cristinabcn · 8 months
Suma Flamenca: Sandra Carrasco recuerda a Marchena
Suma Flamenca: Sandra Carrasco remembers Marchena TERESA FERNANDEZ HERRERA Periodista, Autora, Editora. Directora Gral. de Cultura Flamenca. Prensa Especializada Tiene mucho de especial la Sala Negra de los Teatros del Canal en el conjunto de la Suma Flamenca. La cercanía, la excelente acústica, el camino laberíntico hasta llegar a ella en la quinta planta, la negrura de la entrada, casi un…
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julio-viernes · 9 months
Escuché hace años "Sabicas Rock Encounter With Joe Beck" pero lo recordaba mal, como un maridaje que no acababa de cuajar en algo satisfactorio. Ahora lo he vuelto a escuchar, en ejemplar tocadito, y creo que buena parte de él funciona muy bien. He leído que el GRAN Sabicas dijo en alguna ocasión que el disco se grabó en 1966 y no vio la luz hasta cuatro años más tarde, y algunas fuentes lo fechan en ese año, pero yo no lo creo así. Estoy de acuerdo con los que piensan que este disco está grabado a finales de los sesenta o en el propio 1970 por su sonoridad eléctrica y sicodélica, por su vibra cargada de fuzz y wah wah. En 1966 ni en broma. Arriba se puede escuchar ese más que interesante disco completo.
El maestro de la guitarra flamenca debió tener un despiste o le falló la memoria. Es curioso, porque leo que Sabicas despreciaba este disco, y parece ser que el gran productor de flamenco y derivados Ricardo Pachón contaba que Sabicas incluso se negó a cobrar los derechos de autor correspondientes. A lo mejor participó por una cuestión monetaria, no lo sé, lo que sí sé es que tanto Sabicas como Manitas de Plata fueron guitarristas muy apreciados por colegas del rock ácido de la Costa Oeste, como John Cipollina de Quicksilver Messenger Service (Montoya es Ramón Montoya y "Paco" podría ser una referencia a un primerizo Paco de Lucía).
Además de Sabicas y Joe Beck, en el LP tocó el bajo un tal Anthony Levin (se supone que el Tony Levin de King Crimson, no está bien documentado), Donald McDonald la batería, Warren Bernhardt el órgano, Diego Castellón la guitarra rítmica española y Domingo Alvarado cantó. A lo que hay que añadir un zapateado que algunos indican que es el mismo que Queti Clavijo bailó en "Abajo el Telón", la película de Cantinflas de 1955, y que hace unos meses @karime2701 atribuyó a su tía Carmen Algaba Amaya “la Chuny“. Bailase quién lo bailase, no tuvieron a bien incluirla en créditos.
Más comentarios interesantes y avispados: "The Bass player is Tony Levin, who began his recording career in 1970. So this album couldn't be record 4 years before :)". p4uloren4to
"I knew the producer, Harvey Cowan. We were introduced in the summer of 1970. He was very excited that this record, which was his idea, was about to be released. So, 1970". PlushToons
"I found this gem searching old recordings of the master Sabicas. What was my surprise when I found Sabicas experimenting jaja (laughing in Spanish), is this the same guy that I remember criticizing Paco's experiments and fusion? Just incredible, but imposible to find in CD or streaming (just here). If this is a 1966 record I would be very impressed because I can see a clear influence of the great Hendrix. The album is from later or Joe Beck was Hendrix teacher, jaja just kidding". espinozagaleas
Merece mucho la pena ver el vídeo de abajo en el que el enorme Sabicas, gitano de Pamplona, explica estupendamente como se inició en el mundo del flamenco cuando sólo era un niño.
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Batwoman & The Question by Ramon Villalobos
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blowflyfag · 7 months
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WRESTLING ALL STARS: Heroes and Villains : JUNE 1996
Shawn Michaels 1996 Royal Rumble Winner!
