illustrations · 2 years
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How Shadow and Bone trilogy should've ended
The most popular solution in fantasy genre to an evil monarch seems to be replacing them with a less evil monarch and having trust that they will make things right. We accept this easily since the story is usually set in medieval times and the idea of forming a government seems unrealistic given the setting. But Leigh Bardugo lost the right to use that excuse when she decided to set Grishaverse in late nineteenth century/early twentieth century.
The setting
Leigh Bardugo was inspired by imperial Russia and decided to make it more edgy, giving it the nickname "tsarpunk" (God give me strength). The time period or the year is never mentioned in Grishaverse, but since it's closely based on the real world, I'll draw conclusions from the text. She might've specified in interviews, but most people never read all the declarations an author makes, so she should've made things more clear in the books. The world-building is frankly, rather flimsy, even for YA.
Most fans seem to think the story takes place in 17th/18th century. It does not. Even though the technological advancements can't be measured the same as in the real world since the Grisha are primary reason for it, cars and tanks already exist in Grishaverse. Even this doesn't make any sense because according to the text, Fjerdans invented tanks first, cars second and submarines third. In reality, the order of the events is the opposite: submarines (1620), cars (1886), tanks (1915).
The events in Shadow and Bone trilogy seem to be very loosely based on the death of Czar Alexander the third (1894), reign of Czar Nicholas the second (1896-1917), Rasputin's murder (1916) and the February revolution (1917) which ended monarchy in Russia.
2. The fictional world setting
Besides barely mentioned Wandering Isle and saints-know-whose Southern Colonies, we have Fjerda and Shu-Han with absolute monarchies, and then we have Kerch and Novyi Zem, which are framed as more "progressive" countries by the narrative. We don't know much about Novyi Zem, except that it's a newly established country with growing economy and doesn't have monarchy. Kerch is ruled by the merchant council (*cough* oligarchs *cough*) - also doesn't have monarchy. So why is it such an outlandish idea for Ravka to abolish absolute monarchy? It isn't.
3. The monarchy is only as good as the monarch
Monarchy had been causing more damage to Ravka than the Fold. Incompetent Kings waged and lost countless wars, emptied royal coffers and made a significant amount of soldiers desert the first army. Regular people lived in poverty, lack of education made them prejudiced and easily controlled, and no effort whatsoever had been made to integrate Grisha in regular people's lives. The Kings preferred them bunched up in one place in the Little Palace to better keep an eye on them (it's canon, the little palace was patrolled) or on the front lines.
"I’ve always cared about good work. Polnya’s had a line of good kings. They’ve served their people, built libraries and roads, raised up the University, and been good enough at war to keep their enemies from overrunning them and smashing everything. They’ve been worthy tools. I might leave, if they grew wicked and bad."
-Uprooted, Naomi Novik.
Ravkan Kings haven't been doing any of those things. But it's okay to keep the outdated tradition that does more harm than good because Nikolai is charming and better than his rapist father(who he gave a nice retirement and more servants to rape, btw)? What about his descendants?
Since it's always been that way, it should continue to be that way? Why is the change in status quo perceived as something bad?
"- Who invented this vehicle? The Frenchman asked between laughs, pointing to the postcart on which the sleepy "yamshtchik" was stupidly nodding. - The Russians, I answered. - I imagine nobody is likely to dispute the honour with them. I pity you to be forced to addle your brain and shake up your stomach on a thing like that.
- What's to be done? If the whole of Russia travels in this manner, why should I complain?
-That's why Russia doesn't advance more rapidly. God give you a safe journey. As for me, I tell you frankly I would not risk my life by getting into it."
-Ilia Chavchavadze, Notes of a Journey from Vladikavkaz to Tiflis.
