#Puzzle car park
mekark · 9 months
Puzzle Car Parking System | Mekark MLCP
Mekark is ideal choice for your Car Parking Solutions Introduction: In the ever-expanding urban landscapes of India, parking has become an increasingly challenging task. As cities grow, so does the need for innovative parking solutions that make the most efficient use of limited space. Puzzle car parking systems have emerged as a game-changing solution, and Mekark MLCP is at the forefront of this revolution. In this article, we will delve into the world of puzzle car parking systems, exploring how Mekark MLCP, a leading puzzle car parking manufacturer in Chennai, India, is providing cutting-edge puzzle car parking solutions to address the parking woes of the nation. Maximizing Space and Efficiency with Puzzle Car Parking A puzzle car parking system is an automated, space-efficient, and environmentally friendly parking solution designed to maximize the use of available space while minimizing the land area required. Unlike traditional parking structures, these systems are fully automated and require significantly less space, making them ideal for crowded urban areas.
The Advantages of Puzzle Car Parking Solutions Space Efficiency: Puzzle Car Parking Systems can park multiple cars in a compact space, maximising land use and reducing the need for extensive parking lots. Time Efficiency: These automated systems reduce the time required for parking and retrieval, ensuring a smooth experience for users. Environmental Benefits: Puzzle Car parking systems require less construction material and reduce the carbon footprint associated with traditional parking structures. Cost Savings: With reduced land requirements and maintenance costs, Puzzle Car Parking Systems offer a cost-effective parking solution. Mekark MLCP: The Puzzle Car Parking Manufacturer Leading the Way Mekark MLCP, based in Chennai, India, has carved a niche for itself as a leading Puzzle Car Parking manufacturer in the country. With a commitment to innovation and quality, Mekark MLCP has been providing Puzzle Car Parking Solutions that have set new standards in the industry. Their systems are known for their precision engineering, reliability, and ease of use. Conclusion: As urbanization continues to transform the landscape of Indian cities, puzzle car parking solutions have become essential for addressing parking challenges. Mekark MLCP, the distinguished puzzle car parking manufacturer in Chennai, India, is leading the way with its cutting-edge puzzle car parking systems. By choosing Mekark MLCP's solutions, cities like Chennai are not only optimizing their parking infrastructure but also contributing to a greener and more efficient urban environment. Puzzle Car Parking System India is on the rise, and Mekark MLCP is driving the change towards a brighter, parking-friendly future.
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carparkingsystems · 15 days
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Experience unmatched ease with Kolkata's cutting-edge puzzle parking system from Sotefin Parking. Our cutting-edge technology, which is built to maximize space and improve efficiency, guarantees a flawless parking experience in congested urban areas. With Sotefin, wave goodbye to your parking troubles and welcome the hassle-free parking of the future. ideal for both commercial and residential settings. Today, do more exploring!
Visit Us >> https://www.sotefinparking.com/product/puzzle-parking/
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Hope you're having a great day. I am in beautiful, upscale Beverly Hills today, where we are installing some stackers at an upscale retail store and just wanted to say hello and introduce you to a few of my colleagues.
Hey, guys, my name is Mason. I'm with Tapco. We're out here at Beverly Hills installing some double stackers. It takes us about a week and a half to put these systems up. We got 13 of them going in.
All hydraulics in the back there. We got the mechanical all done so far. We're working on running the hydraulic lines up overhead. We got Four stackers over there, four stackers over there, two here, two here. And we're going to be putting in one over there.
Yeah. Hi, my name is Tyler. I'm with Tapco out of Washington. We're here in Beverly Hills installing a stacker system, and I've been in the industry for about a year in this industry and the construction industry, maybe about 20-30 years. Excited to be here and on this team.
Free Consultation With Our Design Engineers at (661) 430-3244
#BeverlyHills #carstackers #innovativeparkingsolutions
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klausmultiparking · 27 days
Stack Car Parking – An Advanced Vertical Parking Solution
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Finding car parking in any major city in India is nothing short of a headache. You spend a lot of time and fuel driving around to find that ideal spot to fit your car. And even if you find one, the problem isn’t solved. Parking your car on street parking means you are leaving it exposed to the elements, and reckless drivers can certainly get a scratch or have the bumpers dented.
India is one of the fastest-growing car markets in the world, and this problem will only exacerbate as our cities grapple with high traffic density. Luckily, we have a solution to this mess in the form of automated multi-parking systems.
What is an automated multi-parking system?
These advanced parking systems work on the principle of increasing available parking space. Multi-parking systems use cutting-edge technology to position cars safely in tight spaces. Aside from being space-efficient, automated multi-parking systems provide a host of advantages like hassle-free parking and total security for your car. Thus, such parking systems are a compelling solution to the congestion problem of our cities. What’s also good to know is that there are several options available to suit your needs. From Semi-automatic Parking Systems or Puzzle Parking systems that offer maximum flexibility and comfort to highly sophisticated Fully Automated Parking Systems that offer comprehensive, and highly customised premium parking solutions, there’s a system for everyone. Stack Parking Systems are also a great solution that doubles or even triples the space above or below ground.
Stack Parking Systems are ideal for tight spaces.
Stack Parking Systems are the ultimate solution if you are looking to increase parking space in a tight area. Even within Stack Parking Systems, Klaus offers multiple options to best fit your requirements.
Take, for instance, our SpaceVario CP-61 which helps double up the space. It does so at the ground level and on a platform above it. This system makes for a trouble-free parking experience allowing users quick retrieval and parking of their cars. This system is ideal for a variety of projects including residential buildings, shopping malls, and cinema halls.
You don’t want your cars taking up all the ground space? Fret not! The SpaceVario CP-U20 is a two-level stack parking system that is specifically designed for underground spaces. Here, the parking system is sunk underground by two levels, allowing for two cars to be buried underground, and thus make them invisible. It also comes with a top floor which is flush to the ground and can easily be driven on. This system is ideal for a courtyard setting of residential or commercial buildings. These are just two of the many Stack Parking Systems available from Klaus Multiparking.
Klaus Multiparking provides exceptional after-sales service.
Buyers are usually apprehensive about automated multi-parking systems, and that is understandable given the systems’ complex nature. However, at Klaus Multiparking, we not only design high-quality parking spaces but also offer reliable service, assuring our customers complete peace of mind. In addition to comprehensive maintenance, our Workshop On Wheels (WOW) van ensures a prompt response all around the year should, in a rare case, your system fail to function. It is worth noting that our systems have a 99.5% uptime, but we believe in going the extra mile for our customers.
Ease of use, excellent space management, and a painless ownership experience is what sets Klaus Multiparking’s Stack Parking System apart. Explore our range of Stack Parking Systems today!
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wohrparking · 4 months
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tar-parking10 · 4 months
Why Puzzle Car Parking Systems Are the Future of Smart Parking Solutions?
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In today's bustling urban landscapes, finding parking spaces is an ongoing challenge. As cities grow and populations increase, traditional parking methods are becoming increasingly outdated. However, with the advent of the Puzzle Car Parking System, a solution to this issue has emerged. These innovative systems, offered by companies like Tar Parking, are revolutionizing the way we think about parking. Let's explore why puzzle car parking systems are the future of smart parking solutions.
Efficient Space Utilization
Puzzle car parking system are designed to maximize the use of available space. By utilizing vertical space and compact layouts, these systems can accommodate a greater number of vehicles compared to traditional parking structures. With Tar Parking's advanced technology, even tight or irregularly shaped spaces can be transformed into efficient parking solutions. This efficient use of space not only benefits drivers but also helps alleviate congestion in urban areas.
