#Princess Diaries au
pearlypairings · 3 days
✨Photocheer Princess Diaries AU ✨
Okay, so....
I think Jonathan would have to be Mia/the secret heir to the Genovian throne. Our outcast emo boy with an eccentric single mom? Works perfectly here~ he'd get a little style makeover (a proper haircut at least lol)!
Chrissy would be his best friend's twin sister, whose been totally crushing on him in secret for years. He's completely oblivious to it because she seems like she'd only be into preppier things since she's in cheer and loves pop music. But she loves his down to earthness, his art, and the way he talks about the world needing change.
Jonathan would really struggle with the transition toward his royal lessons. Having lived on the line of poverty most of his life, the frivolity of these etiquette rules seem ridiculous and out-of-touch with how real people live. This tension would come to a head with his grandmother (Has to still be Julie Andrew bc she's an actual queen, sorry lol) and they'd argue over its relevance.
Joe, the security guard, would still be very paternal and protective of Jonathan. I think it would be actually lovely for him to finally have that male figurehead look out for him rather than always being the responsible one.
annnnd finally back to the romance, Jonathan would have had a minor crush on Carol. Once it gets out there that he's a prince, all the relationship dynamics would shift! He'd have to sacrifice time he'd normally spend with his bestfriend and Chrissy for lessons and events, but also be tempted when his own crush starts inviting him out to parties he's never been invited to before. Carol takes advantage of his position to kiss him on camera for her 15 minutes of fame, upsetting Chrissy and disappointing his grandmother. In the midst of deciding whether or not to renounce his title, he ultimately persuades his grandmother that their country needs royalty that can understand them and relate to them and they host a ball in his honor where he invites the Cunninghams with a sincere apology. Eventually Chrissy does show in a stunning gown where they dance together and escape to a little garden and have a confessional heart to heart about their feelings for each other:))
omg I'm so tempted to smoothen these details out empress....what have you done........
send me a ship and an au
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silverhallow · 8 months
Bridgerton drabble: A Princess Diaries AU
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Part #1 Sophie’s Choice.
A belated birthday gift for @bridgertonbabe and @sophiebernadotte
Wasn’t life as a princess supposed to be fair? Or maybe not fair, that might be the wrong word. She was privileged, she knew that… even if she had only known she was a princess for a few short years.
Royalty led lives that were in the public eye, normally having been raised in that environment, but here she was… sitting in a country that she’d only known about for 4 years, listening to her grandmother scolding her for jeopardising the wedding that was to take place in a few days time, which would then lead onto her coronation a week after that and it was all Sophie could do not to throw up or cry because she knew her grandmother was right… she had ruined everything.
She’d always dreamt she’d marry for love, that she’d find a man that made her stomach fizz, give her butterflies, that would make her heart skip a beat and her palms sweaty and her feet pop when she kissed him. She wanted the kind of love her mother had told her about, that her mother had experienced but due to the unfairness of her situation, it was an arranged marriage or lose her throne. Those were her options.
A throne that until she turned 16, she had known nothing about.
She had been blissfully unaware that her father had been a Prince… Prince of a tiny country in the middle of the Italian and French sea. Her mother had kept it from her, taking that secret with her to her grave.
Her mother had died 10 weeks before Sophie’s 16th birthday, which was the day her entire life changed.
She’d been stopping with her best friend Kate Sharma and Sophie had been in English when the poshest woman Sophie had ever seen in her life came in and dropped the bombshell of all bombshells on her over a cup of tea…
Which she promptly spat all over her “grandmother's” face.
She was a princess.
A bastard princess but a princess nonetheless, and the only living descendant of the Gunningworth line.
Her father, Richard, had passed away 9 months earlier and to Sarah’s knowledge he had been childless.
It was only after discovering something in her late-husband’s writing desk, did she learn that there was in fact an heir.
Sophie was saving the country from being taken over by the Cavender’s. Their son Phillip had a terrible temper and an even worse reputation at just 17 years old and had once been rulers of their own lands until the people revolted and won back their lands and banished the Cavender’s but their royal blood was connected to Penwood and now it was Sophie, or the Cavender’s and Sarah was determined that her throne would not pass into their hands.
She had learned that Reginald had sent Esme away when she was pregnant with Sophie, he didn’t want a child out of wedlock and he certainly didn’t want the Crown Prince, only Heir to the Throne marrying a commoner and so she’d been paid off and shipped off back to England. He provided money monthly to keep Esme quiet and Esme had been promised that she and her unborn child would be left alone and the secret of Sophie’s birth went to the grave with her.
Reginald had known about Sophie and he had been working out how to tell his wife that they did in fact have an heir and where they could find her, and what had happened, his own guilt weighing in after he’d pressured Richard into a marriage with a woman that bore no children between them other than two step-children who could not inherit the throne but when Reginald died 3 months after Richard it had thrown a spanner in the works as he’d not gotten around to telling Sarah the truth.
Sophie was dumbfounded.
Sarah was Regent, as they had their heir but she was underage and she was able to prevent Cavender getting his hands on the crown.
Since Sophie was underage she would learn the role, but upon turning 20 Sophie was told she’d have to take over the throne, she would get 6 months post her 20th birthday to marry and be crowned Queen otherwise, Cavender would take over.
So Life changed.
Gone were the days she was invisible, where she could blend into the background with Kate, sitting laughing about Shakespere and just being a teenage girl to…
Being a Princess.
She stayed in school but Kate was almost glued to her side. She worked at her studies, she travelled back and forth between the countries as she learned.
Once she was 18, Sophie moved to Penwood and Kate and her family came with her, they’d been her family when she had no one else and Kate wanted to work with Sophie, for Sophie as part of her staff once she’d graduated from University.
And Sophie knew from the moment she moved to her new home that she wanted to be Queen, that she would do anything to be Queen. Her beautiful country that she was learning to love, the rich culture and history that was hers to protect and nourish and the more time she spent there, the more she got to know the people, the more she knew she wanted to be Queen.
So between her studies, her Queen lessons with her Grandmother and getting to know the country’s leaders, she was starting to look for a husband.
Not just any husband, she needed someone titled, not in line for their own throne, someone who understood her importance as Queen. Someone harmless, inoffensive, who would stand there by her side and be a pillar of strength and a symbol but would let Sophie lead.
