#Power au
kimtiny · 2 years
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Marble Hornets Power AU I came up some days ago
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falst · 1 year
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Burning Star
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steddieunderdogfics · 9 months
Nectar by Rindecision
Rating: Explicit
19,590 words, 4/4 chapters
Archive Warning: No Warnings
Tags: Steddie Holiday Exchange 2023, Canon Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Steve Harrington Has Powers, Non-Human Steve Harrington, Canon Injuries, Caretaking, Bonding, Magic, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bottom Eddie Munson, Top Steve Harrington, Healing, Healing Sex, Plants, Flowers, Romance, No boundaries Stobin, Good Friend Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington's House, First Aid, Virgin Eddie Munson, First Kiss, First Time, Getting Together, Monsterfucker Eddie Munson, Accidental Bonding, accidental feelings, Forced Cohabitation, Accidental Drug Use, Accidental Power Use, Light-Hearted, Fluff and Smut, Post-Season/Series 04, cryptid Steve Harrington, Embedded Images, Fanart
Eddie dies after being attacked by the bats, but Steve still manages to save him. Steve has a secret and uses it to help heal and bond in ways that neither of them expected.
Thanks for the rec! This recommendation is apart of our Writer's Wednesday! All of the recs today are written by @rindecision. Want to nominate an author? Fill out this form!
You can submit fic recs to our asks or the submission box!
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charbeloved · 1 year
A State of Gainsay
Word Count : 5,551
Warnings : Description of violence, The turning process of a watcher, Death, Grief : Denial, Revival
This is part 1 in a 5 part series.
POV : Tomathy Innit MineCraft
Note : Tommy does not cuss in this AU.
May 17th, Tuesday, 11:05pm
Tomathy, an 17 year old who works at L'Bucks, is almost done with his shift when he sees a light of purple shoot past the windows at the fleeing figure of a winged man. He goes to take a break from cleaning a coffee maker to take a peek out the window and sees Dream, the second in command of the L'Manburg county's hero team Dream Complex, fighting Vulture, the leader of the villain group Syndicate. The villain's left wing looked like a few bones were out of the spots they're supposed to be in. He went back behind the counter and resumed the cleaning of the products. After a few minutes he leaves through the back alleyway to not get caught in the fight. What he doesn't realize is the sound of Dream's power is gone, and thus the fight is over. As he's walking he finds the unconscious body of Vulture and leans over him. He starts setting the man's bones, and ends up waking the bird up. "Hey, I'm trying to help you. Don't kill me," Tommy softly says to the man, trying to stay calm himself at the same time, "I know how hard it may be to not panic." He is allowed to fully set the bones of the wing and is able to use his power to heal him. He continues his walk home at a faster pace then usual and notes that his two roommates and best friends, Ranboo and Tubbo, aren't there when he's home at 11:26pm again.
May 18th, Wednesday, 2:49pm
Tomathy is making an order for Aunt Lizzie when Quackity came in with a few friends, talking about healing. He listens in while his aunt is watching the TV.
"Seriously though, Phil. We do need a healer," his manager spoke softly in loud, whisperIng voice. "Yeah, yeah. We do just fine on our own. We don't have any need for a healer," the strange winged man replied. Quackity gave a doubtful look at the winged man before speaking, "I'm not gonna pretend I didn't see Tommy heal you last night. You were on the brink of death, dude."
Tommy stopped listening in on the conversation and focuses on work a little bit more then usual.
When he got home, Tubbo was playing on his phone in the dining room while Ranboo was quite literally nuking ramen in the microwave. "Boo, why are you cooking?" Tommy asked sternly while getting rid of the flaming ramen. "Tubbo wanted food!" "Then why didn't you just make a honey nector sandwich?" "Yeah, Boo?" Tubbo pops in, teasingly. "Why didn't you?" Tomathy smacked his best friend in the forehead, "You hush.. Mother Hen is taking care of this." The three barely contained their laughter before Tommy actually got onto the two for even thinking of letting one of them cook while Tommy made scrambled eggs and waffles.
June 7th, Monday, 4:02pm
Tommy made it to work, and immediately he is taken aside by Quackity. "Yeah, Bossman? What'd you need?" "Tommy, this is important. You must not say even a singular word of this, alright?" Tomathy nods, skeptical as Quackity is never like this. "Phil wants you to join the Syndicate. You already know one or two identities because of me, and if you decline you may die." Tommy is shocked, "Do I have to decide right now..?" "He said you'll have a week to tell me." Tommy nods, thinking about it while getting back to work.
June 9th, Wednesday, 11:03pm
Tommy started to walk back home from work when the ground started to fall beneath him, and a his arms are forcefully lifted up. "..Tubs?" Tommy says, hoping it's right. "Try 'Shadow,' To- Boy," A rough, familiar voice replies. It took a little bit for them to get to their destination, with this 'Shadow' guy making awkward jokes.
They make it to a cottage out in a forest, and that's where Tommy gets to see this dude's face. Turns out, he's Vulture. "It feels so weird to be in this form," Vulture mumbles. Tommy perks up at this, as Vulture is constantly in 'this form.' "My power's shapeshifting," 'Shadow' tells him, starting to ruffle Tommy's hair while they started to sit on the grass right next to a tree. "I will bite your hand if you don't stop petting me, Big S," the child warns. The hand does not lift, so Tommy bites the guy's hand, and sees him shift into a genderbent version of Quackity for a split second then into a navy-colored haired man. "Quackity?" The man looks up a tad bit. "Wait, I was scared of Big Q?" The man goes back to looking at the grass. "You okay..? You're nor-" "Shadow! Why did you bring the child?'" the real Vulture says, cutting Tommy off. "Not safe.. Code XD," Quackity mumbles. Vulture gasps, and brings Tommy into the house, and turns on the news. "Welcome to Everest News. This is Lauren Side with your Hero Update! Xavier Dean, much better known as the leader of the Dream Complex, father of number one hero Dream himself, and XD,  has been seen killing a innocent vigilante called 'Bee.' This vigilante was in the middle of helping an old woman across the street at the time of the murder. XD is no longer a hero, and instead is in jail. We have identified Bee as the civilian Tubbo Underscore. His partner, Ender, and friends will dearly miss him. Thank you for tuning in!" The room was udder silence. "He tried it to get me under his roof again, too," Quackity added. Vulture took off his mask when he called for his son, Wilbur, and the man was crying. "His father killed Bee, too," Phil said to his son. His eyes grew wider, and his fists clinched. "Tubbo is Toms' best friend and roommate," Quackity yet again adds, "And code XD for me too. That's why I brought Tommy, actually." Wilbur nods, and brings him to the room across from the one he came out of. The room contained a desk with a computer on it, and an axe hanging above. A bed with a blanket made with a red cotton and 3 fluffy white pillows was set for someone. There was a brown couch, and many blades on the wall next to it. There was a pig plush right next to the computer, and a rug with a pig's face on it in the middle of the room. The walls were painted a maroon color, a huge contrast from the baby blue walls of the living room, kitchen and hallway. Wilbur brings him into a tight hug. "Be.. Before Te-Tech di-ed, he-- he was ta.. talking about how y-you and The.. Theseus are alike," Wilbur said, sobbing and hiccuping in between breaths.
