#Power and control wheel
bvlletproof-heart · 2 months
I'm literally sitting on the ground in the parking garage shaking rn because an abuse counselor just told me something very eye opening about my last relationship and I'm about to have a mental breakdown.
Words cannot describe how validating this was but in the same breath I wanna throw up.
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tonkitour · 2 years
Power and control wheel
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Some advocates argue that, while the Cycle of Abuse may describe many survivors’ experiences, it can’t be applied to all, and that Walker’s diagram oversimplifies abuse. The final stage is a period of calm where things seemingly go back to “normal.” Sometimes, this is referred to as the “honeymoon stage.” But this doesn’t last forever, and soon the cycle starts over again with tensions building up before another incident. After that, Walker theorized that there was often a reconciliation stage where the abuser would try to give excuses for their abusive choices or blame the victim, sometimes downplaying or outright denying the abuse occurred (otherwise known as gaslighting). There may be anger, blaming, threats and intimidation. The four-stage cycle starts with a tension-building phase where the “victim becomes fearful and feels the need to placate the abuser.” In stage 2, there is an incident, which can include physical, emotional or verbal abuse. Walker, a psychologist and renowned leader in the domestic violence field and author of The Battered Woman, published that same year. The Cycle of Abuse was actually the first go of visual aids to describe domestic violence experiences, introduced in 1979 by Lenore E. We've prepared a toolkit "What Is Coercive Control?" to help you understand even more what coercive control is and so you can better assess and understand your situation. By naming the power differences, we can more clearly provide advocacy and support for victims, accountability and opportunities for change for offenders, and system and societal changes that end violence against women.”Īn Alternative Visual Aide: The Cycle of Abuse “Making the Power and Control Wheel gender-neutral would hide the power imbalances in relationships between men and women that reflect power imbalances in society. Male privilege, to define men’s and women’s rolesĭAIP explained that they choose to be gender-specific with the wheel because men have been shown to commit the vast majority of domestic violence assaults.Using the children, including threatening to file for custody if the survivor leaves.Minimizing, Denying and Blaming, such as gaslighting.Isolation, controlling when the survivor can leave the home.Emotional abuse, such as degrading the survivor.Intimidation, to keep the survivor fearful.Coercion and threats, like convincing the survivor to do something illegal.Economic abuse, to deny the survivor access to money.In contrast with the Cycle of Violence, the Wheel doesn’t imply these experiences happen in a certain order, but rather, in combination, denote a pattern of power and control, the two facets that hold the wheel together at its center. Through focus groups with survivors, they developed a wheel outlining the most common tactics of abusive partners. Makes and/or carries out threats to hurt me Threatens to commit suicide Threatens to report/embarrass/out me to an agency or others Threatens to leave me Pressures me to commit illegal actions.The Power and Control Wheel was created by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (DAIP) in 1984 to both help victims of domestic violence and to educate abusive men. Prevents me from getting or keeping a job Makes me ask for money Gives me an allowance Takes my money Refuses to let me know about or have access to shared income. Treats me like a servant Acts like the “head of the household” Makes all the big decisions Defines each person’s role in the relationship Uses gender, race, class, etc. Makes me feel guilty about the children Uses the children to relay messages Uses visitation to harass me Threatens to take the children away. Makes light of the abuse Doesn’t take my concerns seriously Denies abuse ever happened Shifts blame for the abuse to me by saying I caused it. Using IsolationĬontrols what I do, who I see, what I read, where I go and who I talk to Limits my volunteer, religious or outside activities Monitors my behavior and communication Uses jealousy to justify actions. Puts me down Makes me feel bad about myself Calls me names Makes me think I am crazy, misinterpreting or over-reacting Plays mind games Humiliates me Makes me feel guilty or ashamed.