She would be Queen, and she knew finding a husband would be hard but she had time… or so she’d assumed. She was only 18 after all, she had two years. How hard could it be?
From the moment the plane touched down, Sophie knew that whatever she’d thought her life was going to be like, nothing compared to the circus it was becoming
18 turned into 19 and Sophie had still not found someone that she wanted to marry, any male around her age that would be eligible was not interested in marriage, any man she met at a bar knew who she was and wanted a piece of her as a trophy.
She was to be Queen… Everyone knew that. “Your highness, you must know there isn’t a man on this planet who isn’t interested in marrying you, but it is finding the right person for you who will make your everyday life easier, who makes the mundane fun and who makes you smile” her Prime Minister Edmund Bridgerton had told her as the days got closer to her 20th birthday and she had still not found someone to be her husband, time was running out and she was getting desperate.
“That is all well and good my Lord but I have 6 months, we have 6 months to make this work or everything has been in vain” Sophie sighed during their weekly meeting. Sophie loved meeting her prime minister, They had joked on a number of occasions it was a shame that his title came with his position and didn’t transfer to his children since he had eight of them and the two eldest boys were a little older than Sophie and Kate, she’d yet to meet Benedict who was off travelling and studying and she got on well with Anthony, who was training to take over from Charlie as the Royal Household Chief of Security once Sophie ascended to the throne.
The little wrinkle there was Anthony was dating Kate. Kate was working up to the role of Chief of Staff within the palace and eventually they would run the palace between them and despite their prickly start, Sophie thought they were perfect for one another but it served as an almost daily reminder that she didn’t have that and she needed that. 6 months to fall in love, marry to become Queen…
“There are other ways around it, your grandmother is reluctant to bring it up because she knew how much you wanted to find someone the traditional way but there is always an arranged marriage, I am sure between Ms Gibbons, your grandmother and my wife Violet, they’ll be able to come up with a list of possibilities for you. Aim for friendship first, it worked for your grandmother… love everything else, it is lovely but friendship and companionship will hold you in just as good a stead” Edmund explained
“That’s easy for you to say, you married the love of your live and have 8 children” Sophie replied flippantly but sighed “but I shall think about it, it is likely to be the only option”
“Speaking of my children…” Edmund grinned and Sophie rolled her eyes
“Smooth… what are they after this time?”
“It’s nothing actually just Benedict is back from his travels eventually this weekend after being away for the last two years studying and he is on the last portfolio for his masters and I was wondering if perhaps as a small favour we could add him to your official photographers list up to the coronation and allow him to capture some more… candid photos of the next few months”
“Why not, some candid ones will be lovely I guess after all the formal things…” Sophie said “and i’ll make sure there is a ticket to my 20th birthday party for him as well, if he is back in time that is, it would be nice to meet another of your ridiculous brood. but I will give some thought to your suggestion, having some of those possible bachelors come to the party and meet them…” Sophie sighed.
But after the events of her 20th birthday, Sophie had known it was time.
The only person she’d met the night of her birthday party, the only person she’d felt a connection with had been someone she knew she had no chance with.
She’d been walking through the party, trying to get away from Prince Hans and his incessant staring, as well as Lady Rosamund who was making snide quiet remarks about how it should be her that was going to be queen when Sophie had run straight into a stranger stomping straight on his foot, the most handsome stranger she’d ever met.
It was only after she’d danced and flirted with him and spoke to Kate, did she realise that it was Benedict Bridgerton and it had broken her heart almost instantly.
She’d assumed he was one of the many suitors her grandmother had invited for to meet so to realise who he was, that he was untitled, he was, despite being the son of a Lord, not someone Sophie could ever hope to get to know on a more intimate and romantic level… she knew based on the rules that had been set out for her future husband, it was a no go.
So the morning after her party, she’d called Kate, her grandmother, Ann Gibbons the current chief of staff and Mary and said “it’s time”
A week later she was sitting in the palace movie room with the screens up, profiles up as she looked through all the eligible bachelors that would be interested in an arranged marriage.
Two hours it had taken, going through picture after picture before Sophie had spotted one.
Yes he was a second son but he fit the bill where no one else did. He was the second son of a Duke. His older brother was already married and had twins, their line was secure, he was a Sir. He had a title, a ceremonial one but all the same…
Sir Phillip Crane was everything that Sophie had been looking for.
He was the same age as she was, he was academic, he was cute. He was someone that Sophie could see herself being at least friends with…
It was a start.
And it had turned out Phillip was everything that Sophie could have hoped for. He was kind, he was funny and they seemed to have a lot in common and Sophie knew she’d made the best possible choice…
Or she would have thought so if it wasn’t for Benedict being everywhere she went.
She’d forgotten about her agreement with the Prime Minister and being Anthony’s brother, and he seemed to get on really well with Kate. he was always there.
The torment Sophie felt was horrible, she felt attracted to Benedict in a way she knew she’d never be attracted to Phillip but she knew that she could never be with Benedict and have the life she so desperately wanted.
She wanted to be Queen, she wanted to rule this country that she’d learned so much about, that she was so passionate about and she was close to mucking it all up.
Two weeks before the wedding it all came to a head when during the summer party, Sophie had slipped away from Phillip, leaving him with Kate and Benedict’s sister Eloise as she wanted to get out of her head. Cavender’s son had been lurking and making lurid remarks about her and she just wanted 5 minutes.
She’d given her ladies maids the slip, and was just sitting on the edge of the fountain, trying not to hyperventilate.
She’d not seen Benedict at all during the party, he was employed during these events to take photos as part of her agreement with his father and she knew that it was the last thing she needed. Whilst she desperately craved him to soothe her frayed nerves, she knew being around him was making it worse.
They’d had many a spirited debate about Bryon, about poetry and art and she always seemed to know when he appeared, her skin tingled and pricked but he knew as well as she did, that whatever there was between them, wasn’t possible.
With the way the rules of the country where, fate was destined to keep them apart.
But that day… he’d caught her unaware, they’d given into a moment of weakness and kissed.
It was only when Sophie’s beloved dog Bernie, had come running through the fence with voices behind him, that they’d separated and in their shock at nearly being caught, they had tumbled into the fountain.