Optimized Parking Workflow
One of the key advantages of the puzzle car parking system is its streamlined parking process. Drivers simply pull into a designated area, and the automated system takes care of the rest. Vehicles are lifted and maneuvered into their designated spots with precision, eliminating the need for complex maneuvering or searching for available spaces. Tar Parking's intuitive systems ensure a smooth parking experience for users, saving time and reducing frustration.
Enhanced Security
Security is a top priority for parking facilities, and the Puzzle car parking system offers enhanced safety features. With restricted access and secure storage for vehicles, these systems provide peace of mind for both drivers and parking operators. Tar Parking integrates state-of-the-art security measures into its systems, including surveillance cameras, access controls, and secure locking mechanisms, ensuring the safety of parked vehicles at all times.
Environmental Benefits
In addition to their practical advantages, puzzle car parking system also offer environmental benefits. By reducing the need for sprawling parking lots and minimizing the space required for each vehicle, these systems help conserve land and reduce urban sprawl. Furthermore, the automated nature of the puzzle car parking system reduces emissions and energy consumption compared to traditional parking structures. Tar Parking is committed to sustainability, offering eco-friendly parking solutions that contribute to a greener future.
Future-Proof Solutions
As cities continue to grow and space becomes increasingly scarce, puzzle car parking system offer a future-proof solution to parking challenges. Their flexibility, efficiency, and adaptability make them ideal for urban environments where space is at a premium. With ongoing advancements in technology and design, companies like Tar Parking are constantly innovating to meet the evolving needs of urban mobility.
In, the puzzle car parking system represents the future of smart parking solutions. With their efficient use of space, streamlined workflow, enhanced security, and environmental benefits, these systems offer a compelling alternative to traditional parking methods. As urban populations continue to rise, the demand for innovative parking solutions will only increase. By embracing the puzzle car parking system, cities can create more sustainable, efficient, and user-friendly parking infrastructure for the future.
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Damian is de-aged to a baby and lost in Gotham. A magic user hit him with some kind of spell. His legs don’t work as well and he has trouble walking. That’s when a man appears and squats down with a tilt of his head.
“Yea, you are definitely not supposed to be out here, little guy.”
Damian glares at the man, early twenties, stubble along his jaw, ragged clothes, and dark bags under his eyes.
The man turns his head to look at the brick wall.
“Are you sure?”
And now he was talking to a wall. Curses. Of course he would be found by a crazy person.
The man suddenly hangs his head with a deep sigh. He regains himself quickly and stands. Moving closer to put his hands under Damian arms to lift him to perch on his hip.
Damian squirms to get down but refuses to make a sound. The last time he opened his mouth like this it was a pathetic baby sound. He couldn’t let this man see him like this.
“Looks like you’re coming home with me, little guy. I can tell you’ve got some spirit in you. Good, you’ll need it.”
Not ominous at all.
Damian stays with the man, mostly because he couldn’t physically drive a car, but also because he was almost always with him. The man would talk to air at the most random times. Obviously a schizophrenic. But Damian had to admit this man, Danny he comes to find out through a neighbor baby talking at him, has been genuinely trying to take care of him and take care of him well. Well, to the best of his abilities anyway. 
He feeds him organic purées that don’t taste half bad, except the carrots, that one was unacceptable. Danny cleans him regularly despite his crappy apartment and makes sure he is dressed appropriately for the weather. He makes an effort to take him out to the park to play in the sandbox or just walk around discovering ‘new’ things.
Damian doesn’t need a parent, he outgrew the concept when he was five and technically he already had one, but he could tell Danny would make an excellent father. Some mistakes can be overlooked compared to the effort he was putting in.
The only concerning thing was the talking to thin air. It took Damian an embarrassing amount of time to figure out the reason Danny was visiting all these random people and the graveyard. (Sometimes he will set Damian down to ‘play’ in the grass at the cemetery. It was quite odd.)
He was talking to ghosts. It wasn’t thin air or imaginary friends, no it was actually dead people. The reason Damian actually believes this is for two reasons.
One, Danny shows true results. Damian observes closely whenever they visit a ‘client’ and Danny always has accurate information despite never looking up or researching anything going in.
Two, he never calls himself a medium or psychic. He doesn’t boast about his ability to see ghosts. He does what he does to help the ghosts move on to the other side. Closure is what Danny always says. Closure for the family and the victim. In Gotham, there are a lot of victims.
Damian adjusts to his new life with Danny. It’s been five months and he’s getting used to being small and vulnerable. He’s allowed to be messy and whiny and childish. Danny never scolds him like Mother did. The man has never hit him or raised his voice at him and never expects anything from him. He encourages his progression to speak and walk, but doesn’t expect the best out of him.
It’s… nice. A good break if anything.
They are at the park when one of the bats spot him and pauses. Danny is blowing bubbles into the air and Damian tries to pop as many as he can. It’s a silly game with no clear rules, but Damian finds it entertaining nonetheless.
“Hi there! Is he yours?”
Dick Grayson wears a bright smile, but Damian can see the tightness around his eyes.
“Huh? Oh, yea, this is Damian,” Danny answers.
He had written it with the wooden blocks Danny had given him one week in. Danny took one look at the name on the ground, laughed loudly and ran with it.
“Do you mind if I say hi? He’s so cute.”
Danny looks puzzled by the request but ends up shrugging his shoulders, not seeing a problem with letting a stranger get close to Damian. (Damian knew Danny’s intense eyes were watching Dick’s every move. He was very protective like that.)
Dick squats down to search Damian’s green eyes. Damian stares back just as intensely.
“Hey there, Damian. My name is Dick.”
Damian gives him a flat look at Dick’s terrible introduction.
Although with his little baby teeth not fully in it sounds more like ‘way-shah’.
Relief flashes across Dick’s face and he gives Damian a reassuring smile. It’s not as reassuring at he thinks it is. It promises to bring him home and restore him to his original age. Damian doesn’t know if that’s what he wants anymore.
Dick stands and gives Danny some imaginary excuse to leave quickly. Damian watches him go and so does Danny.
“Funny guy, huh Dami?”
Damian doesn’t respond and Danny notices his change in mood.
“Come here, little guy.”
He knows what Danny is going to do and willingly goes. He is pulled up into the man’s lap and held between two surprisingly muscular arms. Danny’s hugs are nice and warm. They aren’t too tight like Dick’s nor are they stiff like Bruce’s. He never thought he could enjoy human contact, but Danny has been showing him things about himself he didn’t ever know. Turns out he does like hugs and playing airplane and when Danny runs his fingers through his hair when he’s really sleepy.
“Let’s go home a little early today, huh? I’ll make spaghetti and you can be as messy as you want,” Danny promises.
Damian hums. Yes, that sounds nice.
That night Batman comes in through the window. Damian is waiting.
“Damian,” Batman whispers.
The flat, unamused stare is what gives him away.
Batman lets out a breath silently and reaches into the crib Danny had gotten him.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
Batman jerks into action, twisting to face Danny who had appeared suddenly. The door behind him is still closed.
Batman stays quiet, silently studying the man before him dressed in pajama pants and a worn t-shirt.
Danny tilts his head as he does the same. Damian has never seen the man so serious. He silently worries for the man. He didn’t want him getting hurt to unnecessarily protecting him from his father.