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coursesjust · 2 years
Power and control wheel
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Adapted from the PowerĪnd Control Wheel developed by Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, Duluth, MN.ĬOMMUNITY-ACCOUNTABILITY MODEL OF MEN'S VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN, Men Stopping Violence, Decatur, GA. Adapted from the Power and Control Wheel developed by Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, Duluth, MN.ĬHILDREN COPING WITH FAMILY VIOLENCE WHEEL ( English and Español), developed by Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, Duluth, MN.ĪCCOUNTABILITY WHEEL ( English and Españ ol ), Mike Jackson andĭavid Garvin, Domestic Violence Institute of Adapted from the Power and ControlĬHARGING POWER AND CONTROL WHEEL, Wynn Consulting, 2007. Copyright © 2005 Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault.īULLYING POWER & CONTROL WHEEL, Kayte Anton, YWCA Crisis Center, Enid, OK. Bland, Alaska Network on Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault, Juneau, AK. Adapted from the Power and Control Wheel developed by Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, Duluth, MN.ĪLCOHOL AND OTHER DRUG USE ( Español), Patricia J. Adapted from the Power and Controlīy Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, Duluth, MN.ĪDVOCACY WHEEL ~ ARABIC, translated by Layali Eshqaidef and Mona Farroukh, Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services. Copyright © January 2002 Asian & Pacific Islander on Domestic Violence.ĮMPOWERMENT WHEEL, Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, Jefferson City, MO. See Development of Abuse Later in Life Wheel.ĪBUSE OF CHILDREN, Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, Duluth, MN.ĪBUSES ENDURED BY A WOMAN DURING HER LIFE CYCLE, Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence, San Francisco, CA. Based on the Power and Control Wheel developed by Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs, Duluth, MN. Thank you!ĪBUSE IN LATER LIFE WHEEL, National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life, End Domestic Abuse Wisconsin, 2006. If you have a new wheel or an existing wheel translated into another language and would like for it to be posted on this site, please submit it to the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence. For permission to reprint those wheels, contact the organization copyrighting the wheel. Most of the wheels are NOT copyrighted and MAY be used in public education efforts as long as they are presented EXACTLY as they are posted on this site, with the appropriate credits. The majority of other wheels were adapted from the original DAIP model, unless otherwise specified. Video of Ellen Pence, co-creator of the Power and Control Wheel model, describing how it was created. The original Power and Control Wheel and Equality Wheel were developed by Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs in Duluth, MN.įAQs about the Wheels answers commonly-asked questions about the Power and Control model. “Wheels” Adapted from the Power and Control Wheel Model *Although this Power & Control Wheel uses female pronouns (she/her) for the victim, and assumes a male perpetrator, abuse can happen to people of any gender in any type of relationship.A/ B/ C/ D/ E/ F/ G/ H/ I/ J/ K/ L/ M/ N/ O/ P/ Q/ R/ S/ T/ U/ V/ W/ X/ Y/ Z Power and Control Wheel Copyright by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Project : 202 East Superior Street, Duluth, MN, 55802 For the Power & Control Wheel in other languages and variations, visit *Although this Power & Control Wheel uses female pronouns (she/her) for the victim, and assumes a male perpetrator, abuse can happen to people of any gender in any type of relationship. Often, the physical and sexual abuse acts reinforce the regular use of the other, more subtle methods, and may not even be needed or used in an abusive relationship. The inside wedges of the wheel include the subtle and ongoing behaviors of perpetrators while the outer black ring represents physical and sexual abuse, which are more forceful and overt. The Power and Control Wheel is a visual representation of abuse tactics. The Power & Control Wheel can be helpful in understanding patterns of abuse in a relationship, though not every relationship that is unhealthy or abusive may fit this model.
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onaperduamedee · 11 months
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For my part I have sought liberty more than power, and power only because it can lead to freedom. What interested me was not a philosophy of the free man (all who try that have proved tiresome), but a technique: I hoped to discover the hinge where our will meets and moves with destiny, and where discipline strengthens, instead of restraining, our nature.
— Memoirs of Hadrian by Marguerite Yourcenar, translated from the French by Grace Frick
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Meanwhile, Dracula on the Demeter:
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rozecrest · 1 year
the part of the storm over cruciat confrontation where clem lets slip in her anger “you were quite happy to make this fucking- make this fucking boat disappear. you waved your hands, the boat disappeared- as soon as- as soon as i stop being useful to you, i- who took this fucking vessel for you?” makes me so 😵💫 thinking about it being reflected in crysanth’s “in death she could be something she never was in life: useful.” attitude that she was reared by and has never stopped not only attempting to emulate but attempting to surpass… the way she treated the rapid evening and now the witch treats figure in bismuth and likely more resurrected residents of the crown of glass…. her ass is not breaking that cycle!!! the wheel turns!!!!