It had been the start of her downfall.
She’d confined Kate how she felt about Benedict, how she wished things could be different and she knew that Benedict had felt the same and how she couldn’t have him around her anymore because it was breaking her heart.
Benedict had agreed to step away, to leave his position because he knew the country needed Sophie more than he did and he would never have forgiven himself to do anything that would have ruined her dream to be Queen,
But he’d asked if he could see her one last time before he left, before he walked away and Sophie would marry Phillip and Sophie had agreed as long as no one found out.
But someone had found out. Someone had overheard and warned the press that if someone followed the Prime Minister’s son… they would find a scandal.
And whilst it wasn’t as big of a scandal as it could have been, Sophie and Benedict had just talked, shared a kiss or two, they’d fallen asleep under a tree in the grounds of the castle and it was upon waking that they’d been spotted…
And Sophie was sure her life was going to fall apart.
Sarah yelled at her for over an hour about it, about how she should not be sneaking out and despite the fact she knew how her granddaughter felt about him, she could see how devastated Sophie was about the choice.
Heart or country.
It was a choice she’d known all too well but Sophie knew what she wanted.
What was required of her… it was just a matter of if Phillip would still want to marry her.
“Phillip wait, please! Let me explain! Nothing happened” Sophie said as she ran after Phillip a few hours later after he’d arrived at the palace so they could talk.
“Yes but you went Sophie, you still went didn’t you?” he replied, his voice was strangely calm and not angry and Sophie wasn’t sure if she’d rather he’d been angry or not “I don’t think you understand… despite my geekiness as the press back home call it, I am an extremely eligible bachelor” he said, though Sophie could tell he cringed a bit at the words, knowing he didn’t like to big himself in that way. “I really am. I’ve got plenty of friends, lots of lovely… erm women friends” he said gesturing as they looked at one another
“But i… I still think marriage is a good idea.” he said and Sophie looked up at him in disbelief as Phillip’s face softened as they looked at one another,
“Sophie…” he said, before taking a step forward, placing his hands on either side of her face and kissing her.
It was the first time they’d properly kissed, it had been a brief kiss on the lips when they’d gotten engaged, the same on the balcony when they announced their engagement several weeks ago and as kisses went…
It was the most awkward kiss either of them had ever experienced.
It was like kissing a sibling. It was so awkward Sophie was sure the entire world stopped moving and she could hear the cows in the field several miles away Mooing…
Eventually Phillip pulled away and Sophie with her eyes still shut brought her hand to her lip to almost wipe the kiss off as she had Phillip looked at one another again
“So?” he asked “anything?” already anticipating the answer.
“It was lovely… just… there was no…” Sophie said
“Spark?” they said at the same time and Sophie groaned as she knew what the right thing to do was.
“What are we going to do?” Sophie said her voice breaking a little as she felt herself close to tears. The wedding was a few days away, she’d come this far and now she’d thrown it all away.
Phillip sighed and took a step forward putting an arm around Sophie’s waist, rolling his eyes as the security guards shovelled up the stairs behind them
“No privacy…” Sophie grumbled.
“Sophie… you chose me… and I accepted” he said pressing an almost brotherly kiss on her head “I accepted and so we’re going to stand up in the church next week and say “I do” and become man and wife… and then you’re going to be crowned Queen of Penwood and make the most amazing Queen in the history of this great country” he said tenderly, honestly and a smile on his face that made Sophie feel like perhaps everything could be okay.
“Thank you” she whispered as she kissed his cheek as she smiled back at him.
This was it. Her choice had been made. Country and Duty over her heart. Phillip was a good man and she could do a lot worse…
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touchoffleece · 4 months
Supergirl Mayhem 2024 Entry
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
EDIT: @delta-piscium sent the link for one that’s based on princess diaries 2!!!! AND APPARENTLY @henderdads inspired it???? So anyways I’ve put away my computer and I’m going to read this right now immediately
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wlwinry · 2 months
woooo zinejam everyone say woo zinejam woo!!!!! i finally get to share the princess diaries thistlecaster au oneshot and i am. so happy. anyways go check out the bundle its great. its so cool so many amazing people worked on so many amazing projects and we're donating to the United Nations' Occupied Palestinian Territory Humanitarian Fund this year! highly recommend y'all explore some amazing fanwork this fine monday evening
Crown Prince of Dunefort Gorgug Thistlespring has a lot to worry about before his coronation as king: his upcoming wedding to someone that he's not in love with, the constant attempts of the council to prove that he isn't ready for the throne, the weight of Roz's expectations and the overbearing presence of his adoptive parents. Right now, though, the main threat to all of that is his total inability to shoot an arrow through a hoop. The guy he absolutely, one hundred percent should not be in love with has some helpful advice. ... It's the archery scene from the Princess Diaries 2, but with thistlecaster!
please read and comment also bc i am. starved for comments and positive feedback <3 ily all
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whistledownbad · 4 months
Okay but see now I really am thinking about a Princess Diaries AU.
Pen = Mia
Eloise = Lilly
Michael = Colin
Clarisse = QC
Joe = Lady D
Lana = Cressida
Josh = Debling
Helen = Portia
Stick the rest of the siblings in there somewhere and we *might* have a story with some modifications?
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rippeanuts1950-2000 · 23 days
nuzi princess diaries au(I prefer the book, so we’re going book version baby! but also not exactly like the books)
Uzi: Mia, obviously. But Uzi is like WAY more pissed about being a princess than Mia was
Khan: Helen(Mia’s mom) but he’s still not over Nori unlike Helen when it comes to Phillipe. Also he doesn’t date Uzi’s algebra teacher and he is an artist who does cool designs with doors
Nori: Phillipe. She’s the current ruler of Copper-9 and is amazing at her job. The country would be in shambles without her. And she’s still in love with khan
Alice: Grandmere, but on top of princess lessons she’s teaching Uzi to become a mechanic for some odd reason. And she doesn’t have a hairless toy poodle, she has her son Beau who is Uzi’s age but doesn’t want to rule and just wants to be a mechanic so Alice let’s him not be a prince
N: Michael, but he’s still V’s brother and they both have to deal with a body guard. I can already hear Uzi say he only is nice to her because she’s his twin sister’s friend
Lizzy and Thad: They’d both be Lilly but Thad would be Lilly’s positive traits and Lizzy would be Lilly’s negative traits(she’d still be an okay friend to Uzi tho)
Doll: Boris but Uzi wouldn’t think she was a loser, just annoying by constantly playing the violin in gifted and talented
V: Tina Hakim Baba. She keeps her mansion personality but still can be her after the mansion self when she needs to be
J: Lana. That’s the only person i can see her as
Chad: Josh Richter, idk someone needed to be him
This would not leave my mind, and now on top of all the wips I currently have, I want to write this. Let me know if I should.