By George Napolitano
On January 21 in Fresno, California, Shawn Michaels accomplished exactly what he set out to do when he outlasted 29 other competitors to win the 1996 Royal Rumble. Going into the Rumble no one knew how Michaels would fare as he had been advised by doctors to retire from the sport due to complications from injuries he had sustained in an unprovoked non-wrestling-related attack outside a Syracuse, New York, nightclub. But Michaels was undaunted. He was determined to continue his career and his quest for the WWF title despite numerous pleas from his doctors and close friends (Ed. Note: See related story on page 16), and despite the great odds “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels accomplished his dream.
To win the 1996 Royal Rumble Shawn Michaels had to withstand a barrage of punishment from quite a few very tough men. On his way to victory Michaels personally eliminated Vader, Yokozuna, the 1-2-3 Kid, Jerry Lawler, Owen Hart, Dr. Yankem and the British Bulldog. After everyone else had been eliminated the only man left was his good friend and former champion. Diesel. Then, using a swift side karate kick, Michaels sensent the seven- foot ex-champion sailing right out of the ring. With This Shawn Michaels had done the seemingly impossible: He won the Royal Rumble for the second straight year. 
With his victory in the 1996 Royal RUmble, Shawn Michaels earned the right to wrestle the WWF champion on March 29 at Wrestlemania XII in Anaheim, California. 
ROYAL RUMBLE 1996 Order Eliminated : By
Bob Backlund : Yokozuna
Henry Godwinn : Jake Roberts 
Mabel : Yokozuna
Omiri : Jake Roberts
Dory Funk : Savio Vega
Jake Roberts :  Vader��
Doug Gilbert : Vader
Squat Team #1 : Vader
Squat Team #2 : Yokozuna
Savio Vega : Vader
Vader : Shawn Michaels 
Yokozuna : Shawn Michaels
1-2-3 Kid : Shawn Michaels 
Hakushi : Shawn Michaels 
Aldo Montoya : Tatanka 
Jerry Lawler : Shawn Michaels 
Tatanka : Diesel
Bob Holly : The Ringmaster: Steve Austin
Hunter Hearst Helmsley : Diesel
Barry Horowitz : OWen Hart
Owen Hart : Shawn Michaels 
Marty Jannetty : The British Bulldog
The Ringmaster : Kama
Fatu : Dr Yankem
Dr Yankem : Shawn Michaels 
Duke Droese : Kame and Diesel 
The Bulldog : Shawn Michaels 
Kama : Diesel 
Diesel : Shawn Michaels 
[Goldust won the Intercontinental Championship on the Royal Rumble card by defeating “The Bad Guy” Razor Ramon. 
Shawn Michaels won the WWF Royal Rumble for the second year in a row, despite suffering from a “post-concussion syndrome” that threatened to end his career.]
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phoenixlionme · 9 months
DC Latino Superheroes Part 1
1. Jaime Reyes aka Blue Beetle - Chicano (Mexican American)
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2. Milagro Reyes aka Green Lantern (a popular fandom interpretation) - Chicana (Mexican American)
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3. Kyle Rayner aka Green Lantern - biracial; half Irish and half Mexican American
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4. Keli Quintela aka Teen Lantern - biracial; Afro-Indigenous Bolivian born
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5. Selina Kyle aka Catwoman - biracial; Afro-Cuban American; to explain she has been portrayed by black women multiple times and I believe some comic issues has her state her Cuban heritage. So, I would make her Afro-Cuban with green eyes.