June 10th, Thursday, 3:28pm
"Hey, Tommy, wake up," A familiar voice says, "You've got a shift today." He opens his eyes slightly to see who's talking to him, because Tubbo would never talk to him so sweetly, nor would Ranboo's voice be able to reach that low with his voice. He sees Quackity, and remembers that he was in Vulture's house. "How long is the drive to L'Bucks?" "Around a 20 minute drive, Theseus," Wilbur says from the doorway. "And I want my hot choccy Bubba would always get for me while he got bitter coffee." "Wait, you're Tech's brother?" Tommy said, putting two-and-two together, "He was always talking about his whiny little brother who would be best friends with me." "I am not whiny!" "Anyways, get out the room while I get dressed, Athena," Tommy adds, teasingly. "I am not Athena! If anything, Dadza would be her considering he's too much of an empath!" Wilbur defended. Tommy kicked the taller men out of the room, and grabbed the uniform Quackity had left on the desk. He was in the room from earlier with the axe on the wall. It reminded him so much of his second favorite villain, BloodBlade.
Once he was done putting the uniform on, he checked the clock. 3:32pm. He opened the door after putting on the scarf Tubbo had knitted for him while he was alive. "Quackity's going to drive you to L'Bucks, please bring back the order Tech would always get, except the Frappé when you get off work," Phil had informed and asked him. "Tell Quackers over there to remind me. I may not have Boo's memory, but I won't remember that after 7 hours of pure work." "Sure thing, mate."
June 12th, Saturday, 12:28pm
Tommy had gotten back to the apartment on the 11th, but Ranboo hadn't been back at the apartment in over 24 hours. When Tommy had gotten back, it was 11pm and Boo left as soon as he saw Tommy. Jump in the c-BEEP! Tommy answered the call he got from the contact 'spooderphobia at its max.' "WHERE IN THE NAME OF CREEPER ARE YOU?!" "Hey, calm down," the man on the other side tries to reason, "I'm fine." "The fact I can hear SLEEPBOY talking to SNAPMAP in the back tells me otherwise." "Ender, who have you called?" Mushroom asks, seemingly to Ranboo. "Erm, my roommate, so he wouldn't get too worried..?" Ranboo answers. "You are a vigilante," Tommy states, "And you never told me?" Ranboo's phone picks up air, then suddenly stops and Ranboo whispers, "Y-yeah..?" "You could have at least told me! I would rather be able to know why you have strange bruises and cuts then have to pretend to be oblivious! At least then I could have tried to help you." "S.. Sorry." "It's fine." "Alri-" Ranboo is able to get out before he loses signal.
Tommy is debating on if he really should join the villains now that his roommate is now literally working with the heroes. "Toms, I'm home!" "About time! Quick question, do they know your actual identity?" Tommy asks. The tall 16-year-old shakes his head in a 'no.' "What's your perspective on Heroes and Villains?" "Villains would be good if they could actually get the help they need or the heroes stop picking fights with them, and heroes are manipulate people who bribe the news into only showing the good things about them." "What would you think of joining the Syndicate?" "..The Syndicate?" Ranboo asks in disbelief, "We'd have to find them first, and not get killed to ask! If we could, I would so join them!" "Thanks, I'll ask if you can join too since you're my roommate."
June 13th, Sunday, 3:08pm
Ranboo and Tomathy are waiting for Phil to arrive at the door. Knock Knock "Comin'!" Tommy called, running to open the door. Phil walks in, Civilian clothes on. "It's time to make your choice." "I've got one request, can Ranboo join, too?" "If you accept, indeed." "I accept. One thing, heroes have tracked down our apartment." Phil nods at this, calling for Quackity who now has wings. "Can you get these two to the house?" He asks, and Quackity nods. "Tommy, I'll fly you there again. Ranboo, Phil can take you."
June 14th, Monday, 10:59pm
Tommy walks over to the window at the noise, peeking through the curtains. He sees Creeper and Dream fighting. "You know," Creeper says, breathing quite hard while dodging an attack, "I wanted to be like you before you killed my bloody brother." A quiet hum came from Dream in response as he teleported behind Creeper, and put him in a death hold. "Hah," Creeper laughs, "How the ship has sunk, the most inseparable pair of Philip High trying to kill eachother." "Wilby would never act like you," Dream said, putting his sword to Creeper's throat. "Kill me, and live with the guilt when I'm unmasked. Leave me, and I'll stay silent about identity. You're choice, Clay." Tommy closes the window, and walks around and out the back door.
11:23 PM
The door creeks as Ranboo and Tommy walk into the house. Wilbur is crying while sitting on a couch, Phil soothing the boy. Tommy walks over to the two. "Hey, Wilby," Tommy says while Wilbur gives an even more pained look, "Where does it hurt? I.. I can heal it." Wilbur lifts his right arm up, covered with pink-ish bandages. Red is still slowly oozing out from beneath the plasters. Tommy walks over, and sets his hand atop the bandages, and looks towards Phil. "I'm trusting you set the bone?" A nod is the only response he gets before using his power. He closes his eyes, and is able to actually relax as he focuses on the injury. The more relaxed he is, the faster it will heal. A slight blue glow comes from under his hand as many wounds slowly close beneath the bandages. Once it is done, Tommy asks the brunette if there's any more wounds. Wilbur shows him his left hand, cut and bleeding. Phil audibly gasps, and tears start to form. Tommy heals each wound on the hand carefully, making sure not to upset a single nerve. "Thank you," Wilbur says, slowly looking up. "My neck, too, if you would?" Tommy leans down to more easily reach the wound on his neck and heals it. "Phil, I'm gonna drag Wilbur over to my and Boo's room, if you don't mind." "Ofcourse!" Once they get to Ranboo and Tommy's new room, still a work in progress since they had just learned they were being moved to Phil's house at 11:18 PM, Tommy sits down on the red bed while Wilbur sits across from him on the black-and-white bed in the otherwise empty room. "Wilbur..?" Tommy starts. "Hm?" "..Are you.. Perhaps.. Creeper..?" Tommy gets out. Wilbur looks stunned as he slowly nodded.
