#Prelude in C sharp minor
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Satoko Miyahara's free program costume at the 2019 Japan Open and 2019 Cup of China. She skated to Schindler's List, Rachmaninov's Prelude in C-sharp minor and Hatikvah.
(Sources: 1, 2 and 3)
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mellowchouchou · 2 years
Rachmaninov - Morceaux de fantaisie, Op. 3, No. 2: Prelude in C-sharp minor “The Bells of Moscow”
performed by Idil Biret
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scherzokinn · 9 months
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Meme by @friedevd4c on Instagram
This is so true... people often think of classical music as some rich ppl stuff, but in fact most composers were broke af lmao (and mentally ill)
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kissagii · 1 year
nobody believes nishinoya when he claims to love classical music.
their minds are changed when he decides to play some hardcore, dramatic borderline aggressive classical music one day during practice
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If i've ever said to somebody "you've got such big hands" I'm sorry, the only thing i'd like to be picked by is a Rachmaninoff piano piece😔
Like seriously look at this guy
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ellemj · 7 months
Needs & Wants - Sex Pollen Trope Pt. 1
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: When you're both exposed to an unknown chemical in the field, things go from bad to worse.
Warnings: prelude to obvious smut, talk of masturbation, talk of unprotected sex, profanity, use of y/n, MINORS DNI, 18+!!!
Feel free to comment and let me know if this requires more warnings.
Word Count: 2.8k
Author's Note: Just messing around on here and seeing where I end up. I want to write an absolutely filthy part 2 but if this doesn't get anywhere I may scrap it lmao.
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            Every. Damn. Time. Something goes sideways every damn time. You want to blame Fury for making the two of you partners to begin with. What the hell did he see between the two of you that made him think missions would ever end in anything other than the two of you butting heads? You sigh deeply and rub your temples with the pads of your left thumb and middle finger, squeezing your eyes shut as you will yourself not to kick Bucky clear across the lab. You know what Fury saw between the two of you, and as much as you hate to admit it, when you’re in absolute life-or-death situations, you and Bucky work together better than any other partner you’ve ever had in the field. Even Nat.
            Dropping your hand from your face and opening your eyes, your gaze lands on Bucky. He stands at one of the lab benchtops in the center of the room, his eyes narrowing as he examines an array of monitor screens before him. You can make out an organized table of data along with a few charts on the monitor to his left, but that’s not what draws your attention. The second monitor, the one right in front of him, displays a few words that have you on edge.
            Confirmed nitric oxide stimulant capabilities. New formula contains increased quantity of aqueous extract of dried tuberous roots of C. borivilianum.
            Shit. This can’t be what you think it is, but with your medical background and your old medical microbiology classes from before joining SHIELD and the Avengers, you know that there’s a very slim chance that you’re misinterpreting what you’re reading. You step forward now, gently pushing Bucky’s arm to move him away from the monitors so you can get a better look at the data. He begins snapping pictures and immediately sending them back to the team. You can feel his eyes on you as you study the graphs and tables. He’s not used to you being this quiet, he knows something’s up.
            “What are we looking at?” He finally speaks up, his gaze drawn to the colorful graph displayed on one of the monitors.
            “I don’t know.” You lie straight through your teeth, reaching for the keyboard that controls the monitors. You press the right-facing arrow key and the page that said something about nitric oxide disappears, quickly replaced being replaced by a row of video clips, each one titled with a trial number and date. It looks like HYDRA was running trials in this experiment for months.
            “Bullshit. Why won’t you tell me what it is?” Bucky asks. His tone is sharp, impatient. He isn’t used to being the one who doesn’t know what’s going on, and it’s bothering him. He gnaws on the inside of his cheek and waits in silence for you to say something, to say anything. You hover the cursor over the first video clip, dated three months ago from today, Trial #1. Everything in you is screaming not to watch it, not to click on it and confirm your suspicions, but you’re here for a reason. You have an easy job here today: break into the HYDRA facility, collect samples and any data that goes along with what they’ve been working on for the past few months, and then destroy the facility on your way out. Sam and Torres planned it out so perfectly, making sure it would be vacant for the next 13 hours so you and Bucky could slip in and get the job done under the radar. They planned it for two months, doing recon and coming up with contingency plan after contingency plan. You need to confirm your suspicions and get as much evidence as possible before blowing the place to bits.