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6.  Miguel Jose Barragan aka Bunker - Mexican
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7. Mas y Menos - Guatemalan
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8. Pedro Pena aka Shazam - Chicano (Mexican American)
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9. Jessica Cruz aka Green Lantern - Chicana (Mexican American) and Honduran
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10. Renee Montoya aka The Question II - Afro-Dominican American
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11. Cisco Ramon aka Vibe - half Colombian and half Puerto Rican American
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12. Miguel Devante aka Vulcan - biracial; half white and Latino nationality unknown
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13.  Ya'Wara - biracial; Indigenous Brazilian 
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14. Maria Mendoza aka Wonder Woman - Peruvian
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15. Yara Flor aka Wonder Woman - biracial; Afro-Indigenous Brazilian
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16. Lorena Marquez aka Aquagirl - Mexican American
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17.  Isabella Ortiz aka Robina - Latina nationality unknown but American born; possibly Afro Latina
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18.  Don Fernando Suarez aka El Castigo (The Whip) I - Mexican born
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19.  Rodrigo Elwood Gaynor aka El Castigo (The Whip) II - Chicano (Mexican American) 
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20.   Shelly Gaynor aka El Castigo (The Whip) III - Chicana (Mexican American); artwork by Phil Cho
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21. Eduardo Dorado aka El Dorado - Mexican born; I highly suggest following his incarnation in the animated Young Justice series
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22. Bernal Rojas aka Bushmaster - Venezuelan born
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23. Uno aka Aztek - biracial; Indigenous Mexican
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24.  El Gaucho - real name unknown; Argentinian born
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25.  Rosabelle Mendez aka Pantha - Hispanic nationality unknown
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26. Pablo Valdez aka El Muerto - Mexican born
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27.  Anita Fite aka Empress - biracial; Afro-Haitian
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28. Yolanda Montez aka Wildcat - Mexican born
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29.  Andrea Rojas aka Acrata - Mexican born
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30. Beatriz da Costa aka Fire - Brazilian born
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shinsou96 · 2 years
I was talking to a friend last night and for some reason we got on the topic of what we think resident evil characters middle names are. So here are a few of them
Lucas Marie baker
Zoe Elizabeth baker
Clancy Alexandria Jarvis
Ramon Julio Ricardo Montoya de la Rosa Salazar
We didn't get very far before we got bored and changed the subject 🤷
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judgementdaysunshine · 7 months
The exception
Pairing: Bradshaw x Fem reader
Description: Bradshaw doesn't like anyone but he has an exception for you
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You raise your brow seeing your friend Kevin Nash and a few other wrestlers including Ramon, Taker, Rocky, and quite a few others watching as Bradshaw walks backstage after his match against Aldo Montoya. He has a look of frustration and exhaustion on his face even though he won the match against montoya but while everyone else stared at him you grab a bottled water, ice for the purple bruise on his ribs, and a sandwich you made for yourself but you didn't really need it right this minute as you walk through the group of people even walking by kevin who tries to stop you before walking in bradshaw's locker room and closing the door locking it making bradshaw look up at you as he scrunched up in pain trying to sit down but instead of normally yelling or intimidating people to stay away he shows a small smile when you stand in front of him giving him the water and sandwich while putting the ice pack in a towel taking the small part of his hair in a ponytail down brushing his hair away from his face after gently placing the wrapped up ice pack on his side muttering a small sorry when he winces at the coldness that rushes through him. You sit in front of him after he eats the sandwich and drinks half the water feeling more relaxed noticing the stray hair in front of your face as you take the tape off your hands after your match against Sherri Martel slowly tucking the strand of hair between his fingers and tucking it behind your ear looking up at him with the sweet smile across your face that makes him turn to honey on the floor as you throw the ball of tape away noticing the soft look on his face which is the complete opposite of the annoyed and startled look on his face when he's in the ring or backstage walking by other wrestlers realizing not too long into you debuting in WWF that you grew on a few people starting with kevin followed by Rocky Maiava, Razor Ramon, and now bradshaw as he cautiously holds the side of your face in his hand feeling his heart stop when you gently grab and hold onto his arm lightly kissing his palm which makes your mind spin into chaos until he wraps his arm around you gently pulling you in his lap which made your heart shake erratically melting into the tender kiss. Soft laughter bubbles out of the two of you as you hold each other laying your head on his shoulder "I don't like people but you're an exception because I love you" you shake your head placing a kiss to his temple as you check on the bruise on his side making sure he wasn't in pain only to be pulled back in his arms as he laid down on the couch with your head tucked under his chin neither of you even caring to change out of your wrestling gear as you both talked falling asleep an hour later before changing and leaving heading out for a walk on a nature trail not far from the arena.