4. Abolishing the monarchy would actually solve problems
If Nikolai really wanted what's best for Ravka, instead of putting himself and then an impulsive living nuke with anger issues on the throne, he would create a parliament, a council of sorts, where he would still be the head figure as the King, since the nation wouldn't immediately take the change well , and the members would be the Triumvirate and the nobles he trusted, like Count Karigan. Over the years, the flow of power would pass more to the council, and eventually the monarchy would be abolished and Nikolai's children wouldn't take the throne. Regular people would be given an opportunity to have an education and later, the otkazatsya part of council wouldn't consist of just nobleborns. A part of the council would always have to consist of Grisha, which would bridge the division between them and otkazatsya.
But no, who wants progress and democracy when we can have a cool slay queen dragon (an emotionally unstable vessel for an ancient being).
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pancitoquesoso · 2 years
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Tiger purposes: 40 rayitas
Tigre-playlist: 25 rayitas
Creative day: 100 (dibujo) +50 Bonus por realizar ambos.
Yo cuando escucho: 40 rayitas
Top 6 things that i love: 40 rayitas + 15
This or that: 100 rayitas
Ways to say i love You: 100 rayitas
My cartoon: 150 rayitas
Picrew: 100 rayitas
Tiger postcart: 100 rayitas
Time to myself: 150 huellitas+60 rayitas
Amor: 250 huellitas
Desamor: 250 huellitas
Amistad: 250 huellitas
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Marialba Russo
Postcart, Roma 2016, 84 pagine,  fotografie in b/n,  21 x 31 cm, ISBN  9788898391493
euro 35,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Marialba Russo, tra il 1975 e il 1980, realizza una serie di ritratti nell’ambito della cultura del travestimento in Campania, in cui l’antropologia culturale dialoga con il progetto artistico.
“Uomini abbigliati e truccati da donna, per i quali travestirsi vale un po’ come spogliarsi: è un modo di liberarsi dal consueto e dal quotidiano, di spingersi oltre le colonne d’Ercole del genere e della categoria. Un modo che, seppur vissuto inconsciamente e nell’ambito di una festa carnevalesca di oggi, affonda le sue radici in una selva di antichi miti e di riti transculturali che avevano lo scopo di riconnettere gli opposti. coincidentia oppositorum qui significa far riaffiorare sulla superficie del corpo e della comunità le possibilità di un dialogo effettivo tra le polarità di maschile e femminile, ritualità magica per favorire la fertilità ed esorcizzare la morte; sono coincidenze che travalicano i confini geografici e che si riflettono in una modalità operativa arcaica per cui il superamento del genere sessuale, che rivive oggi nel travestitismo uomo-donna di sagre e carnevali di questo tipo, porta in sé la memoria segreta di remoti riti propiziatori e apotropaici che avevano la funzione di connettere con il sacro, il divino e il magico.”
orders to:     [email protected]
ordini a:        [email protected]
twitter:         @fashionbooksmi
instagram:   fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano tumblr:          fashionbooksmilano, designbooksmilano
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viaparata · 9 months
"Letizia" di Franco Zecchin
"Una volta in più siamo grati alla fotografia, al suo essere silenziosa e capace di senso. Franco dice qui molto di Letizia, dice molto di più di quanto si possa dire a parole, cercando di evocarla. È un commiato, forse, e come tale un modo per trattenere Letizia ancora qui con noi. E riesce a non essere solo il commiato di Franco da Letizia, il suo modo singolare di fare i conti col senso di una vita, ma anche il nostro commiato da una donna che ha avuto il destino di diventare un'icona, un simbolo, una messaggera di ciò che chiediamo alla vita per essere degna d'essere vissuta."
Dalla prefazione di Roberto Andò.
