physical health. To truly understand the nuances of this challenging disorder and its potential to influence everyday life, it's essential to look at the signs of having OCD. Also Read: How Balancing Chakras Helps In Controlling Your Mind
Signs That You Have OCD
The first symptom is that you will be scared of toughing things that other person touched earlier. Also, you hate hugging or even shaking hands with others, as you think you will have come in contact with the germs through this.
The next sign is that you will feel anxious when the objects are not in their place. It will create a real challenge for you to leave the house if the objects are not in their specific place.
It's normal to have thoughts about causing harm to yourself or others, even when your mind is preoccupied with other things.
The obsessions and compulsions take up a significant amount of time. It will interfere with daily activities, work, school, or relationships. The person recognizes that their obsessions are not rational but feels compelled to perform compulsions.
You will try avoiding situations or places that trigger obsessions or compulsions.
Also, you will be afraid that you will curse out loud in the crowd, and thus, you will try to avoid any social events.
People may engage in repetitive behaviors or mental acts as a way to alleviate feelings of anxiety. Also, you will try to wash your hands excessively or even be obsessed with cleaning.
Also Read: How can Rejection Become Your Strength? It is well-established that a significant portion of the world's population, ranging from 1.1% to 1.8%, experiences the challenges associated with OCD. Thus, this shows that the number is not good. Suppose you or someone you know is experiencing these signs. If you have encountered mental health issues, it is vital to seek help from a skillful professional to undergo proper assessment and treatment. Without intervention, conditions such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder can become severe.
Direction: Click Here
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neurokidsdoc21 · 2 years
Mental disorders in children| Know the Signs and Symptoms before it gets too late!
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Mental health refers to your whole well-being in terms of how you think, feel, and act. Delays or disturbances in developing age-appropriate thoughts, behaviors, social skills, or emotion control are all examples of mental problems in children, according to a child neurologist in Dubai. Children are distressed by these issues, which interfere with their capacity to perform properly at home, at school, and in other social contexts.
 Mental diseases that are common in children
 The following are examples of neurological   disorders in babies in Dubai and older children, as well as developmental disorders that are managed by mental health professionals:
Anxiety disorders are a type of anxiety condition.  They are persistent concerns, anxieties, or anxiety that interfere with their ability to play, go to school, or interact with their peers in age-appropriate ways. Social anxiety, generalized anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorders are among the diagnoses.
Children with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)struggle with attention, impulsive behaviors, hyperactivity, or a combination of these issues when compared to other children their age
ASD (autism spectrum disease) is a (ASD). Autism spectrum disorder is a neurological illness that typically manifests in early childhood, before the age of three. A child with ASD has trouble speaking and engaging with others, regardless of the severity of the disease.
Eating disorders are a type of eating disorder. An obsession with an ideal body type, disordered thinking about weight and weight loss, and dangerous eating and dieting habits are all examples of eating disorders. Eating disorders, such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder, can cause mental and social problems as well as potentially fatal physical repercussions.
Depression and other mood disorders are very common. Depression is a condition in which a child's capacity to perform in school and interact with others is harmed by continuous feelings of melancholy and loss of interest. Bipolar disorder causes uncontrolled, hazardous, or dangerous mood swings between sadness and excessive emotional or behavioral highs.
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a type of anxiety illness that occurs (PTSD). In response to assault, abuse, injury, or other traumatic events, PTSD causes extended emotional anguish, anxiety, painful memories, nightmares, and disruptive behaviors.
Schizophrenia is a perceptual and cognitive illness that causes a person to lose touch with reality (psychosis). Schizophrenia causes hallucinations, delusions, and disturbed thinking and behavior in people in their late teens and early twenties.
What are the symptoms that a youngster is suffering from mental illness?
The following are warning indications that your child may be suffering from a mental illness:
●       Sadness that lasts for two or more weeks
●       Avoiding or withdrawing from social encounters
●       Injuring oneself or talking about injuring oneself are two different things.
●       Bringing up the subject of death or suicide
●       Excessive impatience or outbursts
●       Out-of-control and potentially hazardous behavior
●       Mood, behavior, or personality changes that are drastic
●       Alterations in dietary habits
●       Weight reduction
●       Sleep disturbances Frequent headaches or stomach aches
●       Concentration problems
●       Academic performance shifts
●       Avoiding or skipping school
 Get consultation now if you find the same in your kid's behaviors!!!