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mollat-bordeaux · 2 years
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📣 Vous ne connaissez pas Marius de Zayas, peintre, grand caricaturiste, le collaborateur d'Alfred Stieglitz, l'ami de Picasso, Picabia, Apollinaire... et du grand guitariste flamenca Ramon Montoya ? Aucun livre n'existait sur le mystérieux Marius de Zayas dont le nom apparaît souvent dans les histoires du Dadaïsme ou l'histoire des Avant-Gardes du XXe siècle. Il fut pourtant l'un des passeurs essentiels de l'art moderne de Paris à New York. Lors de ses voyages à Paris, il se lie d'amitié avec Apollinaire, Picabia ou Picasso dont il organise la première exposition personnelle à New York. Il se lie d'amitié avec le photographe Alfred Stieglitz, anime avec lui la célèbre galerie 291 puis la revue du même nom. Il fut non seulement galeriste, éditeur et chercheur d'art nouveau mais aussi un artiste accompli, peintre mais surtout un prodigieux caricaturiste. Ses dessins furent publiés dans les colonnes du Evening World, exposés dans des galeries et ses caricatures géométriques publiés, entre autres, dans le dernier numéro de la revue Les Soirées de Paris de son ami Apollinaire. Une grande lacune vient donc d'être comblée grâce au travail opiniâtre de son fils Rodrigo de Zayas qui passa une dizaine d'années à ranger les archives de son père. Ce sobre et magnifique coffret édité chez Atelier Baie comprend deux volumes. Le premier consacré à la vie de Marius de Zayas et le deuxième écrit par l'artiste lui-même est une passionnante étude du rôle de l'art moderne européen sur le développement de l'art moderne en Amérique. Un ouvrage indispensable pour tous les amoureux des Avant-gardes du XXe siècle. #mariusdezayas #librairie #mollat #bordeaux (at librairie mollat) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfhBlWdjKvk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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parkerbombshell · 9 months
Rules Free Radio Sept 19 2023
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Tuesdays 2pm - 5pm  EST Rules Free Radio With Steve  Caplan bombshellradio.com On the next Rules Free Radio with Steve Caplan, we'll check out new and recent music by Wilco, The Coral, The National, Jonathan Wilson, William Matheny, Geoff Palmer, a new release of The Doors live in 1967, Soft Science, Hiss Golden Messenger, Courtney Barnett, Sparklehorse, Low Cut Connie, Geoff Palmer, Sparklehorse, British singer-songwriter Chris Brain, new Jazz by Joel Haynes Trio, Yussef Dayes, and cellist Camille Thomas plus few more. Classics from The Moody Blues, Link Wray, Love, Wayne Shorter, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, The Go-Betweens, and a bunch of music that falls somewhere in between new and classic. On the next session of Rules Free Radio with Steve Caplan, in the new and recent release department, we’ve got Brian Setzer, Swansea Sound, The National, Horror on The Frontier, Roxanne Fontana, Nation of Language, Darlingside, Chris Brain, Luluc, the late trumpeter Jaimie Branch, Corrine Bailey Rae, and others. We’ll start the second hour with Blues doing an album spotlight on the new Live in London by the extraordinary young guitarist and