#Profic safe
kiwisandpearls · 10 months
“This fiction could be used to groom minors!”
I hate to break this to you but literally any type of fiction can be used to groom minors. Even “unproblematic” fiction.
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vampyreribbon · 22 days
antis: protect victims!
also antis: oh you're a proshipper and a victim? okay. i hope it happens to you again lol <3
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golden--goofball · 17 days
calling a child "pro-rape" for being profic is fucking disgusting and stupid btw
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rayday-mayday · 5 days
I seriously don't get why antis believe that SA ( or just sex in general ) and violence are so far removed from each other. Like, of course there's how both rape/SA and violent actions ( murder, battery, etc ) are illegal and harmful, but there's a lot more on top of that that links the two.
Like, there's how SA aka Sexual Assault literally has the word "Assault" in it. You know, which is a crime of it's own that involves physical violence sometimes. Saying rape/SA of any kind and violence aren't the same/linked, inherently takes away the violence of rape/SA.
We could also take a look at the BDSM scene, where stuff like choking, spanking, bruising, biting, etc are quite common kinks that obviously go alongside sex, which, once again, links the two subjects.
There's cannibalism which is inherently violent, but often sexualized in multiple different ways. Be it the classical soft vore fetish art you see online, or the metaphors where cannibalism and sex are woven together to show some deeper meaning.
And there's also how classical horror media and ( fictional ) non-con media can produce similar reactions in people. I know personally that when I read yandere x reader fanfiction ( both with- and without non-con elements ) it gives me this form of rush that has helped me cope with the urge to be abused. And just here a bit ago I was playing Doors ( yes, the Roblox horror videogame ) which gave me a similar rush of adrenaline.
I know part of the appeal of monsterfucking at times also ties into the fear and horror of the creatures, which ties into the violence and destruction these monsters can commit.
There's also how both violence and sex can be practiced safely if everyone involved is consenting, and have the proper safety precautions in place; and how both can also be traumatizing if done without consent and/or without the proper safety precautions.
As you can see just by those examples, sex, violence, fear, and trauma are incredibly closely linked. This isn't to say that sex is bad or that violence is good, but that denying that all those subjects are tied together, or that saying they aren't similar, is just flat out wrong.
Tbh there's probably more examples out there, too, but those listed above are just the ones I can think of at the moment. Feel free to add onto this in the reblogs/tags/comments if you can think of any. I just wanted to ramble about this after I realized how similar the rush I get from horror games is to the rush I get when I read darkfiction.
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marc0-darlingg · 1 month
Commentary youtubers are so sad, theyll see someone who is proship minding their business making art on twitter or tumblr and take a hissy fit.
Its sad really, some make callout posts, some make whole ass videos on people they dont know, and then their fans that have justice boners harass the artists/creators.
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proficgen · 9 months
being an anti must be so stressful like, imagine shipping two characters and then the creator reveals they’re actually related?
Like what do you do??? stop shipping them??? fr?????
What if it turns out that the other character is actually toxic, you gonna just drop all the fanfics and stuff like that?? really?? on god?????
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shout out to people with f/os that are hated by the fandom for being morally reprehensible
the f/o that is a rapist
the f/o that abuses animals
the f/o that is canonically a pedophile
the f/o that is a stalker
the f/o that is a bully
the f/o that is an abuser
the f/o that hurts others no reason other than they enjoy it
the f/o that has no desire to get better
the f/o that is an unsympathetic villain
the f/o that treats everyone around them like garbage because they feel like they're the only person with coherent thought in the general vicinity
the f/o that killed off one of the characters you're supposed to root for and supposed to like
the f/o that you can see part of yourself in, maybe even when most people think that'd be a red flag
... and shout out to you, selfshipper, for loving them despite it all! or because of it all. ^_^
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vallcro · 12 days
“If You’re Attracted To LoliSho You’re Attracted To Kid’s In Real Life” Anti’s When:
AroAce LoliSho’s(Me :D)
Lesbian Shotacons
Gay Lolicons
Straight Dude Shotacons
Straight Girl Lolicons
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joestarkisser · 19 days
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Friendly reminder that profic folk MADE selfship spaces! These spaces were made for us by us! Antis are unfortunately infesting every corner of the internet if you speak English, but even though they're trying to push us out of our spaces, the fact is antis can't selfship like we do!
No matter how hard antis try to force us out of what we made, not only were we here first, but we're the only ones who can make any use of these spaces at all!
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thevillainsfangirl · 4 months
We should stop calling then "Antis." We're all anti-something, we all strongly dislike or hate something, but those people are something else entirely.
Let's stop calling them "Antis" and start calling them what they are: Fandom Puritans. (Maybe "FPs" or "Fanpurs" for short, Idk.)
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kiwisandpearls · 11 months
I think the reason why I get really annoyed at the “this fictional content isn’t ok because it glorifies/romanticizes (x)” is because like…not all fictional content is made for educational purposes. Some fictional content is made purely for self-indulgent purposes or for escapism.
not only that but to a point it kinda gives off the vibes that the person making that argument relies solely on fictional content to guide their morals and tell them what’s right and what’s wrong, which I don’t think is the case for people arguing this point but still, that’s just the vibe I get.
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vampyreribbon · 22 days
were any of you guys ever antis? i used to be "an anti" back in the day, though it was more of a coverup and me protecting myself from harassment kind of thing, if i'm being honest.
when i was labelling myself as an anti i was still very much reading yaoi and fics involving taboo shit. it's really kind of sad that some of us have to PRETEND to be antis in order to not get harassed.
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golden--goofball · 16 days
leaking children's faces online without their consent just for being in a "proshipper discord server" is disgusting and terrible btw. honestly if anyone's the pedo here it's the one doing that shit.
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rayday-mayday · 8 days
Just a little positivity post cuz I need this rn personally: Remember that your sexual fantasies aren't something to be ashamed of.
You having fantasies and writing about/consuming content with those fantasies in it can't harm anyone, so don't let anyone shame you into thinking you're a bad person for having them.
What makes kink exciting for a large majority of people is the taboo aspects. While not everyone may share your kinks, it's normal to be into weird, taboo, illegal, or generally "bad" things.
What's important is making sure no one is harmed when you partake in your kink. That's the only thing. You aren't bad for being into what you're into. Periodt.
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proficgen · 7 months
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I like to think the red crown is a slut (canon).
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imagine slowdancing in the kitchen with your f/o
feeling their fingers intertwine with yours before pulling you in againt them
feeling their body pressed close to yours as you sway gently to the music
your chest swelling with warmth, the moment bringing you closer together
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