June 15, Tuesday, 5:03 PM
Quackity had given him a few days off so he and Ranboo could unpack their stuff. Tommy took out a few bookshelves, and rebuilt them. He took out BeeInnIt, and him on his bed. He put up a few Vulture and BloodBlade posters, and put up the fan art he made when he was younger. He put a plush of a flying pig up on the top shelf of a bookshelf, and put a few books up from his childhood. He put the 'Employee of the Month' picture up over a foldable desk. He put bee stickers over the desk, and started to set his pc up. Once he was done, and went to sit down on his bed and look at Ranboo's side of the room. The portion Ranboo had has a giant bee plush on the wall next to the bed, and a bookcase full of fantasy books with the Barbie movies. A TV was placed in the split of the two's room. "Boo? Do you feel up to making the drawers right now?" Tommy perks up, seeing the other sitting on the bed, panting. Ranboo checks his phone, "Maybe in the mornin. We've worked for three hours straight." "..You're kidding." "Nope it's 8:27."
June 16th, Wednesday, 6:09 PM
Tommy walks out, and is greeted by his favorite alive cousin, Niki. "Hey Toms! I want you to meet my brother Jack. He is known as Blaze. I'm Flower." "Ah, alrighty."
"Samuel, SHUT UP!" a tall brunette man yells across the table. "I still don't think we should be the Dream Complex!" says Samuel, the black-haired man. "Brother. Sam. Please stop yelling. You're hurting Gog's ears," A female brunette says. The taller brunette looks at the shorter next to him. "Gogy, I'm sorry." His face gets slapped. The female, being the only reasonable one here, suggests a vote to change the name. A agreement is settled. The names chosen to be voted on are Dream Complex, Dream Team, Dream 'n Co, and Men and a Girl. The rules are as follows; Your cannot vote more then once, or for your own. Dream Complex gets no votes, as expected. Dream Team gets 3 vote. Dream 'n Co gets 1 vote, and George gets a smug grin. Men and a Girl gets no votes, and Sam shouts he couldn't think of anything and started to panic. The push out a news letter saying that their name has been changed to 'Dream Team.'
June 20th, Sunday, 6:38 PM
"Pesky!" Tommy screeched, overjoyed to see his brother again. "TomToms! I see you've found Father!" Grian says, gliding down with his red, blue, and yellow wings. "..Found.. Father..?" Grian's ear feathers twitch before he nods. "Did you not realize Phil was our dad?" "..I didn't realize we had a dad in the first place." The two burst out laughing at the embarrassing moment. "..So that means a hero is..?" Tommy trailed off. "Yes. A hero is related to villains. Actually, Tubs is on the trail of being able to join HermitFusion. Where even is he?" Tommy let out a choked wail before responding. "Dead, he's dead just like The Blade. Gone, dead." Horror crosses Grian's face. "He.. He can't-- You're joking, right? Yeah! Ye-Yeah! This- This is just a terrible prank or.dream and I just can't wake up! Haha! Yep!" Ranboo comes out their room, eyes puffy. He sees Grian and runs over to the shorter man. He hugs him as tight as he can. "Don't- Don't die on me, like- like Tubbo did." Tears started to fall from Grian's eyes as he knew Tubbo was dead. Phil rushes to Grian and wraps his wings around his, pulling Tommy in. "Grian, thank you for doing as I asked. Thank you, I knew I wouldn't be able too raise him very well after Kristen died." "It's fine and not a problem, dad." "Thank you," Phil continued, sobbing. Tommy joined in on the hug. "I brought someone with, if you don't mind. A few someones, actually." Tommy and Phil broke away from the hug and stepped to see who it was. A petite brunette with green all over her outfit. Her eyes, too, were green. She had her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She had few wounds. Next to her was a tall brunette man. He had a mask around his head that resembled a head of a hog. He had a sword on his waist, being held by a amber-brown belt. He suffered many scars, his eyes of blood red. It took Tommy a second, but he finally registered who he was looking at as BloodBlade, someone who had died. BloodBlade introduced the girl as Clara, or Dream Complex- Dream Team -'s  healer, Drista. "I'd like to join the Syndicate. I do not agree with my brother's ways."
June 23rd, Wednesday, 2:01 PM
Shlatt had invited Tommy to Tubbo's funeral, and Philza went with. He did have to pay respects to his nephew, and check up on his family. "Liz? You actually dyed your hair pink!" "Oh! Phil! I need to introduce to you Joel! He's the father-" "You had CHILDREN?! And without telling me?" Phil cuts her off, jokingly offended. "Father of our fur-babies. We have two cats." she continued. A few moments later, the actual funeral started and they payed respects.
2:28 PM
Tommy was walking out, and chatting with with his father, aunt, and uncle when he saw a flash of purple. Hands grabbed his shoulders, and he was teleported back to Phil's house. Tommy turns around, and falls into Shlatt's arms. "Thank you, Uncle." "No problem, Toms."
June 29th, Tuesday, 2:57 PM
Tommy woke up, his arms tied around him. His mask was on while was patrolling earlier in the day. They'd finally come up with his name, Theseus. He'd encountered Mushroom, and at that very moment he was put to sleep. His mask wasn't there. "Ah, looks as if he is awake," Dream's voice booms from above him. A silence is spread across the room. "Reveal some secrets of the Syndicate." Dream demands. "W-what?! No!" Tommy yelps. Turning to a door, Dream says, undoing the ropes, "Hm. Xqulea, dispose of this boy. We in the Dream Team no longer need him." Grian walked out in his hero form, panicked. "P-Pesky..?" Tommy mumurs. "What was that? You wanted to be tortured before dying?" Tomathy burst out in tears, jumping up and running to hug his brother. "Pesky, are-are you okay? Why are y-you here? I-Isn't HotG-Guy and Whisper su-supposed to be f-fighting over your l-love? W-Where's Mum..?" "Shh.. Little, Gem is sick right now. I just got found by Dream and his squad. I'm okay. I'm sure Hot is getting his butt beat right--" "Ehem. Xqulea, you're supposed to be killing the boy." "Dream, if you wanna be like Sam you can. I, on the other hand, am not going to kill my baby brother." "I am not like the Killer Rabbit!" "That's what he forced me to do. Luckily enough, Toms wasn't there for him to actually be able to make me." "Oh, wait, so Theseus is Tommy, now hm?" Silence. "He may leave, alive."
