#Predator fanart
das-sena · 11 months
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Eu atualizei meu gosto para homens
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ayautjaslover · 8 months
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That's it, that's the post.
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czlowiek-lasu · 1 year
More Haki‼️‼️‼️ Bc I love her lots
Protective yautja gf
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And cat distribution system
Meet Stick, her orange cat
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yaut-jaknowit · 1 month
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I've had this in the making for a bit! I love drawing her being sassy and the queen she is!
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cryptid-corvidae · 11 days
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Pretty much(?) finished, but I’m still gonna label it as a wip because I really wanna add accessories to her dreadlocks. I dont actually have a name for her because I have no idea how to name yautjas. It’s crazy how different it looks when I clean up the lineart and coloring lol.
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headlessjest · 2 months
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I've been getting into the Predator movies lately.
Wolf is pretty cool.
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lord-soba · 2 years
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I forgot to draw something.
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braveburattino · 2 years
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I have to draw a yaujta for the bracket sheet
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ortegatv · 10 months
Apex Hunter
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ayautjaslover · 8 months
hii could you write about s/o who was training with her elder yautja bf and they are very tired so the yautja gives them massages on the bed please and ty!
Training With An Elder
OH MY LAWD YES I CAN I LOVE THIS IDEA!!! (Also first ask ahhhhsjjdjdjd thank you!)
Attaching the final part of your armour, you fitted the large helmet to your head, the custom padding providing a soft layer for comfort and breathability. Finally being lowered into the pit after multiple months of training ,you felt nervous, almost giddy. Knowing that your elder mate had finally deemed you capable of fighting and beating the serpents that they use to test and train.
Your devout mate had spent hours schooling and testing you on how the weaponries, helmets and general armour work. Along with hand to hand combat and techniques you use to scan for and hunt down prey with the utmost efficiency.
I mean who would be better to teach you then an elder yautja themselves? Not only are they your mate, they know your body and how your mind works, enabling them to tailor your training to you specially.
Before you began your descent down to the pit your mate had given you a small overview of what was going to happen. Though they'd be coaching you through the auditory systems they thought it would be best to remind you. Though the look of pure pride they held when they saw you clad in the armour was all the encouragement you needed.
Bringing you out of your thoughts you felt the hard metal stage you were on halt and cement itself into the ground beneath. Upon this a loud click sounded throughout the area followed by your mates gravelly voice.
"Situate yourself then scan your surroundings, a skilled yautja hunter never lets any detail slip and you are no different my little ooman."
Helmet activated, you scan the area, noticing the distinct heat signals the serpents were giving off and the subtle outlines of two yautja hunters above. Definitely there to keep watch and jump in if need be, though you deflated a little at this you knew better then to question it. Your mate was only looking out for you.
"Now, the serpents are going to be released soon so stay on guard and be vigilant. I have faith in you."
And with that came silence, assuming they were using the element of surprise to keep you on your toes you continued taking in what was around you and kept an eye on the heat signals from above.
A few seconds later there was a sharp hiss to your right, you trudged forwards and slashed at the serpent's throat. It put up a fight by lunging at you in a weak attempt to get a hold of your arm but you swiftly blocked it. Enclosing your hand around its neck you snapped the windpipe before letting it fall to the floor.
You continued in a similar fashion beating down each Lythe serpent that dared to strike in your direction. Soon enough you had completed the task at hand. Choosing not to relax just yet you scanned the surrounding location once more checking for any remaining serpent heat signals.
"You have completed the task dear ooman, please step back on the stage and we'll bring you up."
Your mate's voice rang through the system instilling a sense of comfort in you. Your muscles were beginning to ache and eyes droop, no matter how many times you wore this goddamn armour you never got used to the way it seemed to drag you down once you'd completed a fight.
You stood there on the stage waiting and wanting for nothing more than to curl up into the soft pelts of your bed and succumb to the hands of your mate as he gives you a massage. He'd done it for you previously and the way his strong hands effortlessly soothed and unravelled the tight muscles of your back and shoulders was nothing short of heavenly.