            You glance over your shoulder at Bucky, and his blue eyes meet yours with a hint of concern. He hates when you’re quiet like this, he hates those rare moments in the field when he can’t read your mind. What the hell are you thinking? What aren’t you telling him? He knows you well enough to know that you’re nervous about whatever you’re seeing here.
            You click the video link and a slightly grainy image of a padded square room fills the screen. The floor and walls are gray and there isn’t any furniture in the room, only what looks to be a set of shackles on the back wall. A shiver runs down your spine and you pull your phone out, typing up a message to Bruce Banner while you wait for something to happen on screen.
You: A chemical compound that stimulates NO and uses aqueous extract of C. borivilianum…is it going to be what I think it is?
            As your message sends, Bucky reaches around you, his chest brushing against your back, and he uses the mouse to fast forward the video until people are appearing on screen. You watch as presumably a HYDRA agent shoves a woman into the room, obviously an unwilling participant in the experiment. She doesn’t fight much as she’s placed in the shackles on the wall, but it’s obvious that she’s weak and likely drugged. The HYDRA agent briefly steps out of view of the camera, before returning with a second captive, a man this time. He’s large, muscular, and has a dark look in his eye. You feel Bucky stiffen up behind you, realizing at the same time as you that this man is a super soldier. Your phone vibrates in your hand and you steal a look at the response from Banner.
Banner: Yes.
            Fuck. The next two minutes of the video are pure horror, even though nothing particularly horrific happens before you slam your hand down on the spacebar, pausing the clip abruptly. You both watched on as a cloudy vapor was pumped into the room through vents, and then watched on as the super soldier became more and more restless, sweaty, and crazed. As soon as the female captive began whimpering and pulling against her shackles, with her eyes trained on the super soldier a few feet to her left, you couldn’t let the video play any longer.
            “Tell me what it is.” Bucky says evenly from behind you. You swallow hard and reach into one of the pockets of your tactical pants, pulling out a device similar to a USB and plugging it into the computer before you. As all of the data and video clips begin to transmit through the device, back to Sam and Torres, you turn around and face your partner.
            “HYDRA hasn’t been able to recreate the super soldier serum. They haven’t made any progress at all since Zemo killed Dr. Nagel.” You say slowly, choosing your tone and words carefully. You don’t want to say too much and leave Bucky as terrified as you are right now, but you also know you can’t keep this from him. Not when you need him to understand how fucking careful you’re both going to have to be from now until the end of this mission.
            “I know that. What are we here for, y/n?” His tone is growing more and more impatient, his jaw ticking as he stares down at you. God, he can’t ever just shut up and listen. You put your hand on his chest, shoving him a few steps back and walking across the lab, to the glass refrigerator in the far corner. It’s full of vials of a clear liquid, each sealed at the top and marked with a label full of scientific terms.
            “They got desperate, and turned to even more barbaric methods of creating super soldiers. They started experimenting with chemical compounds that induce a primal need in those exposed.” You explain carefully. You pause now, turning to look back at Bucky once more. You see realization spread across his face and he quickly comes to understand what you’re saying. It’s a fucking sex pollen.
            Static crackles in your in-ear briefly before Sam’s voice reaches you both.
            “Banner and Stark just finished reviewing some of the data you shared. This is not something that either of you want to be exposed to.” Sam advises, and you can hear Torres in the background typing away on a keyboard.
            “Yeah, no shit.” You mutter, retrieving a pair of nitrile gloves from a box on the benchtop nearby and setting up the small lockbox that you brought for samples. You open it to reveal a padded interior, with enough room for three vials. The rest will have to be destroyed.
            “Just grab the samples, rig the place to blow, and get the hell out of there. I don’t want you in there any longer than you have to be.” Sam’s orders spur Bucky into action, and he starts setting up explosives around the corners of the lab while you get ready to retrieve the samples from the fridge. If only you’d known that HYDRA was one step ahead.
            It happened so fast that you didn’t even have time to try to protect yourself. The moment that you pulled open the small door to the fridge full of samples, that same cloudy vapor you saw in the video clip began to rush in from every air vent in the lab.