July 19th, Monday, 11:37PM
Tommy is in his costume, patrolling with his father, Quackity, the pesky birb, and his emotionally adopted mother, Gem Tay or Crystalline. While walking, he thought about when Day talked about how Charlotte had met someone named Gemini. "Hey, Crystie?" Tommy starts. "No, no no no no," Quackity starts freaking out. Philza grabs the shaeshifter and gently holds him still, keeping his hands in view of Quackity's eyes and knowledge. "Hey, bud, it's me, Vully. Hey, hey look! Look, stupid bird wings haha!" He says, flapping his wings a little bit. "C-Cover.." "Mhm! Ofcourse! Now, I want you to remember that Theseus was not calling you that. Remember, Crystalline is here and is his emotionally adopted mother," Phil says, trying to soothe the traumatized shapeshifter while covering the group with his wings. "Greetings, Syndicate. Mayhaps I ask why you lot are all huddled in a cuddle?" Dream says, walking up on the five. "Oh! I see a hero within you all." "I'm just here for my brother and yours," Grian says coldly. Quackity looks at Grian with wide, shook eyes. "Wh-How..?" "Let's just say I knew Crystalline before Lilac did." "There's not way that one of thou is brethren from Xavier. Dance, shall we not?" Sapnap and Mushroom came out from behind trees, and they started to fight. Fire from SnapMap's hands flying towards Gem, Philza and Quackity fighting against Mushroom, Grian fighting with Dream. Drista can from behind we tree and started to fight Tommy with rock paper scissors. Tommy won 8 games out of 13, so he counts himself the best. Grian has Dream pinned down, and everyone freezes, not knowing what was fixing to happen. Sapnap burned feathers from the parrots wings, but he didn't even flinch. Mushroom tried to put Grian to sleep, and that didn't work, either. Even Philza and Gem tried getting Grian off the dude, but it was to no avail. "Do you even know what could happen with your power?" "No, why?" "You could make someone like us. I wasn't even like you until I lived with Killer Rabbit and PcyBun! Just as easily as we could kill or heal someone, we could turn them, and that feels like dying three times." A flash of purple is sent of in the distance, behind Grian where he could not see who was near. What he did not expect, though, was hearing Tommy wail before Tommy screamed loudly.
Tommy 'woke' up to the sound of crying. All he could think of, though, was the massive pain in his back. He couldn't understand why he hurt so badly, or why had suddenly couldn't move, but something he could understand is his pesky bird of a brother was crying his name. "Tommy, please I can't loose you too," he cried, "I can't loose you like we lost Mum." Day after day, night after night. His brother crying on what was presumed to be his deathbed. "I- I understand that you are in pa-in," Grian choked. "Where ever you are you will always be my gremlin little brother." Some days Scar would come visit, too. "Hey, Tommy, we miss you and your crazyness," he'd always start, "We need you to wake up soon, okay?" Taurtis would always say the exact same thing as Scar when he came. Wilbur and Techno would sometimes come in, too. Always together. "Hey Toms, we miss you. Can you try to flex your hand for me?" Tech would always ask. Wilbur always told Tomathy's body dad jokes, Phil did too when he visited. Philza didn't visit alot, anyways.
One day, though, things changed. Everyone one was there. Scar, Taurtis, Grian, Wilbur, Phil, Techno, even Dream was there for some odd reason! "Tom-my," Grian choked out from his harsh crying, hugging him. "Plea-se wake u- up so-soon." Tommy heard the sound of boots step up, along with a quiet sob that sounded like Wilbur. "Tommy, if you don't wake up by next week they'll pronounce you dead," Wilbur said, void of all emotions but grief. "He's not dead, Wilbur!" Grian cried. Then, they left.
December 4th, Saturday, 2:39 PM
Tommy woke up three visits after the day that everyone was in the room, and the room was dim. No nurses or crying was able to be seen as Tommy realized he was really awake. "Nur'!" he yelled. The lights slowly turned on as the door opened and he saw his normal nurse at Pogtopia Hospital, Nurse Hannah, walk through with his family. "Tommy? You're awake?" she said in disbelief. "M'eah, 'ow long ha' I been out?" Tommy asked, slurring his words. "You've been out since July 19th, so just under," she trailed off, counting in her fingers. "Six months." "It' a'ready past Chrima'?!" A hand on his back causes pain to sprout. "No, Toms, you woke up just in time. It's the 4th," Grian tries to soothe him, turning to Hannah he asks, "Can we take him home?" Hannah nods, "Just make sure Brother keeps me updated. I know how hard this was when it happened to him.." "Ofcourse," Grian turns to Philza, "And I'm kidnapping my brother." Phil gives a thumbs up and Grian takes Tommy to HermitFusion's base.
3:57 PM
"Why have you called this meeting, G?" Scar asks. "I'm sure you all remember how much pain I was in when I left Sam's after he turned me?" "Grian, why are you-" Xisuma tried to ask before getting cut off. "Dream is a watcher, not a turned one but a born one. He didn't know he could transform others until it was too late and he had shot my brother with the power." "Tommy, Wilbur, or Techno?" Taurtis asks, "Techno could survive with little to no trauma, Wilbur a bit of trauma but Tommy could actually be driven insane because of the amount of pain it gives you, and combined with the grief of Tubbo? That's one to kill the world!" Tommy steps up, "Well then I guess the world will be killed?" The entire room gets loud quickly, and Tommy ends up with his ears covered by Grian in a corner and Taurtis cleaning the blood off his back. "G..? Why is there blood on on my back..?" Tommy asks, voice shaking and cracking. "It's because you're growing wings, and new eyes are opening. Tommy, soon you'll feed off of emotions and you'll have eyes no one else can see around you, and you'll see everything." "Gri..? I thought-" "I was a parrot, yes, I was. But, I am now a Watcher. Even after death, you will exist. Only reviving someone will even allow you to shed a physical form." "So I can revive Tubbo..?" "If you want him to have to build you a robot to have a physical form, yes."