Without delay the stage cracked to life and started ascending up to the large waiting room. Stepping off and moving towards the bench you began stripping off your armour and stretching.
Hearing the distinct sound of your mate's loud steps which could be likened to that of small bombs you turned to the door as it opened. Stepping forward you smiled up at your mate before wrapping both of your arms around his sturdy torso, sighing Into the fabric of his sheer clothing.
"How did I do? Is there anything I should improve on?" You speak tiredly tracing patterns on his skin.
"Well we're going to have to do more training for your first hunt. I've decided that you'll be coming with me and hunting alongside some of the youngbloods I've been training."
At his words you instantly perk up all the previous tiredness your eyes held before gone.
"My first hunt? I'm going to be accompanying you?"
"Yes little one" your mate says with a look of adoration in his eyes.
Pulling you back into him he wraps his arms around your much smaller frame before bending down to give his version of a "kiss" which includes softly moving his mandibles against your skin.
"Let's get you back to our room, little one, clean you up and relax those muscles of yours." And with a few loving clicks he's already leading you there with large clawed fingers intertwined with your own.
Upon arrival your mate drew you a bath adding in a few soaps here and there and arranging the various shampoos and oils you've collected before calling you in.
Stripping you of your clothing, your mate tied your hair up and out of your face before placing a few light kisses to your cheek and shoulders. Running a clawed hand down your back and snaking their arms around your waist.
"I'm very proud of you little ooman. You've brought honour to me, yourself and our relationship by your actions today. Showing your strengths has gained you respect amongst my kind." They spoke fondly.
Unwrapping their arms they picked you up bridal style before placing you in the large tub. Cupping their hands they began to drench your hair before applying your shampoo, taking special care when lathering the soapy substance and massaging it in.
Letting their claws graze your scalp they wash it out with the shower head then add some conditioner. Pinning the slick hair up to let it set your mate turns their attention to your body, taking a natural rose soap bar and lathering it between their hands before gently gliding the bubbles across your skin, cleaning away any sweat or blood from serpents and leaving your skin hydrated and soft.
Returning their attention back to your hair after washing the suds off your body they begin to repeat their previous actions, raking their hands through the now silky hair your mate continued to wash off and massage the delicate strands. Finally finished they told you to wait before walking out of the room.
"I'll be back in a second little one, you just relax."
Re-entering the large bathroom you see that your lovely mate is holding a board full of what looks to be juicy fruit and a small glass of C'ntlip with clips on the edges to attach to the bath. Setting down the board your mate speaks.
"You must be at least a little hungry ooman. Eat some, we'll make a full feast later."
"Oh what did I do to deserve you." You said picking up a soft and squishy orange fruit and taking a bite.
"Being yourself" your mate spoke softly, admiring your small bites and facial expressions with a silent admiration.
Taking a sip of the C'ntlip the fruit your lover gave you was long gone. It was the most deliciously refreshing thing you'd ever tasted. Your mate had introduced you to a lot of things over the years you two had spent together but this and himself were by far your favourites.
"Ready to get out? You'll turn into- what do humans call it. Prunes?" Your mate said, sounding strange mixing yautja with the foreign word.
Giving him a giggle you said yes before placing your C'ntlip down and getting out of the tub beginning to dry and moisturise your body.
Deciding against clothes you slowly walked into the room, lying down on the soft pelts and letting out an exhale. By the gods, your mate really does spoil you. Turning onto your back you buried your face further into the pelts.
Hearing your mate walk back In from the kitchen you stuck your hand out reaching for their own before attempting to pull them onto the bed with you.
"I'm so tired" you yawned through your words.
Softly taking your hand off of their own, your mate positioned themselves above you sitting on your legs to ground themselves. Not enough to crush you, just a comfortable weight.
"Let me massage some of your muscles, you're still tense. I can feel it."
Not waiting for a reply, your mate got to work. Smoothing their hands over your moisturised skin. Applying a pleasant amount of pressure onto each muscle and moving in a soothing motion. This feeling mixed with the C'ntlip was enough for you to let out a few mewls here and there.
