#Procedural Generation
prokopetz · 1 year
Like, I'm not gonna argue that AI art in its present form doesn't have numerous ethical issues, but it strikes me that a big chunk of the debate about it seems to be drifting further and further toward an argument against procedurally generated art in general, which probably isn't a productive approach, if only because it's vulnerable to having its legs kicked out from under it any time anybody thinks to point out how broad that brush is. If the criteria you're setting forth for the ethical use of procedurally generated art would, when applied with an even hand, establish that the existence of Dwarf Fortress is unethical, you probably need to rethink your premises!
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squids-among-stars · 1 year
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Squidolus [Day:2000 Hour:12]
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blake447 · 6 months
Procedural Dungeon Generation
Alright~ After much work we have finally completed our dungeon generation algorithm. First, we generate the rooms, separate them using a separation steering algorithm.
Second, we generate a graph that represents connections between the various rooms
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Third, we perform what is known as Delaunay Triangulation, in which we evaluate pairs of triangles and swap their shared edge if it fails a test boiled down to a simple matrix determinant evaluation Fourth, we construct a Graph of connectivity from the Delaunay triangulation
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Fifth, we perform an A* pathfinding algorithm to connect points on the delauney triangulation through the neighborhood graph
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Finally, if we didn't traverse through a room, we can remove it to simplify the dungeon into something a little less dense
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There are some extra things we can do here and there, and bugs and edge cases to iron out here and there, but for now, we have a pretty neat little dungeon generator. The next step is to actually procedurally generate the rooms and then use the connectivity graphs to implement game logic and whatnot, but that we will save for another time.
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pad-wubbo · 2 months
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Good [crackalackin] news, my [Homeslices].
I have authored a [way to the promised land].
The [promised land] is available when you click on this [Hyperlink]:
It will [slice and dice] new combinations of [biosolids] that your eyes have never sizzled befizzle, fo' sure daaaawg!
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heartmachinez · 1 year
Pangea: Creating A Multiplayer Rogue-lite With Endless Open Worlds
We’ve shared extensively about our tech art strategies and proc gen processes in both a recent Heart to Heart with Len White and Christian Sparks as well as on our dev blog. We’ve also discussed our environment art works in progress in a different Heart to Heart with Will Tate and on our blog as well.
That was all months ago; often, a few months can mean a lifetime in game development.
Original Vision
Years ago now, when Alx was ideating on the design pillars of the game, the question that came to mind was “what would you do in an open world you’d never see again if you die?”
With that in mind, we made decisions in the early days of our game to try for a more reasonable approach of this idea as we built our systems, since it seemed insurmountable. So, we created an adjacent version, something that captured parts of this design ideal. We had a large, open biomes, but they were segmented in a stage-by-stage format to make it more feasible for us to build.
Over the course of development, we found that, as we continued to build the technology needed for these smaller open-biomes, that we could actually leverage the tools to make the original vision a reality. Thus, we shifted away from the more limiting and (ironically) more complex version of a stage-to-stage progression, and started on a “Pangaea Shift”.
The Shift
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Pangaea is used as a code name, as we were essentially merging all of our stages into one larger map to create an open world.
This shift meant that we would mean that we lose some time up front reconfiguring some parts of the game to function in the ne structure, but gain time on the backend and a much more exciting game format to dive into. We were excited and scared, all at once.
This shift yields us:
Highly differentiated points of interest on a global scale, resulting in entirely new biomes to explore instead of sub-variations of the same biomes
Reduced per-level workload for Houdini, focusing on simpler, bolder biome elements since the context of other biomes being present shifted the dynamics of play so significantly
The ability to generate dynamic, global components that affect the whole run / playthrough, rather than just stage or biome-specific elements, opening up tons of exciting mechanics
A truly open world, procedurally generated, with biomes juxtaposed seamlessly on the same map
An open world you’ll only see once
It’s a thought that leads to a lot of questions and exciting ideas. How much do I explore this world? How much time do I invest, knowing I could die at any turn? What are the pressures driving me forward in this world? What’s new, exciting, different this time? What’s coming next?
These are all questions we ask and answer for development, and ones we are excited for you all to see the conclusions of for yourselves in Early Access and beyond!
Wrap Up
What do you think of our process shift? Share your feedback!
See you next time, Breakers!
-The Heart Machine Team
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bonicle · 1 year
I Just released my new game, Islander 95!
Chill out to the sounds of early internet and calming waves, and generate yourself some procedural islands! (comes with a free postcard maker too)
This is a cute little toy I made for a university assignment. You can probably guess what it does by now, so give it a shot if it sounds interesting!
oh also the names are completely random and there is some very funky stuff that can happen lol
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have fun!!
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midautumngame · 10 months
Introducing Chaos: Let's Build Some Procedural Narrative Systems! #GDoCExpo
Here's our project lead, Sherveen's talk from last year's GDoCExpo about building procedural narrative systems, which is a big part of the development of games like Hades, Wildermyth and Midautumn!
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wordchanter · 4 months
4 Random Magic Potions
An ampoule filled with a curdled gold gel. When opened it reeks of mildew. When smeared on it causes extreme paranoia. There is enough gel for 5 uses.
An earthenware crock filled with a dilute copper tincture. When uncorked it smells of the sea. When imbibed it transforms the user into an animal of their choice. The earthenware crock holds enough for a single use.
A gourd filled with a curdled onyx solution. When unstoppered it reeks of burning meat. When drunk it offers resistence to lightning. There is enough solution for a single use.
A flask filled with a congealed indigo serum with desert flecks drifting in it. When uncorked it smells of eggs and rancid food. When quaffed it inflicts paralysis. The flask holds enough for a single use.
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devsgames · 9 months
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95% of this project was me just wanting to generate a city lol
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technicalgrimoire · 2 years
Sick of AI generation but still want to see weird RPG mashups?
My Troika Chaos Button draws from 400+ user-submitted backgrounds, slams them together and prints something new.
...with full attribution!
It's not AI. It's not even markhov. It's just more Troika.
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squids-among-stars · 2 years
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Squidolus [Day:1950 Hour:0]
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auranym · 7 months
Silt Spawn is really coming together! :D
I added so much since the last update: a "new game" animation (seen above), save files with autosave, hunger mechanics and animations, and more!
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blake447 · 6 months
Alright! Delaunay triangulation is officially, properly implemented. Notable roadblocks: Some boolean logic was terminating early because I one-lined it improperly A random test case was running on update constantly messing up the triangulation, causing me to question my sanity as I desperately figured out why it was flipping things back and forth Swizzling and figuring out the order the elements had to go into the matrix. At the very least, they have to be ordered counterclock wise, and just for good measure I matched the order to this diagram (again, courtesy of wikipedia)
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And finally, we no longer needed a test for convexity as the Delaunay process handles that case as well! meaning it was actively getting in the way of the algorithm and had to be removed! Super excited to move on from this nightmare
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fyonnkalnonn · 1 year
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(Please disregard my character's extremely pale hands, the pale skin colors in Shadows of Doubt aren't screwing around. I started a whole new game after this to get a less undead skin tone.)
Shadows of Doubt has Dwarf Fortress-style personal histories and cascading systemic consequences for actions. By making the game about solving serial murders with no real authority but no questions asked at the end of the day, exploring that history and those consequences are not only interesting stories but the core of the gameplay.
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It's all procedural - that screenshot with the network of automatically-created connections isn't a spoiler because your detective in your city will never meet any of these people or deal with this crime. That's the tutorial case, too, and it will still be different for every player.
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elixir · 1 year
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Procedural Landscapes
Andreas Nicolas - 2014
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