December 8th, Wednesday, 1:09 PM
"Thes! Are you alright?" X yells through the Comm. "Axolotl send Cry, Lea, Hot and Whisp!!" Tommy yells back. Over the past few days, he'd become acquainted with the members of HermitFusion. Currently, though, he'd need Gem, Gri, Scar, and Taurtis "They should be behind now!" "Theseus! Are you okay?" "Xqulea! I'm okay but I do need help. Thorn and Diamond are being a pain!" "Thorn? Let me deal with her. She'll get Diamond to back down too," Grian says, walking over to Thorn. "Theseus over here is my little brother, Thorn. The youngest one, that is." "Oh I didn't realize! I am so sorry Theseus! Diamond, retreat. This is a battle you won't fight and I won't let get started." "Tell me at the base why."
December 25th, Saturday, 5:29 PM
Tommy sets out of L'Bucks after getting picked up by Philza. "So, merry Christmas, mate?" Phil says, sounding more like a question.. "Yeah, merry Christmas Dadza."
6:02 PM
They walk through the door to the Syndicate in costumes. "Niki? Jack? Big Q? Drist?" "Tommy, get HermitFusion and both of you get in your costumes. Brother's wanting to fight us and they have the Eggpire behind them, even though they are villains." Tommy grabs his comm off his waist and calls Grian. "Pesky, you there?" "Yeah, what's up Toms?" "D-Team wants to fight us- Uh, the Syndicate and they have the Eggpire behind them." "Oh. OH. I'll get X and everyone else!" "Cya, Pesky!" "Bye, Tommy."
6:36 PM
"I see you have received my message. I'm glad you agreed to fight," Dream says, "I suspect you don't know we have allies as you have none?" "Wrong, Clay Dean," Xqulea says, reaching the ground. "They have us." "Oh, so you decided to have your brother involved." "The Eggpire consists of only 3 people, of which one is a nurse I went to school with. Diamond, BadBoy, and Thorn. BadBoy is honestly really sweet and is being puppeteered by Xavior." "DREAM I THOUGHT YOU SAID THEY WERE WILLING!" SapNap yells. "I THOUGHT SOTOO"Dreamyellsback. "BROTHER SHUT IT" Thorn ends up yelling, stunning SapNap. "I'm the one who agreed to fight with you lot in the first place. Now that I understand Theseus is part of the Syndicate, and the only willing one of the Eggpire, I back down." "Oh? Scared of a newbie, I see." "I'll see you in my office once this fight is over, Thes and Xqulea!" "Wait Hannah?!" SnapRap yells, running after her. A wall of thorns grows in his path, and Diamond pulls BadBoy away. "Pesky, you can call the others off." "On it." "Oh, how generous," Dream laughs, "Show them what we can do, everyone!" "There's literally 3 people on our side and like 7 on theirs." "Oh well. Mushroom can put them to sleep." "Dream I'm not your puppet." "Just this once?" "No, but I will fight." Grian's wings flare open, and so does Dream's. Soon enough, Tommy and Drista are helping Techno, Phil, and Niki against Mushroom, Jack and SapNap are burning each other with Wilbur, Quackity, and Ranboo helping out Jack, and Dream and Grian are fighting. After an hour or two Tommy breaks away and runs to the cemetery. He finds Tubbo's coffin, it was over ground for some odd reason, and opens it. He places his left hand over Tubbo's torso, and closes his eyes. He focuses on all his energy onto his hand, and purple starts to spout out of his hand, and over Tubbo. The world around him slowly shifts to his old apartment and Tubbo crying in the corner, a dead version of him in the middle of the floor. "Tμßb•?" Tommy calls out, "¥∆u ®€@dy +0 b£ @|!v€ ag@¡n?" "T-Tommy..? Why- Why are you here in my limbo? Oh, please tell me you aren't dead!" Tommy reaches out and takes his best friend by the hand, pulls him up, and hugs him. "G°∆dẞ¥€, My f®£πd."
Tubbo awakens, and he finds his best friend hovering over him, slowly fading away the stronger Tubbo gets. "Tommy?" He sees a black thing on him, and grabs it. "Theseus? Thes? Tommy? Toms? Tomathy? Hello?" a familiar voice practically yells through the device. Tubbo presses the big, black button, "..Hello? Who is this?" "Tubbo! Oh, no he didn't. I'll come get you, hold on." "..Who are you? You- You do sound familiar, don't get me wrong, but I can't-" "Yeah, I understand. Taurtis could only remember Sam and Me. Not even his girlfriend, as we were the closest when I revived him. You probably only remember Toms and Boo, right?" "Tommy and Ranboo, yes." "I'm Tommy's eldest brother, Grian." "Ah, so you're him!" The sound of wings flapping is above him, and tommy is only an outline. "Put the comm on him so he can still talk to us!" Tubbo puts the 'comm' back onto Tommy, as it was also fading, too. "I'm Grian, or the hero-villain Xqulea. Sometimes I help the Syndicate, most times I fight the Eggpire.
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gizmocrate-werecrow · 2 years
Power au
@classicrocker2000 and I have an au called power to the people, a story where superpowers exist and these powers are decided based on their personalities, memories or even future events in their lives.
The monkees are just four of the people who possess powers.
so Peter has the power of plant control, he can not only influence the growth of plants, but also modify their properties and even merge plants together. To be honest it was based off of one joke in an episode where a woman said “I am growing impatient” and Peter said “I am growing flowers”. In universe however it’s based off of his flower child status. His superhero name is Flora
also originally his power only worked when fed blood but it was too edgy and a huge writing regret to be honest.
Mike was the next guy to have his powers determined, one trope that I enjoy in monkees fanfics was Mike being the team dad of the group or going papa wolf on some sorry bastard that hurt the others. So Mike got the power of wolf biology manifestation. He becomes the Texan Wolf, an extinct species of wolf, in universe it’s reflective of his wicked temper and dedication to music.