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arsoneywrites · 1 year
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so you remember that spirk royalty au i’ve been working on forever? chapter two now up AND i have a writing sideblog now! look at me!
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thewalkingmeepa · 8 months
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And now for a guilty pleasure, I give you this.
Mirandy Princess Diaries Au where Andrea, Mia's alias, finds the love of her life in none other than Miranda Priestly, the editor-in-chief of Runway magazine, who apparently returns her feelings and willingly gives up the crown in fashion for a real one.
The Genovian Royal wedding, when both Queen and Queen Consort appear before the masses for the first time as wives. Andy is wearing the traditional military garb (as commander-in-chief of the Genovian troops) and Miranda the usual bridal gown, simple, elegant, and the tiara Amelia used in her very first Embassy ball.
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tennessoui · 10 months
Princess Diaries au my beloved! Endless sniping! Misunderstandings! Making out in closets! Royal weddings! Secret gays! *clasps hands under her chin* It's so beautiful 🥹
Here is a short little sneak peek of the princess diaries Christmas fic 🤭 because I just love a Christmas ball
When the sky over the palace begins to darken with the promise of first snow, Anakin begins to hear the first rumblings of a Christmas party. Apparently, Genovia throws a famous Yuletide celebration every year. It’s the very first Anakin’s heard about it, but it’s like he goes to bed one night in an empty palace, and wakes up to fifty evergreen trees scattered around the dining room.
“Well, you were in school,” his grandfather tells him, carefully breaking open his breakfast egg and dipping a stick of toast into the liquid yellow. Anakin, like a normal person, stabs his fork into his scrambled eggs and takes a suspicious bite.
“I was on winter break,” he points out. “Every time. Because it’s Christmas.”
Qui-Gon makes a big show at fixing his tea to perfection, even though Anakin knows the kitchen already does that for him. “Well,” he says. “Your mother requested you spend Christmas with her.”
“Well,” Shmi says when Anakin calls her a few hours later, “you had that awful haircut during university, didn’t you? We decided that it would be better if you stayed in America until you had a diploma. And a visit to the barber.”
Anakin splutters. It had been a cool haircut. He had looked cool. “You’re not invited anymore,” he tells his mother.
“You can’t uninvite me to the announcement of my own son’s engagement,” Shmi says, and she’s laughing a little bit which is good because the words wipe any smile off Anakin’s face.
“I–oh,” he says. “I hadn’t realized that that’s when…when we’d do that.”
Christmas Yuletide royalty ball 🤩🤩 with added duke obi-wan shenanigans and some MORE linen closet making out
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silverhallow · 7 months
Bridgerton Drabble: Princess Diaries AU
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Part #2 Broken
“What do you mean you’re still going through with it?” George sighed as he looked at his brother exasperated a couple of hours later.
“Well just that, Sophie assured me it was a one off, that it would never happen again and I believe her.” Phillip argued back.
“George, it is his decision at the end of the day…” Marina said as she walked into the room, Amanda wrapped in a blanket as she went to place her in the cot next to her twin brother.
“It’s a stupid ass decision that is what it is. Come on, the entire country has seen the Bridgerton bloke sniffing around her for the last month, it’s clear to anyone with eyes that whatever that was wasn’t just a one off… and besides you said it yourself, there isn’t a spark there! You see her more as a sister! And I’ve seen you pining after that Bridgerton girl…”
“Eloise and I are just friends…” Phillip said going red and George laughed
“I didn’t say which Bridgerton… but come on, you’re going to be stuck in a loveless marriage and it will eat away at you” George said
“She picked me, we’re doing this. She can’t marry anyone else and if she doesn’t marry by the end of the week then the country goes to the Cavenders” Phillip argued
“And that has nothing to do with you, you can return to England, back to your plants and forget about this entire mess” George said “I am sure you can persuade Eloise to come to Oxford or Cambridge for University since she’s due to start next term” he teased raising his brows suggestively.
Phillip threw a grape at his brother who laughed.
“It’s not that simple. I won’t see this entire country be wrecked by some imbecile because I wasn’t prepared to help where I can. Sophie is the best thing that ever happened to this country, even if she only found out about it a few years ago, she cares so deeply about everyone, she wants to make it a better place, a better country and I can be a part of that, I can help her achieve that and I can do my botany work anywhere. She chose me, we are seeing this through. I do not need any more lectures about it George, I just need you to be supportive please. Like Marina is being”
“Marina is being supportive because she knows she has little choice” Marina laughed “you were supportive of us when we found out about the twins and helped us with the press and your father’s rage”
“Yes, like dad would be happy about you doing this…” George scoffed
“What? The idea of me marrying someone who is going to be Queen of a country. It’d probably be the only thing in my life i’d have done he would have approved of… thinking i could seize control for the family or something… but even if he didn’t approve, it’d have been something i’d have wanted to do even more to get away from him” Phillip said shaking his head.
“Point taken…” George said before looking between his brother and his wife and heaving a deep sigh “fine, I shall continue to be supportive of this stupid endeavour and I shall be the first to either congratulate you on becoming Prince Consort, or to say “I told you so” when it goes tits up” he grinned
Marina swiped at her husband who ducked it and laughed “i promise, i’ll be on my best behaviour, I just want Phil to be happy and if being married to the Queen of Penwood will do that… then I shall be the supportive big brother”
“Thank you, that is all I ask…” Phillip said, walking over to the drinks cabinet to pour himself a drink
“And maybe keep him away from Eloise” Marina whispered into her husband's ear who nodded glumly.