            “Shit.” You mumble, reaching into the fridge and grabbing three vials. You quickly place them into the lockbox and seal it, knowing that you’ll definitely need samples to test now that you’ve both been exposed.
            “Sam, we’ve got a problem.” Bucky is as calm as ever, though his voice comes out slightly annoyed. Of course he’d sound annoyed in this moment. He’s been exposed to a sex pollen alongside the partner that he can only get along with when they’re staring death right in the face. He heaves a weighty sigh before stalking over to you and snatching the lockbox from the benchtop. He quickly slides his backpack off, shoving it inside, and then heading for the exit, without checking to see if you’re on his heels or not. You strip off your gloves and bound after him. The gravity of the situation hasn’t hit either of you yet, but oh, it will soon enough.
            Bucky weaves his motorcycle in and out of traffic almost recklessly, with your arms clutched around his abdomen. It’s only been fifteen minutes since you were both exposed but you swear that you’re starting to feel the effects. Your cheeks are hot and flushed under your helmet, your hands are shaking as adrenaline courses through your veins, and your heart is racing. If you hadn’t been on the back of a motorcycle with Bucky so many times in the past, you would’ve chalked your symptoms up to this experience, but it’s definitely not that.
            “Loosen up, are you trying to do the Heimlich on me or something?” Bucky spits out, his voice playing in your helmet. You do as he says, loosening your hold and taking a deep breath in. You don’t say anything in response, which furthers the tension between you both. It’s been fifteen minutes of stressful silence and Bucky’s losing his damn mind. He wants you to give him shit like you usually would when a mission goes sideways. He wants you to lash out, tell him to stop driving like an ass, he wants you to say anything so he knows you’re okay. He can’t fucking stand the silence.
            He guides the bike down the long dirt road to the safe house you stayed in last night, and you hop off before he’s even put the kickstand down. He watches as you rush up the steps of the small cobblestone house, yanking off your helmet in one swift movement before you key the code into the door and force it open. You’re feeling the effects of the chemical pulsing through your veins, you’re feeling it and you’re trying to keep it from him.
            “It’s a very complex compound. A nitric oxide stimulant, utilizing both natural and man-made components. It’s basically a super soldier version of Viagra and ecstasy all in one.” Bruce says, addressing both you and Bucky through the video call. Concern and stress are etched into his soft features as he stands in the lab of the Avengers compound, his arms crossed and glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose. “You’re going to have to look out for the negative effects, which from the video clips of their experiments, are extremely strong. Take the side effects of ecstasy and multiply their intensity by a hundred.”
            “So, sweating, hypertension and tachycardia, jaw pain…” Your voice trails off as you list off the side effects of ecstasy that you know from your previous pharmacology classes. Bruce nods slowly.
            “Basically, you’ll feel like you’re having a heart attack, unless you’re able to relieve yourselves.” He summarizes.
            “What do you mean relieve yourselves?” Bucky questions. He’s seated on the couch next to you, his brow is furrowed and a sheen of sweat is becoming apparent along the side of his neck. You try not to look at him for too long, already feeling yourself longing for touch and physical contact of any kind.
            “If you’re able to achieve a postcoital state, you should have temporary relief of your symptoms. You might have to achieve that state more than once, until the chemical is out of your system.” You can almost hear the wheels turning in Bucky’s head as he works out what postcoital means. You have to reach an orgasm to feel any relief, but bless Banner for trying to put it in a more professional way.
            “Have you tested the half-life of the chemical yet?” You ponder, wanting to know exactly how long you’ll both be suffering through this. You wipe a bead of sweat from your brow with the back of your hand.
            “Yeah, it seems like it can last anywhere from eight to ten hours in a non-super soldier, but it was designed specifically to work in conjunction with the serum, so it lasts eight to twelve hours in a super soldier.” Bruce’s words are starting to jumble together in your head, adding to the slightly throbbing headache that’s forming behind your eyes. You squeeze them shut and rub your temples just like you did in the lab earlier, zoning out as Tony and Bruce both start discussing the pharmacokinetics behind the compound currently wrecking your body.