Mike’s hero persona is Lone Wolf
Micky was the next to have his power determined, to be honest at first he was just going to be very flexible but another person already had that power so it took a while until micky had his power determined. His power is Vocal mimicking, he can perfectly mimic a voice as long as he heard it before. This reflects his love of putting on funny voices and his stint as a voice actor in the 70s.
his hero name is Mimic.
finally there was Davy, he was the trickiest to figure out, how can you do Davy without resorting to something involving his height? His charms? No, Paul McCartney has a charm based power. Dance? Hard to write down. Horses? No. However upon watching Monkees in the ring, where Davy is made a boxer. Perfect. Davy has the power of shadow boxing, he can toss a punch from a distance and the target suffers the damage. It reflects the fact he did boxing and even fighting in amongst the monkees.
his hero name is Powerhouse
so yeah, this is a big dump of stuff but if y’all wanna hear more about the power au, we’re happy to talk, maybe with some asks.
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exodusmc · 1 year
Insider 08
Genre: Power au, war au, rebel au
Words: 2022
Paring: Light manipulator Baekhyun  x  Reader
Side character/s: Exo, Bts
Warning!: Hinting forced birth, mention of death
a/n: I’m sorry for being gone again but I’m currently working on a royal Jimin fic, which is around 10 k already and I’m looking for ideas to write the next part in my hogwarts series. I was supposed to post a little earlier but then the news about Moonbin came out. I’m seending my condolences and wish everyone the best. Please now that there will awalys be someone who loves you and that you are enought!
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Gif is not mine 
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About two four months had passed, months filled with training. Minseok and Jongdae worked with you almost every day, giving you everything they had. It was hard but one on one was nothing. You didn't see Namjoon or Seokjin around much, only Jungkook and Hoseok. They were skilled in combat, their smiles bright. 
Jungkook was better in close contact, brown hair pulled back as dark eyes turned sinister, while Hoseok usually worked with long-range weaponry. He had locks close to red on his head, a gaze sharp like an eagle. The two of them built a team, just like Minseok and Jongdae, something you learned from the many late nights. 
The rebels were one team but they valued never being alone, which led to a system of two people making sure the other was safe. It was their way of keeping the majority alive. But apparently wasn't it something healers had, as long as they didn't go out in combat. Jongdae told you almost everything, how their lives had been built and what rules there were. They thought of you as one of them, a part of their mindset...Maybe you had accepted them, never smiling but you spoke more, retoring sarcastic words which made Jongdae howl with laughter and occasionally huff in annoyance. 
You felt at home with the two special men, their ever different stands on life which seemed to keep them close to one another. Even Jungkook and Hoseok made you a little less of a feather floating in the wind. But there was still one thing you couldn't talk about and that was your parents, the mere thought of them made the walls too close. Maybe there was some sort of repressed memory, something your child brain thought was too scary.
“Y/n?”your eyes snapped from staring at the wall, finding the leader smiling down at you. Namjoon stood tall above your sittig form, no one else around.”Is everything okay?”
You snuck away to be alone for just a second, finding a small room where you sat. Sure, you did like the others but going from not working with many people and being a lieutenant weren't easy, the constant work with keeping their feelings in mind and trying to understand somethings they did.
“Yes, sir.”
“You don't have to call me sir.”Namjoon sighed, sitting down by your side. He had a new scar by his mouth, small enough to be invisible for untrained eyes.” I have some questions I would like to ask you, they would probably be great help in what we are about to start..”
His words were ominous, surely hinting to a war you weren't sure anyone was ready for. Every since you arrived at the rebels, you didn't know anything that in the republic but it didn't mean you were clueless. They wanted the rebels gone and over time had you started to understand people a little more, making the higher ups far from human. 
“It’s about the republic and what you know..”you weren't surprised, eyes staying on your fingers. There was invisible blood on them, blood you tried to scrub away but it was still there.”Tell me anything you feel comfortable with..”
“They tried searching for you in the sky when I last heard about strategies but I don't think they will do it for a long time…”your gaze rose to the wall, a fan swishing over your head. Everyone was so young and yet they had to lead a revolution for rights you didn't think about before. Suddenly did you remember the book you wrote, hoped that it was destroyed when the hospital exploded.
“They have already stopped…”Namjoon, you learned, was only 20, so much responsibility laying on his shoulders at the tender age. It didn't make sense to you but if no one stepped up, would nothing change..”A base was bombed, most of the people in it died..I think around 80 made it..”
You didn't like the feelings in your body, cold and nauseous, hot and clawing. They were dead and you could have been the one killing them. 
“Junmyeon has been asking about you and how you’re doing..”Namjoon saw the color start draining from your face so he changed the subject.”I’ve told him that you’re doing really well and seems to like Jongdae and Minseok..But maybe you can call him so he calms down a little?”
“Okay..but I-I want to tell you something…”your head felt like mush, heart picking up its pace. Stress never faced you in battle, it didn't matter if Minseok tried to impale you with ice, you didn't care, but the second you started to think about everything, were you shaking. Guilt, you guessed you felt guilt.”..They have hidden buildings where they birth children for the armies..”
Namjoon stared at you, his orbs darkening to a thunder night sky. No one knew about it and you had only seen a sip bit of a video, the dying  body which would never survive the birth. You weren't supposed to care so you didn't, brain forcing the images to burn.  
“I don't know where but I know where they keep the videos..”he stood up, towering with broad shoulders. Namjoon was beyond rage at your confession. 
“Come with me, we need to speak with Junmyeon..”
Baekhyun ate quietly, thoughts turning in his head. You weren't back and Yixing was always busy, even after he returned..The light bender had no clue what he was doing, only that the doctor ran around and smiled anytime he saw Baekhyun. They didn't share a room anymore..well maybe they did but Yixing never slept there so Baekhyun wasn't sure what to believe. 
At least, he wasn't alone. Chanyeol and Sehun were always there. Goofed around and laughed, even when they were training. The two of them were close and made Baekhyun smile with little effort. It was weird how fast things could change, only short of half a year had passed and he felt like he belonged somewhere. 
Everytime Baekhyun looked in the mirror could he see muscles on his arms and a fuller face due to the fact that he got to eat. His skin wasn’t dull and it had a slightly darker tone to it now, made him more alive to the eyes of bystanders. He was appealing to look at, Chanyeol would often tease him because of the multiple females and males sending him long gazes, but he couldn't find one he actually felt something for. It was something he couldn't tell anyone, since it was a lie. He couldn't find anyone here but he would often think about someone somewhere else. 