“I’d have to break your arm if you tried to do what it looks like you’re doing.”
Danny says it so plainly. So simple.
Batman straightens.
“He isn’t yours.”
He doesn’t say Damian is his. He doesn’t claim him as his own. Just that Danny shouldn’t have him.
Damian silently agrees because technically he’s right. He doesn’t deserve Danny. He can’t keep playing house like he’s an actual baby. But Damian is also selfish and over the last few months has been taught that it’s okay to ask for things he wants even if it’s not inherently beneficial. The stuffed dog he sleeps with every night is proof of that.
So Damian says nothing.
“He is now,” Danny answers simply like there was no other answer to such a statement.
“He needs to go back to where he belongs.”
“Over my dead body,” is the immediate response.
They stare each other down until Danny scoffs.
“Don’t think I’m not petty enough to fight you, Batman. I’ll fight anyone who wants to take him from me. Damian is mine.”
When Batman tries to forcibly take him, he ends up with a concussion, a blood nose, and two broken arms. Red Robin finds him in a dumpster the next morning.
The story continues with Damian learning how to be a child his age, Danny protecting him and doting on his brilliant son, and the Batfam’s frequent failed attempts to kidnap Damian back to them.
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omgeto · 9 months
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☆ SNEAKY LINK — dad's best friend!TOJI FUSHIGURO
summary: your dad didn't even need to tell you that his best friend was off limits, but you just couldn't help yourself. and on another visit home from university, he's the first person you get your hands on.
wc: 4.2k. (major slay from me)
cw: afab!reader, semi public sex, you fuck in a car, outside, he fingers you at the table, and eats you out in your childhood room <33 slight breeding kink, + your dad is clueless poor man so MDNI
an: was s'posed to write this yesterday but it didn't show up in the tags, so hopefully you guys can see this now and give it some love. never really done long smut before so give it a chance people!! fanks @kazushawty for beta'ing some, this is for you
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there was always something about your dad’s best friend, toji fushiguro, that you just couldn’t ignore. your dad had loads of friends throughout the years, and you never batted an eyelid. so when your dad brought toji to dinner for the first time, you couldn’t just disregard the way he looked, more importantly how he looked at you—making you end up sucking his dick in the bathroom of your family home, before dessert was even served.
you were away at university, making your little ‘relationship’ with toji a fleeting one, but best believe whenever you touched your home city, toji always found a way to touch you. “so you manage to find y’self a boyfriend, up at that fancy uni of yours?” toji asks, a sly grin playing on his lips, as he starts the car, pulling out of the train station parking lot.
“no, none of them are to my taste,” you respond shortly, trying to keep your composure, and maintain your focus on anything but him. you knew why he was asking, just so he could feel his pride swell when you say no. since he was always quick to remind you whenever you fucked that after being with him you woulnd’t want a dumb little college boy—and he was right.
“aww that's too bad,” he mocks, his hand easing its way onto your thigh as if it’s nothing, “a pretty thing like you, should be basking in boys.” you roll your eyes at his teasing, but you can’t ignore the slight quickening of your heart as his hand gives your thigh a light squeeze.
you both pretend as if you aren’t fucking eachother anytime your dad was around, it was easier to keep up the facade that way. neither of you wanted to hurt your dad, toji actually enjoyed his friendship and would never want to hurt his ‘oh so precious daughter.’’ but when he pictures how your tits bounce and how your ass shakes whenever he drives his dick into you, he was okay with losing a friendship if that meant he could continue to fuck you.
the rest of the ride was a comfortable silence, there was no more small talk, just the faded hum of the radio and your thoughts racing as toji’s hand remains on you. you were finally parked in the driveway of your home, “thanks for the ride home fushiguro,” you mumble, ready to leave his car. 
“fushiguro? were you not calling me toji last time you saw me?” he questions puzzled, his hand laying on your arm — stopping you from exiting the car, as his mouth comes up to your ear, “ whilst i was stuffing you full with my dick?”
“can we not do this here?” you grit out, trying not to react to the feeling of his touch, you look around the driveway and see your dads car parked right in front of toji’s. “my dad’s home.”
“so?” he shrugs, tugging against your clothes, “c’mon you know you wanna give me a little something before i leave.” you roll your eyes, reminding yourself that you shouldn’t be fucking your dad’s oldest friend — especially not when he’s only ten metres away. but the look that toji gives you, the lustful glint in his eyes, and the way his thick fingers toy with the hem of your jeans, you just couldn’t say no.
“make it quick,” you whisper, looking around your surroundings before pouncing on toji. the windows of his car weren’t tinted, but your neighbourhood is a quiet one, so as long he fucked you swiftly, you shouldn’t get caught.
“i don’t know why you’ve got this pouty look on your face,” he smirks, watching as you eagerly get yourself out of jeans, not fully, but just enough so that you could slide right onto his dick. “you want this just as bad as i do, don’t you?”
you didn’t bother responding, letting the way your pussy clenches around his throbbing member, be the answer to his question. there's a shared moan between you, with toji throwing his head back onto the headrest as he watches you ride him. his hands grip onto your ass, aiding you in bouncing up and down on his dick.
“c’mere,” he murmurs, his hand moving up off of your ass to lightly grip your chin as he directs your mouth to his. he kisses you sensually, the slow pace matching the rhythm of your ass grinding against him. your arms snake their way around his neck, your hands stroking the hair that falls just above his nape. 
“f-fuck,” you moan against his mouth, your boobs press against his chest as he thrust into you deeper. he takes your bottom lip between his teeth, suppressing your increasing screams, as his hips dig into your ass further. 
“y’better quiet down princess,” he mocks, pressing a quick peck to your lips, his smirk growing wider as he watches you chase his mouth, whimpering to have more of him. “you don’t want your daddy to hear us and come outside d’ya?”
“‘don’t care,” you whine, rutting your hips down against him, wanting him to stuff you full, to fuck you hard, not caring about who hears or sees you.
“oh you don’t care do you?” he continues to taunt, his fingers roaming across your chest — toying with the buttons of your shirt. and as you nod to his question, your pussy clenching down around his dick achingly, he grins, “get out of the car.”
“what?” you pause, trying to register if you’ve heard him correctly.
“you heard me,” he shrugs, his hands going to your hips to take you off your dick, “get out of the car, and lean right up against the hood for me.”
“you’re joking right?” you scoff, staring at him in shock, but his gaze is locked with yours without faltering, oh he was serious alright. “but what about my da—”
“what about him? you didn’t care about him seeing us a second again when you were slutting yourself out on my dick did you,” he continues to taunt, his thumb rubbing against your aching clit, toying with the folds of your soaking pussy — persuading you. “now i'm not gonna tell you again, get rid of the jeans fully and lean against the hood of my car.” 
he didn’t have to say anything else after that, the way he was playing with your pussy reminded you of what need. so you quickly get rid of your jeans, and get out of his car, a giggle escaping your lips as toji’s hand collides with your ass. 
you lean against the hood of his car, your arms stretching against it in excitement as toji comes behind you, palming your ass before stroking the slit of your pussy with his dick. he doesn’t even give you time to breathe before shoving himself back inside of you. his hand coming to the back of your neck to push you down, as he charges his dick back inside of you. 
“you like that?” he grins, as he drives into you deeper, the squelching of your dripping pussy around his dick, music to his ears. you nod, eagerly, too dick drunk to formulate a sentence —content in just rocking your ass back against his hips ready for him to cum inside of you.