It might be difficult for parents to recognize mental illness in their children. As a result, many children who would benefit from treatment are unable to receive it. Learn how to spot the indications of mental illness in children and what you can do to help them.
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neuropediadubai · 3 years
Developmental delay in children
At Neuropedia, we know it can be quite overwhelming the moment you come to know your child faces an issue of developmental delay.
As a matter of fact, it’s quite necessary to find there are an array of treatment options for this diagnosis and it generally does not have to be a long-lasting effect or has the least to do with future intelligence.
Dr.Arif Khan is of the opinion that the mistake begins the moment you try to generalise the child behavior and as a parent, you should fall in peace with the fact that no two children grow and learn the same and Neuropedia is here to help and mentor yours to grow to his or her full potential.
What is a developmental delay?
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A developmental delay is nothing else but a slow-paced trend where the child has not gained the developmental skills generally as expected of him or her, in contrast to others of the same age.
Where are developmental delays spotted?
Delays may occur in the areas of motor function, speech and language, cognitive, play, and social skills.
What are the causes of developmental delay?
Down syndrome
Metabolic disorders
Shaken baby syndrome
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Prenatal alcohol exposure
Some very serious infections
Deprivation of food
What are the signs of developmental delay?
Slow-paced learning
Walking much later
Difficulty in communicating and socializing
Lower  IQ score
Talking late
Can't remember things
Inability to connect actions with consequences
Lack of logical thinking
Trouble learning in school
Inability to do everyday tasks
At Neuropedia, our specialised team of pediatric neurologists in Dubai and a wide range of expert therapists all hold years of experience associating with families and children with developmental delays. Contact us at the earliest to book an appointment or to know more about the treatment options we have to offer.
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robinmark · 3 years
Therapeutic Robots Market Review | Rise in Demand, Opportunities, Types, Future Analysis by 2029
Future Market Insights upcoming report on global Therapeutic Robots Market uncovers hidden opportunities and potential threats. The report gives an incisive coverage on the Therapeutic Robots Market through a detailed segmentation on its key growth drivers, opportunities, restraints and challenges expected to prevail the Market in the upcoming years. According to FMI, the industrial automation industry is expected to have a positive outlook through 2021 and beyond.
Increasing usage of machines and demand for high quality products in various industries coupled with installation of smart devices in the machinery are some of the factors propelling the growth of Therapeutic Robots Market in industrial automation industry. Industries are implementing the automation to increase the productivity and reduce labor costs. FMI provides detailed insights about the industry for the Market players to craft their long-term strategies to maintain the competitive edge in the industry.
To receive the detailed insights about the Therapeutic Robots Market, our experts relies on the primary and secondary research, and various wide range of data set gathered from organic and inorganic sources to provide estimates for the upcoming decade.
Understanding the Impact of Covid-19 on Industrial Automation Industry
The COVID-19 outbreak has been posing staggering challenges for the industry. Like other industries, the industrial automation industry has been particularly affected due to the lack of equipment and availability of the products. Furthermore, dearth of labor, factory closures, and supply restrictions induced by the pandemic crisis resulted in slight setback in 2020.
Lack of human assistance and key player’s hesitation in investing for high-end machineries during the pandemic has negatively impacted the industrial automation industry in 2020. However, with relaxation in lockdown, the Therapeutic Robots Market has picked up the pace.
The FMI’s recent report talks about the Market scenario in the chapter on the Covid-19 impact analysis to aid the Market players for the upcoming years. The report gives a detailed Market analysis surrounding the Market condition and its impact on the Therapeutic Robots Market.
Request Report Sample@https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-10842
Key Questions Answered in the Report
What are the key trends and challenges that will affect global Therapeutic Robots Market in upcoming years?
What are the factors that will influence the Therapeutic Robots Market demand?
Which region will be the most lucrative for Therapeutic Robots Market throughout the forecast period?
How will evolving regulatory policies impact the Market growth?
What is the impact of Covid-19 on the Therapeutic Robots Market?
Therapeutic Robots Market: Segmentation
Detailed analysis on the geographical region and country wise insights are offered in the latest Therapeutic Robots Market report with established Market players as well as incumbents in the region.