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mcrtalstrike · 23 hours
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izartn · 1 year
The trailer for season 2 of Wheel of Time going for Control of Halsey is a fucking excellent choice oh my god. That song. That song for Wheel of Time??? Those verses of that song for the trailer???? Well done marketing team, well done.
I mean just the "and all the kids cry out, please stop you're scaring me. I can't help this awful energy, goddamm right you should be scared of me. Who is in control?" oomph of the chorus. Brr. But also. The whole of the lyrics.
Look up the lyrics, totally worth it.
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ofthebrownajah · 1 year
From that promo it looks like Rand accidentally burns down the inn he's staying at in Cairhien instead of Darkfriends burning it down. I'm fine with that
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knuckle · 1 year
ofc trans men benefit from feminism, they are afab lol
all marginalized men benefit from feminism because the patriarchy is reified by other forms of oppression this includes cis men of color for example
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lovepeaceandtarot · 2 months
Daily Message
(Mensagem Diaria)
If you want a reading on your energy, just schedule a paid reading with me in DM!
(Se quiser uma leitura na sua energia, basta agendar uma leitura paga comigo na DM!)
If that found you, it was for a reason. Take what resonates and leave what doesn’t resonate.
(Se isso encontrou você, é por uma razão. Pegue o que ressoar e deixe o que não ressoa.)
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Break your creative side, give in to the creative flow of things and by doing so luck will turn in your favor, but remembering that you have to be careful with the actions you plant now. Everything you plant, you'll harvest. Keep pursuing your goals, remember that happiness is a continuous state and not something permanent and guaranteed. Remember to face the emptiness without fear and look at your inner voice also to be able to give in to the flow. Even if you have gone through chaos and pain, remember to leave it behind, but don't pretend that things didn't happen and continue in search of cure and process things and don't let it prevent you from having a better future. By doing this, things will improve positively. Seek to learn and listen, the doors of the world will open to you.
(Desabroche o seu lado criativo, ceda ao fluxo criativo das coisas e fazendo isso a sorte irá girar ao seu favor, mas lembrando de que tem que tomar cuidado com as ações que planta agora. Tudo que se planta, você colherá. Continue perseguindo os seus objetivos, lembre-se que a felicidade é um estado continuo e não algo permante e garantido. Lembre-se enfrentrar o vazio sem medo e olhar a sua voz interior também para poder conseguir ceder ao fluxo. Mesmo que você tenha passado pelo caos e a dor, lembre-se de deixar para trás, mas nao finja que as coisas não aconteceram e segue em busca da cura e processe as coisas e não deixa isso que te impeça de ter um futuro melhor. Fazendo isso, as coisas irão melhorar positivamente. Busque aprender e escutar, as portas do mundo irão se abrir para você.)
#tarot #tarotportugal #tarotreading #fypage #lovereading #generalreading #foryou #foryoupage #explore #explorar #consultas #tarô #leidaatracao #espiritualidae #consultasdetarot #freereadings #freetarot #freetarotreading #generalreading #dailytarotreading #dailytarot #universo
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spacedlexi · 2 years
absolutely wild to me that i will see the takes “mass effect andromeda is just a rewrite of me1″ and “mass effect andromeda just isnt a mass effect game” side by side do you not hear yourselves
#its n7 day i get to talk about mass effect all i want#i see the 'mea isnt a bad game its just a bad mass effect game' take so often#but like!! what does that even mean!! no one ever explains what they think qualifies as a mass effect game#i agree that elements of mea are similar to me1#but i dont necessarily think thats a bad thing?#it gives people something familiar to attach to when theyre surrounded by a new cast and galaxy they have to get to know#andromeda definitely qualifies as a mass effect game#and i especially respect it for trying to go back to the original roots of mass effect which was supposed to focus on exploration#does andromeda have faults? absolutely. disappointing is the best word i can use to describe iy#but my disappointment mainly comes from being able to see What they wanted to accomplish with mea and how they really fumbled it#due mainly to poor management#which is the saddest part#theres a lot of good ideas there!! especially with what you learn in the last like 5% of the game lol#people will compare mea to the entire completed me trilogy when thats not fair and should Only be compared to me1#in terms of its story and characters at least. and i think the mea cast developed much more by the end of the game than the og crew did in 1#like we all remember liara being a weird fangirl and tali being a walking dictionary#mea combat is the me series at its best even if youre one of the people