            “What are our options here?” Bucky asks quietly, directing his question to you alone. You turn to look at him and see his cheeks flushed like yours now, his pupils dilated a minute amount, and his hands clasped together over his knees. There’s no hiding that it’s affecting you both now.
            “I don’t know. The only thing I can think to do is lock ourselves in different rooms and try to ride it out.” You say, rubbing your aching thighs through your tactical pants with the palms of your hands. Your bones are starting to hurt in a deep, consuming way, and all you want to do is give yourself a few doses of propofol to knock yourself out for the next eight hours. It’s going to be hell trying to get through this without having sex, especially if pain is setting in only an hour after the initial exposure.
            “Okay, so we do that. We each lock ourselves in a bedroom and fight it.” Bucky sounds sure and resolved, like he has total faith that your only plan available will work out fine. All it took to bring out his optimistic side was being doused with a sex pollen and stuck in a safe house.
            “I want to monitor both of your vitals through the night.” Bruce calls out, gaining your attention again.
            “No.” You and Bucky both speak firmly at the same time, quick to reject the idea. You don’t need a medical record showing how aroused you end up being tonight, you don’t need Bruce or any of the SHIELD lab staff watching your heart rate increase as you touch yourself, watching your blood pressure spike as you near your climax alone. Bucky is thinking the same thing, shit, his heart rate is probably already through the roof as it is, just from sitting next to you. He tries to focus on whatever else you, Bruce, and Tony are discussing but his jaw is clenched in pain and he’s fighting the urge to rip off his tactical suit right there. It feels like it’s fucking ninety degrees inside. The only thing he catches in the last bit of the conversation is from Tony.
            “There’s a chance you won’t find any relief in an orgasm alone, Y/n. Bucky will, because his body won’t know the difference between finishing himself off vs. finishing inside of a fertile woman, but this compound is meant to make your reproductive system go into overdrive. You won’t feel relief until your body thinks it has a chance of reproducing, until semen is introduced into your system.”
            “Fuck.” You inhale sharply, doubling over in pain both at Tony’s unfortunate conclusion and at the cramping sensation you’ve suddenly felt deep in your stomach. Fucking hell.
Next Part
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skymantle · 2 years
he lives and he lives until all of the lights go out...
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threebodybot · 4 months
m1=55.0 m2=147.7 m3=113.3 (solar masses) v1x=-4.579 v1y=-5.159 v2x=1.818 v2y=-5.08 v3x=2.668 v3y=6.697 (km/s) x1=-1.0 y1=-23.0 x2=-22.0 y2=-6.0 x3=1.0 y3=16.0 (AU from center) Music: Prelude in C-Sharp Minor – Rachmaninoff
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gealach-edits · 2 months
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Nikolaj Memola, “Prelude No. 2 In C Sharp Minor by Sergei Rachmaninov” SP || World Championships 2024
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anamizuiro · 5 months
Matching IkeVamp suitors with classical pieces that likes to invade my brain
Was browsing more classical music to listen to but then I remember I used to get bits of IkeVamp brainrot listening so this list has cometh to be.
Characters Listed: The Residents, William, Vlad and His Minions.
Author Note: why does the bad guys always get the banger ones when it comes to music istg... also did you know? I was about to put Dies Irae (Mozart) in Charles' list before i changed my mind but decided to give it to Vlad instead because i like the vibe (except I gave Vlad Verdi's Requiem of Dies Irae instead because apparently there is another piece titled Dies Irae).
Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy
Arabesque No. 1 by Claude Debussy
Toreador March/Les Toreador by Georges Bizet (specifically that part.)