Baekhyun coughs slightly, breaking his gaze from the table just for it to get stuck on the chair before him. You circled his mind whenever he got a moment for himself. He wasn't sure what feeling you brought him but he knew that no one else occupied his brain as much as you did. Your eyes were empty but you cried and now when he felt safe in himself, was he remembering the shimmer in them, the depths of a well with high walls built on lies. People never knew anything more about you than that you were a lieutenant, that it was your choice to kill for them, but Baekhyun knew more, just like Yixing and probably Junmyeon. You were just human like everyone else. Human with a buried heart, guarded by thorns and locked behind mirror orbs.
“Sup Baek!”Chanyeol broke him from his trans, the clatter of tupperware brought him back to the canteen. 
Sehun sat to his right while a boy named Kyungsoo sat to Chanyeol’s life. Kyungsoo had come and gone over the course of three months, his eyes dark but easily flammable. Baekhyun still felt the ache from training the first time with Kyungsoo who was completely ruthless, seeding stone after stone right at his face. 
It had been extremely tiring for Baekhyun since he had to use copious amounts of energy to destroy the blocks but in the end did he manage...it was not like passing out and had to be pushed aside by Sehun’s wind or anything. Kyungsoo was a little nicer the times after but still didn't stop until everyone in the room was panting. 
“Still not gonna give Soha a chance?”Baekhyun cringed at the name, remembering the teleporting girl and how she turned up while he just finished showering. 
“Please..can we forget that?”Chanyeol snickered before shrugging his shoulders. 
Everyone started eating, the rustle around them fading into a slight buzz, but Baekhyun suddenly saw Junmyeon making his way over them, his stepps fast. 
Sehun noticed the slight confusion in his friend's face, fork stopping just for his mouth. 
“Kyungsoo can you come with me?”four pairs of eyes rested on the eldest torne face. Junmyeon had aged due to his position and his past, everything the still young man had seen.”It’s urgent…”
“Is something wrong?” Chanyeol was ready to leave and fight in a second, arms tense as he almost stood up from the chair.
Baekhyun learned over time that the power one possessed was growing from your personality in some way, but he didn't tell anyone this, even as Chanyeol with fire in his heart held his head high, or when Sehun moved through space quietly, observing everything with a fleeting touch. 
“I need to talk with Kyungsoo and it’s important but right now it is not dangerous..”with that,  both of them walked away. 
Watching them, hair moving with every step, Baekhyun had a feeling that he would be seeing the one he thought about sooner than later. 
Soft sounds of beeping and turning paper floated in Yixing’s head, fingers gracing over every file he had as the room was peaceful. He spent most of his time by his bed, flipping through the documents he mangade to steal. Your parents were among them but the words were nothing of help, only small bits of useless information since the republic didn't know who they were. 
Sighing, Yixing pressed his fingers against his drumming temples, the slowly rising headache making him irritated. After the explosion and his injury had the headaches been more regular, creeping up his spine to hammer at his skull. But it’s whatever, he’s fine even when feeling in his right leg starts to fade. 
Suddenly there was a small sound of sheets moving and his dark gaze found honey eyes on a honey boy who had paled slightly. 
“How come we get to use the tunnels now?”your question made Minseok send you a side glance, his packing movements stopping for a millisecond. 
You had changed, maybe not as much as Baekhyun according to what Junmyeon said, but there was something hiding in your gaze. There was a fire in your movements, another force he couldn't feel in the beginning. 
Minseok never knew you parents but it was your mother who found him and…, she found all of them and saved them. You had her lips when they weren't pulled into a deep frown, he wondered if you knew..that you still had a connection to them even though you really had no clue who they were. 
“Because they trust you more now?”Jongdae grinned, his hand coming to rustle your hair even if he wasn't that much taller than you.”You’re on our side now so I’ll let you in on all our secret tunnels..”
Jongdae laughed, leaning closer to your ear so Minseok could hear what he was about to say.
“Even the ones they don't know about..”his smirk was playful, eyes shimmering like they always did.”Hanhee won't tell..”
Minseok turned to stare at them both, the sheepish look on Jongdae and your indifferent face. He sighed, having slept too bad to scold Jongdae.
“Come on, they will be here soon..”
So after four months would you return to the place you woke up in, you would meet them all again...and everything would begin.
Tags: @shesdreaminginoverdose
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notherpuppet · 7 months
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Role reversal AU
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Dog Meshi.
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wanologic · 1 month
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always good to keep a screamhole handy
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shepscapades · 2 months
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Surely this will have no negative consequences whatsoever!
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alienzil · 2 months
Nanny Danny
“That is a whole ass baby,” was the only thought running through Lex Luthor’s head when the scientist proudly showed him the tube containing Project KR. It was not remotely the sort of thing he would normally think and most definitely not what he had expected to be thinking the first time he saw the clone.
He’d been pleased when he’d read the reports indicating the success of KR after years of failures. Lex had poured millions of dollars and literally his own blood into ensuring a clone of the alien could be made, one that would be under his total control instead of the unknown aspirations of Superman.  He’d wanted to see the fruits of his labors personally but this…
It. No, not an it. He scrunched his tiny face and smacked his lips and…did he smirk? Was that HIS SMIRK on that baby’s face?! No. No. Babies this small didn’t smile or smirk. They passed gas and their sleep deprived and addled parents mistook it for an intelligent response. He’d heard enough inane conversations in the Lexcorp office about the various progeny of his employees to pick up on that but still. This child had Kryptonian DNA, not to mention his own contribution. Surely, he was far more advanced than the dribbling potato shaped lump of an infant whose pictures he’d been forced to smile and nod over when Mark from accounting had rudely shoved them in his face at the last quarterly budget meeting. Yes, that was definitely a smirk. His, that was his smirk.
“So as you can see its growth is well within expected parameters and we’re planning to start phase one of accelerating the maturation process tomorrow once the testing is do-”
“Take him out.”
“Sir? The testing can all be accomplished while it remains in the tube. There’s no need to-”
“I said, take him out. The project is cancelled.”
“What?! Mr. Luthor you can’t!”
“I think you’ll find I can. Now get me my son.”
Two years later
“Call them again”
“Sir, I’ve called them seven times. They won’t answer.”
“Then call another agency!”
“There isn’t another agency, Sir”
Lex glared at his assistant who stared back at him impassively. Mercy stood by the door staring off into the distance and pretending she didn’t notice him being bested by his own secretary.
He stopped himself from shouting again and took a deep breath before asking, “Then what, exactly, do you propose I do Mrs. Anderson? Adjust my entire schedule around naptimes? Find a toddler size lab coat and safety goggles and bring my son with me to tour the new clean energy project on Thursday? Perhaps buy a tiny business suit while I’m at it for the next board meeting?”
