versusvirtuous · 2 days
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frcvnds · 22 days
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mexicouple · 28 days
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Can we find a bunch of active couples? Or Bulls and their good girls.
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ashevi666 · 17 days
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queen of hatred meursault :)
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unsuredreamer · 1 month
There's no way im not getting that
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pencakesstuff · 10 months
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"In the name of Love and Justice, here comes Magical Girl!"
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ryunumber · 7 months
The Queen of Hatred from Lobotomy Corporation?
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The Queen of Hatred has a Ryu Number of 3.
(For clarification, see Angela.)
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jupiterisaroace · 1 month
I’m a Bridget kinnie!
Which type of Bridget you ask?
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Can someone make QoH x fem reader/oc pls
I’ll give my literal soul for someone to give me a QoH x fem fic, like my bones and everything will be yours.
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henpendrips · 2 months
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Chapter 6 of Queens of Harem is now fully available to read on WebToons, and the entire series is at this point being posted over on NEWGROUNDS as well.
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henlp · 10 months
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New batch of comic pages is now up on WebToons: [LINK]
Page batches go public on the first Wednesday of the month, but are available early on PATREON/SubscribeStar. If you'd care to contribute a coin or two to help me make this comic, I'd appreciate it greatly.
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ruinaimagines · 2 years
Ok so i've always loved to read this blog and i'm really happy that requests are open again so, can you do Queen of Hatred with a transfemme employee/librarian who wants to be a magical girl like her? (y'know, fighting evil in a pretty dress and stuff) or White Lake with a transfemme employee who's a fan of the princess aesthetic and frilly dresses
Ohh absolutely! Especially in recent times all I have wished to do is look pretty and kick ass. 
Queen of Hatred w/ Transfemme Employee/Librarian Headcanons:
She constantly looks forward to seeing you visit because it gives her an opportunity to talk about the stories she’s collected along the way while being a magical girl.
She’s very dramatic when she describes them in the way that it sets a perfect mental scene. Uses her hands a lot and will pose and completely recreate the scenario. It’s like your own personal movie.
When you say you want to be a magical girl like her a look of appreciation comes across her face. The idea that she’s influenced you so much to the point that in a way, you look up to her and want to do what she does is just such a warm feeling. It brings her back to when she would train with her sisters and look up to them. 
There are literal stars in her eyes (no, that is not an exaggeration) as she hugs you. She is absolutely willing to teach you, and she is ready to be the greatest teacher possible.
Now if you’re a magical girl you of course need your signature outfit. I can see her encouraging you to bring some paper and pencils to sketch out the general idea of what you’re thinking.
Something you will come to find is that she’s extremely excited to give suggestions and because of this will sometimes get lost naming off concepts and ideas that aren’t what you’re particularly looking for. She won’t be offended if you pull her back to one style though. She just really likes the design process.
I imagine she’s actually amazing at sewing and stitching things together herself. After all, when you’re at hard work protecting people all day your skirt may happen to get a couple tears. Fear not! With some needle and thread it will be fixed in no time.
It becomes a fun experience for you two. If this is in the time of Lobotomy Corp, I imagine that this would help preoccupy her mind and help ease any growing anxiety build up she has.
Do not forget about your magical girl title! That is an extremely important part. After all, what catchy title is the city supposed to know you as? She’ll help you test out and get a feel for what you like most and is very patient.
The Queen of Hatred is very insecure about feeling that she has no use anymore, and when she is unable to help in one way or another it makes her antsy. Activities like this though let her aid you, and plus they’re fun and time spent with someone she enjoys the company of.
Whenever she gets the opportunity to suppress other abnormalities you can be sure she’ll drag you along. It counts as your ‘training’. This only applies to the threats that she thinks you can handle. She doesn’t want you to risk getting gravely injured because of a poor miscalculation on her part.
If you are a librarian, training methods would likely be different. Abnormalities inhabit environments that are the most ideal for them, likely a reflection of their own mental state or one they were created from, so I imagine that QoH’s floor is much like the home she speaks of protecting.
If it is, then that means there are a variety of villains shambling about, waiting to be defeated in the name of justice. It is then that in true magical girl style you can defeat evil.
You will gain an even bigger respect for her once you realize just how difficult fighting in a dress is. Is it worth it? Yes. It absolutely is.
Not a really strict teacher. If anything, she just feels like a friend showing you the ropes. Wants the experience to be as enjoyable as you think it is, and is happy to share the gloriful feeling of saving the innocent with you. Very much teaches through positive reinforcement, but sometimes she can have a hard time telling you things you may need practice on due to this.
She thinks a lot about her sisters and wishes that she could tell them about you and how far you’ve come. While she may not explicitly say this, you can tell by how much she speaks of them and how she wants you to meet.