#Postcart #FrancoZecchin #RobertoAndò #Letizia #LetiziaBattaglia #letiziabattagliaphotography #letiziabattagliafotografa #postcartedizioni #bookgram #libro #lettura #reading #bookhalolic #librifotografici #inlettura #photographer #book #libri #italianphotographer #bookslover #bookstagram #booksharing #womenphotographers #sicilia #palermo @postcartedizioni @archivio_letiziabattaglia
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eduline · 1 year
La gamificación en educación propone una alternativa para el diseño de experiencias educativas, procurando que sea conducido por modelos de enseñanzaaprendizaje que permitan su incorporación. señalan tres metodologías. En primer lugar, se encuentra la denominada Multiplayer classroom, que corresponde al diseño de una asignatura como un videojuego; es decir, los estudiantes se encuentran en un sistema virtual con una narrativa que aborda temática de videojuegos, donde deben ir superando etapas en las que van ganando puntos de experiencia. Esto es apoyado con un constante feedback, que les permite intentar nuevamente los retos que no han podido superar.
En esta fase, se evidencia la posibilidad de ejecutar varios intentos de una actividad. Se debe considerar la factibilidad de realización de la experiencia, tomando en cuenta la complejidad de su desarrollo y el nivel de dificultad que tendrán las actividades, que, al igual que los videojuegos, deben presentarse de forma creciente. Según el avance en la experiencia, el estudiante debe ir realizando tareas más complejas (Santamaria 2014).
Escucha el siguiente Poscart: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6tiVGr5e4fSIVmNUTtb86P?si=FjGYgA_DR7-jQFx2JIzhJQ
Santamaría, F. 2014. Cómo gamificar un curso. (Taller en MoodleMoot, Colombia, 2014)
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somos-deseos · 2 years
Ya sabes niña, cuando eres como esas simples florecitas que están al costado del camino, todo el que pasa, te choca y te derriba. Pero cuando decides ser como la rosa, que a pesar de ser tan hermosa, está llena de espinas, te miran, te admiran, pero piensan mil veces antes de tocarte.
Eternizado / Pao
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I have to say… This is one of my favourite Simpsons jokes.
The implication that Homer has sent so many of the exact same postcard because every time he sees it it’s so fucking hilarious to him that he hast to send it again.
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bhloomest · 4 years
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don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers, plant your own garden - xoxo.
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garadinervi · 4 years
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Mario Cresci, Segni migranti. Storie di grafica e fotografia, Texts by Mario Cresci, Arturo Carlo Quintavalle, Mario Piazza, Aldo Musacchio, Ando Gilardi, Daniela Palazzoli, Giovanni Baule, Francesco Saverio Acito, Antonello Frongia, Pietro Marino, Mara Campana, Carlo Bertelli, Telmo Pievani, Marco Romanelli, Guido Cecere, and Aldo Colonnetti, Postcart, Roma, 2019. Segni migranti. Storie di grafica e fotografia is the official monograph of the italian photographer Mario Cresci. The work consists in more than one thousand images and graphics condensed in a exceptionally printed 600 pages book by Antezza Tipografi, Matera, for Postcart Edizioni. A collective project designed by Paolo Angelini, Silvia Benvenuti, Giulia Boccarossa, Benedetta Ettorre, and Chiara Netto, supervised by Mauro Bubbico during the course of Editorial Design at ISIA Urbino, AY 2018-2019
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sur-un-fil · 3 years
Nayia’s postacart contest
Hi :) As the title suggests...
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Here is my postcard.
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sayaendohonpo · 3 years
こんなデザインの仕事もある。 え?結局「秘密」なの?
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fidjiefidjie · 4 years
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Mainzer's cats cycling ( Les chats de Mayence à vélo) 🎨 🚲 😸Eugen Hartung
Bel après-midi 🙋‍♀️
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semajr · 4 years
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“How our great grand nephews live in the year 2012″ Advertisement for “Chocolat Lombart”, beginning of the 20th century.
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crisbelrobles · 4 years
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Cuando tu yo más profundo juega escurridizo entre tus rincones y tú mientras tanto te delatas con la mirada... ese lenguaje universal sin palabras. . . . . #postcart #arte #shy #timidez #dulzura #crisbelrobles #fawn #inlove #silent #ilustracion #print #postal #creative #artist #scketch https://www.instagram.com/p/CGbIBoFjbC4/?igshid=7hgkqoxq2w59
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ecrasonslinfame · 5 years
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Sunset aux Issambres
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