who Hates that you cant control squadmates#having mapped powers makes the combat sooo much faster and more fluid and theres no way to have that while keeping the power wheel#i was sad about the loss of it too but your squadmates are pretty good at comboing your moves it just takes getting used to#also people who say the pacing is bad when they follow one mission across multiple planets when youre just supposed to focus on one location#like i said mea disappoints me but its still rated a 7/10 like thats not a bad score by any means?? i agree a 7 is fair#anything below a 5 is dubious but people think if a game is anything less than a 10 then its a failure#really the biggest hurdle to get over is the fact its a new cast in a new galaxy with a pc that is young and inexperienced#just such a shame that it got dogpiled and memed so hard that we'll probably never get a direct sequel it deserved a 2nd chance#mass effect andromeda get behind me#rant over andromeda deserved better#it speaks#ALSO the 2 player characters were twins thats GOLD and was underutilized i just want the ryders back
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gemstarb · 4 months
Watch "Scientology and the Wheel of Power and Control w/ Anna Clark Miller LPC-S, LMHC-S, NCC" on YouTube
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calowlmitygoddess · 6 months
I was going to oc-fy my ffxiv characters bcs of the cool plot bunny i had but then i realized that instead of having to create a whole ass new fantasy world i could really easily fit them in Tanza with some changes and would fix my Lack of a choesive Second Arc. The problem now is that this new cool idea is now smack dab in the middle of my two unwrittenable uncohesive overcomplicated story arcs and i cant do shit aboit it
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citrusella-flugpucker · 6 months
Hi! Thanks for sending this, and I imagine I can figure out how you decided to send it to my blog! (Specifically (this parenthetical is for my followers' benefit, not yours, since I know where you found me), I replied to someone on a post calling out some users' behavior in requesting image descriptions (can link the post if needed but am avoiding at present for de-escalatory reasons), explaining why I thought someone who writes image descriptions themselves would still advocate for others to write them (and why not everyone who doesn't ALWAYS provide them is necessarily ableist--they can be, of course, but there are myriad reasons someone might not). Other people in the post's replies reported also getting sent this link, so this anon is probably monitoring the replies of that post and contacting everyone who gives it a note of any type.)
I know all of the guidance the post you've linked here shares, so I thought I'd elaborate more on my personal philosophy regarding image descriptions.
...I love creating accessibility where I can manage to do so! I was a longtime contributor to community captions on YouTube before the feature was shuttered, and I do my best caption or transcript my own content or to provide alt text where my posts contain images (I know there have been a handful of times I've forgotten to do so, though, especially on the alt side of things). Heck, I'm thinking of creating a zine (as in a physical one, to distribute locally) and trying to figure out how to offer it in braille and described!
I actually recently attended a panel hosted by the Longmore Institute on Disability at SFSU where blind/low-vision/partially-sighted people (and the attendees) were given three different audio descriptions of a comic produced with different description philosophies (one described like a movie's video description track, one the artist's extremely detailed sort of description intended for editors, and one a hypothetical narrative-like (i.e. written like book prose) description). The panel was a discussion and Q&A regarding what they liked best, some thoughts on best practices, and some ideas specific to art and comics. One thing I found striking was one of the panelists thought it'd be an interesting idea if it were possible to have multiple granularities of description available to choose between, kind of like how sighted users can zoom in on something or look closer at the detail. (This is only tangentially related to your ask, but I just think it was a really cool panel so I decided to take the opportunity to gush about it. Hope that's okay. XD)
Here's what happens when an image or video is not mine, is undescribed and/or untranscripted, and it crosses my dash:
I give the first reblog I see of it, by the person I've followed, a like. That was my introduction to the post in question, after all!
I open the notes and start looking for an existing description of the image(s) in the post (or transcript, if it's a video) that I deem satisfactory. If I find one, I reblog that version. Sometimes a description exists in the notes and I deliberately avoid it because I think it's so bad as to be about as useful as not providing one. Usually in such a case there is more than one description I can choose from, thankfully. (This was not the case a few years ago, when image description was... like... less cool or something.)