“t-toji ‘m so close,” you whine, begging for that final push so you could reach your peak, “please j-just let me cum, i-i need to cum.”
“i’ll let you cu—”
“toji buddy! is that you?” you both pause, frozen in place as you hear your dads voice from the inside. you scramble apart from one another, toji pushing you off his dick and zipping up his pants, trying to regain his composure as he catches his breath. you dive back into your seats, aggressively shimmying into your jeans, panicked. ‘fuck toji for making me take these all the way off,’ you think to yourself, as you awkwardly pull your jeans up. you check the rear view mirror, to try and not look freshly fucked as your father nears the car.
“dad!” you exclaim, giving your father a hug and sending a quit look to toji that reads ‘shut the fuck up.’ your dad returns your hug with a tight squeeze.
“hey sweetheart, was toji here giving you a ride from the station?” he asks, a joyful smile on his face
“yeah i was giving her a ride alright,” toji mutters, his innuendo going straight over your fathers head as he looks back and forth between you, clueless. “she was showing me all the new things she’s learnt at uni, and boy has your daughter learnt a lot.” he flashes you a wink, that your dad misses, and you quickly glare at him in response.
“oh she’s a smart one isn’t she?” you dad boasts, practically parading you off and toji nods in response thinking to himself, ‘if only you could see how dumb she gets filled with my cum.’ 
you swiftly exit the space between your father and his friend, hoping that toji just leaves, although you didn’t get to finish, nearly being caught by your dad, panicked you. you give toji a brisk nod as a goodbye, as you grab your bags out of the car but you pause as you hear your dad ask him, “so, are you staying for dinner?” it was going to be a long night.
you spent the rest of the evening avoiding both your dad and toji, you couldn’t trust yourself to be around both of them without letting something slip. toji had just as much to lose, if your dad did find out about your activities, but that didn’t stop him from giving sly comments and looks just to see your scared, flushed face whenever you thought he was going to say something about it. 
when dinner starts you knew you were going to fold, fast. toji was sitting next to you, but his gaze was fixed on you with a teasing glint in his eyes. his mouth drops to your ear as he whispers, “doesn’t this remind you of when we first met? you teasing me all night before dropping on your knees for me in the bathroom upstairs.”
“what are you two gossiping about over there?” your dad asks as he enters the room with your food, and you immediately tense up hearing his voice, shifting away from toji to not give yourself away.
“oh i was just reminding her about when we first met at dinner all those years ago,” toji responded quickly, his composure kept cool as if he wasn’t just talking about you sucking his dick minutes ago. “a lot has changed since then.”
“yeah, my baby has really grown up and matured since then, haven't you?” your dad coos at you and you give toji a subtle elbow to his stomach under the table. but toji just can’t let up, enjoying your jumpy vibe a bit too much.
he nods in agreement with your dad, “yeah she’s really become a woman, right under our eyes.” he taunts, and only you knew that he was referring to how he felt that your body was built just for him. toji loved every inch of you, your face, tits and ass was a complete package that he just couldn’t get enough of. 
unbeknownst to your dad, toji’s hand slips underneath the table and right into your pants. your eyes cut towards his, and he the subtle raise of his eyebrow tells you he’s not gonna stop —and you weren’t planning on trying to stop him. 
you open your legs wider, to grant him further access, smiling along at your dad as he cluelessly babbles on to the both of you. toji was both attentive to the conversation and to your pussy. to anyone else it wouldn’t look like his fingers were curling up inside of you, your cunt coating his fingers as he slowly drives them into you.
as dinner continues, your hands remain clenched on your cutlery as you try and distract yourself from the growing feeling you were getting as toji rubs your pussy. he was casual about it too, laughing and joking with your dad as if his fingers weren’t getting drenched.
you were trying so hard to not ride his fingers in your seat, to not let your father see you getting slutted out by his best friend right in front of him. the thickness of his fingers were stretching your pussy wider, and his pace was achingly slow, to sensual for the burning desire you’ve been craving for him all day. but there is nothing you can do, and toji knew tha. the slight smirk on his face and spark in his eye was telling to the fact that he was aware of how badly you need him, and was amused by the needy little look on your face that you poorly try to mask.
“so how’s that boyfriend of yours?” your dad asks you, his question snapping you out of your dazed state. you choke slightly on your drink since you didn’t actually have a boyfriend but you couldn’t exactly tell him about the special guy you are seeing.
“h-he’s…great,” you respond, your voice faltering as you could feel toji’s eyes burning a hole in your head. his fingers pinch against your clit, punishingly and your eyes bounce between your father and him.
“we should have him over for dinner soon,” your dad suggests excitedly, “so we can all meet him.”
“yeah sure dad,” you lie, hoping that is enough to appease your father. but it definitely didn’t appease toji, he swiftly removes his fingers out of your pants, and he sends your a glare when your father wasn’t looking before going back to eating his food—with both hands.
dinner was a silent affair after that exchange, there were no more subtle sly comments from toji and your dad had worn out all the possible stories he could share about you. so you finish your meal in silence, your pussy still throbbing hard.
“that was a great meal as always,” toji compliments your dad, getting up out of his seat, “do you mind if i use the bathroom real quick before i head home?”
“yeah my home’s your home, do as you please,” your dad grins at him, “i’m gonna go and do these dishes, it was good seeing you,” your dad presses a kiss to your head and gives toji a handshake before heading to the kitchen.
with your dad now out of sight you could now see toji’s face and he was tense, to say the least. he was standing in the threshold of the door and all it took was the raising of his eyebrows and a shake of his head for you to know that he wanted your ass upstairs with him quick.
he led you to your childhood bedroom and he was already toying with the posters of random anime that you had plastered all over your walls, “cute.”
“toji i thought we agreed to not do this in the house anymore?” is the first thing you ask. after you first met and made a mess of your household bathroom, you both agreed that it would be easier if you just didn’t fuck in your house anymore to save the chance of your dad catching on. but it seems after today, toji couldn’t care less.
“a boyfriend huh,” he spits out with a bitter chuckle, turning to look at you, “what happened to ‘none of those boys are to my taste.’” 
“they aren’t,” you persist, folding your arms childishly as you try and get your point across. he doesn’t even respond, just raising his eyebrow at you in disbelief, thinking about your conversation with your father. “do you really think i could tell my dad about the real guy i’ve been fucking all this time? ”
he shrugs in response, his anger settling a bit in knowing now that you didn't actually have a boyfriend. “i didn’t peg you as a jealous type, in case you forgot, you’re the family friend not my boyfriend. so if i was to actually let one of these college guys date me, that’ll be okay.”
“oh it would be okay would it?” he mocks, stepping closer to you, “so i’m just this family friend, not the guy you slut yourself out for whenever you see me?” you couldn’t deny that, so you remain quiet, your heart pulsing as toji nears you. 
he grabs your hand and shoves it right down his pants so you could feel his throbbing dick, “y’know i’ve been hard for you all day, after your clueless dad had to ruin our fun earlier i’ve bursting to cum,” his dick pulses in your hold, emphasising his point, “and now it turns out that all i am to you is just a family friend, damn.”
“i didn’t mean it in that way,” you say, slightly regretting your choice of words, “i just think it’s a bit silly of you to be getting wound up, at your big age, over some hypothetical boyfriend when all we do is fuck.”
“at my big age? the fuck, im not even that ol—” he stops himself because he knows he could say whole lot that could have you crying quick. “i’m gonna let you have your little outburst here, but i did not drag you upstairs for this.”