They knew there was no changing Phillip’s mind when he’d set it to something that it would take a lot to change it…
He’d been adamant that when Marina and George found out she was pregnant, that to avoid the scandal of the unplanned pregnancy, the unwanted attention in the press and their father’s fury, he had offered to say he was the father and take the brunt of everything from their father…
But given the news of Marina falling pregnant by one of his son’s out of wedlock, had caused their father to have a heart attack… that lie hadn’t been required but for George, as much as he liked the Queen to be and knew that on paper this was a good match and that his brother and Sophie were friends and very similar in personality, he couldn’t help but feel that this was not the end of the matter and that the saga with the wedding was just starting…
~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
Over at the houses of parliament, Edmund Bridgerton was pinching the bridge of his nose as he looked over the documents finalising the plans Andrew and Roger had sent over for the new orphanage to be built as per the Princess’ request.
It had been a morning of putting out fires and dealing with the broken heart of his 24 year old son.
Benedict had come back from the palace and his sneaky yet innocent night with the Princess completely broken.
He had never seen him like this before and he had no idea what to do about it. The rules were the rules. They had been set well over 200 years ago by men who didn’t think that a woman should rule period, let alone on her own and therefore they forced through ridiculous rules.
Some of them they’d managed to abolish over the years but the marriage law… that was something that they’d never seen to rectify and he had no idea if it was even possible for the Lords of the country to make such a decision as any decisions around the crown had to be set by the King or Queen.
The marriage law as it stood now had been passed in 1812 when the then King George only had legitimate daughter’s and wanted one of his bastard sons to rule instead and he’d made it as difficult as possible for his eldest daughter Sophia Charlotte, to take her rightful place as Queen once he passed away.
He’d forced through the rule that said in order for her to rule she had to marry and be over the age of 20, before she could assume the throne but also made it clear that whoever they were to marry, would not have any power over the throne, as he was sure it would have made her whole position less fanciful, why marry a Queen if you get no power… which all men married for, power and position and for 100’s of years… that law had been enforced.
Sophia had managed to outwit her father and married a simple Lord and went on to be one of the country's greatest ever rulers.
“It’s a stupid rule” Benedict had wailed so many times into his hands that Edmund was sure it was all he was going to think about when he slept that night. He knew his wife would be the better person to calm their second son down, she always had been but there had been some sort of drama with Eloise so he’d been left to deal with Benedict.
It broke his heart that there was nothing he could do, he personally didn’t have the power to change it, he couldn’t even make the motion to change the rule that could only come from the sovereign or sovereign to be, and then parliament could decide on whether or not to back the motion…
And given half of the men that sat on the benches of parliament, he wouldn’t put it past them to not pass it and being so close to the wedding now…
Edmund hated this. He hated that he hadn’t learned more earlier, when he first got to know their future Queen, he’d assumed that she’d have found a way out of it, or been happy but he’d not anticipated the connection that seemed to form almost instantly between his son and the Princess.
It had been even quicker than that of when he met Violet when he’d known by the end of the dance… he’d seen the Princess run into Benedict and stand on his toe and he’d seen the sparks fly…
And knew that they were in trouble.
“I know she’s the best thing for this country but it’s not fair… it’s not fair” he wept over and over in his hands, his eyes were red and swollen, as was his nose from the hysterics. It didn’t matter that he was a grown ass man of twenty four years old.
Benedict knew he would never find anyone that compared with Sophie and living in this country meant he was going to be forced to see her face every single day, it would be everywhere right down to the money he earned and spent.
Her life would be broadcast, he’d have to see her pregnant with another’s baby, on the arm of another.
Or he will have to leave the country, never to return, never to see his family unless they came to see him…
He wasn’t going to be strong enough to endure seeing the love of his life thriving in that capacity.
It took Edmund several hours to get his son to stop breaking his heart, to stop his son from the weight of he guilt he felt after the rumours had briefly flown that Sophie and Phillip were not to marry and it was being called off after the “incident” but they’d received communication from Anthony and Kate that the wedding was still to go ahead, which of course set off another round of tears in Benedict.
Eventually he managed to persuade his son to go home and not do anything drastic or dramatic. Edmund had an idea on how he could get the information to Sophie about it could be stopped, how it could be changed and challenged but it would be a risk.
If parliament didn’t back her… then everything could be a disaster.
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this city screams your name, chapter 1/2: "i almost do"
out now on ao3!
A look into forty-eight hours in the lives of Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase after their break-up as they both struggle to find a place for themselves in the world.
Technically the second chronological work in this series, but it's more of a prequel to 'paris' than it is a sequel to 'spread your wings and learn how to fly.'
this first chapter of part three of my princess diaries au series is up! it's a little different than the other parts, but hopefully still enjoyable!
a small excerpt:
“So, a few of us who are in the city–you know, the old crew from high school–are going out for drinks tonight, if you’d be interested,” Grover said, leaning against the door and absentmindedly watching the students stream down the hallways. “I know you’re leaving in a few days for training camp, so I thought the others would appreciate it if I extended an invitation.”
Percy scratched the back of his head. “Who, exactly, is included in ‘a few of us?’”
“Me, of course, and Piper, since she’s still working for NBC, Rachel will be there, and Jason will probably make an appearance…”
Grover trailed off, causing Percy to narrow his eyes. “And who else?”
“Oh, um, well, I don’t know if you saw, but…” Grover glanced around them quickly before leaning slightly closer to him. “Well, um, Annabeth is in town for a UNESCO summit, and I think Piper invited her, but…”
He trailed off again, obviously noticing how much Percy’s expression had soured. 
“I’m sorry, G-Man, but I really don’t think I’ll be able to make it. I’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”
Grover raised his eyebrows incredulously, obviously picking up on Percy’s blatant lie. 
“Okay, okay, I get it. I’ve gone through break-ups, too.”
Percy scoffed, leaning further back against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest. “I know you have. But nothing like this. Do you know how humiliating it is for a press secretary to release a statement about your breakup? I mean, some people found out from fucking CNN before I had the chance to tell them.”
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sentimentalslut · 11 months
so. so intrigued by the image of gwen and duncan in private school uniforms. disturbing. fascinating.