The Queen of Hatred is rather ambitious and holds high standards for herself. Because of this, when these standards are questioned, she can get overwhelmed quite easily.
In prior times she really had no one to lean on. There were her sisters, yes, but they all had their own work to tend to and she didn’t want to be a burden. Unfortunately, there really were no others who could relate to her situation and help talk some reason into her.
Having you around really makes a difference! Talking about your experiences and feelings at the end of the day and enjoying some pastries is vital to remaining in a healthy state. While you may not suddenly understand everything, you still can relate to her in many ways the average person can not.
Ultimately she is incredibly supportive of whatever your goals are. She very much believes that anyone can be anything if they work hard towards it, so even when you’re getting second thoughts she will lift you up. You two are there for eachother like that.
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hurts2think · 1 month
Hi! I really liked your profile and every now and then I check to see if you've written anything new. And I'm especially happy to see your love for the queer community!
I'd like to request something for Queen of hearts x fem!reader. Maybe their interaction in the morning after spending the night together. They're not really a couple and it's casual, but you can see that they both care about each other. Some bickering and small sassy remarks towards each other, but still a lot of compliments (both are too stubborn and oblivious to notice the other's feelings). Maybe all this in the context of the famous meme with lesbians doing each other's makeup (because I can't get enough of Rita Ora's brilliant makeup in this movie). Thanks in advance, have a nice day! 💖
🌹The Queen of Hearts x Reader🌹
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Queen of Hearts x Fem! servant! reader
Plot: Becoming a personal servant for the Queen meant a lot, little did you know it meant waking up in her bed and finding yourself with unexplainable feelings for her
Word count: 1.6k
Extra: Thank you so much you're so sweet😭🫶 it's currently 2 am so this one is kind of a mess but I hope you still love it🎀
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When you were first selected for this job, you were honored yet a little horrified. It was a very huge opportunity but the past couple of people who held this job were ‘fired’, which was putting it lightly… You really didn’t have a choice on if you accepted or denied the job. The Queen wanted you so you had to listen.
You thought maybe you’d live a little more comfortably (financially speaking) than the other people of the kingdom before you eventual demise, but never would you have expected for this job to lead up to you waking up in the Queen’s bed.
Being the Queen’s personally assistant meant spending lots of time around her, of course. You did anything and everything she told you too. Running errands for her, fetching anything she may need, helping her dress, and undress, really whatever she didn’t feel like doing.
And she was gorgeous, of course. Everyone knew that. But you were both women so it's not like it was awkward or anything, right? Well, after so many times of helping her in and out of her gowns, it was hard not to look. The Queen was always very observant of everything, so naturally she saw the way you’d fidget and avert your eyes everytime. Then it was like she was purposely trying to make you squirm. One think led to another, and then another, and now you’re laying next to her in her grand bed.
And, well, this wasn’t exactly the first time this had happened.
You stared at the ceiling, really starting to question what has become of your life. The light from the sun started to gently peak through the red tented windows, casting a soft red glow into the room. You turn your head to see a still sleeping Queen, who even looked regal in her slumber with the light reflecting on her perfectly clear skin.
You carefully got up, cautious to not wake her, and grabbed your clothes that had been discarded on the floor the night prior. You changed into your usual attire, preparing to start your day. Better to get a head start before she woke and started to complain about something you hadn’t had time to do yet.
You always secretly wished you had something more with her. Because, as awful as she may seemed, you'd grown quite fond of her. You started to actually care for her outside of the fact you had to. But you knew she could never feel the same. You were tired of the same awkward silence after a long night with her to only pretend nothing happened.
After Bridget woke you helped her get ready for the day. You helped her into her extravagant gown, pulling the corset of the dress perhaps a little too tightly on accident.
"I'm sorry if I'm distracting you, but please do be more careful," she casted a glare at you and you immediately loosened the corset, you face heating up a little.
"Sorry, your majesty." You apologize quietly, fixing the back of her dress and fluffing the skirt of it. She rolled your eyes at your response but didn't say anything else.
Once you were done with her gown she'd demanded you did her makeup as well. Usually she did her own makeup so you weren't sure why she wanted you to do it. But you did so anyway. You stood in front of her as she sat in front of the mirror, carefully applying her intense eyeshadow as she stares at your face intently.
You stay focused and try not to notice the way she was staring at you. You finish her eyeshadow and then pull out one of her various deep red lipsticks that were of course shaped like hearts.
But as you were about to apply the lipstick you felt a hand firmly set on your waist and pulling you into her lap. You let out a small noise of surprise in response, looking her in the eyes as if asking what she was doing.
"I don't know why you must keep your distance, it's not as if I bite." She says, her face as stone cold as ever while her eyes trail on you up and down.