“and what did you drag me up here for then?” you quiz, his dick still feeling the warmth of your hand. his arm snakes around your waist as he presses you close, your tits rubbing right against his chest. 
“well y’know i’ve been dying to fuck you in your bedroom,” he murmurs, he leads you over to your bed, chuckling as he pushes you down next to your stuffed animals, and childish shit that you’ve kept. he pulls down your jeans as he kneels down at the edge of your bed, a wide grin etched across his face, “i’ve been wanting to keep you out of these all fucking day,” he says as he flings your jeans across the room. 
“don’t forget your dad’s downstairs and we can’t let him ruin what we’ve got going on can we?” he pulls your down the bed so your pussy’s closer to your face, he snaps off your underwear and peppers a kiss onto your clit. you hiss at the contact of his mouth on you, and his eyes look up at you, “so you can be quiet for me, right?”
you nod eagerly, clenching your eyes as his mouth suctions onto your clit, biting and nibbling at it. you hold your lip between your teeth to keep yourself quiet, already gripping onto his hair to steady yourself. he’s barely done anything yet and he’s already got you losing your mind.
he drags his tongue down your wet slit, lapping up the sweetness from your pussy. you sigh harder, the grip on his hair only getting tighter the more his mouth works on your cunt. toji laughs as he taunts, “‘you’re just a family friend toji,’ yeah seems like it.” 
“s-shut up,” you pant out, clenching your thighs around his head as tongue inches deeper and deeper into your pussy, his nose pushed right into your arousal, breathing in every bit of you. “y-you are just a family friend.”
“whatever,” he smirks, watching as your mouth part as he plunges his fingers into you. he keeps his mouth on your clit, as two of his fingers piston in and out of you. you can’t help but thrust your hips up in his direction, aching to feel him deeper. 
“toji w-what are you—” you start to ask as he pulls his fingers out of you, just before you cum. 
he grins in response, popping one of his fingers in his mouth before saying, “you’re just too sweet y’know? come on taste yourself.” and before you can even respond properly, you were already sucking on his finger, smiling as he coos, “see how tasty you are?” 
he rids himself of his jogging bottoms, his dick springing out of them, hard and throbbing. “my balls have been aching to bust inside of you all day,” he complains, as he mounts you, your legs instinctively wrapping around his back, your arms snaking behind his neck. “but you’d like that wouldn’t you?”
“yeah please toji,” you whine, desperate for him to get his dick inside of your dripping pussy, “cum in me please, i just need you.”
“want me to cum in you yeah?” he smirks, as you shake your head, your hand moving down to his dick but he slaps it away, continuing to tease you, “gonna let me put a baby in you, right?”
“anything you want, just please.” you say, clawing at his back. but that’s all he needs to hear, as he shoves his dick into you with all his force, your eyes widening at the feeling. but as he quickly sets into a rhythm, you can’t help but moan out as his dick drives into you hitting the right spot, every single time.
he puts his mouth on yours to silence you, pecking your lips with kisses as he says, “you know you gotta be quiet for me princess, can’t have your dad hearing how im fucking my kids into you.”
“s-sorry i just c-can’t take it,” you apologise, your eyes rolling back as his lips move down from yours onto your neck. bruising and biting at it, with his teeth.
“oh but you can take it” he praises, “your pussy takes me so well, always such a good girl for me.” he bites back down on your neck harder, as you clench around him, the throbbing of his dick partnered with the gushing tightness of your pussy had him getting sloppier and sloppier with every stroke. 
toji’s hand slaps down on your clit, making you slightly jump up against his dick as it continues to charge into you. he tugs at your clit before swirling it and pressing down on it with his thumb. loving the way you gasp at the contact, scratching at him as your pleasure grows.
“f-fuck toji, please, i need to feel your cum,” you beg, and he presses his forehead against yours, as your hold around his back and neck become stronger. his dick ploughing into you with his unforgiving pace was becoming too much for you to handle, you wanted to feel his load deep inside of you. “lemme have it.”
“i-i’ll give it to you princess dont worry,” he reassures, stammering slightly as he could feel himself going to bust. this was his favourite sight of you, all fucked out under him, your eyes practically springing with tears as you beg him to finish inside you. it was only an added bonus that you were doing this on your fluffy pink sheets, literally right under your dad’s nose. “you’re such a naughty girl for this. what would your dad say if he could see you now?” he continues to tease.
“i don’t care what he’d say. i am a n-naughty girl. i wanna be your naughty girl.”
“yeah you are, you’re absolutely filthy,” he jeers, giving you his last thrusts before saying, “fucking taking in the cum of your dads best friend, begging to bred. not very ladylike if i do say so myself.”
“t-toji please,” you call out, fed up with his teasing. and he laughs before taking your mouth into his biting on your lip hard as he releases into you, plastering your pussy walls with all his cum. you do the same, your cum mixing with his as you release onto his dick. he slumps his body over yours, pressing kisses to your faces, satisfied as he thrusts his dick into you further to try and ensure his cum doesn’t slip out.
“ah, if only i could stay here for the night, i’d keep you plugged up with my cum and really get you pregnant,” he jokes, finally pulling out of you, amazed by how cum of his and yours ran down your thighs and pooled onto your bedsheets. 
“want you to stay,” you mewl, your arm stretching, reaching out for him.
“no can do princess,” he sighs, he actually wants to stay with you too, there’s nothing better then ending the night freshly fucked with his dick cushioned by your pussy all night as he sleeps. he presses a final kiss to your head, and grabs some wipes to get rid off the cum stuck to your legs, before leaving the room as he promises, “next time we’ll do it at my place, yeah?”
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AN: So what do you think of dads best friend!toji 🧍🏽‍♀️ this was meant to be apart of a broader part of the sneaky link smut but then a little drabble turned into a full fic. BUT THIS ACTUALLY MADE ME NERVOUS TO POST SINCE IM STILL NOT FEELING MY SMUT SKILLS YET. But it shall come with practice.so yeah lemme know ur thoughts
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expertparking · 11 months
Puzzle Car Parking System
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Expert Parking provides the top quality Puzzle Car Parking System. With its intelligent and puzzle-like design, this innovative system allows multiple vehicles to be parked in a compact space.
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goldenhypen · 4 months
against the wall 𓈒 ݁ ₊
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pairing. enhypen ot7 x reader
syn. literally just kisses against the wall with enhypen :’>
genre + warnings. fluff? suggestive? making out,,, literally just making out against a wall help me
wc. 1.9k (0.25k/member average… with jake’s as the exception… as always…)
a/n. help this is the most straightforward and out there and random fic ever help why does the title keep catching me off guard- but the idea of it alone gives me butterflies so maybe reading this will for you too,, enjoy :’>
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❤︎ ⎯ lee HEESEUNG…
“careful not to hit your head, beautiful,” he said, catching the wall with his palm as your back hit the flat surface. he let out a tiny chuckle with a smirk that you could barely comprehend because not even a second later, his lips crashed right back onto yours, continuing right where he left off in your little make-out session.
he took the lead, first adjusting to find the best angle, arm leaning over you as his other hand held your jaw, tilting your head for better access. but amidst the passion-filled movements of his lips, he always had a way of keeping you at ease, allowing you to enjoy every second of it.
if it wasn’t for your body being held between his and the wall behind you, you would’ve been swept off your feet a long time ago.
your lips fit against his perfectly like a piece to a puzzle. being alone with him, the room was silent other than the sounds of your heavy breaths and lips repeatedly smashing against one other.
and he continued kissing you until your lips were sore and your heads spun in a drunken daze.
you stared at him as he pulled away, your mind empty as you consumed the sight of him, chest violently rising and falling, his fiery gaze never leaving your lips. and you watched as he dove down for yet another round.