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okay and now imagine her rolling up to princess lessons looking like this. where would u even start.
anyways yeah they have so many dress code violations at this point it’s basically their bread n butter. but neither one dares shred the uniform top bc it’s so expensive and would break their ma’s heart
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A Recipe for Disaster (Chap. 2)
Pt. 1 | On AO3 here
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“Alrighty, Good Morning your highness!” Murray greets him (loudly) the next morning.
“Good morning Murray,” Steve grins at him and mutes the morning talk show that he’d lazily clicked on once Robin fully kicked him awake that morning.
“Her majesty will meet you in the throne room in an hour. She’s in with Parliament.” He reads from his schedule “And I’m sorry your suite isn’t ready yet, but you’re welcome to stay here until it is.” He gestured around to Robin’s suite (“I get my own suite?? You’re kidding me right??” Robin had directed at Joyce when they’d first arrived), Steve having been staying with Robin in the meantime.
“No worries, I was planning on just exploring the palace a bit today; Robin is all partied out and won’t be up for another,” Steve looks at his wrist, devoid of his normal watch, “half a day or so.”
Murray grins at him, “Sounds good to me, be careful, and if you need anything just let Hopper know alright?” Murray turns and heads back out of the suite, “The throne room in an hour!” He yells back over his shoulder as he makes his escape.
Once he was gone, Steve pulled on his collegiate “Beserkely” hoodie (this one being the one that matches the one he’d had made and given Robin after the college denied both their applications), grabbed his phone, and headed out down the hall.
He didn’t have a path in mind, but he ended up in the kitchens first.
‘Nice, I’ll have to remember how to get down here for later.’ He thought to himself.
Rounding a bank of industrial size refrigerators, he found a young girl with fiery red hair standing at the prep table in the middle of the floor, chopping and mincing the vegetables in front of her with alarming speed.
His shoe squeaking on the tile alerted her to his presence and she looked up at him with a scowl before schooling her face back to neutral/confused once she realized who he was.
“Your highness? What are you doing down here? Did you need something?” She sounded concerned, setting down her knife and turning to face him with her hands clasped in front of her, a sign of respect.
“No! No, please, it’s just Steve.” he said, waving his hand dismissively. “I was just wandering around, you know? Trying to find all the nooks and crannies of this place.” He smiled at the girl, hoping to placate her to his presence.
“Oh. Okay, well your hi_Steve_” the girl corrected herself with an eye roll at the raised brow he threw her way “We are kind of empty at the moment since we just got done with breakfast, but if you ever need anything, let myself or our head chef Argyle know.” She picked the knife back up and started back on demolishing a concerningly large pile of onions.
“Sure, thanks…..?” Steve trailed off, hoping his tone would come across as him asking for her name.
Another eye roll, and then “Max. You can call me Max.”
“Thanks, Max, I’ll be down here a lot I think.” He smiled warmly at her and stuck out his hand for her to shake.
She looked at it for a split second and said “I probably shouldn’t, you don’t really want your hand to smell like onion all day do you?”
“Ah, right, nope, definitely don’t.” He again looked at the pile of onions in front of her and wiped his (still clean) hand on his sweater as if he could feel the onion residue coating it. "How about an air-five?” He asked instead, grinning cheesily, and lifting his hand like he was going to high five her from where he was about 6ft away.
He was rewarded with another eye roll, a small smile, and a crisp air-five for his troubles before he headed back out the way he’d come.
 A couple corners later, Steve found himself walking down a large corridor that seemed to be leading to nowhere. About to turn back, he just happened to have stopped to turn around right where there was a tiny sliver of an offshoot to the hall.
Curious, he stepped forward into the corridor and through the old wooden door at the end of the short hall, deciding he was going to follow wherever it’d take him. Where that ended was on the other side of the door. Turns out it was a hidden…prayer room? It was all stucco and warm light, a couple skinny stained glass windows and a cross between the two. One wall depicted a group of what looked to be priests.
Curiously, he tipped a small bust of some bald guy with a beard (that if he had some glasses, could be taken for a pretty good representation of Murray) and when he did, he heard a click and the squeaking of hinges. There was a hidden mechanism under it that caused a section of the wall next to him to open.
“Nice!” Steve said aloud to no one.
He replaced the bust and immediately went through the wall-door.
“Hello?” he called
The door lead into a damp, dingy, cobweb filled path and up a short set of low steps before switching back and starting up the complete opposite way.
“The hell..?”
The path before him ended suddenly in a small room, the wall in front of him had nothing but a small hinged flap with a handle at just about eye level. Lifting it, and looking through, he found himself looking through a brass grate and into parliament’s chambers? He could see the backs of some powdered wigs, and the faces of the members on the opposite side of the room, then Aunt Joyce sitting beside Prime Minister Henderson to the right.
“So yes, as of the 31st of October last year, on the occasion of his 21st birthday, another Genovian of the royal bloodline became eligible to assume the throne.”
“What?” Steve was flabbergasted.
“My son, Lord Muñoz.”
“I beg your pardon?” Aunt Joyce says, her voice is strained with disbelief “I want you to explain to me exactly what Lord Muñoz has that my nephew does not.” Steve could feel the color draining from his own face at Joyce’s tone, even though he was not at the receiving end of it (this time); he could exactly imagine how this man was feeling at the moment.
“Forgive me Your Majesty, this council does not believe that Stephan is the most suitable choice to govern our great nation. My son has grown up here, has learned all his life how to be a ruler and is more than ready to take his place as Genovia’s rightful King.” the man pauses for a moment before continuing “And how do we know Prince Stephan will run this country properly if he ends up marrying someone…not quite right for Genovia?”
“I’m going to need you to clarify that, Viscount Muñoz.”
“We all saw what happened at that beach party back in America.” he says firmly. “You know how it is, he needs a Queen to rule at his side, not another King and_”
“Oh shut up.” Steve can hear Aunt Joyce mutter under her breath.
“I beg your pardon??” He sounds pissed
“I said ‘Shut. Up.’.” Joyce sets her face and stands to face the Viscount. “I don’t want to hear your nonsense about my nephew’s love life. He is willing and able to take the throne on his own, he doesn’t need someone on his arm to be a great ruler, woman or otherwise.”
“Fuck yeah!” Steve yells, tears in his eyes, before slapping his hands over his mouth as he watches the various members of parliament search for the source of the voice.