singer-songwriter, Christone ‘Kingfish’ Ingram. We'll hear many classics including, Little Richard, Roger McGuinn, Laura Nyro, Booker T and The MGs, Larry Williams, The Ramones, The Cramps, Etta James, Bill Evans, Buddy Montgomery, The Jam, and a bunch more. Brian Setzer - She's Got a Lottasoul Jeff Beck - Peter Gunn Georgie Fame & The Blue Flames - Walking The Dog Booker T. & The MG's - Aw, Mercy Immaterial Possession - Current in the Room The Doors - Soul Kitchen Eszter Balint - Freaks Swansea Sound - Twentieth Century The Jam - David Watts Helen Love - Leader of the Band The Pills - Hollywood Doll Heinz - Just Like Eddie The Ramones - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker Brian Setzer - A Dudell Do (What a Dudell Do) The Cramps - Trapped Love Joe Cocker - I'll Cry Instead Larry Williams - Oh Baby Little Richard - Slippin' and Slidin' Christone 'Kingfish' Ingram - She Calls Me Kingfish Coco Montoya - Natural Born Love Machine Etta James - The Blues Is My Business Christone 'Kingfish' Ingram - Not Gonna Lie Buffalo Nichols - The Fatalist Blues Christone 'Kingfish' Ingram - Been Here Before Horror On The Frontier - Southern Witches Roger McGuinn & Tom Petty - King of the Hill The Cleaners From Venus - The Beautiful Stoned The Smithereens - Blood & Roses s Roxanne Fontana - Don't Leave Me The national - Turn Off The House Nation of Language - Too Much, Enough Woods - Double Dream Luluc - Evermore Darlingside - Can't Help Falling Apart Chris Brain - Golden Days Mitski - Heaven Joshua Redman w/ Gabrielle Cavassa - Chicago Blues Buddy Montgomery - Expressions In Blue Jaimie Branch - Borealis Dancing Bill Evans - Blue In Green (Take 3) Buddy Rich - Here’s That Rainy Day Corinne Bailey Rae - Peach Velvet Sky Laura Nyro - Brown Earth Read the full article
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realmadridnews · 2 years
Merida AD - Real Madrid Castilla 1:1
scorers: 1:0, Nacho Gonzalez 24′
1:1, Iker Bravo 90′
Merida AD: Montoya; Ramon, Bonaque, Nacho Gonzalez, Alfonso, Acosta, Melendez (83′ Artiles), Larrubia (83′ Kamal), Sandoval (62′ Vinuela), Cinta (76′ Pla), Copete
Real Madrid Castilla: De Luis; Tobias, Marin, Edgar, Ramon (73′ Obrador); Mario Martin, Theo Zidane (46′ Iker Bravo), Arribas; Peter (73′ Aranda), Alvaro Martin (73′ Iglesias), Alvaro Rodriguez (86′ Leiva)
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mandarinsan · 2 years
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screamscenepodcast · 2 years
Out of Mexico comes the sequel to 1957's EL VAMPIRO; it's EL ATAUD DEL VAMPIRO (1958) from director Fernando Méndez! Will it hold up to his previous horror? How will writers Ramón Obón and Alfredo Salazar remix classic horror tropes this time?
This sequel features the same cast and crew, including Abel Salazar, Ariadna Welter and German Robles!
Context setting 00:00; Synopsis 14:32; Discussion 23:32; Ranking 36:23
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dianaof-themyscira · 3 years
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The Question by Ramona Fradon
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blowflyfag · 9 months
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated : APRIL 1996
close-up: THE KID
Part 2
Transcript Below!!!