❤︎ ⎯ park JONGSEONG…
as you were getting ready for the day to hang out with one of your friends, your phone lit up with an unexpected message from your boyfriend: hey, love, are you home? i’m outside :)
what was jongseong doing here?
you responded: coming!
running to the door, you opened it expectantly, only to find that your boyfriend wasn’t there. confused, you searched around for a second before your eyes landed on him, leaning on his car parked in front of your house. you smiled and quickly ran over.
“what are you doing here?” you asked excitedly.
“i don’t know,” he paused. “i just missed you.”
he stood up straight, back now off his car as he walked closer to you. so much so, however, that it caused you to back up, bumping straight into the wall of the vehicle.
you gulped. “you could’ve just called me or something.”
your last words nearly got lost in your throat by the way jongseong’s body was now trapping you between him and the car.
he was so close. were his lips always this pretty?
“but calling you wouldn’t allow me to do this…”
with his eyes fastened on your lips, he brought a hand to your chin and immediately pulled you in to meet your lips with his.
your heartbeat quickened at the unannounced gesture, yet you couldn’t help but melt under his touch, kissing him back.
as he placed one hand on the car behind you to lean in closer, the other circled to the side of your face, tilting your head to find that perfect angle.
you don’t know what had gotten into him, but were you complaining? not. at. all.
❤︎ ⎯ sim JAEYUN…
a gasp ran past your lips as jake pushed you against the hallway wall, a look of desire in his eyes, yet he made sure to support you so that you wouldn’t get hurt—the way he was gentle with his hands but sharp like daggers with his eyes.
he pressed an unexpectedly delicate kiss against yours lips, starting out soft but quickly escalating to something much more passionate, taking your breath away within seconds.
he pulled away, both of you panting as you got lost in each others’ eyes.
“you’re so beautiful, you know that?” jake whispered as his thumb caressed your cheekbone, finding himself unable to pull away from your loving stare. he smiled, wondering how he managed to ever get this lucky.
you chuckled. “yes, you tell me that every day.”
he let out a small and breathy laugh before calming into a soft smile. “yeah.”
eventually, and using all his willpower, he teared his eyes away, only to examine the rest of your facial features, and with every passing second—every inch of skin his eyes ran over—the beating of his heart grew more apparent to his ear drums. and his immense love for you broke down every bit and piece of strength he had in his soul, and he couldn’t help it. he just had to kiss you again.
and that’s exactly what he did, and it took only mere milliseconds before his lips found their way back home to yours, right where they belonged.
you smiled into the kiss, secretly wanting and waiting for this moment just as much as he had been. you savoured every second of it.
yet no amount of time could have felt long enough for the two of you. he could kiss you for 12 hours straight, and you’d still instantly miss the feeling of his lips on yours.
so when he pulled away, it left you hungry for more.
“don’t stop,” you quickly let out before immediately pulling him by the collar and bringing his lips to yours, so soft and sweet.
❤︎ ⎯ park SUNGHOON…
closed eyes, shared breaths and lips moving in sync against one another, you felt the delicacy of sunghoon’s fingertips brushing along the front of your jaw, finding their way to the back to cup the side of your head. this slow and soft movement shot shivers down every part of your body, causing your heartbeat to race faster than ever.
your back was pressed flush onto the wall of your room as sunghoon’s body was to yours before he pulled away ever so slightly to readjust and tilt his head in a way to get better access, returning just as quick as he was to leave.
the taste of coffee and creamy chocolate from the tiramisu you shared at the restaurant earlier lingered on his lips, and you were enjoying every bit of it.
mouths still moving with one another, you ran your hands up his chest, but your limbs grew weak with every kiss, your fingers barely gripping the fabric of his dress shirt hanging over his shoulders.
you felt his other hand pressed into your waist somehow gently firm, using his grip to pull you impossibly closer.
when he separated his lips from yours, eyes glued to your mouth, he whispered as you took his breath away—figuratively and literally—“you don’t understand how much i love you.”
“no?” you asked innocently.
all he did was stare at you in response, you wouldn’t be surprised if this was him zoning out, mind only occupied with having his lips back on yours.
you whispered, “then show me, hoon.”
and those four words were all it took for the switch inside of him to flick, and in an instant, his lips were back on yours, the way they were meant to be.
❤︎ ⎯ kim SUNOO…
“hey, let’s try this trend i found,” your boyfriend said as he approached you, who was conveniently already leaning against the wall. “put your hands together for a sec.”
“hm?” you hummed, confused, but proceeded to follow along anyways. you clasped your hands together. “like this?”
sunoo nodded, satisfied.
“now wha—”
leaving you no time to process, immediately, your own intertwined hands were lifted up above your head at the same time your boyfriend pressed his lips against yours in what was easily the hottest kiss he had given you yet.
but he pulled away sooner than you would’ve liked, separating from you far enough to put your hands gently back down, but unable to let one of your hands go from his.
you pouted. and suddenly reality came crashing onto you and your face grew warm.
“w-what was that for?” you asked, with a shy smile, your voice weak.
“i thought the trend would be fun to do with you.”
“are you saying it wasn’t what you expected?” you asked, disappointment laced in your voice.
he paused. “oh, it was beyond what i expected.”
“so you liked it?”
he didn’t answer, and just gave you a smirk in response instead.
“then do it again,” you said.
and without a moment to spare, he quickly dove in for another kiss, bringing his hand interlaced with yours back up beside your head, body leaning into yours to get impossibly closer.
silly trend.
❤︎ ⎯ yang JUNGWON…
“hi, baby,” jungwon said as he watched you walk through the door, returning home, “i missed you.”
you let out a small laugh. “it’s only been an hour.”
“an hour too long,” he added as he made his way to you, his arms open before you found your way into them, realizing how much you had been craving his embrace all day.
he pulled away slightly, causing you to look into his eyes filled with a glint of desire you had never seen before.
“w—” and before you could barely make out a sound, he had already brought his lips to yours in the softest kiss he had ever given you.
it was a long kiss that started out slow but quickly grew faster and harder—much more passionate and fiery than earlier. before you knew it, your back was against the wall, his body pressed against yours, hands tangled in each other’s hair.
but after a few seconds, he pulled back, hands dropping to your waist as he cleared his throat with a look of guilt overcoming his features. “sorry, i—”
“won—” you started, “don’t stop.”
his face washed over with relief and he smiled before taking your face into the palms of his hands and kissed you again.
❤︎ ⎯ nishimura RIKI…
“you liked that, didn’t you?” riki asked you teasingly, his forehead pressed against your own—funnily, kind of like how your back was to the wall at the moment.
your recollection of how you two got yourselves into this position was blurry. the countless kisses he had already given you left you in a trance. all you knew was that you craved for more.
his eyes followed his fingers as they brushed your jaw, leading their way to your chin, before his thumb brushed against your bottom lip.
you grew weaker with every touch of his skin to yours. why was he teasing you like this?!