“..With ALL due respect, your majesty, we are looking out for what is best for Genovia; and what is best for our country is for our current male heir to assume the throne, a queen on his arm, or for a more capable heir to take his place. It is the will of these members of parliament.”
There are additional murmurs of approval to his statement, though subdued as if they didn’t want to go against her majesty.
“Will all… due. Respect, Viscount Muñoz, that is an outdated and arbitrary argument. Like I said, Steve is more than capable of ruling on his own, I have every faith in him; These same members had already agreed once before that Steve’s 21st birthday would be largely ignored and he was to rule at my side until he was deemed ready to take the throne.
There is a long beat of silence before another member speaks up. “We did, majesty, but when Viscount Muñoz voiced his concerns and rightfully pointed out that Genovia already had another potential ruler, we could not ignore it.”
“We are already in agreement, your majesty.” an older member interjects. “He must marry an eligible woman and take the throne post-haste, otherwise we will allow for Lord Muñoz to take the throne in his stead.”
“What?? No!” Steve says to himself disbelievingly.
Joyce turns to Wayne, concern present in her features and in her stance.
“May I suggest a reasonable timeframe for his highness? A year perhaps; For him to find a suitable spouse? If he does not, he forfeits the throne to young Lord Muñoz.” Wayne directed to the room as a whole.
Steve found himself surprised hearing the older gentleman use the term ‘spouse’, then thankful to Dustin suddenly, knowing that it had to have been the young man who planted the vocabulary into his step-father’s vernacular. Then confused in the next at the sharp gaze directed at Viscount Muñoz from the Prime Minister’s normally open and friendly face.
Joyce looks back to the members, somewhat hopeful that she could give Steve time, but the members of parliament all start arguing over one another about this and again, that oldest geezer pipes up, louder over the rest: “30 days.”
Steve can’t listen to this any longer; he flips the vent cover back down and storms off to the throne room. Fully intending to pace a rut into the floor there until Aunt Joyce comes to meet him with the news he now already knows.
“How can parliament expect me to fall in love in 30 days? It’s like it’s just some trick to get me to marry who they want and_wait. That’s it isn’t it. They want to funnel me into an arranged marriage. Who would even agree to tha_” Steve cuts himself off and glances at Joyce, “...uh.. You. Would agree to that..wouldn’t you..”
“I would, and I did.” Joyce smiled at him, “At that time, I wasn’t next in line for the throne but parliament had the same idea as they have for you now, and set me up with Robert to make sure all their bases are covered.  Bob was very kind and we grew very fond of each other…He was my best friend.” She gazed at their portrait in the throne room, the most recent in the line.
She had ruled the last 12 years as Queen, with Robert at her side as Prince consort until he died unexpectedly about six years previously. The portrait did very well to convey the warmth and kindness he’d been told Bob had. The friendly, round-faced man smiled back at Steve and Joyce from his seat in front of the painted Joyce.
“That’s great Aunt Joyce, but when I do get married, I want it to be for love not for fond-ness.” Steve shrugged dejectedly. “Last resort being marrying Robin just to get them off my back, but she’s definitely not what they are looking for either.”
“But you don’t have to do this Steve, you don’t have to become King”
Steve stops and leans against one of the grand pillars, looking around at all the faces of his ancestors that adorn the walls.
His eyes burn when he stops at his grandfather’s portrait. He sees his own eyes looking back at him and he knows his decision.
“There are 550 years of Renaldis on these walls, and I will be up there next to you, and next to my Grandfather. I want my chance to make a difference.” He finishes. Looking determinedly back at Joyce.
“Spoken like a true King.” Joyce smiles at him softly, pride on her face.
“You, my boy, a true-born Genovian. You should be our King.”
Eddie smiles at the image of his dad in front of the dart board. His head is circled by the board making it look both like a halo, and as if the spot between his eyes is now the bullseye. ‘Ironic.’ He thinks.
“I agree.” Eddie steps forward and plucks his last dart from behind his father’s head. “But how do we make it happen?
“Let me have one of your darts.” he says, placing down his whiskey and taking the dart Eddie holds out to him “I’m going to show you a trick I learned from an old Italian philosopher. Niccolo Machiavelli."
The Viscount stands back a good ways from the board “I can make this arrow hit the bullseye every time.”
‘Well, now I know for sure where I get my dramatics from’ Eddie thinks to himself as he watches his dad barrel forward with a yell and place the dart directly into the center of the board.
“Yes, but that is cheating.”
“You’ve got it.”
Now, only one whole day after Parliament met on Steve’s fate, he was waiting for their new guest to make his grand arrival for his stay at the palace. Steve was still adjusting his appearance in the entrance hall’s mirror (a pull on his collar here, a flick of the swoop in his hair there), when Joyce entered with Hopper and Dustin(??) flanking her.
‘What is Dustin doing here? And why is he dressed like Hopper’s mini-me?’ Steve thinks.
“The Viscount is not staying, only the son. Hopper, I want you to protect him and keep an eye on him at all times.”
“Of course madam. Dustin?” Hopper gives a wave and Dustin marches off towards the palace doors.
“So is this appropriate to welcome Viscount Muñoz and his son?” Steve gave a turn in front of Joyce, his simple dark wash slacks and a white button-up with its collar poking out the top of a Mustard-yellow cable knit sweater.
“Very appropriate, and handsome.”
“I can’t believe Parliament invited the guy who’s trying to steal the throne to stay with us at the palace.” Steve complained, turning back to adjust his appearance yet again, which at this point is just his nervousness manifesting itself.
“Parliament didn’t,” Joyce started, now also checking her appearance in the mirror beside Steve.
“Oh?” Another tug on his shirt collar.
“I did.” she stated matter-of-factly, then turned away from the mirror where Steve was now doing a very astute impression of a goldfish at her retreating reflection.
“I offered to have him strung up by his toes in our courtyard. Excuse me, madam.” Hopper interjected before turning to head to his place at the entrance.
“Yeah, what about Hop’s suggestion?”
“If there’s any mischief going on, I’d rather it be right under my nose.” She took a seat in one of the ornate chairs next to the mirror.
Steve was pacing now “I just don’t want to be nice to this guy, y’know? I mean he’s rude, his arrogant, self-centered–”
“Have you even met him??”
