arkiwii · 5 months
dear people in the Arknights community who are obsessed about One Specific Low Rarity Operator that barely has any content: i love you so much and i kiss you with the tongue
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nutal · 3 months
(Guitarspear One-shot!!)
Ao3 Link
Word Count: 1,329
Warnings: Swearing, Referenced/Heavily Implied Sex, Post-Coital Shenanigans, Past Trauma, Abandonment Issues, Trust Issues, Insecurities, Mild Sexual Content
Summary: Adam has issues properly telling Lute how much he loves her, but she comforts him and reassures him the whole way.
Author’s Note: themmmm ughhh <3 these two are both so hurt I swear but they need each other and they love each other so much I HAD to write this. I hope it’s in character, raaahh. Anyways, enjoy your guitarspear hurt/comfort, heavy physically/emotionally intimate food!
——————————————————————— Adam’s body fit seamlessly against Lute’s, every contour aligning perfectly. She felt his sporadic breaths against her back, a gratifying reminder of how lovingly ruthless she’d been with him that night. His hands remained gripping onto her bare hips, still clawing into her like he couldn't bear to let go.
"Hey, Lute?" His hoarse voice sliced through the settled air, punctuated only by the slowing of both of their labored breaths. “Do you even realize how much I lo—“ Adam hesitated, his voice trailing off. “…Shit,” he uttered, following it with a small line of curses.
Confusion mixed with a taste of euphoria that she couldn’t quite place washed over her. Lute groaned softly, turning to face him, momentarily forgetting how much she despised having to pull away until she actually did.
As moonlight spilled through the window, casting dim shadows over his messy hair and the meticulously placed bruises on his collarbone, she cleared her throat, trying to shake off her distraction. “Sir, you didn’t finish.”
“Uh yeah, I did, actually. And just a second ago you were screaming my name so loud—“
“Your sentence,” Lute interrupted him through her teeth, narrowing her eyes.
“Oh yeeah, that,” he said sarcastically, rubbing the back of his neck. “Yeah, sorta forgot what I was gonna say.” He briefly glanced to the side flatly. “Sucks for you.”
“Are you sure about that?" she asked sharply, her gaze unyielding on him.
“Yes I’m fucking sure! Now hop off my dick and go to sleep or something,” he grumbled, shifting to turn away, but Lute grabbed his wrist, halting him.
He sighed. “Lute, I really don’t need you psychoanalyzing me right now, okay? Cool, sweet, thanks babe.”
“Night bitch!” he exclaimed, feigning nonchalance as he crossed his arms behind his head, laying back and facing up at the marble ceiling. Though his expression didn’t come off as all too satisfied.
Lute’s fingers traced up his arm to his chest. She felt his subtle trembling and unsteady heartbeat. His eyes were growing distant, almost… glassy. She blinked, her brows knitting as realization dawned. “Sir, are you… cr—”
Adam turned away, sheets dragging with him, causing Lute’s hand to retreat involuntarily. “You better not finish that fuckin’ sentence Lute I swear.” His voice nearly broke as he untucked his wings from under his arms, shielding himself from view.
She wearily propped herself up to steal a glance at him, only to feel melancholy spill over her. Not a lot of things did that to her, but, seeing Adam like that, did.
He shuddered at the rustling behind him, as if being reminded she could still see him. Slowly, he resigned, groaning and shuffling right back around on his other side to pull her into a tight hug. She hadn’t expected it, but was glad it happened; she wouldn’t have let him sleep upset. Besides, it gave her an excuse to keep him even closer to her for longer, which seemed to comfort him as much as it did her.
Adam didn’t say anything for a while, his arms shifting restlessly to ensure the hold. The only sounds breaking the quiet were the subtle movements of his body and the weight of his chin resting on her hair. Lute ran her hands up him, stopping at his shoulders and curling her fingers over them. She pulled her knees up to her chest, pressing them against his own, his scent lingering of sweat and adrenaline.
As the air thickened, he finally whispered, “I love you, you… dumb bitch,” sinking his forehead into her shoulder. “I don’t know what you want from me. Your badass attitude, your perky little tits, the way you slaughter sinners like a fucking machine… it drives me nuts.”
Her cheeks flushed, and she could tangibly feel the heat spreading up to her ears.