Pre - Book Report@https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/checkout/10842
On the basis of Robot Type, the global therapeutic robots market can be segmented into the following,
On the basis of Type of Disorder, the global therapeutic robots market can be segmented into the following,
Cerebral Palsy
Post-traumatic stress
Comprehensive analysis of the regional Markets offers exclusive insights on the Market performance across geographies along with relevant graphs, figures, and list of tables.
Competitive Analysis
By Prominent Market Players
PARO Robots
SoftBank Robotics
AnthroTronix, Inc.
BeatBots LLC
Omron Corporation
Sony Corporation
Bionik Laboratories Corp.
Instead Technologies Ltd.
With a detailed segmentation on segments and sub-segments, the FMI’s study offers the strengths, weaknesses, growth prospects and opportunities of each player. The report also includes important Market study including the historical revenue prospects, pricing strategy, and Marketing strategy adopted by these players in the Therapeutic Robots Market
Why Future Market Insights?
Comprehensive analysis on evolving purchase pattern across different geographies
Detailed insights of Market segments and sub-segments for historical as well as forecast period
A competitive analysis of prominent players and emerging players in the Therapeutic Robots Market
Detailed information about the product innovation, mergers and acquisitions lined up in upcoming years
Ground breaking research and Market player-centric solutions for the upcoming decade according to the present Market scenario
About FMI
Future Market Insights (FMI) is a leading provider of market intelligence and consulting services, serving clients in over 150 countries. FMI is headquartered in Dubai, the global financial capital, and has delivery centers in the U.S. and India. FMI's latest market research reports and industry analysis help businesses navigate challenges and make critical decisions with confidence and clarity amidst breakneck competition. Our customized and syndicated market research reports deliver actionable insights that drive sustainable growth. A team of expert-led analysts at FMI continuously tracks emerging trends and events in a broad range of industries to ensure that our clients prepare for the evolving needs of their consumers.
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krypticreaux · 6 years
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Some NSFW content, proceed with caution!
PART 2 of the series “Unbreakable”
This story picks up a few weeks after the end of part 1, which can be found HERE.
There is still some NSFW content in this story, but it’s only two scenes, one in chapter 1 (graphic violence in a PTSD-induced nightmare), and another in chapter 12 (a bit of smut, stopping short of full-blown sex).  Compared to the first story, this is almost all fluff.  It’s the “sunrise” after the darkness, hence the title.  I hope you enjoy it! <3
I’m super self-conscious about my writing, so if you like it, PLEASE let me know…it will give me encouragement to write more!  If you don’t like it, PLEASE PLEASE let me know (be kind, please!), so I can learn from my mistakes and do better!  I love my readers, so reach out if you have any thoughts to share! <3
Chapters: 15/15 Fandom: Mystic Messenger (Video Game) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Yoosung Kim/Main Character Characters: Yoosung Kim, Main Character (Mystic Messenger), Jumin Han Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Aftermath of Violence, Recovery, Injury Recovery, follow up from my first work, 231 days, Hospitalization, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, psychological abuse recovery, Romance, Not Canon Compliant, backstory diverges slightly from canon, MC is my OC, part 2 of 3 (or more!), Angst and Fluff, lots of fluff, Fluffy!!!, Smut, sexual abuse recovery, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD Series: Part 2 of Unbreakable Summary:
REWRITE COMPLETE as of 1/3/2018!!! I hope you enjoy this labor of love! <3
This is a continuation of my first work, titled '231 Days'.
This story picks up three weeks after MC (Eleanora) rescued Yoosung--who had spent over seven months being held captive by rogue MintEye operative, 'Unknown'. Badly injured and near death, Yoosung had been rushed to the hospital and required extensive treatment to be stabilized. Once he had recovered enough to be moved, he and Eleanora were sent to Halcyon Sky, a hospital and rehabilitation facility located in one of the tallest skyscrapers in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This was, of course, courtesy of our favorite ailurophile and corporate heir, Mr. Jumin Han, who believed that this location would be most beneficial to Yoosung's full recovery.
At Halcyon Sky, and with Eleanora's unwavering love and support, Yoosung works hard to recover. Though he remembers little about his months-long ordeal in the hands of Unknown, the psychological scars are lurking just under the surface.
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