#Programming courses for kids
uncanny-tranny · 10 months
Something I think ought to be more readily-available and encouraged is simply... taking parental classes. I wish it were more common for people to realize just how hard - and important - parenting is, and indeed, that we all could use help with taking care of young folk. It's really alarming that popular opinion is still that parental classes are only for the "fuck-up" parents, or the parents who utterly failed. It should be seen as a good thing to take parental classes - especially on your own volition. It should be seen as imperative for one to take them, it should be a free, accurate, and scheduled occurrence so that people of any background are able to attend.
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discordiansamba · 10 months
I guess I should discuss the AU that's been rattling around in my brain in a little more detail, rather than just making shitposts about it. So here's the basic gist of it:
We all know there was one surviving universe at the end of Honerva's rampage in VLD's (pretty bad) finale before everything was restored to normal- but could it really survive everything that happened around it unscathed?
The answer is no. Of course it's no.
In a twist of irony, given Honerva's goals, Lotor is deleted from a universe that would have otherwise been very close to the canon universe as we know it- which is... kind of a problem, actually. As in 'the universe could fall apart if this event doesn't happen' problem. But don't worry. The cosmic forces of the universe has a stopgap measure of its own in place to protect itself.
After all, what could go wrong with the universe using one half-Galra to replace another?
Keith is born to Zarkon and Honerva in Lotor's place. He's always felt out of place in a way that simply only being half-Galra can't quite explain. He has a strong sensitivity to quintessence, and knows from a young age that his father and the witch that stands by his side are corrupted.
He knows he's corrupted too. he can hear things that are not him whispering in his head sometimes, telling him things. he ignores them.
(this is sometimes harder than he would like)
(on very rare occasions he hears a different voice from the rabble- one that calmly tells him not to do things. he listens to this one a little more.)
He grows up loathing his father- it's a mutual feeling. He knows that even before he was born, his mother loathed him as well. He grows up with no strong connection to their either side of his heritage.
(perhaps honerva subconsciously realized the child she was carrying was not her own)
He breaks away from the Empire on his own at an early age- he knows in his bones this is wrong, and wants no part in it. He ends up safeguarding a pocket of space from the Empire, but his motives remain erratic and he stays aloof from the other forces against the Empire, so he's not exactly trusted by them.
After all, he's not exactly not still a part of the Empire himself. Zarkon's not going to let his only heir walk away that easily.
He still ends up meeting Acxa, Narti, Ezor and Zethrid.
He's born with the Altean talent of shapeshifting- though he's better at it than most. He wears three faces- the Galran prince, the Altean wanderer, and then a third face, one of a race he has never seen before, yet feels oddly familiar to him.
(Sometimes it feels more natural than the one he was born with.)
He later learns of a planet called Earth, and its people known as humans, who so resemble his third face- and the blue lion with them. He decides to keep an eye on the planet with the excuse of trying to protect the lion... which is surely the only reason he feels such a strong draw to this otherwise backwater planet.
Which is great, because it turns out replacing Lotor with Keith created another problem the universe has to deal with- there isn't a Keith anymore to pilot the red lion.
He just kind of gets swept up in everything when the blue lion awakens, and before he knows it, he's on the Castle of Lions, and Princess Allura of all people is telling him he's a paladin. They all seem to think he's human.
Somehow, he senses it would be a very, very bad idea to tell them all he's actually Zarkon's son.
Great job Keith. You signed up for the universe's most stressful double life. I'm sure this is going to work out real well.
(I am lying.)
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sabakos · 6 months
Computer Ethics lecturer: we're teaching you about these ethical issues in computer science in the hopes that you being aware of them means that you, as future developers, won't be as unethical as today's developers for companies like facebook and google are. So it's important that you apply the material you learn in this class to your future careers.