“So you can’t just expect me not to be freaked out,” he continued, lifting his head to look at her. “Listen up, Lute, I know I basically invented relationships and shit, but what happened in Eden screwed me the fuck over. And I didn’t even do anything wrong!” He weakly flung a hand up on her back. “Look, I just…”
“I don’t want to lose you too,” he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper at this point, like if anyone else heard him right now he’d lose it. “‘Cause that’d be a total bummer—losing my lieutenant like that. Can’t have that happening, right?” he deflected, laughing awkwardly. “Right, Lute?”
His uncertain laugh faded into a scoff of irony, replaced by a heavy silence that hung between them. Adam looked away, neither of them speaking.
There was a painful twist in Lute’s lungs, seeing the rare cracks in his bravado. She took a steadying breath, her hands moving up from his shoulders to his cheeks and cupping them with a firm yet gentle touch, making him face her. “You will never lose me,” she declared with certainty.
Adam’s eyes searched hers desperately for any hint of doubt, before letting out a heavy exhale.
Lute’s affection practically swelled. “…I love you,” she affirmed quietly, her voice steady. Saying those words wasn’t easy for her either, but with Adam, it felt… right, almost instinctual. “More than those bitches ever could.”
He broke out into bits of laughter, his shoulders relaxing as he looked down at her sternness. “Oh yeah, they’re total bitches, and not even the good kind either,” he poked. “Awesome I have you now though, huh?” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, to which she clutched a fist over her heart. Parting, he took her chin in his hand and tilted her head up to his level before moving to her lips, tangling his fingers through her hair.
Trailing down to her neck, he began returning the hickeys she’d given him earlier, leaving visible marks on the skin. Lute instinctively tilted her head back, brushing against the pillow they shared. Adam’s hands reached down, roaming from the sides of her thighs up to her stomach, sliding and scrunching up his faded band tee that she now wore. Her breath hitched, making her bite down on her lip to suppress any noises that could potentially land her in a discussion with the Seraphim the next morning.
But Adam didn’t seem to care about the consequences—not at all. Especially considering earlier when he repeatedly removed her hand from her mouth whenever she tried to cover it, because of how badly he wanted to hear her.
Overwhelmed, she grabbed onto the back of his head and pushed him down further, needing more of the sensation—more of him.
“You’re so sensitive compared to when you’re out there kicking demon ass—it’s priceless,” he murmured in between kisses.
“Adam…” she stammered out, wanting to retort, but barely able to form coherent words.
He let his hands rest on her waist, pausing to fully take her in. “You’re seriously hot as fuck, babe,” he said, his breath tantalizingly warm on her skin.
“I— thank you, sir,” she managed, albeit awkwardly, which Adam seemed to revel in, grinning slyly against her.
“But don’t get me wrong.” He let out a low laugh. “I bet all my other girls would be jealous as hell to be in the position you’re in right now—with the dickmaster himself.”
“As they should be,” she replied, her voice softening as she nestled into the crook of his neck when his movements slowed.
Adam’s lips twitched before enveloping his wings around the two of them, drawing her in close. “I love ya, Lute,” he said again, quieter this time.
From the corner of her eye, his feathers streaked with a brighter hue of gold than usual, all ruffled and in demanding need of preening—a task she'd help him with in the morning. But for now, she would simply savor their soft feel against her skin. A smile crept onto her lips as she gently closed her eyes.
“I love you too, Adam.”
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Here’s some relationship charts courtesy of @ai-kan1 !!! (so sorry for the scuffed stuff, i dont have photoshop….and thought it might be funnier if i just rawdogged this 💀)
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To expand on the relationships:
Yao wants to try his best to get along with everyone, and is pretty canon compliant in terms of friendships. Everyone generally has the opinion that he is “a goody two shoes”, and has varying feelings on that fact.
He happily hangs out with the first year group—definitely has had way too many sleepovers. He’s an only child so even though they can be kinda overwhelming; he cherishes them immensely. OOO and if there is a love interest involved (the ones with the red hearts) Adeuce duo absolutely play the role of concerned parents. Because….prefect you could do so much better…/hj
Hornton and Idia are definitely Yao’s introvert recharge people—between both of them they have this unspoken thing that like….if school and people are too much then they will seek each other out. Maybe they’ll ramble about interests or they will hang out in silence. It’s nice!