“I’m not suggesting anything of the sort, Mr. Luthor. I’m telling you that no childcare agency in Metropolis will return my calls anymore. Most won’t even answer.  You’ve gone through 27 nannies in the last 3 months. You need someone better suited to your son’s…special needs.”
Lex snorted. “Special needs might be a bit of understatement. He can lift a car over his head and his favorite word right now is No.”
He sighed and rubbed his forehead. “Thank you for…clarifying the situation, Marjorie. If there’s nothing else, you can leave.”
His secretary didn’t move. She looked at him like she was waiting for something and now that he was paying attention, he saw she was holding a file.  “Did you have a suggestion?”
Looking pleased with herself she responded, “Actually, yes, I did.”
She set the file on his desk and flipped it open. He looked down at the first page and raised an eyebrow, “What am I looking at here?”
“This,” she responded pulling out the top set of papers and spreading them out, “is the employee file and background check for Daniel J. Fenton, an intern that started in our engineering department about 4 months ago. He has one sibling, two parents and several close friends he regularly meets with. His current supervisor has nothing but good things to say about him and reports he gets along well with all his coworkers.”
She set out the next set of papers, neatly arranging them on the desk to be easily seen. “These are newspaper articles and screenshots of social media posts regarding a small town vigilante locally known as Phantom. The same small town, Mr. Fenton is from coincidentally. Also coincidentally, Phantom made his first appearance only a few weeks after Mr. Fenton was involved in a minor accident in his parent’s home laboratory when he was 14, the medical records for the incident are included.”
“Hmm,” Lex said observing several photos of Phantom and a younger Fenton arranged in order of similar poses and facial expressions and printed out side by side.
“Finally,” she said handing him the last set of papers directly, “this would be a report from the lab Mr. Fenton works in from an incident that happened yesterday. A test with a new protype went wrong and started a fire. Everyone evacuated per protocol when the alarms went off but one of the other interns was working on a programming issue off to the side of the lab while wearing headphones and didn’t hear the alarm or notice the fire. Mr. Fenton noticed his absence and returned to the lab to get him out.” She stopped talking and let him look at the last several pages in the file, a series of photographs of the lab.
“Is this ice?”
“Yes, it is. It’s several inches thick and covers half of the lab. It completely put out the fire leaving minimal damage.”
“This machine was moved?”
“It was. It was very close to the flames and would have required replacement if exposed to extreme heat or cold. That particular piece of equipment also weighs several thousand pounds and was bolted to the floor.”
Lex read through everything in detail then clasped his hands under his chin and stared at the photo of Daniel Fenton for several moments before turning back to his waiting secretary.
“Have HR send Mr. Fenton up. I’d like to offer him a promotion.”
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aveloka-draws · 29 days
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Thinking Aym wanted to fight the Lamb's adopted kid seeing him as a guardian just like him and Baal were to Narinder. He's just a lil kid tho so he tried to teach him combat hoping to fight him properly when he grows up but uh oh got attached in the process.
Congrats you got little spider sibling✨
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falst · 1 year
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Happy pride month to THEM
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Danny’s on the Suicide Squad. He’s the defacto team moral compass and ray of sunshine. He plays the role of the camp counselor that keeps everyone in line. He’s not afraid of working with even the gnarliest of baddies.
Everybody on the team wonders how he ended up locked up with the villains- he never talks about what he did to end up behind bars no matter how much they pester him. Then one day they’re out on a mission and Harley or somebody is caught and tortured. Danny snaps. It’s the opposite of brutal- he takes down everyone in the room with clinical, dispassionate efficiency.
After it’s over and the team is safe he comes back to himself and is almost sheepish. He radios Belle Reve.
“Whoops. Add another couple notches on my power dampener collar, would you Waller?”
“Can’t, it’s already at max.”
“Ah. Well. I’ll have a look at strengthening it when we’re back then.”
The team just stared at him slack jawed. Good thing he’s on their side.
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AU where the Axolotl sends Bill to the mystery shack for rehabilitation after spending some time in the Theraprism
(OG AU is by waty_mot on Twitter)
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gizmocrate-werecrow · 2 years
Power listing
Okay, just for clarification of powers
the Beatles (and staff)
John Lennon: Ice control
Paul McCartney: Charm
George Harrison: omnipotent psychic power
Ringo starr: Memory manipulation
Brian Epstein: Shadow control
George Martian: echolocation and can turn into a bat
The Rolling Stones
Brian jones: emotion based weather manipulation
Mick Jagger: Demon powers
Keith Richards: Shapeshifting
bill whyam: power thivery
Charlie watts: sound wave manlipulation
the who
Roger daltry: no powers
Pete townshed: Pain/ wound transference
John entwhistle: sound to light conversion
Keith moon: explosive touch.
The travelling Wilburys
Roy Orbison: no powers in life, is a ghost
Jeff Lynne: Electric discharge
Bob Dylan: uncontrolled phasing
Tom Petty: no powers
Kurt Cobain: water control
Dave Grohl: no powers
Krist Novaltic: truth detector and mothman
Freddie Mercury: siren song
Brian may: clone manifestation (his clones are: beta, gamma, delta, Zeta, Eta, Espilion and Theta) however his is also able to clone objects.
John deacon: no powers
Roger taylor: metal manipulation as long as it’s a car part. (Somehow made the bus Dimensionally Transcendental (doctor who reference btw))
The monkees
Mike Nesmith: wolf biology manifestation
Micky Dolenz: Vocal mimic
Davy Jones: shadowboxing
Peter Tork: plant control and plant growth encouragement.
David Bowie is an interesting case since his power is being able to become his personas, that includes their personalities, age and beliefs, however some personas are extremely dangerous
Bowie: persona manifestation
Ziggy Stardust: cat reflexes
Halloween Jack: Ghost fire control
Thomas Newton: unknown.
The thin white duke: walking Hate plague
Jareth the goblin King: his magic
Dj (from the Dj Music video): Peid piper music
Screaming lord Byron/Earthling: light to sound conversion
The Blind Prophet: All seeing.
will add more later.
update: I forgot Tom Petty
second update: so just to make it clear, those who haven’t appeared in the story of any of the one shots yet will be in italics
third update: to clarify, Bowie hasn’t appeared in the story at all yet and his personas.
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