#Private Church
elbiotipo · 22 days
It's fascinating to me that for our modern (at least on European-influenced societies) thinking, the classical Roman way of life is so familiar. When you read about it, the rethoric of the speeches feels modern, a society based on contracts and laws and litigation, with public works, a state bureucracy and standing army and trade economy and even spectator sports, a concept of philosophy separated from religious dogma and tradition, with even a limited understanding of a government by 'the people' and 'citizenship', even the names all sound familiar even if in completely different contexts, and no wonder since they inspired our current politics.
This all in contrast to medieval feudalism, which is completely alien to me. A society created upon family connections and oaths of fealty and serfdom with no such thing as an overarching state, not even kingdoms were any more real than a title one person holds, and all held together completely, utterly, to an extent I cannot emphasize enough, by the institution of the Church and the Christian faith. In a way we just aren't used today in our secular world. I simply cannot overstate how everything, every single thing, was permeated by faith in the Medieval worldview and the Church which took its power from it, we have an understanding of it but I think people just don't realize it.
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cerayanay · 7 months
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ave-immaculata · 8 months
if a teacher at a Catholic school is a poor role model of the moral life in a public way, they should be fired, simple as. if a teacher at a Catholic school cannot accurately describe and vocally affirm the teachings of the Catholic Church when asked, they should be fired, simple as. if a teacher at a Catholic school is known publically to be a non-practicing Catholic, they should be fired, simple as. Close schools if there aren't enough staff. I don't care. I'm sick of our Catholic schools disobeying the Bishop, the Church at large and pushing relativistic nonsense onto students as Catholicism.
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frociaggine · 15 days
ok well now we gotta know, how is frociaggine used in a sentence. i must know, for research purposes,
pretty much in the same way you'd use faggotry in english! meaning a general vibe, attitude, etc. actually the pope used it correctly 💀 given that he said it in the context of a speech about how openly gay men should be discouraged from joining the church “because there's way too much homosexuality in seminaries already.” except that homosexuality wasn't the word he used
anyway I have a whatsapp group chat called “frociaggine del sabato sera” = saturday night faggotry. love that for me.
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adelaidedrubman · 6 months
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chaldeanu · 16 days
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revisiting the best screenshots in the history of honkai star rail ₊ ˙ ⊹ .
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hcnnibal · 1 month
i can't put my finger on exactly why, but from a lot of the things you've confirmed about them, a1 and a2 remind me very much of some people i went to school with growing up who were raised in extremely restrictive, hyper-religious families that in a couple cases bordered on doomsday cults (to this day i have no idea why those kids' parents had them in public school and not in like, a church basement somewhere)
thats…. probably the vati coming through actually…
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heraldofcrow · 4 months
Wait a minute, I think I have IBUPROFEN
It's in a bottle by my nightstand
It contains ibuprofen gel capsules!
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He has some extra if you need it
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imjustli · 6 months
Hot take: Black Friday is the most american hatchetfield musical
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shredsandpatches · 8 months
this is me being very brave and not correcting inaccuracies about the vatican library after seeing a post that mentions it, even though working with vatican manuscript collections and their digital surrogates is my literal job
(nb I don't work for the church in any sort of direct fashion, we're a medieval and early modern studies research center, please do not drag me through the streets, at least for that reason)
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15th Century, Byzantine, Holy Trinity Church, Rhodes Old Town, Rhodes
Dodecanese islands, Greece
...beautiful buildings ♡
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tewwor · 1 month
the marked shenanigans starter call ( accepting ) — @huntershowl
Very rarely was he at this level of tranquility. Lost between the time worn wood, polished embellishments, and crags of nothingness. Stillness yawns around him for a long while; quiet and solemn.
What had been his purpose here again?
To find a moment of reprieve, right. Away from the being that toyed with him directly.
‘Stare hard enough and you’ll make yourself a bed in that altar.’ A voice drones from the back of his mind. Sheer boredom's evident just by the cadence alone. But that wasn’t enough for the unseen fiend, was it? He could run, he could hide, but the link between minds will always be present until broken. 
A small push is given to Ilseul's psyche to look alive and pay attention.
Something big's coming his way.
One blink, two blinks, three.. dazed eyes glance from the waxed floor to the new arrival and to the colored glass within a matter of seconds. Unease begins to inch its roots outwards from the sudden pressure by sight alone. A sudden breath pulls through the nose. The smell of brisk air and a hint of vanilla furthered the snap back to reality. To shape up as the bound demon had prompted.
“Confession's out for the night.” Each word weighs so heavily on his tongue. Almost as if it's being heaved from stone itself, and it was to an extent. Lingering on sanctified grounds just to get away from the bound entity takes an immeasurable toll on him. Still, he thinks it's best to give a heads up to the stranger just in case they're also here for that service in particular.