Leona thinks Yao is the very picture of a herbivore: soft hearted, physically average, and much too näive. Boring and a part of the herd. What he didn’t account for was his penchant for trouble. Leona watches as Yao recklessly throw himself into overblot after overblot just to save some guy he kind of knew. He even has the audacity to rope Leona into one! Ever since then, he’s kept a closer eye on this weird goody goody. And if you ever see them napping together, no you didn’t.
In terms of staff, it does tend to be quite neutral. He particularly enjoys history—it’s like learning about a whole fantasy world that you’re stuck in! Which is!! Cool but he would also like go be at home!!! Alchemy is also fascinating, although Crewel is indeed strict and scary Yao finds wonder in potionmaking. NOW SAM is great. Yao works part time at his Mystery Shop: given special right to as he is kind of strapped for cash. All the time. He makes for good company and as a younger staff member is just much easier to relate to. Crowley is a deadbeat parent. And he sucks. A lot. Even if Yao is a little too ashamed to say it. He ií.
Octatrio. Sigh. Again, Yao is terminally broke so he also works at Monstro Lounge. His naive and honest demeanor makes Jade and Floyd delighted to have a new kind of person to play around with. Azul is cautious after Yao DUSTED HIS LIFE WORK but welcomes the extra labor. Slowly but surely Yao Lotuslay worms his way into their lives…..whether the three expected him to or not. Insults melt into goodnatured teasing, the twins’ teeth don’t shine with that same dangerous glint, Azul’s contracts sound more like promises, and Yao shows up on days he doesn’t even have a shift…What a weird group.
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go-go-gadget-autism · 5 months
raaahh i’m cooking so hard, i used a random pokémon generator to generate 2 pokémon for me to draw a silly fusion of and it chose hakamo-o and dracozolt!!!! they’re so perfect together and it’s great for me to practice drawing on my phone :)))
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it’s shit photo quality but i hope u guys see my vision 🙏
i’m sure pokémon infinite fusion was much more creative but i was bored i need at least one (1) person 2 genuinely enjoy this and i’ll be happy
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themetalvirus · 1 year
i made this post before i think but i cant find it. and if i didnt then my adhd swag is simply too powerful for anybody to contain
i like to think shadow and maria play chess together. maria isn't supposed to have much "excitement" when she's bedridden but they have a hidden chess set tucked away in the storage of her special sick room.
"you ready to play the ultimate chess???"
"oh, won't you go easy on a sickly girl??? :pleading:"
"nope, you're going down"
"oh i'm going to destroy you"
i like to think that they're pretty evenly matched. maria only has a bad win/loss ratio when she has brain fog from medication or pain, and even then she enjoys spending time with shadow, so they play anyway.
sometimes they get away from actual chess and start playing with the pieces. shadow suggests a war, RAAAHH (waggling a bishop around) to the DEATH!! but maria doesn't like that. as she scoops up all the little horse pieces, she gathers them in her hands and says she'd prefer if they were all friends. shadow decides he agrees.
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sackboys-moved · 2 years
Once again toying with the idea of remaking however I couldn’t figure out why I feel the need to do so until now. Like idk, for the longest time I wasn’t able to meet with people outside of school because of my parents, so social media became my only form of “hanging out.” But now that I’m old enough to actually do things on my own, I’ve been socializing more and more and finally just talking to people again. I’ve been conquering social fears I’ve held for so long and it’s extremely freeing, I’ve spent the night with a friend I haven’t hung out with in years, went to see a movie with a group of friends, I’m developing positive relationships with my coworkers at my new job, and felt at peace just hanging out with fresh faces at the orientation for the college I’ll be attending soon. Ig as a depressed young teen who wasn’t allowed to see friends and be themselves because they were forced to come out to their unaccepting and hurtful parents, it’s easy to view the internet as some sort of “escape,” but as time has gone on I’ve just begun to realize that so much of what’s thrown at you on here really doesn’t matter in the real world and truthfully I spend way too much time on a screen. This isn’t a “raaahh internet bad” discussion, it’s moreso a “it’s important to develop good relationships in the real world and live as yourself and find people that accept you” discussion. If I do remake I’d probably just use it to post art plus some occasional words and nothing else as art is what I enjoy using social media for as feedback motivates me, but overall I’ve just been finding coming on here more and more a waste of time than a good use of it. Only thing that really keeps me on here is to be silly with mutuals
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