At 6’2” and 212 pounds, The Kid hardly looks like the typical professional wrestler … But he isn’t typical: the six year veteran is a high-flying, high-risk, aerial artist who has scored several shocking upsets simply because he’s willing to take chances … Spent most of his early years competing for Minneapolis-based Pro Wrestling America … As The Lightning Kid, he won the PWA light heavyweight title in both 1990 and 1991 … He also held the PWA tag team title (with Jerry Lynn) and the PWA TV title … Moved to texas and won the Global Wrestling Federation junior heavyweight title twice in the second half of ‘91 … Later accepted an offer to wrestle in Japan and battled such superstars as Jushin Liger, El Samurai, Ultimo Dragon, and The Great Muta … Lost most of those matches, but gained valuable experience … arrived in the WWF in April 1993 hardly made a splash … Lost his debut match to Louie Spicolli … Also lost to mid-carders such as Doink the Clown and Mr. Hughes, The Kid scored one of the biggest WWF upsets ever by pinning Razor Ramon on May 17 WWF Monday Night Raw … Kid seemed as shocked as everyone in the building … From that point on, fans called him the 1-2-3 Kid … Also pinned Terry Taylor and Ted DiBiase on several occasions … Just as impressive were two victories over former AWA World Champion Rick Martel … Jerry Lawler started poking fun at him on segments of “King’s Court” … Moved up as high as fourth in the WWF ratings in 1993 … Was pinned by Irwin R. Schyster at SummerSlam ‘93 … Lost by countout to Marty Jannetty in a thrilling match on August 31, 1993, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Kid was injured when he misfired on a daring dive and hit a steel railing. Jannetty helped him back to the dressing room … Went in a slump after suffering a series of embarrassing losses to Doink … Also lost to Bastion Booger because of interference by Johnny Polo … Polo pushed Kid off the top rope, leading to the pin … Helped protect Ramon from an attack by Schyster, Diesel, Adam Bomb, and Martel after Ramon won his first Intercontinental title, on September 17, 1993 … At the 93’ Survivor Series, he teamed with Jannetty, Ramon, and Randy Savage to defeat IRS, Diesel, Martel, and Bomb … Wrestled well, but made one mistake too many and lost a crucial RAW against Shawn Michaels … Michaels twice power-bombed Kid before Ramon came to his rescue … Won his first major title on January 10, 1994, when he and Jannetty teamed to beat The Quebecers for the WWF World tag team title; Kid pinned Jacques following a flying bodypress from the top rope … Lost the belts back to The Quebecers one week later … Kid stunned Jeff Jarrett in the quater-finals of the 1994 King of the Ring tournament, but was piledrived by “Double-J” three times afterward … There was no doubt as to whether Kid would be ready for the semifinals later that evening, but after a bried delay, he came out and lost a tough match to Owen Hart … Owen went on to win King of the Ring … Had a thrilling match with WWF World champion Bret Hart on July 1, 1994. Kid kicked out of several pin attempts, shocked Bret with a spinning savate kick, but erred by trying a dropkick from the top rope. Bret moved out of the way and Kid landed on his back. Bret won by submission to the “sharpshooter” … In a battle of aerial artists on August 15, 1994, Kid won by disqualification over Owen Hart after Jim Neidhart interfered. Owen then locked Kid in a “sharpshooter” for several minutes … Teamed with Ramon, Fatu, Davey Boy Smith, and Sionne to beat Jarrett, Diesel, Neidhart, Owen Hart, and Michaels at the 94’ Survivor Series. The Kid, however, was one of the first wrestlers eliminated … Teamed with newcomer “Man O’ War” Aldo Montoya in matches against The Heavenly Bodies and others … Teamed with Bob “Spark Plugg” Holly to beat Bam Bam Bigekow and Tatanka in a tournament final for the vacant WWF World tag team title at the 95’ Royal Rumble … But glory didn’t last long. One night later in Palmetto, Florida,The Smokin’ Gunns beat The Kid and Holly for the belts …
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blanddcheadcanons · 7 years
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Overwatch in the DC universe has supehero or super villain based skins . To name a few Sombra has one based on the Question # 2 , Lucio is based on Vibe and Tracer has one based Booster Gold and Mercy is based on Enchantress , and Reaper gets Deadshot . Reinhardt gets Blue Devil .
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austin-mahones · 3 years
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Latine Heritage Week: Day 7 ♡ Free Choice ♡
(some) LATINES IN DCTV: Cisco Ramon (The Flash) Samantha Arias (Supergirl) Kay Challis (Doom Patrol) Yolanda Montez (Stargirl) Allegra Garcia (The Flash) Sarah Cushing (Superman & Lois) Kyle Cushing (Superman & Lois) Aimee Eden (Sweet Tooth) Esperanza Cruz (Legends of Tomorrow) Renee Montoya (Batwoman)
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