The entire class, presumably:
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seilon · 2 months
love when this is referred to as the gifted kid website. shockingly my mental disorders made me mentally disordered and school never really vibed with that so. couldn’t be me
#ppl always talking about their whatever grade reading level and how many books they’d read as kids and im just over here like🧍🏽#I’ve never been actually bad at english or reading but I couldn’t focus on reading books to save my fucking life#I hated those sheets where you had to read like a certain number of books or whatever over the course of a semester or the year or whatever#my GATE test scores for english were super high but my math was bad enough that I never qualified#and adhd made me not even perform well in English half the time because I couldn’t pay attention I couldn’t read long books I couldn’t turn#in my assignments or if I did they were late and etc etc etc#don’t get me started with math#I was the worst in my class in third grade at minute math and never made it to the levels of minute math my classmates did#(they posted results on the wall for everyone to see)#and in 6th grade I was put into an additional remedial math class#throughout middle-high school I was at the level of most classmates in terms of the classes I took but that’s only because I was not allowe#to fail and was put through absolute fucking hell with a billion tutors and grueling hours of extra work from them and blah blah blah#like I remember how I felt in those tutoring sessions and half the time I actually wanted to cry.#I didn’t start doing solidly genuinely Good in school until senior year of high school.#not coincidentally around the same time I started taking adderall I think#I had accommodations by 9th grade but they didn’t do that much except for the function that let me turn in assignments up to 2 days late#without penalty. which i had teachers question sometimes and i had to pull the Yeah it’s Literally Against The Law to not allow me this car#anyway. point is. i was never in the gate program and most of my friends were and it was mostly adhd related#adhd is considered such a quirky nothing disorder nowadays that I don’t even like mentioning I have it really. because what people think of#when I say the term is Not what i actually dealt with and made school torturous and made my parents lash out at me for things and etc etc#depression and dysphoria did not help either. but I digress#I’m not sure why im making this post#kibumblabs
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
Tuvok’s Vulcan Facebook would just be plant growth progress reports, pictures of his kids and then massively reblogged Vulcan quotes like (picture of Surakian Texts) “This book will either keep you from illogic...or illogic will keep you from this book.”
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justdalek · 7 months
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Pegoryukita nation where you at
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teabutmakeitazure · 4 months
20k aven fic is almost complete
i shall post when i am out of the trenches (the big sad)
also, TBT might not end this summer but it's definitely ending this year. it depends on how fast i am able to push out chapters which isnt seeming to be very fast
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myimaginationplain · 5 months
imagine: professor utonium mentoring dexter vs professor membrane mentoring mandark
#dexter & mandark are the only two kids in their district to qualify for some young scholar program & arr bussed off to take classes from#their assigned mentor once or twice a week.#dexter is at odds with himself about it at first. on one hand he's glad that his intelligence is finally being appreciated & nurtured in#some official capacity. let alone by a mind as lauded as the creator of the powerpuff girls. but on the other hand he would prefer to just#move on up to taking college courses entirely rather than have to go through this half measure. & he also gets a little disillusioned with#utonium when he realizes 1) that pretty much everything utonium is famous for was invented by accident including the ppg#& 2) outside of the ppg utonium hasn't achieved much more than dexter himself already has#meanwhile mandark practically kisses the ground that membrane walks on because he's so glad someone in his life recognize's his potential#& membrane sort of sees mandark as the son he wishes dib could be. he's never very open or affectionate about it though because y'know.#it's membrane#he never talks about his kids & sees them so rarely that mandark didn't even realize he had children of his own until like 3½ months into it#whereas utonium cannot shut up about his girls. nor would dexter want him to since they seem to be the most interesting thing about the man#utonium realizes pretty quickly that dexter doesn't need academic guidance so much as he needs social interaction with 1) people who won't#bully or belittle him for being who he is & 2) children his own age. so he starts subtlety encouraging his daughters to meet & befriend him.#I imagine that they come to visit him during his office hours regularly anyways so this happens pretty naturally.#also I think that even though utonium & membrane would definitely respect one another & collaborate well in a professional sense they don't#really mesh personality wise. utonium finds membrane to be far too cold & callous.#membrane thinks that utonium is basically a baby man who doesn't hold himself the way an accomplished man of science should.#ppg#powerpuff girls#the powerpuff girls#dexter's laboratory#dexter's lab#invader zim#headcanon#au#professor utonium#professor membrane#dexter mcpherson#(why is that his fanon last name again? where did that come from)
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geneeste · 9 months
I’ve been ranting about this in the group chat, but the more I think about it, the angrier I get.