If I don't find one and I'm up for doing it myself, I do it myself. (I am more likely to be up for doing it myself right now if an adequate description would be fairly simple/short. More on that later.)
If I'm not up for doing it myself and it's a video with open captions, I may be likely to still reblog it. (I do understand that this can still present inaccessible content for deafblind people especially (and also hearing blind people as well, but to a lesser extent).)
If I'm not up for doing it myself and it's a video without captions or an undescribed image, I consider whether or not I want to reblog it. Sometimes I still do. (I understand that this is bad for visual accessibility.)
Those last two bullet points sound TERRIBLE! I'm deliberately choosing inaccessibility when I led with saying I love it?! Hypocrisy!
But here's the thing: I do things this way because in the past those last two bullet points used to be "I don't reblog it until I am up for doing it myself". Yeah, I made a full-on resolution that I was going to make sure all my posts were fully accessible! Great!
...But then it started to actively be a problem, because my workflow went like this:
See post
No description on post or in notes
Draft post to describe later instead of reblogging immediately
Forget draft (my disability makes this distressingly easy to do in Tumblr's last few layouts, more on that in a sec, but you should know I currently have 3292 drafts for all sorts of reasons (mostly not description, I'd imagine), that date back to before I graduated college eight years ago)
Never reblog post
Mutuals wonder why I never reblog things anymore
...Which started to actively make my life worse because it was basically like I wasn't on Tumblr anymore.
Which in some ways I'm sure to some sounds like the "I can excuse racism" meme:
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...But, like, I mean it was actively interfering with my mental health to a degree, because one axis of my online social life had basically been reduced to nothing. And it wasn't making anything more accessible, when I was completely forgetting to follow through like that.
So I stopped doing that and started letting myself reblog things again, so that I can have some connection to others on this site. XP
There are myriad reasons that someone might not be able to consistently provide image descriptions, but for me, writing an image description requires me to interact with a post in a very specific way, which is a way shared with the following activities:
Writing and timing closed captions
Writing transcripts
Actively monitoring edits and performing admin functions on the handful of wikis I admin (particularly ones without other active admins)
Probably other stuff, IDK, but it's a really weird analytical approach that I don't use for too awful much else
All of these are presently being affected by the fact I've been in disability-related burnout since February of 2020.
I don't provide image descriptions (or transcripts) as often as I used to.
I uploaded a minute-long video to YouTube last week and, as I always do with my content, manually created a caption file for it to avoid CRAPtions; even with YouTube's automatic speech to text and timing, I took twice as long to correct and accurately time the video as I used to take to do a full video of that length back when I was community contributing captions in 2019/2020.
I mostly only wiki admin in the sense that I'm not letting the wikis burn down. A few times for an especially important edit that required admin functions (or AWB to do a lot of little edits faster) I've put together the time and energy to try to get it done.
I cannot get my brain to do it. This is even though I can spend the same amount of time doing something else that I might have used to image describe, because whatever that something else is usually doesn't require the same headspace/skill I need to use to describe.
I'm not going to branch out to the other ways this burnout is affecting me (for instance, at my actual literal paid job), but the fact I've been in it for four years now should... say something. XP I'm slowly digging out, but I'm not there yet.
I'm not going to be like some others I've seen and stamp my foot and refuse to provide descriptions for anyone now because you did this. That would just make things bad for other people. I'd love to provide them more! But I'm not currently in a place where I can do that.
I do understand that by not providing one when one does not exist, I am not doing anything to make the post more accessible, and that I might be presenting some of my followers with content they are unable to access. However, my own current access needs regarding trying to nurse myself out of disability burnout are in direct conflict with being able to regularly provide them. I'd love for that to be over, so that I'm at least describing more often, even if I still occasionally don't describe things.
But in the meantime: If you care about access needs, I'd hope you care about mine, too.
If you meant this link to be for actual information, I regret to inform you (again) that I already know all of the information in it. I've been trying to look at more advanced resources, talk/listen to blind people discuss the topic, attend things about image description (like that panel I mentioned), because useful and understandable image description is very important to me even if it's very difficult for me to do right now, and I'd like to learn all I can. At this point, I need more advanced resources than what you've provided.