Your eyes narrow ever so slightly as you let out a soft scoff, "We both know that's not true."
She smirks, as if proud of herself in someway in response to your comment.
You gently grab her face to hold her still while you started to apply her lipstick, making her already beautifully colored lips an even deeper red. You bit the inside of your mouth, having a hard time controlling yourself while being so close and sitting in her lap.
"You seem distracted." The Queen states, though it was obvious she was mocking you and knew exactly what she was doing.
You look her in the eyes and give her a look that sceams you want to say something snarky but know you can't. And she loved it. She loved seeing you get frustrated and unable to make any kind of snarky rebuttal.
It was weird the way she found herself becoming attached to you. At first she thought she'd sentence you off like the others, but you've already been around much longer. Then she convinced herself she only admired how much of a diligent woman you were. Then she tried to tell herself she only liked the way you got along with her daughter just fine, something she was never able to do. But it was only so long before she couldn't deny the feelings she felt for you.
After you finished her makeup Bridget was ready for the day. She had court which you weren't actually supposed to attend. So, while she was being carried out on her throne, you were running around the castle and taking on many errands and jobs while she was away. She trusted you with pretty much everything which just meant MORE work for you.
As tired as you were and how you couldn't wait for the day to be over, you still got all of your work done in a quick and efficient manner and a way that would be acceptable for the queen.
A little later in the day, you were finishing up an errand before you returned back to the Queen's side.
You knock on the large double doors to her room before entering, seeing a very stressed Bridget sitting at her desk.
"Ugh, there you are." She only spares one glance at you before turning away again.
You could only suppose that court did not go well. "Do you need anything, your majesty?" You ask, a little too scared to actually ask what was wrong.
But it seemed you didn't need to because she was more than happy to start complaining about how horribly court went,
"I can never understand that girl. It's like she's learned nothing that I've ever taught her! After that indolent solider couldn't even protect my portrait or plaza, Red couldn't even properly punish him. How will she ever be Queen?" She lets out a frustrated sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose with her index finger and thumb.
It wasn't unusual for the Queen to speak of her troubled relationship with her daughter. So you did as you usually did, setting your clipboard aside and coming up beside her and massaging her shoulders. Her body visibly relaxed, closing her eyes and already letting out a little tension.
You stayed silent and like that for a moment before she spoke again, "What should I do about her?"
Your face scrunches in confusion, "You're asking me?" You ask for reassurance. It wasn't very often she asked you for advise. Especially about her daughter. She was the kind of mother that was stuck in her own ways and refused to hear anyone out.
She rolled her eyes, "Yes. She seems to favor you, why is that? Why does she listen to some servant girl and not her own mother?"
You try to ignore the jab she made at you, "Well, if you're asking me... I think she just wants to be in charge of her own life without someone telling her how to live it..." You advise, still rubbing her shoulders to keep her relaxed.
The Queen of Hearts' eyes narrowed, "In charge of her own life? That's ridiculous. She gets to be a queen, what more could she possibly want?"
"Maybe a mother who will listen to her and let her decide what kind of queen she wants to be?" You felt you were getting a little too risky with what you were saying and you'd anger her but her response was not what you'd expected.
She sighed, holding her hand ontop of yours to signal you to stop massaging her. Her touch was surprisingly gentle and soft, "What would I do without you?" She asked though it was purely rhetorical. "Go speak to her about this," the Queen demanded.
You took her hand and held it, walking around to the front of the chair to look her in the eyes, "Maybe she'd appreciate it better if her mother was the one to go talk to her about it?" You suggest.
She rolled her eyes, but stayed silent. She looked at you as if conflicted about something. Really, she was thinking about how amazing you were. Nothing she felt she could ever say. Your hands were so soft, your voice was sweet, you personality was so caring. How could she not fall for you? You were irresistible.
"Fine." She scoffed, "But it will lead to another argument that you will have to clean up again."
You smile softly, taking the Queen of Hearts' hand and pressing a soft kiss on her knuckles, "I'm always happy to."
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autism-swagger · 1 month
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I kept getting the giggles while drawing this. Deeply deeply stupid idea.
Reblogging is better than just liking.
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blood-carnation · 1 month
the people who think wonderland is always super accepting of gay people are WRONG sorry. queen of hearts had a SEVERE gay situationship breakup when she was sixteen and you NEVER recover from those. she resents her heartbreak and outlawed homosexuality in wonderland bc she is a tyrant.
this, however, did NOT make red homophobic because she hated her mother and everything she stood for. so she decided she was queer out of spite (she did actually turn out to like women, but it was spite first) and LOVES gay people
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I kind of think that Bridget had some issues about inferiority etc. Before she ‘became’ the queen of hearts, like, she definitely had some deep dark side of her that she was not ashamed of, but she just didn’t show a lot.
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