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
I'm sorry but I have to disagree with your one post about pride flags. It's literally called a gay pride flag, not a gay celibacy flag. You may *personally* see it as a way to make gay people feel safe at a place and nothing more, but anyone else you'd show the flag to knows it's not signalling safety for individuals but a sign of complete endorsement for gay relationships, which is 100% against the church's teachings. There's no Catholic-appropriate reinterpretation of that flag's meaning.
I am going to be polite and adult about this anon, but like. Why did you think this was necessary?
It's not?
Do you think I'm stupid enough to not realize what most people think, even if I think that belief is erroneous and unnecessarily cruel? Do you think I'm SO detached from reality that I don't understand why people are getting their panties in a twist about the pride flag?
And fwiw, I support schools having pride flags and pride safe space stickers regardless of if they're gonna be like "uwu we have to uphold celibacy" or not. Frankly. Idgaf. I care about vulnerable kids and teens (and fuck it even adults) being welcome more than I care about anything else. I care about the marginalized being welcomed and loved in a supposedly universal church and faith, more than I care about hardlining doctrine.
This isn't even about my own personal opinions re sex, I sorta recused myself from that whole conversation when I decided to be single, for a variety of reasons most of which aren't even related to queerness. It IS about double standards, and othering of queers by Christians when straight people don't get half as much shit for doing "objectively worse" things even taking the strictest interpretations of church teachings.
But again. It's Sunday. It's sunny and warm. I have lovely things to do after mass and I'm not going to be angry at incorrect randos on the internet.
Good day, and I say genuinely without a hint of malice or sarcasm, I hope you find it in yourself to be kinder to queer folk. If you're sending completely unnecessary messages to strangers online, what do the people around you irl think?? I promise you, there's more of us than you think there are, and this kind of behaviour just signals that you're not someone to trust our whole selves with. That doesn't help anyone, and even if you're the sort to view evangelization as the end goal, view others as "means" to be "saved" rather than beloved human beings and ends in and of themselves, even then, this sort of attitude doesn't really help with those goals either.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 year
If you can, please pray for my church (again)......my poor priest is getting tons of flack and also rather persistent pushback from prominent/respected members of the congregation for filling his sermons with..... biblically sound teaching
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wisdomfish · 10 months
The unbelieving society we live in regularly claims that faith is a private matter. But this is not the truth. Indeed, faith is a personal matter. As Jesus told Nicodemus, “You must be born again” (John 3:7). But personal faith is not private faith. True faith is lived in spiritual community with others. In the Old Testament, the faith community was the nation of Israel. In the New Testament, it is the church, a new community in Christ that transcends gender, race, or status (Galatians 3:28). To live in faith in Christ is to live in fellowship with the church. ~ H.B. Charles
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void-tiger · 4 months
…wonder if being silly and trying to coax someone else to be silly is what makes me attractive? (Even when it’s honestly a defense mechanism on my part… thumbing my nose. Being belligerent to norms. Norms have always made itchy and depressed and anxious so I Ain’t Doin’ That Anymore, Deal With It.)
#tiger’s musings#…I sent a hellmo burnaway cake reel that was actually a rickroll#got a ‘gosh I love elmo’#’cause well. a rickroll’s a rickroll. but also they made a hellmo jackolantern so…2for1??#and…I swear it was right about when I just went. FUCK THIS. wore jewelry and converse and my denim jacket over the ghibli or flower print#because I had finally had ENOUGH!! of church being not just Don’t Say Liberal/Gay/Feminism#but outright a Free Platform for Right Wing Politics#and one speaker going on a tirade before RoevWade was officially disolved#about how evil and selfish women are. how ‘freewill’ in general doesn’t exist and is Sin Actually#and No One spoke up against it quietly in private or otherwise#I…yeah. I had enough#amped up my Manic Pixie more than ever#I will ONLY be ‘liked’ for my singing and because I’m a worker and generally kind#but nothing will ever be real. so I am DONE playing by THEIR ‘stumbling block’ rules and being socially controlled to ‘keep peace’#and yeah. became Marginally less anxious and depressed as a result of FUCK. THIS.#and…I swear that’s when I finally became noticed#because while I Can’t Dare to openly talk about MY values and what me and my friends are Actually#I CAN become Ms Frizzle and silently DARE someone to protest it or swallow a sour grape#and…y’know. gain actual confidence vs bravado#by laughing when someone else is Silly Too.#and looks so damn pleased they made me laugh without feeling selfconcious for laughing and laughing ‘too loud’#because…yeah. I Have been scolded. SO MUCH. for ALL my emotions being Too Intense Too Loud.#INCLUDING laughter.#but…Silly is my rebellion.
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