If you meant this to be some sort of "own" for the people who gave a note to the post you probably were monitoring to see my reply: [Velma voice] You stop that. Sending it to everyone, regardless of what they said on the post, gives off an air of "look, it's so easy, you're just not trying hard enough!" and makes it seem like you didn't actually read what they said in some cases (like mine, where I shared a very short version of this explanation in the replies where I basically said "image describing good, more people should do it, brain making it hard right now").
For people who agree with the cause of spreading the act of describing images so it's not all on a handful of people, that might not result in anything bad happening (though you might be preaching to the choir, i.e. telling them something they already know). But if someone's less wholeheartedly on the description train, the fact you're sending this to everyone unprompted might come off a bit condescending, and might actually backfire into having them decide not to image describe. (Which is not a course of action I agree with. I think it's silly to purposely choose inaccessibility because a few people were condescending, weird, or jerky about it to you. But it is a possibility, you may or may not be aware.)
TL;DR: Thanks for the link but it's too surface-level for me. I love providing descriptions but some things are making it hard for me right now. I want those things to get better but until they do I'm probably going to be at a lower describing rate than usual. Sorry!
EDIT: Mutual dared me to add a jokey longpost tag I was originally considering tagging this post with so it's now the first tag on the post, lol
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vividracing · 6 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.vividracing.com/blog/top-9-best-mods-for-the-cam-am-x3-turbo-r-2017-2023/
Top 9 Best Mods for the Cam-Am X3 Turbo R 2017 - 2023
Intro into the Can-Am X3. What makes this a great UTV but what does it lack? We have 9 upgrades here that are sure to evolve your UTV into a trail smashing and podium securing car!
As spring break approaches, why settle for ordinary? Get ready to create unforgettable memories with the Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo leading the way. Let’s hit the trails and leave ordinary behind! Check out our favorite upgrades and also some setbacks from these upgrades! 
1. Agency Power Turbo Upgrade Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo 2017-2021
Get ready to take it to a whole new level. Picture this: You add a simple ECU flash and exhaust, and bam! Those 3-cylinder turbocharged engines become absolute beasts. But here’s the kicker: After you’ve done all the basic bolt-on mods, the next big move? A full turbo upgrade.
Now, here’s where it gets even better. Agency Power offers a complete OEM replacement turbo upgrade for the Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo. This isn’t some half-baked modification – it’s the real deal.
We’re talking about a turbo that’s designed to fit like a glove, no messing around. Plus, it comes with everything you need for a smooth installation – silicone adapters, precision-fit oil and water lines, the works. 
Now, let’s talk numbers. We’re looking at a 60+ horsepower gain on pump gas alone, with even more potential on race gas with the right tuning and mods. And the best part? You can still keep all your existing performance mods – exhaust system, intercooler, intake, you name it.
So, if you’re ready to take your Maverick X3 Turbo to the next level, this turbo upgrade is your ticket to horsepower heaven. Buckle up, because things are about to get wild.
2. Agency Power Valvetronic Dump Race Pipe Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo 2017-2023
Alright, listen up, speed enthusiasts! If you’re all about tearing it up on the track or dominating off-road races, then this one’s for you. But let’s be crystal clear from the get-go: the Agency Power valvetronic dump race pipe is strictly for the racetrack. No joyrides on the street, folks. You’ll need to sign our Vehicle Compliance Waiver before getting your hands on this bad boy.
Now, let’s talk game-changer. Picture this: the Agency Power valvetronic dump race pipe – the first of its kind in the UTV scene. Drawing inspiration from our turbocharged marvels like the Porsche 911 Turbo, this race pipe is the ultimate weapon for upping your game. It’s all about boosting performance, cranking up the sound, all while keeping that stock look intact.
So, what’s the secret sauce? By ditching that factory catalytic converter, we’re talking about unleashing a torrent of exhaust flow, giving your turbocharger the freedom to breathe like never before. Sure, it’s a tad louder than stock, but hey, nothing earplugs can’t handle, right?
Hit that button, and it’s like flipping a switch from “mild” to “wild”. That vacuum-operated valve opens wide, redirecting your exhaust straight from the turbocharger. Everyone within earshot will know you mean business.