“riki, just kiss me already.”
you would’ve said those words sooner if you had known that was all it would take for him to return his lips back to yours. in an instant, he was kissing you again, this time deeper and more passionate. it had a fire to it—or maybe that was the effect he had on you whenever he would treat you this way, causing a heat to rise and warm your face.
he rarely acted this way out in public—always feeling more comfortable showing you love alone in a more intimate matter.
but even so, rarely did it ever evolve into something like this: your body pushed against the wall of your home, his body pressed right into yours, missing your touch after a long and busy week for both of you.
but if it meant having to survive the toughest of days just to be with him, you’d live through them over and over again, because moments like this—time with him—made it all worth it.
with one last kiss, he pulled away ever so slightly, lips swollen and eyes in a daze as he whispered, nearly breathless, “we should do this more often.”
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a/n. idk what’s up with my writing style lately but here you go :D hope you enjoyed :> i don’t write like this often so lmk what you think? :’>
m.list | taglist form
taglist. @seroriis @raimbows4u @beibybtch @sultrybaby @kpop-nct @ajayke-reads @wccycc @enhacolor @enhasfever @nokacchan @yizhoutv @xiaoderrrr @soobin-chois @tyunni @shinsou-rii @softkpopplace @belle643 @nar-nia @rapmonie2047 @pshchives @sunjakes @ethereal-engene @exohclipse @yeosayang @potato0579 @koishua @4ri-ki @sunoksunny @kookielover29 @jaeyunjakesim @whoschr @enaus @hoes4hoseok @1unxtic @palajae @clarakyunisageek @annoyingbitch83 @aeriil11 @wonswondrland @rcrystallocks @stepout-09-15 @zeraaax @enhasengene @pistachiophobia @loveforred@svnoofy @sweetjaemss @vatterie @majesticallymark @mnsnts
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ikarakie · 1 year
after eddie introduces a demogorgon to one of his hellfire campaigns, the kids get a little squirmy. they're nervously looking at each other and aren't engaging as excitedly as they usually do. when he calls time, he watches dustin rummage through his backpack and produce a walkie talkie.
he watches, a bit dumbfounded, as the kid demands a 'check-in'. all at once, multiple different voices come over the channel. stating a name and then saying 'safe.' ("nancy, safe." "robin, safe." "max, safe.")
"steve?" dustin demands. there's only static. "steve!" a little more frantic this time.
"he left to pick you up." a female voice replies, "he's probably fine. you'll see him soon."
none of the kids look particularly pleased, and pack up hastily. eddie and the other hellfire members all share confused glances. he, more morbidly curious than anything else, follows the little sheep as they hurry out of the school.
dustin is fucking restless as they all stand in the empty parking lot. he won't stay still and none of them are answering any of eddie's questions. and he only gets more confused when a brown beemer pulls in, windows down and playing depeche mode through the speakers. dustin goes to sprint towards it, and he has to hold him by the collar to stop him getting run over.
the beemer pulls up and steve harrington, in all his glory, steps out, frowning. dustin wrenches out of eddie's grip and all but bodies the guy, wrapping arms tightly around his midsection. steve, still looking puzzled, hugs back. lucas and mike trail after dustin.
"we called a check-in." dustin says, a bit muffled from where his face is smushed into steve's shirt. steve goes sort of pale, and- and presses a goddamn kiss to the top of henderson's head before tightening the hug.
"shit, i'm sorry." and eddie believes him. he sounds so guilty. "i meant to replace the batteries before i left. sorry, i'm okay." dustin pulls back and scrubs at his eyes. lucas takes his place, though the hug he gives is more like one of those bro-hugs jocks seem to love. steve smiles regardless. he just ruffles mike's hair, who pouts in response but looks relieved nonetheless.
"asshole." he mutters. "rule four, walkies on at all times." steve nods as the kid half-heartedly waves goodbye to eddie and hops in the backseat of the beemer. lucas follows. dustin seems reluctant to walk around the car, to take his eyes off steve for even a second.
"you wanna stay over tonight?" steve asks, warm and gentle. he folds his arms and in that moment eddie thinks they look sort of like brothers. "robin and me were gonna watch some films. we can call your mom from mine."
the kid nods, looking a bit happier. steve slaps him on the back and motions him to get in the car. dustin swivels to hug and say goodbye to eddie (who sort of forgot he was physically present in this moment) before doing as he was told.
steve turns to eddie. which- whew! hi pretty eyes.
"sorry." he smiles and eddie can't for the life of him figure out what he's apologising for. "they, uh- yeah. them." he gestures vaguely at the car and eddie just chuckles.
"hey, man, no worries." he says, a little breathless that he's having a conversation with the steve harrington. "they okay? never seen henderson look so rattled." steve nods, then seems to think better of it and just shrugs. cocks his hip to the side (stop fucking staring at his hips, munson, lord!)
"they will be." he glances back at the beemer, which is now full of childish bickering. pauses to think and then asks, "you using demogorgons in your campaign right now?"
eddie blinks at him. "yes? yeah. what the fuck- how do you know what that is? what-" steve just laughs.
"long story." there's a haunted look in his eyes before he continues, "just, uh- that's probably what upset them. demogorgons and us- them, i mean-" he waves his hand. "bad memories. hard to explain, but... if you could..." he doesn't need to ask, seems like he doesn't know how or even if he's allowed.
"got it, ill tweak the campaign." harrington smiles at him, something small and genuine, and murmurs a thanks. offers him a fucking lift, which eddie declines, motioning to his van. harrington just nods, tells him to get home safe and then clambers back into the car, yells at the kids to put seatbelts on with all the exasperation of a single dad, and pulls away.
eddie watches them go, having seen a side of harrington he'd thought dustin had been lying about. steve harrington, the caring babysitter, everyone's older brother, a changed man.
he starts escorting the kids to the parking lot more often.
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carparkingsystems · 22 days
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Sotefin Parking offers the best car puzzle parking experience for cars in Kolkata. Make the most of your parking spot with our cutting-edge and effective technology. Embrace smooth, automated parking and bid your parking troubles farewell! Give us a call at +91 70440 18485 to learn more about our state-of-the-art parking solutions that are customized to meet your needs.
Visit Us >> https://www.sotefinparking.com/product/puzzle-parking/
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klausmultiparking · 2 months
Solving the Urban Parking Puzzle With Puzzle Parking
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Parking issues are a major challenge in India, thanks to the dense concentration of vehicles and inadequate infrastructure to accommodate them. Even in major Indian cities, finding parking spaces is a daunting task. This often compels car owners to park in a disorderly manner wherever space permits, leading to traffic congestion and disorder. In certain areas, parking illegally can result in hefty fines. Moreover, neglecting to park in designated spots exposes vehicles to potential damage from harsh weather conditions or other road users. As urban areas in India become increasingly congested and the number of vehicles on the roads rises, the parking problem will persist as a significant obstacle to personal mobility.
What is the answer to the parking puzzle? If car parking is more organised in India, it will help alleviate most of the problems that people face with parking their cars. Automated Multiparking systems are a great way of ensuring proper parking for cars. They bring a host of benefits such as space efficiency, ease of parking, and enhanced security.
Klaus Multiparking is at the forefront in the field of automated parking systems. Headquartered in Germany, we have created over 700,000 parking spaces around the globe so far. With our cutting-edge parking systems, we prioritise efficient, reliable, and easy parking. We have been operating in India since 2002 and focus on flawlessly delivering innovative parking solutions.
Klaus Multiparking offers a range of car parking systems Klaus Multiparking offers a range of car parking system. We pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of products and solutions to suit your needs and space. Broadly, we offer three parking systems – Stack Parking, Fully Automatic Parking, and Puzzle Parking.