Prelude in C Sharp Minor by Rachmaninoff
Four Seasons, Winter by Antonio Vivaldi
Moonlight Sonata, 3rd Movement by Ludwig Van Beethoven
Lacrimosa by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (early composition) and Franz Xaver Süssmayr (finishes the rest of the piece) (Mozart was unable to finish composing this piece because he passed away. So the person who commissioned this piece hired his student to finish it. Source: Google)
Fantaisie Impromptu by Frederic Chopin
Verdi's Requiem Dies Irae by Verdi
Habanera from Carmen Suite by Georges Bizet
Por Una Cabeza Tango by Carlos Gardel
La Campanella by Liszt
Peer Gynt, Morning Mood by Edvard Grieg
Four Seasons, Spring by Antonio Vivaldi
Nocturne Op 9 No. 2 by Frederic Chopin
Minuet in G Major by Christian Petzold (said to be attributed to Bach)
Tristesse by Frederic Chopin
Nocturne in C Sharp Minor (No. 20) by Frederic Chopin
Nessun Dorma by Giacomo Puccini
The Swan/Le Cygne by Saint-Saens
Fur Elise by Ludwig Van Beethoven
Bouree in E Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach
Minuetto in G by Luigi Boccherini
Comte de Saint-Germain
Cello Suite No. 1 : Prelude in G by Johann S. Bach
The Nutcracker Suite, The Waltz of The Flowers by Tchaikovsky
Aquarium by Saint-Saens
Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 by Edward Elgar
Jazz Suite No. 2: VII. Waltz No. 2 by Dmitri Shostakovich
Danse Macabre by Saint-Saens
Symphony No. 10 in G Minor: I. Molto Allegro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (basically his own piece)
Hungarian Dance No. 5 by Johannes Brahms
the Nutcracker Suite: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy by Tchaikovsky
Gymnopedie No. 1 by Erik Satie
Funeral March by Frederic Chopin
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach (i'm so sorry it just fits him)
O Fortuna : Carmina Burana by Carl Orff
Symphony No. 5 by Ludwig Van Beethoven
Moonlight Sonata, 1st Movement by Ludwig Van Beethoven
Airs a faire fuir by Erik Satie
Valse Triste by Jean Sibelius
Blue Danube by Johann Strauss II
Sleeping Beauty Waltz by Tchaikovsky
Tales of Hoffman, Barcarolle by Offenbach
Flight of The Bumblebee by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov
Cradle Song AKA Lullaby by Johannes Brahms
Air on the G String by Johann S. Bach
Rondo Alla Turca by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Eine Kleine by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Symphonies de Fanfares : Rondeau by Jean Joseph Mouret
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Nikolaj Memola skating to Rachmaninov's Prelude in C-sharp minor for his short program at the 2022 Junior Grand Prix Final and 2022 Lombardia Trophy.
(Sources: 1 and 2)
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literary-motif · 3 months
Prelude in C-Sharp Minor
The piece I had in mind was Rachmaninov's Prelude in C-Sharp Minor.
Xanthus Claiborne x Reader
Xanthus plays the piano to express his emotions. You hear his pain.
Since your mission to take down the Trimedian, Xanthus had been distant. 
You brushed it off at first, thinking he needed some time on his own to recover from the shock and the betrayal you knew he must have felt when he saw Audric again. People dealt with trauma in different ways, and while you felt safest wrapped in his arms, you recognized that having spent as much time relying solely on himself to deal with everything might have led Xanthus to need to process things on his own. You didn’t push. 
He would come to you if he needed someone to hold on to. He would talk to you if he needed to express his emotions and just vent for a while. He would nuzzle his head into your shoulder and cry if he needed to, wouldn’t he?
Xanthus was always there for you when you woke up screaming from another nightmare or felt tears choking you as you thought back to the mission. He could feel your emotions, so he was next to you in an instant, gathering you into an embrace and making you feel safe, reminding you that it was over, that you were alright, promising he would not let anything happen to you. Never again.
Despite the bond, you had not felt any feeling of terror, anger, or sadness coming from Xanthus. It was almost as if he had blocked you out, stifled his emotions so they would not get to you.
While he tried to put up a cheerful facade around you, his smile never reached his eyes anymore and the faux levity he brought into the thick atmosphere that had appeared in the mansion made you all the more worried for him. 
It did not help that his smile always dropped when you turned your back, and no matter how much effort he put into hiding it, the anguish in his ruby eyes could not be concealed. 
The soft notes of the piano carried gently through the hallway as you descended the stairs. Xanthus played beautifully, despite insisting that he was severely out of practice and had forgotten a lot of techniques over the decades. 