Crafted from tough T304 stainless steel, this baby’s built to last. Precision welded, CNC machined, and packed with all the bells and whistles you need for a seamless install. Plus, it’s designed to work seamlessly with other aftermarket mufflers, giving you even more room to customize your ride.
From the flex joint that keeps cracks at bay to the O2 bung for your factory oxygen sensor, every detail’s been dialed in to perfection. Oh, and did I mention the slick AP logo brackets? Because, yeah, we’re all about those finishing touches.
So, if you’re ready to unleash the full potential of your ride, look no further than the Agency Power valvetronic dump race pipe. It’s not just a game-changer – it’s a game-winner.
3. Agency Power Black Intercooler Upgrade Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo 2020-2023
Introducing the Can-Am Maverick X3 intercooler upgrade for the 2020 model year – engineered to be the pinnacle of performance and efficiency. The Agency Power intercooler stands tall as the epitome of excellence, whether your ride is straight off the lot or a fully decked-out powerhouse.
Let’s talk heat. Inadequate intercoolers? They’re the arch-nemesis, causing sky-high intake temps that zap your engine’s power. But fear not, because we’ve got the ultimate solution. Our intercooler boasts a colossal 12″x11″x4″ bar-and-plate aluminum core, delivering unmatched air volume and maximizing cooling surface area. Oh, and did we mention the fin density? It’s been cranked up to the max for optimal contact, all without sacrificing a drop of boost pressure.
But wait, there’s more. Our team of engineering wizards set out to design this intercooler, they had one mission: to blend flawless function with seamless form. No cutting, no modifications – just a direct swap for your factory intercooler. Plus, it plays nice with your OEM fan and works like a charm with either factory hoses or our own Agency Power blow off valve hose.
So, what are you waiting for? Say goodbye to overheating headaches and hello to peak performance with the Can-Am Maverick X3 intercooler upgrade. It’s not just an upgrade – it’s a game-changer.
4. Agency Power Big Brake Kit Front and Rear Can-Am Maverick X3 Turbo
Well, we’ve got this thing… It’s a Big Brake Kit, and trust me, it’s like, totally not something you’d normally think about, but hear me out – you absolutely need it!
We’re talking about a complete overhaul of your braking system. Our calipers? Two-piece construction, ultra-rigid, and totally bolt-on. And get this: no additional brackets or spacers needed. We’ve thought of everything, trust me.
Oh, and those pistons? Custom machined for maximum surface area, just like the big boys. Plus, they’re lightweight, so they move like butter. And let’s not forget about the rotors – two-piece cast iron beauties that dissipate heat like nobody’s business. Because, you know, nobody likes a spongy pedal.
But hey, don’t just take my word for it. We’ve tested this bad boy with all the common wheels – Method Race, Fuel Wheels, you name it. And yeah, it won’t clear those stock 14-inch wheels, but who needs ’em anyway?
So, if you’re ready to step up your braking game – and trust me, you totally should – then the Agency Power Big Brake Kit is your ticket to stopping power nirvana. I mean, it’s not like you’ll be stopping on a dime, but hey, it’s a start, right?
5. Agency Power Adjustable Rear Radius Rod Set Black Can-Am Maverick X3
Upgrade your Can-Am Maverick X3’s handling game with our rear radius arms – trust us, it’s a game-changer. You know those wonky camber and toe settings? Yeah, we’ve got you covered. Plus, we’ve beefed up these babies to handle whatever the X3 throws their way – think sand whoops and trail climbs.
Our Agency Power rear radius arms are machined from solid 6061 aluminum for ultimate durability. Say goodbye to those flimsy factory arms – ours are built to last. And get this: they’re fully adjustable, so you can fine-tune your ride on the fly. Oh, and did we mention the slick powder-coated finish? It’s available in all your favorite colors to match your X3’s vibe.
But wait, there’s more. Each arm features high-quality spherical rod ends for unbeatable performance. Plus, they’re a direct replacement for those wimpy stock components – no fuss, no muss.
So, if you’re ready to take your X3 to the next level, these rear radius arms are the way to go. Trust us, your ride will thank you.