So J, our 10yo, took state testing before the break and apparently scored high on one of the reading sections. Now I put almost zero weight on testing like this, but this was a win for J in particular because she’s always struggled mightily with reading. But she did well on the test, and it was a confidence boost for her, but I’m fully aware she managed that because of reading interventions, and not because of “gifted” instruction.
Anyway, we got this email before the winter break:
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So this is…weird. Especially this part:
Your child's performance on the CogAT indicates a need to gather more information in order to support the school team in making instructional decisions. Student scores in the 95th percentile or above initiate the Gifted Identification Referral Process, which includes gathering additional achievement, performance, and behavioral data for a comprehensive body of evidence.
All of the other kids save our youngest have been in gifted programs at some point, and in all of the seven school districts we’ve been in so far, I’ve never been asked to justify their selection for the program. Add to that, a 30-minute questionnaire seemed excessive, but I thought, hey, maybe this is just a standard I haven’t run into yet. (Also, neither linked letter elaborated on this; one was related to testing, and the second was this email in PDF form).
And then we got into the survey, y’all. Y’ALL.
I ran into the image limit for this post, so I can’t post the whole questionnaire, so I tried to pick the most egregious parts:
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So. We start going through this thing and to say I was (am) livid is an understatement. Just. What the fuck.
Asking me to justify my kid’s specialness
Basing giftedness on totally irrelevant and also classist, ableist bullshit things like vocabulary, how quickly they learn something, attention span I COULD GO ON AND ON
Asking my kid to design instruction?? She’s ten fucking years old?
Asking my struggling reader, whom you’ve already identified as both needing reading intervention and having demonstrated huge growth, to give a fucking reading list to justify access to services?
I’m seriously so mad about the last part because talking about that question made J feel ashamed about how she dreads reading so she doesn’t actually read much, so when she does it’s short books and graphic novels, and we lost a lot of ground we’d gained about how she should be proud of her ability and progress. Fuckers.
So. We were not pleased. Here’s what I wrote back, which was almost certainly not as mean as I should have been:
My husband and I started this survey and although we completed it, I found it frustrating and prejudiced and genuinely insulting.
It is not at all clear what relevance many of the questions have to J’s academic ability and frankly with 4 neurodivergent children, 3 of whom (including J) having been in gifted programs previously, some of these questions were worded in ways that implied that a child had to think in a certain way in order to be gifted. For instance, why would a child needing some repetition to learn something mean that they can't be gifted? It's insulting and neuro-normative, to say the least.
I have never been asked to fill out a survey justifying my child's intellectual ability in order for my child to get access to educational services. I mean, what parent would answer otherwise? And what child wouldn't flourish when given engaging content?
I understand that district resources might be limited, but surely there is a less prejudiced and discriminatory way to screen for access to additional educational resources.
Here’s what the coordinator responded with:
Thank you for filling the survey out and for the feedback. The purpose of the survey is to gain valuable insight from parents about their child's strengths, interests and abilities that may not be evident in a school setting. We are looking to build a comprehensive portfolio of information to be used in the Gifted Identification Process to inform our programming and align it with student needs. The responses on the Gifted ID Referral form are not "weighted" or assigned points or used in any way that might preclude a child from Gifted Identification. They are used for informational purposes to gain a deeper understanding of a child.
Which is, frankly, total bullshit. Remember up there where the initial email where it said the survey was for instructional decisions and gathering a body of evidence? And the survey itself says:
Once this form is complete and submitted, your school's Gifted Education Facilitator will be notified. They will then gather additional necessary evidence/data to complete the process.
The coordinator has been so persistent since this reply - 4 emails asking us to talk about J’a participation when we’ve already made it clear that if the qualification process is any indication of how the gifted program is run, J’s much better off staying in class with her peers.
Anyway. Phew. I’ve been stewing about this and just writing it down has been very cathartic.
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thebreakfastgenie · 8 months
I know this is an unpopular opinion on here but my giftedness really does affect my neurotype in so many ways, even as an adult. Call it whatever you want, gifted is the official term on my paperwork, but it's been so relevant in my ADHD journey. Even if the only thing IQ tests measure is how well you perform on an IQ test, that says something about how a brain works. I don't really care how that data is interpreted but it exists and it affects my life. It's not that I think I'm special or better because of it, I really don't, and it doesn't translate to success the same way it does when you're a kid because adult success is much more complicated. It's just there.