You walked quietly over to the living room, where the grand piano stood in front of the floor-length window. The flames in the open fireplace painted the room in a gentle light, illuminating the sheets Xanthus was reading from. You could not help but admire his form as he sat perched on the piano stool, moving his upper body in tandem with the notes he struck on the keys in Lento. 
The melody switched suddenly from feeling like a gentle but tragic autumn breeze to a grave, hurried expression of despair and fear as the tempo picked up. The playing nearly felt chaotic, and it made your heart ache to see the earnestness with which Xanthus conveyed the heaviness of the piece.
To him, it expressed the disarray of his thoughts and feelings.
He had nearly lost you on the mission. He had put you in danger, even though you always reminded him that you had gone willingly, fully understanding the risk you were taking. It did not matter. When you were separated, he had failed to protect you. He had let you down.
He had broken his promise to you.
It kept him up at night, the memory of the fear he had felt and could sometimes still feel coming from you through the bond; the sound of Audric's smooth voice as he taunted him for his affection, his weakness.
The Agitato concluded as Xanthus struck the notes, making you wince at the burning anger you heard in them. They sounded nearly discordant from the force with which he played them.
No matter how loud he played, the echo of Audric's venomous laugh, the sound of your fearful breaths never left his mind.
As the tempo picked up again, Xanthus continued striking the keys, pouring his heart into the forte fortissimo and adding such melancholy and despair into his playing that pesante did not begin to cover the pain you could hear him express.
Tears gathered in your eyes at only being able to guess at the anguish he was going through because Xanthus simply would not talk to you. Maybe he would, in his own time, but only watching and hearing him suffer through everything alone made your heart break regardless. The notes he played on the piano were the only expression of his grief you had been witness to.
The volume decreased slowly, with a few changes of rhythm. Xanthus sighed as he played Lento, the last notes of the piece carrying through the room like a whisper of defeat.
“I can hear your heartbeat, you know,” he whispered into the heavy silence stretching across the room, “It’s quite distracting when I try to keep the rhythm.” Xanthus turned around on the stool, the light of the fireplace reflecting in his eyes and painting his face in a warm glow. 
You could see the gravity the gaze levelled at you and came closer, brushing your hand along his cheek in a gentle caress. “You play beautifully,” you told him, bending down to place a tender kiss against his lips. 
Xanthus hummed into the kiss, a small smile appearing on his face as you broke apart. “I have you to be my muse, love,” he said, placing his hand over yours to pepper soft kisses against your palm. 
“It was rather heavy, though.”
“Rachmaninov told a suffocating tale in it, yes,” Xanthus conceded, standing up to guide you to the sofa facing the fireplace. “That doesn’t make it any less of a masterpiece. The tragedy and despair conveyed so candidly— they make it one of the most emotional pieces I have ever played.”
You took hold of his hands, beginning to play with his fingers and rubbing your thumbs against his joints. A pianist's hands ached after playing difficult pieces, you had read somewhere. “You know I’m here if you need me, right?” you asked quietly, looking him in the eyes. 
His gaze softened as he leaned over to kiss you again. “I know, love,” he whispered, resting his forehead against yours, “Thank you.”
The two of you stayed cuddled together for the rest of the evening, gazing into the flames.
“Why don’t you play Liszt’s Campanella next time?” you teased after a while, raising one of his hands to your lips. 
“Very funny, love.”
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desmorotu · 3 months
morgan’s playlist 🌑 (a glimpse)
i’m just going to flat-out say that i am totally aware that he has only three videos and that it’s kinda silly to suddenly just know his vibe BUT i did get a vibe and now i need to share it because he is everything that i want in a character and more 💔 his recent audio was so cute. playlist stuff is below :)
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
☆ nocturne in c-sharp minor - frédéric chopin (classical music is a way to quiet the noise. prefers piano, but most lyric-less music will work if it’s in a minor key and has a moving melody. as his outside world is messy and frantic, he uses the precision and accuracy of an artist’s fingers to simulate that solace in his mind. enjoys listening to it while writing or reading, both hobbies that he’s recently picked up on.)
☆ piano concerto no. 21 in c major, k. 467: II. andante - mozart (i imagine him wearing a black turtleneck, having dark hair and rounder glasses, and some grey plaid pajama pants with a warm cup of tea; caffeine free, of course. when he says Seeing is like music, this song is what comes to mind for him. it can truly be a gift, just as he’s said, but it can quickly tip-toe the line into tragedy if you’re not careful. it’s all about balance.)