"Enjoying yourself little ooman?" Your mate let out a few fast and high pitched clicks lovingly laughing at your little sighs.
You only let out a groan in response, your mates hands seemingly rendering you speechless.
Finishing up the unravelling of your muscles your mate pushed himself off of your legs and lay himself down besides you, taking your plush body into his arms once again and nuzzling your hair clicking in contentment.
"I love you" you spoke softly, his body warmth lulling you to sleep.
"I love you too dear ooman"
The sound of your mate's deep voice was the last thing you heard before falling into a deep slumber.
This was so fun to write and the fluff in it is absoloutley teethrotting. I LOVE IT! thank you sm to the individual who requested this!!!
(And as always, my requests are open!)
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czlowiek-lasu · 1 year
Haki my beloved
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yaut-jaknowit · 8 months
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Okay, I can't win. Maybe this one will get through!
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zuubaruu · 4 months
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I’m soooooooo normal
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gracecelestial · 2 years
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Roar of frenzy
This drawing has a part of the history of Neema'cte, it is somewhat summarized, I hope you like it
I worked very hard on the drawing and I love the result, enjoy.
. One day she went hunting with 2 of her clan mates to a planet not registered in the log of her yautja prime planet, but the hunt would not last long since they were ambushed by 4 bad blood males, one of her mates managed to kill a bad blood but still another bad blood managed to kill him coldly, Neema and her last hunting partner were captured and tortured for several days, until their partner was no longer useful to them, not even to torture, they murdered him in front of Neema while she was begging for his life. Being the last to be alive, she knew that it was also her time, but the bad blood leader had other plans for her, they, being expelled from yautja prime for a long time, had not seen a female in years, so now she will be useful to satisfy their reproductive needs, wich made her soul fall into a horrible darkness. A couple of months passed and the 3 males, every time they had desires, they mate with Neema by force, she was tied in such a way that she could not defend herself and even had a muzzle to avoid biting, they kept her alive offering a little water and food but they will need her to be weak to make it easier to handle. She wished to die so much in those moments, it was her way of seeing at least peace. until one day, one of the bad bloods, excited and drunk after pleasing himself with her body, didn't notice that he hadn't tied Neema properly and he just limited himself to sleeping, Neema, seeing that she was finally able to untie by herself, wasted no time, having that opportunity gave him strength to survive, the last energies she had came to the fore along with adrenaline. Now he could take revenge. All her clothes were destroyed but she would not waste time looking for what to wear, she looked for her wristbands and after get untied, taking advantage of the fact that the first bad blood was asleep, she decapitated him with her blades when he was still unconscious. then she went to the second bad blood to which she sets a trap and eliminates him, making him suffer slowly until it bleeds completely, and finally she went for the clan leader who realized that the female was loose and his companions were dead, he looks for her to finish her, but when he returns to the camp he sees her waiting for him to fight, seeing in her face the anger of a tortured, humiliated female who only wants to recover her honor and take reveng. They had a very strong fight in a thunderstorm but despite everything, the bad weather and how tired she was, Neema managed to kill the last bad blood, even though he was already dead, did not stopped the frenzy of anger that Neema felt, making her stabbed into the badblood's chest repeatedly until his chest was just pure. At the end she pick up all of her and her fallen companions things and goes to the ship to return home. .
Most of neema's stories have endings open to the imagination and not many of these are happy endings, I like tragic characters and believe me when I tell you that she has suffered too much, this is just a little bit of how much she has suffered . The wounds are not from battle, they are from all the sexual abuse he received for a long time, some reopened due to the movement and began to spurt blood. These two songs inspired me to do this scene in the story, where Neema is going to fight face to face with the last bad blood yautja, the clan leader, she is in a state of frenzy wanting to take revenge and finish him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSC0zQnLIWQ&ab_channel=kittyera https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt298P1kL8E&ab_channel=Evanescence-Topic
Thanks for reading, I love you. 💖💖💖
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lord-soba · 2 years
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