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getvalentined · 8 months
Gotta say, it feels pretty good to know how to open up a dead laptop, remove the parts that matter, then put those parts into a desktop in order to get important things onto a different, NOT dead laptop.
It's a bit arduous, but it's nice to be able to do it at all without worrying that I'm going to break something.
I think more people should have the opportunity as kids and teens to spend some time elbows-deep in a PC tower made from salvaged parts. It'd make dealing with tech a lot less stressful.
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vargaslovinghours · 9 months
Y’all are being subjected to my Sims 2 tests, so there
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The other set of Vargases came over for a visit and Scriabin picked up Shmee and started talking to Scriabin through him. Very normal, very usual
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I downloaded some circle-glasses recolours and hghghh they look so good! Closer every day to his final details! Getting ever closer!
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Edgar too! I made him a custom hair with a lighter undercut - I’m mostly happy with it, probably could’ve shifted it a shade closer to his skintone but the texturing was weird no matter what :P And his stripey shirt! I wish Body Shop didn’t have that hands-on-hips pose lol, it looks so much better in-game, but that’s all the better :)
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I got some new clothes for Todd as well! As soon as I saw this ‘fit I was like “Oh that’s 100% Todd there he is.” Scriadad hug ♥ So cute
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Foot-dancing together stopp it’s so cute!!
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The way he looks at them stoppp <3 <3 They kept doing this right up til they left for home haha, Todd’s giggles are the cutest
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Used SimPE to save him to the Body Shop, I now have infinite copies of The Boyyyy ♪
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Moved him in with his “parents” as just shadow people basically, they’re not gonna matter in a bit as long as I remember how to get the Social Worker/Adoption process to work properly. Get her Todd!!
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Wanna play? :D
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Menacing :(
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Look, Todd, your new dads are here! Initially I wasn’t sure who I wanted to adopt him, got lots of options; the first passes, the married couple with their own Todd, Johnny?? He definitely doesn’t have the facilities for a child lol But these are the ones that showed up on their own, so the married Vargases are the winners!
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Scriabin cares more about him than his actual parents ;; A stranger off the street shows him more care! Not that it’s a high watermark
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Look at him being a good dad!
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Weh, he just wants friends ;; Poor baby
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Best timeline, thank you
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While we wait for CPS, let’s get some other interactions in! Nny is mean so he tended to prank the other two with a nose flick - mostly Edgar lol ♪ Now kiss
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“Oh please don’t break all my bones~ :3” I love Todd looking up at them haha <3
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Pffft, I think he was talking about the other Scriabin and just how attractive he is. Classic Scriabin. Alternatively, also funny to imagine him bragging himself up about how he’s just so handsome that Edgar can’t help but love him hahaha ♪
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Allow me to tickle you with my KNIFE! >:D
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Get a load of this guy lol
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He ended up passing out at one point - I forgot which motives make CPS show up >.> - and completely 0%’d his comfort, but for some reason stargazing increased it?? It’s the same ground wh
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Is two not enough to satisfy your butterfly bloodlust child?? He ended up with three, I had him release them before he was picked up by the Social Worker - success!