☆ the heart - david celeste (strangely, i imagine that morgan looks similar to seokjin from bts…those are just the visuals i get when i hear this song? longer, slimmer face shape, full lips, broad shoulders, soft cheek bones and jawline, etc. etc. it’s not exactly him, there are some differences in his eyes and nose that i can’t place yet, but no matter what i try to change or picture differently, seokjin is my point of reference for what morgan looks like. this song just brought out his appearance for me and i have no clue why. i don’t even keep up with kpop anymore and haven’t for a while now. if you totally disagree with me then i am so sorry 😭)
☆ prelude in e minor, op. 28, no. 4 - frédéric chopin (plays mostly classical because it’s what he prefers. he partakes in playing the piano on occasion and understands music theory, which is why he uses music to refer to his Sight. it makes sense to him. he knows it; he’s comfortable in it. he believes that music is the closest thing that the unempowered will ever have to magic, and he believes that to be a beautiful tragedy.)
☆ catwoman - michael giacchino (he’s the type if person to pay acute attention to the soundtrack of a movie over the movie itself, though he’s not much of a movie person to begin with. he was interested in batman as a child and decided to go see its 2022 release—and he absolutely fell in love with the soundtrack. it pulled the right kinds of emotion from him at the right times, and it added a perfect effect to each scene. it’s one of the few movies that he actually watches back.)
☆ clair de lune - claude debussy (a simple, sweet, popular classic. he likes to pay attention to the rippling pattern of the right hand and allows it to envelope him in a comforting “brain hug.” it was one of the first pieces he heard when he was younger and it inspired him to delve deeper into music as a whole. his mother played piano, and he sits and recalls the amount of times that it’s lulled him to sleep in his younger years.)
refer to morgan’s playlist cover at the bottom :) i associate him with the color purple so i’m just rolling with it
꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
this one was so relaxing omg. i feel like morgan is a super calming presence as a whole—i mean, he relaxed me really effectively in his recent audio. he’s a sweet, awkward music nerd (imo) that also happens to see the future. i’m so excited to see how his character is developed further in his story :).
as for his appearance being seokjin and associating him with the color purple, i have absolutely no clue. call it a vibe check. it just felt correct 😭 i will def be doing more of these when the inspo arises :p
can i be the unofficial official morgan guy? thanks
k bye 💟
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skyeoak · 4 months
The outtro music to the magnus protocol using (intentionally or no) a 3-note melody from Rachmaninoff prelude in c-sharp minor fills me with unspeakable dread
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dove-da-birb · 2 months
My Vinyl Collection!
*because idk I want to list things; I'll try to include the year it was published as well
Warning LONG LIST that I nearly cried writing because WHY are classical songs SO DAMN LONG?!
The Philadelphia Orchestra with Eugene Ormandy *unknown date
Afternoon of a Faun (Debussy)
Daphnis and Chloe, No. 2 (Ravel)
La Mer (Debussy)
William the Overture [Philadelphia Orchestra with Eugene Ormandy, again] *unknown date
Offenback: Orpheus in the Underworld
Smetana: The Bartered Bride
Thomas: Mignon
Suppe: The Beautiful Galatea
Highlights from the Sleeping Beauty Ballet by Tchaikovsky [Rias Symphony Orchestra, Herbert Charlier] *1957
... it doesn't list the songs ...