6. MTS Off-Road Limit Strap Kit Can-Am X3
So, you’ve heard of limit straps, right? They’re like these things that help protect your Can-Am X3 when the shocks are doing their thing. They kind of keep your axles and suspension components from going too crazy by limiting how far they can droop.
And yeah, these limit straps are made from really good quality stuff. Like, seriously top-notch craftsmanship and materials.
Oh, and just a heads up, the straps you get might look a bit different from what you see here. Just, you know, keep that in mind.
So, if you’re into protecting your ride and stuff, these limit straps might be a thing to consider.
7. HCR Racing 72 Inch Elite OEM Replacement Front A-arm Kit Can-Am Maverick X3 XRS
Hey, check out this sweet upgrade for your Can-Am Maverick X3 72″ model – it’s the HCR Suspension’s Elite OEM Replacement Front A-arm Kit.
Basically a heavy-duty, lightweight version of the front A-arms that come stock with your X3. But get this: it adds an extra 1.5 inches of ground clearance thanks to the design of the lower A-arms. Pretty slick, right?
Plus, it’s all about that stealthy look with these arms. They’ve got these awesome stealth approach angles that not only give your ride a clean aesthetic but also add some serious versatility to your setup.
And don’t worry about adding extra weight to your rig – these arms are comparable in weight to the stock ones. So, you’re not sacrificing performance for durability.
Oh, and let’s talk strength. These babies are made from HCR Alloy construction, which is like, way tougher than your standard 4130 chromoly. So, you can bet they’ll hold up to whatever you throw at them.
In the kit, you’ll get 4 front A-arms and 16 HCR Custom Delrin Bushings, along with all the brake line mounting hardware you need.
All in all, if you’re looking to beef up your Maverick X3 and take your off-road adventures to the next level, this front A-arm kit is definitely worth checking out. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!
8. VR Forged D15 Wheel Set Trail Can-Am Maverick X3 15×7
Alright, buckle up because we’ve got something exciting here – the VR Forged D15 UTV wheel, ready to roll straight outta the box and onto your Can-Am Maverick X3.
Crafted from a full 1 piece forged monoblock wheel, designed to take on whatever terrain you throw at them. And guess what? They’re in stock and ready to ship, no waiting around like with other forged wheels. Just pick your favorite tires, slap ’em on, and you’re good to go!
These wheels are built to last, with superior strength and a much lighter weight than your standard cast wheels. Perfect for those rough and tumble rides, while still looking sleek enough for everyday use.
And check out that design – 8 sleek spokes that not only look killer but also give you a sneak peek at those brake calipers. Plus, we made sure these wheels play nice with popular big brake kits like the Agency Power upgrade. Because, you know, stopping power is kinda important too…
Oh, and did I mention they come with center caps and feature a knurled bead area for added grip when you’re tearing up the trails? Talk about attention to detail.
So, if you’re ready to take your Can-Am Maverick X3 to the next level, these VR Forged D15 wheels are the way to go. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed!
9. Tensor Tire Desert Series Race Tire 35×10 15
Hey, I know things might feel a bit uncertain right now, but if there’s one thing you can count on, it’s the Tensor Tire Desert Series Race lineup. I mean, when it comes to competition-legal UTV race tires, these bad boys are the real deal.
Picture this: you’ve got three options to choose from – the DSR30, the DSR33, or the towering DSR37. Each one designed to give you that edge you need out there on the track.
These tires not messing around. With a patented American-made design, they’re built specifically for competition. Plus, that proprietary nylon bias ply with fiberglass belted construction? It’s all about saving weight without sacrificing strength.
But here’s where it gets really exciting – that decreased weight? It means you’re unleashing every last bit of horsepower from your machine. And with the evolved closed tread pattern, you’re getting maximum traction without putting extra strain on your drivetrain.
Oh, and did I mention the steering response? It’s off the charts. Plus, you’re getting increased biting edges for quicker acceleration and unique ribbed protection for those puncture-prone sidewalls.
Legal for SCORE UTV Racing? Check. Legal for BITD UTV Race Season? You bet.
So, yeah, times might be tough, but with the Tensor Tire Desert Series Race lineup, you’re investing in performance you can count on. Trust me, you won’t regret it.
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