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He rolled a new Want as soon as Todd was taken away - “Wants to see Ghost of Todd” Woah, dark! :0
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And here he is on the married Vargases’ lot!! Success!! I did it right!! Heck yeah! :D Unfortunately they were uh, indisposed at the time. Good job guys pft
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Goes right for Shmee, he really is Todd <3
#The Sims 2#My queue is too backlogged on main! And I /have/ been working on a lot of Vargas-specific Sims 2 retextures so it's fine lol#These are still tests - as said up top lol - so these events are ''non canon'' to what will eventually be my actual Vargas family#The beats will be similar tho! It's mostly just a lot of tweaking at this point to get everything just where I want before the domino falls#Edgar Nny and Todd are all so close to done - Scriabin still needs a bit more work lol of course he's the problem member ♪#It'll be worth it tho! >:3c Handsome lad <3#Did find out some interesting things with the Social Worker/Adoption process :0 Most importantly that adoption basically wipes everything#Wipes memories and family relations and changes the last name! So I'll have to go in with SimPE to change his name back once I'm there#I love SimPE haha ♪ I mean it's just an extension of how much I love TS2 but I just ughsjkhagf it's a good program!#It's extremely powerful and easy to get lost in if you don't know where to look but it's also incredibly user-friendly if you do know#Like - it's as easy as ''Open this sub-menu. Click this button. Rename this. You're all done'' it's just jdsflf Sims 2 my beloved <3 <3#I decided to cheat down the Casils' relationship with Todd before everything else - thus why his father is menacing him for the prank#I've seen Sims with not high enough friendship to not take a water balloon as a fun invitation but not between a parent and child!#It's subtle but the parent being mad and the kid cowering :( It's sadly appropriate for Todd#I stuck the Casils in a box to wait things out and they ended up glitching frozen in bed - they're effectively dead by Motive but can't move#So they can't die /or/ live - feels fitting#If you'd like to recreate CPS taking your child away without straight up torturing them! - Hunger. You just need hunger lol#Alternately you can also have them miss class if you'd prefer to feed them - both will result in being taken away after long enough#If I return to this save it's gonna be confusing since both Todds are identical and have the same names lol#I do have a bunch of new clothes! Second shopping trip :D#There's something oddly fitting for the Vargases to adopt twin/clones lol - fun shenaniganary until the Final Version comes to pass#Although now that I think of it I Could also give them a toddler!Todd hmmmmmm#It's an idea :)
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makers-muse · 1 month
Group Coding vs. Solo Coding: Which is Better for Your Kid? 
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Imagine your child is embarking on a thrilling adventure. The destination? The exciting world of coding! But which path should they take – the solitary trail of solo coding challenges or the vibrant, bustling highway of group coding projects? Let’s dive in and explore the benefits of each. 
Solo Coding: The Lone Adventurer 
Solo coding is like sending your child on a personal quest. It’s a fantastic way to foster independence, problem-solving skills, and perseverance. When faced with coding challenges alone, your child learns to rely on their own ingenuity to find solutions. It’s like training a young explorer to navigate uncharted territories. 
Think of it as building a sandcastle. Your child is the sole architect, free to design and construct their creation as they wish. This freedom encourages creativity and a sense of ownership over their work. However, building a sandcastle alone can be challenging. There’s no one to share ideas with, and setbacks can be discouraging. 
Group Coding: The Collaborative Crew 
On the other hand, group coding is like sending your child on an expedition with a team of explorers. It’s a dynamic environment where children learn to collaborate, communicate, and share responsibilities. They discover that different minds bring different strengths to the table, and by working together, they can achieve more than they could alone. 
Imagine a group of kids building a sandcastle together. They brainstorm ideas, divide tasks, and support each other. They learn to compromise, listen to others, and build consensus. This collaborative experience is invaluable for developing social and emotional skills. 
The Perfect Blend 
While both solo and group coding offer unique advantages, the truth is, the best approach often lies in a combination of the two. Think of it as a child learning to walk. They start by taking tentative steps alone, building confidence and balance. Then, they join hands with others, learning to coordinate their movements and work together. 
The MakersMuse Advantage 
At MakersMuse, we believe in nurturing the whole child. Our coding program strikes a balance between solo and group projects, ensuring that children develop a well-rounded skill set. We create a supportive and inspiring learning environment where kids can explore their creativity, problem-solve, and collaborate. 
Ready to embark on this coding adventure with your child? 
Visit our website  to learn more about our coding programs. Or,   to schedule a free consultation. 
Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Let’s help your child take that first step into the exciting world of coding! 
By offering both solo and group coding experiences, MakersMuse empowers kids to become confident, creative, and collaborative problem-solvers. 
Do you have questions regarding our STEM program?
Contact us anytime.