Tchaikovsky's Greatest Ballets: Suites from The Nutcracker/Swan Lake [Arthur Fielder/Boston Pops] *unknown date
The Nutcracker
Spanish Dance; Arabian Dance; Chinese Dance; Trepak; Dance of the Mirlitons
Waltz of the Flowers
Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy; Coda
Final Waltz
Swan Lake
Dance of the Little Swans
Pas de deux
Hungarian Dance
Spanish Dance
Neapolitan Dance
Final Scene
James Last in Concert *unknown date
Side 1
Theme from "Elvira Madigan", Andante from the concert for piano and orchestra no. 21 in C. major, K. 467. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Presto from the symphony no. 7 in A major, Op. 92. Ludwig van Beethoven
Romance for violin and orchestra in F major, Op. 50. Ludwig van Beethoven
Impromptu no. 2 in A flat major, Op. 142. Franz Schubert
Air from the suite no. 3 in D major, BWV 1068. Johann Sebastian Bach
Impromptu no. 3 in G flat major, Op. 90. Franz Schubert
Side 2
Adiago from the sonata "Pathetique" no. 8 in C minor, Op. 13. Ludwig van Beethoven
Slavonic Dance no. 10. Antonín Dvořák
Andante from the violin concerto in E minor, Op. 64 Felix Mendelssohn
Prelude 1 in C major. Johann Sebastian Bach
Andante from the symphony no. 5 in C minor, Op. 67. Ludwig van Beethoven
Ballet Music from "Prince Igor". Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin
April in Paris [The Melachrino Strings and Orchestra with Trio Musette de Paris] *1963
April in Paris
The Song from Moulin Rouge
Autumn Leaves
C'est si bon
La Seine
The Poor People of Paris
Clopin Clopant
Mon manege a moi; I love Paris
In a French Nursery Garden;
Sur le pont D'Avignon; Au claire de la lune; Frere Jacques
La Mer (Beyond the Sea)
The Piano Classics [unknown artists and date, European Import]
Fur Elise [Ludwig van Beethoven]
Impromptu Op. 142 no. 2 [Franz Schubert] Moment musical no. 3
Traumerei from Scenes of Childhood [Robert Schumann] The Prophet Bird from Woodland Scenes
Nocturne Op. 9 No. 2 [Frédéric Chopin]
Liebestraum [Franz Liszt]
"Raindrops" Prelude [Frédéric Chopin]
"Tristesse" Etude [Frédéric Chopin]
Barcarolle [Frédéric Chopin]
Clair de Lune [Claude DeBussy]
A Piano Invitation to the Dance [Ann Schein] *unknown date
Weber-Tausig: Invitation to the Dance, Opus 65
Medtner: Danza Festiva, Opus 38
Halffter: Dance of the Shepherdess (Danza de la Pastora)
Bartok: Roumanian Folk Dances
Bizet-Rachmaninoff: Minute from "L'Arlesienne"
Chopin: Waltz in D flat major, Opus 64, no. 1 ("Minute) | Mazurka is A flat major, Opus 59, no. 2 | Mazurka in F sharp minor, Opus 59, no. 3 | Polonaise Fantaisie in A flat major, Opus 61
Sander Van Marion: Improvisaties op het orgel in de Evangelisch Lutherse Kerk, Den Haag *unknown date (realized this was religious after further inspection, oh well, it's organ??? music)
PS. 72 ,,Laat Ons De Grote Naam Bezingen"
,,Als Stormen Woeden"
,,Loof De Koning, Heel Mijn Wezen"
,,Heer Van Uw Kerk"
,,Komt Laat Ons Voortgaan Kinderen"
,,O Hoogt" En Diepte Looft Nu God"
PS. 25 ,,Here, Maak Mij Uwe Wegen Door Uw Woord En Geest Bekend"
,,Alle Volken, Looft De Here"
,,Jezus Ga Ons Voor"
,,Neem Heer Mijn Beide Handen"
,,Wat De Toekomst Brenge Moget"
Lawrence Welk Polkas *unknown date
Barroom polka
Julida polka
Dakota polka
Laughing polka
Emilia polka
Tinker polka
Kit Kat polka
Chopsticks polka
Russian Folk Songs [assorted choruses] *circa Soviet Russia
The stage coach is racing [Vot mchitsa pochtovaya]
Through the village [Vdol dyerevni]
Oh, my sweetheart [Ekh ty, duschechka]
The week [Nyedyelya]
The shades of night are falling [Noch uzh nastupayet]
Along the dusty road [Po pylnoy doroge]
Vanya can't sleep [Vanye nochenku nye spitsa]
In the Zhiguli hills [V Zhigulyakh]
The wide steppes [Shirokiye styepi]
Oh, you mists [Oi, tumany moyi]
Moravian polka [Moravskaya polka]
The chain-gang [Kolodniki]
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