“Neither have I.”
“But he probably is Joyce, and like, where is this even coming from? All of a sudden he wants to be King of Genovia??” Steve huffs and puts both hands on his hips. Robin would make fun of him for his “mom pose”. Ugh he wishes she were here, but Joyce had (honestly, kinda smartly,) sent her on an errand this morning, knowing she’d be there to help Hopper string up Lord Muñoz.
“Oh stop. Whatever he is, we will be welcoming, pleasant, and we will conduct ourselves with grace and poise.”
“Presenting, Viscount and Lord Muñoz” The palace announcer pounds his staff twice.
Steve stands just behind Joyce, flopping his arms down off his hips in a huff and getting in one more eye roll for good measure before he puts on his Prince Stephan face.
The mask shatters immediately after Viscount Muñoz’ entrance however, as the second person to enter the hall is none other than “Just Eddie”.
Steve feels his jaw drop open and the smoldering smirk he recognizes on Eddie’s face from their time at the ball,  is now conniving and evil-looking.
Steve feels his heart breaking.
“Your Majesty, may I present my son, Lord Edmund Muñoz.”
“We are delighted to make your acquaintance, Edmund.” Joyce has her hand extended.
Steve turns his face from their guests all together. Willing the burning threat of tears away while Joyce greets them. He can hear Eddie’s smooth voice tell her “The pleasure is all mine, your majesty. And thank you for inviting me to stay at the palace.”
It’s quiet for a moment and Steve can guess what’s coming next.
“May I present my nephew Steve.”
Steve can just barely make out her voice over the ringing in his ears. He’s still not looking at Edmund.
“Your Highness.”
More ringing.
“Steve, would you care to welcome our guest?”
Steve takes a deep breath and makes a decision.
Turning to face Edmund, meeting his smile with the patented King Steve smirk, and extends his hand in greeting. “Lord Edmund.” He emphasizes with a grin and grasps Edmund's warm, calloused hand as if to shake it.
Then he twists and stomps on Edmund’s foot. Hard.
Steve wrenches his hand from Edmund’s and storms off down the hall. Fully ignoring everyone else in the room. Someone laughs, Steve can vaguely hear Joyce is saying something to Edmund in a panicked tone, can register that Hopper and Murray are doing exactly nothing, and knows he is being a big baby about this but he can’t bring himself to care.
He ends up in the kitchens, a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream in one hand, and his other is armed with a spoon, angrily shoveling the sweet treat into his mouth.
‘Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stu_ ’ his brain repeated on a loop. He’d feel his eyes burning and his throat clenching with emotion, then they’d both disperse in anger and ‘Who does he think he is getting off on pulling this shit on me??’ and back to heartbreak..then back to ‘Fucking stop feeling sorry for yourself, why are you even feeling so sad about a nothing encounter that literally only consisted of him being stupid hot??’
It was because he’d really felt a connection and now it was fully trampled on (not unlike Lord Edmund’s foot).
Steve looked up when he caught some movement to his right and was met with the sight of Max extending a tissue towards him. Sticking his spoon back into the pint of ice cream hurriedly, he reached up to take it and wipe away the totallynon-existanttearsthankyou.
“Thanks.” Steve said in a small voice, looking down at his melting ice cream
There was a long pause, then “Do you want me to fight them?”
A hysterical laugh bubbled its way out of Steve’s chest. He looked up and nodded to Max “Maybe later, Mad Max, I’ll keep in touch, okay?”
She smiled and went back to the dishes she was washing in the ridiculously oversized sink.
He had just barely gone back to his ice cream when Aunt Joyce came down the stairs into the kitchen.
“Care to explain what just happened up there??”
“Sorry..” Steve says around a mouthful of ice cream. He swallowed and continued “So turns out I HAVE met Lord Muñoz . Yeah, I met him at the ball; didn’t know who he was…but we danced and I…flirted and..” here comes the throat clench again “I feel so stupid.” He pinched the bridge of his nose to try and hold back the tears this time.
“Well as your Queen I absolutely cannot condone it.”
Steve nodded sullenly, plopping his spoon into his ice cream again.
“But as your Aunt, I say ‘Fuck yeah’.” Joyce smiled that mischievous smile at him. “Now, if you’ll come with me, I have something to show you.” She starts toward the stairs from the kitchen.
“Oh, uh, okay.” He stands and moves to follow her.
“Ah, I think you can leave your ice cream here.” She points back to where he was sitting and heads up the stairs.
“Damn..” Steve looked over to where Max had been earlier and found her trying very hard to make it look like she hadn’t been listening this whole time.
He gave her a short whistle and when she looked up he pointed his pointer and middle fingers to his eyes then pointed them at Max who was looking at him like he was a complete doofus. He pointed down at his soupy pint, and mouthed “I’ll be back.” before following Joyce out of the kitchen.
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Part 3 will be here!
Again, tagging those that seemed interested!! @henderdads, @totallybitchin , @potentialheartofdarkness , @steddieasitgoes , @princessstevemunson @livewondrousss,  @mightbeasleep
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bisamwilson · 2 years
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A Royal Engagement
sambucky | E | 3+1 | 6k | an epilogue to the princess diaries au | ao3
written for @sambuckylibrary valentine’s day bigo squares surprise date, proposal, and candlelit dinner and @winterfalconevents winterfalcon bingo round 2 free space
three times Bucky tries to propose to Sam, and one time Sam actually proposes instead
Bucky starts counting as soon as he hears the door open.
He makes it six heartbeats before his trashy sci fi/romance novel is unceremoniously plucked out of his hand and he finds himself with a lapful of exhausted royal.
“Rough day, princess?” he asks, dropping a kiss on the top of Sam’s head and smiling.
He groans into Bucky’s neck, wrapping his arms even tighter around his torso. “Can I get rid of Parliament? Is that something I have the power to do?”
Bucky pulls back enough for Sam to get the hint to sit up, and Bucky waits until he’s settled to bring him down for a kiss. “You know you can’t, princess. You can fantasize about it, though. I’m all ears.”
finish on ao3
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rippeanuts1950-2000 · 21 days
so I had most of this pre written and wanted to gage reaction to the au before I posted it, so here it is
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