Take your first step into the magical world of coding for kids
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spotaus · 2 months
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Finally making a timeliness design-guide for Geno from ec-4o.verse! (Just a wip tho)
#spot!drawn#ec 4o!geno#he goes through a progression in this au unlike a lot of the others#because at one time he was more of a 'Sans' style guy until his setting and circumstances changed him for the worse#far left is pre-war when he's just a programming upstart. i mean he's a boss monster so he's been *programming* for years and years#but he's doing his own project as a volunteer on the side and that's where his real prowess comes from. he programs ecto (robot) AIs!#in this part of the design he's very casual and relaxed and it also features A.Z.! AZ is his first breakthrough because he's an#ultra-realistic ai with no magic infused who was supposed to be used to study mental illnesses in children w/o putting real kids in harsh#environments. but he kept A.Z. as he was the 'prototype' and now Geno monitors him and makes sure his programs function right while also#lowkey highkey raising AZ because he got attached#of course then there's mid-war which is technically also a bit before the war but technicalities don't count.#Geno is a talented programmer. the government (for Nefarious Plans) blackmail him into working at one of their facilities on new updates#for Ectos nation-wide. he doesn't exactly have a choice but he's far too deep in by the time he really understands what the new#protocols are for. then there's Post-war where he's sustained a lot of injuries and takes on his final 'Geno' appearance#at this point he's just trying to survive in the apocalypic wastes and finish what he started (cleaning the aftermath of the war)#but yeagg#the silly#(the government took his robot son but it's okay. he gets two mentally unstable boyfriends and reunites with AZ eventually)
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Someday. When I have the big big robotics engineer salary. I am going to give Joe Hills so much money. That’s my financial goal for the next ten years.
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hob28 · 3 months
Advanced C Programming: Mastering the Language
Advanced C programming is essential for developers looking to deepen their understanding of the language and tackle complex programming challenges. While the basics of C provide a solid foundation, mastering advanced concepts can significantly enhance your ability to write efficient, high-performance code.
1. Overview of Advanced C Programming
Advanced C programming builds on the fundamentals, introducing concepts that enhance efficiency, performance, and code organization. This stage of learning empowers programmers to write more sophisticated applications and prepares them for roles that demand a high level of proficiency in C.
2. Pointers and Memory Management
Mastering pointers and dynamic memory management is crucial for advanced C programming, as they allow for efficient use of resources. Pointers enable direct access to memory locations, which is essential for tasks such as dynamic array allocation and manipulating data structures. Understanding how to allocate, reallocate, and free memory using functions like malloc, calloc, realloc, and free can help avoid memory leaks and ensure optimal resource management.
3. Data Structures in C
Understanding advanced data structures, such as linked lists, trees, and hash tables, is key to optimizing algorithms and managing data effectively. These structures allow developers to store and manipulate data in ways that improve performance and scalability. For example, linked lists provide flexibility in data storage, while binary trees enable efficient searching and sorting operations.
4. File Handling Techniques
Advanced file handling techniques enable developers to manipulate data efficiently, allowing for the creation of robust applications that interact with the file system. Mastering functions like fopen, fread, fwrite, and fclose helps you read from and write to files, handle binary data, and manage different file modes. Understanding error handling during file operations is also critical for building resilient applications.
5. Multithreading and Concurrency
Implementing multithreading and managing concurrency are essential skills for developing high-performance applications in C. Utilizing libraries such as POSIX threads (pthreads) allows you to create and manage multiple threads within a single process. This capability can significantly enhance the performance of I/O-bound or CPU-bound applications by enabling parallel processing.
6. Advanced C Standard Library Functions
Leveraging advanced functions from the C Standard Library can simplify complex tasks and improve code efficiency. Functions for string manipulation, mathematical computations, and memory management are just a few examples. Familiarizing yourself with these functions not only saves time but also helps you write cleaner, more efficient code.
7. Debugging and Optimization Techniques
Effective debugging and optimization techniques are critical for refining code and enhancing performance in advanced C programming. Tools like GDB (GNU Debugger) help track down bugs and analyze program behavior. Additionally, understanding compiler optimizations and using profiling tools can identify bottlenecks in your code, leading to improved performance.
8. Best Practices in Advanced C Programming
Following best practices in coding and project organization helps maintain readability and manageability of complex C programs. This includes using consistent naming conventions, modularizing code through functions and header files, and documenting your code thoroughly. Such practices not only make your code easier to understand but also facilitate collaboration with other developers.
9. Conclusion
By exploring advanced C programming concepts, developers can elevate their skills and create more efficient, powerful, and scalable applications. Mastering these topics not only enhances your technical capabilities but also opens doors to advanced roles in software development, systems programming, and beyond. Embrace the challenge of advanced C programming, and take your coding skills to new heights!
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