Stack Parking systems are ideal if you are looking to double or triple the parking space above ground or in the basement. They can accommodate cars weighing up to 2.5 tons and are an ideal solution for fitting more cars in a limited space. Fully Automatic parking systems, on the other hand, are our most premium offering. These systems can be installed above ground, underground, or in a combination of both. They use advanced technology to retrieve cars at the press of a button.
Our Puzzle car parking system provides maximum flexibility and comfort Our Puzzle car parking system provides maximum flexibility and comfort. The Puzzle Parking system or Semi-automatic Parking System is highly customizable. The mobile parking spaces can be shifted both horizontally and vertically, offering a great deal of versatility for urban construction projects because they can utilize the available parking space optimally. Additionally, this system offers fast parking and retrieval and operates at very low decibels.
Moreover, we guarantee unparalleled support for all your parking needs. You can count on us for any type of service, and in the rare case of an untimely breakdown, our Workshop On Wheels (WOW) van is ready for your assistance. This is our fully equipped service van comprising a trained technician, tooling, and spares that reach your location in no time, anytime of the day to resolve your query.
Thus, as Indian cities grapple with poor parking facilities, our Puzzle Parking can help solve many parking problems.
For More Information Click On : https://www.klausindia.com/
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wohrparking · 4 months
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gallusrostromegalus · 4 months
hi i see that you have much smart dog experience. i may have accidentally purchased such a dog. she's only 10 weeks, and ive had her 1, and she's already outmatched every puzzle feeder i got or have made. to the point that she is morosely disappointed when her food comes in an actual food bowl. do you know where i can find like. "heres 100 enrichment toys you can make out of free trash so your dog stops eating fucking rocks for enrichment" lists. i only have so many paper towel tubes XD
Herschel now just disassembles puzzle feeders, so I've been focusing on "Toys that, even if he already knows how to operate them, will still take TIME for him to collect the treat from" to give him something to fuss with.
Herschel eats all his meals out of a Kong Wobbler, because he will otherwise eat so fast he will literally inhale and choke on his kibble and I do not need him developing pneumonia from aspiration. Even though it's a "Simple" toy it slows him down and he does have to think a bit to tip it in the most efficient manner possible. Kong's "Flipz", "Gyro" and "Rewards Wally" are also really good "dog needs to think/carefully manipulate the toy for food" toys that act as both mental stimulation and exercise and "give human a break for up to twelve minutes" toys.
I highly reccomend KONG as a brand- they're local to Denver and have an impeccable saftey record and all of the toys I have gotten from them have held up extremely well vs. the ravages of three entirely too smart and strong-jawed dogs at once.
Some more thoughts:
If she's not prone to shredding rubber, the kind of treat toys she has to chew are also good stimulation.
If you don't want to give her That Many treats, my vet said that dogs can have as many green beans as they want. Just make sure that the beans haven't had salt added to them- canned usually does, but frozen green beans usually don't, but always check the label.
You can make nearly any toy last longer, or make a cheap long-puzzle by freezing the treats so they take longer to eat AND provides hydration. Herschel's most favorite treat of all time is literally a wad of sliced green beans in a dixie cup, filled with water and frozen. Just peel off the cup and hand him the chunk of ice and he's good for up to half an hour and more chill afterwards.
You can also freeze lick mats
If your girl is like Charlie and doesn't like greenbeans, you can also try freezing paper cups of: Canned pumpkin, apple slices in water, putting some ice cubes in the bottom of the cup, a gob of peanut butter in the middle and then fill it with water to make a peanutbutter filled ice cube.
If your girl is REALLY like charlie who has figured out how to use labor negotiation and strike tactics for better treats: boiled chicken chunks frozen in some of the water you boiled them in.
Walkies are as much mental stimulation as they are physical exercise. Take her out and let her sniff to her heart's content.
Also Puppies in particular need like, SO MUCH exercise.
Let her participate in activities with you. Herschel and charlie sit in the kitchen and I narrate cooking dinner to them, which seems to interest them, even if I don't have spare veggie ends to give them. I also frequently bring them along in the car if I'm running errands when it's cold enough to do that, so they have something new to look at, and get to participate. I also am more likely to stop at a new park and give myself some exercise and mental stimulation.
Training her to do tasks is GREAT Smart Dog enrichment- esp if she's a herding or heeler, they LOVE being helpful. I taught the dogs they get a small treat if they come in from the yard without me having to go chase them down, which saved me a lot of hassle, and now I'm working on teaching herschel to pick things up off the floor for me if I drop them and alert for chickpeas, which my housemate is allergic to.
A lot of dogs like cat-type toys. Tie a stick or some fleece to some paracord and drag or flycast it around for her to chase/play tug with when she catches it. Toys that bounce unexpectedly were also a huge hit. or just wave the string around the cat and the corgi both like that.
If you live in farm country or know other people with pets, you can grab something with the scent of another animal on it and bring it home for her to smell. Charlie and Herschel spent the better part of three days investigating the wad of horse undercoat I brought home and put in the spare wobbler for them to smell.
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carparkingsystem · 10 months
4 Most Important Information About Modern Car Parking Systems
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Car parking systems have become an important service for larger cities in India and abroad. Roadside car parking spaces are not sufficient to shelter the increasing number of cars in bigger cities in the country. Normally, modern car parking systems have come along a long distance in the last few years. With technological advancements, these systems have evolved to offer convenience, efficiency, and enhanced user experiences.
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Here are four unputdownable features that make modern car parking systems a revolutionary business idea that you can avail for starting a decent business anywhere in a bigger city across India:
License Plate Recognition (LPR):
LPR technology is a game-changer in parking systems. It allows for seamless entry and exit without needing physical tickets or access cards. Cameras scan the vehicle's license plate, and the system automatically deducts the parking fee from a linked account, making the process quick and convenient.
Ecological Benefits:
Many modern car parking systems incorporate eco-friendly features. They optimize parking layouts to reduce the required space, which can lead to more green spaces in urban areas. Additionally, automated systems reduce the time spent circling for parking, which can lower carbon emissions and fuel consumption.
Automated Parking:
One of the most impressive features of modern car parking systems is automation. Automated parking systems use robotics and sensors to park vehicles without human intervention. This eliminates the need for drivers to search for parking spots, reducing stress and saving time. These systems maximize the use of space, fitting more cars in smaller areas, and contribute to reduced emissions as engines aren't left running while searching for a parking spot.
Time and Money-Saving Benefits:
Both users and operators of puzzle parking system and other modern car parking systems readily agree to the fact these systems are highly efficient in helping the customer with easy parking and retrieval facilities. It is good to note that these parking lots are fully automatic, and that is why they do not waste time. As far as the cost of parking is concerned, it is manageable.
Ecological Benefits:
Many modern car parking systems incorporate eco-friendly features. They optimize parking layouts to reduce the required space, which can lead to more green spaces in urban areas. Additionally, automated systems reduce the time spent circling for parking, which can lower carbon emissions and fuel consumption.
Also Read : Update and Upgrade Your Knowledge About the Utilities of Top Car Parking Systems
The Closing Thought:
These are some of the most worth-mentioning benefits businesses can get if they set up a new business in modern and automated car parking systems. Due to these benefits, the demand for these parking systems are increasing worldwide. You must do well to collaborate with the leading manufacturers and suppliers of these parking systems.
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